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abbysimsfun · 11 days ago
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 145 (A Promotion and The Updated Salty Paw!)
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Newlywed life for Heather and Conrad was just as blissful as life before their marriage - with an added dose of steam from Heather's pregnancy libido! Despite this, she made sure to get plenty of rest throughout her first trimester, as the family settled into life preparing for baby number three.
Conrad's work solving the murder of the Brindletons and putting Ximena behind bars had impressed the chief, and she called him into her office one afternoon at the precinct.
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"I just got a call from San Myshuno, lieutenant. Ximena's trial just finished, and the judge handed her a forty-year sentence. I know how difficult this case was, and how personal, but you never let the department down."
"I just want to keep everyone safe," he said humbly.
"I saw the verified documents from the Brindletons' safe deposit box. If I didn't know you were just that kind of guy, I'd assume it really was fate you showed up in your ancestors' town to serve and protect when we needed you most."
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"I'm not a hero, chief."
She laughed. "No, not a hero, but we need a strong captain like you to keep this place going. It'll mean more time talking to the press. I know you don't love being front and centre, but if you handle most reporters like you do Malcolm Landgraab and Simlandia National, you'll do great. Do you think you're ready to take on the responsibility, captain?"
Conrad nodded. "Of course, chief. I'd be honoured."
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Captain Conrad Gordon met his wife at home that night to announce his promotion, and they headed down to Fisherman's Wharf for dinner with Suri and Hazel at the slightly-improved Salty Paw.
The rebrand so far involved slightly changing up the interior, adding an espresso bar at the take-out window, and fixing up the upstairs apartment.
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"It's really not much, but I want to slowly change more over time," explained Suri. She didn't want the place to seem unrecognizable to locals until The Salty Paw (she'd officially dropped the 'Saloon') built up its own loyal patrons.
Heather and Conrad viewed the updated interior with a smile, content their investment had gone to good use. "It's eclectic right now, with some old and some new. We might not keep the updates and eventually just go all out to redecorate, but we want to keep the dockside vibe and we have to make sure the place is profitable first," explained Suri. "And the whole reason I fell in love with the Salty Paw is the takeaway window and open air kitchen, which I never want to lose. It's always busy when I'm brewing at the espresso bar!"
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After dinner, they left the bartender to manage the floor, taking Hazel's family upstairs to check out the studio apartment. They hung out, chatting about little things and enjoying each other's company, until Lavender mentioned the thing she wasn't supposed to talk about.
"We can watch Dating Deanna on the TV!" She looked at her parents expectantly as the room grew quiet. Lavender cocked her head in confusion. "What I said?"
"You guys are watching that? Aren't dating shows not really for four-year-olds?"
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Heather shrugged. "She barely knows what's going on and thinks the girls are pretty. She doesn't even remember Nicola at this point, but she knows Conrad and I filmed a bit with Shelley's Animal Haven for a future episode, and she's excited about it."
"What does it matter if people watch the show?" Suri asked. "My grandmother said everyone in Henford's tuning in to see how well Ms. Moody-McMillan represents their town."
"She did okay," said Ash, matter-of-factly, without realizing Hazel maybe didn't want to know. "She's not outgoing like some of the other girls, but Deanna has a crush on her!"
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Hazel sighed. "I'm sorry, I really don't care that it's on, but sometimes I wish the show had cast someone else's ex-wife," she said. "I know that's my problem, not hers. I'm happy for Nic, and I hope she falls in love. Really!"
Lavender looked between the grownups while her mother added an adblocker to Hazel and Suri's computer.
(It'd be nice if sims just hopped on computers when visiting other sims' homes a lot less!)
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"Are we gunna watch them fall in love or just talk about it?" ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 2.1 Summary
Gen 1 Start | Gen 1 Summary
WCIF: Heather and Gord are asleep on the sofa with @simmerberlin's Large Dog poses, and I love this one so much!
NOTE: Curse Lovestruck's relationship system! Heather being pregnant and horny made their wholesome dynamic flip to steamy and I accepted it, but that was such a mistake! They became very unsatisfied very quickly because that's not their usual vibe, and their relationship was red, not pink, in actual seconds. I couldn't do anything to fix it and honestly gave up trying very quickly! I hated it so much I cheated them back to wholesome and now they're both very satisfied again, but there was no reason for that about face, it's not canon, and I didn't have time to bring it back to normal without a cheat. No regrets whatsoever.
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NOTE 2: Above is the new upstairs floorplan, and the screenshot below gives a basic idea of the change in layout to the second floor. I'm using @littlemssam's Live-In Business mod to designate their private apartment, which they can invite friends and family into but patrons stay out. The mod may become obsolete after the next expansion, but I'm holding off on getting the next pack right away for fear it could be glitchy, so I'll keep using the mod it until it breaks, probably.
Due to lack of space they don't have their own bathroom, and you might notice they currently have no shower. I will fix this, but for now I never play their household long enough for their hygiene to drop too low. And the espresso bar is placed with moveobjects on because I need that takeaway window. It's the heart of the whole lot!
As for the restaurant interior on the main floor, I don't adore it but it's a big space I have little patience to work in. So if anyone likes designing restaurant lots in this game and wants to be Suri and Hazel's interior designer, hit me up lol! I'm really not kidding.
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scam-alerts · 3 months ago
🚨Scammer Alert🚨 + 🔎Scam Exam(ination)🔍
Seen as: We can help you recover your <thing> Scam Type: Recovery scam
Description of this scam and how it works:
Recovery scams target people who have already fallen for a scam. The scammer may contact you, or may advertise their services online. They will usually either offer to help you recover your funds, or will tell you that your funds have already been recovered and they will help you access them. In cases where they say they will help you recover your funds, they usually call themselves either "recovery agents" or "hackers". When they tell you that your funds have already been recovered, they may impersonate a law enforcement, a government official, a lawyer, or anyone else along those lines. Recovery scams are simply advance-fee scams that are specifically targeted at scam victims. When a victim pays a recovery scammer, the scammer will keep stringing them along while asking for increasingly absurd fees/expenses/deposits/insurance/whatever until the victim stops paying. If you have been scammed in the past, make sure you are aware of recovery scams so that you are not scammed a second time. If you are currently engaging with a recovery scammer, you should block them and be very wary of random contact for some time. It's normal for posters on r/scams to be contacted by recovery scammers after posting, and they often ask you to delete your post so that you both cannot receive legitimate advice, and cannot be targeted by other recovery scammers. Remember: Never take advice in private. If someone reaches you in private after posting your scam story, it is because a scammer will always try to hide from the oversight of our community members. A legitimate community member will offer advice in the open, for everyone to see. Anyone suggesting you should reach out to a hacker is scamming you.
source: reddit
Example account shown running this scam: cyberhelp911 (there's probably other recovery scammers out there, this is just the most obvious and out there one that I saw)
Reason this account is a scam:
I really don't need to explain it... Just look at these pictures:
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Important things to always remember:
If you ever get an alert that there's issues going on with your account, saying that you were locked out, hacked, or you have money/photos/crypto missing, ect. The first thing you should do is contact support through the official website that you signed up on and nothing else.
Do not click on any links you may receive via text message telling you that there has been an issue with your account and that you need to 'click/go here' to fix it. (especially if it looks suspicious like a bit.ly or short url)
Do not click on any links in a e-mail that are telling you that there's been an issue with you an account and to 'go here' to fix it. (unless you are 150% sure that it is from the official website.)
Do not share your one time pass codes with anyone no matter who they are. Even your bank will never ask you for this. (If someone calls and they do, they are a scammer. Hang up and call your bank immediately.)
Do not seek help from strangers claiming to be able to fix your issues for free or 'for a small fee. Anyone promising they can fix your issue 'no problem' is lying to you. Do not give them your account information, your irl information, passwords, ect. They are scammers. (why would you do this anyway? They're strangers. Have common sense!)
Final thoughts:
Only trust the help desks on the websites you sign up on to help you fix your issue. If you were contacted by someone and they ended up hacking/scamming you, make sure you take screenshots. Document everything. Any evidence is good evidence to help you prove you are who you are to get your account back.
Don't trust strangers on the internet to 'magically' fix your problems just because they claim they can do it. You wouldn't let your uncle who boasts 'he's worked on a car or two in his time' (and by that he means changed a tire) tear out your engine and replace the heating system.
You'd take your car to the mechanic. To the people you trust.
Your accounts should be no different. :)
Other helpful guides on spotting scams. (by @kyra45)
Current list of documented scammers: Part 1 and Part 2
Disclaimer: This post is only meant to serve as documentation and reference material so that others know: why this person is a scammer, and to provide more information about the scam they are running. I do not, in any way, endorse harassment or mass reporting these users. Only report posts related to asks, comments, or messages if you GET them or ones like them. Thank you.
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fuzzyclink · 6 months ago
Rules and Regulations
A self indulgent one-shot Ceo!Au fic to celebrate the launch of Keir and Cirrus's second chapters tomorrow!
Tags: Cirrus/Reader, degradation, unethical office relationship, abuse of power, power dynamics, spanking, glove kink, pain and bruising, bad BDSM etiquette, gender neutral reader, reader body not described.
Link to AO3 version
You had been so desperate to find a job in your new city that you hadn’t been especially picky. You’d moved here as a last option, relocating because of the world-renowned hospitals in this area. There was an experimental study opening soon that focused on your life-threatening condition, and you knew that it might be your only option. Certainly, the bemused expression of the so-called “experts” in your hometown had discouraged you from staying. Your condition didn't even have a WebMD page. So it hadn’t mattered to you much at the time that all your funds went into renting a moving truck, paying the deposit on an apartment, and boxing up all your belongings. You had arrived, penniless, and sought jobs as quickly as possible - applying to everything and anything that you could convince a recruiter you’d be good at. You just needed some income while you waited to hear back about whether you were eligible for the medical trial.
Applying to Crescent Consulting had been surprisingly easy. You’d uploaded your resume online, answered a few questions that MAYBE were some kind of personality test (the question “What does the full moon mean to you?” had definitely seemed a little strange at the time), and were offered an interview a few days later. 
You pressed down your nerves as you approached the company. You were dressed in your least-wrinkled interview clothes, pulled out of a cardboard box the night before. There hadn’t been time to unpack everything. The exterior of the building was grand. Silvery glass extended high above you, the blue sky reflecting mirror-like off of the eighty floors of windows. The interior matched the prestigious exterior. All around you were gleaming stone floors, elevators that smelled like new carpet, well-groomed and refined staff, and chandeliers that likely cost as much as your apartment. 
Crescent Consulting was on the third and fourth floors of the building. You speak to a receptionist near the entrance and she ushers you into a small, private office to the left of the door. You smile politely as the hiring manager seated inside looks over your resume, asking about your experience, your career goals, and previous successes and difficulties. Pretty standard stuff. The pay and benefits seem good too. You try to recall the information you’d read about the company, peering down at the job description you’d printed out and brought with you. 
“From what you’ve said, I think this company would be a good fit for me,” you say, trying to infuse your words with an air of confidence you didn’t really feel. “. . . but the job listing was a little sparse on details. Would you mind going over exactly what this position would entail?”
The routine atmosphere of the interview dissipates. The interviewer grows far more serious, fixing you with a stern look over the rim of their tortoiseshell glasses. 
“This position is essential to the success of our company. Crescent Consulting is directed by Mr. Cirrus. As our CEO, he leads us, guides us, and makes decisions that keep us at the forefront of consulting in this city. He’s an exceptionally talented man.” She regards you with her steely gaze as if you would dare challenge her statement. You nod at her meekly. 
She shifts in her seat. “But he’s also exceptionally busy. Too much of his time right now is taken up by scheduling things, answering emails, filing documents…we’ve all tried to help where we can, but eventually, it became clear that it was time we hired someone to do it full-time. So, that’s where you come in. The job position is to work as his assistant. He has exacting tastes, and expects the finest work.” 
You can practically see the job opening slipping away right before your eyes. The words spring from your lips.
“I assure you, I am someone who is deliberate, detailed, and focused. Crescent Consulting is my top choice and it would be an honour to assist Mr. Cirrus as he continues to lead such amazing work.”
