#figure skater! Steve Harrington
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Nationals Disaster
Cp. 1 of the "Olympic Hopeful" Series
Warnings: sports injury, light cursing
Pairings: (Eventual) FigureSkater! Steve Harrington x Y/n x HockeyPlayer! Eddie Munson
Summary: An incident at Nationals costs Y/n more than the gold medal, but thankfully someone familiar is in her hometown.
Inspo Credits: Spinning Out (Netflix), being a figure skater myself, Stranger Things.
Word count: 2.7k
AN: This is the first chapter of the "Olympic Hopeful" series. It's a bit of a slow burn, so no romance yet. Find the rest of the chapters here:
Masterlist / Cp. 1 /
After they lost at sectionals, Crissy Cunningham, Steve’s pairs partner for the last 3 years left for what she called “better opportunities”. Which left Steve Harrington without a partner as he and his coach sit in the bleachers at Nationals, watching instead of competing.
“You’re gonna find a new partner, honey. Chrissy wasn’t a good match anyway. She never did good twizzles.” His coach leans over to say, a handful of popcorn already in her mouth. Steve only sighs, not willing to talk about it right now. Thankfully, the zamboni just got off the ice and the next warm up group skates out, distracting them both. A bunch of names nobody seems to care about get announced, then the team favored to win gold skates out.
With her beautiful hair in a perfect pressed bun, their outfits jeweled to high heavens, the blue color perfectly complementing her skin… It’s none other than Y/n Harker and her partner Maxim Rotschev.
Steve can’t help but imagine he was her partner instead. Just as he’s imagining he was the one on the ice practicing lifts with her, his coach leans over, reminding him why they’re here. “You see Yelena McCarschik over there?”
Steve begrudgingly takes his eyes off of Y/n and Maxim to look at the blonde girl in the purple dress his coach is not-so-subtly pointing at. He doesn’t even need to give his coach a half-hearted response before she continues.
“I heard from her coach that she’s not going to be skating with Michael again next year. You should talk to her, she has all her triples.” Right. And just like that he’s brought back to earth, remembering he has to find a new partner for next season. “Yeah, I’ll talk to her.” Steve sighs, turning his attention back to Y/n and Maxim. He watches them set up for a jump pass, watching as they do side-by-side triple flip double toe combos before skating over to their coach.
Steve’s coach pats him on the back as she catches him watching the pair. “They’re going to the Olympics this year, honey. No use dreaming of partnering with her.” As she says that, Steve can’t help but feel a crushing sting in his chest when he realizes he’ll never get that.
He can’t think about anything else besides the burning disappointment in his chest, this unrelenting emotional pain that he holds down as to not cry in the middle of the stands. He fully dissociates thinking about the pain until his coach nudges his side when the warm-ups are over and the first team is skating out to their starting position, and it’s none other than Y/n and Maxim.
And as their program starts, he gets the same crushing feeling. But this time Steve shakes it off in order to enjoy watching the skating. When he recognizes their music is from the ballet of Romeo and Juliet, it stabs another burning pain into his heart. He doesn’t know immediately why that song makes it sting so much worse, he just knows it hurts.
Their perfect level four twizzles don’t make the burning pain go away either. Even if he did manage to find a partner for next year, how is he ever going to beat their precision timing. Perfectly in-synch triples. He watches their set up, and he knows the throw triple twist is coming. He closes his eyes for just a second, imagining he’s the one getting to throw her in the air. Then the room fills with gasps, the music cuts off, and his eyes shoot open.
He dropped her. Or rather, Maxim Rotschev had dropped Y/n Harker.
“Shit.” The word leaves his mouth as him and the rest of the crowd surge to their feet. “She’s not getting up. Why is she not getting up?!” The paramedics rush out onto the ice and he sees the tears streaming down her face. Steve doesn’t know why he’s moving, but suddenly he’s running down the stairs of the stands, making it all the way to the door to get off the ice with his competitor pass still on, before security stops him.
Tears are streaming down her face as the paramedics carry her out on the stretcher. Again, Steve has no idea what gives him the confidence to yell to her over the noise, “Are you okay?”
She looks up, searching for the source of the sound and locking eyes with him. She looks angry as she snaps back “My arm’s broken, you think I’m fucking okay?!”
He can’t help but laugh at the stupidity of his own question, taking a few more steps alongside the paramedics carrying her out. “Do you know this guy?” One of them whispers pointedly at her. She turns her head back to him. “No. Who the hell are you?”
Steve smiles, his regular charm returning to him. “I’m Steve Harrington. Huge fan. I’m actually also a pairs skater…. We competed against each other at sectionals?”
“Look, I clearly can’t sign an autograph right now. So do me a favor and get out of the way.” She groans, holding up her clearly broken arm.
With that, the medics push past him taking her to the ambulance. It’s another minute later when Steve feels a hand on his shoulder. At first assuming it’s security, he cautiously turns around to find his coach, her glasses pulled off. “Well this just got interesting.”
It’s a week later when Eddie was wiping down the tables at Benny’s. The small tv in the corner flashes sports news and Eddie glances up when he sees skating clips playing. The headline “Nationals Tragedy” flashes across the bottom of the screen as the clip of Y/n Harker being dropped by Maxim Rotschev plays. Benny audibly winces as he watches the clip.
“Aren’t you glad they give you pads for Hockey, boy?” Benny asks. Eddie looks back at Benny through the window opening to the kitchen, having not realized he was also watching.
“Yeah. And they don’t even throw me in the air.” Eddie concurs, turning back to wiping down the tables.
Y/n sits on her living room couch, surrounded by packed bags. Her mother, pulling the phone cord with her into the living room, calls out to her “Poppi and Omi said they’ll be here in 20 minutes! They had to stop one more time for gas.”
Y/n groans, waving her mom off. She instead turns back to the magazine in her hand, where she should have been on the cover winning gold, instead she’s on page 5 in an article titled “Nationals Tragedy.”
Her mom finishes the phone call in the kitchen before coming back in a few minutes later. “I think a break will be good for you. You know, you’ve been so focused on skating for so long. You’ll finally get a chance to live a normal life.”
Another groan leaves Y/n’s lips, rolling her eyes. “I’ve been so focused on skating because I actually had a chance at the Olympics this year. And now I have a broken arm and no partner.”
Her mother tuts disapprovingly, “And it was so rude of Maxim to abandon you in your time of need.”
“It’s all part of the contract, mom. He has every right to leave if I can't compete.” Y/n grumbles, she would have crossed her arms, but the tight cast stops her from moving her right arm in that way.
Her mother chooses to keep the peace by changing topics. “Do you have everything you’ll need to stay with Omi and Poppi for the next few months?” Her eyes skeptically scanning the packed bags surrounding her daughter. “They live six hours away, so it won’t exactly be easy for me to bring anything you forgot down to you.” Her mom adds.
