#v: variant
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emeraldxphoenix · 10 months ago
plotted starter for @wildcxrds for Alex
It’s infuriating to travel everywhere by foot. Asgard has horses and ships, and Midgard has cars, boats and planes, but the only transport currently available to Loki is his own two feet. Any use of his magic beyond the basic signature concealment spell he uses would advertise his whereabouts to his pursuers – Heimdall, Thor, Odin – like a fucking beacon. Which would obviously be game over. Not that Loki thinks his adoptive father would kill him for what he’s done ( – though such a sentence might actually be a mercy – ) but the trickster doesn’t doubt that Odin would imprison him, leaving him a sitting duck for Thanos and the punishment sure to follow. All in all, not a viable outcome.
Which leaves him to walk across this damn realm, scurrying from bolt hole to bolt hole like a fox being hunted, or a rat that knows the palace cats are nearby. It would be humiliating, if the god weren’t so focussed on simply surviving. There is no plan this time, no scheme, merely the desperation to keep moving, and the need for his fractured mind and broken body to heal. When that finally happens, if it ever does, the trickster will make a plan.
Dried leaves crunch underfoot as the god comes to an abrupt halt. Between tree trunks, comfortably concealed some distance away, sits the outline of horizontal logs and a low hanging roof. Gaze flicks down his body, over stolen clothes and long, matted hair. Perhaps he can beg – or steal – some aid. Perhaps, out here in the middle of nowhere, his face will not be known. Cautiously, Loki bends his steps towards the cabin.
Thud. One boot makes contact with the lowest step. “Hello?” Thud. And another. “Is anyone here?”. Thud. “I am here to... I need help.” Thud. “I was… lost in the woods. And I… fell.” Slightly lame, as lies go, but hopefully it will do for now.
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emeraldxphoenix · 7 months ago
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The girl’s silent gaze is answer enough to his question. Before him, sitting on the floor of his Essos house, in old and filthy rags, with a tiny dragon on her shoulder, is a girl of one of the most noble bloodlines in the land. His father would have a conniption if he knew. Thankfully, Loki hasn’t spoken to Odin in years, and is wise enough to know what information his mother and brother can or cannot be trusted with; an occurrence such as this is not one to be shared, even within his own household. Bea will be informed, and nothing is kept from Sigyn, but anything beyond that would compromise all their safety. The conflict that led the girl here may be over, but it would be foolish to assume that those remaining have chosen to forgive and forget it all. Best to keep her hidden until the region’s stability is certain.
“Let me guess: your parents sent you away to escape the bloodshed, and somehow you managed to make it to the continent.” It’s obvious, really, when one thinks about it. “But you lost your protectors, and were captured by slavers,” – green eyes flick down to the soiled dress – “brutes who could see neither the humanity, nor the business sense, in properly caring for you.” Lips curl in distaste at the thought. It’s hypocritical, Loki knows – after all, he put money in those slavers' pockets by purchasing her – but he has spent his life working within systems, bribing and threatening, finding loopholes to exploit. He does not have his brother’s naive hope that such systems can be overthrown. People are simply too selfish. 
“You kept this beautiful creature a secret though…” The Mage has his gaze fixed on the tiny dragon, eyes alight with wonder. “Since you wouldn’t tell me your name, will you tell me theirs? Unless, of course, you’ve changed your mind about sharing your name. Or talking to me at all.” Lips quirk in sardonic amusement, certain that such a thing is merely wishful thinking. Still, it doesn’t hurt to try. Speaking of trying, Loki slowly and carefully reaches out a hand towards the dragon, offering it to be sniffed before twisting his hand in an attempt to run a finger down the elegant scaled back. Is it unwise? Most definitely. But the Lysene can’t help his impulsivity sometimes, and the whole situation has his reckless side just itching with curiosity. Just wait until he tells Sigyn about this.
