#flashback netflix
lowkeyed1 · 10 months
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stills from flashback on netflix with amar chadha patel and haley bishop
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joulex · 1 month
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It has been literal hours since we got the casting announcement (btw she looks great i cant wait to see her as sophie) and theres people ALREADY COMPLAINING AND SOMEHOW BEING BOTH RACIST AND HOMOPHOBIC AT THE SAME TIME OH MY FUCKING GOD
Are these people dumb? Genuine question. Bridgerton as a whole, the concept itself, revolves around creating a fictional story with a more diverse casting, that includes sexuality, race, etc. That whole thing somehow flies over everybodys head and every time we get the same complains. I BEG people to comprehend that even if you whine and beg and cry about it, the show and the book are 2 very different things that can coexist. You dont want acurracy to the book, you just want to put yourself in the role of the female lead and cannot do that if it is a woman of color or a man. The books are made for that, whatever, if you want to read it, go for it i wont stop you. But the tv show is better than the books (dont even try to contradict me) and gives the women more character and agency. It just so happens that kate is indian it just so happens that sophie is asian, it so happens that micaela is black and a woman. It doesnt fundamentally change the course of the story or the outcome of the character.
Sending all the support to the actress, im sure she will do great.
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sleepy-bear-tm · 10 months
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The OG's
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inspiredjatp · 7 months
I remembered I have some interesting photos on my gallery since 2021
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I found the photos randomly on a site
What was interesting to me was the description on the demo. They met at high school (apparently they didn’t study at Los Feliz) and formed the band while being students (which was obvious)
It’s such a same we never heard Late Last Night, Lakeside Reflection and In Your Starlight
+ I love this photoshooting so much🥹
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ratcash-wasgud · 9 months
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Hii! Okay, I haven't wrote anything since I was like 12, but I had to try again since I'm going insane because of this show. I have like...a very specific story in mind, so sorry if not everyone will be able to identify w the reader lmao. I'm gonna use she/her for both Mizu and the reader. Anyways, enjoy.
Like swimming in the sunset...
It was cold, and it was all Mizu could register at the moment. The last thing she remembered was falling into the icy river with Fowler, but after that...not much. She was swinging between un-and-consciousness for a while, and through all those moments, her teeth were clenched, and her face scrunched up into a frown.
The only thing flooding through her mind was...a period from her childhood. She was around 12-14 years old back then, still living with Swordfather, being sore everyday from training, learning how to hide her chest, the taste of roasted fish and...
Knock knock knock...
Swordfather only nudged towards the door in silence, and that was enough for Mizu to get up and open it. She expected another mountain like swordsman, here to ask for a sword made by Eiji's hands, but no. It was you... a little girl, soaked, tired, and probably about to freeze, in dirty clothes and covered in bruises.
"Grandpa Eiji...I'm looking for Grandpa Eiji." The little girl croaked out, her voice hoarse and quiet. Mizu just looked at the girl with wide eyes for a moment or two before stumbling away from the door, looking at Eiji with a slight panic and confusion in her eyes. Eiji just whispered your name which gave you a permisiion to run to him. You fell at his feet, sobbing.
Mizu was stunned. She just quietly closed the door behind you, keeping the roaring winter out.
"Grandpa Eiji...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I...I cannot go home." You sobbed, bowing your head to the ground. In response Swordfather hummed. He reached out to place his palm at the top of your head. "Please...I know it's so much to ask, but please...let me stay here."
"Calm down, Child." He said, his tone quiet, almost gentle, but he didn't say anything else for the following seconds, maybe even minutes. He then took his cane, and lightly tapped his teacup which was lying near. It seemed like you quickly understood, as you got up and started making tea withouth a word.
Mizu just stood there, near the door, taking in what just happened...Did Swordfather just get a new apprentice? Was she old news now? Will he kick her out? What will she do if he--
Her train of thought were cut off by Eiji ligtly tapping her head with his cane which earned a little "ouch" from her. "Why are you standing around? We will need wood to feed the fire." He says casually, and starts walking to the door. Mizu's eyes lit up a little, and she hurried after him to collect firewood.
Later that night, when after the tea was gone and the moon was shining ever so brightly, Mizu stared at your back as the two children sat on the porch, accompanied by the white scenery and the peaceful night.
"You are," Suddenly you spoke up, making Mizu almost flinch. "Grandpa Eiji's apprentice?" You ask quietly.
Mizu nods quietly and lowers her gaze, and in response, you send a small smile her way. You murmur your name then look at her expectingly.
"...Mizu." She says, still keeping her gaze down, but she ocassionally glances up at you, as if to check when you're attacking.
Then a silence falls onto the two children, both looking away, not sure how to interact with the other.
"Let's...try and get along." You finally say, offering another small smile, though, this time, it somehow reaches your eyes too.
