#first tooth clinic
first-tooth-clinic · 10 months
How to Avoid Yellow Teeth & Some Causes of| Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon- Firsttoothclinic
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In this blog, we explore some common causes of yellow teeth and share insights on how to avoid them. For those seeking professional dental care for kids or adults, finding the best dental clinic in Gurgaon, such as Firsttoothclinic, becomes crucial. Contact us at 9910503844, 8130023844.
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gojoest · 1 year
i will cry 😔
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
1. Arizona governor Ok's over the counter birth control
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Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) has expanded access to over-the-counter birth control that will “soon be available to Arizonans,” according to a press release.
Arizonans 18 and older will soon be able to go to their local pharmacy and purchase oral contraceptives without a doctor’s prescription.
2. ‘Great news’: EU hails discovery of massive phosphate rock deposit in Norway
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A massive underground deposit of high-grade phosphate rock in Norway, pitched as the world’s largest, is big enough to satisfy world demand for fertilisers, solar panels and electric car batteries over the next 50 years, according to the company exploiting the resource. About 90% of the world’s mined phosphate rock is used in agriculture for the production of phosphorous for the fertiliser industry, for which there is currently no substitute.
3. U.S. Is Destroying the Last of Its Once-Vast Chemical Weapons Arsenal
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Decades behind its initial schedule, the dangerous job of eliminating the world’s only remaining declared stockpile of lethal chemical munitions will be completed as soon as Friday.
4. Chinese scientists create edible food packaging to replace plastic
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By incorporating certain soy proteins into the structure, Chinese University of Hong Kong scientists successfully created edible food packaging.
5. World's 1st 'tooth regrowth' medicine moves toward clinical trials in Japan
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A Japanese research team is making progress on the development of a groundbreaking medication that may allow people to grow new teeth, with clinical trials set to begin in July 2024. The tooth regrowth medicine is intended for people who lack a full set of adult teeth due to congenital factors.
6. No Longer Endangered: The Bald Eagle is an Icon of the ESA
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When the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted in 1973, bald eagle population numbers across the country showed that the species was close to disappearing. Before the ESA, in the 1950s and ‘60s, eagles were shot routinely despite the protection. The ESA listing helped bring public attention to the issue.
Through the early 1970s and into the early ‘80s, numbers increased gradually. Then, as you got into the ‘90s, there was still gradual growth. From the late ‘90s into the 2000s, the population really exploded. There was a doubling rate of every several years or so for a while.
7. Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon drops 34% in first half 2023
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Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon fell 34% in the first half of 2023, preliminary government data showed on Thursday, hitting its lowest level in four years as President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva institutes tougher environmental policies.
Data produced by Brazil's national space research agency Inpe indicated that 2,649 square km (1,023 square miles) of rainforest were cleared in the region in the half year, the lowest for the period since 2019.
That's it for this week :)
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almostfoxglove · 19 hours
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as voted for by you for ⭐ my milestone celebration ⭐
RATING: Explicit (18+) | PAIRING: Joel Miller x Reader WORD COUNT: 3k CW: Graphic descriptions of canon-typical injury, blood, gore, and mild body horror. use of restraints (our man's strapped down) this is just fluff with blood.
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SUMMARY: After Joel comes back from patrol injured, he wakes up restrained to a bed in Jackson's clinic where you've been tasked with patching him up.
read on ao3 | almostfoxglove masterlist
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You’ve never seen him this close. Nor this peaceful: asleep, his lips a breath apart, dark lashes scalloped over his cheeks. Scarred and battered, yes. Tried, yes. Such blue hangs beneath his eyes. But if you squint—blocking out the leather straps and silver handcuffs restraining him to the metal clinic bed—the notorious Joel Miller looks almost sweet. As you pierce him for the first time with the bite of your needle, sewing closed the end of his jagged wound, you almost can’t imagine this guy hurting a fly. He looks so soft. 
Then you pull the stitch taut, the chasm of split skin narrowing, a fraction of the slick, red muscle below disappearing. One second out and the next second gasping, Joel Miller shocks to his senses like you’ve electrocuted him, his whole body thrashing against his restraints. You pull your hands back just in time to avoid stabbing him with the needle, catch his brown eyes black with terror—
No, scratch that. With rage. 
“Woooah, alright there,” you coo, needle idle in your hand despite the steady drip drip drip of his blood on the floor. “Easy tiger, it’s okay, we gotcha.”
But he’s all animal, all fight. Won’t stop bucking against the leather straps leashed over his shoulders and ribs—his hands ball to fists below their cuffs, metal pinching into joints. It takes him a minute to even register you, too busy writhing, his boots kicking at the end of the bed. Makes a horrible sound. You have to say his name twice to get Joel to turn his head, then it’s over for you. You’re dead. 
Or you would be if you hadn’t agreed to let Tommy strap his brother down when they’d dragged his body in. Saying, it’s for the best, doc. Trust me. Just seconds ago the man looked harmless, face slack and unmarred by the creases that now canyon his brow, and yet there’s no denying in this moment that Joel Miller could pull every kind of pain from you. Drain every ounce of your blood. 
Smiling calmly in the face of his fit feels not unlike watching a jaguar growl in a zoo behind the safety of a fence: in awe of a predator’s bloodlust and naively unafraid.
“You hit your head on patrol,” you say, and your voice is a lake untouched by weather. The picture of professionalism. “You know where you are?”
He’s gonna break a tooth grinding his teeth like that, but you don’t say. You just watch him blink and scan the room again, his arms taut in their shackles. The injured one is bared for you to work on, unveiling the ropes of muscle and sinew that strangle each other as he struggles. “Jackson,” Joel grits, and fixes you with that ire again as he blinks, lucidity slowly creeping into his eyes. He’d kill you, you think, if he only had a free hand. A free pinky finger. At least until this panic wears off.
“Atta boy,” you smile. “You know your name?”
“Where’s Ellie?” 
You click your tongue. “Don’t think that’s it.”
His glare spears through the center of your skull—eyes that know no color but black, two tunnels of wrath-soaked violence. Stubborn, livid, in pain. He rocks his jaw left to right before answering with a stiff, “Joel.”
“Atta boy,” you grin, then return one hand to his arm above the dip in his inner elbow, hopeful Joel might let you resume your work, but he seizes the moment your glove grazes his skin. You don’t remove it. You need to steady him, close him up. 
You let out a patient breath. “You remember what happened?”
Something snaps then. His struggling returns with a vengeance, every muscle in his broad body fighting and fighting and fighting to get up. “Where’s—” he sneers, sharper now, “Ellie?”
Again the legs of the clinic bed squeal on the tiled floor, shearing as nails on a chalkboard—your ears tweak. 
“Hey—hey, it’s okay. She’s okay,” you hush him, lifting your hand again to show him your palms, your needle pinched between two fingers and attached to the arm he’s yet to notice is bleeding. “She’s alright, didn’t even need a stitch. We checked her for a concussion and she’s clear. You, on the other hand—”
“Take me to her, right now,” Joel growls, more animal than man.
You sigh, draw up restraint from its deep, deep well. “Can’t do that yet, honey. Gotta finish patching you up first, hm? That sound alright?”
Joel’s nostrils flare, upper lip peeling from his teeth as he snarls.
“Take me to Ellie. Right. Fuckin’. Now.”
“And here I was thinking Tommy was fucking with me when he suggested the restraints,” you tease, then soothe the palm of your hand over his bare shoulder. To your dismay Joel only thrashes again, trying to get away, so you set down the needle on the bed beside him and nudge your chair back to give him some air. “Not here to hurt you. But you got cut pretty bad, and I think once this adrenaline wears off you’re gonna be glad you let me finish this before releasing you on the world. But, here. One second—”
You hold up one finger and roll your chair back, kicking yourself over to the clinic room door. With the toe of your shoe, you shove it open a crack, letting in blue fluorescence from the hall. “Ellie?” you call into the corridor.
After a moment of quiet a far-off voice shouts in reply, “What?”
“Say hi to Joel for me, will you honey? Afraid he might Hulk out over here before I get him closed up.” A beat of silence hangs the air in which you peek at Joel with a smirk before Ellie yells out from a distant room,
“Thanks, honey,” you call back. When you’ve kicked yourself back to his bedside, Joel has settled to quiet seething. “Better?”
A grunt’s about as much as you could hope for. Smiling, you pluck up your needle again. “Alright. Think we’ve got ten stitches to go. Tell me what you remember.”
“I’m tied down,” Joel says instead, letting his eyes sink closed. Exhausted, you suspect. In no small amount of pain. But he doesn’t jump this time when your hands return to his arm, nor when the needle bites his broken skin. Little wins. 
Like magic, you’re a seamstress again. Once upon a time blood turned your stomach—even cheesy horror movies could trigger a storm of nausea—and any needle you took up was destined only to patch a quilt or save someone’s favorite shirt, never their flesh. Times change. Now you can stare down every kind of gore with an iron stomach and eerie calm. Any skin, any body, becomes a project to you when you’re working. Just a little cloth in need of mending.
“Very observant,” you tease with a small chuckle, daring to glance at Joel’s eyes as you pull the next stitch tight. A muscle ticks in his jaw but he doesn’t move. “Humor me a minute longer, okay?”
“There was,” he starts to say, “half a dozen of ‘em, maybe. We were—mmph—a mile out, had this lookout spot on a roof we usually check.”
“Mhm,” you hum, attention fixed on the disappearance of pink. 
“Don’t know how they got up there. Thought we had ‘em all but one was hidin’. Knocked me down the—think it knocked me down the fire escape.”
You nod along. “Eight more,” you interject in his next pause. “You remember how you got this?”
As his head turns, Joel’s curls scratch the stiff pillowcase and he looks down at his arm for the first time as if he too is looking at nothing more than an old quilt. Something that’s not quite his, not quite a body. “Was glass on the fire escape,” he mumbles. “Broken window I guess.”
Then he drags his eyes to you, bringing a singeing of a different kind. Maybe your jaw feathers, maybe it doesn’t. But something in your chest undeniably flares. “Well,” you grin. “Think we can rule out memory loss.”
Joel hmphs.
“Got six more.” 
You begin the next stitch. More red tissue seams, breathing pride into your bones. Can’t fix much these days, not on any meaningful scale, but you can do this—close one wound. Make one small thing right for the person on your table.
“Gonna untie me?” you hear Joel say.
With a small grin you glance up at him through your lashes. “Gonna lie still?”
His jaw rocks, considering this, maybe swallowing some snarky answer—but in the end he nods. Something hard deflates in his chest, that last pillar of hostility, so you too resign. Set down the needle again; it’ll need to be cleaned. When you stand over the clinic bed the weight of him watching you grows heavier and heavier until flicking open the buckles that cross his chest becomes an arduous task, your hands slow like they’re pushing through water. The metal clink of each loosening clasp is deafening. Then the thud of the leather belts slinking away, dropping to the floor. You pluck the key for the cuffs from your silver tray, toggle open each round jaw, and Joel lifts the arm that isn’t bleeding just enough to roll his wrist out, opens and closes his fist.
“Thanks,” he mumbles.
“Sure thing.”
Gloves snap off and a new pair snaps on. You dunk the needle into a small bowl of vodka—it’s not perfect, but you make do, grateful for whatever supplies find their way to you—and at your side Joel remains stationary like he promised. A man of his word.
“We met before?” he asks, as you return to your stool. A voice like that oughta be bottled—coarse and deep and dragged through rubble. It could do terrible things to you, now that you’re listening. Now that you’re aware of being observed—feeling the tables have turned, that you’re the one being observed.
You don’t look at him. You stitch the quilt, bid adieu to thinning red tissue. “I haven’t worked on you before today,” you say evenly.
Joel goes quiet again.
“Four more,” you go on, pulling the thread. 
“Don’t know your name,” Joel says.
“Like I said, honey,” you reply. “First time patient.”
Below your hands Joel’s arm twitches at honey, or else it looks like it does, but he keeps it where it lays. “Meant outside of here,” he says.
A grin tucks into your cheek as you shake your head. “Seen you around,” you admit, eyes fixed on his closing wound. “But no. Not officially.”
You swear you feel him squint even though you can’t see his face, not hunched over like this, focused. “Officially,” Joel echoes, as if he’s trying out the word. Rolling it on his tongue, getting a taste. It’s a question without the punctuation—he wants you to elaborate.
“Three left,” you tell him, heart quickening.
Another hmph. A wordless press, another way around asking while still asking. Stupid, you flick your eyes to his face for only a moment, find him already staring at you, his eyebrows folded down so thoughtfully.
“Holding up alright?” you say. 
“What’s officially mean,” Joel asks.
Two stitches, that’s all. Two little knots and you can cut the thread of this conversation and send him on his way. Catch your breath before it shortens when he’s close enough to hear. You shrug. “Means we haven’t introduced ourselves. Haven’t really spoken before.”
He’s frowning in the corner of your eye. “But we’ve met,” he extrapolates.
“Last one,” you say.
“Dodgin’ my question.”
A traitor, your mouth slips up and grins—brief but telling, that shy tense of your cheek. “Barely,” you reply, pinching the needle through his arm once more. You secure the final knot with a small tug and reach behind you for the scissors, then snip. Project done. Quilt mended.
“Alright, just need to clean and wrap it and you’ll be a free man,” you tell him, rolling yourself back on the stool to browse your tray of supplies. Your fingers dance briefly over the gauze and medical tape as you consider your instruments, all the final touches necessary to make things tidy and neat. 
Behind you, the clinic bed squeaks as Joel shifts but you don’t hear his boots touch the floor.
When you roll back to his bedside, he’s sitting up, one leg hinged on the papery bedsheet and the other hooked over the edge at the knee, his boot swaying and laces hanging loose like two long streamers. Impatience bleeds across his face, and though it’s not quite anger in his eyes you nonetheless feel something in your body straighten. Sitting like this, Joel looms over you and your stool. No longer shackled, filthy and blood stained. Dangerous. 
This isn’t fear, though—it’s something worse. 
You hold out one gloved palm, closing your fingers twice in a silent give it here and Joel obeys, setting his forearm in your hand. Warm and heavy and tense—muscle ticking as you drag the alcohol-soaked pad across his stitches.
Your silence broods in the stale clinic air. A vapor you can feel on your skin.
“I was a dick, then,” Joel presses, breaking the uneasy quiet. He’s looking down at his arm as you wind stripe after stripe of stale gauze around the trunk of his injury as if entranced. As if shy. As if ashamed.
“Wasn’t your fault,” you surrender.
“Doubt that.” A dry chuckle follows, to your surprise. Such a warming sound.
Perhaps unprofessional, you laugh softly too and Joel’s head lifts at the sound. “You, uh—” you begin to say, pausing to find the right word. When you’ve got him wrapped well enough, you clip the gauze from the roll. “ We ran into each other in the mess hall, sorta bowled me over. Don’t think either of us was looking where we were going.”
You leave out the bit where he’d spat out watch it as he went, not slowing down for a second. Even then you didn’t blame him—sure, you’d bristled. Frowned, even, as he glared back at you over his shoulder. But he’d been with Tommy, clearly in the middle of some argument, and the anger he swung at you was wrongly aimed. You didn’t care. Later you even found it kind of funny. You’d glimpsed him for years at a distance, heard whispers, and more than a few of your friends had expressed hopeless infatuations with the inscrutable eldest Miller. Reporting that you’d run straight into his solid chest by accident had all of you laughing.
Joel looks to be remembering. Or rather he appears to be failing to, scowl deepening as you tuck the bandage’s end. Without thinking, you bend over to reach for his boot and retie his lace. There. Safe, secure. Fixed. 
“Voila,” you say, then push yourself back from him with a smile. “You are good to go.”
But he doesn’t move. Joel just sits there with his wrapped arm—his bare arm—resting in his lap, twisting one way and then the other, fidgeting. Eyes ticking between bandage and boot, perhaps surprised. “Don’t remember that,” he says. Like this you can see the crown of his head, all those silver laced locks that lick up in all curling directions, tousled and untamed after patrol. His broad frame droops as he sinks into something that looks too much like shame. 
Shaking your head is pointless; he isn’t looking at you. “Was more than a year ago, honey,” you say. “And it really wasn’t anything. I laughed about it, promise.”
Before he can answer, the door swings wide and a grin appears in its frame, squared by that eerie blue light. Ellie’s hair is getting long, the front bits tied back from her face, and the side of her baggy shirt is stained with darkness—Joel’s blood, if you had to guess. Long dry. 
“Hi,” she says to you, eyes round like she’s surprised to find you’re still here, since Joel’s clearly handled. 
“How ya feeling?” you ask.
A short nod, mischief in her grin. “Pretty good.” Then she turns her attention to Joel. “I’m starving.”
So you stand to give them some privacy, collecting everything from your tray that needs cleaning up, bagging the small mountain of red-stained scraps that had mopped the worst of the blood. Another metal creak, then the thump of Joel’s boots as he stands. You hear Ellie say, “Thanks, doc,” and twist over your shoulder to give her a wave.
