#blue naga wally x reader
annaberunoyume · 1 year
Blue Naga! Wally x Reader: Cuddles.
This is a cuddle fanfiction with a different Naga version of Wally Darling, which I imagined. In this au, Wally, instead of having a rainbow-coloured tail, like my main Naga au, he looks basically like Naga!Aladdin from the Aladdin classic tv episode, Eye of the Beholder. Like this image below but with a paler blue body and lighter blue chest scales:
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Anyhow. Here is my short fanfic. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
His hands touches my cheeks…It's so uncanny…There are scaly and slightly cold…But the longer they stay there…The more my heat seems to reverbate on them…It's radiating.
Why, the only human part, well as human as a puppet-naga-man can be is his fleecy yellow face. It's red eyes not just from being adapted to slithering close to the ground…
He humms, his tiny tongue flickering…He seems to know what I want…But is too kind to act upon it without my blessing. I nod.
He wraps his arms around me and ever so gently, pulls me to his chest. I jump a tiny bit. It's cold as well…But then, my body heat acts upon it. My breath trembles a little as I hear his heartbeat.
Then, I just allow myself to close my eyes…Until the tip of his tail featherly touches my waist. I jump a tiny bit, again.
I'm sorry. May I?
I say yes in a hush…His tail gently coils around my waist…Then my belly…Like a protective cocoon.
But then, I feel the tip hover above my chest…Again…He looks down with a concerned look.
May I?
I nod but looks a tiny bit uncertain. He catches it and very gently wrap around my chest. Barely touching it. I now look like a loosely swaddled baby. He gently begins to stroke my hair, scaly fingers with small claws curved. The cocoon radiates warmth…
I suddenly feel mischevious. The tip of his tail is right above my mouth.
I take it in my mouth. He jumps and I clearly feel his shiver. I look at him with an impish, half-sorry, half-not-sorry smile, head titled. He smirks and hisses a grin, eyes closed and dimpled cheeks. He then looks down amorously at me. A deep nuzzle in my hair, then he lies down more, me on top of him, still cocooned. Protected, shielded, adorned, cherished…In an egg of safety.
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Songfic idea: Giant!Naga! Wally Darling sings "Tomorrow is Another Day (The Rescuers)" to you as he shows you the starry sky from the highest branch of his tree, before hypnotizing you to sleep, lifting you like a pup.
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Headcanon about Blue Naga! Wally.: He does not have hypnotic powers...But he sure can sing in sssuch a sssmooth sexy voice...that he does not need spirals.
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Wally's new powers (Naga!Wally Darling x GN! Reader)
Wally's new powers (Naga!Wally Darling x GN! Reader)
(Sequel: https://www.tumblr.com/annaberunoyume/714038926701101056/sleepy-tight-hugs-in-the-night-nagawally?source=share)
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It had started small. In the Neighbourhood, Wally was his usual, cheery self. Only, this morning, his legs seemed more sluggish than usual. They seemed like they did not want to obey Wally and would rather stay in bed. And they felt rather warm. Wally still went about his day.
Later on, when Julie told a particularly good joke, Wally chuckled, but for some reason, he lisped. Almost like a hiss. Perhaps was it an abscess or a button on the tongue. Odd...Wally did not feel anything in his mouth.
In the late afternoon, when the sun was slowly beginning to fade, he was dreaming about his secret crush, Y/N. The mere thought of them made Wally drift into amorous thoughts and utterly forget Barnaby in front of him... His reveries were so powerful that rings of colours seems to filter through his eyes...
''Wally? Wally? What are....yooou...dooo...?''
''Huh, what is it, Barnaby? Barnaby?''
Wally looked, incredulous. Barnaby was still as a statue, arms sagged on each side of his torso and his mouth ajar. But that wasn't the surprise. The surprise was...those rings of green, dark green, purple, yellow and some shades of orange. Round and round like a carrousel. Wally began to feel afraid...
