#find the evil genes
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octoooo · 1 year ago
Question do y’all see evil potential in this guy, yes or no
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(Quick Kagaya scribble)
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fangsandfeels · 5 months ago
I was today years old when I realized that if you take over the interrogation of Zorru and calm him down, promising that you won't let Lae'zel hurt him, you actually get a juicy +5 approval from her. Because even though she hates your interference and treating the locals with kiddy gloves, she sees results -- Zorru is now actually willing to help and answer questions. So, she gives you credit where it's due - and if you don't push the issue trying to lecture her on being kinder, you are pretty much golden.
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That brought me back to the thoughts about how awesome Lae'zel is. She doesn't just cooperate with you to survive: she treats you as an equal, i.e. giving you an opportunity to assert yourself and stand your ground.
She doesn't hold it against you -- even though you are supposedly a lower creature from an inferior world, softened up by the privilege of not dealing with the ghaik threat.
From the githyanki POV, you owe them everything - a) because you're weak and wouldn't last a hypothetical hour in the Astral Plane b) because they are the only reason mindflayers haven't consumed your world yet and they need whatever resources you have more than you do.
So, technically the right thing for her to do would be to resort to violence in order to remind you the order of things. Any other githyanki would have done so immediately. Even Kith'rak Voss, despite his rebellion against Vlaakith, has no issues with taking you out on the spot. I don't think he was just pretending to avoid attracting suspicion from Vlaakith -- caring for githyanki people and wanting to remove the pretender doesn't necessarily include being nicer to outsiders.
But Lae'zel? Lae'zel respects you when you don't back down not to her, not to anyone else.
She respects you to the point she relies on you in her worst moments: like during the ceremorphosis scare, when she can't trust her own mind, torn between clear instructions and mad hope.
Action, not reaction.
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blackpilljesus · 1 year ago
There's a strong link between the way moids treat cattle/animals and the way they treat women. Believing they're here for moids to use as they see fit, keeping them in enclosures to extract from them while claiming to protect them when they've forced them to be dependent on moids, forcing them to reproduce so they can have more fodder to exploit, and domesticating them.
Saw a video of torture devices that were used on women that were anything but quiet docile submissive slaves. Considering this and things like the witch trials, authorities turning a blind eye most times when moids kill women but imprisoning women who fight back against abusers, moids impregnating -raping- girls whose bodies hadn't developed yet (which could be a contributing factor to why we have a huge gap inbetween our physical strength) moids seeking younger women & girls to reproduce with because these women wont have reached a level of self actualisation to realise how pathetic the xy is, etc. I believe that moids have -attempted to- domesticate women through femicide as well as social punishments & torture.
Emphasis on "attempt" because I dont think women are naturally the empathetic emotionally observant yet mindless mommy bangmaids moids want them to be. There are a few far gone but most just act in a manner that pleases maIes to survive. The difference in womens behaviour when there's maIes around vs when there's not is the biggest telltale sign of this.
Women who weren't useful to maIe supremacy were killed off or brutalised into conforming. Women who conformed went on to reproduce.
This reddit post from the (rip) blackpillfeminism sub explains this concept so well:
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This is all something that explains our environment. The war has been fought & the damage has been done. What we see/live today are consequences of the aforementioned. Moids have taken everything from women they are literal terrorists they wont change & cant be forgiven idgaf. Most we can do is save possible lives going through this by refusing to add to it.
Side note; I'm not saying this to absolve anybody of responsibility. In the end moids choose to be evil & women choose to love n worship them so long as other women to be shields are around. My point is about how maIe terrorism has shaped womens behaviour/being as a whole. Those who are separatists/blackpilled wouldn't reproduce so our ideologies & systems die when we die. Sure there's outliers of every batch so I dont think the concept entirely will die but it's maIe supremacy that has systems guaranteeing its ingrained continuation.
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hismercytomyjustice · 2 months ago
Can I just say how much I adore the domesticity Lee Majdoub brings to his role as Agent Stone?
Especially knowing how he approached the role as him and Robotnik both being orphans, which gave them a point of connection from the very beginning.
Sure, his character could look at him and just be in awe of his brilliance (even tho our boy Stone canonically has 1 IQ point higher than him) or just fall over himself to appease him. But he doesn’t.
It might look like he does. He’s constantly bending over backwards to accommodate him and take care of him, but it’s not because he’s a mindless sycophant. It’s because he knows what it’s like to be alone and he doesn’t want Robotnik to feel that way anymore.
When we first meet Robotnik, everything about him is all shiny and chrome. But as Stone becomes more involved in the series, we see all these soft little touches being added. He takes those sterile spaces and makes them an actual home with additions like the granny square blanket.
(It’s not confirmed but regardless the man has shown he’s proficient in the textile arts, dammit. And who else is that crab is gonna make a granny square blanket?! WHO???!!!)
He cooks, he cleans, he tailors, he makes coffee, he helps him with his evil plans, he supports him and his dreams, he takes care of him.
Most importantly, he’s there for him, no matter what.
Robotnik consistently laments the fact he never had a family throughout the series, but he does.
Agent Stone took the time to learn how to do all of these things and also to share them with Robotnik. Because he understands home and family are what you make, not about who you share genes with.
And like, even when Robotnik bounces to go hang out with his long lost grandpa, Stone’s only concern is that he’s not being completely honest with him and that Robotnik could get hurt and he’s right.
He doesn’t tell him to stop spending time with him or that he shouldn’t care about him. He knows how much Robotnik has always craved a familial connection and now he has one! He’s willing to step back, even though it pains him, so Robotnik can realize that dream.
And when he’s proven right, he doesn’t gloat or act betrayed (even though tbh he has every reason to). He’s still there for him. Because Robotnik is his family.
The movies are all about found family and how, even if you lose the people important to you, that doesn’t mean you’ll never find someone to love and be loved by in return. We see that with both Sonic and Shadow. And especially in Maria’s quote about how “The light shines, even though the star is gone.”
Love is a choice. How you express love is a choice. This is especially true in the third movie. Robotnik’s grandfather is ready to burn everything to the ground so everyone else knows how Maria was taken too soon and feels his pain. But he had an opportunity to build a new relationship with his other grandchild. To take the love he had for Maria and her love for him and to share it with Robotnik. He can choose to love and be loved in return.
It’s not like Robotnik doesn’t freely give him his love. Even when his grandpa is about to straight up murder him, he still has a moment where he wants to tell him he loves him. Even after all his grandpa has to say to him is “You’re no Maria.”
Stone and Maria are great parallels too. Robotnik in the first movie feels so removed from humanity. His #1 priority is himself. And I think if he’d met his grandpa in the first movie, before he’d built his relationship with Stone, he truly would’ve believed his grandfather when he said, “There’s no one down there who cares about you.”
Instead he sacrifices himself (hopefully he‘s still alive somehow, please please please) for the sake of humanity. Or, tbh for the sake of his real family. He murked his grandpa without batting an eye the second he realized Stone was in danger.
We see this paralleled with Sonic too after Tom is hurt. He lets his grief and fear get the better of him and he initially makes the same decision as Shadow and Gerald did. He chooses to act in hurt and anger. Shadow calls him out on it too, telling him he made the same choice to take revenge, regardless of what the people he loves would actually want him to do.
IDK MAN. I just love these movies so much and I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS. T^T
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komotionlessqueenmm · 7 months ago
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Headcanon/Preference # 35
Gifs NOT mine.
Year posted - 2024
Rating - SFW & NSFW
Reading time (roughly) - 18 minutes
It's been a minute since I've watched all the Resident Evil movies, so some stuff might not be super accurate. Just roll with it my lovelies.
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• You are really Weskers one and only true weakness, and he is both terrified, and enraged by the thought of someone exploiting that fact.
• So obviously he is very tempted to inject you with the virus. But he's worried that it might not bond with your genetics like his.
• So he runs like a million different tests, without your knowledge, to find out if it would undoubtedly bond with your genes.
• When he comes to the conclusion that it will in fact bond with your genes, he feels as if a weight is lifted off his chest...
• Now he's just got to figure out how to convince you to take it.
• If push comes to shove... He might just inject you against your will.
• If that's the case, he will do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness, and make you understand that this was for the best.
• Wesker would burn a thousand world's to protect you okay. He'd abandon everything he's worked for, if it meant keeping you safe. You are his world, and his one and only.
• He would die for you if he had to, and he will fight to his very last breath to get back to you.
• You literally can have the world on a silver platter. If you want it, simply ask and it's yours.
• Money, power, jewelry, clothes, his attention, hell you simply want food? Weskers gonna pull out all the stops, and make you an amazing dinner.
• Can't bring yourself to ask for what you want, and you'd rather leave hints? No worries Wesker can read you like an open book, consider it yours already love.
• On that note. Wesker is an amazing cook, like seriously good. You'd think he took culinary classes before he got into working for Umbrella. In reality it's just a natural skill he was practically born with.
• He makes cooking complex meals look easy, and to him it is easy, second nature really. And he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy cooking for you, doing anything that makes you happy, makes him happy in return.
• You're also the only person that can get him to open up and talk more. Something's he won't tell you about from his past, but those things he claims are better left in the past.
• Wesker loves reading to you, but he also loves listening to you read to him as well. And when you both wanna read your own books, curling up and spending the evening together reading quietly is perfect to.
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• You make him so unlike himself at times. Sometimes even he wonders how you have such an effect on him. Not that he's complaining, he loves it in fact, it goes to show how special you really are.
• If you ever want to just go and get out of the infamous bunker, simply exploring what's left of the outside world. Wesker will let you, he knows you can look after yourself.
• But is he back at the bunker pacing back and forth like crazy? Yeah he totally is... For about 20-25 minutes before he decides he can't handle not knowing, and he goes after you.
• However he won't let you know he's there, he'll simply shadow you unless you really need him. He just needs to be certain you're okay, infected or not he still worries.
• He definitely teaches you how to fight. Hand to hand combat of course, but along with teaching you how to use just about any weapon he can get his hands on... Which is a lot.
• He'll teach you how to drive if you never learned, how to operate a helicopter, small plane, and even a fucking tank just in case.
• Don't know how to swim? No worries love, Wesker will take however long necessary to teach you. Don't have great endurance? He's got you covered.
• He's actually a very good teacher. He pushes you, but he never pushes you to far. He's fair. And he's driven to help you, become an even more amazing you. He's very patient, and very encouraging.
• Wesker loves everything about you. Anything you consider a flaw, he considers incredible. His praise is through the roof. He practically worships the very ground you walk on.
• As stated before Wesker can read you like an open book. So whenever you're scared, he's there to comfort you. Or if you're stressed, he's happy to draw you a warm bath.
• Maybe you're just tired? You know the kinda tired no amount of sleep can fix. Well he's there for you, holding you, letting you rest, and assuring you that he loves you.
• Despite how incredible he is, and how mush pride he has. Sometimes he can't help but feel a bit insecure at times. Are you afraid of his eyes? Of him perhaps? Will you grow bored of him and leave? Is he worthy of you?
• It's rare that these thoughts occur, let alone bother him. But sometimes late at night, while holding you in his arms, he can't help but wonder.
• He pushes those thoughts away, and the following morning you always manage to unknowingly, reassure him that he has nothing to worry about.
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• Arguments with Wesker are pretty seldom. When it does happen, typically it's you hollering at him, and him sitting there silently waiting for you to calm down.
• He has raised his voice to you once, but it was brief, and he apologized almost immediately. The only reason he raised his voice, was because he was worried when you did something extremely reckless.
• Wesker is extremely patient, and understanding with you. He knows sometimes you're not quite yourself, whether it's because you're tired, you're hurting, or simply overwhelmed with something.
• If something is bothering you, but you don't want to talk about it. He'll quietly scoop you up into his arms, take you to bed or nearest couch, and simply lay down with you atop him. Petting your hair and simply letting you relax.
• He's seen you cry many times, and he's never once thought poorly of you for it. He knows you've been through a lot, and adapting to this new world isn't easy for you.
• You've seen him cry once. There was an accident while exploring the outside world, and Wesker thought he'd lost you, that he'd failed you, and you'd paid the ultimate price.
• Even as he looked up at you from his position on his knees, tears continued to roll silently down his pale cheeks. You were alive and well, but he was so close to losing you.
• You held him in your arms, and simply let him get it all out in silence. His strong frame, typically as unfazed as a brick wall, shaking as his heart wretched in his chest.
• He'd never known pain like that before, and he was grateful you didn't think any less of him for it. Hell it brought you both closer together, and strengthened your bond in ways he had never considered before.
• Wesker encourages every one of your hobbies, even if it's something he doesn't quite see the appeal of. It makes you happy, and that's good enough for him. He'll find you supplies whenever he leaves the bunker, and really anything he thinks you might like.
• The beginning of your relationship was odd. Before you started dating, Wesker would follow you around like a grumpy cat. Acting like you mean nothing to him, but always insisting on being near you.
• Actually there are a lot of reasons you could compare Wesker to a cat. And if you ever tell him that he denies it admittedly, all the while practically purring as you toy with his hair absentmindedly.
• He'll literally be staring at you without his sunglasses, and his slit pupils are now wide and round. And the moment his attention is drawn elsewhere they shift back into thin slits.
• Wesker has a secret sweet tooth, and again if he's called out on it, he'll deny it to hell and back. Even if he has a sweet in his hand, or even his mouth. You can't prove anything!
• Will definitely steal food from you just to tease you, a playful smile on his face the entire time. Actually he steals all sorts of stuff from you just to taunt you, and he absolutely loves it when you chase after him trying to get it back.
• Will he use his power to speed away? Possibly. But he honestly enjoys letting you think you can really catch him.
• Aka he enjoys playing cat and mouse, but you never know who's the cat, and who's the mouse until the cat gives chase.
• All in all he loves you with every fiber of his being, and he would follow you anywhere, and do anything for you. It doesn't matter what you might say or do at times, you are his everything.
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• Oh and before you ask, yes the cat and mouse play, is something that occurs in the bedroom. And again it varies on who's the cat and mouse depending on yours and his mood.
• Wesker enjoys all sorts of role playing. Acting like he's the STARS Captain, that needs to do whatever it takes to get you to confess to a crime. Being the good doctor who must cure your mysterious illness.
• And even acting as if the virus has altered his mind, and made him into a mindless sex crazed beast. He especially enjoys this one, because it plays into his breeding kink.
• This man wants to breed you so so bad. It's partly a side effect of the virus, but he's always had an interest in it long before he injected himself. Now with you as his love, he feels as if he needs to breed.
• Rough sex, slow sex, quickies, you name it he wants it. His sex drive is high now that you're together, but he is very patient if you don't want sex as much as him.
• Wesker is incredibly romantic, and he loves spoiling you. He's a giver through and through. So that being said if he could live the rest of his life, with his face buried between your thighs he would.
• Oral is a must anyhow. Wesker is big, he's well aware of this fact, and he doesn't want to hurt you. So he'll spend at least a half hour between your legs just prepping you.
• And boy does he know what he's doing. You often loose count of how many orgasms he pulls from you.
• From base to tip he is roughly 7.9 inches long, and 2.1 inches wide. The tip is very prominent, and he is surprisingly uncircumcised. His cock also leans a little to the left when hard.
• His cock is a pale as the rest of his body, but when he's hard the head gets very pink. He has two very prominent veins that feel absolutely divine.
• Wesker loves cockwarming so much, sometimes he insists on sleeping with his cock still buried in your heat. But his favorite time is when you're sitting together reading.
• He's such a tease when you're cockwarming. Giving the occasional thrust just to hear you whine needily. He will pump load after load into you, and keep you plugged up with his dick, even if you are sensitive.
• Aftercare King GOD! He will massage your sore muscles, clean you up, run you a soothing bath, bring you a snack and plenty of water or maybe some soothing tea. He'll whisper sweet nothing's into your ear, praise you, and remind you of how much he truly loves you.
• You just wanna cuddle afterwards? Perfect it'll give it time for his seed to work its way deeper. Want a bath or shower immediately after? That's okay too, he'll change the sheets while you do so, then join you once he's done.
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• You can always tell when he's horny, not only by the way he'll paw at you, or the evident bulge in his pants. But also because his eyes glow exceptionally bright, and the slits of his eyes are wide.
• He sounds like a beast as he nuzzles into you, growling and purring as he tries to coax you into helping him out.
• That being said Wesker is very vocal. He moans, growls, purrs, and spews praise the entire time. He isn't super loud about it, as he prefers to have his face buried in your neck, but sometimes he will get a bit loud. Typically that's when he's really needy.
• When he's extra needy, he whimpers so much. It's so fucking hot when you get him all worked up like that. Making him weak and needy, whimpering and begging you for his release. It's divine, and makes you feel so very powerful.
• He loves loves loves making you loud as fuck. His goal is to make your voice horse by the time he's done. Especially if others might be around. He needs them to know who you belong to, and ensure no one is dumb enough to try anything.
• Wesker takes so much pleasure in fucking you dumb. And when you get cock drunk, he's so fucking proud. He will make an absolute mess out of you, and then praise you for being so good for him.
• There are very few things he isn't willing to try with you. He isn't willing to share you with anyone... With the exception of a clone of himself... He will fuck you roughly, but he doesn't take it to far considering his strength, and the amount of damage he can inflict with little effort.
• He does enjoy bondage, both for you and himself. And yeah he could break out of his binds very easily, but why would he, he's enjoying you taking control, and using him for your pleasure. His favorite technique of binding you is with a straitjacket, and it plays into some of his favorite role playing stories.
• Wesker will fuck you anywhere at any given time, seriously he has no shame, just ask and he is yours. That's not to say he won't kill anyone for interrupting or catching you. Your pussy is for his eyes only.
• While he loves pumping you full of his cum, he will never pass up an opportunity to cum on your tits. Especially if you beg for it so sweetly, I mean he loves fucking your tits anyhow. So if you want him to paint your breasts with his cum, who is he to deny you?
• But if you don't ask him to cover you in his cum, or cum in your mouth. Wesker is gonna stuff you with his cock and finish in your warm cunt. Even if he only gets the tip in before he starts to unload, as long as he's inside your heat he's satisfied.
• That isn't to say he won't make you eat his cum. His favorite way of doing that, is to cum inside your pussy, finger you until you cum, and make you suck on his sopping fingers. Sometimes with his gloves on, because he knows you love the leather.
• If you're together before being locked up in the bunker, Wesker is not above letting you suck his cock at his desk. In STARS or Umbrella, he is yours to do with as you please. And if he can return the favor while you're at work, he's more than happy to.
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• Wesker also loves seeing you wearing his clothes so much, that it often gets him all hot and bothered, and he's on you real quick like.
• When you inevitably fall pregnant, Wesker is the first to know. He knows before you know. He could sense the changes to your body, and eventually he could hear the extra heartbeat.
• But he'll wait for you to figure it out, and come to him. And like a good lover, he'll act surprised by the news, because he knows it'll make you happy.
• He praises every change your body goes through, some of which he seriously adores. Like how your hips widen a bit, and your breasts swell with milk for the babe.
• He will pamper you 1,000% more than he already did, waking you up most days with his tongue buried in your sweet pussy. And when your breasts grow heavy and sore, he's there to relieve the pain.
• Lactation kink unlocked!
• Initially it started with him massaging your sore breasts, but as he watched milk bead from your tender nipple, he instinctively licked it clean.