The door swings closed.
“I wanna see those stitches in a week,” you tell Joel, busy with your tools. “But take the wrap off in a day or two, keep it dry. If you have any trouble—”
“I know where to find you,” he finishes.
He’s almost grinning when you turn your head, eyes crinkled but lips flat, pulling the second sleeve of his flannel back on. Yes, soft was right. You can see it again, clear as ice or moonshine—the tender center tucked under battered shell. 
You watch Joel cross the room with long, loping strides. Your friends might’ve been onto something, unfortunately. You like the shape of him up close, the surety in the way he moves. With his good arm, Joel opens the door and steps into its frame and though you expect him to go without goodbye, he hesitates in the doorway. Props the entrance open with the toe of his boot. 
You lift an eyebrow at him and the muscle of his tongue wets his bottom lip in reply. Fine—your friends are definitely onto something. You feel likely to melt if he intends to keep looking at you like this, with something dark in his eyes. Animal of a different kind.
“I’ll make it up to you,” Joel says, voice drawled and low so as not to be overheard, and here’s another peek at that something softer: his lips curling once more, just enough to dimple one cheek. “Promise.”
“See you in a week,” you tell him, and Joel nods before going.
You expect seven days to pass before you see him again.
He comes back in four.
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dividers by @saradika-graphics - tag list & some mutuals!
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@pedrospatch @jolapeno @la-eterna-enamorada29 @iknowisoundcrazy @guiltyasdave
@littlemisspascal @luxurychristmaspudding @iknowisoundcrazy @evolnoomym @saradika
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@ppascalrain @bbyanarchist @amanitacowboy @milla-frenchy @schnarfer
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Podcast Rec Masterpost
I've been asked a couple times for podcast recommendations so I thought I'd post a compilation of some shows and a bit of info about them. Most shows I talk about are tagged below (I ran out of tags) so you can look through fan content as well if you're not one to care about spoilers. My asks are still open for personalized recs if you send me some others that you've listened to just because I love you, yes that's right! You. The person reading this right now!
Here goes!
Dungeons And Daddies *not a BDSM podcast
This show is a dnd actual play podcast. The first season is about four dads from our world lost in the Forgotten Realms in search of their lost sons. It’s a comedy but as with all comedies, you will cry by the end of it. It's super easy to get into with great chemistry between all the cast players and the dm, no prior knowledge of dnd is necessary. They do invoke slight horror sometimes so do keep an eye out for content warnings. Season 1 has 68.5 episodes along with bonus content and a mini campaign in between seasons 1 and 2. Season 2 is currently ongoing. Transcripts available.
The Bright Sessions
This is a science fiction podcast. The premise is a collection of clinical recordings of superpowered people's therapy sessions. The plot gets more interesting and convoluted as you get further in. Incredible voice acting filled with emotion. Does have some heavier discussions so be on the lookout for content warnings. It has 7 seasons (the last two are technically not part of the first five seasons' plot) and is completed. Transcripts available.
Hello From the Hallowoods
A post-apocalyptic fiction podcast. A beautifully written and preformed podcast that explores identity, religion, and other themes in vignettes throughout this haunted world narrated by an omniscient being. Some heavier topics are included so check the content warning before each episode. Seasons 1 and 2 are completed and season 3 will be done soon. Transcripts available.
The Magnus Archives
A horror fiction podcast. A well written chronological story told through anthology which seem to be tape recordings from a paranormal investigation institute. Incredible writing and actors that really bring it to life. This is horror so make sure to check the content warnings. The show is completed at 5 seasons. Transcripts available.
Another horror fiction podcast! An interesting look into all the houses on Little Street and their peculiarities. Some more peculiar than others. The podcast is absolutely delightful with a horribly fun narrator. I would suggest checking the content warnings as some episodes are more intense than others. The show has 2 completed seasons. Transcripts available.
The Fall of the House of Sunshine
A musical mystery fiction podcast. The first season is about an investigation on the murder of a beloved host of a children's tooth-themed show. That's all I can say without spoilers. There are 3 incredible seasons along with short stories in between each season. Transcripts available until halfway through season 2.
Welcome to Nightvale
Possibly the most well known science fiction podcast, it really speaks for itself but I'll do my spiel anyways. Recorded as snippets of a daily radio broadcast, the show details the weird goings on in this strange desert town of Nightvale. Narrated almost completely by the radio host's smooth voice. It's ongoing and is currently sitting at 233 episodes. Transcripts available.
The Two Princes
A fictional queer romance podcast. It takes place in that special part of fiction that always starts with "once upon a time," it feels like a story book almost. The show is based around two boys meeting in the woods. Spoiler alert: they fall in love. It's just a cute feel good show. The podcast is complete at 3 seasons. Spotify auto-generated transcripts available.
What's the Frequency?
A self described psychedelic noir podcast. It's an absolute blast even if it is a bit hard to follow. Takes place in the 1940s in LA when all radio broadcasts were turned to static. You kind of just have to go with it until you get to the end. Completed at 12 episodes. Transcripts available.
Story Break
A writer's room podcast. The basic concept behind Story Break is 3 Hollywood writers in a room together take a prompt and try to make a story for it in an hour. There are many laughs in this podcast and just all around good humor and vibes. The show is complete at 169 episodes plus two full movie scripts. No transcript.
Who Killed Avril Lavigne
A science fiction podcast. It's about a time traveling pop punk loser and that's all you need to know. It's a podmusical so you'll be getting great nostalgic pop punk type songs along with crying from laughing so hard. Completed at 8 episodes. No transcript.
The Behemoth
A fiction podcast. Based around an unexplainable creature emerging from the ocean and how the world, and one girl in particular, deal with this phenomenon. It is pretty short with the longest episode being about 12 minutes. Completed at 20 episodes. No transcript.
Rude Tales of Magic
A dnd actual play podcast. It is mainly focused on the actual roleplay and story telling as opposed to the actual play. A handful of college students from Polaris University fuck the world up by completing a hazing ritual which in this case is a supposedly demon summoning. Obviously now they need to fix the world. Currently 64 episodes and ongoing. No transcript.
Midnight Burger
A very well written fiction podcast. It’s about a time/space traveling diner where the employees try to help solve a problem every place they land. Think Doctor Who adjacent vibes but with more drama. There is an overarching plot that comes together so look out for that. It has incredible characters that are really nicely fleshed out. You’ll somehow like and hate all of them as much as possible in the best way. Currently has 29 episodes of the main feed and a 9 episode mini-series. Transcript available.
Monstrous Agonies
A fiction podcast. It’s an radio advice segment on a station for “liminal Britain” aka the monstrous world to put it plainly. It’s really chill and comforting. There’s very good advice there and the intermittent ad reads will have you giggling to yourself. Episodes are on the shorter side, averaging about 15 minutes each. It does have some heavier discussions so make sure to check the content warnings. The show is completed at 111 episodes through 3 seasons. Transcripts available.
Desert Skies
A fiction podcast. The voice acting in this one is incredible, it’s the same person the whole time. The show as a whole is also just super well done. The premise is that when you die you show up on a highway and get to this astral pit stop. I’m not going to spoil it anymore you just have to experience it. There is an additional show, Desert Skies FM that's a buddy to this one. I recommend listening to both. Season 1 was completed at 12 episodes. Transcripts available.
Wooden Overcoats
A sitcom dramedy podcast. The show is about two siblings that run a funeral home on an island. It used to be the only one, it isn’t anymore. It has a wacky cast of characters and even wackier plot points. The dialogue can be a little hard to get used to at the beginning but once you get into it it flows easily. The show is completed at 4 seasons. Transcripts available.
Greater Boston
An audio drama podcast. It's set in Boston if you couldn't tell from the title and starts with the death of a man on a rollercoaster. It blends real life with some subtle (and at times not-so-subtle) fantasy elements. It's currently at 4 completed seasons. Transcript available.
Gay Future
A science fiction podcast. In a world where everyone is gay in the future we focus on this one straight kid. Following his journey to destroy the government who are making everyone gay. This is a satire by the way. 1 season completed at 6 episodes. No transcripts.
Death by Dying
A dark comedy podcast. The show follows an obituary writer while he does things that are totally under the jurisdiction of his job. A well written and preformed show. There are a lot of laughs and obviously some heartbreaks as well. Currently 1 completed season with season 2 sitting at 2 episodes for a bit now. Transcript available.
Not Another D&D Podcast
An actual play dnd podcast. This one's more mainstream than my other podcasts so I don't talk about it as much but that doesn't mean it's not incredible. The first campaign is about 3 adventurers off to save the world. Obviously. It can be a bit slow in the beginning but anything past the second half of the first season is incredible. There's humor, drama, love, and much more. The DM is also just incredible. 1 completed season, a couple mini campaigns, and the second season is currently at 43 episodes. No transcripts.
Forgive Me!
A fiction podcast. It starts based around vignettes of confessionals in this small town taken by a new father in the local church. An overarching plot is present but it's generally a feel good, sweet and simple show. They have 2 complete seasons with season 3 currently at 9 episodes. Transcripts available.
Real Housewives of D&D
An actual play dnd podcast. This show is based around the concept of a "Real Housewives..." type show but you don't need to know anything about those to listen to this. It's about 4 reality TV stars thrown into a magical fantasy world with no knowledge of how to get home. There's drama, excitement, danger, and lots more. The first season was just completed at 16 episodes. Transcripts available.
The Silt Verses
A horror fiction podcast. Two people who worship a banned god travel together up a river in a pilgrimage. There is incredible worldbuilding in this show along with acting and sound design. This is horror and a very good one at that so make sure you check content warnings. Season 1 and 2 are completed and season 3 is at 2 episodes so far. Transcripts available.
The Land Whale Murders
A comedy fiction podcast. It takes place in the year 1899 and is about a pair of friends? maybe not, that metaphorically explore the world they're living in. It is a commentary on the world we live in and the problems in it through a hilarious and wacky cast. There are currently 17 episodes between both seasons 1 and 2. Transcripts available.
Elaine's Cooking for the Soul
A post-apocalyptic cooking podcast. The show is about a dentist who makes her way through the fallout of an apocalypse while also making a cooking podcast. It does have depictions of violence, war, and dentistry so check out the content warnings. There are 2 completed seasons. No transcripts.
Fawx and Stallion
A mystery podcast. If you hate Sherlock Holmes you'll love this podcast. Also if you love Sherlock Holmes you'll love this podcast. It's based around the detectives who live across the street from Holmes at 224B Baker street. It's pretty goofy. Season 1 is completed. Transcripts available.
The Amelia Project
A fiction podcast. Follow the shenanigans of this death-faking organization as they take in new clients and hear their stories. It does develop an actual overarching plot later on but every second is fun. Seasons 1-4 have been completed and season 5 is in progress. Transcripts available.
A Voice From Darkness
A horror podcast. It's centered around a radio show hosted by Dr. Malcolm Ryder, Parapsychologist. He helps people who call into his show with supernatural problems, gives PSAs and warnings about strange happenings, and more. Season 1 is completed and season 2 is at 9 episodes. Transcripts available.
Station Arcadia
A dystopian fiction podcast. Formatted through a radio show, it tells the story of a world that's slowly dying. There are vignettes of different characters through different areas of the world. Season 1 is completed at 25 episodes. Transcripts available.
Margaret's Garden
A science fiction podcast. It has two plots running at the same time which keeps you on your toes but makes for an intriguing story line. In one plot line, two agents are sent to investigate the strange happenings of a weird little long abandoned town. Simultaneously, we hear from the past of that town as it catches up to the agents. Completed at 10 episodes. Transcripts available.
Camp Here & There
A horror comedy podcast. It's recorded as a set of daily announcements over a loudspeaker at a totally normal summer camp. The announcements are made by the camp nurse and he's also totally normal. I promise. Make sure to check in with the content warnings as some topics are a little mature or graphic. There are currently 34 episodes. Transcripts available.
Wayward Guide for the Untrained Eye
A companion horror podcast. This is actually a bit meta because it is the result of a youtube series. This show is the one the podcast hosts in the series release, it's definitely worth both the watch and the listen though. It's got werewolves and drama. Completed at 10 episodes of video and 10 of the podcast. No transcripts.
I am in Eskew
A horror podcast. It's about a man who's trapped in a city where the buildings always change and the rain never stops. There's a weird monotonous creeping horror in this show that just draws you in. Check for content warnings definitely. Completed at 30 episodes. Transcripts available.
Traveling Light
A comfy cozy fiction podcast. It follows The Traveller on their exploration through space, visiting alien planets and collecting stories to send back to their community. For supporters of the show, it almost functions as a choose-your-own-adventure with choices to vote on and listener submissions. It's made by the same people as Monstrous Agonies so if you enjoyed that, you'd enjoy this and vice versa. There are currently 16 episodes. Transcripts available.
Not yet described but still recommended:
Eeler’s Choice
The Secret of St Kilda
The Endless Ocean
The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio
The Sword & The Stoner
World Gone Wrong: a fictional chat show about friendship at the end of the world
Travelling Light
799 notes · View notes
musubi-sama · 7 months
You are officially Shoko Ieri’s girlfriend, but why are you being followed and gently threatened by two tall, disgustingly handsome men?
CW: afab!reader x shoko ieri, modern au, mild stalking, the boys being intimidating, toys, cunnilingus, shower sex, lady love, mild plot
AN: This is baby’s first fan fic, my first piece of fiction and self-indulgent prose. The world needs more yuri/sapphic/lady stories and I hope I can do it a modicum of justice. I will probably write out the two flashback references as additional chapters once I figure out what I want to do with them.
WC: 4.9k
Next chapter —
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“Let’s continue that little thread from last night after classes today?” she responds before pulling away and heading off to the lecture hall. “I’ll make sure to take ‘extra meticulous’ notes for you!” Your girlfriend puts extra emphasis and holds up sassy airquotes (even gives a little sideways nudge with her hip) because she’s notoriously a poor lecture student and you pay attention almost too much and too well, taking notes furiously from your front and center seat.
You give her a cute giggle and wave as she walks away; you’re heading off to meet with your adviser to discuss a research opportunity. While you walk across the quad into the neighboring dining hall to grab your usual Starbucks order (iced caramel machiatto).
Meanwhile, a pair of tall, offensively handsome men doing what would otherwise be a scene from a spy movie, fold the top half of a newspaper down and watch you and Shoko embrace and go your separate ways.
“Suguru, who the hell was that talking to Sho?” the white-haired, ethereally blue eyed man says a bit too loudly to his dark-haired, enigmatically purple eyed friend. The pair sit on the bench gawking, although the dark haired man winces at the volume of his friend.
“You’re going to give us away, shush, Satoru! I don’t know who she is or what that was about but let’s follow her” Suguru gets up and beckons in your general direction “and see where she goes” Satoru gets up and they both follow you at a safe distance, catching up with you as you are waiting for your order at Starbucks. Satoru perks up and nudges Suguru in the side with a cheeky smile when he hears the barista announce your order. “She can’t be that bad, she’s got a sweet tooth!”
“Let’s see where she goes from here.” Suguru pinches his chin as he watches you from across the cafe. You navigate around a few tables to reach the exit and head off to your meeting. While waiting for the elevator to the fifth floor, you catch a flash of messy-but-styled white hair from around the corner, but chalk it up to sleep deprivation and stress.
You make it to your adviser and he walks you through a few research opportunities, but the drawback is that you will need to take a year between finishing your primary in-classroom education and your clinical rotations. And the one that you like the most is across the country. Great timing, just after you finally get a girlfriend and think you may have your little life settled into a comfortable routine. Maybe you wait a few weeks to discuss this with Shoko. But maybe she would want you to bring it up sooner, it’s not like you haven’t known her for four years already. The responsible partner would talk about it soon. But you’ve never been too keen on bringing up tough subjects in a reasonable or quick manner, opting to mull quietly, by yourself, not wanting to bother other people or respond to negative feedback.
As you’re arguing with yourself, you take the elevator back down the ground floor and head outside to hole up in the library until Shoko is out of the morning’s lectures.
Except you don’t notice the two tall handsome boys following you from the lobby across the quad. They take notice of your internal conflicts written across your face and lack of spatial awareness to surround you and you bump into a dense, immovable statue. Fortunately for you, it’s not an actual statue, but a person, so there is a softness in the knock and a pair of arms quickly wrap around you to make sure you don’t fall. Two sets of arms, actually.
“Ah, Iamsosorry” You attempt to stammer out as you are brought out of your internal arguments. You look up to see long, feathered jet-black hair, reaching past the shoulders, but pulled partially up into a bun. Face framed by bangs hanging on one side. Piercing, focused, concerned violet eyes, and a soft smile. Your first impression is that he is cat-like. He catches you off-guard but you feel safe. As you step back to give him space and continue to your destination, your back bumps into an equally statuesque figure. But he’s the polar opposite when you tilt your head back and look up at him. A shock of white hair, dark round sunglasses, giant smile bearing all his teeth, ocean blue eyes piercing you. It’s unsettling how it feels like he’s reading every thought you’re having right now, in the past, and the future. “Oh, excuse me…” you mumble but it just trails off.
