#fighting tw
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Splinter is really shitty to Draxum, even when Draxum is just spitting facts the moment Splints feels threatened he will legit throw hands with Draxum or say something not for the ears of children. Sadly these sewer walls are thin, and Raph has good hearing.
#ttnm au#ttnm#tmnt#my tmnt au#tmnt au#fighting tw#my au my rules#my au stuff#comic#my comic#tmnt draxum#tmnt splinter#tmnt raph
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The Job (Part 1)
AI-Less Whumptober 2023: 23. Forced to Watch, Alt 25. Stalked Fandom: Peaky Blinders, Tommy Shelby, f!reader, prostitute!reader Summary: Tommy has been hiring you for your services for a while now, but this is the first time he has asked you for help concerning his family business... Word Count: 3205 TW: Fighting, Razor Blades, Blood, Forced to Watch, Stalked, Prostitution, Reader as Bait, Smoking, Implied Death Notes: A HUGE thanks to @loverhymeswith who not only sent me the ask that inspired this fic and supported its writing, but also for getting me into Peaky Blinders in the first place! Part of @ailesswhumptober's event
Mastlist (coming soon)
Part 1, Part 2
“I want to hire you for a job.”
You grinned at Tommy over your shoulder as you finished buttoning up your blouse and began to pull on your skirt. “I’m pretty sure you just did.”
But Tommy didn’t seem amused by your joke. His piercing blue eyes stared at you for a long moment, his face void of emotion and completely unreadable. Then he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. As he placed it between his lips, he said, “A different sort of job. On Friday night, I need you to make yourself look pretty and go down to The Marquis of Lorne.”
“The Marquis of—” you turned to look at him straight on. “Why would you want me to go to that pub when The Garrison is right here? Places like that on the edge of your territory… People there don’t always take kindly to me. Not with my reputation and all that.”
Tommy took a long drag on his cigarette. “It’s precisely because of your reputation that I’m asking you to go.”
Placing your hands on your hips, you asked, “And why, pray tell, is that? What are you expecting me to do once I’m there? Because I’ve told you before, I pick who I service and I won’t have you demanding–”
“It’s nothing like that,” Tommy said, calmly. “Like I already told you, it’s a different sort of job. Your reputation alone is more than enough to fit my needs. Just go to The Marquis, order a few drinks ‘til you’ve created the illusion you’ve become intoxicated, and then walk out the pub, simple as that. I’ll be waiting for you after at my stables down by the canal.”
“And why do I feel like that’s not your whole plan? It still doesn’t explain why The Marquis and not some other pub.”
Tommy tapped the end of his cigarette into the glass of water you had left out on the table. You had scolded him about doing so countless times but now did not seem like the moment to comment on it. Raising the cigarette to his lips once more, he said, “There is a new gang trying to move in on our territories. They think we haven’t noticed and we mean to put an end to it before they realize we caught on. They frequent The Marquis on Friday nights so I need you to go in, get their attention, and once you have made them believe your tongue is nice and loose, I want you to start spilling all of the Peaky Blinders’s secrets— the false ones I tell you to say, of course.”
“Ahhh…” you nodded, the final pieces of the puzzle falling into place. “You want me to make them believe you’ve let slip sensitive information when you come to me for my services. Which is why you want me for my reputation. They’ll think Thomas Shelby’s favorite whore has caught him with his pants down in more ways than one.”
“I’ve always said you were a clever one.” For the first time since he had gotten dressed, something akin to a smile ghosted across Tommy’s lips.
Walking over to where he was sitting, you plucked the cigarette from his fingers and placed it in your mouth. You inhaled before slowly blowing the smoke out right in Tommy’s face. “So, that’s it? I provide these fools who are crazy enough to try and challenge you false information on the Peaky Blinders and then just go along my way?”
Tommy ignored the smoke as he reached out and took his cigarette back, his fingers lingering for a moment as they brushed against yours. “Like you said, these men are fools. They’ll believe your deception. And when you leave the pub announcing you are going to sleep it off in one of the Peaky Blinders’s empty stash houses, they will follow you. And I will be waiting.”
You had to admit, it was a clever plan. Due to the popularity of the Peaky Blinders and the constant gossip surrounding them, everyone throughout Birmingham knew who you were and about your weekly dealings with Tommy Shelby. Everywhere you went, whispers seemed to follow you and you often caught people pointing or staring. Not that you usually minded. It was actually rather good for business. After all, what man wouldn’t want to say they had bedded the same woman as the head of the Peaky Blinders?
But while you had been servicing Tommy weekly for almost a year, he had never asked you to get involved in any Peaky Blinders business before this. In fact, Tommy had made it very clear from the start that you were to have no part in that aspect of his life. You were his momentary escape, a place where he could spend an hour or so without the weight of the world on his shoulders. So for him to come to you now asking this…. He must be more concerned about the other gang than he was letting on.
“And what happens once I lead them to the stables? I’m guessing you aren’t looking for a friendly chat.”
“You just get them there and leave the rest to me,” Tommy said as he dropped the remains of his cigarette butt into your glass of water. Standing, he placed his large hands on your shoulders and gave you a tight smile. “So, do we have an arrangement?”
Biting your lip, you mulled the question over for a moment. Tommy was a brilliant strategist and you had no doubt his plan would work. But his brush off of your questions about what happened afterward had a knot forming in the pit of your stomach. However, it was ill-advised to say no to someone as powerful as Thomas Shelby, so somewhat reluctantly, you said, “Fine. But I expect double my usual fee.”
“Done.” Tommy gave your shoulders a soft squeeze then turned to grab his cap off the table. “I’ll send Polly around in the morning with the details of what you should say. She can also help you find something to wear. Then head to The Marquis on Friday at seven and you know what to do.”
