#fingon x human reader
animatorweirdo · 2 years
Mermaid AU: Imagine meeting the house of Fingolfin
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Mermaid AU
(I hope this will be to your liking Sunnie and I hope this works as a little special for getting your blog finally out of shadowban)
Requested by @a-contemplation-upon-flowers​​
Warnings: mentions of past violence, hunting, some racial stuff, curious mers, drama, reader getting almost and once knocked down by a wave. 
It was a prominent rule for the merfolk never to approach the lands or humans. However, it did not stop some curious mers from coming to the surface, and coincidentally you just happened to be on the beach when certain members of the house of Fingolfin were swimming around.
-He was swimming around the shores with his siblings and cousins, playing a game where they would try to spot a human on the beach. It was a harmless game since humans rarely showed around on the lonely shore. 
-It was a bit disappointing since he always wanted to see and talk with a human despite all the stories and rumors he had heard as a youngling. He didn't believe all humans were evil and that there would be one human who would not wish to harm a mer. 
-So, when he suddenly spotted you picking some seashells on the beach, he was excited. 
-His siblings and cousins dived away when he pointed at you, leaving him confused and alone. Shrugging his shoulders, he decided to swim toward you. 
-Fingon quietly sneaked toward you, hiding behind rocks and observing you humming a song and picking up seashells. 
-He was fascinated as you looked and behaved nothing like a monster many described your kind to be. Your legs looked strange, and you looked happy when you found a seashell to your collection. 
-Tempted to talk to you. Fingon thought about approaching you, but before he could do anything, he got stopped by his younger brother. His brother tried to convince him to leave in a hushed tone while Fingon tried to calm him down and keep his voice down. 
-Without him knowing, you heard their voices from the rocks and decided to investigate. 
-Fingon shushed his brother and looked over the rocks to check on you, only to find you standing right in front of him. You stared at each other for a moment, making him nervous, but then you smiled and greeted him with a friendly hello. 
-He was encouraged by your friendly nature, and you two began talking. 
-He did not know you thought he was just another human until he jumped from the rocks to get closer to you, and you saw his tail. He froze when you stared at his lower half with surprise, but then you began to marvel at his blue scales and fins, calling them beautiful. 
-You excitedly asked questions, and Fingon felt delighted despite feeling embarrassed when you kept touching his tail and fins. 
-You quickly became friends, and he helped you find more seashells by diving them from the seafloor. 
-When he asked why you did not seem bothered that he was a mer, you told him your parents raised you to be respectful toward everyone, even those who are a bit more unique and strange. 
-You also grew up with your grandmother's stories about meeting a mer before, so you were excited to know his kind truly existed. 
-His siblings thought he was mad for talking to you, and he got an earful from his parents when he returned home, and they found out what happened. They grounded him for a week. 
-However, Fingon could not help but come to the beach more often, especially when you were waiting for him. He suspected he would get grounded, so you didn’t mind that you had to wait a week to see him again. 
-You two would tell stories and jokes about your kin. Fingon especially liked listening to all the rumors humans had about his people. 
-You sometimes brought him sweets and fruits from the land since he was interested in trying human food, and he became addicted to the sweets and fruits. He especially liked watermelons, and you made a habit of bringing watermelons whenever you visited him. 
-He was not fond of tart things like lemons and star fruits. They reminded him of the sour oyster soup he hated as a child. 
-He enjoyed spending time with you, and as your friendship grew, he brought you a golden ribbon since you liked them and how beautifully they decorated his dark hair. It was your sign of friendship and no matter what, Fingon would always value you as a friend. 
-Turgon preferred to follow the rules, so he didn’t swim around the beach very often. He would keep his distance and not even think about approaching the shores unless he had to babysit his siblings and keep them out of trouble. 
-He believed that humans were nothing but trouble. If that wasn't true, why would his father and all the elders keep telling that to him and all the other younger mers? 
-He would not even think about talking to a human. 
-One day, he was on babysitting duty, and one of his younger siblings was playing around too close to the rocky shores. He tried to scold them, only to get himself lost in the rocks. 
-He was frustrated by his predicament, loudly rambling and complaining about his situation as he then decided to sit on the rock to bathe in the sun for a moment. He was unaware his rambling had caught your attention. 
-You were curious when you heard someone talk since no one else visited the beach but you for your knowledge. You walked to the rocks to investigate and found a merman sitting on a rock.
-He was muttering something under his breath while you observed him, and when the muttering stopped, he turned to look at you. You stared at each other for a moment before he shrieked and swooped his tail hard to splash you with water.
-You got hit by the wave, and you stood there shocked and soaked with water while the merman silently stared at you. You then called him rude. 
-Turgon was mildly panicking. He thought some of the stories of your kind were exaggerations, but he didn’t think of them as a joke. He picked one of the seashells you dropped and threatened to hit you with it like it was some sort of weapon. 
-You tried to calm him down and explain you meant no harm. 
-Turgon was not willing to believe you, but since you looked harmless, he toned down his voice but kept his distance. 
-You two began to talk, and he asked odd questions like why you did not have razor teeth or green skin like some elders said your kind to have. It made you laugh when you asked why he believed that. 
-You decided to tease him by telling how some humans saw the merfolk as vicious sirens who lured innocent sailors away. Turgon was offended by that, so he lectured you, resulting in some small banter between you two. 
-You bantered mers being more dangerous than humans, while Turgon did the opposite. 
-Turgon felt frustrated with you, but he was relieved that you were not aggressive or vicious like how the stories made you out to be. 
-He was still weary of you, but he thanked you when you guided him out of that rock maze, and he disappeared beneath the sea. 
-He tried to forget the whole thing, but he only got more questions about your kind and sometimes went to the shore to see if you were there. 
-When you saw him again, you welcomed him with a smile and conversed with him. 
-He learned more about humans from you, and his views on them being troublesome creatures changed just a little thanks to you.
-Turgon did not like to admit it, but he was getting comfortable with you. 
-He tried to visit you just a bit, and sometimes you brought him human items and food for him to try. 
-He wasn’t planning to eat anything, but when you pestered him, he decided to try and see if some of them were so amazing like you said. Some of them tasted plan, but he grew to like tea and the almond biscuits.
-He grew to like your company, even if you irritated him, but he was afraid to consider you a friend because of the rules of his kin. 
-He did not know how his family and people would react if they found out that he had befriended a human, so he tried to see you little as possible and visit you for only educational purposes.
-He tried to limit his visits, so he would not get attached to seeing you because – Turgon knew deep down in his heart he cared about you like a friend, and it would break his heart to see you hurt if he suddenly stopped visiting you. 
-So, he tried to enjoy it while he still could. 
- Aredhel has always been curious about humans and never understood why she couldn’t interact with them. Of course, there were stories of how they used to attack merfolk and take their scales and tails, but those times were hundreds of years ago, so things should be different. 
-She understood the rules, but she has always been a rebel. So one day, when she was hanging out with her cousin, she spotted you picking some seashells on the beach, and her mischievous nature tempted her to sneak up on you and try to scare the living soul out of you. 
-It was troublesome to get closer to you, so she caught your attention and lured you toward the rocks where she was hiding, and when you were close enough, that’s when she made her attack. 
-You screamed when you felt someone grab on your ankle, so out of flight instinct, you dropped your seashells and kicked the perpetrator’s face. 
-Aredhel groaned when your foot made contact with her face, and she came out of her hiding spot with a swelling nose. You got angry and started angrily scolding her while trying to ease the bleeding from her nose. 
-Aredhel was snapping back at you as you sounded like her parents until she remembered you were a human, and her tail was out for your view, yet you didn’t scream or do anything like the elder mers once told her how humans would react to a mer. 
-You were pretty annoyed and agitated at that moment because all you wanted to do was pick some seashells and have a peaceful day, so when she asked about your reaction to her fishy tail. You told her you didn’t give a damn about her being a mermaid. 
-You got her interest, so she tried to make you stay and talk with her more as you tried to leave. 
-She nagged you so much that you snapped at her and asked if she would stop talking if you came to see her tomorrow. 
-It made Aredhel excited, so when she went home and spent the night. She left upon the first light of dawn and waited for you at the beach. 
-You didn’t plan to see her again. However, you didn’t like breaking promises, so you sucked in your pride and returned to the beach where she was waiting. 
-Aredhel was excited to see you again and wanted to play games with you. You first refused to enter the water, but then she pulled you in, and you got soaked from head to toe. It made you pissed, but since you got soaked – you decided to hold it in and play whatever she wanted. 
-Playing games with her was fun for a while, and then you began sharing some stories about your people, and Aredhel made you answer some old questions about humans and their habits. 
-You thought her questions were weird, but you answered and brought some stuff from the land for her to see and try. 
-Aredhel fell in love with the sour sweets and brought you some old human artifacts from her cousins’ old hideout so you could identify them and tell her what they do since not many in her home knew what they were. 
-You didn’t want to admit it, but spending time with her was starting to get fun, and you enjoyed telling her what each item did when she brought them for you to see. It was like educating an excited child. 
-You still thought she was annoying, but when she brought seals to the surface, and they were friendly, your thoughts about her being annoying vanished. 
