#flora faye
floraffxiv · 4 months
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I decided to try out conjurer! I heard I should level more than on job because I’ll out level my quests 🤭
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kratosnaturals · 2 months
The Language of Flowers WIP #1
She always looked his way. Nick could see it from the corner of his mechanical eye. Always passing him glances with an unreadable expression, something between anger and disgust, if he had to guess by her constantly furrowed brows. Nothing unusual for him, really. He had gotten used to it long ago, but something about that look in her grassy eyes sent a shiver down his titanium spine. It was like her eyes were glowing, too, like his. They were so full of life, yet so dead. Those scarred lips opened and told sweet lies, uncomfortable truths and spouted hypocrisy like psalms.
This case would be the end of him, he knew deep inside. In one way or the other, somewhere along the way. Torn to bits and pieces he would be, like his breathren, burned to ash and left for dead himself, like she was. His heart would break and she would be the reason, and the cure. He would kill, and kill, and kill, until he'd choke and suffocate on the blood.
· · ───────────── ·✿· ───────────── · · Nick didn’t exactly ‘dream’ like a human, or a 3rd gen Synth would. It was more so memories that his wires and circuits for brains replayed. Still, it was close enough for him. He didn’t exactly have another choice, having been stuck like that for over a century now, barely a decent copy of a long dead man from before the Great War. It felt like his very existence was mocking that man. An abomination of science. A disgrace to Mother Nature.
Those dreams haunted him still, even after all that time. It didn’t happen every time he ran a diagnostic, luckily, but whenever it did it sent him for a loop anew. Vague flashes of a life never his; childhood days spent in the sun, his first kiss behind a school dumpster, misty faces posing as parents, a fiancé not his own, cigarettes and bourbon that didn’t taste so stale yet. Never enough to really do anything with. Always taunting him.
This time it was Jenny again; she was resting on his naked chest, in the nude herself, arms draped lazily over his middle. A little snore would slips past her lips occasionally, and he’d chuckle every single time, the movement making her shake a little. The heady smell of sex was still thick in the air, now accompanied by her favourite soap and his cigarettes. The buzz of his orgasm was just wearing off as the sun started to go down, leaving the sky orange and pink. Nick sighed and brushed a few loose stands from Jenny’s face, a smile on his lips. The evening light always painted her face in such a beautiful way, like a maestro’s painting, like only the finest art. But, to him, no mortal man could capture such beauty with a mere brush and paint. Nobody could capture those high cheek bones, those rosy lips, that soft, shining hair and those big brown deer eyes, and those thin lines resting on their edges.
This was a pleasant dream, nothing like some of the others; heartbreak and workplace injuries, the day Jenny was taken from the world and from him. It was one he didn’t want to leave again. Nick was content to simply ‘sleep’ for a while longer, maybe just a few hours, and truly rest, in the embrace of someone he trusted. Or, rather, he thought he trusted her. It wasn’t like he actually ever knew Jenny, not really. He wasn’t Nick Valentine. So how could he even love someone he didn’t actually know?
“-ck… Nick…” a voice whispered, lulling him gently out of his synthetic sleep, but he didn’t stir. These memories were too pleasant.
“Nick…” firmer this time. Still, he didn’t react. Not yet.
“Nick. Nick!”
The synth detective startled awake, his diagnostics cut off immediately with a sharp stabbing pain in his head. His ‘brain’ sent him all sorts of errors and warning messages that he chose to ignore, for now, with a resounding groan, cupping his temple. His optics needed a moment to come back online, but he recognized Ellie by her voice.
“I’m sorry, Nick-” Ellie started, pity painting her face, clearly feeling some guilt for ripping him out of his ‘sleep”, “but Garvey called in on the HAM. He needs you at Sanctuary right away.”
Nick sighed, sitting up properly from the bed. The 3rd call this month alone, “another missing persons case?”
“Yeah. Kid this time, and his dad. Didn’t return from a trip to a nearby settlement. No trace of them,” Ellie informed him with a sombre expression. Raiders, Gunners, maybe even some wild animals, Nick guessed. Not a rare occurrence at all, but that didn’t make it any less tragic. One got get used to it, however.
“Not even Dogmeat?”
“He’s gone with Nate. In Goodneighbor, according to Garvey.”
Another sigh, “alright. Can you call Hancock and tell him to send Nate and Dogmeat to Sanctuary?”
