#flat twisted wonderland theory
bobcat-pie · 1 year
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Spent almost an hour looking through twisted wonderland wiki galleries for globes because I'm not entirely sure that the world isn't flat. Didn't find any globes, but here's some orbs I found that exist to infuriate me. Particularly, the bottom two that might be glass but also might be globes but I can't tell because the world map has the new worst cartographic projection: Tilted Cropped Mercator
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look at that compass rose. Why is it tilted. C'mon, I get that not all cultures necessarily have north pointing "up" on their oldass maps, but WHY is it TILTED.
I can half-understand the reason it's cropped, because Sage Island is so tiny you can see most of it if you stand somewhere high, so it'd get lost in a complete world map.
...And if they made Sage Island big enough to see on the world map, but had the map represent the entire world instead of being cropped, then players would assume that the world was small and complain that Yuu should be allowed to jump 9 feet in the air like John Carter on Mars.
(and I know that because I looked at the map explicitly to check if Yuu should be allowed to jump 9 feet in the air like John Carter on Mars. Then I tumbled down this whole rabbithole)
Northern parts of the coral sea get covered in ice during the winter, which could prove that Twisted Wonderland is round because this proves the existence of poles. It also proves that (at least the majority) of the map is in the northern hemisphere!
BUT, if that's the case, then Briar Valley would be notably cold, but instead it's known for its thick forests. So I believe that the northern part of the coral sea freezing over in the winter might be more of a result of magical phenomena (ancient curse) rather than the north pole pointing away from the sun...
Unless the ruler of Briar Valley is in charge of controlling its weather to keep it from being notably cold. Then yeah, the planet's round.
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kalu-luwa · 2 years
the thrilling conclusion of the incorrect quote trilogy
featuring best girl Yumeko Amane (@sammo-writes-whatever’s magnificent oc)
tw/cw: hella lotsa swearing, definitely ooc very sorry about that, not an x reader, self-indulgent aha, neph is always mean, VINE REFERENCES LET’S GOOOO, lotsa violence, mentions of alcohol, Monster AU because that’s always fun, mentions of religion (Christianity), mentions of systemic oppression
(under the cut for...... reasons)
Ruggie: As a college student, my favourite words are "Cancelled," and "Free." Neph/Leona: Free pizza is cancelled. Ruggie: Why would you even say something like that? 
Neph, during the Prologue: If you are here, speak to us! The Ghosts: JUST A CITY BOYE, BORN AND RAISED IN SOU-
Neph, singing: So no one told you life was- Yume: GONNA BE THIS GAAAAAY~!!! Yume and Neph: *aggressive lesbian and panromantic ace clapping*
Neph: goodnight moon Neph: goodnight tree Neph: goodnight ghosts that only i can see
Yume: Nephtali. Neph: oh no Neph: 'nephtali' in b-flat Neph: you're disappointed
Neph/Epel: *stubs their toe* S H I T Vil: Mind your language! Neph/Epel: Oh, I'm sorry, what am I supposed to say? "Woe is I"??? Vil: Neph/Epel: You're gonna have to accept that swearing is necessary sometimes.
Neph: what the fuck is wrong with you Overblotters: could've started with good morning Neph: good morning Neph: what the fuck is wrong with you
*if they avoided the black carriage* Yume's mom, driving Yume and Neph: So how was your day? Yume: We almost got surprise-adopted! Yume's mom: What? Neph: We almost got kidnapped. Yume's mom: Oh, okay. Yume's mom: Yume's mom: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT
Neph: my life is in the hands of an idiot Grim, pointing to Crowley (or Adeuce): no, no, two idiots
Jade: *taps table* Neph: *taps back* Floyd: what are they doing Azul: morse code Jade: *taps table* Neph, kicking the table: YOU TAKE THAT BACK
*that one Traitor Ace theory* Neph: Tonight, one of you will betray me. Deuce: Is it me, Nephtali? Neph: No, it's not you. Grim: Is it me, Henchman? Neph: It's not you either. Ace: Is it me, Neph? Neph: Neph, mockingly: Is IT mE, nEPh?
Crowley, filling out legal paperwork: So, are you all AMAB or AFAB? Grim: bold of you to assume i was born at all Neph: i personally was created in a lab Yume: i just straight up spawned lol
Anyone: Why are Nephtali and Yumeko sitting with their backs to each other? Grim: They had a fight. Anyone: Then why are they holding hands? Grim: They get sad when they fight.
Neph: -aaaaaa, call an ambulance- call an ambulance! Neph, menacingly: but not for me Anyone: *PANIC*
*@twisted-wonderland-shenanigans monster AU, go check it out!!!* Neph: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Jamil: Deuce: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
Neph: You think I really give a fuck? I can’t even read anymore
Neph: i’ve come to a point in my life where i need a stronger word than fuck
Yume: English is a difficult language. Yume: It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. Neph: please go to sleep
*if Eliza was a Ramshackle ghost* Eliza: I'm kind of crushing on someone, but I'm worried about telling you two who it is because you're not gonna like it. Yume: Just rip the bandage off. Eliza: It's Idia Neph: put the bandage back on
Yume, in a high voice, holding Barbie: Hey Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career! Neph, in a deep voice, holding Ken: Nonsense, Barbie. You’re staying home and having my kids. Grim: what the hell are you guys doing Yume: playing systemic oppression
*Chapter 3 or a hiking trip, probably* Yume: Are you sure this is the right direction? Jade: Certainly. I'm as sure as I am honest. Neph: in that case, we're definitely lost
Neph: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling? Yume: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Nephi? Neph: Probably “road work ahead”. Any of the teachers: I speak many languages, and this is not one of them.
Neph: Bye Yume-chan! Bye Ace. Bye Deuce. Bye Grim. Bye Yume-chan! Ace: You said ‘bye Yume-chan’ twice. Neph: I like Yume-chan.
Yume: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? Yume: How did you even get here so fast? Ace: Several traffic violations. Deuce: Three counts of resisting arrest. Neph: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Grim: Also, that’s not our car. Yume:
Ace: I was arrested for being too cool. Neph: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Trein: Rivke, could you read no. 23 for the class? Neph: no i cannot Neph: what up i'm neph i'm 16 Neph: and i never learned how to fuckin read
Ace: ay how much money ya got Yume: 69 cents Ace: oop Ace: you know what that means Yume and Neph, crying: we don't have enough money for chicken nuggets
Neph, to Octavinelle: why the fuck you lying Neph: why you always lying Neph: mmmm oh my god Neph: stop fucking lying
Yume: WELCOME TO BIBLE STUDY WE'RE ALL CHILDREN OF JESUS Neph: *drinking their sorrows away* Grim: *committing arson* The Ghosts: *being general menaces to society* Yume: KUMBAYAH M'LORD-
The First Years, about Yume and Neph: -and they were roommates! Everyone else: oh my god they were roommates Yume and Neph:
Neph: I should've left you in that coffin where you were standing. Grim: Grim: but ya didn't
Yume, probably: *after every Overblot* mothertrucker dude, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick
Yume and Neph: *hiding from an Overblotter* Overblotter: Overblotter: Red~ robin! Yume and Neph: Ey yo!- Yume: OH NO Neph: OH NO
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karasu-calls · 3 years
On The Sublime
Twisted Wonderland
Floyd x Yuu/OC
Summary: After switching to a new class, Yuu finds herself becoming the plaything of one of the infamous Leech twins. With each day that she becomes closer to the smile of Floyd, she wonders how close is too close? What is the line between bravery and stupidity? Will getting too close show that she had misunderstood someone innocent, or will she be sucked into the merciless depths of pain?
categories: slow burn, angst, romance, aged up characters, smut, and fluff, cross-posted from A03 & FFnet
Chapter 3: Cinnamon Gum
(1,982 words)
Chapter index:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
“No, no, no. Spongebob is not a real person.” Yuu urged.
The past week went well enough. Just monotonous school stuff really. The fall season was in full swing and after class she’d find herself trying to straighten up the outside appearance of the Ramshackle dorm. She planted some evergreen bushes, painted the shudders, cleared the lawn of dead leaves and branches. There was even a small spot where she had started a fire pit with flat stones she found around outside, hoping to finish it and have bonfires during the warmer nights of autumn.
The new class became her new normal and today was the same. She and her friend had arrived early to the music theory classroom, like was pretty routine by now. It was just like every day for the past week…. Except for that Deuce was not getting it. This stupid misunderstanding was caused by a reference that he didn’t get.
“Okay, what do you mean he’s not real? You said he was on the T.V. and his friend Patrick-” Deuce began again and she shook her head and interrupted him before he chased that thought.
“Yes, on the T.V. because he’s a cartoon! Not a person. Sponges don’t talk!” She exclaimed, moving her hands around wildly. Deuce’s arms were crossed and he looked up at the ceiling for a moment.
“But you said umm… what is it, the squid guy, yeah! Squids talk.” Deuce came back. “So I don’t know, maybe he was a celebrity. Squids talk here.” Deuce’s addition made no sense at all.
“No, they don’t. They don’t talk here. Because if they did they’d be a mermaid, not a squid. Squidward doesn’t even have pants, man! He just wears a shirt, which means he’s a cartoon!” She retorted in a cry. A familiar tug on her hair braid punctuated her words, yet she paid it no mind.
This was also normal. And all it meant was that Floyd wanted to say hello.
“Okay, Okay, by that logic, is Dwayne the “Rock” Johnson a cartoon rock? You told me about the  Rock and I assumed he was real, but you tell me about a sponge and he’s not real?” her raven-haired friend continued and she took an exasperated breath.
“Ugh, no, The Rock is totally real. But I said he was a dude. I didn’t say Spongebob was a little guy, did I?” She defended, but the truth was she didn’t recall if she called him a dude or not.
“I don’t know! Your world has weird names, Spongebob could have been the name of some dude.” Deuce responded, and he had a point. But still, this was different right?
“I said his friend is a starfish! What human man is friends with a starfish?” She pressed her palms into her eyes as she whined.
“I don’t know, you tell me!” He lifted his arms up and dropped them, defeated.
Another tug on her hair. An idea. To prove her point!
She spun around and grabbed the turquoise-haired man’s arm. He looked down at her, his face lacked his typical wide grin. She paid no mind to it and instead went on to gush out her nearly incomprehensible mess of words.
“Floyd, listen. Hear me out. Sponges do not talk, right? So if I told you about talking sponge, would you have thought it was real or not?” awaiting his response, she noticed that she was holding his arm and let go when she saw his lackluster expression. Oops, boundaries, she reminded herself.
“I don’t think so…” His response was, well, not normal. Not cheery, but flat and somewhat dismal.
“A-ah… is that so…” Her defeat didn’t last too long, “But admit, Deuce, it was dumb!” She went again and he shook his head.
“No it wasn’t!” he defended. She grinned to herself.
“Yes it was!” she gave back in a sing-song way. “Somehow you thought Spongebob was real, hehe, now I know how gullible you can be!” her loud teasing was caught short.
“Hey, Shrimpy, let me ask you something?” The lurking presence spoke from beside her.
That’s right, she had forgotten about her new acquaintance. Sure, Floyd still got on her nerves… a lot. His lack of understanding boundaries and upsetting and he was almost malicious in both defiance and compliance. But, his transgressions seemed less harsh over the week. Maybe it was her getting good at tuning it out? She didn’t know, but he would float around during the class and so far it wasn’t as terrible as she thought.
So when she looked up to answer the question and saw a lack of typical friendliness, she quietened.