• You moaned, he growled. And within seconds your nipple was in his hot greedy mouth. Wesker groaned at the taste of your milk, tweaking your other nipple until it began leaking.
• He played with the milk for a moment before swapping breasts. Back and forth he went until he was satisfied, and the pressure in your breasts had subsidied.
• He kissed you hungrily afterwards, letting you taste your own milk. Before kissing his way down your body until he reached your sex, eating you out as if he were starved.
• Wesker fucking loves pregnancy sex. He loves holding your swollen belly as he makes slow sensual love to you. He loves how extra responsive you are, and how extra sensitive your body is.
• He is very attentive and will help you in the shower or bath, and when your all cleaned up, he can't help himself and he will finger you to climax.
• And when it gets to hard to shave yourself, Wesker is happy to lend a helping hand. Which unsurprisingly ends with him licking your pussy.
• Forgot to mention it before, but Wesker enjoys eating pussy very messily. It's so obscene the sounds he makes as he licks and slurps at your sex, growling and moaning as he dose so.
• The sounds are so obscene you often find yourself blushing like crazy. Even though you tend to suck his cock all noisily as well, something he takes great pleasure in of course.
• Wesker loves having you ride his face, when you're pregnant and when you're not. Don't worry you can't hurt him, so grind away. He'll keep a firm unrelenting hold of your hips, so you don't gotta worry about falling or anything like that.
• Once your child is born, Wesker is eager to get you pregnant again, after you've healed up of course. Although if you would rather wait a while, he'll comply to your request.
• So he'll cum on your belly, on your tits, your butt, your back, or down your throat. Wherever you want really. But he will beg you to let him breed you again, eventually. He can't help it, he needs to breed you.
• If you downright refuse, then he's gonna get you into anal if you aren't already. So he can atleast cum in your ass if you won't let him cum in your pussy anymore. But again he will still try to convince you at some point to let him cum in your pussy again.
• He needs it, don't be mean.
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Movie Wesker is a dreamboat okay! I freaking love Shawn Roberts, and he looked so good as Wesker.
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wooyoungmybelovedhusband · 10 months ago
ᴡɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ꜰᴀᴛᴇ
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PAIRING: Son of evil queen! Jeonghan x daughter of hades!reader | son of belle! Joshua x reader
⛧ SYNOPSIS: You were supposed to steal the wand, and take over the world – to prove that you were evil once and for all, but over the course of two days, you find yourself taken over by your complex feelings and lust.
CONTENT/WARNINGS: Brother! Seungcheol, Dom! Jeonghan & Joshua, childhood friend! Jeonghan, first love! Jeonghan, cheating, exhibition, fingerjng, degradation, unprotected sex, possessiveness, panty stuffing, spanking.
NOTE: Son of Gaston! Mingyu, Son of ursula! Dino.
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«"A WHAT?"» You and Seungcheol exclaimed in unison while your mother did not bother to look at you while she shaped her nails. «"A chance to go to Auradon"» She repeats her previous words yet again to you and your brother.
You could feel your insides twisting from the mention of the dreadful place. «"Mother, we are not going to that stinky place where people walk around with bright princess clothes and tiaras"» You say, speaking up like usual. Your mother knew all too well, it would be you who would instantly disagree with her decision. Because Seungcheol had never gone against your mothers words, for she did not give him a mind either.
Your mother always had a profound hate towards your older brother, no matter what he'd try to do to show her he was as evil as her or – the fact that he was trying to be. Maybe that was the problem – it was the fact that Seungcheol was not evil. He tried, tried hard to be what his mother expected him to be, but he just couldn't get himself to shove an old person into an alley or steal candy from a hungry child. He just couldn't be evil.
Or maybe the fact that he had taken after his father's genes and could easily use the power of that powerful ember if he had the chance to pass that barrier, and specially – inherited the radiant dark blue hair.
But you on the other side - well, you had dark purple hair, and you were just - as evil as she wanted you to be.
«"I agree with her, we are not going."» Your head whips around to look at him, your mouth gaping in revelation. Your mother's eyes instantly narrow upon hearing him. Standing up from her chair, she walks closer to where you both stood. Your hands intertwined with Seungcheol's, giving them a squeeze while she stared at both of you, on coming face-to-face with you. «"You both do not have an option, You're doing this for us and yourselves."»
Letting go of his hand, you cross your arms, walking closer to her. You tilt your head slightly, «"How about a no?"»
Her eyes flamed green, making your own eyes mirror hers. The Isle and your mother may have been deprived of any magic for years, but your mother's power to defeat you and your brother was nothing special.
Your usual contest was interrupted out of the blue - surprisingly - by your father.
«"Maleficent"» He moved from his spot on the doorway, while your head snapped towards him. «"You're hurting my daughter with your shenanigans yet again."» Your mother could care less about his comment. She walks away while both of you are approached by your father.
«"Listen, kids. Just think about it both of you, imagine if we do not have this fucking barrier preventing us from our freedom. It's all so simple really, you both go there with the other VKs, steal that wand, let us out of this stinky place and we take over the world again."» Those were the same old shit, repeating over and over from your parent's mouths.
You never had a deplored hatred towards the Auradon Or the ‘King and Queen’ but gosh did you want to avenge them for the childhood that was taken away from you.
Your father takes a step closer towards Seungcheol, his hand firmly placing itself on his shoulder and squeezed threateningly. «“I'm sure my son wouldn't want to disappoint me, would he?”»
‘I was never your fucking son’ - Gosh did Seungcheol just want to spit that out on his face but the hand almost bone crushingly squeezing his shoulder, stopped him. His face lowers down slowly, «Yes, father.»
You roll your eyes, having already expected his defeat against your father. You walk out, going to the only person that knew you inside out.
You rest your head against Jeonghan's chest. There were no words exchanged between the two of you, but he knew exactly what was running in your head.
«“I don't wanna go, Hannie”» You say, breaking the silence. «”Hm and why is that?”»
You roll your eyes yet again at his words, lifting your head to look up at him. «”You really are going to make me say it ain't you?”» Jeonghan feigns innocence at your words, «”Hmm I don't know what you're talking about.”» Your hand slaps his chest playfully, «”You know well, I can't be away from you, you jerk.”»
Jeonghan chuckles at your words, «”Tell me my evil little Y/n, did you bother to check who was selected to go to Auradon?”» Your eyebrows knit slightly, eyeing him in confusion. «”What are you talking ‘bout?”»
Jeonghan's lips stretch in a heartwarming smile, «”I'm coming with you too, dummy.”» Your eyes widen in astonishment, and your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him down for a tight hug. «”Thank god I'll at least have you by my side, I can't imagine seeing all those princesses and their glamour, and manage to not puke.”»
Just as you say that, you hear someone clear their throat behind you. Your head snaps back to the person, and you find your brother standing there. «”I still exist you know”» Both of you laugh at his words, running to him while he pouts at the both of you.
Your fingers held the handle of your bag over your shoulders, while you waited for the other selected ones. Your expression swiftly turns disgusted when your eyes fall on the tall guy who emerges from the crowd. «”Don't tell me that jerk is coming too, gosh I can't have my life being ruined any more.”» Seungcheol chuckles next to you upon hearing you, knowing well you were talking about Gaston's son.
As if on the talk of the devil, Mingyu approached your figure, you knew him all too well to not guess his next words. «”Aren't you a little too cranky today, beautiful?”» He smirks down at you – god was he just as jerky as his father. You take a small step closer towards him, «”Fuck off before your face is unidentifiable by the time we walk out of the barrier.”» Mingyu scoffs under his breath, walking away from you.
«”He's right though, what's got you so cranky?”» You hear the familiar voice from behind and turn around to find Jeonghan walking up to you, his hands buried in his pockets while his bag hangs over his shoulder.
You let out a soft gasp, as soon as your eyes fell on him, his dark blue hair was turned into long black hair where his bangs fell over his face softly. You barely gave a mind about his words, while letting his arm wrap around your waist. «"What's up with the sudden hair change?”» He smiles smugly, his eyes meeting yours «”You like it? I did it for you.”» Jeonghan winks down at you at the end of his sentence, giggling under his breath when you roll your eyes at him.
«”I guess it looks good.”» You shrug him off before walking towards black limousine as you throw your bag inside.
Just as you were about to plop yourself onto the seats, you feel a tug at the back of your collar. You turn around to find your sworn enemy – Dino standing in front of you. His lips curl up in a smirk, «”It feels so nice to know that you're coming along, cause I want you to see me succeed at getting the wand before you can.”» You scoff at his words, «”Oh really? I didn't know you were so pathetically waiting for my validation.”»
His pupils dilate slightly in anger, and his hands fly to the collar of your shirt – you mirror him, tugging on his collar harshly.
«“Little girl thinks her parents are going to think she's really evil once she gets her hands on the wand, does she?”» You scoff at his words, but before you could speak anything else you feel Seungcheol and Jeonghan pull you back from his grip. «“So hot-headed.”» Jeonghan tchs under his breath but it was well audible for you. You shoot him a glare while you take your seat next to the window, grumpily.
You hear Seungcheol gasp under his breath next to you, when he finally steps out of the car. Completely contradicting you – who stood there with pure disgust and displease in your blood. Jeonghan clearly mirrored your feelings, as he stood next to you. You were met face-to-face with the new crowned prince who stood in front of all of you with a blue perfectly fitted formal suit, a napkin weirdly folded and kept in his pocket.
All the seven of you instantaneously recognized the man. ‘The great Crown Prince’ - the exact words the anchor person said the other day when you had been watching the only ever channel that was broadcasted in the Isle of the Lost.
«“Hi I'm Joshua Hong. The Crown Prince of Auradon.”» He speaks, causing you to snap out of your trance. His eyes turn into crescents when he smiles, and he holds out his hand to you. And you hold your hand out but just before your hands could meet, someone intervenes and shakes his hand. You look up to find Jeonghan, eyeing the man who was the same height as him with a forced smile.
You don't give it much of a thought and stand back. «“I don't think you need our introduction.”» Soon he retrieves his hand, snuggling it in between his pockets. «“Yea, definitely, I hope you make yourself comfortable here.”» He walks off and soon a bright cheerful skips happily towards you.
«“I'm Dokyeom, Fairy Godmother’s son!”» The mention of his mother instantly catches your attention, «“Fairy Godmother? Like the bibbidi bobbidi boo?”» He nods eagerly, his smile stretched ear-to-ear. All of you questioned how he managed to keep that smile so bright. «“Come along, I'll show you the way around!”»
Your heavy breaths are almost heard throughout the room in the museum. You sure had gotten lost from the others, but fuck you were lost in his dark brown eyes as he started down at you with gaping lips. «“H-Hannie, what are you doing?”»
You definitely did not expect to find yourself in this position, pinned against the smooth wall of the Museum of Auradon. Breathless and thoughtless under his gaze, his fingers disappeared inside your tight leather jeans while his free hand tucked your leg around his waist. «“Something I've desired to do for a long time, Y/n.”» and with that, his lips were back on yours, your tongues intertwining and he slowly caressed the skin of your thigh ever so softly. His breathing turns heavy in seconds mirroring yours, the sparks caused by the wet loud kisses push away the consciousness of your whereabouts and what you had to do.
You slowly part away with a heavy breath, your eyes meeting him in a hazy gaze. «“I think it's time I finally claim you as mine baby, all fucking mine.”»
Your next response gets caught in your throat and a choked moan leaves your lips as his hand slips past your pants. His fingers effortlessly move behind your panties, cupping you whole. His lips curled against the skin of your neck after noticing how the arousal seeped out of you. His hair tips tickled your ear lobe, as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. «“Looks like someone's as excited as I am.”»
«“Shut up”» Your words cause your jaw to be gripped tightly out of nowhere making you gasp. «“I may keep up with your bratty attitude all the time, but while you're under me, know your fucking place. Got it?”» Your throat runs dry from the way his jaw clenched in anger while his fingers continued to work on you.
«”I need words, baby.”» His stern toned words spark your brain in a way you could never imagine, «Yes, Han!»
Jeonghan innocently shoots you his angelic smile as if his fingers weren't knuckles deep inside you while everyone was wandering off searching for you. You moan into his ear as his fingers relentlessly move inside you, searching for your g-spot so skillfully. His curling fingers found your spot in no time, as he had you gripping on to his blue leather jacket ever so tightly as you parted your legs.
His hands come down to circle your waist in a split second to hold you against him. Your back arched while your eyes rolled back from the pleasure.
You probably didn't hate him in your whole life except for right now when he retreats his hand from your pants when a low «“Gonna cum”» slips past your lips. «“We gotta go before we get caught baby”» Jeonghan shoots you his smile yet again, with not an ounce of guilt in him. All you could do was stare at him with your tear glossed eyes, and let him manoeuvre your body out of the museum
Your hands clutched onto your books while you walked into Auradon Prep. You find Jeonghan sitting on the bleachers next to your brother, with his arm hanging around Seungcheol's shoulder. Before you could walk past him, you feel a familiar arm wrap around your waist. «“Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?”»
If you had heard the same words from Jeonghan just a day before at the same time, you would have elbowed him instantly. But you would be lying if his low voice did not give you butterflies from the way the name fell off his lips. You quickly free yourself from his embrace, your cheeks flaring red, but your body and his arms do not let you get any further away from him.
You look up at him in mock annoyance but his lips curl up around the corners. The bare distance between the both of you caused your memory to flash in front of your eyes, of last night. The fact that you had to take care of your little problem thanks to his antics. «“Don't try to get away from me.”»
All your movements come to a halt at his low order, and you huff in annoyance. But before you could speak to him any further, you hear a loud, «“Y/N!”» and you turn around to find Dokyeom and Woozi – Aurora's son, walking towards you. With all the strength you had, you break free from Jeonghan’s hold which was loose around your waist and fix the nonexistent curl in your outfit.
«“Hey! Would you like to join us for the preparation for Joshua's coronation?”» «“Sure!”» You never expected your voice to come out so high-pitched which would make Jeonghan snicker under his breath if he hadn't heard their request. Jeonghan shoots daggers down your figure while you walk away with Dokyeom.
«“So,”» You trail off, catching Dokyeom and Woozi's attention, «”It's not even been a month since I'm here, why'd you pick me?”» Dokyeom shoots you his infamous smile, «”Because Joshua hyung wanted one of the VKs to give their ideas since you're also a part of Auradon Prep. And well certainly, he suggested you would be a great option.”»
You hesitantly smile from his words, not quite sure what was going on, and what your reaction was supposed to be. «”How's everything going on?”» You flinch when you hear an oddly familiar voice behind you, and you look back to find Joshua towering over you.
«”Gosh, you scared me!”» You exclaimed at him to which his eyes turn into crescents as he lets out a little giggle. «”Oh I did not mean to.”»
You step away from him, so he could talk to the two in-charges. Your bottom lip juts out in boredom while you stand there. Your trail of thoughts is interrupted by Joshua mentioning your name out of nowhere, only for you to look up at him to find him looking at you with questioning eyes. «”Would you care to join me in my office, Y/n? I would like to have a conversation with you.”»
His gentle tone and voice contradicted Jeonghan's teasing tone and low voice, but it sure made you flustered either way but you mentally slap yourself before you could be so.
«”What'd you want to talk about, Joshie?”» The man looks at you, quite caught off guard by the nickname but he proceeds to his seat nonetheless. «”Joshie?”» He questions only to be met with your unbothered expression while you take your seat in front of his desk.
«“So why'd you bring me here?”» You decide to get straight to the point, without beating around the bush for long. You cock your eyebrows at him only to be met with a quite surprised expression.
«“Well, do you know for a fact that we have cameras installed in all the buildings owned by the king and queen?”» You suddenly straighten your back from the topic, «“Yea?”» Joshua breathily giggles a bit before leaning forwards on the table. «“Did you know we have hidden cameras installed which are not quite accessible to everyone?”» You furrow your eyebrows slightly. «“What do you mean, Joshua? Get to the point.”»
«“Alright then, could you explain this?”» He turns the laptop in your direction, the image of your figure being pinned against the wall while Jeonghan has his hands dipped inside your pants. You were too startled to notice the fact that Joshua was now behind you, with his torso leaning down next to you with his hands in his pocket. «“I have a lot of questions, princess. But god could I not help but want to make that pretty face scrunch up like that for me.”»
The irony of the nickname and his words go straight down to your cunt. «“Oh how I would love to wrap my hand around that neck of yours baby.”» A low moan gets caught in your throat. «“Fuck! Isn't this wrong?”»
«“Did not know the evil little girl cared about what's wrong or what's right.”» Although the man towered over you from behind you, you could hear the smirk in his voice. His words cause your demeanour to change in a split second. You raise yourself and rest your bottom on the edge of his desk. Your fingers wander off to pull him by his collar, and you click your tongue before whispering, «“Oh Joshie, wouldn't your people be so disappointed in you for this? Imagine what they're going to do if they find out their crown prince is fucking a VK”»
«“You're quite bold for a slut who was rubbing her thighs just from meek words while she watched herself .”» Saying that, Joshua’s hands move to grasp your wrist in one hand before he's turning you around and bending you over instantaneously. His large hand covers your ass almost completely, as he caressed the soft skin over the leather.
You yelp when his hand comes down on your ass, catching you off-guard. «“Mhm let's see, you think your little lover would be excited to know the fact that you're bending over with your ass out for another man?”» His words look down on you, but gosh you were not supposed to get wetter as each word left his mouth. So instead of giving into the low whine threatening to escape, you decided to taunt him. «“Really? Cause what are your-”»
You barely get to finish when his hands come down to slap your ass again. «“So fucking fiesty aren't you?”»
Joshua's fingers tuck under your pants, swiftly pulling off your pants with your panties. He tears away your panties hastily, leaving behind a red mark on your inner thighs from his rough move. «“Josh-”» Your words are cut off from his fingers pushing the soaked fabric into your mouth. «“At least that's gonna shut you up for some time, wouldn't it baby?”»
Joshua held your hands behind your back with one hand while his other hand undid the zipper of his own formal pants. «"Do you think you can handle my cock? In this tight fucking pussy?”»
Joshua's hand slap against your smooth skin yet again, before sliding down to your heat. His thick fingers plunge right inside you within seconds thanks to your dripping arousal. Your moans came out muffled as you pushed your ass desperately into his touch. Your body and voice box betray you as soon as his fingers thrusted them deep inside you. «“Look at you moaning already, you like it don't ya?”»
You whine at the way his thick fingers stay still inside you while being knuckles-deep. You move your hips over his hand only to be welcomed with a slap over your ass. «“So darn impatient, darling.”» Joshua's tone came out sounding annoyed, but God would he be lying if he said he didn't like your bratty behaviour. Contradicting his words, his actions made it seem obvious how much he needed you to be what you are when he pressed his rock-hard cock against your ass.
Unexpectedly for you, his free hand moves forward to pull the fabric out of your mouth. You barely have any mind to question the way he stuffed your panties inside the back pocket of his pants before his fingers curl up inside you.
«“Let's give you what you want, shall we?”» His fingers thrust forward inside you, and your hands fumble to grab the corner of his desk before he is scissoring you open. «“Or should I leave you hanging like he did yesterday?”»
