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libraryofcirclaria · 3 months ago
Introduction: The Confession of Rickard Alexander Stevenson
Library of Circlaria
Third Level Society: First Version
02 March 1086
To the Brothers and Sisters of the Guild of Pagewriters, Chapter of Combria:
By the time you see this letter, I will be far away.
I am the shadow who emerged to send James Lawrence Kontacet I to the Netherworld Dimensional Plane.
I was your Protector. James was my best friend.
But on the evening of October 1, I had a dream in which I was approached by a divine being who was neither a man nor a woman, who commanded me by mandate of the Great Author of our Multi-verse to venture to the summit of Mount Carris. Stricken by fear, I obliged and stole into the night to cross the border into Wannonia undetected. I traveled by foot, which took many days. But finally I arrived to the Mount in the middle of winter and climbed my way to the Great Pine where there was rumored a Divine Oracle giving visions of the future.
I came to the foot of the Pine and called to summon the Oracle, to which the divine spirits of the Mount responded with a sudden storm and a great crash of lightning which smote down the Great Pine that stood since the dawn of time. Out of the Stricken Pine emerged the very same divine spirit of my dream, who cast upon me a cloak that gave me vision of the world in which lived the Author, not the Great Author, but the Author who wrote our page of the world of Circlaria, its being and history.
I saw the Plain Truth, more real than the reality, itself, in which we live, the future for the world we call Circlaria. And it is grim.
James Lawrence Kontacet I, Dungeonmaster and Supreme Protector of the Guild of Pagewriters, Chapter of Combria, is, himself, the Master Pagewriter.
It was initially a cause for relief and joy on my part. For years I have been made to believe, and for decades we have all been made to believe, that his rival, the Master Pageturner, was going to hasten the Anomaly and destroy all of humanity. Not just bringing about the end for humanity in Circlaria, but the end for the very Thread of the Conscience of Humanity of the Multi-verse, the Great Book of the Multi-verse and its Pages upon one of which our world of Circlaria resides, as well as their Books and Pages.
The very end, in fact, of the Great Author, himself.
We all know, of course, that neither the Master Pagewriter nor the Master Pageturner was morally corrupt or evil. We know there is no Great Evil One, like a perceived Great Evil One falsely believed and feared by the Alconist Church of the Edoran Kingdom. But nonetheless, we have been made to believe that the Master Pageturner, though acting upon good intent, was catastrophically misled in such intent, and has been leading his following Pageturners into doing acts that hasten the Anomaly rather than save us from it. And we, the numerous Chapters of the Pagewriter Guild, have sought to find and follow the man embodying the Master Pagewriter and to help him find and defeat the man embodying the Master Pageturner by banishing him to the Netherworld, thus slowing down the destructive Anomaly and saving us all.
But then I saw the Plain Truth as conveyed by the Oracle of the Great Pine.
I saw the future of Circlaria, in which Kontacet, the Master Pagewriter, had influenced us as Follower Pagewriters, into creating and crafting dymensional planes. And of course this is true, for the Dungeonmaster has been influential for all of us, and we all enjoy meeting with him for our TableQuest sessions. But Kontacet has been inspiring us to evaluate ourselves and our dymensional plane world-building methods, and to move to further perfect them. I then saw that we builders inspired a future generation of dymensional plane builders, who further perfected the craft of dymensional plane building and inspired a generation of their own to do the same. And so two centuries passed with such progress in our technology and perfection in our beloved crafted being made, at the end of which the dymensional planes created were that of worlds, or versions of our world, no different from the original written by our Author. And furthermore, these were dymensional planes in which we could immerse our bodies and consciences, and actually live and interact.
It was at that point, two centuries in the future, that the Anomaly began to manifest itself in full.
Such doom would start with a prodigy world-builder, a man of modest origin but with a genius ability in academics, who believed, and began preaching to his fellow dymensional-plane builders, that the worlds they created were, in fact, as real as the world in which they lived from birth. Then people began to lose the ability to discern which world they lived in, as their consciences began drifting between worlds, unable to hold onto one in terms of which one to perceive. To others around them, these afflicted individuals would be seen as having a disease, suffering from some form of viral epidemic that rendered a victim unable to function in terms of basic behaviors like eating, or even breathing. These people would die as the apparent Pandemic would spread. Sadly, there would be no cure found because in truth, this was the Anomaly in full force and unstoppable. Before long, all of humanity in the world of Circlaria would fall, leaving the world barren and devoid of life as the Anomaly claimed its first Page of the Multi-verse. After this point, the Anomaly would gain speed as it consumed Page after Page until, finally, it disintegrated the last of the Thread of Consciousness at which point the Great Author, having created the Multi-verse, would, himself, cease to exist.
There would, of course, be warning signs of this impending calamity. Most notably, another Great Tree, this one standing in a courtyard of academic excellence, will be smitten down by a great bolt of lightning.
But all of this is in the future, and therefore has not yet come to pass. Nor would it ever, according to the nameless divine being, if the Master Pagewriter were to be banished. In other words, the Pageturner Guild was right all along.
In the weeks that followed, after a great deal of effort, I managed to build a portal to the Netherworld, and established a key to it in my talisman, to be activated at the simple discharge of Stun Spell. Thus, as I had hoped, using said talisman and striking James Lawrence Kontacet I would open said portal in his place and banish him instantly.
As all of you probably now know, I tossed a stone through the window of the South face of the House of Mason and stole into the hallways late last night. Fellow Protector John Kearney tried to stop me. I dared not strike him with a Stun Spell for the Portal Key was a one-time use and would therefore be spent. I used a Shield Spell which deflected his spell toward him. Then I barged into the main room where Master Pagewriter Kontacet stood on his Dungeonmaster Podium facilitating our TableQuest session, pulled out my talisman, and made my attempt.