 -You were excited to pet the seals, and their black googly eyes made you weak from the knees. They were like overgrown sea puppies, and it made you chuckle when Aredhel told you they were like their version of a hunting hound. 
-You started to see each other more often. You sometimes brought Aredhel some food and stuff to see, and she brought you some items from her home. 
-But sometimes, she liked to brag and bring her hunting trophies for you to see, and you had gotten several heart attacks when she suddenly picked up a giant squid or a shark from the water with her two bare hands. 
-You were impressed but found it quickly annoying. 
-She was no ordinary little mermaid, that’s for sure. 
-Argon has always been wary of humans. The stories about humans hunting his kind and taking their scales always made his skin crawl, even if it was an exaggeration to keep young mers in check. 
-Following Turgon's example, he avoided the land and anything related to the surface world. 
-So, when he and his siblings were swimming around the shore. He was anxious to go home since he didn’t like to spend much time near the human beach. 
-After playing hide and seek, his tail suddenly got caught in old fishing nets. 
-He went into a panic, trashing and trying to call out for his siblings, but his call ended up gaining someone else's attention, yours.
-You were picking some seashells until you were startled by someone’s calls for help. They were coming from the rocks, so you thought someone got injured, and like a decent person, you dropped everything and went to investigate, intending to help whoever was in trouble. 
- However, you did not expect to find a boy with a tail of a fish caught in old fishing nets. 
-Argon panicked when he saw you and your legs. He began to pull harder and hiss at you threateningly. You tried to calm him down since his trashing caused the nets to make cuts on his tail and lose a few scales. 
-You were taken back when he spoke to you in a threatening tone, but you did not mind and tried to convince him to let you untie him. 
-Argon was hesitant, but since he did not know any other way to get free without injuring himself. He let you approach him with a strict warning. You tried to comply and carefully started untying his tail from the nets. 
-Argon felt uncomfortable and weary as you used your fingers to open the knots and pull the threads away. 
-When you finally got the last of the nets off his tail. Argon didn't waste time and quickly swam away. You were happy and sad for a moment since the encounter was short-lived, but you hoped he would return safely to his home. 
-Argon’s siblings embraced him when they finally found him. They then panicked when they noticed the cuts on his tail and tried to coerce him to tell them what happened. 
-Argon didn’t want to get into trouble, so he told them he was clumsy and got stuck in some nets, leaving you out of the truth. 
-They were glad he was alright and finally decided to go home with him. 
-However, the encounter did not leave his mind, and he thought about how calm and gentle you were with him. You were nothing like how he imagined humans to be, and he was intrigued even though he did not want to admit it. 
-He sometimes came to the shore to see if you were there and when he saw you again. He decided to approach you. 
-You were startled when you saw him, but you quickly smiled and greeted him. Argon felt reluctant for a moment, but he mustered the courage to return your greeting. 
-You asked about his well-being and tail, and he felt courageous enough to tell you that his tail had healed from the cuts and decided to ask you some questions. 
-You were calm with him and answered his questions even if they were odd. 
-You asked questions about his people to keep it fair and when Argon felt comfortable enough with you. You two ended up talking throughout the day. 
-Argon enjoyed talking to you even though he most likely shouldn't have because you were a human, and it was forbidden for mers to interact with humans. He shouldn’t even be there. 
-You introduced him to human items and foods, and he grew to like the fruits and berries you brought from the forest. Apples and pomegranates being his favorite so far. 
-He thought about returning the favor and bringing some sweets and foods from his home, which turned out to be too sweet or sour for you. You tasted a little cake but had to spit it out immediately because it was salty as the sea. 
-Argon felt terrible about it, but you quickly brushed it off with a smile. It seemed the merfolk food tasted stronger than human food. 
-He started seeing you more often, and you would always wait at the same shore with a smile. 
-You sometimes go swimming together, and Argon enjoys bringing you to see some dolphin pods, which sometimes end up in playtime with them. 
-Argon knew he shouldn’t do this, but he couldn’t help it because he grew to like your company. It was thanks to you his views on humans had changed. 
-He was still weary of them when you told him some people were nasty by heart and would do anything for wealth and power. But he now believed there were good humans too. 
-Fingolfin was a stickler for the rules, so Turgon most likely got that from him. 
-He felt weary about the humans and the surface world. He heard all the stories about how they used to hunt his kin thousands of years ago and how the surface world was full of strange creatures. And because of all those stories, he preferred to stay away from the shores. 
-However, there were those times when he had to break the rules, and this time it happened on the shores. 
-He was with Feanor, who had an odd habit of coming to the shore to think and sketch his new inventions and ideas for jewelry. 
-He always felt uncomfortable watching the lands from the rocks, waiting for a human or something else to happen, so he tried to convince Feanor to come back with him. However, since his brother was stubborn as a shark, the two ended up in a  banter that attracted someone’s attention. 
-You were startled when you heard the two argue. It was loud and like something you would usually hear from two arguing siblings. 
-You thought about leaving them alone since they were probably just two brothers having a banter, but when you heard them from the rocks and odd splashing sounds, you got curious and a little concerned. People usually avoid the rocky parts of the shore due to the currents and waves, so you decided to check if the two brothers were alright. 
-Feanor and Fingolfin froze when they heard someone call out to them from the land. Feanor took a quick look, then dropped down, telling Fingolfin it was a human. Fingolfin panicked when he saw a frightened look on Feanor’s face. 
-The younger mer asked what they should do, and Feanor snapped at him while trying to be silent, which led to another banter between them. 
-When you got closer and called out to them again, the banter stopped. 
-When you asked if anything was alright, you heard one of them answering and telling you everything was well. 
-Fingolfin was silently panicking as he watched Feanor answering your calls and questions while the two hid behind the rocks. Interacting with humans was forbidden, and here – they were, talking to one. Their father was not going to be pleased about this. 
-Feanor managed to assure you everything was well, and you decided to leave after making sure there was no emergency. You told them to be careful and call you if there was something since you were picking seashells on the beach. 
-Fingolfin was marveled by Feanor’s coercion skills and anxious since you were not leaving the shore, so there was still a high risk of being seen. It was only by luck you thought they were humans and didn’t see their tails. 
-Fingolfin tried to convince Feanor to leave, and he cursed under his breath when Feanor wanted to observe you like a rare fish. 
-Feanor was quickly irritated by him, and the two snapped at each other while trying to be quiet, which did not work since you could hear them. 
-You were confused when they talked about you like you were some rare animal, and you felt like something was not right, so you decided to investigate and silently sneak up on them. 
-You were silent and careful when you sneaked behind the rocks. You used their banter to your advantage, and when you finally found them, you were stunned. You had never thought you would see a real merman, so you stared with shock as the two mers argued about leaving and observing. 
-Fingolfin had no idea you already saw them till Feanor went quiet and stared at something behind him. When he turned, you three began awkwardly staring at each other. You were still trying to comprehend the realness of the situation, but when they saw you, it became an awkward silence. 
-” Ummm…hi,” You waved. 
-Fingolfin shrieked and swept his tail to splash you hard with water, and he succeeded as the force of the wave knocked you off the rocks. You yelped as the water hit you, and you dropped your seashells. 
-When it was silent after your fall, Fingolfin and Feanor decided to check on you and found you knocked out on a rock, your seashells all around you. You were soaked, and it looked like sea stars were spinning above your head. 
-Feanor then congratulated and told Fingolfin he killed you. 
-Fingolfin could only groan at the remarks and asked what they should do since you were unconscious and it would be wrong to leave you alone on the rocks.
-Feanor suggested he should probably wait till you woke up, then proceeded to leave Fingolfin alone with you. 
-Fingolfin cursed his half-brother when he suddenly got left alone with you. There was no doubt Feanor would tell their father and get him into trouble for breaking the rules. He could follow him and prevent it from happening, but he would leave you alone with possible dangers. 
-He thought it was immoral to leave you, especially when you were unconscious and possibly injured by his mistake. Not to mention all the predators that could take the chance to eat you if he left you alone. 
-He decided to go against all the rules and wait till you woke up, and it took some time before you finally woke up. 
-You woke up with a terrible headache, and your seashells scattered all around you. You were confused and almost forgot what happened till you saw Fingolfin, and he explained what happened to you. 
-You thanked him for watching over you and tried to have a small talk with him, but he was already leaving after apologizing to you for what happened. 
-You were persistent in talking to him since you were excited and tried to make him stay a bit longer, which confused and unnerved him. 
-However, when you spoke about some rumors and myths about the merfolk. It got Fingolfin’s attention, and he decided to ask about them. 
-When he heard preposterous rumors and ideas about the merfolk, he was a little offended by some of the assumptions and decided to educate you on what was true and what was not. 
-You listened as he told you about his kin, and time began to pass since he got caught up listening to you when you talked about your kin and confirmed rumors some mers had about humans. 
-He was surprised at how pleasant it was to talk with you and how similar some humans were with merfolk. He was relieved when you told them the stories about humans hunting merfolk and scales were old stories of the past, and nowadays, humans don’t believe merfolks exist, so it was relatively safe. 
-Fingolfin then panicked when he saw the sundown and realized he had overstayed. 
