#finch x sniper
desert-fern · 1 year
A Gun Amongst Daggers - Jake “Hangman” Seresin X Fem!Navy Seal Reader
Part 6: Mark Me Down As Horny, Not Scared
Summary: When Jake meets a woman at the Hard Deck, the last thing he expects is for her to be a Navy Seal. And not just any Seal, the Commander of Seal Team 3. She’s beautiful, smart, dangerous, and everything about her just makes him want to get close. Her name? Bear. When the Seals need backup, Cyclone puts the Daggers on their radar and now, Jake has to work with Bear and her team, all the while trying to stay professional. Can he do it? Or will he end up falling for the Navy sniper and mission Commander?
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*GIF is not mine, I found it on Pinterest*
A/N: This is part two to the training exercise I set up last chapter. My apologies if the beginning seems a little stilted or a little off.
Warnings: violence, guns, 'hostage taking', swearing, paint grenades. As usual, let me know if I missed anything :)
Word Count: 2.8k
Masterlist >> Part 5 >> Part 7
As she left the building to pick up her gear, Bear’s voice crackled through the radios of her teams. “Don’t be morons, have fun, and let’s show these pilots why we’re the best in the Navy. Red team ready?” 
“Copy. Red team 1 ready,” Flare replied. 
“Red team 2 ready.” Shrike rasped. 
“Blue team ready?” 
“Roger that. Blue team ready.” 
Rejoining her team outside, Bear tapped Bug on the shoulder, slipping into position near the back of the group, ready to follow. Every member of the team had slid their night vision goggles into place, giving them a way to sweep the building. 
Bug gave the order to breach and the doors on all four sides were yanked open, giving way to four teams of eight that entered silently. 
Approaching a hallway, Bug directed two to break off and search the room on the left. They did, and when finding nothing, stuck a flag to the door, marking that it was clear. Bear and Finch broke off to do the same to the right, Finch touching Bear’s shoulder to signal that she was behind the other woman. A quick sweep turned up nothing. “Clear,” Bear muttered just loud enough to be heard. A short nod, and the two marked it off, slipping further down the hallway. 
On the top floor, the pilots watched in fascination as Bear and her teams swept silently through the building marking off room after room. They watched as Bear and Finch left a room to reenter the hall down which Fireball and one of his team were sweeping. “Cross,” Bear called out, warning the others. Glances were exchanged, awe evident as they returned their focus to the projection on the wall. 
Bear was getting antsy, two of four floors left to sweep and no one had run into a member of the red team. The adrenaline was pumping, and when she slipped past Finch to enter what felt like the hundredth room, she caught a flurry of movement that had her firing two blue paintballs at the perpetrator. Mouse groaned, he’d taken one to the chest, the other to the helmet, effectively marking him as dead. “Red 12 down,” he spoke into his coms.
Stepping over him, Bear continued her search, finding no one else in the room. “One down,” she spoke over coms. “Heads up.” 
“Copy that Bear. Continue as planned,” Bug replied. 
Finch marked the door frame but gunfire made her whip back into the room. “Siege, siege. Floor three, room 6,” she called through coms. 
Bear flipped a table, pushing it close to the door, firing off a few shots before being forced to duck behind the makeshift barricade. Normally, she’d toss a flashbang or a grenade over the table, but this being a training exercise, all she was equipped with were a few large paintballs that exploded when thrown. “Get down!” she yelled to Finch, who hit the floor as Bear let the fake grenade fly. It crashed to the ground in the hall, splattering blue glow in the dark paint across the would-be attackers. 
“Reds 6, 13, 4, 19, 22, 5, and 16 down,” came the crackled reply over the radio. 
Stepping out from behind the table, Bear scanned the seven ‘attackers’, checking pulses. Finch provided cover as she did so, firing off a few shots down the hall, taking out another three with blue paint to the chest and helmets. 
“Reds 7, 1, and 26 down.” 
Standing up, Bear patted Finch on the shoulder, nodding her praise. The younger woman grinned and they swept back down the hall, continuing their search. 
“Holy fuck,” Fanboy said as he watched Bear move. “This is like watching superheroes.” 
Rooster nodded, forgetting that it was too dark for anyone to see him. “If this is what they’re like in training, I can see why the Seals are so fucking respected in the field.” 
“Shut up!” Flare yelled from the main room. She was having way too much fun playing the bad guy and sent one of her people to point their weapon into the nook, threatening them pilots just a smidge.
“Red team 2, locations,” Shrike spoke through the radio, letting crackles fill the air. Her people were spread throughout the fourth floor, numbers 17 through 32. 
“Southeast side, near room 4.” 
“Northwest, room 8.” 
A few more numbers were called out, as she stared at the layout in front of her, crossing off a few more numbers as the blue team advanced through the building. 
“Cross!” Bug called out, ducking out of a swept room, reuniting with Bear and Finch on the third floor. “Bug advancing to four. Fireball, Raptor, Daisy report.” 
“Daisy ascending to four.” 
“Fireball on four. Pinned down.” 
“Raptor approaching Fireball.” 
“Copy, continue.” Motioning for her team to continue, Bug led them up the stairs to the fourth floor, where they were immediately fired upon by Shrike’s team. “Shit. Bug requesting back up on Southeast stairs.” 
Bear and the others were taking turns firing shots out the open stairwell door. “Fuck,” Bear swore as a red paint ball zipped by her head, splattering against the wall behind her. “Cover, cover. Reloading.” 
Bear reloaded her weapon, peeking out to fire again, this time taking out two advancing red team members. “Red 18 down.” 
“Red 20 down.” 
A flurry of blue paintballs came from the opposite direction. “Daisy incoming. Bug, take cover.”  
So they did. Daisy’s team swept through the attacking red team, taking out a large portion of the remaining forces. “All clear. Targets down.” 
Bug poked her head out, finding Daisy right by the open door. “Appreciate it.” 
“No worries. Let’s go. We have to be close.” 
The two teams swept the remainder of their half, taking out a few red team members along the way. The radio crackled to life. “Raptor approaching final room. No eyes yet on hostages.” 
“Copy. Bug and Daisy on the way.” 
Bug crept forwards, tapping Raptor on the shoulder, signaling her presence. “Sit rep?” The man and his team were around the corner from the door in question. 
“No eyes on hostages. Flare, Shrike, and what looks like five others are inside. Two by the door, one at the back of the room near a hole in the wall, and two on either side of the bosses,” Raptor reported, eyes flicking back to the monitor attached to the pin camera they had snuck under the door. 
“What’s the strategy, Bug?” Bear asked. This was the challenge. What tactic would work to get them in, take down the seven remaining ‘enemies’ and save the hostages? 
“Do we have any other points of entry?” 
“A small window at the far end of the room. Near bad guy number three,” one of Raptor’s people spoke up. “But whatever we do might also harm the hostages.” 
Bug pursed her lips. “Do we still have any flashbangs left?” 
“Negative,” Daisy replied. 
“I have smoke bombs left. No flashbangs though,” Finch said in a low tone. 
Bug nodded. “Finch, take a few to that window. Crack it open just enough to slip them in on my signal. We’ll take the door when you do.” 
Finch nodded, standing up and slipping away with a few others. Bug looked down at the monitor, guards were pacing and it looked like Flare was shouting about something. 
“Bear, I’m having you lead the entry. You,” she said, pointing at a member of Raptor’s team, “Are holding the ram.” 
“Move out.” 
Bear crept up to the door, taking her place on one side of it, while the others found their positions. She held up a closed fist, signaling them to hold their placement. Minutes later, they received the notice that Finch was in place and that the window was open, it was all up to Bug. 
A quick nod was all it took. “Breach,” Bear said. The door swung open as the smoke bombs were dropped, filling the room quickly. The blue team filed into the room, holding the guards at gunpoint. Some tried to fire off a shot but were splattered across the chest with bright blue paint. 
“Stay down!” Bug yelled, training her weapon on Flare, who slowly raised her hands. “Cuff her.” 
Bear hurried forwards, letting her weapon drop as she stepped in behind Flare, grabbing her raised hands and zip-tying them behind her back. She nodded to Bug, who passed Flare off to someone else. The red team was shuffled out of the room and into the hall, forced to their knees with weapons trained on them. 
“Hostages are through here,” Raptor called out. He stood next to the tiny room, having lifted his goggles to shine a flashlight in. “All 13 accounted for.” 
“See that they’re escorted out,” Bug ordered, stepping off to question the leaders of the red team. 
Bear had found the light switch. “Goggles off,” she called. “I found the lights.” Flipping them on, she walked back over to the wall. In a gentle tone, she told the Daggers “You guys are safe. They can’t hurt you anymore.” 
Remembering the role on his card, Maverick spoke up. “How do we know that you aren’t just more of them?” 
She nodded. “The people here are Navy Seals. We are American,” she answered calmly. 
Maverick feigned hesitancy, knowing that that was his cue to try and get up. “Okay.” 
“Okay, can I come in there and get you out?” 
He nodded in the bright beam of the flashlight. Bear stepped into the little hiding place, with one hand extended. She grasped his palm, helping him to his feet. “I have one coming out,” she called back to the people in the room. 
FAK dashed forwards, ready to help as if he were injured. “Is anyone hurt?” 
Bear repeated the question to the pilots still inside. They all shook their heads. “It doesn’t appear so. They just look shaken.” Her reactions were exactly as if she were in the field, calm, quiet, yet firm. 
Maverick was the first one out. His safe exit was the cue for Bob and Harvard to accept her help. They followed him out, hands being untied once in the main room. 
