A jar of the sweetest cookies
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This is an indie RP blog for original characters / MultiMuse testing/ Multifandom friendly / 18+ (minors please DNI) / Cannon and OC interactions friendly/ Multiship / Multiverse
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your-sweet-cookies · 6 hours ago
continued from here
Espada were renowned to be scary, dangerous and violent creatures, and so Misaki had valid reason to avoid anyone and anything that could come close to these Arrancar, for her own survival. On her own, she was still weaker than even hollow Grimmjow, so she couldn't measure her powers with someone on the same level as her now Espada mate, reason why she'd stayed hidden from his Fraccion when they searched for her. Plus, there was rumor going around that there was this maniac man who led the armies of Arrancar, treating them as mere tools even if the benefits of being part of his arsenal included a warm place to stay and temporary safety from the dangers of the desert. The female didn't want to have to serve anyone, especially a maniac who'd treat her as nothing but an asset, so there was no incentive for her to want to investigate the strange Arrancar who kept popping up around her cave. Things would've been different if she knew these were actually Grimm's Fraccion looking for her, but then again, for the untrained eye, she couldn't discerne between a Fraccion and an actual Espada (she hadn't even realized Grimm was the Sexsta when he kidnapped her either).
That's why in a way Misaki was grateful that Grimmjow had decided to make this trip himself and recuperate her from the old cave, just in time to save her from the Adjuchas too. "Thank you for having faith in me that I wouldn't die in the desert, even if you weren't by my side anymore." Misaki looked affectionately into his eyes, happy to know that Grimmjow never had any intention in replacing her and that their loyalty to one another lasted over time, even after they'd evolved, a symbol of their profound bond and connection back as hollows. "Well, in a way, my survival all those years is somewhat thanks to you as well. I didn't die all alone in the desert because I had the best teacher I could've hoped for to show me how to survive the dangers of Hueco Mundo over the years, so even if I might still be weaker than you, I managed to make it on my own as well." Misaki nuzzled their noses together, smiling as she spoke. "I too didn't want anyone else as a mate. One could have considered me crazy for not tagging along after another strong hollow or Arrancar after you left, choosing to live all alone instead, but deep down, I just couldn't bring myself to replacing you. I knew that you were strong and a real fighter, so there was no way you'd die in the white sands, and that's why I waited patiently for your return. My hollowed heart always knew that you'd one day come back for me. I've chosen you ever since back when we were just animals, and there was no way I would've changed my mind."
Grimmjow's comment about the kiss made her chortle sweetly. "Yeah, it was really good! So much better than the nose nuzzling, even if I still like that one too." Misaki already felt herself yearning for yet another one of those passionate kisses, but something deep down told her that if they were to give into their desire now, there won't be any more going back or stopping after that, especially now that her body got even more heated upon hearing that groan leave Grimm's lips. It was somewhat different from the ones she was used to back when they were hollows, but it still managed to tick on that feral switch within her that got the female Arrancar all hot and bothered for him. So his nape was still as sensitive as she remembered it to be. It made her kind of want to bite it again, like she'd done so many times before, whenever she went into heat and desperately tried getting the panther to end her frustration and pain, just to see what reaction Grimmjow would have now. "There's a lot of things that I wonder how they would be like now, that we are in this form, too... But I guess we'll discover things as we go in due time." Being wise and patient was probably the best course of action.
To be fair, Misaki hadn't even noticed that she was still clinging onto him and holding Grimm close long after the kiss had ended, but she didn't mind this closeness between them. The male Arrancar's hands on her bare skin felt good, leaving a tingly sensation underneath the places where they touched, so there was no reason for her to push him away. In fact, she now kind of wished he'd go on and touch her more, reason why the idea of a bath together made her light up instantly. "Show me the bathroom? Does that mean that you wanna bathe with me?" Misaki was now also intrigued by the prospect of seeing water, since she hadn't gotten the chance to see or enjoy a single drop of it ever since she'd become a Hollow, which was centuries ago.