A loud ‘no’ escapes you, followed by a series of ‘please’ and ‘let me cum’. The thought of having to be edged again made your brain turn jelly, and you push your hips back into his hand yet again. Joshua's dick twitches in his pants from your bratty move, and his hand comes down to hold your hips in a bruising grasp.
«“Be nice, or else I might as well just use your mouth instead of this slutty cunt.”» The alternative change in his words and tone did something to your whole body. The way he spoke to you in such a soft tone with praising words, to change it downright degrading and condescending.
Your thighs shook convulsively with everything going on, and your inner walls clenched around his fingers. You moan out loudly when you feel the cold metal of his fingers touch your inner walls, showing you just how deep he was, getting you cumming around him in seconds.
Joshua pulls his fingers out, and instantly groans at the sight of your own cum seeping out of your hole. «“As much as I'd love to just fuck your mouth right now, I'd rather fill this cunt of yours with my cum.”»
Without a second thought, Joshua pushes his cock inside you. A loud gasp erupts from you, and the way his girth stretches you out causes you to lift your legs off the ground. «“Josh!- fuck- Slow down- nngh”» Your words are cut down by his two of his fingers which invade your mouth harshly. His thumb presses down on to your tongue, «“I get to fucking decide what I do, you're gonna take what I give like the pretty girl you are, alright?”»
Your eyeballs are rolling back in pleasure when his hips slap against your ass, his thrusts so fast it makes your vision go blurry in seconds from tears. The heat radiating from your body has the glass under you, foggy.
His hand which pressed down on your tongue moved to grip your hair locks. He yanks your head up, and your eyes are – yet again – met with the lewd image of you and Jeonghan playing on the screen. But the things he was doing to you right there was incomparable to what played on the device. But God forbid, the dirtiness of the whole scene had you dripping down onto his balls and your own legs.
«“Yea, go ahead, watch yourself. Watch how fucking slutty you can be for some dick. Wonder what your lover's going to think about this.”»
Your hazy brain could – neither comprehend his words nor – realise that the video was playing on loop. Low words of ‘harder’ and ‘please’ are released from you between your moans. And Joshua was more than ecstatic to comply. His hips almost leave behind marks from the way they met so harshly with the skin of your ass, you were closer to your edge than you knew.
With a loud scream, your walls pulsated around him as your orgasm came crashing down. Joshua grunts and groans behind you, riding out his own orgasm as he stained your walls with his cum.
You both take minutes before Joshua's hips cease to move, and he pulls his now-soft cock out of your abused hole.
You slowly push your body upwards, your hands moving to brush through your hair to make it look tad-bit presentable.
«“Not going to lie, that was so fucking hot. Didn't know you'd have this side to you.”» You say right after you finish zipping your pants. Joshua's lips curl up, looking so innocent that it makes you doubt if he was the one who had your legs shaking just now. «“I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it.”» You take slow steps towards him, getting closer towards him. «“Looks like the future ideal king for the people has a nasty little side to him.”»
Your eyes slowly trail down to his plump lips, mirroring his own eyes. Your eyes linger on his perfectly sculpted lips for longer than you'd expected, longer than you'd wanted. But your head is swift to turn to the side when he leans down to try and connect your lips together. Causing his lips to be met with your cheek.
Your eyes closed shut when as you stilled in your place, Joshua pressed his lips against your cheek a little more before pulling away. You surely did feel bad for that, but the image of Jeonghan and the feeling his lips left on you, had you chasing that taste more than anything.
Your eyes open ever so slowly and they widen when they find Jeonghan's figure watching through the glass window from afar. You could barely make out his expressions but your heartbeat turns uneven and your eyes blare green. Joshua, who had moved steps away from you, looks at you, meeting your glowing eyes.
«“Y-Y/n your eyes-”» before he could finish his sentence, you're running out of his office.
You pace around in your room, there was little to no light illuminating across the roomroom, just how you usually liked it and wanted it to be. Your radiant green eyes flared up every second, you felt like everything was coming crashing down. The inner voices inside your brain screaming at you for everything, you could currently care less about the fact that the whole reason you were in Auradon was to steal the wand. At least not when your first love and your only comfort person is probably going to leave you.
You hear a single knock on the door and your body stills in your tracks, a low pathetic sound escapes you. You take slower steps than ever, knowing exactly who was behind the door. You barely open the door a few inches before the door is slammed open. You flinch from the loud noise, but the man in front of you could care less. (He couldn't)
His hand covers your neck whole while he pins you against the door. «“You liked that huh? Getting your cunt fucked by someone else which wasn't me?”» There was a faint blue glint in his eyes, while his black long strands fell over his face ever so perfectly. His jaw clenched in anger, but the hand around your neck just held you in place. «“Jeonghan, I-I can explain.”»
You choke on your words, and a tear slips out of the corner of your eye. And Jeonghan's face instantly becomes soft, and the hand around your neck swiftly cups your cheek. His other hand pulls you into his embrace as he circles his arm around your waist. «“I-I'm so fucking sorry Hannie, I-I didn't- I-I'm so sorry, don't leave me, please don't”»
This was probably the second time he ever saw you cry this hard in his embrace, and he had known you for his life. Jeonghan's heart clenches from the way tears rolled down your eyes. His hand squeezes your cheeks a little, «“Baby, stop crying, look at me please?”»
If Jeonghan was honest, he wasn't really phased by the fact that you had fucked with Joshua. But what infuriated him was the fact that you'd let him cum inside you. But he would he lying if he said it didn't turn him on when he saw you getting fucked by Joshua, his dick twitched in his pants when he realised what kind of effect he still had on you when he saw your reaction to the clip. So maybe all that anger was just for show so he could fuck you dumb.
By the time your tears had stopped rolling down your eyes, you looked up at him slowly. «“You didn't let him kiss you, did you?”» You eye him in confusion, «“What? No-”» Your lips were met with his soft ones in a split second. Your eyes closed and your body melted in his embrace. You hum into the kiss, a low moan from you being swallowed by him as you place your hands around his neck.
Pulling away, Jeonghan looks down at your lips. The bare few seconds of kissing them harshly got them all red already, making him curse under his breath. «“I'm not angry, angel,”» Never had you expected yourself to get flustered over that unlikely nickname but unexpected things happen, right?
His lips are back on yours before you know it, but with more chastity, his tongue invades your mouth while he groans into your mouth. You moan around his tongue, letting your hips grind on his thigh unconsciously.
Jeonghan pulls away slightly, his lips still brushing over your lips, «“I'm fucking jealous that he got to fuck this cunt of yours before me.”» There was a seductive glint in your eyes when you tightened around his neck «“Then fuck me till I forget he was ever inside me.”» His parted lips curve into a smirk, «“Oh fuck I will.”»
His arms move you towards the bed, his figure manhandling you to lay on the mattress, before his hands instantly come down to spread your legs apart. Jeonghan barely wastes any time before pulling your purple leather pants down your hips and off your legs. The cold air hitting your bare pussy had you wincing. He presses his thumb over your clit, applying slight pressure while rubbing slow circles.
You groan from the stimulation, already having fucked one, your legs soon started shaking due to the pleasure. «“So sensitive aren’t you? He fucked you so hard, you can barely handle this?» Jeonghan’s tone was humiliating, making slick seep out of you.
Your lips part widely in a silent gasp when his index and middle finger push into you in a swift move. Instantly curling up as they thrust into your G-spot, his lips tug at the corner from the way your face scrunches up in pleasure – which wasn't such an unfamiliar sight for him but gosh did he want to savour it so badly.
And your sensitiveness soon had your thighs closing around his hands while your own gripped the sheets with your nails digging into the fabric as you came around his fingers.
As much as Jeonghan yearned to sit back and watch your fucked out face while your pants bounced off the walls and filled his ears – his patience ran thin and he was soon undoing his pants, pulling his boxers off to free his cock.
«“How about this, angel? Let's see how many times I can make you cum till I imprint my dick inside that tight little pussy of yours”» His words had you clenching around nothing while his hands came down to grip your wrists together.
Moans guised as gasps leave your mouth when you feel his length slide in between your folds, teasing you with his slow movements before he slammed his cock into you.
Jeonghan’s grip on your wrists tighten, while he leans down to lock your lips with his. His teeth tug on your bottom lip, almost leaving behind a bruise. Skin-slapping sounds resonate through the room as his hips meet yours harshly for every thrust.
Pulling away, Jeonghan moves down to kiss your jaw slowly while whispering – «“Gonna fuck you till you fucking forget his name, babygirl.”» The nicknames, along with his long fingers sliding over your skin and gripping it so bruisingly all while his dick managing to hit all the right spots in you had you floating in your headspace.
Your mind felt clouded from the pleasure as Jeonghan had you cumming hard around him in minutes. Nevertheless, that didn't stop his hips from slamming into you at a faster pace. His hands come up to move the hair strands that stuck to your forehead due to sweat, out of the way. «“You're mine, angel. And we're gonna win this together.”»
The next day when you woke up, you found yourself in a position no different than that you slept the last day – your face nuzzled against Jeonghan’s chest, his arms secured around you.
But soon the both of you make your way to the main hall of Auradon prep due to the loud announcement that told you to. Your heels clicked against the stony path as you made your way next to Seungcheol with Jeonghan following next to you. You look around the surroundings, and your eyes froze on the person in the table right next to you – the same blonde head and the same brown eyes from yesterday.
Your eyes stay on his before you are pulled back into the present by the King’s voice.
“Good morning Auradon Prep, this will come as quite a surprise for you, but three weeks from now, The Royal Cotillion will take place. The preparations will begin from today onwards, and so will the proposals for the Royal dance.” His next words are almost drowned out as you take in the information.
Jeonghan turned around to grasp your hand – mirroring Joshua who had moved a few steps closer to you. “Y/n will you be my date?” The two voices echoed in your way – all while you stood there, absolutely dumbfounded about how you found yourself in this situation. How had you forgotten your main goal along the way? Was this what you were fated to? But most importantly, who were you going to choose?
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localboobsenjoyer · 7 months ago
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You were finally on vacation with your new fiance, Denise. You were resting at the poolside when she reached you, topless. "No top today?" You asked, ogling her perfect massive breasts. "All my bras were already pretty tight when we left, and since we are here, I grew a full size, so none of them fit anymore." "That's unfortunate," you said sarcastically. "I know that it must be super fucking hard for you to marry the girl with the best boobs on the planet. You will be happy to know that I'm already bigger than my grandma and just one size smaller than my mother while being far younger, so I should overtake her soon." Having said that, she lied down next to you, and, after giving her new and improved boobs a nice squeeze, you went back to sleep. After some time, you were awakened by another resident of the hotel. It was an extremely beautiful lady, extremely tall, and with a perfect face and full lips. The only problem was her complete and absolute lack of boobs, a dealbreaker for you.
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Before you could ask her anything, she brazingly states, "Hello, sir, I'm here to steal you from your girlfriend. I believe to have all the necessary qualities to take the life of pleasure that you can offer for me." You and Denise almost burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, lady, you are definitely an attractive woman, but as you can see, I like my girls with some heavy, fat tits," you said, playing with Denise's ample bosom. "That won't be a problem." Said the girl with an evil twinkle in her eyes.
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As soon as she finished saying those words, you could feel Denise's breast shrinking, dissolving into your hands. At the same time, the misterous girl's breasts exploded in size, obliterating the tiny, useless bikini that she was wearing. "What about now?" "Fine by me," you replied. "Sorry, honey, you remember the premarital agreement: if I find boobs bigger than yours, it can leave you without legal consequences."
Denise was desperate. Her whole world had been destroyed. Despite that crying, she tried to respond. "I still have my great genetics, and I'm still growing. I can get back to where I was in no time and surpass this bitch." "Unfortunatly, no sweaty. Your family genes are too valuable to be wasted on you, so I stole those too." "I think this settles it. Sorry, Denise, you had a good run but you lost. Nothing personal. What did you say your name was?" you asked your new girlfriend. "Does it matter?" she responded flirtatiously. "You're right, let's go try your new boobs."
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ultimate-marysue · 20 days ago
How I feel my Batfam ships may or may not have children (please don't take me seriously I just need wholesomeness):
Dickkory: multiple bio kids, I'm pretty sure this is canon in some future/alternative universes. I think DC should set Kori free on a PTA meeting with no one explain to her the absurd social rules Karens set. The shitty mothers would hate her because she's over here, playing dumb on purpose until they're forced to admit they're just being annoying/egocentric and not actually asking to better their kid's education. Also, career day would be crazy considering Dick changes jobs every few months to get involved into whatever business he's investigating. Like, one year he's a cop, next he's a super model, next he's a college professor somehow. Kori thinks it's really funny so she insists on Dick being the one to go.
Dickbabs: they either don't have kids (just adopt a bunch of rescues) or maybe have one adoptive kid. Other than Cass who is Babs daughter I don't care what anyone thinks. Just Dick, Barbara and Barbara's daughter who is also Dick's sister. Also, Babs got lucky with Cass being homeschooled, the second she has to deal with the school system she's on the phone with the president blackmailing him to fix it. Easy to say, Dick deals with school exclusively from them on.
BabsDinah: they're the lesbian aunts (that end up doing a lot of the parenting because they can't help themselves). Like, neither of them would really want to have kids of their own, but the second a young vigilante with a shit ton of issues gets dropped in their doorstep it's on. Like, officially they'd be mentors, but they all see each other as family.
Stephcass: Cass is a ticking bomb, she's going to find an ex-murderer kid in need of guidance and just bring them home. Steph is not thrilled at first because they're so young still until she realizes "oh wait no, we're like, adult adults now" and then she has a crisis (unrelated to the child). Also Steph would love love to prove she's better than her father (but would be terrified of messing up). At first they're really chill but soon enough they turn it into a competition with the other Bats. Not a competition between their kids, mind you ("no Cass, that's bad parenting") but a competition of who's the best parent. Jason is terrified of them, but the rest are absolutely down.
Jayroy: asides from our beautiful wonderful and just overall fantastic Lian Harper, I think they might end up adopting some kids. What can I say? I think Jason should have Bruce's adoption gene, but specially for kids in dangerous/hard situations. I'm talking the older kids that never get adopted or younger kids with some sort of disability that need extra accomodations. I think Jason would try very hard to avoid them being vigilantes at least until they're 18. Roy is more chill with vigilantism because well, Lian turned out fine, but he respects Jason's opinion. Most important, no child of his is going to be a Robin to Bruce fucking Wayne. Also, everyone in the PTA would love them, they'd be super involved and Jason would make sure to bribe the appropriate people with muffins.
TimKon: test tube baby, not on purpose though. Like, I don't see Tim as someone actively wanting kids (especially not biological ones) and Kon wouldn't want his kid having to face the problems he did. But like, if Cadmus pulls some weird shit and there's a super baby for the taking, they would both want to make sure they give him the most loving upbringing possible. Another option is Tim accidentally creating their baby while trying to clone Kon while he was dead. That one's plausible and has a lot of angst hurt/comfort potential. Also, Teen Dad Tim after being extremely parentified during his early teens taking care of Bruce (while grieving everyone!) is evil , but a compelling kind of evil. Like a trainwreck you can't look away from.
TimBer: dual income no kids kinda queers. They're over here taking their various nephews to Olive Garden and Disneyland only to drop them off and go live their lovely stress free lives. They may adopt a kid, but that would be only when they really settled down. Let Tim enjoy his 20s (if he ever gets there) my boy has been through enough.
Dukeizzy: again, maybe it's because Duke's still pretty young so he hasn't showed much interest or inclination toward parenting, but I don't have a lot of info to go with. Personally either Dual income "take the kids to do airsoft" kinda uncle/aunt, I can see both of them being really good at giving advice to younger vigilantes (the whole situation of We Are Robin gives you a lot of insight in the power of child vigilantes separated from any mentors, so they're in a particular good spot to mediate between the kids and adults). In the case of them having kids, I think they should inherit Dukes autism (I love that headcanon) and both he and Izzy would be those parents making damn sure their kids get the accommodations they need specially at school. If their kids choose to become vigilantes you bet they're gonna be unionized.
Also, I don't have any particular ship for Damian but you bet that if that boy ever becomes a parent they'd be the softest, sweetest father in the world.
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kerorowhump · 1 year ago
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I CAN AND I WILL (i needed to find the post for a discussion i was having so i reblogged it so keep it up in my blog so I wouldn't risk losing my train of thought jdshkf)
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hey actually it's striking to me that this is the exact opposite of "everyone else is useless" if u think about it. I think this is more truthful to how he feels as it's not an emotional reaction he's having to some unpleasant event
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cityofmeliora · 5 months ago
another absolutely insane Primo interview
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in my first post about Primo's characterization, i noted that he has a dark sense of humor and possibly cruel inclinations. i recently found scans of a April 2012 Metal Hammer interview that features Primo and a Nameless Ghoul (big thanks to @ Primoismelting on twitter!!) i can now say with absolute certainly that he delights in evil and cruelty and being a villain.
this interview is like. really long. so i'm not posting a whole transcript. but here some highlights from this interview:
Primo says he would maim a panda bear for less than $500.
THERE ARE VARIOUS MEANS OF ASSESSING WHETHER SOMEONE IS EVIL OR NOT You don't need to wait until a person plunges a rusty pair of gardening shears through your eye to stop and think: "Yes, my reading of the situation is that he's a bit on the evil side." Criminal psychologists and those working in secure psychiatric facilities use questionnaires called psychopathy tests in order to judge whether someone is a grade A violent nutcase or not... whether they're mad or simply bad. Today's two subjects from the occult rock band Ghost – a sinister figure shrouded in robes who answers only to the title of A Nameless Ghoul and a desiccated cadaverous fiend wearing the pope's robes and mitre, called Papa Emeritus – have agreed to sit ARE YOU EVIL? 101. We tell them, "No one will ever find out. Tell me how much money it would take to persuade you to hit a panda really hard in the face with a brick." Despite his voice being disguised by electronic effects to help preserve his identity, the disgust in the Nameless Ghoul's answer is audible: "It would take a lot of money. An insurmountable amount of money." But you would not kill the panda – probably just fuck its nose up a bit. And I have a Large amount of money to offer you. But the Ghoul will not budge and is clearly appalled: "I will pass thank you. I have no desire to hit a panda in the face with a brick." Papa Emeritus pauses for what feels like an eternity before croaking: "One. Million. Lire.” A willingness to harm animals is often judged to be an indicator of psychotic behaviour. Most people would never agree to hit the unfortunate bamboo-eating, sex-phobic, monochromatic bear on the hooter. Papa is not only happy to do it but he also knows a Gene Simmons-sized business opportunity when he sees one, yet the Ghoul on the other hand has revealed he has a more moral outlook. This is very confusing. Another test is needed. Metal Hammer (April 2012)
the Italian Lira is a now-obsolete currency that was phased out and replaced by the Euro from 1999-2002. in 2001, its last year of usage, it had an average conversion rate of roughly ~2180 Lire = 1 USD. 1 million Lire would be about $460 USD. Primo dgaf about endangered animals LMAO.
Primo reacts with sinister glee at the idea of invading and conquering Poland. (understandably, this is the interview where a Nameless Ghoul compares him to H*tler.)