“I’m fine, mom. Really. I’m sure I got it all.” She sighs, laying back in to the couch. She hears the distinct tutting of her mom’s lips as her mother adds another bag to the pile.
“If you’ve got everything, why was your skating bag still in the closet?” Her mother practically sings.
“Mom, I can’t skate for another 4 weeks. And even then what’s the point?” She holds up her arm that’s wrapped in a cast for emphasis.
“And in 4 weeks when you can, who knows? Maybe you’ll be over this attitude by then and want to skate for fun. And you’ll give your ol’ mom a call about how thankful you are I sent your skates down with you.” Her mom theorizes, adding her skating bag to the pile regardless.
Six hours in the car with her grandparents later and they pull past the “Welcome to Hawkins Indiana” Sign. Y/n sighs, leaning on her good arm as she looks out the window.
“It’s been a long time since you visited. I’m sure everything looks different.” Her Grandma, or as they call her, Omi, notes.
“It’s only been like four years, Omi. It’s really not that different. Honestly It’s like this town never changes.” Her grandparents groan at her response.
“I’m sure plenty has changed.” Her Poppi adds. “I mean you almost never bring your skates when you visit, so I’m sure you haven’t been to the rink here in over… well ten years…” Her grandfather ponders with uncertainty about the timeline.
“It’s not like that matters now.” She snaps gruffly at the cruel reminder of her injury.
They all sit in a stiff silence as her grandparents hear the bitter spite in her tone, the air growing thick with tension, so much so that Poppi rolls the windows down.
When they pull in to the driveway, Y/n slings a single bag over her good shoulder, knowing she can’t lift much of anything with her other arm in a cast. As her grandparents realize that, like it or not, she won’t be much help with unloading the car, they decide to send her off. Her grandfather slips her a twenty dollar bill as he takes the bag off her shoulder.
“Looks like you need some cheering up, Kid. Why don’t you walk over to the mall and get yourself a milkshake.” Usually she would protest that she needs to stick to her diet for training. But with the olympics out the window and a return to training weeks, if not months, away…. A milkshake sounds really good.
“Are you sure?” She gives a small curious smile, looking between her grandparents and their rather full volkswagon. Her grandfather doesn’t miss the look on her face of wanting to help, patting her on the shoulder.
“Sorry honey, you’re not lifting even if you want to. Go get some ice cream. You still know how to get there?”
She chuckles and nods, a real smile crossing her face as she trots down the driveway. “Yeah. I’ll be back in an hour!”
When she walks into the Scoops Ahoy! At 7pm on a Tuesday, the customer base is a sorry sight. Only one set of preteens sitting in a corner booth sharing a boat shaped sunday. She sighs, walking up to the counter and rings the bell to get the worker’s attention.
A boy with a familiar face walks out of the back room, but she can’t quite place where she knows him from. Her lack of recognition usually wouldn’t be a problem, but when the guy in his sailor uniform and paper hat walks out, he instantly breaks into a large smile and points two finger guns at her, like you would to a friend you haven’t seen in a long while.
“Oh my god, Y/n Harker! It’s good to see you. What brings you to Hawkins?” The guy starts, her eyes narrowing as she tries to place his face.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” She says as kindly as she can, a phase she’s had to get used to with her success in the skating community. Clearly though, that answer was not satisfactory for this ice cream shop associate as he stifles a frown and goes a bit red in the cheeks.
“I’m Steve Harrington? We competed against each other at Sectionals? Then I…”
Before he can finish a look of recognition crosses her face. “Oh my god! You’re the guy from nationals! That rushed the bleachers when I fell?” But this only makes him blush more.
“Yeah…. Yeah, that was me. How are you doing by the way?” He bashfully answers.
She nods, holding up her arm cast. “Broke my arm. But thankfully nothing more serious than that.”
Steve winces at the thought, picking up the ice cream scooper and absent mindedly spinning it between his fingers. “How long is that going to keep you off the ice?” His question instantly making her smile fall. “At least 6 weeks.” Steve gestures to the ice cream, silently asking which flavor to start scooping while they keep talking. She points to the chocolate, and he starts pulling scoops into a cup as he speaks.
“So no olympics then?” Which only elicits a sad nod from her. He tries to perk her back up, seeing the sadness in her eyes. “Well there’s always next season. You’ll have your 6 week break, then when you get back on the ice I’m sure you’ll be as good as ever.”
She drags her feet as they walk over to the register. “Doesn’t matter, I don’t have a partner to go back to anyway.” The cash register drawer slides open the same way Steve’s jaw does. A dry bitter “What?!” leaving his agape lips.
She sighs, having already gotten similar reactions from her friends back home. “Yeah, he won’t be able to take someone else to the Olympics, but if he finds someone fast enough he can use our rank to still go to Worlds or the Grand Prix with a different partner.” She explains, giving a sad half smile at the reality of her situation.
Steve scoffs, closing the cash register drawer as quickly as he had opened it, handing her the scooped ice cream without taking the cash from her hand. “This one’s on the house.”
She blushes, timidly retracting her hand with a cash and licking the top of the ice cream cone. “Are you sure?”
Steve breaks out in a wide smile, leaning over on his elbows on the counter. “Positive. It’s not every day we get a celebrity in Hawkins.” His answer eliciting a small chuckle from her.
“I’m not sure I quite count as a celebrity… but thanks.” She knows now would be the natural point in the conversation to turn and walk out, but her feet don’t move. Steve seems to notice the hesitation to leave too, gesturing towards one of the many unoccupied booths.
“If you had the time…. I would love to pick your brain about Pairs skating stuff?” He offers up his company, taking an experimental step to come around the counter. She bites her lip, considering this for a minute, before nodding with a small “yeah.”
“Are you sure they don’t need you behind the counter?” She asks as they slide into the booth. He looks at her skeptically, giving the whole store a once over. “To serve what customers?”
He smiles as this gets a small laugh out of her. “Alright, fair enough. What burning questions did you want to pick my brain about?”
Neither of them even notice when over an hour has passed, her ice cream cone fully devoured, and they’re the only one’s left in the mall, let alone the store. Finally, feeling comfortable enough with her now, Steve asks the question that’s really been on his mind this whole time.
“What does the road forward look like for you? Are you gonna skate solo? Find a new partner?” She looks a bit downtrodden from the question but answers honestly.
“I don’t know. My mom thinks this might be the perfect time to retreat into an early retirement from professional skating….”
“No! You can’t do that. Not over one broken arm…”
“I don’t know how to give up on skating, especially when I was so close to the dream. But I don’t know how to move on without being the face of ‘Nationals Tragedy’ either.”
“Well…. If there’s ever a town for starting over…. Hawkins is next to none.”
