#Fanfiction recs
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sag3-g · 1 month ago
Nightwing Joins the Justice League Fic Recs
Since I've recently become obsessed with the "Nightwing joins the justice league and no one knows he's related to Batman" plot, here is every single one I've read and enjoyed
Batting in the Wings by Jedi_Olympian
| 1/1 | 10,638 | Teen and Up | BirdFlash |
Love is an amazing thing, so when the Justice League believes that their resident paranoid isolationist has found it, they’re happy for him, even if Wally was hardcore crushing on the lover boy.
Or another Justice League thinks Batman and Nightwing are dating.
Come home, the kids miss you by andromarche
| 6/6 | 14,427 | Teen and Up | Multiple ships |
"Well, you've obviously developed better taste since your thing with Batman," Barry said with a laugh.
Nightwing tensed, and paused, "Since my what?"
"Sorry, was it meant to be a secret?" Hal said apologetically, "We all know that you and Batman were like, a thing, at least at some point."
Nightwing joins the Justice League and through a series of misunderstandings, the League jumps to conclusions about his relationship with Batman. Their conclusion: Batman and Nightwing are divorced.
(Tagged teen for swearing and some very light making out)
Cryptids in the Watchtower by Grammar_Beane
| 4/4 | 6,202 | Teen & Up | No ships
The kid glared at Batman with folded arms. Batman glared back in the same position. It was like a mirror, if the mirror de-aged someone several years. Something suddenly clicked in Hal's brain, and before he could stop himself he blurted out, "Oh my God, is that your son?!"
- or -
Batman's identity was a closely guarded secret, and the details of his personal life were even more so. Unfortunately for the Justice League, when a surprise video call raises countless questions about Batman's freaky, spooky, way-too-many and way-too-young associates, getting answers is about as simple and pleasant as pulling teeth.
- or -
the Batfam meets the Justice League and Nightwing juggles monkey wrenches in the background
You didn’t know? By heytheresunshine
| 1/1 | 2,522 | General | Minor BirdFlash |
Nightwing joins the Justice League, and the team learns something new about their resident Bat.
The One Where the Justice League Almost Didn’t Figure it Out By batsandthebirds
| 8/8 | 16,293 | Teen & Up | No ships
“I can vouch for him,” Cyborg said, sitting up straighter. “We’ve worked together before. I can’t promise he’d want the job though. He works out of Bludhaven, last I checked.”
Dinah perked up from where she was slumped against the table next to Oliver. “That’s next to Gotham. Batman, what do you know?”
All eyes immediately turned to where Batman sat with his arms crossed, looking impassive as always. There was a long moment of silence and the corners of Batman’s mouth turned ever so slightly downward. Finally, in a flat tone of voice that gave no more away than his face ever did, he said, “He’s… well trained. Fast. Could be useful.”
Also known as, the League eventually figured out that Nightwing is Batman's son, but it takes a while.
Based on this post that I initally wrote on my Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/bats-and-the-birds/749291233997963264/there-are-a-lot-of-fics-about-the-justice-league?source=share
Nightwing Nominated By Cruz1702
| 1/1 | 1,967 | General | No ships |
Batman looked around the room, “Anyone else we'd like to review before we decide the new leaguers?”
“yes" said Flash, "I nominate Nightwing”.
Hal scoffed as he put his feet on the table "yeah sure, and I nominate the tooth fairy"
Or, the one where the JL doesn't know about the batfamily, but have heard rumours of a vigilante in Bludhaven.
In Love With Justice By Jedi_Olympian
| 1/1 | 9,819 | Teen & Up | SuperBat & BirdFlash
Batman is notorious for his secretive ways, so when the Justice League meets someone he associates with, they naturally have questions. The questions continue to pile up when it’s clear that Batman is rather. . . close to him.
Or the Justice League thinks Batman and Nightwing are dating.
Last Updated: January 17th 2025
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envythemouse · 9 months ago
I'm back to reading Sam/Dean fics again and I gotta say my favourite ship in the fandom is Sam Winchester/apocalyptic Dean even though it's not something a lot of people have written about.
Endverse Dean knows what it's like to live (if you can call it living) in a world without Sammy and has gotten the time to realize and regret all the mistakes he made with Sam.
All the things he said/did and can't take back.
And then he time-travels to season 5 and gets to make everything right again with Sam, even though his past-alternate self keeps fucking everything up.
