#first person view
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vikintor · 11 months ago
New enemy
Made a new enemy. Because every FPS must have a "cacodemon".
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confessions-of-a-monster-freak · 7 months ago
To the root of the problem - Hanta Sero
Prompt: “You are one insult away from starting a war” WC: 5647
Synopsis: You have a weather manipulation quirk (Can control cloud formations and weather-related phenomena) and own a flower and plant shop. 
This is set after the end of the manga, Sero is 24 in this. 
This is the first of (probably) many prompt challenges of mine. This took me about three days of writing, so we'll see how long it takes for me to get through my little jar of prompts.
As always, notes and reblogs are appreciated <3 (I know people here don't like the like system cause it doesn't get it out there on people's feeds, but I don't care! I like knowing someone enjoyed or "bookmarked" My stuff!)
Warnings: Snarky jerks.
This was the third time this week that the plant display in the front of the shop had been vandalized, destroyed, or even knocked around. This was driving me nuts, I didn’t have the money for cameras, but I was contemplating it if I needed it for sure. At this point I was just contemplating sitting outside my shop for hours waiting to see who did it.
I was trying so hard to make the front of the shop look enticing to people, to get more business. Or even just have people come in and look around and remember that my shop existed. But this happening was really dampening my hopes. Several thoughts that competitors might be doing it to try and drive me out of the market had crossed my mind. I tried to keep those thoughts away. There had to be some good florists out there that weren’t cruel.
“I have no idea who's doing it,” I lamented to one of my workers, or better yet my only worker. This florist and plant shop was a dream come true, but now it was starting to turn into a nightmare. I originally wanted to be a hero, to help people. But the turbulence that came with my quirk made me rethink, to the point that I just wanted to see people smile. Leading me to open this shop. To see people smile when presented with a customized bouquet, or even a new plant of their own.
“I mean you could just call an agency and see if they’d help,” He suggested. Reaching up and putting a plant away.  We were taking the damaged plants from outside and trying to keep them out of reach. I held a poor aloe that had been shaken out of its pot. I'd just tried to salvage it but I had a feeling it wasn’t going to make it. If it did it was going to become the shop's “Luckiest Plant”, replacing the snake plant that had been set on fire due to a cigarette butt being thrown into it.
I thought about what he said, my sign had also been shattered. That was going to come out of my own pocket instead of the shop's budget. It was too much to weigh it against the shop as is. Even the orders for more flowers were going to cut it close. I thumbed over one of the aloe leaves. Feeling the cold smoothness of the exterior before my fingers traced over the spines.
“What pro would sit outside a floristry shop to see who's kicking my plants over?” I expressed eventually, rolling my eyes, setting the plant up on a shelf, and hoping it didn’t die. I sometimes hated that I didn’t have a plant-based quirk, especially since my grandpa had one. But what could I say? I got lucky with weather manipulation. If you could call having to think every emotion through luck.
“An extremely bored one” He countered and went into the back. Leading me to sigh as I took my place behind the counter. I didn’t have any orders today, if I were to have one I could maybe relax. They always seemed to help me calm down. I was hoping that my sour mood wouldn’t result in me drenching the back of the counter again. I’d once gotten so upset that I’d caused a storm inside the shop. That was a nightmare to manage. It caused the only other employee I had to quit and refuse to come back.
I sat behind the counter, writing down some potential arrangements for the next seasons of florals. I needed to get on top of these as well as get ahead of the game. It was difficult. Especially since the people I was competing with were people with plant-related quirks. Not weather manipulation. It made caring for the plants easier, that was definite. But it didn’t mean I could grow the amount of flowers or plants I needed instantly. I had to order from gardeners, and whilst they appreciated the old way of business, my pockets did not.
I heard the door open and waited. My face still looking at my notebook as I scribbled out one of the flowers. Poinsettias were so hard to style, but I wanted to try one that didn’t involve Christmas. I was thinking that something in late autumn would look good with a poinsettia in it, I just had to figure out the other flowers before I could test. Those fake florals really did come in handy.
Normally people would look around for a bit before approaching the counter. We rarely got new customers. I would regularly get doubted for my abilities, especially since I didn’t have plant manipulation or something similar. I still very much appreciated the regulars I had, they constantly praised me for my work and tried to keep it as regular as their salaries would allow. 
Hey” I looked up at the voice, spotting a man awkwardly standing in front of me. He looked about my age and seemed strangely familiar. Like I had seen him somewhere before, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on where I knew him from.
“Can I help you?” I asked, waiting for a response but he seemed hesitant to say anything. I paused and shot a quick glance up, figuring my quirk had manifested again.  “Sorry,” I said as I noticed the cloud that was swirling. A subconscious habit was my quirk would tell my mood. Such as now the turbulent thunderstorm cloud was voicing my displeasure. “Subconscious habit” I added as an afterthought. He then seemed more comfortable speaking. I forced the cloud to change to a fluffy one to try and keep him from seeming discouraged about talking.
“I wanted to come in and apologize, I’ve been the one knocking over your display” He started and then stopped himself. Apparently, the cloud was back. I could now feel my hair moving. I was certain a small funnel had started to form. I tried to keep my face calm and even out my breathing. I did not need this to turn into a repeat of flooding the store. I felt it start to slow down and shrink and listened as he continued.
“For some reason every time I patrol here villains come the same way. I try to steer them away and they won’t budge. They run into it, I run into it. They’ve thrown some plants at me too” He explained, trying to speed up his explanation probably due to fear of the suddenness of my quirk. 
I felt it suddenly stop, “You’re a pro hero?” I inquired, feeling it start to disperse. Leave it to me to assume that it was someone just being spiteful, and hateful. I felt awful that I had made such a harsh assumption straight off the bat. As well as not hearing him out fully before my emotions got the better of me.
“Yes, Cellophane” He answered and stuck out his hand. “I came to apologize and offer to pay for the damages” He added, I shook his hand and then turned around to the shelf of plants that needed extra attention. The only ones I was concerned about were the Moth Orchids and the Aloe. I let out a hum, trying to remember if any other plants had been damaged. 
I paused, thinking about it. Before sitting back down and clicking on the prices for the damaged plants. “I thought about staying up late to see who was wrecking my front” I started with a laugh. “Rory back there said I should ask a pro to check it out” I continued, finishing the prices before showing him the total. Cellophane laughed, paying for the plants and setting his card back into his wallet. Cellophane was one of the few heroes I didn’t hear much about. I knew he was around, I’d seen him on the news a few times. But I had no idea that he was regularly in my area.
“I thought it was one of my competitors honestly” I voiced, standing up to move the damaged plants around so they wouldn’t be sold and could be monitored. If anything I was going to take them home to watch them. I stretched to grab the aloe before turning around and setting it on the counter.
“What makes you think your competitors would trash your store?” He inquired, tilting his head as I moved pots around. Setting them on the counter so I could move them to the back and have Rory take over front duty for a bit. I needed to set them under some UV light and monitor them whilst I was at the store today.
“I’m the only florist shop in this town that isn’t owned by someone with a plant-based quirk” I answered, looking up before snapping my fingers and the plants around the shop now getting their own personal rain cloud to be watered. I was going to do it manually since it’d be a slow day. But I decided to showcase my quirk for a bit.