#stranger things#steve x eddie x reader#steve harrington#eddie munson#steve harrington x reader#y/n#olympics fanfic#figure skating#steddie x y/n#steddie x reader#figure skater!reader#figure skater! Steve Harrington#Hockey! Eddie Munson#pairs skating
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Future Steddie fic idea
So Steve is a figure skater in a championship, Eddie is a hockey player and it’s their championship game and final game of the year. They constantly argue over sharing the rink for practice, and due to a scheduling conflict, their championships are scheduled at the same time. Neither organization wants to take the later slot, so they argue (maybe Steve’s dad is who own the rink or something idk) Anywho, murder or maybe a theft of the trophies (I like to lean into more of murder). So the rink gets shut down and the cops are basically sitting on their asses.
Cue Steve and Eddie working together, pulling in their friends, like Robin who’s in college for forensics, Nancy the journalist with Jonathan the photographer they have to bribe with a story to get crime scene pictures. Hopper, retired, but respected officer that helps with investigating when he’s met with red tape.
It carries on with them being buttheads to each other and falling for each other (most the time literally) ice be slippery
It carries on with them being buttheads to each other and falling for each other (most the time literally) ice be slippery
#steddie#eddie munson#steve harrington#stranger things#steve x eddie#fic writing#my brain works too fast#figure skater/hockey player
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okay i know i have so many other wips rn but the brain worms are worming SO
#i have not yet decided who will fall into which category#but steve kinda gives me figure skating vibes#stranger things#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#steve x eddie#hockey player au#figure skater au#steddie fic#steddie au#steddie fanfiction#st fic#stranger thing fic#have i tagged this enough yet?#i just want people to see it
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Skate from the heart by spookyscaryaliens on ao3
Ice Hockey Player Steve x Figure Skater Eddie✨️
#steddie#steddie art#steve x eddie#eddie munson#steve harrington#stranger things#ice hockey player x figure skater#stranger things au
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shoot your shot.
written for ‘dress’ | wc: 350 | rating: teen & up | tags: hockey player!steve harrington, robin buckley & eddie munson friendship, eddie munson has a crush on steve harrington, pining, friends to lovers, getting together, humor, fluff, is this crackfic? maybe, hockey season has me in a chokehold @steddiemicrofic
"Are you... Eddie, are you dressed like a hockey puck for Steve’s Halloween game?" Robin asks.
“I always knew you were the smart one, Buckley,” he quips, waddling awkwardly into their prime seats. “I figured if I look like a hockey puck, maybe Steve'll finally shoot his shot."
Eddie folds the edges of his cardboard costume and sits as he shrugs.
“Wow,” Robin snorts, shaking her head as she leans back in her seat and faces out toward the ice from directly behind the glass. “That’s the man you’re trying to woo with a puck costume?”
It should be harder to pick him out with all of the players in the same jerseys but Eddie finds Steve in the slew of skaters warming up, a satellite returning its orbit. He’s doing his stretches— hip movements he’s watched Steve execute since high school that are truly so explicit that Eddie nearly blacks out every goddamn time— and laughing at something his teammate, Argyle, must’ve said. His nose crinkles and he slips from his knees flat onto the ice.
Steve can play big bad defenseman all he wants, but Eddie knows this version of Steve, loves him, actually, and he’s running out of patience.
Eventually, Steve starts making his laps around the ice, stopping to make funny faces with a kid dressed like him for Halloween.
“Get it together, Munson,” Robin jokes, elbowing him in his cardboard torso. “You’re gonna melt the rink if you’re not careful.”
“Think that’d get me mouth-to-mouth?” Eddie muses as Steve skates over to them, wide smile spreading from ear to ear as he clocks Eddie’s costume.
Even to someone as oblivious as Eddie, he notices the pink tinge in Steve’s cheeks as they make puck puns from either side of the glass.
“Wait for me after the game?” Steve asks, one hand pressed flat against the glass.
“You got it, big boy.” Eddie mirrors him, meeting Steve’s palm with his own.
As he skates away and Eddie sits back down next to Robin, preening with victory, Robin just shakes her head.
“I can’t believe that worked.”
#steddie#steddie fanfiction#steddie fanfic#steddie fic#steve harrington x eddie munson#eddie munson x steve harrington#steve harrington#eddie munson#stranger things#stranger things fanfiction#stranger things fanfic#stranger things fic#steddiemicrofic#myblurbs
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Fuck it. Every Steve Harrington headcannon I have because I've been rotating that boy in my head like a pig on a stick Part 2 this is a little more in depth than the first one but only by a smug
- Epileptic, either since he was young or developed it over time due to all those concussions he keeps getting
- Favorite fruit is blackberries I have no reason
- Kinda sad but he never really had friends, yeah he hung out with Tommy and Carol but that was about it. Like after the fall out with them he was by himself, alone. I feel like if he was as popular as we think he is, he would have at least one other friend right?
- Does not have a filter at all. That one scene where he just casually says, "Oh yeah my parents are out of town because my mom doesn't trust him to not cheat on her any who!" and I feel like he just kinda does that
- Star Trek fan but he just does not comprehend that it's supposed to be nerdy (this is not my own I saw someone else headcannon this please tell me if you find them I can not)
- Absolutely sucked at ELA, could be cause of dyslexia or not whatever you want buttercup
- But on the topic of dyslexia, this headcannon is one of the main reasons why I love math nerd Stevie so much. Like, ELA test and History test are mostly long paragraphs that he needs more time to read through and his teachers don't care enough to give him extra time like he needs. But math tests tend to have a small paragraph that he can read faster or just focus on the numbers and finish on time, so he just got really good at math so he would have at least one class he passed
- Survives off of coffee, lord knows he needs it
- My most random headcannon is that since his parents were never really around or cared much for his safety, he used to hang out outside a lot and explore the wildlife around, got really into nature and animals, bought nature books etc. But his dad told him nature and animals were girly and forced him to stop even though he really loved it
- If he does ever go to college (which he doesn't have to, though if Robin went he would probably go with her), he would either get in education major and become a math teacher or some form of environmental degree
- His love language is quality time
- Among the three of them, Steve and Carol were the closest. Yes, Steve and Tommy met first, and yes they tend to call each other their best friends, but in actuality Carol and Steve were best friends. They have mean girl energy.
