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reallyniceskies · 1 year ago
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Dell Quay, Chichester. August 2023
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photographyforthought · 2 years ago
red squirrels at Quarr abbey
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today I visited quarr abbey the highlight my visit was seeing the red squirrels . as someone who enjoys taking photos red squirrels are definitely my favourite animals to take photos of these photos were taken on my panasonic lumix dmc tz80 which is small and quiet so I didn’t disturb the squirrels.
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modwyr · 1 year ago
really really liked resurrections. on one hand im upset that lana wachowski was effectively forced to make this movie, but im glad she took the opportunity to continue to say something with the series instead of taking the easy route and just making it mindless schlock for 2.5 hours. also i looooove neo and trinity so much i think they have had the fastest blorbo ascension ever.
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floorman3 · 1 year ago
Mystic River Retro Review- 20th Anniversay- Masterful Filmmaking, Storytelling and Acting by Everyone Involved
Boston is a city of deep family roots and blood ties that go back hundreds of years. When tragedy happens in this city or surrounding cities, it affects everybody in the area in some way. Mystic River is based on the book of the same name by Dennis Lehane. Throw in a childhood trauma, and you have a deep-seated story that isn’t easy to watch, let alone write. Clint Eastwood did as good as he…
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private-bryan · 14 days ago
The local Roman Palace museum continues to have the best social media team!
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ulrichgebert · 2 years ago
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Obwohl er möglicherweise der bestaussehende junge Mann der gesamten 80er Jahre ist, ist Rusty James unzufrieden. Er wäre so gerne ein Bandenführer wie sein verschollener Bruder The Motorcyle Kid, aber die Bandenkriege taugen nichts mehr, der Vater trinkt, die Freundin sieht ihm den kleinsten Seitensprung nicht nach, vieles versteht er nicht, und als der Bruder schließlich auftaucht, will er Kampffische (in Farbe) aus der Zoohandlung retten, weil er meint, wenn sie genug Platz hätten, müssten sie gar nicht kämpfen, und schickt ihn folgerichtig ans Meer. Für so ein Teeniedrama ist es recht kunstvoll. Das Schwarzweiß soll vorgeblich verdeutlichen, wie der farbenblinde Motorcycle Kid die Welt wahrnimmt, bedeutet aber wahrscheinlich, daß Coppola mal einen expressionistischen Schwarzweißfilm drehen wollte. Wer will das nicht? Und die Musik ist total clever.
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destinyc1020 · 8 months ago
Unpopular opinion, but I think interracial love parings onscreen killed the black male lead. I think studios think that if a love interest is black or poc with a yt pairing, that's diversity. I remember watching Force Awakens trailer thinking John Boeyga's Finn was the lead, and Daisy was the love interest. I was shocked when it wasn't like that. I think the yt boy of the month kinda erased the ability for black male actors to attach a following to achieve the opportunities as their yt counterparts.
Damson Idris is one of them, and the reason why is because his projects appeal predominantly to black audiences. His next break is a film with Brad Pitt, which sucks cause the opportunities for black male actors are leftovers, supporting yt leads, if it's not playing a slave or drug dealer.
Daniel Kaluuya won an oscar, and he's not being asked around directors. MBJ has Ryan Coogler, but he's limited to the same team.
There's another discussion to have of the opportunities that oblack american actors have vs black african or british and I dont have the range😭
Oh girl, I could write dissertations on this topic alone chiiiiilllle lol 😆
In answer to your ask, I personally don't know if I'd say that IR pairings in films and TV have "killed" the black male lead. IR pairings have been depicted onscreen for decades.... Do you know of the film "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?" 😏
And that's just one of the more famous older ones.
I actually don't feel that it's the black male lead in Hollywood that's been dying as much as I feel like the dark-skinned black female lead has been dying. In Hollywood, when they're looking for an actor to play a black man, they usually still find a monoracial black actor to play the role. But when it comes to looking for a "black woman", colorism comes into play, and many times in mainstream roles, they'll choose a biracial actress to play a "black woman".... even though, most of us are not biracial. 🥴
I'm curious who was further down the list though. Like, who was #11? #12? #20?? 👀
I love John Boyega, but no way were they gonna make a black male a lead in a Star Wars film. The SW fandom had fits just because Daisy was cast in a lead role and wasn't a male. 🙄 I remember that time vividly.
You mention The "White Boy of the Month", but girl that's been existing since goodness knows when. Brad Pitt was one, so was Tom Cruise at one time... so was Leo DiCaprio! So was Tom Holland! Like, c'mon....
The point is, even though they existed, we STILL had Denzel, Will Smith, Morris Chestnut, Eddie Murphy, Cuba Gooding Jr, Laurence Fishbourne, Wesley Snipes, etc making mainstream films and being leads and sought after.