“Oh hello there.” Suguru places his hands on your shoulders to steady you. It feels nice, reassuring, considering you just knocked around some coastal rocks. “My name is Suguru Geto and this is Satoru Gojo. We just happened to see you walking across campus and you seemed distracted. Wouldn’t want you walking into anyone and causing a disturbance. Present company excluded, of course.”
“Yeah, what’s a girl like you doing so distracted?” You’re caught off guard by the brazen question. And confused by the implications. What kind of girl do they think you are?
“Sorry, I really just want to go to the library. I’m meeting my girlfriend soon.” You try to side-step the pair and they move in tandem to block your path. Ah, you start to feel the familiar anxiety of being pestered by someone who can’t understand that ‘no’ is a full and complete statement. What you fail to notice, is the shock that zipped through the boys’ expressions.
“I am sorry for the brashness of my companion” Suguru tilts his head up to give Satoru a piercing stare before his gaze softens again and he looks back at you. You feel as if you’re the only person in the entire world as he looks down. Completely taken by his gaze, feeling his arms re-settle on your forearms for a moment before dropping to his sides, giving you space with the lack of physical touch. “But we saw you with a friend of ours and we were just concerned for her. She always introduces anyone beyond a mere acquaintance to us, and we are only looking out for her best interests.” Satoru uses this opportunity to step around to your front, hands in his pockets. Although he still has a mischievous grin on his face.
“Er, what? I am sure that any one I am friends with surely doesn’t require a white knight or dark stallion to protect her honor.” You attempt to cut the conversation short.
“You’re right. You’re absolutely correct, dear. How about we get to know you over dinner? Our treat for being so forward. Tomorrow, pick you up at 7:00? I know a place that does great bananas foster with homemade caramel” Satoru winks, and you realize you’re still holding your coffee. You’re clutching it now, hoping he didn’t see that you asked for extra caramel drizzle in your coffee today. You’re a people pleaser, so you just quickly agree to the plans. You ask for their LineID and as you’re walking away, you get two messages immediately:
Can’t wait to see you, sweets! Looking forward to dinner and getting to know you.
Finally making it to the library, feeling buzzed, and not from the sugar or caffeine. But you manage to find some shred of focus for the next two hours. Your phone buzzes and you start to pack up your books and laptop. You respond to Shoko’s message that she’s out of class and heading to the dining hall with a quick “Yay, save me a seat!” message even though you know you don’t have to ask.
“How was the Pharmacology lecture?” You ask, while attempting to unhinge your jaw around a particularly ambitious forkful of salad. Your girlfriend just smiles at you over her soup.
“Hm, well you know how engaging Dr. Smith is at his age. I made sure to get an audio recording of the lectures and of course the slide notes include the markups from in-class.”
“Aww, thank you! You’re the best.”
Shoko gives you a fond smile as you both settle back into eating lunch. You continue chatting about classes, you feel confident over your polite dodging of any real answer to how your adviser meeting went “Ah, well, I am waiting for him to email me with some details on a couple research opportunities.” Shoko seems satisfied, or at least doesn’t have any follow up questions to your response. You don’t feel comfortable about lying to your best friend, your girlfriend, but you didn’t really tell her lies. Just, not the whole truth. You’ll tell her, soon. You promised yourself. That was the decision you had settled on right as you bumped into-
“Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something. I have two friends I’ve known since forever and I want to introduce you to them. I have kept you from them until now because they can be somewhat, very, incredibly, protective of me and intrusive to anyone who gets close. But they are good people, even if I have to kick their asses when they pull their little “baby Shoko” stunts.” Shoko puts her hands on yours and looks straight at you, although struggles to keep eye contact when she mentions her friends’ not-so-kind traits.
You consider her question and do not want to respond too quickly or eagerly, but you have wanted to build some new relationships before your life gets too much more hectic with clerkships, graduation, and intern year on the horizon. And if these new friends are already friends with Shoko, then it’s even easier because you would want any new friends to be comfortable with both of you. You may only be newly dating, but you’ve already fallen for Shoko quite hard and want to settle down. Or something like that? You haven’t taken a breath to really figure your brain out.
“Oh, well, why don’t we get drinks and see how things go? I like the idea of making new friends, let’s give it a try!” You try to hold back your over-eagerness, but you let slip big excited eyes and slotting your fingers into Shoko’s hands and squeezing. A small squeal may have also escaped your lips, you’re bad a poker. And Shoko loves it. She gives you a soft smile, leans over to drop a peck on your cheek. The rest of lunch passes with easy conversation. You head off to your afternoon lectures and study sessions together.
After classes finished, you both headed back to Shoko’s apartment. Even before you started dating, you spent most of your free time at her place. It was closer, bigger, quieter, and nicer than your apartment. You grab a pair of beers from the fridge after you finished cleaning up from dinner and walk over to the couch. Shoko turned on Netflix and started the nightly ritual of scrolling new and recently updated shows to see what caught either of your interests before settling on one of the six shows you’re already in the middle of watching. You sit sideways and hand over one of the beers, laying your legs across your girlfriend’s lap. She settles on watching the next episode of your shared guilty pleasure, Doctor X. During the opening credits, your phone buzzes several times with messages on Line.
“Ugh, what is it now? I should’ve left it in the bedroom” you grumble as you lean over to the table and pick up your phone that has now buzzed four times. You see a newly familiar name pop up and scowl.
“What’s wrong, love?” Shoko perks up and looks over to you as you start to read the messages, more coming in while you’re reading.
“I literally ran into a pair of criminally attractive guys. Boys, really. They did that High School-Hollywood thing of boxing me in, making me look up, and then not taking no for an answer. I agreed to get dinner with them tomorrow just so they’d leave me alone and go away.” You flash her the phone with the messages. Her usually subtle expression shifted much more dramatically when she saw who you were talking about.
“Wait. You ran into, literally? Gojo and Geto? Tall, one with white hair sticking up in stupid directions and acting with way too much bravado, the other with big ear gauges and an air of incredible self-confidence? Today? Where? When?” She stops her idle massaging of your legs and turns towards you, taking your phone to read more carefully what they had sent:
Heyyyyyy. Wear something cute? Do you like Mediterranean? :)
“Yyyyeah that matches the pair. Why, do you know them? Have they bothered you on campus before?”
Shoko snickers softly. “You could say that. Remember the pair of friends I wanted you to meet? Looks like they found you first.”
“Oh.” You look down at your hands for a moment and then suddenly you remember what Suguru said to you “we saw you with a friend of ours and we were just concerned for her…” “Oh, wait a second. You’re the friend they were talking about!” And you relay the conversation you had with Suguru and Satoru to Shoko who just shakes her head and sucks her teeth.
“Yeah, those bastards. I told them to wait till this weekend, I had news for them and someone to meet. But they just HAD to get impatient.”
“I will call off dinner! Can I have my phone back, please?” you reach out your hand to begin composing a polite response to the nuisance pair.
“No, don’t. Just have them come over first. And then they can take BOTH of us to dinner.”
As soon as you send off your address, you put your phone down. Shoko’s ministrations on your legs intensifies subtly, but clearly with an agenda. You lean back against the arm of the couch as Shoko slowly massages her hands up your legs, focusing on the softer flesh on the insides of your thighs. You part your legs for her slightly as she gets closer to your clothed core.
The days have been long and you’ve hardly had time for yourself or your relationship since you’ve put official titles on it. You shift yourself so you’re now straddling Shoko. You reach your hands around her neck, threading your hands under her long, wheat-colored brown hair. When you met her, her hair was only touching her shoulders, but now it’s reaching far down her back. Her lips are so soft and inviting, a gentle sheen of spit covering them. Your eyes rake over her face, taking in every facial micromovement. You admire her lone freckle below her eye, something you’ve always found cute.
You lean in, lips parting slightly as her eyes glance up at you, pupils darkening in desire. As your tongues slipped past each other, they danced delicately but with increasing urgency as your lips press harder and Shoko takes a brief opening to nip at your lower lip, drawing out a soft moan from you. Your hands hold her neck tighter, one slipping up through her hair, giving it a light tug. Her hands start sliding back in between your legs, the side of her pinky finger lightly grazing your center which elicits a small grind from you. As your kiss slowly turns more frantic, trading breaks for air with trails of urgency on each others jawline, Shoko reaches under your shirt to gently wrap her hands under your voluminous tits. Still seated in a soft bralette, your nipples begin to harden as her hands slowly squeeze and make their way into the bralette and find your nipples with a soft squeeze.
You drop your hands to your sides and toss your head back at the sharp, but pleasurable sensations and start to roll your hips in Shoko’s lap, looking for some friction and relief for the growing tension. You whimper as the pinching and squeezing intensifies, tilting your head back up and you are met with eyes filled with pure lust. “I told you I wanted to continue from last night” Shoko growls. You just respond with a low moan. Shoko then uses her forearms to slide your shirt up and over your head, taking your bralette with it.
Now, your fully exposed chest and abdomen, your nipples clearly taut in response to the pleasure being shown to them. Shoko then leans down to one, taking it in her mouth with a light suck. Keeping her hand squeezing the other, she lightly bites down, rolling the puckered nipple in her teeth, sliding her slick tongue across. She releases it with a pop, letting it and your breast drop and give a little lewd jiggle. She repeats the process on your other nipple. You are still wantonly grinding your hips in her lap, keening against her touch.
As your body continues to relax, your brain slowly shutting off the noise and entering that cozy, listful, lustful subspace headspace, your hands claw at your girlfriends’ shirt and pull it off of her during a brief moment when her lips aren’t attached to your body. The moment her skin is exposed, you bring yourself vertical and then over, pressing your breasts into hers, enjoying the soft and supple squeezes from your body weight onto Shoko. You reach in to grasp the sides of your shared mass of tits, squeezing and pushing them together.
You are in a daze, skin on fire, as you are drunk from your beer and the lust spreading through your veins. You always knew you were bisexual, although you couldn’t put a fine point on it until you met Shoko while at your lab’s new grad student orientation 3 and a half years ago. You moved across the country for grad school, knowing you’d need to start over again and find new (local) friends. You were taking in the space when you turned around and saw Shoko Ieri walk in the room, immediately disorienting you and a sudden warmth spreading into your center. You couldn’t look her in the eye for the entire first month.
“What do you want to do tonight?” Shoko brings you out of your daze as she wraps her hand around the back of your neck. “Want to start with that new toy I picked up recently?”
“O-oh, yeah, I haven’t tried something like that before!” You start to untangle yourself from Shoko and roll off the couch. You’re chased by Shoko into the bedroom as she reaches out to pinch at your sweatpants-covered ass, you making sure she can still catch you. There’s fun in the chase, but so is there in getting caught. You leap at the bed, spin around and sit on your legs patiently while Shoko disappears into her closet. She returns quickly, now in nothing but a lace thong and brandishing a modest, slightly curved silicone dildo in her hands, twirling her hair with her other hand. You bounce a bit in anticipation, soft tits still jiggling as you stop moving. You move to remove your sweatpants, but are cut off.
“Ah ah ah, hands off. Why are you trying to deny me the fun? I said we are going to continue from yesterday. Which means it’s my turn to return the favor.”
“We don’t need to keep a running tally for equitability sake!” you whine, sticking your lip out in an over-exaggerated pout.
“You’re right, but since this is celebrating us putting some structure and a title to” she waves her hand between the two of you “this, I want to finish what you started. Now, lay back, please.” You settle on the duvet, heart racing, feeling giddy. Last night you off-handedly said ‘I love you’ over dinner at home. It came out of nowhere, but you were just chatting and catching up from the day over a bowl of spaghetti, and it just fell out of your mouth while Shoko nearly choked mid-slurp.
Shoko sets the toy down on the bed and climbs up the bed, caging you in. As she reaches your middle, she sits back on her heels and tugs at your pants. She loved how you always returned to your own apartment or hers and would immediately change into comfortable room wear, shedding the stuffy denim and wired bras for soft cottons and gentle elastics. Pulling your hair back to keep it out of your face, it certainly made easier to grab in the heat of sex and teasing. After she removed your pants and panties, reveling at your exposed frame, Shoko admired your neatly trimmed hair framing your glistening pussy. “Mine.”
Soft kisses with small nibbles sprinkled in begin to chase up the inside of your legs, feet planted on the bed. As the kisses intensify, your knees fall further apart. Your hands come up to your hair as you lace your fingers through to ground yourself. Gently, two fingers spread your folds open and you let out a small gasp. “Mmm I just love to tease your pussy.” One slender finger slides in, your soft walls pulling it in deeper until your girlfriend’s middle finger is sheathed up to the knuckle. She flips her palm upwards and curls the finger inside of you while bringing her thumb to rest on your hardening clitoris. Your hips begin to buck at the movements, moans increasing. Slowly sliding her finger out, pressure still on your clit, Shoko adds a second finger and begins to rub circles with her thumb and thrusting her fingers in and out. She looks up from her ministrations to watch your face go through a million small emotions in pleasure. “That’s it, love. Let me hear you, don’t hold back.” You unwind on her hand, fluttering around her fingers, riding out your high with loud moans and grinding hips.
As you come back down, Shoko reaches over to the toy, aligning the flat, angled tip with your hole, pulling out her fingers. “Ready?” she whispers, but with an edge of gravel on her voice. She also grabs a small remote that you didn’t initially see and reaches up to place it in your hands. “I also got a treat for you. Feel free to press the buttons as you want and see what happens”
Slowly, Shoko presses the toy into your soaked pussy, as the tip disappears in, she turns it on to the lowest vibration setting. You give a sharp inhale as you push your head back further into the pillows. You recollect yourself as the toy makes its way further into you, and bring your hand up to see what this remote is. Just two buttons, marked by a plus and minus sign. You touch the plus button and suddenly a sultry and surprised “Ahhh mmmmm” Shoko whines from between your legs. Her progress to slide in the toy momentarily halted as she adjusted to the vibrating inside of her. She regains composure as she seats the toy fully inside you and rotates it around until you slam your eyes shut and cry out in pure pleasure. “Ah ha, found it. So hot.” Shoko bought a g-spot vibrator and adjusted it till she found the right spot inside of you.
Squirming somewhat, Shoko slowly moves the vibrator around, placing her free hand on your abdomen with pressure against you. Your hips begin to gyrate and roll with increased intensity every time the head of the toy makes contact with the spongy sensitive bundle of nerves inside your walls. “Sho—Shooookoooo ple- FUCK please~” you preen and attempt to stammer out some words. You increase the intensity on the remote.
“Ye-s, l-ove? You’re doing so, so, hnf, well, better than the fantasies I had all day of this- of this mooooment.” Shoko showers you with praise, stuttered by her own building pleasure, knowing exactly what is to come next.
“Ahhh, Sho—Shoko, I’m-com-” You attempt to tell her what you’re feeling as the pressure in your abdomen has reached a fever pitch, ready to incinerate you at the lightest touch. Shoko steadies the vibrator right on the nerves and brings her thumb up to apply pressure to your clit and lowers her body to get closer to your core. “Give it all to me.” At that moment you scream obscenities as your body releases the built-up pressure and you squirt directly into Shoko’s waiting mouth. Helping you ride out your pleasure pushed Shoko over the edge, too, as she rolls her hips along with the waves of her own orgasm. As your body begins to slow it’s movements, she turns off the vibrator and removes it from you. She also reaches down to her own bullet vibrator and removes it, still shaking as you’re too high on your own pleasure to find the remote.
Shoko sits up and wipes your slick from her face, reaching a hand up to you to clean off. “Good girl.” You whimper at the affirmation, pulling on her wrist to bring her up to you, her body draped on yours. When you finish lapping up the wetness on her hand, you twist your head over and your mouths meet in lazy but passionate kissing. Tongues lazily exploring each other, gratitude shared between the two of you.
“Shower?” You nod, slowly rolling yourself over, legs finding the ground albeit a bit shakily. Shoko steps out ahead, sliding into the en suite ahead of you to warm up the shower and grab towels. You stand in front of the mirror admiring your body, re-adjusting your hair and pulling the strays that have fallen out back up. You step in to the shower, bottoms of your feet chilled on the hard tile floor, but skin warmed by the scaldingly hot shower.
“Ahhhh, perfect” You reach out to rest your hands on Shoko’s waist as you both take a moment to relax in the warmth of each other and the water.
“Yeah, you are, love.” You giggle at the admiration. Shoko’s hands come up to gently massage your breasts, lightly pinching your nipples. She closes the gap between you and nudges her leg in between yours, rubbing her thigh against your sensitive folds. You let out a soft moan, feeling sensitive and on-edge already, after just a moment. “I’m not done with you yet.”
