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jestergirls · 2 years ago
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Is that [Francesca Root-Dodson]? No, that’s [Ecco Doe], AKA [Jester]! [She] appears to be [26]. [She] has the abilities of [combat skills] which makes them a powerful [villain].
Like almost every woman in Fox's Gotham, Ecco was done dirty by the writers. She had a handful of minutes of screen-time before she went crazy offscreen, and then was violently murdered in the finale. So, as is my speciality, I have rescued her from the mess the show gave her, and I'm giving her a new storyline. Everything after season 5 episode 1 doesn't count towards my canon, and I am setting her before she goes insane.
Ecco was actually born "Emma", but she hasn't used that name in years. Only those very close to her know her real name. Since working for Jeremiah Valeska, she has gone by the code name "Ecco", partly to protect her own identity, and also to protect Jeremiah's.
She was abandoned at Gotham Orphanage by her single mother at a young age, but as soon as she was old enough to fend for herself, she left and scraped by living on the streets of the city, stealing and sleeping rough, like so many kids in Gotham.
At fifteen years old, she was picked up by one of Fish Mooney's lackeys and hired to work for the mob. At first, she ran errands for Fish, delivering messages and doing waiting tables in the club. As she got a bit older, she and a group of girls of a similar age were sworn into the mob and taught how to pickpocket and, most importantly, how to fight and defend themselves. Ecco was a naturally skilled fighter, and she soon became one of Fish's personal bodyguards.
When Fish died, her people vied to fill the hole she'd left in Gotham's underworld. Ecco didn't want to get caught in the crossfire of an inevitable gang war, so she decided to seek other employment. She'd heard word that a mysterious businessman called Xander Wilde was looking for a personal assistant, so she decided to see if she could make a change from mob life to the world of business.
Xander took her on, and Ecco began acting as his proxy. She answered phone calls on his behalf, attended meetings, and wrote emails. As it turned out, she was very good at taking orders without question, and maintaining a professional demeanour.
After about two years of working for Xander without meeting him in person, he finally trusted Ecco enough to let her into his underground bunker, and tell her his real name. Xander Wilde was actually Jeremiah Valeska, twin brother to the psychopathic murderer Jerome Valeska. He had been living hidden away for years, afraid that his brother would one day find and kill him.
As Ecco and Jeremiah got closer, they began to form a deep and trusting friendship - the first for either of them. Ecco stayed in the bunker on occasion, and also lived in her apartment in the city. She was with Jeremiah when his brother broke out of Arkham and went on a shooting spree at the G.C.P.D., and she saw via the news coverage that Jeremiah had been right all along about his crazy brother.
Years passed, and now Jeremiah is a changed man. Ecco's not sure what happened to him, but he is no longer the shy, nervous, man she used to work for. Now, he speaks with a different voice, carries himself differently, and talks about "changing Gotham". Ecco doesn't care that he's completely changed. Her time working for the mob taught her that loyalty is for life, and you don't question your boss.
Now, Ecco still acts as Jeremiah's proxy and accomplice. She occasionally dons a black jester costume with a white mask to hide her identity when she has to, but inside, she remains the same ruthless and loyal survivor she always was.
This is essentially the bare bones of Ecco's backstory! Things might change as she develops, but for now, this is what we're working with! If you want to plot, you can reach me on here on IM's, or on Discord!
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butlermate · 2 years ago
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Is that [Sean Pertwee]? No, that’s [Alfred Pennyworth], AKA [N.A.]! [He] appears to be [59]. [He] has the abilities of [army training and general weapons mastery] which makes them a powerful [civilian].
Partly because I wanted to join the cool Batfam gang, and also because I love Alfred, and need an outlet for my Britishness, I have decided to pick up everyone's favourite butler. I will warn you from the outset that my knowledge of comic lore is next to none, so I am relying on everyone to fill me on stuff I need to know. My inspiration is drawn 90% from Gotham, and 10% from the Nolan movies, because who doesn't love Michael Caine? With that being said, here is Alfred's backstory, edited a little from Gotham to make it gel with wider Batman lore:
Alfred was born in Whitechapel, London. This was the London of Edward Heath, with civil unrest and strikes occurring regularly. The Pennyworth family always struggled to make ends meet. Everyone did, in those days. It was a hard life -- a tough one -- and Alfred learned that early.
As a boy, he attended grey-brick comp school. He left as soon as he could, and enlisted in the SAS at 18.
Life in the army was brutal. But it was the making of Alfred Pennyworth. He learned how to follow orders, how to be a good soldier, how to fire a gun, how to take a beating, and how to give as good as you got. As a member of 23 Special Air Service Regiment, he undertook secret missions for Her Majesty's government. Dark stuff. Stuff that would make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Stuff that would give your nightmare's nightmares.
He stuck it out for several years, but he knew he couldn't stick it out forever. It would be the bloody death of him. So, he left the army. But you might be able to take a bloke out of the SAS, but you can't get rid of his memories. Alfred was a wreck after he left the service. He got blackout drunk most nights, just to forget the horrors he'd seen, and when he wasn't doing that, he was picking fights with the toughest guys he could find, just to do something.