His hand reached for the door, but you called out, “Tommy” – he paused and turned to face you – “I’ll do what you want this once because it’s you who’s asking, but I’m not a Peaky Blinder. And I won’t have anything else to do with their business or transgressions. I don’t want to be involved with that lot. Are we understood?”
For a moment, Tommy didn’t move as he stared at you, save for one exaggerated blink of his icy blue eyes. You wondered if you went too far and said something you shouldn’t have. But then, he nodded, his tongue sliding across his full lips. “Understood.”
You smiled in relief and ducked your head, but before you could thank him, Tommy walked out the door.
As with most of Tommy’s plans, everything that Friday night went exactly as he predicted. Polly ended up bringing you a flashy new dress to wear that Tommy had purchased and from the moment you stepped into The Marquis of Lorne, you felt the weight of dozens of eyes on you. From there, it was easy to loudly drop Tommy’s name and your connection to him as you pretended to drink—as well as your “top secret” facts about the Peaky Blinders. Your table was soon swarmed by the gang members you were targeting, each offering to buy you another drink in the hopes of loosening your tongue further.
As the night wore on, a few of the men began getting more familiar with you than you were comfortable with, but you maintained your drunken facade and smiled through it. In your line of work, you had dealt with much worse before. However after one man stuck his hand up the bottom of your dress, you decided things had gone far enough and you rose unsteadily to your feet as you announced you were taking your leave. The men tried to convince you to stay or let them walk you home, but you insisted you would be alright on your own—there was an empty Peaky Blinders stash house nearby that you could sleep in for the night. You bit your lip to hide the smile threatening to break across your face as all the men’s eyes grew wide and they exchanged telling glances. Tommy Shelby, you are one brilliant man.
As you made your way out of the pub and into the foggy night, you could hear the men following close behind you. This was the part of the plan that concerned you the most. Back in the pub, there were other patrons who would step in if one of the men went too far or you called out for help. But out here on the empty road in the middle of the night, you doubted anyone would come to your aid if the men decided to approach you. You just had to trust Tommy knew what he was talking about and they would be more interested in finding the fake stash house than harassing you.
You breathed a sigh of relief as Tommy’s stable came into view. He had promised to meet you but as you got closer, there was no sign that anyone was there. Hesitating by the door, you wondered what you should do. There was no back door that you knew of so if something had happened and Tommy wasn’t there, you would be trapped inside alone with the gang between you and the only way out. But even if you decided to leave and continue on down the road, the gang would continue following you until they eventually grew suspicious and confronted you. So there was really no choice. You said a quick, silent prayer that Tommy was waiting for you, and you stepped inside.
You continued walking until you reached the far wall of the stable, but still, no Tommy. Your heart was beating furiously in your chest as the men behind you began to call out to you—crude, drunken taunts, and horrifying descriptions of what they were going to do to you. Spinning around, you looked everywhere desperately trying to find anything you could use to protect yourself with, but there were only a few hay bales. Trembling, you sunk to the ground and waited for the worst to come.
But just as the closest man was about to reach you, a figure stepped into the doorway of the stable, eclipsing the moonlight that had been illuminating the darkened space. Relief flooded through you as you recognized that familiar silhouette. Tommy had kept his word.
The men all turned and must have recognized him a few seconds after you did because a hushed murmur rippled through their group as they looked at him. Despite the fact they very obviously outnumbered him, you could sense the air of fear emanating from them, and you couldn’t blame them. While he may only be one man, this was Tommy Fucking Shelby they were facing. And that should be enough to terrify an army of men.
Tommy began to slowly walk forward, closing the distance between him and the men. As he slipped his jacket off and tossed it to the side, he called out in a strong voice that filled the stable, “Word on the streets is that you boys are trying to move in on our territory. Take things that are ours while you think we aren’t looking.”
He gestured to where you were still huddled on the ground. Now that he had come closer, you could just make out his face. He raised one eyebrow at you, a silent query if you were alright. You nodded shakily and rose to your feet, still pressed tightly against the wall. You felt his eyes scanning you for anything amiss, and he gave a satisfied nod when he deemed you safe.
Then, addressing the men once more, he continued. “You are not the first to think you could come for the Peaky Blinders and I am certain you won’t be the last. But I’m here to make certain that after tonight, you won’t be a problem any longer.”
Tommy came to a stop—his heels clicking loudly together—just a few inches before the closest man. Though his back was to you, you could tell the man was frightened by the way his hands shook as he raised them in the air.
Tommy smiled at the gesture…. then ripped off his cap and slashed it across the man’s throat.
You gasped in horror and pressed your hands to your mouth as a trail of blood flew through the air and splattered on the floor. Almost in slow motion, the man dropped to his knees, a horrendous gurgling emanating from his ruined throat. Then Tommy swung his cap again, using the razorblades sewn in the brim to finish the job, and the man toppled over without another sound.
The stable burst into chaos. The rest of the men rushed at Tommy but he was ready for them. Normally, it would have been near impossible odds with Tommy outnumbered so, but the men had been drinking very heavily back in the pub and their senses were dulled considerably. Tommy was able to avoid most of their attacks while landing blow after blow on the men—his razorblades sending blood flying with every swing.
You of course knew of the Peaky Blinders’s signature weapon of choice, yet this was the first time you had seen anyone use it in action. It was a horrendously strange sight to see: Tommy swinging something so innocuous as his tweed flat cap at the other men just for a burst of crimson blood to bloom in that same spot. And the fluid manner in which Tommy ducked and dodged, weaving his way from one man to the next, was almost beautiful in a way. Like a dancer taking the stage—stage made of blood.