-He quickly dived back into the water and bid you farewell, but when you asked if you would ever see him again – he hesitated. It was rather fun talking with you, and his views on humans had changed thanks to you, but there was still that feeling he should not interact with you. 
-The rules were rules, and it was probably only for the best. 
-When he told you his reasons, you nodded with understanding and thanked him for the experience of meeting him. You promised you’ll say nothing about him or his kin to other humans, not that anyone would believe you. 
-You would have liked listening to him more about his kin, but if it was for the best, you do not talk to each other– you’ll not push it. 
-Fingolfin was glad and trusted your words. You bid goodbye, and he returned to his home in Tirion. 
-He got into trouble as anticipated, but after telling his father what happened and how he only stayed behind to make sure you were alright. His father was lenient enough to understand and let him go with only a warning, which displeased Feanor. 
-Fingolfin couldn't forget about you for some time. You were curious and kind, unlike other humans and those he had conjured in his mind. You felt safe to be around, so he felt a bit disappointed by the rules for the first time in his life. 
-He will be forever grateful to you because after talking with you, he was proud to say he knew more about humans than Feanor did because Feanor only knew what books and other mers told him. His dear half-older brother wanted to know what happened and what you told him, so he kept his mouth shut, and Feanor was left frustrated. It was enjoyment Fingolfin had not felt in a long time. 
-However, like his brother. He would have liked to know more about humans from you.
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lamemaster · 8 months
The Soulless One (Part 1)
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Request: Hi 🌷 How are you? Can I request the female human reader, who died in a battle fighting. Being reborn as an elf in Valinor and Maedhros falling in love with her again?
Pairing: Maedhros x Reader
Genre: Angst🤌 and drama🦐 and SOULMATES✨ (And they were soulmates)
Summary: Giving away your soul for a bloody battle? Pfft, you were fucking in for good.
AN: Heyyy sorry for being late but I just love your ask. This was in my brain cooking for months so here is my two-part apology for being late. (Is the reader pick me? Lmk)
Part 2 |
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"Then you can have mine," and just like nothing, the Edain offered her soul. "Whatever parts of you they have stolen, you can lend from me. They aren't flawless like you elven folk, but they've lasted me decades." Your smile was easy and light, unlike your words.
Maglor almost wanted to jump out of the window but his brother's room was too high up to do that without losing a limb and as a matter of fact, the Feanorians are not fond of losing limbs until absolutely necessary.
"You speak of your soul like it matters not a bit," Maedhros huffed shuffling his blankets seemingly unbothered by you a great feat.
"We men may possess weak body but undermine not the strength of our souls." The glimmer of pride in your voice is the only indication of the position that you hold over the rest in the room.
"You..." Words feel awkward on Maedhros' tongue. "You can't just...offer your soul." A raised eyebrow and amused smirk is not the response that Maedhros honestly expected.
Much to everyone present's surprise you rest your feet on his bed leaning back in your chair, "Can't you like do some elven magic or shit," you shrug as if absorbing mannish souls were to be a polite elven practice.
Celegorm scoffed ready to snivel into the conversation before Maedhros delivered him a glare that very much declared to not fuck up the alliance with men.
Fingon, on the other hand, seemed to be possessed by untamable laughter. "Much to our sorrow, there isn't a way to lend souls general." Rolling your eyes, you look up into the sky with a frustrated frown on your forehead. "Let me share my fucking soul so we can fucking fight the damned bane of my people." You challenge the gods themselves.
And the weird assortment of the elven party gathered would have snickered at your antics if not for the miraculous thunder strike that the gods seem to have sent for you.
The next moment, Maedhros clutched his chest as the broken fragments of his soul were pulled together by a force that seemed to glue them together like a completed puzzle.
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"Someone more refined perhaps," the damn elf smirks even as you glare at him. "Someone who restrains from cursing after every other word," he continues with his long list of demands.
"Enchanting eyes, long braided hair, a beauty mark or two placed by their lips, elegant nose, supple lips-"
"Well you might have to fuck yourself then my lord," you interrupt his merry list.
Maedhros chuckles, much to your growing annoyance. "You are right general. After all, I was once the well-formed one once, not much of it now but do not mind my requisites in a spouse."
None of his words sting more than the echoing past tense of his last sentence. "You still are well-formed lord." Your cheeks burn with heat and it is foolish to feel such fervor for mere words. Forcing your eyes to focus on the looming willow swaying in the afternoon heat you muster the courage to spew the words that seem to rush from the crevices of your heart to your lips. "I may not be the one from your long list of wants but you still are yourself. You, to me, are the most radiant one."
Your heart beats louder than it has ever done. Louder than the aftermath of a bloody battle. You contemplate fleeing the scene of this overtly emotional moment before Maedhros scoffs. "What would an unkempt one like you know of radiance." His words are sharp, even in his praise he spares no comfort to you.
It is better than the coying sweetness of his kindness that you have dreamt of. The harshness of his words makes it easier to let go of shame and hold on to him. "Indeed what would a woman blinded by eldest Feanorian know of my lord," had it been any other to mock you with such words, you would have toppled his head from his body but in front of the elf, who has conquered your soul, your words and actions have mellowed into mere longing. "As for all your extensive criteria," you step closer to him, and despite the subtlety of his sharp breath, you notice it, "I will make sure to satisfy you in the next lifetime."
If this was what sharing your soul meant, then you would have done it sooner. You would have given it to him at first glance.
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Maedhros, a ten centuries old elder finds him in quite a predicament. The unruly general by his side was anything but of his preference.
You were brutish. Your hair was a tangled mess on a good day or a bunched-up botched hair bun on worse ones. Your face and body were full of scars. Your laughter was the most un-lady-like thing full of snorts.
He, the eldest Feanorian, was not made for anything less than perfect. Even in his fall, his existence and his fate were destined to be beyond you.
It had to be an effect of sharing your soul, perhaps. Maedhros read countless texts. He even scoured his father's works on fea and hroa all his research to retrieve Miriel's soul.
There had to be something wrong with him to find all wrong with you to be everything right.
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You've been to countless battlefields. Stepped over broken bodies without much of a look back. It had been a challenge to the entire court of your father's kingdom. You were a soldier before a princess.
Yet, today, it feels different. You are aware of the brittle soul trapped in your body. You knew you were fucked the second you realized how little was left of it. The moment you poured your very essence into the elven lord.
Your mortal bones have never felt lighter. With the first steps on the battlefield, you know it is your last. The General from Rhun is destined to die on this very battlefield.
But you mask it well. You grip your sword tight in your hands and steal a last glance at the lord who holds the rest of your soul.
A fraction of the second that you manage to steal feels longer than decades of existence. You knew you would die for the eldest Feanorian. Looking back at your men, you speak words of courage and valor.
"We fight for the Earth that feeds us, for the rivers that water our crops, and the winds that soothe summers. We fight to one day free our land of its curse." Your men roar back at your words. Their eyes filled with brimming passion but also acceptance.
Every single soldier on that field was aware of their end. Ulfang had long shown his true colors. Easterlings, as others called your people, were now the enemy.
The entire alliance saw you as nothing more than a thorn in their grand plans. Meager rations, little to no water, rusted weapons, the worst had befallen whatever had left of the forces of the East.
Maedhros was too far gone to even allow an audience. This battlefield would be the end of the last host to Edain from the East. Your sacrifice wouldn't be enough to repair the loss of elven lives on the first few days of battle.
But it would perhaps be the ignition of valor for a generation far into the years of the world.
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Maedhros despises you. More than Easterlings, more than Ulfang whom you once treated as a brother or even the botched form of orcs.
He hates you for your crude humor, your smug smiles, your nasty temper, your ceaseless shameless flirting, he hates the way you give away all of yourself without blinking an eye, how you smile maniacally surrounded by a towering group of enemies, they way your soul hold the fragments of his soul together. The worst is that you bear every unfair mistreatment thrown your way without an ounce of complaint.
The sunken look of circles under your eyes and the hollow of your cheeks was enough to know how poorly the entire camp had treated the remaining Haradrim. Moldy food, uneven sleeping grounds, even the spear in your hand were made out of brittle splintering wood that trembled at the smallest impact.
He knows of his cruelty to you. He also knows of your soft thanks to his guard, who informs you of another rejected audience.
And when you walk away from his tent, he can see the heavy burden on your shoulders that seem to slump under the burden you carry.
But on the battlefield, he sees another version of you. Through stolen glimpses at the farthest corner of the battlefield, he sees you.
Your armor is dented. A new wound bleeds heavily from your back. Your eyes are wide open untouched by the sweat that drips down from your brow to the tip of your nose. Your sweat mixes with the dark blood splattered on your face.
However, most eire is the wide grin on your lips. He feels a thrum of uncontained joy in the parts of your soul. No...it wasn't joy but eagerness. Excitement for what was to come. Death.
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5 arrows, 2 sword wounds, and an array of petal-like bruises blooming all over your body. In the dark of night, he does not struggle to find you as a mortal would have.
Littered amongst the unclaimed bodies of your kin, the forces of Ulfang had left rotting lay you.
No smile greets Maedhros this time. None of your clever words or even an appreciative whistle that was your routine after checking him out. It is awfully quiet.