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your-sweet-cookies · 18 hours ago
Continued from here
Well, it wasn't really as if Grimmjow spoke only the best of the best thoughts and words about Ichigo. It was more something between the lines of 'he's stupid because he'll often make stupid moves and rookie mistakes that'll get him hurt whilst in the midst of a spar, but he's still a worthy opponent.' But since there weren't many people out there that her mate would even consider someone worthy of fighting and training, Misaki couldn't help but be curious about the mysterious human Shinigami. So far, she couldn't sense any malevolent or ill vibes coming off of him, Ichigo's aura actually giving her a warm feeling of comfort security. Definitely not a threat, so she could just act herself around him.
"Ah, where are my manners? I am Matsushita Misaki, a female feline Arrancar and Grimmjow's mate. Pleased to meet you, Kurosaki-dono!" The woman then let go of his hands in order to make a respectful bow, just like she'd been taught many years ago when she was a human too, something that would've been considered old school in someone like Ichigo's eyes. At Ichigo's next question, Misaki couldn't help but smile and nod enthusiastically. "Oh, yes, Grimmy always tells me about your sparring sessions every time he comes back from one. Since there's not much happening in Hueco Mundo either way, you could say that those are some of his favorite activities." She couldn't bring herself however to tell Ichigo the exact manner in which her mate would sometimes describe him, so she just kept it at that: the fact that Grimmjow did appreciate the time he and Ichigo spent together.
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your-sweet-cookies · 21 hours ago
❧ Have you ever been jealous of anyone?
the salty af munday meme
Jealous of other people in the RPC? Not really. I am not the type to be hateful or envious of others, even if maybe sometimes I too wished I had the same amount of interactions and engagement from others as other blogs might have (but that's probably something every single one of us wished at some point in our journeys).
I feel like focusing on negative feelings such as jealousy makes you lose the enjoyment and the whole point of this hobby, which is creating fun and memorable moments with your friends and that's why I steer away from such feelings. Thinking about how X has 100 threads or how Y gets the most attention from a blog you like will only unmotivated you from writing and finding your own joy and people on here.
I had in the past the misfortune of having toxic friends who would get jealous of my interactions with other people and even hateful anons sending me threats for interacting with multiple RP blogs of cannon characters in various fandoms because in their POV I was 'stealing away all of the attention', and those were really unpleasant experiences to go through, so I try to avoid as much as possible falling into the trap of 'jealousy'. What matters is to focus on the interactions you yourself have and have fun.
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 day ago
the salty af munday meme
Because, like it or not, we’re not all balls of sunshine all the time. We can be pure salt when we want to be.
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
♥ What’s the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz
♚ How many people don’t like you?
⚜ How many people do you not like?
✮ Have you managed to stay away from drama?
☄ Have you ever been in the middle of drama?
☯ Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation?
☼ How long do you stay mad?
☀ What’s your rp pet peeve?
☁ Have you ever forgiven a partner when you shouldn’t have?
☂ Have you ever been forgiven when you knew you shouldn’t have been?
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
☣ Have you ever rp’d with someone you knew for a fact was abusive but tried to give them a chance/to make up your own opinion on the roleplayer? Did they change or did you understand what people were talking about?
♨ Have you ever made a public call out post?
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
✿ What do you think about public call out posts?
✂ A fandom that you feel isn’t open and accepting?
✉ A fandom that you feel is open and accepting?
✦ Thoughts on duplicates following you?
✧ Do you agree with reblog karma or is it forced interaction?
❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
❦ Has someone been jealous of you?
❧ Have you ever been jealous of anyone?
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you’re currently rping in?
❣ How salty are you feeling right now?
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your-sweet-cookies · 3 days ago
Dentistry... Well that made sense why he'd be there, since they were both studying in the medical field. Misaki nodded and smiled. "Don't think I've met a dentist in training as nice and cute before, so it's nice for a change to interact with someone new." She gave him a sweet smile and closed her book in favor of focusing fully on her new companion.
This was the Medical Chemistry course so he most likely was in the right place, just that he'd arrived earlier than his peers most likely. The clinical medicine students were around a hundred in the year, so that was why they filled most of the auditorium so quickly.
"Hmm... I don't think so. We've had a few labs with them at another course last year and they weren't very fierce when it came to grading. This teacher values hard work and punctuality above everything, so I think we should be fine as long as we attend the lectures and read the bibliography of the course." Misaki was more of an optimist, so she tried looking on the bright side of things. She was also one of the very studious and duteous students, so all in all, the young woman wasn't too worried about this class.