“The other shops are owned and managed by people with plant-based quirks. They also don’t seem to like me that much” I added as an afterthought. I’d only ever met one of my competitors and that was by chance. They were very rude and judgmental. I never went back, even to that part of the city.
“Awesome” He commented, walking up to one of the plants and poking the cloud. Making me laugh a bit. Some people were fascinated with my quirk, others were wary. It could be difficult to control, especially for a young kid who would throw temper tantrums and cause a catastrophic thunderstorm as a result.
“Comes in handy, I can’t grow the plants without time, but I can care for them better than others” I admitted, stopping some of the clouds and flicking the light to give some UV to them. I knocked on the door to the back to catch Rory’s attention. Hearing shuffling as he opened the door and I shoved the plants into his arms. “Put these on my desk please,” I asked and he grumbled but relented. 
“Thank you for saying it was you. If you need flowers you know where to go” I said to Cellophane as he was observing some of the plants. He turned and offered me a smile, I then ducked into the back room to have Rory take point whilst I could take inventory of the plants we had and others I’d have to order.
As I sat down at the desk I reached over to the aloe, gently thumbing over its leaves. Letting out a heavy breath I settled into the desk. I’d yet to get a massive order for arrangements. Most of the orders I had that I got to do were from the elderly who wanted flowers for their significant others, or families who wanted gravesite flowers. I needed to change that. 
I started looking into up and coming festivals where I could potentially get out there. There were a few, but I’d need some more money to get a booth. I’d have to dig through my parent’s place for the tables and how to set it up. But it was possible. I was just hoping the regulars would come soon.
Days later I was outside of the shop, taking a small break to bask in the sun for a moment. The back room could get quite dark, with only the UV lamps and the small light bars I used for arrangements back there. The sun was welcome as I took in a breath and felt the weather shift around me. The clouds that had started to block the sun totally shifted away. I smiled, to think I’m capable of causing a hurricane, and yet can hardly control the subconscious effects of my quirk.
I walked back into the store and started to tend to the plants hanging off the walls of the shop. Some needed to be pruned, others needed watering. I was going to take my time today, slow it down, and keep my thoughts straight. Rory had called out due to a family emergency so it was just me. As much of a help as he was, Rory could be behind on things.
I started to snip at one of the snake plants, removing dead leaves, or ones that would compromise its growth. I heard the bell jingle signaling I had a customer. I turned over my shoulder with a “Hello!” shooting a quick look before going back to my pruning. Then I did a double take and turned around. Cellophane was back, I wasn’t expecting to see him back this soon, or even at all for that matter.
“Hey, I need some help making a bouquet” He started, approaching me again. “I am
Clueless as to what they like and figured you might be able to help” He said, tilting his head at what I was doing. “What are you doing to the plant?” He asked, picking up one of the pruned leaves.
“Pruning” I answered, “When a plant creates more leaves than it can handle, or uses too much energy, parts of it start to die. I’m getting rid of both dying leaves or leaves that shouldn't be growing yet because they are still too young” I answered, “And absolutely. I don’t have many flowers in stock at the moment, but I do have some” I tacked on at the end. Walking to the counter where I stored the shears in the drawer before pulling out my floral catalog. One of the few things I enjoyed doing other than arranging flowers, was making binders filled with things. I had one of the mock arrangements, one with seasonal arrangements, and of course, the catalog of flowers I had access to and could buy.
“First date?” I inquired, flipping through to the back where I had an in-stock index. It took more time to do a weekly index, but it was worth it. And now I could properly see how many flowers I actually had. I was correct in assuming I had a small supply, but it was still enough for a bouquet. If maybe just by a smidge.
“Not exactly, more as a gesture of wanting a date,” He said leaning over the counter as I flipped back to the actual catalog. “Any suggestions?” He asked, looking as I marked pages.
“Most florists would tell you roses, but I say they are just trying to scam you as those are the most expensive flowers” I started, “Personally I love gardenias and camellias. But for you, since it's a gesture,” I continued, ducking down again and pulling out an almanac I’d written out. There were many different flower symbols and I had to comb through them. I decided a hard copy would come in handy. I quickly flipped through to my romantic cheat sheet.
“Gardenias, calla lilies, hibiscus, and some ferns and aster” I stated and then looked up to find that in the book. Once I did I flipped through them and snuck a quick glance at my index. I had them in stock. I typically used them in some of my regular bouquets, so in my mind they were worth keeping on hand.
“I’ll trust your word, you are the florist after all” He laughed making me smile, I normally didn’t get much freedom with these things. I was excited to get to do this. Especially since it was a pro and I didn’t get much business at all. 
“Let me ring you up and I can go get that all fixed up if you don’t mind waiting?” I offered, sliding the binders away and grabbing a pen to write everything down on my hand. I barely kept paper around the store. It always ended up getting lost or even damp by some stray rain droplets from my clouds.
He nodded and I scribbled the flowers away onto my palm before I typed it into the register. “It might be a bit if someone else comes in. It’s just me today” I added as he paid and it went through. I put the binders away and tucked the pen into one of my pockets.
“I’ll make sure no one steals anything” He jested, laughing at the face I made. Quickly I ducked into the back of the shop to pull the flowers out. As I pulled the tubs out, I balanced them as best I could before setting them on my workstation. Then I flailed for a minute to find the bouquet paper and ties.  Once that happened I took a deep breath to focus on my quirk. If I tried hard enough I could adjust the temperature. It was hard, but I could do it if I focused enough.
I felt the back room heat up just slightly and pushed harder until it was more comfortable for me to work. It was really cold in the back of the store, especially due to the fridges that we had to keep the flowers fresh. It also was too expensive to run a heater back here for long periods. I wasn’t good with manipulating temperature all that much, but I could if I pushed myself hard enough.
I quickly pulled out flowers and gently woke them up with some stimulation. Laying them into the prepared paper and arranging them in the way I had in my head. Once I was sure they were set, I folded the paper over, grabbed some ribbon, and tied it the best I could into a bow. I wasn’t the best with fancy big bows, Rory was better than me at that, but it still looked pretty to me.
I grabbed the tubs of flowers and felt the temperature start to drop again as I lessened my focus on the temperature and more on not dropping my flowers. Once they were settled in the fridge again, I walked over to the table. Gently picking up the bouquet and walking out of the back to where I left Cellophane waiting.
“Here it is” I said and gently handed it over, watching his face morph into surprise at seeing it. He then properly grabbed it and tried to keep it from falling over. Or falling apart, but I made sure I tied it tight enough that it wouldn’t. At least I hoped it wouldn’t, but I knew I tied tightly, and had a good deal of trust in my skills.
“It looks
Amazing, holy cow,” He expressed, he had an awestruck look all over his face as he looked at the bouquet.  I smiled slightly at the expression. I still had a lot of growth to do with my arrangements. However, I had limited access to actual practice. Maybe I should advertise a course.
“I’m sure they’ll like it.” I insisted, “If this bouquet doesn’t get you two to start talking about a date, then I’ll try again” I jested, grinning as I picked my pruning shears up again. Once he left I’d start to prune again. Especially since it would be slow after this.
“Well then, I need to introduce myself properly if I’m going to be coming back here” He started, and again presented his hand to me. “Hanta Sero,” He said as I took his hand and shook it. I gave him my name, feeling that it was right to do so. As I pulled back my hand he took a look at the clock behind the counter before bidding me farewell.