We put the following to them, "OK, consider this. You are passing by Poland. Do you stop and think A) What a fantastic opportunity, I must visit this famous land and soak up its rich culture and history and make new friends in the process, or B) I must annex this God-forsaken strip of dirt and grind its populace under the heel of my jackboot in order to create Lebensraum for my Reich which will reign in glory for a millennium?" The Nameless Ghoul stammers: "I have yet to step foot in Poland so it's a foreign country to me." Stop avoiding the question. Would you sooner visit Poland for a holiday or invade it? He sighs and says: "In my line of work we are pretty much into invading countries. Being a rock musician with the aim of putting on a very good show all around the world, it would be very handicapping to not explore the cultural aspects of countries you visit. But when you are in a band such as Ghost that's on the rise and you go to a country like Poland, you go there with the aim of conquering the country. You go to their country to enrich them with your culture of blasphemy.” Papa Emeritus does not add anything but he is grinning as much as his rigor mortis will allow and rubbing his hands together. It looks like in his mind he is already packing his bags and choosing a particularly severe tank commander's outfit for the trip. Again there is a big divide between the mysterious monk and his partially decayed singer. The conclusion of the test is far from clear. Could it be – as strange as it may seem – that they are nothing more threatening than ordinary travelling minstrels who simply wish to excite young people with an invigorating and theatrical "rock show"? Or are they indeed, as they claim, emissaries sent from Hades to recruit foot soldiers for the most evil of battles to come? More tests are needed. Metal Hammer (April 2012)
Primo has no problem with being compared to H*tler, but he DOES NOT want you to forget that his dick is HUGE.
The Nameless Ghoul says this is partially the point: "A lot of people presume we're parodying the church by inverting it but this isn't the case. We do the exact same thing as the church but we add a little topping to make a point. I think the real Pope is a very frightening character and that's the reason why he is an impenetrable, invincible and uncontrollable figure. It is the same with Papa Emeritus. You can't defeat Papa Emeritus because he's sacred. Most people find authoritative figures like the Pope enthralling. So he represents everything that is sacred, powerful and authoritative. It is very humorous as well, because not only is he our own Eddie, he's also Freddie Mercury, Adolf Hitler, Dracula, Marlon Brando and the Pope rolled into one.” Anger rouses Papa Emeritus from his near slumber: "Don't forget John Holmes!" The Nameless Ghoul sighs and corrects himself, throwing the 13 -inch-cocked porn star into the mix: "He is like Freddie Mercury, Adolf Hitler, Dracula, Marlon Brando, The Pope and John Holmes rolled into one.” Metal Hammer (April 2012)
Primo fucks, but he DOES NOT do foreplay.
"Thank you," says Papa E. It has to be said, while the singer no doubt cuts quite a figure in his robes and he undeniably has great bone structure, some of which is exposed to the elements, it's perhaps a shame that he doesn't have a better grooming routine as this might afford him and Ghost more young female fans. The Ghoul laughs raucously beneath his hood: "You'd be surprised at how many women flirt scandalously with him from the audience. The Ghouls get repelled when we see this happening actually. It is true that he has good bone structure but I think it is not so much his looks as the idea of him being whoever they want…” So basically you're saying that there are a lot of women out there who are having impure thoughts about a cadaverous cross between Hitler and Freddie Mercury in a dress? He lets out another chuckle: "Yes... yes, I am." Papa cuts in with a lascivious leer: "Whatever makes you think that I do not engulf myself in the carnal aftermath of our masses? I do, however, refrain from so-called 'foreplay'."
in the original lore, Papa Emeritus I was a zombie pope. he was supposed to be an actual literal corpse.
the interview makes several references to Primo being a zombie. he's described as 'cadaverous', having rigor mortis and exposed bones. the joke was that the title "Papa Emeritus" is the title of former popes, but a former pope would by definition be a dead pope, so the idea was that Ghost's Papa Emeritus I was a dead pope. this was before Pope Benedict resigned in 2013 and became the first living Pope Emeritus, ruining the joke, LOL.
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howlett-n-morgan · 4 months ago
More Than Words
1. Familiar Stranger
Logan Howlett x OC!Reader
Series Summary: Having lived for over two hundred years and never having the privilege of skin to skin contact is the biggest burden imaginable, until someone comes along with the healing ability to withstand the touch of death.
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Chapter Warnings: This might be a lot for the start of a series but: mild language, canon typical violence, mention of a witch trial, burning at the stake, death, mutant experimentation, and a depressive episode briefly described. Logan's claws come out lol... I think that's it but let me know if I missed anything.
Chapter Summary: Nightmares that were long forgotten come crawling back, seemingly without meaning, until everything falls into place with the arrival of a familiar stranger... and he gets nightmares, too.
Word Count: 6.5k
And now there was this Logan character. “Bulletproof, huh?” he didn’t seem skeptical, just unimpressed.  “And fireproof,” you added with a small smile, turning and going down the hall to find the next open room. It was the one besides yours, and yes, you absolutely did that on purpose. “Forgive me for being forward… but I think I know you.” “You know me? Doubtful.”
The X gene -  typically found in people with mutant family history - begins showing itself around the time of adolescence, usually blossoming in young teenagers. You remember the first time you realized there was something wrong with you. The year was 1780.
You were only thirteen, and were showing signs of something no one could put a finger on. The first instance was doing laundry with your cousin, Sarah, and dipping your hands into the water the same time that she did. Her hands started to burn, and she pulled her fingers from the basin quickly, only to find her hands were fine, and the water wasn’t even that hot. You thought that maybe it was a fluke, but then the second occurrence took place. 
You’d been playing near the lake with some of your friends on your twentieth birthday, when a bolt of lightning struck you. Your friends gathered nearby to see if you were alright, but were baffled completely to find you standing there as if nothing had happened. 
That was the day that time stopped, and you never grew older. 
These were things that told you there was a difference within you, but you never knew how lethal it actually was until it reached its full potential. You only wish you’d been given a warning. 
The day it all went for worse, and your life became hell, was actually a very sunny day. You woke up the same, got dressed the same, even went out back to milk the cow… but the second you touched her, she fell limp, collapsing to the ground. Your eyes widened in terror when you realized the lovely farm animal had lost her life in that split second, unable to move, or breath. 
You ran back inside to tell your mother, but you were not careful, because how could you have known it was your fault? How could you have known your body was capable of this?
Your mother laid a hand on your shoulder to comfort you, and you brought your hand to meet hers. She too fell instantly, and it was then that you realized. 
Your touch is death.
You clung to your mother, the last person you were able to touch, crying and wailing out. 
That was the first of your crimes, but many men made the mistake of coming into contact with you that day, and it stands to reason why you have been sentenced to death. Witchcraft being their assumption on your methods, and mass murder being the charge.
You almost believed them. Almost thought that something evil was possessing you, making you do wicked and unholy things… 
Standing tied to the stake by a man with thick leather gloves, all eyes were on you, waiting for your atonement. You saw every torch that was burning, closing your eyes and accepting the punishment. You killed your mother, and eleven men. There were enough witnesses to send you straight to your grave. You waited for the flames, and felt the heat when they finally set the fires, quickly approaching you. When your eyes opened, you could see the wall of fire over the hay bales, nearly ten feet tall and at every corner. It crawled up by you and then-
You sat up in your bed, sweat dripping from your brow, and the digital alarm clock going off in your peripheral vision. 
It’s just another dream… but you haven’t had it in years. 
You treat it like the rest, going about your morning like it never happened. You’d discuss it with Charles later, he seemed to know what your nightmares meant most of the time. He knew your mind better than most, and could enter with a single thought. 
Downstairs, the commotion was rowdy, but you went ahead through the crowded space carefully and slipped on your favorite pair of forest green gloves, buckling the cute straps on the back as you made your way to the kitchen. Ororo had just brewed some coffee, and Scott was carrying two plates towards the doorway when you entered. 
“Smells good,” you said, smiling at them both, and going for a mug from the cabinet. 
Scott stopped short, turning on his heel to ask you a question. 
“I forgot about this yesterday,” he started, looking over in your direction through his red shades. “Can you take a look at the School’s Enrollment system when you get a chance? I couldn’t add a new student and I’m not sure why.”
You nodded, pouring the coffee and giving him a look of confidence. “I’m sure I can fix it, probably just the computer again.”
“Thanks,” he smiled, going to leave again, but then remembering one more thing. “Oh, and Jean loves that book you lent her, she’s been up late reading.”
“I knew she would… if she wants anything else, my library is always open,” you replied jokingly.
He left afterwards, taking his plate of breakfast and his wonderful girlfriend’s out of the room. 
“You do too much, y’know?”
You looked at Ororo, her eyes just barely peeking over her own mug. 
“I like to keep busy,” you shrugged, taking a sip of the coffee and finally letting yourself settle into the morning. “And it’s not too much if I can help you guys.”
“You know that’s not what I mean… you’ve been looking exhausted.”
“Wow, thanks.”
“I’m not being critical, I’m concerned,” she said, stepping to lean against the kitchen island so she could look at you straight on. “If there’s something going on, you can tell me.”
Yes, you could tell her. She and Jean were the closest thing you’d had to a sister in years. 
“The nightmares are back again… the last few nights have been a little rough.”
She pushed away from the counter, the look on her face reading confusion and worry. “I thought you were doing better.”
“I was,” you drank more coffee, eyebrows raised. “I don’t even know where they’re coming from. Some of these dreams I haven’t had for over fifty years. Usually they’re only about…” 
“Charlie,” she finished for you when you trailed off. You nodded, your head falling forward a bit at the mention of his name. You hadn’t dreamt of him for a while, not even good things.
“I need to visit the professor after class, he can usually tell me what’s going on.”
“It’s probably best. Those dark circles will only get worse, believe me,” she joked, gesturing to her own eyes, a bit worn with exhaustion from working late this week. 
“I’ll let you know how it goes,” you spoke with a small grin, finishing off your coffee in a big chug before rinsing the mug out in the sink. “Have a good class.”
“You, too.”
Looking out the window of Professor Xaiver’s office, you recalled the events of your nightmare, trying to put yourself back in the situation to see it clearly. It wasn’t easy, to relive these memories, even worse when they plagued your unconscious state… but Charles would know what it was about. He always did. 
“Tell me again, first the cow, and then your mother?” He squinted, trying to put pieces together. 
“Yes, I went out to milk the cow in the morning, like always,” you paused, the green grass outside the mansion reminding you of the pastures you lived by. “I touched betsy first, then my mother inside the house.”
All the little details should have painted a very vivid picture, but for some odd reason, nothing was coming together for Charles. He couldn’t see how this dream equated with your life as it was, and why it plagued you now. 
“I’m sorry to say it, my dear, but this may just be a regular nightmare. I cannot, from what you have told me, recognize any pattern or significance.”
“There has to be something… I haven’t had this dream in years,” you argued, unwilling to give up when you know he’s the only one who can tell you. 
He paused, closing his eyes and raking through the files of your mind to try and feel the impact of a cause… but found none. “I’m afraid the only thing I can offer is a theory. Your mind is subconsciously reminding you of your powers, what they mean. You’ve long since learned to control them, so I cannot imagine it is because of self doubt. Whatever it is, you may just have to wait and watch for more signs.”
“More signs? Like more dreams?”
“Something of that sort, yes. Until then, I’m sorry I could not help you.” He rolled his chair towards the door, following you out and into the hall. He had a meeting with Hank, and couldn’t afford to miss it. 
“It’s not your fault… I’m the one who should be sorry. I’m always annoying you with problems that don’t have anything to do with you,” you joked slightly, walking alongside him until he met his destination.”
“And I am always happy to assist you.”
“I know,” you ducked your head, stopping at the door way he entered. “But I am grateful.”
“Take that gratuity and focus it on yourself. You need to rest, you look like a raccoon.”
You chuckled, closing the door for the man, and walking down towards the kitchen again. You only needed a small pick me up before you would inevitably take a very long nap. You’d been going on a few hours of sleep each night due to the grading of homework, and the bad dreams only made the nights worse. You were somehow thankful not to wake up screaming before your alarm went off this morning. 
You headed upstairs to crash, only to find a note in your room from Jean. 
Thanks for the book, I finished it today… gonna need the next one soon. - J
A small smile spread across your face when you saw the book had already been put back on your shelf, neatly placed among the organization you normally kept it in. 
Your bookshelf spanned an entire wall, nearly becoming like a second library to the mansion for whosoever needed it. 
You didn’t necessarily love reading, but you did love knowledge, and books were one of the only ways to obtain such a tricky thing. 
Truth be told, you didn’t like a lot of learning methods, but again, you craved to know everything you could, to be not only educated but able to have a brain that could stand the tests of time. So far, it’s done a pretty decent job. Having been alive for over two hundred and thirty years came with some perks, one being, you can go to college as many times as you want, with only a different ID, and practically nothing can stop you from earning as many degrees as your heart desires. 
When Charles first met you, he knew you were a mutant, but more than that, he knew you had the aptitude of a scholar. It was no wonder you excelled in his training. If only you just attained his powers of neurological exploration, there would be no stopping you. 
You flopped backwards on the bed, looking up to your wall of diplomas and degrees. Master’s in Technological Sciences, Bachelor’s in Archival History, a silly little Associate's in Music Theory, mainly because you were feeling artistic, and lastly, the certification for practicing Law in the state of New York. You didn’t even go to law school, you’d just been bored for a while in the seventies, and the bar wasn’t that hard to pass for someone that’s been around since the first laws were written into the constitution. 
All these degrees, all these years of mastering different types of knowledge, and yet you felt completely in the dark about your own mental state. You couldn’t even figure out what your own dreams meant, or why they were back in the first place.  
You passed out cold while raking your mind for possibilities, finding none along the way.
It was a dreamless sleep this time, and for that you’d be grateful, earning some uninterrupted rest for the first time in weeks, not having to worry about waking up in a panicked sweat again. 
You were supposed to take a thirty minute cat nap… maybe an hour at most. Looking at the clock as you came to, it was 6 pm, meaning two and a half hours had come and gone, and you had missed much of the after school activities.. 
“Shit,” you muttered to yourself, climbing out of the sheets and running to the bathroom to become a bit more human looking. 
You'd run down the stairs to find the usual amount of commotion, but none of the adults were here, just the kids. 
“Bobby?” You asked, making him halt his walk towards the next corridor. “Do you know where everyone is?” 
“They left about a half hour ago. Something came up,” he turned to leave but stopped throwing a line over his shoulder. “Almost forgot… they left you in charge.”
“Great,” you mumbled, nodding to him in thanks for the information. 
You were fine dealing with the kids, but being the sole adult present in a room full of on edge teenagers put you under some stress. The one person in this entire mansion that could kill someone with a single touch was left responsible for the safety of these younglings? It was a bad idea to begin with, but you took a deep breath, knowing you had to until they were back. 
You only wondered what happened that they were gone so quickly, without a chance to tell you themselves. 
The only way to control a mutant child is to just not even try, so with knowing you were now heading the household until everyone returned, you decided to just go and kick back in the main entertainment room. The more authority is pushed, the more the kids would resist. So you didn’t push at all, just started a game of uno with some of the kids. 
“This isn’t that serious, just lay down a card!” John scolded the younger girl beside him, watching her shuffle through practically half the deck that she had in her hands. 
“I have them organized, I’m looking for the blues,” Kitty explained, ignoring his futile attempts at winning faster. “If I’m gonna lose, I’m gonna take my time.”
“If you had a four or any color, that would have worked, too,” you shrugged, but ultimately let her keep shuffling through until she found a card she was satisfied with. 
“Aha, reverse. And I know you just played your last blue card,” she mocked John, watching him roll his eyes and begin to draw new cards. 
You laughed and little, seeing his deck grow bigger until he found a blue one. 
“Well, that’s uno for me,” you said, laying down a blue five and waiting for it to circle back to you again. “Sorry, John.”
“Kitty I swear, change the color,” he begged, hoping there was something that could salvage the game for him. “She’s gonna win if you don’t.”
“I’d rather let her win, then we can start over,” she gestured to the large amount of cards in her hand, completely stacked with practically every color of the deck. 
“Don’t be so competitive, it’s just uno,” you laughed, trying to lighten his mood over such a silly thing. 
“It’s not just uno, you win at everything…” he trailed matter of factly, giving you a slanted look through his eyebrows. “It’s impossible.”
“I’ve been around a while longer than you have, maybe I’ve just picked up some tricks.”
“With uno?” He scoffed, finally coming to his senses and laughing a little. 
“Maybe,” you smirk, laying down your last card and going out. “But there’s another game for ya.”
“Like I said, impossible.”
You smiled, watching them throw their hands into the pile so you could reshuffle and deal again. This may or may not have been the third game in a row. And yes, you tended to be good at the other board games kept in the entertainment room’s cabinets. 
“Wanna go four for four.?” You asked, already knowing they would play with you, though you beat them every time. 
But then you could feel something in the air, a tension that was coming from outside somewhere. You wondered if it could be a possible intrusion, so you stood up and looked out the window, the sun completely down by now. 
“What’s wrong?” Kitty asked, standing up alongside you to try and figure out what you sensed. 
It was growing, more anxious, and you realized then that it wasn’t an intruder at all, because the anxious energy was radiating off of familiar presences. 
“Something happened,” you rushed to the back door, watching as the jet landed, sinking back into the earth where it usually came up from. The basketball court  closed over top of it, and you could see the trees and grass and bushes become still when the winds calmed down. “You’ll have to play this round without me.”
“What happened? Where did they go?” 
“I don’t know, let me find out. Make sure no one burns the house down, I’ll be back.”
And you rushed to the elevator, going down beneath the mansion to find the X central base. You heard the commotion as soon as you stepped off, all things pointing to the medical bay at the end of the long lit stretch. 
Your legs carried your faster than they normally would, getting you there in seconds. 
“Scott?” you called as soon as you saw him. “What’s going on?”
“Two new mutants, one in critical condition,” he began, pointing to the outline of a man on the surgical table, Jean doing her best to work on him with the help of Ororo on the side. “The other is with Charles, he’s trying to help her calm down, but she’s pretty shaken up.” 
“Is there anything I can do?” 
“Tell the kids, make sure they don’t panic?” he offered, and you nodded. You can’t touch anyone, so it was unlikely you could aid in either of their situations currently. “Maybe leave out the part where there’s a mutant in critical condition. We still don’t even know why they were attacked.”
“Was it a human group?” You asked, eyes flitting between both corners of the med bay. The chaos was still going on, everyone’s movements were rapid, and the girl in the corner was still crying in fear. 
“No, it was them…”
“Oh,” you understood right away what he meant. Eric and his small gang of misfits that refused to coexist with the humans. They believed mutants were superior, and therefore should not have to conform to any nation’s rules or mandates. You partially understood them from a fear aspect, not wanting laws against mutants to be passed, or mistreatment of mutants for their abilities, but the way they go about it is always wrong, and harmful. They are clearly even willing to hurt other mutants to get what they want. “Are we any closer to finding them?” 
“Nope,” he sighed, scrolling through the tablet in his hands and trying to find out if the tracker he placed actually amounted to anything. He would bet not, since the signal wasn’t even coming up. “Lost ‘em in the snow…” 
“Snow?” You turned to him quickly, “where the hell did you guys go?” 
“It’s a long story, you missed it when you were napping,” he partially joked, going back to his task. “I’ll fill you in later, just go make sure the kids know we’re fine.” 
“Okay,” you nodded, turning on your heel and leaving. You didn’t run to the elevator this time, shaking off the feeling that something big was coming. You didn’t know what or why you felt it, but it was creeping up on you since you stepped off the elevator. 