Clingy Dean who had to live without his soulmate for years/clingy sam who thinks his brother hates him makes for the perfect hurt/comfort fic, honestly.
Meanwhile, you've got Dean from the original timeline being jealous (because hey, that's his Sammy!) and not understanding how his other self is so open about his love for Sam.
Endverse Dean probably regrets turning down all the chick flick moments from before and regrets not having held Sam when he still had the chance... now that he finally has his little brother back? He's going to do everything right this time. Even if this Sammy already has a Dean, even if quitting hunting is what makes Sam happy.
Endverse Dean watching his alternate self still having a little brother and neglecting him:
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Quick Endverse Dean/Sam Winchester rec:
Another Go Round by KassandraScarlett
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spdrvyn · 10 months ago
vyn's ao3 fic reccs — went on a bookmarking spree yesterday (instead of studying oops) so here we are. please enjoy and make sure to check these creators and their lovely, lovely fics if you have the time!
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maybe things were going to be just fine? by gogoberry2 — i really enjoyed the banter between miguel and reader here! author makes miguel so sassy that it's pretty entertaining to read.
amor vincit omnia by ely__sia — absolutely gut wrenching yet wholesome knight!au with miguel. he's so incredibly broody in this one yet so, so loveable.
of apples and oranges by bloodstained fingers — it's such a simple idea yet so well-executed and all with our favorite spider-man <3 miguel's really cute in this one, i love the domesticity of it
the world is full of noise (and i hear it all the time) by music4masses — miguel and reader's relationship in this fic feels very natural. made it feel real butterflies when i read tbh! should defo check this out
there's no distance (between you and me) by dylf — miguel really showing his role and instict as a protector/caretaker in this one! the spanish also feels natural and very in place (that's coming from someone that BARELY speaks spanish btw)
because by Vesss23 — maybe it's because i like seeing miguel a little angry but who knows! this is a good fic, with some ahaha. very nice. descriptions. of miguel so go, go read it neow!!!!!
the grump & the drunk by t_lostinworlds — by far, my personal favorite. miguel is just so, so charming and handsome yet i can't even see him. the tension is absolutely palpable and the writing just makes you fall in love with him even more
just stay here with me, cariño by kuko_field — i'm such a sucker for clingly, sleepy miguel that it's so bad. this is also another favorite of mine. i have no words, just read it.
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slum-eater03 · 2 months ago
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i ship radioapple (lucifer x alastor) but alastor as the bottom! i use Tumblr, AO3, and Wattpad and am willing to use any other sources for a good fanfic.
i also wouldn’t mind a good fic about SKK (top chuuya preferred) GetoGojo (top gojo preferred) Poolverine (preferred wade as top) and Deancas (either as a top, idrc)
i love angst and i love romance, i love it all, and i enjoy Au’s or OG universes.
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inthedarknessofnight · 2 months ago
24 Steddie favourites of 2024
*sighs* Well, it only took me about a week to finalise this list (I'd hoped to have it ready by New Year's Eve, but here we are). To be fair, I had to go through my entire 2024 history on AO3, and I've read more Steddie fics this past year than ever before (escapism/coping mechanism and all that *cue nervous laughter*). Some of these are newer fics, some are older, some are fandom staples that I only just got around to reading in 2024 (and, listen, if you're gonna come for me with "BuT WhAT WeRe YoU dOiNg iN 2022 AnD 2023", the answer is... mind yer damn business). Oh, and I've decided to sort these alphabetically because actually having to rank them would be like asking a parent to choose their favourite child... impossible.