''Barnaby....Barnaby! Please, wake up!'', he waved his hand before him,
But the tall, chunky dog did not stir. Wally shook his shoulders, nothing. Wally even gently slapped his cheeks, nothing. Panic started to creep in. But then...His legs felt like over-cooked noodles. He collapsed. Panting, Wally looked down. Since he was wearing shorts (for the hot day), he could see, to his fright, his legs being slowly but steadily covered in the same coloured stripes he saw in Barnaby's eyes. And try as he might, he could not get up, it was as if his legs were lead. With colossal willpower and adrenaline, he managed to limp his way, towards Home...
Y/N was quietly reading a book when their (favourite colour) telephone rang. They picked up.
''Oh, thank Henson! I need your help, dear!'', a barely composed, familiar voice, answered. Y/N smirked at how Wally was ever so polite, even in crisis.
''What's the matter, Wally?''
''It's...It's my legs! They hurt and I can't move them!'', they could hear Home creak, squeak and bang in alarm.
Y/N gasped, ''Say no more, I'm on my way! Hang on!'', they slammed the telephone and dashed like the wind towards Wally's Home...
Y/N knocked.
''Wally? (knock knock) Are you in here?'', for an answer, Home opened herself to Y/N. As soon as they were inside, they were shocked to see Home protectively craddling Wally in her goo. Said goo wrapped around his legs... They gently approach the curled up yellow puppet man and gently stroked his shoulder.
Wally looked up, in tears, ''What's the matter with me? They hurt so much...They're burning and stretching....Help me....'' he said miserably.
''Will you let me see it?''
He nodded. Home gently lifted a tad her gooey, dark veil...And to Y/N's stupor...Wally's legs were shortless, melted together, with stripes of many colours, like the legs of an unfortunate wax doll left in the sun. Wally's breath quivered and he sniffed.
''P-Please, Y/N...Make it stop...''
''I don't know how....But...It seems to be growing...into a tail...'', unsured of what to do, Y/N gently ran her left hand in Wally's thick, blue hair, shushing him. The tearful puppet man wrapped his right hand around Y/N's left cheek and sniffed, closing his eyes and nestling his nose into their neck...He tried to calm his breathing and found that it lessen the pain, the calmer he was.
Meanwhile, the legs kept gently growing like a thick vine, creaking and making an almost boiling sound...Getting longer...and longer...and longer...Its stripes glowed darker in its colours and neatly settled for bright, warm cozy hues....Wally breathed in and out...In...And out...In...And out...enjoying, despite himself, the sweet fragrant of Y/N.
''Ssssh...Breathe,Wally...Breathe...You're safe...I'm here...Sssh...''
'' (Breathy, calm sigh)''
Wally couldn't help but smile, despite his predicament. His crush was here and he had never been closer to them. He was so grateful to them for coming so quickly...And holding him and soothing him...He hummed and slowly opened his eyes...
''Hum, Wally?''
''Yes, dear?''
''Your...Your eeyes...'', Y/N felt their mind melting like ice-cream. They still managed to take their pocket mirror and open it for him. He gasped. In his eyes danced rings of many enthralling warm hues...Like a kaleidoscope. He touched his cheeks...How could he stop it? Wait...Was it these that froze Barnaby?
Y/N shook their head, awake again. Thankfully, somehow Wally's eyes returned to normal.
''I think I know what happened to you. By some magic, you turned into a naga.''
''Half man, half snake. And it seems you can hypnotize, too. Good thing I had my mirror handy.''
Wally's mouth was ajar. So...he was stuck like this? And he would enchant his friends like this, forevermore? He suddenly realised what that entailed...He sighed, shuddering and burried his head into his arms, tail huddling close to his frame.
''I don't want to be a naga. What will I do, what will become of me?'', he sniffed.
''I wish I knew, Wally...'', but then, Y/N brightened a little, ''But, you know...I've always loved nagas.''
''You have?''
''Yes...And now that I look...'' they said, getting up and walking a few steps to admire it, ''These colours really suits you.''
Wally dried his eyes and began to smile. It did look pretty, like his painting palette. He lowered his hands on the floor and pushed himself up. Amazingly, his tail did not feel like lead and did not ache anymore. It was big, but agile. He was up, again! He experienced and was in wonder at how easily it moved to his liking. He even chuckled with a hiss.
''And besides, perhaps you can learn to control your eyes.''