One night, he woke up in an alley covered in blood. No sodding idea how it got there. So, he went to the closest nick to turn himself in. That was where he met Thomas Wayne, the man who would set him straight and turn his life around. Thomas asked him why he was there, and Alfred replied, "stuff that I was too frightened to even think about." Rather than leave him sitting in the police station, as any sane person would, Thomas asked him to get a drink with him. Who was Alfred to turn down an offer like that? So, he didn't go to jail that night. Instead, he went to a bar with Thomas Wayne.
To cut a long story short, Thomas offered Alfred a job. Alfred's never worked out why. Maybe Thomas knew he needed a butler with something about him, working in Gotham City. Maybe he took pity on him. Whatever the reason, Alfred saw this for the good opportunity it was, and he took it. What was left for him in his home city? The army had done sod all to help him after he'd left. His parents were both dead. So, he moved to America.
He's worked for the Wayne family ever since then. It's done him good. He stood by Thomas and Martha Wayne as they tried to make Gotham a better place. He helped raised Bruce when his parents were away. In a lot of ways, he was the boy's role model. He taught him how to fight, how to defend himself, and how to strategise.
Now, Bruce is Batman and Alfred is a guardian to the children Bruce picks up from the streets. He loves them as if they're his own sons. He keeps an eye over all the antics Bruce gets up to, and offers advice where he can, whether it's taken or not.
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neverxdane · 2 years ago
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Is that [Jan Luis Castellanos]? No, that’s [Dane], AKA [Nevermore]! [He/they] appears to be [24/138]. [He/they] has/have the abilities of [magic, human-demon hybrid physiology] which makes them a powerful [hero].
name | Dane [unknown Surname] alias | Nevermore age | 24/138 y.o.b. | 1885 p.o.b. | Unknown species | Human-Demon Hybrid gender | Nonbinary pronouns | He/They - Him/Them sexuality | Androsexual height | 6'7" weight | 216lb hair | Brown [dusty peach] / low cut eyes | Hazel-Green occupation | Prince of Hell / Librarian / Vigilante affiliation | Titans alignment | Neutral Good current residence | Gotham previous | Arizona personality >positive: charming - fervent - protean >negative: elusive - impulsive - stubborn powers
[ magic ] Dane's innate magical and mystical abilities are a product of his father's bloodline. Through recent years, he has been experimenting with the properties of natural and unnatural law to enhance his profound control. He has been able to achieve feats which are not limited to teleportation, dream-walking, manipulating probability fields/outcomes, and metamorphic shifting. Without second thought, he has shown advanced pyrokinetic skills and releasing powerful eldritch blasts from his hands. This often exposes his mortal vessel to darker forces. [ human-demon hybrid ] Dane has several abilities which classify him above that of an ordinary human and protects him from some of the vulnerabilities of a demon. He is able to traverse Hellscapes, unscathed. He is able to attain greater thresholds of endurance and prolonged levels of fatigue. He is able to manifest white, angelic wings that grant him the ability to fly. He also has been granted longevity, enhancing healing, senses, strength, and immunity to most illnesses and poisons- granted his mortal vessel is not corrupted.
seduction. chthonic awareness. persuasion. escape artistry. trickery. impersonation. blade combat. advanced hand-to-hand techniques. record keeping. metaphysical. alchemy. herbalism.
enchanted flaming sword | originating from hell specially made for him.
"Knowledge is key. With it, you can outsmart your greatest nemesis." short
Dane was conceived more than 130 years ago when a desperate woman unable to have a child struck a deal with the Dark Lord, promising him her soul and that of her child in exchange for a perfect moment together. Dane was supposed to destroy the world and serve his father for all eternity but his mother refused to keep her word and hid herself in St. Michael's mission in Arizona hoping that Dane's father would not find them, still, she ultimately found out that it wasn't so easy to get out of his reach as she died soon after giving birth to her son, spending just a perfect moment together.
plot-points [may expand as fit] >> Raven: Peer. Friend. Given circumstances and history closely parallels, there is no reason why Dane wouldn't offer her his expertise for her innate understanding of their abilities. Gave him his codename. >> Gotham Tethers: (4. 5.) Members across varied affiliations that may; or may not, have ulterior motives for the half-ling. Genuinely does help him remain in the shadows for his assistance -- as long as there are no deaths of innocent souls or the spillage of their blood.
Dane has been left essentially open for development and establishment of characterization and plot-movement. He usually tries to blend in with the civilians of Gotham.