“Huh?” She uttered. He had her hair wrapped around his hand like he likes to do, but his grip was tight.
“Why are you always so loud? You know, it’s kinda annoying sometimes.” He drew out, his voice low. He didn’t look angry, his expression neutral, but everything about the way his words came out screamed that he wasn’t teasing this time.
“Er, I um- uh, huh?”
She sputtered over her words. Where was this coming from? Yuu knew that she was kinda infamous for how low and excitable she could get, especially on days when she was in a great mood. Sure, she caught the scoffs and rolling eyes of other students that would get annoyed by her conversing with her friends, but she didn’t think it was bad enough to be addressed… was it? She always did get in trouble at school, both in her high school days and in college for her over-dramatics. But Floyd had never seemed annoyed before. Was she supposed to apologize?
“You scream all the time. It’s just like the birds screeching here on the surface.” He continued, his grip seemed to tighten on her braid, but he wasn’t tugging it so it didn’t hurt.
“Y-yeah? I’ve been told I scream too much… um do you have a headache or something?” She cast a glance at Deuce, who seemed to echo her horror. Except, he wasn’t hiding it very well.
“Headache? Why do you think that?” He asked with narrowed eyes. She clasped her hands together.
“Um, well usually loud sounds irritate headaches. I thought maybe my “screeching” was making it worse. If you had a headache, that is.” She reasoned, her voice shook a bit.
“Are you trying to be considerate? I don’t have headache today.” He again drew out.
Oh, maybe it was just a shitty day? And her yelling didn’t help? If that was the case, why didn’t he go fuck off somewhere else then? Still, she pursed her lips in thought. He wasn’t necessarily being mean, just honest. She’d chosen the peaceful path first.
“Oh uh-huh.” She thought aloud and shoved her hands into her jacket pockets. Either this would work to settle the peace or she could just tell him to take a hike if he kept it up. Out of her pockets, she pulled out two packets, concealed inside her palms. Holding them out with her palms down, she spun around to face him. His heterochromatic eyes widened at the display.
“A token of my apology, pick a hand!” She beamed, unconsciously a little too loud despite her circumstance.
“Yuu, what are you doing? You might set him off.” Deuce whispered through his teeth, his hand hiding his mouth from Floyd.
She turned her head quickly to give him a harsh “shhh” before looking back up at the tall figure. His eyebrows raised a bit, his hand had now let go of her braid. He looked between them and chose her right hand. Watching as she turned her wrist and opened her palm, the grin returned to his face when he saw the cinnamon gum. He plucked it up, and it was like watching a timelapse of spring flowers pop up. He brightened up immediately and giggled as he brought the stick of gum to his nose to give it a whiff. It was quite the mood shift, but as she always said, roll with it.
“Cinnamon, good choice! The other is strawberry hard candy.” She chided, turning her hand to reveal the other sweet in her grasp.
He took no time in unraveling the gum from the paper, carelessly casting aside the paper to the floor. He slid it between his razor like teeth and leaned down, quickly snatching Yuu from the ground into a crushing hug.
“Aw, thanks Shrimpy, you always make things fun.” He crooned beside her ear.
Gosh, she was glad that her face was pointed skyward because she didn’t want to imagine the shades she had turned in her shock. Her brain short-circuited as she realized only her tiptoes touched the floor, and her chin was pressed into his shoulder. He swayed a little in the short-lived hug, dropping her back down unceremoniously. She nearly fell over when she landed, but she managed to stay upright. She caught the faint scent of cinnamon as he moved away. The strawberry candies had made their way to the floor in the commotion.
“Hey, you can’t just go grabbing people!” Deuce jumped to her defense, but the eel heard none of it.
“Glad it helped.” She muttered, running her hand over her skirt to straighten it out.
“Hey, we should do something fun tomorrow!” The now excitable guy suggested, his hand once again finding her long braid, as if he was holding her hand.
Tomorrow? She couldn’t. Deuce went ahead and broke the news.
“No, tomorrow is the unbirthday party that Riddle planned for all the good grades recently. I’m taking Yuu with me.” He folded his arms. Right, he was the one that convinced Riddle to invite her this time since she had some major faux pas at the last one.
“Yeah, I even have an outfit and everything!” Yuu exclaimed when she remembered the cute blue dress with the red and white ribbons that Riddle had brought to her. Apparently, the dress had some kind of important historical impact, but she just thought it was fancy and cute. The sharp grin faded for a moment but returned once the next idea sprung into the guy’s mind.
“Okay, then come by for a drink after school. You need more stamps for your voucher, right?” He smiled, leaning down close to her, well into her space. His earring jingled and the aroma of cinnamon wafted to her with his playful whisper, “I’ll stamp your card twice, shhh, okay?”
“Hmm, I don’t know. It’s Friday and it gets busy at night.” She mused aloud and without missing a beat, Floyd had a solution.
“Just come early!” His solution was simple but she wasn’t sure if she would be up for it this evening. His look made it a little hard to
“No promises, but I’ll think about it.” She offered and that was good enough for him. He flashed her a sharp smile and tugged her hair when the professor walked in.
Deuce gave her an exhausted look as Floyd retreated to his seat a few chairs away.
“So Deuce.” She began, an evil smirk on her face. “Have you heard of the tooth fairy?”
So then Yuu tried her best to convince her friend that the tooth fairy was a real thing back home, making her actions seem as realistic and imposing as possible. Class went on as normal, very easy beginner level lessons proceeded and it was a cinch for her. The professor said that everyone would be performing a small arrangement for the class next week and many students groaned, but she happily cheered herself on. She didn’t even need to practice for this.
Class was over before she knew it and as she walked to the next classroom a thought occurred to her.
Today was the first time she’d been hugged since she got here.
<<previous chapter>>
<<next chapter>>
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spiderling-space · 4 years
Prompt List
I’ll be leaving the prompts I mentioned here. For further info, click on the links.
MC as Florida Man
MC spraying water on Leona when he misbehaves
MC saying shower thoughts in the most inappropriate places
MC calling Malleus Horny Boy
MC finding out Mickey Mouse signs in every important places and having a crazy conspiracy theory, looking like this
MC being like Superman AU
MC understanding the meaning “tea” wrong
MC having pet AU
MC curses as a way of catharsis in English and/or native language
MC being trained asset/Spy AU
MC being vigilante AU
MC having super powers AU
TW cast is old fashioned
Vil going ??? when Mira shows that Grimm is the fairest them all
Going to beach with/without RSA
MC telling Malleus about the cartoon series called Gargoyles
Any random headcanon from here
Riddle losing his mind over MC’s opinion on rules
MC telling Idia about Star Wars and Idia building lightsaber
Flat Earth person MC
Yandere character pulling Invisible Man (2020) on MC
MC makes sexy fireman/bikini model alike New Year calendar -  All Characters are done
MC takes Leona to Burger King and crowns him with Buger King crown
MC skipped their Duolingo classes so Duolingo Owl comes to find them
An overblot interrupts MC’s language practice so Duolingo becomes Duellingo to fight against overblot for interrupt the practice
(Y/N) saves a dragon as a kid, years later that dragon comes to ask for a favor
The fae taking MC’s self control
MC taking NRC to night club
Yandere Idia creating The Matrix for MC and putting MC there until they become compliant
MC telling Idia about the tech gadgets from Iron Man and/or Black Mirror
MC throwing a slumber party from Princess Diaries 2 
MC listens to Kings & Queens song and prefects think MC is proposing them
MC sings E.T. by Katy Perry and Yandere!Malleus thinks it's for him and takes the lyrics literally
Malleus, a dragon, possible reactions to MC's titties
Yandere!Azul being the boss and doing mobbing to his person of obsession
Twisted Wonderland Characters supporting teams in EURO 2020
Yandere Malleus sees wet dreams about MC and thinks they are the vision of their future together, sealing their fate
Sending Idia Greek Myth memes Part 1 Part 2
Shadow and Bone AU with Malleus, Lilia, Leona or Idia as the Darkling
MC baking Leona's birthday cake
Yandere character using pheromones to condition MC from fighting back and escaping
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trashy-mctrash · 4 years
I know that Rook’s birthday has passed, but I saw a post today asking why Rook speaks French and I did look into this in an Rook Analaysis essay that I wrote for his birthday but didn’t post it here. So that post kinda made me want to post it to explain or hopefully look more into his character. 
Rook Hunt is a mysterious and attractive character. Despite his unusual habits, he’s a true gentleman but is often seen as having strange characteristics. Here I will attempt to look into Rook’s character design to celebrate his birthday!!
Rook so far in the game is the only character we see speaking a language from our world, French. Some have found this confusing or unnecessary but actually, Rook speaking French makes perfect sense. Rook comes from Afterglow Savannah, a land based on the movie, the Lion King just like it’s NRC dorm counterpart. The Lion King is said to take place in Africa, specifically Kenya. Inspiration on the landscapes in the movie was from the animators visiting Kenya (Bake, 2019). French is the official language of 11 countries in Africa and the secondary language in 10, making it the 5th most spoken language in the world (Chutel, 2018). Kenya is one of the countries with french as its main language. Since rook comes from Afterglow Savannah, it’s natural that he would have qualities matching the area just like Ruggie and Leona who also come from the same place. But unlike them, Rook resides in the Pomefiore dorm, therefore he holds qualities for both of these. Therefore, Rook does not come from France or represent France, he is based on Africa and most likely comes from the twst version of it which would be Afterglow Savannah.
Although Rook is not French, many white Africans in Africa, especially South Africa originated from France, Germany and the Netherlands in 1652 (jyu.fi). It's common for some twst characters to be a mix of cultures and themes. Rook is one example of this, he’s a blend of Afterglow Savannah and Pomefiore as he comes from Afterglow and is based on the hunter from Snow White. Snow White is said to be based in Germany, specifically Germany during the Holy Roman Empire (esri). Germany is one of the three main countries previously mentioned, that majority of white Africans came from, which suits Rook’s appearance. Rook’s hats also resemble fashion from this time as well as matching his Snow White counterpart. As seen below:
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Rook’s hair also appeals to both the hunter from Snow White and the matching time period. These hat styles were worn by those of higher class and by Rook wearing it, reflecting his position as deputy dorm leader of Pomefiore. 
The 14th century was a time of vibrant poetry explosion fitting Rook’s personality. An example of a famous poet from this time is Dante, famously known for writing “The Divine Comedy” (Interesting Literature). He chose to write in Italian instead of Latin which was common during these times. French and Italian are both known as “romance” languages that both derived from Latin, which was the language of the Holy Roman Empire during this time (Language TSAR). When it comes to Rook giving out nicknames, these too fit the time period as it was common for people to be named after their place or qualities which is what Rook is seen as doing. An example is Riddle who he calls “Roi de Roses” which means “King of Roses” which fits the style of names of those of the high class (Benicoeur and Gwynek, 2003). 