Wally nodded, still focused on his tail, ''And I bet this tail gives the best hugs...'', his smile suddenly turned devious, ''Huh? What are you-'', started Y/N, but they were caught by coils and lifted in the air.
''Hahaha, gotcha!'', he said in a mock-evil voice, but then realised what he did, blushing.
''Ah-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to-''
''Ah, no, it's okay, your tail is in fact pretty comfy.'' reassured Y/N. They hummed and nuzzled it.
''Almost like plush.''
Wally gasped quietly, his cheeks now reddish-orange. They...they complimented him...And they hugged him...He felt...He felt...
''Wally?...You okay?''
Wally said nothing, but gently, gently lowered them to their eye level...He smiled shyly at them and gently tightened his tail around their body...Like a warm hug...
''Are you keeping me safe? Am I your treasure?'', cooed Y/N, understanding Wally's feelings immediatly.
''Yesss...'', his eyes half-closed dreamily, ''I wanted to confess it to you...'' , his yellow lips ghosted Y/N's...
''For ssso long...''
They finally shared a kiss. He stroked their cheeks tenderly and coiled around them even more...
Home had to contain a creak of fangirling...Then she purposely closed her eyes to let you two be...
GIF above found here: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/AcbrpXjgi.htm
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
The first time you saw him cry (Wally Darling x Naga!Reader)
(Naga!Reader hypnotizes Wally for the first time and it has a strange side-effect. For the first time ever in his puppet man life, Wally experiences tearful sadness)
Wally: (sniffing and feeling something wet on his cheeks) What...What a-are those?
Y/N: (Gently and with compassion, rubbing his back. They stop their spirals) Those are tears, Wally. Sometimes, humans get sad. And when we get sad, we sometimes need to cry.
Wally: (wiping new tears in vain) C...Cry? (He touches his throat) Ow...my throat is so tight. I can't swallow...I want it to stop...M-make it stop.
Y/N: (gently, with a compassionate smile) I'm deeply sorry, but the best cure for sadness is to sometimes cry it out. (They wipe his tears) That seems to be the case for you. Your heart is heavy, I can sense it. (They kiss his forehead)
Wally: But...I don't wanna fall apart...I'm scared...Will it go on forever?
Y/N: (They nod ''no'') No...Especially when you are near a loved one. (They open their arms) Come here. You won't fall apart in my arms. I'll keep you together...And sadness will come out and leave, I promise.
Wally: (sniffs and tremble, then finally hugs Y/N, holding on to them for dear life and fully letting go.)
Y/N: (Hums ''Beautiful Dreamer'' and lovingly strokes his hair, coiling around him in a protective, womb-like cocoon). Breathe, love...breathe...
Wally: (sobs some more then exhales in relief, huddled against Y/N like a newborn)
Y/N: (Warm, half-lidded smile) Do you want some more spirals? I can fill you with comfort, now.
Wally: (tiredly) Yes...Please.
Y/N: (They lie him down in their coils, craddling him as if he were in a baby scarf of coils and hypnotizing him) Jussst relaxxx, my dear child...🎵Baby mine, don't you cry...Baby mine, dry your eyes.... (Gently laying his head on their heart) Rest your head close to my heart, never to part, baby of mine...(They stroke their nape) Little one, when you play...Don't you mind what they say...Let those eyes sparkle and shine, never a tear, baby of mine.🎵
Wally: (as Y/N hums, his spiralling eyes begin to feel heavier by the seconds. He yawns and snuggles up. A small smile slowly creeps on his face. His eyes eventually gently close)
Y/N: (Kissing his forehead,again) From your head to your toes...You're so sweet, goodness knows...(They sink into the cocoon, lying on their back comfortably, like a bird in a nest, gently pulling Wally unto their chest with their arm, Wally still wrapped in the baby scarf of coils.) 🎵 You are so precious to me, cute as can be, baby of mine. Wally mine, Wally mine...🎵 (They smile and nuzzle his blue hair, making him almost giggle in his sleep. Then they stretch themselves gently and drifts off with him as well).
INSPIRED BY THIS POST: https://www.tumblr.com/sweetest-honeybee/713631065324060673/i-would-like-to-see-the-angsty-wally-doodles?source=share
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