The next morning, the entire house was buzzing with the excitement of new recruits. You’d yet to meet them, but felt their energy in and around the house, coming and going from different rooms when you started to go about your day. 
You knew that the time for introductions would come eventually, and likely when classes were over. 
Everything had been nearly the same as the day before, except Scott didn’t have a computer problem that needed solving, so you actually got done with your other work pretty quickly. You went to get the mail that Hank always just left on the entryway table, trying to sort through so you could drop it off at each person’s individual rooms. 
“Yeah?” you mumbled without turning around, hearing Jean’s voice.
“I want to introduce you to some people. These are our new guests. Rogue, and Logan.” 
You’d turned around during Jean’s introduction of the two new recruits, however short it was, like she needed to leave them with you. You understood this was a vital time for the team, and distractions weren’t welcome… but she’d only just now handed off said distraction, and boy was it one to behold. The girl was sweet looking, about fifteen if you had to guess, but the man? You look him over once and immediately you have a flash of deja vu. Dark hair, a soft grin, and pretty hazel eyes. He’s much taller than you, and you have to look up to meet his stare.
You smiled to them, giving a nod and placing your hands behind your back in the case they might want to shake one. 
“Rogue has a mutation with similar effects to yours. If she touches someone for even a few seconds, they could die.”
You furrowed your brows when looked down at the sweet girl before you. What a sad thing to share with someone. You can see her whole life ahead of her, and the things she will have to endure just as you did, and it makes you feel compassion. 
“I’m very sorry to hear that, I know how hard it can be,” you told her. She smiled and nodded this time, just as you did but in return. She seemed to be a shy thing, head dipping every so often to appear smaller than she was. 
“Could you show them the open rooms? I’ve got to be back with Charles in a moment,” Jean rushed through, seemingly pressed for time. You were only all too happy to take them off her hands. 
“Of course. Let me know what happens in there, will you?” 
She nodded, squeezing your clothed shoulder before turning on her heel and heading down the corridor. 
“So you’re like me?” Rogue asked, trying to make conversation now that she knew you had something in common. 
“A bit, yeah,” you cocked your head in one direction, getting them to follow after you. “My body is made up of a few types of radioactive energy. One is regular matter, the other is anti-matter, but the third is something completely unknown to the human or mutant race.”
“How does it work?” She followed you up the stairs, and Logan did, too. He was listening, but didn’t give off the vibe that he was interested. 
“Well, the instant I touch anyone, they die. The professor was the one who finally helped me learn to control the energy, though. Now I can use it to shield myself and others from dangerous attacks.”
“Attacks… you mean like guns and stuff? Are you bulletproof?!” 
You smiled at her endless curiosity, boundless in asking questions that you barely even knew the answers to. 
“Pretty much, yeah. Bulletproof, fireproof, everything really.”
“Whoa…” she trailed, and luckily, to stop the flow of questions, you turned down the hall and opened a door to an empty room. 
“This one’s for you,” you smiled at her and let her walk through the doorway, almost immediately becoming more settled now that she had a place to stay. “Let me know if you need anything, I’m at the end of the hall.”
“Thank you.”
A smile, and a small dip of your head as you closed the door allowed her to relax. 
And now there was this Logan character.
“Bulletproof, huh?” he didn’t seem skeptical, just unimpressed. 
“And fireproof,” you added with a small smile, turning and going down the hall to find the next open room. It was the one besides yours, and yes, you absolutely did that on purpose. “Forgive me for being forward… but I think I know you.”
“You know me? Doubtful.”
“No, I definitely know you,” you opened the door for him, but didn’t intend on leaving yet. You didn’t say anything in front of the girl, but the moments you turned around downstairs, you recognized him from somewhere. The downside of living for over two hundred years is that maybe you didn’t always remember people years down the line. “The question is, how did I meet you?” 
“Look, doll… I only have the last fifteen years of my memory, and all I really know is that I’m not human, and I can’t die either,” he paused, taking a step closer, but keeping a safe enough distance as to not make contact with the previously mentioned radioactive skin. “But even if I remembered before that, you’re too young to have met me.”
“Young?” you raised your eyebrows, not to mock or belittle him, but just shocked he would make such an assumption, especially knowing the school that he’s at right now. 
“Yeah, young. What are you, nineteen?” 
“Two hundred and thirty three this year,” you answered with a dull expression of normalcy. 
For a minute, he didn’t know if you were being serious, but upon searching your face for more indications, he found nothing that told him otherwise. 
“Really…” he reacted skeptical this time. “Got an ID?”
The joke was mildly entertaining, but if what he said was true, he wouldn't be able to tell you when or how you met. It was a dead end, and there were much more pressing matters downstairs.
“Let me know if you need anything. That's my door,” you pointed to the one beside his, and he nodded with a smirk. You absolutely did that on purpose. 
“Will do.” 
He didn’t bother you the rest of the evening, but you kind of wish he had… 
Your cell was cold and binding, your claustrophobic tendencies getting worse with every day you spent here. Your body was broken, your legs crumbling beneath you whenever you would try to stand. 
There was nothing you could do to help the pain, your energy was depleted from everything they took out of you, and you couldn’t even summon the strength to shield them if they come again. You know you'll die. The next time they come, opening your cage and dragging you through the halls in their self righteous futuristic looking uniforms. They always scoffed at your mistreatment. Mutants were the scum of the earth, and by torturing you and your kind, they thought they were doing mankind a favor. 
The sirens that suddenly blared in your ears brought about a sense of danger that hadn’t ever settled in the cell block before. Something that was foreign and unknown. This had never happened before. It was always silent as mutants were taken and used for their abilities, experiments falling over most of them. 
You thought that maybe the government had finally gotten ahold of Striker and his plans, ready to shut down the program and finish the job. Humans these days hated anything that was different from them, most of all the mutant race. 
You braced yourself, curling into the corner of the cage and closing your eyes. It would come any minute now. The blow of death while you were unable to shield yourself. 
You heard the cage squeak on its hinges, but there was no blow of death, only kind words from someone you've never met. 
“C'mon, get up… we're getting you out,” he said, pulling you from your feared bracing and making your eyes shoot open. Your arms and legs were bare in the clothes they gave you, meaning your skin was open to be touched. 
He grabbed at your arm, and you couldn’t even stop him… but he didn't fall, he continued to help you up, shouldering you out of the cell and onto your own two feet. By now the adrenaline kicked in, and you were able to walk through the pain, knowing this was your only shot to be free. 
“Who are you?” You asked in wonder. You met his eyes, and they were the most beautiful you think you've seen. Hazel, with gold in the middle. 
“Just someone that wants to help,” he said, letting you fend on your own now that he could feel your legs carrying you on their own. He went to help more, and you had to try and shake him from your mind just for the moment. There would come a time when you could ask questions, but now was for you to run. 
You caught up with one of the groups heading for the exit, and came across a few guards. You wondered if you even had your power anymore. That man, he touched you and survived. That's never happened before. Your skin is death, and no one escapes the reaper… 
You touched one of the guards with your open flesh and he instantly died upon contact. And that could only mean one thing. The mutant who was saving everyone was immune to your powers, and nobody else was. 
You have to find this man, but going back would almost mean certain doom for you, and you can't bring yourself to die yet. There's more life left to live. 
Once you escape the bunker, coming outside to a clearing, there waits a man in a wheelchair, rolling down from a hovering jet… and you know that jet. It belongs to-
“Charles?” You murmur, and within an instant, he was back in your head for the first time in over ten years. “Is it really you?”
“It's really me. I must look different than last time we met,” he smirked, handing you a pair of gloves and letting you lean on his chair to walk up the ramp. The others followed, and then the jet took off, no time to waste. “But you haven't changed at all.”
You collapsed into the seat closest to you, and then -
You sprung up from your pillows. 
This nightmare wasn't even a nightmare. It was still a memory, but not a bad one. It was something you tried to forget, but of course there was a single detail that could not be wiped from your memory if you tried. 
He's the man that saved your life all those years ago. And more than that, he's the only person in the world you've met for over two hundred years that can touch you. 
It’s late, and when you turn to find that your clock says three in the morning, you hesitate… but things like this never happen, so your ability to wait until the sun at least rises is completely destroyed. You throw the sheets and comforter off your bed, and forget modesty in your haste. Wearing only the tiniest shorts from your dresser and the only clean shirt on hand, you made a quick trek from your room to the one next door. 
Knocking was out of the question, obviously. He’d be asleep, right?
When you barged in, he seemed to be having the same conundrum as you only a few minutes ago. His brows were furrowed, his mouth twisted in a look of something painful. Perhaps the very reason you were awoken from your slumber was to assist him with his… or maybe you were delusional and needed to go back to your room. 
“Logan?” you approached gently, sitting on the edge of the bed and reaching out for him. You wanted to calm him down if you could, he looked so scared in whatever dream he was having. 
He startled awake with lightning speed, his reactive senses making him sit straight up in bed, claws out and ready to attack. You yelped and fell off the bed, leaving a loud thunk on the ground. The amount of terror rushing through you suddenly left for the oddest reason. 
Looking down, your arm had been cut in three parallel lines. Not deep enough to severely wound you, but enough that you could feel the sting, and see the blood rising to the surface of the skin. You didn’t think you could bleed.
“Alice?” He calmed down, immediately worried over what he’d done. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t-”
“It’s okay,” you looked up at him, a look of utter joy on your face and he had no idea why. His confusion soared even more when instead of running from him you pulled yourself back up onto his bed, leaning closer. 
“Are you… alright? What’s going on?” 
“I remembered you. Where I met you,” you explained, getting even closer and making him nervous, considering your specific mutation he’s heard so much about. You completely forgot about your arm, leaving it for later.
He was eager to remember anything about his past before the blank space. He wanted badly to know where he comes from, and if you had anything to do with how he got here. He knows it’s probably a slim chance, since you had to try hard to remember him upon his arrival.
You closed the gap and reached your hand out to his arm, and he flinched away. “Are you crazy? You could kill me.”
“No, I can’t,” you told him, watching his eyes as you finally reached again and touched his skin. He didn’t drop dead, or have any other side effects for that matter, and you breathed out in relief, a smile spreading across your face.
He was again confused, and more so shocked. His features couldn’t comprehend how this was happening if what everyone said was true. You’d killed people even accidently with the brush of an elbow, so how is he still living and breathing, your hand on his forearm?
“How did you know?” He wondered, his full focus now on what you could tell him. 
“Does the name William Striker ring a bell?” You squinted, knowing it was a longshot, but hoping he might know, anyway. 
“It sounds familiar, but I don’t recall a face or a history to go with it.”
“He gave you these,” you reached for his other hand, claws still drawn from his nightmare. “And he gave me these…”
You gestured to the scars on your legs and raised your shirt slightly so he could see the ones on your torso. All healed over by now but still reasonably protruding if you stare at them too long.
“He’d held so many mutants captive, but you set us free,” you watched as his claws retracted back into his skin, and then you took his unclenched hand. “You saved my life.”
“I don’t think that was me,” he shook his head. He doesn’t remember who he was, but he knows who he is now, and it couldn’t be that far from his past self… yet you spoke of him as though he were some caped figure with an agenda for fighting bad guys. “I don’t do things like that.”
“Logan,” you huffed, unwilling to let him negate himself, especially when you’ve waited all these years to talk to him again, to give him the gratitude you felt he deserved. “I have been alive for over two hundred years. During that time I have been all over the world, met as many mutants as there are stars in the sky… and not one could touch me, until you. I know it was you who saved me.”
“I’m no hero, kid…” he shook his head, his eyes falling to the cuts on your arm, the blood getting thicker and threatening to run down the expanse of your arm and onto your shirt. 
“You were to me,” you smiled sweetly. “You saved my life that day… and so many other mutants. Scott being one of them, he just doesn’t remember.”
“I saved Scott?” he cringed, and you laughed, having gotten notes of their instant rivalry in the energy around the mansion. 
“Yes, you did… and I never got to thank you for it, so… thank you.”
He nodded, still unsure of this past exchange and how much he had to do with it. You clearly remembered being helped by him. Enough so that you were willing to bet his life on whether or not he could touch you. He feels bad, now, seeing the red begin to run down your arm, he certainly doesn’t feel like a hero, and his actions don’t show him being one, either… but he can do something about that.
“Can I help you with that?” He pointed to the bloody open wound, which had been ignored until now. 
“I’ll take care of it, it’s not too bad.”
“No, I wanna do it… I’m the one that put it there,” he sighed when he stood up from bed, going into the hall and finding the bathroom. He’d seen a first aid kit in there somewhere. 
When he comes back he looks clueless on how to even open the box. 
“It has a child lock on it, lemme see,” you reached, and he batted your hands away softly, figuring it out himself. 
“I’m not a child,” he retorted dryly, reaching into the box and finding the proper supplies. 
He did decently, you’d have to say. Started with the cleansing wipes, then moved on to the antibacterial treatment and gauze wraps. Finished it off with a good layer of medical tape, securing it with a soft movement of his hands. They looked rough, but had been nothing but gentle. 
“You do this a lot?” You asked, wondering if perhaps it might trigger a memory. 
“Not to myself, and not to anyone else I can remember.”
“Well you did a good job.”
He nodded in thanks, and you went to stand up. Going back to your room seemed like the thing to do, and you wanted to let him get back to sleep.
“You don’t have to go, if you don’t want to.” His words halted you in your step, making you sit back on the bed where you’d been since arriving, minus the brief trip to the floor. “I usually don’t sleep after…”
“Nightmares?” Your soft question had him giving a small dip of his head, slightly embarrassed. “I get 'em, too. Not usually so much as lately, but I get 'em.”
And when he reached for your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, you had no longing to go back to bed. You’d stay up the rest of the night with this man to ensure he didn’t let go of you. It was here that you decided he could touch you for a reason, and you weren’t going to let it go to waste. 
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years ago
Hello, hope you are having a good day/night?
I was wondering if I could request something where Joker uses Jason Todd's DNA to create a child (male) and raises him. What would happen when Jason finds out he not only has a kid but the kid been being raised by Joker the man who tortured and killed him!
And how will Bruce react to seeing Jason's son and how much he looks like his dad?
Platonic batfam x kid reader
I’m still right in the middle of exam season right now, which is why I haven’t been writing much.
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Like I said, you are a redheaded kid, because I love redhead Jason too much not to add it. Joker being the joker would most likely make you color your hair black though, just like Jason did when he was robin.
If Joker got Jasons DNA when he killed him, then you would be around 8, as Jason died at 15 and is 23 nowadays (I got this age from the dc twitter account), and because of Jasons genes you are most likely a small and skinny kid.
The smallness most likely also comes from the fact that Joker is the one raising you, alongside Harley if they are still together at that point.
Raising you is a very loose word, Joker does not have a parental bone in his body, and only clones you to taunt the bats. So, he is nowhere near a good parent and treats you like an extension of the Robin he killed.
This would lead to a lot of mistreatments, because it’s the Joker, what do you expect. Both mental and physical abuse would be present in your life, as the Joker wouldn’t feel any love or care for you as a person.
Because of this you wouldn’t be going to school either, but you are smart, so you teach yourself how to read and write, and you’ll have to learn math and the likes to be able to use some weapons to their full potential.
Instead of being allowed to be a child your only purpose to exist is to be a tool to taunt the bats, so you most likely wouldn’t be given a name either and would just be called Robin by Joker and anyone else who knows you exist.
Being “raised” by joker also means your morals are very skewed, and you have no problem with murder or torture, but what do you expect from someone like the joker.
The bats would learn about your existence during one of the Jokers latest plans. It would be during one of his more crazy ideas, you know, with a lot of hostages and a lot at risk.
I can imagine two scenarios. The Joker either tying you up and posing you bruised up and bloody whilst wearing the Robin outfit, to taunt Batman.
Or you are being used as a surprise attack when they get a little too close to catching the Joker. Joker of course wouldn’t care about your wellbeing besides being a tool for him, so if you get shot or break bones he doesn’t care.
They would of course all be shocked and shaken at seeing an 8-year-old kid wearing Jason’s robin outfit there, and especially with how little care you show about yourself and your own wellbeing.
Joker would whisk you away at the last moment, though not without you being hurt during the fighting, because he still has plans on using you to harm the bats, especially batman and red hood.
The batfam would panic at the knowledge that Joker has a child that hes using for his evil plans, they have no idea you are Jason’s clone yet, but they still want to rescue you.
They can only assume you’ve been trained since birth, with how skilled you are, which makes them all emotional. Especially the likes of Damian and Cass, since they were trained from infancy as well.
They would immediately start searching lost child cases for anyone fitting your description but come up empty handed because you are a clone.
After this encounter the Joker would use you in his plans more and more, because he gets great joy from seeing how desperate the batfam is to figure out who you are or to save you.
You’ve never felt kindness before and have never been your own person though, so you don’t trust them and just do whatever the Joker orders you to do, putting yourself in life and death situations more than once.
Bruce would be heartbroken with how familiar you look in your robin outfit, as you are a complete copy of how Jason looked back then. Dick and Jason, and maybe Tim, would be the only ones able to recognize your appearance, which would make them all want to save you even more.
After finally getting your blood and/or DNA to test after another deadly situation you’ve put yourself in, they take it back to the cave to test, where they learn your relation to Jason.
To say the batfam would all be shaken and enraged by the discovery would be an understatement. They’re shaken at the fact that Joker has had a child grown from Jasons DNA for who knows how long, and would be enraged at the fact that Jasons DNA was used and that you’ve obviously been abused this entire time.
They buckle down even more to get you to their side and make you come with them willingly, and it works in their favor as the Joker has become more lax with your reigns. It seems he’s growing bored of using the same thing over and over again, so he’s kinda just letting you run freely as he comes up with new plans.
It would start with Jason or Tim, or maybe even Cass, who would be able to get closer to you. They wouldn’t push to get you to come with them, and just get you to be used to their presence instead of immediately seeing them as a threat.
They know this is a slow process and that they can’t rush it, since you would run at the first sign of them trying to snatch you up.
As this is happening Jason can be caught reading parenting books, things about child psychology and the affects of child abuse. He already knew all of this, but he keeps refreshing it for when they get you to trust them.
Bruce would be going through a grieving process again, as you are a direct result of him failing Jason. But this time he would have a larger support system which would stop him from spiraling like last time.
Over time you get used to the presence of the batfam when you are on your own, they bring you meals or stuff to drink. Of course, you don’t trust it in the beginning, knowing they could be drugging you, but as time passes you start to eat with them.
At some point, Damian would end up telling you about his own childhood and how wrong it was, and that he didn’t deserve that abuse, and neither do you.
That would be what starts to make you understand that the Joker isn’t a good guardian and that you may be worth more than he says you are.
They don’t get much further though, as the Joker has gotten bored of you and the purpose you were supposed to serve, so he wants to get rid of you. He would try to recreate the day he killed Jason, with the crowbar and everything.
Bruce is the one to save you before you get blown up though, Bruce almost in a frenzy to not lose another kid that way every again. You would be bruised and battered with broken bones and a concussion, but you would be alive.
They would bring you to a doctor or healer, probably a league one for identity reasons, and the fact that they could use magic to heal you faster.
Jason wouldn’t leave you alone as you are unconscious for days, the batfam would stick close by but also be working hard on cracking down on the Joker and destroying whatever he has left of his cloning experiments.