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smilingjerome · 2 years ago
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tw: blood, violence, body horror, child abuse, cults, murder, insanity, mayhem, and a lot of fucked up shit.
jerome is a super messed up character that totally isn't for everyone and i'm not offended if anyone needs to unfollow/block him. i will do my best with all trigger warnings, but proceed with caution!
age: 24
hair: ginger
eyes: green
height: 5'11"
scars: most notably, the stapled on face. he has a series of scarring around the outside of his face, as his was once cut off to be a mask (long story) and he was forced to staple/stitch/burn it back on. he also has burns on his right hand/wrist/forearm from where his hand was stuck into boiling chicken stock. he has various other cuts and scars, some he remembers and others not so much
canon: most of gotham, or at least the parts i remember. he came back to life again after his last death, and he doesn't know how or why, and he sure as shooting doesn't care!
tldr: jerome's died like 3 times, and comes back crazier each time. he likes to kill, he likes revenge, and he loves to laugh
'Raised' in the circus by his mother, Lila the Snake Charmer, and Uncle Zachary Trumble who ran the chuck wagon, Jerome quickly learned to fend for himself. Viciously if need be. His mother and uncle were violent and cruel, and Jerome took the brunt of the beatings for his more sensitive twin, Jeremiah. But Jeremiah was sent away after telling everyone how scared he was of Jerome. Not entirely without reason -- Jerome was determined to toughen his twin up, even if meant hurting him. But Jerome maintains that his brother lied, to poison everyone against him. With his twin gone, Jerome spent his ninth birthday alone and the old fortune teller, unbeknownst to him at the time, told him:
This world doesn't care about you, or anyone else, Jerome. Better to realize that now.
Something changed in Jerome that day. Or maybe it just was the last nail in the coffin. Jerome would eventually go on to murder his mother with a hatchet. Caught by the GCPD, he made excellent friends in Arkham. His story was enough to catch the attention of Theo Galvan, who broke him and five others out of Arkham. Jerome was chosen to lead this group, and they called themselves The Maniax. They caused some chaos, murdered more than a few people, including Jerome's real father. Jerome put a hell of a show onstage before he was betrayed by Theo and murdered on stage. But his father's last words seemed to ring true in spite of his death, as people across Gotham began cackling and smiling just like Jerome.
You will be a curse upon Gotham. Children will wake from sleep screaming at the thought of you. Your legacy will be death and madness.
This eventually led to the formation of a cult. How and why Jerome's madness spread throughout the city was unclear, but his followers were devoted, maniacal, and without any moral code. Jerome's body had been stolen from GCPD and brought to Indian Hill, where it underwent several experiments. It was then stolen from there by his cult followers, who attempted to resurrect him. After making promises to bring back their leader and then failing, one follower cut off Jerome's face and wore it as a mask. Unfortunately for him, Jerome then did wake up from the dead. He took back his face, took control of his cult, and once more went seeking revenge. After targeting prominent and affluent members of the community, he was caught and sent back to Arkham. This time, Jerome made brand new friends and bided his time. When the moment was right, he escaped once more and formed a new group. His goal?
I just want to paint the town crazy. Afterwards, I couldn't care less how you horribles tear this town apart.
They unleashed a new wave of chaos and destruction on Gotham, but Jerome's true target this time was his brother. He wanted revenge, he wanted the truth to come out -- and he also wanted to show his brother just how crazy he really was. He made his way through Jeremiah's labyrinth to confront him, and when he finally found his sequestered twin brother, he promised to kill him -- but not before driving him insane. He escaped after that, leaving Jeremiah to live in fear of his brother's words.
"You poisoned everyone I love against me with your lies. What was it again? I threatened you with a cake knife? No. No. No. I tried to burn you alive."
"Ok. So things didn't happen exactly like that. But we both know you wanted to do those things."
Teaming up with other villains, Jerome attempted to unleash an insanity laughing gas on the whole of Gotham. Jerome took over a concert, never able to resist a stage, and once more gave Jeremiah a shot at killing him. But he easily overpowered his twin, and escaped to a rooftop. Cornered and shot, he fell backwards, but managed to hold onto a flagpole. He held his hand out towards the officer that shot him, dared him to be a good guy and rescue Jerome -- but when the officer did, Jerome pulled his hand back and fell to his death with a smile and a laugh. But he left his brother a little gift. A special box filled with the insanity gas, so that his twin could carry on his legacy forevermore.
My days were numbered, but you can continue on for me, be my ultimate revenge!
Now Jerome's woken up again. He's not sure how, or how long it's been, and to be honest, he doesn't really care. He's curious to see if Jeremiah opened his little present. And he wants to bring a little bit more chaos to Gotham. A little more fun. After all...
There's nothing more contagious than laughter.
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ofdoomedalters · 2 years ago
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              ❝ you all need more therapy than i do, and i’m the crazy one . ❞
                𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟⧸𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒 : jane   ››   metahuman   ››  diane guerrero .
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―   ◜   ❏  . ―   « diane guerrero , 31 / 78 , gender non conforming , doom patrol » ∙∙ loading case file for kay challis. known aliases, if any: jane + various others . current location: gotham.  current occupation: primary host / unemployed .  their current status : civilian / anti-hero .
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🇧​🇦​🇸​🇮​🇨​🇸  ››
full name : kay challis .
alias : jane  + various others .
place of birth : unknown .
age : 31/78 .
date of birth : june 21st .
zodiac : gemini .
affiliation : doom patrol .
language(s) spoken : universal .
hair color : brunette / depending on alter .
eye color : brown / depending on alter .
notable scars : many scars .
🇮​🇳​🇹​🇪​🇷​🇮​🇴​🇷 ​ ››
positive : protective  ,  action girl .
negative : blunt  ,  moody .
moral alignment : chaotic .
deadly sin : all .
element : all.
emotional stability : questionable .
alcohol use : socially .
prone to violence? : yes .
habits : losing her temper .
drives / motivations : protecting kay .