Bows were very common and practical in armies from the 12th to 16th centuries despite barely being recorded in history (Towens, 2019). This reflects perfectly onto Rook due to how little we know about him and the little trace he leaves behind which pairs well with his stealthy personality as a hunter but also shows his side as a “soldier” or a “guard” to Vil, his beliefs of beauty and possible other things we aren’t aware about. The main role of professional archers were for defense but were also used as mercenaries during crusades. Rook fits both of these as he plays the role of Vil’s defense and the protector of beauty wanting to cherish it. He can also be seen as a double edged sword as even though he stands by Vil, many have speculated that he may at some point betray Vil or help Neige doing what he believes to be most advantageous. Archery symbolises “aligning with the target” (Girvin, 2013) which means to give support towards something. Rook is seen as taking more supportive roles throughout the game by helping other students like Epel as seen in Leona’s lab coat story, helping him make a potion for his class (Twisted Wonderland Wiki). It can also mean to become the heart of a community, be truthful, in their times of need to be the voice of their minds to help solve their problems. Rook being honest can also be reflected in his arrows as they symbolise the sharp and accurate truths they contain, this can be seen in Vil’s lab coast story as he blatantly calls Vil “fat” with the intention of helping to increase his beauty, which despite his protests, Vil is seen appreciating (Twisted Wonderland Wiki).The archer is linked with the Centaur and Sagittarius (ironically his birth sign) which represents having insight which can be linked to Rook having knowledge of other students and of other things that normal people would not. Rook is known to freely speak his mind with what we see as with intentions of helping them even if his words or actions may be seen as weird or out of place, but in the end they have the effects he was aiming for or benefit the person in some way. Also “that hearts align in embracing the perfection of that targeting” (Girvin, 2013) which is poetic in Rook being a hunter and calling himself the “Hunter of Love.” An archer remains cool and observes from afar, becoming the symbol of honour, precision and patience.
In the Spanish caves of Cova dels Cavalls, they found etched carvings of archers estimated to be from about 7000 years ago (Stanley, 2020). They were believed to be a form or hunting magic ritual to manifest good hunting, this fits well with Rook being a magic user in the game and makes him wielding a bow make sense as well as again representing his Snow White counterpart. Archery and magic connections as referenced when Rook is in battle as he summons his magic attacks with an arrow releasing maneuver, as seen below:
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This can also reference his love for art, arrows bound in one of the first forms of art for centuries and also shows their use and endless help throughout time. A metaphorical and physical weapon just like with Rook, attacking metaphorically with his words and physically with his arrows/magic. Arrows are meant to be simple yet two dimensional (with its pointy and flat ends), Rook too is portrayed as being simple yet ironically he is also not. Two dimensional as in maybe despite all our theorising, he may just be a simple man who loves beauty yet there are still many unanswered questions about him and his past. However this can be said for other characters in the game as well, so perhaps Rook Hunt is just a simple man with weird qualities? That is still to be discovered. “The durability of the arrow metaphor, as with archery in general, looks unlikely to go anywhere soon,” (Stanley, 2020) this is a simple symbol linked with archery which can further be associated with the idea of Rook being simple and not as complicated as we believe. Rook being able to use light and dark magic can reflect this as humans are neither dark or light, they are simple beings with desires and goals that can be either good or bad. Rook too has his desires that some might perceive as odd, his goals are simple to (as seen in the wish upon the stars event) see all the beauty in the world.
In Japan, Zen archery (or Kyudo) where the goal was to “achieve a balance among mind, body, and bow, which gives rise to a unity that links the spirit to the target,” (Encyclopedia.com, 2020). Which again reflects Rook’s ability of using both types of magic, showing his inner peace and balance and ability to use both types of magic. He is a character that we don't see explode or express vivid emotions which could be linked with his hunting too. Bow and arrows have been known as symbols of good luck against evil in Japan since immemorial. We will probably see this in action during Vil’s overblot as that will be the evil to defeat in Chapter 5 alongside the other characters. 
The word “rook” has multiple meanings, like crows. Many have associated this and Rook’s poem about Crowley as them being signs of a possible connection between the two. Although this theory is very interesting and I would love for a twist like this, Disney is honestly too stupid to make a story as wonderful as that, but I could be wrong (please prove me wrong Disney). On the other hand it could symbolise Rook’s knowledge of everyone and how he could be aware of some of Crowley’s secrets or the secrets/mysterious of the school. They tend to be watchful creatures with great insight, which can be said the same for Rook as he observes other students and has knowledge of things that others normally do not have. Crows are also associated with transformation and change (Clifford, 2020)  which could represent Rook helping Vil and Epel, along with others to bring forth their beauty. There is also a well known nursery rhyme about crows, as seen below:
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Although the history behind the rhyme is not that clear, the seventh line does hold some connection to  Rook’s wide range of secrets that he knows and holds himself. Rook is also used for loud and sociable people or animals who love to talk, Rook is known for his loud and expressive persona that fits this description. Rook can also mean cheat, which could link to him sabotaging Vil to save Neige. The name is given to those with dark hair which is clearly not Rook (with his blond locks) but could refer to his hunter counterpart instead.
Rook is famous for his golden bob that is quite the debate. However bobs have a deep history. In the 20th century, bobs used to symbolise independent, progessive people encouraging a more daring personality during those times. Movies have been the main reason for the spread and back in style of the bob. Rook embodies a free personality with his odd attire in the dorm that symbolises beauty (hunting boots and hats) showing his more bold side that can also be seen by his freely open speech. Joan of Arc is the main inspiration of the bob that was brought back by Antoine, a celebrity hairdresser, which he showed in his salon in 1909 (V is for Vintage, 2012). Although she wore it for more practical meanings, she still stands for representing the people and doing what she believed in. It’s likely though that the bob was more inspired by the hunter’s hair style for Rook yet it still represents daring and progressive people which Rook is commonly known for with his views and actions. 
In conclusion, Rook Hunt is an odd yet interesting character. He is neither complex or simple. We still have much to learn about him which we hopefully will in the coming chapters and his birthday event. Although his character design may seem strange, in the end they make perfect sense when looking at the connections they all have towards the game and it’s details. I hope that this managed to clear up Rook’s character and explain more about him. However, there are a few attributes that are still questionable which if Disney has any concept of storytelling, they will explain...I hope for Rook’s sake. His stalking and obsession could be linked to how he sees himself as nothing much and viewing others as better or more beautiful, in that case he’s got some emotional package. Still does not excuse his actions. These tendencies might also be them expanding on a hunter stalking and keeping track of their prey, in this case for Rook it would be people he finds interesting. In the end he’s one of the many wonderful boys we have to learn more about and love.
Baker, Craig. 2019. 25 Surprising Facts about the Lion King. Mental Floss.
Benicoeur, Arval and Gwynek, Talan. 2003. Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names. S-gabriel.org.
Chutel, Lynsey. 2018. French is now the fifth most spoken world language and growing—thanks to Africans. QuartzAfrica.
Clifford, C Garth. 2020. Crow Symbolism & Meaning (+Totem, Spirit & Omens). World Birds.
Encyclopedia.com. 2020. Sport and Religion. Encyclopedia.com.
Girvin, Tim. 2013. The Symbolism Of Archery. Girvin.
Interesting Literature. The Best Fourteenth-Century Poems Everyone Should Read. Interesting  Literature.
Jyu.fi. Ethinic Groups. Jyu.fi.
Stanley, John. 2020. Archery HIstory: Arrows of the Imagination, Art and Culture Symbolism. World Archery.
Twisted Wonderland Wiki. Leona Kingscholar/Personal Story/SR Lab Coat. Twisted Wonderland Fandom.
Twisted Wonderland Wiki. Vil Schoenheit/Personal Story/SR Lab Coat. Twisted Wonderland Fandom. 
Towens. 2019. Arrows in the Middle Ages. Bow International.
V is for Vintage. 2012. The Bob: History of a Hairstyle. V is for Vintage. 
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akyaea22 · 4 years
How did Eve get into Twisted Wonderland:
A post where I go way too deep about theoretical physics and stuff that I researched for a fic.
(Spoilers for “Down the Rabbit Hole” Chapter 5) 
(Semi-Spoilers for Prologue Chapter 4)
Alright, here’s some background knowledge about wormholes/parallel universes and whatnot. I don’t actually study these topics, I just find them incredibly interesting, so if you see anything incorrect, feel free to flame me in the replies/comments/whatever they’re called.
If you don’t want the background knowledge or you just want to skip further down, I’ll mark the end of the background exposition with a line.
Ok, so I’m pretty sure everyone is familiar with the concept of worm holes and parallel universes, right? Hollywood has drilled it into our heads with their sci-fi movies and whatnot.
Imagine the universe as a flat sheet of paper. If you fold it in half, and then violently stab a pencil through it, the pencil serves as the worm hole, connecting the two ends together. Theoretically, if you travel through the worm hole, you’d end up on the other side of the universe in a fraction of the time it would take for you to actually travel the universe if it wasn’t folded.
Parrallel universes. You all heard the whole NASA thing where they might’ve (Key word: might have. Meaning: Maybe. Possibly) found evidence of a parallel universe where time travels backwards? If not, uhh- look it up. It’s interesting. So a parallel universe is basically another universe, just different. How different? Movies and books usually make them similar to our universe, but slightly different. This is because they don’t want the reader/watcher to feel too out of place. Why explain a bunch of new and unfamiliar concepts when you can just tweak a couple things, slap a new label on it, and call it a day? On the other hand, there probably are some books and movies out there that actually do take you to a new universe, but even then, they usually keep the basic stuff the same. There’s gravity (probably), air (also probably), and the Sun (listen, I haven’t seen every piece of media that’s ever been made so please take this list with a grain of salt.)
The thing is, in another universe, everything could be different. The laws of physics as we know them in this world cannot be applied to the other universe. Gravity could just not exist, stars could suck in heat instead of radiating it, black holes could shoot out matter. It would all be possible, because it’s in a different universe. The new universe don’t gotta play by our rules.
Have any of these things actually been proven? No. They haven’t. Right now, they only exist in the realm of theoretical physics. Basically meaning, theoretically, this could happen, but we don’t really know yet.
While “Down the Rabbit Hole” isn’t a “The Martian” level story with absolute scientific details down to the smallest detail, there is some level of science involved.
(Spoilers for Chapter 5 “Down the Rabbit Hole” Last Warning)
In Chapter 5, Eve mentions worm holes and parallel universes when Crowley brings up the fact that she might be from another world. Neither of the characters explicitly confirm that that’s how Eve got into the Twisted Wonderland universe, but it’s what I’m sticking with for now. (Watch this post get outdated as my indecisive self starts to come up with more stuff)
I decided to shove some science into my fic because I didn’t want to go down the “They were thrown into the universe because magic” path. I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with that path either. I just prefer the science-y path because I find that it’s incredibly interesting to read and write about these things that could possibly exist. (And that you could possibly be isekai’d into another world, but that’s beside the point.)
Is this the last time that I’m gonna shove some science into my story? Uhh- no. I’m probably gonna use it here and there at times if I can. If there’s an opportunity to explain something, I’ll take it. Will it be a long-winded essay on how random stuff in the Twisted Wonderland universe works? No. I have my limits. I’m not gonna research how Grim breathing fire works and the possible effects it would have on his body. While an interesting topic, I get that readers wouldn’t want to sift through that in the middle of a story. It’ll probably get waved away under the “Hey, it’s a parallel universe with different rules, so you don’t have to question it.” rug.
List of random questions I have: (These are for my own reference to satisfy my burning curiosity, so you can stop reading here if you want.)
Is the universe actually flat though? Isn’t the Earth a sphere so wouldn’t that wipe the theory off the map?
Why is the worm hole shown to be this kind of like cinched cylinder? Why not a normal cylinder or a rectangular prism or something?
Do the ends (following the paper metaphor) actually touch? Diagrams show that they don’t touch, forming more of a U-shape.
What’s the space in between? I know it’s hyperspace, but what is it specifically?
What happens to the stuff that is on the folded part? It’s curved, so does the stuff curve with it? (Imagine a flat planet curving.)