Mizu huffs a little. "Yeah...like that's how it works." She then looks straight at you, her gaze sharp.
Your eyes widen, and you thin your lips. "I...I said try." You murmur and end it with a quiet chuckle, while looking into her eyes. "I don't want Granda Eiji to go through hardship because we argue." You says, tilting your head a little.
Mizu huffs again, turning her head away once more, but then, after another deafening silence... "Alright. I'll try." She says, glancing back at you, and she's met a with a smile. A sweet one at that. One that she herself never produced. She can't help but relax her tense shoulders, and let her jaw also loosen.
"Thank you." You says, and glance at the sky before you get going. She wants to say somethig too, but eventually she gets quiet as she sees you head inside.
The next couple days were spent with only a few words exchanged between the two children. You did the housework, like cleaning, making tea and preparing a meal, while Mizu helped Eiji with his work, getting firewood, and blending metals. Glances although were exchanged. Whenever Mizu looked your way, and you caught her, you simply offered a smile before you went along with what you were doing. You did that everytime, even if you never got one back.
One night, you stayed up later than usual, and caught Mizu training outside, alone. You kept quiet, and just watched in silence as she fell multiple times, but got back up again and again, and hit the bamboo poles harder each time. After she managed to slice every pole in half, and she stood there, panting, you clapped quietly. Mizu's head jerked back to see you, wearing that same sweet smile, and gently clapping.
"Why are you here?" She asked, looking away. "Here to mock me?" She asks, looking at the dirt on her shoes with an angry frown.
You're eyes widened in confusion then you shook your head. "That was really cool." You say softly. "You seem strong." You say, shifting your weight from one feet to another.
"I'm not strong enough." Mizu spats, and starts setting up new poles. You walked closer too, picked up some poles and helped her set them up. Mizu looked at you, squinting her eyes in confusion, but you just focused on the task ahead. "Why are you like this?" Mizu asks, snatching the pole from your hand. "You don't have to pretend. You don't have to play nice." She says, throwing the pole at you. "You see what I am! So go on, say what's on your mind instead of acting like you're not disgusted by a monster like me!" She shouts, a little louder than she intended.
Mizu felt frustrated, angry even. Back then, she herself didn't even know why. She expected you to to spit in her face, call her a dog then go on your day. That's all she knew, but she at least understood that...so this confused her. And her confusion lead her to anger. To try and defend herself against something that isn't attacking.
"I..." Your eyes widened once again, in shock and you took a step back. "I..don't think you're a monster." You say, gathering all your courage and balling your hands into fists at your sides. "I never once considered that! So don't go and make assumptions about me, like I never did about you!" You stomp your foot a little. "You're different, I can see that, yes...but you never onced attacked me, nor gave me a reason to fear you! You are just shut off! You're not a monster, you act more like a grumpy old woman!" You yell back, huffing, and storming away, like a child your age would.
That leaves Mizu...stunned. She stands there, wide eyes and her lips parted in surprise. She expected a lot of things but...that. You looked...hurt? Maybe that's the way to describe it, maybe frustrated, maybe even mad. She doesn't really know what to do with that, but deep inside, she feels a little...relieved. After you're out of her sight, she can't help but let out a small chuckle.
The next day, as you were cleaning a fish that you were planning to prepare for dinner, you heard quiet footsteps from behind you. You decided to pay no mind to it, as you were still a little frustrated from last night, and kept pulling off the scales from the fish with a knife, just a little more aggressively. Then, out of nowhere, a hand reached over your shoulder, placing a small piece of candy next to your hand. You looked at the candy as you wiped your hand in your clothes, then finally picked it up, and turned around to face Mizu.
She had her gaze lowered and her she was chewing on the inside of her cheek. You couldn't help but crack a small smile. Then you broke off half the candy, took his hand and placed it in her palm. Mizu's gaze perked up, and her blue eyes met yours as you popped your half of the candy in your mouth.
Mizu felt her chest thighten and it was like her blood started to flow faster through her veins. She clutched the piece of candy in her hand and agressively shoved it in her mouth. That drew a chuckle from you...a sound that tickled Mizu's ear. It confused her so much, but she decided not to care. She sat down next to you and watched you as you prepared the fish.
The days were much more pleasent after that. Mizu talked to you everyday, even if it was short, and only about how she can help, she tried. She even enjoyed the silence between you and her, when you two just stared into nothing together. It was nice not being alone. You even watched her train every night, and softly clapped everytime after she finished a move you'd call "cool". It made her feel warm. Not in a way that she'd feel next to a fireplace, but...in a way that it'd feel to swim in the sunset.