"Tough, if you ever feel like you're having trouble with the notes, we could always organize study sessions and study together, I wouldn't mind." She then added, truly willing to offer him a helping hand whenever he might need it.
"Excuse me, is this seat available?" Ren asked gently, noticing the woman was deeply focused on her materials and hoping his sudden presence hadn't startled her.
The young woman was reading one of the textbooks when the other approached her, prompting Misaki to raise her eyes from the lines of text to look at him before giving a note. "Yes, it is. Let me clear it for you!" She then quickly took her bag and coat from the seat so he could sit down.
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your-sweet-cookies · 3 days ago
❝  i know you’re busy and i don’t want to bother you i just—  can i just sit here with you while you work?  ❞ Misaki
"You never bother me, Ren, and you will never bother me. I like spending time with you." The young woman smiles at him and scoots closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I couldn't go out with you these couple of days... One of my colleagues at the cafe called in sick for the week and I had to cover their shifts too." She explained, still feeling remorseful for being unable to see Ren for these couple days.
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your-sweet-cookies · 3 days ago
❛  i would like to know what i can do to help.  ❜ (for Tae)
Taemin was working on making them some yummy cupcakes in the kitchen when Reno entered the room and asked the question. Smiling warmly, the young man turned his head to look at her and nodded. "You can help me sort out and measure the ingredients. You'll find the recipe on the table for the ingredients." While he had planned on surprising her with the sweet dessert, Tae wasn't opposed to turning this into a cute couple activity by baking together.
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your-sweet-cookies · 4 days ago
❛  i know how hard this is for you, but i'm here if you need anything.  ❜ ❛  you did everything you could.  ❜ ❛  honestly, it's impressive that you're still standing after everything that has happened.  ❜ ❛  you're allowed to feel sad about this.  ❜ ❛  i wish you'd told me sooner. you need me and i ... i'm so sorry.  ❜ ❛  i know you feel like giving up right now, but it's not gonna solve any of your problems.   ❜ ❛  i don't know how you do it. if it were me, i don't think i'd have been able to get out of bed today.  ❜ ❛  i would like to know what i can do to help.  ❜ ❛  it's totally natural you feel this way.  ❜ ❛  i feel for you. this sounds like an impossible situation.  ❜ ❛  i know it feels like no one understands, but i'm listening now.  ❜ ❛  is there anything you need? anything i can do for you?  ❜ ❛  if it were me, i'd be upset too.  ❜ ❛  come on, talk to me, please. i can hear it in your voice that something is wrong.  ❜ ❛  i'm sorry you are going through this. no one should ever have to go through something like that.  ❜ ❛  i can't even imagine the pain you must be in right now.  ❜ ❛  i wish i could make it better.  ❜ ❛  if you need someone to talk to, i'll listen.  ❜ ❛  thank you for trusting me with this. it really means a lot to me.  ❜ ❛  i understand how hard it is to talk about, but i promise you'll feel better after you've opened up to someone.  ❜ ❛  how are you feeling? do you need any help?  ❜ ❛  you are so brave, and i'm incredibly proud of you.  ❜ ❛  what do you need?  ❜ ❛  i'm here for you. no matter where or when i'll always be here for you.  ❜ ❛  i can't believe how strong you are, this must be taking everything out of you.  ❜ ❛  i don't know how you do it. how are you able to stay so strong when everything around you is falling apart?  ❜ ❛  this must be so confusing and frustrating for you, and i wish i could do more to help.  ❜ ❛  you're managing this so much better than i ever could.  ❜ ❛  i can't even begin to imagine how you must be feeling, this is just awful.  ❜ ❛  you have no idea just how many people are rooting for you.  ❜ ❛  you're so strong for everything you've been through.  ❜ ❛  i care about you, and i want to help you ... if you let me.  ❜ ❛  i'll make sure you'll never have to go through anything like this again.  ❜ ❛  i don't know how you feel, but i want you to know that i care about you and am here for you.  ❜ ❛  it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. maybe we can just sit here for a while instead.  ❜ ❛  you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. but i'm here for you when you decide you do.  ❜ ❛  whatever you need, i'm just one phone call away.  ❜ ❛  how are you holding up?  ❜ ❛  you're gonna get through this. i believe in you.  ❜ ❛  i promise you, it will get better after time.  ❜