After he left I got back to pruning, snipping away slowly through the shop’s plants. I kept running through if I should do that festival, and if any of the competitors would be there. I decided I’d ask for Roryïżœïżœs opinion once he got back. Even if it was just a small booth I could still get myself out there. It wasn’t that large of a festival, but I was hopeful that I could maybe sell some of the propagated plants or even some small arrangements. 
The rest of the day went rather fast, I spent most of the day tending to the plants. Then the back half of it was creating an index of what I could bring to the festival. As well as how much I could make by getting myself out there. I’d need tables, tablecloths, and a sign for my shop. I was sure I could call upon some sort of crafting and creative energy to make one in a hurry if I needed to.
I did one last sweep of the shop as I stood at the door. Checking things off as I did. The UV lamps were set on their timer, and the back door was locked. The lights were off. All I needed to do now was lock the door and I’d be set for home. I opened the door and walked out, closing it behind me and locking up my store for the day.
I turned back around only to jump at the appearance of someone behind me. I took a step back but then realized it was Cellophane. In costume no less, he was clearly on patrol, or at least should be. Instead of being about keeping an eye on the streets in the early evening, he was standing outside of my store in full gear no less.
“Hi,” I laughed slightly, “Coming to make sure there are no plants to be thrown at you?” I teased lightly, earning a laugh from him. I didn’t realize how detailed his suit actually was, being this close made me question how flexible the material actually was. I wondered if it was sturdy enough to handle repeated ware if that was the case, that type of material would be good for my arranging table.
“Yes, and to do this” He jested slightly, then turned his tone more serious. Making me blink out of my thoughts as he brought out the bouquet he’d bought from me earlier. It was still in perfect condition. “I figured this would be a good bridge to friendship, and maybe a date” He grinned under his mask. He seemed a bit bashful at the notion but seemed pretty confident in his decision.
I took the bouquet from him and laughed softly, “Of course you’d go to the florist who you’re trying to impress” I laughed, holding onto the bouquet with a smile. Gently tucking it close to my body to keep it safe. “Well, you certainly have that bridge now. Drinks?” I offered, tilting my head. “Of course when you aren’t on patrol and when I’m not working” I added quickly considering he should be patrolling.
“Sounds good, number to contact you?” He inquired, I fumbled around for a second, trying to find a piece of paper and a pen before finding a pen and being presented with some tape. I raised a brow at that but wrote my number down and playfully stuck it on the side of his helmet. 
“That way you won’t lose it. See you around” I waved as I started to walk away, smiling as I now seemed to have a new friend. As well as probably a new customer.
The festival was finally here, I was buzzing with excitement as I set up with the help of Rory and Sero. Sero was insistent on helping me set up and at least be there to start the festival. Over the past week, we’d grown quite good friends. Sometimes meeting up for lunch, or drinks and dinner if he wasn’t working nights. It was nice to have him help too. His quirk helped greatly with hanging the sign and keeping my tablecloths on my tables.
“Is it wrong to not be nervous?” I asked aloud as I sat down on my chair. Grabbing my water bottle and taking a few sips. For once I didn’t feel anxious. I felt comfortable being out here in the booth, it could be that I was outside and not in a little shop.
“Yes,” Rory answered, dragging a cooler over. “But the good thing is you won’t accidentally zap me with lightning” He teased, glancing up at me as he dragged the cooler around. “I said I was sorry Nao!” I whined, using his actual name for once. I’d given him the nickname Rory because of his quirk. It was a pun really, he had a big cat quirk. One that gave him ears and a tail. But most importantly he could roar like one of those big cats. Hence the nickname “Rory”.
“That’s happened?” Sero asked with a slight laugh, he’d heard some of the horror stories that were associated with my quirk. He sat down next to me in Rory’s chair. Smiling at me before turning his attention to my employee. Setting his hand on top of mine. There hadn’t been an official title put to us. But I knew he had an intention of dating eventually. So for now, really good friends is what we call it.
“Yes, they’ve gotten so anxious that a thundercloud appeared and zapped me whilst I was walking near them. I didn’t even do anything!” He explained, leading to more laughter from Sero and me sighing. I knew he understood that it was an accident, but it was still slightly embarrassing that I didn’t have full conscious control of my quirk.
“Hey there aren't any clouds now, so you can’t say anything” I countered and he scoffed. His ears twitch as he settles the cooler around the back of the booth.  Standing back up straight as his tail flicked behind him. He crossed his arms and looked at me pointedly.
“Only because you’re making it to where there are no clouds” He argued back, taking a step back from the tent I rented. He was right on that part, it was supposed to be cloudy with little sun and a fair chance of rain today. However, I was determined to make this festival work today.
I gave up the fight and relaxed into my chair, we still had some time before the festival actually began. As well as the fact that Sero had some meetings to go to. He did promise he’d be back with lunch though. Resulting in some interesting conversation between all of us. Quirk-related or not, even some random stories from back in school before the people started to flood in, and Sero left.
Lunch was now upon us, and I was fixing my display. I’d actually been doing really well, people were interested in my arrangements, as well as my small aloe and snake plants that I’d been selling. I’d sold about half of my stock that I’d brought so far, and given out more business cards than I thought I would.
“I have to say, you were right, this was a good idea” Rory admitted, pulling out the crates of potted plants from under the table to help me restock. He’d been pessimistic about this turning out good, but so far we’d covered the rentals as well as the fee to be here in the first place, and we still had more money on top of that. I could actually buy more flowers now, or even some ads around town.
“I knew this would be good for us” I agreed, happily fixing my display and brushing some stray dirt off of the table. We hadn’t had any plants fall, or any pots break and I was now starting to be optimistic about selling out of my stock before the end of the festival, or getting close to it.
“So you sell plants” A voice called out from behind me, I turned to see a man in nice clothes. They weren’t out of place per se, but they were of a high quality. He looked to have some money, or at least appeared to have some money. Regardless he was still a potential customer.
“And floral items too. Though I don’t have many of those at the moment as those sold really fast” I answered with a smile, greeting the man. However, I did start to suspect something when I heard a low rumble of a growl from Rory. It was quiet, but there. Even if only I could hear it.
“Is there anything in particular you’d like?” I questioned, keeping in mind Rory’s growl. He normally didn’t have a reaction like that. But when he did it was his feline instincts telling him something was wrong. He’d yet to be wrong so far.
“I wanted to see what my competition was, apparently not much if you can’t grow your stock immediately,” He said, a small smirk on his face. So he was one of my competitors, he didn’t have to be snarky about it. I was starting to dislike this guy, I didn’t even know his name yet and I already had some disliking. What a way to introduce yourself.
“I can at least take care of my plants with individual attention” I retorted, trying to keep my temper even. The last thing I needed was to cause a scene. Especially since I was outdoors. I continued to add my stock to the table, Rory had his eyes locked on the guy behind me. His ears were perked backward and his tail was starting to lash.
“That’s because you don’t have a flowing business. If you had a good business you wouldn’t have just one employee” He continued, and I was starting to grow annoyed. He had insulted my quirk first, then my business, and now my employee who I considered a friend. He was really pushing my buttons here.