"I had expected you to betray me. To leave the alliance that promised you nothing," his arms wrap around your cold body, pulling your head into his lap. "Even till the end of it, I could not trust you. Only in your absence have I come to yearn you," he snaps the arrows sticking out of your torso.
His thumbs wipe off his own tears as they fall and slide off your face. "I miss you dearly. I have missed you dearly for all the time we have been apart." He pulls you closer to his heart, where your soul and his rests.
"Your soul that joins mine together like glue seems to be searching for its half. Even without my will, I end up looking for you. The thrumming anticipation in your blood today... I felt it. And for a moment, I had wanted to fall next to you."
Maedhros imagines your snarky remarks to his emotional words, but none of them feel right. How would you have reacted to his confession? He chuckles, imagining an overbearing look of ill-concealed pride. "I wasn't kind to you. I took your soul. Never once treated you the way my heart desired to. I never once told you how much your very presence fills me with love." All the moments of your time with him play before his eyes. Staring into the stars, he continues.
"I another lifetime...you must find me." He whispers into the tight embrace. "Find me in the form you have promised me. And then I will allow myself to love you...please," he begged.
"I will await you, with your soul and mine."
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eunoiaastralwings · 1 year
Can I get headcanons on how elves flirt in general or court someone they have a crush on? I'm assuming it's not like how humans do, since they are wise and fairer than most other races. 💘
How Elves Crush/Flirt or Being in Love ft. my original characters
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pairing elves x reader (separate)
a/n I put many elves as I possibly could - added my ocs too (in italics). I may have changed it up a little - sorry it just flowed. As always I love for you @theladyvanya for helping me out with characters I haven’t written before
HOPELESS ROMANTICS: Sings songs or dedicates poetry or make handcrafted ornaments or trinkets to win you over - something made their with love and admiration for you. Sometimes stumbles when speaking to you. Showers you with compliments daily - although nervous. Brings flowers or handcrafted delicate hair clip pieces. Hair is important to very elf - but they would make it romantic, if even gifting giving is not your style. They makes things special and mark every little occasion and make it romantic. Basically they show their love to through gifts.
Maglor, Finrod, Nerdanel, Celebrian, Arwen, Galadriel, Celeborn, Fingon, Idril, Ecthelion, Míriel, Aredhel, Pre-Oath Maedhros, Fingolfin, Finarfin, Glorfindel, Lúthien, Beleg, Dior Lúthriel, Cóloniélë
THE OBLIVOUSLY OBVIOUS TO GIFT GIVERS: They are really head over heels in love without you - they are usually very stubborn act stern around most. But the moment you walk through that door, it like you ground them - suddenly whatever stress, frustration or anger they felt melted away with the site of you. They think they are being completely oblivious - but the stares and the visually relaxing of their stress-filled bodies, or how they speak to with the utmost care trying to throw in a few nice words here or there, that speaks volumes to others. They do not know show to show proper affection - or it would take time to learn so instead they showers you with gifts once they have come to terms with their feelings - once the gifts come in they will not stop until you tell them it is too much xD
Caranthir, Erestor, Thranduil, Feanor, Haldir, Feanor, Curufin, Argon, Post-Angband Maedhros, Ixalië
HELPLESSY AND HOPELESSY IN LOVE IDIOTS: The cannot make one sentence out correctly to their crush. They try to be discreet but it never goes as plans - easily when other elves easily point it out. They are blushing mess trying to speak with you. Sometimes they try the way of becoming your secret admirer - trying to build up their courageous through sweet little notes it trinkets, before they try and confess to you. They will stumble and fall over their words - embarrassed and flustered - they might try and make a run for it but hold on to them please.
Lindir, Maeglin, Caranthir, Finarfin, Penlod, Amrod, Amras, Beleg, Cala, Lúthriel
THE CONFIDENT ONES: They can be real flirts - yes the smirking, winking, innuendo jokes and all. They are not ashamed or embarrassed to flirt with you - but rather confident in their feeling of wanting to make you theirs. They try and snatch you up fast too as they are afraid of others trying to whisk you away - the faster your heart belongs to them the better. They will make it very obvious they are interest in you so - except lots of PDA when trying to flirt with you, especially when you fall hard and fast.
Celegorm, Egalmoth, Elladan, Elrohir, Amrod, Amras, Glorfindel, Rog, Angrod, Valinor!Quildalótien
AFRAID TO FALL IN LOVE AGAIN: They are truly and utterly in love with you - but they are afraid of the feeling of love or falling in love again. Especially if you are a mortal - they either cannot give up their immortality and watch you pass away or gain mortality and leave behind their family - but if they are from a high rank family or already have children unfortunately they would need to choose the former and it the hardest choice they ever had to make. They are afraid of getting their heartbroken again - please cherish and love them for as long as you can. While crushing on you - they are very overprotective of you and thats how you will know - perhaps an argument breaks out where they have been bottling it all up. They need to know where you are all times to keep themselves sane too. Their overprotectiveness speaks for their lover for you. They are also afraid to put you in danger by being involved romantically with them.
Turgon, Caranthir, Elrond, Haldir, Nerdanel, Amrod, Celebrimbor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Post-Angband Maedhros, Ecthelion, Míriel, Dior, Beleg, Argon, Aegnor, Middle Earth!Quildalótien, Cóloniélë, Cala
Taglist form
tara's taglist: @wandererindreams @fizzyxcustard @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @asianbutnotjapanese @floraroselaughter @mismaeve
silm taglist: @doodle-pops
Imladris taglist: @queenstarlight2
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doodle-pops · 2 years
List of Requests
I am incredibly ecstatic to work with this group of requests and elated that this was the most diverse set of ideas I've ever got. Thank you all for requesting!!! :) Also, everyone who sent in a request was accepted so cheers to you guys 💕💕
Headcanons (15)
Caranthir having a twin sister - anon
Married Life with Ecthelion - anon
Ecthelion celebrating different special occasions with his s/o - anon
Kissing Fingon - @edensrose
Fingon SFW Relationship Alphabet - @rain-on-my-umbrella
Marriage to Celebrimbor - anon
Maedhros having a daughter - anon
Glorfindel with s/o who has a legendary sword - anon
Feanor having a scientist s/o - anon
Glorfindel with a s/o who dances - @the-phantom-of-arda
Irmo having a s/o with rainbow eyes (mood changer) - anon
Erestor's ideal date - anon
Thingol spoiling reader - @elentarial
Egalmoth SFW Relationship Alphabet - anon
General headcanons on Egalmoth - anon
Fics (17)
Celegorm x reader - anon (body dysmorphia)
Ecthelion x human! reader - anon
Luthien x platonic! reader - anon
Elladan x reader - @snowsoothsayer
Erestor x human! reader - anon
Erestor x reader - anon
Finrod x reader - anon
Maglor x reader - anon
Beleg x Easterling! reader - @floraroselaughter
Argon x reader - anon
Glorfindel x reader x Elrohir (poly!) - @dicksoutformtl
Finarfin x human! reader - @noldorinpainter
Maeglin x reader - anon
Elladan x reader - anon
Beleg x human! reader - @mcwentfandomtraveling
Egalmoth x reader - anon
Maedhros x reader - anon (domestic abuse survivor)
Headcanon or Fic (I'm still not sure which to place them under) (2)
Eönwë with an architect reader - anon
Manwë discovers his s/o has lightning strike scars - anon
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batsyforyou · 3 months
Thank you for the tag @a-world-of-whimsy-5 and @ruiniel !
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have a long list so I cut it down by a lot a lot lol.
Lunch with Glorfindel would include . . . 
Lunch with Elrond would include . . .
Dynamic between Bjorn and Thomas. If I do another x reader I might make the Y/n of this story an oc so the Y/n of the new story can exist. And I was thinking about Fingon and Caranthir and maybe Maglor
Taking the elves to therapy would be like . . . 
Taking Feanor to therapy would be like . . . (Family therapy gone horribly wrong) 
Biting and nibbling on the elves would include . . .
Crawling into the tunic and shirts of the elves would include . . . (could also work as being overwhelmed)  
Crack Into the Other World Maedhros x reader  
Eonwe the bird (as a bird) undercover work working as a human 
Relationship headcanons for Celebrimbor 
Elves and balloons 
Being clingy and really affectionate with the Elves
Brushing Legolas’s hair would include …  
Distracting Caranthir 
…Elves Cuddle? Gildor x fem reader 
Headcanons about making ear covers or mittens for the elves because the reader is concerned that their ears might hurt/get too cold/fall off.
0 notes
tolkien-fics · 4 years
Let Down Your Hair 2/2
Word Count: 1,173
Pairing: Fingon x Human! Reader
Trigger Warnings: Violence, death, abuse
Plot: Based on the fairy tale Rapunzel. Part 2/2.
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The next morning, you was awake at sunrise to prepare Gothel’s breakfast and to bid her farewell, lowering your long hair over the open window so she could slide down it.
“Remember your chores!” She called up to you, leaving on a horse.
How could you forget? When you was sure she had left, you picked up your hairbrush and began to comb through your hair, singing a sweet song you made up on the spot.