Ellie nodded, heading back upstairs, “done.”
“Thank you, Ellie,” Nick said with a wave. The synth heard her call into Goodneighbor as he strolled back into the main room to grab his hat and coat. The dim light in the agency made him a little groggy, but at least he no longer had any stray boxes to stumble over or case files to slip on anymore, not since Ellie and Nate really hounded him to properly clean up his space and fix his furniture. He checked his coat pockets – a pack of cigarettes, his lighter, and another pack of ammo. Then he tapped at his ribs – his gun was holstered in place. As it always was – he never took it off. He was set. By sundown Nick would be at Sanctuary, and at daybreak he could start his search, hopefully with Dogmeat by his side.
“Alright Ellie, I’m going out. Don’t know when I’ll be back, but I’ll call when I’m at Sanctuary,” Nick yelled. Ellie bade him farewell and to stay safe, and he set off with an ache in his heart, feeling like he had just lost someone important again.
· · ───────────── ·✿· ───────────── · ·
Nick exhaled, shakily, ragged, put a hand over his mouth, fingers digging into his cheek and jaw, then bit his knuckles, mind and processors racing with a million unasked and unanswered questions, a million possibilities. He already knew he couldn’t say no. Not with so many lives on the line, not with people like that running around the Commonwealth and threatening the safety of the innocent. The look she was giving him burned, it itched, it stung, it hurt. Deep inside, on his skin, under his skin, everywhere at once. This was dangerous. This person was dangerous. The people she wanted to maim and hang were dangerous. And once again his sense of duty and conscience got the better of the soft-hearted detective.
“How many are there?”
“Plenty. A whole legion, maybe. They travel in small groups. Have a big one somewhere nearby.”
He wagged his finger as he eyed the notebook again, “how many did you already take out?”
“Each fingerprint is one.”
Counted, and counted, and counted, and counted, and counted again until he got dizzy and shut it again, “you’ve been busy.”
He got to twenty-two before stopping, inhaled deeply and closed his eyes.
“They always come back, like roaches. They’ve figured out someone is on their tail.”
A cigarette was lit and put between his lips, fingers crossed on his metal desk, “what’s your plan?”
Everything in him screamed and wailed; stop! This is wrong! Blood money is trouble!
Yet he couldn’t look away, ignore her words and the clear tone of her voice, “have the little roaches lead us back to the nest and take out the big guys.”
It would be the end of him, he knew deep inside. In one way or the other, somewhere along the way. Torn to bits and pieces he would be, burned to ash and left for dead himself. “How many caps?”
“As many as you want. I got plenty to spare.”
“This is going to cost you. A lot.”
“In that case,” Darcy started, rising up from her seat, “I can offer other services.”
There was something in her eyes, or maybe he was just imagining it, the way she looked at him. It was a wicked kind of expression. The detective cringed, his metal jaw creaking and face twisted so harshly he nearly dropped the burning cigarette between his lips. He pushed away from the desk, “I don’t take that kind of payment.”
“Not what I was implying,” the other said with a sour expression. Disgust. “You help me, I help you. Quid pro quo. One hand washes the other – we all need someone to watch our backs out in the wasteland. I can do that for you while you solve your cases.”
A sigh of relief, “you should have just said that. Maybe I could teach you some social cues, too.”
“Maybe you should get your mind out of the gutter. It’s slimy.”
His left eye twitched, just slightly. For a moment Nick regretted inviting her in.
“Do you want my help or not?” mild irritation laced his voice. Darcy frowned.
An outstretched hand, just like when they first met. No hesitation. When Nick grasped it it was just as warm and soft again, pliable in his own iron grip, “eight o’clock sharp. We just got another case in this evening. Ellie will fill you in.”
With a nod Darcy grabbed her coat and backpack, headed for the door but Nick stopped her, “oh, and one more thing – keep your caps for now.”
She turned to look at him, neutral expression, for a few seconds, then left. Moments later a groan ripped from his chest, face buried in his palms.
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faye-tale · 4 months
willow: what do you find haunting, but beautiful?
fir: which tropes/archetypes do you find the most and the least compelling?
ivy: which period of history interests you the most?
bonsai: what is something you could spend hours, even days doing?
elanor: if you were a literary genre, which would you be?
Hi lovely! 🫶
Willow: what do you find haunting, but beautiful?