- He used to also play hockey when he was younger but stopped playing due to scheduling and shit. But he really liked it cause whenever he would practice there were these older figure skaters who would teach him figure skating (he kinda liked it more than hockey but he never told anyone)
- Speaking of scheduling, he is always tired due to his packed schedule. Since he was young, his dad forced him into a lot of sports and didn't really give him a break. Add that to his piano lessons, his jobs, studying that his dad forced him to do, friends, etc... he is just perpetually tired. And it fucked up his sleep schedule developing into insomnia as he got older
- Most of his and Eddie's dates are just them taking naps
- Once he meets Corroded Coffin they all become best friends. Like best fucking friends
- Specifically Steve and Jeff
#epileptic steve harrington#trekkie steve harrington#dyslexic steve harrington#hes a nature boy#i just love headcannons so much and i love hearing other peoples headcannons#like its the same character but we all just view them so differently#its beautiful#also yes some of these contradict others#stranger things#steve harrington#steddie#eddie munson#steve harrington headcanon#oh and#corroded coffin#steve harrington and corroded coffin#insomniac steve harrington#ice skating#alrighty then#im done
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shower of snow
for @steddiemicrofic prompt ‘shower’
rated t | 399 words | cw: language | tags: Eddie Munson has a crush on Steve Harrington, implied sort of enemies to lovers situation, hockey au, modern au, pre-steddie
Eddie watches from the bench, arms crossed, general look of disinterest on his face. He’s not gonna give Steve the satisfaction of being right that he is a better skater than most of the team.
Because he knows he is. He took figure skating lessons from age six to thirteen. He placed nationally multiple times. He may have stopped skating for medals, but he never stopped having talent.
And somehow Steve Harrington, captain of the Hawkins High Hockey Team, thought he could convince Eddie Munson, triple senior and local weed pusher, to join the team.
Not fucking likely.
Eddie watches as Steve ran drills with different lines, his frustration with the other seniors joking around instead of practicing apparent the longer practice went on. Eddie sees every flaw. He also sees how perfect Steve’s movement is.
He loses interest when Steve yells at them all to shut up for the tenth time and lets his eyes wander to the rafters. Four championship banners hang for this team: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. The four years that Steve’s dad, Richard, was the star center, expected to be drafted first round in the NHL.
Until he got a girl pregnant and no NHL team wanted the drama. He went to an Ivy League college, got his law degree, married the woman he didn’t love, and now here Steve was: trying to add just one banner from his tenure at Hawkins.
Eddie could see why that was a difficult task.
A shower of snow blasts his face, shocking him out of his thoughts.
“What the fuck?” He wipes his face and sees Steve standing on the ice in front of him, alone.
“Practice is over.” Steve didn’t apologize for soaking him with half-melted ice. “So, you in?”
“Am I in? On that?” Eddie snorted. “Hard pass, dude.”
“What? Why?”
“They can’t even do crossovers right. No wonder your defense is the worst in the state.”
Steve glares at him as Eddie stands to leave.
“So, what? It’s hopeless?” Steve yells as Eddie walks down the tunnel.
“Probably!” Eddie yells back.
“What if I help you graduate?”
Eddie pauses at the offer. His grades are decent this year, but he still struggles. Steve offering to help would at least give him more chances to ogle his ass in those tight jeans he wears.
Eddie turns to Steve, giving in.
“What time is practice tomorrow?”
#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#stranger things#steddiemicrofic#steddiemicroficseptember#hockey au#modern au
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guess who suddenly remembered she signed up for @harringrovewinterbingo! that's right! me!
anywho, here's my fill for a3 - put on the spot
After his semi-finale win, figure skater Steve Harrington announces his engagement to pro ice hockey player Billy Hargrove, not just to the shock of the world, but to Billy Hargrove himself.
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All of my fics written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles 2024
Days 1-10
Prompt: Snowfall | Rated: M |Tags: Kas!Eddie; Dark Eddie; Mind control; Possessive Eddie; Obsessive behaviour; Brainwashing; Nudity; Implied sexual content; Implied dubcon (in that Steve isn't able to consent or refuse) | Notes: Set in the same universe as Break it first.
(C'mon, baby) light my fire
Prompt: Fireplace | Rated: T | Tags: Getting together; Flirting; Sexual tension; Eddie is a horny shit; He also has a competency kink
Wrapped up in you
Prompt: Jacket Rated: T Tags: Omegaverse; Omega!Eddie; Alpha!Steve; Alpha!Jason; Jason Carver being an asshole; Courting; Clothes swapping; Protective Steve; Possessive Steve Notes: Set in the same universe as Whatever you want it to be, pretty soon after the original story (before they learn of Eddie’s pregnancy)
I put a spell on you
Prompt: Mistletoe Rated: T Tags: Magic AU; Witch Eddie; Eddie Munson has a crush on Steve Harrington; Sexual tension; Pining; Flirting Notes: Set in the same universe as Spellbound
Bat out of hell
Prompt: Winter Sports | Rated: M | Tags: Sports AU; Winter Olympics; Figure skating; Figure skater Eddie; Figure skater Nancy; Coach Steve; Past Stancy; Getting together; Sexual Tension; Making out; Angry kissing; Nudity; Fade to black sex | Notes: This bitch knows nothing about Olympic figure skating. Changing your song last minute probably isn't even allowed. Bear with me, suspend your disbelief. 😅
Going under
Rated: E | Tags: Dubious consent; Monster Steve; Dark Steve; Monsterfucker Eddie; Tentacle Sex; Implied mind control; Murder Boyfriends; Blood and gore | Notes: Continued from here
Suck my candy cane
Prompt: Candy cane | Rated: T | Tags: Horny disaster Eddie Munson; Mall elf Steve; Steve in tights; Confident Steve; Gareth is a little shit; Flirting; Sexual innuendo
A mark and a promise
Prompt: Gift | Rated: T | Tags: Fantasy AU; Fae!Eddie; Knight!Steve; Eddie Munson whump; Flirting; Sexual tension; Just a bit of mindfuckery
Drop the mask (drop your clothes)
Prompt: Shopping | Rated: E | Tags: Modern AU; Rockstar Eddie; Nepo baby Steve; Bratty Steve; Fake relationship; Sexually explicit language; Sexual tension; Dry humping; Groping; Degradation kink; Daddy kink | Notes: Set in the same universe as this one
[Days 11-20] [Days 21-31]
#steddie#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#steddie fanfic#steddie brainrot#fanfiction writer#fanfiction#fanfic#my writing#steddie holiday drabbles#hype's holiday drabbles 2024
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hi :) i wanted to rec The Beginning And End Of Everything by kwills91
The Beginning And End Of Everything by kwills91
Rating: Explicit
80,588 words, 7/7 chapters
Archive Warning: Creator chose not to use
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Has a Bisexual Awakening, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Steve Harrington Is A Hockey Player, Eddie Munson Is A Figure Skater, Steve Harrington Is a Mess, Suicidal Thoughts, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Steve Harrington Is The Brother Max Mayfield Deserves, Eddie Munson Has Bad Parents, Found Family, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Eddie Munson Is The Bad Boy Of Figure Skating, Past Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Top/Bottom Versatile Steve Harrington, Top/Bottom Versatile Eddie Munson, Dual POV, POV Eddie Munson, POV Steve Harrington, Other tags may be added, Hockey Player Steve Harrington, Figure Skater Eddie Munson, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Vers Steve Harrington, Vers Eddie Munson, Medical Conditions, Concussions, Post-Concussion Syndrome
Steve Harrington has lost everything. Head injuries forcing him to retire from the sport he loves. And he's not sure how to move on. Until he meets disgraced figure skater, Eddie Munson - who is mounting a comeback. Eddie and Steve learn that they have more in common than they first think and Steve thinks he's found a new best friend. But things get confusing when he realises he might want more than friendship.