And yes. I know that I missed.
The discharge grazed his left ear. He fell to the floor, still in this dimension of reality. I knew then that I missed my target, my chance spell, all for nothing. And now that there is news of the incident, I know that the Leon family, the Second Pillar of the House of Masons, will step up police forces to protect all of you, the House of Masons, and the Kontacet family. I will never get my opportunity again.
So now I realize that I had attempted to serve my purpose: to protect all of you. But I failed.
Your Dungeonmaster is the Master Pagewriter. He will be the reason for the destruction of our world, our Multi-verse, and the Great Author, himself. But I am no longer able to protect you after what happened, because I know that all of you are far too influenced by the very threat under your noses to believe the Truth that I am relaying to you. In fact, I doubt this letter will last long before it gets burned, and I get labeled as a madman, ultimately forgotten after my inevitable departure.
My only hope is that someone in the future will realize what is happening and rise up to put a stop to Kontacet, or at least to stop his influence if it so persists after his eventual death from old age many years from now.
Regardless, everything has become clear. And I, now a Pageturner, hope to hide in some unknown corner of the Circlarian Realm until I devise an inter-dimensional portal for my escape. For now I dread what is to come, and wish to at least give my part of the Thread of Consciousness some more time to exist and carry on before my eventual destruction from the Anomaly.
To anyone reading this letter who may still love me, this is goodbye, for I wish to leave no trail and will therefore travel alone.
Sincerely from your Friend and Protector,
Rickard Alexander Stevenson
-> Beginning: Deborah and Thomas Mack ->
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a-tomsk · 2 months ago
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"Five becomes four becomes three becomes two becomes one becomes nothing." "The ambush failed. He… slaughter them… and their selfs are still…. suffering….. But me?…. Imprisioned in the same place i ought to set him up…. why not end the last sibling too? … Because of …..Love? Yes? No? "
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"Goat… Vessel. In front of you lays a second chance… for you to live… to grow… to avenge…. Start a Cult in my name… Give peace to my siblings… Defeat Narinder… Free myself... These are my requests… in exchange of the new opportunity"
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Notes- There's CultoftheLamb FirstVerse references. Also testing more colouring style/ comic format.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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violentandpeculiar · 1 year ago
Just watched eeaao for the second time with my mom (who kept falling asleep during) but watching it again had me thinking about how I originally felt when I watched it. This is movie, along with nope (both Sci-Fi movies, which I think kinda adds a bit of conection between them) made me think about myself, the world and made me think about how the worlds in the movies work. Like when I was watching eeaao the first time I literally remember thinking, ‘soooo how does colonialism in this world work?🤔’ which was kinda spurred by my realization that the people in the alpha verse only spoke English (as far as I remember), even tho in the “firstverse” as I call it Waymond and Evelyn switch between mandarin & english. I wondered if a dominant culture emerged and just snuffed out all other cultures and languages, basically if colonizers got their way completely in our world, or if the alphaverse became a “true” melting pot where all of the cultures just kinda merged into one(?). Not really sure how to explain that theory tho, but maybe something like everyone putting aside their differences for the good of humanity? Kinda race-blindness, or even that race doesn’t exist in the alphaverse. That’s some of the things I thought of with just that little detail I noticed. Even tho I didn’t think about the world of nope a lil bit, this is the first movie where I’ve really thought about the universe, or multiverse(?) this is taking place in.
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f1rstwatch · 1 year ago
This is a "tagging my OCs" blog run by @sunstartle! I just like sorting, mostly. Sorry.
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So, who are these characters?
Glad someone would definitely willingly ask that! The characters focused on here are from the FirstVerse: my superhero worldbuilding project that I’ve been working on for ~3-4 years.
I plan on doing something with it but that goal is a very moving target and I change my mind on it all the time. I'm mostly set on the fact that it will be something 3D, though.
The First Watch takes place on a fictionalized Earth in 2022 & revolves around the titular First Watch, a team of teenage superheroes who defend their city, Wynsbury, from evil, and especially from the supervillain organization the SeaSong Network.
It is largely unfinished, but if you are someone interested in specific worldbuilding details (I am very flattered!) my work-in-progress worldbuilding document can be found here. You can also find sketches, fun stuff, etc here!
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Annulet (16, she/her), professional anxious perfectionist & team leader of the First Watch. Her tag is #c.annulet.
180 (16, she/her), ball of energy with questionable decision-making skills & member of the First Watch. Her tag is #c.180.
Kudzu (17, she/her), cuttingly practical lone wolf & member of the First Watch. Her tag is #c.kudzu.
Sunstrike (15, he/him), slightly off-putting sweetheart & the youngest member of the First Watch. His tag is #c.sunstrike.
… & Nox (???, mirrored pronouns in universe & they/them in narrated text), their mandatory Little Creature Guy! Their tag is #c.nox.
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Rowan (16, he/him), Kudzu’s adoptive brother & source of her powers. His tag is #c.rowan.
Fern (20, she/her), Rowen’s eldest sister & the unofficial second in command of the Woodfolke. Her tag is #c.fern.
Lull (16, they/them), chronic insomniac & chronic pessimist working part-time as a superhero for the Polis Guard. Their tag is #c.lull.
Dashtag (18, they/them in uniform only), overprotective adrenaline junkie & part-time superhero with the Polis Guard. Their tag is #c.dashtag.
Flashfire (18, they/them in uniform only), mysterious & often-gloomy part-time superhero for the Polis Guard. Their tag is #c.flashfire.