How much energy does it take to create this thing? How are they even created?
What’s with all the types of stuff? (Dark matter, Exotic matter, Negative energy, Repulsive gravity, etc.)
How do you find out if a parallel universe exists? It’s not gonna be in blinking neon signs, so do you just wait for some kind of sign? Do you wait for a random portal to open and someone steps out claiming to be from another universe, or is there actually something you can detect to figure out if another universe exists?
You wouldn’t be able to even enter another universe without risking death. Like, the other universe could have toxic chemicals replacing all of the oxygen atoms. We don’t know what’s there. Why would we want to find these things anyways? (I mean, aside from just the feeling of “Oh neat. There’s another universe”)
The entire parallel universe thing is just a giant question mark.
Did I spend too much time thinking about this? Yes. Yes I did. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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merilly-chan · 5 years
About Ven wielding Missing Ache
I've seen many people analyze the newest KHUx update and it seems like more and more people are jumping on the "Ven is the evil traitor" train. While I cannot prove this theory wrong and won't attempt to do so either since such an endeavor would be futile with Nomura and how far the story currently is in JP, I want to present a few interpretations on why they chose Missing Ache for Ven. ●Ventus' name obviously means 'wind' and an attribute associated with it that he displays is speed. He's faster than Aqua and Terra and his attacks are also swift and agile. Since the new union leaders all seem to wield Keyblades which are available to the player so far, it is only natural that Ven should wield a Keyblade befitting his name and fighting style. Not to mention that the image for the gems needed for leveling up the Keyblade is a wing, which is often a sign for wind and speed. That leaves us with three Keyblades that are solely speed-based: Sleeping Lion, Lady Luck and Missing Ache. Sleeping Lion is a Keyblade mostly associated with Leon, Lady Luck is a Keyblade which has a tight connection to Wonderland and Missing Ache originates from 358/2 Days and can be wielded by Roxas and Xion. ●As you can see, Sleeping Lion and Lady Luck aren't the most optimal choices for a speed attribute Keyblade for Ven out of the three we have since his connection to either Wonderland as a Disney world or Leon is rather weak. On the other hand, his bond with Roxas is inevitably fairly strong due to Sora and he's even the reason Roxas looks the way he does. (Duh.) His heart may have even stayed with him for a while if the Ultimania is to be trusted. So Missing Ache is the best choice from a standpoint which simply associates his name/trait and his connection to the characters and the Keyblades. But does it mean he's necessarily the traitor? No. ●Missing Ache may be a mostly reverse medal Keyblade in KHUx but the reason for that could be fairly simple. It's a Days Keyblade. Roxas was part of Organization XIII during that time it could be acquired and regardless of his own tendency, it is connected to the villains of the series. So it is no surprise that they would choose Missing Ache as a Keyblade which focuses on reverse medals. (Of course KHUx plays before Days but it still has its debut in Days which was released before KHUx.) Wielding that Keyblade has nothing to do with the wielder's innate darkness as far as we know at this point, considering many other Keyblades also use reverse slots. We also can't forget that Roxas's base element is light and he is not exactly an antagonist either. Yet, he can still wield Missing Ache just the same without being a vicious villain. I also want to address another theory because I feel like some are 100% certain Ven is actually evil and a traitor. ●There is the distinct possibility that there is no traitor at all. The only evidence there is one is a missing page of the Book of Prophecies which was written by the Master of Masters. People are taking the contents of that book as face value as though there is no possibility at all that the MoM could have lied. The reason would be fairly simple here, too. It creates doubt. The first time the traitor was mentioned was already within the Foretellers-arc and it was one of the main reasons they started distrusting one another and fought against each other. It was one of the reasons the war even happened. But was there actually a traitor among them? We cannot know for sure because the only evidence is that book written by a single person who could have instigated the whole thing to cause a war and follow his own agenda by doing so. The same could be said about the new union leaders. How can we be sure that Strelitzia was murdered by one of them? It could have been a whole other person who murdered her for the sake of either obtaining the book from her and/or in order to plant someone else into their ranks. Possibly without them even being aware that they are being made a pawn. I won't dive further into this because it's pure speculation at this point and we know too little to think about motives or intentions. ●If there is a traitor, they may not be the villain. First of all, the word 'traitor' sounds negative at first but even Axel was also called a traitor for defecting from Organization XIII and then helped Sora in the end. The same could be assumed for KHUx. If we consider the MoM the villain who provided a rulebook to follow, anyone who would diverge from that path could be labeled as a traitor without them having bad intentions toward anyone in particular but rather trying to help 'the good side'. One such example would be Brain. He essentially said he will become the virus which will destroy the system. Virus also sounds relatively bad because we often automatically link it to diseases and computer viruses which steal information or otherwise damage the computer and in consequence us users. But it's a matter of perspective. Let's take an example of an older movie. In Independence Day, the aliens were the aggressors threatening Earth and its populace, and in order to bypass an inpenetrable barrier, they implanted a virus into their system and hence saved the Earth by destroying the attackers. In that case, a virus was used to achieve something good for the heroes, ensuring their survival. As you can see, what sounds negative at first can actually become positive depending on how you look at it. Who's to say the system that was created for them isn't evil and won't lead to disaster? What if the so-called traitor decides to betray the rulebook and the rest because it would have disastrous consequences to follow it? We can already see that this rulebook isn't all sunshine and rainbows and already lead to a conflict whether to follow it. I am personally not too inclined to trust the Master of Masters yet and anyone labeled a traitor in the book he wrote may actually fight for keeping everyone safe. (Without taking this "Darkness" fellow into account just yet.) I know some people are desperate for dark, gloomy tropes because they believe in the one-sided mindset that everything is always better and more profound when it's tragic, twisted and grim dark. But I personally don't see a viable reason to turn a ten year-old into an evil, psychotic kid just to have something become twisted and for the sole purpose of a short-lived shock value. Especially because many assume he would be acting of his own free will and with evil intent instead of being used. Character development only makes sense if there is a necessity and overthrowing a character we've known for 9 years into a complete opposite is, in my opinion, just a cheap method to create a pseudo-depth to a character who was fine to begin with. Of course there are a lot of blank spaces and we know too little about Ven before his memory loss to say he was the cinnamon roll he is in BBS and beyond. Naturally, there is a possibility that he could have a much more sinister nature. As I said, I'm not denying the possibility that those theories are true. But some of these speculations and interpretations are just as vague as mine are. Mainly because they focus a whole lot on Vanitas as well. Once again, I can't say he won't play a role. But it's also possible that fans are overanalyzing it. Vanitas was born out of the darkness of Ven's heart. So of course his nature will encompass what the series has established as emotions nurturing said darkness. But there is no precedence and therefore it's hard to clearly say that just because Vanitas exists the way he does that Ven has been less pure in the past. We have nothing to compare it to. Maybe the same would happen for most other characters as well if they would have their hearts divided. After all, the Heartless are also highly dangerous and are hearts consumed by darkness. We know that darkness exists in every heart except for those of the Princesses of Heart, so Ven is no exception. A person which only has access to the darkness of the heart would likely still only have that negativity to feed on, regardless of how big its part in the original heart was. I'm not trying to claim what is right and what is wrong. Nomura makes some unpredictable decisions at times so it's hard to say what will happen. I just wish that people will not cling to their theories too much or I fear the same will happen as with KH3. Theories are immensely interesting to me and I enjoy other fans' interpretations but depending on how much they work on it, the harder it becomes for some to let go of it and accept a different development due to headcanons and the subjective opinion that this development is for the better. (Which we won't know because we don't know Nomura's plans.) I'm not saying that people were only disappointed because their headcanons weren't fulfilled, but we can't deny that they tend to fuel our expectations for what we perceive to be the ideal development. KH3 does have major flaws, but I dare presume that some overly negative opinions are also caused by overblown expectations because we had plenty of time to come up with all manner of intricate plans. (Which are by no means worse, but sometimes not better either just because they're very detailed.) It's best to remain open for the idea that Ven may just be a cinnamon roll or that his role as a traitor isn't due to a vile motivation but simply to save his friends. I won't discourage anyone from preferring the other options, I'm just saying it might not be as shocking and character changing as some believe. Wanting friends doesn't mean he'll kill everyone just to get some, to put it drastically. I think it's great that people love Vanitas and want to include him more, but I also have to remind people that the backstory in the novel still isn't canon. Books cannot throw around canon and non-canon, sometimes even flat out contradicting, content and pick out whatever aids their case. Fans might not like to hear it, but even if Nomura should have mentioned certain aspects are canon, it doesn't mean everything else is. The moment a novel based on another source contradicts what is established in the source, it cannot be canon anymore. (And I'm not talking about content which fills holes and could have possibly happened/expands the story, but about serious contradictions.) Which doesn't mean that it doesn't contain things that actually happened but overall, it cannot be declared as canon as a whole. All in all, I'd like to present possibilities which provide harmless explanations why certain things are designed the way they are. There doesn't always have to be a dark secret and not every cheerful character needs to be corrupted for the angst-loving part of the fanbase. If people wish for that it is up to them. I won't deny them that pleasure. I just don't want to see anyone attacking Nomura if he doesn't cater to that headcanon. I know most of the people theorizing about this are perfectly harmless and aware of this and are just eager to explore all manner of interesting possibilities. Which is an admirable passion I am not against seeing. I actually think it's great that there are theories like these because they provide interesting material for discussions. I am just more careful about setting on one theory above any other, simply because KHUx has mostly given us questions instead of answers so far. Everything is possible at this point, which is why I want to remain open for as much as possible. The points above are not meant to disprove anything the other theories are suggesting. They are merely a showcase how certain terms can also be interpreted and that there are alternative explanations.
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night-raven-roses · 4 years
Rules for Requests and Commissions!
It’s a little lengthy, so it’s under the cut. If you want to request something or help me out through college with commissions, please read through these~
 So, who exactly will you write about?
As this series has many, many characters, here’s the ones that I will write for:
Members from all dorms [Ortho is SFW only]
Cheka [SFW only]
Please note that there are certain exceptions to these rules, but these will be explained further down (see What are the no-no’s for requests/commissions?).
What can I request?
I can write short headcanons and one-shots.
For headcanons, please keep in mind that there are rules to how many characters can be included per request. For Twst, it’s up to 5 per request (exceptions include requesting all dorm leaders or all vice dorm leaders)
For one-shots, requests will be shorter than commissioned works, having a maximum of 1000 words.
How many requests will you take?
I will take 15 requests before closing the box. Once I close it, I’ll delete any request received before reopening. Once the box has 5 requests or less, I’ll reopen the box for requests. If you really want me to write something...there’s always commissions!
What can I commission?
I take commissions on longer one-shots! (See also How long can my commission be?)
What do you charge for commissions?
The prices are very simple for my works.
SFW: $0.50 USD for every 100 words
NSFW: $0.75 USD for every 100 words
The baseline is as simple as that! I do have minimums and maximums for word counts you can request, but if you want to know how much you need to pay for a certain amount of words, just use this for reference. I specify lengths of commissions you can request and their respective prices in How long can my commission be?.
How do I request a commission? How do I pay?
You can send in a commission request one of two ways. If you have a Tumblr account, all you have to do is DM me! If you don’t have one or can’t DM, that’s okay! Just send your request to my email, [email protected], and we can work through it there. I strictly work through PayPal for payment. Further details will be given during the commissioning process.
How long can my commission be?
I have a minimum of 1000 words for any commission, with a maximum of 6000, in theory. 