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🇫​🇦​🇲​🇮​🇱​🇾​​  ››
chosen family :  Rita Farr  , Cliff Steele  ,  Larry Trainor  ,  Doctor Niles Evelyn Caulder
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―   Kay Olivia Challis is a girl who developed 64 'personas' (also known as alters) from the trauma of being abused by her father. Each of Kay's alters have a meta-human ability of their own, residing within her psyche in a place known as the Underground. After being abused past a point she couldn't handle, Kay gave up her primary role to Miranda and withdrew into her subconsciousness. .
―   Jane became the primary alter after Miranda, Kay Challis's former primary alter, destroyed herself at the Well in the Underground due to following advice from the Sisters as a result of being coerced into sex. When Jane surfaced, she punched Miranda's boyfriend, Johnny, and told everyone present that she didn't know who was worse - the men, for taking advantage of the women, or the women, for letting the men take advantage of them. Jane promptly left, and insisted on being called Jane when Johnny called after Miranda .
―    Jane regularly lived in a sanatorium and would often sneak to go outside. In 1976, she was experimented on and her alters were given the powers they now possess. Alters such as Katy and Hammerhead would try to assist her but at the expense of Jane getting accused and punished for it. In the year 1977, Jane was at a punk rock concert in New Jersey when she was assaulted by two men in a mosh pit. However, she fought them off but was soon apprehended by police officers and dragged back to the sanatorium where she sustained further abuse from her keepers such as Doctor Bertrand. As a result of sustaining such abuse from her keepers Dr. Harrison awoken.
―  In the year 1978, she eventually met a scientist named Niles Caulder who rescued her body and took her into Doom Manor. He conducted numerous interviews and documentations with her to understand her disorder. She enlightened him on the Underground, following the discussion of a hostile alter named Katy. 
―  Jane revisited Doom Manor and obnoxiously made a scene as Sylvia and Hammerhead emerged. Later, Jane was personally introduced to Cliff Steele while painting outside. Jane mentioned that Hammerhead had told her about her altercation with Cliff. Cliff, however, apologized to Jane, explaining that he had been a "little on edge" with the approach of his deceased daughter's upcoming birthday. Jane spent the rest of the day painting, until the Hangman's Daughter took over and conversed with Cliff in the rain. 
―  When Niles left to go on another one of his travels, Jane suggested that Cliff, Larry, and Rita sneak out into town. After some convincing, they all agreed. Once there, Jane accompanied Cliff and walked with him to a toy store, to get a gift in memory of his daughter. They both sat on a bench afterward where Cliff shared some of his past with Jane. She eventually lit a cigarette and blew smoke in his face to see if any of his senses would react, to no avail. Jane eventually brought up that Cliff's daughter was still alive, but he refused to believe it, causing Hammerhead to surface and attempt to start an altercation with some police officers. Jane returned, however, when they noticed that Rita had lost control of herself, rampaging and causing massive destruction to the town. Jane and Cliff ran after her to stop her. Through Jane's failed attempts to get through to Rita, Hammerhead took over yet again. 
―  When they all returned back to Doom Manor, Niles did as well. He scolded all of them and warned them of incoming danger. The majority, including Jane, voted that it would be best to move someplace safer. As Cliff stayed behind to help Cloverton, Jane voiced wanting to help him. Everyone, but Niles, sided with her and she eagerly turned back around. They met with Cliff in the streets of Cloverton and encountered an albino donkey. A sinkhole suddenly formed in the road,[4] and began to swallow everything within its perimeter including the group's bus, which Niles was aboard. The sinkhole began to attract the bus and although Jane tried to stop it, it was successfully swallowed. Denying Cliff's pleas, Jane jumped into the sinkhole after Niles .
―  Jane was eventually spat up by the very donkey they encountered in Cloverton into gotham . 
going to be playing jane after the first episode of doom patrol . 
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xendless · 2 years ago
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            ❝ your story was written before you sucked in your first breath . ❞
           𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟⧸𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒 :  death  ›› of the endless  ››  phoebe tonkin .
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―   ◜   ❏  . ―   « phoebe tonkin , ageless , gender non conforming / cis woman , comic » ∙∙ loading case file for death. known aliases, if any: death of the endless. current location: gotham.  current occupation: personification of death and life.  their current status : civilian .
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🇧​🇦​🇸​🇮​🇨​🇸  ››
full name : death .
alias : death of the endless  . humans know her as vanessa .
age : ageless .
date of birth : unknown .
affiliation : herself .
language(s) spoken : multilingual .
hair color : brunette .
eye color : green .
notable scars : n/a .
🇮​🇳​🇹​🇪​🇷​🇮​🇴​🇷 ​ ››
positive : passionate  ,  playful .
negative : ruthless  ,  apathetic .
moral alignment : chaotic neutral .
deadly sin : lust .
element : darkness .
emotional stability : good .
alcohol use : socially .
prone to violence? : depends on occasion .
habits : not knowing personal space .
drives / motivations : herself / siblings / the natural order  .