So, without further ado, here's the list of my top 24 fics of 2024 (only COMPLETED works btw):
"The A is for Ally" by sleepingoffyourdemons
Among the Wildflowers by ParadimeShifts
call me curious by ghosttotheparty
call my bluff when I roll the dice by gayjinkies
Desperado (You better let somebody love you) by ParadimeShifts
Dog Days of Summer by WabiSabiPapi
Forever is the Sweetest Con by HairMetal666
honeymoon phase by Ayes, coincidental, itskleo
I know I've kissed you before (Can I try again) by ChristinMKay
Lovesick in Loch Nora by red0aktree
Petals in a Storm by inairbinad
Roommate Wanted by Lihhelsing, tinkerbclla
seeing daylight by Ayes, itskleo
start by pulling him out of the fire by pricklywhicket
Skull Rock Era by chattrekisses
Summer '86 by how_about_no
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you by greatunironic
Take the Money and Run by thisapplepielife
The Shire is NOT on Fire by kissesforcas
Tuesday's Gone With the Wind by thisapplepielife
Without You I Am the Last of Our Kind by twiceasfar
You Make It So Easy To Love You by MysteriousMidnight
You Put Out Heat Just Like the Morning Sun by thesurefireway
Yours (all along) by ohstars
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betweenthescarletmoon · 1 month ago
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jayce/Viktor (League of Legends), Jayce & Viktor (League of Legends) Characters: Jayce (League of Legends), Viktor (League of Legends) Additional Tags: Angst, Post-Canon, Jayce Has PTSD (League of Legends), Viktor Is Losing His Shit (Still), Implied/Referenced Suicide, Comes Back Wrong, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Psychological Warfare, Against my readers, but also viktor and jayce, Codependency, Unhealthy Relationships Summary:
Jayce and Viktor are hurled out of the anomaly and dropped into the field where it all began. While it seems like the opportunity for a fresh start, Jayce's health rapidly begins to decline. In a desperate bid to save his partner, Viktor makes a series of shocking discoveries about Jayce's body and mental state... leading Viktor to believe that *his* Jayce is not what emerged from the Arcane with him.
Jayce, meanwhile, begins to wonder if he even is himself anymore.
[summary updated as of 1/4/25 - same old capgras, but now i know what the plot is lol]
It’s literally the best portrayal of the unhealthy codependency both of them got going on, as well as a portrayal of their expertise at Avoiding Talking Things Out
Jayce is so so traumatized here y’all, it’s everything I’ve ever wanted and more. Viktor as well struggles a lot with guilt and self-hatred and his inability to die (bc ofc he’s suicidal). See how they both cope by ignoring their issues and trying to obsessively focus on the other. I am so ill from reading this and i need to share
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yolothh · 2 months ago
Heaven knows I need me a jayvik one shot with either a service top or bottom Jayce where neither him or Viktor are hugely mischaracterized, there's no ableism and Mel and Sky aren't there just to justify a display of jealousy from Viktor/Jayce.
Like tell me why I've tried reading some and either Viktor is just sarcastic and straight up cold to Jayce while homeboy is a total dog, or he is an uwu baby and not some 30 yr old guy who grew up in the swamps of Runterra and saw his fair share of shit while Jayce is on some kind of highschool sexy quarterback behaviour.
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butcherlarry · 10 months ago
Weekly Fic Recs 62
Work slowed down a bit so I was able to get in some more reading :) One of the fics on the list has some awesome art too, so be sure to to check that out.
Star Tied by Imagine_sleeping - Superbat, wip. An update to the fic where Krypton still exists and adult Kal-El is looking for his soul mate :)
Dick Grayson and the Lack of a Social Media Manager by soyasauce - Batfam, complete. This is part of the Bruce is - involuntarily, he may add - the president of Gotham series. Dick is interviewed on a talk show about Bruce and his marriage to the superhero Batman. Shenanigans ensue.
The Bat and the Bird by supermanstoddlerleash - Superbat, wip. Alien bird Kal-El crash lands in Gotham. Batman in on the case!
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 - Superbat & Batfam, wip. More of mer Bruce! Tim wakes up after some recovery from his injuries!
(Love) Triangles Have Mulitple Centers by frozenpotions - Superbat, wip. The love polygon gets even MORE complicated after Batman makes out with reporter Clark Kent. It also sounds like there is a perfectly normal date with NO SHENANIGANS in the future with Bruce and Clark. I am REASONABLY EXCITED about this.
Playing The Park by Elegitre - Batfatm, wip. Not only am I a sucker for omegaverse fics, but I am even more of a sucker for SECRET OMEGA omegaverse fics. Tim hides omega dynamic from the batfam. Shenanigans ensue.
here in our bed by TheResurrectionist - Superbat, complete. A sequel to Slade/Bruce fic, here as I am, where Slade fucks Bruce to sleep. This fic takes place immediately after when Clark visits Bruce in the morning as Slade is leaving. JEALOUSLY (and sexy times!) ENSUE!!!!!!