Siren (38, she/her), The Big Bad; the CEO of the SeaSong Network. Her tag is #c.siren.
Divinity (19, he/him), charming egomaniac demigod & semi-supervillain ‘unwillingly’ working for the SeaSong Network. His tag is #c.divinity.
Sly Fox (16, he/they), cat (fox?) burglar supervillain working for the SeaSong Network. His tag is #c.slyfox.
Lady Laia (~200ish at time of death, she/her, deceased), Holy One of Sonnets who died to win the Second Revolution on Fyolynd. Her tag is #c.laia.
Lord Azbithe (~20ish at time of death, he/him, deceased), Fyrefolke who died to win the Second Revolution on Fyolynd. His tag is #c.azbithe.
Noctim, the Kingslayer (~3000, they/them), Holy One of the Night. Killed their own brother. Their tag is #c.noctim.
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Polis Guard: Kinetika (x), Vivo (x), Scarlet Signal (x), Rover (x), Jamboree (x).
SeaSong Network: Micheal Smith (x), Quinten Bel (x), Mecha (x), Switcheroo (x), Vice (x), Versa (x), Myotis (x).
Misc: Ophelia (x), Thyme (x), Kindness (x), Sentry (x), Mahogany (x), Motiantoze (x), Nikian (x), Lyrian (x), Aularka (x), Hoka (x).
There are others! So many others that I do not have the energy to write out as such. If/when they get tags, they will be tagged as c-dot-their name, like the others!
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If a post concerns the relationship between two characters, I will be tagging it with a specific relationship tag to help filtering. Relationship tags will not be added if the post applies to both/all of the tagged characters separately, only if it specifically concerns their intrapersonal connection(s).
The vast majority of the relationship tags are PLATONIC!
Annulet & 180: #r.flipmoth . Annulet & Kudzu: #r.anzu . Annulet & Sunstrike: #r.dawn
180 & Kudzu: #r.flipivy . 180 & Sunstrike: #r.eightsun
Kudzu & Sunstrike: #r.solzu
Entire Team: #r.fw
Annulet & Micheal: #r.mothsibs . Annulet & Noctim: #r.nightmoth . Annulet & Sly Fox: #r.foxmoth . Annulet & Myotis: #r.batnmoth
180 & Lull: #r.technicolor
Kudzu & Rowan: #r.kudrow . Kudzu & Fern: #r.sprout . Kudzu & Rowan & Fern: #r.ivyleague
Sunstrike & Rowan: #r.woodsmoke . Sunstrike & Dashtag: #r.dashstrike . Sunstrike & Flashfire: #r.eclipse . Sunstrike & Dashtag & Flashfire: #r.takethree . Sunstrike & Divinity: #r.waxwings . Sunstrike & Sly Fox: #r.slysun
Rowan & Fern: #r.fernrow . Fern & Dashtag: #r.dashfern
Dashtag & Flashfire: #r.dashflash . Dashtag & Divinity: #r.angelchase
Flashfire & Divinity: #r.tropic . Siren & Divinity: #r.angelangel
Lady Laia & Lord Azbithe: #r.lazbithe
I will add any additional relationship tags as they come up / if needed!
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If a post involves one or more members of an organization, the organization will receive an H-tag.
#h.firstwatch | #h.polisguard | #h.seasong
If a post directly concerns the organization itself, the organization will receive an O-tag.
#o.firstwatch | #o.polisguard | #o.seasong
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#a.bestfit is for posts that I consider (subjectively) to be the "best fits". Not necessarily 'faves' but posts I find to be the most consistent with the tagged character(s).
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Sorting tags are S-tags! They define the type of post and also how I am interpreting it.
#s.mine: Posts I have made / written myself; non-reblogs. Planned to be largely uncommon.
#s.myart: Again, not planning on posting much/any of this, but if I do, art I have drawn myself will go here.
#s.ask: If anyone sends asks here (which you are more than welcome to do!), they will be posted under this tag.
#s.info: Any informational posts written by me -- such as this one!
#s.ooc: Posts about writing, character creation, etc that I feel apply to the tagged character(s).
#s.fits: Posts that could apply to or be talking about the tagged character(s) and do not refer to anyone involved as fictional.
#s.ic: Posts I can imagine actually being written or said by the tagged character(s).
#s.aesthetic: Moodboards or general images fitting the aesthetic vibes of the tagged character(s).
#s.energy: Typically images of the unhinged variety that carry the energy or vibes of the tagged character(s).
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And I think... that might be all! Thanks so much to anyone who actually read this and I'm sorry if this blog still manages to be a disorganized nightmare even with this system... lol.
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sergioambition · 5 years ago
Everybody like my new song so far RIGHT NOW had to put a couple snippets out there to see what the people think about it #firstverse #drake #nas #daveeast #jayz #rocnation #pdiddy #common #crest #journey #spotify https://www.instagram.com/p/B9hnE7ZFjHU/?igshid=d27p760b9r6f
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djtonydub · 6 years ago
Library Maintenance! This is the worst! And I have to do this for each of my hard drives and systems! #djtonydub #TheProfessional #chattdj #chattanooga #tn #bestdj #greatestdj #amazingdj #djlife #djbusiness #music #iamtonydub #1stVerse #FirstVerse #FirstVerseProductions #1stVerseProductions #serato #seratodj #outkast https://www.instagram.com/p/BpP3daqFPtp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wlb3awdaxa1o
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lpzsl1ck · 5 years ago
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#sL1cK #LpzsL1cK #Music #SoundCloud #SocialMedia #Networking #Build #Growth #ThuroType #Progress #Blurrr’d #PuertoRico #Beginnings #California #PossibleCollaboration #Connecticut #Worthy #FirstVerse https://soundcloud.com/lpzsl1ck/blurrrd-up-1st-vrs-addition https://www.instagram.com/p/CEVJegIg40I/?igshid=17g514wsqyxry
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libraryofcirclaria · 7 months ago
08 September 1281
Library of Circlaria
Third Level Society: First Version
Story Six: Meona Bell
I'm trying to piece together what happened since I last wrote. Everything Ivella told me when I first woke up in the University Hospital Wing made no sense to me. How Carter almost caught her...how she got away...her background...