Thanks for the rec!
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks!
#steddie#steddie fic recs#steve harrington#eddie munson#steve x eddie#stranger things#steddieunderdogfics#hurt/comfort#angst with a happy ending#modern au#sports au#found family#slow burn
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Sport-based Steddie Fics
Important: READ THE TAGS! Also, leave a comment and kudos! These fics are amazing and I love them and I hope y'all do too 🩰
Pep Rally Boyfriend
If one thing is taken seriously by the athletes of Hawkins High, it's a wager. The craziest, most impossible bets, dares, and pranks live in infamy. The stupid teenagers involved? They are legendary. The 1984-85 school year is no exception. No bet is made casually, no dare given lightly, and no prank is half-assed.
Steve Harrington, Senior Captain of the Hawkins Basketball team, wakes up on a dewy September morning hungover and with blurry memories. All he knows is that he made a bet and he lost. The consequences? Steve must be a cheerleader for the entire Hawkins football season.
Humiliated to his core, Steve cannot avoid his punishment, lest he face much more serious consequences. Luckily, he has an ally in Chrissy Cunningham and her band friends. Robin Buckley seems nice. Eddie Munson? Well, he's interesting to say the least.
Words : 72,016 Chapters : 10/10 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
The Beginning And End Of Everything
Steve Harrington has lost everything. Head injuries forcing him to retire from the sport he loves. And he's not sure how to move on.
Until he meets disgraced figure skater, Eddie Munson - who is mounting a comeback.
Eddie and Steve learn that they have more in common than they first think and Steve thinks he's found a new best friend.
But things get confusing when he realises he might want more than friendship.
Words : 80,588 Chapters : 7/7 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
Just two strangers, meeting at the pool
corrodedbisexual (mishabawlins)
Gold Olympic medalist Steve Harrington decides to retire at 25 years old and become a newbie swim coach.
Eddie Munson, frontman of the well-known rockband Corroded Coffin, is also 25 when he realizes it's getting too embarrassing to be an adult who never learned to swim.
Technically, they are strangers. But not really. Not with the way they have secretly followed each other's careers over the years.
Words : 1,658 Chapters : 2/2 Rating : Teen and Up Audiences
AO3 : x
Catch Me (I'm Falling)
He punches a number onto the keypad and hands it back to Steve. Before he can fully bring the phone back into his possession, Eddie takes hold of the dangling Hello Kitty charm, using it to pull Steve back toward him, just a bit.
“No funny business, Harrington.”
Steve looks at him then down at his cell phone, the rhinestones on it leftover from Robin’s bedazzling phase and the Hello Kitty charm he’s holding hostage and then back up at him.
“Get a fucking clue, Munson.” He laughs and snaps his cellphone shut. He doesn’t wait for Eddie’s blank stare to catch on before he’s turning to leave.
Words : 32,987 Chapters : 7/7 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
How to Become King of the Court
"That first time he dove, scraping his knees along the court and coming away blistered and burned and with a bloody nose he knew he had found his place. His home."
In which Steve Harrington has been playing volleyball since he was ten years old. Now, at 18, he finds himself back at the court where he first found himself - this time as the coach for a rag tag team of youth co-eds.
Words : 57,148 Chapters : 6/6 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
By the end of the game, Eddie totally gets the whole football thing. It’s fast, there are terrifying stunts of athleticism, the muscles, the pants. He gets it
Words : 28,971 Chapters : 6/6 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
Swing and a Miss
“Hey so … I have some mixed news,” Steve says.
“Uh oh,” Eddie says, “are they changing your position, are you gonna be a — like a third base catcher man?”
Steve laughs and shakes his head, “no, nothing that bad - I found out more about the whole like, bringing a person along thing.”
“Oh cool,” Eddie says, sliding down on the couch next to him, “do I get like a fancy VIP pass?”
“You do,” Steve says, “there’s just one catch.”
“Okay?” Eddie asks, tilting his head and reaching for the tv remote.
“Apparently they usually reserve the box for the wives and girlfriends … so either you’re gonna have to be my boyfriend or you’re going to have to sit in the stands with the fans.”
Eddie makes a noise that must register to Steve as alarmed or upset because he rushes to finish.
“It’s not that bad, you just need to like, pretend to be my boyfriend so you can sit with the other WAGs and like, then you can be in the box and have all you can drink alcohol and snacks.”
“Did you agree to this!?” Eddie asks.
“If I say yes, how mad are you going to be?” Steve asks.
Words : 35,216 Chapters : 5/5 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
I Found Myself a Cheerleader
Bumped to the lowest step on the social ladder after his fight with Billy, Steve gets roped in with the cheer team. What starts as a favor to help them out when one member breaks her leg in turn for protection from the brunt of the bullying, sets the universe on a different path.
He befriends Chrissy and grows as thick as thieves with her. Over the summer he adds Robin to his friends as well. Meanwhile Eddie seems to have taken an interest in the fallen king, but Steve can’t figure out quite yet why Eddie is talking with him. Flirting with him?
Words : 174,377 Chapters : 28/28 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
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The Criminal And The Princess II
Grumpy!College!Eddie X Sunshine!Skater!Reader

Summary : Edens dad is pushing her to breaking point, but when Steve Harrington suggests going to a gig, they stumble upon who she never thought she’d see.
Word Count : 2k
Warnings : not much eddie (i’m sorry), shitty parents, once again talk of eating, girlhood, nancy is sad, swearing, billy hargrove.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Dad I have to go I have class,” I sighed, skating towards him. “Regionals are coming up how are you expecting to win if you’re still so sloppy?” he snapped at me.
“Maybe I don’t want to win! Maybe I don’t even wanna go to fucking regionals!”
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that!”
“I’m telling you the truth!”
“Your mother-“ I didn’t give him the chance to finish, “I’m not mom!”
With a deep breath, i spoke calmly, “I know you miss her, god dad I do too, but me skating, won’t bring her back.” The man who I love so dearly didn’t say a word, his dark eyes stern. “Just go Eden.”
“And don’t worry about dinner on Friday.”
“Dad come on-“
“You need to lose the weight anyways.” I sucked in a breath, but said nothing more as I watched the greying man walk up the stairs and slamming the door to his office.
Rubbing my hand to my face I sat down on the cold plastic bench, taking off my skates and replacing them with my trainers. Throwing my oversized hoodie on, I headed out of the rink and to my car.
“E!” a voice called out.
“Harrington,” I replied, as the brunette jogged over the parking lot to me. “Hey- woah you look like shit!”