Get Familiar With Me by JUBE514, SalParadiseLost - Batfam, complete. A magic AU, where the bat kids are witches and Bruce is the familiar who they channel their magic through. Well, almost all the kids are witches, except for Tim. This causes a bit of drama :) There is also some lovely art of this au from jube-art! I love their adorable ears :)
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy by supermanstoddlerleash - Superbat, complete. This was such a cute fic to read! Battinson is interviewed by Reeves!Clark and then go on a date. Literal black cat and golden retriever energy that I didn't know I needed in my life.
nightcall by TheResurrectionist - Batfam, complete. An outsider's POV fic! A GPPD officer has a recording of a potential witness to a crime, but no one knows the language they are speaking. The bats are called in to figure out the language.
Echolocation by Violet138 - Superbat, complete. A super cute fic! Clark figures out Bruce needs glasses. Bruce is grumpy about this. Eye puns are used :)
under the heat-struck lily pads by deitybird - Batfam, complete. For some reason, Damian and Tim are getting along. Dick is on the case to figure out why!
Why your brother is in a cage? by Speechless_since_1998 - Batfam, complete. A short fic where Damian comes to the batfam early. Tim is playing with Damian while Jason babysits. Shenanigans ensue.
Padam by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, wip. More of the college AU! @halehathnofury. Hale. HALE! This is my FAVORITE chapter so far! Bless you.
Happy reading!
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susililys · 1 year ago
Continuation of my ShikaTema Fanfic Masterlist, click here for Part 1 or Part 2 :
New Parents / Post Chapter 700 / BORUTO / Nara Family CONT.
Leave The World Behind by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Temari runs into Shikamaru while at the marketplace with baby Shikadai.
Home At Last by: orphan_account M | ONESHOT Married smut, Temari comes back home from Suna.
Newborn by: SpookyMoth ONESHOT Domestic, pregnancy fluff.
He's Only Ten But She Was Only Three by: drowninglinguists ONESHOT Shikamaru is on a mission and Shikadai helps Temari deal with PTSD.
Love and Pride by: silverkunai ONESHOT Father and son sweetness, Shikamaru talks with Shikadai after the Chuunin exam loss.
Father's Brains and Mother's Attitude by: Kimiz ONESHOT Give me Temari and Shikadai, mother son bonding fics anytime!
Raindrops by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Temari goes on her first mission now that Shikadai is old enough, but the Nara boys are taking it hard.
48 hours to live by: Majsasaurus COMPLETE Includes Temari's reaction to the Shikadai bomb situation.
History Lesson by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Mostly Shikadai and Temari talking about the past, Rasa and the Konoha Invasion.
Snapshots by: lisa29 ONESHOT Snapshots of Temari's pregnancy.
How Did We Get Here by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Temari muses on how she came to have a life that includes a loving husband and son.
Shikadai by: SuperAwesomePandaKitty ONESHOT Temari gets abducted while 8 months pregnant, sweet fic.
Tell Me It'll All Be Alright by: SpicedGold COMPLETE Shikamaru spirals as he deals with Temari getting severely injured on a mission.
Favourite Things by: Dunesya ONESHOT Temari gets asked what her favorite thing about Shikamaru is.
Wave of Affection by: Dunesya ONESHOT Temari reflects on life with her family.
The Night Off by: SpicedGold ONESHOT ShikaTema need a break, cue in babysitting uncles.
Waking Up To You by: SpicedGold ONESHOT
A New Perspective by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Shikadai gets to see Temari in action.
Rest, Relax, and Revolt by: SpicedGold COMPLETE One of the best fics I've ever read, where the Sand/Nara family go through a revolt in Suna.
Hachidaime by: ShrimpArmy M | ONESHOT Yessss, was waiting for ShikaTema fics with Hokage Shikamaru
New routines by: clumsydragon28 ONESHOT Mostly Temari and Shikadai mother son bonding, loved it!
First Steps by: KiaraShell ONESHOT Ok, but how cute is this?
Family Life by: Aspire2B ONESHOTS Cute family moments!
Life of the Naras by: shikamarubase ONESHOTS Awww I’ve gone through these so many times.
Obvious Reasons by: LettieB ONESHOT Shikadai asking the real questions.
A Warning by: Awnyaa ONESHOT Fluff, Temari equals deforestation.
Nothing by: thegizka ONESHOT Temari wants to do something for Shikamaru’s birthday, domestic fluff.
Nightfall by: SeaTempest M | ONESHOT Fluffy married smut.
