#first ask! woo!
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guessimwritingblushblushnow · 7 months ago
cashew my beloved
Cashew is my second favorite phone fling boy. Very sweet 10/10.
I can't tell if you want headcannons or not, so I'll just write out some thoughts instead of a full thing.
Cashew actually works part time at the library
One of the librarians offered him a job, and he took it because he already spends so much time there he might as well get paid for it
He has so many book recommendations
SO many
Fastest way to make this boy fall for you is to read one of the books he recommends then talk to him about it
It makes him feel like you really value his opinion
Continuing on that note, Cash's ideal date would be sitting in a cozy corner at the library, reading together and occasionally making commentary
He mentions in some of his dialogue wanting to basically be Indiana Jones, so I think he'd have an interest in archeology
He says himself that his major is undecided, but I think he does have a class or two on archeology among other things
By the time he graduates college he'd probably have enough credits for two degrees because of how many electives he's taken
Him and Nimh have met before
The only reason they aren't friends is because both suck at talking to people
Nimh was the one who recommended the book Cashew was reading at the start of his phone fling
Completely unrelated, but Cashew has competed in punning competitions
Those are real things
He hasn't won any of them, but he enjoys going anyway
I also feel like he'd be an avid fanfiction reader
And also on Tumblr
For as reserved as he normally is, I think Cashew would love getting to try new experiences
He wouldn't do them on his own, but he'd appreciate a partner who would go with him, even if they're also a nervous wreck the whole time
Sorry these are so messy, I rambled on for a bit. Hope you enjoyed!
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colqdcas · 1 year ago
Moot requested we loom, so I have come to loom ^-^
So hello!! :3
And I have a question cause why not! XD
What pronouns do each of the deity's use? (Sorry if this was listed, I couldn't read the pencil writing but I did try >_<)
Hello! Thank you so much for asking!
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"I prefer gender neutral pronouns. They/them especially."
"Thank you, Annul."
Non binary flag.
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"Anything but feminine pronouns. Thank you for asking."
Demiboy flag
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"It depends... But for the last couple centuries, he/they."
Unlabeled flag
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"who tf cares?"
Gender fluid flag
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thewritetofreespeech · 19 days ago
Could I request Jinwoo's partner giving a heartwarming public speech about how much she loves him?
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Of all the features dungeons had to offer, Jinwoo liked caves the least.
They were always dark, damp, and had a tendency to be much more conspicuous than one originally thought them to be.
Luckily this was a small cave. The back of it visible after a few paces in, so no opportunity for an ambush. Jinwoo, his partner, and the party they had stumbled on in the dungeon were all huddled in there. The party resting and healing their various injuries from the fight they had just endured.
Considering their rank, Jinwoo was surprised that any of them had survived at all. If he hadn’t intervened, they wouldn’t have, but even still their ability to hold out for that long was impressive with Jinwoo. Maybe that’s why he helped them. Flickers of a long-forgotten tenacity he once had. Or maybe it was just luck. “This is your fault!”
Jinwoo calmly turned to the source of the shouting. A deranged looking Ranger looking at him with fear and murderous intent. “You could have stopped those bastards with one blow if you wanted! You could have helped us! Instead, you let Mari and Ken-woo die because you didn’t want to lift a finger!” Jinwoo just let him rant on. There was no point in arguing. He did have a point.
Jinwoo could have destroyed the dungeon monsters with ease, but what good would that do. He did help, in the end, but judging by the turning expressions of the party, many seemed to agree it wasn’t soon enough. “That’s enough out of you.”
Jinwoo turned his head again to the other side towards [Y/N], who was glaring daggers sharper than her blades at the Ranger. “It’s not Jinwoo’s fault that you and Ken-wood decided to bully your party into taking on a gate well above your ranking. I’m all for accepting a challenge, but a B-rank in your team’s current condition? You’re lucky to be alive at all.”
“But he could have saved them! If he wasn’t so selfish and arrogant we could of—“I said that’s enough!” [Y/N]’s voice cut like a knife now. Enough to reset the fear in the fledgling party; even Jinwoo a little. “Either take responsibility for your mistakes and be happy your alive, or I’ll throw you back out there in the wilds myself! You can be sad about your friends, and terrified about the situation, but you are not going to speak that way about the man I love!”