“Yeah 4:30 starts will do that to a girl,” I shrugged, throwing my bag in the back.
“Sorry that was rude of me,” he said, but I brushed him off with a smile. “What can I do for you Stevie boy?”
“So my friend has gig after the match on Friday, I was wondering if you wanted to come? Obviously I’ve invited the rest of the gang.”
“Did you really just say gang?”
“Yeah, I regret it, shut up. Do you wanna come?”
“I have training the next-“ my brows furrowed, dad’s words echoing in my head, “You know what, yeah it sounds fun.
“Great, I’m gonna text Robin all the details so, I’ll see you around.”
“See you.”
Well that was something to look forward too.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Sat in class the professor droned on and on, Vickie was almost asleep besides me. I felt my phone buzz in pocket, taking it out I saw a message from Robin.
Robs : soooo a little dingus said you’re coming to a certain gig this friday? 👀
E : figured it was time i had some fun
E : lets be honest its a rare occasion
Robs : im actually so excited for this!!!!!
E : yeah me too, and you’re gonna be extra excited when i tell you who else is coming 😚
Putting my phone down on my notebook I nudged Vickie. “Hm,” she said rubbing her eyes, then brushed an auburn curl from her face.
“Sorry did I fall asleep?” I huffed a laugh,
“A little, but that’s not why I’m waking you. Are you free Friday?”
“I think so yeah, what’s up?”
“Wanna come to a gig?”
“Who’s gig?”
“Not sure yet, but me and a few friends are going, Nancy, Steve, oh and you know Robin right?”
“R-robin?” she stuttered.
“Yeah! I could text you the details, it’d be nice to hang out when we’re not studying.”
She nodded, cheeks flushed slightly, “Yeah cool, just text me.” I returned the nod, picking my phone back up.
Robs : who???
Robs : ????
Robs : did you die???
E : lmao no very much alive
Robs : who’s coming???
E : Vickie
Robs : …
E : love youuuuuu 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
With a laugh I put my phone away and attempted to focus on this mind numbing lecture.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Friday rolled around really quickly, people were so ready for the weekend already. Who knew summer break would be missed already.
“I’m still not over the fact your dad said that to you?” Nancy said, whilst taming her curls.
“It’s fine, it’s not like it’s out of the ordinary.”
“Are you sure I can’t kick him in the throat?”
“I really don’t wanna have to bail you out of jail Robs.”
She hummed, “Yeah that’s true, would not look good for my future.”
“Dads are so shit!” Nancy exclaimed out of nowhere. “Nance-“ I began.
“No! I Robins dad walked out, your dad bullies you and my dad acts like I don’t fucking exist. Why do these men have kids and then treat them like trash?”
The girl was flinging her arms around like crazy, huffing angrily. “Nance, but the hairbrush down you’ll hurt yourself,” Robin said. The girl placed it to the floor, kneeling down behind her, I met her gaze in the mirror.
“What happened?” I asked. She looked at me with glassy eyes. “Mom called, yesterday she was going out to that meal, you know the one for her friends birthday?”
Me and Robin both gave her affirming nods, “Well Mike was working a shift at the record store and dad was picking Holly up from school,” she let out a shaky breath.
“It’s okay,” I said, hugging her from behind, resting my chin on her shoulder. “He forgot her, was sat at home watching a game. She was there for hours, when Mike came home he found him passed out on the couch.”
“Is Holly okay?” Robin asked, sliding off Nancys bed and down next to us. The brunette nodded, “Yeah, a teacher stayed with her and Mike went to get her. Mom got so mad and then you know what he said?”
I rubbed her shoulder, and Robin squeezed her hand. “He said, ‘Oh Nancy was supposed to get her,’” she choked on a sob, “He didn’t even know I was gone!”
“Oh Nance,” I said, pulling her back to hug me, Robin went to her front, wrapping her arms around us both. “Dads are the worst,” Robs said. “They really are!” I agreed.
“I swear Jonathan, Will and El are the only ones who got a decent one!” Robin laughed. “H-Hoppers a good man,” Nancy sniffled.
“You know what we’re gonna do tonight?” I asked pulling away from the hug, going to face Nancy, I wiped the tears from her face.
“What?” she asked.
“We’re gonna go to that game and cheer on our guy Harrington! And then, we’re gonna go to that gig and drink and dance and celebrate the badass women who raised us!”
“That sounds like the best plan,” Robin smiled, “You up for it Nance?”
“Yeah! Let’s go celebrate our moms.”
“And also get Robin a girlfriend!”
Me and Nancy laughed as Robin fell back, groaning into her hands. “What about you? You got your eye on anyone?” Nancy asked, cleaning up her tear stained face.
“Oh come on E!”
“Seriously there’s nobody,” I laughed. “Plus I’m happy enough being wingwoman, I mean you and Johnny are getting to 2 years now?”
“Yeah,” the girl couldn’t hide her smile, “Speaking of, he’ll be here soon so, get ready!” She shooed us out of her room with a laugh.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Come on Harrington!” I cheered, jumping up and down. The game was almost over and our guys were down 6 points. Jonathans friend Argyle let out a loud whoop as the puck hit the back of the net.
“Let’s go dingus!” Robin shouted. I looked up from the ice briefly, my eyes meeting my fathers. His face looked like its normal stern self, but he looked sad?
I know I shouldn’t have yelled at him, specially not about mom, but god he shouldn’t have said the things he did either.
Suddenly I felt arms wrapped around me and the siren went, signalling the game was over. “We won!” Robin screamed. I looked at the score board, we were up by 2 points.
With a smile, I put my arms around the girl, giving her a squeeze. Leaning over the side of the seats, Steve walked past, “Go on Harrington!” we all cheered for him, making him smile bashfully.
“I’ll meet you guys after,” he said walking away. “No cheers for me Eden?” a vile voice came. “In your dreams Hargrove.”
“Oh they’re more than cheers in the dreams gorgeous.”
“Gross, “Robin said from behind me.
“You okay Benny?” Jonathan asked. Benny was a nickname he’d decided on when we were in kindergarten, apparently Eden was a weird name, but I thought Johnathan was too old so,” All good Johnny.”
The rink soon cleared out and we decided to wait by our cars for Steve. “Eden,” a deep voice called from behind. Dad was stood at the end of the hallway, Robin held my hand, Nancy appearing on the other side.
“It’s okay, I’ll catch up,” I said, walking towards the man. “What’s up?” I asked.
“I … I just wanted to apolo-“ he was cut off when the team of hollering boys ran by, Steve being one of them.
“Coach Bennett,” the boy smiled, swinging his arm over my shoulder. “Steve, good match,” the man offered him a smile, I hadn’t had one of those in a long time.
“Sorry I interrupted,” Steve spoke.
“It’s okay, what did you want to say dad?”