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your-sweet-cookies · 4 days ago
Slice of Life Starters
30 starters
« we're late for work! »
« we're late for school! »
« this dish is delicious! »
« five more minutes. . . »
« i got you a sandwich. »
« wake up, sleepy head! »
« oohhh i love this song! »
« come on, sing with me! »
« you didn't eat anything! »
« so? do you like someone? »
« stay away from me, i stink! »
« how are you feeling today? »
« don't come in, i'm changing! »
« well, the pizza was a disaster. »
« didn't you wear that yesterday? »
« what do you want for breakfast? »
« go out of the bathroom already!! »
« did anything interesting happen? »
« can you help me with the dishes? »
« did you read that book i suggested? »
« i didn't expect rain. i'm soaking wet! »
« you need to watch this video, it's hilarious! »
« can you try this and tell me if it needs more salt? »
« i'm making myself some tea, do you want some? »
« i saw you go out with them yesterday! how was it? »
« i hate math! can you help me with this exercise, please? »
« did you do something with your hair? they look incredible! »
« i didn't have much time to prepare anything. wanna go out? »
« are you going to at least change, or do you plan to sleep all day? »
« did you watch this movie? we could check it out later, if you want. »
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your-sweet-cookies · 4 days ago
Grimmjow wraps one arm around Misaki from behind before resting his chin atop her head, he had something hidden behind his back, as he grinned from where he was. She'd KNOW he was grinning, the panther was often being a bit of a tease toward her, she was his mate. So it was kind of his job. "Hey," His voice was laced with what seemed to be fatigue, but in his defense it was well beyond the time the Sexta tended to nap with her.
He'd eventually release his hold on her tiny frame before stepping in front of her, keeping one arm behind his back. "Close yer pretty eyes for me and don't open then until I tell ya to, alright?" Whenever she agreed to do so he'd chuckle softly, she'd likely smell the scent of cherry blossoms or something upon her mate, a scent that most assuredly did NOT exist within Hueco Mundo. She'd hear some sort of rustling, and likely smell something slightly sweet, slightly like paper, and something else, likely some kind of chemical. "Alright, ya can open yer eyes now." Whenever she did, there'd be a bouquet of white lilies. Her mate would have a small flush across the bridge of his nose as he waited for her to take them, his other hand still behind his back for now.
"I hope... 's not ridiculous for yer not-Japanese mate to get ya somethin' for White Day, since ya were so sweet to me on Valentine's Day." The flush would deepen, likely accentuating a small dusting of freckles upon his face. "I was told that white lilies are... popular for this and before ya ask, yeah, I know what they represent." White lilies represented 'Pure love', something that Arrancar weren't supposedly able to feel, but they weren't normal Arrancar. Both of them were felines. He'd quickly lean down and press a kiss to her forehead before ruffling her hair with his free hand once she took the flowers. The ribbon tying the bouquet was in the darker blue of his eyes, where as the cellophane was a lighter shade, he'd really wanted to make their first White Day together memorable it seemed.
He'd clear his throat and look to the side before revealing a bag in the hand he'd kept hidden until now. "I also... may have gotten somethin' for ya, that... I think yer gonna like." Inside the bag, whenever she looked inside, was a classic, old style kimono with a cherry blossom design lining the very fine silk. He was perfectly fitted to her frame, and was capable of being worn in more than one setting if she so chose.
Misaki had already figured the person approaching her must've been Grimm way before the Sexta had even gotten in reaching distance to her. She knew the sound of her mate's footsteps and his familiar scent better than anyone. So, when Grimm wrapped his arm around her, the female Arrancar didn't even flinch and immediately leant into him, giving his shoulder an affectionate headbutt. "Mmm... Hello to you too, handsome!~ What'cha got there?~" She was also quick to notice the new sweet scent that lingered over her mate's clothing. "Had you been to the human world?" Misaki was really fast to deduce the source as well, since in a way, it had evoked a strange feeling of nostalgia deep within her, as if her mind was trying to recall a distant, long gone memory of her past as a human, which was enough to indicate where her mate must've been that morning and get her very curious.