“You are one insult away from starting a war” I warned, I was doing my best to focus on my plants. The succulents needed to be over here, closer to the setting sun. I could put the ivy and the snake plants on the other side. Focus on the plants, ignore him, and keep your emotions calm.
“A war you’d lose” I turned on my heel at that, gripping an aloe plant pot tightly in my hand. I walked up to the guy. My hand started to shake from the force I held the pot. I was surprised I didn’t crack or shatter it immediately.
“You are patronizing” A step forward, he took a step back. He furrowed his brow at my sudden approach, but there was no way I was stopping until I had said my piece, or gotten him to back the hell off.
“Snarky” Another step forward, and he took another step back. At this point, he started to look genuinely afraid. I didn’t consider myself scary in any regard, but maybe it was the fact I didn’t stop approaching him that did it.
“Narcissist who can’t see anything other than his own ego” By this point we were outside of my tent. “Who thinks he is better than everyone because he has a quirk that can make him good money. Well, I actually like being a florist, I’m not in it for the money like you, you selfish jerk!” I continued on my rant before I felt a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back.
“Calm down” It was Sero, he’d come back with his lunch. “You’re forming funnel clouds” He added, gently squeezing my shoulder. I could see out of my peripheral vision that he had his attention locked on the guy in front of me. Almost protectively in a sense. I looked up, seeing that I had in fact started to form a thunderstorm. Lightning was crackling in the clouds above me, as well as it had started to rotate ever so slightly.  I took in a deep breath, before exhaling out slowly. The clouds turned from deep grey to white slowly, and the rotation stopped as well. Before finally the cloud had dissipated completely and the blue sky was left behind.
“The next time you insult my business or my employee. I won’t stop it” I warned, glaring at the man who had pissed me off in the first place. He stood shell-shocked outside of my tent, seemingly stunned at my quirk, or the fact I did it subconsciously. I walked away from Sero and back into my tent where I took in some more calming breaths. Trying to keep my emotions stable so I didn’t cause a meteorological anomaly.
Sero came back in and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “That was impressive” He expressed with a smile, making me shake my head before grabbing the bag he’d set on the table to get my lunch. “Seriously. You have a really amazing quirk” He complimented and rubbed my arm. “And that guy was just a jerk from the back half of what I heard” Rory scoffed at that, grabbing his own to-go box of food. “I have a much stronger word for him, but there are children present” He griped, opening the box and digging in. “I wish they would’ve let it form fully. I’d loved to have seen him running from a tornado, or even some lightning strikes” He added, making me laugh.
My business had increased almost tenfold after that incident, and I could finally see the man’s booth. Way further down than me, but now with limited customers compared to me. I was running out of stock even faster than I thought. Sero being there and handing out Cellophane autographs did help. But I felt pride in seeing the scowl on the man's face. I was finally on par with my competitors, and possibly. Just possibly, becoming a worthy competition to the other shops in the area.
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 5 months ago
NOTE: I didn't include Third Person Objective because I think most fics and fictional books, in general, are the opposite of objective by their very nature and purpose.
My personal preference and what inspired this poll:
I usually stick to one narration type per fic. Depending on what the story is, how many characters it deals with and what's going on.
For most fics, I use alternating first person (depending on who the scene is focused on or also to tell the reader something that that particular character would know that another would not) but for @theuntoldoriginsoftheportmafia, I used third-person omniscient because of the sheer number of characters and their complexity.
If the story I'm writing is one that's going to be a little out of character by nature (sickfics, relationship reveals, AUs) then the first person feels fine but, for fics where I feel staying true to the original character is very important, and I'm not sure how they would canonically express thoughts or feelings in the situations I want to put them in, I use third person.
When in first person, I can usually separate pov breaks with chapters depending on how long a scene is. So, chapters will vary in length, but if the pov is short enough, I'll put multiple in the same chapter because I don't love the idea of super short chapters (I'm used to posting on Wattpad). I do this to keep the story flowing, like how the camera in film and television changes focus on certain people at different times during a scene. I may do a poll about this later.
I've only ever stayed in one person's POV for the entire time in one fic. it was Chuuya for my fic More Than You Know, and even then, it's not done, so we might get some Dazai pov towards the end.
That brings us to another point. Dazai's character is so complex that if I'm trying to portray him in a close-to-canon way (as in character as possible), then I prefer the third-person for the risk of seeming OOC if I do first. IDK if that's just me or not. For this one-shot, I entered with a third-person pov of Dazai and kept the rest as the first person with Chuuya. And I also did it for the first two chapters of my RANPOE!!! On ICE AU (It's only on Wattpad, at the moment.)
This is so interesting to me and I'm so curious about what people prefer. Feel free to give the reason for your preference in the tags.
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dimalink · 4 months ago
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City street. Weather a little gray. But light. And, this is about a theme of a road. Coty road. Lots of different buildings. Sighs, pillars. Road though the city. To the left and to the right – different buildings.
And, maybe, it is so cool to have a ride with a car, and to see everything from first person view. Such a little ride. With a little speed. Something like Need for Speed. And, it is such a city map, it can be like this. But with a small speed.
More to catch a moment. So, something like with a first person view – you slide there – at the horizon line! To far into this street. And it is little makes a turn left and right. And not wide. And it can be a going at your side cars. But views are nice, by the way! Somewhere, there are different buildings. Construction. New and old buildings. Pillars. Not long road. And racer makes it forward.
Road, in the city.  Casual or interesting.
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welcome-home-art-dump · 2 years ago
Neighborhood Interactions~
Plushie edition
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From my Wattpad book~
Hint: you’re 4-5 feet
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corrienteallita · 8 months ago
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I know that the game has broken for a lot of people today, and I'm very sorry for you all, and I'm not trying to make light of what an absolute fucking disgrace EA are for pushing an update that breaks the game players have spent LITERALLY thousands of dollars on
But at the same time
Why does this bug look so fucking funny.
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annaberunoyume · 2 years ago
Blue Naga! Wally x Reader: Cuddles.
This is a cuddle fanfiction with a different Naga version of Wally Darling, which I imagined. In this au, Wally, instead of having a rainbow-coloured tail, like my main Naga au, he looks basically like Naga!Aladdin from the Aladdin classic tv episode, Eye of the Beholder. Like this image below but with a paler blue body and lighter blue chest scales:
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Anyhow. Here is my short fanfic. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
His hands touches my cheeks
It's so uncanny
There are scaly and slightly cold
But the longer they stay there
The more my heat seems to reverbate on them
It's radiating.
Why, the only human part, well as human as a puppet-naga-man can be is his fleecy yellow face. It's red eyes not just from being adapted to slithering close to the ground

He humms, his tiny tongue flickering
He seems to know what I want
But is too kind to act upon it without my blessing. I nod.
He wraps his arms around me and ever so gently, pulls me to his chest. I jump a tiny bit. It's cold as well
But then, my body heat acts upon it. My breath trembles a little as I hear his heartbeat.
Then, I just allow myself to close my eyes
Until the tip of his tail featherly touches my waist. I jump a tiny bit, again.
I'm sorry. May I?
I say yes in a hush
His tail gently coils around my waist
Then my belly
Like a protective cocoon.
But then, I feel the tip hover above my chest
He looks down with a concerned look.
May I?