“Take a break this weekend, no training, but I expect you to do a morning and evening practice on Monday. Yrene is back from maternity leave so she’ll be training you.”
I sighed, but spoke through gritted teeth, “Great, thanks dad.” I turned to Steve, “Let’s go,” almost dragging the boy down the hall.
“We could get lunch on Sunday?” My dad called after me.
“Lunch. I know dinner isn’t an option tonight, go have fun. Let me know if you’re free Sunday.” I gave him a nod, before I did drag Steve down the hall.
“That was weird,” he said when we got out into the fresh hair, you could feel that autumn was rolling around fast. “I know, who knew that Ethan Bennett wasn’t always an ass,” I said.
“Everything okay?” Nancy asked as we headed to the car. “Yeah all good, now let’s go!”
“What’s the name of the band your friends in again?” Jonathan asked.
“Corroded Coffin, and I gave you the address right?” Jonathan nodded, consuming, “The hideout right?”
“Yeah that’s the one, E does that friend of yours need a ride?”
I felt Robin go stiff beside me, “Vickie? Nah she’s being dropped off by her brother.”
“Cool, let’s go then!”
“I swear I’m gonna kill you,” Robin muttered. “What was that?” She gave me a sickly sweet smile, linking our arms, “Nothing!”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The bar known as The Hideout was packed, I recognised some faces from college, everyone was here to have a good time. Onto your second drink, I smiled as I saw a familiar redhead.
“Vickie!” I called out.
“Hey,” she smiled, making her way through a crowd of people. “Come and meet the guys.” Taking her hand I led her over to my friends.
“Everyone!” I shouted to get their attention, “This is Vickie, we’re in history together.”
She raised a hand, offering a smile to them. “Vickie this is Steve, Nancy, Jonathan,” he cringed when I said his name,” Argyle and you know Robin.”
“Yeah, hi,” she smiled.
“Hey um … can I get you a drink?”
“Uh yeah sure, cool.” Oh my god they were so cute. When the pair walked away me and Nancy squealed.
“Alright folks we have our next act of the evening for you, give it up for Indianas own, Corroded Coffin!” A man shouted into the mic.
The five of us walked into the crowd getting to the front, standing by the stage, I was excited to see Steve’s buddy.
Out walked 3 boys, one sitting behind the drum set and the others picking up guitars. Taking a sip of my drink, I regretted it right away, almost choking when I saw the final member walk out on stage.
“Holy shit!” I exclaimed.
“Good evening Indiana!” he shouted. He looked so different, so alive, his curls falling down his back, freely allowed to do so. His dark eyes shining with mischief and joy.
“We’re Corroded Coffin and we’re here to rock your world for the next hour or so! Are! You! Ready!”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
They meet again 👀
This part was mainly me healing the parental issues in stranger things with friendship lmao.
taglist : @gnrquinn @flawiette @taylorswiftsloverfr @mygirlchaos @marvelcasey05 @ali-r3n @browneyes8288
let me know if you want to be added 🫶🏻
#stranger things#eddie munson#eddie munson imagine#joe quinn#stranger things imagine#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x yn#eddie munson fluff#eddie stranger things#joe quinn imagine#eddie x y/n#eddie x fem!reader#eddie x you#eddie x reader#joesph quinn imagine#joseph quinn imagine#joseph quinn#strsnger things#strangerthings#loulou lemons#the criminal and the princess
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Unlikely Friends - S.Harrington
Summary - Lover’s lake was her favorite lake to skate on during winter break, usually only running into older men ice fishing. However, one night she runs into the captain of the hockey team, Steve Harrington. They become unlikely friends within the span of a night.
Word Count - 792
Warnings - Female reader, use of Y/N, Munson!Reader no physical description is given, foul language, not proofread
Author’s Note - Welcome to day 19! 6 more days left! This is one of my favorite pairings ever, hockey player and figure skater.
my masterlist
25 days of fics masterlist
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
not my gif
There was one lake in Hawkins that she liked to go to in order to practice over the winter break, that lake was lover’s lake. Usually it was vacant except for some ice fishers but not this night. No, this night there was a boy who was skating around with a hockey stick. She had recognized him, the captain of the high school hockey team, Steve Harrington.
She went about her usual routine however, unbothered by the new presence around her. That was until she was hit square in the back with a hockey puck which sent her flying onto the ice.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!” She heard his voice approaching her, panic lacing his tone.
“Holy shit that hurts! Goddamn Harrington! Do you have to hit that thing so hard?” She groaned out as she sat up, his hand reaching out to her to help her up to her feet, she gladly accepted and accepted the help.
“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” He repeated, still panicking.
“I’m good, I’ve had worse but damn those things are hard as shit. Now I understand why so many hockey players are missing teeth.” This made Steve chuckle, tension leaving his shoulders at her foul language and realizations. “What are you doing on the ice on Christmas eve?” She asked him, rubbing the spot on her back gently.
“I could ask you the same thing. Coach wanted me to practice my slap shots, obviously they need work since I completely missed the goal and whacked you in the back,” Steve rambled.
“I need to practice my new skills before my next practice. My coach wants my routine to be perfect, said my skills were average at best.”
“Your coach sounds like a bitch.” This made her laugh as she agreed. Steve offered to step off the lake for a bit so she could feel safe enough not to get hit with a puck again and they’d switch off every 30 minutes so they could get breaks.
Steve watched her, mesmerized by the leaps and twirls she was able to do without effort. She too, was mesmerized by how brutish Steve was on the ice but was an absolute sweetheart off of it. They continued switching who was on the ice for hours, chatting in between and getting to know one another. By the end of their turn taking, it was pitch black outside, the moon shining bright and the star glimmering. They sat on a boulder beside the lake and talked, and they talked.
They talked for hours, about everything and nothing at all. Venting about their coaches and some of the people on their team. As they both took off their skates and put on their shoes, Steve asked her, “How did you get here if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I walked, I don’t live too far away, I live in the trailer park with my dad and cousin,” She replied.
“Do you want a ride home? I don’t mind, the trailer park is on my way actually.”
“That would be lovely, thank you.”
On the walk to his car, Steve asked about her family and who her cousin was. “Eddie Munson, super senior, school freak. He’s my favorite person, he’s a great guy, just misunderstood.”
“I’ve never talked to him before but I know he doesn’t like jocks very much.”
“God no, most of them bully the shit out of him. Once he gets used to someone, you get to see the real side of Eddie.”
They talked through the entire car ride, which was short and hadn’t stopped until he pulled into the driveway of the trailer, two men sitting on her doorstep with cigarettes in their hands and waiting. She kissed Steve on the cheek before thanking him and leaving the car.
“Where the hell have you been? We’ve been worried about you!” Eddie exclaimed, pulling his cousin into a protective hug.