Falling Through the Clouds by: spiritedarray
Moments by: tiashew14
4,572 days later by: therewithasmile
Antics by: eternallove5225 Second chapter in this collection is definitely my favorite. .
Lazy Love by: existence555 Favorite chapters, 5, 7, 13, 24, 25, 28, 57, 68, 76
On… by: ArmchairAnthropologist
Days Gone By by: Adulson
A Troublesome Love by: spiritedarray
Not So Troublesome After All by: BrokenDreamz95
Everyone's Eyes by: TaintedMoonlight
Approximation by: lollipop-mania
They Are Good at Many Things by: lollipop-mania M
Troublesome Crybabies by: ichilover3
Shadows of a Nightmare Future by: Mr Gr33d COMPLETE This was such an interesting and good read. Time Travel AU where Shikamaru goes back in time to save Temari and Shikadai.
unattainable, irreplaceable, you by: teatin COMPLETE This is so insanely good, ShikaTema on opposite sides of a war, unresolved feelings.
The Day Bleeds by: pieceofmind22 COMPLETE I usually don't read fics with character death, but this one was really well done.
Salt by: Comatosejoy INCOMPLETE Temari has to go in hiding due to Rasa giving her hand away in marriage, just one chapter shy of being completed.
The Rules by: lafolleconnasse M l COMPLETE This one gives me some intense feels, so well written!
The Desert and the Deer by: nahra M l COMPLETE Death God Shikamaru, someone commented that this could be an award winning movie and honestly…facts!
Trial of the Heart by: Majsasaurus M l COMPLETE Really intense, dark, and well written. Took me some time to finish reading it cause our beloved family goes through some extremely rough times. Jinchuuriki Shikadai. Happy Ending.
Grandmaster by: notquitejiraiya (lethargicshadowlover) INCOMPLETE I usually don't like to read alternate universe fics for ShikaTema, but I’ve been enjoying this one.
Warriors Heart (A Prequel to Fated) by: CeeCeeK COMPLETE ShikaTema as samurais.
What it Takes to Make her Smile by: TaintedMoonlight COMPLETE This used to be one of my favorite fics growing up. Fairy AU.
Of Sand and Shadow by: CinderRoses M | COMPLETE Shikamaru and Temari meet in completely different circumstances when he's abducted by Suna Anbu. Really enjoyed this!
Book One- The Enemy by: SillySnowden11 M | COMPLETE This is such a good read! The villages are at war with one another and commanders ST end up having a tentative alliance. Slow burn romance.
New Blood by: JFalcon COMPLETE Very long multi-chapter fic that includes many other characters, but it has ShikaTema as the main relationship throughout and is very well written.
This took me so long to make, but honestly I've always wanted to have a list of all my favorite ShikaTema fics all in one place. Hope this makes it easier to enjoy all of these amazing works! Thank you to all the writers who have made my days better throughout the years!
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fanatic-freakshow · 10 days ago
I ask of you, fellow HOB fan with more knowledge than me, for fanfiction recs. What I want? Glad you ask.
I want to know what happened between Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan and how they are now. And I want to know how the relationship between Yin Yu and Quan Yizhen evolved.
I don't care if it is smutty or not, just drop your best recs to answer those questions. Please, as much as I enjoy the searching ff adventure, give me a good kick-start.
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sag3-g · 1 month ago
Batlantern Fic recs
A list of every single the Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne Fics I have read and loved
(the description of all the series by RebeccaAnabelBurrows I did as most don't have any description with them)
Jealousy By theLiterator
| 1/1 | 2,462 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
Written for the prompt: "Hal/Bruce - Jealousy" on tumblr.
Hal meets Damian Wayne and then they have ice cream.
Waiting for You By roseangel013
| 1/1 | 807 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
Hal asks Bruce a question and he wants an answer.
you’re the same kind of bad as me By noctiphany
| 1/1 | 1,138 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
DCU, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, “I’m not dying without kissing you.”
(And then they don’t die. And It’s all quite awkward)
Shut Up and Kiss Me By OceanusAporia
| 1/1 | 1,675 | Not Rated | Batlantern |
This was just ridiculous – how fucking messed up was Bruce’s head? Because Hal had thought he had a pretty good idea of what bats where in that belfry after years of being teammates, friends, even and fucking around, but apparently he hadn’t even made it to the surface of things fucked up in Bruce Wayne’s mind.
Bruce and Hal attempt to have a discussion.