I have somewhat of a vague memory of the Caucus Chamber. It was on fire. Or was it just smoke and sparks? Was that yesterday? Or was it last week? Or a month ago?
I know that Daniel Carter and Julian got into a fight? But why would they be hurling spellfire discharges at each other?
Or was it Kara Martins? Yes. I remember now. Carter wasn't there. Or maybe he was on the Dais. And then Kara lashed out at Julian. First, it was shouting. Then it was spellfire dueling.
Wait. No. Ceri Mains was there. And she attacked them both. She barged in. Either that or one of her cronies slipped into the Chamber among other Members. I don't remember Ceri emerging from the Audience Section though. She was just spontaneously there.
Ivella is telling me that the later in time I think, the worse it is. So I need to go back to the beginning, the morning of September 6.
That does seem clearer to me. So here goes, 1281 September 6:
Shortly after breakfast came a knock on my Guestroom Door. To my complete surprise, I saw standing at the door a very aged version of Daniel Orville Carter, himself.
"Meona now, is it?" he said. When I answered, he shook my hand and gave me a hug. "A very beautiful addendum."
"I didn't know you'd respond so quickly," I said.
"To what?" Carter said, finding himself a seat. "If you sent a message, I never got it. I was staying up the road from here since yesterday. I picked up on your name over the phone with Dungeonmaster Julian." Carter reached into his coat pocket and pulled out an envelope. "By the way, I also have an important letter from Miss Ivella; and I need to take this to Julian in person. As you can see noted, we are not to mention this letter to anyone but Julian and his close company. And no one but Julian may open this letter and read it."
"So you've come to get me to take with you to Julian?" I asked.
"You seemed to have read my mind," Carter said, standing up again. "I'm afraid I have no time for coffee and biscuits if that's what your plans were. We'll have that later."
The Campus Watch checkpoint was still up. In fact, they stepped things up by doing a more thorough search of our bags and persons. Within a very short amount of time, however, we were in Dungeonmaster Julian's Office, where Carter handed Julian the letter and ordered him to read it.
"Finally, a sign from her," Julian said grudgingly but relieved. "Right on the day of my big talk." But when he read, the look of relief fell from his face, which turned pale and blank. With his hand shaking, he handed the letter to me. "Meona. Tell me what you make of this."
I looked at the letter. Apparently, Ivella Ogden boarded an airship in Clareon, the capital of the Mid-Westerlies, and intended to ride a flight to Savel, from where she would take a cable train to Ereautea. However, the airship she was on experienced an engine failure, forcing them to make an emergency landing in the island-nation of Monassa. That was, of course, a customs nightmare for her, because Monassa has been an independent country since 1249. So she had to wait for a copy of her passport to be mailed to her.
In addition to that, there was also heavy traffic due to summer travels; so Ivella had to wait a week before finally boarding an airship back to Savel, putting her hopelessly behind schedule.
I read the second part of the letter aloud but in a quiet voice: "...However, Julian, you don't need to be afraid, and I'm saying this for two reasons: first, I know Mary Kormann very well, much more than you think. Despite her demeanor and appearance, she is very resilient. Ceri Mains is no match for her.
"Second, in watching and even involving myself in the protection of the Cabotton community during this uncertain time, I've been made aware, much to my surprise, that Ceri Mains actually has no intention whatsoever to harm Mary Kormann or otherwise infiltrate the Society, despite what certain media sources may say.
"I cannot explain why I am saying this in this letter because that involves disclosing dangerous information that I cannot risk being leaked in the unlikely event that this message gets intercepted, but I promise that I will speak with you when I finally arrive, at which point everything will make sense. In the meantime, I must ask something unusual of you. And that is to have, what you may deem, blind faith in what I've told you and to use your best judgement given the circumstances.
"I will hopefully arrive by this coming Sunday, September 9. Again, once I explain everything in person, you will be left with no more questions on the matter. Sincerely, Ivella Marie Ogden."
Julian shook his head. "That...this just...None of it makes sense," he said hysterically. "At all...I have to be on the podium in..." Julian paused and looked at his watch. "Ninety minutes!" Julian stood up and began to pace frantically. "Ninety minutes from this very moment! I have to reassure the Caucus that everything is going to be alright! And then I have Kara Martins and those other buffoons to deal with!" Julian snatched the letter from me, crumpled it up, and threw it at the wall. "That daft woman, Ivella! How could she say this!? How could she be in complete denial!?"
"She is running that darkfire sanctuary, you know. I'm afraid it's possible she may have been swayed," Carter said, and for a brief moment, I remembered back to when Julian had mentioned that diplomacy was questionable between the two figures.
"What do we do, Daniel Carter? Meona Bell?" Now there was desperation in Julian's voice.
"You're a Dungeonmaster now," Carter said. "Think!"
"Oh great!" Julian said sarcastically. "Thanks for your encouragement!"
"Let's talk to Mary Kormann," I said suddenly, standing up and lifting a calming hand to both of them. "Let's see if she has some words of encouragement to say...to the Caucus, I mean."
"You're starting to sound like Ivella now," Julian said accusingly.
"Do you have a better alternative, Mackwell?" Carter asked sternly.