She nods at that, relenting a little. “We’ll hire you for a probationary period. Let’s see how you do after a week on the job. If your work is satisfactory - and Cirrus takes a liking to you, we’ll offer you a full contract.”
After that, the first week goes by in a blur. You’d seen Cirrus’s emails and calendar plenty of times, but hadn’t even met him face to face. They gave you a cubicle in the corner of one of the floors and you toil away diligently, working your way down a seemingly endless list of tasks. The hiring manager was right - there was plenty to do. You spent your time reading the employee handbook, completing new employee training, learning about the different clients, trying to remember which employee names and titles, and archiving documents that hadn’t been looked at in years. You’ve just started working on a summary of consulting projects completed in 2017 when you feel a presence just over your shoulder. 
You jump in your chair as you spin around looking up to see a man looming over you. He’s tall and lanky, even taller from your current position. Long white hair slinks down over his shoulders, stopping near the waist of his suit. His accessories stand out against his dark clothes - a gold metal snake that encircles his finger, two chain bracelets that glimmer from beneath the cuffs of his sleeves, and thin hanging earrings. A tailored waistcoat highlights the way his broad torso narrows at the waist. The man’s arm rests casually against the wall of your cubicle, a thin pen between his fingers. He's undoubtedly handsome, imposingly so. You finish taking him in and meet his gaze, an amused smirk playing at the corners of his lips. 
Hurriedly, you introduce yourself. “I'm very sorry, I didn't notice you there! I’m a new hire, I’ve only been working here for week, I don't believe we've met?” 
Surely, you'd be able to remember someone who looks like THAT. 
“I thought it was about time I came to meet you,” he says politely, watching you through nearly translucent lashes. “You've already begun to prove yourself useful to me.” 
“Oh, are you… Cirrus? I'm really thankful for this opportunity, sir, the company seems great and everyone has gone out of their way to be helpful…” flustered, you’re immediately thrown off your game. So this is the man you work for. You had to admit, you'd assumed that Cirrus was some older, stodgy executive- someone thoroughly unattractive. It was shocking to be confronted unexpectedly with someone so… well, different!
“I'm glad to hear it. It's important that Crescent Consulting cultivates a welcoming environment towards newcomers.”  He spins the pen between his fingers a little, playing with the clip on it. “How are you finding the work so far?”
“It's been easy enough,. It seems like it's just a matter of checking over everything carefully and making sure that -”
His pen falls from his hand with a clink, sharp and startling against the waxed tile floor.
You bend in your chair, leaning to pick it up without a delay. You hand it to him, reaching up. It's hard to miss the way that his eyes flick from the pen in your hand to your face, but he takes it without comment. 
“Please, reach out if you have any questions. And ask the hiring manager you met with earlier for the full employment contract. You're a good fit. I look forward to our work together.”
And just like that, you're officially hired.  ------
The next Monday, you're at your desk for only a few moments before his shadow darkens your screen. Cirrus, the same outfit as you saw before - dark and stately in the fluorescent-lit office. His placid smile is at odds with the weight of his presence, a heavy, frozen thing that spills out through the weight of his shoulders and the cant of his head. It urges you to bow to him. Or grovel, your mind unhelpfully supplies. You end up half jumping out of your chair before settling back into it and dipping your head in acknowledgement. Embarrassing.
"I emailed you a list of tasks on Sunday for you to begin this week. We're entering into our busiest quarter of the year, so I'll be depending on your work. As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions." 
"I've already skimmed through it to familiarise myself with the tasks before I arrived today." You smile up at him a little. There's no need for him to worry about your accountability. You want to do well. Especially for him.
…But only because he’s your boss, of course.
He responds with a gentle nod towards you. "Good. Eager to get started, hmm?"
“I'll send you an update on what I've accomplished by the end of the day. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to meet your needs, sir." 
His hand falls onto your shoulder for only a moment, fixing you into your chair. His golden eyes dart towards yours, serious. “Let’s start with the list for now. Don’t want to exhaust you before the end of the second week.”
With that, he leaves, returning to his office. The firm press of his hand lingers on your shoulder. You raise your own hand to it, fingers ghosting over the sensation. Would meeting his needs really be exhausting? You’re determined to dispel any doubt he may hold about your capabilities.
As you adapt to your job, your list of duties starts to expand. The hiring manager wasn't kidding. Cirrus seems to be particular about everything. He cares about the scent of the soap in his bathroom (lavender), the way he takes his tea (no sugar, one and a half creamers), and the height of the window blinds in his office before he comes in each morning (lowered to the height of your knees, raised to shoulder level after lunch). Rather than resenting the numerous rules, you find joy in the structure they give your day. 
And he certainly is gracious. He’s kind to you, thanking you for the tasks you complete. Polite, yet reserved. Always controlled  and professional. His occasional praise makes you glow a little. It's proof that he notices and cares about the effort you put into your work. It's a little addictive. It drives you to be increasingly exacting, hoping to impress him. You find yourself wondering whether there’s something hidden behind that polished facade of his. He reminds you of a Greek statue. Beautiful, unyielding, and with a smile that never quite reaches his eyes. 
You find yourself staying late at the office recently, struggling to get everything done during the day. Eight hours doesn’t seem like a lot of time when it’s stretched over so many tasks. But Cirrus stays late too. Your coworkers file out of the office one by one until it’s just you and him in the building. The light shining through the frosted glass of his office door there to keep you company. You remember the first time you stayed late. You had sat in your mesh desk chair, bones stiff and weary from their long hours of inactivity. The sound of his office door opening had been a welcomed interruption. Cirrus wore his coat, warm wool fitted closely to his body, and was in the process of pulling on leather gloves. He hesitated on his path out the door, clearly surprised to see you.  
“I hadn’t realised you were still here,” he had said, coming around to your desk. 
“Oh, I’ll be heading home soon, sir. Just finished summarising the documents I received this afternoon so you can look them over tomorrow before your morning meetings.”
“Such a devoted employee.”
His smooth, rich voice sent shivers down your spine. You laughed it off.
“It’s no trouble to me, sir, I like to be kept busy.”
“You’re not keeping anyone waiting at home…?” Sharp eyes had betrayed his interest in your response.
“I’ve just moved to the city, so no - living on my own for now. I can stay as late as I need to. Haven’t really had the time to try and meet anyone.”
“That’s a shame. We’ll just need to make the work here worth your while then, hmm?”
You nodded at him, and he had left, sliding the gloves the rest of the way on his hands.
His questions made you wonder if he cared about your dating life. That was the first personal question he’d asked of you. You’d certainly wondered about his - but no wedding band was seen on his hand, and no family pictures in his office. You kept your ears and eyes open for information after that night. You would ask a coworker but given the speed of the office rumour mill, you were sure he’d learn about your prying questions. After days pass without clues, you doubt it. After all, he spends the most time with you out of anyone. With the long hours he keeps, he’d struggle to find the time to meet a partner, just as you have. You can practically imagine his response. I’m married to my work, he’d say. That is, if he wasn’t offended by your impudence. 
As the month goes on, you shadow Cirrus more and more during his daily tasks. He started by requesting that you take the minutes for his meetings with clients. It's simple enough and you enjoy getting a better idea of the actual objectives of the company. Plus, during quiet moments, when he or the client refer to documents about their work together, you get the chance to really look at him. The slender line of his neck. The way his muscled back can be seen beneath the expensive fabric of his shirt, shifting as he leans over the table to read. The soft pink of his lips, through which you can see pointed canines flash as he speaks. You see why everyone at Crescent Consulting has such a reverence for him. It’s electrifying to be swept up in the energy and admiration that surrounds him. He's impeccably focused on his tasks and clients are thrilled with the work he does for them. Good thing that you’re kept busy. Spending so much time near him is becoming increasingly distracting. 
You're just coming out of one of these meetings, a little breathless. The client had spoken exceptionally quickly, stuttering and prone to long tangents that left your head spinning. You’d done your best to take notes, but you’d definitely have to edit them later on in the afternoon. At times you'd just slumped over the table, desperately listening and typing as best you could as the conversation ricocheted between the two of them.
“My office, please,” Cirrus requests, as controlled and peaceful as ever. Immediately, your pulse jumps, anxiety spreading through your body. Cirrus hardly ever asks to speak with you privately - he’d email you, or casually drop by your desk to discuss business. Even confidential matters about his work were discussed between the two of you during your meeting together every morning, not off the cuff. 
You step inside after him, pulling the door shut. His office is a place you’ve grown familiar with, though never comfortable in. It was always too quiet. The decor is utilitarian and minimal. One side is entirely windows, partially covered with blinds. A coat rack near his door has a few discarded wire hangers from dry cleaning. There are etched glass awards on his mostly barren bookshelves. A whiteboard is fixed to the wall with a scribbled timeline on it. Cirrus’s desk in the middle of the room, empty except for a few folders and a chair across from it. You choose to hover awkwardly in the doorway. It feels safer, like you could escape if you needed to.
He takes a seat behind his desk, the expansive piece of dark wood now separating the two of you. 
Cirrus regards you coolly as you start to pick at your fingers. 
“I've been quite happy with your work up to this point, don't be mistaken. However, as my assistant, your conduct and decorum reflect directly upon me.” He steeples his fingers in front of him. “Clients notice if you have poor posture. Clients notice if you wander ahead of me in the hallway or speak out of turn. Clients notice-” his gaze falls to your fingers, picking nervously at the edge of a nail, “-when you fidget”. Your hands still immediately. 
You knew that he was aware of you. But you hadn't realised that he paid such close attention to the behaviours you displayed. Had you really acted so unreasonably? Had maybe a client confided in him, or expressed their displeasure with you? Your heart beats wildly in your chest. 
“I'm sorry sir, I haven't been on my best behaviour as of late. I'll work on improving my posture and habits in the office. I hope it hasn't negatively impacted your work…” 
A smile streaks across his face. Sharp, furtive, misplaced, and gone as you peer at him nervously.
“Please see to it that you do,” he replies. There's a lightness to him, an excitement that pulls at the edges of his expression. Something dangerous. “That’ll be all.” 
Your hands, sweaty with nerves, pull open his door and you exit quickly. It's the first time you've really been reprimanded by him. How could you have let yourself grow  complacent? Still, it seemed unfair. You drop down at your desk and pout a little, staring unseeingly at the backdrop of dolphins on your computer monitor. You already do so much for him and follow all his silly little rules, and now he’s getting on your case about fidgeting? What is this, finishing school? Your thoughts swirl as the day goes by. It was embarrassing to be called out on your behaviour. But moreover, it was embarrassing that you had become increasingly reliant on him and his praise. You hadn't fully realised it up until he withdrew it this afternoon. You'd become dependent on him too quickly. He’s just your boss. Nothing more beyond that. And why did his expressions in that conversation seem so… odd? It was unsettling. 
After that conversation between the two of you, Cirrus’s expectations skyrocket. Every day there are new rules.  New subcategories that emails need to be sorted into, preferences on the alert sound for his calendar notifications, the type of lightbulb for his desk lamp, the way you structure your notes for him. It feels endless. And at times, when he gives you feedback - always in that same controlled and polite tone - you catch a glimpse of that same fleeting expression you had seen earlier. You're diligent, dutifully noting down each preference as they come. You walk two paces behind him in the halls. You mind your tone, your facial expressions. You sit at meetings rigidly, still and quiet unless addressed. Your frustrations at his restrictions, once something small and easily cast aside, grows by the day. The amount of care that you direct towards your work is immense. Cirrus is polite to you. Often kind. But the structure from the rules that once felt supportive now feels like a tangled net, restricting your every move. You feel taken for granted. The majority of his requirements are silly preferences that you're sure have no influence on his (or the company’s) success. 
When he interacts with others in the office, however,  things seem easy between them. They fawn adoringly at whatever he says, and he replies to them - always calm and kind. You find yourself a little disgusted with their eagerness. And it's quite simple for them, isn't it? They do their basic job responsibilities and he praises them, values them. That same response from him requires such an extreme amount of effort from you. You scoff to yourself. They might not admire him as much if they ALSO had just gotten an email that read: “In the future, please only order Oleander Co.’s organic fair trade oat milk creamer in low fat. I prefer it over the brand you currently purchase.”