Tumblr Prompts By lindenwaverly
| 1/1 | 791 | General | Batlantern |
Posts from prompts I've gotten from tumblr
Off Kilter By kaijulicious
| 1/1 | 784 | General | Batlantern |
Hal's want list at the moment is really simple. Bruce's hand. Specifically he wants that hand in his. And honestly, what the fuck?
Meet the Boyfriend By Barid (Finale)
| 1/1 | 226 | General | Batlantern|
Diana would like to know about the rumored green glowing hero. Bruce would like Hal to not bleed on the floor.
Recruitment By Barid (Finale)
| 1/1 | 385 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
So how would Hal Jordan be recruited for the Justice League?
No Emerald Light By Finale
| 1/1 | 466 | General | Batlantern |
So where is Hal Jordan...?
for want of twenty bucks By BoyishStutter
| 1/1 | 366 | General | Batlantern |
"The question was not the problem, the real problem was the men who answered said question. Key word being: men. As in, more than one."
Hal asks a question with surprising results.
arm your fears like soldiers (and slay them) By BoyishStutter
| 1/1 | 759 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
Bruce likes to be prepared. Hal understands.
Wtf is a "Present" and where do I find one By almondrose
| 1/1 | 750 | General | Batlantern |
It's Hal's birthday, and Bruce wants to get him something special.
you know what they say about roses By moneystcroix
| 1/1 | 1,285 | General | Batlantern |
It's Valentine's Day. Cheesy poems, chocolates, and teddy bears are Hal's world. Diamonds, roses, and private beach vacations are Bruce's.
What's their middle ground?
Poisoning Pigeons in the Park By Meduseld
| 1/1 | 439 | General | Batlantern |
"Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?"
Baby Daddy By Meduseld
| 1/1 | 580 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
"It could be worse."
when the world is against you By Pomfry
| 1/1 | 834 | Not Rated | Batlantern |
“Bruce, today is your big day,’ Dick says teasingly, a mischievous grin on his face that makes Bruce’s stomach drop to his shoes.
“What did you do,” he asks, not even wanting to know.
Dick only cackles and launches himself into the air, grabbing onto the chandelier in a move that never fails to make Bruce’s heart stop for a second.
“Dick, what did you do?”
Don't Throw Me Away By rakketyrivertam
| 1/1 | 1,362 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
Hal wasn't blind, he noticed how much Clark made Bruce smile.
don't need the night By Pomfry
| 1/1 | 375 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
“I would die for you."
"Please don’t."
and with one kiss By Pomfry
| 1/1 | 413 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
“Unfortunately, you’re my favorite person on this planet."
“Why, thank you."
make this place your home By Pomfry
| 1/1 | 1,360 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
Hal can’t wait to meet his soulmate. He’s had little flowers sprouting from his knees and knuckles for as long as he can remember, dark blue flowers that cover his entire hand. His brother jokes that they must have a big personality, and Hal can’t help but agree. He hopes they do, actually. He’s been informed many a time by his teachers that he’s a handful, and he thinks that his soulmate will have to have a big personality to compare to that.
Undeniable By DrewWrites
| 1/1 | 1,317 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
It makes sense when Bruce Wayne is seen kissing the Green Lantern.
Well, it makes sense in the way that anything else makes sense in Gotham City.
Baby Steps By Barid (Finale)
| 1/1 | 1,964 | General | Batlantern |
Sometimes you need to take baby steps to figure out how to make a move
The Silent Language By McJones
| 1/1 | 1,949 | General | Batlantern |
Inspired by a convo with @ allhailthewatcher: Bruce I-don’t-need-to-speak-this-vague-grunt-expresses-all Wayne can communicate quite fluently with body language and nonverbal cues. The (Batfam) have whole conversations with their shoulders. Alfred occasionally laughs at a particularly well-timed eyebrow twitch and the others get so distressed and baffled. Well, I didn’t base this in the manor like suggested but did enjoy playing in the sandbox.
Fake News By ViiA01
| 1/1 | 3,876 | Mature | Batlantern |
In which Oliver is offended that Hal picked Bruce to be his Sugar Daddy instead.
Or... something.
what happens in vegas By noctelle
| 1/1 | 2,211 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
The one where Bruce and Hal get drunk and wake up married in Vegas.