After you wake up, a lot of time would be used introducing you to the life of a normal child, and helping you heal both mentally and physically.
Thankfully they have a lot of experienced with helping kids who were raised to be weapons, with Cass and Damian and the likes, so they know what to do for the most part.
Jason never thought he would be a dad, especially not with how young he is, but he takes to it like a duck to water. Hes always had a soft spot for kids, and maybe in the back of his mind always wanted a kid of his own, so you help him settle in a way he didn’t know he could.
They all joke about Bruce spoiling you, because you are like a mix of Cass, Damian and Jason, and that Bruce’s fatherly urges can’t be stopped. It isn’t a joke though, after you learn to have your own opinions and wants, Bruce would bend over backwards for you like he would for any of his kids.
The first time you call Jason dad, he has to choke back tears, because he never thought you’d see him as your dad or accept him. You two go out to bat burger to celebrate.
They of course make up legal papers for you as well so you can start going to school after healing mentally and physically. They wouldn’t allow you to run around at night with them for a while either, as they want you to find who you are before you decide to be a hero or not.
And whether you decide to be a vigilante or just a civilian, they support you the entire way. Even if you pick to be a hero, they’d still be overprotective since you are the youngest, much to your annoyance, but you know its cuz they love you.
They all love you, and you love them. And if you choose to be a hero and base your outfit around your dads and it makes him cry, who will catch him with the helmet on. The other heroes think you are adorable too. You have youngest child privilege in the hero world, learn to wield it.
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worldofkuro · 9 months ago
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XXIV
<- Previous Chapter I Next Chapter ->
Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: I... I wanted to wait a little moment before publishing the first chapter of season II. But, as you know me, I'm not a patient being, so I shall give you this chapter sooner than expected. I hope you will enjoy it, season II is going to be... wild, I think, but I hope you will love it as you loved season I. TW: Rape mention, smut, blood, knife play, cheating
“ Once again, the police have found a body, the right eye missing and a smile carved into the victim’s flesh. This had been going on for years, yet, the police, led by John Felleur, still haven't found a single clue about the serial killer that haunts New Orleans’s streets. The killer seems to attack men only, so my dear fellow gentlemen, you should stay vigilant!”
“ He loves the attention doesn’t he?”
You looked at Alice, as Alastor's voice was coming through the radio.
So many things have happened since your wedding, three years ago.  Alastor and you had succeeded in creating a bond between your two souls, making you elated. The three spirits that helped you were very interested in what would happen and sometimes, Legba or Baron Samedi would pop up next to you, wanting to talk.
Your control over your power has been getting better and better. You didn’t need to raise your hands anymore if you wanted to create your shield or telekinesised something, you just needed to think about it. You could cast your soul out of your body for one hour now. You could see things in another room thanks to your eyes or your shadow. Your shadow, which you inherited from Alastor’s power, was easily tamed. It was even useful, but it would always have some kind of fight because Alastor’s shadow would tease it.
Talking about Alastor, he has become stronger and more popular. His killing methods have become even more sadistic, more evil and cunnier but you loved him for that. You still killed pigs, Alastor would stalk them, finding every information about them if they were worth killing.  He always chose the filthiest of mankind, making it a pleasure to dispose of them. 
He never injured himself, he didn’t want you to use your healing power which created a huge argument between the two of you. You would hurt yourself to learn more about your healing abilities which almost made him snap. That day, you made a deal with him, Alastor would hurt himself on purpose and you would only heal what he said you could. You didn’t like the idea but it was mostly small cuts, nothing life threatening. 
Or you would heal yourself after Alastor has played with your body and a blade.
As skillful as he was as a killer, he was now a popular radio’s host. He would get invited to fancy soirée, always bringing you with him. He would dine with high society, finding new prey there. Sometimes, Alice would ask for your skills, telling you about new people to kill because of their sins.
Speaking of Alice, your best friend was wed.  After the incident with Larry, she decided to find a nice man so she could settle down with and she founded Tray Felleur. He was from John’s family, a cousin or something, you didn’t care. He was a rich man, he looked familiar, the Felleur’s genes must be strong. You were very worried when she told you her choice, but after meeting him, you felt a little more relieved. He was a nice, intellectual man. Alice told you he never forced her to do anything, letting her do what she wanted.
Which means she would meet Alyzéee, who was also wed to a man. Most of the time, Alice would wait for Tray to leave for work and Alyzée would come so they could still live their romance. She would feel guilty, sometimes wondering if she should tell her husband where her true feelings were. You and Alastor always said it was a bad idea, you didn’t want her to be in trouble, you asked her to wait a little longer. What for? You didn’t know yourself, you just… You could feel it in your bones, she had to keep her secret.
“ Well, Alastor has always been like this right?” you smiled at her, giving her a piece of cake. “ How are you feeling?” you asked her, worried. These days, she seemed paler than usual, always tired.  
“ Tired, but that might be because of yesterday’s soirée.” she winked at you. “ You should have seen Alyzée’s dress, she looked divine.”
You smiled at her, listening to her talk, fanning yourself. This summer was really hot for some reason. You gossiped together, talking about what was going on in New Orleans.
“ You don’t need another killing?” you asked as you drank fresh water. The last man she wanted dead was a man who had raped two women in two months. You enjoyed his screams more than you thought. 
“ It seems like you are the one who needs to kill something.” she mocked you. You rolled your eyes at her, you didn’t feel the need to kill like Alastor would, but it's been a long time since you sunk your hand into someone's eyeballs. 
You turned your head toward the entrance. He was home.
You smiled when you heard the door being opened. You stood up as you heard him walking into the living room. 
“ How do you always know when he is coming home! Each time, it’s a different hour!” asked Alice, always shocked when you could tell when Alastor was coming home.
“ Good evening, Alice. What an unhappy expecting surprise to you here.” said Alastor with a mocking smile. 
“ Even after all those years, you are still not a gentleman.” 
‘ Only with my wife, right, my love?’
You smiled when you heard Alastor’s thoughts inside your mind. It was a new power you both acquired when you bond your souls togethers. You could talk in each other’s mind which created funny moments.
Be nice, Alastor. Alice is staying for dinner.
‘Of course, she is.’
You walked toward Alastor and kissed his cheeks before going into the kitchen. You have been living together since your honeymoon, buying furnitures, painting the walls. You still haven’t finished one of the bedrooms. 
“ Unfortunately, I think I can’t stay with you for dinner.”
“ What? But I was going to make your favorite dish!” you shouted, going back into the living room with a pan in your hand. “ Did Alastor say something?”
“ Honey…”
“ Do you think he could make me change my opinion?” she raised an eyebrow.
“ Right, so why? Are you still feeling unwell?” 
“No… It’s just…” She sat on the sofa, sighing. You sat next to her, taking her hands while Alastor was looking at her with his usual smile. “ I am pregnant.”
“ What?” you said in unison with Alastor.
“ You told me he never forced himself on you!” You stood up, your eyes flashing red. Alice just stared at you in silence. You knew she saw your eyes flashing red multiple times but she never asked you anything about it. 
“ Do you need us to kill him?” asked calmly Alastor.
“ Calm down, the both of you. He didn’t force himself on me. I wanted a child, so this has to happen. He asked me multiple times if this is what I wanted, I said yes. He didn’t do anything bad.” she stood up, taking your hands in hers. “ But there is something worrying me. I think Alyzée is being stalked by someone… She says she feels like she is being watched.”
You looked at Alastor who seemed in deep thoughts. 
What do you think?
‘ Alyzéee is the daughter of the mayor’s who have been in power forever. It’s not surprising.’
Yes, but why now?
‘ That is something we shall need to discover.’
“ We will take a look at it. You, stay at home, we wouldn’t want a future mother to get hurt, right?” he smirked at her.
You looked at Alice.
“ So, you… are pregnant. Is it good news?”
“ Yes, I’m happy.” she put her hands on her belly with a shy smile. “ I’m going to be a mother.”
You screamed in joy before rushing into hugging her. You squeezed her against you, being mindful of her belly even if she was still not showing yet.
“ How long have you known?”
“Maybe… three months?”
You looked at her with a beaming smile.
“ Is it really good news, really?” you grabbed her shoulders. “ Please, do not lie to me.”
“ It is. Alyzée knows and she is happy for me. In a way… We think of it as our child.” She smiled at you, her cheeks flushed.
“ Well, congratulations ladies. This child will be happy to have Alyzée as its mother. I’m not sure about you..”
“ Fuck you, Alastor.”
“ See ?”
You smiled as you hugged her one more time. You walked her toward the door, making sure she was alright. She smiled at you, she seemed really happy about sharing her pregnancy’s news with you. Was she scared you would judge her? You promised her you would protect Alyzée from whatever was stalking her.
“ Nothing will hurt your family.” you said to her. Alice looked at you, taking your hand in yours.
“ You know, you are part of my family as well.” she whispered to you. “ Even Alastor but never let him know that.”
“ I heard you.”
“ Fuck off!” she shouted before looking at you. “ Please, be careful. If you need anything, ask me.”
You nodded before watching her go. You looked as the cab took her home. You went back home, looking at Alastor with an exciting smile. He was looking at you, tilting his head.
“ Why are you so happy?”
“ Alice is going to be a mother! “
“ Poor child.”
“ Alastor.”
You both went into the kitchen, preparing your dinner. If someone were to see the both of you, they would mostly think they were dreaming. You were moving everything you needed in the air with your power, the plates placing themselves on the tables, the vegetables being cut while Alastor was boiling the water.
You smiled when you saw Alastor’s shadow begin, once more, to tease yours. They were fighting each other, you could see them on the wall. You looked at the clock, you weren’t hungry yet…
“ Alastor, should we finish painting the last bedroom?”  you asked, taking off your apron. “ I’m not hungry yet.”
You watched as he looked at his watch and then he nodded, following you upstairs. You walked in and looked at the remaining wall you needed to finish. You took a paintbrush and dept it in the paint. You looked as Alastor took off his vest, staying in a light white shirt. 
You both painted before an idea emerged in your mind. You smirked as you looked at Alastor who was telling you about his day. You took your brush and called his name making him look at you and threw paint on his face.
“ … Are you sure you want to play this game, darling?”
“ What game?” you tilted your head, smiling innocently. Your smile widened when you saw his smirk. 
“ Mhn…”
You yelped when you felt the shadow held you while Alastor was painting your cheeks, smirking at you. You laughed, trying to escape from the shadow. Yours was jumping on Alastor’s, taking it away from you. You looked as both shadows were happily fighting each other. You quickly took paint and threw it at Alastor as he shielded himself with his arms.
You laughed, this life was the one you would protect.
After washing yourself, you went back to the kitchen to finish your cooking. You sat on the table and began eating.
“ How should we find Alyzée’s stalker ? Should we send our shadow?” you asked as Alastor made you eat from his fork.
“ Oh, my love, no.  Do we really need to waste our power for this?” he laughed, waving his hand in the air. “ We need to kill John, remember?” 
“ How could I forget? But right now, he isn’t a threat. The stalker could be, what if he found out about Alice’s relationship?” you asked as he wiped the sauce from your lips. 
“ If this is what you wish for, we shall take care of Alyzée’s stalker. It shouldn’t take long, nor be difficult.” he said as he leaned against his chair. You smiled at him, making him raise an eyebrow at you. “ What?”
“ You are so sure of yourself, I admire that.”
“ Because no one could make me doubt my abilities,” he said before kissing your forehead. “ You should stay with Alyzée, try to see if you feel something when you are with her.”
“ Should I cast an eye on her?” you tilted your head. It was a new power you acquired, you could watch someone. It was like your eyes were watching from above. 
“ You aren’t in full control of it and it’s tiring you faster than your other powers. Just keep Alyzée some company, tell me anything that is strange.”
You nodded, you closed your eyes. It was going to be easy.
“ Yes, Alice told me you would… watch me?”
“ It's just like we are used to, hanging out. I’m just being a little more… watchful while we are together, Alyzée.”
Alyzée was in front of you, her long red hair moving with each movement she made, her deep blue eyes watching you, worried. You really were surrounded by beautiful people.
“ I’m more worried about Alice, I don’t want her to be sick because she is worried for me.” she said as she drank her tea. You looked at her, drinking your hot chocolate. You weren’t very close with Alzyée, she was more of an acquaintance but the conversations were always lovely with her. 
“ Alice is strong, no need to worry. Right now, you might be in danger.” you said to her. She shrugged with a little smile.
“ Nothing that I’m not used to.”
You looked at her, observing her.
“ How is your wedding going, Alyzée?”
“ It is going well. My husband is always out working, which makes me have more time with Alice, so it’s a win-win situation. We don’t really talk to each other, we don’t… really care about each other.  I might be envious of Alice’s wedding, they are like friends.” she said with a sad smile.
“ You know she only loves you.”
“ Oh, I know. I’m not doubting Alice’s affection for me, far from it.” she smiled at you. She put her cup down.
You stared behind Alyzée, a man was now sitting on the table behind her, his hat hiding his face.. You gestured to her to keep talking, fixing your gaze on the man behind you. Was he listening to you? What did he hear? 
“ What about your wedding with Alastor?”
“ I have never been happier.” You smiled at her, still staring at the man. “ And I shall protect this happiness I gain.”
You stood up, guiding Alyzée toward the exit after paying. You told her to walk to Alice’s home, before hiding yourself in a dark alley. If the man was stalking her, he would have to pass in front of you.
You waited patiently in the dark, but you never saw the man you were looking for. Maybe it was just an error from you…
You gasped as you felt yourself being tugged by your hair, your back hitting the floor. You turned your head toward the man who was tugging you deeper into the dark alley. You couldn’t see him at all but you were sure it was the man from the coffee shop, you could feel it. 
Your eyes flashed red, your shadow moving toward the man with a hideous smile. He let you go and you didn’t wait before standing up. You looked around, there was trash all around the alley. That would do. You moved the broken pieces of glass, nails and anything that could hurt, with your mind and threw them at the man who seemed to have escaped your shadow’s wrath.
You shouted in anger as you saw him running into an alley, your flying weapon digging into the wall. You ran after him, screaming at him to stop. As you turned into the alley, you hit something so hard it made you fall back on the hard ground. You moaned in pain, trying to stand up again, you couldn’t let him go, not yet.
“ Put your hands in the air, Police of New Orleans!”
You turned your head toward the light of a flashlight behind you. When you looked back in front of you, the man wasn’t there anymore. You spat blood on the floor, your eyes turning their usual color.
“ Are you okay, lady?”
“ Yes, thank you.” You turned around as the officer brought you in the busy street. You  flinched when you saw the man. “ John, what are you doing here?”
“ There is a serial killer on the loose, we are making patrol.” 
“ From what I heard, the killer murders men, not women.”
“ Can you just thank me? I just saved your life.” John said as he gave you a tissue so you could wipe your bleeding nose.
“ Thank you, officer.” you said sarcastically. “ Can I go home now?”
“ I’ll walk you toward a hospital, to see if you are okay.” You stared at him, as he put his gun back on his hips.  John seemed to have changed, he was more serious, he seemed taller but his gaze hadn’t changed when he was looking at you. 
You sighed as John walked beside you. You were so angry at yourself to have let this man go, you were this close to have him! You wanted to tear off your hair from your head, it was so embarrassing!
‘ Did he do that? Tell me, I’ll kill him right now.’
You stopped walking when you lifted up your head, Alastor was in front of you, it seemed like he had just finished working. 
“ Mr. Felleur, please tell me why my wife is injured, next to you?” he said as he smiled like usual even if you could see anger swirling in his eyes. “ Please, answer me quickly.”
“ Mr.Sanglar, your wife has been attacked by a man, I happened to be there to save her life.” John said as you ran into Alastor’s side. Your husband stared at your face, observing every emotion in your eyes. 
It’s nothing, I think I found Alyzée’s stalker. He seemed more aggressive than I thought.
‘ What about John?’
He came in time to make him flee.
“ Well, Officier Felleur, thank you for bringing my wife to me. I shall take it from here.”
“ I need her to write if she happens to see his face. It could be the serial killer I’m after.”
You tried to hide your smile while Alastor laughed out loud.  Oh, John…
“ Oh right, but I think she would have told you if she saw something, right? But this is not the case. So, if you allow us, we shall go.” He wrapped one arm around your waist before walking away from John who just stared at you.
You looked at the tissue John has given you to wipe your blood off your face.
“ Should I give it back?”
“ No, never give something with your blood on it.”
Alastor walked you back to your car, opened the door for you before settling behind the steering wheel. You waited for him to drive but he stayed silent. You looked at him, curiously.
“ Alastor, my love ?”
You flinched when you saw him punch the steering wheel, grinding his teeth. You stared at him, your eyes wide opened. 
“ I’m okay, darling. I just… didn’t expect to see you hurt.” He said before driving toward your home.
“ Alastor no! Alice and Alyzée are maybe in danger!”
“ Does it look like I care, my love? You are hurt.” he said, his eyes never leaving the road.
“ Alastor, stop the car!” you shouted.
Alastor stopped the car on a deserted road, the one you always used to go home. He looked at you, his smile twitching. Your eyes were red and so was his.
“ Alastor, Alice is pregnant, Alyzée doesn’t know how to fight, they need us! What if the man is already there?”
“ Love of my life, curse of my sanity, Alice's family is the RicheMont. They have maids, butlers, their houses are on the richest quartier of New Orleans. Do you really think a mere human could walk in like that?” he asked you, his grip tightening on the wheel. “ They are safe there, my shadow is watching.”
You looked at Alastor, feeling relieved. 
“ Alastor… A mere human fought me.”
“ You used your powers?”
“ My shadow and Telekinesis.” you sighed, hiding your face in your head. “ But I don’t think he saw it. He was already running away when I used it. I think he must have felt my shadow like vines or something else.. And he ran away when he saw John behind me, the gun must have scared him off.” 
“ I see…” He took your face between his hands, staring at your face before kissing your lips. You sighed against his lips as he tugged you on his laps. “ Are you trying to make me mad, coming at me with blood on your face next to this prick?” he asked against your lips.
“ No…” you breathed against his lips, kissing him more eagerly.  You felt his hands on your waist, his nails digging into your skin through the clothes.  “ I’m just… Angry at myself?”
“ Why?”
“ Because I let my prey run away.” you stared at him, anger still present in your body. He looked at you with an amused expression. He stroked your cheeks while you leaned against his palm. 
“ Not for long… This man hurted you. His death has been decided.” You kissed his lips after his sentence.
“ This is my prey, Alastor, don’t steal it from me.”
“ He hurted you, my love. You can’t ask me to just–” you kissed him once more.
“ Yes, yes, but please, let me kill him in the end.” you smiled at him when you felt him relaxed underneath you. He nodded, sighing with a smile. You kissed his lips once more when you saw his smile and went back to your seat.
Alastor started back the car, driving you home. You walked home and sigh in bliss, nothing was better than being home. You let yourself fall on the sofa, what a day.
You let your husband cook for you as you looked at yourself through the window of the living room. You stood up and walked toward a mirror and saw the bruises on your face. You quickly took off the top of your dress and winced when you managed to see the cut on your back. Was it from when the man dragged you on the floor?
You sighed before concentrating on each cut. You could feel your power healing each cut, even the bruises on your face. This cold energy was seeping through your body, like a sweet caress before taking the pain away.