Now days? It's almost like Hollywood likes to pretend that black people don't even exist in mainstream films anymore or smthg.
Anyway, Damson, Kelvin, John B., Michael B Jordan, Jharrel Jerome, etc.... they're all very talented actors. It's just a shame that Hollywood chooses not to recognize or even cast our talent.
I just can't believe we're going BACKWARDS. Like, I know HW was no picnic back then, but at least Sidney Poitier was well-known and doing many films in his day. He was winning Oscars. Like c'mon.... 🥴
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King Cassino Is Daddy Cool
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Seriously, King Cassino gives off some real Thrax vibes. I could even see him being voiced by Thrax's voice actor, Laurence Fishbourne. But again most of all he has that daddy vibe that get women's panties wet.
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logi1974 · 8 months ago
Südengland 2024 - Tag 11
Ladies und Gentlemen!
Hier ist er auch schon: Der letzte Tag unserer Reise auf die Isle of Wight.
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Leider müssen wir heute die schöne Isle of Wight wieder verlassen. Auch dieses Mal hat uns die Isle of Wight total begeistert.
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Nach dem Frühstück folgt das übliche Ritual packen, Kühlschrank ausräumen, Auto einräumen und los geht es, quer über die Insel, zum Fährhafen von Yarmouth.
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In Yarmouth haben wir die Mittagsfähre, rüber nach Lymington, gebucht. Von hier verkehren mehrmals täglich drei Fähren, die zum Lymington Pier, an der östlichen Seite des Hafen, fährt.
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Die Isle of Wight, die einfach nur als “die Insel” bezeichnet wird, ist von Lymington aus mit der Fähre in 40 Minuten zu erreichen - und umgekehrt.
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Mit gerade einmal 885 Einwohnern ist Yarmouth der kleinste Ort Englands, der sich Town nennen darf. Dieses Recht wurde dem Örtchen 1135 verliehen.
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Eine wirkliche glückliche Geschichte hat dieser Ort nicht zu bieten: Wegen seiner Lage als “Hüter” der Isle of Wight wurde er immer wieder von den Franzosen überfallen und niedergebrannt.
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Dennoch sind viele historische Häuser erhalten geblieben und werden liebevoll gepflegt, was zu dem besonderen Flair des Örtchens beiträgt.
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Heute ist in Yarmouth jede Menge los, die Sommersaison hat begonnen. Im Hafenbereich tanzt und spielt eine Folkloregruppe, misstrauisch beäugt von den Zeugen Jehovas, die dem Spektakel eher kritisch gegenüber stehen bzw. sitzen.
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Die Wightlink Fähren auf der Strecke Yarmouth-Lymington sind doch deutlich kleiner, als die auf der Strecke zwischen der Fishbourne nach Portmouth.
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Nachdem die Autos auf dem Autodeck geparkt wurden, müssen alle Passagiere ihre Fahrzeuge verlassen. Leider schalten nicht alle Fahrzeugbesitzer ihre Alarmanlage aus und so jault und hupt es fröhlich, während der gesamten Überfahrt, aus dem Parkdeck.
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Mit dem Aufzug geht es hoch auf die Passagierdecks, die mit Restaurant, Panoramafenstern und Aussichtsplattform ausgestattet sind. Bei diesem Traumwetter stürmen natürlich alle auf das Sonnendeck.
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Das andere Ufer kommt schnell in Reichweite und bei der Einfahrt in den Hafen begeben sich alle wieder nach unten, zu ihren Autos. Die Ausfahrt erfolgt in umgekehrter Reihenfolge zur Einfahrt.
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Für uns geht es nun wieder, wie im letzten Jahr, einmal quer durch den New Forrest National Park. Allerdings halten wir uns heute nirgendwo auf, denn wir werden auf dem Rückweg hier noch ein paar Tage ein Quartier beziehen und von dort aus die Gegend intensiver erkunden.
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Unser heutiges Zwischeziel ist das Langham Wine Estate in der Grafschaft Dorset. Hier haben wir für 14.30 Uhr online einen Tisch reserviert.
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Das Weingut von Langham ist in einer hübschen alten Scheune untergebracht, nur wenige Meter vom Weinberg entfernt. Alter Heckenbestand bietet natürlichen Windschutz und Lebensraum für eine Vielzahl nützlicher Organismen.
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Der Weinberg von Langham wurde ursprünglich von Senior John Langham in sehr kleinem Rahmen angelegt. Im Jahr 2009 beschloss Johns Sohn, Justin Langham, den einfachen Weinberg seines Vaters in ein kommerzielles Unternehmen umzuwandeln, und bepflanzte auf seiner Crawthorne-Farm 30 Hektar Land mit Trauben.
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Langham ist der größte Einzelweinberg im Südwesten Englands. Alle 30 Hektar sind mit den klassischen Rebsorten der Champagne bepflanzt: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir und Pinot Meunier. 