You continue to grind on her thigh as she holds pressure against your heat. Your hands slide up to Shoko’s chin, cupping her face and you dive in for a kiss. Your lips are urgent and needy as you moan into her mouth, biting her lips with every wave of building pressure. After several minutes, Shoko breaks the kiss, pulling away and you whine as her leg also pulls back. She begins kissing down the column of your neck, down the center of your clevage, past your navel, sinking to her knees to worship at your altar.
Wordlessly, Shoko nudges your legs further apart, guiding you so you are now leaning against the cold wall of the shower. Placing her hands on the front of your thighs, she slides them up to your folds and with her thumbs, spreads your pussy open, exposing your wet core to the warm shower air. She leans in to take a soft lick, savoring the first taste. You lean back on the wall for support, hands threading through Shoko’s hair.
“God you taste amazing. I can’t get enough of you.” Shoko uses her nose to rub against your oversensitive clit, reaching her tongue inside your sensitive cunt, applying light suction as she goes. Drinking up every drop your body offers, you can feel her moans reaching deep within you. Moving between deep licks inside your pussy to abusing your clit with the tip and flat of her tongue, you can feel the coil again twisting inside of you. With your moans completely unrestrained, you use your grip on her head to keep her pinned against your center.
“Baby, love, god” Shoko praises you at each short breath she takes. You don’t even have a moment to tell her as suddenly the coil snaps and you silently scream as she eagerly accepts the orgasm she pulled from your body. Her hands wrapping around your hips, holding you close as you buck against her touch. Once you have stopped moving so harshly, she stands up and your lips crash together one more time, you licking your wetness off her face, her embracing and holding you.
“I’ve never felt so relaxed with someone, Sho. You’re my best friend, my love, I can’t see a future without you.” Your mouth is moving faster than your brain, letting your admissions tumble out. A common occurrence for you recently. Shoko just smiles and you wash each other clean, taking time to massage tender areas, and scrub the rough ones. After you step out of the shower, you both go through your nightly skin care and pre-bed routines. Passing products between each other, prepping and moving as one practiced unit.
Now laying in bed, you are in the crook of your girlfriends’ arm while you both scroll on your phones. Eventually putting them down and rolling into a more comfortable sleeping position (as cute as cuddling is, you both know that it’s not comfortable for sleeping all night. No one likes numb limbs!). You both drift off to sleep, feeling happy and content with each other.
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rcmclachlan · 3 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
I was tagged by the insanely talented @cecilyv, who dropped a snippet of a scene in an upcoming fic in which Tommy and Buck LINE DANCE. If you haven't read their ongoing series (co-written with liminalmemories) What Binds The Fabric Together, you really should.
Anyway, this sure ain't seven sentences, but...
As soon as Tommy had dropped the print-out of his blood panel results from the clinic on South La Brea on the kitchen counter, Evan launched himself clear across the room, colliding with him like an atom, and gasped into Tommy's ear that he was going to milk the orgasm right out of him. That he was going to hold all that come inside himself where he would be swollen and warm, and wouldn't spill a single drop. "Because then you're going to lick it out of me." Evan punctuated that by sinking his teeth into the meat of Tommy's throat. The first couple of months of their relationship was spent in a frenzied cycle of fucking wildly every chance they got and revealing to each other the parts of themselves no one else had ever seen. Glutting on the thrill of exploring this new facet of Evan's sexuality together was addictive, but more so was the terrifying and exhilarating feeling of cleaving his own chest open because Evan wanted to explore the caverns inside.  It was insane how fast and willingly Tommy fell into it. He had never wanted someone so much every second of every day. When he was in the air, he thought of Evan. When he was under the hood of the Shelby Cobra he'd been fixing off and on for the last four years, he thought of Evan. When he was with Evan, he thought of nothing and no one else. He gratefully supped on everything he was given: every anecdote, every kiss, every joke, every touch, every smile, every useless factoid about parasitoid wasps or how ketchup was once believed to cure jaundice or that the tooth fairy doesn't exist in most Hispanic cultures but El Ratoncito Pérez, the tooth mouse, does. It felt insane. It was insane. But it was nothing compared to Evan, who bit and clawed and howled for Tommy like a wolf that had been starved to madness, spending half the time panting and whining to be mounted while the other half was spent running down every one of Tommy's hopes and fears and secret shames so he could swallow them whole with vicious, bloody-toothed joy. And even though it meant getting ribbed by his teammates for limping around in a sleep-deprived daze all the damn time, Tommy wanted to keep stuffing and stuffing that insatiable creature full—with his fingers and his cock and the parts of himself he'd thought were buried so far down they were lost forever. It was during that time that Tommy, drowsy and come-drunk one night after he'd eaten Evan out for fifteen minutes until his jaw felt wired shut and then fucked him deaf and dumb, had murmured that his number one fantasy was to suck his own come out of the same place his dick had been, and Evan never once let him forget it. Every time they fucked after that, he would push Tommy's head down and whine and demand and beg for Tommy to clean him up with his tongue, even though there was no mess to be found. Nothing to show Tommy had been there.  But tonight there would be.
No pressure tags: @dadvans, @alchemistc, @kirkaut, @sonatine, @itsevidentvery, @ripeteeth, @beefcakekinard, and anyone else who wants to share with the class
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fatorangepoo · 11 days
Wriothesley Teaches You How to Fight Like A Pro
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"First things first... fix that attitude of yours," Wriothesley grumbled, clad in his long-sleeved dress shirt, fitted pants and mechanical gauntlets. Slicking his hair back with both hands over his head, he groaned, "You don't even want to do this properly. Are you just here for me or what?"
Upon hearing that, your jokester ass laughed out loud and you clutched your clenched stomach bending over in joy. Wiping a tear from your eye, you muse, "Well what if I was?" and continued giggling with your feet circling in arcs like a dying roach.
Let's just say some people have a different sense of humour. You weren't even surprised when you lightly peeked with one eye at Wriothesley to find him glaring daggers at you with those striking eyes of his, because he has never appreciated your skibidi toilet jokes.
Even you knew his limits, and you didn't know him well. Just well enough to share drinks and inside jokes. For you, well was quality time and bouts of intimate touches. So no, you didn't know him well. You got up and sprung back into action, picking up some Gintama move you saw Chinese grandmothers do in Tai Chi. Hands in karate chop motion, you tornadoed to his direction and landed a foot directly in front of him, hand positioned directly before his nose.
Wriothesley scrunched up his nose and forced out a reluctant "Better, I guess," and lowered his head. Addled and confused, you tilted your neck to your side in a classic WHAT?! pose, then you heard a chuckle from somewhere around the room. Looking around, you said, "Well, I never knew you invited some others to our practises."
When he didn't respond, you turned back to him kneeling on the floor, gorgeous di-coloured hair sprawling out from his scalp. You squat with your legs open like a frog or sneaky spider in front of him, leggings stretching against your calf. Looking down at him, you saw a glimpse of his canine tooth revealed by a devilish grin. He looked up at you and laughed at your face, eyes closed all the way through in a joyful daze.
Sobering up, he projected with a husky voice, "So funny, are we?" and you could swear his Arctic glacier eyes thundered periodically, letting you in a world of dark, deep sea typhoons. "Let's see what happens when you face real danger. You think they would loosen their grip because you said something that started with ski, ended with di and rhymed with clinically? I'd like you see you £#¢¥ing try," he threatened gloomily, advancing onto you with a fat forearm.
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You hastily avoided his arm by holding it back with both hands, but you never really won over the gymbros in arm wrestling, so you got overpowered instead. He locked his arm under your neck, lifting you up so your toes were dreaming of touching land, which never happened considering you were taller than the average population. His shirt sleeve was so distracting because it smelled like your cousin's detergent and made you wish you had money to afford laundry that was more than just rinsing fabric with water.
You felt like Loki being held by his neck by Thor, albeit being the superior brother in the situation. In every situation, actually. Loki just suited you better. Pranksters have your whole heart.
You snuck your hands under his arm and pushed outward with all your might, and he was still unyielding. Bruh, at this point you just gotta turn around and start pushing his chest away from you. That'd be more effective, right? Whose chest can withstand brute force? Well, not yours, to be frank. You can't even wrestle your cousin.
"LET ME... THE £@#& GO!" you yelled with your back against his locked hands in a smooth manoeuvre, and tried to push at his chest. Ew, this feels like molestation. Who cared about molestation when your life was being threatened by a raider!!! You don't care anymore, you went from poking his chest playfully to shoving the hell out of his dress shirt, and he stumbled, hands losing their grip.
Like a proud hen, you stood arms akimbo, head inclined as you stared Wrio down. Oh my effing god. He surged and started CHARGING at you!!! He threw himself on you like on those WWE Superslams and you flew with your back sliding on the floor. His arms were around you, then you realised they weren't around you as much as they were wrapped around an actual dagger. Oh archons!
If you were wrong in the head, you would think this was fun and mentally stimulating. It was a bit exhilarating, but you were fearing for your life here. Mr Puppy here looks like he would actually kill you here and now for saying skibidi toilet during a company dinner 3 weeks ago. Deeply stashed anger, am I right? Poor pup doesn't have an outlet to release stress, so he keeps it all pent up and explodes on you for a tiny joke consisting of toilet...
His knee kneeling in the space between your thighs, he seemed chivalrous and angelic and deadly. The light shining on him from his table lamp just further intensified the dark side of his face, unilluminated by anything. That pretty much sums up your first impression of him. Dark, sepulchral and a pain to be with. Now, you're wrong. This is fun.
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"Alright, yes yes, I'm afraid I'm deeply invested now, Your Grace. Continue," you chirped happily from your position under the Duke's glinting knife. If you stole a jewel from the hilt now, would he realise? You were quite good at this gemstone side hustle of yours.
"Second of all, do not let yourself be vulnerable," he gritted his teeth and you wanted to caress his neck just right above your collarbone. "Well, I don't. I never open up to people! I consider it one of my great strengths-" you got cut off by his bejeweled dagger pinning itself on the fabric of your tank top like a dart pinned to a dartboard.
"Not what I meant," he offered, "but thanks for the invitation." Then he lifted a hand and punched you on your good side. Alas, no more side profile selfies!
You grabbed the gloved hand that was about to go for a second round of punching you with one determined fist of yours, unyielding in your grip. You observe Wriothesley's amusement, his face on top of you taunting. God, his lifted lips are so distracting in their angles, sharp at all the right places. Dangerous men should not have smiles more perilous than their charm.
Despite that, you shook him with your hand guiding him in the direction you wanted to go - in this situation you wanted him the floor where you previously were. Locking your elbow around his dangerous arm, you channeled enough strength to pull him down on the floor beside you. After the satisfying thud of your bully/mentor's back hitting the floor (his tough back muscles are probably fine), you swiftly roll yourself on top of him, legs clamped around both of his. Tank top strap slowly sliding down your shoulder, you dislodge the dagger on the floor and rest your elbows on the sides of his face. Curling his hair on the dagger's pointy edge, you look down, half-lidded, on his tired blue eyes and sadistically remarked, "Any tips for ending someone with a dagger?"
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whackk-kermitt · 2 months
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We Weren't Together
Warning: Pack Mom Stiles(mostly Off screen), Derek is the Alpha, Everyone is Alive, Derek is Jelly, Mild Angst, Misunderstandings, Significant Background Character, Lydia is the best Meddler, Happy Ending Summary: Derek and Stiles are not a couple. Simple as that. Not really sure where I was going with this one. It might be total shit. Womp Womp. NOT PROOFREAD
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"I didn't cheat!"
"You so did! How else would you have all that money when you own two properties!" Erica flung a shoe. All Stiles could do was laugh until his ribs ached.
"Okay," Lydia sighed setting her cards down and backing from the coffee table to lean against the arm of the couch. Allison looked on unimpressed, but only because she knew Stiles cheated.
"Oh come on," Scott groaned. "This is why I never play Monopoly."
"Who's Idea was this?" Isaac threw his cards down and looked around, a scowl due for the culprit.
"Yours." Lydia supplied with an unimpressed expression and a tilt of the head.
Derek sat back with a privet smile. It had been a while since he had gotten to work bringing the old Hale house back to a livable condition. And once the majority of it was done, the pack, without being asked, began coming over every Saturday to spend time all together. He'd see individuals pop in throughout the week, but he loved when they'd all be here together.
"No," Isaac defended. "I said we have, Clue, Uno, Scategories, and Monopoly. I never said I wanted to play this one."
"The way you said 'and Monopoly', made it sound like you did." Stiles offered with a look in his eye Derek couldn't place. "And who could say no to that adorable ridiculous scarf." He teased with kissy lips and a pinch to Isaac's cheek. Isaac swatted his hand away but his cheeks went red.
"If nobody wants to play I'd rather not waste my time." Boyd piped up, the first thing he's said since he reluctantly agreed to play this.
"Okay, we wanna do a different game or a movie?" Stiles offered starting to clean up the pieces into the box.
"Movie!" Erica cheered. "Who's turn is it to pick?"
Derek, who was already up and walking into the kitchen, stopped and checked the calendar on the wall. It was a calendar bought from the vet clinic with different dogs for every month, posing in costumes related to that month's holiday. You can guess who bought it.
Thinking of a name that rhymes with Biles Bilinski.
Who took the commitment to go through the calendar and alternate the pack's names on every Saturday, to mark their turn to choose. Since nobody could ever agree.
"Erica." Derek grinned with his back to the living room while Erica and Lydia cheered, while most of the boys groaned. Whenever it was either of them, they teamed up to find a movie literally only girls would like- according to Jackson. They've been made to watch The Notebook five times, The Princess Bride three times, and 10 Things I Hate About You four times.
Derek leaving the girls behind to settle on what to torture the boys with, he pulled bowls from the cabanit and a pot. Oiling the bottom of the pot, pour in corn kernels to coat the bottom. He covered the pot and let it heat up, turning to get butter from the fridge. But a hand was already on the fridge pulling it open.
Stiles always had a smile on his face when he was at the house, just as happy to be here with everyone as Derek was. Derek watched as Stiles took out the butter opened two sticks into a bowl from the dish rack and plopped it in the microwave. While the corn began popping Stiles and Derek danced around each other in the kitchen, working in perfect synchronicity to stock the large tray with canned drinks, bottles of water, and other various snacks.
Derek eyes all the sugary garbage on the try without making a sound. He had a sweet tooth sure, but he preferred actual baked goods, not the overly processed Debbie cakes and Oreo cookies they kept in the snack cabinet. Just as he was about to settle for just popcorn and water Stiles's hand came into view as he wordlessly put a bag of homemade cookies on the tray. Sharpie scrawled out 'sourwolf' with a smiley face on it.
Derek said nothing, watching Stiles turn and ready the three big bowls for the popcorn to be sorted into. Things like this made Derek feel like a very lucky man. Stiles never even thought about it, just did things like this. Not only for Derek but for the rest of the pack as well. Always taking one extra step to make sure everyone was happy.
Derek knew when Stiles was overthinking things; his nose would scrunch up, sometimes just the slightest bit, and he'd fidget a little more than usual. Derek knew what Stiles had to think before he did something, he never stopped to think about this stuff.
Stiles was a good friend, and Derek was happy he was pack.
After getting the popcorn buttered and evenly distributed they scooped everything up and brought it to the living room. Everyone was finding their seats on the two couches and the armchair, with a movie called Clueless qued up on Netflix.
Derek set the tray down, grabbed a water bottle and his cookies, and found his stop on the end of the couch he always takes. Stiles passed out the bowls of popcorn and settled in. Derek had gotten distracted watching Scott and Isaac fuss over who gets the last can of coke. He snorted dryly and turned to look at Stiles, who always and something to say about their childlike bickering.
Except when he turned to his left, it was the body that sat next to him. Boyd wasn't even paying attention to him. Huh, odd.
Derek looked over to the other couch where Stiles was squished in between Lydia and Erica who were explaining all the reasons Stiles was gonna love this movie. Stiles was smiling at the girls and chuckling, amused at how excited Erica was.
He was confused for a moment about why he assumed it would be Stiles sitting next to him. It didn't matter though, Stiles can sit anywhere, it's not like it matters.
He thought about it while everyone quieted down and the movie started.
Derek thought about all the previous times they settled in for movie night, and from what Derek recalled, Stiles sat by him every time. Derek thought about it for a moment and found himself amused.
If he told Stiles about it he knew what Stiles would say. Something about Pavlov, and Derek subconsciously thinking Stiles would always be next to him when they watched a movie because up until now he was.
But it didn't really matter where anyone sat, Derek convinced himself. He is just as happy sitting next to Boyd as he would be next to Stiles, or anyone else for that matter.
But as the movie went on, and Erica and Lydia both started leaning more onto Stiles, laughing at the funny parts and basically snuggling together, Derek decided he didn't like it.
Something in him became unsettled when by the second half of the movie Stiles started dozing off like he did almost every movie night, his head laying on Lydia's shoulder.
If Stiles were sitting over here, his head would fall onto Derek's shoulder like it always did. Stiles would wake up after the movie was over, everyone going home, and say something along the lines of 'good flick'. To which Derek would tease him for sleeping through most of it and use the drool on his shirt as evidence.
