f1rstwatch · 11 months
This is a "tagging my OCs" blog run by @sunstartle! I just like sorting, mostly. Sorry.
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So, who are these characters?
Glad someone would definitely willingly ask that! The characters focused on here are from the FirstVerse: my superhero worldbuilding project that I’ve been working on for ~3-4 years.
I plan on doing something with it but that goal is a very moving target and I change my mind on it all the time. I'm mostly set on the fact that it will be something 3D, though.
The First Watch takes place on a fictionalized Earth in 2022 & revolves around the titular First Watch, a team of teenage superheroes who defend their city, Wynsbury, from evil, and especially from the supervillain organization the SeaSong Network.
It is largely unfinished, but if you are someone interested in specific worldbuilding details (I am very flattered!) my work-in-progress worldbuilding document can be found here. You can also find sketches, fun stuff, etc here!
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Annulet (16, she/her), professional anxious perfectionist & team leader of the First Watch. Her tag is #c.annulet.
180 (16, she/her), ball of energy with questionable decision-making skills & member of the First Watch. Her tag is #c.180.
Kudzu (17, she/her), cuttingly practical lone wolf & member of the First Watch. Her tag is #c.kudzu.
Sunstrike (15, he/him), slightly off-putting sweetheart & the youngest member of the First Watch. His tag is #c.sunstrike.
… & Nox (???, mirrored pronouns in universe & they/them in narrated text), their mandatory Little Creature Guy! Their tag is #c.nox.
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Rowan (16, he/him), Kudzu’s adoptive brother & source of her powers. His tag is #c.rowan.
Fern (20, she/her), Rowen’s eldest sister & the unofficial second in command of the Woodfolke. Her tag is #c.fern.
Lull (16, they/them), chronic insomniac & chronic pessimist working part-time as a superhero for the Polis Guard. Their tag is #c.lull.
Dashtag (18, they/them in uniform only), overprotective adrenaline junkie & part-time superhero with the Polis Guard. Their tag is #c.dashtag.
Flashfire (18, they/them in uniform only), mysterious & often-gloomy part-time superhero for the Polis Guard. Their tag is #c.flashfire.
Siren (38, she/her), The Big Bad; the CEO of the SeaSong Network. Her tag is #c.siren.
Divinity (19, he/him), charming egomaniac demigod & semi-supervillain ‘unwillingly’ working for the SeaSong Network. His tag is #c.divinity.
Sly Fox (16, he/they), cat (fox?) burglar supervillain working for the SeaSong Network. His tag is #c.slyfox.
Lady Laia (~200ish at time of death, she/her, deceased), Holy One of Sonnets who died to win the Second Revolution on Fyolynd. Her tag is #c.laia.
Lord Azbithe (~20ish at time of death, he/him, deceased), Fyrefolke who died to win the Second Revolution on Fyolynd. His tag is #c.azbithe.
Noctim, the Kingslayer (~3000, they/them), Holy One of the Night. Killed their own brother. Their tag is #c.noctim.
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Polis Guard: Kinetika (x), Vivo (x), Scarlet Signal (x), Rover (x), Jamboree (x).
SeaSong Network: Micheal Smith (x), Quinten Bel (x), Mecha (x), Switcheroo (x), Vice (x), Versa (x), Myotis (x).
Misc: Ophelia (x), Thyme (x), Kindness (x), Sentry (x), Mahogany (x), Motiantoze (x), Nikian (x), Lyrian (x), Aularka (x), Hoka (x).
There are others! So many others that I do not have the energy to write out as such. If/when they get tags, they will be tagged as c-dot-their name, like the others!
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If a post concerns the relationship between two characters, I will be tagging it with a specific relationship tag to help filtering. Relationship tags will not be added if the post applies to both/all of the tagged characters separately, only if it specifically concerns their intrapersonal connection(s).
The vast majority of the relationship tags are PLATONIC!
Annulet & 180: #r.flipmoth . Annulet & Kudzu: #r.anzu . Annulet & Sunstrike: #r.dawn
180 & Kudzu: #r.flipivy . 180 & Sunstrike: #r.eightsun
Kudzu & Sunstrike: #r.solzu
Entire Team: #r.fw
Annulet & Micheal: #r.mothsibs . Annulet & Noctim: #r.nightmoth . Annulet & Sly Fox: #r.foxmoth . Annulet & Myotis: #r.batnmoth
180 & Lull: #r.technicolor
Kudzu & Rowan: #r.kudrow . Kudzu & Fern: #r.sprout . Kudzu & Rowan & Fern: #r.ivyleague
Sunstrike & Rowan: #r.woodsmoke . Sunstrike & Dashtag: #r.dashstrike . Sunstrike & Flashfire: #r.eclipse . Sunstrike & Dashtag & Flashfire: #r.takethree . Sunstrike & Divinity: #r.waxwings . Sunstrike & Sly Fox: #r.slysun
Rowan & Fern: #r.fernrow . Fern & Dashtag: #r.dashfern
Dashtag & Flashfire: #r.dashflash . Dashtag & Divinity: #r.angelchase
Flashfire & Divinity: #r.tropic . Siren & Divinity: #r.angelangel
Lady Laia & Lord Azbithe: #r.lazbithe
I will add any additional relationship tags as they come up / if needed!
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If a post involves one or more members of an organization, the organization will receive an H-tag.
#h.firstwatch | #h.polisguard | #h.seasong
If a post directly concerns the organization itself, the organization will receive an O-tag.
#o.firstwatch | #o.polisguard | #o.seasong
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#a.bestfit is for posts that I consider (subjectively) to be the "best fits". Not necessarily 'faves' but posts I find to be the most consistent with the tagged character(s).
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Sorting tags are S-tags! They define the type of post and also how I am interpreting it.
#s.mine: Posts I have made / written myself; non-reblogs. Planned to be largely uncommon.
#s.myart: Again, not planning on posting much/any of this, but if I do, art I have drawn myself will go here.
#s.ask: If anyone sends asks here (which you are more than welcome to do!), they will be posted under this tag.
#s.info: Any informational posts written by me -- such as this one!
#s.ooc: Posts about writing, character creation, etc that I feel apply to the tagged character(s).
#s.fits: Posts that could apply to or be talking about the tagged character(s) and do not refer to anyone involved as fictional.
#s.ic: Posts I can imagine actually being written or said by the tagged character(s).
#s.aesthetic: Moodboards or general images fitting the aesthetic vibes of the tagged character(s).
#s.energy: Typically images of the unhinged variety that carry the energy or vibes of the tagged character(s).
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And I think... that might be all! Thanks so much to anyone who actually read this and I'm sorry if this blog still manages to be a disorganized nightmare even with this system... lol.
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rad-studies · 7 years
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