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Sapphire chirps softly and nips at her cheek as if she is trying to comfort the child. They have been through so much together in the short few years they have been alive and Elaena should not feel as weary as she does at the age of eight years old. If she is to be murdered here in Essos, at least she knows her family is awaiting her when the Stranger comes to collect her soul. Mother always warned her of men and refused to send her away with the boys, because she didn't trust anyone around a little girl. Now she is trapped in the household of one and he not only knows of Sapphire, but also Elaena's heritage as it seems. It's not hard to make assumptions after seeing the dragon, because there is only one dragonseed family left in all the continents. No other house is able to claim dragons the way the Targaryens do and even the people in Essos are aware of that, given her father spent a decade living here in Pentos with his first family.
When he asks if she is a Targaryen, Ella doesn't speak but just fixes him with a weary gaze. The silver hair and lavender colored hues are all the answer he needs to that question, alongside the dragon that is currently coiling its tale around the girl's neck and scuttling down her arm to sniff at the air and breathe out a puff of smoke. Sapphire cannot produce fire yet, most dragons can't. Her brother's dragons were almost fully grown when they died and she had never seen them breathe fire. It takes time to develop such abilities and they never had time to grow old enough to learn them. All her brothers and their mounts are gone now. The war claimed them all and there are no dragons left in Westeros, she supposes. What a sad end to the house Targaryen, once mighty and proud, now reduced to a scared child in a completely different part of the world.
When the man claims that she is safe with him either way, Elaena doesn't have the energy to disagree. She was supposed to keep her identity hidden, but that is easier said than done when one sticks out like a sore thumb. The people of Essos are tan skinned, with dark hair and eyes so even on the best of days she is hard to overlook, given how fair she is. If her new master is able to figure out the truth, others will as well. And she is certain there is a formidable price on her head. Even if there isn't, she is sure that people would try to sell her out to Aegon for their own gain and her bloodthirsty uncle would kill her, she has no doubt. The way he came to their home and dragged them before his dragon to slay his own sister - she thinks him a monster. And monsters don't have mercy with children, that is one truth the war taught her.
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sami32e · 7 months ago
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DeviantArt mirror here
Here is a project almost one year in the making: A sprite chart of Undertale AUs and Multiverses. The credits are massive, so I'll keep it brief.
The order of characters in the rows is: Ink, Error, Core, Dream, Nightmare, Fresh, Blueberror, Fatal, Dr. Sans and an extra Outcode.
Undertale & Deltarune by Toby Fox
Underfell by @underfell (Vic the Underfella)
Underswap by Hatsune Miku
Swapfell by Kkhoppang
Hardtale by CedDrawsNear
Fellswap Gold by @blackggggum
Underfellswap by @swapfell
Swapswap ( @swapswapofficial ) by @oranskullblade, Resurgence Swapswap by Dunkly
Dusttale by Osteophile and @ask-dusttale
Remains (Dusterror) by @flapvoir-real
Horrortale by @horrortalecomic (Sour Apple Studios)
Killertale/Something New by @rahafwabas
Paper Jam by @7goodangel
Gradient Sans & @askcomboclub by @roseworks
Quantumtale by @perfectshadow06
Superior Papyrus by Kurbo0
Index Sans & Dr. Clockworx by @tgps-crib
Mr. Paradox by @jaumj
Goth Afterdeath by @nekophy
Paper Crane by @little-noko
Goopytale by @sunnysheadraws and Arts Kislali
Xtale & Underverse ( @xtaleunderverse ) by @jakei95
A L I V E by @tatatale
Challenger Papyrus & R.E.M.N.A.N.T. by Waterfallapollo
Cutter Chara and Needle Asriel by @zaylephant
Agent Buttercup by me
Inktale by @comyet
Errortale, Aftertale and Underfresh by @loverofpiggies
Core Frisk ( @corefrisk ) by @dokudoki
Dreamtale by @jokublog
Fatal Error ( @fatal-error-blog) by @xedramon
Doctor Sans by @flapvoir-real
Honeycomb Ralsei by @laptoparmageddon
Fellink (Dye) and Fellgravity by Alter9code
Fellafter by @medioric-hyper and Ermburh
Fellerror (Flaw & Flawine), Felldream (Oneiro & Ephialtes) and Fellfatal by Mettalicc and Daviduzzzzzz
Fellcore Frisk by @inkbrucel