Derek didn't have a word to describe the feeling, didn't have the slightest clue as to what caused it, because it really didn't matter. The pack is pack, he was happy to see Stiles and everyone getting along so well, being so close, but it still bugged him.
After the movie was over, everyone did their share of cleaning up, said goodnight, and was out the door. Erica and Boyd being the last to go, as soon as the door was closed and locked, Derek sighed and his smile fell. This pit in his stomach only twisted more, when Stiles only gave him a one-word goodbye and offered Lydia a ride him.
"So," Isaac awkwardly swayed a little as Derek entered the kitchen. "Are you and Stiles fighting?"
"What?" Derek paused his stride through the room to stare at him.
"Well, tonight you guys," He studdered for a bit, the awkwardness he was feeling just asking very prevalent on his face. "Seemed off tonight. I don't know."
"No," Derek shook his head. "We're fine."
"Okay," Isaac clearly didn't believe him and bound up the stairs to his room.
Derek stood there for a moment and shook it off. He stuffed the feeling down like he did with almost anything unpleasant and went to bed.
It was 11:43 pm. It was slightly rainy and cold out. Stars and the moon shone over the preserve, eliminating the front yard.
Derek stood in the kitchen leaning against the counter, watching out the window at the driveway. Sparing a glance at the clock every few minutes.
Isaac was late. Super late. Not answering his phone, not sending a single text.
He was about to give up waiting for something, anything when a familiar jeep rolled up the long dirt road and onto the gravel driveway.
"Man," He heard Isaac's faint voice from outside. "He's still up. I'm in deep shit."
Isaac followed with dragging feet as a very amused Stiles him and Scott up the front steps.
When they entered they kicked off their shoes and joined a very disappointed-looking Derek. He stood tall with his arms crossed over his chest. The three gathered in front of him awaiting hell to rain down, except Derek didn't fail to notice the subtle grin on Stile's face.
"You're late."
"Sorry, we lost track of time." Isaac pouted like a picked puppy.
"You have a phone."
"It died." He shrugged.
"Neither of you have phones?" Derek glared at the other two.
The three looked between themselves and gave each other the "why didn't we think of that" look.
Derek sighed pitifully, "If I ask you to be home by a reasonable hour I don't think that's too much to ask. Full moons right around the corner and-" He groaned pinching the bridge of his nose. "Don't worry me like this again, " He waved the topic away.
Issac nodded shamefully and muttered an apology. The fear of being reprimanded stayed firm in his eyes and stiff body. It almost made Derek feel guilty for being upset in the first place, but he knew he had every right to worry.
"It's fine." Derek shook his head. "I just need to know where you are or at least be able to get in touch with you if something happens. I was worried Isaac, I'm not mad."
Isaac nodded, taking a breath and relaxing his shoulders.
"How was the party?" Derek didn't care really, he just wanted Isaac to feel comfortable.
"Fun, the whole team was there. We got bored when everyone else was too drunk to even talk to so we bailed and got some food and Mami's Diner." Scott smiles recalling the evening.
"Yeah, parties aren't as fun when you can't get tipsy with everyone else."
"Too bad for you guys." Stiles sighed with a goofy grin. They all took their spots at the breakfast bar.
"You didn't drink a drop tonight though." Isaac pointed out.
"And trust one of you to drive my baby?" Stiles accused as if the two were actively planning a first-degree murder in front of him. They all merely chuckled at his dramatics and moved on from that.
"Derek," Scott started with a grimace. "Can I stay the night? Moms working a double and I don't wanna wake her getting home this late."
Derek shrugged, indifferent. He'd gotten the guestrooms ready from the rest of the back. Hell, any of them could show up wanting to spend the night, with no excuse or reason, and he'd be happy to have them. It's why the rooms are there.
"Me too!" Stiles piped up. "I have no reason, just too lazy to drive I guess."
Derek chuckled a little and welcomed them both to a guest room of their choosing.
Isaac excused himself to the bathroom to shower, as Derek led Scott and Stiles up the stairs. He showed off the finished rooms and let them pick and choose. Stiles picked the one next to his room, claiming dibs because the other room had a draft.
"How much work left is there?" Stiles asked mindlessly looking down the hall at the section of the house still covered in plastic to protect the new wood flooring. Tools, wood varnishes, and cans of paint sat out in the hall.
Derek motioned him down the hall as Scott, uninterested, entered the room on the other end and settled in for bed.
Stiles followed Derek into an unfinished bedroom and took a look around. Derek flicked on the lights he'd just wired and put in the other day. The drywall was fresh and the whole room was covered in plastic, tape guarding the fixings and crown molding. The room was nearly ready to be painted and furnished.
"Just need to fix the wiring to the other room, mount the shelving, and this window," Derek strolled over and giggled the latch. "Needs to be fixed or replaced at some point. It won't open."
Stiles nodded looking around and smiling to himself.
"Other than that, it's just fixing up the back porch and the half-bath downstairs." He turned to look at Stiles. "What?"
"Nothing," Stiles shrugged, smile never fading. "I'm just happy."
"About what?" Derek asked curiously approaching Stiles like he was about to get a pie in the face.
"I don't know. Just in a good mood tonight, I guess."
When Derek was close enough he stopped, twisting his head and pouting at a smell invading his nose. Stiles almost made a kicked puppy joke until he saw that something was defiantly bothering Derek.
"What is it?"
"You smell weird."
"Well, I was just at a party with about sixty or seventy drunk teenagers, so."
"No, it's," Derek stepped closer slowly, leaning in just enough into Stiles's personal space to not make him uncomfortable but close enough to get a good whiff of the insulting aroma. "You smell like-" Derek stopped and his face dropped a little, leaning back and eyeing a very confused Stiles.
"Never mind." He shook his head and turned the lights off as he walked out. "Goodnight, Stiles." He left Stiles standing there completely bewildered.
Derek locked himself up in his room and changed into sweats before climbing into bed. All with a deep frown dragging his features down.
Stiles smelled like arousal. Like sex. But it clearly wasn't Stiles's scent.
Stiles smelled like someone else's arousal.
Derek racked his barian all night who that prick could've been. Why was that prick all riled up and close enough to rub his lasting odor on him? Was Stiles dancing with someone at the party? Did Stiles make out with someone at the party?
At that question, his mind supplied him the images of Stiles bumping and grinding with some random dude, hands on Stiles's hips, moving and swaying with him. The creep Kissing up on Stiles's neck and lips and offering to go somewhere private.
Derek turned onto his side and shoved his head in under the pillow, hiding from the thoughts as he let himself be taken by sleep.
But that night all he dreamed about was chasing some faceless vermin through the woods; hunting him like he was nothing more than a feral wild wolf, despite still being completely human in the dream.
Danger came to Beacon Hills in the shape of Faeries.
Tiny winged spirits with a knack for trickery and mayhem. Derek wasn't sure how they ended up in Beacon Hills if they've just been migrating this way, or if someone let them loose. But people were getting hurt by their 'pranks' so they had to put a stop to it.
Tricking Faries was not an easy job in the slightest. But they managed it after a long night of chasing and fighting, finally trapping the three in silver cages and handing them over to Deaton; who swore he knew how to handle them and remove them from Beacon Hills safely.
The pack headed separate ways and most of them followed Derek back to the house. They arrived home just as the sun began to come up. Derek, still too anxious and worked up to sleep, went straight to work on the downstairs bathroom. He began preparing the grout to lay the tiles in place on the floor.
As he was checking the leveling of the pitch, he heard Stiles, "Need some help."
"Not really," Derek shrugged. It was a small bathroom, only enough room for one person to stand comfortably in between the sink and the toilet. Stiles sighed and started backing away.
Derek frowned and shook his head, not meaning to have come across as cold as he did.
"Actually, you can pass me tiles?" He offered, trying to brighten his tone. Stiles was plopped down just outside the doorway in a second. He smiled v\softly, almost unnoticeable, if it hadn't been for the fact that Derek noticed every detail about Stiles.
"You all grumpy with me for not staying behind like you said?"
"I'm not grumpy." He defended. Stiles gave him a look. "Yes." He sighed as if he was admitting to something as embarrassing as wetting the bed until you're fifteen.
Stiles chuckled, watching him work.
"You're not the only one that worries about everyone you know." Derek spared him a loot while reaching for a tile. "I know I'm human, der. You don't have to remind me that I don't heal, and I'm in more danger than most of you, but I still get this feeling that if I'm not there-"
Derek paused what he was doing to sit back and give Stiles his attention. Stiles started at him for a bit before continuing.
"I want to be there to look after you guys too. We've had close calls before, and nearly lost people. If I cared any less I'd listen to you when you tell me to stay back and out of the way, but I just have thing feeling that I need to be there in case something happens."
Derek gave him a sad smile. "And what if that something happens to you?"
Stiles frowned and lowered his head, shrugging. "If I can help, there's not really anything you can do to stop me from trying."
"Yeah," Derek nodded. "So I've learned."
Stiles chuckled and handed Derek another tile, smiling at him as he took the subtle hint the conversation had ended and turned back to laying the tiles in place. Stiles watched him intently, adoring the alpha.
"You got any plans tonight?" Stiles sighed when he was bored of the quiet.
"Back porch is fixed up, might get someone to help me put together the table, and cheers I ordered. Maybe fire up the grill?"
"That sounds fun." Stiles nodded, a look on his face like he was considering his options.
"You got a better idea?" Derek teased, because Stiles always had something to say about the activities Derek came up with.
"No, I just," He paused and thought to himself a moment. "I met this dude at the party the other night, and he texted me earlier asking if I'd be down to meet up later tonight."
Derek's heart sank a little. Oh, that prick.
"Oh," Derek nodded. He didn't wanna ask questions, he didn't wanna know. So Stiles just nodded.
"If it doesn't take too long I'll swing by after." Stiles delivered the empty promise with a grin. "Save some food for me."
Derek only nodded.
Stiles never showed.
Derek was in a bad mood.
Everyone in the house felt it and kept to their best behavior.
He didn't scowl or glare, he didn't yell or stomp around, he just kept his head down and mouth shut.
It was a Thursday night, and his betas had come over after the Lacross game like they always did. Boyd having joined the team, came along with the other players plus Erica, after every game. Although Jackson never showed, he only made an appearance when Lydia did.
Except tonight was different. Stiles hadn't come.
Apparently, Stiles was invited by the guy he met at the party to hang out after the game. A date.
He got all this from Erica who told him with a look of pity and confusion etched into her feature. Derek said nothing, just nodded, and went on making dinner for those who did show.
After eating they settled into the living room and watched a movie Derek wasn't paying attention to. He'd been on autopilot half the night, stuck in his head wondering about where Stiles was and what he was up to.
He didn't understand why he felt sick in his gut that Stiles was out with someone else.
It just made him feel dizzy with something he didn't have a word for. Every time he pictured Stiles laughing at the guy jokes, playing footsy under the table, holding hands on the walk back to the car, kissing on his front step- his chest tightened painfully.
He knew what this disgusting feeling was now, and he felt pathetic for it.
Derek stood and without a word went up to his room and crawled into bed.
Summer break had officially arrived and Derek was having the boys help him set up the pools in the back yard.
He hadn't seen Stiles in the past few days and it's been both wonderful and absolute agony. He was grateful to have a break from seeing Stiles's smile and shining eyes, hating knowing it was never for him. But he missed it all the same.
Either way, the space between them allowed Derek the room he needed to rebuild his walls. If Stiles was dating this other guy fine, Derek hadn't had a chance anyway. He'd very his heart and settle for just being pack.
The girls sat on the front steps far enough away from the guys on the other side to not hear their conversation. Even with super wolfy hearing.
"So, what happened?" Allison eyed the two who clearly knew more than she did. Both of them are closer to Stiles and Derek, respectively. "I was under the assumption they'd be giving us invitations to the wedding by graduation."
Erica chuckled sadly, "I don't know. But you should've seen Derek when I told him Stiles ditched us to go hang out with Markus."
"I don't know what's gotten into Stiles," Lydia grumbled, she hated being left out of the loop. "Just last month I was giving him advice on how to woo a man. Mind you, Markus was not the man I thought he'd be running off to woo."
"I don't think anyone thought that." Allison sighed.
"It's weird," Erica grumbled. "The past few days honestly feel like my parents are divorced. I only see either or, Stiles gets us on the weekends." Lydia laughed.
"How does that work?" Allison questioned.
"I don't know," The blonde shrugged leaning back on her hands. "I've never really asked. But it's all sort of instinctual. Like Derek is the alpha, he gives orders and dishes out punishments. Stiles is there to comfort our wounds and give Derek a smack upside the head if he's too hard on us."
"Instinctual?" Lydia grimaced. "Wait, like even your wolf thinks Stiles and Derek were on the road to being a thing?"
"Well," Erica sat up and frowned. "Honestly, before Stiles ran off with Merkus after the game and I told Derek about it, I thought they already were. It just made sense. Isaac said something a little while ago when I came over cause 'Mom and Dad are fighting again'. We all just kinda felt it I guess."
"Huh," Allison thought. Lydia smiled, the other two girls eyeing her suspiciously.
"What are you thinking?" Allison asked carefully.
"Oh," She smiled watching a blur jeep pull up the driveway. "Right on queue. Follow my lead ladies."
The two spared a look at each other before watching Stiles climb out of the jeep plastic bag in hand and a box-taped shut- under his arm.
"Hey, where is everyone?" Stiles eyed the house while approaching the girls.
"Outback." Erica supplied with a nod of her head.
"Surprised to see you showed up." Lydia offered, standing and going inside without giving him a chance to respond.
Allison followed without a word and Erica, slightly confused, gave him a quick look before rushing to follow. She didn't understand what Lydia's plan was but he didn't exactly wanna be left alone with him. She was not a fan of awkward situations.
Stiles stood there slightly hurt and very confused.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked following the girls into the kitchen. "What did I do now?" He busied himself unpacking the baked goods into the snack cupboard and the sunscreen he'll be needing later on the counter. He took a second to tuck the box off the side in the corner out of the way.
"It's nothing, Stiles." Lydia sighed, as though she was more hurt than anything else. The other two followed her mellow demeanor and avoided looking at Stiles.
"Okay," Stiles groans, getting a little paranoid. "So either I did something stupid and you're angry with me, or I did something really stupid and hurt your feelings?"
"Stiles," Lydia warned, lifting her hand to stop him from talking. "I don't wanna talk about it here, it's not my place."
"Heh," Stile let out a dry chuckle. "Since when is it not your place to talk about things I did to hurt you?"
"Cause you didn't exactly hurt me." Lydia put up a good front of being frustrated and emotionally exhausted.
The two were so focused on each other, that no one but Allison saw Erica's eyes widen and head start to shake as she motioned to the doorway leading out the back of the house.
"So I did do something stupid and hurt someone's feelings." Stiles nodded like he was finally getting to the bottom of it. "What happened?"
"Stiles," Lydia gave him a firm glare like it was supposed to be obvious what he did. Stiles just freaked out a bit at the knowing accusation in her tone and shrugged exasperated. "You broke things off with Derek!" She said louder than she really needed to.
Stiles blinked, obviously confused. "What?"
Erica cleared her throat, making the two look towards her and Allison who just started at something over their shoulders shifting awkwardly.
Stiles, mouth still slack with complete and utter confusion followed their gaze and looked to see Isaac and Derek standing there looking just as awkward. Well maybe, that was more Isaac.
"Um," Isaac cleared his throat daring a glance at Derek who stood completely still and stoic. "Pools ready."
Stiles looked around at each face in the room, all of them looking at him with uncertainty and then to Derek with sympathy.
"What?" Stiles asked again more exasperated. He gave everyone a look one last time before addressing the room as a whole, "There wasn't ever any breaking things off, me and Derek were never together."
"You weren't?" Issac asked completely unsure, looking to Derek for confirmation.
"Yea-" Stiles rolled his tongue along his lips and put his hands on his hips like an offended mother. "I think I'd remember being all up on that." He motioned to Derek who only raised a brow.
"Oh," Isaac nodded, still unsure. "You hen you and Markus... " He trailed off.
"Huh," Now Stiles looked really offended. "As if."
Lydia laughed at the unintended reference before she quieted herself and motioned the girls to ditch the awkward air with her. They all, as though if they moved too fast someone would be angry, stepped out into the hall and went the long way around back, through the front door.
"What is happening?" Stiles looked to the two completely bewildered as to where any of this was coming from all of a sudden.
"Um," Isaac looked to Derek who hadn't moved an inch. "I'm gonna-"
"Hold it!" Stiles raised his hand and pointed an accusatory finger at him. Isaac stopped in his attempt to back out of the room, frozen in place. "What the hell is all this drama about?"
"Say 'um' one more time, I'm gonna burn your scarf."
"Wh-" Isaac pouted for a moment before awkwardly shuffling between his two feet. "We kinda all thought you and Derek were, um-" He froze and dared a glance at a very unamused Stiles and an increasingly amused Derek. "Together, and you've been spending a lot of time with that Markus guy so we figured you two split-"
"That's enough." Stiles waved him away. Isaac was grateful and ran out back without a second glance.