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Der Wein wird direkt im Weingut vor Ort hergestellt und nicht irgendwo in einer Genossenschaft oder einem der Big Player weiter verarbeitet. Langhams Winzer Tommy ist mit seinem gerade einmal 25 Jahren Englands jüngster Winzer und gilt weithin als aufstrebender Stern in der Weinbranche.
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Ein Hauptgrund für den Standort ist der Kreideboden – Dorset und die umliegenden Grafschaften werden von Kreide- und einigen Kalksteinböden dominiert, wodurch die Region in der Lage ist, hochwertige Trauben für Schaumwein zu produzieren (ähnlich wie in der berühmten Gegend der Champagne in Frankreich).
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Langham stellt Weine nur nach der traditionellen Methode her (wie beim Champagner), mit einer zweiten Gärung in der Flasche, um den Schaum zu erzeugen. Anschließend reift jede Flasche mindestens 18 Monate lang auf Hefe, bevor sie degorgiert und unter Korken weiter gereift wird. 
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Es sind unterschiedliche Touren, ab 15 £ pro Person, buchbar. Picknicks kosten 19,50 £ pro Person. Dazu gibt es eine große Lunch Karte und für den kleinen Hunger eine kleine Tapas Karte.
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Eine restaurierte Scheune bietet einen rustikalen, aber praktischen Verkostungsraum. An einem Ende befindet sich eine Bar, an der man direkt von der Kellertür aus probieren und kaufen kann. 
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Auf der anderen Seite befindet sich ein Café mit leckeren, lokalen Produkten. Dies macht es für uns zum perfekten Zwischenstopp, um vorbeizuschauen, etwas zu essen und zu probieren.
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Der Service ist super flott, trotz der gut gefüllten Tische. Bei dem schönen Wetter nutzen die Leute den Tag anscheinend zu einem Weingutbesuch.
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Der Fahrer musste sich allerdings zurück halten, denn wir müssen noch eine 3/4 Stunde bis zu unserem endgültigen Ziel, der Wayland Farm fahren.
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Die Farm liegt abseits in einem Tal und ist eine echte "Working Farm" mit genau einer Gästeunterkunft. Unsere Nachbarn sind Rinder und Esel.
Good Night!
Angie, Micha und Mister Bunnybear (Hasenbär)
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 2 years ago
Hey did you know that Laurence Fishbourne also voices The Beyonder in Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur? I saw a comment comparing him to Thrax and it made me wonder if you knew or not.
Yep I knew lol
I even made a TikTok about it a while back 😂
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fastofthekillones · 2 years ago
I'm just going to pin this post and use it to find weird tags that I have inexplicably written on something, mostly for my own gratification, but if any of you wonderful weirdos wanna look, feel free
#and it doesnt go manky and fall off#and it started to squick me and i went (and i told the writers so they wouldnt worry) 'right im off now'#and it doesnt involve slaving at a hob so i can make it on days i cant even move properly let alone stand up#staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer#youtube and a massive cross stitch project#precious boi#i preferred doing the tempest (and poetry) to the other books i studied at gcse because i could _work_ with it#i presume this is a joke and its funny but also-#but they are also very good bois and i relish having them in my garden#but the kind of omega that is most certainly pack mom#but the one that wont leave me alone is i didnt know id love you so much from repo the genetic opera#oh hey this is my favorite character and the guy i ship her with#oh help im gay#oh hes so pretty#you can say it before audition but its usually before you go onstage#you can practically hear him squeeping#you can tell why i watched that film#you can sometimes get it in the uk but ive never tried it#you can pack ten in a lift i have to go alone so i can turn#and you could feel the disappointment radiating off stephen#and yeah kents pretty big for those fuckers sadly because of fishbourne and lullingstone and stuff like that#my sibling played me the song but this is better#my sibling and i are the same and clash over our autism#my sibling is a nonbinary whose gender is red- a colour they cant see#left of the scale but probably not by much#after being told i probably was despite not having or particularly caring about getting a diagnosis#probably peter hale as a bi disaster#but im also not done growing yet#if you dont want a noisy little bugger; dont get the kind of tiny that was bred to be a watchdog#my arms are killing me-
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mushroom-punk · 6 months ago
i dont need to watch the netflix witcher show. i do not need to. it is a bad show. it is not a good show. it does not matter that laurence fishbourne is going to be in it. it does not matter that he is playing regis. i do not need to watch it
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photographyforthought · 2 years ago
Fishbourne to Fairlee walk
nature decided to do its worst so had to do some walking
fishbourne to fairlee walk on Friday I went to Bembridge,sandown and ending in Ryde, on the way home I had to take a detour as there was a tree blocking the path at Quarr hill Fishbourne so I got off the bus walked to quarr abbey then along to Fishbourne.from Fishbourne I walked along to Wooton along the creek,went up the high street and around the houses to Wooton station there is a footpath…
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floorman3 · 2 years ago
John Wick 4 Review- The Best John Wick Film by a Longshot
John Wick has been a franchise that no one saw coming. Before the first film Keanu Reeves’s career wasn’t necessarily going places. The first film was a complete surprise to many including myself. Ever since that film though these films have been very much anticipated by the masses. Including myself. Fast forward to now and John Wick 4 is about to be released and I’m here to say it’s the best in…
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cerenemuxse · 2 years ago
Finished another Magma board /.w./
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First time drawing Arthur! (Not really. First time I drew him was only his face though.