You are capable of the work he asks you to do. But your sense of justice rankles at it. It's not fair that he asks such an astronomically higher level of work from you. At times you wonder if he delights in messing with you. It seems inevitable that one day you’ll forget one of his many rules. You're not sure exactly what makes you decide to do it. The last sliver of your pride, perhaps. 
You order a different type of soap for his bathroom. Your courage wavers a little when you go to order, so you decide on lilac as a replacement. Suitably similar to lavender if you need to defend yourself. It's silly how nerve-wracking it is. You've never directly gone against anything he’s asked you to do. And it’s just soap, after all. You doubt he’ll even notice. 
You place the soap in his bathroom that next Monday after it's been delivered. You look at it, where you’ve set the bottle neatly by the sink, evenly spaced from the wall. You spin the label to face away from you before you leave. Cirrus and you have your morning meeting, as usual. He’s just the same as ever and you find yourself both relieved and disappointed. You’d expected some kind of reaction from him… some reprimand maybe, or a reminder. Something to show you again that he sees you and your work. Something to break the pattern that you’re in with him. But the meeting ends quickly and everything remains as it did before. 
You’re seated at your desk, about to head to lunch, when Cirrus stops by. 
“A word, please. Now. Follow me.” 
He’s very still. Nothing about his face was kind or gentle.. A coworker at the neighbouring desk glances up at you, startled, before they catch themselves and pretend to be engrossed in their salad.
You stand abruptly, silently, fingers fumbling with the notepad on your desk for a moment before you decide to leave it. 
You follow him to his office. Two steps behind him, of course, posture, impeccable. Your hands, forbidden from fidgeting, are held stiffly at your sides. 
He shuts the door firmly behind you. The click of the lock is grimly final. The bottle of soap is on his desk. You exhale, shakily. 
Cirrus leans back against his desk, the bottle next to him. His arms are crossed. You’re not truly afraid until you see his expression. His eyes hold a wildness to them, intense and sharp. The mouth, normally in a polite smile, is stretched wider, sardonic. Your unease grows when you see there's even a light flush across his cheeks. His finger taps rhythmically where it rests along the edge of the desk. His entire appearance has an electricity to it that arcs off of him in waves. 
“Explain this to me.”
Your fear is tempered by the frustration at your mistreatment. “My apologies, sir, I seem to have made a mistake. There’s a lot of work I’m doing currently, I must have simply selected the wrong one.” Your voice is deliberately polite but you’re unable to hide your irritation.
His wicked smile grows. “You’ve never ordered the wrong one before.”
“Yes, well, I know others make mistakes here, too. I don’t see any of them called into your office over something like this, I mean, it’s, it’s - I do my best, sir, I apologise if it’s just not enough for you.” Your cheeks are hot from the defiance burning within you. 
The tapping of his finger ceases. 
“I'm quite certain it wasn't a mistake. No. Not from you, my star employee. Always obedient. Always careful. Attuned to my preferences, my rules for you. When I restricted your decorum in meetings, I wondered if I had gone too far. If maybe - you’d recoil. Hmm.. instead, you grew more pliable, eager to please. Desperate for my praise. Willing to be moulded by me. You question me, why I ask more of you than the other staff here. Well, my star. It’s because you enjoy it. And,” he draws closer to you, less than an arm’s length away, “because I can.”
All the blood in your body seems to leave you and you sag, leaning against the wall. Suddenly, everything becomes clear to you. The constant increasing requests. The minute details he requires you to remember. His attention to your posture, your every mannerism. Each of them feed into his power over you. And the part that makes your heart pound and ears ring is that he's completely correct. You crave it.
He takes in your shocked expression with something akin to glee.
"So eager for me. And now, acting out. Silly little ploy to try and catch my interest. You've already had it. Had it from the moment I met you, when you leaned down and handed me that pen. I wanted to see if you would. If you'd bend for me, right from the start. Don't I give you enough of my attention? Or would you like something more concrete - a reminder you're mine?"
It feels almost impossible to speak but you try, urging your breath back into your struggling lungs.
"Please, sir, I - I…" A reminder that you're his. You are his. The way you speak, the way you walk, every hour of every day, all in service to him. Intoxicating to learn that he's orchestrated it this way. Cirrus has seen you to your very core and it is paralysing.
He raises his hand to your throat, fingers soft, and pins you against the wall. "Don't worry, my star. I'll give you what you desire. Even if words have failed you."
His touch is nothing more than gentle pressure at the base of your neck, but the sensation makes you release a choked gasp.
"Something to remind you, hmm? I'll give you a gift then. Pretty bruises that you can take home. "
Cirrus's hand is tighter around your neck now. Your pulse hammers against his grip. All you can do is nod, the edge of his thumb sharp against your jaw. He releases you, taking a step backwards. His cunning eyes scan the room.
"Place your hands here."
He gestures to the whiteboard and you stumble after him, legs trembling. You place your hands flat on the surface, just below shoulder height, glancing at him questioningly. He traces around your fingers with a marker, outlining each hand in red. It reminded you a little of grade school art projects, and the absurdity of the situation makes your face flush. What if this was all some kind of cruel joke, just to see how much you'd agree to?
His voice breathes low in your ear. "It's in your best interest if you don't smudge any of those lines. Do so and you'll leave with more than just bruises."
Immediately, the levity drains out of you. "I'll try my best, sir."
His hand smooths down the plane of your back. "You always do."
Behind you, you hear him walk over to the coat rack by the door. You twist, your hands fixed in place, and watch as he pulls on his fine black gloves. The leather shines softly in the light of his office.
"Please attempt to be quiet. You know how much the office ladies love to gossip."
You grit your teeth and turn, facing the board once again. Watching him was too much. You close your eyes and exhale a long, shuddering breath.
He brings his hand down swiftly, your clothes and the gloves muffling the sound where he strikes your behind. It's ferociously hard. The force of the impact rocks you forward on your toes and your eyes fly open, checking the lines around your fingers anxiously. A dull ache answers the sting that spreads through you. Your desire spreads too, burning. You'd known he was strong, assumed it from the way he fills out his impeccably tailored dress shirts, but the power behind the slap surprises you. Your breath hisses through your teeth.
A second strike comes, placed right where your butt meets your thigh. It's harder than the last. It forces a gasping yelp out of you, barely stifled through your gritted teeth. Your hands curl just the slightest bit on the board. Your breath comes faster now, panicked. Legs twist where they stand, shying away from him, unable to fully move with your hands pinned.
"Excellent. You're doing well."
He has said that to you so many times before. When you’ve finished your work early, when you've taken minutes for meetings, when you've reminded him of some small important detail. You'll never hear it the same again.
Cirrus waits to deliver the third strike and you try to anticipate it, flinching at every small sound he makes from behind you. He laughs at that, watching you closely.
When he hits you, it spreads across your skin, burning where it lands. You bow forwards, leaning away desperately. The sensation after the strike is just as bad - a second wave of pain that makes sweat prickle at your forehead and brings tears springing to your eyes.
"In my haste, I forgot myself," he muses, stilling behind you. "How can I see when I've fulfilled my promise?"
He slides your clothes off your waist, the air of his office cool on your skin. They bunch tightly around your thighs. You hunch forwards between your arms, humiliated. You're sure that your behind is just as flushed as your face. One gloved hand traces over the reddened skin, the leather like a soothing balm.
The next strike is more targeted, hitting right where your skin is the reddest. The sweat on your hands causes them to slip just the slightest bit on the board and you rock back towards him, trying to lift the weight off your unreliable arms. The outlines remain complete for now. You throb, each heartbeat bringing with it another crashing wave of pain.
"You know better than to curse around me. Haven't I made my expectations for your etiquette clear?"
He smooths one hand over you, just below the small of your back. Your skin sings at his touch. You feel the weight of him follow, the hard plane of his body pressed up against you. His hands grip your hips. One slides up the front of your chest, pausing for a moment at your throat. It continues, gloved fingers finding their way into your mouth. The bitter taste of leather follows. His other hand grips your hip tightly. He presses down on your tongue, making you gag. Your saliva slicks the material. Cirrus's breath is hot against your ear.
"I'll help you behave yourself."
He withdraws his fingers from your mouth, smearing the wetness across your face. When he moves to the side, you catch the first glimpse of him since you placed your hands on the board. His flushed cheeks are the only sign of his exertion. Not a hair is out of place. You watch through teary eyes as he bites the tip of his gloved hand, pulling the leather from his skin. The glint of his sharp teeth shine from between pink lips. Glove off, he presses his fingers cruelly into your cheeks, prying your lips open once again. His removed glove is pressed between your teeth, silencing you. The material is thick, forces your jaw to spread.
He hits you again before you're really ready, ungloved hand anchored on your hip. The force of the blow shoves you forwards while Cirrus's nails dig into your hip bone, leaving deep grooves. A muffled sob breaks free. Your hand slides down the board, erasing the lines surrounding it. You stumble forward, gasping. His hand creeps under your bent waist, supporting your weight.
Cirrus lays into you without any reservations. He spanks you, hand crashing down again and again. You thrash, hands clutching desperately at his supporting arm where it lays steel-like against your stomach. Twisting, flailing, as he brings you back in line. Drool spills down out of your mouth from around the fingers of the glove. He kicks your legs apart when they clench together before beginning again. The blow blend together. You are ablaze. Writhing in his arms. Needy with desire and aching all over. Your eyes are a mess of tears and you gasp desperately around the glove, nose running. Both of you breathing hard, he takes a moment to examine you before pulling the glove out of your mouth.
"I think you'll be pleased, my star. Once you've come back to yourself. Proof of my ownership pressed into your skin. You won't be able to sit without remembering whom you belong to."
Every part of you throbs. Pain, pleasure, and obedience all searing through your veins in equal measure. You're limp, resting nearly your full weight against him.. You cry softly, stuffy and worn out.
"Come here," he tells you, as he hefts you towards the chair behind his desk. As if you'd have the strength to deny him. He sits and reclines the chair fully, laying back. He holds you against his chest. A moment for you to calm down. You press your damp face into the safety of his shirt while his arms rest softly around your shoulders.
"You shine in your obedience to me." 
His voice is quiet against your hair. You lay there, boneless, listening to the gentle thump of his heart. Feeling the solid ridge of the button of his vest imprint itself on your cheek. Gradually, you come back to yourself. Breathing in his scent as he continues to hold you. You test your limbs, achingly shifting them. Wipe your eyes softly against the back of your hand. A sharp cry springs from your mouth as your raw skin scrapes against the material of his pants. If the way you feel is any indication, you’re probably covered in speckled bruises, soon to shift into blooms of blue and purple. You flinch as you feel a scarlet bead of blood inch down your inner thigh. He shushes you, hand coming up to card through your hair. 
“Does this mean things have changed between us?” Your plaintive question hangs in the air. 
Cirrus’s hand stills. “It doesn’t have to. Continue to serve me. I won't mark you where others will see.”
You nod at that, accepting it without complaint. He was to remain your boss. At least for now, you find yourself thinking. You long for something more. And you suspect he might feel the same, though he’s reluctant to admit it. His rules, so many designed to constrain and rankle. The attention he pays to you. His satisfaction from putting you in your place. Those fleeting moments of tenderness. Nothing about it was casual. Perhaps, with time - and enough tactical disobedience - his commitment to professionalism will crumble. It’s a challenge. Rules and regulations then. A path to something more.