For simplicity, I have created three “tiers” you can ask for when sending in your request and the respective price ranges for each:
Length: 1,000-2,999 words
Price Range: (SFW) $5.00-$14.99 USD, (NSFW) $7.50-$22.49 USD
Length: 3,000-4,999 words
Price Range: (SFW) $15.00-$24.99 USD, (NSFW) $22.50-$37.49 USD
Length: 5,000-6,000 words
Price Range: (SFW) $25.00-$30.00 USD, (NSFW) $37.50-$45.00 USD
If you want to request a commission that’s more than a Bloom, we can discuss it over email or DMs.
What are the no-no’s for requests/commissions?
While I am open and willing to many types of requests and commissions, there are a few subjects that I refuse to write. It is nothing against the requester. The list of “no-no’s” are simply subjects that I do not feel comfortable with writing about. I ask that you do not send commission requests with any of the following:
Any request involving the 1st/2nd years, Ortho or Cheka is restricted to SFW only
While the duos of Jade and Floyd and Lilia and Silver have dynamics I’m willing to write about platonically, I will not be writing the duos together romantically.
If you have a request involving a reader/OC insert, please specify pronouns and/or gender. I will default to gender-neutral and use they/them pronouns, so if you would like a m!reader or f!reader and/or he/him or she/her used, please specify this in your request (see also Can I request “x Reader” or OCs?).
I will not, under any circumstances, take requests or commissions involving the four letter word starting with R.
Other topics that I will rarely write include harming one’s self and deep religious themes. If you really want one of these topics in a commission, I may consider it. However, there will need to be additional discussion before beginning, so keep this in mind.
I hold the right to decline any commission offer if I feel I cannot adequately write about the subject requested.
Can I request “x Reader” or OCs?
Absolutely! I just have two requests that you follow, depending on which one you want:
If you are wanting an OC, I would like a description of the character included in the request. Include as much as you can about them; I want to be able to write them in the most accurate way!
For both x Readers and OCs, I ask that you specify the pronouns/applicable gender you want to be used.
What about “OT3s” or polyamorous pairings?
Go ahead! All I ask is that any of the pairings or characters I specified above in the “no-nos” are not included in the group.
Do you have any samples of your work?
As a matter of fact, I do! To show you what your commission may be like, I’ve gathered a few of my works here that fit :
Small Sprout: A work I completed for an Uta no Prince Sama Secret Santa, “Christmas Chicks” (contains 1,688 words) 
Large Sprout: A piece I completed for an Uta no Prince Sama flashbang, “My Charm Point” (contains 2,507 words) 
Medium Bud: A work I completed from the Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu series, “Numbers on the Scale” (contains 3,979 words) 
Can I get a WIP of my commission?
When I have fully written through the commission, I will send it to you as a “first draft phase”. You can ask for any additions or omissions in this phase, and after I will add or delete anything you ask, along with polishing it up and making it just right!
Can I ask for things to be added or removed once you start?
If you ask for any additions or omissions to the work before or during the “first draft phase”, I will gladly make the revisions you ask, free of charge. However, if I am editing the final draft and you ask for any changes, I will add a flat $1 USD fee to the final total.
Will you ever have any sales for commissions?
Funny you should ask…I’m having a system set in place to discount certain characters at certain times of the year, which I call “Birthday Flash Sales”. Which leads to...
What on earth are “birthday flash sales”?
It’s really simple! In order to celebrate the birthdays of the characters I write for, I’ll be having a sale on commissions that include that character! For the day of the character’s birthday and two days before it, the baseline prices of commissions having them will be slashed!
Here’s how it works:
SFW: $0.50 USD per 100 words –> $0.25 USD per 100 words
NSFW: $0.75 USD per 100 words –> $0.50 USD per 100 words
So essentially, SFW works are half price, and NSFW works are the same price as normal SFW works!
The tiers then are altered as follows:
Length: 1,000-2,999 words
Price Range: (SFW) $2.50-$7.49 USD, (NSFW) $5.00-$14.99 USD
Length: 3,000-4,999 words
Price Range: (SFW) $7.50-$12.49 USD, (NSFW) $15.00-$24.99 USD
Length: 5,000-6,000 words
Price Range: (SFW) $12.50-$15.00 USD, (NSFW) $25.00-$30.00 USD
Each sale will start at 12:00 AM EST two days before a character’s birthday and end at 11:59 PM EST on the actual birthday. 
I will post when the flash sales for a certain character begin, but if you are looking for characters that have a birthday coming up, here are the dates listed below:
Twisted Wonderland
Lilia: January 1
Malleus: January 18
Cater: February 4
Azul: February 24
Sebek: March 17
Vil: April 9
Ruggie: April 18
Epel: May 6
Silver: May 15
Deuce: June 3
Kalim: June 25
Leona: July 27
Ortho: August 14
Riddle: August 24
Jamil: September 12
Ace: September 23
Jack: October 11
Trey: October 25
Jade/Floyd: November 5
Rook: December 2
Idia: December 18
If you made it this far, thank you so much! I hope to see your wonderful ideas and prompts in my box or DMs soon!
0 notes
homesteadchronicles · 7 years
One Year, One World: Day #7 (Early World Geography)
We are officially one week into worldbuilding! That might not seem like much, but we have not been dawdling about with our new world. We have been diving in headfirst to ensure that our world thrives, even in its earliest stages. If you’ve kept consistent thus far, or even if you’ve done all of these prompts so far at once, congratulate yourself! Get yourself a cup of tea and a snack - you deserve to treat yo self. Learn to celebrate the small victories now, for plenty more obstacles, challenges, and successes await us.
Today’s Assignment: Determine the landscape of your world at it’s earliest stages.
Question Prompts: ↳ How was the world first divided, if at all? ↳ What general environments existed within this world? ↳ What major landmarks or geographical features existed then (that do or not still exist in the present)?
For all of my friends and followers who happen to be closet druids, surprise! This entire segment of worldbuilding will be right up your alley! But for anyone like myself out there who would literally rather die than even think of engaging in outdoor activities, this might be a struggle. Regardless of your passion, pace yourselves. There is a LOT to work through with geography, and not all of it needs to be done at once.
1. How was the world divided, if at all?
The first question to determine is whether your world started off divide or unified geographically. Some people subscribe to the theory that our present-day world was once one, a continent known as Pangaea. Did your world begin as one, or is still one giant continent?
If it is one unified continent, are there other geographical features besides oceans that divide the world, such as mountains or forests? Are there still diverse ecosystems within this world, and where does one environment blend into the other? Do they function in perfect isolation because of a magical force, or do the two environments naturally blend together in the transitionary stage between the two nations?
If the world is geographically divided, how many continents exist? How far of space lies between them? Were there forms of transportation to travel freely between continents at the beginning of time, or was everyone stuck where they spawned? What general ecosystems and environments exist in each continent (desert, tundra, rainforest, etc.)?
Regardless of geographical division, how is the world divided relationally? If humans rule this world, they are going to divvy up the land sooner or later because they need space to live and have a family! Did one human claim a continent and another a separate continent? Did two opposing groups of the first humans divide up the space of one continent and create kingdoms? Humans can cause geographical division just as much as nature can.
2. What general environments existed within this world?
Although this subject has been touched on here and there before, it’s important to dedicate time specifically to this topic. Now, before you go and give me the high and low temperatures of each during the second month of the fourth season of every other year in both Fahrenheit and Celsius, let me preface this by saying that today’s task is to generalize the environments. You don’t need to know specifics as of yet - we’ll get to that later - but it’s best to start brainstorming now so as to have a head start when hashing out the details later on. You’re painting broad strokes onto the canvas of your world. Leave the shading for later.
What do I mean by “environment”? I mean that we need to determine the overall physical atmosphere of each specific region. The most obvious factors in this process would be determining the climate, weather, animals, and plants that make up your region.
For climate, determine the general range of temperature. Do you live in the arctic or in a rainforest? For weather, consider the different types of weather patterns. Does it snow eternally in one region, or never in another? Does it rain for three months straight on one continent and then never again for the rest of the year? Make sure these weather patterns relate to the type of region - snow in the desert is rare, if not altogether impossible. For animals and plants, there’s no need to determine the specific species as of yet. Just think of what types of each thrive in what environment. Your brain will likely link together the fact that polar bears would survive in the tundra and not in the swamplands.
But all that sounds pretty boring, right? It’s so...cliche. It’s all been done before! This is where you can really have some fun with it. Your world is still essentially a clean slate. The rules of the world are flexible, malleable to your dreams. How can you put a twist on something commonplace?
Maybe your world starts out with one country being nothing but arid desert, when a spell gone wrong or the actions of a divine being cause it to freeze over forever! Or, conversely, maybe your winter wonderland experiences a draught that drowns the land in water and turns the once-gorgeous landscape into swamplands. Your present-day characters will only see one of these landscapes, but what you determine that area of the world started as can not only add some unique lore to their stories, but physically affect them in the future.
3. What major landmarks or geographical features existed then?
In Judeochristian lore, God made the Garden of Eden, which acted as the home of humanity throughout their first days on earth. Perhaps our new world does not have a headquarters, for instance, but perhaps there is a landmark where humanity was created! A beacon of light, a crater, or simply sacred ground with an inexplicable level of spiritual activity. As with before, keep in mind how this will be remembered (and/or manipulated) in future generations. 
Don’t think too deeply on this. Civilizations have not erected monuments of their own, and thus, the number of features would be limited. If all else fails, start at ground zero! Literally. Have a flat landscape. You’ll make all the flat earthers’ days.
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It’s Not About the Shape – It’s About the Lie (An investigation into why flat earth hip-hop may seem merely stupid, but might actually be dangerous too: Electric Bugaloo)
Author’s Disclaimer: I’m sure that, like most people, most flat earthers are fine. Most people who rap about the shape of the place we all live on are probably fine. I acknowledge that the two dudes I profile in this investigation are probably the ISIS of your conspiracy movement. If you come across this article, and you’re a regular John or Jane Q. Flat Earther, please understand that your willfully ignorant belief has some truly disgusting expressions and intellectual underpinnings. So, with quite a bit of conscious irony, if you are a “moderate” flat earth truther, I exhort you to denounce your radically anti-Semitic fringe, particularly Eric Dubay. It may be a shitty presumption on my part, but I just assume that even you, hypothetical, humdrum Dale or Erma P. Flat Earther, are the kind of person to constantly post to FacePage that “moderate Muslims” must unceasingly denounce Al-Qaeda. And if, havin’ read through this, you’re the kind of person who’ll accuse me of being a “SJW” because I think promoting Holocaust denial is hugely problematic, eat shit; die mad with stank breath. But, if you’re a hardcore ODD TV or Dubay boy, please come at me, I’ll gladly take whatever you consider lumps. All that said, let’s listen to some real fringe fuckin’ hip-hop, shall we?
               I’ll bet most folks view people who believe the earth isn’t really round as nothing more than loons and larks. That’s how I started. Owing to a strange encounter I had with a feller at a show last winter, I had a picture of flat earth truthers as young, isolated, drunk, white dudes with dreadlocks wearing kneepads over their jeans saying gross things to pretty ginger gals. I was a little worried, but still mostly tickled, to discover that there’s a largish community of believers online. If you don’t get into the weeds of what belief in the flat earth entails, it’s easy to laugh it off as mere ignorant buffoonery, but, whoooooo boy, if you examine it closely, you’re in for one of the wildest, and surprisingly disturbing, rides of your life.