Stiles sighed, facing Derek with a blank stare. Derek looked even more amused about all of this now that everyone was gone.
"You think this is funny?"
"I didn't realize that's the conclusion the pack came to." Was all he said.
"Well, we should probably make some things clear before the kids side with you in the divorce." Stiles scored playfully trying to hide his nervousness. He really didn't expect this to be the way he ended up addressing his and Derek's relationship.
"You think they'd take my side?" Derek raised a brow. "You're the one that spoils them."
Stiles just laughed, it's all he could do. They were standing ten feet apart, dancing around the subject.
Derek took a whiff of the air and smiled at the scent of stiles that became more and more permanent every time he came over. If it weren't for the past few days, and Isaac living here, Stiles was here the most out of everyone.
"So," Derek tried to think of the jerk's name, "Markus, you guys aren't," He made and gesture with his hands, looking away from Stiles.
"No, god no."
"Right," He nodded, "Cause when you came home from that party, you smelled like. . ."
"What?" Stiles tilted his head. He remembered being left in the dark room wondering what made Derek look so uncomfortable, and actually a little angry. He had a hard time trying to sleep cause his mind kept asking questions.
"A stranger, and sex." Derek put it bluntly. Stiles's eyes bulged out of his head and Derek almost laughed.
"What? No," Stiles recoiled in shock, not expecting him to say that.
"Then you started leaving us behind to go hand out with this guy you met at the party." Drek shrugged.
"The dude I met is not-" He stopped himself from saying the word, it sounded too absurd. "I met Markus, he was DD'ing for his friends, we got to talking. He offered to pay me to help him study. That's it!"
Derek nodded in understanding. He didn't need to hear Stile's heartbeat to tell that was the truth.
"Must have been a good amount of money for you to ditch the pack twice," Derek said, not really making it a question. Stiles chewed on his lip as Derek approached the kitchen island and leaned on it. "What?"
Stiles sighed turning to grab the box and placing it on the island and slinging it over to Derek. "The allowance I get from Dad every now and then wouldn't have been enough."
Derek stared at him for a moment before turning his attention to the box curiously and carefully opening it.
"It's just a housewarming gift," Stiles shuffled in place, looking anywhere but Derek.
Derek looked down in the box at stacks of plates and bowls, cups, all individually wrapped. Derek took a plate and gently tore it free from the plastic wrap, examining the intricate royal blue patterns along the edges, and the vibrant red and yellow flowers painted in the center. The flowers are arranged in the vague shape of a wolf, with leaves surrounding it like a nest. The dish was glossy, polished, and shinny, and smelled of somewhere old but clean. turning it over he saw painted in very neat handwriting, "The family is One of Nature's Masterpieces. Proberty of Hale, made by A. Bartosz."
Derek looked up to Stiles who started at the plat in his hands.
"Um, they're hand-painted, I went to a place out in Allens Town. A polish place. You've been using paper plates and stuff so I figured," Stile trailed briefing a look at Derek before returning his gaze to the plate. "In Poland, there's a belief that the beauty of the dish enriches the flavor of the food. You're always cooking for everyone so I thought-" Stiles cut himself off with a sigh and scratched the back of his neck.
Derek carefully set down the plate and walked around to Stiles who was still looking anywhere but him.
Next thing Stiles knew, he was warm. Really warm. Warm around his waist from Derek's arm, warm in his cheek where Derek held, warm on his lips where Derek kissed.
Stiles melted against him with a relieved sigh. It felt like he was in a dream he never wanted to wake up from. A dream the never thought would come true, no matter how many times Lydia told him to go for it.
He lifted his hands and placed them firmly on Derek's chest, one sliding further up to the base of his neck. He had no idea what he was doing, and he was fairly certain Derek knew it based on the rumble of laughter in his chest. But he followed Derek's lead and soon found a rhythm that made Stiles's knees weak.
When Derek finally pulled away, Stiles straight-up whined in protest, earning a chuckle from the alpha.
"Thank you," He smiled softly stroking Stiles's cheek with his thumb.
Stiles was giddy at the affection, smiling dreamily up at Derek. It made something in Derek stir back to life. The walls he tried to build back up the past few days crumbled down around him as Stiles pushed up into another kiss, hands coming up around his neck and into his hair. Derek hugged and his waist and pulled his impossibly closer, sighing in contentment.
"No," They heard a sudden shout, pulling apart and looking to the back door. Erica was moving away with her back to them heading back into the yard. "They're busy eating each other faces!"
"Oh, my god." Stiles groaned. Derek only chuckled turning back to Stiles and pulling him back in.
≫ ────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ────── ≪
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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first-tooth-clinic · 1 year
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Dental Treatment While Pregnant | Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon-First Tooth Clinic
At First Tooth Clinic in Gurgaon, we provide professional dental care for kids and understand the importance of dental treatment during pregnancy. Visit the best dental clinic in Gurgaon for expert care. Your child's oral health is our priority!
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vxmpyree · 1 month
Biting nikto hcs? Would he enjoy getting bitten or bite?
ill try to do some teeth related things etc etc only because biting/hickeys toes the line of nsfw and sfw :'( if u put in a req @puracatt ill probably do some over there
cw // tooth loss, tooth pulling, blood
[ come - adrianne lenker ]
nikto who's missing a few teeth. zakhaev couldn't let him go without plucking a molar or two, then one of his sharp teeth. at first, he relishes in the gaps there. they're another one of his many trophies-- i survived imran zakhaev, and i have the wounds to prove it.
he can't chew rare steaks or the occasional hard candy like he used to. he mourns. he can't eat without having food get caught in the squishy dips of his gums.
his teeth are sharp, like a cat's. they hardly befitting of an omnivore.
when he gets hit in the cheek or upper lip, a shudder rolls through him. that numbing sensation that echoes through his nerves is reminiscent of that empty feeling he had after losing his teeth. everything was dull and bloody.
nikto who gets the cheapest, crappiest implants available in a clinic nearby his place of deployment. he just wants to be able to eat and smile without thinking of the gaps in his grin. regardless, not all of it matters in the face of vengeance.
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A DC X DP IDEA #12 Ice Ice baby
Imagine dis…
 It is always Danny having an ice core, but what made him have that type of core in the first place? He died from electrocution shouldn’t he have an electrical type of core? Or even a ground type of core to combat the electricity that killed him, or is it because the original fandom dedicated that for the rest?
Life was great for Dr. Victor Fries, despite living in Gotham he was at the top and peak of his career as a scientist in the field of cryogenics as well the fact that his beloved Nora and he are about to start a family of their own. 
At the seventh month mark of Nora’s pregnancy, she began coughing out blood, later diagnosed as an unknown terminal illness. Dr. Victor tried curing his pregnant wife using his specialty in the field of cryogenics, but each day passes her terminal illness began spreading throughout the body and it began to harm both mother and child. 
Nora began looking at articles about babies who had survived by their 7th-month mark. She couldn’t take their child, the product of their love, the least she can do is to make sure that their child survives and hopefully that her child never gain whatever illness she had gotten.
Finding a good doctor that can perform an emergency labor on her is a miracle, it may be a risk, but it was a risk she was willing to take, for her child.
The moment Victor learned what Nora had been planning he rushed to the address at hand where he had just read a small note containing her plans and details.
Reaching the small clinic Victor saw his weakened form of his wife cradling a very small baby that was covered in blue blankets, slowly walking forward with his eyes still on the newborn he noticed that their child is a perfect combination of both he and Nora, his black hair and Nora’s bright blue eyes that seemed to complement with each other. Breathing out he already knew that he fell in love with his son, despite meeting minutes ago, he swore to give his son the life he never had during his childhood. Being abandoned by his father and having a terminally ill mother he swore to the heavens above that they will both protect this little family that they have with all of his might.
Nora was crying softly as she held her child close to her, their son is alive and quite healthy despite being born after 7 months. At that moment she knew she became selfish, she wanted to witness all of his firsts, his first words, first tooth, first steps, and many more. She wanted to be with him as he grew up, she wanted to be with the two people she fell and gave her whole heart to, till she was old and gray, she wanted to live. 
She kept apologizing to their son for how his momma wouldn’t be there for him, apologizing for being weak to the point she had this illness that may or may not affect him. For being to grow up without a mother at his side. She kept apologizing and whispering reassurance that her love will hold no bounds and be with him.
She looked at Victor with clear love in her eyes and told her to promise her that their child will live a life full of love and safety that they both didn’t receive during their childhood.
But Dr. Victor was anything but a stubborn man, he had put his wife cryogenically frozen state until a cure can be found. Taking care of a delicate newborn with a frozen wife he began looking for cures using his specialty as well using the connections he has to find a cure for her, but then the accident happened, leaving him drastically lowering his body temperature to sub-zero levels, forcing him to wear a cryogenic suit to survive.
Looking at himself Victor Fries resolved his will and determination to not only save his wife but also give the best possible life for their son. But with his cursed fortune and this cursed mutation of his, he knew he couldn’t give their son the best care and love.
Calling in a friend who had owed him a favor he carefully instructed the man to smuggle their son outside of Gotham and leave him in a good orphanage that lets them eat food three times a day as well as being able to bathe every day.
It might be better to leave his son in an orphanage in Gotham but the system is corrupt as the Gotham City police department. 
As the day finally arrived, he took one final look at his son, burning in the details as he gave him to the friend as well as a small amulet with delicate details of snowflakes that contains a picture of him and Nora who had a noticeable baby bump.
Looking in the direction where the car had disappeared from a silhouette to nothing, he had burned a small amount of paper erasing any file be it paper or digital, as to hide any connection that he had a son. He was not afraid to dirty his own hands to find a cure for his wife and maybe just one day they will be a complete family once again.
Danny grew up knowing he was adopted, his parents had explicitly explained to him that his father had no other choice but to give him up for his life. According to the stories of his parents, his father supposed friend had dropped him off at a fairly well-taken-care orphanage and at the age of a year and a half he was adopted in the Fenton family. He had nothing in his possession or with him aside from the baby blue blanket that he used to refuse to part with and the snow-shaped locket that the caretakers must have guessed from his real parents.
Growing up there had been incidents that kept him questioning his normalcy like the time he had stayed in the cold snowy evening night just outside the Fenton works without catching hypothermia. 
He wasn’t even a ghost at that time, he had found comfort during blizzards and the softly fallen snow, where people huddle up in their jackets or even the warmth of their homes, he would notice himself looking longingly at the coldness outside his home.
Learning about he had an ice core made him question as well be invested in ghost biology, with the help of Frostbite, ghosts tend to form their core where in they were comfortable or even what their personality is as it would mirror their core perfectly. His love for the coldness was the first thought that came to his mind but then he began questioning who had been his real parents, ever since he had done a project in tracking down their family tree using their DNA.
Doing his research behind the Fenton couple’s back there he learned of his parentage, Victor and Nora Fries, He also learned that his supposed biological father is a supervillain that had escaped Arkham multiple times. While the mention of Nora Fries was mentioned briefly as being Victor’s wife, she was reported missing and later died as the police had speculated that the villain Mr. Freeze had killed her in cold blood due to her attempts in fighting the now villain Mr. Freeze when he was just starting.
But Danny lived with two scientists who may have biased opinions on ghosts but were able to work around slightly toxic materials, and able to turn them into weapons. His sister is a straight-A student complete with medals and honors and on her track to being a phycologist. Lastly, his best friend is a tech genius, he had picked a thing or two.
He always wondered why on earth Mr. Freeze would always team up with scientists that have some sort of medical or biological major, or even the fact he would do almost any job as long it involves money or even some parts that are some sort of machinery that was used for medical purposes.
Digging information using the IP address of the Ghost Zone revealed that Nora Fries aka his biological mother, had developed an unknown terminal illness and was left in a frozen state by her husband to halt the disease from further spreading while he tries to find a cure.
It was never mentioned that Nora Fries was pregnant.
Looking at a single picture of both of his biological parents he could see the resemblance between him and them, his mother's eyes were something that kept his attention on her.
Looking closely at the picture that he had managed to recover, he saw a small locket that both of his biological parents have been wearing.
Clutching at the locket that was wrapped around his neck, he had long figured out how to open the small locket.
Years pass by and many things had happened between the time he had died and the time he had discovered his real parents.
After coming out as Phantom to the Fenton couple, both of them began to cry for being neglectful parents to the point they didn’t notice that it was their son that they were hunting, it was their son who had died in their supposed greatest life achievement.
Next, he managed to scatter and destroy every GIW base with the help of his parents, family, and friends to the point that the cause of destruction will never lead to them. 
He had become King of the Infinite Realms, though right now he was still in training as it was agreed upon in both worlds that once Danny died once again, he will take the mantle of being the High King while being immortal and still have his human half.
Since he had retired from being the hero Phantom in Amnity Park since he had ordered the ghost to stay in the Ghost Zone and if they wish to fulfill their obsession they have to write a contract that states that they will not harm the citizens as well not to cause massive collateral damage on the surrounding area, today both ghosts and the citizens of Amnity Park live both in harmony and peacefully.
Being an astronaut was off the table seeing his new physical state, asked Walker who his maternal grandfather was well as had the official title of being the rule enforcer of the Ghost Zone. For a bit of advice as to what kind of career he should take that fulfills his obsession since he cannot continue the heroin during this peaceful time.
Walker suggested becoming a doctor, since both protect and save lives. 
Danny paused and laughed at the pure irony of what had just Walker suggested, seeing that he rules the dead in his ghost half while he saves people from their injuries and death by being a doctor in his human half.
But at that moment Danny thought to himself, just maybe if he had learned enough maybe he could just heal his mother.
Making up his mind, while taking courses in college to become a doctor, he went back and forth from the living world to the Ghost Zone to learn from Frostbite and the other yetis seeing that the Infinite Realms are connected to different worlds that have a different cure to different diseases, With Clockwork’s help he was able to squeeze the knowledge from both human teachers and the yetis.
Moving to Gotham was something planned as the Fenton’s learned that he wishes to find his biological family and promises them that no he on not replace them but only merely wishes to meet them at least once.
After months of settling down in Gotham, he had built a reputation in the Gotham streets where common thugs, criminals, supervillains, rouges to even the family next door. Like a doctor namely Dr. Leslie Thompkins who has her clinic as a neutral ground and won't snitch at the Bats or even the Popo for any information the patients she heals.
Danny became a doctor who has a reputation for having a weird sense of payment to his patients. Ranging from money to pennies, from a gun to a magazine of bullets, from fruits to vegetables, from flowers to full-blown saplings of trees.
It has been more than a year that consists of healing some of the Bats that involve some feral, miscommunication as well some shenanigans moments that involved the entire Bat clan, as well some of Batman’s rogue gallery when Mr. Freeze his father approached him.
Freeze is getting hopeless each passing year, each year with no progress towards Nora’s cure from her terminal illness the fact that it had been two decades since he last saw his son. Don’t misunderstand him, he did not regret that he had given his son up for adoption, he has a better chance of being adopted by a happy and caring family and they could give him the love that he deserves. 
Maybe he lamented at the fact that if he could’ve raised his son, witnessing him grow up into a fine young man but on the other hand. maybe he could’ve been ostracized for being related to a supervillain. But he had promised Nora that their child would grow with love and care, something he couldn’t but could have done, but with his career path today is something he would have been ashamed of, he would rather have an honest paying job than his son could be proud of, not some villain who’s only memorable thing about him is that he’s main attacks are ice.
As he was sitting in his cell in Arkham he had heard whispers about a new doctor that had his entire operation set up just at the edge of Red Hood’s territory, from the new people who had been just arrested carrying new information and news from the outside.
At first, he thought that those guys were just speaking nonsense as most doctors in Gotham are either chasing those high-paying salaries from the top then taking care of the lesser people like Dr. Leslie add to the fact that he wishes weird payments like that one-time he heard one of the goons say about the mysterious doctor asked for a chicken as payment, but each passing day he learned more and more of this mystery doctor’s credibility. The tipping point was hearing the news that even the Bats have come and gone from his clinic, with the Bats as patients raises not only their credibility but also their skills. He thought that maybe this doctor could make a diagnosis of his wife, something he had done with Dr. Leslie in the past but it wouldn’t hurt.
Breaking out of Arkham with the rest of the prisoners he made his way towards the supposed clinic and prepared himself to beg as well to prepare whatever kind of payment will the doctor ask for, but the moment he saw the doctor himself he began to feel some sort of longing, caring, and love towards this doctor that made a small memory of his flash. Shaking his head, he explained to the doctor about needing his service while ignoring the obvious tell-tale signs that were in front of him.
Danny was freaking out on the inside, he already has the procedure to cure and heal his biological mother’s illness but the fact he couldn’t locate her through mortal means made it a lot harder to cure his mother, But Mr. Freeze/ father is now in front of him after he came through the door and being asked to run a diagnosis to Nora.
