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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
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mr. kim taehyung
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
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an angel
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
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my favorite happy boys~
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
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breathtakingly handsome
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
I feel like when someone breaks up with you, they should also give you a vibrator 🤷‍♀️
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
EXPLAINING THE NEXT BTS COMEBACK + ALL the things ARMYs didn’t notice:
In case you were under a rock or projected to outer space, BTS is coming back on April 12. They will return with a new series called “Map of the Soul: Persona” And here are the hints BTS gave us before this being announced and we saw NOTHING:
Aug 6 2018 the notes by Seokjin, last sentence ‘Start finding my map of the soul’  
(Find the fill note translated HERE)
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Dec 14 2018, MAMA HK  ‘I’ll show you, the map of the soul’ 
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Same day (Dec 14, 2018), Bighit official shop the book ‘Jung’s Map of the soul’ 
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Jan 7 Smeraldo Books talk about Seokjin’s notes
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So this comeback will be based on the book ‘Jung’s Map of the soul’. The persona that BTS are first choosing to come back with is one out of 4 unconscious characteristics that we inherit. 
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BTS will use the ideas of Carl Jung to  examine the individuation process, a process Jung believed to be essential for a healthy functioning personality. Such an examination will lead us (BTS, ARMY anyone interested …)  to explore some of the parts of the personality that Jung viewed as particularly important,  namely the persona, the shadow, the anima and animus, and the self. 
The word persona was used in Roman times to signify a mask worn by an actor. In an analogous manner, in Jungian psychology,  the persona represents the social mask that each of us “wear” in our interaction with other’s in society. Or to put it differently it represents the personality that we try to portray to others. While the persona plays an important role in promoting social interaction and communal life, problems arise when people over-identify with their persona.  As Jung writes: “Fundamentally the persona is nothing real: it is a compromise between the individual and society as to what a man should appear to be. He takes a name, earns a title, represents an office, he is this or that. In a certain sense all this is real, yet in relation to the essential individuality of the person concerned, it is only a secondary reality, a product of compromise, in making which others often have a greater share than he. The persona is a semblance, a two-dimensional reality.” (Carl Jung) Most people suffer from inflation of the persona, meaning that they over-identify with their “social mask” to the detriment of other important areas of the psyche.  In the course of the individuation process, one must come to the realization that the persona is not the totality of their being, but rather only a small component of a much larger personality. 
The first stage in the exploration of the unconscious, according to Jung, is an encounter with one’s shadow archetype. Over the course of one’s life certain personality traits elicit negative feedback and even punishment from others. This negative feedback creates anxiety resulting in these traits being pushed away from awareness into the unconscious where they form the shadow – the “dark” side of one’s personality. To become aware of and integrate the shadow into consciousness is often a difficult and sometimes heroic endeavor. But failure to do so can create chaos in one’s life. In the darkness of the unconscious the shadow is far from impotent, but instead influences emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, in a manner which is beyond conscious control. Often the shadow finds expression through projections, whereby instead of seeing the disagreeable elements of the shadow as residing within ourselves we project these traits onto to others. Bringing elements of the shadow into the light of consciousness is crucial if one is to correct some of these less desirable aspects of themselves. As Jung explains: “Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it…But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets corrected.” (The Essential Jung, Carl Jung and Anthony Storr)
The shadow, according to Jung, is not only composed of negative traits. Rather, in the process of over-identifying with the persona often people reject personality traits not because they are harmful, but because they don’t fit with the dominant social attitudes of the day. Therefore, when integrating the shadow into consciousness, one is also exposed to positive traits and creative energies that can bring about a renewed sense of vitality to life. “The shadow, when it is realized, is the source of renewal; the new and productive impulse cannot come from established values of the ego. When there is an impasse and sterile time in our lives…we must look to the dark, hitherto unacceptable side which has been at our conscious disposal.” (Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature)
An encounter with the anima/animus is manifested in one’s consciousness as a meeting, in dreams or visions, with a member of the opposite gender. Such a figure often arises during times of severe psychic disorientation, offering guidance as to how to remove any psychological barricades hindering the natural progression of the individuation process. Encountering such an archetype can, therefore, signify the coming of a deeply meaningful period in one’s life, defined by significant psychological transformations: “The meeting with the anima/us represents a connection to the unconscious even deeper than that of the shadow. In the case of the shadow, it is a meeting with the disdained and rejected pieces of the total psyche, the inferior and unwanted qualities. In the meeting with the anima/us, it is a contact with levels of the psyche which has the potential to lead into the deepest and highest…reaches that the ego can attain.” (Jung’s Map of the Soul, Murray Stein)
After one encounters and integrates aspects of the anima/animus archetype into one’s ego, one gains access to enter into the deepest layer of the psyche, the archetype of wholeness – which  Jung called the self and viewed as the most important of all the archetypes. Proper expression of the Self is the goal of the individuation process.  As Jung put it: “… the self is our life’s goal, for it is the completest expression of that fateful combination we call individuality…” (Carl Jung) As the sun occupies the centre of the solar system, in an analogous manner the Self is the central archetype of the entire psyche.  The Self archetype acts as the unifying or organizing principle of the psyche and is oriented toward a union of the conscious and unconscious realms. Remembering from our first video on Jung that the centre of the field of consciousness is the ego, Jung noted that: “the more numerous and more significant the unconscious contents which are assimilated to the ego, the closer the approximation of the ego to the Self, even though this approximation must be a never-ending process.”(Carl Jung) As one increasingly identifies with the self they will notice a greater sense of harmony both within themselves and with the world as a whole. In fact, Jung saw connection with the self as so important that at various times he described it as  “a treasure that would make [one] independent” and a  “link to the infinite”.