                 I stepped through the looking glass on accident, when I stumbled on this music video, “Cartoon Ball,” by ODD TV. At first, I clowned on it. Of course I did. Did you watch it? Christ. Dude’s shirt says “Never Sleep Again,” and he really looks like he ain’t slept because he’s in the early, still exciting days of a meth bender. I sent this video to friends and shared it on my timeline because I wanted to spread the chuckles. To be fair to ODD TV, I think he’s got legitimate talent. Not just on this track, but also throughout his catalogue, he’s got a catchy flow and his songs show a deft use of samples – for example, in the bluntly titled song, “Dear NASA, Why Are You Lying,” he takes the lyric “Space may be the final frontier, but it’s made in a Hollywood basement” from Red Hot Chili Pepper’s song “Californication,” and using that in a song about how the earth is actually not globe-shaped is, artistically, fairly dope. Not at all what the funky, cock-socked, SoCal, alt-rock, boys had in mind when they wrote the song, but that’s ODD TV’s genius. His video production, likewise, is slick. It’s much slicker than this other flat earther we’re gonna scrutinize in a sec, but one thing these guys share, which, I gotta say, is utterly derivative of almost every other conspiracy theorist with social media accounts, is referencing the Rowdy Roddy Piper flick, They Live. Guys. Give it a moratorium, right now, y’all have made it lazy.  
              Anyway, I got my giggles and moved on, right? Obviously not. After my mirth settled down, I found myself returning to “Cartoon Ball,” and for all my above praise, I wasn’t watching this weird shit again because I was real into the music. Nah, I think it was this lyric in particular: “God created the heavens and the earth / in a verse / but we’re livin’ in a Freemasonic Galaxy.” ODD TV doesn’t get into what he means by that, exactly, in this video – although, he gets into in in his oeuvre, bet your ass on that – because he’s focused mostly on rallying the viewer against NASA.
              But, on repeat viewing, you know, I caught this brief WTF nugget – a what the fugget, if you will: “We follow rapists and murderers / liars, thieves, and sun worshipers / sayin’ we can’t see curvature / ‘cause we’re all too small.” It’s the sun worshippers part that’s the sore thumb, right? Well, get ready for that sore thumb’s equally sore counterpart when ODD TV raps that believers in a spherical planet are “Stuck in the material domain of Satan.”
              Well, little ol’ me, Alice Donkey Boy Croix, was drawn further into the flat earth hip-hop scene by YouTube’s helpful recommendation. Oh, what a twisted Wonderland that turned out to be. But store those what the fuggets away for later use, Beloved Reader, they’ll crash back into pertinence again directly. Presently, we need to turn to how things got soooooo much more goddamned bonkers. The other cat I referenced briefly earlier, his name’s Eric Dubay, and he’s just about the whole rest of the haul of our investigation. So, settle in to peep this video, “Once You Go Flat.”
                Holy. Steaming. Shit. Y’all. Good. God. Damn.
              Sorry to spring that diarrhea spray of hippo shit at you without much warning, but I wanted you to be as utterly gob-smacked as I was when Holocaust denial enters into things…and continues to spiral out from there. And just in case THAT was somehow an aberration from his mean, I watched this one. If you watched the first one, you already know to brace yourself, but, I cannot really stress enough that he, whew, he doubles down.
   So, let’s shelve the vegetarian polemic and uh…yeah…that was the most hardcore anti-Semitic thing I’ve ever experienced in musical form. Oh, you too? Neat. Look at us, Gentle Mentals, with all this shit in common!
              So, that video left my jaw on the fuckin’ floor, and that’s when I went over to www.ericdubay.com. I can neither confirm nor deny that visiting this page puts you on any sort of NSA list, but if the NSA is keeping tabs (hello, special agent, how are ya), it maybe should focus some attention on the shit our boy Dubay’s proudly posted here. Red flag it if you ain’t already, you may thank me later. Imagine that! The federales thanking little ol’ me!  
   BTW: we’re “in country” now, so maybe get your tin-foil helmet on.
              A few sick bars and a shocking affinity for the OG Nazis ain’t the only radical thing about our boy Dubay. He moves in circles so fringe that they consider Alex Jones to be part of the “controlled opposition.” Dubay’s even a truther against other flat earth truthers. He goes hard on The Flat Earth Society for being “controlled opposition,” by pointing out the idiocy of their theory for what is really going on with “gravity” on a flat earth, which is that the earth is like a pizza crust tossed continually upwards, so…things don’t really fall, they’re just kind of suspended until the ground catches up to them. Yeah. The idea of controlled opposition is that you get a shill to be a very vocal idiot in order to discredit the more “legitimate” conspiracy investigators who have come too close to the truth. But who controls the controlled opposition? Remember when I told you to remember ODD TV’s reference to the Freemasons? The Sun Worshipers? The Satanists? Dubay says it’s them. He says that both The Flat Earth Society and NASA are chock full of Masons, Masons who are behind these lies. He claims NASA agents – whatever those are – have murdered flat earth truthers to maintain their grip on this elaborate illusion. And, in a series of infographics, he ain’t shy in explicitly linking these nefarious Masons directly to, you saw it, the Jews. He’s one of these New World Order, Jew World Order types. I realized I tossed that off kinda casually – he’s just one of those types – but let me assure you, I don’t do it dismissively. Dubay compares the way this global Jewish cabal runs the world’s affairs to the orchestrated sturm und drang of televised professional wrestling.
              So you gotta wonder why lying about the shape of the earth is so important to our crypto-kosher overlords. I sure as fuck needed to know the answer to that myself, and, like any conspiracy theorists before him, this is where Dubay stumbles somewhat. He’s got 200 proofs for the truth of the flat earth, but he’s less articulate as towards the damnable “why” of it all. As I’ve been able to understand of his position, Eric Dubay believes we’re indoctrinated with the spinning globe model of cosmology, because if the global elite of Freemasonic Zionists can brainwash everybody on such a fundamental level as the ground beneath our feet, they can deceive and control us in any other sinister way they fuck well feel like.  
              Y’all, I’m a great many things. I’m not an astrophysicist, so, to be honest, I’m not really interested in engaging with the specifics of these dudes’ arguments regarding round versus flat, because – you know the Family Guy throwaway joke where Peter’s at the Cineplex helpfully pointing out when somebody in the movie says the movie’s title – to quote Mr. Dubay himself, “It’s not about the shape; it’s about the lie.”
              Before I get deeper into this shit – yeah, you thought you were down the rabbit-hole already – I want to point out that if you want to get all this from the horse’s mouth, the last twenty or so minutes of the two-hour FAQ video on his site is my source for all this. And since getting deeper into this gets pretty heavy, I think we need a bit of a levity break, so, I present a riff on a few screen grabs from that video.
               First of all, it’s hard to tell – among the things I am is poor of vision – it looks like the letter G has been replaced by the number 6 in the phrase “Sacred Geometry. The Great Architect of the Universe. Gravity.” 666 is metal, but in this case you’re using it in a way that’s way too mental to be heaviest, fam. The Jews are Satanists too, remember? Luciferian nonsense is a thing Alex Jones dabbles in also. Second, Pythagoras was the leader of a cult that worshiped numbers. Pythagoras literally had a motherfucker 86ed because he felt that the concept of pi was blasphemous and threatening to him personally as a cult leader. The reason I’m scratching my head is that you might know pi as a pretty foundational concept in calculating the circumference of the globe. Globe. So, if he’s part of a cabal bent on convincing you the world is round, why would he be so violently opposed to that squiggly little Stonehenge-lookin’, 3.14 on to infinitum meanin’, mathematical concept that would support the whole damn thing? Anyway, here’s another.
              I think this is supposed to be an Illuminati thing, but all it proves to me is that many people have fingers, and covering one eye is an easy way to look mysterious and sexy. It’s not like they’re all holding their hands the same way either. If a person were to try to argue that Eric Dubay himself is part of the controlled opposition, I think this could be evidence of “too dumb to be serious.”
              But I wanna get serious again. Back to the investigation. I wanted to know what made this dude tick. Call yourselves Ishmael, because ol’ Dubay became my white whale, only in this version, I think we spear the shit out of Moby Dick. Truly, I believe that in the final portions of that long ass video I’ve been talking about, we see into his core – and unlike the molten core of the round earth we sheeple foolishly believe in – the heart of Eric Dubay is a frozen, Jotunheim-esque, barren fearscape.
              Eric Dubay’s animating impulse is this: a deep, incomprehensible terror that humanity has no purpose in existence. He believes that subscription to the ideas of the Big Bang and subsequent evolution of life on earth via the mechanism of natural selection is subscription to a fundamentally nihilistic outlook; if humanity has no reason – as he sees reason – to be, the crisis in his soul would be too great to bear. And, sure, I get that. But he has not coped well with that adolescent existential angst. If the universe is a vast and vastly complicated place, it’s a scary place to be at the fringe of, so, to bridge the rift of this Lovecraftian horror inside himself, he’s put himself at the center of debunking a conspiracy to shroud our planet’s central location in the universe; our planet’s non-rotating position, which is to say a position of stability. Stability. Think about how comforting a concept that is. Purpose. Stability. Simplicity. These are not abnormal desires, but our boy Dubay’s gone about attaining ‘em in an abnormally toxic fashion. And he’s certainly doing his damnedest to create the fellowship he craves though all his media outreach. Can’t blame a feller for not wanting to feel alone…but when Holocaust denial is such a big part of your identity, it’s – to put it politely – extremely fuckin’ troublesome that you want others to believe as you do.
              Dear reader, Gentle Mental, “Hypocrite Lecteur,”* if you’re wondering why the fuck any of this matters, this here’s that part of the article; buckle the fuck up. I believe that never before in human history has the battle against propaganda been more vital to the survival of the species. I’m typing this on Sunday, October 15, 2017, and the last headline I read was about Kim Jong threatening to bomb Guam if Trump don’t shut the fuck up about him on Twitter. We’ve got fucking lunatics at the trigger; we’ve got so much evidence that the Kremlin orchestrated the most effective “hearts and minds” campaign of the internet age; we’ve got tactics of division being employed by the most cynical and unhinged people of influence. So why should this flat earth shit matter? We’ve got all that more important shit I listed, right? Because flat earth’s your gateway conspiracy. Pretty soon, you’re hip-deep in the most virulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion bullshit.** Some conspiracy theorists have the…decency’s not the right word, so let’s start over. Some conspiracy theorists are crypto-anti-Semitic. OBVIOUSLY not our boy Dubay. Lemme quote from his song “Blood Rituals,” “You are blind, so fuck what you say / I’ll expose the flat earth and hail Hitler all day.” That’s so obviously dangerous, and the ideas of flat earth and anti-Semitism are so clearly linked, that we shouldn’t need to dwell, so I’ll move us along with this tossed out aside: fuck you, Richard Spencer, for ruining Tiki Torches, but thank you for being conveniently illustrative of the point that being a ringleader for Nazi sympathizers does in fact correlate to assholes in the street beating people and murdering them indiscriminately with cars.
 *Editor’s Note: Goddamnit, DB! After I chewed your ass for quoting Yeats that last time, you have the nerve to bring this Baudelaire shit to the table? I want a picture of Spider Man on my desk TOMORROW!!
 **Author’s Note: For an wonderfully illuminating examination of the history and influence of Protocols of the Elders of Zion, I highly recommend the July 27, 2017 episode of a podcast called Knowledge Fight. (http://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/size/25/?search=Protocols+of+the+elders+of+zion) Hosts Jordan and Dan do a thorough job of linking this fraudulent document DIRECTLY to Alex Jones’ framing of his favorite nemesis, the Globalist bogeymen, and even David Icke’s Reptilians. Do yourself a favor and dive into this podcast whole hog.