There was no avoiding it. The metallic tang of blood filled the air, burning your nose. Somehow, it even blocked out the pungent smells from all of the horses. Even in only the pale glow from the moonlight, everywhere you looked was dripping red. You had only been spared because you had dove sideways to huddle behind the hay bales next to you once the attack began, but they had taken the full brunt of the carnage. Blood was slowly filtering through the tightly packed hay as it traveled downward toward the ground—the pool on the floor steadily creeping closer to your feet.
You had to escape this massacre as soon as possible.
Eventually, you saw an opening but just as you gathered up your dress to make a dash to freedom, Tommy spun around and pointed one blood-soaked finger at you. “You! Stay where you are.”
You froze, unsure of your next move. Tommy had never said anything about you remaining once you had done your part. Your only job was to lure the men to the stable and he would take care of the rest. Surely he didn’t mean for you to remain here to witness this slaughter?
And yet, he remained standing there with all of his focus on you despite his remaining enemies still swarming around him, blood dripping off of the end of his outstretched finger. So you did the only thing you could. You released your dress, letting the fabric fall once more to the ground, and nodded to him even as you shrank back behind the hay bales, quivering in fear.
Seemingly satisfied that you wouldn’t attempt to bolt again, Tommy slowly lowered his hand and turned back to the melee. There were only a few men still standing—the others were left moaning on the ground as they clutched at their wounds, or worse still, some lay perfectly still in growing pools of their own blood.
With fewer opponents charging him at once, Tommy took a new, less frantic approach to the fight. Instead of attacking with the blades sewn into his hat, he began to use his fists— the sound of breaking bones echoing throughout the open area as his knuckles slammed into noses and cheekbones. One man even dropped like a stone as Tommy drove his fist into the man’s jaw.
And you were forced to watch it all, terrified of what Tommy might do if you even glanced away. The one saving grace that made it even slightly bearable was that the clouds had shifted to partially cover the moon, hindering the visibility inside the stable. But that did nothing to shield you from the sounds or smells surrounding you.
Finally—mercifully—Tommy struck down the last of the gang members. He stood in the middle of the stable, chest heaving, as he looked around at the carnage surrounding him. Like this, he resembled some ancient god of war reveling in his battlefield, washed in the blood of his enemies.
Satisfied the fight was over, he picked his way through the maze of bodies on the floor and stopped before your hiding place. He held out his hand to you, but you ignored it, unable to touch the blood that coated it. Instead, you stepped out from behind the hay bales on your own and stood before him, unable to meet his eye.
He leaned in close until his face was only a breath’s distance from you and he said, “Next time I pay you for a service, you don’t leave until you are given permission. Is that understood?”
“Y-yes, Tommy,” you managed to choke out, tears stinging your eyes.
His eyes flickered over you, and even with such a slight gesture, you felt the weight of his gaze as it examined every inch of you. You had stood bare in front of Thomas Shelby more times than you could count, had him thrust into the deepest part of your core on a weekly basis, and yet, you had never felt as exposed or vulnerable as you did right now.
As his eyes settled once more on your face, he slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a stack of money. He placed it on the hay bale beside you and you shuttered to see his bloody fingerprints stained on the top bill.
“I included a little extra for your trouble.” Your eyes snapped back up to look at him. Despite the circumstances, Tommy’s voice was as calm and level as always. It was the sort of tone one would expect to hear him use when he visited the church or held a business meeting, not when standing there surrounded by the corpses of his enemies and dyed red with their blood.
“Now you are free to go.” He turned and walked calmly back towards the stable entrance. Pausing only momentarily to pick up his jacket, he slid it on in one fluid motion as he added, his back still turned towards you, “I’ll be round Wednesday at my normal time.”
Then he disappeared into the foggy night, leaving you alone surrounded by the ghastly horror he had wrought.
Part 2 coming soon and it will be much more relationship-heavy (plus pretty steamy😉)!
#ailesswhumptober2023#fic#whumptober#tommy shelby#tommy shelby x reader#peaky blinders#cillian murphy#reader#f!reader#prostitute!reader#angst#whump#blood tw#fighting tw#razor blade tw#prostitution tw#forced to watch tw#stalking tw
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Unrest was in the halls, shouting and crashing as bodies feuded. Holed up in his room, Lucid climbed onto his bed, feathered puffed and ruffled with distress. Drawing his knees to his chest and covering his ears with his hands, the young seraph wrapped his wings tightly around himself. A slam of a door, more shouting and thuds, the angel closed his eyes, making a soft whimper. He hated these moments, his empathetic nature rattled by the negative forces.
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@theindescribable1 cool glasses you got
(Can i have a persona ref for you idk how to draw your lower half-)
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bobby cannavale gif pack
CLICK THE SOURCE LINK BELOW and you will find #48 145x150px gifs of Bobby Cannavale as Sergio De Luca in Spy (2015). These were created from scratch by Sveja. Do what you want with these, just don't repost/claim as your own, don't use them to play Bobby or in any smut/smut-based blogs, and like/reblog if using. Bobby was about 43-44 during filming and is Cuban and white (German).
tw: blood, fighting, flashing lights, guns, injury, shaky camera, violence
#**Sveja#fc: bobby cannavale#age group: 40s#age: 1970#gender: cis man#ethnicity: latinx#ethnicity: cuban#ethnicity: white#ethnicity: german#type: gif pack#made by sveja#blood tw#fighting tw#flashing lights tw#guns tw#injury tw#shaky camera tw#violence tw#*
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The thing that's been making @victoriousfidelity nervous all day:
They don’t bear repeating, the things Loki has done to earn back the mad Titan’s trust. Sure, their hands were never clean to start with – almost every Asgardian has fought battles aplenty, the trickster more than most – but the depths they sink to are even lower than those grazed on Sakaar. This time there is no pleasure to distract the mind of a capricious dictator, no fancy spells or flirtatious winks; there is only the cause, only war. Loki deliberately does not count the creatures they slaughter.