I nod but looks a tiny bit uncertain. He catches it and very gently wrap around my chest. Barely touching it. I now look like a loosely swaddled baby. He gently begins to stroke my hair, scaly fingers with small claws curved. The cocoon radiates warmth

I suddenly feel mischevious. The tip of his tail is right above my mouth.
I take it in my mouth. He jumps and I clearly feel his shiver. I look at him with an impish, half-sorry, half-not-sorry smile, head titled. He smirks and hisses a grin, eyes closed and dimpled cheeks. He then looks down amorously at me. A deep nuzzle in my hair, then he lies down more, me on top of him, still cocooned. Protected, shielded, adorned, cherished
In an egg of safety.
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tmntxthings · 2 years ago
∑侀Entry 1ăƒ»ă‚œăƒ»ă€‚
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summary: it’s like a diary, that tells the story from one perspective, only their inner thoughts, of their story with donnie, & spoiler alert I don’t think there will be a happy ending
warnings: first meetings, strangers to friends to lovers, cloaking brooch, eventually angst, obsession, jealousy, yandere behavior, unedited
I met someone today.
They were interesting.
And what was even more interesting was that I thought to myself, ‘I’d like to see them again.’
We talked for a bit, about mundane things. Stuff that I don’t find interesting at all. The weather. New York is a cold place. Usually. But today the weather had been

What had he called it..?
It was clear skies, sunny, with a bit of wind so it wasn’t too hot. Supposedly this was his perfect day. I wouldn’t use that word, it was alright. But I found him, very cute. For phrasing it that way.
What made us have a conversation to begin with?
He had saved me. From myself! My shoelaces always come undone as you know. And he was walking past me, when accidentally he stepped on the laces, and down I went, mid-step, jerking slightly from my pace being cut off.
He was pretty quick. My eyes were wide open as I watched the ground get closer and closer. I had accepted my fate. Then his arm had shot out, slinging under my waist and pulling me backward on my feet.
After the apologies and thank yous, and him pointing out the cause of my problems. He knelt down on one knee, and tied my shoelaces.
It was something that only happened to the romance leads in movies. I never thought anything so cliche would happen to me. But I was thankful as I got to watch him work. Deft fingers, long eyelashes. He smelled good, he wore purple.
More thank yous. And then I did something I normally never do. I asked for his name. Donatello. Unusual! I’ve never met one of those before. A classic name. Outdated for sure. But rememberable nonetheless.
Instead of parting ways, I decided to keep going outside of my little box. Since he was so interesting. He had the greenest eyes I’d ever seen. I commented on it, and he stuttered a little.
‘T-thank you..’
That wasn’t all either. He wore a ring that he liked to twist and twist and twist. It was mesmerizing when I finally noticed it. His little habit. I noticed a bunch of things as we walked the trails in Central Park.
He told me that he had needed the fresh air, to get out and away from his family for a bit. I had a similar reason though I didn’t say it. The noise, it had been so deafening in my tiny apartment. I had to get away from it. It followed me outside, to the park.
It only seemed to stop when I met him. Donatello. Maybe that’s why I found him so interesting. I didn’t notice it at the time.. but yes, I think that is why. He made all the noise go away! It was nice and quiet for once, with the sound of his voice filling up the rest of the space.
He had a nice voice too.
We walked, and talked, he talked more than me. But that’s normal. I don’t like talking. He does though, and he had a lot to say. It seemed he needed someone to listen. So I lended both my ears willingly.
By the time the sun started to set we had walked the trail three times. I hadn’t wanted that to be it. A chance encounter. A kind person who would become a distant memory. No. Maybe not. I don’t think I would’ve ever forgotten about him.
Luckily it seemed I wasn’t the only one who felt that way. He had said,
‘Thanks for listening to all of that
 I’m not usually an over-sharer!’ He chuckled before continuing,
‘Would you want to exchange numbers? I think it’s pretty rare to find someone you can talk easily with, I’d much rather you than Dr. Feelings’
He had to explain that last part. But my phone was out and ready all the same. This moment felt really important. I felt like I had to write it down. So here we are. Now I will never ever forget.
I haven’t texted and neither has he. I probably won’t reach out first. But maybe I will. I have yet to decide. Though I hope to see him again soon.
∑侀Entry 2ăƒ»ă‚œăƒ»ă€‚
If I had known it would take two weeks until he would reach out, I wouldn’t have made that promise to myself to not reach out first.
It was just below torture. Watching. Waiting. I thought maybe I would see even the three little dots pop up a few times. That maybe he had been thinking of me too.
I don’t think he had.
But that’s okay.
He reached out on his own violation eventually. Which felt nice. He had texted,
Very formal!
‘Would you like to walk in Central Park again?’
He provided the exact location and time to meet. I got there early. He seemed to have the same idea! All in purple once more. And he wore the same ring too.
We walked, and we talked. It felt just as nice as before. He was so talkative. He was funny. He was kind. I got too distracted a couple of times, staring intently at him instead of my surroundings. Twice I had almost walked into another person, and once I had tripped. All by accident.
He was just as swift as before. Easily reaching out to pull me close or pull me up. Not letting me fall. Not allowing me to run into someone’s back.
‘You should be more careful.’ He told me.
I nodded. My cheeks were warm after that. It felt quite embarrassing to have been told that. He had no idea how careful I was. I hardly ever leave the apartment after all! In fact I don’t think I had left since the last time I had seen him.
It was much safer inside. But I had a reason to get out now. He was worth it. He didn’t talk as much as the first meeting. So I asked some questions. He was 18! Just like me.
His favorite color was indeed purple.
His hobbies were botany and fixing everyone else’s problems.
He liked video games, and making ‘tech.’
That really had gotten some long winded speeches out of him. He was very smart it seemed. Much smarter than me.
I could hardly keep up with the big words he used. It all sounded very technical and advanced. But he was so animated when he got worked up into a talk frenzy. It was cute.
All I could hear was his voice, so soothing, so happy. It was musical. I could have it on repeat. Every day.
‘We should do this more often! Would you like to schedule regular meetings?’
It was asked very suddenly. But I agreed instantly. Now in my calendar, every Wednesday, from 5pm to 6pm, we would have our walks. And we would talk. Though this one had lasted much longer than 6. But he said it wouldn’t always be that way.
He was very busy. And yet, he stayed til 8pm. He had paused before leaving. I wondered what he had thought of. I didn’t have the courage to ask. Maybe I will next time. Next Wednesday.
∑侀Entry 3ăƒ»ă‚œăƒ»ă€‚
Now that I had a specific day to look forward to, every day before that was boring. Each day that drew closer was filled with imaginary conversations.
What shade of purple would he wear this time?
How many times would he twist that ring?
My guess was 24 times. Maybe less since supposedly our time limit was an hour.
But before that magical day could come. I was forced to socialize with the landlord. Late payments. Threats. No money, no apartment. It was all so annoying.
I didn’t have any money left. The rent and other necessities took it. Which meant I would have to get a job, again. Unemployment checks should last forever.
So I had to socialize even more. I talked to one place for a job. They were always hiring. Luckily they didn’t ask for a resume or anything really. I told them I could work any day but Wednesday.
Those were for Donatello. Even though it was just one hour. I would need time to prepare.
With the job lined up, the little social battery that I had was completely drained. And I had two days to recover before Wednesday rolled around.
I couldn’t sleep. For those two days. The noise. It’s so loud. It wouldn’t let me sleep.