Julian paused and sat back down. It seemed that he shrank and grew weaker. "Fine," he said. "Let's try Mary."
It was overcast and thundering, I remember. Small scattered thunderstorms was what the Weather Bureau called for. With that and the tight schedule, we made our way briskly to Mary Kormann's dormitory, located in Fleming House.
It was there where I met Dyla Cormick for the first time. She introduced herself and said that Mary was busy at the moment. Just then, Mary came out of her bedroom, accompanied by a tall and somewhat muscly figure named "Parker."
"Who are you to Mary?" Carter asked Parker. "Friend? Boyfriend?"
"Nah," Parker said. "Friend since childhood?"
"Who are you?" Mary asked, pointing at Carter and hiding behind Parker. "Are you a Ceri Mains thug?"
"Quite the opposite," Carter said. "I'm here to make sure Ceri doesn't get to you."
"Are you sure?" Mary asked. "I don't trust you."
Carter turned to me and Julian and said, "I'll remove myself out of sight for the time being. Call me when you're done."
I remember at that point wondering if Parker, himself, was actually a Ceri Mains accomplice influencing Mary. I almost tried to pull Julian aside to voice that concern but Julian was already in conversation with Mary. He was explaining to her how Ivella did not have answers yet.
"But she's aware of you and your safety, and is working on a solution," Julian concluded. "In the meantime, everyone else in the Caucus is scared too. We need to say something to them to make them feel better. Mary, what would you say right now to make them feel better?"
"Oh...well...I don't know...Let me think." Mary paused, sat down, closed her eyes and said, "Think...think...think..." repeatedly for the next few moments. "Oh I know," she finally said, springing to her feet and smiling gleefully like an eight-year-old. "I'd tell everyone everything you told me. And then I'd tell everyone how I have you and you and you and all these other friends to protect me." She pointed to me, Julian, and Parker when she said her last sentence. "It's just...I'm really shy..." Then she whispered, "I don't want to be on the Podium."
"You don't have to be," Parker said, gently patting her on the back. "Julian'll speak for you."
"Parker's right," Julian agreed. "I've got you there, Mary. Thank you for helping me figure out what to say though."
I called Daniel Carter back. It was twenty-five minutes before that meeting was due to start, so we set off, once again, at a quick pace.
On the way over, we talked about how things would go with this important moment. Before long, it was agreed upon that Daniel Carter, Dyla, Mary, and I would sit on the Dais by up in the front by the Podium while Julian stood and gave his speech. Meanwhile, Parker would be sitting in the Audience Section to give Mary encouragement with the presence of a friendly face.
I remember the thunder being a little louder and a little closer, though not as intense as the storm that destroyed that Great Oak Tree. Nevertheless, there were two reasons to hurry.
On the way over, we walked by a couple of Campus Watch Officers. No doubt, they were stepping up patrols since the news of Ceri Mains in Gentry County. It was all very scary for Miss Kormann, though, and I saw her flinch.
"Are those Ceri Mains thugs in disguise?" Mary asked.
Parker put a comforting hand on Mary. "Rest assured they are not," he said.
"And neither is Daniel Carter," I added. For a quick moment, I pulled them aside and flagged down one of the Watch Officers, who shook Mary's hand and gave a friendly reassurance.
"She thinks I'm one of Ceri's thugs," Carter added.
"Oh wow," the Officer laughed. "Carter's been here a million times. If he was an accomplice, we would've caught him by now."
It was when we entered the Side Hallways lining the Caucus, which was full and ready for Julian's big speech, when Daniel Carter bugged out.
"Gotta go," he said quickly. "Start without me. I'll join in the audience later."
Right when we needed his presence the most, I thought to myself.
Nevertheless, we entered the Chamber through the side door next to the Dais. The crowd fell to a murmur, expecting Julian to make his moment. Julian ascended the Dais first, then came myself, and then the other three.
"I'm okay with just Meona, you, and Julian," I heard Mary say. I turned around behind me. "Parker's not here but that's okay," Mary said to me.
That's when I realized that I did not remember seeing Parker since we were outside. But I didn't have time to think on that.
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to 'make a commitment' after all," someone said. I turned to the audience and saw that Peter Crane and Kara Martins were standing together in the front row to my left.
"Roll call!" shouted the Bookkeeper on the Podium now before I could say or do anything.
I never got a chance to know who the current Bookkeeper was or his name. He was clearly one of the professors, though, as a few Society Members are, and this one was nearing retirement.
I remember, now, whispering to Julian how they needed to change how that was done. The Dungeonmaster called the first 100 Members on the Roster; and as soon as 100 vote present, the session would begin. Julian was about to respond when a large clap of thunder outside startled the Caucus.
"Order please," the Bookkeeper said. When he finally finished, he yielded the Podium to Julian. And so Julian began his speech.
"I understand the fear, and yes it feels omnipresent," Julian began. "But rest assured, we, all of us, are constantly vigilant in protecting the Society given the situation. I have spoken with Ivella Ogden recently. She does not yet have a concise answer, but she has shelved all of her other commitments in order to focus on what is best for the Society-"
"Like what!?" Kara Martins cut in. And that was how it started. I'll never forget her shouting that, the sound of a few dozen Members shouting in support of her, and the Bookkeeper telling her to sit down and be quiet. She rounded on the Bookkeeper. "Oh so you're part of it too?"
"The Dungeonmaster is speaking!" said the Bookkeeper. "I said sit down and be quiet!"
"You and Ceri will not subjugate me!" Kara shouted, barging out into the Center Aisle. "You know about the thing with the Academy strike, right? All the faculty across all the schools are thinking of it as I speak! It's coming, I tell you! Now's the time for all of you to rise up too! Rise up and bring down these evil cronies!" She pointed at us as she said those last two words.