Phoenix and Rooster were playing siblings. She would only go if Rooster left, and he would only go if she left, making the pair of them the trickiest to extricate. With more room inside, Bear stepped all the way in, crouching by Phoenix. “Are you ready to come out of here?” 
“Not without my brother.” 
“Okay. Who’s your brother?” 
Phoenix pointed at Rooster, who was peeking out the opening into the main room. “Alright, we’ll get you both out. Okay?” 
Bear motioned for Daisy to approach. “I need help with siblings. They won’t go without each other.” 
Daisy nodded. She slowly approached Rooster, crouching to his level, but backed off quickly when his eyes widened at her approach. “Raptor, swap out.” 
“Coming.” Raptor took Daisy’s spot, and slowly coaxed Rooster out. Seeing him leave, Phoenix stood and made her way out. 
One by one, the pilots slowly left until it was just Hangman. Everyone else had broken from their roles and were chatting amongst themselves, leaving him and Bear in the tiny room. He wasn’t to leave unless proof was given, and the minimal proof that had been offered wasn’t enough to get him to leave. 
Bear crouched down next to him. She spoke softly, but firmly, motioning to the dark coloured American flag on the shoulder of her uniform. He nodded once, joints popping as she helped him up and out of the room. “That’s all of them. Exercise over. I repeat, exercise over.” 
Whoops and hollers broke out from the pilots. “Holy fuck!” Coyote cried. “That was so badass! You were all like…” he trailed off, ducking and dodging through invisible enemies, making Bear and the others laugh. 
“Come on. Let’s get out of the uniforms, and clean up so we can get to bed. We’ll debrief tomorrow,” Bear said loudly. “Great job everyone.” 
Everyone filed out of the room talking loudly. Bear brought up the rear, flipping the lights off and shutting the door as she walked back through the halls. “Teddy.” 
“That was awesome,” Jake said lowly. “Like, I never doubted you, but you were incredible.” 
She grinned up at him. “Thanks. I’m glad you guys had some fun.” She unclipped her helmet, tucking it under her arm. 
Jake nodded, scratching the back of his neck. His mouth opened to say something, but he shut it in favor of staying quiet. 
“Did you have a question?” Bear asked, looking over at the man next to her. “Because if you do, I’d be happy to answer it.” 
Jake pinked a little. “Umm yeah actually.” He paused, trying to find the right words. “You and the others used ‘cross’ a lot. What does that mean?” 
She grinned. “Oh that? It’s a warning to others on our team that we’re coming through a door or around a corner so we don’t get shot. It gets used a lot,” Bear explained gently. She let him walk in front of her, stopping to close a door and then continued “I’m not sure if it transfers into pilot shit, but that’s what we use it for.” 
He nodded, staying unusually quiet. “I see. Okay. Thanks.” He had admired her before, but now, after this display of skill, Jake was very unsure of how to describe his feelings towards her. Bear was incredible. Her knowledge and skill made her far more dangerous than he’d originally thought and now, here he was, falling head over heels for her. 
“Are you okay?” Bear asked, breaking through his thoughts. He had gone very quiet all of a sudden and it concerned her. In fact, since the exercise had ended, Jake wasn’t acting like himself. “I’d hate to think I scared you that easily.” 
“You didn’t scare me,” Jake replied. His eyes fell on the large blue paint splatter in the ground and he grinned as he stepped around it. “It’s just, that whole thing,” he made a fluttering gesture with his hands around the space. “Was extremely hot and I’m seriously questioning myself.” 
Bear blinked in surprise. “Oh,” she said softly. “Wait, what? You did?” 
He groaned. “Yes, I did. Like I thought you were attractive before. Don’t give me that look, I know you caught me looking at least twice. But now, like I actually saw what it is you can do, and I’m not sure if it is the skill I find hot as fuck, or you,” Jake told her, risking a sideways glance at her. She looked stunned. 
Bear met his gaze, biting at her lip as she tried to think of something to say to that. “Well, um. Shit. Okay, umm what do I say to that?” Hearing verbal confirmation made her heart sing and she knew that she was bright red. 
“Maybe, ‘I think you’re hot too, Jake. I’ve always thought you were sexy as hell and now I just want to jump you.’ How’s that?” 
She laughed, shaking her head at his antics. “You are ridiculous.” 
“And you are ridiculously hot as fuck.” 
Under his compliments, Bear’s face somehow got redder and she ducked her head to avoid his gaze. “If you still feel that way in a few weeks, well, I’m sure we can find some arrangement that works,” was all she could think of to say. 
“Oh, I’m counting on it,” Jake said, his voice low in her ear. It sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire in her lower stomach. “In fact, I think you will seek me out before I do.” 
Willing some of her blush away, Bear just looked at him and winked. “We’ll see about that, Jake. We will see,” she purred in response. She heard him stop in his tracks behind her but Bear kept walking, leaving him standing stunned behind her. Where she found the confidence, she had no idea, but it kept her walking forwards, not risking a glance behind her. 
“Fucking Christ woman,” Jake muttered. The purr to her tone sent the blood rushing from his head and he knew that the smug look on her face, combined with the sight of her ass in the tac pants and her purring tone would definitely fuel his dreams of her. And crude as it sounded, he knew that he’d have something better than any dirty photo or porn to jerk off to. “I might be in over my head.” 
A/N: Kisses to @startrekfangirl2233 @sarahsmi13s and @dakotakazansky for taking a read through and being my biggest cheerleaders!
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Taglist: @startrekfangirl2233 @sarahsmi13s @dakotakazansky @horseshoegirl @roosters-girl @lovinglyeternal @lavenderbradshaw @bobby-r2d2-floyd @bradleybeachbabe @roosterforme @twsssmlmaa @footprintsinthesxnd @fandomxpreferences @dempy @gizmodear @fighterpilothoe @iwantmyredvelvetcupcake @djs8891 @rhirhikingston @sisterslytherinog @impossiblebagelcowboyfreak @thegoddessc @sgt-barnesveins @taytaylala12 @urmom-999 @formulapierre @pinkpantheris
435 notes · View notes
dustyy-angel · 1 year
The Best Newsies Thing submissions
Race's cigar
Jack Kelly
The money the movie didn't make
King Of New York
Davey Jacobs
David Jacobs (movie)
Seize The Day
Crutchie (uksies)
Trans Racetrack headcanons
92sies Mush's front flip during Carrying The Banner
Spot Conlon (movie)
King Of New York (movie)
Newsies fanfiction
Kid Blink (movie)
The tony awards performance
Spot Conlon (uksies)
The chair Mike Faist fell through
Ben Cook kicking himself in the face
Jeremy Jordan attempting to dance and almost falling on his face during the proshot bows
Bill and Darcy
Albert (uksies)
Christian Bale falling over every time he tries to dance
Race (movie)
Santa Fe
Les pretending to smoke his candy to imitate Jack
Musical Davey's character development
Mush (movie)
The Delancey brothers
"The woild is yer erster"
Bumlets spinning on the ceiling fan
Jack Kelly (uksies)
Stray x Lucky (uksies)
Santa Fe (movie)
"Hi i'm Andrew Keenan-Bolger and I play Crutchie in disney's Newsies"
Dancing with the stars performance
Carrying The Banner
Carrying The Banner (movie)
"Our man Denton!"
Bryan Denton (movie)
Unemployed by Joshua Burrage and Ben Cook
Ben warming up and Andrew putting on multiple pairs of headphones
Sarah Jacobs (movie)
Specs (Ryan Steele)
Jack Kelly (movie)
Katherine (uksies)
Out There in Santa Fe by Ben Fankhauser
"I am a kooOOOoiiiii"
Andy Richardson crawling around like something from a horror movie
Ben and Sky dancing to What If I Go
“Forget about Trey. Where’s my fucken chair?”
Andrew forgetting the strike sign
Kara accidently throwing the broom into the orchestra pit
Corey Cott singing the Santa Fe key change four bars early
"It's oyster Race" "THATS WHAT I SAID"
Les Jacobs (movie)
Letter From The Refuge
Once And For All
Skittery (movie)
Jess LeProtto falling into the orchestra pit
Finches slingshot
Gay/Trans awakenings caused by the movie
Za Zooming Out
"Up stays, uh upstairs"
Bad weather and shopping
Tommy Bracco pep talks
Letter From The Refuge (Ben Cook edition)
Anthony Rosenthal's vlogs
Newsies fanart
Seize The Day (movie)
Blood Drips Heavily On Newsies Square
The stage directions for Jack shaking Roosevelt's hand
Jeremy Jordan
Ben Fankhauser
Newsies Got Swag
Brooklyn's Here
WWH (reprise) at broadway bakes and Cory keeps messing up
Anything You Can Do by Mike Faist and Adam Kaplan
Ben and Lavon singing Something To Believe In
"AAAHHHHHHHH" "See this, this is Newsies"
92sies Jack saying "ambastards" instead of ambassadors
"Tell me how quitting does Crutchie any good" "Dszahdh"
Crutchie swearing in uksies
The amount of ass-slapping in livesies
79 notes · View notes
auspicious-manner · 2 years
Hey loved your Riff story! Could you write a story with Race from Newsies, where they hate each other and it gets on everyone’s nerves so Jack partners them up to sell papers. And she gets hit on by one of the Delaney brothers and race gets jealous. And then a romance blossoms from there? I know that’s a lot lmao, Thanks! 💛
thank you so much omg! i love this idea, who doesn’t like a good enemies to lovers story? also, i wrote this with ben cook��s race in mind :)
racetrack x female reader
warnings: minor harassment from the delancey brothers
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Dynamic Duo
“everybody up, it’s pape-sellin’ time!” jack yelled throughout the lodging house, banging on the sides of each bed as he passed.