“I was practicing for a while, met Steve and we lost track of time. I didn’t mean to scare you guys. I’m sorry,” She admitted.
“No need to apologize sweetpea. We’re just glad you’re home safe. We will be talking about that boy though,” Wayne butted in, kissing his daughter on the head before ushering the two teens inside. She waved at Steve one last time before the front door had closed behind her. She hadn’t left the area of the front door until she heard Steve’s car pull away and down the road. With a goofy grin on her face, she made her way into her room for the night. Happy she had the chance to get to know Steve Harrington. Happy that he wasn’t the asshole everyone said he was.
#steve harrington#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington x you#steve harrington one shot#steve harrington imagine#wayne munson#stranger things#eddie st4#eddie munson#eddie stranger things#steve stranger things#strangerthings#stranger things fic
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Olympic Hopeful - Masterlist
A Stranger Things Figure Skating AU
Slowburn FigureSkater! Steve Harrington x Y/n x HockeyPlayer! Eddie Munson
Inspo: Stranger things, being a pairs skater my whole life, and Spinning Out (Netflix)
Summary: Y/n was on track to win gold at nationals and go to the Olympics with her pairs partner, when he dropped her during a lift. Their scores plummet and her partnership is over when they don’t hit the podium. Back in her hometown to recover from the injuries, she catches the eye of someone at the rink. After he convinces her to give pairs skating another try with a new partner, someone else at the rink wants to show her that there’s more to life than skating.
Warnings so far: (all warnings are listed on each chapter) Sports injury, swearing,
Masterlist / Cp. 1 /
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All but the Medieval one is on my Master List but...
1- Eddie uses his little black book that he keeps record of all his deals to help Steve out of a jam
2- Steve is the Scarlet Pimpernel and the party, his League.
3- Five times one of the kids thought Steve was making out with one of the older teens and he wasn't and the one time they caught him making out with Eddie
4- Reality star Steve and Rockstar Eddie.
5- Hockey Steve and figure skater Eddie become doubles partners
6- Robin is sent live with her creepy uncle in the middle of a small town. She befriends townie, Eddie to solve the mystery of the secret garden and the boy kept locked away (Steve)
7- Eddie is accused of murder, journalist Steve thinks he's innocent
8- Eddie is made court jester to Steve's dad when his family is disgraced but doesn't have time to get to know him before he dies and Steve is made king. They fall in love.
9- Eddie and Wayne are in Witness Protection after vecna and the lynch mob. Al Munson blows into town and takes Wayne hostage thinking Wayne's in witsec because he was hiding money. Eddie is forced to call the one person who could help you with the ransom. Steve Harrington. A man who thinks Eddie was dead.
10- Time Travel loop from Vecna's POV. He loses. A lot.
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Steddie Fic Recs: Recently Read Edition
I've been reading a metric ton of Steddie fics for the last year, and I have this habit of keeping track of every single fic I've read and am going to try and turn those recs out into the universe starting with some recently read fics in no particular order:
oh, happy dagger on sunshine bones by Inallthingsgoodorbad (Mature, Complete, 115k)
"He washes his wounds off, sparingly, with water this time. He figures it’s probably time to do so. Maybe he’ll be okay.
He falls asleep in the bathtub with a chair wedged against the bathroom door to keep it from opening.
He dreams he’s hanging on in the back of the RV they stole, and Steve Harrington is yelling at him.
“Hang on!” he’s saying, “Hang on!”" —————————— Eddie Munson is stuck in the Upside Down. Barely alive. Steve Harrington is trying to sleep and failing at it, miserably. What a strange thing it is, to save the world alongside friends and come away from it with nightmares and loneliness.
(As a note: I really really loved this one when I read it)
Swing and a Miss by deadonarrival (Explicit, Complete, 35k)
“Hey so … I have some mixed news,” Steve says. “Uh oh,” Eddie says, “are they changing your position, are you gonna be a — like a third base catcher man?” Steve laughs and shakes his head, “no, nothing that bad - I found out more about the whole like, bringing a person along thing.” “Oh cool,” Eddie says, sliding down on the couch next to him, “do I get like a fancy VIP pass?” “You do,” Steve says, “there’s just one catch.” “Okay?” Eddie asks, tilting his head and reaching for the tv remote. “Apparently they usually reserve the box for the wives and girlfriends … so either you’re gonna have to be my boyfriend or you’re going to have to sit in the stands with the fans.” Eddie makes a noise that must register to Steve as alarmed or upset because he rushes to finish. “It’s not that bad, you just need to like, pretend to be my boyfriend so you can sit with the other WAGs and like, then you can be in the box and have all you can drink alcohol and snacks.” “Did you agree to this!?” Eddie asks. “If I say yes, how mad are you going to be?” Steve asks.
(I loved seeing all the wags in this one and I'm a sucker for a fake dating premise)
rest below the cut for space saving
the chauffeur by brattyspice (Mature, Complete, 15k)
"He had intended on a normal drive, really, just cruising at the speed limit to clear his head. But upon passing the last house on the stretch for miles, the long, empty road looks suggestive. Maybe even a little seductive. A bad itch builds from the base of his spine. Swallowing nothing, he presses the gas pedal slowly, eyes continuously flicking down to the speedometer as it climbs exponentially. The drone of the engine changes with it, getting louder, pitch keening, synchronizing with the blood that churns and rushes in and out through his heart, veins, brain.
The needle hovers just over 100mph for approximately one minute and fourteen seconds." - Steve's attempts to return to normal aren't cutting it. When a casual drive turns into something more risky, he learns that a little rush of adrenaline can help. He learns that a little too well.
Around the same time, Eddie starts having car troubles.
The Beginning And End Of Everything by Kwills91 (Explicit, Complete, 80k)
Steve Harrington has lost everything. Head injuries forcing him to retire from the sport he loves. And he's not sure how to move on.
Until he meets disgraced figure skater, Eddie Munson - who is mounting a comeback.
Eddie and Steve learn that they have more in common than they first think and Steve thinks he's found a new best friend.
But things get confusing when he realises he might want more than friendship.
here i have found some peace of mind by GerryStAmour (Explicit, Complete, 60k)
Steve Harrington works at a hotel in Chicago, responsible for making and managing reservations for groups of all kinds: corporate, tours, entertainment, you name it. When some famous metal band signs a contract for rooms three months ahead of their concert date, Steve is swept into a flirtatious back-and-forth with someone he as been led to believe is the tour manager, Chris Cunningham, and quickly finds himself falling for the man...
Eddie Munson is a rockstar still riding the high of Corroded Coffin finally, finally making it big, but with the fame he finds himself almost lonelier than he was before. So when he answers his tour manager's phone and a nice guy with a cute voice starts calling him "Chris," Eddie plays along and maybe gets a bit carried away...
Read, enjoy, comment & kudo, yell at me about the fics if you want bc I always crave fandom friends ❤️
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