"Stewards! Take her away!" the Bookkeeper called amidst the growing tumult in the Audience. This turned into an uproar as the Stewards went in to take away Kara out into the Side Halls.
Suddenly, someone ran into the Chamber, shouting, "Ceri Mains has been reported on Campus!" This made the uproar in the Chamber turn into screams and panic.
"Order! Order!" the Bookkeeper shouted. "Everyone remain in their seats! This session is suspended until further notice! Stewards keep Kara in the Hallway once we resume!"
But those words were no good. Just at the moment, the Campus Watch arrived.
"Session will resume tomorrow!" the Bookkeeper shouted.
"This building's being evacuated!" an Officer called. "Everyone leave now!"
"Except you!" another Officer said, pointing at Mary. "We need to speak with you!"
Mary tried to squirm away. I tried to take her hand and calm her, but she took out a talisman and hurled a Stun Spell discharge at me. I did not expect that, but somehow I dodged that first hit and dove behind a seat. Campus Watch Officers tried hitting Mary with their rounds of Stun Spells but Mary had a good Shield Spell. Then she saw me and hurled another Stun Spell discharge, which hit me square in the face.
Next thing I remembered was waking up in this Hospital Wing.
"You were emotionally swayed, Meona," Ivella said to me. "You knew something was off with her appearance. She is a prodigy, this Ceri Mains, but disguise as a different person is not one of her strengths. You picked up on that, but you were under 'darkfire entrapment,' which dominated your emotions. And that inhibited your ability to act on what would have been your logical instinct. That is what I assume happened with you, anyway."
"You're not that far from the truth," I said.
So I learned from Ivella many things having elapsed since Thursday night. First, Ceri Mains, despite being surrounded by scores of Campus Watch Officers in that Caucus Chamber, managed to escape, and is currently at large.
And I still can't fathom the idea of Mary Kormann actually being Ceri Mains in disguise.
Second, Daniel Carter is in pursuit. I realized now that I was not the only one suspicious of that figure named Parker. It turns out that Parker was actually Kevin Mains, the cousin of Ceri Mains. Carter picked up on this on our way into the Caucus Chamber when Kevin Mains slipped away from us unnoticed. Carter noticed and went after him, which was why Carter had to leave us.
And they confronted each other. Apparently, Carter tried to stop him, but Kevin Mains turned around and struck him with a Stun Spell.
I thought back to the clap of thunder I heard during the roll call. Perhaps that's what I heard.
And apparently, Ceri Mains and Kevin Mains were, in fact, tied to the ongoing Weyne-North feud. I requested news periodicals brought to me so that I could read up.
So it began between the years 1200 and 1230 that both the Weynes and the Norths had moved out into what was considered the territory of the former nation of Wannonia as part of the big Combrian Settlement plan. There was a competition between the two families to have the highest value in property held, especially with land.
At one point, the Weynes bought partial farmland from the North family. On that plot was built a house at the end of a long driveway; this would come to be 1093 Cunningham Drive. The surrounding land was empty and remote but was eventually developed into the town of Orsbendock in the Province of Nintel. The driveway was converted into an actual street and the house became the address of 1093 Cunningham Drive.
So the Weynes built the house, hiring workers from the North family with the deal that the Norths would be allowed to live in that house for rent paid to the Weyne family. The Norths agreed to this. However, once the house was finished and they moved in, the Norths discovered that they had to share the household with Weyne tenants who claimed partial residence. Furthermore, rent was too high. As a result, the Norths handed a list of grievances to the Weyne landlords, who responded by deeming the North tenants to be a nuisance and evicted them.
The first Holz Finzi incident in the year 1237 left an opportunity for the North family to retaliate, because numerous members of the Weyne family had Involuntary Darkfire Conjuration Syndrome. The Norths convinced the surrounding community to label the Weynes and had the local government at the time blacklist them from their property holdings at the time and hand them to the North family. This gave the North family 1093 Cunningham Drive.
Then came the Retunian Revolution, which began in 1238. Once that war passed, won by the Retunian Republic, which established itself in place of the old Combrian government, the new government did away with "family condemnation," meaning that the Weyne family could regain some of their properties.
This did not include 1093 Cunningham Drive, however. That still remained under possession of the North family because in that time, there was a will written on it. The Weynes would have received it back regardless since they were technically the original owners, but the Weynes never wrote a will on it. And thus, 1093 Cunningham Drive became became a point of contention between the two families in the decades to follow.
By the 1270s and 1280s, the North family had members living in various locations throughout the Eastern part of Nintel, particularly in North Kempton, where they had particularly strong social connections; and they were quite the sociable family, apparently, having connections across all the places where they lived. Meanwhile, the Weyne family was more spread out, having residences in that same area but also in Gymia and Western Ereautea. Half of the Weyne family has the Darkfire Syndrome, half of whom reside in the Mount Carris Perimeter. And of the combined afflicted Weynes living inside and outside of the Perimeter, about half are in some way involved with the dangerous darkfire cartels.
The Weynes, like the Norths, are also sociable, but are popular with the marginalized Darkfire Syndrome demographic.
So tension had been building between the families over the past 100 years or so, but had been mounting especially between the 1250s and now. The Weynes had felt that the Norths would, at some point in the years to come, lobby both the County and Provincial legislatures to pass laws effectively bringing back "family condemnation." Though such legislation never materialized, many Weynes felt compelled to defend themselves by force, and began joining the community spellfire combat legions. Many of these legions, as we all know, charge tuition; and it's not cheap. Some of these Weynes turned to the darkfire cartel market to help pay for those training courses.