Even more deliberately, they do not think of the brand burned into their upper thigh, of the jagged wounds across their back, and the tongue cut from their mouth: the punishment Thanos had insisted was necessary, and which Corvus had gleefully delivered. When it was over the Titan had gazed down upon his adopted ‘child’, voice gravely and tender as he promised the final part of their penance: oblivion, once all the stones are obtained – along with half the universe. And with tear-filled eyes, Loki had thanked him for it.
Their memories are hazy after that, though they are filled with enough pain and killing to make Loki grateful for it. It isn’t until the trickster, now clad in black and gold and dried blood, is sent to Midgard with the Ebony Maw that their thoughts become coherent once more. Maw doesn’t like them one bit. Their one-time torturer, now adopted brother, regards them with open distaste born from their own years of faithful service compared to Loki’s faithless few months. When they make planetfall, the creature binds them and leaves them on the ship, having already served their purpose as an ally with experience of Midgard. In the end, it turns out to be what saves them.
Except ‘saves’ isn’t quite the right word for it when safety is so fleeting. Because Thanos finds them all – Loki, the time stone, the idiots who’ve been dragged along in its wake – and swiftly bends them to his will, claiming the stone for himself and abandoning everyone else except the trickster to die on Titan while they travel to Midgard.
Their single, gossamer chance looms close.
On arrival they are bombarded. Supposedly ‘Earth’s mightiest heroes’, yet they fight like panicked children. Each one hurtling themselves at Thanos in a disorganised frenzy; each one powerless against the stones’ might. It's the perfect distraction: silently, Loki conceals themselves and a duplicate takes their place. Only the witch appears to match him, but her devastating victory – so briefly a moment of glimmering hope to the god – is short-lived. There is no true victory to be had, not while Thanos lives and holds the time stone in his grasp. Everything, it seems, rests on Loki Odinson Laufeyson Thanosson Friggason.
Black boots take one silent, deadly step. Somewhere in the distance is the sound of their brother, of their wife, angry and fighting – or maybe it’s all in their head – but they can’t afford to be distracted, not now. Another step. The end looms closer. Unflinchingly, the Titan crushes the robot skull and grasps his final trophy. Another step, another life snuffed out. Another step, and a moment of admiration for the stone. Another step, and a surge of power as it joins its brothers in the confines of the gauntlet.
Now. Before it is too late.
A flash of emerald eyes and they are teleported astride Thanos’ shoulder, the image of their duplicate fading away as they yank the giant’s head back by his brow ridge and viciously slice a dagger across his exposed throat. There is no exchange of words or looks, not with Loki’s tongue gone and their fingers in Thanos’ eyes, but the god doesn’t doubt for a moment that their ‘master’ knows the identity of his murderer. Black lips split in an insane grin, they slice again, and again, until magenta drips from their fingers and coats the ground before them, until the body of the once-great Titan wavers and begins to overbalance.
It is once he has fallen, neck half the thickness it once was, purple skin drenched in blood, that the god turns their attention to the gauntlet. Lying in the dirt at the end of the dead Titan’s arm, the gold glimmers, stones whispering invitingly. There had been no plans beyond this point, no hopes or dreams or desires… but a careful spell loosens the glove from Thanos’ hand enough to release it. The things they could do with those stones. Loki, ever the survivor, ever the opportunist, slips their hand inside.
#blood tw#murder tw#death tw#violence tw#fighting tw#torture tw#dismemberment tw#weapons tw#please please tell me if i missed one#hope everyone enjoys 🙃#victoriousfidelity#v: variant
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this is all for giggles and i wouldn't be able to take half of them realistically anyways don't yell at me pls
Grim - you’re done.
Riddle Rosehearts - i would never lay a hand on this baby boy but i really fucking could. i have no magic, what’s he gonna do? he’s tiny and i’m a big lady, i could bench press him.
Ruggie Bucci - this boy doesn’t fight fair. but that doesn’t fucking matter. i win. he’s getting yeeted out of the ring.
Azul Ashengrotto - without the tweels this man is nothing, i could throw him around like a sack of potatoes. i don’t know how much i could do to his merform because i don’t know how strong octopi are and i don’t really wanna find out, but i feel like i could still take him bc i run on pure feral energy.
Kalim Al-Asim - he just. he doesn’t have it in him. why would i do that? i can’t. he could drown me. but he can’t. and i just wouldn’t.
Idia Shroud - this man would cower beneath me and think it’s hot but the problem is that he very well could dox me after the fight. lucky for him i think he’s cute and we’d be gaymer autism buddies so i would not fight him. tbh if i DID fight him he’d probably just accept his fate and then Ortho (the other problem) would end me immediately.
Trey Clover - the strong baker arms cannot save him, i am too unhinged. he will run screaming for the hills.
Ace Trappola - he’s going down. he’ll fight back but i throw him against the ground ONCE and he’s done for.
Jade Leech - you give me a nailbat and this man is a goner. i don’t care how strong he is. yes he’s creepy but he isn’t as outwardly feral as Floyd or me, he cannot possibly match me in pure rage.
Cater Diamond - if he’s allowed to use his powers this is an issue. i don’t think i can take multiple Caters, he has so much energy. if not, he’s easy. Cater doesn’t strike me as a strong dude.
Vil Schoenheit - Vil is another that does not understand the pure unadulterated burning fury that resides in my bones and yes he could poison me or whatever, but if we’re talking like just a typical fight he’s gone. he’s not putting up with it, he fought back but he tapped out at record speed. Rook may kill me in my sleep that night though.
Floyd Leech - i don’t care how strong he is either. he gets bored and isn’t that resilient, i get the fuck back up. it’s to the death and i’m very much alive and full of pure rat queen energy.