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🇫​🇦​🇲​🇮​🇱​🇾​​  ››
siblings :  Destiny ( brother )  , Dream ( brother · deceased )  ,  Destruction ( brother )  ,  Desire ( brother/sister )  ,  Despair ( brother )  ,  Delirium ( sister )
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🇧​🇮​🇴  ››
―   Death of the Endless came into existence shortly after the first lifeforms appeared in the universe and she will be here until the very last living thing died. After that she is destined to put the universe to rest. Death is not merely an aspect of Death, she is Death. She is omniscient, omnipresent and She can – and has – chosen not to take certain people for various reasons .
―   it is said that everything living thing encounters death twice in their lifetime. Once when they are born, though no one remembers that meeting with her, and once when they die .
―   Death does not guide the soul of the dead into any particular afterlife, she is merely a gateway into what lies beyond. On page she usually appears as a young woman, stylishly dressed wearing a silver ankh necklace and an eye of Horus tattoo around her eye. Though she can appear however she wants or needs .  
―  Death is the second eldest of the Endless . She is the only one of the Endless who is bound by no rules except for two complex  :  one that requires her not to spill the blood of family and another is that she cannot fall in love with a mortal or the mortal’s downfall is assured. ( though the second main rule some have interpreted the statement on Death loving a mortal and assuring their downfall as a reversed statement; since everyone will die at some point or another (including her siblings leaving her all alone when the final being is dead ), this means that Death loves everyone.   and a set of custom she had set for herself .
―  She has taken the role of the maternal elder sister among her siblings. Often serving as Dream’s confidante, giving advice, and pointing out his faults or getting angry at the twins Despair and Desire for their “games”, which often interfere with the other Endless’ affairs .
―  they are an observer . see things how they playout without interfering much except for one week out of every decade :  Death lives a day in mortal form, sometimes human, sometimes not, to better understand the creatures over which she has dominion . she came to gotham to simply observe + given the amount of people and the death toll happening in gotham she is always there and she will still continue to do her job.
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🇭​🇪​🇦​🇩​🇨​🇦​🇳​🇴​🇳​  ››
―  many believe death to be male and thus when they see her , they are quite surprised and taken a back . although they have taken many forms over the years . especially that of an old man . Though this time decided in taking on their original form .
―  death is there at the time of ones birth and can infuse a body with life. She commonly does this at the time of birth or at certain times to give another a second chance ( reincarnation )
―  She meets everyone twice . When they are born ( although they have no memories of it ) and then they die .
―  While she claims that it is not her place to interfere, she indicates that she favors a careful, observant approach to the coming situations, and proposes to assist if she is satisfied with their progress in life .
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aliceingothamland · 2 years ago
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Is that [Rachel Skarsten]? No, that’s [Elizabeth Kane], AKA [Alice]! [She] appears to be [31]. [she] has the abilities of [high knowledge of poisons and explosives] which makes them a powerful [villain]. (OOC: Moose, They/He,28, est)
Name: Elizabeth "Beth" Kane Alias/Nicknames: Alice, Beth, B, Red Alice, Mother of War Faceclaim: Rachel Skarsten Age: Thirty-One Gender: Cis-Female Sexuality: Bi-Curious Occupation: Crime-Lord ABILITIES
Highly intelligent Expert of Poisons and Explosives Immune to chemicals and Poisons Expert on Hallucinogens HISTORY TBA <3
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all-blades · 2 years ago
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Is that [Anthony Keyvan]? No, that’s [Jason Todd] AKA [Red Hood]! He appears to be [21]. He has the abilities of [batman + league of assassins training, and some magical abilities from the lazarus pit] which makes him a powerful [hero]. (OOC: kalayaan, he/they, 21, est)
Name: Jason Peter Todd
Nicknames / Aliases: Jay, Jayce, Jaybird, Little Wing, Red Hood. Formerly Robin.
Face Claim: Anthony Keyvan (Iranian & Filipino; Filipino-American)
Age: 21
Gender: Cis Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Date of Birth: August 16th, 19XX.
Occupation: "Crimelord" / Vigilante
Energy Manipulation: Magically enhanced unarmed strikes, magic negation, and energy constructs.
Lazarus Enhancement: Superhuman longevity, regeneration, durability, metabolism/immune system strength, agility, reflexes, and resistance to most mind control of mystical origins. Access to magical abilities.
Shadow Travel: Short-distance teleportation utilization the shroud of darkness.
Peak Human Conditioning
Genius-level Intellect
Bat-level Training
Assassin Training
Master Martial Artist
Master Acrobat
Summary here. Details will be filled out after some plotting with other batfamily members :)
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from-starbolts · 2 years ago
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Is that [Halle Bailey]? No, that’s [Koriand'r], AKA [Starfire]! [She] appears to be [23]. [She] has/have the abilities of [flight, starbolts, alien physiology] which makes them a powerful [hero].