Her question had gone unanswered for now, as Grimmjow released his partner from the half hug to step in front of her this time. Misaki was now even more intrigued and she followed his body language to try and guess what he might be holding, but eventually she didn't add any more comments and just did as she'd been told. Now that her eyes were closed and she could focus more onto the scents, Misaki could also distinguish another two unfamiliar ones, one of paper and one that was more synthetic in nature. Though the one that still had her full attention was the sweet scent of flowers. Yes... Those were flowers, she could remember now.... What could it have been though, that Grimmjow got her that had this smells? The female could make a small guess for what the flower scent was, but not the other two.
Luckily, her wait didn't take long because Grimm told her to open her eyes and as she did so, Misaki's small guess from a moment ago was confirmed once she saw the most beautiful white lilies she'd ever had the pleasure of seeing for the first time after more than 300 years. "Whoa! Those are so pretty!" Misaki's blue eyes sparkled with joy and enthusiasm, the female Arrancar reaching for the bouquet to hold it in her hands and finally take a good whiff of that amazing perfume! Ah... No wonder their smell felt so familiar and nostalgic! Those were some of her favorite flowers back when she was a human. Though, back then, she could never hope to ever receive such a beautiful bouquet. As a human, Misaki could only admire while cleaning around the place the stunning white lilies that the top Geisha of the house would receive from their admirers and best paying clients. It always made her wonder what it must've felt like to be on the receiving end of such a beautiful gift, and now, after death and another couple of centuries spent as a hollow, her wish had come true. But she was not a geisha or a servant anymore, and unlike those other geisha's flowers she admired in the past, hers were so much more special because they didn't come from a random admirer, but her one and only mate, her love, which made her bouquet be all the more meaningful for Misaki. Grimmjow's feelings for her were indeed as pure as this flower's delicate petals, unlike those other men's superficial thoughts when they fought to throw their expensive gifts and flowers to some courtesans they lusted after, and Misaki knew it too.
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"Thank you, my love!~" The female Arrancar looked back up at her mate, a genuine warm and happy smile painted across her very pretty lips. "Why would this be ridiculous? I might not know what this White Day is or why it'd be weird for a non-Japanese to celebrate it, but I see nothing wrong in giving a meaningful gift to a loved one and I actually think it was a very adorable gesture of you. I am truly very happy and grateful for the sweet gift, really, and I will cherish those flowers from the bottom of my heart!~" Getting up on her tip toes, Misaki then placed a loving kiss to her adorably flustered mate's lips, allowing it to linger for a while before pulling back from Grimmjow. "I love you too, Grimmy!" She added and wanted to give the panther a hug. But it seemed that the surprises weren't over yet, because next, the Sexta revealed a second gift, this time concealed into a bag. The flowers were already beautiful and amazing as it is, more than enough for her, so the fact that Grimm had gotten her a second item too, nearly made Misaki's heart melt, especially since it also turned out to be something in tune with her origins and time period. The kimono was truly stunning! Breath taking to say the least and the female Arrancar could barely contain her emotions of happiness and endearment.
"Ah, you shouldn't have... Now I feel like I am being spoiled!" Misaki's cheeks flushed too and she shily hid her face behind the white bouquet of lilies. "This is such a beautiful kimono! And it's made of a really good quality material too! It must've cost a fortune... Would it really be okay for me to put it on?" Even if now she might've still felt unworthy of such an expensive gift, Misaki was going to make sure to wear this kimono often when she'll spend time with Grimmjow.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh, I love you so so so much! You're the best Grimmy!~" That said, Misaki then proceeded to cover her mate in kisses, by tackling him into a little feral love attack. She was happy and in all truth, for her the best gift ever was the fact that she had Grimmjow by her side, forever to love and to be loved by till the end of time. As long as she had him, Misaki didn't need anything else.
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your-sweet-cookies · 5 days ago
They say curiosity killed the cat and that's for a very good reason. Felines are usually curious creatures by nature, driven by an innate instinct of exploration and discovery, and the strong desire to know every moving or static thing in their surroundings, and the female Arrancar was no exception.