Fingon was riding through the forest alone, sword at his sword. At this moment in time, he was a prince of the Nolder. He heard your singing and followed the sweet voice, until he came to face a high castle.
The prince thought it strange that the castle had no doors or guards. Only an open window, which he saw the figure of you brushing your hair.
“Fair Lady!” You heard a male voice call up to you. In shock, you stumbled to your feet, looking down to see who it was. You instantly became defensive, should Gothel return.
“You are not allowed to be here! Be gone! Quick!” You shouted down to the Ellon, who from above you mistaken for a mortal man.
“Is that a way to speak to the prince of the Nolder?” Fingon called, more of an amused tone than angry. He chuckled,
“How can you come down, my lady? I wish to see the beauty in person. I believe you’re voice shows only half of your brilliance.”
You bit your lip. “I-I can’t. There is no way I can get out.”
“Then I shall come to you!” Fingon steppes off his horse, wondering how he was going to fulfil that.
“Hold on!” You gathered your hair and let it flow out of the window. The elf prince climbed up, joining you in your chamber.
You both conversed about life, how you were both raised and what went on in day to day life. You explained how you were locked away in this tower: Never to feel the earth beneath your feet, or the wind blow in your face.
“So your mother keeps you here, correct?” Fingon asked with a frown.
You sighed and shrugged your shoulders. “I am not sure if she is even my mother.”
There was a pause of silence. The sun was passing over, signalling midday.
“You must go.” You stated, letting your hair fall over the window. “She will soon return.”
With a nod, Fingon rose from his seat and made his way to you. “Until we meet again, my lady. I will return tomorrow.”
He brought your hand to his lips and placed a chaste kiss to the back of it. One last smile and he was sliding down your hair.
Fingon returned everyday at the same time when you was certain Gothel was gone. This had been going on for a month. When you wasn’t talking to each other, you were both singing. He taught you a new song, and you taught him embroidery. All was going well, and you felt you was falling for him. And he for you.
“Y/n! Let down your hair!” Gothel’s sour voice called from below. You let your hair down immediately, grunting at the painful tugging.
“Oh Mother Gothel!” You began. “You are much too forceful on my hair than Prince Fingon!”
You froze. Did you really just say that?
Gothel entered your chambers, glaring at you.
“What was that, girl? Is this the repayment I get after taking care of you all these years?!”
You trembled. “Mother Gothel, I apologise.”
Smack! You was down, holding one side of your face. The burning pain made your eyes water, coupled with the coldness of her hand.
“You have betrayed me!” She concluded, narrowing her eyes at you. She knelt down to you, grabbing your face in her hand.
“How long have you been seeing him? Answer me, child!”
“A month.” You admitted, biting her quivering lip.
Gothel hummed, “We will soon sort this out. Get up!”
The witch grabbed your arm and dragged you to the bed, sitting you down in front of the bed post. With some robe, she tied you there. She made sure you couldn’t easily escape.
Then with a dagger, she cut your hair. There was nothing you could do but let the tears fall, feeling like you lost something important. There she left you, your h/c hair surrounding your feet.
It was the evening but it felt like days had passed. You hadn’t fallen asleep yet, still in shock with what happened. Just as you felt your eyes begin to close against your will, a voice called up to you.
“Y/n! Let down your hair! You need not be in this tower again!” Fingon called. He had come on horses with the elven guard railing behind him, willing to put up a fight should it come to that.
“I-I can’t!” You replied. “She cut my hair!”
“Now she will kill you.” Gothel’s voice came from your door, grinning at you mercilessly. “Did you think I would let you betray me again?!”
Fingon’s body froze as he heard you let out a blood curdling scream. He felt like the world came crashing down on top of him.
Then the anger came. Emotion flashed in his eyes as he nodded to the captain of the guard. “Fire!”
Inside your chambers, you managed to fight Gothel off with your legs, kicking your feet. She threw your hair over the window that she weaved into a rope, holding a dagger.
“Farewell, Y/n!” She cackled as she charged at you. Your eyes closed tightly, bracing yourself for what was to come.
But it never did. Still fearful, you opened your eyes to see Gothel on her knees, an elvish arrow pierced into her back. There she died at your feet.
“Y/n?!” Fingon was halfway up, you could tell by her close his voice sounded. “Can you come down?”
“She tied me up.” You said, still struggling with the knot. More footsteps sounded against the castle walls before Fingon appeared, sword in hand.
“Hold still.” He put his sword back in its holder, revealing a dagger from the other side of the belt. With no hesitation, he cut your bonds.
Fingon brought you up to your feet, holding you in his arms. “Are you well?”
You nodded, placing your hands on his arms. “I am now. Thank you for rescuing me, my prince.”
You placed a kiss on his cheek which earned a blush from the elvish prince.
“You are worthy of rescuing, my lady. Please, come back with me to my kingdom.” He held both of your hands in his.
You smiled, “I gladly accept, prince Fingon.”
Fingon took you to his kingdom, introducing you to his family. Turgon has yet to fully warm up to you, Aredhel loved you instantly and welcomed you with open arms and Argon politely acknowledged you as his brothers’ love. You became Queen when Fingon wed you a year later.
You both lived happily ever after.
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lockedloki · 4 years
(last edited: 25/07/2021)
Rules: X
maedhros fic learning he’s going to be a dad : X 
maedhros domestic headcanons: X
finrod fic “irises are symbols of hope” : X
dating celegorm would include: X
dating finrod headcanons: X
finarfin proposing and domestic bliss: X
dating fingon would include: X
married life with fingon: X
being married to fingolfin would include: X
elrond and lindir meeting a tiger-skinchanger scenarios: X
dating lindir would include: X
dating elladan headcanons: X
gwindor dating a younger s/o would include: X
dating mablung would include: X
egalmoth with a short s/o - dating headcanons:  X
dating glorfindel: X
glorfindel fic where the reader has a bad head injury: X
being in a poly-relationship with legolas and gimli would include: X
father figure!elrond and dealing with reader’s nightmare: 1
elladan, elrohir and arwen comforting reader after a break-up: X
celeborn, galadriel and cirdan comforting reader with a breakdown/tantrum: X
dating and marriage finrod post-rebirth headcanons: X
celebrimbor general headcanons: X
random headcanons for the house of elrond: X
maedhros, gwindor and maeglin headcanons about s/o rescuing them from Angband: X
domestic life with feanor headcanons: X
aredhel and celegorm goes surfing: X
family headcanons with curufin : X
cirdan and elrond father!headcanons: X
nsft maglor headcanons: X
dating mairon would include: X
random 5 eonwe headcanons: X
mairon/sauron/annatar and y/n: the meme-ening
the company wishing you happy birthday and the gifts they’d give you: X
bilbo celebrating your birthday with you would include: X
bilbo asking you very important questions would include: X
éomer fic where the reader gets hurt sparring: X
boromir and aragorn with a short s/o headcanons : X
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lamemaster · 5 months
Gods Who Kneel
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Request: @asianbutnotjapanese- Can you spin the wheel for my baby Fingon please 🥺
Pairing: Fingon x Reader
Genre: Mythology au
AN: Thanks for requesting 🥹I love this au so much.
(What in the Hell is Happening Event)
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What makes a fallen God? What strips the divine of divinity? 
For you, it had been the love of a mortal. A harp-bearer whose melodies wove through the temple like moonlight, each note a caress that resonated deep within your divine core. You found yourself drawn to the music, your heart a traitor whispering along with the mournful strains.
Sacrilegious!" the other deities boomed, their voices echoing through the celestial halls. Shame burned at your core, yet a defiant spark ignited within you. How could they understand the yearning that Fingon's devotion had awakened, a longing you barely recognized in yourself?"
While others spouted hate in the title of “Spawn of the Devil.”
Your love for Fingon had made you into a broken God. Yet, never in your life had you ever been this fulfilled. A simple hymn that deserved your blessing instead took your heart. He had played with such bare conviction that even the eons of your existence or the love of your parents could not have held you in the heavens away from him.
He had been yours since infancy, his mind, his heart, forever imprinted with your image. From his first wobbly steps to the man he was now, Fingon had always been your devoted priest, your loyal servant. And now, his love resonated with a desperate yearning you couldn't ignore.
And so, in your love you knelt in front of him. In your form with the light of godhood. An act that led to your banishment from your enraged father. But you were only so much pleased to follow the order.
To join your beloved on the plane of mortals. 
A traitorous smile played on your lips despite the churning in your gut. You were a god, yet banished. Yet, the prospect of a life with Fingon outweighed the celestial throne.
Driven by your love, you knelt before him, your divine form ablaze with the fading embers of godhood. It was a crown slipping, the celestial energy draining from you with each passing moment. You reached for Fingon, the warmth of his hand a stark contrast to your own, which flickered in and out of existence like a dying flame
He hesitated for a heartbeat, his eyes wide with a mixture of awe and terror. Then, with a gentle murmur of your name, he wrapped his arms around your shimmering form. His voice, a mere whisper that spoke volumes, echoed in the silence, "You…came." His words held the weight of the impossible, the knowledge that you might have exposed his mortal mind to a world he wasn't meant to see.
"It was a choice," your voice raspy from the toll of transformation. "I chose you. No eternity is worth anything without you." You cupped his face, brushing aside the braided golden ribbons that had always captivated you.