Y/N sat up in her bed, lethargic from just waking up and hair completely tangled. she sat on her top bunk as she slowly allowed her mind to follow in the footsteps of her already awake body.
once she felt ready, she climbed off her bed and went to go look for clothes to wear for the day.
Y/N didn’t mind being the only girl newsie as much as one would think. she didn’t mind the work, and when she did it with her good friends jack kelly and albert, her boring job was then made much more exciting.
about two years ago, when she had just entered her teen years, Y/N’s family told her that they couldn’t afford to take care of her anymore. so, they packed her a bag with a few articles of clothing, a dollar, and some small personal belongings. as much as she despised her parents for doing this, she couldn’t blame them. she wouldn’t want herself either if she was using up a lot of money.
she was left on the streets of new york for three days before jack found her in an alley, using her old clothes as a blanket for warmth. jack took her in, introduced her to the boys, and he never asked if she wanted to stay with them and sell papers; he told her she was going to. Y/N was thankful for it, jack was welcoming to her and gave her a job and a place to sleep.
“racer,” jack started, standing in front of his bed. Y/N peered over and saw race still cuddled up under his thin covers, sleeping away the morning. Y/N rolled her eyes. race’s childish and immature personality was one that she was never able to get used to. she surely wasn’t race’s biggest fan.
“racer!” jack yelled, banging on the side of the bed. “i don’t think you wants to go a day without work, get up!”
race woke up shocked and rolled out of bed, falling onto the ground from his bottom bunk with a thump. a few of the newsies laughed, and race got up and dusted himself off. “i was havin’ a good dream, that’s all. didn’t want it to end.”
Y/N gazed at race for a moment too long, and race wasn’t having it. “what’re you looking at me for? take a look at yourself, your hair looks like a bird’s nest.”
Y/N was about to storm over to him, when she stopped and placed her hands on her hair. race was right. she had a large nest of bedhead looped around her head.
she looked back at race. “thank you for informing me, i seriously had no clue. you know race, you truly are a lifesaver.” Y/N said, sarcasm thick in her voice.
race glared at her. “just thought i’d let you know.”
after that, the morning went smoothly. she got ready in her traditional newsies clothes, tied her hair into two braids, and placed her newsies cap on her head. before the newsies went out for the day, jack called everyone together for a quick meeting.
“alright newsies of manhattan, we’re switchin’ things up for the time being. i’ll be pairing you up with new selling partners.”
Y/N smiled, excited to hear her new selling partner. she knew it most likely wouldn’t be jack, even though the two were super close with each other. jack was one to pair people up based on who he thought would sell the most papers, not necessarily who they were close with.
“elmer and jojo, you’re partners. davey, les, and finch. crutchie, buttons, and romeo. mush and specs. albert and sniper. race and Y/N. henry, you’re stuck with me. if i didn’t call your name, stick with whoever you’ve already been sellin’ with. youse all dismissed, go sell some papes.”
everyone who was paired up happily joined their new selling partner, and Y/N and race stood shocked by their pairing.
“jack, what the hell?” Y/N said, catching jack before he found henry. “you know damn well race and i don’t get along, what’s this all about?”
race had then made his way over to jack as well. “yeah jack, Y/N’s the only newsies i’ve ever disliked, and you know that.”
jack looked between the two of them. “look, i’m sorry guys, but you two could learn a lot from each other while sellin’. racer, you’re great at makin’ up headlines that sell. Y/N, you’ve got the stamina for sellin’ through tough days that any newsie would be jealous of. i paired you two up so your strengths can work together, and you can hopefully settle this conflict the both of you seem to have. now, get to work.”
jack made his way over to henry, and the two walked out of the door, leaving Y/N and race by themselves. “this ain’t gonna be fun.” race said.
“nope.” Y/N said back, leaving the lodging house with race on her tail.
the pairing followed the crowd out to the stand where the delancey brothers and wiesel stood selling the papers.
as they made their way up the line, Y/N could tell the brothers were watching her closely. oscar would turn his head and say something to morris, and morris would look her up and down. it made her infinitely uncomfortable, and she tried her hardest to ignore it.
“are the delancey’s lookin’ at you or me?” race asked, whispering so only Y/N would hear.
“me. i know they are. they’ve been doing it for the past few days.” she whispered back.
race nodded, staring the delancey’s down. once they arrived at the front of the line, the delancey’s gave her a smile. “how’s the only girl newsie doing on this fine mornin’?” oscar asked, gathering up some papers for her.
“i was doing just fine until i saw you two.” she replied, waiting for oscar to give her the stack.
“just tryin’ to make conversation, darling.” morris said.
Y/N rolled her eyes and took the papers from oscar and left, race not far behind her.
the two found a spot to sell, relatively close to the brooklyn bridge. they stood a few feet apart, as silent as can be.
“i can’t believe jack paired us up.” race finally spoke.
it took a moment before Y/N realized race was speaking to her. she turned to look at him, and then turned back. “me neither. he knows we don’t like each other.”
a man walked by, and race took this as a good selling opportunity for him. “religious group attacked by mob, killing four! you heard it here first, biggest story of the week!”
the man hurriedly gave race a nickel and took a paper, and left as quickly as he came.
“that was nowhere near the actual headline.” Y/N said, glancing down at the headline plastered on the papers, which read, “flower shop victim to robbery”.
“exciting headlines sell more papes. you gotta do what you gotta do.” race said back.
they went silent again, selling a few more papers between the two of them as the morning went on. by midday, the two had comfortably sold about half of their papers each.
race sighed after hours of silence between them. “how did our hatred even begin?”
Y/N thought for a moment. “i wasn’t a fan of your immaturity from the beginning, and you weren’t a fan of my competing good looks.”
race scoffed. “that wasn’t it. you joined two years ago and had a superiority complex because you were the only girl and jack’s newest best friend.”
“i didn’t have a superiority complex. maybe you were just out to get me or find a reason to hate me because i was a threat to your number one seller spot.” she fired back.
“i could say the same about you.”
the two paused. “well, i’m willing to be the bigger person and settle this feud once and for all. this duo is going to be exhausting if we don’t work this out. i promise to stop having a ‘superiority complex’ if you work on your maturity. deal?” Y/N spit in her hand and stuck it out for race to shake.
race considered the offer and rolled his eyes. “fine. it’s a deal.” he spit in his hand as well and the two shook hands.
the rest of the day went smoothly for race and Y/N, and they were able to strike up conversations that weren’t insulting or threatening to the other person for a change. and, jack ended up being right. they both sold all of their papers an hour before the end of the day, a feat that rarely happens.
once they made it back to the lodging house, jack approached the two. “seems like you two didn’t tear each other apart like you both expected.”
race looked down at Y/N, and gave a gentle smile. “i hate that you were right, jack.”
jack smiled, patting both of them on the shoulders. “youse should both trust me, i’m the leader for a reason.”
after race and Y/N parted ways, albert found her. “how’s my friend doin’ this evening? how was sellin’ with you-know-who?” he asked, slinging his arm around her shoulder.
“you know, it could have been worse. we’ve both mutually decided to put our hatred aside.” she said.
albert sighed. “finally. it was getting tiring hearin’ about your dislike for him.”
Y/N laughed and gently shoved him. “shut up, ‘bert. i had to release my anger to someone, jack never liked when i did it to him.”
night fell over new york city, and the newsies got into their beds to sleep until the next morning.
after race and Y/N’s initial pairing, two more full days of selling went by. some of their conversations during the day felt forced, but the uncomfortable feeling both of them got as a friendship was slowly building faded away as time went on.
like race the night before they were paired together, Y/N had a dream one night. part of her knew it was just a dream, and none of it was real, but it was too nice for her to interrupt.
she dreamt of feasting on all her favorite foods that night. chicken, bread, sweets, and more. it was delicious. she looked to her side and saw a head of blonde hair. is that…race?
“Y/N, wake yourself up you lazy bum!” someone yelled, causing her eyes to shoot open. she laid there for another second, allowing herself to come to.
“wakey wakey!” the voice said again, this time whoever it was started shaking her violently.
“god dammit, i’m up!” she looked over and saw it was race, a cigar hanging out of his mouth. she covered her eyes with her hand tiredly. “racetrack, i hate you.”
“no you don’t, we settled that a few days ago, remember?” race said, smiling.
“any more of this and i’m taking back that promise.”
race climbed down from the ladder by her bunk bed as she sleepily climbed down the ladder after him.
she got herself ready for the day, and met up with race as they walked out of the lodging house together.
after getting in line for papers, Y/N noticed the same thing she had been noticing for the past few days. the delancey’s were, once again, eyeing her.
“can’t those guys take a hint? you don’t want them.” race said. “i mean-uh…you don’t actually want one of them, right?”
Y/N giggled. “no, of course not. they’re assholes.”
“right, assholes.”
once they both got to the front of the line, the brothers said nothing, which was abnormal. every day up until now, they would always say some kind of smart remark. but not today. they just stared her down as she gave wiesel her money and took her papers from oscar.
“that was odd.” Y/N said to race.
“no kidding. i don’t trust what those two are up to.” race said back, uneasy.
they made their way to the same selling spot, a block away from the brooklyn bridge. the energy between the two had shifted, and both of them liked it. their friendly conversations weren’t forced anymore, and in between yelling fake headlines to the masses the pair grew to genuinely enjoy the other’s company. they talked almost nonstop that whole day.