Makeup hid the dark circles that had encompassed my eyes. But no amount of makeup could hide the fact that I was tripping over my own two feet way more often than usually.
My eyes were wide open. I watched Donatello check my shoelaces multiple times. After the sixth time he suggested that we should just sit.
‘Is everything okay?’ He had asked me a personal question. This felt really important. And I struggled with how to answer. The truth?
Coward. I was too much of a coward. Only one word of the truth came out before I changed my cowardice mind. I told him everything was fine. That I was just a little tired. That work had been hard. Which led to more questions.
‘Where do you work?’
‘Oh! What do you do?’
‘I see, well I hope they aren’t overworking you! If you ever..’
He had went off on another tangent about legal work hours. And other stuff that flew over my head. I think I would’ve been able to understand if I hadn’t been so exhausted.
And sitting on that bench, with Donatello’s voice going on forever and ever, it was calming. My wide eyes drooped. The initial excitement of my new favorite day had been overshadowed by my body being awake for three days.
I don’t know when I fell asleep. It was somewhere around the conversation about robots and the very real possibility of sentient life. Donatello had been very adamant when my expression had turned doubtful. But I think that was just my confused face. Even my facial expressions weren’t working right.
When I woke up, my head was resting just below his shoulder. Against his arm. He was very still. His other arm, that had his other hand, held his phone and he was scrolling through some app. Purple. Messages. My eyes were so blurry it took a couple of blinks to finally see that he was messaging someone.
Someone named April.
I must’ve moved or jerked or did something because the phone went black and he murmured my name.
‘You okay?’ He asked it again. It felt like a second chance. And so I told him the truth. That I hadn’t slept for a while. I didn’t say how long. But he nodded as I found the strength somehow, to move away from his arm. He was cool to the touch.
‘I understand, I don’t have the best sleep schedule either so I’m in no position to judge,’
This was said in a joking manner. He smiled kindly as he looked down. I surely looked like a bleary-eyed mess. But he was so kind, so nice. I smiled too. And it was 7:30!
‘Do you mind if I walk you home? I wouldn’t want you to fall asleep on your feet! Or worse you trip into someone else’s arms,’
He had laughed quite loudly after that. I could only feel my ears getting really hot. After a moment I realized he had gotten really quiet. I picked up the slack. It returned to normal after a few questions,
‘What’s your favorite plant?’
‘What do you do for work?’
‘Did I say anything in my sleep?’
I was really curious about the last one. I wasn’t worried. Just curious. Turns out I hadn’t said a thing. And that Donatello was a problem-solver in all aspects of life. But mainly he helped people with computer problems, and he fought bad guys ‘Haha just kidding, unless you consider hackers bad guys’
They were in my book! He had turned his ring three times in a row after that answer. As for the plant one, he had many purple flowers he listed off.
‘What?? You don’t know what lilacs look like?’
I had shook my head. Nothing really came to mind except the color lilac. That was another shade of purple..right?
‘I’ll have to bring some for you next Wednesday!’
He had declared this and even though I tried to say he didn’t have to! That I could easily look them up. I was happy when he told me not to, that he would show me.
This would be my first physical gift from Donatello. I am looking forward to next Wednesday even more than usual now. And I promised him and myself that I wouldn’t look up lilacs, it would be a surprise.
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anoddworld · 2 years ago
Journal Entry 1
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An artistic rendition of the Supernatural Celestial, Galvana. I feel as though I forgot something... oh well.
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vikintor · 6 months ago
Making assets that make us hungry.
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confessions-of-a-monster-freak · 7 months ago
Dogs really are man’s best Wingman - Minho TMR
Prompt: Out walking their dog who chases your dog. WC: 3640
Synopsis: You work from home at a service desk that does data entry and take night classes from the local college for your chosen degree. You go on regular walks with your dog Lark, and just so happen to run into a certain someone.
Another prompt fill, I am quite happy with this one, even though it is rather short. This is a Non-Apocalypse Minho from The Maze Runner. If you have any questions on how I see the Gladers in today's society, put them in my ask box! I will answer the best I can.
Notes, Reblogs, and comments are appreciated! (I'd love to hear feedback or even silly little comments from you!)
Warnings: Swearing? (I don't know if the words I used count as swearing.)
I was finally on my lunch break, my legs were starting to cramp from the lack of movement, but it was better than constantly moving around a warehouse or otherwise. That meant it was time for a walk with Lark. Who had been patiently waiting on the couch for me this entire time. I stood up and walked to the door to grab her leash. When she heard the jingle of her leash she jumped off the couch and happily pranced over to me. She was happily prancing around and partially on my feet when I had a good hold on her harness. Her long tail thumped into my legs as I straddled her to get her harness on.
“C’mon Lark, just stand still a bit longer yeah?” I grumbled softly, having a struggle to try and get her harness on. She was normally very compliant when I had to put her harness on. Today it seemed she just wanted to get out. I couldn’t blame her, I’d been so busy I couldn’t even toss the tennis ball around for her during calls. I felt bad about it, but I knew I could make up for it when we got back and I got back to work, and when my classes started. I could play tug of war whilst listening to the lectures, or even give her a busy bowl for some enrichment.
Once her harness was attached properly, I toed on my shoes. Thank goodness for running slip-ons. I grabbed my keys, and my doggy bag, and slid on my headphones. It was time for some music and a change of scenery. Maybe even to stop at the cafe a few blocks down. At that thought I decided to duck back and grab my wallet. Tucking it into the doggy bag for safekeeping. I hooked her leash and opened the door. She knew better than to tug, but there were times that she had gone AWOL. I was doing my best to correct it when it happened, such as when she went AWOL after a squirrel. But just to be safe, I gave her the harness.
I turned on my headphones as we got into the elevator, scrolling through a playlist before deciding to shuffle it and hope I got some good songs. The elevator dinged and we left. Setting off from the building at a brisk pace. Lark stayed in front of me and kept an easy pace. Her tail wagged happily as we walked, starting to almost prance again as I picked up my walking speed. If I wasn’t sure that I wouldn’t be able to handle two dogs I’d get another one to keep her company. She’s old enough that I’m not concerned about littermate syndrome.
My lunch break was typically an hour to hour and a half long so we had time. I remember when people told me not to get a Dalmatian because I lived in an apartment. All these worries about it being aggressive, barking excessively, or even not getting enough exercise. Here I was proving them wrong, getting Lark was the best decision I could have made. She kept me just as entertained as I kept her, as well as active. Now that I had her, I had a reason to get up and get out of bed in the morning, and go for walks. Hike even. Not that I had very many opportunities to do so.
I made up my mind to stop at the cafe so I could eat on the way back. I could even get a biscuit for her too. I was lucky that it was a pet-friendly cafe, and that they made stuff for dogs there too. As we continued our walk we passed some other dog walkers, most of which I knew were for people who had jobs that took them out of the house for work. I smiled as I passed, and continued along. Lark even stopped a few times to say hi to the dogs. I was proud of the work that I’d put into her, she still had a long way to go and was still young so we had time. I wanted to work on off-leash recall. That way when I did go hiking or camping I could call her back if needed.