Positive Mishap By KR_RoseBlock
| 1/1 | 1,025 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
“Yeah, hold on. Let me just grab my– Oh my god.” A voice cut through the room, followed by a gasp of another. “Oh my fucking– Oh my god.”
Hal and Bruce jumped apart in surprise and embarrassment, facing the intruders with wide eyes and flushed faces. Oliver and Barry were standing in the doorway with similar expressions.
“Uhhh…” Barry seemed at a loss for words for once. Oh, gods they broke him.
or: Batlantern gets found out in the best way possible
You burned my toaster! By ZayRay030
| 1/1 | 1,470 | Teen & Up | Batlantern |
“Morning.” Bruce greeted. “These look good. Thought you would burn them.” Bruce added. Hal shot him a disbelieving look before smirking slightly.
“Oh, like how you almost burned my apartment down by making toast?” Hal asked sarcastically and smirked when he saw the embarrassed look on Bruce's face. He heard a snort and when he turned around he saw Jason covering his mouth.
“I did not almost-” Bruce tried to protest but Hal cut him off again and he revelled in the surprised looks on Bruce's kids faces.
“Please, spooky. There were a bunch of complaints and someone asked me if everything was okay because they had thought if I fell asleep while making myself breakfast.” Hal said, smirking and leaning against the table.
Hal decided to make breakfast and bickers with Bruce. He's children watch shocked as their father figure in slammed. Maybe they judged Hal to harshly. After all those pancakes or amazing.
Clothes (A piece of you) By flaminpumpkin
| 1/1 | 895 | General | Batlantern |
Hal keeps stealing his turtlenecks and Bruce doesn't understand why. Until Hal has to leave.
8-Bit Quality Time By The_Shy_One
| 1/1 | 1,924 | General | Batlantern |
From a tired mistake, Hal ends up spending time with Damian.
A Study in Soulbonds (Unrelated Works) By RebeccaAnabelBurrows
| 33 works | 173,364 | Incomplete | Batlantern |
A series of fics where Hal & Bruce are soulmates, all Fics have different ways the soulbonds work
A Study in Secret Marriage Reveals (Unrelated Works) By RebeccaAnabelBurrows
| 22 Works | 81,776 | Incomplete | Batlantern |
A series of fics where Hal & Bruce are secretly in a relationship and Married and how it gets revealed to their friends and family
The Bruce Ring Verse By RebeccaAnabelBurrows
| 2 Works | 13,522 | Complete | Batlantern |
Starts off with them being in denial about being on dates to Hal getting a concussion and waking up confused where his ring is, and it's not the lantern ring he's on about.
5+1 By RebeccaAnabelBurrows
| 6 Works | 28,928 | Incomplete | Batlantern |
A series of 5+1 starring Hal and Bruce's Relationship
Last updated: January 19th 2025
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fairydares · 1 year ago
"Tales of Fairies" by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley is a FT fandom all-timer, of course, but some of the chapters in particular hold such a special place in my heart. Just a few off the top of my head, in no particular order:
the one where Reedus paints yaoi of Natsu and Gray to promote public interest in the guild lmfao
the one Team Natsu makes him pull the cart since he can't ride in it
the viking AU. idek if i like the Nalu or Jerza one better [part 1 (Nalu), Part 2 (Jerza)]
The War of the Roses AU, while not actually probably one of my top favorites, is objectively amazing (major character death warning for this one at the end) [Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, Part 6, part 7, part 8, Part 9 (really a prologue), part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, End]
the AU where Natsu convinced Lucy to marry him before bringing her to Fairy Tail (the chapter about the aftermath of Natsu leaving is so good) [part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 (Edolas), Part 6 (aftermath of natsu leaving)]
the one where they all revert into children and Lucy's spirits & the remaining adults have to take care of them (Gildarts getting the chance to be his dad when she was a little girl is cathartic and sweet)
The Gangster AU (from the OP)
The one with the Pied Piper trying to kidnap the Fairy Tail kids and giving them back
The one that explores Laxus's and Mystogan's friendship
Nalu and Gruvia child's first kiss
Chapter where Fairy Tail found Future Lucy earlier in the GMG arc (some primo Nalu jealousy in this one 👌)
A deeper exploration of Natsu dimly remembering Wendy at the beginning of the Nirvana arc
Chapter where Natsu vanished with Mavis and Zeref (angsty but hopeful/happy conclusion)
hmm there's definitely more but i can't think of em now. also if i remember later maybe i'll come back to try to link the specific chapters
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imperatrice21 · 4 months ago
any Megumi & Toji bonding fics either where he doesn't die or Megumi finds him and basically a Toji redemption arc with Megumi
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allastoredeer · 11 months ago
Hello I got some bottom!Alastor fics l’d like to recommend to u!!!