There was felt a mutual benefit there, however, because some Weynes decided to delve completely into the darkfire market, utilizing the skills gained in the legions. This would ultimately lead to direct involvement with Ceri Mains.
Meanwhile, the Norths were aware that the Weynes were arming themselves. And so the Norths, themselves, began training in community spellfire combat legions. The difference here, however, is that the North family is reputedly evangelist, and vowed never to involve themselves with darkfire, securing donations from churches instead.
Concerning 1093 Cunningham Drive, the North family apparently carved out a perpetual will, which ultimately played a role in sparking all the violence in the first place. This was written by Roseanne North in 1274, and was certified by a court of law and dictated that the deed to the house, upon death of the owner, who go to the husband or wife; if there was no living spouse, then the deed would go to the oldest son, or the oldest daughter if there was no son. If the married couple in question had no children, then the house would go to the oldest son in the "extended North family."
Richard and Roseanne North, husband and wife, inherited the house in 1243, after which the perpetual will was crafted at some point. In 1259, Richard North died, thus the deed went to Roseanne. Then in 1276, Roseanne North died; the house then went to her daughter, Bella North Kormann, who was married to Jon Kormann but was still considered a North under the will, and was eligible as Roesanne's eldest daughter since Richard and Roseanne had no sons.
Nonetheless, with Bella's last name being Kormann due to the marriage, this inheritance was the first in the North family history that handed 1093 Cunningham Drive to an individual whose legal last name was not North.
On 22 March 1281, Jon and Bella Kormann were both found dead at 1093 Cunningham Drive, with the cause of death determined to be poisoning. Their murderer is still at large, to this day, and has not been identified. Regardless, Jon and Bella, both 35 years of age at the time of their deaths, had no children, nor did they have a will prepared of their own; and thus the perpetual will had to be invoked.
But therein stood the conflict of interest. There had been a change in Nintel Provincial Law concerning the definition of "extended family," which took effect on 1 June 1276. Before that date, Nintel Law considered the term, "extended family," to mean all direct relatives, including one's first cousin or closer, with the same last name as yours, regardless of whether or not your descendent had a different last married name in the event they don't write a will themselves; therefore, under this version, the house was to go to someone in the North family.
The Province of Nintel was, up until 1276, the only Province in the Retunian Republic to have Provincial Law defining "extended family" in this way. This apparently caused a headache in court cases involving property disputes between parties in different provinces. So Nintel, under pressure from the other provinces as well as the federal government, made a change to said law, which took effect on 1 June 1276, to define "extended family" to mean all direct relatives including first cousin and closer of either you or your spouse regardless of whether or not you write a will, under the pretext that a perpetual will now applies to you and not the original author of that perpetual will. This would mean that the house, in this case, would go to someone in the Kormann family.
Again, this created a point of contention. But the ultimate controversy was this: Roseanne North wrote out the perpetual will in November 1274, before the change in Provincial Law was made and took effect. The change took effect on 1 June 1276. And then Roseanne died on 2 June 1276.
Obviously, this controversy could not be resolved without legal intervention; so a case was made to John Trayne, Arbitrator in service of Tradehouse County, who stated that the deed shall be signed over to Henry North, based on the notion that Roseanne had the earlier definition of "extended family" in mind.
However, the Kormann family disputed this, stating that since Roseanne did not have an actual individual in mind to receive the estate in the event of the deaths of Jon and Bella, the residence should go to Robert Kormann in adherence to the will based on the "extended family" definition in place after the 1 June 1276 change, since Roseanne died on June 2. This drew a rebuttal from the North family, stating that the will was signed on 18 November 1274, meaning that regardless of whether or not Roseanne intended a certain individual as a recipient of the estate in the event of Jon and Bella's deaths, the earlier law needs to apply.
Within his bounds in accordance to law, Arbitrator Trayne could not resolve this dispute, and was forced to turn the case over to court for a proper hearing and trial. The first of these took place in the Tradehouse County Courthouse on 14 April 1281, during which both the Kormanns and the Norths voiced their aforementioned arguments.
It was at this point that there was a big hole in the Provincial law revealed with no statement covering whether the law should interpret the will based on when it was signed or based on when the author of the will died. And apparently the gap was present in both the earlier and later laws. Judge Mervin Tame, presiding over this case, stated that every possible written statement by Roseanne that can be found must be collected and combined with witness testimony from both sides regarding interactions with Roseanne to determine what Roseanne had intended. The court was to reconvene on 18 April.
During the time that elapsed, Ceriph Wayne apparently approached Todd Buorning, Head Juror of the case; and there was a jury there owing to the intensity of the controversy. Ceriph had apparently promised Todd a good retirement if he promised to do everything possible to ensure the Jury did not side with the North family. Todd had sent a ticker message accepting the deal in secret; and Ceriph replied with an extended message of thanks.
This, neither I nor anyone else out there in the world would have ever known, had it not been for Todd's apparent absent-mindedness. This earned him the reputation these days as the "worst Head Juror in history." Upon receiving the ticker message of thanks from Ceriph, Todd had this stashed in his personal briefcase, which he accidentally left on a chair at a small cafe in one of the smaller towns in Tradehouse County. An anonymous person very much interested in this case, spotted the briefcase and the message hanging out of it, and had this message delivered directly to the Desk of Judge Mervin Tame, himself. Tame ordered the entire message exchange pulled from the wires.
And so on 18 April 1281, the court convened again. The Judge read the entire message exchange publicly and then subsequently ordered Ceriph and Todd jailed. He then dismissed the whole Jury and declared a mistrial, ordering a second retrial to be scheduled for October of 1282 and also ordering that 1093 Cunningham to remain vacant.