Y/N realized she had judged race too soon. his childish behavior was a front for him, and beyond his immature exterior, he had a big heart and could hold a good conversation.
as for race, he came to realize Y/N was just misunderstood. being left by her family caused some abandonment issues, and it makes sense as to why she latched on to jack so closely when she first came to the newsies. he had saved her from living on the streets.
later into that day, Y/N felt a little something more. was it a fondness for her newfound friendship with race, or was it feelings? she hated that she couldn’t tell, and she hated the fact that if it was feelings, she caught them very quickly. catching feelings at all was a new experience for Y/N, let alone catching feelings within four full days of selling. she knew that the chance of race feeling the same way this early on was slim, so she decided to keep it a secret for the time being.
by the end of the day, they had became each other’s good friends. jack and albert were still Y/N’s best friends, but she felt comfortable saying race was slowly making his way up on her radar. they walked back to the lodging house together laughing about something race had said, and chasing and shoving each other like friends would do.
night fall was coming once again. after a day of hard work, she decided she wanted to visit her old home. she did this every once in a while, just to get some closure on her family whom she still loved. she couldn’t help it. she knew her parents made her leave for a good reason, they needed the money. yet, she didn’t have the guts to see them face to face again. she always thought about knocking on their window to just say hello, but she could never bring herself to do it.
once they arrived at the lodging house, Y/N turned to race. “i know it sounds crazy considering they left me to live on the street, but i’m going to go visit my parents. i do this occasionally, just to bring myself some peace.”
race’s smile fell, and he took his cigar out of his mouth. “i can come with you if you want. i don’t know if it’s the safest idea to go out at night by yourself.” race said.
she appreciated that race was protective, but she knew she was capable of holding her own. “race, i’ve done this before, i promise i’ll be fine. i won’t be gone for long, their place isn’t too far away.”
race sighed, and before Y/N could react, race wrapped her in a tight hug. Y/N was slightly taken aback, but she placed her arms around race a moment later. it felt nice, and the longer it went on, the darker the blush grew on her cheeks.
race pulled away. “stay safe, okay?”
race smiled and pat her shoulder before going into the lodging house.
the walk to the building wasn’t too long, about a 15 minute walk. once she arrived, she climbed up the fire escape to the window and peered inside.
she noticed a small light was on in the kitchen, and she saw her mom and dad. she smiled to herself.
but, as Y/N looked closer, she saw that her mom was holding something in her arms. she focused her vision on the figure in her arms, and it clicked. her mom was holding a baby.
a wave of hurt fell over her, and she stepped back from the window. her parents never wanted to get rid of her for financial reasons, they wanted to get rid of her because they wanted a new child.
tears welled up in her eyes, and she quickly and quietly climbed down the fire escape, running through the streets of new york as she uncontrollably cried.
she had just about made it back to the lodging house when in the distance, she saw two tall figures. her running came to a halt as she realized who it was. the delancey brothers.
“oh my god.” Y/N whispered to herself. she quickly tried to hide in a nearby alley to wait for the two to pass, but her efforts were no good.
“well well well, if it isn’t the only girl newsie.” morris said, rounding the corner of the alley.
Y/N wiped the tears off her cheeks and tried to run the other way, but couldn’t when oscar came around the other side of the alley.
“please don’t hurt me, i just want to get back to the lodging house.” she pleaded.
“we don’t want to hurt you, we just wanna talk.” oscar said sweetly.
Y/N raised her eyebrows. “talk?”
“we both think you could do much better than hang around all these garbage newsies all day. being a girl amongst the guys, one of them is bound to catch your eye. we’re here to save you from that.” morris said, stepping closer.
“i don’t need help, i’m happy with my life with the newsies.”
the brothers laughed, both stepping closer to her. she stepped back, hoping to avoid both as much as possible despite being in between the two.
“give one of us a chance. we’d make it worth your time.” oscar stated, winking.
footsteps sounded from outside the alley, and when they rounded the corner, race’s blue eyes immediately met Y/N’s. she then sighed out of relief.
“get away from her. she doesn’t want either of you.” race angrily said, stepping closer to oscar.
“why don’t you let her decide?” oscar said back.
all eyes turned Y/N. “i don’t want either of you.”
the brother’s smirks both fell, and Y/N took this as an opportunity to run out from both of them and behind race.
the brothers quickly approached the two of them, and race grabbed Y/N’s arm and yelled “run!” to her.
they both took off towards the lodging house, the delancey’s not far behind them. they quickly made their way into the house and locked the door, just as the brothers ran into the door. realizing it was locked, they pulled on the door handle, swore, and walked away.
race and Y/N stood out of breath together. once they regained their energy, race turned to her.
all he said was a simple “are you okay?” and Y/N broke down, running into his arms and crying once again. this time, it was race’s turn to be taken aback, but he held her close.
after a few short moments, race pulled away and held her at arms length. “that’s it. from now on, you’re going nowhere alone. the delancey’s won’t bother you again.”
“it’s not just that. i saw my parents, and they had a new baby.”
race’s eyes widened. “but they sent you away because they couldn’t afford to keep you anymore, right?”
Y/N shook her head. “that’s what they told me. apparently it wasn’t true.”
race hugged her again. “i’m sorry, Y/N. i am so, so sorry.”
the pair stood in the same position for a few minutes, before turning around and seeing almost the entire gang of newsies staring at them. they both were lost in their own worlds with each other, and never noticed everyone was staring at them shocked. Y/N found jack and albert in the crowd, sad looks on their faces.
jack caught on, and said, “alright, let’s disperse this crowd. give the two some room.” the room full of newsies all went back to what they were doing.
“want to go back to my bunk?” race asked quietly. she nodded and followed him to his bed.
they both laid down, Y/N tucked comfortably under race’s arm and next to his chest.
“can i tell you something?” she said quietly. she looked up at him from by his shoulder, and race looked down at her nodding. their heads were mere inches apart.
“after being confronted by the delancey’s about dating one of them, i came to the conclusion that the only person i can see myself with is you. i like you, race. it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, but i need to know. do you feel the same?”
she held her breath, scared of what race was going to say. race sat looking at Y/N shocked. he sat up, bringing her with him. just as she began to think of the worst outcome, race leaned down and kissed her.
after they pulled away, race said, “does that answer your question?”
Y/N smiled and closed her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder. “yep.”
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ao3feed-newsies · 7 months
Newsies oneshots/headcannons
by, Blinkstaymidzy by Blinkstaymidzy Many random newsies oneshots/head cannons You can request any ship! I will not do any Les romantic parings and will not do x reader.(sorry) I will do fluff and smut. Words: 1173, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English Fandoms: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies - All Media Types, Newsies: The Broadway Musical! (2017) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: David Jacobs, Jack Kelly (Newsies), Les Jacobs, Sarah Jacobs (Newsies), Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, Racetrack Higgins, Spot Conlon, Albert DaSilva (Newsies), Finch (Newsies), Specs (Newsies), Romeo (Newsies), Smalls (Newsies), Mush Meyers, Elmer (Newsies), Henry (Newsies), JoJo (Newsies), Tommy Boy (Newsies), Kid Blink, Buttons (Newsies), Sniper (Newsies), Mike (Newsies), Ike (Newsies), Morris Delancey, Oscar Delancey, Crutchie (Newsies), Myron (Newsies), Hot Shot (Newsies) Relationships: Sarah Jacobs/Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, Spot Conlon/Racetrack Higgins, Albert DaSilva/Racetrack Higgins, Albert DaSilva/Finch (Newsies), Spot Conlon/Albert DaSilva/Racetrack Higgins, Finch/Tommy Boy (Newsies), Romeo/Specs (Newsies) read : https://ift.tt/QNvgz42 - December 03, 2023 at 06:59PM
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queenadabronx · 2 years
Newsies Super Power AU
What super powers I think the Newsies would have
Jack: can sense if someone has super powers
Davey: Can come up with a solution to any problem, but he has to give the answer
Sarah: Can turn invisible
Les: Walking through walls
Crutchie: Can control light
Race: Super Speed
Albert: Can control Fire
Buttons: Has the ability to heal people
Smalls: Can change her size
Sniper: Perfect aim
Tommy Boy: Super strength
Elmer: Can tell if someone’s lying
Mike: Shapeshifter
Ike: Can mimic people’s powers
Jojo: Can make things float
Finch: Levitation
Romeo: Can get what he wants via flirting
Specs: X-ray vision
Spot: Immune to other powers (works with mind related powers AND powers like Alberts- the fire won’t burn him)
Joey: Can control emotions
Rafaela: Telekinesis
Hotshot: Teleportation
Graves: Can talk to the dead
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mar-bluu · 2 years
Anyways don’t mind me re-uploading this incoherent ramble about that magic/fantasy/gang au from like almost 2 years ago, the link to the previous upload doesn’t work anymore
and who knows, maybe this’ll get me back into writing the rest of the 10 chapters i had planned out for this?
People with powers are very common, they are usually born with them but can develop later in life. Kids usually take on the power/s of their parents, (e.g. a pyrokinetic and a hydrokinetic have a child, that child will have both powers though one power will develop stronger).
However, people can learn a different power by training with someone else. They will take a while to actually develop, and it can take months or even years for trained-in powers to even start to work/appear.
Powers will ‘lock in’ by 21 though they can grow stronger, they cannot change. People can permanently have two powers (occasionally three but that’s incredibly rare) but they either won’t be as strong compared to if they had just focused on the one, or one will be stronger than the other.