BTS are not just blatantly asking us to love ourselves, but using this next comeback to show us how to understand ourselves and thus come to an agreement with ourselves and finally love ourselves. 
| Wow! This took quite a bit of research and time to finish hope you like it ^^
 | Cr twt choi_bts2 & __gaciria & @mimibtsghost &  academyofideas.com/2016/02/introduction-to-carl-jung-individuation-the-shadow-the-persona-and-the-self/
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
“We hate school and we can do anything for a dream that everyone mocks us for. We wear 3 dollar chains but wish for big cars, big house, and big rings”
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“We might be babies but we got abs, we hip trust and we are bulletproof “
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“We finally wore white and now we ask everyone to say no with us. But seriously, we almost disbanded during this era because we had no allowance or money”. 
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“Recall when we scream at a girl at first just at the end let her meet our friend who is in love with her? This is also the Era Namjoon finally had normal hair and changed its color every 2 days”
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“We finally have a chill song, we think we will hit big with this song but the public has no taste and the fandom is so small”
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“You thought our ‘bad boy’ concept is gone HAHHAHHAH NOP. But listen we are still unknown in Korea and even though our songs are good there is no win which put us in a lot of pain and stress. Thankfully our international fanbase was starting to grow”
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“We try something different but people come at us for our lyrics.  while “romantic aggression” is kind of fantasized in many dramas and popular culture in Korea, they (over) criticize sexual implication, especially in idol’s lyrics. War of Hormone really made us hear insults left and right. But we are not giving up. On a less serious note, this era also popularized jimin’s booty and we started hearing Jibooty”
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“The era that will start the theories and give us our first win. It was also the era of body rolls and short shorts. It’s also from that era that we gathered even more hate from other fandoms. Why? because we were underdogs and our company was very small. No one from a  small company ever succeeded so who said we will? definitely not them. This era was the one BigHit has a lot of depts and if it wasn’t for I NEED U being more popular they would have been in downhill for sure. It wasn’t a happy ending when we had our first win, there were the Saejagi accusations right at beginning of I Need U era was very bad (May 2015). We were just barely starting to survive, and a scandal like that could have ended us”
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“With some explosive dancing and dope lyrics we attracted many international fans and put many in disbelief that such a boygroup exists but guess what? we weren’t even nominated for best dance at MAMA with this song. ALSO, Jjungkook in a police officer costume made him graduate from fetus to baby bunny”
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“You thought we will be happy by then, but then plagiarism accusations were there to ruin our ride. It is also the era that made us the boy group who run the most in the history of all boy groups. You need to see how muscular are our legs. Our fans started to be better detectives than the FBI with their theories”
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“The song did well both locally and internationally but guess what? will we be happy? well, Karma wasn’t an ARMY yet or something because there was the Plagiarism accusations in May 2016 during Fire era. The bashing and defamation on us didn’t stop”
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“When our fans thought that they will finally get answers well … we gave them Save Me AKA NONE. But seriously internally we really needed someone to save us”. 
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“Many thought that this song will not do well but it did ALL what we didn’t expect and MORE. We also finally got the awards we deserved. This era Jimin really snapped and made everyone asking who he is. Many tought that this era was our peak even we didn’t know it was only the beginning”
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“The era that gave the world the queen called Spring day. And more success followed that year. We used to be cut off airing time at variety shows. But for the first time, we were invited more often to bigger shows. It was also the year we gave up our old logo and started calling ourselves Beyond The Scene (A name that no one will use)”
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“In this Era we achieved the unthinkable. We became the best boy group not only in Korea but also in the world. We won awards that only we won, we went to award shows only we were invited to from our country, we hit milestones and made new records. But being the first to do all these things is still not an easy road. We thought we will be happy if we achieve it all but little did we know how lonely it is at the top. Thank God we got each other. Thank God we got one another. We will continue going even higher no matter the prejudice because that’s who we are”
| I spent a good time making this post. I hope you like it | by @mimibtsghost
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
Who has their TXT bias already!?
i think mine is yeonjun 🖤
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
hi im sorry if this is annoying but will you be continuing perfect illusions? and also im liking whispers so far, keep going
Hi! I actually answered this yesterday if you can find that post 💜💜💜
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
Whisper: Chapter 1
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Next 👉🏼
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
I’m in a dumb program that combines work for two of classes and then there’s individual work for each class so it’s getting really hectic and I want to kill one of my roommates but other than that I like college and what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t compliment you ~girlfriend anon
That program sounds awful. But you can do it. It’s almost time for spring break so hang in there! Make sure you take some time for yourself so you don’t get burnt out.
What’s your roommate doing? :(
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
I’m in college so everything sucks but my day got better when you posted tonight 💖 ~girlfriend anon
Ahh I’m sorry college sucks :( the first year or two is hard, but I remember when I got into classes I actually enjoyed it got better.
You’re making me blush 🤗💓
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
It’s because we love you ~girlfriend anon
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
How/why the fuckity fuck do 800 of you loyal bitches follow me!? 🖤💜😭
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years ago
Little do you know -Alex & Sierra Good enough- Little mix Demons - imagine dragons Secret love song - little mix Love me or leave me - Little mix Hurt - Christina Aguilera Never say never - The fray
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