Fate was set in stone. You were his. Just his. Not a God to be shared with anyone.
Fate's decree echoed in the silence. You were his, a celestial being tethered to a mortal man. A tremor ran through Fingon's hand as he grasped yours, the weight of your sacrifice settling on him like a mantle of stars. Could a human heart truly hold the love of a fallen god?
Would he, the man who had dedicated his life to the divine, dare to reach for the hand of a fallen god, knowing the consequences could shake the very foundations of his faith?
That perhaps was your true punishment. To watch a shadow of uncertainty creep into Fingon's eyes as he held your fading form close. A love story born of rebellion, but with an ending yet unwritten, a dance with fate that could either blossom or crumble in the face of an uncertain future.
Fate worse than any banishment or woe.
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lamemaster · 1 year
Let's Not Get Married (Fingon x Reader)
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Pairing: Fingon x Ace Reader
Genre: Fluff
AN: Ace reader is close to my heart and this is an interpretation of my own experiences.
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"DO WhAT??"
Anaire looked at you with a puzzled expression, her lips curving into a barely concealed smile. In the background, Turgon couldn't help but chuckle, a rare display of emotion from the most emotionally constipated Finwean.
Unfazed by your wide-eyed reaction, Anaire repeated herself. "After the feast, the bride and groom continue their binding in the privacy of their room. It's the union of souls and bodies."
"So, sex equals marriage," you blurted out, and you could almost feel your very proper mother-in-law cringing at your words. Anaire nodded curtly.
A cold sense of dread settled in your bones as the implications sank in. Sex. Bodies. Sweat. Gasps. Moans. Unnatural warmth. Skin. Hands. Fingers tracing along exposed backs. Nails scratching against a lover's back. Ruffled sheets. Passion. Pleasure. Disgust.
"Don't humans enjoy it?" Argon's voice interrupted your thoughts as he took a seat beside you. "It's an act that pleases men more than the Eldar. I've heard it happens more frequently for you."
You didn't take his words to heart. Instead, you silently thanked the heavens that Fingon wasn't here to witness this conversation. Your beloved would have relished in the opportunity to tease you endlessly about it.
"Um," you cleared your dry throat, realizing it had been ages since you'd discussed this topic with anyone. Three pairs of identical eyes stared back at you. Both Turgon and Argon shared Anaire's features, while your beloved resembled his father. "Well, most humans do enjoy it... it can be quite wonderful," you stammered, trying to push out the memories of awkward encounters. "But there are some who don't. Some don't care for it, while others are repulsed by it."
It had been expected of you. The world asked for a price to be loved. A friendly smile, a flirty banter, or a romantic date were debts that you were expected to repay. Love needed to be proved with bodies just the offering of heart and soul was never enough.
The atmosphere in the lively courtyard grew heavy with silence, a silence that had become all too familiar to you over the years. In response, you did what came naturally to you: you let out an awkward burst of laughter and forced a smile onto your face, trying to project an air of ease.
"I guess I'm one of those malfunctioning ones," you quipped, hoping to lighten the mood. However, your attempt at humor fell flat, and the somber mood persisted.
"I mean, I've never really tried... I could give it a shot. I'm sure it would be fine with Fingon," you continued, now finding yourself rambling about sex with your beloved in front of his family. "I won't hate it. Maybe I've been wrong all along, and-"
"You don't have to marry anyone, nesa," Argon suddenly enveloped you in a warm embrace. "You don't have to do anything for the sake of my hanno or anyone else." Argon, an elf who was decades older than you, insisted on calling you "nesa."
For the first time in the morning, the smile that finds itself on your face is followed by joy. You hug your brother-in-law back. Even the freezing depths of Helcaraxe had failed to taint his spirit.
You playfully nudged Argon with your elbow, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Now, Argon, I'm quite certain none of us would be adequately prepared to endure your hanno's incessant whining if he ever discovered our little impromptu alliance."
Both of you burst into laughter at the thought of Fingon's reaction. The image of him throwing a tantrum over the exclusive rights to hugs and cuddles was both amusing and endearing.
"I can already picture it," you said, trying to stifle your laughter. "He'd be all dramatic, claiming his territory, and insisting that no one else is allowed to cuddle with his human."
Argon wiped away a tear of laughter from the corner of his eye. "Well, then, it's settled. Our secret alliance shall remain a closely guarded secret. For the sake of peace in the family."
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Hey recently came across your works and I love all of them 💕💕💗🥰💗🥰 anyways I saw your requests closed but asks open and i have no idea if this is an ask or request (if it's a request you can ignore 🥲) but i was wondering if you could do human female reader x all the elf houses where they find reader standing in a field in the night with fireflies around singing 'I am yours' by Evie Clair but in the middle of the song they sight their beloved elf but just smile and continue singing
Thank you and have a great day 👋💘
Ay yes, it was you who was blowing up my notifications, I thank you greatly for that. It placed a huge smile on my face o((>ω< ))o
Sure sure love, not a probs. It's not considered a request, it's more of a question. That's a really nice song (needed to listen to it)
Walking into the open fields where they saw you swirling and heard the faint whispers of a melody, would urge them to step into the field. Not wanting to make themselves known just yet, they would stand back and listen to the words rolling off your lips and into the sweet night air. To them, you appeared as a deity as you sang and danced with the fireflies twirling around you. It wasn't until you spun and saw them gazing at your figure, you mouthed the words 'I am yours' before continuing your dance. Not wanting to interrupt, they would find themselves seated under the nearest tree, watching you in silence and glee.
Maedhros, MAGLOR, Celebrimbor, Amras, FINGON, Turgon, FINARFIN, FINROD, AEGNOR, GLORFINDEL, ECTHELION, GALDOR, Maeglin, ELLADAN, Elrohir, Elrond
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine being there to witness everything and watching your beloved die
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(Well, this is almost an series forth headcanon. I do love some angst in stories, but this one was sad one to write, so be aware of the warnings)
Requested by anonymous
Warnings; ANGST, violence, goes a lot with the canon, doomed love and doing nothing to save the day. Angst level cruesome. 
- You know how the story goes. You loved every Tolkien’s work, the most favorite being the lord of the rings and the hobbits. However, you did not expect to get thrown into the same world at the point where it all began. 
-You have read Silmarillion and know its deep history, so you know how it all went. You did not know how to react because the first age was all about war and bloodshed over three jewels everyone was obsessed with having. 
-Meeting the valars and the infamous elves was something, so those parts were exciting, at least. 
-Most of the time, when someone gets suddenly transported to another world. It was either mysterious or reincarnation, like in every fanfic and novel you managed to cross.
-Surprisingly, you had a purpose in Arda. 
-There was a voice who asked you to record history firsthand, then you woke up in the gardens of Lorien with an empty book in your hands. 
-The valars were uncertain when you spoke about your situation to them. You were a human and appeared out of nowhere. They did conclude the mysterious voice who brought you to Arda was Eru himself. 
-They believed your story, but since humans were not supposed to awaken yet. They made you wear enchanted earrings that helped you to appear as an elf to the firstborn. 
-They then gave you a tour around Aman and allowed you to walk freely. 
-It was exciting because you had the chance to meet all the famous elves from the books like Galadriel, Fingon, and Finrod. Well, the whole Finwean house itself. You even bore witness to the family drama between Fingolfin and Feanor himself. 
-Feanor was scary as hell. He always looked like he always had a scowl on his face and appeared as Noldor prince should, but surprisingly he was pretty chill when you went to meet him with a Vanyar noble, who also acted like your guide. 
-He was respectful and welcoming, which was a surprise when you know what he would later do for his most prized creations. You used to think of him as a bit self-centered and arrogant for a character, so it was a lovely surprise that he might have been an average person until the grief and loss of the silmarils got him. 
-However, the scowl always returned when any of his half side of the family was around. You did not know why, but it was funny to watch. It was like their existence was a war crime against his life. 
-You didn’t have much to do in the beginning and had no idea what to write since you knew what would happen in the future. You chose not to write anything about the future because you didn’t want to change the course of the story. Even the tiniest change could change the story drastically, so you desired to avoid that. 
-Living as an elf was fun for a while, but it got boring pretty quickly. 
-You sometimes wrote things you saw in events, but sometimes you simply wrote stuff like you saw a squirrel one day. 
-The elves were also too refined and collected. You missed human things like wild parties and shenanigans without too many rules. 
-Maybe you were too human for an elf. 
-Also, your earrings were itchy as hell. You have several times almost removed them in front of elves till you remember you’re not an elf, which was troublesome because you were not used to wearing earrings 24/7. 
-It almost happened again when you were chilling in a local garden, and your ears itched like lice. You tried to make sure no one was around and tried to scratch the spot until someone suddenly appeared out of thin air, scaring the soul out of you. 
-It was awkward, and the special someone was the red-haired prince Maedhros or Nelyafinwe Maitimo since Maedhros was his sindaring name. 
-He smiled in embarrassment and apologized for the scare. You were scratching your ears quite aggressively, and he heard you curse like a sailor, so he was curious if you were alright.
-You quickly assured him everything was alright and told him you just had itchy ears. 