Name: Koriand'r of Tamaran Nicknames/Alias: Kori
Face Claim: Halle Bailey
Age: 23 Gender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual Place of Birth: Tamaran Currently: Gotham Occupation: Hero
Past: Koriand'r was the second daughter born to King Myand'r and Queen Luand'r on Tamaran. Despite being the second born child, Kori became the heir to the throne since her older sister lacked the strength that her parents deemed necessary to become queen. Koriand'r grew up wondering why her sister hated her when she had no choice in the whole situation. When they were old enough, they were sent to the Warlords of Okaara to train to become warriors so that they could protect their people and themselves. Koriand'r did not follow when her sister ran away and was almost glad to see her bitter sister leave. This would prove to be a fatal event in her life, as Kom sold secrets to the Citadel, who then used that information to attack Tamaran. The king sold Koriand'r to the Citadel to ensure peace and Kori had to suffer six years of slavery, enduring abuse of all kinds before she was experimented on by the Psions. Koriand'r broke free using her new ability of starbolts (destructive blasts of solar energy) acquired through the experimentation. Against her better judgment, she decided to free Komand'r who was still absorbing energy. However, far from grateful, Komand'r struck her sister down with the same - but much stronger - starbolt power and had her restrained for later execution. Koriand'r escaped and eventually found her way to Earth, where she gained the help of the Teen Titans. She chose to remain with the team and took the name Starfire.
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mobqueenfishmooney · 2 years ago
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Fish Mooney, Mob Queen
tw: violence, murder, death, body horror
age: 40
hair: red and black, sides shorter, sometimes shaved with jewelry attached to the scalp
eyes: one brown and one bright blue
height: 4'11" except she always wears nosebleed heels
scars: more than a few, especially around her blue eye. she's lived a dangerous life and sometimes that leaves a mark
canon: basically all of gotham except she doesn't die after coming back again bc that was stupid
After the death of her mother, Fish began working for crime boss Carmine Falcone. Talent rises to the top, as they say, and she quickly became one of his top lieutenants. Known for her sense of style, her force of will, and above all, her brutal and violent methods, she made friends and enemies alike. Sometimes in the very same people. Not content to merely serve at the right hand of a soft old man, Fish plotted to overthrow Falcone. Her plots were foiled when one of her lower ranking members betrayed her. The series of events that followed were long, complicated, and the war was bloody on all sides. Fish temporarily had to flee Gotham, and in escaping was kidnapped by a madman named Dr. Dulmacher. His island of horrors took her eye, but gave her a brand new family of misfits. A gang utterly loyal to her. She used them to stage a comeback, but ultimately died at the hands of more betrayal. Imagine her surprise to awake again. Dr. Strange was only surprised to find her memory intact. His procedure was more successful than he'd hoped, as it also granted Fish the power to influence other people. Her touch allows her to overpower their will, and take control. She can give orders which will be followed even after the contact breaks. Using these abilities and her knack for gathering a gang, Fish once more led a breakout and escape. Now back in Gotham, she has opened a brand new club, right in the middle of her old territory. "Hypno" is thriving, business is booming, and Fish is stronger than ever. She's got a few scores to settle, but she knows the crown of Gotham is just waiting for her to take it.
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from-silverlinings · 2 years ago
Is that [Blake Lively]? No, that’s [Silver St. Cloud]! [She] appears to be [30]. [She] has/have the abilities of [emotional manipulation, acting, being a bad ass bitch] which makes them a powerful [civilian].
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Name: Silver St. Cloud Nicknames/Alias: Sil
Face Claim: Blake Lively
Age: 30 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Date/Place of Birth: Gotham, Currently: Gotham Occupation: Heiress, socialite, event planner
Past: Silver St. Cloud grew up in Gotham with a silver spoon in her mouth. She always had everything she ever needed, except for deep relationships and unconditional love. She did everything that she was told in hopes of gaining her parents' love and attention. When that didn't work, Silver turned to getting attention in other ways. She started shoplifting at 13, clubs at 16, drugs at 17; none of it worked. She cleaned up her act before graduating high school and bribing her way into Yale University. Getting away from Gotham during her college years helped Silver more than she would ever know. She joined a sorority and flourished in it, becoming an it-girl and one of the leaders of the sorority within her second year. She was top of her classes all four years and came back to Gotham ready to take over the upper-class world. She met and fell in love with Bruce Wayne, but couldn't handle worrying about him as Batman and ended things. Now she is a successful event planner and hosts many parties and fundraisers for Gotham's Social Elite. Education: Yale, Business & Art History
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cluebustersteph · 2 years ago
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Is that Madelyn Cline? No, that’s Stephanie Brown, AKA Spoiler! She appears to be 20. She has the abilities of mastery in hand-to-hand combat and acrobatics which makes them a powerful Hero.
Hey, I'm Vix and this is Steph. I hope you guys like her. If you wanna plot go ahead and send me a message or like this post and I can come to you. I'm open to just about anything. I look forward to writing with you all!
☆ 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 ━ stephanie brown ☆ 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 ━ steph ☆ 𝐀𝐠𝐞 ━ 20 ☆ 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 ━ august 11th ☆ 𝐙𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜 ━ leo ☆ 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧 ━ gotham, new jersey ☆ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 ━ cis female ☆ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 ━ she/her ☆ 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 ━ bisexual ☆ 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬 ━ courageous & driven ☆ 𝐍𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬 ━ sarcastic & talkative ☆ 𝐖𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤: comics
𝐏𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
☆ 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 ━ madelyn cline ☆ 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ━ 5′4 ☆ 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 ━ slim ☆ 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ━ blonde ☆ 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ━ blue
𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐞𝐭
including, but not limited to:
☆ expert tracker ☆ master hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist ☆ expert acrobat ☆ genius-level intellect
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stepfordisabella · 1 year ago
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Is that [Chelsea Spack]? No, that’s [Isabella Flynn], AKA [N.A.]! [She] appears to be [35]. [She] has the abilities of [super strength, invulnerability, and the inability to feel pain] which makes them a powerful [civilian].