Fellfresh/Unfresh (Rocker) by me
Fell Dr.Sans by @tresh4kww
Swapink (Indi) by @wishingstarinajar
Swapafter & Swapfatal by ZeroCofee06/ZeroSans06
Swaperror (Fallacy & Fallrot) and Swapcore Chara by Mettalic and Daviduzzzzzz
Fallacy redesign by me
Swapdream take and Doctor Paps by @tresh4kww
Swapfresh (Zippy) by @rainbowsans
Hex Error Sans by @stankychee
Supremeverse by @flapvoir-real
The Variants by @glitchy-squidd
Airbrush (and by extension Brushwork) by @adorablemew
NO!Sansverse by @tging24
Swapfellverse by @enigmapapyrus
Hardafter by @medi0creking and @medioric-hyper
Hardink (Pastel), Harderror (Critical), Harddream (Euphoria & Misery/Nightterror), Hardfresh and Hardfatal by @medi0creking
Pastel redesign and Hardcore Frisk by me
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jkparkin · 9 days ago
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DC vs. Vampires: World War V #9 (DC, May 2025) variant cover by Dani
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vertigoartgore · 8 months ago
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2023's Detective Comics Vol.1 #1071 variant cover by artist Ivan Reis, inker Danny Miki and colourist Brad Anderson.
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ultrameganicolaokay · 19 days ago
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Green Lantern Corps #4 by Jeremy Adams, Morgan Hampton and V. Ken Marion. Cover by Fernando Pasarín and Oclair Albert. Variant covers by (2) Jonboy Meyers and (3) Tom Raney. Out in May.
"Guy Gardner is reluctantly saddled with a new partner, but he’s determined to keep him out of the way while they look for another source of Nth metal, all while Simon Baz frets over 'Teen' Lantern who is showing signs of strain during the rebuilding of Oa."
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iraprince · 4 months ago
Being a long-time Ira Content Consumer™️ is extremely funny when an OC gets recycled because you get a sudden ‘Huh wasn’t that the guy who had cat ears?’ And you look them up in your high school yearbook and they sure do have cat ears and appear to maybe have green goo joints. Then you open facebook and they have Two Beautiful Girlfriends and No Cat Ears. You stare out the window. Perhaps in another lifetime…nay…another universe…
oh yeah varlet in particular has been body snatched/renamed/sliced up and divvied among other oc concepts more than once. that cat has been through the wringer. not even a cat anymore. turned into sausage and then reconstituted into a robobunny. haven't even decided the new pronouns yet if we're being honest
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notes28 · 3 months ago
Your Spidersona named Crash is wicked cool dude omg :0
Aw teehee thank you!! That makes me super happy to hear! 💖💖
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xia0ming56 · 1 year ago
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Hated that last episode so i drew this to convince myself i liked it
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emeraldxphoenix · 10 months ago
@victoriousfidelity said “   The multiple failed assassination attempts against me have helped build both character and self esteem. ”
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As the timing of entrances go, it’s pretty spectacular. The Queen’s council sits around its usual table, Sigyn herself at its head as she, typically, manages to see the good even in attempted murder ( – the same kindness and strength that meant she saw the good even in a disgraced frost giant). And then Loki enters – not a council member but permitted entrance as per the Queen’s prior instruction – the conclusion to these assassination attempts contained within the sack he has clutched in one hand.
Attention shifts to him of course, various flavours of outrage passing across old men’s faces, confusion across some, concern across his wife’s. Before she, or any of them, can speak, the trickster strides forwards, black boots marking confident steps across the polished floor. Violet blooms across his cheekbone, and he really needs to speak to a healer about the angle of one of his fingers, but delivering this information could not wait.
“Your majesty. Council.” A respectful bow to his wife, and inclination of the head to the others present. Many of them are not on the best terms, but at this moment Loki couldn’t care less about political squabbles. “It is my pleasure to inform you that the source of the assassination attempts has been discovered. He will present no further problems.”