“Written in Scripture by PitFTW” this is actually a series divided in 4 parts. The first two parts are about Charlie turning into a porcelain doll with no warning as a result of a destiny written in Scripture by heaven. To get her back hell goes to war against heaven and that’s when Lucy decides to make a pact with Al, to give him more strength so they can fight side by side. I love the Constantly Battlefield flirting between the two, meanwhile they slaughter angels left and right, and half of hell thinks they are fucking lol…but they didn’t…yet
The 3 part is a Bottom!Lucifer, and the 4 part is Bottomo!Alastor which is my favourite. I don’t want to ruin all the fun so I am just gonna say that there is bluetooth vibrator involved in there eheh
“With a Coffee and a Caress by winterveritas” 4 times Lucifer touches Alastor and 1 time Alastor touches him back. This fic is so cute, and one of my fav scene was when Al’s shadow started filtring with Lucy by giving him flowers, and Al comes a moment too late, always offended by the sheer audacity of the thing lol
Nice bottom!Alastor at the end🫠
“A Terrible Beauty by ReminiscentBells” this series is not finished yet, and it has 3 part for now. The story starts when Al meets the devil in a radio camp, during the war and he hasn’t forgot him since. I love how it explore Alastor new born feelings towards Lucy and how sometimes he doesn’t feel to be enough for him, but Lucy is always there, patient and caring. A lot of bottom!Alastor and domestic fluff. Absolutely recommend this one🫶
OH HOO HOO! Twosouls, you really came in to feed me, huh? I am NOT complaining, these look delicious.
That Charlie porcelain doll one, especially 👀 the whole premise sounds so, so intriguing. I can handle a little top!Alastor (so long as it's done a certain way). I'm so excited to get into all of these! I've added them to my lists!
Thank you, thank you 🙏
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inthedarknessofnight · 6 months ago
Since summer is slowly coming to a close over here in the Northern Hemisphere and we’re all eagerly awaiting the first autumn chill, it’s the perfect time to cling onto those summer vibes for just a little while longer (yes, I am super nostalgic about the seasons changing, can you tell). It’s why I’ve decided to put together a little list of my favourite *atmospheric Steddie fics* that, in my opinion, are the perfect way to round out the summer of 2024. So, without further ado…
End of Summer Steddie Fic Recs
1. Summer ‘86 by how_about_no
An incredibly wholesome fic in which Steve and Eddie slowly fall in love over the course of a week, spent at Steve’s beach house. Very fluffy, very flirty.
2. honeymoon phase by Ayes, coincidental, itskleo
For starters, we get mechanic Eddie. I don’t actually know if this one is set in the summertime, but essentially, Steve gets left at the altar and takes Eddie, his best friend, on a trip to Italy, which should have been his honeymoon. Vivid imagery of warm days spent in the Italian countryside. And smut. Obviously.
3. Among the Wildflowers by ParadimeShifts
After the whole Upside Down fiasco, Wayne and Eddie move out to a farm in the mountain valleys of Idaho to try and live a normal life. While Eddie was able to leave behind his entire life, the one thing he wasn’t able to leave behind were his feelings for Steve Harrington. Well, a year later, a broken Steve Harrington shows up on his doorstep. God-tier smut. You have been warned. This one also comes with its own Spotify playlist that takes the reading experience to a whole new level, I highly highly recommend!
4. Dog Days of Summer by WabiSabiPapi
If, like me, you are a sucker for the aesthetic of the Pacific Northwest, you NEED to read this one. Set in a small lake town in Oregon, the story takes place over a period of six years, during which Steve and Eddie go from enemies to friends to lovers. Super vivid imagery and a truly heart wrenching, beautiful story of friendship and love. Honestly, this has been THE fic of the summer for me, if not one of the best Steddie fics I’ve ever read. Absolutely sobbed my way through the last chapter.
I really really cannot sing enough praises to all the fics mentioned in this post, they are all so incredibly good and deserve more love ❤️☀️
Anyways, feel free to drop your own recs in the comments and let me know if you’d like me to do more themed fic rec lists!
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