Hmm, I don't tend to find haunting things beautiful, mostly unnerving, tbh lol. The only thing that comes to mind is maybe some types of choral music? 🤷‍♀️
fir: which tropes/archetypes do you find the most and the least compelling?
So let's go with story tropes, cos that's easiest imo. Most compelling - trapped together, enemies to lovers, everyone is an idiot, smart woman is so over everybody. Least compelling - Love at first sight, anything manic pixie dream girl related, "It was all just a dream..."
ivy: which period of history interests you the most?
I'll be honest, none really. Given what I write, I guess most people would expect me to say Regency, but it doesn’t. I suppose Roman Britain if I had to pick one. But I’m not that interested in a lot of history beyond the lessons we should learn from it obviously.
bonsai: what is something you could spend hours, even days doing?
writing, bingeing TV, sitting outside on a warm (not hot) sunny day in the shade listening to live music with drinks and food and good company, float in a pool, sleeping.
elanor: if you were a literary genre, which would you be?
Comedy for sure. Just not romantic comedy 🤣
Thanks for you ask my dear 😁🧡🧡
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theofficersacademy · 5 months
I apologize to all of my current thread partners, but I have not been treating Faye well for the past weeks and would like to drop her. In her place, I would like to place a reserve on Flora of Fire Emblem If/Fates; specifically from Birthright!
Faye has been dropped and is now available!
Flora has been reserved!
You have one week (4/22) to submit your blog and application to the Masterlist. Thank you for your reserve!
- Mod Ree
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hopefulstarfire · 1 year
Alright so I've been thinking about who I could hear voicing my yugioh ocs or what voices I'd hear coming from them so here's my list as of right now after many times of trying to figure it out.
Maddox - Will Friedle
Kat - Cherami Leigh
Iris - Hailey Steinfeld
Nana - Mae Whitman
Mason - Travis Willingham
River - Avi Roque
Dinah - Kayli Mills
Dahlia - Lauren Landa
Vance - Jensen Ackles
Chelsea - Stephanie Young
Wes - Sam Elliot
Josie - Reba McEntire
Meredith - Vanessa Marshall
Flora - Karen Strassman
Lorelai - Brina Palencia
Hina - Jamie Marchi
Faye - Monica Rial
Cillian - Brendan Gleeson
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dimepicture · 2 years
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intomusings · 10 months
ೀ ﹒﹒  favorite   names   compilation    !
ur   fav   musings   girly   again   here   with   the   first   of   my   christmas   goodies   .   my   favorite   thing   to   do   is   these   name   compilations   so   i   decided   to   create   another   masterlist   of   my   absolute   favorite   ones   (   some   old   ,   mostly   new   )   anyways   all   i   ask   is   that   if   u   found   this   useful   ,   u   like   or   reblog   to   show   ur   support   .   i   hope   everyone   is   enjoying   the   holiday   season   ♡
- a : abella, ardella, ares, aire, arden, ayla, arie, alder, august, aymes, atlas, alina, alora, aryn.
- b : beau, babette, belle, blake, briar, bronte, banks, boston, bishop.
- c : cassiel, clara, celeste, camden, chandler, collins, clay, cartier, chanel, cosima.
- d : dove, dream, danica, delaney, drue, denver, dacey, delcy, darcy, dahlia.
- e : elodie, emory, emrys, elio, elowynne, emerson, evie, edie, estoria, esme, effy, evans.
- f : flora, faye, fallon, ford, forbes, finnick.
- g : gaia, geles, greer, gensen.
- h : hera, hudson, hampton, heath, harlowe.
- i : isla, inara, ilia.
- j : juniper, josefine, jane, jovie, joey.
- k : kiersten, kairo, kaia, kian, kouvr, keanu.
- l : lysander, lanie, lorena, lawson, lux, ludo, lourdes.
- m : marla, marigold, maren, maeve, marlowe, miller, monet.
- n : neah, north, nola, nell, noel, nariah, niamh, nami.
- o : ozzy, orion.
- p : presley, posy, pearl, porter, pacey, paxon.
- r : reed, ruelle, raya, romey, ryker, rhode, reign, rafe, rohan, raiden, remi, rion, rhiannon, reece, river, raine, rumer, reem, rhys.
- s : selah, soraya, sarifya, savion, sloane, sol, soren, scout, saint, striker, serafina, sabina, sutter.
- t : teal, twila, tristan, tobie, tripp, teague, tate.
- v : vienna, vega, vera, vincenzo.