Going to a secret hideout deep below Gotham there he finally saw in person, his mother, she is breathtaking. Her blonde hair seemed to flow above her like a halo while her eyes may be closed but he will bet every gold that he owned that those eyes that he had inherited were also lovely.
As time went on both Danny and Mr. Freeze created some sort of bond between the two while Danny is working on the cure as well maintaining his neutrality as well services to Gotham.
Danny didn’t mean to hide his identity from his father despite that he looked like a female version of his biological mother add to the fact that he didn’t bother to cover himself up when he entered a sub-zero degree lair of Mr. Freeze, as well he has the identical necklace that both Mr. Freeze and Nora currently wears.
But he was satisfied to have some sort of bond with his father as well as being able to meet him and Nora.
One day he may leave them but knowing that both of his parents were fine and happy with their life he is content.
It was when Nora woke up that his identity was revealed.
It was early in December when Nora finally woke up, Mr. Freeze with utter joy rushed to his wife and held her as if she was going to disappear, now they only need to track down their son, just to see whether he was happy or not.
The first thing Nora noticed is that her body is sore and stiff to move, next her husband crying and hugging the life out of her, and lastly a quiet doctor was in a corner looking longing at the pair. At first, Nora was confused at the emotion present on the doctor’s face but when she took a second look at him before her eyes widened at her conclusion and she began to reach out to him as well.
Seeing this Victor explained that this young man is the doctor that saved her life and began thanking the said doctor as well as asking for whatever payment he may ever want from the couple. Nora just looked t her husband with confusion written on her face and asked why on earth he talked about the doctor as if he didn’t know his son.
Victor paused at his wife’s reply and looked at the frozen doctor, looking closely he may have smacked himself to oblivion due to his denseness as well stupidity. Began noting down the similarities between his own and Nora’s, as well as what he had remembered from his son. Black hair forms his own, same face and cheekbones as his mother as well as her eyes. He began to tear up, what kind of a father he is to not recognize his son? As while Nora merely took a second to recognize him.
Did you know? A mother never forgets.
Slowly Danny reached for the locket underneath his shirt, presenting the same locket that Victor gave to his son. 
Stating that the only payment that he needed is just a hug.
Both parents beckoned him to get closer for a hug that was long overdue from both sides.
It has been a few months since the small family of three was reunited and moved to a small yet lovely home near the outskirts of Gotham, with Mr. Freeze leaving behind the villainy path and becoming a mechanic alongside his son and wife as they try to make up for the lost years they could have. But Victor began to discover things that his son would rather die a second tie to reveal those secrets to his parents.
Danny was too cold for a human Victor noticed and began looking and observing him. When he was still by Danny’s side, he made sure that Danny is a healthy baby, so looking at him now he is getting worried.
Maybe he might have got Nora’s illness but somehow mutated due to his genes. It may have been an accident that caused his mutation but the fact he survived with some changes in his body made him believe that he may have some sort of a meta gene that was dormant and showed itself after the accident.
Danny waved it off as if it was normal but the moment Victor Fries heard the slow beating of his son’s heart made both parents freeze.
Now it is a race against time to save Danny, Danny’s patients who became regulars at his little clinic learned about his possible illness and began coordinating with his parents as allies and friends in Gotham looking and searching for a hint of a cure. While the crime prince of Gotham is planning Danny’s demise.
Danny is now stuck trying to explain to his parents and the Bats while the Joker tried multiple times to end Danny’s life who is still oblivious to the Joker’s attempts while the rest of his family and friends were not so blind at the attempts.
 PS: If someone out there wanted to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so don’t forget to tag me though.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months
"You could have warned me!" With Harvey? 💛
Finally trying my hand at writing the doc <3
"There are monsters in the volcano that spit fire??? You could have warned me! Had I know you were going to venture there I-!"
"Harvey, honey, it wasn't that bad-"
"Then what's this second degree burn I am treating, hm?" The doctor simply gave you a semi-scolding look as he bandaged your bicep. You got a nasty burn from a mischievous Lava Lurker who caught you by surprise while exploring the volcano dungeon on Ginger Island.
You thought you deflected all of the beast's fireballs, but alas one managed to slip by your defenses and nearly scorch your skin off.
At the time it didn't hurt, although of course when your boyfriend asked if you were okay after leaving the dungeon....it began hurting like a bitch, and he had you rushed back to town to get it fully examined.
It made you feel a little bad, knowing Harvey just wanted to spend a relaxing day at the resort--even though you had to remind him that his worry over people stepping on glass or not applying sunscreen defeated the whole purpose of his "vacation."
You helped ground him, but at the same time became the reason he was gonna get a few extra grey hairs pretty soon. He learned you went to the volcano and found not only Slimes...but more monsters like flying fireballs, living mushrooms, and other creepy creatures.
He doesn't know how you could face any of them. He surely couldn't and wouldn't.
This was the first time you've come to his clinic with burns this severe.
"First the mines, then the skull caverns..and now this?" Harvey shuddered, overlooking your other injuries with profound worry. "And here I was..worried that you'd be coming out with heatstroke. What's in that volcano anyways?"
"A forge to enchant my weapons." You answered, gesturing to your weapon propped against the wall. "The dwarf living there told me all about it. I had to get past all ten floors to access the gate, slay some magma creatures for the guild, use my watering can to make bridges across the lava...oh, and I found a dragon tooth made of iridium among...."
"Harvey, I know that look..." Sighing, you brushed a hand over the bandages he placed on you, before gazing back at him. "I promise I don't let monsters go after me on purpose."
"[Y/n]. I just...I want you to be safe out there." He wringed his hands together, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. "All these injuries will add up...and they will take a toll on your body. And if it happens when you're in a bad place where I can't help you, then I...I-I just....I don't know what I'll-"
You rested a hand on his knee, causing your poor boyfriend to jolt out of his ramblings in fright, seeing his wide-eyed stare and hints of tears gathering behind his glasses.
It made you feel all the more guilty for stressing him out this much. You honestly don't mean to.
"I know my limits better now thanks to you, and I always pack life elixirs before going into any monster-infested cave." You gave him a reassuring smile, taking his hands into yours. "I won't let anything bad happen to me, okay?"
"...okay, as long as you're keeping your word, I..I trust you." Harvey shakily returned the smile, his ahoulders relaxing. He was glad you were taking his advice.
Of course, he couldn't convince you to abandon spelunking and monster hunting altogether. He'd feel terrible for even suggesting that when it's been such a strong passion of yours since moving into the valley.
He only hopes that whatever you do in that scary dungeon, you carry it out with extreme caution.
Yoba only knows how devastated he'd be if you winded up in the emergency room again..in worse shape than last time.
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sixhours · 6 months
Firsts - Laugh
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Anna’s firsts, a series of fluffy drabbles set in the One Day at a Time universe.
Rating: Explicit, 18+ Series tags: The Last of Us, The Last of Us (HBO), Joel Miller x f!OFC, soft!Joel, no really super soft!Joel, Joel is a sap, smut, smut but no one gets to finish :(, babies are assholes, Ellie is a little shit, use of the terms crotch nugget and vaginal dumpling, ew, fluff, fluffy baby stuff, no really this is sickeningly sweet, tooth-rotting, don't forget to brush your teeth Word count: 1.7k
Notes: Oops, I made it smutty. Sickly sweet with a dash of humor and smut, nary an angsty cloud in sight. Joel thinks of Sarah but it's not sad.
You can also read Firsts on AO3.
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Joel rarely misses the QZ; the crowding, the starvation, the shit-shoveling, the hopelessness that clung to the place like a skunk’s spray. But once in a blue moon, he longs for the kind of anonymity he’ll never find in the commune of Jackson, Wyoming.
Like today, when he’s picking up his share of spring vegetables at the greenhouse after work. Because Marjorie, the nice old lady who lives three houses down, the one who works as a nurse at the clinic, has a message to pass along with his bag of greens.
“Oh, Joel! You’re clear!”
“Your sample! It came back clear,” she smiles, then offers a clarifying stage whisper. “No sperm. Thought you’d want to know.”
He blinks, instinctively looking downward. He’s still wearing pants. This isn’t one of those mortifying dreams he used to get, back when his worst fear was showing up to work with his fly open.
As if it wasn’t bad enough he’d had to walk a cup of his jizz to the clinic in a paper bag and hand it directly to his elderly neighbor.
As if he hadn’t blushed like a school kid when Marjorie had accepted it way too loudly and cheerfully like she couldn’t wait to get the stuff under a microscope.
As if he hadn’t sat on the couch with an ice pack on his groin for two days while Ellie teased him mercilessly about his junk.
But now he’s shooting blanks. And thanks to Marjorie, everyone in the vicinity of the greenhouse—a not-insignificant number of people given Jackson’s tiny size—knows it.
He can’t get out of there fast enough.
He slams his way into the house, kicks off his boots by the door, the bag of vegetables landing with a thud on the counter.
“The hell, dude?” Ellie pops up from the couch, gesturing at the portable crib nearby. “You’re gonna wake your crotch nugget.”
Ellie’s new favorite thing is to find the crudest nicknames for Anna and coo them at her in a sing-song voice until the baby grins. Anna probably can’t hear her, it’s probably just the sheer joy on Ellie’s face every time she does it, but it always seems to work. For all of Joel’s protests, Ellie and her foul mouth can make the kid smile like no one else.
“That’s awf—don’t—don’t call her that,” he winces, checking on the baby, who remains blissfully asleep despite his racket.
Ellie eyes him, his scowl deeper than usual, a flush of embarrassment still creeping up the back of his neck. 
“Who pissed in your cereal?”
“No one,” he grumbles. “M’goin’ upstairs.”
“Sure, and leave me with the womb rat.“
“It’s fine,” she waves him off, collapsing back on the couch with a dramatic sigh. “Free babysitting, that’s all I’m good for.”
Joel looks to the crib and then pointedly to Ellie, sighing. “She’s asleep. I’m here now. You’re free to go anytime.”
“And miss all this?” she snarks, waving her hand around. “Whatever.”
“Jesus Christ,” he mutters, trudging up the stairs.
The bedroom door is closed. He cracks it open and finds Charlie sitting cross-legged on the bed in what she lovingly calls her “tits out” position, breast pump in one hand and a book in the other, frowning intently at her reading material. She barely looks up when he enters.
Her presence in his life still catches him by surprise. Her smaller, softer clothes alongside his in the closet, her flowery lavender soap in the shower, filaments of silver hair threaded into their bedding.
“Hey,” he murmurs, and all his earlier humiliation is forgotten at the sight of her. She looks fucking amazing. Topless, hair mussed, wearing a pair of his gray sweats, bare feet poking out of the rolled-up cuffs, effortlessly comfortable and vulnerable and his . A pleasant heat crawls through his belly and he actually starts salivating like a goddamned dog.
He’s a hopeless case.
A hopeless case who’s shooting blanks.
Maybe this day can be salvaged after all.
“Kid’s nappin’,” he murmurs in a low voice he hopes sounds seductive.
“Hmm?” Charlie says, not taking her eyes off her book. Must be a good one.
“Anna’s out,” he says, unbuttoning his shirt, unable to take his eyes off her as he crawls onto the bed. “The, uh…vasectomy worked.”
“Uh-huh,” she murmurs, chewing on her plush lower lip. Then she blinks, finally turning her attention to him. “Wait, what?”
“Vasectomy worked,” he says easily as he plucks the book from her hand, creases the page corner to mark her place, and sets it aside.
“How do you kn–”
“Don’t ask,” he grumbles, sliding forward and nuzzling at the base of her jaw. “Thought we could celebrate.”
“Oh?” She breathes a sweet little sigh into his good ear as he plants slow, soft kisses down her neck. He gently takes the pump away; it comes off her breast with an audible pop , and he immediately replaces it with his mouth, catching the last of her sweetness on his tongue.
“Ohhhh, that’s ni–wait wait, careful, don’t spill.”
He shoots her a look, then delicately sets the half-full bottle on the nightstand without taking his lips off her.
“Smooth,” she giggles wryly as he laves at her nipple, feeling it tighten against the soft, wet muscle of his tongue. Her laughter dissolves into a moan when his hand cups her other breast, tip slick with milk that he circles and rubs into her skin.
The whole fucking town might know about the status of his vas deferens , but this will make it more than worth it.
Charlie shimmies out of her sweats– his sweats, and she’s not wearing underwear, is she trying to fucking kill him? Or did they run out of clean laundry?
Whatever the reason, his jeans are suddenly painfully tight. He drags himself away and shucks them off, cock aching as it springs free. She’s already sliding down the bed, sliding under him, spreading her legs, touching herself. He wants to lick and taste and suck every part of her, but he settles for a nip to her inner thigh and a kiss to her stomach before he’s covering her body with his, hyper-aware of the tiny human alarm clock ticking downstairs.
Charlie reaches between them, angling her hips, rubbing his cock through her folds, guiding him home. She’s soft and warm as he sinks into her tight, wet grip. They stay like that for a moment, connected but not moving, breathing together, no barriers to dampen the sensation. Finally , he thinks dully. Finally .
“Hi,” she whispers, her soft smile and the achingly hot clutch of her making his brain go fuzzy around the edges until the only response he can muster is a grunt. He captures her lips in his, feeling the blissful wet slip of her in his mouth, the pulse of her tongue at the back of his teeth.
“Yesssss,” she sighs when his hips rock forward of their own volition, one deep thrust in and a slow, agonizing withdrawal that leaves him panting.
“Fuck, baby, so good,” he groans when he’s able to form words again. Not his most eloquent work, but it will have to do, because she’s sucking at his lower lip, swirling her tongue against it, teasing him with little pecks until he growls and threads his fingers through her hair, pulling the strands taut and anchoring her mouth to his.
She wraps her legs around him, urging him deeper, cradling him there. He pins her with his hips and presses her into the mattress, grinding hard against her until she moans, the sound reverberating through his chest and stomach and straight to his groin. A particularly deep thrust has her gripping at his shoulders, blunt nails leaving little marks on his skin.
“Fuck, Joel, right there, right–ahhhh,” she keens.
“Shh,” he pants, soothing her kiss-bruised lips with his, forehead pressed to hers. “Gotta…be quiet. Kid’s…downstairs.”
As if on cue, Ellie’s voice rings up the stairwell, a keyed-up kind of shrill that sends an unpleasant shiver down his spine.
“Shit,” he hisses.
“Joel! Charlie!”
“We’re coming,” he barks, thinking they aren’t coming—not now, anyway—and that’s a goddamn shame. He plants an apologetic kiss at Charlie’s temple before he’s out of bed and rummaging around on the floor for his boxers.
He yanks on his underwear and flies down the stairs, half out of breath and fearing the worst.
“What? What’s wrong? What happened?”
Ellie is holding Anna, awake and bright-eyed, both grinning with delight.
“She laughed!”
“She–what?” Charlie is at his back now, wrapped in her robe.
“She fucking laughed, dude! C’mon, do it again! Show ‘em!”
Anna smiles and coos, spit bubbles popping at the corner of her little mouth.
“I swear she just did it,” Ellie says. “Come on, bug, let’s hear it. Show your mama and dad what you can do.”
She sticks out her tongue, lightly bouncing Anna up and down until the baby gives a happy little gurgle…but no laugh.
“Ugh, kid, you’re killing me here!”
Joel clears his throat. “Uh, I’m gonna go–”
“Wait!” Ellie cries, eyes lighting up. She pulls the baby close until their noses are almost touching. Her voice is an exaggerated whisper.
“ Vaginal dumpling !”
Joel groans. “For fuck’s sake, Ellie–”
He’s cut off by the sound of Anna’s unmistakable belly laugh, a riotous cackle that wraps its tiny fingers around Joel’s heart and steals the breath from his lungs.
She sounds so much like Sarah that it hurts, but it’s a good pain, a healing pain. The notes carry on the air like a memory set free from somewhere deep and dark and long forgotten.
He wants to hear her laugh again and again and again.
“There it is!” Ellie whoops, bringing him back, anchoring him to the present. “I knew you could do it, ya little crotch goblin!”
She turns to them, smug and pleased with herself. Then she pauses, her grin fading into a grimace as she takes in the sight of her father and Charlie, rumpled and half-dressed.
“Joel? Where the fuck are your clothes?”
Anna’s laugh rings out again, loud and clear and perfect.
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almostfoxglove · 25 days
hi pals! our poll for what y'all wanted to celebrate my first follower milestone ended up pretty close to a tie, so we'll be doing two celebrations. when we hit the milestone for real, I'll be offering up THANK YOU MOODBOARDS, but for now y'all get to vote on which one shot you want me to write next, and I'll get on it asap :,)
here's a little bit about your three options, to help you choose! poll at the bottom of this post!
💖 = fluff 🔥= smut 😭 = angst 😞 = light angst
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JAVIER: javier peña x f!reader 😭🔥(maybe? we'll see!)
will take place within part II of the I'LL CARRY YOU universe
javier's POV, WHAT? yeah, it's about time :,) y'all know the drill with these two. there'll be yearning. angst. longing. childhood best friends to lovers, and a lot of tenderness.