The argument seemed settled, and the group went back to nursing their wounds & spirits in silence as [Y/N] stalked off. Jinwoo waited for a moment before he followed after her. Knowing that he would find her near the cave mouth, and there she was. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine.” [Y/N] hissed. Not frustrated with him, for once, but clearly still keyed up. “Ungrateful sots. I just want to get out of here and go home. This dungeon is a waste of time.”
Jinwoo smiled a little at her complaining and reached out to link his fingers with hers. “Go home with the man you love?”
[Y/N] seemed confused for a second before she suddenly seemed to remember what she’d said in the heat of the moment and her face heated up as well. “That…that’s not….!” Jinwoo kissed her fingers.
He couldn’t remember the last time someone stuck up for him. His sister maybe? Jinwoo wasn’t even sure of that. All he knew was that when she said that she loved him, and got so angry on his behalf against that Ranger, Jinwoo felt his heart swell like he’d never felt before. “Once their patched up I’ll clear the way with you and we can be out of here by dinner.”
[Y/N] nodded slowly, then squeezed his hand. Jinwoo let her go and started making mental preparations for the fight ahead. He wanted to get out of here and go home with the woman he loved as well.
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o3o-lapd-o3o · 3 months ago
okay here's part 6! this literally was not meant to be as long as it is, but i got carried away while doing some archery research... and here we are.
hope you guys enjoy! part 7 will be uploaded tomorrow!
(p.s if you're an archer/know archery and i get stuff wrong please don't yell at me, google can only give me so much info hdshdshdh)
the post/thread that started this whole au
dinner scene: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 7 | part 8
there's a masterlist now!
*athena had left not long after midday, but not before saying she’d see them all later at dinner*
*telemachus, odysseus & penelope are all together in the palace gardens*
*penelope is sitting on a bench, with odysseus also laying on it & his head in her lap as they watch telemachus practice using a bow and arrow* 
telemachus: *trying to aim for the centre of the target in front of him*
telemachus: *struggling but wants to show his parents what his training with athena is doing for him*
telemachus: *lets the bowstring go*
*the arrow flies through the air, but misses the centre of the target completely and hits the edge of the target*
telemachus: *drops the arm holding his bow to his side and sighs in disappointment*
penelope: *looks at her son and then looks down at odysseus*
odysseus: *looks up from his son to meet penelope’s eyes*
*both seem to have a conversation through their eyes*
odysseus: *smiles and nods at penelope*
odysseus: *gets up from penelope’s lap and walks over to telemachus*
penelope: *smiles while watching odysseus head over to their son*
odysseus: don’t be disappointed son, go ahead and nock another arrow
telemachus: *does as his father says*
odysseus: now draw and anchor, as you normally would
telemachus: *again does what odysseus asks*
odysseus: *looks at his son’s pose* ah i see some of the problem
odysseus: *gently takes hold of telemachus’ drawn back elbow* 
odysseus: ok your elbow needs to be a bit higher, and just straighten your back a little…
telemachus: *follows odysseus’ instructions*
odysseus: *stepping back so he’s not in the way* that's perfect! now breathe in as you would, but not to the point it hurts! 
odysseus: and then as you go to let the string go breathe out but not all the way, about only half way
telemachus: *breathes in as he aims for the centre of the target again*
telemachus: *steadily breathes out and releases the string*
*the arrow flies through the air again… and hits just slightly off the centre of of the target*
telemachus: *looks at the target in disbelief but in also joy*
odysseus: *cheers in happiness for his son* you did it!
penelope: *clapping and calling out to her son* well done telemachus! 
telemachus: *drops his bow and turns to his father*
telemachus: *gives odysseus a hug* thank you father!
odysseus: *hugging his son back* no need to thank me, i’m happy to be able to help teach you!