- w : wren, winter, winona, winnie, wilder, weston.
- x : xaverie, xylah, xiomara, xander.
- y : yves, yara.
- z : zephyr.
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pupsmailbox · 6 months
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NAMES ⌇ adelina. aeon. aether. aimee. alaina. alette. alfre. alvar. ami. amy. aoibhann. archer. ash. aubrette. aubri. aura. aurora. avery. ayesha. barry. basil. bell. belle. berry. blaze. bloom. blossom. bolt. briar. brooke. calypso. caspian. cassian. celeste. charlotte. clover. collin. corbin. cosmo. crow. dahlia. dalia. damien. dela. dew. dewdrop. dewey. diana. dianna. drop. elfie. elida. elisa. ella. ellie. elliot. elly. elm. elvenia. elvina. eros. fae. faebelle. faeriette. faette. fairiette. faith. fallin. fawn. fay. faye. fayetta. fayette. faylinn. felix. ferun. feya. finch. fleur. flix. flora. frost. glimmer. glow. gray. holly. hope. ilayda. iradessa. iris. ivy. jinx. jynx. keijo. lendabair. lili. lilli. lillie. lilly. lily. linetta. loona. luna. lynette. mariam. mariposa. mayblossom. meadow. melody. migina. mina. mischette. mischie. mischievelle. mischievette. moon. moth. musa. nix. nixie. nymph. nymphelle. nymphette. nymphie. nyx. odette. olette. oliver. onyx. opal. periwinkle. petal. pix. pixi. pixie. poppy. rose. rosemary. satu. shayla. shaylah. shayleen. sheelin. starla. stella. síobhra. tania. tanya. tatania. tiana. tinca. tink. tinka. tinker. tinkerbell. tinkerbelle. titania. trick. trickselle. tricksette. trix. tryck. tryx. tunder. tünde. tündér. vidia. whim. whimsey. whimsie. whimsy. willow. wing. älva.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ bloom/bloom. dew/dew. dust/dust. elf/elf. fae/fae. fae/faer. fae/faerie. fae/faery. fae/fairy. fai/fai. fai/fairy. fai/fairytale. fairy/fairie. fairy/fairy. fay/fay. flight/flight. flower/flower. frog/frog. honey/honey. jest/jest. jinx/jinxe. joke/joke. mischie/mischief. mischie/mischievous. mischief/mischief. mischief/mischievous. moss/moss. moss/moss. mush/mushroom. oak/oak. pix/pix. pix/pixie. prank/prank. shimmer/shimmer. shine/shine. shroom/shroom. spark/spark. sparkle/sparkle. spring/spring. sprite/sprite. trick/trick. trick/trickster. vae/vaer. ven/venus. wing/wing.
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floraffxiv · 4 months
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Congratulations to Valfrey
@gethoce's Valfrey
Thank you to everyone who supported me during this journey;(to the loser bracket with me). It was such an epic well-fought fight and honestly, the most fun one I had. It really meant a lot to me that I was able to go up against a legend like @gethoce.
To @gethoce
You were such a major inspiration for me staying in the Kirby fandom... Sorry if I'm getting all sentimental, but you were the first person to do fan art of my OC (Sir Uther of KBASW). It meant a lot to me & when you said that the character design was "cool"; I thought to myself "Wow I guess I really should stay."
Thank you so much. As I've said before if I were to lose this round I'm glad it's to you.
Good luck in the next round, I'll be rooting for you!~
Also special thanks to @ceoofmetagala who has been my biggest supporter in and out of the tournament. Your comments & reblogs always give me motivation and life
And also...
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Please go vote for Fecto Flora!
And don't worry everyone I'll be sticking around until the end, still posting the tournament content (maybe not as frequently). Other than that until next time~
A preview for next year's (2025) OC :3
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Who else but Dame Morgan (Morgan Le Faye)~
And once again to all my followers thank you for putting up with all the reblogs/ and Kirby Oc tournament!
The lore that I promised gonna coming up soon!! (If we're lucky later tonight, stay tuned for that~)
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plasmahoney · 1 year
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miiko cc recolor dump 🎀
i can’t live without @miikocc​ hairs so here is a recolor in my most used palettes. thanks for the gorgeous hairs!
recolored in the academia palettes by @serindipitysims and modified maxis by @qwertysims. files are separated so you can pick and choose the ones you want.
✨ download @ SFS: individual files / zip
meshes, pictures + info below the cut!