Rochelle North was, obviously, of the North family, raised by their ideals. However, she never "fit in" with the North family or their traditions, especially of their evangelist faith. She was always seen by herself and others as a "rebel."
At some point, she began a romantic relationship with Adam Kormann, who was close friends with Robert and Edward Weyne. Of that group, Rochelle was the leader; and they reputedly became involved in the illegal darkfire trade.
On the evening of 21 April 1281, they broke into the residence of 1093 Cunningham Drive.
Roger North, cousin of Rochelle North, had a completely different outlook, being truly loyal to the North family and their values. He was aware of Rochelle's plan and intended to confront her when she carried it out. Roger had two friends: Christopher Morriston and Charles Grodd, the latter of the two, may I mention, was a very close friend of Cray Fenton.
So on 21 April 1281, Roger, Christopher, and Charles went to 1093 Cunningham Drive and confronted Rochelle, Robert, and Edward. Suddenly, as all six individuals were armed and trained with spellfire talismans, all hell broke loose.
No one is sure what exactly happened but the end result was that the back add-on section of the house caught fire, warranting a call to the Fire Department. They extinguished the flames before too much was damaged. But the outcome was tragic; for they had discovered that Rochelle North, Roger North, and Adam Kormann were killed. Christopher and Charles were taken to the hospital but both survived and recovered. The same held true for Robert and Edward Weyne, but evidence emerged leading to the arrest of the latter two.
Thus the feud ignited. On 1 May 1281, the Weyne family struck back with a spellfire attack on a group of the Norths in a street battle in Orsbendock. Both sides suffered a few deaths while both Norths and Weynes, and their friends, were arrested.
The Norths retaliated on 7 May 1281, during which Tom North lured Casey Weyne into what she thought was a blind date starting on an airship leaving the Tradehouse County Airfield. As she arrived at the Airfield Tram Station, though, she was ambushed by North family thugs. She had brought Weyne family thugs of her own for precaution, but the fighting was intense enough and in a significant enough public space that the feud started to gain national attention.
Nevertheless, the violence spread. On 17 May, deadly fighting between the Norths and Weynes and their friends took place in neighboring Lyndon County. Between 18 and 24 May emerged reports of deadly fighting in Tradehouse County, Lyndon County, and Worden County. Between 1 and 8 June, the fighting spread to Torrens County and West Front County in Ereautea, and also to Shon County in Gymia.
On 11 June, Prime Minister Edward Jackson addressed the crisis, which now spread into Dearing County, and declared a national emergency, placing all the counties involved thus far under direct martial law to be administered by the Retunian Civil Guard.
And then, on 12 June 1281, Ceri Mains escaped. As it turns out, she was aided by Charles Kormann, based on a ticker message exchange pulled by the authorities shortly after the September 6 incident.
Neither he, nor Ceri, nor her other friends are to be found anywhere at this time.
<- 05 September 1281 <- || -> 09 September 1281 ->
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kingboboy10 · 7 years ago
SZA- Supermodel (practice) Starting to learn songs by SZA Her lyrics are free and irregular I like listenting to her, but it makes it challenging to rememeber her words while keeping a steady rhythm with my instrument But I'll manage and I'll show you complete songs of SZA🎶 If you listen to her album 'Ctrl' and feel reminded, pls leave such people. They don't deserve your body and soul, protect your mind and heart. Otherwise, you don't respect and love yourself not enough ❤ #music #sza #supermodel #shortversion #firstverse #teaser #practice #acoustic #guitar #vocals #lyrics #album #ctrl #love #temporary #temporarylover #abandonment #mentalhealth
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amentadesign · 7 years ago
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theurbanhippieswe · 6 years ago
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Back to the M-65 (first version), with several layers. Not as warm outside as one should think. Photo: @christopherakesson #urbanstyle #armywear #beanie #thehwdogandco #m65jacket #firstversion #therealmccoys #therealmccoyslondon #hoodie #purebluejapan #rivetandhide #jeans #dawsondenim #leshopsage #boots #dannerboots #thebrokedownpalace #theurbanhippieswe #bag #bleudechauffe #brunosartisans (på/i Malmö, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuTq7byhaZu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f96o6675lw8c
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lntlism · 3 years ago
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♐️ #Embroidery #Handcraft #FirstVersion #LearnForBetter #ColourMyDay #LifeIsWonderful https://www.instagram.com/p/CU7CiRFJAgO7UBr-OwY0xT-JjVEjWN1uRqUzbY0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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djtonydub · 6 years ago
Go Vote! NOW! #djtonydub #TheProfessional #chattdj #chattanooga #tn #bestdj #greatestdj #amazingdj #djlife #djbusiness #music #iamtonydub #1stVerse #FirstVerse #FirstVerseProductions #1stVerseProductions #vote #voting #2018elections #electionday #earlyvoting (at Chattanooga, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpHtnU0l5-h/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=53gvp3oz9i3k
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delcastro · 4 years ago
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nikkarin-draws-and-sleeps · 7 years ago
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martassimsbookcc · 4 years ago
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Guys! Here I am, with my first converted door! *happy noises* A really big, BIG, BIIIIG thank you to @deniisu-sims and @gruesim for helping me fixing it. I wouldn’t make it without you! --- I apology in advance if this door has already been converted. It was a test I wasn’t planning to share :) --- I’ve decided to share two versions: the first one I made (file named “FirstVersion”), which has a not-so-good animation but still works fine, because I’ve received a lot of good comments about it and maybe someone could prefer it instead of the “fixed” version. Of course the other version is the fixed one (file named “Fixed”) :)
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If you’ve missed my previous post, the first version looks like this while opening:
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