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aaronstveit · 4 months ago
hi there! you said in your tags that the latest chapter of deep end contains the two scenes you built the entire fic on. i hope i'm not too nosy but i was wondering if you could tell us more about those two scenes? <3
omg hi anon!! yes i would LOVE to tell you more about those two scenes 🫡 gonna put this beneath the cut because i am a certified yapper and this WILL be longer than i intend it to be
the scenes in question are the two arguments with cosette and grantaire at the end. the cosette argument in particular is the basis of so much of this fic — the line "The dutiful martyr Enjolras, who has a flag where he should have a heart." was one of the very first things i wrote for deep end. not a very charitable place to begin from when it comes to enjolras' characterization, but even when i first wrote it, it was less about who enjolras was and more about how he was perceived.
okay i just scrolled allllllllll the way back to the very beginning of the edit history in my original deep end document (still titled "enjolsette siblings?" btw) and first of all i started writing this in MARCH which is wild to me. that was the month i finished reading les mis. wow. anyway apparently i wrote the first drafts of both these scenes in the same evening, and i'm honestly surprised by how much of them remained unchanged in the final version. at the time that i wrote them, they both occurred in chapter 8 of what i PLANNED to be 10 chapters. that's also extremely funny to me. there was really a time when i thought i could contain this story to 10 chapters...
when i wrote these chapters, i hadn't even written enjolras and cosette meeting yet. the original draft of the grantaire argument didn't have enjolras realizing he was in love with grantaire then. i was still in the first 10k of writing deep end when i wrote them. all that existed before these arguments were the original draft of chapter 1, half of the original draft of chapter 2, and the conversation with combeferre in chapter 5 that begins with combeferre saying "You've been spending a lot of time with Grantaire lately." so when i say these scenes are the basis of the entire fic, i really mean it. the whole time i was writing, i was pushing enjolras toward this point.
from the moment that i began writing deep end, it was intended to be an exploration of enjolras & his ideas of duty and justice. it has spiraled into being a story about a lot of other things, but in the kitchen with cosette, it comes down to this again. it comes down to: enjolras, and what he thinks his duty is, and just how wrong he is.
because he is wrong. money, whether she wants it or not, isn't going to "fix" cosette. there is no "fixing" cosette, because she's not broken. has she been hurt? yes. did their father fail her? undeniably. but depositing a check into her bank account isn't the answer to this. enjolras wants to heal her in some material sort of way, and that just isn't possible. all he can do is be her brother.
so, i had to take enjolras to that place. i had to make him obsess over "paying for his father's sins." i had to make him stressing himself out over the money. i had to make him love cosette without understanding it. and i had to make him terrible.
i love making enjolras terrible, i won't lie. a lot of the time when i'm writing, i like to see how terrible i can make him without alienating him completely from the reader. when i was trying to decide what line from this chapter to use as the summary, i sent a few options to my friend cossette, who read an earlier draft of this fic. she chose the line about him being "capable of being truly terrible" for me, because she said that was kind of the whole thing i was going for.
and it was! for him to be able to say the things he says in this chapter — from telling cosette "Look what he did to you!" to him saying to grantaire "Your chest is even emptier than mine. All you have is an empty bottle and a half-assed joke." he HAS to be terrible. these are terrible things to say!
unfortunately, i think they're also very human things to say. i joke a lot about how much i enjoy making characters say the worst possible things to each other, but it's true. i love doing it. because i think it's so tragically human. especially when you're saying these things to a person that you love. it's easy to hurt the people we love, because we know them well enough to know just where to hit them.
when enjolras hurts cosette, it's mostly by accident. he is coming from a good place, but going all about it wrong. when he hurts grantaire, it is with intent. he and grantaire have spent years hurting each other. when enjolras finds himself falling after fighting with cosette, it's too easy for him to cling to the closest familiar thing: fighting with grantaire.
building up to the fight with grantaire was a different beast. whereas the argument with cosette is borne from misguided ideas of justice, the fight with grantaire is entirely personal. as i was writing deep end, i had to write an enjolras and a grantaire who could come to this place, in very different ways. enjolras had to find himself leaning on grantaire; he had to be in more pain than anyone realized, including himself; he had to be terrible. grantaire, in contrast, had to have some amount of self control; he had to be someone who could be leaned on; he had to be able to walk away. the grantaire we meet in chapter 1 meets very little of these requirements. his development is just as important as enjolras', even if he isn't the main focus.
this answer is, as predicted, much much longer than i intended so i will wrap things up. when writing longform fic, i tend to start with the worst thing and work my way outwards from there. these two scenes are the worst things. because i knew where he was going, i knew while i was writing that i had to shape and enjolras who would find himself saying and doing the worst things he could. that's why he's cruel to grantaire in the first few chapters, why he finds himself arguing with grantaire despite knowing better, why he constantly finds himself self-destructing. i always tell everyone that deep end is about enjolras beating the marble statue allegations, and that's never truer than it is in chapter 18.
for the record, you are always welcome to stop by and ask me about deep end! i have soooooo much director's commentary and i love to yap. i could talk all day about what happened in the original draft, what was added later, ideas i toyed with, why i made the decisions i did, etc. thank you so much for this ask <333 i had lots and lots of fun answering it even if my answer is pretty much as long as deep end herself.
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queersatanic · 1 year ago
What John Oliver gets wrong about The Satanic Temple and abortion rights
In the most recent episode of HBO's "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver", he made a mention of a particular publicity stunt by a certain satanic for-profit business-cum-church.
In so doing, he demonstrated perfectly the way The Satanic Temple's grift works, and the limitations of "Last Week Tonight" as an actual news program rather than what it is: a popularizer and disseminator of the work done by others.
If the show had done a proper investigation, they would have immediately found huge red flags involving the Temple's clinic that call into question its legitimacy entirely. Since they did not, we'll show you what so many have missed despite being out in the open.
JOHN OLIVER: But also, note that we can still act here. Some have taken some small steps in the last year that are, if nothing else, immensely satisfying. Like this one that was covered by a Catholic news network. > TRACY SABOL: An international group named after Satan will soon open its first abortion business in the United States. > > The Satanic Temple, which claims to not believe in a literal Satan, will provide telehealth screenings and prescribe abortion pills for patients in New Mexico. The name of the soon-to-be facility? The Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic. (AUDIENCE CHEERS) JOHN OLIVER: Incredible. Very well played. Now, is that gonna fix everything? No, of course it isn't. But when it comes to responding to such wide spreading devastation, you could do a lot worse than the single best "your mom" joke of all time. Especially when you add in that one of the group's co-founders even said, "In 1950, Samuel Alito's mother did not have options, and look what happened."
That seems like pretty high praise, and the show moves on without further comment on it.
From this, you would not know that The Satanic Temple fundamentally jeopardized the legitimacy of this telehealth clinic by utilizing fake names on government documents for its New Mexico corporations registry.
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"Malcolm Jarry" is the pseudonym of TST co-owner Cevin Soling; despite listing two different addresses and listing him twice, "Lucien Greaves" is the same person as Douglas Misicko.
Doing this is almost certainly literally perjury, as has come up in court for them before.
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Actually, several times.
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To repeat: You do not get to lie and use a fake name for yourself on government documents, particularly documents establishing legal ownership of your corporation.
In any proper legal challenge to The Satanic Temple's clinic, including anyone who treats TST's marketing as credible and wants to use it as a shield against abortion bans, this would be found out and it would absolutely put the entire endeavor in jeopardy.
Of course, it gets worse.
Here's what the Temple says on its website about this clinic, emphasis added:
Q: Abortion is illegal where I live. Can I still get an abortion with TST Health? A: Abortion is legal in New Mexico. Regardless of where you live, if you are in the state of New Mexico during your video consultation and when you perform your abortion ritual, you will have abided by the law. However, if you travel to a state where abortion is illegal and need follow-up care, there may be some risks. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough information to know how state laws will be enforced. We believe that the religious nature of our care neutralizes this risk, but state courts must affirm this, and we are working toward attaining that confirmation.
And here are the kinds of billboards TST has run around the country and in its Facebook ads in bids for attention and while soliciting money:
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“Our religious Abortion Ritual Averts Many State Restrictions”.
Yet, when The Satanic Temple sued a billboard company that was unwilling to run that demonstrably false advertisement, TST owner Cevin Soling had to admit in his deposition that he was not aware of any examples where Satanism had been successfully used to avert a state restriction on abortion, including their own previous attempts:
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As of November 2023, The Satanic Temple has lost six (6) abortion-ban challenges, lost them in state and in federal court, lost them at the district court, appellate court, and supreme courts.
TST has never helped someone avert a state law restricting abortion. But they have fundraised heavily off of the idea that they can.
How much? It's very tough to say because "The Satanic Temple, Inc." d/b/a "TST Health Inc." and "Sam Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic Inc." is not a regular nonprofit: it's a tax-exempt church. And as a tax-exempt church, it is under no legal requirement to report its finances.
John Oliver famously created "Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption" in 2015 to highlight the problems inherent with this, so you might argue that TST is just doing the same thing and attempting to bring awareness to a problem with the U.S. tax code.
Except that Oliver shut his corporation down after a month and reported its finances, meanwhile "The Satanic Temple Inc." chugs along year after year soliciting money and providing no financial transparency about how much money is coming in or where it's being spent. (Say, pursuing various SLAPP actions against ex-members; again, Oliver would know something about being on the receiving end of one of those.)
Of course it gets even more complicated.
The Satanic Temple's owners registered their tax-exempt church "The Satanic Temple Inc." in New Mexico as, among other things, "TST Health Inc." and have been promoting merchandise for it as well.
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But the merch lacks the "tax-deductible" notification, which is the only way on TST's website to distinguish purchases benefitting the for-profit "United Federation of Churches LLC d/b/a 'The Satanic Temple' " from its nonprofit "The Satanic Temple (Inc.)".
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How much money did The Satanic Temple bring in specifically for this telehealth clinic based on its fundraising campaigns? We don't know, and TST's owners won't tell you.
How many people did The Satanic Temple actually help with its telehealth clinic? We don't know — although we did get some idea from TST's failed Indiana abortion-ban lawsuit where TST indicated "over two dozen" people in a state with existing abortion clinics where abortion was legal had been able to be helped between February and June 2023.
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Now, as part of the same proceedings, The Satanic Temple claims that it spent "over $75,000 to establish and maintain an abortion clinic" but that number is rather suspiciously the exact number TST needed to claim for damages in order to meet federal jurisdictional requirements, and it's exactly the sort of thing you'd want to see broken down in an audit because it claims it spent this in March 2023, prior to operating expenses actually kicking in.
So if that were true, and again, there's no reason to think it is, it would mean that The Satanic Temple is one of the most inefficient ways for anyone to get fund abortions. This is the sort of thing the group Indigenous Women Rising pointed out at the time in response to TST's announcement.
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Even if The Satanic Temple were actually doing this with the best of intentions, and there's no reason to think they are, it would be a bad idea to try to come in from Massachusetts and re-invent the wheel rather than support any of the established organizations operating in New Mexico who have local connections and experience with the challenges of funding abortions for people.
None of this is especially hidden information, you know. Even the court proceedings are out for the public to examine, especially for lawsuits that have gotten so much attention when they were announced, thanks to a TST press release, and at their close, thanks to the Indiana Attorney General's press release.
But they do require doing work, asking follow up questions, and expecting more evidence in response to those questions than, "Just trust me, bro."
So how did the "Last Week Tonight" segment happen? Well, going back to the video, have two news outlets here: the first is EWTN, and the second is the Albuquerque Journal.
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The EWTN "News Nightly" segment comes from Feb. 3, 2023, the Albuquerque Journal article from Feb. 6, 2023.
If you look at both, the way they're structured is taking a press release from The Satanic Temple and quoting from it and TST's website. EWTN is a straightforwardly Catholic news agency, so it just talks to Father Steve Grunow, CEO of Word on Fire Ministries for his take on the situation; the Albuquerque Journal is a mainstream, "objective" newspaper, so it quotes Elisa Martinez, founder and executive director of the New Mexico Alliance for Life; and it quotes Joan Lamunyon Sanford, executive director of the New Mexico Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, while adding in some more details about "The Satanic Temple Inc." being an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Note that no one has yet done actual journalism here. The Catholic news agency has a bogeyman to beat up on and connect to abortion rights more generally, such as Ruth Bader Ginsberg getting a statue. The "straight news" outlet quotes from a press release then plays stenographer for the views of "both sides"; the deepest anyone goes is confirming that TST has an entity that can accept tax-deductible donations.
Sympathetic outlets like Hemant Mehta of "The Friendly Atheist", meanwhile, offer no pushback and just look for more quotes from TST to dutifully transcribe with no pushback or further investigation.