@maxismatchccworld @academiapalettes @sssvitlanz​
31 hairs in 28 historian + 28 scientist colors + 7 modmax colors.
these are all swatch add-ons, so meshes are required. find them here:
belle / blair / charlotte / chloe / eleanor / eva / faye / fiona / flora / gigi / hotaru / katya / lindi / long tucked / long wavy (base game redux) / lucy (no bangs) / luna / luna (long) / maja / makoto / michiru / minako / rei / risa / rosie / selene / setsuna / sienna / usagi v2
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please let me know if you run into any issues!
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eclipian · 2 months
Minecraft Bee + Tulip Members
pt: minecraft bee + tulip members
reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
divider credit
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Name: Abby , Dixie , Minnie , Daisy , Faye , Mabel , Opal , Sylvia , Blossom , Petal , Marigold , Flora , Ivy , Orchid , Rosemary , Fleur Age: 20 yo Pronouns: Bzz/Bzzs , Buzz/Buzzs , Honey/Honeys , Pollun/Polluns , Hon/Ne , Cy/Me , Ve/Vus , Ne/Bee , 🐝/🐝s , 🍯/🍯s Gender: Genderbumble , Hivensect , Honeyaesic , Honeyial , Honey- , Mielgender , Honeygender , Apianagender , Honeycoric , Beething Orientation: Lesbian , Honeyjectum , Apisregina , Apiscolonia , Cyanohoneyallion Other IDs: Beemcnati , Honeycombperspesque , Honeycorevior , Assigned Bee At Birth , Beevesil , Honeyrooted Species: Bee Origins/Modifiers: Beeipsese , Honeybeegenic Role(s): Beesecutor , Caretaker , Protector Aesthetic(s): Honeycore , Cottagecore , Comfy Cozy
credit: one | two + three
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Name: Dahlia , Azalea , Camellia , Tulip , Flora , Blossom , Petal , Leaf , Fleur , Delphine , Calix Age: 20 yo Pronouns: Fleur/Fleurs , Fae/Faer , Fei/Feir , Flora/Floras , Flor/Floras , Flower/Flowers , Tulip/Tulips , 💐/💐s , 🌻/🌻s , 🌼/🌼s , 🌸/🌸s , 💮/💮s , 🌺/🌺s , 🪷/🪷s Gender: Tulipicnic , Minetulipgender , Fairycoric , Fairypretty , Florafaesia , Floraspinnic , Tuliplexic , Tulipio , Yellowtulipale , Gendertulipa Orientation: Bisexual Lesbian , Faellion , Fairean Other IDs: Faeperspesque Species: Tulip Fae Origins/Modifiers: Faegenic Role(s): Caretaker , Gardentender , Innkeeper Aesthetic(s): Bloomcore , Fairycore , Witchcore
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luniarii · 2 months
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Fluttershy NPT List
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﹒ ︵︵ names : Lily , Flora , Claire , Willow , Fawn , Fiona , Kandice , Angel , Olivia , Oliver , Daphne , August , Dawn , Delilah , Mabel , Fable , Lucy , Seraphina , Faye , Lola
﹒ ︵︵ pronouns : paw/paws , fawn/fawns , gentle/gentles , bun/buns , hop/hops , shy/shys , bear/bears , butter/butterfly , flower/flowers , flutter/flutters , meadow/meadows , shy/hyr , forest/forests , mur/murmur , blu/blush
﹒ ︵︵ titles : (prn) who is one with nature , the element of kindness , (prn) with a kind heart , the butterfly , the shy (noun) , (prn) who whispers
art by sharpychariot on insta
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teevee-static · 9 months
Atreus and Angrboða snippet
This was conjured within the span of a few hours and hasn't been checked for clarity or spelling, but here I am posting it anyway.
This may or may not become a more complete story/fic. Let me know if I should put in the work to make it a more cohesive, fleshed-out story.
Also, I imagined Atreus and Angrboða being late teens here, maybe 18-19?
Atreus and Angrboða knew something was wrong the minute they stepped through the realm tear. They were on the way to see Kratos, Mimir and Freya in North Vanaheim for a quest they had planned.
What he hadn't expected was to immediately walk right into an issue as soon as he stepped foot in the realm.
The second their feet hit the ground of the forest, the trees and other flora were screaming "Danger! Danger! Not Right! All Wrong!". The emotions were so immediate and overwhelming that the pair literally staggered in place, overtaken by the sheer force and desperation of the warning, before sharing a concerned look.