-To your surprise, he was fully aware of who you were from a party you once attended with the Vanyar. You looked nothing like the golden-haired people, so he was curious to meet you. 
-You told him your made-up background as an elf, then the conversation flowed from there like a breeze. 
-He was super sweet and knew how to keep the conversation going. 
-You know how to talk with people, but you felt shy around him and couldn't help but just listen while he spoke. 
-You almost couldn't believe this tall redhead was this innocent and kind before all the atrocities his house would later commit for the sake of the oath. 
-You thought it was going to be one time encounter, and he kind of gave you a nickname, the itchy-eared maiden. It was an embarrassing nickname. 
-However, you started meeting up much more and hanging out like two casual friends. 
-You learned a lot about his family and brought you to meet some, especially Fingon, who was super friendly. 
-You liked hanging out and going out with him, but then you realized something. You had an actual crush on this elf. 
-Sure, you might have simped for some fictional characters in life, but since you were actually in Arda and got to know him as a person. You knew it was real. 
-It was wrong since you know how the story goes, and you promised not to tamper with it by including yourself, but you couldn't help but feel conflicted since Maedhros continued being sweet, and you just adored that aspect of him since he was like that with everyone. 
-You hoped it was temporal, so you decided to have a little break and excuse you were busy with other things. 
-Maedhros was understanding when you said you had some business and wished you well till you see each other again. You felt bad because you were technically avoiding him. You did not want to lie, but you had to. You can’t utterly fall in love with him. Even though; you most likely already have. 
-He just made it worse by telling you you could count on him if you had troubles with your business. 
-You left quickly, trying to think through your feelings for him. 
-You stopped at Alqualonde, and some of your friends there didn’t make it easy when you revealed your feelings for someone. They kept encouraging you. 
-Your crush calmed down a little because you told yourself that he might think of you as a good friend, not a possible lover. 
-However, he didn’t make it easy when he started sending letters to you, asking how you were doing and keeping you updated on his family drama. It was falling hard for feelings all over again. 
-You were stupidly in love with him. It turned out to be a grave mistake because you realized too late that the events of the Silmarillion were taking place. 
-You agreed to meet with Maedhros one day and catch up. You dumbed on a strange tall man, and when you saw him, you almost froze. 
-You had seen a lot of descriptions and fan art about the dark valar, but seeing him with your own two eyes was something else. 
-Melkor was tall and eerily beautiful in his way, but the way he spoke left you to have goosebumps. And you almost shivered because he looked like he knew something was strange about you, especially when he asked about your book. 
-Luckily, Maedhros came to the rescue and helped you leave the conversation and leave the dark Vala's sight. 
-You panicked when Maedhros told you Melkor had been free for a while, which meant the story had started.
-It took all your willpower to have a panic attack. Things were about to go down, and you didn’t take notice because you were too busy living your life in this world. 
-Maedhros sensed your distress and comforted you. He thought you were afraid of Melkor, so he tried to assure things were okay. You appreciated the effort. But you were not certain about accepting his affection when you knew what was coming. 
-You watched from the side when things started to go down. The family drama in the house of Finwe became dire, and you were there when Feanor threatened Fingolfin with a sword. 
-Maedhros tried to offer his comfort from time to time, but his family got banished for a while, and the pressure almost became too hard to handle since he stopped sending letters. 
-You returned to Alqualonde, trying to calm your nerves. You even begged Eru to send you back to your world because you didn’t want to witness what was coming.
-You wrote everything in the book, but it didn’t ease the ache and fear for the future. 
-You went for a walk one night to calm down your nerves and admire the stars. It helped for a moment until everything went dark. 
-It was pitch black, and you couldn’t see anything. Luckily, the stars showed enough light then the realization hit you. It's the darkening of the trees. 
-You were alone, so it was terrifying, especially when you saw the giant spider and Melkor with the silmarils in his hands. It was like a force struck you down because you couldn't move when you saw them. 
-Luckily, they didn’t notice you, so you were left unscathed. You couldn't say much about Finwe thought. 
-The fear left you frozen for a while, but you managed to get yourself free and return to Alqualonde. 
-However, what you saw next were fire and blood. 
-Maedhros stood among the fire, blade in his hands, coated with blood. You recognized many faces that lay around him, dead. 
-You felt like deer in headlights because you got frozen with shock. You have never seen death before, so your body wasn’t reacting well. 
-Maedhros tried to catch your attention, trying to make an excuse, but when he took hold of your arm. You panicked and started struggling in fear. You pushed his face away with the blood of his victims and ran away when you got free. You ignored his calls and just ran. 
-The aftermaths weren’t pretty. You remained hidden with a couple of Teleri and helped them when things calmed down.
-There were so many dead. You felt awful because some were your friends and neighbors. They never did anything wrong, so they didn’t deserve it. 
-Fingon found you mourning in the street. You told him about Maedhros, and he felt awful because he and his father helped the feanorians with the conflict. He almost broke down because you lived in the city and most of the Teleri were your friends. 
-You didn’t honestly blame him because you knew what would happen next. Fingon was at least kind enough to help you bury your telerin friends. 
-Even though; you shouldn't have. You decided to join the journey through Helcaraxe after burning the ships. The event didn’t surprise you, but you did wonder what Maedhros thought as he watched his family burn the stolen ships. 
-The journey through the icy wasteland was brutal, more horrific than in the books. 
-You watched as Turgon’s wife died, leaving him with their only child. You watched as the elves struggled and died from the cold, and they couldn't do anything to avoid it than curse Feanor and his sons. 
-You tried to hold on to good memories with Maedhros, but it wasn’t easy. 
-You took time to rest and record everything when you finally reached Middle earth. The sun was finally born, so you embraced the day. 
-Fingolfin’s people were tired and pissed with the feanorians. You couldn't blame them. You were angry and hungry as hell. 
-You weren’t surprised when they told Maedhros had been captured. It was going to happen, but it didn’t stop you worry about him because Angband was an evil place. You didn’t want to imagine the tortures he would suffer. 
-You gave Fingon a hint when you caught him sneaking out to save Maedhros. It wasn’t too revealing. You said you just made some investigation about Angband. 
-Fingon was grateful and returned with Maedhros upon the great eagle. 
-You avoided confrontation until you got worried about him when he received backlash for giving up the crown and being a former thrall. 
-He looked broken, so you mustered the courage to talk to him. 
-Maedhros didn’t look you in the eye when you arrived. He only asked why you followed. You saw what he did to your home. 
-You did not know the answer. Your task was to record the history that was about to happen, but at this moment, you were just worried. 
-His eyes were filled with guilt when he turned to look at you. It broke your heart to see that, so you just stayed with him, offering comfort and company like all those years ago. 
-You didn’t see each other often. Maedhros was busy with his duties, and you continued writing down everything in the book. 
-You would spend time together, drinking and talking. 
-You kept him informed and sometimes used dry humor to describe how cruel and stupid his father was to abandon a loyal addition to the army just to spite his half-brother for one final time. 
-Maedhros allowed you to talk like that because he agreed and felt even more guilty when you told everything that happened in Helcaraxe. 
-You sometimes helped him with his hair since he had trouble with one hand. It was to help him relax, and you enjoyed the calm silence it would bring. 
-Maedhros was hardened, but he was still that sweet elf you met in the garden all those years ago, and your still existent feelings didn’t make your situation easy. 
-You tried to avoid your feelings, pushing yourself to be an unimportant character who technically doesn’t exist to anyone. 
-However, you noticed some things about Maedhros. 
-He was more gentle with you than anyone else and didn’t refuse anything when you asked him for little favors. Fingon does it too, and he was the high king.
-He said he didn’t have the right to refuse anything from you after what happened. When he wronged the Teleri, he wronged you, so he was willing to do anything you wanted. 
-You would have thought it was sweet, but it was just sad because the Teleri deserved the compensation, not you. 
-Things didn’t look up when the battle of the unnumbered tears finally happened, and you lost Fingon. 
-You can still remember the moment when you hugged him one last time before the battle because you knew it would be his last.  
-You wished you could have done something because the pain was unbearable when Maedhros brought back his mangled body. 
-You wished you could have done something, but you didn’t want to change the timeline. It would have been too dangerous and unpredictable. 
-Maedhros turned for the worse, and you tried to support him, but it wasn’t enough. 
-You wished you could have interfered and stopped him from making the worse mistakes, but you kept telling yourself you couldn't because it was not in your right to change anything.
-You watched as he killed more elves for his damned oath and everything just went wrong.
-You stopped talking for a while because you focused on trying to help raise Erenion because he was the last thing you two had from Fingon. 
-Maedhros sometimes sent letters, asking how you two were doing and if someone was causing you trouble. Nothing else. 
-You tried asking yourself why you kept forgiving and seeing him, knowing his fate was near. Maybe because of your feelings. Because you still loved him and hoped there might be an alternative ending.
-The day finally arrived, and you met little Elrond and Elros. 
-They looked innocent, and you never imagined meeting the lord of Rivendel when he was just a little child. Pure yet subjected to violence at such a young age. 
-You already knew the explanation Maedhros and Maglor were going to give you, so you just tried to welcome the little twins with open arms. 