Elemental magic is by far the most common and some of the most powerful (meaning the ‘main’ elements i.e water, earth, fire air). Hydrokinesis is the most common, followed by pyrokinesis, then aerokinesis, with geokinesis being the rarest, taking the longest time to control properly. (other ‘elemental’ powers are branches of the others; Ferrokinesis-earth, cryokinesis- water etc.)
Powers such as invisibility, shapeshifting, revivals, and time/interdimensional travel being the rarest and often the most taxing, not unknown for the occasional death.
There tends to be large influxes/groups of people with the same powers. This can be because of families and genetic similarities in the area, environmental factors, or because people learn from each other.
(name)- Most important/main character (appearing in fics or possibly larger  chaptered story)
(name)- Secondary important/ main character
(name)- Won’t appear the most but does have relevance to the (possible)  larger chaptered story
- this is a brief and fairly basic summary of some of the important characters and their powers, think of it like a list you can go back to if/when you see a character and are like ‘who the fuck are they again??’
*NOTE: These are just the ‘main’/canon characters, and a few others that may be important if I can find the energy/time to do a multi chapter thing (I’ve had to make up so many other filler characters to pad each gang, e.g. ‘Zip’ so I’ll be excluding a LOT of them 'cause they don’t really matter lol)
Manhattan Ink and Thorns
·       Jack Kelly- ;)
·       Crutchie Morris- Psychic, agrokinesis (used for potions and spells, he works with Davey)
·       Davey Jacobs- Linguistics (sigils mainly, but works with spells and potions with Crutchie. He also has extensive knowledge on ‘magical’ history and artefacts)
·       Les Jacobs- He’s quite young, so his powers are still developing, but he does have a tendency for pyrokinesis
Pins and Needles
·       Sarah Jacobs- Sews charms and spells into clothing (protection, strength, spotty invisibility. She knits blankets and sews clothing for those in need eg. Homeless people, infused with heat and relaxation charms.)
·       Katherine Pulitzer/Plumber- Partial persuasion on people (she stills works for The World)
Poisoned Daggers
·       Racetrack Higgins- Shapeshifting,
·       Albert DaSilva- Invisibility
·       Finch- Teleportation, Deadshot
·       Elmer- Energy/power absorption,
·       Buttons- Electrokinesis/ energy manipulation
·       JoJo- Manipulate gravity (mainly his own, but can manipulate it for others with great strain/effort)
·       Specs- night/x-ray vision, basic future sight (in the sense of heightened reflexes)
·       Romeo- Hydrokinesis, aerokinesis
·       Mush- Teleportation, barrier creation/manipulation
·       Blink- Increased strength, minor healing abilities
·       Henry- Flight, intangibility (phasing through walls/objects)
·       Sniper- Toxikinesis, revive (Toxikinesis is very taxing, and people can only be revived if they’ve been dead for under ten minutes)
·       Mike- Increased agility, wall running, pyrokinesis
·       Ike- Increased agility, hemokinesis, hydrokinesis
·       Boots- Hydrokinesis
·       Snitch- Increased agility, shadow mimicry
·       Itey- Photokinesis/light-bending
·       Skittery- Aerokinesis
·       Bumlets- Illusion manipulation
·       Zip- Increased speed, pyrokinesis
·       Tommy Boy- Electrokinesis, hydrokinesis
Brooklyn Bloodhounds
·       Spot Conlon- Telepathy, telekinesis
·       Myron- Freeze time, rewind time (up to an hour)
·       Bart- Hydrokinesis, cryokinesis
·       HotShot- Ferrokinesis, hydrokinesis
·       Kenny- Regeneration
·       York- ??
·       Graves ??
·       Split ??
·       Tilly ??
 Richmond Ivory Pistols
·       Adela Yates ???
·       Moira Blane- Hydrokinesis, magnetism
·       Mitts ??
·       Bitters ??
·       Anja ??
·       Honey ??
Bronx Glass Skulls
·       Smalls- Shapeshifting
·       Dauncey ??
·       Plex ??
·       Aster ??
·       Cicada ??
·       Marjory/Maggie- ???
·       Veera- ???
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Here's an insano list that will be continually updated so I have an online record of all that Im currently receptive to include. Consider this spoilers actually.
Greens got a spot on the timeline finalized.
White is sorted by era for workload
Agar.io, Saurian,Ancestors,Far Cry,Civ,History channel,The sumerian game,Hammurabi,Ass cred,Ryse son of rome,Ghost of Tsushima,evil dead,Kingdom come deliverance,western gun,Turok,Oregon trail,Samurai western,Call of Juarez,Red Dead Revolver,GUN,This land is my land,Bioshock Infinite,Valiant Hearts,Call of cthulhu,Sea wolf,Battlefield,Mafia, front line, endless war, the saboteur,Medal of honor,Call of Dutygenesisnoir,Capcom 1942,Commando,Castle wolfenstein?The incredibles,Cathode ray tube amusemen device,La Noire remember da whorient,Bertie the Brain,Nimrod,Destroy All humans,Christophers draughts,Fonzie road race,Atomic Heart,Tennis for two, gta,Spy hunter ,Spacewar!, xcom, metal gear, resident evil, 1967 world series, team fortress, afterburner, galaxy game, computer space, pong, silent hill, night driver, elevator action, E.T, space ace, uncharted, firewatch, jalopy, contra, gone home, portal, postal, prey, max Payne, illbleed, blood, FEAR, venture bros, manhunt, dead island, dead rising, kane and lynch , bully, cherry 2000, hell comes to frog town, burt reynolds flick, socom, saints row, mercenaries, half life,Alpha protocol,Outlast,Life is strange,Payday,Sleeping Dogs,Lollipop Chainsaw,Duck dynasty, hatred, tomb raider, Evil within,Dying light, edith finch, control, trad meme, alaskan road trucker, tume pilot, disco elysium, octodad, tacoma,Van Buren Tech Demo,Five lesbians eating quiche, thag cute radioactive couple,Fallout: Zero,System Shock,One man and a crate of puppets,Fallout: Frost,Wasteland,Fallout nevada,Atom RPG,Metro,Soma,Ashes twentysixty three,Fountain of Dreams ,Organ Trail,Employee of the month,Fallout 1.5 Resurrection,Squidward suicide,Stray,Horizon,Fallout Yesterday,Jazzpunk,xcom classic, breaking badFallout New Califnornia,Mad Max,Hwarts of Iron OWB, soace station 13,Storyteller,Fallout Lanius,Fallout nuka breakFallout 4 miami,All roads,Death Stranding,Morrowind,Outer Worlds
Fallout minecraft map,Fallout:Dust
Post war:Spongebob, 60 seconds, the story must be told, fallout revelation, starcraft, space quest, dead space, broken roads, breath of death, star heroine
Prewar: 2050+, idealized-era retroscifi jetsons, overwatch, series of unfortunate events, deathloop, f zero x, afro samurai, thief reboot
Prewar 2025-50, dystopia class struggle sci fi deus ex, cyberpunk, mirrors edge, cruelty squad, final fantasy
Pre war (big mess of speculative future) home front,dishonored, naissancE, space station 13, crackdown, timesplitters, kentucky route zero, red faction, dreambreak, attack of the saucermen, metal slug
My lived yearss that one 4chan comic in france, plants vs zombies ,the boys, slender, sniper assassin, stalker, hitman, the quarry, pandemic 2, black watchmen, alien hominid, police quest, tony hawk, ape out, ace attorney, the beginners guide, arma, aemy of teo , chimamande adichi, crysis, just cause, just dance, prototype, skate, various sports, dangenrampa, true crime, post void, burger tycoon, dino crisis, the cat lady downfall devil went through here lorelei, science adventure, goldsrc counter strike, detectives united, deadly premonition, freedom fighters, eternal darkness, unboxing, that unity game abt the painting, subnautica, perfect dark, famicon wars, the darkness
1900s fnaf, calvin and hobbes, papers please, mother, zaxxon, heros journey, stalin vs martians, x files, tom clancy, spec ops, gorillaz, the sims, GI Joe, leisure suit larry, pathologic, cold war game, hammer and sickle, jurassic park, evil dead, james bond Tropico, sims city, ikari warriors, spy hunter, time crisis, alone in the dark, syphon filter, gabriek knight, arma cold war, chinua achebe, camara laye, persona, shenmu, yakuza, brothers in arms, company of heroes, punchout, operation flashpoint, professor layton, sniper ghost warrior, sniper elite, undying, stanley parable, hotline miam, war in the east, wings of orey, men of war, 9th company, red orchestra, iron front, death to spies, mother russia bleeds, roller coaster tycoon, counterspy, esrls day off , gaiden, shin megami, suda 57, fatal frame, gorogoa, hotel room dusk
1800s thief, amnesia, samurai champloo, jojo, dark pictures anthology, wadjet games multiverse, bloodborne
1500s sekiro
1400s Europa Universalis
1300s Demons souls classic
1100s lionheart
1000s crusader kings, chrono trigger
800s prince of persia
200 silk
100 romanc eof the three kingdoms, dynasty warriors
Ancient 0ad, pharoah, the scorpion king, sphynx and the cursed mummy, age if mythology, noahs ark, empire esrth, rise of nations, total war, tak and the power of juju, hades
Cavepeople: dawn of man, jawa mammoth, age of empires, tork, tail of the sun, echo secrets of the lost cavern,roots of patcha
Old af: jurassic the hunted, nanosaur, a prehistoric tale, id software timeline, AVP TIMELINE OLD AF, evo, evolution games of itnelligent ligr, lynn margulis, civ dinosaur war like cthulhu mythos, robert howard books, cthukhu saves
0 notes
filmprojector-anon · 2 years
more finch x sniper headcanons? sfw or nsfw
Sniper absolutely detests having sex on a bed.