telemachus: *lets odysseus go while smiling*
odysseus: *looks down at telemachus’ bow then picks up it up and grabs an arrow*
odysseus: *nocks it with ease and shoots it in the blink of an eye*
*the arrow hits the dead centre of the target* 
odysseus: *turns and hands the bow back to telemachus*
odysseus: now, how about you keep practising? once you have this completely down i’ll teach you other things you can do with a bow
odysseus: *hand under his chin in thought* i’ll have to get an archer’s ring commissioned for you
telemachus: *stares at his father in shock at how easy he made that look* i didn't know you knew so much about archery- i mean…
telemachus: *thinks back to when odysseus shot an arrow through 12 axe heads*
penelope: *giggles to herself as she realises even their son doesn’t know about his father’s mastery & skill with a bow*
odysseus: *looks over at penelope, and then he understands just why she's giggling*
odysseus: *now looks at telemachus with an amused expression*
telemachus: *sees his father’s expression*
telemachus: *holds his hands (with the bow still in one of them) up hoping he hasn’t offended his father*
telemachus: not saying you didn’t know how to use one! 
telemachus: i thought you just knew the basics and that ‘trick’ you did to prove yourself, was originally just to impress mother?
telemachus: *puts his arms down and then looks down towards his father’s hands* besides, that ring you wear on your thumb is just a normal one like the other’s you wear isn’t it? 
telemachus: it certainly doesn’t look like any archer ring i've seen before at the markets…
odysseus: *laughs to himself and holds up his hand* oh this? you’re right it doesn’t look like an archer ring.
odysseus: *rubs his thumb along his index finger* that's because it isn’t a normal one
telemachus: *looks again at his father’s ring to see it now has a point to it like any standard archer ring*
telemachus: *looks up at odysseus’ face, then back down to his hand and then back up to his face again* 
telemachus: but- you- it- hOW?
odysseus: *rubs his thumb against his index finger again and the ring is back to looking like any standard ring* 
odysseus: *looks from telemachus to penelope* ask your mother, it was a gift from her
telemachus: *immediately swivels to face her*
penelope: well, as you’ve now found out…your father isn't one to let people know he’s a skilled archer, so i ‘commissioned’ an archer ring to be made for him that could hide as a normal ring when not needed. 
telemachus: wow! the jeweller who made this certainly is skilled then
penelope: *thinks back to asking athena if she could try to get hephaestus to make one*
penelope: yeah skilled indeed 
telemachus: *turns back to odysseus* so why didn’t you want people to know? about your skills as an archer i mean.
odysseus: sometimes it's best to not reveal all your strengths
odysseus: *grins while shrugging* keeping people guessing is also fun
odysseus: *walks to telemachus and ruffles his hair* anyway, back to practising! i’m going to head back over to your mother, but call me if you want me to assist with anything ok?
telemachus: ok!
*time passes as telemachus keeps on practising, odysseus is back to laying in penelope’s lap while she caresses his hair*
*odysseus wants to keep watching his son but is struggling to not fall asleep from penelope's motions*
*telemachus notices so decides to discuss some final dinner plans with his mother*
telemachus: so the cooks have everything they need for tonight, right? are you sure you don’t need me to quickly run down to the market for anything? 
penelope: *smiles reassuringly at telemachus* they do, and if on the off chance they don’t i'm sure one of them will go to the market themselves. no need to worry yourself my son.
telemachus: *nods while getting another arrow ready* 
telemachus: *starts pulling the string back when he has another thought*
telemachus: oh what about the seating plan? i should probably tell fathe-
penelope: *who knows about athena’s seating plan, and also knows that odysseus doesn’t (hey she wants to have some fun too ok?)*
penelope: *forgetting about her husband peacefully half-asleep in her lap*
penelope: *jumping up from the bench* NO-
telemachus: *not expecting his mother’s outburst*
telemachus: *lets the string go accidentally and also having lost his aim*
odysseus: *falls off penelope’s lap and the bench with a startled yelp*
*meanwhile the loose arrow now wizzes straight past the target, through the garden trees and over the palace cliffs, heading into what looks to be its final destination of…. the sea*
telemachus: *turns to face his parents* mother, are you ok? why did you yell no?
penelope: oh um… i’m sorry for shouting telemachus 
penelope: what i meant to say was, there's no need to spoil anything. we’ll keep it as a surprise!
telemachus: uh ok…
odysseus: *face down on the ground and groaning from the sudden series of events*
odysseus: *pushes himself up and looks at his wife*
odysseus: penelope why?