Epel Felmier - he is smaller than me, but stronger than me, and matches me on rat boy energy so we may be at a standstill.
Deuce Spade - he could beat me if he was mad enough but why would i do that to him?
Headmaster Crowley - in a no magic fight i could Rhea Ripley Riptide this bitch. if there is magic involved though i am simply Dead and he moves up to spot 23.
Silver - the chillest man on earth and therefore does not deserve my wrath but he is a knight and could probs take me down easily. if anything if i fight him then i deserve his wrath.
Jamil Viper - this one is hard but in the end i don’t think i could. he’s spent his entire life protecting Kalim, is a dancer, and a basketball player, AND has hypnosis powers. i dunno if i could compete man.
Leona Kingscholar - there are two routes this could go. either he pins me down and ends my life instantly or he accepts his fate and i get concerned and take him to therapy. no in between.
Rook Hunt - this could go one of THREE ways. one, he snipes me before i have the chance. two, we have a fair fight and he comes out on top bc he’s stronger. three, he thinks i’m hot when i’m ready to end a man’s life and i gain the upper hand. a wildcard if you will.
Jack Howl - no thanks i’d like to not die by having my throat ripped out and also WHY WOULD I?
Sebek Zigvolt - he has spent his entire life training, i’m GOOD thanks.
Ortho Shroud - he could kill me instantly but why would i ever fight my son
Lilia Vanrouge - another whom if i fight them i honestly deserve to die, my beloved Lils. I would have no reason to fight my hubby, but if i for some reason did, he’d kill me on the spot. this man is a father he has KIDS to look after gfdi
Malleus Draconia - he could snap his fingers and i’d be a pile of ash but literally why would i ever fight him? he just wants friends to infodump about gargoyles to?
#fighting tw#fighting cw#twst#disney twst#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland tier list#twst characters#twst headcanons#twst mc#twst yuu#doxxing tw#doxxing mention#twst shitpost
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-Worries about Vince has Drew on the edge of panic. Conner's social awkwardness takes a disturbing turn. Owen's braggadocious post about a one-night-stand has Anya upset that he'll divulge her identity.
Cry Me A River(1)
-When Adam and Dave are tapped to share an in-school radio show called Mano a Mano, Dave has some gender issues with his co-host. Fiona gets the cold shoulder in drama class and cuts school to spend time with Charlie. Clare tries writing a sample assignment for the paper but there's a clash of styles with the paper's editor.
Descriptions from IMDb
#degrassi#degrassi next generation#degrassinextgeneration#sapphirebluejewel#degrassi tng#degrassithenextgeneration#degrassi episodes#Degrassi#fighting tw
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Do you collect anything? And what are some hobbies you have?
James has a passion for three unique collections that reveal the many facets of his personality. First, his collection of cufflinks - each pair a small intricate piece of art - reflects his appreciation for timeless elegance. From classic silver designs to quirky, themed pairs that showcase his sense of humor, these cufflinks are more than just accessories - they are an expression of his style and mood.
then there is his growing collection of guitars, each with its own story to tell. Some are vintage treasures that carry the echoes of past performances, while others are modern masterpieces waiting to create new memories. James spends hours playing each one, feeling the soul of the instrument resonate with his own.
finally his collection of newspaper clippings is a window to his curious mind. These clippings carefully preserved and categorized, cover everything from historic events to obscure, intriguing stories. They sere as a reminder of the world”s endless complexity, and james relishes the connection to history and the thrill of discovering untold tales.
as for his hobby: To james, the fight club was more than just a clandestine gathering of bruised knuckles and adrenaline - it was his cathedral of CHAOS, a place where the veneer of everyday life peeled away to reveal the raw, unfiltered essence of existence. Nestled in the dimly lit basements and abandoned warehouses of the city, the fight club operated in the shadows, away from prying eyes and societal judgements.
each night he descended into the underground arena, james felt a surge of electricity surge through his veins. The air was thick with anticipation, sweat and the muted whispers from onlookers who came to see the spectacle. Here, titles, statuses, and the trivialities of the outside world held no weight. What mattered was strength, strategy and the will to dominate.
James sood at the pinnacle of this primal hierarchy, his undefeated record wasn’t merely a
statistic - it was a testament to his indomitable spirit and relentless discipline. opponents of all shapes and sizes had stepped into the ring, their eyes blazing with determination, only to be systematically dismantled by his unparalleled prowess. Each victory added another layer to his legend, a legend whispered among the members by a mix of awe and trepidation
But for james the fight club was not about asserting dominance over others; it was a battle against himself. With every punch thrown and every dodge executed, he confronted his fears, insecurities and the shadows that lurked within his psyche. The pain was cathartic, the bruises badges of honor, and the blood a sacrament.
he remembered one night vividly - a newcomer, a towering figure with a chiseled physique and eyes that burned with ambition, challenged him. he crowd buzzed with excitement, sensing a potential shift in the club’s dynamic. Would the legend fall tonight? The fight was brutal, each combatant pushing the other to their limits. But in the end, James’ experience and unwavering focus prevailed. As his opponent lay gasping on the cold concrete, James extended a hand, a silent gesture of respect. The crowd erupted, not just for the victory, but for the display of honor in a realm that often avoided it.
Outside the fight club, Tina was the one who mended him. James, the enigmatic collector of cufflinks, guitars, and newspaper clippings- a man of refined tastes and subtle mysteries. But within the confines of the underground arena, he was a warrior, an embodiment of raw human potential untamed by societal constraints. The fight club was his refuge, Tina was his everything, and as long as his heart beat with the rhythm of combat he remained its undefeated champion.
