#fitness data
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bloggerkey · 4 months ago
Google Fit क्या है | What is Google Fit in Hindi
आजकल के व्यस्त जीवन में स्वस्थ रहना हर किसी के लिए एक चुनौती बन गया है। लोग फिटनेस बनाए रखने के लिए कई प्रकार के उपाय करते हैं, लेकिन तकनीक ने इसे आसान और मज़ेदार बना दिया है। Google Fit एक ऐसा हेल्थ और फिटनेस ट्रैकिंग ऐप है जो आपको अपने फिटनेस लक्ष्यों को हासिल करने में मदद करता है। यह ऐप आपको न केवल आपकी शारीरिक गतिविधियों को ट्रैक करने की सुविधा देता है, बल्कि आपके स्वास्थ्य पर नज़र रखने के…
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ramon-tikaram-love · 6 months ago
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Rakie Ayola as Persephone Nabhaan Rizwan as Dionysus Kaos (2024–)
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extraemopossum · 19 days ago
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tf you mean because of the extremely specific and unique way you experience the world, you see your best friend(who also experiences the world in an extremely specific and unique way)with a halo of light around him 24, can we discuss this plz wtf
Plain version under cut bc it came out cute
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azurityarts · 2 months ago
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Haven't drawn Faux in a while; decided to give him some touch-ups
Since his old setting wrapped up, he's kinda just been on the back burner, but I thought it could be neat to give him the broad "mercenary-for-hire" archetype? NGL I heard "Put Me to Work" by Big Data and something clicked in my brain:
Set me off See what I'm worth Turn me on I go berserk I don't care If I get hurt No I don't care Just put me to work
Someone who doesn't care about the safety of themselves (or occasionally others) as long as the job gets done, hence the missing arm. I thought that could be interesting considering he's a Zoroark too; not sure if that would impair the illusion abilities or to what degree if so?
(None of this is the meaning of the original btw; the actual song is about automation taking over and replacing human jobs LOL)
Anyways don't mind me I'm rambling ahnsdgahnsdf
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spaceshipchicken · 3 days ago
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I recently started watching tng and i really wanted to draw something with Data and Geordi, but unfortunately i am in no way profound so this happened …
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skidaddle-run-skramz · 2 months ago
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jumbled robot adjacent feelings
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xclowniex · 7 months ago
So there is a post going around with a realy suspicious map, and OP of the post has me blocked so here is a link to their post since I cannot reblog it.
Okay so, I looked into this as from my own experience the map looked suspicious.
The orignal post of the map has been deleted. You can find the deleted post on reddit about it here.
I managed to find a repost of the map on tumblr, which had linked to the deleted reddit post, and you can find the repost of the orignal map here. Now onto debunking OP's claim of the map.
The title of the map is not solely about the west bank, it is about full john oliver episodes being unavailable in countries. Not just the west bank episode, all full episodes.
When I try to watch the video, i get the below error from youtube
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Yep your eyes do see correctly. It is the uploader who made it unavailable. This means that either John Oliver himself, his production team or HBO who has the rights to his show, decided to make his content not available to be viewed in certain countries.
A comment on the reddit post which I think people should read is
"The title of this post makes many people think OP means ‘countries that have banned this’. Instead, this is just ‘countries where a network pays for the broadcast rights for this show’. The highlighted countries are ones where the show is most popular. The blank countries are where it’s not popular, so they give it away for free to try to drum up support"
Aka this is not purposeful censorship by (((zionists)) like tumblr op is trying to frame it. Its not keeping what happens in the west bank a secret. It is a decision made by someone in charge of the show, to make as much money as possible. Which still sucks! But, it sucks for different reasons than what tumblr OP is alluding to.
3. Tumblr OP is being antisemitic. Whilst it is definately written in a more subtle way, it is still invoking the whole "jews control the media" trope. A well known antisemitic trope is still antisemitic even if "jew" is replaced with "zionist". This is because whilst not every use of "zionist" is a proxy word of jew, it happens more than you think, to the point where meta (instagram and facebook) updated their hate speech policy to puroposefully include "zionist when its being used as proxy (aka dogwhistle) for jew is now hate speech on our platform". Meta still allows it to be used when talking about zionism as a political ideology, and have only banned the use of it as a proxy for jew.