I could finally see the cafe, we had a bit to go still, but at least it was in sight. It also didn’t look too crowded, which meant I didn't have to hold onto Lark’s harness to make sure that she stayed where she was supposed to. Even with her having a fairly good heel down, she still had issues in crowded places with other dogs. Especially since she just wanted to play with all of them.
With some more pep in my step, I continued along, Lark was wagging her tail as we got closer. She could probably smell the other dogs that had been there and wanted to sniff around when we got there. I took this small gap of time to look down at my phone and check the time. That and to skip the song I was listening to, it didn’t quite fit my mood at the moment.
In the split second from skipping the song to the next. I heard a name being called. I turned to see where it was coming from only to have something rocket into my legs. I stumbled, pulling Lark back as I did before looking down and spotting this bright red dog wagging at my feet and greeting Lark. There was a leash attached to a black harness on the dog, but that didn’t seem to be attached to a human.
“Well hello you
” I said, pulling off my headphones and crouching down to greet the dog. “You got away from your human didn’t you?” I cooed softly, letting the dog sniff my hand before petting its head. It was very soft, softer than most dogs that had this long of fur. I reached around for a collar or tags and managed to find one. Printed on a simple tag was the name Cinder.
“Cinder! Goddamnit” I turned and saw a man jogging across the street to me and the dog. He was well built and also seemed pretty athletic from the clothes he was wearing. He crossed the street and then whistled, Cinder looked between me and the man before running back to him and sitting at a heel at his side.
“I'm so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention and she yanked the leash out of my hands” He apologized, reaching down to pick up her leash as she stared at him. Once he had the leash in his hands he wrapped it around his wrist a bit more firmly. “That's a nice Dalmatian,” He said looking at Lark, before looking at me.
“She’s friendly, you’ve got a pretty dog yourself” I answered, as he crouched down to greet Lark, who seemed more than content to let him pet her so long as she could get closer to Cinder. She tugged a bit before I corrected her and she rounded back to me. Not in a heel, but closer to my legs to where she wouldn’t be tugging at her leash.
“She seems really well trained” I pointed out, since she hadn’t broken her heel even with Lark trying to play with her. I was curious if he’d teach me how to do that with Lark, or even point me in the direction of the person who taught his dog that.
“Thank you, she is. She has to be for the amount of hikes we go on. I guess she just couldn’t contain herself this time” He shrugged, looking down at her before patting her head. Making her tail start to thump on the concrete behind him.
“I’m Minho,” He said, sticking out his hand for me to shake. I took it and introduced myself. Before looking down at Lark who was wagging her tail enthusiastically whilst looking at Cinder, she didn’t tug to try and get closer and play.
“Well Minho, do you think you can teach me how to get that good of a heel?” I asked, “I’ll buy if you’d like to stop at the cafe” I offered, deciding maybe the promise of food or a drink might help ease any tension.
“Sounds good to me” He agreed, clicking his tongue and Cinder stood up and watched her owner very dutifully. “It took me some time to get her this good, but I think I can get
” He trailed off, having not been told my own dog’s name.
“Lark” I answered, starting to walk, this time slower as Lark drifted over to the side Cinder was on to walk next to her. I was hoping this could turn into a good friendship, even if it was just based on him helping me with training my dog.
“Lark. I think I can get her close” He said with a grin, leading me to smile as well. Minho seemed very charming and personable. Someone I could get along with. Which I did as we continued to talk whilst walking to the cafe. I was keeping a rather dutiful eye on the time since it was a fifteen-minute walk back to my apartment from the Cafe.
“So what do you do?” I asked, looking over at the man who was keeping an even pace with me. I would assume he was some sort of fitness coach with how he looked. He wasn’t buff per se, just well-built and in shape. Maybe he was an athlete at the nearby college. I wasn’t quite sure.
“Work at a sports store” He answered, “Not ideal, but it gets me discounts on the stuff that she wrecked as a puppy” He added, looking down at Cinder who was staring right back up at him. Unaware that he was talking negatively about her she started wagging her tail furiously.
“I’m also in school to get my bachelor's, last year and then I can get that cartography degree,” He said with a huff, “I’m glad it's almost over, I’m getting tired of the traffic on campus” He tacked on at the end. Figuring my question could be interpreted both ways.
“Sounds annoying, the last time I was over in that area I was stuck at a traffic light for like fifteen minutes” I agreed, it's been ages since I was over at the college. Normally Rush Week would be the busiest time, but apparently this year they had a surge of freshmen compared to previous years.
“I can’t wait to graduate and be able to camp for like two weeks and then go do my job” He sighed wistfully, I wasn’t sure how cartography worked but I assumed it could be a pretty lonely job. Maybe that’s why he got Cinder, to keep him company whilst he worked.
Once we got to the cafe and had our stuff ordered and bought for. Minho insisted on sitting outside so that way there’d be fewer distractions for Lark whilst training. Which was smart, I didn’t think about the fact it might not be the dogs in the cafe causing the issue. It could be the noise in the Cafe.
“To keep her focus on you” He started, having taken Lark’s leash from me whilst I held onto Cinder’s for him. “You need to have something she wants, that way she learns it positively,” He said, digging into his own pouch and pulling out a dog biscuit. Lark’s eyes suddenly locked onto his hand. Her tail started to wag and she almost looked ready to jump him for it.
I laughed softly at her reaction. “I barely give her treats for training, mostly I give her kibble so she eats her food” I explained. Having felt that would be better since she had alternating food schedules. She got raw food three times a week, and kibble four times a week.
Minho hummed and nodded. Before he continued to explain how to get her to heel like how Cinder had. Whilst he talked I pet Cinder, who’d laid her head in my lap. Growing tired over her owner talking.
It was weird seeing Lark be so receptive to a new person. She wasn’t stranger aggressive, but she was wary of strangers. Seeing her being so comfortable as to jump on him to try and get the treat was a new thing. That and she rarely jumped because she was strong enough to knock me over. Cinder was different, she seemed so open to everyone and everything. Including me, since she was half asleep in my lap whilst Minho walked and talked me through the heel process.
Eventually, we swapped places, with me taking Lark’s leash and going through the process a few times to hopefully get it down. Once that was done, we sat down to eat, talking more in the process. Minho seemed like a pretty good guy. One with a lot of ambition and some crazy friends it seemed. “I told him not to get in the car, 'cause it was Dingus driving” He continued, Dingus was Thomas. Or at least what Minho called him frequently. “But he got in the car, and I watched them spin on the ice as soon as he left the parking lot. I seriously question how some of them even got into their majors” He finished, grinning as he watched me laugh at the horrible story.
“That is ridiculous.” I shook my head, his friends sounded interesting. I was bad with names, so I’d probably have to be reminded. But I didn’t think I would forget Thomas any time soon and his horrible driving skills. “How many tickets has he gotten?” I asked, reaching down to pet Lark as she was pawing at my leg for attention.
“None so far, stupidly lucky bastard” He answered, shaking his head. “I keep telling him that he’s going to get ticketed one of these days. But apparently, the cops don’t even try” He huffed, crossing his arms. “He’s going twenty over and doesn’t get pulled over. I go five over, and I get pulled over” He pouted, apparently still sour over the whole ordeal.
I couldn’t help but laugh, seeing someone like him pout was oddly adorable and funny at the same time. When I started to laugh his pout went away and turned into a smile. For how we met, we turned out to be pretty compatible. That and our dogs were compatible which was a rare scenario for me.