You never once spoke about why you suddenly appeared, but she never pried in exchange for you not asking about her past. And somehow, you haven't discovered that she is a woman yet. It was strange, growing so close to someone who she didn't know too much about, and someone who didn't know much about her but she felt like she knew enough. She knew how you prepared a fish, knew how you giggled when she got tapped on the head by Eiji, and the sound you'd make when it happened to you too. She knew the face you'd make when a blug landed on your face, and the one you'd make when you saw the flowers freshly blooming.
Mizu haven't even noticed when a couple years flew by, and you two started to grow up together. But, before either of you could reach adulthood...
Knock knock knock...
Mizu was helping Eiji with hammering a blade while you sat in the corner and tried to wash a stain out of one of Eiji's clothes. Withouth a word, you stood up to get the door, and you were greeted with...a tall man with a sword at his hip. A usual looking customer at this place, but when you uttered "...father?" Mizu's blood ran cold. The next thing she heard was a scream as he took your arm with force, and lifted you by it.
"So this is where you were hiding?" The man sneers, and Mizu can see Eiji's eyebrows scrunch up. She looks panicked, and reaches for a sword and starts to run towards the man, but is stopped imidately with a kick. She flies back, clutching her side. The man, as if paying no mind to her, turned his face back to you.
You were shaking with tears in your eyes. "Father...please..." But the man didn't care. And with that, the door shut closed...and you were gone. Mizu whispered your name in pain, before yelling it out. She felt...hopeless. You came suddenly, and you disappeared just as suddenly. She hated that. She finally found someone who would accept her, and a child her age too...someone with such a sweet smile...But she was too week to save you. Your scream echoed in her ears, and tears gathered to her eyes.
After so much time, Mizu cried again, for the first time in ages. Eiji just sat there, clutching his cane so hard his fingertips turned cold...but he stayed quiet, and just looked ahead. That night Eiji lit a icense stick and whispered your name, as if you were dead already. Mizu hated the feeling that took over her. It was just like when she saw the fire those years ago...Grief.
Mizu trained harder everynight, swearing that nothing like this would every happen again...when she turns out to be too weak. She trained until her palms bled, and until she couldn't stand anymore.
But why, were those moments flashing in her head again? Her eyes slowly fluttered open as your scream echoed in her head once again and she took in what's happening to her. She saw Ringo's back, as she was getting dragged on a wooden plank, with Taigen on her left. She saw Swodfather's house, and she heard his voice...and for a brief moment, he heard your voice too before she fell back into unconsciousness.
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stopper-my-heart · 19 days
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Heartstopper S1E4 | S2E4
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ajlockwood · 2 years
fingers touching fingers touching fingers touching fingers touching fingers touching fin
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wellgoslowly · 1 year
lucy carlyle is the type of girl to describe an insane medical phenomenon she experiences on a daily basis and look at george and lockwood's shocked expressions and go "wait that's not normal?"
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inpursuitofnunchi · 7 days
there are very few dramas that burrow their way so deep into my heart that they become a part of my soul, my conscience - don't get me wrong, i like/love A LOT of dramas (im a serial liker/lover you can say) - but with some dramas, it's like I have a perpetual hangover. Kinda like "the one - kdrama version" (assume the one to be a group with a small number of elements) (sorry my stem ass is showing) (also sorry for the endless brackets, my adhd is also showing)
Anyway, the point is i am pretty sure that Love Next Door is on the verge of joining this set already inhabited by Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Misaeng and My Mister.
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pdalicedraws · 1 year
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She doesn't know why she was the trigger, but she could tell she was the trigger.
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shinigami-striker · 11 months
Junichi Kanemaru as Sonic | Friday, 10.27.2023
Happy birthday to Junichi Kanemaru, a Japanese voice actor (seiyuu) known for voicing Sonic the Hedgehog himself (for almost 25 years ago) since the original 1998 release of Sonic Adventure on the Sega Dreamcast! 🦔 🌀 👟
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lowkeyed1 · 11 months
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amar behind the scenes on 'flashback'
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lifeonmvrs · 1 year
“MURDOCK AND NELSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW!!!” “nelson and murdock :] sounds better”
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inktober day 1: dreams
[Image Description: digital line art of matt murdock and foggy nelson in their college era. foggy is talking excitedly about the future with upturned arms while matt listens intently with a smile and amused expression. they are both sitting on some stairs. in the background, there is a napkin with a drawing of a sign / plaque reading “nelson and murdock attorneys at law”, though the last part (attorneys at law) is mostly hidden by matt and foggy. /end ID]
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xjade-lotusx · 11 months
some things are not meant for live action. sorry if this is an unpopular opinion
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jesusonafrickinboat · 21 days
first netflix gives us the worst season of what was a great show ever (TUA s4), and then they cancel the best show on their service???? FUUUUUUUUUCK THAT
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thegroundhogdidit · 9 months
funniest character development of all time award goes to dan espinoza for going from gaslighting asshole to world's most oblivious himbo within the span of three seasons
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