Their backs meet as they move into a defensive stance, bow and paint readied for any threat. The trees and plants continue their warnings as they fall into step with each other, moving clock-wise as they scan the forest surrounding them. The closer they looked, the more the forest seemed warped with an unusual fog, as if it were some sort of illusion or a poorly remembered memory. The longer they stared into the depths of the trees the more they noticed the feeling of being watched.
Their magic begins to hum in the air, the force reverberating through each other where their bodies connect. Atreus holds a nocked arrow close to his cheek while Angrboða's hands glow bright blue and violet from her paint, the two tense at the same time.
Then all Hel breaks loose.
All at once Seiðr reavers leap from the depths of the trees in droves. They leap towards the two Jötunns with their swords and massive clubs swung high in attack.
The pair meet the attack with vigor, Atreus shooting sonic arrows into the reaver's bodies with such speed that they're dead before they even hit the ground. Angrboða unleashes a rainbow of color into the faces of the reavers, the explosions knocking them back and into each other.
They continue this way only for a moment before they are nearly surrounded, to which the pair quickly roll away from each other, causing many reavers to accientally kill each other in a collision of their thoughtless swings and attacks.
On opposite sides of the field now, Angrboða and Atreus farm through the droves of reavers, now split in two. Just as Atreus sends his foot through the heads of two reavers and a sonic arrow through the head of another, the ground begins to shake with large incoming steps.
He turns to see Angrboða finish off the rest of the reavers near her, avoiding the poisonous explosion of one dying, before turning to look at him with recognition in her eyes. The fight's not over yet.
Kratos knew something was off the moment he stepped through the portal in Vanaheim.
He was not as intuned with the forest as Faye or Atreus, but he could tell something was wrong by the complete stillness of it.
"Somethings wrong here, brother. I just got chills all over my bloody face!" Mimir says nervously down by his hip. Kratos grumbles in agreement.
Kratos feels Freya step closer beside him, looking at the surrounding forest with a disturbed, nearly confused look on her face. "There's… some sort of Seiðr magic polluting the forest, but I don't sense any scorn poles…"
Her voice trails off as the silence of the forest breaks into the sounds of fighting. The clashing sounded loud, as if there were groups of people fighting.
Together Kratos and Freya dart toward the sounds of the fighting, and together they take pause at the sight of who they see fighting. They stand like that for a few moments before Mimir cuts through their silence, "Well? Let me see what's going on, brother!"
Kratos lifts Mimir from his belt and up toward the sight of Atreus and Angrboða clearing through a small army of reavers. The number of reavers attacking them is nearly disturbing, as Kratos had never seen so many all at once like this.
"Well, shouldn't we go join them?" Mimir asks, golden eyes looking to Kratos.
"No," Freya says before Kratos can respond, an intrigued smile on her face, "Not yet. I want to see how they fight together."
A deep part of Kratos wants to ignore her and go help the two of them, but he forces himself to take a breath. He made a promise all those years ago. He trusts Atreus to be careful. He's been exploring the realms by himself for years now, this is nothing the boy can't handle.
And Angrboða is completely capable of holding her own, as she had proven while being pursued by Valkyries and saving them from Ragnarök with Fenrir during the battle of Ragnarök.
So, trust in the two of them overrides his need to help, and so he merely nods and continues watching in silence.
The fight is chaotic and unusual, but at the same time controlled and perfectly in sync. Kratos notes that it almost looks like they're dancing with each other.
It reminds him of how he and Faye used to fight together, though those times weren't many. They worked in complete unison, predicting each other's steps perfectly, most often working together without a single word shared between them.
He sees that now as the pair split apart from each other to avoid becoming completely surrounded, which he praises them mentally for. He watches as they clear through the now split group of reavers with ease, every now and then an arrow or a ball of magic would shoot across the field, stunning an enemy about to attack the other.
They make quick work of the reavers, and theres merely seconds of respite before the ground-shaking steps of a troll can be felt rattling their bones.
With a roar the troll steps out of the forest and into the small clearing, a large stone pillar clutched in it's left hand.
"Angrboða!" Kratos hears his son yell, his bow attached to his back and taking a knee on the ground. For a moment Kratos is confused as to why his son would leave himself so open like that, but his worries are immediately silenced by what follows next.