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there's blood on his knuckles, and a headache brewing behind his temples. causing a fight in a foreign country, possibly under the eyes of other royals, is certainly not the best idea dante has ever had, but lately, it seems as if all he has are terrible ideas. maybe, the fact that it's so late in the night that there are only a few occupants, will be his saving grace — though right then, he cannot bother to do anything about it. instead, his chest heaves with the leftover adrenaline, and irritation rises when the bartender throws him out of the tavern. he doesn't know what's happened to the other party in the fight, who was daring and idiotic enough to speak ill of the wechsler name. he doesn't let himself think on why that bothered him so much to break a man's nose, but he suddenly does itch for another drink, as he stands, leaning against the back walls of the tavern. what he doesn't expect to hear is a pair of footsteps coming his way, and dante's eyes snap up to their face. panic, shifts over his eyes as recognition sets in, before he tries to change it back to nonchalance. doesn't do a great job of it. "what — what are you doing here?" when he clenches his fists, the wounds sting, and he welcomes the pain that comes with it. "what? don't tell me you were there the whole time. and well- if you were, i don't have to tell you he looks worse."
#possibly the most chaotic starter ive ever written#blood tw#fighting tw#drinking cw#─ 𝐻𝐴𝑈𝐷 𝐼𝐺𝑁𝑂𝑇𝐴 𝐿𝑂𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑅 𓍢 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒 / DANTE.#─ 𝐴𝐵 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝑅𝐴 𓍢 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 / JULIAN.#espionisms
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We Go Down Together, Chapter 3
Relationship(s): Cassie Perez & Cordell Walker, Ben Perez & Cassie Perez
Tags/Warnings: Captivity, Fighting, Escape, Trauma, Aftermath of Trauma, Poor Mental Heath, Flashbacks, Triggers
Summary: Cassie and Cordell escape captivity. At least, physically they do. Mentally is another story entirely.
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
After what happened yesterday, Cordell wasn’t going to wait around for a rescue anymore. Seeing what they did to Cassie only proved to him that these guys weren’t playing around. They were going to break him or kill Cassie trying and he couldn’t let that happen.
“We’re getting out of here today,” he said quietly after their breakfast was delivered.
Cassie paused in her struggle to reach her MRE without agitating her broken ribs. “We are? How?”
Cordell got it for her, opening it as he handed it to her. “I’ve got a plan. I’m gonna need you to play along with me on this one.”
Cassie nodded and nibbled on her “meal”. “What’s the plan, partner?”
Cordell sighed. “You’re not gonna like it but… I’m gonna need you to play damsel in distress.”
She rolled her eyes. “If it gets us out of here, I think I’ll manage. What do you need me to do?”
At least she wasn’t complaining about it. “I need you to act like you’re really hurt. I”ll call the guards in and tell them they need to help you or I’ll never comply. Once they’re in, I think we can overpower them and get the keys and rescue ourselves and Julia.”
Cassie nodded. “Gotcha. I think I can handle that. Did I ever tell you I was a theater kid?”
Cordell chuckled. “No, but I’m sure that’ll come in handy.”
He waited until after they’d both eaten. He’d started to lose track of time during their captivity, but he knew they had a little time to prepare themselves before the guards would show up for their ��fun”.
“Alright, just lay still and act really pitiful,” he said once they were both ready.
She rolled her eyes but complied. “Ready when you are, Walker.”
He winked at her and started yelling for help, hoping someone was wandering around close enough to hear it. As soon as someone answered his calls, he launched into the play. “She’s not breathing right! I don’t know what the hell you did to her but if she dies, you may as well kill me too because I’m not joining your little anarchy LARP.” He tried not to think too hard about how easy that rolled off his tongue. He also tried not to think too hard about how Cassie’s exaggerated coughs tugged at his heart.
With the men distracted by Cassie, Cordell made his move, tackling the one closest to the door and knocking him out against the metal bars. Cassie then kicked up, knocking back one of the other two guys. Cordell stopped the third from grabbing her and held him in a chokehold. “Where’s Julia?” he hissed. “The woman that was above us, where did you move her?”
“First floor, cell 3,” he wheezed as he ran out of air.
Cordell didn’t let him go until he was completely out and he looked up to see Cassie unlocking herself from her leash. “Got the keys,” she said, brandishing the key ring as she stood up. “Let’s go.”
Cordell nodded and grabbed a spare pistol and a phone off of one of the unconscious men. “Let’s do this.”
They moved through the labyrinth of halls quickly. Almost too quickly. There was no one around the halls to slow them down. Normally Cordell would be suspicious but he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
They made it to Julia’s new cell and he quickly unlocked the door, almost getting a fist to the face for his trouble. Luckily, Julia recognized their voices and they were back in business. They stealthily made their way to an exit and were about to leave- until an alarm sounded for their escape.
They hid behind some boxes while guards ran back to their abandoned cell. Once it was clear, Cordell was ready to lead the charge out of there- until he saw the symbol on the boxes he was crouching behind. He’d seen that symbol before in his Marine days- he couldn’t let these maniacs use what was inside them.
“Cassie, you’ve gotta get Julia out of here,” he said once they reached the door.
Cassie stared at him with wide, confused eyes. “What? What about you?”
“I’ve gotta take care of what’s in those boxes. I know what it is, it’s nasty stuff.”
“I’ll help-”
“No, Cass. You need to go.” He handed her the phone. “Call James once you’re a safe distance away. I’ll catch up.”
Cassie took the phone. “Good luck. We’ll be back for you, partner.”
Cordell nodded. “I know.”
With that, they parted ways.
Running into Sean on his way to hide the dangerous chemicals in the radiation wing was unexpected. So was the grenade Sean pulled out after Cordell shot him in the shoulder.
Cordell didn’t really remember how he made it out. He just remembered that it didn’t really matter once he had his eyes on Cassie again.
They were alive. They were okay.
Everything was gonna be okay.