She'd caught the stranger's smell not long ago, maybe thirty minutes or an hour or so ago, while hunting for small hollows in the white sand, and now she was stalking the white figure from a safe distance. There was something about this scent that called out to her, even if it made her survival instincts to set into gear and she was willingly choosing to ignore them. She could clearly feel the deaf warning that screamed danger deep within that primal part of her brain, yet Misaki couldn't suppress the other voice inside her mind that wanted to know more, the curiosity that asked to be satisfied by inching closer and closer to the figure. What she did was reckless, but she was too invested now to just abandon this altogether. It was like nothing she'd seen before! Far different from the Adjuchas or lesser hollows she'd come across so far. So she just had to know... Who and what exactly was this person?
So as if striking a deal with herself, to appease both the growing anxiety making her hairs stand up and the intense curiosity asking to be fulfilled, Misaki decided that she'll follow the stranger until they reach the limit separating the castle of the evil Shinigami man and the areas she deemed safe enough to inhabit. Even if she was dying to know more about this strange looking hollow, Misaki's fear and hate for the man that proclaimed himself the king of their native lands from a selfish narcissistic reason outweighed any primal instinct of exploration. Yes, just a little bit longer and then things will go back to normal, as if nothing happened... That was if the individual dressed in all white hadn't sensed her presence yet. Curiosity might've not killed Misaki yet for a second time, but it sure was close to it if this would've turned out to be a foe.
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starter for @frogsonalotusleaf
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your-sweet-cookies · 5 days ago
Hiroyuki would find himself smiling at Kukki. "Oh, of course I'll take my time. I absolutely agree with you." He mused quietly. "Thank you." He'd say before he would then add. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he continued to trace his fingers against her bare feet. Dark eyes gazed up at her thighs as he'd then cock a grin. He liked what he saw, but he loved what he was touching more. "You're so beautiful, you know? It makes me want to spend so much time with you. "Whatever we'd do, I'd be happy with. From doing this to just spending time together."
The compliments always pleased Kukki. She'd always been a fan of praising, loving to be at the center of her beloved sumo's full attention and to receive his words of praise and compliments. "Thank you.~ As long as I am to your liking, then I am more than happy, Hiro-kun!~" The young woman smiled brightly and bent slightly forward to reach for his face with her hand. "I too am very happy for this time spent together. If I could, I'd wanna spend everyday like this with you, enjoying each other's company.~"
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your-sweet-cookies · 5 days ago
He couldn't help but begin to chuckle. How incredibly cute. Dark eyes gazed at Misaki's own as he'd then begin to slip his hands and then began to trace his fingerstips against the sides of her bare feet. "Mmm, these, of course, if I had to be specific and honest." He mused quietly. "I hope you don't mind me touching...and staring from time to time."
"Oh..." Misaki's questions seemed to have been answered by the other's words, prompting her in understanding. "Ah, my feet... Yes, of course you can look at them and touch them as much as you'd like." That said, she then hurried to take off her socks, so that the man could look at her cute feet and colorfully painted toenails much better. In a sense, she felt somewhat relieved, since her mind had flown to something else when Hiro posed his enigmatic request of wanting to see a certain part of her body. "Heh, this tickles!~" She chuckled softly, as the man began stroking her now bare feet.