The Satanic Temple's press release and additional quotations from "pro" and/or "anti" abortion rights figures who are basically unconcerned with any particular facts of the situation, just taking TST's framing and reacting to it. When "Last Week Tonight" does a short segment about it, it leans on the work of others who upon deeper examination are actually doing very little work.
Larger media outlets like Jezebel and smaller, local ones like the Riverfront Times, on the other hand, have done in-depth looks at the Temple more generally and discovered that underneath the marketing there is not much of anything.
Prior to this clinic's announcement, we did our own in-depth roundup of abortion access orgs, journalists, legal experts, and actual court outcomes. Again: when abortion rights folks are actually familiar with the specifics of The Satanic Temple and TST's activities, the opinion is skeptical to outright hostile.
It would be really nice if John Oliver and his team were willing to apply the same level of skepticism to glorified press releases about The Satanic Temple that they do to many other topics.
But that takes work, and if local and partisan sources aren't doing the yeoman's work for them, even with HBO's budget, "Last Week Tonight" is like to skip it and make mistakes.
We've been willing to do the work, to be deservedly skeptical, and to compare the claims The Satanic Temple has made in one place versus ones they've made other places. We have limited resources and time as well, and we're not professionals. Unfortunately, it often seems like we're the only ones doing this.
But you can, too. You can watch yourself when a piece of news comes in that tickles your fancy, like someone being rude to an odious Supreme Court justice, and ask yourself a few more questions about what claims are actually being made and whether you ought to have some follow-up questions about it.
For us the most important one remains, "Why doesn't The Satanic Temple have any financial transparency or accountability for what it does with its donations, and why is it not more clear what is a for-profit sale benefiting the owners and what is a nonprofit donation?"
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pianokantzart · 2 years ago
A Picture of Wealth
A quick oneshot for a possible beginning of a Luigi's Mansion movie. Not particularly exciting, but if you like quiet Mario and Luigi slice of life stuff you'll probably like this. I started writing this a while ago, but this post by @theangelofangst inspired me to finish it. AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49496971
After waving ‘goodbye’ to the Mail Toad, Luigi popped open the mailbox and pulled out a stack of envelopes. He scanned them for a moment, loosely sorting them in his mind. It was easy to tell what came from The Mushroom Kingdom and what came from Brooklyn; bright, pastel colored envelopes and fountain pen clashing against cold copy-pasted text on plain white. There was a ‘thank you’ card from a neighboring toad whose sink they had fixed free of charge, a little flier advertising a free upcoming performance in the square, and a pretty, pink envelope embossed with a crown, whose handiwork was easy to recognize. Even the bills were friendly and personable, though they formed as much of a pit in his stomach as the cold typeface from Brooklyn.
For Mario and Luigi, living on their own had been an adjustment, and having an actual income was a serious learning curve. There was an initial high of having money in their pockets, which led to a spending spree to replace much of their oldest tools and equipment before independent living’s new stack of expenses hit them like a train. Still, they had been fairly cautious. Despite a few poor initial decisions they would’ve had enough money to stay out of the red… had it not been for one giant curveball that had been thrown at them.
Luigi stepped back through the front door into the kitchen where Mario sat at the table, hatless and disheveled, hunched over a computer and a stack of papers where he’d been since sunrise. One hand tapped a pencil against a notepad, the other pressed their shared cellphone to his ear.
“Dad, it’s alright. You need it more than we do,” Mario said, “No, forget it, I- no, it’s not a loan.” Luigi couldn’t help but smile as he peeked around the doorway and listened in. It sounded like their father had discovered the check they sent them, and was reacting about as expected. He at least sounded lively from what he could overhear… when they first got the news that he was staying in the hospital for a few days, Mario and Luigi feared the worst. Luckily, it seemed their dad had the family’s hereditary trait of being able to bounce back from just about anything, the bad news was that despite twenty five straight years of company loyalty, getting the help owed to him by the insurance was like pulling teeth.
“Look, I’m a little busy. We’ll talk about it at Sunday lunch, okay?” Mario sighed, “Yeah. Okay. You too. Bye, Dad.” With that he hung up, and set the phone to the side.
“Sounds like he’s feeling better” Luigi laughed, finally stepping into the kitchen to deliver the mail to the table. “Yep.” Mario replied with a tired chuckle, barely even glancing up from his work. “Not well enough to work yet though, as much as he wants to.” “Did the check get deposited?” “Mom managed it under his nose, but it might be the only check that goes through for us this month if I don’t figure something out.” Mario sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, “Ugh, why did I replace our van’s entire engine. All it needed was a few new spark plugs!” “The Garrisons still owe us for rerouting their fountain." Luigi assured, "I’ll send them an invoice.” He stopped for a moment and looked over Mario’s workspace: every possible refund for unnecessary expenses noted and listed, every document scattered about like the stress of the room had caused a miniature explosion on the kitchen table, a mustard-stained receipt for a strap wrench having made it all the way to the empty dishes from lunchtime. Luigi reached over his brother’s shoulder to retrieve the dishes and arrange some of the papers into neat little piles. Mario leaned to the side to give him room.
“You know,” Luigi began hesitantly, “maybe we should ask Princess Peach if-” “We are not asking the princess for money.” Mario interrupted. “No no… I mean, maybe she can void our water bill or something?” “She gave us a free house Luigi! You really think it’s right to ask her for more.” “Maybe?" Luigi shrugged, "I mean, protecting the kingdom has kind of interfered with our work schedule.” “We do that because it’s right, Luigi, not for a paycheck.” “I know!” Luigi raised his voice a little in frustration. He stepped away from the table to deliver the empty plate and glass to the sink, rinsing them off and scrubbing them a little too aggressively to let off steam, “But I’m sure if we explain our situation, she can do something.” “I told you, the answer is no. We’re not bumming off of anyone, especially not Princess Peach.” “It’s not bumming, it’s asking for help! There’s no shame in asking for help. When you need help, you need help!”
Mario didn’t answer, he just grumbled quietly to himself and returned to the bills. Luigi rolled his eyes, scrubbing clean a few extra dishes and placing them in the drying rack before he returned to where his brother sat. He leaned against him, resting his forearm on his shoulder in a purposefully obnoxious way. “You’re as bad as Dad is.” “I am not.” “Are so.” Luigi smiled mischievously, “You look like him too. I’m probably gonna start calling you ‘Dad’ on accident when you start losing your hair.” Luigi tussled his brother’s auburn locks. Mario pulled away, unable to help but laugh as he grabbed one of the pieces of junk mail on the table, crumpled it up, and threw it at Luigi in retaliation. “Will you get out of here?”
Luigi blocked the missile with his hand. He attempted to catch it, but it tumbled out of his slippery grip and landed on the floor. Luigi intended to take it directly in the garbage, but leaning down to pick it up the colors caught his eye… and he realized he did not quite notice this particular piece of mail when he initially emptied the mailbox. Interest piqued, he uncrumpled the paper and read it. His brow raised and his heart skipped a beat. “Mario!” he declared, the sudden exclamation making his brother jump, “We’ve got a free mansion!” Mario let out a loud groan, turning around in his chair. “Oh come on Weegee! It’s an obvious scam!”
Luigi shook his head. “No no, they’ve got a map and an address and everything!” He turned the pamphlet over in his hands in order to reexamine the large block of text on the back, “It says ‘only a select few who apply for noble titles, such as those who are known locally for their heroism’ … that's us!... ‘ are receiving this limited time offer’!” Luigi looked up from his reading to grin excitedly at Mario, who looked back at him with a bored expression. Luigi, undeterred, returned his eyes the advertisement. “There’s a place called Evershade Valley with a big, beautiful mansion in the center of it. Look!” Luigi held the picture out to his big brother, shoving it a little too close to his face in his excitement. “Neo-Gothic architecture!”
Mario took the flier from Luigi’s hands to scrutinize it more closely. The cover image seemed sketchy. The coloration was off, the greenery in the lawn looked doctored, and the giant, garish rainbow plastered into the background reeked of overcompensation. “Sounds like just the kind of padding they’d add to a scam to make it seem like a little less of a scam,” he mumbled, eyes trailing down to the map beneath the image of the mansion. “Evershade Valley… looks like it’s not too far from The Dark Lands. Are you sure about this?” Hearing ‘Dark Lands’ Luigi stiffened a bit, bringing his hands close to his chest as he reconsidered for a few seconds. “It’s near The Darklands, not in The Darklands.” He decided after a moment, “Maybe we can flip this place!: reinstall some plumbing, fix up the wiring, add a fresh coat of paint… boom! Money in our pockets!”
Mario gripped his chin, running a thumb over his mustache thoughtfully. No way it was that easy. If this was really a free mansion like the advertisement said, it couldn’t be anything other than a dilapidated shell that wasn’t worth the investment. If not that, there was no doubt something wrong with the location… nobody simply gave away free mansions. 
On the other hand, Mario was impressed that Luigi maintained interest despite its close proximity to The Darklands. Given his past experiences, Mario expected him to back down at the mere mention of that place. The fact that some old building was enough to overshadow those fears made his desire hard to ignore. That, and Luigi was giving him that stupid sad-eyed pleading face that Mario could never say no to. He let out a heavy sigh, smoothed out the pamphlet a bit with his fingers, and handed it back to his brother. “Fine. On one condition.”
“Really!?” Luigi cheered. He threw out his arms to pluck his brother up into a hug, when Mario extended a hand to stave him off a moment.
“On one condition.” He repeated, “You stay here and run the business while I’m away. We can’t afford to miss any clients.”
Luigi deflated. He withdrew his arms and anxiously rubbed the tops of his hands. “Run the business… alone? Just me?” “If I take a warp pipe I shouldn’t be gone longer than a day. You’ll be fine.”
“No I won’t.” Mario cocked his head. He was startled by the terseness of the reply, upsettingly certain in its pessimism. “What do you mean? Of course you will! You just got a few leaky sinks and a running toilet. Nothin’ major.”
“Mario, name one time I did something completely on my own that didn’t turn out a disaster.” Mario opened his mouth to respond, but stopped. He thought things over a bit longer, opened his mouth again, then shut it again to think some more. It was difficult enough recalling a time that Luigi was on his own to begin with– they worked together at every opportunity– but when circumstances drove them apart, even for the briefest of moments, Luigi seemed to always end up in some kind of trouble. Mario’s eyes brightened as one instance popped into his mind. He smiled and snapped his fingers. “Aha! seventh grade! You made it into the Wizard of Oz musical! Played a really good Tinman!” Luigi smiled despondently, crossing his arms. “Mario, I vomited on stage.” “Only during the final bow. The final bow doesn’t count.” Luigi’s expression only grew more troubled as his arms tightened against his chest, and his eyes remained fixed to the ground. Mario stood up from his chair. He walked up to his brother, and took his face in his hands. “Hey, c’mon, don’t look like that,” he said, lifting his Luigi's head to meet his gaze. “You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, you just need a bit more confidence.” Mario’s grip fell from Luigi's face to his shoulders, giving them an endearing squeeze. “Maybe it’ll be good for you to give it a shot on your own. Your luck can’t be all bad, can it?” Neither of them quite knew the answer to that. Both of them stood silent for a moment as Luigi looked at his brother, then down at the pamphlet in his hand, and the big, beautiful mansion on the front. He couldn’t quite figure it out, but something about the place resonated with him. It made him remember being a kid, reading through his mom’s interior design magazines– the sense of wonder and possibility they incited, and the quiet longing to have such a place of his own to wander and explore. He folded the flier, placed it in his pocket, took a deep breath, and sighed. “I’ll do it.”
“Ha ha! That’s my bro.” Mario released his brother’s shoulders to give him a friendly jab with his elbow. “Maybe it’ll be good for you to try to work the business on your own! Just… make sure that clients put their dogs away before you set foot anywhere.”
Luigi grimaced. A small shudder ran up his back as he remembered the incident with Francis The Dog at their first job. Wondering what might have happened to him if Mario hadn’t been there to come to his rescue, second thoughts quickly began to creep in. “Maybe it is a scam–” “Nope! Too late. We’re doing this.” Mario had a fresh determination in his voice as he pulled out his chair and sat back down at the kitchen table. “I’ll finish balancing the checkbook tonight, then leave in the morning– 8 a.m sharp. If I hurry, I might be able to get home in time to help you with the last few jobs.”