penelope: *laughs a little at odysseus’ rumpled state* 
penelope: *helps him up* 
penelope: i’m sorry my love *kisses him on the cheek*
odysseus: *smiles at the kiss and then brushes his clothing free of dust*
odysseus: what were you two talking about anyway?
telemachus: uhh-
penelope: -the final bits for dinner! speaking of which, we should all go and start getting ready!
penelope: *points at the sun starting to set* helios is not long from being done for the day, and i'm sure when selene takes to the skies, our dinner guests won't be long!
penelope: *starts to head inside* come along you two!
telemachus: *to odysseus* what about the archery equipment?
odysseus: *shrugs* we’ll deal with it later
*telemachus & odysseus follow penelope back into the palace*
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clearpoolart · 8 months ago
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"You will have to lead."
A scene from Chapter 18, Of Saints And Sinners by @morningstarwrites
I've never done a comic before, and this challenged me in so many ways I've never experienced! I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Thank you Star for your amazing writing that inspired me to do this, I hope you like it! :)
I know there's probably a thousand mistakes lol but I'm really proud of how this turned out. (And of course I chose the LONGEST scene possible for my first time doing a comic)
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youngpettyqueen · 8 months ago
I know the decision to have Julian's parents have him augmented was made on the fly but imo its pretty obvious from early on that Julian has Family Issues because he avoids talking about his family like the plague and I think they should've incorporated this into the Julian and Sisko dynamic right from early on because I think it would've made for some really compelling stories and moments and could've set up a REALLY interesting Julian and Jake dynamic which they kinda started to do but never fully went for
#star trek: ds9#julian bashir#benjamin sisko#jake sisko#s1 Julian being so young and eager to prove himself and latching onto Sisko as this mentor figure to look up to#seeing Sisko with Jake and low-key seeking that fatherly figure connection which he won't even let himself think about#Sisko seeing this young brilliant doctor who's got all the makings to be something great and he's just GOTTA help him along#I think he would also catch on pretty quick that Julian's got Parental Issues#he tries to ask one day all casual like 'tell me about yourself :)' and Julian talks about nothing but Starfleet and med school#any attempts to ask about his family are met with awkward brief answers and redirections#and then theres the way Julian's eyes light up the first time Sisko invites him to watch a baseball game#like he Knows. he's a dad he Knows somethings up#but he doesnt pry#I also think it makes their dynamic more tragic towards the end of the series#where we have Sisko asking Julian to compromise his morals again and again#Julian's trust and respect for him gradually deteriorating#and then at the end of course Sisko is gone and they have no idea when he'll be back#which I think Julian would have a lot of complicated feelings about#but of course theres also Jake#I imagine they'd get closer#very brotherly dynamic#you know that scene in TNG where Wesley goes to Riker for girl advice and Riker and Guinan start flirting?#absolutely happens but with Jake asking Julian for girl advice and Julian wooing a girl at Quark's and Jake absolutely loses the plot#makes the events of ...Nor the Battle to the Strong more intense as well I think#also I like to think there'd be an episode where the B plot is Jake gets mad at Sisko and impulsively decides to move out#ends up at Julian's because he did not think this through#Julian is now very much caught in the middle of this family drama and he Fucking Hates It#also him and Jake are NOT compatible roommates but he's trying so so hard to be nice#eventually they have a talk and Julian cryptically hints at his own home life and tells Jake he's lucky he has a dad who cares so much#them being closer would work into what Alone Together sets up for them
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dustykneed · 11 months ago
Picture this; Bones holding Joanna, rocking her to sleep and the part in Beautiful Boy where it’s like “The monster's gone, He's on the run, And your daddy's here” is playing. :,)
Fatherhood gives you certain... skills. Coincidentally, this is also how Jim finds out that Bones sings.
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ask-saiki-and-friends · 1 year ago
Who's most likely to commit murder (Kuboyasu doesn't count) and who would that person want to help them hide the mess (you can't say Kuboyasu)?
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Saiki: I don’t think I’d want to visit the occult club for a while..