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your-sweet-cookies · 5 days ago
this blog hates donald trump
Look how many people hate him. I’m pretty damn happy about that 😁😁😁😁😁😁
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your-sweet-cookies · 7 days ago
❝  i need you.  don’t you get that?  ❞
❝  i’m right here.  i’m always here right in front of you but you never see me!  ❞
❝  you’re my person.  ❞
❝  no,  i don’t wanna have to talk to anyone else right now.  i just want you.  ❞
❝  i know you’re busy and i don’t want to bother you i just—  can i just sit here with you while you work?  ❞
❝  are we okay?  ❞
❝  honestly,  i’m always there.  in my head.  the scars on my body might’ve healed but i never really walked away from it.  ❞
❝  do you want me to make the others leave?  or we could go,  get some fresh air.   ❞
❝  look i’m not coddling you,  i’m just trying to help.  i wanna take care of you cause i,  you know— care about you.  ❞
❝  alright,  here’s your coffee.  are you ready to talk or should i find something to ramble about for a few minutes?  ❞
❝  eventually,  you just gotta learn to let go of the past.  it’s always gonna hurt,  but you can choose when to start focusing on something other than the pain.  ❞
❝  hey,  just breathe.  look at me— look at me.  in and out.  breathe with me okay?  ❞
❝  keep your eyes on me—  just focus on me.  we’re gonna be okay.  ❞
❝  no,  i’m not okay.  nothing is okay.  it never is.  but that’s just how i function most days.  so i’ll be fine.  ❞
❝  i’m not gonna pretend anymore.  i’m still fucked up from it all and i don’t know when it gets better.  ❞
❝  if you keep waiting until you’re done ‘working on yourself’ before you let yourself be with the person you love,  you’re never gonna be with them.  and they’ll find someone else who is brave enough to give them a chance to love them exactly how they already are.  ❞
❝  why do you stick around?  what is it you think you see in me?  ❞
❝  not everything needs an explanation.  i care about you.  i don’t have to sit here and figure out why.  i just do.  so maybe you should try just accepting it too.  ❞
❝  i don’t need your permission to fall in love with you.  you don’t gotta love me back,  but it isn’t gonna stop me from being here when you need someone.  ❞
❝  you love me too much.  i know how that sounds but—  fucking hell.  you shouldn’t care that much about someone like me.  ❞
❝  i don’t care if loving you hurts me.  the world already has enough pain to dole out for no reason,  at least i’ll have gotten these scars from something beautiful.  ❞
❝  if people can hate for no reason,  than i can love for no reason too.  ❞
❝  one day you’re gonna need me and i’m not gonna be there to fix it.  ❞
❝  no,  i can’t fix everything for you this time.  it’s your mess.  clean it up.  ❞
❝  i dunno who taught you that love comes with conditions and limitations,  but mine doesn’t.  not when it’s you.  ❞
❝  i don’t know how to ask for help i just— i’ve never had anyone to ask for help from before.  so…this is me trying i guess.  i need it and i’m afraid to ask for it.  that’s the best i can do.  ❞
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your-sweet-cookies · 8 days ago
"Mmm, shall I should you now?" Hiroyuki mused as he'd then begin to part his mouth and then took her foot and bit at the sole gently. It was almost as if his mouth was never there, but she'd have herself a love bite. Gazing at her, he'd then begin to slip his mouth to her other foot as he'd do the same. "Mmm, I just can't help but play with these instead." He'd say to Kukki.
Kukki chuckled softly but shook her head no, a sheepish grin on her pretty lips. "Ah, no, I wouldn't like for us to rush things. To be fair, I kind of want to take things slow, enjoy them to the fullest, ya know?" She then stretched lightly, relaxing under the man's gentle kisses and caresses. And as she did, her skirt lifted up slightly onto her thighs, revealing more of her skin and a lil bit of the black laced panties underneath. "Take your time, Hiro-kun. We are in no hurry, so it's alright.~" She continued and smiled at him again.
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your-sweet-cookies · 8 days ago
He couldn't help but begin to feel his face warm up at Misaki's words. "Mmm, ya know.." He'd say as he would then begin to slip his hands upon her legs before he would then begin to trace his fingers down onto her ankles. "Surely you've seen me stare a little too much at times..." He'd say as he would be a bit cryptic as his hands would then begin to press against the bottom of her heels of each foot.
Little electrifying like tingles ran through her body as Hiro touched her skin, making Misaki blush and make really cute little sounds indicating she was feeling good. Hiro's touch felt so warm and gentle, giving her a feeling of safety too, and comfort, given he was very gentle and caring with her. His following comment made her cheeks grown even redder. Could it have been what she thought he meant? It was rare, but she could sometimes notice him staring at her chest, especially her cleavage. But she couldn't be sure that that's what he meant. "Y-You'll still have to be a lil bit more specific though... Cause I am still unsure what you're trying to tell me." Misaki bashfully looked into his eyes, a lil sweet gasp parting from her lips as the wrestler began massaging her feet.
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