Luigi knew that tone. No matter how much his brother initially hated the idea, once he started talking like that there was no stopping him from following through. Luigi had dug his grave, it was time to lie in it. Trying– and failing– not to think about everything that could go wrong in a single work day, Luigi began looking around for something to occupy his mind. The dishes were done, the garden was weeded, and he didn’t need to start dinner for another few hours, so he went to the broom closet and pulled out his vacuum. Plugging it in and unwinding the cord he went to work, allowing himself to get lost in the satisfying rattle of dirt being sucked away as he meticulously went over the carpet and wooden floor bit by bit, until every square inch of the house was clean and tidy.
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fincrif · 6 days ago
Personal Loan Eligibility for Housemaids, Drivers, and Daily Wage Earners
A personal loan can be a lifesaver in times of financial need, offering quick access to funds without requiring collateral. However, individuals working as housemaids, drivers, and daily wage earners often struggle to secure loans due to irregular income and lack of formal employment records. While traditional banks may impose strict eligibility criteria, alternative lending options have made it possible for low-income workers to obtain financial assistance.
This article explores the eligibility criteria, challenges, and solutions for housemaids, drivers, and daily wage earners looking for a personal loan.
Challenges Faced by Low-Income Workers in Getting a Personal Loan
1. Lack of a Stable Income
Most banks and financial institutions require proof of a steady income to approve a personal loan. However, housemaids, drivers, and daily wage workers often earn on a cash basis, making it difficult to provide consistent salary slips or bank statements.
2. No Credit History
A credit score plays a crucial role in loan approval. Many low-income workers do not have a credit history because they have never taken a loan or used a credit card, which makes lenders hesitant to approve their applications.
3. Absence of Income Proof and Documentation
Financial institutions usually require documents such as salary slips, income tax returns (ITR), or Form 16 to verify income. Daily wage earners and domestic helpers often do not have these documents, making it harder to qualify for a personal loan.
4. High-Interest Rates
Even if some lenders provide personal loans to low-income workers, they often charge higher interest rates due to the perceived risk of non-repayment. This can increase the overall burden on borrowers.
How Housemaids, Drivers, and Daily Wage Earners Can Qualify for a Personal Loan
Despite these challenges, there are several ways for housemaids, drivers, and daily wage earners to improve their chances of securing a personal loan.
1. Apply for a Loan Through Microfinance Institutions
Microfinance institutions cater to low-income individuals who do not qualify for traditional bank loans. They offer smaller loan amounts with flexible repayment options, making it easier for daily wage earners to access credit.
2. Consider NBFCs and Fintech Lenders
Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) and fintech lenders provide personal loans with relaxed eligibility criteria. These lenders may consider alternate income proof such as utility bills, rent receipts, or employer verification letters.
3. Maintain a Bank Account
A bank account with regular transactions can help in proving financial stability. Even if a housemaid or driver is paid in cash, they should deposit their earnings in a bank account regularly to create an income trail.
4. Use Alternative Income Proof
Many lenders now accept alternative income documents such as:
Employer verification letters
Income certificate issued by local authorities
Bank statements showing consistent cash deposits
Utility bills in the borrower's name
5. Build a Credit Score
Opening a savings account, fixed deposit, or taking a small loan can help in building a credit score. Using a prepaid credit card or repaying small loans on time can also enhance creditworthiness.
6. Apply for a Joint Loan or Get a Guarantor
Some lenders allow joint loan applications, where a borrower with a higher credit score or stable income can co-sign the loan. Alternatively, having a guarantor with a good financial background can improve loan approval chances.
Best Personal Loan Options for Low-Income Workers
1. Government-Backed Loan Schemes
Some governments run special financial assistance programs for low-income individuals. Housemaids, drivers, and daily wage earners can check for government-backed microloan schemes with lower interest rates and flexible repayment terms.
2. Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Cooperative Banks
Many self-help groups and cooperative banks provide small loans to workers in unorganized sectors. These loans typically come with lower interest rates and flexible repayment options.
3. Gold Loans or Secured Loans
For those who own gold or valuable assets, a gold loan can be a good option. Gold loans require minimal documentation and provide instant cash at a lower interest rate.
4. Salary Advance Loans
Some employers offer salary advance loans to their domestic workers and drivers. These loans are deducted from future wages, making repayment easier.
Documents Required for Personal Loan Approval
Though formal documents may not be required by all lenders, having the following documents can increase the chances of getting approved:
Aadhar Card / PAN Card (Identity proof)
Voter ID / Ration Card (Address proof)
Employer verification letter (Income proof)
Bank statements of the last six months
Utility bills or rental agreement (For additional proof of residence)
Things to Consider Before Applying for a Personal Loan
1. Compare Interest Rates
Check and compare the interest rates offered by different lenders before applying for a loan.
2. Understand the Loan Terms
Read the loan agreement carefully, including repayment tenure, interest rates, and processing fees.
3. Avoid Fraudulent Lenders
Beware of lenders who ask for upfront processing fees or guarantee instant approval without verifying your details.
4. Borrow Only What You Can Repay
Taking a loan beyond your repayment capacity can lead to financial stress. Borrow only what you can comfortably repay.
Getting a personal loan as a housemaid, driver, or daily wage earner may seem challenging, but it is possible with the right approach. By exploring microfinance institutions, NBFCs, and fintech lenders, maintaining a bank account, and using alternative income proof, low-income workers can improve their chances of securing a loan. Always compare loan offers, verify lender credibility, and ensure timely repayments to avoid financial difficulties in the future.
If you're a low-income worker looking for a personal loan, explore the best options tailored to your needs and financial stability.
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basic204 · 8 days ago
I got bored and decided to create a proposal for a law I want you guys to tell me what you think of it.
## Abandoned Technology Reclamation and Preservation Act
### Section 1. Short Title
This Act may be cited as the “Abandoned Technology Reclamation and Preservation Act.”
### Section 2. Purpose
1. Prevent the indefinite withholding of obsolete and unsupported products from consumers and preservationists.
2. Enable public preservation, study, and continued enjoyment of software and hardware products when the rights holder discontinues support or stops selling them.
3. Protect good-faith preservers (e.g., archives, museums, and consumers) from legal actions when they make or distribute functional copies or ROM emulations of abandoned products.
### Section 3. Definitions
For the purposes of this Act:
1. **“Abandoned Software”**
- Any software application, operating system, or digital game:
(a) No longer actively sold or distributed by the rights holder in any official format; **and**
(b) No longer receiving meaningful updates or support from the rights holder (including online services or server support) for a continuous period of two (2) years.
- “Meaningful updates or support” includes (i) genuine bug fixes, (ii) security patches, (iii) compatibility updates for modern systems, or (iv) continued operation of required online services.
2. **“Abandoned Hardware”**
- Any computing device, console, or peripheral:
(a) No longer manufactured or sold by the rights holder or licensed distributors; **and**
(b) No longer supported via firmware updates, parts, or official repair services for a continuous period of two (2) years.
3. **“Rights Holder”**
- Any person, corporation, or entity possessing copyright, patent, trademark, or other intellectual property rights in a given software or hardware product.
4. **“Public Domain”**
- The status of a work in which no person or organization holds any exclusive intellectual property rights, allowing free use, modification, reproduction, and distribution by any party.
5. **“Preservation Activities”**
- Any lawful efforts undertaken by individuals, non-profits, archives, museums, or educational institutions to copy, emulate, or otherwise maintain products for historical, academic, or cultural purposes.
### Section 4. Determination of Abandonment
1. **Voluntary Declaration**
- A rights holder may file a written declaration with the designated government authority that it is discontinuing sales and support for a product. Upon filing, the product immediately enters the public domain.
2. **Presumption of Abandonment**
- Any software or hardware product that meets the criteria in Section 3 for a period of two (2) continuous years shall be presumed abandoned.
- The designated government authority shall maintain a publicly accessible “Abandoned Products Registry.” Once listed, the product automatically enters the public domain 90 days from posting unless the rights holder rebuts the presumption.
- **Burden of Proof**: The rights holder can rebut this presumption by providing documented evidence of continued genuine sales or updates (e.g., version releases, patch notes, server logs) within the last 24 months.
3. **Failure to Rebut**
- If the rights holder fails to rebut the presumption or does not respond within 90 days of registry posting, the product is conclusively deemed public domain.
### Section 5. Transition to the Public Domain
1. **Automatic Release of Copyright and Related Rights**
- Upon the determination of abandonment, all exclusive rights—including copyright, patent (to the extent it applies specifically to the abandoned product), trademark, and trade secrets integral to the functionality—are forever released into the public domain.
2. **Mandatory Source Code or Documentation Deposit**
- The rights holder, at or before the time of abandonment, must deposit relevant source code, schematics, documentation, or firmware with the designated repository or registry for archival and public access.
- If no official deposit is made, the product is still deemed in the public domain. Individuals who have copies of source code or hardware specifications may legally share them without penalty.
3. **Partial IP Overlap**
- If a product relies on shared libraries, engines, or patents used in actively supported products, only the portions exclusively tied to the abandoned product must be released. Shared resources remain protected to the extent they are still actively sold, maintained, or used in other non-abandoned products.
### Section 6. Preservation and Emulation Protections
1. **Legal Protection for Preservers**
- Individuals or organizations engaging in emulation, ROM creation, or other preservation activities for an abandoned product shall be immune from copyright infringement or other intellectual property claims once the product is publicly listed as abandoned.
- The Act overrides conflicting statutes (e.g., any anti-circumvention provisions) to the extent required to enable preservation, copying, modification, or emulation of abandoned products for historical, cultural, educational, or private use.
2. **Exemption from Civil or Criminal Liability**
- No person shall face liability for non-commercial preservation, emulation, or distribution of abandoned products.
- Commercial Distribution is also permitted once the product is in the public domain, provided the distributor does not falsely claim or enforce IP rights.
3. **Consumer Protections**
- Consumers who legally obtain copies or emulations of abandoned products may freely use, modify, and share them without interference from the former rights holder.
### Section 7. Enforcement and Administration
1. **Designated Agency**
- The [Agency/Department Name] shall administer and enforce this Act, maintaining the Abandoned Products Registry, adopting regulations, and resolving disputes.
2. **Complaint and Investigation Process**
- Any individual or entity may submit a complaint alleging a product has been improperly withheld as abandoned.
- The agency shall investigate and, if sufficient evidence of abandonment exists, list the product on the Abandoned Products Registry, triggering the 90-day rebuttal period.
3. **Penalties for Non-Compliance**
- A rights holder that knowingly fails to comply with an agency order to release abandoned IP into the public domain or attempts to enforce IP rights on an abandoned product may be subject to:
- Civil fines up to [amount determined by legislation],
- Liability for attorneys’ fees and court costs incurred by defendants in infringement suits,
- Additional damages for willful misrepresentation or bad-faith litigation.
### Section 8. Exceptions and Limitations
1. **National Security or Public Safety**
- If release of certain software or hardware poses a significant threat to national security, public safety, or personal privacy, the agency may delay or partially withhold sensitive components for a defined, renewable period.
- The rest of the product enters public domain status, and once the threat is resolved, withheld components shall also be released.
2. **Third-Party Licensed Components**
- Components licensed from third parties that are actively supported or still being sold must be excluded or redacted if they can be functionally separated from the abandoned product.
- The product’s overall functionality, to the extent possible, must still be public domain.
3. **Conflicts with Existing Laws**
- This Act shall be interpreted and enforced in a manner consistent with export controls, consumer protection, and data protection laws, without unduly restricting the fundamental intent of freeing abandoned products.
### Section 9. Effective Date
1. **Implementation**
- This Act shall take effect one (1) year after enactment. The designated agency must establish relevant regulations within six (6) months of the passage.
2. **Retroactivity**
- Products already meeting the abandonment criteria before the Act’s effective date shall be listed and automatically transition to the public domain no later than 90 days post-listing, unless the rights holder successfully rebuts the listing.
### Section 10. Severability
If any provision of this Act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of this Act or its application to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.