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emeraldxphoenix · 4 months ago
The Mage leans back in their seat, elegantly crossing one leg over the other as they wait for an explanation. It is not often they involve themselves in discipline, whether of their slaves, employees, or children, but by skipping out on her lessons today, Elaena disobeyed one of their few rules: do not lie to Sigyn or Angrboða. So here they both find themselves in Loki’s study, the girl caught out in a lie – she really is an awful liar – and called upon to provide an explanation. The absurdity of disciplining the daughter of a former queen is not lost on them.
Eyebrows shoot sky-high at the claim that lessons are boring and that she, and the unruly twins, elected to do something ‘more fun’. Loki would be the first to admit that being forced to learn or abide by rules one is not interested in is tedious, but Elaena is not permitted the same excuses as their other children. While they have been educated equally – boys, girls and neither all together, learning skills of the battlefield and the household, tutored until the beginnings of adulthood – and each has been permitted to leave their studies once they have determined upon a course of further study or employment, it is not so for the princess. Sleip excused himself from lessons aged thirteen to become an equine physician-groom, and Fen aged twelve to breed dogs for hunting and working, and Loki supported their efforts wholeheartedly. But Elaena is royalty, and her education cannot be considered complete until she is adept in the history and diplomacy of her people. As much as they don’t want to admit it, her adoptive parents know she will wish to return one day.
It seems that ‘one day’ is today.
“You did what?” Their voice is icy cold, initial disbelief over the girl’s tale morphing swiftly into horror. Eleana is an adult now, there is no denying it, but she remains young, naive and delicate-looking. Easy prey for any man with ill intentions. “Am I to understand that you skipped your lessons here to go into the city, without proper protection – and no, my sons do not count before you say anything about them – to meet an unknown man who you knew was searching for you?” Loki, now sitting forward in the chair, lifts a hand to run long fingers through their hair. “By the old gods, what made you do something so foolish?”
A beat of silence, and the Lysene abruptly rises from their seat, releasing a frustrated sigh and pacing to the window. What the fuck will all those years, and all those spells, have been for if Elaena is so reckless with her own safety? Spinning round on their heel, they address the princess again. “While I understand you wish to return and meet your family – and I certainly will not stop you from doing so – what you did today was not the correct way to go about it. That man could have been anyone, and you went to meet him without so much as a second thought! Please, for the sake of my extremely fragile sanity, tell me you didn’t tell him who you are?”
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@emeraldxphoenix said: [ lie ] sender catches receiver in a lie - for Elaena, whatever age you like. (With the side note that Loki will not be mad if his kids lie to him. Up to you if she knows that yet or not)
Elaena fiddles with the sleeve of her gauzy lavender dress, trying to find a perfect excuse for why she has been out in the city all day, when she was supposed to attend her lessons and even roped the twins into tagging along. "Lessons are boring. We did something more fun", she says with a nonchalant shrug, but she doesn't meet Loki's gaze. Despite years of pretending to be someone else and keeping half of who she is hidden from others, Elaena is not a great liar. Every thought she has is usually on the tip of her tongue and it is rare she holds something back in the confines of Loki's house, unless he entertains guests.
"I went into the city and met with a man...He was looking for a silver haired girl with violet eyes, saying the King of Westeros sent him to look for his sister...the boys overheard him at the market yesterday. So I met with him." She sighs deeply and looks up at Loki. "My brother Viserys returned to Westeros. We thought he was dead, but apparently he was living here in Essos all along as well. And he told my brother Aegon about the rumors that a girl with a dragon lives here. So he sent a guard to investigate." Elaena allows the words to linger between them for a moment. "I want to go home and see my brothers and sisters. They're all married, have children...I want to see them."
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smashpages · 9 months ago
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DC vs. Vampires: World War V #1 (DC, August 2024) variant cover by Homare
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jkparkin · 29 days ago
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DC vs Vampires: World War V #8 (DC, April 2025) variant cover by Fabrizio de Tommaso
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dreamness-vp · 19 days ago
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loversgothic · 1 year ago
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quick alt style sketches
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batbabydamian · 8 months ago
Al Ghul enjoyer PKJ as writer and Rebirth Nightwing artist Javi Fernandez for the new Batman and Robin team…fascinating…
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this new run is distinctly darker in tone just based on the summary alone, but i’m so curious how “a different way to help the world begins to present itself” could mean for Damian!!
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