Atreus cups his hands with a nod, and Angrboða shoots off into a sprint toward him. The second her left foot meets his grip, Atreus throws her over his head and sends her flying into the air.
Airborne, Angrboða switfly lifts her dagger above her head and lands right on top of the trolls head, stabbing gruesomely into the troll's left eye.
The troll mindlessly swings his pillar in a pain-ridden rage, trying to knock her off, but magnificantly Angrboða holds on with the dagger.
"Ulfr hlaup!" She shouts, the air buzzes with runic magic and the bright colorful forms of a pack of wolves howl mightily into existence. They set to work attacking the legs of the troll.
"Blástr!" Angrboða commands again and runic explosion blasts straight into the troll's eye.
The explosion combined with the wolves causes the troll to fall quickly backward, and without second thought Angrboða leaps backward, falling from the troll.
She spins her body in the air and lands right into the arms of Atreus, who seemed to appeared seemingly out of nowhere to catch her.
Together they watch the troll land backward with a mighty "boom!", then both the troll and wolves dissipate into the air.
"Well, they sure know how ta' put on a show." Mimir says in Krato's hand. Kratos can only grunt in proud agreement.
Freya laughs softly beside them, her face beaming in pride, "They are certainly a lethal pair."
They watch the couple for a few more moments as they speak to each other, though too quietly for the trio to hear. They watch as Atreus morphs into his wolf form and dart between Angrboða's legs, lifting her off the ground and facing backward on his back. He sprints around the clearing in circles and sharp turns as Angrboða cackles in amusement, hanging on for dear life.
He watches Atreus shift back into human form, Angrboða falling off his back and landing in a careful roll, then standin up beside his son. She brings Atreus's head down to her mouth and says something into his ear that makes him flush so badly it reaches up to his ears and down his neck.
Mimir clears his throat and bellows down to the couple from where Kratos and Freya are standing, announcing their presence.
The two of them turn, unsurprised by their presence. Atreus's cheeks are still red from whatever Angrboða had said, so Kratos assumes that maybe it had to do with them watching them fight together.
"Kratos, Freya, Mimir, good to see you again. Enjoy watching us whoop reaver and troll be-hind?" Angrboða asks cheerfully, leaning against Atreus's shoulder comfortably.
"You two fight well together." Kratos says warmly, and Angrboða blooms at the praise. Atreus smiles as well, clearly happy at the praise as well, before it dims a bit and he sobers.
"I've got to say, though, even after killing all those reavers and that troll, the forest still seems disturbed." He says, his voice lowly trailing off as if lost in thought as he scans the forest, searching for some sort of answer.
"Aye, something seems off here lad. Something that is certainly worth investigating." Mimir adds pointedly.
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sunshinies · 1 year
can i get,, pink , or graveyard themed names ? (so sorry 4 the 2 very diff themes LOL) please & thank u in advance ! :3
hi friend!
💗 pink themed names
blossom , blush , cerise , claire , coral , delia , ellie , faela , faye , flora , gloss , june , pearl , peony , persephone , rosemary , rosie , shimmer , téa
☠ graveyard themed names
abyss , angel , anubis , aura , deidre , eldritch , hades , lilith , lucifer , misty , moon , morgana , norton , omen , rain , rue , salem , stone , thorn
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chichirid · 6 months
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ʚ ena shinonome id pack ɞ
(names, pronouns, titles)
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names: ada,  aeri, ai, aimi, akina, amaya, amy, arsine, asami, belle, calico, cat, chie, chiyemi, chizue, clair, dahlia, daisy, dove, elaine, eve, faye, flora, freya, gem, irene, juno, kana, lomi, mary, may, mia, pearl, sara, talia, thea, viola, yoko, yorumi, yuri
pronouns: shi/hir, doe/dove, bo/bow, ribbon/ribbons (or rib/ribbons), kyu/kyus, pal/palette, draw/draws,  damsel/damselette, pai/painter, 🎀/🎀s, 📷/ 📷s,  ✏️/  ✏️s, 🎨/ 🎨s
titles: (prn) addicted to likes/followers, (prn) the earnest painter, (prn) who will never falter, (prn) who covers a blank canvas in dreams, (prn) who yearns to improve, (prn) who craves attention, (prn) who filters out flaws, (prn) with a vibrant passion, (prn) with a sincere palette
the heartfelt artist, the trapped illustrator, the adorable egoist
painting true to (prn)self
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