It was basically inevitable that I picked up Isabella. I wrote her for 3 years straight, and I've honestly never been as invested in a muse as I was in Isabella Flynn. For those who didn't see Gotham, or who rightfully have forgotten the Isabella storyline, here is a refresher, with my canon added on:
Isabella Flynn was Edward Nygma's love interest for three episodes during season 3. She turned up out of the blue, looked exactly like Kristen Kringle (his former girlfriend, whom he killed), loved books and riddles, and had strange, blonde, wig-like hair. Edward thought she was brilliant, and they started dating after a day of knowing one another.
Oswald didn't like this, because he liked Edward, and he sought to get rid of Isabella. He tried to scare her away by telling her that Ed had killed his former girlfriend, the spitting image of Isabella. This didn't deter her, in fact, she seemed to be more into Edward than before.
When Edward saw Isabella in her glasses, however, he realised that she looked too much like Kristen. He might kill her, the way he killed Kristen. So, he got Oswald to break up with her on his behalf. Oswald did so with relish, but Isabella would not let Ed go.
She called Ed to her apartment, and came out dressed as Kristen, in order to prove that Edward wouldn't hurt her, even when she looked like the woman he'd killed. Long story short, she was right and they made out.
So, Oswald took the next logical step and had Isabella murdered. He had one of his goons cut the brakes of her car. As she was driving home from Ed's apartment, her car careened down a hill and into the path of an oncoming freight train.
This is where her show canon ends, and my canon begins. Isabella had no backstory, no last name, and was so generally uncanny because she was, in fact, a clone built in Indian Hill, the horrific laboratory beneath Arkham Asylum. She was created with the explicit purpose of distracting Edward and Oswald, by the Court of the Owls, the organisation who ran Gotham from the shadows.
Isabella was built from the DNA harvested from Kristen Kringle's corpse, and made to look exactly like her. She was implanted with false memories, and given a mission: go to Edward Nygma. She was really half a person, with a false life and one motivation. She has no clear memories of her early life in Indian Hill, because she wasn't fully formed yet, and those memories were superseded by the fake ones she was given of her childhood and early life.
After she was hit by the train, she was kept in Indian Hill in stasis for almost two years. Recently, Hugo Strange has decided to unfreeze her and send her out into the city, because keeping her in Indian Hill is simply a waste of a good resource.
As far as Isabella is concerned, she was in a terrible accident, and in a coma for two years. She woke up in a hospital (which was actually Indian Hill) and was discharged. Not knowing what to do, she has gone back to her old apartment, which was conveniently not sold in the two years she left it, and is trying to rebuild her life.
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canaryinfishnets · 2 years ago
Is that [Lily-Rose Depp]? No, that’s [Dinah Lance], AKA [Black Canary]! [she] appears to be [26]. [she] has the abilities of [canary cry, master martial artist, armed/unarmed combatant, acrobatics/parkour] which makes them a powerful [hero].
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NICKNAMES: Pretty Bird, Di, Canary, Songbird.
AGE: 26
ALIAS: Black Canary
NATIONALITY / SPECIES: American / Metahuman
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Chinese, Mandarin, Japanese.
PRONOUNS: she/her
GOOD PERSONALITY TRAITS: compassionate, protective, adventurous, idealistic
BAD PERSONALITY TRAITS: jaded, vengeful, reckless, stubborn
GOALS/DESIRES: to continue fighting crime as Black Canary. To one day retire safely.
FEARS: to end up like her parents due to her career of choice.
WHAT WOULD MOST THROW THIS CHARACTER’S LIFE INTO COMPLETE TURMOIL: losing a loved one due to her own mistakes.
CHARACTER’S SOFT SPOT: robin hood types, Italian food.
HOBBIES: shopping, working on her motorcycle, singing, training.
HOMETOWN: Gotham City
CHILDHOOD: Dinah Lance was born to Dinah Drake and Larry Lance. Her father a Gotham Detective and her mother is the original Black Canary and part of the Justice Society, Dinah was always around heroes. However, there was a strain in her childhood as her father was killed on the job, her metagene activated uncontrollably and her mother was against her becoming the new Black Canary.
EDUCATION: American High School Education; further teaching from Ted Grant, Richard Dragon and Lady Shiva.
MOTHER: Dinah Drake Lance
RELATIONSHIP: Dinah Sr and Dinah Jr have a difficult relationship. Though she idolized her mother, she also resented her absence due to being a vigilante. It wasn't until her metagene activated when she was a teenager she thought she could be a vigilante herself but her mother was set against it, especially after her father passed away. The two would often bicker about it, with Dinah wanting to show she could do this while Dinah Sr believed that the world of crime fighting had gotten considerably darker. After her mother was injured and died on the job, Dinah decided to take on the mantle of the Black Canary to honor her mother at 18 years old.