He claims it's "too soft"
Which annoyed the hell out of Finch when they were having sex for the first time considering he had freshly washed and pressed his bedsheets for that very occasion.
Still, they make do with other surfaces.
Most often are the couch, the kitchen island, or even just the floor.
Though there are some riskier places Finch and Sniper have fucked in.
Including the back of Sniper's truck, the back alley behind their dorm building, and the break room at Finch's workplace.
It was lucky enough that Finch's boss took breaks seriously and didn't bother people in that room.
Otherwise he would have gotten an eyeful of Finch bent over a chair, Sniper railing him from behind.
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thecoveys · 5 years
Tumblr media
finch x sniper moodboard requested by @backgroundnewsies
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broadwaycantdie · 5 years
Newsies Couples ( mini ) Playlists - Modern Love ❤️
Jack x Davey:
for him. - Troye Sivan
Stop Desire - Tegan and Sara
Sweet Creature - Harry Styles
When The Day Met The Night - Panic! At The Disco
Yellow - Coldplay
Spot x Race:
Brooklyn Baby - Lana Del Rey
Flaming Hot Cheetos - Clairo
I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) - Sleeping At Last
Like Lovers Do - Hey Violet
The Only Exception - Paramore
Elmer x Buttons:
5 Years Time - Noah and the Whale
Happy - Never Shout Never
I Want To Hold Your Hand - The Beatles
Peach - The Front Bottoms
The Quiz - Hello Saferide
Race x Albert:
A Lovely Mess - Front Porch Steps
I Would Do Anything For You - Foster The People
Lucky - Jason Mraz
Sick of Losing Soulmates - Dodie
Stay With Me - Sam Smith
Albert x Elmer:
All My Loving - The Beatles
If I Fell - The Beatles
Lover Is A Day - Cuco
Take It All Back - Judah and the Lion
Youth - Troye Sivan
Hotshot x Mike:
Brooklyn In The Summer - Aloe Blacc
Earned It - The Weekend
Fallingforyou - The 1975
Juke Jam - Chance The Rapper
Mistakes Like This - Prelow
Kid Blink x Mush:
Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson
Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
Hostage - Billie Eilish
Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran
Kiss The Boy - Keiynan Lonsdale
Specs x Romeo:
1, 2, 3, 4 - Plain White T’s
Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade
First Day Of My Life - Bright Eyes
This - Ed Sheeran
When I’m Sixty-Four - The Beatles
JoJo x Tommy Boy:
Anyone Else But You - The Moldy Peaches
Fun - Troye Sivan
I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie
Lo Que Siento - Cuco
Tuyo - Rodrigo Amarante
Sarah x Katherine:
I’ve Just Seen A Face - The Beatles
Honey - Kehlani
Mr. Sandman - SYML
She Is Love - Parachute
The Girl - City and Color
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lesbianpervinca · 4 years
Hogwarts AU
Henry - Hufflepuff, hamster Chips, three quarter blood, 15, half brother Elmer
Morris - Slytherin, cat Phoebe, half blood, 15, brother Oscar
Buttons - Ravenclaw, toad Gusset, muggle born, 16, brother Skittery
Finch - Ravenclaw, long eared owl Owo (also says OwO instead of hoot), pure blood, 16
Oscar - Slytherin, rat Squeakers, half blood, 14, brother Morris
Race - Gryffendor, feral green rat Shrek, doesn’t know, 14, adopted brothers Spot and Jack
Elmer - Hufflepuff, cat Mika, pure blood, 16, half brother Henry
Spot - Gryffindor, Sphinx cat Sphinx, doesn’t know, 16, adopted brothers Jack and Race
Albert - Gryffindor, cat Albert, pure blood, 16
JoJo - Hufflepuff, pygmy owl Baby, muggle born, 14
Mush - Gryffindor, frog Slimy Boi, muggle born, 14
Jack - Slytherin, pygmy puff Vincent, doesn’t know, 17, adopted brothers Race and Spot
Davey - Ravenclaw, barn owl Athena, half blood, 17, twin Sarah
Crutchie - Hufflepuff, pygmy puff Sunny, muggle born, 17
Romeo - Hufflepuff, screech owl Juliet, pure blood, 13, sibling Smalls
Specs - Ravenclaw, baby hippogriff Prometheus, half blood, 13
Smalls - Gryffindor, snake Slithers, speaks parseltongue, pure blood, 11, brother Romeo
Sniper - Gryffindor, golden snidget Smidge, pure blood, 11
Mike - Gryffindor, toad Lilly, half blood, 13, twin Ike
Ike - Gryffindor, toad Billy, half blood, 13, twin Mike
Hotshot - Gryffindor, firedwelling salamander (kept alive with magic fire and constant pepper) Tabasco, muggle born, 13
Tommy Boy - Gryffindor, kitten Whiskers, half blood, 15
Splasher - Gryffindor, beta fish Finny, muggle born, 15
Sarah - Gryffindor, snake Worm, half blood, 17, twin Davey
Katherine - Ravenclaw, cat Grissabella, pure blood, 17
Blink - Gryffindor, toad, half blood, 16
Darcy - Ravenclaw, cat Inky, pure blood, 16
Bill - Ravenclaw, burrowing owl Sandy, pure blood, 16
Boots - Hufflepuff, shared frog Jumpers, muggle born, 11
Skittery - Hufflepuff, shared frog Jumpers, muggle born, 12, brother Buttons
Henry x Morris
Oscar x Race
Finch x Buttons
Elmer x Spot x Albert
JoJo x Mush
Jack x Davey x Crutchie
Romeo x Specs
Smalls x Sniper
Ike x Hotshot
Tommy Boy x Splasher
Sarah x Katherine
Blink x Darcy
Boots x Skittery
Albert and Spot were boyfriends first and saw Elmer and went wait we love him and they got him so many flowers and Elmer cried from happiness.
Henry gave Albert and Spot the talk about hurting Elmer and Morris had to carry Henry out when they started laughing so he wouldn’t fight them. He was 13.
Romeo and Smalls are chaotic siblings. Professors groaned when Smalls came because oh no another.
Their dad was married to Elmer’s mom and they had Elmer, then she got kidnapped and was presumed dead so he remarried to Henry’s mom and had Henry. Right before she got to give Henry childhood trauma, Elmer’s mom came back alive! So their dad quickly divorced Henry’s mom and remarried Elmer’s mom and they had a stable childhood together!
She just quickly escaped and spent a couple years riding wild dragons trying to get back.
Juliet screeches nonstop and has to stay in the owl tower.
JoJo was raised very catholic and had exorcisms when they saw him do magic. Then the head master managed to convince his parents that he was blessed, so all that was lost to infant amnesia and his magic left mostly undiscussed.
Smalls’s whole family are Slytherins, so when both Romeo and Smalls didn’t get into Slytherin, there was a lot of adjusting. But their parents are supportive of their kids! The family is only in Slytherin for their complete ambition and pigheaded stubbornness on not giving up. They’re actually nice people.
Denton is the DADA teacher and takes care of Morris’s dog Juno.
Medda adopted Spot, Jack, and Race at young ages. Magical foster mom.
When Race was 6, he accidentally turned Shrek, a random feral rat, green. He decided to keep him, and his parents just let him. Shrek hisses when anyone tries to degreenify him.
Owo fell out of her nest when she was a hatchling, so now she says OwO instead of hooting.
Buttons and Skittery have 5 muggle siblings. Two older, two younger, one in between.
Henry is a workaholic and gets cuddles from Morris whenever he works too much or gets anxious.
Skittery manages his anxiety by holding hands with Boots. A little squeeze let’s him know that he’s having a hard time, so they go away from everyone and just hug until he feels better.
Morris was gonna be a Hufflepuff, but willed the hat to put him in Slytherin.
Oscar has dyscalculia. He will never take runes.
Elmer’s favorite classes are herbology and care for magical creatures.
Race is trans and socially transitioned at 7.
Smalls is non-binary and socially transitioned 6 months pre-fic.
Spot and Albert have to stop Elmer from taking in any random animal.
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justrednow · 5 years
Newsies x Rent quotes
Morris: Guess who!
Jack, Race: Morris!!
Jack, Race: shit..........
Morris: Dudes, I’m on my way!
Jack, Race: Great!
Jack, Race: FUCK!
Brooklyn: Christmas bells are ringing. Christmas bells are ringing. somewhere else. not here
Race: So are we a thing?
Romeo: Darling, we’re everything.
Katherine *calling 3 people at once*: We’re okay!!! -
Katherine: Someone called the cops. But no ones going anywhere... They’re just stanDING THERE MOOING!
Smalls: Who is she?
Spot: She died... Her name is April
Smalls:............................it’s out again
Specs *throwing shtuf*: Bustelo, Marlboro. Banana bunch!
Sniper: A box of captain crunch would taste so good
Jojo: And firewood!
Hotshot: look its Santa clause
Sniper: I mean what does someone wear to a party... that’s also a crime?
Graves: Hey! Artist! Got a dollar?
Graves: Didn’t think so
Jack: That boy could use some Prozac
Albert: Or heavy drugs
Katherine: Or group hugs!
Race: Has he ever pouted his lip? and called you, pookie?
Smalls: NEVER!