                Provided that even one fewer gullible cocksucker buys into the dangerous worldviews of somebody like ODD TV, Alex Jones, or Eric Dubay, I will deem all efforts to expose their nonsense worthwhile, valid, and necessary. I don’t believe I’m virtue signaling when I speak out in order to shed light on hucksters’ efforts to spread dangerous racial, religious, or national divisions. It isn’t trivial to examine how those divisions may be spread insidiously as the necessary expression of these ideas; symptoms of the cancer, boils on the ass of the corpus scientia. Alex Jones is right about at least one thing: we are fighting an info war. He’s on the wrong side of it, to be sure, but it’s the same sort of info war Mike Pence fought in when he performed his indignant pageant at the ball game. And I don’t think that in speaking against any of this nonsense I’m beating a dead horse. And I believe that speech is action. If I reiterate a point, it is at least my humble intention to bring new nuance. I believe that the one person who was teetering on the fence but saw the truth of these bonkers narratives could be the one person who might have otherwise been the next to take a gun to something like a DC pizza joint to find out if interdimensional, shape shifting, child-molesting, psychic vampires run the government. Or do something so much more tragic in the name of bringing down whatever conspiracy it is they’ve been taken in by.
              This’s the rock I reckon I’ll die on, should anybody respectfully disagree. Thank you for your time, Gentle Mentals, friends, fiends, and foes alike. It’s time to pray.
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bobcat-pie · 1 year
Estimating Twisted Wonderland's Circumference ONCE AND FOR ALL
howdy. In this post, I once attempted to figure out the circumference of Twisted wonderland. Instead, I failed, and just went mad collecting screenshots of random spheres that weren't/might be globes modeling the planet.
that's not important. What IS important is the rant about the map that we DO have that followed. y'see, it looks like this.
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Tilted. Cropped. Incomplete. Utterly infuriating. Anyway, we're gonna be working with my SUPERIOR map projection for this theory post.
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yeah it's literally just tilted so that North points straight up. There's almost no way to really tell what latitude location is or how large it is compared to the rest of the world... EXCEPT...
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it's pretty easy to label the middle section as "temperate," since summers are hot, winters are snowy, and every other season is pretty comfortable.
The northern parts of the Coral Sea can be determined as arctic or near-arctic, because Azul and the tweels don't bother being there during the winter due to the ice covering the water's surface. The furthest south that winter sea ice extends on earth is the coast of Hokkaido, Japan, at 43 degrees north.
Last but not least, as Sunset Savanna is based on the setting of the lion king, that makes it a tropical savanna. The most northern tropical savanna on earth is the Terai–Duar savanna at the base of the Himalayas in India, at 27 degrees north.
Therefore, this whole (VERY inexact) area I marked on this map that holds the temperate zone is around 16 degrees of Twisted Wonderland's latitude, possibly more.
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Now, we don't exactly have a giant perfect ruler that we can use for reference. but we DO have the next best thing: Sage's Island!
And 16 degrees of Twisted Wonderland's latitude seems to beeee…
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22 Sage's Islands long!
So this lil island is about 0.727 degrees long.
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Now, I'm none too confident in my island-length-guessing ability. So i gotta say Sage's Island is like... maybe 3 miles long, north to south.
Soooo... 3 miles is 0.727 degrees in Twisted Wonderland.
That means 1 degree is 4.126 miles.
And that means the full 360 degrees of Twisted Wonderland's circumference is... drumroll please...
1,485.36 miles/2390.46 kilometers.
Give or take, I mean. I'm not a scientist. I don't even play Twisted Wonderland.
PLEASE understand that is a TINY amount. Earth's circumference is 40,075.017 km. PLUTO has a circumference of 7,231 km. Twisted wonderland is smaller than Pluto.
We were ROBBED of Yuu being capable of jumping 50 feet in the air due to the weaker gravity.
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 8 years
Stories & Stories
a prompt fill for @holidaysat221b‘s Sherlolly Prompt Fest. 
Prompt from @penaltywaltz: Sherlock moves in with Molly and begins perusing her book collection, picking up random books that have interesting looking covers, and the next thing Molly knows he’s turned into a fantasy buff.
It's no secret that Sherlock Holmes is a curious man. It had only been two days since he had officially moved in with Molly and he had been snooping around her flat to get a feel for everything. His behavior was quite amusing to her, seeing him attempt to gather data about her that he simply couldn’t deduce before. It was a couple days later when he decided to peruse her bookshelf, crammed with all sorts of stories.
“Looking for something to read?” Molly asked as she walked past him.
“N-no, just browsing,” Sherlock replied.
“You mean deducing?” Molly laughed. “Well go on then.”
“It’s obvious that the more worn books are favorites of yours, as they’ve been read several times over judging by the weakness in their spines. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland seems to have been a childhood favorite as it is the oldest book on your shelf and was probably passed down from your mother to you,” Sherlock explained with a smile.
“Not bad,” Molly smiled back before leaving to start her laundry. Sherlock found several titles of interest based on their covers such as The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Infernal Devices Trilogy, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, and Harry Potter (all seven books). Molly even owned a few classics like The Jane Austen Collection, A Tale of Two Cities, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, A Christmas Carol and Phantom of the Opera. Sherlock figured he would read a few of these, so he took out The Hobbit which began his introduction to the fantasy genre.
Eight Hours Later
               “That Gandalf is a sneaky one, Molly,” Sherlock announced.
               “Enjoying the book are you?” She inquired with a playful smirk.
               “Finished it, actually. Smaug was quite enjoyable. Poor Thorin though,” Sherlock remarked, placing the book back on the shelf and picking up the The Fellowship of the Ring.
Two Weeks Later
               Molly had just come home from work when she saw the scattering of sticky notes placed all around the sitting room and stuck between pages of The Lord of the Rings books. There were theories written on some of them, while other notes simply contained page numbers with questions. He was in deep. Sherlock was typing on his phone, clearly in thought.
               “Alright, Sherlock,” Molly began as she picked the books up off the table. “You’re clearly driving yourself mad over this. I didn’t think fantasy was your cup of tea.”
               “It wasn’t. It just…sort of…happened,” Sherlock confessed. “Don’t worry about the mess, Molly, I’ll take care of it. I’m done with the series. I’ll probably move on to another one soon enough.”
               “Alright, well don’t stay up too late. You need your sleep,” Molly told him before kissing him gently.
The Following Weekend
               It was a Saturday when Sherlock came back from solving a particularly interesting case which involved making the murders look like they were caused by vampires. It was definitely a ten and John had begun blogging about it almost immediately. He walked in to find Molly curled up with a book and a cup of tea.
               “You look chipper,” Molly remarked. “Successful solved case?”
               “It was a solid ten, Molly, maybe even an eleven,” Sherlock smiled with delight.
               “An eleven, huh? Wow, what was it?” She asked.
               “A couple of murders made to look like a vampire’s doing,” Sherlock told her. He then proceeded to tell her the details of the case which fascinated her in every way. “I would love a book that contains vampires. Do you have any that do?”
               “Um, yea, there’s The Infernal Devices trilogy which has all sorts of supernatural creatures and it takes place in Victorian London,” Molly suggested.
               “Brilliant!” Sherlock exclaimed.
               Throughout the week, Molly enjoyed hearing Sherlock’s passing comments about the series. He’d talk about how he related to Jem Carstairs’ affinity for the violin and Will Herondale’s snarky tendencies. He would even tell Molly that he pictured her as Tessa, as she was a bit similar to the fictional character even in looks. Sherlock would try to solve the mysterious plot lines before they were revealed, in which he was usually right, only being completely surprised by one of the twists. Molly was more than happy to have intellectual conversation with him about a series they both enjoyed.
One Week Later
               Sherlock was hooked on Harry Potter after finishing the first book that he went on to read the next two within the same week. He knew his Hogwarts house was Ravenclaw and deduced that Molly was a Hufflepuff, which she confirmed later on. He even went so far as to sort John into Gryffindor and Mycroft into Slytherin. He became enamored in the world of magic, though it wasn’t a logical scenario. Ginny reminded him of Molly a bit with her fierce demeanor. Another week passed and another three books were read. He finally got around to The Deathly Hallows, soaking up every last word. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell was another magical novel that caught Sherlock's attention after finishing the Harry Potter series. The historical background and the magical elements drew him in immediately An alternate 19th century England was fascinating in itself.
               This pattern of devouring stories continued until he ran out of books to read from Molly’s shelf. When that happened, Molly took him to her favorite bookstore to pick out a few new stories to read together. He particularly preferred fantasy novels that contained maps and a complex history. Going to the bookstore once a month became a routine for them. The pair ended up forming a book club just for the two of them.  
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from SC Magazine Author: Victor M. Thomas
Looking for insights in modern literature to address the challenges facing CISOs might seem farfetched, but there is some logic to this. Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass illustrates the challenges posed by ransomware. While this might seem contradictory on the surface, the options and twisted logic Alice faced are eerily similar to those posed by this pernicious malware.
Yet fight ransomware CISOs must do, so be prepared to abandon logic and enter the looking glass that is modern-day cybersecurity.
The good news is that there are ways to tilt those ransomware calculations in the company’s favor so you are less likely to have to pay the ransom. Fighting ransomware in 2019 forces CISOs to embrace quite a few contradictions that are most vexing. Here are some to consider:
• In a logical world, it is only the ransom-demander who is the criminal with the enterprise target merely a victim. But in the contrarian world of ransomware, there is an excellent chance that a company — or a company employee — paying a ransom might be violating federal law by sending money if the attacker is associated with terrorists or is in a country that doesn’t play nice with the U.S. Ultimately, you could be prosecuted for it. If you do not pay, you can lose your data. If you do pay, you might go to jail. Tough choice.
• There is potentially more legal trouble for the ransomware victim: Compliance and breach disclosure issues could be expensive and damage the company image. There could be related costs, such as states that require purchasing identity theft insurance for all impacted consumers. But were the consumers impacted? This raises a question that is difficult to answer: How far can a CISO trust the representations of the attacker? The company’s decision here can have expensive repercussions.
By all indications, an attack merely seemed to encrypt sensitive data. But given that the bad guys needed to first access it to encrypt it, might they have copied the data first so they could double-dip and sell the data on the black market even if the company pays the ransom? If the attacker has not yet done so, does that exfiltration still trigger compliance-related costs and efforts? Are companies required to assume that the attackers did more than they claimed? Will regulators make that assumption? Questions like these can send even the most grizzled CISO down the proverbial rabbit hole looking for answers.
• As is the case when anyone is dealing with a kidnapper who demands a ransom, it seems foolish to trust such a thief. What would stop them from taking your ransom and then opting to renege and not release your data? And yet, ransomware experts say that ransomware in 2019 is a highly professional business and that these ransomware businesses, which will often have customer service and free tech support, can be trusted to do what they say. If they do not, their highly lucrative business model would quickly implode. Is there a CISO or CEO willing to take that chance?
• The official policy of just about every Fortune 1000 company is to never pay a ransom. And yet, just about all of those same companies routinely will pay that ransom when the ROI calculation of fighting versus paying makes it clear that paying is better. That said, the calculation sometimes tells companies to not pay, depending on the situation and the nature of the attack. Was the City of Atlanta correct in saying no to a $51,000 ransom (the exchange rate for six bitcoin at the time of the attack) when experts say the costs to restore the data might well reach an estimated $17 million?