I tried painting his face as best as I could. He looks a little "meh." I gave him three moles for a but more detail. I actually have an idea on the new layout for thise moles. >:] (btw CGI Emily's face looks like Arthur's face. They look too similar.) He's mostly the same apart from his real life basis, which is LMS 1203 instead, and the lettering on his tanks is NWR instead of LMS. He was one of the many engines saved from scrapping, Emily being the first.
Also drew Rebecca and oh my goodness, she's absolutely adorable. Very out of proportion and not accurate but very cute. Look her happy face. <3 I love her sm. I decided to use her real-life basis' current livery, which is SR Malachite Green with Sunshine Yellow lining and lettering. Might add some red for additional lining (making it look similar to the BR livery, the only real livery worn during their service). Her basis is 92 Squadron, btw!
Remember those T&F and Sailor Moon connections I made awhile ago? Yeah, here you go. >:]
Here's whose who:
Edward - Sailor Moon
Rebecca - Sailor Venus
James - Sailor Jupiter
All of these were based off that promo containing the entire Steam Team (old and new) with a few guests labeled with Zodiac signs. I was surprised to find Edward be labeled as a Cancer (which is my Zodiac sign!!! :D). James was labeled as a Sagittarius and Rebecca was labeled as a Libra.
And meet a new OC, Chelsea! Her real-life basis is BR W14 Fishbourne. She existed because of the Little Blue Tank Engine found in the early books of the RWS.
Her face is supposed to resemble a fish. Her eyes and eyelashes resemble fins. Her irises are based on actual fish eyes. The creases underneath her eyes resemble gills. Her lips resemble the lips of a fish. Pouty and cute, right?
And then Debra! She belongs to my friend @nightsinfoxx15. She was fun to draw though it feels like I could've done better, tbh.
Oh yeah and there's Edward and James hiding (somewhat) with their pride flags! :D
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harrison-abbott · 6 months ago
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Apocalypse Now doesn’t quite seem like a war movie. Obviously it’s branched in that genre bracket, and it’s technically a war movie, but, it doesn’t quite match one single genre, or any other, in a full sense.
The movie is rather like being thrown into some humid, mesmeric, colourful dream, with lots of nightmarish parts to it.
I must’ve watched the opening 10 minutes of this film 300 times. The opening scene with the jungle exploding, alongside The Doors soundtrack, and Martin Sheen’s madness in his hotel room … nullified by the meeting with the military men, who send him on his mission to find Kurtz. The efficient, military tone of the men is contrasted by the weird audio recording we hear from Kurtz.
It is a very pacey opening to a film.
Followed by hours of non-pace or slow-paced moments, as the boat journeys down the river.
None of the characters seem to have a moral basis whatsoever. Most of the men on the boat are just average joes from America. And, when we meet Robert Duvall’s platoon – well, we see what kind of people they are. When they deliver that aerial strike on the village, with the helicopters and the Wanger music, it reminds me of that seen in Andrei Rublev when the horsemen storm the village, too, and kill everybody.
And then Robert Duvall is throwing play cards over the bodies of the dead civilians, “To let Charlie know who did this.”
So why do we keep watching such madness?
Perhaps because it’s a totally different world to anything we know of. When Willard is describing Clean, the young boy on his boat, played by Lawrence Fishbourne, he narrates, “I think the light and space of Vietnam really put the zap on his head.” And it is the same with the audience.
Much of the film is soporific and it is tricky to maintain full concentration throughout. Although this is maybe the point. If you think about it, the ‘final part’ of the film, after Willard arrives at Kurtz’ compound lasts for around 40 or 50 minutes. And so the climax of the picture is rather dragged out.
When we do finally meet Kurtz, there is very little explanation as to who he is. Willard stays in his compound “for days”, voluntarily, because he’s obsessed by Kurtz as a character. And yet Willard doesn’t quite explain why he’s obsessed with such a man.
This movie is an epic which survives on surrealism and a broad real of open questions. It is ambiguous and makes you think. The madness of slaughter and murder are contrasted with the visual beauty of the jungle.
I first watched this when I was a kid and it has never lost its power over me.
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