Race: \(-u-)/
Sarah: *Pathetic party popper*
Spot: Feels to damn much like home, where spanish babies cry
That one part: that one part
Rally= Over the Moon
Medda: MOO WITH ME!!!
Race: That’s a lie, I had a tea the other day!
waiter: you couldn’t pay
Race: oh yeah
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nerdsies · 5 years
All In Good Fun
not req but i was bored
Ship: romeo x reader
Era: unspecified
Warnings: language, i n n u e n d o s
Word Count: 987
“Place your bets!” Race called out. “Romeo against (y/n) in a...what’s the word, Davey?”
“Immensely anticipated.”
“Fuck you and your big words,” Race muttered. “Romeo against (y/n) in an immensely anticipated flirting contest!”
“I can’t believe I agreed to this,” I muttered.
“I can’t believe you’re about to win me five bucks,” says Jack, shaking hands with Elmer.
“C’mon, Elmer.” I cross my arms. “Have a little faith.”
He shook his head. “Sorry, (y/n). I’ll always have Romeo’s back.”
“And that’s gonna cost you money today.” Jack clapped Elmer’s back as he left to wish Romeo good luck.
“This is stupid,” I told Davey.
“I think it’s cute,” he said.
“Of course you do.” I shake my head. “You’re such a romantic.”
“Maybe you two will finally realize you’re meant for each other.” He grinned.
I rolled my eyes. “Not a chance.”
“Players, on your marks!” Race called.
“This doesn’t count as sports,” said Mush.
“Shut up.” Albert pushed him out of the way in order to get a better view.
Romeo winked at me, running a hand through his hair. “Ready to lose, babe?”
My heart raced at the pet name. None of the others knew about my crush on Romeo, especially not him. But his naturally flirtatious personality, and my tendency to play along, has led to some situations that made me wonder if maybe— just maybe—he felt the same way.
“Not nearly as ready as you should be,” I said, not entirely sure the comeback made any sense. “Everyone knows I’m the smoothest.”
“In your dreams,” said Romeo.
“Cut to the chase!” Tommy Boy called.
“Get a room!” Kid Blink added.
Romeo rubbed his hands together. “Alright, (y/n). Let’s start off easy. If you were a booger, I’d pick you first.”
“Eww,” said Les, trying and failing to hide a giggle behind his hands.
I crossed my arms. “Are you a camera? ‘Cause every time I look at you I smile.”
“Are you from Tennessee? ‘Cause you’re the only ten I see.”
“AMP IT UP!” Race yelled, causing the others to cheer.
I smiled. “Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”
Finch cheered, and Romeo laughed. “I like your pants...but they’d look a lot better on my bedroom floor.”
“Tie your shoelaces. I don’t want you falling for anyone else.”
“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
I tucked my hair behind my ears. “I’d show you my world...but I’m pretty sure you already own a mirror.”
“You like sales right?” Romeo took a few steps towards me, a smirk tugging at his lips. “‘Cause at my place, clothes are 100% off.”
“Can I change my bet?” Sniper asked. I know he bet on me, but I’m not about to let this win get away from me so easily.
“Do you have a band-aid?” I stepped closer, too, even though I could barely think over the thundering of my heartbeat. “I scraped my knee falling for you.”
“Hell yeah!” Jack encouraged.
“Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?” Romeo asked.
I rolled my eyes. “I crawled up from Hell.”
He faltered for only a second, recovering with a suave smile. “No wonder you’re so hot.”
“Oh, shit!” Albert laughed.
“You’ve gotta be exhausted after running through my mind all day.”
“Do you like raisins? How about a date?”
“Can I follow you home? I’ve been told to follow my dreams.”
“Your hand looks heavy...let me hold it for you.”
“You must be a broom, ‘cause you swept me off my feet.”
“Feel my shirt, it’s made of boyfriend material.”
“Bring it home, (y/n)!” Buttons called.
I gave Romeo a smile, trailing my fingers along the collar of his button-up. Pink rose in his cheeks but the expression on his face never wavered. “Anything you say can and will be held against you…so only say my name.”
Romeo laughed. “Alright. I’m out.”
Jack was the first to cheer, proudly taking his winnings from Elmer. The others exchanged wins and losses, leaving Romeo standing awfully close.
“Good game,” said Romeo, holding out his hand.
“You, too.” I shook it. “I thought you had it with that recovery.”
“Oh, please.” Romeo laughed again, and I found myself laughing a little, too. “I knew I was gone with that mirror one.”
I smiled, disappointed that it was over. Back-and-forth flirting with Romeo was one of my favourite hobbies, because I could always pretend that he actually meant what he was saying. But once it’s over, I have to return to reality. I punched Romeo lightly on the arm before turning to walk away.
“Hey, (y/n)?”
I turned around.
“Kiss me if I’m wrong, but...dinosaurs still exist, right?”
I laughed. “Good one, but I’m already the winner.”
“And I’m wrong.” He closed his eyes and waited expectantly.
He couldn’t be serious...could he? There was no way he felt the same, right? Did our joking flirts mean as much to him as they did to me?
“You’re cute,” I said, my feet leading me towards him. I paused in front of him. If he’s kidding around, this is the worst joke ever. I leaned forwards and kissed him quickly on the lips.
He opened his eyes, smiling. “See, that wasn’t so bad.”
“You’re impossible.”
“I think you mean smooth,” he corrected, eyes sparkling. “You’re trying to tell me you don’t feel something here?”
Holy crap. “I thought you were just playing along.”
“I was, at first,” he admitted, “but, uh...I don’t know. It started to mean more, I guess. I just didn’t know if you felt that same.”
“I guess you’re lucky I do, then.”
“Guess I am.”
“So.” I fiddled with the hem of my shirt. “Kiss me if I’m wrong—”
“—you’re wrong,” he interrupted, and kissed me again.
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ao3feed-shoot-poi · 5 years
A Wandering Replacement
Read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/32Y8nS2
by WarriorsSoul
With Reese injured the Machine gives the team back up in the form of Edward Sebastian Blake a former army sniper turned world traveler to help them out with there newest number. Hints of Reese x Joss and Shaw x Root
Words: 3979, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Person of Interest (TV), Person of Interest (TV) RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Joss Carter, John Reese, Root | Samantha Groves, Sameen Shaw, Lionel Fusco, Harold Finch, Bear (Person of Interest), Original Child Character(s)
Relationships: Joss Carter/John Reese, Root | Samantha Groves/Sameen Shaw
Additional Tags: Action & Romance, Dysfunctional Family
Read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/32Y8nS2
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Hello there! Quick question: do you take requests? If so, may I request for a newsies fluff with either jojo x reader, race x reader, or crutchie x reader? Thank you!
Aaaaaaah! Thank you for sending me a request!! Sorry it took me like 2 months to finally post this! I decided on a race x reader for this one and I feel like I’m gonna write a part two for it!
Thechurch doors swung open with a shove. You took a few staggering steps forward,much to the shock of the three nuns who were inside, getting ready to shut downfor the night.
Yourdress was dripping water and you were shaking, frozen by the sheets of rainthat had drenched you outside.
Thethree nuns rushed to you and ushered you into the church further, closing andlocking the doors behind you.
“Areyou alright?” One of the nuns asked.
“Whathappened to you?” Another nun asked.
“They-they left me.” You were able to get out between chattering teeth.
Thenuns exchanged concerned glances.
“I’llgo get her some dry clothes,” One said and scurried off into a hallway
“I’llget her something warm to eat and drink,” Another one said and went off in anotherdirection.
“Towelstoo, Sister.” The nun who stayed with you called out.
She rested her hand on your forehead andsmiled a little. “No fever, that’s good, we might still get a doctor for youthough.”
Sheheld out her hand and you took it and were led past all the pews, to the frontof the steeple.
Thenun stopped and bowed her head and brought her hands together in prayer.
“Thankyou, Lord, for bringing this lost and depraved child to us.” She whispered
Youlowered your head, but your brain didn’t produce a thought.
Thenuns who had run off came back, carrying supplies.
Theydried you off and dressed you in a warm nightgown with a cloak. They insistedon spoon feeding you warm broth and some soft bread.
Thenuns brought up to a small bedroom and laid you down on a thinly padded bed.They started to read from you a section of the Bible, nothing you recognized,until you fell asleep.
Ithad been a few days since you had arrived at the church. The nuns had said youcould stay with them as long as you needed to and that they were happy to haveyou.
MotherAlice, one of the nuns you had met when you first arrived at the church, didsay that you needed to pick up some chores while you stayed there.
“We’llhave you help with washing, cooking, cleaning, and getting ready for service onSundays. Is that alright with you?” she asked.
“Yes,Mother Alice,” You said, glad to be helping after all the nuns had done foryou.
“Alrightmy child, you will accompany the sisters this morning with giving handouts.”
Younodded and followed Sister Sarah and Dorothy to the kitchen.
“Wegive the working children some of the leftovers from the services. We neverhave time to make them anything fresh, which is disappointing, but at least wecan give them something.” Sister Dorothy told you.
Thesisters handed you a large silver tray full of tin mugs filled with coffee,biscuits, and doughnuts.
Itlooked…very unappetizing. The coffee wasn’t even hot anymore and nothing on thetray looked very fresh. Maybe you could ask Mother Alice if there was somethingyou could do about it.
“Comealong [Y/N]” Sister Sarah said, leading you out the door of the church and downa few streets.
Youmade your way to an opening, a square where people were milling about. You sawa large group of boys laughing and jumping around.
Yourecognize them as the newsies in this part of town.
“HiyaSistas!” One of the boys called when he saw the nuns and the boys all came overto you and the sisters.