They were free. The nightmare was over.
She fidgeted in her loose hoodie while she waited in the atrium. She’d already given her statement and was waiting for Ben to pick her up and take her home. But first, she wanted to talk to Walker.
She didn’t even know where to begin on recovering from this. Her injuries would heal, the bruises would fade, but she wasn’t sure when she’d stop seeing that cage every time she closed her eyes.
If anyone would have answers, it would be Walker. He’d been through things like this before. Or, at least, similar things. He’d know how to answer questions she wasn’t sure she could bring herself to ask her new mandated therapist.
“Hey, Cassie.” Speak of the devil, Walker stepped in and walked up to her table. “You need a ride?”
“Uh, no. Ben’s coming to pick me up. But actually, I wanted to talk to you.”
“Uh, sure. About what?”
Cassie took a deep breath and tried to get her thoughts in order. “I…. You’ve dealt with stuff like this before. I mean, probably not exactly this but given your history…. You know how to deal with it, right?”
Walker nodded. “Yeah. Why?”
“....How do you deal with it? Because I’m not really sure what to do. It’s like every time I close my eyes-”
“Cass- Cassie.” Walker pet her shoulder and smiled tightly. “We- We don’t need to unload all that right now. We’re out, there’s arrests being made across the state. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but we’re okay. And after some time… you’ll feel okay. We just gotta keep going, alright? The only way out is through.”
That was…underwhelming advice. She’d been hoping for something a little more actionable. “I… If you say so….”
“Cassie!” Ben’s sudden arrival and crushing hug stopped her from pushing the issue further. She returned the hug just as tight. Part of her wanted to make a joke about missing Ben too but it got caught in her throat. “Thank god you’re back,” he murmured.
“Yeah,” was all she could say.
Ben pulled back just enough to Help her out of her chair. “Thanks for waiting with her,” he told Walker. “I’m just gonna take Cassie home now.”
“Actually, I wanted to ask y’all if you wanted to come to the ranch. Mama’s making a roast and I know the rest of the family would be happy to see you.”
Ben looked at her and Cassie tried not to look back. “I don’t know,” he said. “It’s late and I think Cassie just needs some rest. Maybe we can come over tomorrow?”
Walker smiled the way he usually smiled at members of the DPS brass he didn’t like “What? And waste a perfectly good welcome home party? Come on, it’ll be fun. Why wait to start things off on a good note?”
“That’s a kind offer, really,” Ben said, smiling the same smile he gave to demanding customers. “But I think-”
“I think it sounds great,” Cassie interjected. “I love a good roast.”
Walker smiled a little more genuinely. “Great! I’ll let everyone know. It’ll be great having you there.”
To his credit, Ben stayed quiet about his disagreement until they were in his car. But then….
“You know you don’t have to go if you don’t want to, right? We can just let them have their little family thing and I’ll just take you back to my place. I can just text Liam-”
“It’s fine, Ben.” Cassie tried to smile. “He’s right. Why wait to take things in the right direction? I’m sure I’ll feel better once I’ve eaten real food.”
“I have real food at my place.”
“But they’re expecting-”
“Cas, stop.” Ben sighed. “I know you don’t actually want to go to this thing, okay? I knew as soon as he brought it up. You’re gonna be miserable the whole time because people are going to be asking you how you are and you’re going to worry about slipping up and telling the truth and you’re probably not even going to be able to eat whatever they put on your plate. Just let me make an excuse for you and take you home? You’ll feel better, I promise.”
She shook her head. “Ben, I- It’s not about me pretending and failing. I know I’m not fine and they won’t expect me to be. I just…. I don’t know how to deal with this except to just push through it. It’s not like I’ll feel any better in the morning if I don’t go.”
Ben sighed. “Fine. But we’re leaving as soon as it’s over. Because you are tired and they have no excuse to keep us there longer.”
“Fine,” she agreed. “Just try not to be too ‘overprotective brother’ about it, okay? They’re not the bad guys here.”
That was as good as she was going to get out of him and she wasn’t going to push it.
Though, as soon as they arrived, Cassie wondered if maybe she should’ve. It would’ve given her an excuse not to go in.
Even though she’d accepted the invitation and really did need a distraction from everything, she wasn’t sure she was ready for something like this. The Walker family had a tendency to be intense on a good day and it only got worse when emotions were high. It was only the thought of having to deal with Walker’s worried texts for the rest of the night if she didn’t show that made her walk through the front door.
In all honesty, it could’ve gone worse. There was too much worried hovering and Walker’s disaster of a “graduation speech” didn’t exactly set things off on a good note. But Abeline’s food was as good as ever and no one seemed to want to talk about the elephant in the room.
All in all, she’d had worse family dinners.
After they left, Ben drove her back to his apartment because it was closer. “I’ll take you back to your place in the morning,” he said. “Why don’t you grab a shower and I’ll make some sleepytime tea?”
Cassie smiled. “Sounds like a plan,” she said as she headed toward the bathroom. With the door closed behind her, Cassie got undressed after she started the water. Once she was ready, she put her hand in to test the temperature.
The cold water beat down on her arm and she jerked back, hitting the wall with a cry.
Cold. Cold. Waves and waves of cold. Choking. I can't breathe. They’re laughing. They’re enjoying this.
I’m going to die here.
“-ssie? Cassie?!”
Cassie flinched away from the voice, throwing off the hands that were shaking her shoulders. It took her a few moments to calm down and remember where she was, who she was with.
“You okay?” Ben asked softly.
Cassie shook her head. “I can’t- The shower, I can’t-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay….” Ben rubbed her back and turned off the water. “How about I just run you a bath, hm? I think I have bubbles somewhere if you want them.”
Cassie nodded, not moving from her spot on the floor until he finished.