“Well this was wonderful, and I will put all of that into practice. But I have to get back so I don’t miss my check-in for work” I said eventually, holding onto my to-go cup of the drink I typically got wherever I went.  “But maybe we should meet up again, since both of them dragged us together,” I added, smiling at him. He looked down at Cinder who did nothing but wag her tail at him. She then looked at Lark and me and continued wagging her tail.
“I think that’s a good idea, how does tomorrow evening sound at the dog park?” He asked, looking back up at me with a smile. I assumed it was due to him working, but it worked out perfectly since I didn’t have a lecture that evening.
“Sounds good to me.” I agreed, before pulling out my phone and offering it to him to input his number. “That way if either of us needs to cancel” I added, watching as he took my phone and inputted his number. Before sending himself a text with my phone and handing it back.
“See you tomorrow evening” He called, watching me walk back down the street with Lark.
I echoed his parting words, waving at him before turning around and picking my speed up again to get home in time for the clock-in. He seemed nice, and so did Cinder. Maybe regular Pup-play dates would be in order. I’d have to ask about that tomorrow, but for now, I had to get home and find a proper meal to eat in between calls.
I had decided to drive to the dog park, that way when Lark had exhausted herself I didn’t have to do much with her except load her into the car. I pulled up and unloaded her, locking my car before heading into the park. Lark was prancing about as we did, she always loved getting so much open space to run around. I didn’t like to bring her in the afternoons, as that’s when I found most of the Puppies that needed “Socializing” were out.
That led to some disasters that I’ve had to break up before. I didn’t understand how people could be ignorant about what socializing was. In fact, they were just traumatizing their poor dog by putting them in a park with other dogs. Not to mention the new wave of people not vaccinating their dogs for simple things.
I heard another car pull up and turned to see Minho getting out of his car with Cinder. Who pranced over to the gate and pawed at it. I laughed at her behavior, Minho didn’t seem concerned with her running off. I opened it for her and let her run around with Lark once they entered. I figured they wouldn’t need much, so I brought a few tennis balls just in case. I even had that old frisbee in my trunk still. But with the way they were sprinting around the park, it didn’t seem like they needed any additional toys.
“I don’t think they need the toys I brought” He laughed, joining me in the park. He was now in jeans and a plain polo shirt. He didn’t look like he’d just gotten off of work, so I assumed his shift was earlier in the morning. “I do not believe so” I agreed, “I think they are gonna tire each other out” I added, walking over to one of the benches and sitting down. Lark quickly sped past me with Cinder chasing her. 
“How is the heel going?” He asked, joining me on the bench. Looking over at me. I had texted him at some point yesterday because Lark was struggling again and he offered some pointers.
“Okay ish” I laughed, “It's kinda difficult to practice in my apartment with it. But I made some progress in” I admitted, which was true. She mostly wanted to play instead of practice, and I couldn’t blame her. I was trying to practice whilst listening to my lecture. Which made my focus off, as well as hers.
“So long as you keep consistency you should be fine” He assured, looking over at me before looking at Lark. “So if you live in an apartment, why’d you get her?” He asked, “Now don’t think I’m one of those, “Don’t get a dog if you live in an apartment” People, I live in an apartment with her.” He corrected quickly, gesturing to Cinder who was belly up and roughhousing with Lark.
“I got lonely, and while I do like cats, I needed to get out more” I explained, “I work a customer support and data entry job from home. Plus I take online night classes. So I truly never leave home much” I watched Lark as she jumped over Cinder and then off they went chasing each other. It brought a smile to my face seeing her this happy.
“We should make this a regular thing” I offered up, “Gets both of us out, and gives them freedom to run around” I grinned as Lark came running up to me and slammed into my legs before whirling around and taking off again. I laughed off the pain in my shins from her impact and watched them sprinting around the totally empty park. Barely anyone went to this park in the evening. Making it perfect for training and for Lark to get her energy out completely.
“Sounds like a good plan to me.” Minho agreed. Before he turned to look at me. “How would you like to go camping?” He offered and I turned to look at him, my mouth opening slightly before I smiled. That was forward and out of the blue, but not totally unwelcome. We got along really well, and so did our dogs. It was only reasonable to ask something like that. 
“Are you asking me on a date?” I inquired, watching him grin back at me. He started to chuckle a bit before glancing at the dogs to make sure they were doing fine and not getting into any major trouble.
“Absolutely” He replied and I laughed. Nodding my head agreeing. Minho was charming, and I definitely wanted to get to know him better than I already knew now. So I assumed he wanted the same with me. We’d have to figure out our schedules for camping, but I’m sure it’d be fun.
“So long as you can keep Lark in check, then yes” I answered, turning to look at the dogs, who knew that it would be dogs that are man’s best wingman. Lark came running back to me and was panting, slobbering all over the ground. “Are you having fun darling?” I cooed, grabbing her face and squishing it playfully as she mouthed at me. I laughed and played with her until Cinder came and stole her away again.
“I think I can handle her, it’s you I’m worried about” Minho teased lightly, making me shove him with my shoulder pouting playfully until we both just started laughing. Maybe this date would be a good thing for both of us.
Well hello! You've made it to the end of this fic. I've got a question for you if you'd like to share your answer. What's your favorite dog breed? I personally love Beaucerons. *Cinder is an Irish Setter, and yes, I went down a dog breed rabbit hole to find a dog that Minho would get along with.
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eclipsedoodler · 2 years ago
I wrote a quick one shot in the form of an indent letter :P
It’s not perfect, but I wanted it out of my head
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forgivenesslost · 2 years ago
He laughed and tugged on the end of my scarf. “One thought at a time, remember?”
His smile was contagious. “Yeah, yeah,” I said and thought for a second. “It’s just, when I asked if we could talk, you looked—I don’t know. Like you didn’t want to, I guess.”
He looked away, a tell-tale sign that I was right, but his smile didn’t fade, only turned sheepish. “Well, I won’t lie to you. I’m a little scared, so maybe that’s what you saw. I’m sorry if I made it seem like I didn’t want to talk to you. I do,” he insisted, “but there are a lot of feelings, you know?”
“Yeah,” I sighed. “I know. For me, too.” I ran a hand through my hair, then cringed as I’d forgotten about the clip I’d shoved in it. Snowflakes clung to the glass window, melting from the heat inside the library.
“When did you speak to Jean?”
“He didn’t tell you?” I asked, even though the answer was clearly written on his face.
—Snowed In with Marco Bott (snippet)
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orangeloungeradio · 6 months ago
Canceled Game of the Month: Sonic X-treme Developer: Sega Technical Institute Publisher: Sega Platform: Sega Saturn, Windows Year Canceled: 1996 Video Courtesy of: Razor & Zenon Sonic Videos
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dailyheavymedic · 1 month ago
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day 55
TWO strawpages requests cause I thought it was funny they were next to each other, someone just really wanted them to cuddle
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anubis-prompts · 1 year ago
I've always been good with my hands.
I can make things come to life. Made my art my passion.
I've carved monsters and fairytales, drawn angles and demons, shown people and places.
But I could never make me.
Never see my own face, never truly know myself enough to actually place all that I am on paper, or whittle it, or grasp it enough to do something with it.
It's sad.
I am an artist. I can make anything
I can't make myself
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