-It was peaceful for a while. The twins warmed up to you quickly and enjoyed all the stories you had to offer. They were just the sweetest beings in the world. 
-You and Maedhros barely talked at first, but he slowly opened up and apologized for failing everything. You wanted to forgive him but couldn't. 
-You and Maedhros sometimes stayed all night, admiring the stars and drinking something warm with blankets. You two sometimes talked about better things that could have happened. 
-It was peaceful, and your little group started to feel like a family. You hoped things would have turned out well in the end, but they didn’t. 
-Maedhros and Maglor decided to give the twins to you and go for the last silmarils. You knew begging would do nothing, but you asked Maedhros to consider and not leave you.
-He looked at your tear-struck eyes, stepping closer to cup your face as you both looked into each other’s eyes for the last time with sadness and guilt. 
-He whispered words in forbidden Quenya and apologized one last time because he would not be able to fulfill your wish this time before placing a gentle kiss upon your forehead. 
-He then left. 
-You watched as he stole the silmaril and jumped into the fiery pits of the earth. You watched as Maglor threw the silmaril into the sea and vanished to forever lament the wrongdoings of their house in regret. 
-You were glad for them since the oath was finally gone, but it didn’t heal the pain of knowing you could have done something, yet you did nothing to spare them from this fate. 
-You sat upon the cliff, gazing into the ocean as the book lay on your lap. The first age was over, so you were finished. You begged the voice to let you go home, but no answer came from heaven. 
-You finally broke after hundreds of years. 
-Years of watching from the sides and watching the one you love kill himself finally got to you. You got left with nothing but a task you did not want in the first place and earrings so you could appear as a fake elf. You did not belong in this world, so why couldn't you leave?
-You did not move until Elrond and Elros came looking for you. They sensed your distress like it was their own, but to their shock, you revealed your ears and told them the truth of your existence. 
-You expected them to hate you because that’s what you deserved. However, the two forgave you. Elrond asked you to live because you were all they had left, and it broke you because they were also all you had from Maedhros. 
-Your pain did not heal. You had difficulties finding joy, but you mustered the strength to continue because you couldn't bring yourself to leave Elrond and Elros. The two needed someone to support them, so you decided to be at least that to them. 
-You hated Eru for giving you this task as you found no reason to smile anymore. You hated yourself, and you had no power to change anything. Maedhros was gone, and you remained.
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lamemaster · 2 years
Masterlist (09/08/2022)
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Rules For Requests
The Silmarillion
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Multi-Chapter Fic
Beginning of the End - Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
And the Time Stopped - Chapter 1
I Dropped College to Become a Dark Lord
Melodies of Love- Part 1 | Part 2 ** (Melkor's child)
The Curse of Bloodlines (Thranduil x Reader) Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue |
Terms of Loving You - (Maedhros x Teleri Reader) Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
A Dismembered Memory- (Eru x Reader) Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3|
Echoing Silence | Promo |
The Glorious One | Vilomah (Maedhros x Reader)
The Soulless One | Part 2 (Maedhros x Reader)
Songs of Heart (Fingon x Reader x Turgon) Fall | Winter | Spring | Summer|
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Drabbles and Oneshots
Love Like Dandelions (Maglor x Reader)
The Regrets That Linger (Maglor x Reader)
Pages Torn (Celegorm x Reader)
Heartful of Love (Maedhros x Reader)
Blinded by love (Glorfindel x Reader)
All in Vain (Feanorian of choice x Reader)
The Secret of Men(Finrod x Reader)
A Deceitful Peace (Glorfinel x Reader)
Does the Flame Envy the Moth? (Finrod x Reader)
Atlas' Burden (Ulmo)
Love That Writes My Doom (Eonwe x Maia Reader)
Burden of Souls (Turgon and Fingon)
To Reminisce (Fingon x Teleri Reader)
Of the Song Unheard (Celebrimbor x Reader)
The Regrets That Linger(Maglor x Reader)
11 Wishes of Love(Celegorm x Reader)
11 Ways to Hug the King of Nargothrond(Finrod x Human Reader)
To Be Loved by the Secondborn (Finrod)
Daughter-in-law of Feanorian Household(Maedhros x Reader)
Subject of Faith(Sauron x Reader)
Reciprocity of Forgiveness(Maeglinx Reader)
Made of Dreams(Gwindor x Maia Reader)
Nerdanel's Brother (Nerdanel & Brother Reader)
A Part of Mine (Maedhros x Modern Reader)
All of My Names(Maglor x Modern Reader)
Matters of Stamina (Glorfindel x Reader)
Pits of Joy (Finrod x Reader)
Become My Heartache (Finrod x Reader)
The fucking elf of my dreams (Finrod x Reader)
Love her, not me (Finrod x Reader)
A Knight For Rescue (Fingon x Reader)
A Riceball ( Maedhros and Child Reader)
Cannot Not Love (Maglor x Reader)
Conspiring Universe (Curufin x Reader)
Maedhros With a Writer S/O (Maedhros x Reader)
Maedhros with a Singer S/O (Maedhros x Reader)
Let's Not Get Married (Fingon x Reader)
The Judge of Fates (Celebrimbor x Reader)
Ways to Coax Your Beloved (Glorfindel x Reader)
Glimpse of You (Maedhros x Reader)
The Tale of Leren and Buthien (Rog x Reader)
In Sickness and in Health (Celegorm x Reader)
Ecthellion's Sister Reader
My Personal Brand of Annoyance (Celegorm x Reader)
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Nerdanel (I LOVE her)
Nerdanel's Favorite Daughter-in-Law
Nerdanel's Brother (Nerdanel & Brother Reader)
Call Me Mommy
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Kinship of Men and Elves
My Thoughts on Indis
Mama, I'm in Love with a Criminal (Celegorm's redemption)
Manwe Did Nothing Wrong (fight me)
Elves and Middle Earth
Dangweth Pengolod
Men of Arda
Elves Reaction to Mythical S/O
Elves with South Asian Reader
Men Reacting to Meeting Elves for the First Time
Men Reacting to Elven Names Given to Them
The Silmarillion Elves Finding My Mutual's Blog
Elves with morosexual tendencies
My Ao3
What in the Hell is Happening Event
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tolkien-fics · 4 years
Please, may i request a human!reader who’s been gifted by immortality courting Caranthir and meeting his family, including the cousins?
Word Count: 450
Pairings: Caranthir x Human! Reader
Trigger Warnings: N/A
Plot: Reader finally meets Caranthir’s family.
A/N: So I didn’t have much of an idea for this one, plus been going through brief writers block but I really wanted to do this.
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“Will they like me?” You asked, quite nervous about meeting everyone.
“Don’t worry so much.” He gave a reassuring squeeze of your hand.
You couldn’t help it, and the nerves only got worse as you both approached the villa in which Caranthir’s family lived. A guard opened the doors and you both walked through.
You couldn’t help but be in awe of how it all looked: Concrete walls, spiral bookshelves and stairs. It was so much different from what you knew as a human.
“They’ll be having dinner by now, come.” He let go of your hand and led you to the dining hall which was connected to the kitchen. With a polite knock, he walked in and entered, nodding his head for you to follow.
Well, you was expecting his brothers, father and mother. But not his cousins, also.
Caranthir sat down at the table, and you sat next to him. The cooks were just coming around with trays of food, letting everyone pick what they wanted.
“This is Y/n, the one I’ve been courting.” Caranthir stated.
“It’s good to meet you, Y/n.” Nerdanel gave you a smile. Fëanor hummed, “Yes, certainly.”
“Ah, so this is the poor human that has to put up with you?” Celegorm smirked.
“Brother.” Maedhros reprimanded. “It’s taken much thinking for Caranthir to introduce them to us. Be kind.”
“I am!” Celegorm chuckled, drinking some wine.
“So Y/n, what do you like to do?” Maglor asked.
You paused before speaking. “Well, I help my mother out with our farm. It’s not big, but enough to sustain us.”
Amrod and Amras chuckled, earning glares from Caranthir.
“How lovely.” Nerdanel said. “What animals do you have?”
“We have chickens. But we grow a lot of vegetables ourself. Sometimes Father sells them at the market.”
“It is certainly different having a farmer in the family.” Fingon said.
“They’re not married yet.”
Caranthir didn’t seem to be paying them any attention. He ate quietly, not butting in the conversation.
“Have you and Caranthir done anything?” The sudden question from Amras made you nearly choke on your drink.
“Telvo.” Fëanor warned.
“I am asking a reasonable question.” Telvo grinned at you. “That would make you both married.”
“I think the customs are different for men, Telvo.” Maglor answered.
You couldn’t answer, taken aback by the conversation so much that you forgot your meal. You held the fork above your plate, looking between brothers as they spoke.
“It’s best to ignore them.” Caranthir whispered to you.
When the talk had died down and they moved onto something else, you smiled at Caranthir and gave him a slight nudge. He looked at you and smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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tolkien-fics · 4 years
Fingon Masterlist
Let Down Your Hair Fingon x Human! Reader
Part Two
Trigger Warnings:  Violence, death, abuse, kidnapping
Tale of Love* Fingon x Reader
Trigger Warnings: Descriptive smut, foreplay, smut without plot.
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