You opened your eyes, looking at the purple hues that were staring back at you. You saw Alastor watching you through the mirror, his arms crossed on his chest. You tilted your head as he walked toward you. He kissed your bare back, kissing each place a bruise has been made before you healed yourself.
You smiled softly, you wondered if he was aware he was doing the same thing you used to do when he was injured. Kissing his scars… You turned to him when you felt his arms wrapped around you. He kissed your face, his eyes looking at you.
“ Don’t let others injure you my dear. This is my privilege, isn’t it?” he tilted his head, his eyes never leaving your face. You nodded when you felt his nails on your back. You sighed in bliss when you felt his nails dig into your back, the same place where the bruises had been a moment ago.
“ Please…” You looked at him, through half closed eyes. “ Mark me…”
You gasped when you felt him pin you on the table, your chest against the hardwood. You almost whined when you felt the cold blade against your back. You turned your head toward him, begging him with your eyes.
He slid the knife against your skin, tracing the cut you just have healed, the cut that wasn't from him but someone else. You closed your eyes, feeling your body relax. You wondered if it was normal to feel safe when your loved one was cutting your skin, never deep enough to hurt you, to scar you but deep enough to root you, to make you remember who was the one behind this knife. 
You moaned your husband's name as he kissed your neck, feeling the blood sliding from your back. He hummed against your skin, kissing the blood that was coming from the small cuts he made. 
You pushed your behind against his waist. You felt his smile against your skin, as you moaned.
“ I need to feel you…”
“ Mhn.. Really..?” he said, cutting your dress from your legs until he could see your bare form underneath him.
You shivered when you heard him take off his belt. You bit your lip when you felt the blade cutting your skin once more and your eyes rolled back when you felt him penetrate you slowly. You could feel every veins on his penis, your walls clenching around him.
 He kissed your neck as the blade cut your skin once more, his hips pushing against you. You were holding on the table, trying to think. All you could feel was Alastor, inside you, around you. You watched as one of his hands was next to your head, holding himself up with this hand because the other one was busy carving into your skin.
You opened your mouth before biting him hard on the wrist. You heard his breath hitch, before biting harder against his skin when you felt him set a pace that made your eyes rolled back into your skull. 
“ Fuck… !” you heard him moan, making you clench on his member.
You whined, your head swirling with arousal. How you loved when Alastor wasn’t his composed self. 
You bite his forearms once more, your teeth digging into his skin, making him lose his pace, his hips pounding into. You grabbed the end of the table, crying from pleasure, screaming your husband’s name.
I love you.
‘ I love you.’
You came on his member as he dug the knife on your back once more. You felt like the world stopped, keeping your teeth in his arms, your hands gripping at the table, your walls clenching on his shaft, you almost black out when you felt Alastor’s pace getting faster and roughter.
You gasped, breathing once more when you felt Alastor’s weight on your back, his seed filling your womb. You held his hand, trying to root yourself to him, still sensible from your orgasm. You were both panted hard, coming back to yourself.
“ Are you with me, my love…?” Panted Alastor, his hand letting go of the knife and caressing your soft skin. “ Come on, dear…”
“ Yes… Yes… I’m okay..” you squeezed his arms, reassuringly.
He leaned back, after kissing your neck one last time. You sighed when you felt him leaving your warmth. You looked at him as he admired his handiwork on your back.
“ Do you want to heal it?” he asked, stroking your uncut skin.
You softly shook your head with a fond smile.
“ No, I want to feel them a little longer…”
He smiled before leaning down to kiss your lips. You kissed him back, stroking his cheeks with your right hand. How you loved him…
“ After all the killings I have done, you are my best prey,  my love.”
You giggled at his words. You stood up slightly, sighing in bliss when you felt each cut on your skin. What delicious pain your husband had given you…
He kissed your neck with a big smile.
“ Now, how should we trap our next prey?”
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cenorii · 10 months ago
Wesker: personality
This is my psychological analysis of the character, which includes important details of the story, an analysis of the decisions they made and the concept of the phenomenon of «Guiding Fear». Contains spoilers!
Even if you know lore 100%, you will be able to learn something new from my thoughts
I did this to practice analyzing personalities and reliably prescribe my own characters.
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[These are all my personal reflections that I have been accumulating and analyzing for six months. You can see the same analysis with Chris here. In Wesker's case, I dispel the myths that he is evil-evil and crazy, it's not that trivial here... Thanks to everyone who reads this, I really appreciate it and it's nice to know that my thoughts are of interest to someone!]
The most difficult subject of all. An attempt to embrace the immensity. He is infantile and the desire to prove this quality forced me to write such a huge article.
Wesker embodies the fear of losing himself, the anxiety of being someone he is not. He knows nothing about himself from the beginning, neither his Spencer-prescribed destiny nor his real name. As he tries to resist and exercise his individuality, he is eventually confronted with the truth that his every move has been pre-planned, never answering the questions: where are his own decisions? Where is he himself? What is really his?
I chose this fear for Wesker for a reason. The fear of losing himself can cause a person to purposely distance himself from others and not allow anyone to get close to him. He strives to shield himself from everyone, and we can observe this in his desire to be alone. Outwardly, such a person may appear indifferent and cold, even indifferent, so as not to give away to others (and to himself) his true feelings and needs. Wesker believes that it is right not to show anyone that something matters to him, otherwise he will develop weaknesses. After all, what people hold dear can be manipulated. And he doesn't want anyone to have control over him. He hates being controlled, so his surroundings know the bare minimum of information about him.
Who's Spencer? One of the founders of Umbrella, to put it succinctly. A man who is obsessed with identical mansions and mysteries and immortality and creating «perfect humanity». Rich and powerful.
But let's get to Wesker's story. A lot of things happened to him in his 48 years of life.
First of all, I want to point out that at an early age he was taken from a family that Spencer believed had a unique combination of intelligence and genes. But he wasn't the only one who was treated this way as part of «project W» (the experiment to create the perfect human). There were hundreds of children who were later given the surname Wesker. Until their adulthood, they received the best education, living in a boarding school (presumably), and were selected to be the best.
The children, being a blank slate, absorbed Spencer's teaching, being brought up according to his ideals. Their lives were pre-scripted, every step of the way. Those who were unremarkable were weeded out. Competition, anxiety. The lack of a normal childhood could breed a fear of losing oneself in every Wesker, for life was controlled. Personal boundaries and choices were absent, Spencer's worldview was pounded into everyone's head. Children were also distorted with notions of right and wrong, forced to be emotionally detached from a non-ideal world. This upbringing has produced people who have no empathy for others, empty machines with no personality of their own, ready to perform perfectly in any job in which they find themselves successful. They see the world through Spencer's eyes, but not their own.
In the end the best were 13 people, where number 12 was Alex Wesker and number 13 was Albert, the one in question. Someone who really always wanted to see the world with his own eyes, wanted to transcend.
The 13 candidates, following Spencer's plan, had to mature before moving on to the final stage of project W - injecting themselves with a special prototype virus. The power that this virus can bestow is so great that an immature individual, according to Spencer, has no right to possess it. In theory, this virus should improve a person, make him perfect, but in fact it turned out to be very selective and killed 11 candidates out of 13. Only Alex and Albert survived. Alex didn't gain any strength, because at the time of the injection she was sick, and the virus cannot improve a weak organism. But her half-brother was lucky, and the virus endowed him with all possible positive properties, changing his body and turning him into an almost immortal creature, looking completely like a human. That is, outwardly, except for the color of his eyes, nothing had changed in him. At the time of the injection, they were both 38.
I don't believe in theory that he lost his «humanity» due to mutation. On the contrary, he was never «human» in the classical sense of the word. He, like the others, was raised not to show empathy for others and was indoctrinated to believe that he was superior. Wesker had not changed, but because of his newfound freedom, he was no longer constrained by the limits Spencer's upbringing had placed on him.
When Wesker was 18, he was sent to the «Umbrella Executive Training School» with his future friend William Birkin, who was 16. They were research associates. As one could guess, the stress didn't end with his childhood, it coexisted with it. Following the text from his report, Wesker continued to feel like a mere toy in the hands of Umbrella, and further in the hands of Spencer, he literally raved in every paragraph about the old man. And to get out of this state was impossible from his words.
He and Birkin were led to Lisa Trevor, a subject who had been physically and psychologically abused in this School for many years. The horrible picture that opened before them, gave Wesker confidence that he could be in her place if he did his job badly. But he had no idea that he'd always been there, that every stage of his life was Spencer's experiment, just not as ugly.
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Wesker wrote in his report: «We had two choices: succeed in our research... or lie here and rot like her. Thus we had only one option. This woman tied to a pipe touched something in our minds»
These thoughts are literally a revelation of his subconscious fear that has haunted him since childhood. A manifestation of humanity.
When Wesker entered this School, he felt freedom and saw the horrors of science for the first time. Perhaps a turning point in his life, for in order not to lose that little freedom, and his life, he had to do as he was told. Had to adjust and ignore the rationalism screaming inside. Working there greatly affected Birkin and Wesker, but Wesker had to transfer elsewhere to get more information about Spencer and also because of the realization that he had reached his research limit. When Birkin started studying the G-virus, Wesker realized that it was beyond his knowledge. Although he was good at science, he didn't want to do it all the time, he wasn't looking to improve his skills and knowledge, reaching for something else, as if trying everywhere, trying to find his place.
Close to the age of 38, Wesker gets a job in a special police unit as Captain of the S.T.A.R.S. Squad and a double agent. But he was already then pursuing a personal goal and found himself a triple agent. His goal was not simply to test bioweapons on members of his squad, as the assignment stated, but to escape with the results to another organization. The only way to break free from the influence of Umbrella, which is why he gave up his best people so easily.
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It's unclear why he planted supplies on Chris in a difficult moment and helped him in every way he could if the trial was supposed to go «natural». Perhaps he wanted Chris to 100% make it to the final trial, but Chris was doing fine without it. Maintained the image of the captain? Game rules? Anything is possible. I'll use the code word «WX» to note this behavior, because I'll come back to this topic a few more times. «WX» stands for Wesker's penchant for actions that do not conform to his basic behavior, including helping others that does not bring him any personal benefit or benefit. In other words, good without any reason.
At the mansion, Chris and Jill get rid of the bioweapons in their path and make their way to the lab, where they catch Wesker off guard. There are 12 endings in the game, but only the one where Wesker is stabbed in the stomach by the Tyrant is canonical, as that is the ending depicted in Umbrella Chronicles, where the story is told on his behalf.
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He survives by regenerating from a pre-injected prototype virus, but it's unclear if his death was part of the plan. His first report states that Wesker planned his temporary death from the Tyrant, but in subsequent retellings of this moment, I began to question how relevant this report was. His reaction and facial emotion shown in the re1 remake described surprise. But he couldn't be faking it at that moment, because he already had his back turned to Jill and Chris. Considering the way Wesker in Umbrella Chronicles describes his death, it seems like he really didn't expect this. Something didn't go according to plan. He didn't plan for this kind of trauma to activate the virus within him.
The point about the prototype virus is also worth mentioning. Birkin, on Spencer's orders, misled Wesker by telling him that this substance was developed specifically for him. That is, Wesker did not know the truth and details about having a huge probability of simply dying from the injection. Judging by the information in the notes, if Wesker had not injected it into himself, the virus would have entered his body in some other way, it was inevitable. The remaining 12 Weskers were injected with the virus, some by force, some at the request of a friend, and some under the guise of vaccination.
Let's take it a little further. Wesker was declared dead and moved on to another organization. Now his plan was to get rid of the sinking ship that is Umbrella. But why was he so intent on destroying it? It could have been a personal vendetta, after all, it was Umbrella that had manipulated his life and taken away his freedom. It was also a way to prove to his new organization that he was worth something.
By executing his plan, he inadvertently helped Chris and Jill, who were seeking the same thing. I'd call it «WX», but since he was pursuing a personal goal for his own benefit, it's 50\50.
Then in re4 he gives Ada the task finds the amber with the parasite Plaga. Considering that Wesker moves quietly around the island in the remake, it's odd that he didn't get that amber himself. With the power and speed from the virus, he took it all on the shoulders of one Ada, who was also infected during the mission, which only wasted his time. Didn't want to get his hands dirty? Maybe. But if he had gotten them dirty, the mission would have been completed faster, and isn't that a tactical advantage?
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In the remake, he manifests «WX» (DLC Separate Ways) when he shows up at just the right moment for Ada and saves her from the ganados. After likely killing them with a gun, he takes a passed out Ada to Mendez's bedside, where he gives her a temporary recovery shot (or draws her blood?) But you know what's even weirder? He purposely chose a comfortable place for Ada, rather than laying her down on the ground somewhere. He was also there with her the entire time she was lying unconscious. I'd put an exclamation point on that weirdness, because... why? First of all, why did he save her when he could have continued the mission in her place? Recall Code Veronica, there Wesker arrived on the island with his HCF squad, but then we find his soldiers infected. He showed no concern for them and actually continued the mission on his own. Second, why did he keep sitting there? To scold and pathos leave?
He envisioned the option of Ada's possible betrayal and later stole Krauser's body, from which he had already extracted the Plaga sample, but he saved her anyway. Why? All of Ada's subsequent tasks on the island he could also have accomplished on his own and much faster. It's not like he was very busy if he allowed himself to sit with a sleeping Ada. The next meeting with Ada takes place on the elevation. Wesker brings her a case, pointing a gun at her. What is this gesture for? I don't think he sees her as a threat. Maybe it's a way to lend weight to his words, but doesn't he consider his authority absolute? He's a much bigger threat than the gun in his hand, so it's an odd action that makes him seem insecure.
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After Ada's betrayal, one of Wesker's allies informs him that her helicopter can be attacked, but he refuses, calling it her "little act of defiance". Thus, he gives someone the Plaga sample she stole, and also spares Ada herself. It's «WX», though he could have gotten rid of two problems at once - the traitor and the competition.
We are now transported to the future, in the DLC for Re5 – «Lost in Nightmares». Here's where the fun begins.
DLC reveals to us that something has been bothering Wesker all his life, and that something is a subconscious manipulation that has been psychologically programmed into every Wesker. The so-called «Spencer's presence». It was a defense mechanism that constantly caused a sense of anxiety and a desire to seek out Spencer, to obey him. But this defense stopped working as soon as the old man met his prodigal son and told him everything. Wesker learned from him the whole truth about himself and about «project W», that his whole life had been manufactured. Then the defenses in his head were destroyed and he quietly killed Spencer, appropriating his dream for himself. He failed to deal with the realization of the truth, taking his dream of becoming God and creating a perfect humanity. An infantile fantasy of an unjust world that needed to be changed to fit his ideals.
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In that moment, he faced his fear head-on. There she was - the cause of his fears, the person who had gotten into the depths of his mind, into his innermost being. Spencer. And now this old man was lying bloody on the floor. Perhaps Wesker should have been relieved and finally started living the life he wanted, not this old man. But he had taken Spencer's dream for himself, thus, once again acting against his will. In doing so, he didn't walk away from the problem, but exacerbated it without even realizing it. Wesker must have guessed that he had some problems, but his inflated ego that prevented him from thinking about it, screaming that he couldn't have any flaws. The problem became a hole that he tries to fill with things like this.
Whereas other characters conquer their fears by facing them, Wesker drowned in them, unwilling to change anything. His entire personality was built on the horror of losing himself, and when he found out that he basically had no self all his life, he lost his mind. He decided, since this world was unfair to him, then he needed to completely rewrite it and turn it into his own utopia, in which he would be whoever he wanted, untouchable, whom no one would point out and control.
However, thanks to the re4r (DLC Separate Ways), we now know that similar thoughts haunted Wesker even before he met Spencer. His desire to change people and start a new era he expresses after the credits. With this, the writers patched a few plot holes that appeared after re5. Now Wesker sounds like he didn't assign Spencer's goals to himself, but even before meeting him, he decided on a vision based on his upbringing.
Unfortunately, there is a long known scripting problem re5, because Wesker was not planned as a character who will survive the events of this game, so his motivation sounds stereotypical and stupid, because his plan and should not have been realized. Must be in the remake they will fix this flaw, because the beginning has already been made. His moment of frustration after killing Spencer is interrupted by Chris and Jill coming up. Consumed by rage, Wesker is seriously trying to kill Chris this time, or he was playing with him again, knowing that he would not oppose him. After saving her partner from death, Jill pushes Wesker out the window, falling down onto the rocks with him. After falling off a cliff, Wesker obviously survives, but also saves Jill. Why not just leave her to die? Why treat her and then plan to make her a test subject? Aren't there other healthy people out there? Stupid and empty revenge is not in his character. This is just another manifestation of «WX» and his obsessive desire to cling to the past.
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I don't have much to say about re5, because Wesker died there, or we were made to think so. The only thing I will mention is his unhealthy attitude towards Chris. He displays it at every chance he gets. The notes about Wesker in Umbrella Chronicles state «As a spy he held the concurrent post of S.T.A.R.S. Captain and has been impressed by Chris' combat abilities since then», and during the events of Umbrella Chronicles, Wesker said the phrase «Chris, it appears our fates are forever intertwined». In the re1 remake and Code Veronica, he openly stated that Chris was «his best man» in a sort of unobtrusive admiration. It's no longer possible to perceive Redfield as separate from Wesker.
Each time he points a gun at him, Wesker never takes a shot on target. In the battle on the airplane, he points the gun at Chris without even putting his finger on the trigger. Such a good opportunity to kill him, to get rid of the enemy for good, and he just stands there holding a gun he's not even going to use. Just take the shot and it's over, but no, he's standing there babbling on as if it's actually that much more important to him. It's like Wesker was looking for an opportunity to vent to the very person from his past. It's reminiscent of the moment he pointed the gun at Ada. It's like he was trying to add weight to his words, to show the importance of what he was doing.
In Code Veronica, he decided to play with Chris instead of killing him. So many opportunities were missed, as if he couldn't physically hurt «his best man». Chris is Wesker's only drop of common sense. If he was sure of what he was doing, and also sure of himself, he wouldn't have left Chris any chance of survival. He would have killed Redfield at the first opportunity, but he stands there every time and doubts what he's doing. Chris is a kind of controlling element to him that constantly makes him hesitate.
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And this strange hatred for Chris also raises questions. Maybe he hates him because he was jealous of what he owned? Something that cannot be obtained with money. Support, understanding, the love of a sister and close people, trust. Wesker compulsively convinced himself that he was not made for such things, for even having a sister, they did not possess affection. From the beginning he had no friends and his only companion was Birkin, though their relationship could hardly be called a normal friendship. He had no family or loved ones, and the only support he received came from «patrons» who were actually agents of Spencer and Umbrella. Seeing the Redfields supporting each other in difficult moments, being heroic, Wesker truly realized that he would never do the same. He has no people he holds dear, nor does he have those who hold him dear. There are no irreplaceable people in his worldview, but this connection between Redfields is probably beyond his comprehension. It's a simple human problem, which is why he's so fixated on himself, because if he loses the only thing he has, he'll have nothing left. He's miserable and drowning in his own despair.