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pilawturkey · 4 months ago
Exploring the Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024
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In recent years, Turkey has emerged as a prominent destination for foreign investors seeking citizenship through investment. The Turkish Citizenship by Investment program offers a streamlined pathway for individuals aiming to obtain Turkish citizenship by making qualifying investments in the country. This article provides an in-depth overview of the program, its benefits, investment options, eligibility criteria, and the application process as of 2024.
Understanding the Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program
The Turkish Citizenship by Investment program was introduced to attract foreign capital and stimulate economic growth. It allows investors to acquire Turkish citizenship by fulfilling specific investment requirements, thereby granting them and their families the rights and privileges of Turkish nationals.
Benefits of Turkish Citizenship
Strategic Geographical Location: Turkey’s unique position as a bridge between Europe and Asia offers unparalleled access to diverse markets and cultures.
Visa-Free Travel: Turkish passport holders enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 110 countries, facilitating global mobility.
Dual Citizenship: Turkey permits dual citizenship, allowing investors to retain their original nationality while enjoying the benefits of Turkish citizenship.
Robust Economy: As one of the world’s emerging markets, Turkey offers numerous investment opportunities across various sectors, including real estate, tourism, and manufacturing.
Quality of Life: With its rich cultural heritage, modern infrastructure, and favorable climate, Turkey provides an excellent living environment for families.
Investment Options for Turkish Citizenship
As of 2024, the Turkey Citizenship by Investment program offers several investment avenues:
Real Estate Investment: Purchase property in Turkey valued at a minimum of $400,000 USD. The property must be retained for at least three years before it can be sold.
Capital Investment: Make a fixed capital investment of at least $500,000 USD into a Turkish company or business venture.
Bank Deposit: Deposit a minimum of $500,000 USD into a Turkish bank account, with the condition that the funds remain in the account for at least three years.
Government Bonds: Purchase government bonds worth at least $500,000 USD and hold them for a minimum of three years.
Job Creation: Establish a business that creates employment opportunities for at least 50 Turkish citizens.
Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for the Turkish Citizenship by Investment program, applicants must:
- Be at least 18 years old.
- Have no criminal record
- Provide proof of the source of investment funds.
- Fulfill the specific requirements of the chosen investment option.
- Maintain the investment for the required holding period (typically three years).
Application Process
Choose an Investment Route: Select the investment option that aligns with your objectives.
Make the Investment: Complete the investment and obtain the necessary documentation, such as a certificate of eligibility.
Apply for Residency: Submit a residency application, which is typically processed swiftly.
Submit Citizenship Application: After obtaining residency, apply for citizenship through the Provincial Directorate of Census and Citizenship.
Receive Citizenship: Upon approval, receive Turkish citizenship and passport, usually within three to four months.
Recent Updates and Considerations
In 2024, Turkey implemented several updates to its citizenship acquisition processes, particularly concerning the Citizenship by Investment Program. Key changes include:
Enhanced Investment Requirements: The minimum investment amounts have been increased to ensure the program attracts substantial foreign capital.
Mandatory In-Person Procedures: Both investors and their spouses are now required to attend in-person appointments for residence permit and citizenship applications.
Biometric Data Submission: Applicants must provide fingerprints at designated immigration offices in Turkey, enhancing the security and integrity of the application process.
Criminal Background Checks: Submission of a criminal record from the applicant’s home country or country of legal residence is now mandatory, facilitating comprehensive background evaluations.
Property Development Criteria: Purchasing undeveloped land no longer qualifies for citizenship. The property must have a building or construction servitude to be eligible.
These updates reflect Turkey’s commitment to maintaining the integrity of its citizenship programs while continuing to attract foreign investment. Prospective applicants should ensure compliance with these new regulations to facilitate a successful application process.
The Turkish Citizenship by Investment program presents a valuable opportunity for investors seeking to obtain citizenship in a country that offers a strategic location, economic potential, and a rich cultural heritage. By understanding the investment options, eligibility criteria, and application process, prospective applicants can make informed decisions and take advantage of the benefits that Turkish citizenship provides.
For personalized guidance and assistance with the application process, consulting with legal experts specializing in Turkish immigration law is highly recommended.
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ultimateaclrecovery · 1 year ago
Trying to start my new year off right by doing all the things but really I just put all the things on my to do list and now I already feel behind. But! I did still do lots of things this weekend
-grocery shopped and meal prepped
-laundry (did not fold but that’s a next Sunday task)
- cleaned out and deep cleaned the freezer and fixed the pullout drawer so the freezer can close all the way again
- cleaned the microwave
- replaced the broken bulb in my basement
- worked on organizing photos. Both for social media posts/documenting and for general storage with my new 1tb external memory bank thing from my dad (and like three google photo accounts 😂)
- picked out and ordered a new smartwatch because after getting a new Fitbit band it has stopped charging. I got the Garmin instinct 2 because it had most of the things I wanted and came it purple. I’m actually really excited that it’s button operated and not touchscreen because I often use it while riding and wearing gloves
-ordered socks and underwear. One of New Years goal is to stop wearing socks and underwear with holes
-ordered a bunch cruppers and crupper accessories to support mission keep pony saddle from slipping forward so she’s not ouchy and doesn’t buck me off. Once I figure out what size she needs and if it works for her, I can custom order a purple gemstone crupper to match her bridle.
-wrote thank you card
-cleared out my to-do papers (mostly sorting into folders or recycling or depositing checks (thank god for mobile deposit)
And now it’s Monday and I have to work and I still should clean out and organize my fridge and pantry, and nail polishes, and shirt drawer, and probably whole closet. I need to get a new air filter for my furnace, still need to actually figure out budget stuff now that mint died, and various crafting tasks. Including cutting out more t-shirt napkins and finally donating my old clothes box that’s been sitting for over a year.
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bangkoklawyr · 7 months ago
Thai Retirement Visa
Thailand, with its captivating culture, stunning beaches, and affordable living, beckons retirees worldwide. If you dream of spending your golden years in the Land of Smiles, the Thailand Retirement Visa might be your perfect gateway. Let's explore the eligibility requirements, application process, and benefits of this visa option.
Who Qualifies for a Thai Retirement Visa?
The Thailand Retirement Visa is open to foreigners aged 50 and above who meet specific financial requirements. Here are the main criteria:
Age: You must be at least 50 years old at the time of application.
Financial Requirements: You can demonstrate financial stability through one of the following options:
Minimum Deposit: Maintain a fixed deposit of at least ฿800,000 (Thai Baht) in a Thai bank account for at least three months before applying.
Monthly Pension: Prove a monthly pension income of at least ฿65,000 (subject to change) through a verifiable source, such as a bank statement or pension certificate.
Combination: Maintain a deposit of at least ฿3,000,000 and show a yearly income of at least ฿1,200,000.
What are the Benefits of a Thai Retirement Visa?
The Thailand Retirement Visa offers a plethora of benefits for retirees, including:
Long-Term Stay: Unlike tourist visas, the Retirement Visa grants you a one-year stay in Thailand, with the possibility of annual renewals as long as you meet the financial requirements.
Multiple Entries: You can freely leave and re-enter Thailand during the validity period of your visa, making it ideal for exploring the country or visiting neighboring destinations.
Relocation Benefits: You can bring your spouse and dependent children under certain conditions, easing the transition to your new life in Thailand.
Lifestyle Advantage: Enjoy a lower cost of living compared to many Western countries, with access to excellent healthcare and a vibrant retiree community.
Understanding the Application Process
The application process for the Thailand Retirement Visa involves several steps:
Gather Required Documents: Prepare documents like your passport, proof of financial stability, medical certificate, and health insurance documentation.
Non-Immigrant Visa Application: Apply for a non-immigrant visa at your local Thai embassy or consulate in your home country.
Convert to Retirement Visa: Once you enter Thailand with the non-immigrant visa, you can convert it to a Retirement Visa at a Thai immigration office.
Important Considerations
Restrictions: Working for Thai companies or receiving local salaries is strictly prohibited under the Retirement Visa.
Reporting Requirements: You'll need to report your address to the immigration office every 90 days.
Renewal Process: Plan to renew your visa annually to maintain your residency status in Thailand.
Embark on Your Thai Retirement
With careful planning and the Thailand Retirement Visa, you can turn your dream of retiring in Thailand into a reality. This visa option offers a smooth path to enjoying the beauty, affordability, and relaxed lifestyle that Thailand has to offer. So, research thoroughly, consult with an immigration specialist if needed, and get ready to embrace your golden years in the Land of Smiles.
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pbandjesse · 9 months ago
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I didn't think I was going to be so tired tonight. But man I am very tired. Only a few hours left of work here at the museum. But it has been a pretty good day. Just busy.
I wish I slept more. I struggled to fall asleep. To find a comfortable way to lay. My back was hurting and it was a struggle.
I work up at 6 but mostly just dozed for the next hour. James came and laid with me and a little after 7 we got up. I was sad that my phone hadn't been charging but it would be okay. I would charge it at least a bit while I was getting dressed.
I didn't want to leave though. I was just not feeling it. But I would gather myself and my things and after a few hugs I headed out.
The drive in wasn't terrible. It wasnt terrible but it was fine. I would get to camp right after 8 and stopped at the dumpsters to drop off our big recycling that has been in the basement for a while. It was really nice to get rid of it. Though I was super surprised at how much stuff was around the dumpsters?? I knew we had a rental this passed weekend but it just seemed like a lot of stuff spilling everywhere. Plus it had rained yesterday so it was also wet. Gross. I hope the trash people come soon. I also really hope Joe didn't have to deal with it because it was real gross.
We had a field trip on the schedule but Elizabeth hasn't said anything to me through text so I wast sure when they were coming or if they were coming or what they would be doing if they were coming. So I hung out in the office and worked on my knitting. Doing this double layer system is more time consuming and this loom has a tight weave so it's not as quick as some of my other looms. But that's okay. I would work until 9, when a plumber showed up. I would text Joe to let him know and he told me to direct them to the pool house. Excellent.
Elizabeth would text me soon to let me know that the group did in fact cancel. I asked what I should do for the next few hours. And I suggested that I would just work on lessons and research. She said that was fine and so I spent the next two hours doing that.
It's hard to figure out how to balance the horsemanship program. How much is riding, how much is learning, how many horses that can be available. So I tried my best to to balance that but also I was mostly just giving suggestions and building on the document Chloe is working on. I hope it was helpful and not annoying. But I will need to sit down with her and Rachel to really understand what the campers can actually do. It's an ongoing conversation.
Around 1130 I started to run out of focus. I would go to the attic to clean up some games that has been left out from when me and Sarah were organizing up there months ago. But then I just felt like I was out of things to do that could be done in the next hour. So I decided to go home.
I had a pretty easy drive home. And was just so happy to be back. Even if it was just a short time.
James was happy when I came in. Sweetp seemed happy to have me there. I would go and take a shower and got changed into my new spikey collar dress. I noticed that there was a part of the seam I had missed when I was adding the panels the other day. So I would go downstairs to fix that before James helped zipped up the back for me. They did startle me really bad because they had come upstairs and I didn't know!! Scared me so bad! Very unexpected.
I would have a little lunch. But soon someone was knocking on our door. It was the appointment in with the man who was coming to measure our backdoor and give us an estimate.
He was very nice but as soon as I saw he had a straight up door to door sales man briefcase with samples in it I knew this was going to be expensive. And in the end it was was way more then I was planning for. I would have to head to the museum and James took over decisions. And would put down a lot as a deposit but we are going to claw that back and find somewhere more reasonable then $8k. For a door. Ridiculous.
I have had a really nice night at the museum but also I am so tired. I do t k ow why I was particularly tired tonight but around 5 it hit me hard. Me and Meril were hungry and tired and they had set up all the desserts and they looked so good. I was trying to remain positive but I was flagging really hard.
The event was lovely though. A charity event for a group/center that supports disabled children and teens. I think they also work with adults but that was less clear.
They were super nice though. And the event would be very fun. Once everything was set and going I would have fun listening to people and talking to the catering and learning about AV stuff. It was fun
I would be in charge of the string quartet. But even though I walked them through how to leave the front to be nondisruptive, they still went rouge and tried to walk through the presentations. Silly behavior but not the worst thing. I wasn't even involved when that happened because my feet hurt real bad and I was sitting at the front with Mark the security guard. Meril texted me "Marco" asking where I was. So I went to find them.