OP of this post has already blocked me (only found out when i saw this post), so I wanna thank @coffeeconcentrate for reblogging this and not having me blocked so I can actually have a chance at reaching even a small group of people to make them aware of this so they don't fall for this poorly made post.
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hornyverymuch · 4 months ago
so that episode was basically them getting stuck in their own dnd campaign and giving their npcs existential crisis
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contr8 · 2 years ago
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they pull up to the function looking like this. wdyd?
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54625 · 1 year ago
Imagine sending an extremely professional ruthless mercenary to do some mercenary business on an island far away and while he's there he finds a young kid who he adopts as his son and he has a journey of self discovery and acceptance in regards to his sexuality and he meets a really nice guy who he starts an almost-relationship with and he learns the true power of friendship and all in all does everything except what you sent him there to do
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hobbithabits · 1 year ago
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Am I gonna be able to find a fanfic of Data and Bashir sexing nasty style or am I just gonna have to make it myself
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yb-cringe · 1 year ago
Fit (abt Tubbo): “If he knew what I was really doing here, he’d fuckin’ hate me. All of them would.”
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lilblucat · 2 months ago
Sorry to bug you, but do you have a general estimation of when the next chapter comes out? I'm very excited for it; your work is really good and i'm pretty invested in the story! If I could give more kudos, I would. Of course, I can remain patient if it's gonna be a while. No rush, just curious!
I have about 2k words for chapter 36 so far, progress is just slow because I'm also working on a teaser video for arc 2 and I gotta edit arc 1 for continuity (which I haven't actually started yet). I don't think it'll be too much longer for the next chapter though, but I do have a lot more I need to do with it. It'll be a long chapter.
Current project release timeline:
Chapter 36
Edit Arc 1
Chapter 37 + Arc 2 teaser video (if the video finishes before Chapter 37, I might just release it sooner)
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Thanks for your interest in my work. I'm actually glad anyone's asking for updates on it.
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saetoshis · 2 years ago
cw: fluff, dan heng is just a cute little nerd!
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adorable nerdy bf dan heng who, once he opens up after a while of dating, talks about data analysis or computer science or random information without even taking a breath.
“-and so that’s how python works. are you… listening?” dan heng hesitates, tilting his head as he looks down at you where you have your head cradled in his lap. he sighs, knowing he got off on a tangent yet again. “…sorry, i was talking for a while. i’ll stop.”
“i’m listening. keep going…” when you look up at him with such sweet eyes and an interested lilt in your voice, dan heng thinks he’s melting from the inside out. you find his little interests and quirks to be undeniably attractive, and you can’t help but smile until your cheeks hurt with every word he lets out.
“oh…” dang heng almost looks surprised, and it shows in the way his eyes light up a little bit. he caresses your cheek so gently, as if all his appreciation for you was pouring through his one little touch.
he gazes down at your eyes, then your lips, and suddenly he’s not so interested in talking anymore. it takes only a moment before he’s pressing his lips against yours with all the love in the world, his hands caressing your back and pulling your frame against his chest.
“i love you, dan heng…” you smile out the words between lustful sighs, and those words are enough for him to crack. his touches and ministrations are suddenly more urgent and needy, his broad shoulders shifting to shadow over you.
dan heng murmurs against your ear, “you have an extraordinary talent of shutting me up, you know that?”
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2023 SAETOSHIS. do not copy or repost.
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quarkspeed · 2 years ago
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“These are the spectacular adventures of Space Dandy Data and his brave space crew in space.”
I’ve been obsessed with Space Dandy and for some reason I imagined Data roleplaying as Dandy in one of his holo programs…
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stealingyourspins · 11 months ago
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(Click for better quality)
Ninjago Mermaid AU- Zane.
Species: Narwhal. Chosen because of their ability to withstand cold temperatures plus their color pallet.
Zane is a Marine “spy” Robot used by researchers to record and collect data of Merfolk in their natural environment. Made in a partnership with Borg Industries and Julien Laboratories, he is a revolutionary advancement in the robotics field, going past a simple language learning model level to becoming a true AI in the 25 years of development. Zane’s expedition is simple: to help marine biologists to study Merfolk and blend in the best he can.
(Alt version with no spots under the cut and non transparent versions)
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