While interacting with Chris on the volcano, Wesker first reveals his idealistic, infantile nature, naively dreaming of a better world without war and disease. Losing control of his powers and realizing that he will not defeat Chris in such a state, he decides to overdose himself with Ouroboros, which in the end does not make him stronger at all, but only slows him down, making him drown not only in weakness, but also in his own uncontrollable anger and frustration. Events are moving too quickly and so it can be assumed that his words here are not addressed to Chris, but to himself. After all, in the last battle he claimed to be «saving the world» and now he wonders «is it worth saving?» He dies without knowing the answer.
«However, there is no point in power if it consumes itself» his phrase, well suited to the situation at hand.
Btw, in the original idea, the moment before he died, his eye color would become natural, showing despair and horror. An interesting idea that was discarded.
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I would also like to parse his phrases: «Only those with superior DNA will be chosen by Uroboros. Only those fit for survival will be allowed to carry their genes into a new age!» Also, «I don't need anyone else. I have Uroboros!»
Wesker is more aware of how the world works than anyone else. Corruption, betrayal, human vice and filth. He had to participate in it to achieve his goal, had to go through a lot of disgusting people for the sake of getting benefits, himself to sink to their level. Seeing this, he has become disillusioned with people, so he wishes they would disappear, giving way to someone more «worthy» of life. He also renounces everyone, entrusting his fate to his creation, desperate to gain understanding.
His life was cut short at the age of 48 (2009) in a volcano, but that's according to official reports. In theory Wesker and his possible clone are alive now, which we could learn from Umbrella Corps. But I'm not going to tell you about it here.
I failed to mention that at 32, Wesker had a relationship with a woman named Muller. Strangely, she was still alive afterward and had a good opinion of him. Although it would seem that with such a personality it should be the other way around.
She ended up pregnant, and now, as of 2021 in the re8 storyline, their son is 29 years old. I can understand why she might not have informed Wesker about the son, because first of all he might not have approved and made her get rid of him, and secondly she might have lost the ability to contact him, since he was working in secret. But the fact that she kept the baby speaks volumes. That the man she broke up with is genuinely pleasant to her. I mean, if he'd been the way he was at the time of his death, it's unlikely she would have kept the baby. Often victims of violence/abuse get rid of their children, no one wants a child from a tyrant. That's the side of this character that we don't know anything about.
It's hard to imagine how a person who has a fear of losing himself and who distances himself from others has managed to find a short-term relationship at all.
What about his personality? There's a double bottom here.
It's ambiguous. At first you see a stereotypical villain and then a psycho who wants to «save the world» by destroying it, a standard hackneyed scheme, nothing interesting.
But if you look closely, we see a simple man on the verge of despair. With his past behind him, he cannot give up everything and live the way he likes, because he is superfluous in this world. Because of his own fears, he has developed a belief that he has to strive for something in order not to lose himself. All Weskers have been raised to believe that they have a great destiny, which builds an unhealthy and extremely vulnerable self-esteem.
With his fear of losing his identity, Wesker isolates himself from others, creating psychological walls that even he is afraid to penetrate. This may be the reason he broke up with Ms. Muller. She risked getting into places where even his foot had not set foot, so it became necessary to distance himself from her in order to avoid unpredictable consequences.
His dream, adopted from Spencer, actually echoes his deeply buried problem. «Infect people with a virus that will only improve and not kill a select few like him» That is, Wesker dreamed of making people like himself. Isn't it loneliness and desperation that makes people do such things? It didn't seem that he was hungry for «power» specifically, because he already had it in the traditional sense. All the more, based on his words, he did not wish for evil with this gesture, he wished to «save» humanity, knowing that millions would die. For the sake of finding a company «worthy of him», he was willing to risk killing everyone and being alone. Desperate and lost, he began to make bad decisions.
You know, it's been unusually hard for me to see beyond the obvious. I feel like I did the wrong thing by taking it upon myself to judge him without knowing almost anything about him. I originally had a biased and negative opinion of the character. But now I've gone neutral.
What do I see in front of me now? A character disconnected from his own lore. We read about one thing and see something else entirely. And also an unhappy man. Wesker is famous for his reports. They were always interesting to read because of their informative and judicious tone, so it was much more interesting to watch him when he acted in accordance with his reasoning.
Judging from the story, he is able to evoke compassion and empathy in the viewer, but does he evoke it in action? In action, he evokes nothing. He is not even annoying, although a well-written character should evoke an emotional response, but he evokes it only with his story.
Creating something unambiguously negative is not a bad thing. But such a thing should be presented wisely, and it should have a certain kind of backstory, which will only deepen our belief that this object is evil.
But in Wesker's case, things went wrong from the start. Having created a story that resonates in you with an atmosphere of hopelessness, lack of choice, and fear of losing yourself, we see a character that doesn't match that. It's the events of the personal story that create the character, but if the character feels pulled from it, something went wrong in the writing.
If you are creating a character who is supposed to be compassion, the story should help with that, make you feel his problem. The same is true if you're writing someone who is negative and should be disgusting. Murder isn't enough to make a character a villain, the story is the main key. And our victim's story isn't about becoming evil at all, it's about fighting fear, where fear wins in the end, which doesn't fit with the concept of evil evil at all. That's why the player/reader/viewer can't always decide who he is: antagonist? Anti-villain? Who the hell is he?
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[The beginning of an optional fragment]
By the way, there aren't enough facts in this analysis, so now we're going to break down the prototype virus that was injected into 13 Weskers. If you're not interested in that, skip to the next section. I haven't previously mentioned the Progenitor, from which many viruses in this universe originated, so the prototype is an unstable strain of the Progenitor, weakened dozens of times so as not to be too toxic. This virus either gives a person immense strength or kills them altogether. Alex stayed somewhere in the middle, because nothing happened to her, but her brother changed a lot.
Wesker has special genes, as well as immunity, that made the prototype fused with him. But activation, according to Birkin's report, requires a stressful situation. That means the hormones released as a result of stress dramatically amplify the influence of the virus, helping the body to initiate the fusion. It's all about hormones, we'll come back to that.
When Wesker received an injury incompatible with life from Tyrant, the hormones produced at that moment triggered the V-ACT process. He went into anabiosis, transforming all the cellular tissue in his body as well as repairing the damage he had sustained.
But having gained strength through a complete reorganization of his body, he was not yet aware of the instability of the virus inside. He didn't know that the prototype doesn't «fix» in his body. Therefore, the strength provided by the virus is not eternal, weakening with time.
So Wesker has to take PG67A/W regularly to re-secure the virus inside and stay strong. An insufficient dose of PG67A/W can cause malaise, and a large dose becomes poison. Which is what happened in re5 when Chris and Sheva injected him with the substance an extra two times. He experienced pain, and then presumably his powers escalated to the point where he no longer had control over them and they lost usefulness.
His son, Jake, also inherited genes and special immunity, which is why most viruses are harmless to him, but also do not give any advantages.
The fact that the forces of an overdose are not lost, proves the moment when Wesker easily damages the rocket with his bare hand.
Now back to the subject of hormones. Not only do they provoke viral activation, but they are a completely controlling element. Wesker, when provoking his emotions, can change the density of his own body, which also causes bioluminescence in his eyes. I noticed this when rewatching the re5 cutscenes. Always when he is about to strike, his eyes start to glow. Glow is emotion, and emotion is hormones.
This is why Excella can free pierce his skin with a needle and inject the drug, because at this point Wesker is calm and his body density is close to that of a human. In battle, his body is like a stone, it hurts Chris to hit him and this can be seen in his animations.
[The end of an optional fragment]
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The injections are another painful element that robs Wesker of his sense of self-worth and freedom. Therefore, coupled with the fear of losing himself, he has an inferiority complex. This complex manifests itself outwardly in a superiority complex - in arrogance, an inflated ego, which we see in his behavior. This is the answer to the question of many people, why he behaves this way. Not considering himself a full member of society, not considering himself suitable for ordinary life, Wesker begins to believe that he is above «all that» and calls himself God, in other words self-deception.
An inflated ego is the result of psychological defense, a sign of hidden fears (loss of self). It also indicates the presence of insecurity, which he tries to hide by creating a strong image for the outside world. However, like many people with large egos, Wesker has a fragile self-esteem, which is why he hates so much the rude Chris who initially discerned his weak side. His self-esteem is closely tied to his ego, so with the image he has created, Wesker protects a side of himself that he never shows to others. He hides it even from himself, as I mentioned earlier.
I thought Jake's AI words would be perfect here:
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This is the only fragment where I decided to have fun with AI, but it gave me something that really makes sense.
I would like to summarize, because the analysis turned out to be long, and something towards the end may have already slipped the reader's mind. So... What do we know?
Because of his nonstandard childhood and obsessive upbringing, Wesker has an unhealthy and extremely vulnerable self-esteem. By deceiving himself, he began to consider himself superior to everything ordinary, and to believe that he is simply not made for this cruel and unfair world with wars and diseases, so he dreams of creating «his own world», where there will be «equal» people, so that he will no longer feel superfluous.
Also, because of his childhood, he is withdrawn to the point where he hides his true feelings and needs even from himself. He feels safe as long as no one knows what he cares about. If you don't know what a person cares about, you can't manipulate him. And if he doesn't care about anything, he is invulnerable. He is afraid to be himself and express it. He himself doesn't know what «he» is really like. Judging by his phrases in the game, Wesker would like acceptance, but would never admit it openly.
It is also an echo of an effect he has been under the influence of all his life - the «fear of losing himself». This fear has become a convenient pattern of behavior in his life: pretending not to care about anything and believing it. People with this fear need to appear indifferent, not letting anyone know that anything matters to them.
But what is «fear of losing yourself»? It is the phobia that someone more powerful can manipulate you and take away your sense of security, of reliability, whereupon you no longer consider yourself strong and confident. Wesker felt for years that he was under Spencer's strong influence, his puppet, which cemented the «fear of losing himself» even deeper. Every step in his life was not his personal choice but Spencer's, Wesker was only made to think that he was acting on his own free will.
Loneliness and lack of empathy were also his eternal companions. Never having friends, never having family and support, and never having anyone that Wesker could cherish. And no one who would have treasured him. That's why he's so fixated on himself, because if he loses the only thing he has, he'll have nothing left at all. That's why he prioritizes pragmatism over emotion, easily betraying anyone and replacing one with another. But he also tends to cling to the past, sometimes betraying his pragmatism.
Due to a misunderstanding, I would like to supplement my text. This analysis is only my personal interpretation and my personal view of the character and his story. I do not claim that it is 100% canon, because canon is so vague and disjointed that it is impossible to fully assemble it objectively. Everyone is entitled to have an interpretation different from mine. Best wishes to all!
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jesncin · 10 months ago
Okay, I'll bite, what are your feelings on the trans conner pitch?
Oh boy! Thank you for tossing me this bone because I have a lot of mixed feelings!
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I notice that people online are very hot and cold about the Trans Superboy Pitch, they either love it or hate it and that doesn't leave a lot of room for nuance + discussion. So to be respectful to a fellow trans peer in the industry, I want to do a fair review/analysis of Skyrocket: the trans Conner Kent pitch by Magdalene Visaggio.
My general takeaway from the pitch is that I like the premise, but the details fumble the execution for me. I can really feel from reading the pitch that Visaggio cares about Superboy. She understands that he's a very weird legacy character who has struggled to find proper footing in the DC Universe after all these years. An effective legacy character is one who is able to spin off and expand upon the themes of the character whose mantle they carry. But the cheesy whatever-goes 90's-ness of Superboy's original run didn't give future writers a lot to work with in terms of a Superman Legacy Character.
It's why I genuinely believe the later retcon reveal that -part of Conner's DNA is from Lex Luthor- is a fantastic addition to his character. It takes a character who was just kind of screwing off to gentrify Hawaii back into the center of Superman's good vs evil conflict. But now Conner's problem is that his story is too tied to his origin and Superman's shadow. Placing Conner with the Kents in Smallville afterwards made him narratively redundant. What's next for him?
So let's dig into the pitch!
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I like what's at the heart of this pitch. It's a very season-3-ATLA-Zuko "honor wasn't all it's cracked up to be" arc and I think that suits Conner's character really well! It's the details I have gripes with:
"Conner has been largely relegated to the Jason Todd of the Superfamily" oof, haha that's not a particularly fair characterization.
The constant comparing of Superman to Christian imagery. He's described as basically "Jesus goddamn Christ" in the pitch. The Tyrannical Kryptonians are named Saint, Shepherd and Savior. No surprise I don't like seeing a character who allegorically represented Jewish immigrants to be constantly compared to Christian imagery and deified.
It's inevitable with pitching to the company, but the pitch is bogged down by a lot of convoluted plot points. I get that it's necessary to pitch event tie-ins and universe hopping shenanigans, but it's a lot.
Leland feels like a plot device in this. I'm sure there were plans to flesh out the brotherly clone relationship between him and Conner so that he can feel like his own character, but from the summary he just kind of revolves around Conner the way the pitch describes Conner revolving around Superman. Oops!
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Conner's relation to Luthor and Superman works as a story about legacy, bloodlines and the things parents pass down to their kids. It's best when handled thematically and not literally because it's easy to get into essentialist "good genes" vs "evil genes" near-eugenics talking points. Unfortunately this pitch has a lot of that vibe. Leland has more Lex genes so he's super smart. Conner and Leland are able to start a schism in the Future Tyrannical Kryptonian House by "proving their truer genetic link to the original Superman, unsullied by thousands of years of tinkering" thereby gaining allies. Not great!
The part where Conner wants to find "his own Metropolis" by moving to Dripping Springs, Texas. That's Jinny Hex's field of operations, so is it really his own space? I would've just given Conner a new town so he can better stand on his own and build out a unique cast system.
Okay let's talk about the trans stuff!
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I get that it makes for an Iconic Visual Superhero Moment, but I really don't like the part where Conner steps through a magical crystal and pops out the other side as a trans woman. It robs her of having that discovery on her own. The pitch says "I believe that this is as natural a move as Iceman's coming out". And just?? Man, remember when Jean Grey read Iceman Bobby Drake's mind and robbed him of his agency by outing him through that invasion of privacy? For a pitch all about Conner's journey of defining herself, it weirdly robbed her of that moment.
The pitch does such a good job talking about how Conner feels like her whole life revolves around Superman and how pointless wanting to be Superman feels now that Jon Kent has taken the mantle. She has Clark's genes, goes to Clark's hometown school, is raised by Clark's parents and all that. So then why is she eventually named after the women in Clark's life? Constance "Connie" Lara Kent. Clark's Kryptonian mom and human grandma? Was the world so small that she could not name herself after anyone else or come up with a new name? Connie doesn't even get to name herself, her new name is one Martha Kent bestows her with. It's hypocritical, and doesn't have the same impact that Superman giving Superboy a Kryptonian name does.
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Speaking of which, this right here is my biggest gripe. It's not in the pitch itself but?? Wait- why go on about how Conner deserves a name that's not given to her and then turn around and make Martha name her? Sure, Connie comes up with the superhero name "Skyrocket" herself but surely she also deserves to name herself considering the thesis the pitch built up about self discovery and agency right?
Also with all due respect, this is the whitest queer take on Conner's identity. I wish white trans people could understand that you can have multiple true names that reflect different parts of you.
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When Clark gives Superboy the name "Kon-El" it matters that it's given. It ties so well to the idea of familial acceptance into a nearly-extinct culture. You wouldn't know how to reclaim that part of your identity when that culture's been wiped out, so of course it's an honor to be trusted with a name that preserves Krypton's culture. This is a common practice with diaspora reclaiming cultural names from closed cultures, they are gifted their names by someone more culturally connected. I think the pitch having Martha name Connie is trying to echo this, but it doesn't hit the same without that cultural context. It also undercuts the genuine joy Conner felt from finally having a name he truly identifies with. Conner was only ever referred to as Superboy before then. When Clark gives him the name Kon El, Conner cries out that Kon El is his "real name". It's one of his defining moments, and to have that be diminished by saying "It's still a name someone else gave him" is so disappointing.
Then there's the design.
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This is gonna lean more into preference, but I'm not the biggest fan of this design! I get what it's going for but it has too much going on everywhere. It also doesn't have that proto-punk look original Conner had, so it ends up not feeling like him. It's too superhero, and not enough casual-wear-on-a-supersuit that Conner sports really well. I see how it fits in with the everyone-in-Superfam-is-wearing-jackets-era, but I also think those new designs don't look good either. Especially Supergirl's. I feel like Conner should be more punk post transition. No respectability beam for her!
Also the name Skyrocket? It's giving knock off-brand toy vibes to me I'm sorry D: People on twidder suggested Supernova and that sounds way better! Even Visaggio stated she prefers that name so you can't be mad at me for this.
Overall big conclusion feelings!
I've been following Visaggio's work for a while because it's awesome seeing trans people getting picked up in comics. While there are some things about her writing I like, for the most part I've felt like her work isn't my cup of tea. I tried reading up a bunch of interviews she's in to try to understand why her writing wasn't clicking with me, and what I discovered is that we have fundamentally different approaches to queer storytelling.
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From Paste Magazine. I get where she's coming from, trans characters deserve to have multi-faceted narratives that don't overly center how they're othered at the expense of further characterization. But also? I just actually find the interior lives of queer people and identity interesting. I like writing the kind of escapism and joy that's informed by surviving and inheriting hardships rather than erasing those things or skipping past it. I think this is why Connie is robbed of her trans discovery in the pitch. Why we don't get to watch her grapple with gender identity in a political way. Queer stories about queer struggles are considered archaic and unnecessary nowadays. It's part of the escapism Visaggio values in her work; to give a place of respite for trans readers from the cruelty they experience in reality, but I don't connect to stories like that personally. Whenever I try to share queer Indonesian art and writing with my peers, I'm often told it's too painful to look at. That our pain doesn't fit the modern expectation for happy, empowering queer stories. "trans people get enough hardships in real life, they don't need that in their fiction" Visaggio still talks about her newest projects like this btw.
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I'd love to see a take on Conner that more holistically continues the political immigrant themes of Superman. The white parts of fandom love interpreting Conner's identity crisis as primarily a queer struggle, but it's also one of a person grappling with his mixed heritage. He's a diaspora kid separated by a generation away from Krypton. He has yet to make peace with the Luthor side of his identity, one borne of generational trauma and resentment for one's roots. Instead of a take where his queerness separates him from the pressures of legacy, I want to see a Conner take that has themes that are intersectional about his mixed diaspora and queer identity. I want his superficial punk aesthetic to graduate into actual punk ideals. The anti-establishment and radical love philosophies of punk culture would make such a cool extension of Superman themes and it would make so much sense that someone facing so many intersections of marginalization would be radicalized from their experience. I want a queer Conner who isn't just empowering and idealistic, I want one that also gives space for queer readers to feel like their pain is seen too. Conner isn't "Truth, Justice and the American Way" he's famously "Truth, Justice, My Way".
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There's a tendency in media criticism to treat marginalized talent as infallible, and I don't think that fair to creatives like Visaggio. Being able to look at their ideas with nuance instead of essentializing it as being Good or Trash is the best way to respect diverse creativity. And my nuanced feelings are that a white queer person who looks at Conner's story and just sees the queer part and dismisses the diaspora mixed heritage side of him,,, is not going to give me the Conner story I want to see.
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milfjagger · 1 month ago
people always talk about how the gene wilder charlie and the chocolate factory is terrifying but i find it fun and whimsical. the tim burton charlie and the chocolate factory is one of the most evil and darksided films in existence
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