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itslilacokay · 7 months ago
cpuld i request a doodle of tco being happy...... they deserve it
helll yeah!! heres him with a dandelion
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2aceofspades · 1 year ago
Is it ok if I put a purple heart sticker on Donnie?
Also I love your art work so so much 💜💜💜. It's amazing what your wonderful hands can do. It's inspiring honestly.
Also this is my first ask ever on tumbler....
Of course!
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He's just a lil confused it seems...but I'm sure he'll appreciate the gesture once he comes around 👍
Also thank you so so much!! Awwee! I really appreciate it! 🙌✨
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 6 months ago
Thoughts about the Minecraft movie trailer?
Imagine if it had all been filmed inside of minecraft, SMP style. It would be so funny to see the most intense scene and on screen its just 🧍‍♀️🧍🏽‍♂️
The trailer is...... something. Not something good, but it definitely exists. What a timeline we live in.
Does anyone know what the like to dislike ratio looks like right now?
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alpha-leoniis · 1 year ago
self ship ask game for those who want to build/ talk about selfship/self insert lore
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👥 - is there a character from their source who isn't/wasn't originally an f/o but that has lore connections to your s/i? in other words, a (potential) f/o for lore reasons?
🗺️ - if your s/i is used for multiple f/os, how would all the timelines look if displayed together?
⏳ - do you have several timelines in your selfship? if so, describe them. alternatively, do you imagine your selfship in different stages of the relationship?
📖 - what is your s/i's backstory? how does it make them meet your f/o(s)?
💌 - any major changes in your selfship lore over time? if so, compare how it used to be with how it's now.
❤️ - any favourite reoccurring scenario?
💭 - are you more of a "has everything written down" self shipper or a "what happens in my daydreams STAYS in my daydreams" self shipper?
🗃️ - alternatively, do you have tons of s/i lore or just wing it on the spot?
⚔️ - au time! pick an au of your ship that you have thoughts for and talk about it. if you can't decide, pick it randomly.
🎫 - free pass! tell a fun self ship lore fact or just talk about anything of it that comes to mind.
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reblog karma is encouraged here! dividers by @/cafekitsune
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redemption-ruin-au · 4 months ago
Hey there, how you doing Ruin?
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"I've seen better days I'm afraid my dear, though much better now that I'm away from Nexus, if I do say so myself." (Even if it's just for a little bit....)
Helpers!: @gummysunnybear and @moony-buckets
Host: @astrofairy06
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fribbitz · 1 year ago
always excited to find another dirkjohn account im so normal about them (lying) ive made a playlist for them and every day im tempted to make another one they're such an interesting combination of like. guy who responds to all of his problems by being a control freak vs guy who responds to all of his problems by going "it is what it is" until it blows up in his face (this is the main blog for my hs sideblog rageknight btw)
I'm officially regarded as a Dirkjohn blog !! I need to bust out the champagne to celebrate or something.
The number one reason I'm a Dirkjohn fan is bc I'm a total sucker for the unstoppable force/immovable object trope and they are just so fun to rotate around in my mind like an apple (my only Homestuck playlist is a Davesprite one, but since I'm a major music nerd I've been considering a Dirkjohn one for ages)
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ask-yandere-sim · 1 year ago
Rojasu, other than your club members, do you have any other friends? Like, for example: How do you do with Himari or Geiju?
And Kokoro, rank your gyaru friends from best to worst.
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Rojasu: I don't like hanging with the dudes who always bring up my late or missing work.. Liikee dude! Relaaax
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Kokoro: I hate bullies.. I can't believe I became one! If I could, I'd rank all of us at last !
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jtl-fics · 1 year ago
Can I request a full fic? Thanks 😊
I kid, I kid, ilu. Ok can I request math nerd or pretty boy? Thanks friend!!!
WIP Wednesday 1-3-24 (Open) | Pretty Boy
Neil looks at him and Andrew can see the lack of comprehension on his face. He looks at Neil's face and he hovers his hand by Neil's cheek before Neil nods.
He touches the burn scar and he can't see it right now in the dark of the bus but he knows the small flecks of black that are there. His hand drifts up to the barely there scar and know that this one will likely be far rougher.
Abby will do her best to fix it but there will still be additional damage from Aaron's attempt.
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