Thenuns handed each one of the newsies a cup of coffee and a piece of food.
“Thereyou are, Finch,” Sister Sarah said, giving a boy, who already looked a littlefidgety before coffee, his handout.
Youcame around the side of the nuns, not that you really had been hiding before,but now you knew what to do.
“Well,hello there,” one of the boys called and suddenly all the newsies eyes snappedto where you were standing, seeming to know the tone that the boy’s toneindicated; a girl.
Afew of the boys whistled and looked you up and down.
“Coffee?”You asked, offering a cup to the boy who stood in front of you, a blushcreeping over your face at the attention.
Notthat it wasn’t wanted, all the boys were very handsome, but it was embarrassingthat it was happening in front of the nuns.
“Didn’tcatch your name sweetheart?” A taller boy with dark hair asked, looking down atyou with a charming smile.
“[Y/N]”You said, handing him a cup of his own.
“Niceto meet ya,” He said, tipping his cap at you “Wes the Manhattan newsies, I’mJack Kelly.”
“AndI’m Mush!” A boy from next to him said.
“I’mHenry.” Another chimed in.
Soonall the boys had spouted off their names. There were a lot of them; Elmer,Crutchie, Kid Blink, Sniper, Ike, Mike, and at least a dozen more.
“Niceto meet you all.” You said with a smile.
“So,you a nun or what?” Albert, if you were remembering his name right, asked.
“No,just living at the church for now.” You explained.
“Wellif shes is at the church, Imma stop in for the next service,” Romeo joked.
Therest of the boys made noises in agreement.
“Absolutelynot!” Sister Dorothy said, “If you don’t come for our Lord, you don’t come atall.”
Thenewsies all snickered.
“Hey!What’s a fella got to do to get his food around here?” A voice called frombehind the wall of newsies.
Afew boys moved aside and let another one through.
Hehad a cigar stuck in between his teeth and he was rubbing sleep out of hiseyes.
Theboy looked at you before looking down at his coffee cup. His eyes quicklyflashed back up to your face.
“RacetrackHiggins, nice to meet ya.” He said, blowing cigar smoke out of the side of hismouth. He offered you his hand to shake and once you took it, he plucked thecigar from his lips and kissed the back of your hand.
Youfelt your face flush more and you giggled an introduction. The other boysgroaned and rolled their eyes.
“IfI had known such a pretty girl was going to be serving breakfast today, I wouldhave arrived sooner.” He said with a smile.
Racewas very attractive, to say the least. Curly blonde, blue eyes, a boyish face.
“I’mafraid breakfast isn’t too exciting.” You said, looking down at the sadhandouts left on your tray.
“I’mused to curdled coffee and molding doughnuts,” Race said with a shrug andwaited patiently while you handed him his cup. He took a sip and crinkled hisnose “Okay, well maybe not too use to it.”
“I’mgoing to start helping with the cooking at the church and I was planning onasking Mother Alice if I could start making fresh handouts.” You said.
“Well,I’m sure whatevas you make will be good,” Race said, moving in a little bitcloser to you. He was almost pressed up against the metal tray you wereholding, your faces very close.
“Race!Come on!” Albert called.
Racelooked over his shoulder to find all the newsies giving their cups back to thenuns and speeding off.
“Sorrygorgeous, I gotta run but, I’ll sees ya tomorrow?” He asked before downing therest of his coffee.
“Yeah,tomorrow.” You said as you watched him run to catch up with the other boys.
AskingMother Alice if you could make fresh food for the newsies was answered by abeaming smile.
“Yes,as long as you are still able to do all your other chores. We’ve always wantedto have freshly made handouts for those children, but we never seem to have thetime. Seems like this job will suit you just fine.”
Yousmiled and thanked her and started to plan out what you were going to make. Ittook a few days of the newsies having to continue to eat old food and a trip tothe marketplace, but you were finally ready for the next morning.
Youwere able to convince Mother Alice to let you make slightly bigger portions andeven add a little cinnamon to the doughnuts to give them some taste.
Youmade them all the food they had had before, but now fresh out of the oven themorning of. You brewed coffee for them and made sure it was as hot as possible,so it was still warm by the time you took it out to newsies.
Thelook on the boys faces that morning was well worth you having to get yourselfup two hours earlier than you usually would.
“Look!The coffee is actually steaming!” Kid Blink exclaimed.
“Theseis so soft!” Mike said, eating his doughnut.
“Isthat cinnamon?” Crutchie asked, looking down at the tray.
Younodded, a large smile on your face.
Youpassed out the food and drinks to the boys and they happily, and noisily, ateit.
Youstill had one handout left on your plate and you smiled when you saw who thelast newsie was.
Raceswaggered up to you and took the doughnut that was left for him. He took a biteout of it and closed his eyes.
“Thisis so good, have you had any yet?” He asked, licking his lips free of cinnamon
“No,everything I’ve made is for you,” you said “…you all. Everyone, I mean.”
“Well,yous has got to have just one taste.” Race moved his doughnut so it was rightat your mouth.
Youglanced between him and the treat before moving to take a small bite of it.
Racesmiled and moved his other hand up to run his thumb over the corner of yourmouth, wiping away a crumb you weren’t sure was really there.
“Ain’tyou just us newsies miracle?”
That’show this whole thing began. You woke up early every morning, made the food forthe newsies, served the food to the newsies, and had Race flirt with you for awhile.
Hewas…very hard to resist. Not that you wanted to. It’s just that the nuns werealways right there when it was happening, and it was very embarrassing.
Youhad a plan today though, a way to be able to see Race, without the Sisterswatching you.
“[Y/N]!”Sister Eunice called, knocking on the open kitchen door. “It’s almost time toleave.”
Youquickly piled the trays up with food and poured the coffee into the mugs.
SisterSarah and Dorothy both came into the kitchen to get their trays and you followedthem out of the church.
Youfollowed the nuns until you got to newsies square and saw all the newsboysjumping all over each other and laughing loudly.
“Hey,Sistas!” One of the newsies, Elmer called out and the newsies were suddenlysurrounding you and the nuns.
“Hello,Sista [Y/N],” Mush said with a teasing smile as you handed him a cup and abiscuit.
“HelloMush,” you said.
“How’sit going today?” Tommy Boy asked.
“Sameas usual,” you replied, giving him his handout, “What about you?”
“Askme after they put up the headline,” he said and took a sip of his coffee.
“Niceto see ya looking so gorgeous today [Y/N],” Romeo said as he came forward,offering his hand to you. You placed a cup in it instead of your own.
“Thankyou, Romeo,” You said, shooing him away.
Onceyou turned to the next person, you came face to face with Race.
Hewas somehow looking even more handsome than usual today.
“Hiya,”he said with a charming smirk, his cigar hanging off his lip.
“HiRacetrack,” you said, feeling your face instantly heating up.
Hereached forward and seemed to purposefully brush his fingers over yours whilehe took the coffee cup from your hand.
Hetook a long sip, keeping eye contact with you the entire time.
“Now,that’s good coffee,” he said, licking his lips. “How do you always get itright, Doll?”
“Secretingredient,” You said, face flushed.
“Ohyeah, what might that be?” Race said, leaning in closer with a wide smile onhis face “Extra love?”
Yousmiled, “No, just sugar.”
“Well,I wouldn’t mind getting some extra sugar.” Race said with a cocky smile as heleaned in even closer to you.
“Race!”Sister Sarah said sternly “How about instead of flirting with [Y/N], you finishup and go do your job.”
“Yes,Sista!” Race said with a mock salute and downed his coffee, “See ya tomorrow.”
Racereached out and ran his hand down your arm as he set his coffee cup down andwinked at you.
“Wait,Racetrack,” You said and reached forward, taking his hand. He looked down atyour connected hands and then back at you, looking surprised.
“Itwas nice seeing you,” You squeezed his hand, pressing a piece of paper into hispalm.
Hesmiled at you and quickly took his leave; you could see his hand with the paperin it clamped tightly shut.
Thatnight, just as the sun had set, you heard a small thunk on your window. You pushed back the curtains and saw Racestanding on the ground, squinting up into the dark window to see if he couldspot you, your note in hand.
Youquietly opened the window and stepped out onto the balcony. Race smiled andpulled his hat off.
“Hi,”He whispered loudly.
“Hiyourself,” you replied.
“Ifeel like I should recite some poetry or something. Do you like Romeo andJuliet?” Race said, running a hand through his hair.
Youswung one of your legs over the balcony railing then the other one, “Just helpme get down from here.”
Raceslapped his hat back on and reached his hands up to you. You thought it wasgoing to be an awkward shimmy off the balcony, but once Race had his hands onyour waist, he gracefully swung you down to the ground.
Youblushed and straightened out your dress.
Raceoffered you his arm, which you gladly took, and the two of you snuck off thechurch grounds.
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ao3feed-shoot · 5 years
A Wandering Replacement
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/32Y8nS2
by WarriorsSoul
With Reese injured the Machine gives the team back up in the form of Edward Sebastian Blake a former army sniper turned world traveler to help them out with there newest number. Hints of Reese x Joss and Shaw x Root
Words: 1046, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Person of Interest (TV), Person of Interest (TV) RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Joss Carter, John Reese, Root | Samantha Groves, Sameen Shaw, Lionel Fusco, Harold Finch, Bear (Person of Interest), Original Child Character(s)
Relationships: Joss Carter/John Reese, Root | Samantha Groves/Sameen Shaw
Additional Tags: Action & Romance
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/32Y8nS2
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