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Is that [Sean Pertwee]? No, that’s [Alfred Pennyworth], AKA [N.A.]! [He] appears to be [59]. [He] has the abilities of [army training and general weapons mastery] which makes them a powerful [civilian].
Partly because I wanted to join the cool Batfam gang, and also because I love Alfred, and need an outlet for my Britishness, I have decided to pick up everyone's favourite butler. I will warn you from the outset that my knowledge of comic lore is next to none, so I am relying on everyone to fill me on stuff I need to know. My inspiration is drawn 90% from Gotham, and 10% from the Nolan movies, because who doesn't love Michael Caine? With that being said, here is Alfred's backstory, edited a little from Gotham to make it gel with wider Batman lore:
Alfred was born in Whitechapel, London. This was the London of Edward Heath, with civil unrest and strikes occurring regularly. The Pennyworth family always struggled to make ends meet. Everyone did, in those days. It was a hard life -- a tough one -- and Alfred learned that early.
As a boy, he attended grey-brick comp school. He left as soon as he could, and enlisted in the SAS at 18.
Life in the army was brutal. But it was the making of Alfred Pennyworth. He learned how to follow orders, how to be a good soldier, how to fire a gun, how to take a beating, and how to give as good as you got. As a member of 23 Special Air Service Regiment, he undertook secret missions for Her Majesty's government. Dark stuff. Stuff that would make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Stuff that would give your nightmare's nightmares.
He stuck it out for several years, but he knew he couldn't stick it out forever. It would be the bloody death of him. So, he left the army. But you might be able to take a bloke out of the SAS, but you can't get rid of his memories. Alfred was a wreck after he left the service. He got blackout drunk most nights, just to forget the horrors he'd seen, and when he wasn't doing that, he was picking fights with the toughest guys he could find, just to do something.
One night, he woke up in an alley covered in blood. No sodding idea how it got there. So, he went to the closest nick to turn himself in. That was where he met Thomas Wayne, the man who would set him straight and turn his life around. Thomas asked him why he was there, and Alfred replied, "stuff that I was too frightened to even think about." Rather than leave him sitting in the police station, as any sane person would, Thomas asked him to get a drink with him. Who was Alfred to turn down an offer like that? So, he didn't go to jail that night. Instead, he went to a bar with Thomas Wayne.
To cut a long story short, Thomas offered Alfred a job. Alfred's never worked out why. Maybe Thomas knew he needed a butler with something about him, working in Gotham City. Maybe he took pity on him. Whatever the reason, Alfred saw this for the good opportunity it was, and he took it. What was left for him in his home city? The army had done sod all to help him after he'd left. His parents were both dead. So, he moved to America.
He's worked for the Wayne family ever since then. It's done him good. He stood by Thomas and Martha Wayne as they tried to make Gotham a better place. He helped raised Bruce when his parents were away. In a lot of ways, he was the boy's role model. He taught him how to fight, how to defend himself, and how to strategise.
Now, Bruce is Batman and Alfred is a guardian to the children Bruce picks up from the streets. He loves them as if they're his own sons. He keeps an eye over all the antics Bruce gets up to, and offers advice where he can, whether it's taken or not.
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{Cutting this for violence.}
{Idky but I really really wanna write Hanekoma going absolutely feral on someone one day. Not even angel power feral he just literally beats the crap out of someone with his bare fists. He gets so angry and enraged and he just tackles them to the ground and goes ham.}
{I am not projecting I had such a pleasant afternoon. I just envisioned it and now I would like to write it in full. Hm.}
#anonymity annoying me ⤙ooc⤚⚄#I just want the cash transferred to my account ⤙wishlist⤚⚄#violence tw#fighting tw#blood tw#ask to tag
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hikaru shida - shidatube - gif pack
CLICK THE SOURCE LINK BELOW and you will find #180 245x150px gifs of Hikaru Shida as herself in her vlogs, SHIDATube (2020 to 2022). These were created from scratch by Sveja. Do what you want with these, just don’t repost/claim as your own, don’t use them to play Hikaru or in any smut/smut-based blogs, and like/reblog if using. If you like what I’m doing, feel free to commission me (/commissionsinfo) or send me a coffee (/svejarph).
Hikaru was 32-34 during these videos and is Japanese.
tw: implied fighting ; cats, drinking, eating, food, injury
If you would like me to update this with more SHIDATube videos, please send me a commission, request, or suggestion!
#hikaru shida#hikaru shida gif pack#gif pack#fc: hikaru shida#fc: shida hikaru#shida hikaru gif pack#shida hikaru#fc: 30s#fc: japanese#**Sveja#fighting tw#cat tw#drinking tw#eating tw#food tw#injury tw
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Joaquin and Stori
outside the Tipsy Whale
"Yea, well, you're still a dick head with no ponytail!" Stori yelled at the red-faced man, who pointed sharply at her calling her everything but her name. Her response was to wave his cut-off ponytail in his face and laugh. "Fuck you. I bet your truck has those metal balls on it doesn't it?" Stori argued back, flicking the ponytail in a profane manner before flipping red hair in his face. The man turned red and towered over Stori, who only laughed in his face. "Please fuck around and find out." She stepped into the towering man. "I didn't cut your pony, Fabio." Stori flipped it to tickle his nose. "I won it."
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Jace sighed at the rain. He was feeling gloomy and London didn't need to add to that as it seemed to want too though he supposed brooding in the sun or somewhere like the Los Angeles institute would be less ideal. Sadness in style was a better coping mechanism than his usual. Throwing things or people or fighting even demons. He'd never met a bad idea that he didn't like. Golden eyes sleepy as he looked the person over. "You think London ever has a day that says to hell with it and decides to take on that annoying everything is bright sentiment." He grumbles. Not totally directed at anyone.
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