There would be some really lovely speeches. Including from one of our senators. Who turns out is one of my co-workers at the museum, Deborah, Dad. And he was lovely. And gave a beautiful speech. Turns out he is never once lost an election. In his entire 60-year career. So that's wild. And after their last speeches and awards it was just party dessert and a really easy getting everyone out.
Honestly they were a great work group to work with and I would love for them to come back because they were just super sweet and like made the night really easy and when we thought they were going to be done which was 9:30 they were actually more out of there about 9:00. The caterers cleaned up without any fuss. And again what I've said before you get what you pay for and this was a very nice cater and they were really funny and really sweet and there were no real complaints about cleaning up everything the way that it needed to be cleaned up. Honestly I really like when they're there because they're funny but they're also really nice to me and they were like teasing me and I was teasing them and we were just having a good time.
I would slowly go through turning off lights and I still don't feel like I have a 100% of the light switches memorized but I'm feeling more comfortable. I definitely need to consider my shoes a little bit better. I wore my new little sandal shoes which are super cute but halfway through the night they had torn up the tops of my toes and I was in a lot of pain. Once I put Band-Aids on my feet I was fine mostly. But I'm definitely going to do what Jesse does and have a pair of shoes to switch into for that last hour during clean up. Just something softer. And once we were done cleaning up we were basically ready to go.
Jesse Maryland and me were all at the front desk resetting it and making it look nice for James in the morning. I had wrapped up my plate of desserts to bring home. Taped a paper towel over top of it so that I wouldn't lose anything. The party also let us keep their flowers so all of us got to bring home a little vase with some beautiful orange and purple flowers. And then we were just being goofy and having a nice time and talking and it was just a really lovely evening. I really like this job and I think it will become so much easier when I don't have to do two jobs in one day because it's not even like tomorrow I'm going to be exhausted and tired. I'm going to do that anyway. But working all morning and then coming and doing a second event is pretty tough.
I'm on my way home now. And I'm hoping to get back in the house and wash my hair and get cozy. And then hopefully fall asleep easier than I did last night. Tomorrow I have a field trip but it should be fairly easy. I'm just helping with harnesses at the zip line. And then I'm hoping for a quiet night. I think it will be a good day. I have high hopes.
I hope that you all have a safe and good evening. I hope you sleep well. I hope tomorrow you have a fun and productive day. Sleep well my friends. Until next time.
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paydayquid · 10 months ago
Direct Lender - Traditional Loan Solution - Short Term Loans UK
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When you need a little cash advance to cover bills that come up in between two paychecks, short term loans UK direct lender are the most popular financial choice. Many people on salaries struggle to control their monthly expenses due to their fixed income. They have to get some money quickly, but they're not sure where to apply for a short term loans UK. Landlords have rigorous financing terms and conditions. Forget about it and go for the online short term loans direct lenders that provide enough funding with less paperwork.
Several payday lending companies in the United Kingdom are collaborating with numerous lenders. To swiftly and simply locate short term loans UK direct lender, you must go online. With so many lenders in this fiercely competitive lending industry, you have to choose one. You now need to begin filling out an application form that is straightforward and free of charge, including all the required details. The lender will securely deposit the funds into your bank account after this process is complete and may make an instant decision regarding approval. Tough procedures like faxing and copious documentation don't exist with this media.
A short term loans direct lenders require standard requirements to be met. By the time you are 18, you ought to be an adult. You possess a valid UK residency proof that is at least half a year old. In order to receive the applicable funds in your bank account via direct deposit, you must be employed or self-employed with a monthly income of at least £750 and maintain an open checking account.
All of these requirements help you, in spite of your poor credit history; locate the ideal cash bargain on short term loans UK direct lender and short term direct lenders for persons receiving benefits. If you have adverse credit factors—arrears, foreclosure, late payments, missed payments, judgments from country courts, individual voluntary agreements, defaults, insolvency, or low credit scores—you are eligible to apply for a loan at any time without worrying about a credit check because there isn't one required.
There are occasions when you suddenly find yourself short on cash and without a debit card. To receive 100% approval for a short term loans UK, you must proceed. In lieu of the provided financing, you can obtain an amount between £100 and £2500 without providing collateral. A brief repayment time of two to four weeks is provided by this financing. Additionally, you are allowed to use the funds to pay off any number of bills, including those for groceries, power, unintentional medical charges, credit card debt, and other expenses.
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 11 months ago
I never knew it was that easy to get one... well, theoretically anyway lol. If you explain, could it maybe get fixed - especially cause the other person got it. It definitely sucks that you didnt, and I hope its easily remedied for you; although good that it hasnt stopped you from moving forward, as that would just be massively unfair given it's not even your fault
Yeah, I imagine that my mentor will go back down to the council and ask for them to print off the documents again and physically give him the copy so he can make sure it gets to me, but since he can see there's a digital footprint of it existing, and I have a license number now, I'm good. The only problem that could come up is if someone from the council (the very people who were meant to sort this out) shows up to check the place out and asks where my license is, but I can probably give them my license number and they can verify I do technically have a license, just not one hung up at the studio.
On a better note- I've got two clients already, tattooing one this week, the other's paid her deposit and I'll be tattooing her next month, and I'm looking forward to getting more clients :) Also I'll probably post a tattoo I did on myself 2 weeks ago after it's finished healing and peeling to show how my work looks and heals and I'm super proud of it
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lacefuneral · 4 months ago
hi. guy who works adjacent to this field as a day job here. typically these are three documents. specific laws vary by state (so some of what i say here may differ). prices of these documents vary by practice. but never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever do one of those "easy online docs" because in most cases they aren't legally valid and do not permit you to write specific clauses.
lawyers are like doctors in that they specialize in different fields of law. you are looking for a "wills and estates" or an "elder law" lawyer. all of these documents will need to be notarized (by a notary) for a small fee. most law offices have notaries in-house. shop around if you can - ask what different offices charge for a set of three docs and compare prices.
only the original document, on official letterhead, with a notary seal is a valid legal document. you can have copies of a document for reference purposes, but copies alone are not sufficient for actual legal purposes. always keep your originals somewhere safe, like a safe deposit box at a bank. i'm serious. not a drawer, not under your bed. these documents must be kept safe from fire, water damage, theft. because if they are destroyed or missing, the state rules that you never had documents at all, and it defeats the purpose of having them made in the first place. unless there is a local law in your area that prevents it, insist upon taking your original documents so you can decide where and how they are stored, rather than being trapped in some lawyer's office
always go to a lawyer for updates on documents. hand-written addendums (like last-minute wills scribbled on napkins) are not recognized by law in most states, and even in states where they are, the validity is often contested because these are not witnessed/notarized, so it's hard to know if they are authentic or staged.
Power of Attorney - A person (or persons) of your choosing has access to things like bank accounts, real estate, business stuff, medical records, etc. while you are still living. Often, elderly persons seek out POAs (usually their adult children) to help handle their affairs, but generally it is good for a person of any age to have one for emergencies so they can advocate on your behalf. POAs can be fired by you at any time, and are held accountable by law should they violate this document.
Medical Directive (also called "Medical Power of Attorney" or "Living Will") - This is a document that grants power to a person (or persons) of your choosing to make medical decisions for you if you are unable to communicate (example: coma, brain death). You designate whether or not you want to donate organs, whether or not you consent to life support, etc. - and it is up to your agent to ensure that your wishes are respected.
Will - The document most people know about. It determines who inherits your estate after you die, who your executor is (person in charge of estate), any distribution of material objects/properties/money, etc. - also if you have any specific requests.
your documents can be updated as many times as you deem necessary. and, in fact, should be updated throughout your life depending on circumstance. your ex husband should not be your Medical Directive agent, for example. maybe you don't want to leave a generous donation in your will to such-and-such organization because they turned out to be bigots. but if your documents hold up five, ten, twenty years from now... if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Before January 2025:
If you are a USAmerican in a relationship that might be affected by legislation that dissolves same-sex marriages, who may no longer be recognized as next-of-kin, especially if you have children, get your rights in writing!
Your marriage certificate may not be enough to prove you have rights to make medical decisions for non-biological children or for a same-sex spouse or partner.
Go to a lawyer, get it spelled out as clearly as possible that you have a voice in emergency medical and legal situations.
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fincrif · 3 days ago
Can a Homemaker Apply for a Personal Loan?
A personal loan is often a go-to financial solution for individuals needing urgent funds. However, one common question is whether a homemaker can apply for a personal loan without a fixed income source. While banks and NBFCs typically offer personal loans to salaried and self-employed individuals, homemakers have options too.
This guide explores how homemakers can secure a personal loan, eligibility criteria, required documents, and the best lenders offering financial support.
Can Homemakers Apply for a Personal Loan?
Yes, homemakers can apply for a personal loan, but since they do not have a regular income, they may need to explore alternative ways to qualify. Many lenders allow homemakers to apply for a loan with the help of a co-applicant, collateral, or proof of alternative income sources.
Ways a Homemaker Can Get a Personal Loan
1. Apply with a Co-Applicant or Guarantor
A homemaker can apply for a personal loan with a co-applicant (such as a spouse or a working family member). The co-applicant’s income and credit score will determine the loan approval and interest rate.
2. Opt for a Secured Personal Loan
Many financial institutions offer secured personal loans against assets like gold, fixed deposits, or property. If a homemaker has valuable assets, they can pledge them to get a loan with lower interest rates.
3. Show an Alternative Income Source
If a homemaker earns from freelance work, tutoring, rental income, or a home-based business, they can present these income sources as proof of financial stability.
4. Apply for Special Personal Loan Schemes
Certain banks and NBFCs have special personal loan schemes for women and homemakers, offering easier eligibility terms and lower interest rates.
Eligibility Criteria for Homemakers Applying for a Personal Loan
CriteriaRequirementsAge18 - 65 yearsCredit Score650+ (if applicable)Income SourceCo-applicant’s income, secured assets, or alternative incomeEmployment StatusHomemaker with financial backingLoan Amount₹50,000 - ₹50 lakh (varies by lender)Repayment Tenure12 months - 5 years
Best Personal Loan Providers for Homemakers
If you’re a homemaker looking for a personal loan, consider these trusted lenders:
IDFC First Bank Personal Loan
Bajaj Finserv Personal Loan
Tata Capital Personal Loan
Axis Finance Personal Loan
Axis Bank Personal Loan
InCred Personal Loan
Documents Required for a Homemaker to Apply for a Personal Loan
KYC Documents: Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Voter ID
Income Proof: Co-applicant’s salary slips, bank statements, rental income, or alternative earnings proof
Collateral Proof: If applying for a secured loan
Address Proof: Utility bill, rental agreement, passport
Pros and Cons of a Personal Loan for Homemakers
✔️ Financial independence for homemakers ✔️ Quick loan approval with a co-applicant or collateral ✔️ No restrictions on loan usage ✔️ Special schemes available for women borrowers
❌ Higher interest rates for unsecured loans ❌ Requires a strong co-applicant or asset for approval ❌ Loan rejection risk if credit history is weak
Tips to Improve Loan Approval Chances for Homemakers
✔️ Maintain a good credit score if you have a credit card or past loan history. ✔️ Opt for a loan amount that suits your repayment capability. ✔️ Consider applying with an earning spouse or family member. ✔️ Explore secured loan options for better interest rates. ✔️ Compare lenders to get the best personal loan deal.
Homemakers can apply for a personal loan through various means, including co-applicants, secured loans, or proof of alternative income. While banks and NBFCs may have strict criteria, many lenders offer customized loan schemes for homemakers to achieve financial independence.
For the best personal loan options, explore:
Personal Loan Options
IDFC First Bank Personal Loan
Bajaj Finserv Personal Loan
Tata Capital Personal Loan
Axis Finance Personal Loan
Axis Bank Personal Loan
InCred Personal Loan
By selecting the right loan type and preparing the necessary documents, homemakers can access financial assistance and meet their personal or family-related needs smoothly.
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