• If the situation is dire enough, CISOs always retain the option of surrendering and simply paying the ransom. And yet, many companies then discover that the nature of buying cryptocurrency — the ransom of choice these days — is next-toimpossible to do in volume given the limits the system imposes on cryptocurrency brokers, especially if the company does not have existing relationships with multiple cryptocurrency brokers. Buying a lot of cryptocurrency to hold in reserve for a future ransomware attack also does not work, both because of the potential loss of value due to the dramatic shifts in cryptocurrency exchange rates and because there is no way to know which cryptocurrency will be demanded.
• The limits as to how much bitcoin a single broker can sell changes from broker to broker, as do the precise procedures. Regardless, it is critical to start establishing those relationships before an attack hits so that your team can get as much of the paperwork wrapped before you need the virtual currency, experts agree. A second option is to get ransomware insurance and let the insurance company do all of that paperwork and logistics.
• Senior executives often assert that when the time comes to deal with ransomware, they will be the ones to decide, often in concert with the board. And yet, some ransomware attacks are now designed for mid-level or entry-level employees to be able to pay on their own — with demands as low as $100 or a few hundred dollars, in cryptocurrency — so the lowerlevel employee can, in theory, avoid the embarrassment and potential punishment of admitting to management that they clicked on the attachment and caused the problem.
Dante Disparte, CEO, Risk Cooperative
Unraveling the contradictions
A typical first line of defense includes aggressive backups, but attackers plan for that. Attackers often plant malware that goes silent for weeks or more before sending a ransom demand. This is designed to not merely infect backups with the malware, but to make it difficult to determine exactly when the infection began. Also, even if the security team identifies the exact date of infection, it might mean restoring a backup from a month or longer ago, losing considerable critical data.
This is all part of the ransomware return on investment (ROI) strategy. Attackers want the enterprise’s ROI calculation to make it worthwhile to pay the ransom.
The most obvious way to combat this strategy is to separate data backups from executables backups. In theory, this would allow protection of all data, as a database of raw data should not be able to house a malware executable. But homegrown legacy applications, along with legacy apps made from companies that are no longer in business or at least no longer selling that application, make that executable backup essential. This would suggest keeping secure backups of all legacy code on disks that are entirely off-network, ideally with multiple copies in multiple air-conditioned and air-gapped vaults.
Bryan Kissinger is the CISO for Banner Health, an $8.5 billion chain of 28 hospitals along with physician groups, long-term care centers and outpatient surgery centers in six states. Kissinger argues that his security team has done everything it can think of to thwart a ransomware attack.
“We’re preparing ourselves as best as we can,” Kissinger says. “We don’t allow our workforce to have administrative privileges on end-user devices.”
That restriction on administrative privileges is a key part of Banner’s defense strategy. Given that the typical ransomware attack involves attachment malware intended to compromise administrative credentials, “we attempt to head that part off. Our remedy would be to flush the system and reload it from a clean backup.”
Given that Banner performs backups on everything in the network — applications, data and operating system — there is always a risk of the malware infecting the backup so “we try and go back to a good time.” But by sharply limiting who has administrative privileges, Kissinger is hoping an attack would not ever touch any of the backups.
When asked about whether his firm, if indeed caught in a ransomware web, would ever pay ransom, he says he would recommend such a payment in only a few circumstances, such as if the system was “hopelessly locked and if the ransom is lower than our operating costs to repair the damage.”
Kissinger adds that it is hardly practical to have an ironclad policy against ever paying such a ransom. “I think anyone who says flat out ‘no’ is not being realistic.”
Bryan Kissinger, CISO, Banner Health
But if it ever happened, Kissinger says, his top priority would be identifying how the attacker got in and patching that hole. “We would try and close the threat vector so they can’t just attack again” after the ransom is paid, he says.
The question of whether paying encourages more ransomware is a difficult one to answer, which is why most companies that pay do everything they can to keep the payments secret.
“Broadly, I would advise ‘don’t pay’ because I do think it encourages the problem,” says Sean Tierney, director of cyber intelligence for security consulting firm Infoblox of Santa Clara, Calif. “But (CISOs) have to be aware of what the business reality is and what the impact of not paying will be. This does require the decision-makers to decide in advance what their decision will likely be.”
When an enterprise is trying to craft strategies and policies to counter today’s ransomware threats, it must look closely at its abilities to pay a ransom if it chose to do so. Many companies have tried and quickly discovered that the logistics of paying a large ransom in blockchain currency can be overwhelming if arrangements have not been put in place months earlier, says Mark Rasch, a former federal prosecutor who today serves as a private practice cybersecurity lawyer in Bethesda, Md.
Can I? May I? Should I?
“With ransomware, the first questions a company must address are ‘Can I? May I? Should I?,’” Rasch says.
The “Can I?” part addresses the tricky nature of cryptocurrency. “Do I have access to cryptocurrency — in multiple denominations and multiple types? Anywhere from (a value of) $300 to $3 million?” Rasch asks rhetorically. “If you have a need to deploy cryptocurrency, who in the organization will be responsible for making that decision? And how do you get that information to that person?”
Sean Tierney, director of cyber intelligence, Infoblox
When an attack hits, the extortionist typically gives a very short window for paying, often 24-48 hours. That means that every minute is critical. When some employee receives an extortion demand, does that employee know where to send it? Does that employee’s supervisor know? And what if the designated recipient is on vacation, traveling or otherwise unavailable? Is there a backup assigned to handle it and is that backup’s contact information widely known among employees? If designated contacts and/ or their backups leave the company, is there an immediate trigger for someone to select a replacement? Are such plans routinely rehearsed to learn of holes?
“Who makes that decision? Is somebody is going to own that decision?” Rasch queries. Sometimes staffers have different spending approval limits, so it becomes a question of determining which person has the authority to approve the ransom spend.
The “May I?” part refers to the tricky legal environment surrounding ransomware. There are various regulatory rules — the most prominent coming from a unit in the U.S. Treasury called the Office of Foreign Asset and Control (OFAC) — that restricts where money can go (prohibited countries) and people/organizations where it can go (entities on suspected terrorist or terrorism organization lists).
This is where the nature of ransomware makes payments complicated. Communications between the victim company and attacker typically improves after a ransomware attack, which is at least a microdot of a silver lining. “You’re never more secure than you are two weeks after having been attacked. It’s a motivating event, at least temporarily. You’re going to be doing some locking down,” Rasch says. “The idea that paying ransomware invites more ransomware is probably not true. But being vulnerable to ransomware probably does invite more attacks.”
Rasch argues that there really is a professionalism among many of the larger ransomware groups and punishing a paying customer is rarely seen. “In the incidents where I have dealt with ransomware, we haven’t had the experience that they immediately get hit again,” Rasch says, adding that not delivering a paid-for decryption tool is something else that rarely if ever happens.
Mark Rasch, private practice cybersecurity lawyer and former federal prosecutor
“They don’t make money if you can’t unlock it,” Rasch says. “They want to be known as a trustworthy thief. They want four stars on http://www.hostages-r-us.com.”
The final consideration, the “Should I,” essentially addresses the aforementioned discussion on comparing the ROI of paying the ransom versus not paying it. The CISO calculates what it will cost the company to try and repair the damage itself—factoring in down-time, status of backups, how long ago the system was impacted—versus paying the ransom. It may be galling, but a hard calculation will inform the “Should I?” decision. It also overlaps with the May I factor when it comes to the legality of paying, plus addresses a host of business and ethical considerations unique to each company.
Legal beagles
On other legal matters, there are the compliance issues dealing with states and other rules requiring disclosures, and possibly consumer insurance purchases, when Social Security numbers or other specified personally identifiable information (PII) is stolen. Given that even a forensic examination does not always deliver a complete and definitive picture of what attackers did (especially given the ever-present possibility that the bad guys manipulated security logs to hide their true tracks), it is hard to know if data was stolen (copied and exfiltrated) before it was encrypted.
As with almost everything in compliance, each rule depends on its definitions and phrasing. “One of the triggers is unauthorized access,” says Tatiana Melnik, a Tampa-based attorney who specializes in cyber issues. “At the same time, there is a requirement under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) that requires integrity of the data remains in place. If someone has encrypted the data, does integrity of the data remain in place?”
The answer is to do everything your company can to determine what happened. “If you can, see what the malicious code was intended to do. If it was merely designed to find information and encrypt it, arguably, it may not be a breach,” Melnik says—and then make that argument to regulators and hope for the best.
Tatiana Melnik, attorney
Dante Disparte, CEO at the Washington, DC-based security consulting firm Risk Cooperative and a member of the national report entitled Black Market Ecosystem: Estimating the cost of ownership. “If either a nameserver or front-end is blocked or taken offline, a new one is automatically created in its place, allowing the back-end server hosting the criminal customers’ content to remain online.”
Deloitte noted that companies are quite open, on the dark web, at least, about the software suites they sell specifically for ransomware attacks, including whether fees are flat or involve a percentage of ransom acquired.
There is an advantage that the larger ransomware companies are so well known. That means that their tactics are well known. Companies, such as cyber insurance firms, often can identify the company attacking by looking at the code used. “Is it a variant of some known code? Has it been used before?” Rasch says.
Sometimes, attackers reuse their decryption tools and even decryption keys, which creates the slight possibility that victims can find the decryption items online from a recent victim of the attack rather than from the attacker.
Another concern is about the attackerprovided decryption tool. Not whether it will work necessarily, but how well it will work.
“In the last three months we’ve seen the Ryuk strain of ransomware become very active. It is the fast growing ransomware strain we see,” says Joshua Motta, CEO of San Francisco-based Coalition, a cyber insurance company. “More worrisome is that the ransoms for Ryuk are much larger than other strains of ransomware, totaling between $200K to $700K.”
This graphic illustrates a dark web page with ransomware for sale. Ransomware become a commodity, often sold the same way as packaged software with support and a license. According to Deloitte, “This enables [ransomware sellers] to provide a malicious ‘suite’ of services in conjunction with ransomware, known as Ransomware as a Service (RaaS).” *note – monthly costs for ransomware builds distributed over 12 months
He adds that “Unlike previous forms of ransomware, including SamSam and Dharma, Ryuk is extraordinarily difficult to remove. It is also very difficult to recover from. Even if you pay the ransom, the decryptor provided by the threat actor doesn’t work well. It does decrypt files, but it frequently fails making recovering extraordinarily time consuming for the victim.”
Scott Laliberte, managing director and global leader of cybersecurity and privacy for consulting firm Protiviti of Menlo Park, Calif., argues that ransomware is likely to get a lot worse before it, actually, it will just continue to get worse.
“My thoughts are that we are going to see escalation in ransomware over the next few years. I think the payload will start moving beyond just denying access to data to other types of actions that could threaten harm. For example, attacking healthcare providers to put patient lives in danger unless ransom is paid, distribution companies’ logistics systems to prevent them from making shipments, chemical plants, threatening catastrophic accidents, etc.,” Laliberte says.
Cybercriminals will “look for ways to monetize their attacks [given that] credit report monitoring and credit card tokenization [is making] identity theft and credit card fraud less profitable. Consequently, I believe [cyberthieves] will be upping the stakes. We need to start preparing now for these types of attacks and expanding our view of risk assessment beyond loss of confidential data.” Laliberte says he expects IoT and mobile will be ransomware’s new focus in the near term.
The post Going down the ransomware rabbithole appeared first on SC Media.
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