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MORE THAN LETTERS: frankie morales x f!reader 😞💖🔥
inspired by this dreamy mootboard from @yopossum
you've tried long distance just once: in college, after meeting your childhood pen pal frankie for the first time. it didn't work out. more than a decade later, your mom calls with news - a letter has shown up for you with a familiar return address. will you risk meeting him again?
some angst, lots of fluff, probably some smut.
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ELEVEN STITCHES: jackson!joel miller x f!reader 💖
after joel comes back from patrol with ellie injured, he wakes up restrained to a bed in jackson's clinic with you (a clinic doctor) trying to patch him up.
tooth rotting fluff. flirting. protective!joel, takemetomydaughter!joel.
tagging some mutuals below the cut :-)
@jolapeno @guiltyasdave @itsokbbygrl @wannab-urs @jessthebaker
@luxurychristmaspudding @tonysopranosrobe @clawdee @evolnoomym @thundermartini
@sweetpascal @ak-vintage @milla-frenchy @hediondoamor-blog @la-vie-est-une-fleur29
@pedgito @perotovar @saradika @sawymredfox @ozarkthedog
@ovaryacted @yopossum @toomanytookas @encasedinobsidian @whxtedreams
@djarins-cyare @for-a-longlongtime @joelsgreys @javierpena-inatacvest @kedsandtubesocks
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A Finch’s Journey // Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Summary: A gift from the kindest and warmest woman in a dark period of your life begins a decades-long journey to finding peace and love. 
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x female reader (nicknamed Finch)
Warnings: Inaccurate naval knowledge, swearing, hospitals, treatments, sickness (cancer), angst, character death and FLUFF
Words: 3.2k
A/N: First finished fic in like a year. Thanks Julie.
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Your big eyes peered up momentarily at the woman resting in the chair beside you, one hand resting on the armrest and the other dutifully colouring a picture. Your hand meticulously fills in the lines of the dress with indigo colouring. The other hand, in a similar position as the woman who’d taken you under her wing.
“Ma’am?” You shyly spoke, avoiding the curious, gentle blue of the woman who reminded you of days on the beach in the warm sun.
“Sweet pea, you know you don’t have to call me that.” The blonde woman’s smile was gentle and reassuring. 
“Are…are you scared?” You whispered in the already quiet room. You froze as her soft hand lightly took the indigo crayon your small hand had clenched hard enough that it bent.
“Not for me.” She replied, carefully twisting to face you but keeping her arm immobile, “I’ve lived a good life. I loved and was loved deeply. I travelled to places I couldn’t have imagined as a kid. I fell in love and was blessed to raise a son from that love. I’m scared for how my son will be after.”
“’Cause your husband is waiting for you in the clouds, and your son will be alone?” You innocently asked, kicking your feet in the chair. 
She smiled, “because I asked a friend to do something that will hurt him. I’m scared he’ll let the grief and bitterness overtake his life. He’s always been a happy child. You remind me of him.”
You beamed, revealing the tooth you’d lost a few days ago, “Maybe he needs a hug. Hugs always fix things.”
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You nervously shifted on your beat-up shoes, looking up at the small cottage on a quiet street. The cottage holding the reason you had travelled to the West Coast from the opposite side. You recognized it from the polaroids the former owner had used to distract you from treatments.
“Can I help you?” A lady asked from the house next door. Her spirally dark hair was streaked with silver.
“Does Bradley Bradshaw live here?” You inquired, turning to face the curious neighbour halted in sweeping her porch.
“He does. He’s away for work. I can take your number and name for him if you’d like.” The lady answered leaning on the broom to focus solely on you. Her brown eyes are unrelenting in the stare.
“That’s okay. I’ll drop by in a few days.” You cast one more look at the house before turning on your heel. 
What’s another couple of days after decades of being two ships passing each other. Your flexible job allowed for extended days since you were a travelling nurse filling in at clinics needing help. 
“Well, I’ll let him know to expect someone. What’s your name?”
“Doesn’t matter.” You responded, turning to walk down the street toward the little bungalow you had rented for a few weeks. 
Your eyes scanned the gorgeous, well-kept houses on the trek back to the main street. It was stunning for a portion of a coastal city, even with the soundtrack of jets flying above the area. But, despite the reason behind stepping foot in the town, you had taken a position at a nearby clinic as a locum nurse.
For the next two or so weeks, you’d been spending your time waiting for Bradley’s return from work. Then you'd move on when you met the man and finished the contract. Maybe plan for the following position to be overseas. You’d love to see Ireland or go somewhere in Spain.
You spent the first two days in town frolicking in the water, building sandcastles with a cute little girl on the beach, and touring. On the third and fourth day, you decided to ask one of the locals for destinations and found yourself driving up the coast. Finally, on the fifth day, you dug out your scrubs and sneakers and made your way to the clinic.
“Morning, Tracy.” You smiled, putting a teal file folder by her arm at the front desk. The redhead beamed from her place in front of the computer.
“Morning, Finch,” Tracy responded, pushing a cup of coffee from the good cafe down the street. Tracy always scored discounts with the cute barista with a crush on her.
“How was the ER last night?” You questioned, flipping through one of the files of patients waiting to be seen. 
The urgent care clinic was a branch of the Naval Base Hospital as a resort for the family of the naval personnel. Typically you saw more sniffles and minor sicknesses in the children compared to the more concerning ones. Well, there was when a retired officer walked in with her finger hanging off by a thread with the question of, ‘hi, do you guys do stitches?’. 
All staff had to pull a shift over at the main hospital while under contract. Yours scheduled for Friday.
“Dead. Overheard a lot of the people stationed were out on missions.” Tracy kept her voice down while answering since she shouldn’t know, but a loose-lipped Lieutenant had been trying to woo her.
“Which means my Friday may be bad.” You hummed, glancing down at the old watch on your wrist. You grabbed one of the files and stepped out from behind the desk.
“Never know.” Tracy responded, turning her back to answer the phone, “Miramar Base Urgent Care.”
You quickly read the name, “Olive Bassett? If you could follow me.”
A young man grasped a small child's hand in a rush to follow you to the hallway. The little girl, five years old as her file read, had gorgeous honey-gold eyes framed by thick dark eyelashes. Golden-hued skin speckled with freckles across the bridge of her nose.
“Jackson Bassett. I’m Olive’s father.” 
Your eyes lifted from the file to meet the same honey-gold coloured eyes, “Mr. Bassett, I’m Nurse Y/N. I’m gonna grab a little information for the doctor.”
“Of course.” Jackson nodded, crouching to pull Olive into his arms before depositing her onto the exam table, “She said her throat was sore two days ago. This morning she spiked a fever, and I brought it down with medicine. She’s having trouble swallowing and can only take a few sips of water.”
Words scrawled over the file as he listed the symptoms and Olive nodded or shook her head at times. Jackson’s wife had been recalled to TOPGUN for a mission nine months back. After receiving word of the transfer, the Bassetts moved to the base a couple months ago. 
“Her fever is higher than I’d like. The doctor will go over my notes and then do a full exam.” Your eyes met the tear-filled ones of little Olive, “Wanna know a secret, Miss Bassett?”
Olive’s head hesitantly nodded.
“Dr. O’Collins has a secret stash of lollies for anyone that knows the secret….” You trailed off, watching a spark flare in the little girl’s eyes again, “Tell him you saw the fairies making fairy dust.”
Olive lit up in excitement.
“She should be fine. Pick up some popsicles for the sore throat, but the Doc will answer any more questions.” You told Jackson, sliding on the stool to push away to the desk in the corner. Your hand found the stickers you had hidden in every room in the building.
You were quick to roll back to Oliver to hand a stick of her choice before waving to the father and daughter.
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At one point in your life, you had done your absolute best to avoid all medical facilities or anything that reminded you of when you were sick. You’d spent a lot of your childhood in sterile rooms and understood that your mother’s job in the Navy helped pay for the treatments and medicines. 
You’d relapsed around the same time the lady who kept you company had worsened. You and she never shared the type of cancer you had been diagnosed with. She’d been the adult during a time when your mother had been deployed with the Navy. You owed a lot to her for doing her best to comfort and distract you, all the while suffering herself.
At ten years old, you found yourself in the same room receiving treatment after relapsing a year after entering remission. Not much had changed in the decor or the fact that the woman who had coloured pictures with you sat there too.
What had changed was in the time you’d been diagnosed, battled, found victory, and got sick again you weren’t the same child. You weren’t as innocent. You weren’t as happy. You understood more than what a child should.
“Finch, how’s school going?” She spoke, bringing your attention from the ceiling. You barely rolled your head to face her.
Her cheeks were gaunt, her skin pale, and a scarf kept her head warm in the cold temperature of the room. She knew, hell, you knew that her prognosis was poor. And you both avoided speaking about it. Yet, she hadn’t lost the warmth or happiness in the time you’d known her.
“Doctors won’t let me go to school. I get my assignments mailed on a specialized outline.” Your lips turned down, “I dunno why I have to do math when I’m gonna die.”
Your friend’s eyes saddened, “No, you won’t. You’re so strong Little Goldfinch.”
Goldfinch. A nickname she coined for you when she saw how social you were during your first treatment with the nurses. She could see you becoming a teacher with how well you interacted and treated people kindly.
“Then why are you gonna die?” You demanded, shifting to stare her down, “You’re the strongest person I know!”
Her eyes crinkled in the corners, “Sometimes strengths are different. But, Finch, I’ve made peace with what will happen.”
Her eyes shifted to where the chemo was infusing into your arm through the IV and then to her bare one. Your heart broke because you knew that her treatment no longer worked, and she was spending her time left to be with you.
Her hand reached out, “I knew immediately you were gonna be so important to me. I need you to hold on to this for me.”
Her hands reached behind her to the clasp on the necklace that never left her neck. Her husband had given it to her when their son was born. Their son was given a similar pendant with a sun instead while her husband found a ring with stars he slung on the chain of his dog tags.
“You never-“
“I’m sure one day you’ll know what to do with it.” 
Her hands carefully avoided wires in her mission to clasp the necklace around your neck instead. Your smaller hand reaching up to caress the moonstone with the gold diamond-encrusted crescent moon. It was beautiful.
Carole Bradshaw died a month later. A year later, you’d been declared in remission and sitting in a classroom. The necklace still proudly resting on your chest.
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Twenty years later, you had dreamt of the ocean, brown eyes and the same necklace Carole had gifted you. You immediately cut your trip to Australia off and bought the first ticket to Virginia. You knew that this was what Carole meant when she gave the necklace to you.
So you’d begun a months-long search to track down Carole’s son Bradley. It had taken visiting the hospital where you and Carole got treatment. And then pleading with your mother to call on an old friend from the Academy. With a destination in hand, you had found a locum nurse position in San Diego.
Now you were standing on the porch of the home of who you really hoped was Carole’s son. But, unlike a week ago, the driveway wasn’t empty. Instead, a light blue Bronco was parked beside the freshly mowed grass.
Your fist raised to knock once, twice and a third time on the front door. Finally, the sound of footsteps sounded inside. The door opened, and your breath was taken away.
“Can I help you?” The person asked, peering at you with tired eyes.
“Are you Bradley Bradshaw?” You asked pushing your hands in the back pockets of your cotton shorts. A thin cardigan over a t-shirt to combat the cool breeze.
 “I am,” Bradley confirmed, leaning on the doorjamb of his home. His brown eyes scanned you from the brown sandals to your e/c eyes. He wondered if you would be interested in grabbing a drink or walking on the beach.
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” You offered, reaching out to shake his hand in greeting, “I have something that belongs to you. Or well to your mother.”
Rooster stood straight up upon hearing that. His light-hearted thoughts and attraction faded when you mentioned his mother. A stranger.
“H-how would you know my mother? She died when I was nineteen.” Rooster breathed, dropping his crossed arms.
“I know.” You softly breathed, stepping through the open door when he stepped to the side.
The foyer opened in the living room with soft-coloured walls and a frame holding a folded flag on the mantle. White accents and pictures of family littered the walls. You could see the pencil lines of a child being measured on the kitchen door frame.
“How?” Rooster demanded, furrowing his brows.
“Because she was my friend.” You turned to face the confused aviator, “On my eighth birthday my life changed forever. I had been sick for a while. Lethargic, I would become breathless and other stuff. The doctor called during my birthday party. Test results came back, and by the next day, I was sitting in a paediatric oncologist's office.”
Rooster’s breath called in his throat, “Wait are you, Finch?”
Your eyebrows raised, “Carole coined that. I spent my time in the hospital fluttering around to rooms to make friends. It started as Goldfinch and shortened.”
“She spoke about you. Mom was lonely for a lot of my childhood. Then, when she got sick, she lost her spark.” Rooster recalled the scary time learning his mom was really sick, “She got it back when she met a friend. She called you her little Goldfinch.”
“She did everything she could to keep me company. I didn’t have any family other than my parents, who were both on active duty. Deployed a lot. So Carole stepped in as a trusted adult when they weren’t there.” Your smile was wistful, remembering the warm smile and laugh that embodied glee, “Even when she stopped treatment, she would sit with me during mine. She talked about her pride and joy and the adventures she had.”
“She could be anyone’s friend.” Rooster grinned, leaning back on the back of the couch. His ankles crossed, looking at you.
“She could. In the end, she gave me this.” Your deft fingers tugged the moonstone and diamond pendant from under your shirt.
Rooster stood straight up, staring at the necklace lying on your fingertips. For as long as he could remember, Carole Bradshaw never took two pieces of jewellery off. Her wedding ring and the necklace you were wearing.
He didn’t notice he had stepped closer until his calloused fingers gently touched the moonstone.
 “I-I thought this was lost.” He gasped carefully, eyeing the diamonds in the crescent moon. It was as perfect as the last time he saw it was when his mom was alive, “She would brush it off.”
Your lips quirked, “She was pretty mysterious about why she gave it to me. Said ‘I’m sure one day you’ll know what to do with it’ and was tight-lipped about why.”
Rooster’s brown eyes crinkled with mirth, “She was a sucker for movies and books like that.”
Your eyes moved from the pendant to meet the man’s brown pair. It was silent for a moment.
“She loved you. So very much, Bradley. She lit up when she talked about you. She was only scared about how you’d be after she passed. She was worried the grief and bitterness would swallow you.”
He was confused, “What?”
“Carole didn’t tell me much since I was a child, but she mentioned asking a friend to do something that would hurt you. She regretted it, but it was too late to do anything. She only hoped you could forgive her.”
His eyebrows raised as the puzzle pieces clicked into place. It hadn’t been Maverick’s idea to pull his papers. His mom had. 
“Thank you.” Why Rooster was thanking you, he didn’t know. Maybe for the peace, he felt.
“This belongs with you.” You whispered, raising your hands to unclasp the necklace to drop it into his hand, “I think she always meant for me to give it to you.”
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In the time since you’d left California, you’d changed your hair, Rooster discovered the moment he’d seen you. It looked good. His hand held his bag tightly as he walked closer to your form.
“Finch!” Rooster called, bringing your attention to the person in front of you.
His brown eyes drank in the lavender-coloured scrub pants paired with the scrub top of cartoon birds. Next, his eyes found the moonstone necklace that had brought you together resting on your chest as it had since he’d returned it eight months ago. Then, his brown eyes finally flicked down to the newest addition he’d given you.
“Roo!” You beamed, running full speed into his arms. 
Rooster shifted to press a lingering kiss to your neck before leaning back to drink you in. His one hand caresses your soft cheek.
“I thought you were flying in on Monday?” You asked, leaning back to stare at him with glittering eyes. The man in question beamed back.
“I scored a few extra days off. Mav’s extra wedding gift.”
His eyes shifted to the band he’d slipped onto your finger a few months back. It matched the one on his hand. 
“Perfect! Roisin gave me a list of places we should check out. She’s got the connections to places only the locals know about!” Your hand grasped his as he let you tug him down from the clinic to the little apartment you had rented for a short time.
Rooster had gotten papers of a deployment a month before your postponed honeymoon would begin. He’d persuaded you to find a locum position for the month-long deployment, and he’d fly to Ireland to meet you.
“Ireland, and then we’re going to Spain?” 
“I have to show you the places I saw. You’ll love it. And then we’ll return to San Diego.” Your words were coy at the end. His eyes moved away from the people moving down the sidewalk to you.
“We’ll? I thought you were heading down to Scotland before coming home?” Rooster asked, pulling you to a stop.
You bit your lip, keeping quiet.
“Finch?” Rooster slowly spoke, reaching to grab your other hand in his clasp.
“I applied for a position at the clinic I was a locum at when I was searching for you. I just need to sign the contracts, and I’ll have a permanent position.”
Rooster flew his head back gleefully in such a way that reminded you so much of the woman who’d held your hand in a sterile room decades ago.
Carole Bradshaw knew you were gonna be important to her. She just didn’t know you’d be more important to Bradley too.
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