FATHER: Larry Lance
RELATIONSHIP: Dinah and her father was close though, much like her father, as she grew up, she began to resent the time away from home. It seemed her parents were often more interested in the streets of Gotham than her. However, it wasn't until he was murdered in a shoot-out when she was 13 that she truly regretted her feelings of anger toward him. Before his murder, Dinah did want to be a cop like her father until her metagene activated.
RELATIONSHIP: Ted Grant adopted Dinah after the passing of her parents. He was the one who guided Dinah when her metagene activated and after she declared her wanting to take on the mantle of the Black Canary, Ted was the one who taught her how to fight. How to operate on the streets and to be effective as well as getting up after she took a blow. Dinah holds a great amount of respect for him.
Dinah Lance was born with justice running through her veins. Her father was Gotham Detective, Larry Lance and her mother were Dinah Drake Lance, who was turned down by the GCPD and instead took her training to the streets as a vigilante in Gotham. Her mother also ran a florist. She was also raised around her mother’s friend and sometimes partner Ted Grant built a special bond with him after her father passed away from cancer. Despite her fascination with heroics, she began to resent her mother more due to her missing out on things in her life due to her commitment to crime-fighting. The fact her mother didn’t want Dinah going out there and into the same business only spurred her on more.
She took things into her own hands, taking a strong interest in athletics and signing up for Judo lessons which her mother promptly stopped when she found out despite Ted insisting that Dinah was a natural. Dinah eventually convinced Ted to train who taught her self-defense techniques before she convinced him to up the training to more extreme measures to get her fighting ready. As a teenager, her metagene activated and with no control, Dinah heavily damaged the school she was attending in Gotham. Her mother agreed to let Ted help train her scream if it meant Dinah could live a normal life. Dinah shared a touching moment with her mother who agreed to hang up her costume and retire from the crime-fighting business. However, she was killed on her last job which devastated Dinah.
Adopted by Ted Grant, Dinah continued training with him and by the age of 18, she went out on the streets of Gotham as a vigilante. Wearing a costume inspired by her mother, she ran out there in heels, fishnets, a black bodice, jacket, and mask. Ted insisted that she was not ready but came back, bruised and hurt, but with the crooks in way worse shape behind her. However, Dinah was struggling to make a name for herself in Gotham and she had too many close calls with deadly situations. Her mother was right in that the crime in Gotham truly had changed.
Selling the family florist business that truly was on its last leg, Dinah bid farewell to Gotham and decided that she would take a gap year traveling East Asia before returning to simply live a normal life. It was in Japan she met Richard Dragon who gave her brutal tutelage on how to fight, almost killing her several times. It was here Dinah really upped the ante of her fighting skills and she also met someone who would become her rival, Lady Shiva. Learning from both of them as well as holding onto Ted’s teachings, Dinah felt like she now truly had the skill to make a difference.
When moving back, Dinah decided to not settle for Gotham City. She had heard the news of a vigilante running around there and how crazy things had gotten. That and Gotham had taken her mother and father from her and there was no way she was going to let Gotham take her.
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gothamstreetshq · 2 years ago
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We are now officially open for interactions! Members will be sent the OOC Discord link shortly. Joining it isn't mandatory, of course! Make sure you're following everyone on the blogroll. Feel free to start posting your intros and be sure to tag them with #gothamsintro so everyone can see them! In a few minutes, we'll be posting our first event, so please don't post any starters until that is posted. We hope everyone has a great time here! For anyone on mobile, here is the mobile navi.
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archangelisms · 2 years ago
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐔𝐍𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 ꗃ dev patel, 34, cismale, he/him, marvel. gotham’s got itself a new challenger, WARREN WORTHINGTON III. they consider themselves a hero and go under the name of archangel. they’re known for their techno-organic wings . this song, SAINT BERNARD by LINCOLN, always seems to be playing when they’re around. goes hand in hand with their compassionate and egotistical personality. they kind of remind me of a rush of wind, another person in your mind, living in a silver spoon, perfect smiles, metal beneath the flesh.
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𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐂𝐄 : 616-based, despite having a past with apocalypse he is not adjacent to whatever the hell movie!archangel was! lots of pulling from like uncanny x-force and apocalypes wars  !!
𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒 : pinterest
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 :  warren kenneth worthington iii
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 : wren, ware
𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒 : archangel/angel
𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 34
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 : cismale
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒 : he/him
𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 : bisexual (heavy femme leaning)
𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 : flight, wing blades
𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐒 : centerport, long island, new york 
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the worthington family was once a powerful family, rubbing elbows with names like rockfeller, vanderbilt, and carnegie. through years of murder, lies, decit, and sabotage, the name and legacy fell soley onto young warren worthington iii, warren ii and kathryn worthington’s otherwise golden child if it hadn’t been for those damned wings erupting from his shoulders when puberty struck.
an original student of charles xavier, warren found a new family amongst the likes of jean grey, scott summers, bobby drake, and hank mccoy when his own shunned him for his mutation. sentinel attacks ruining his after school studies were, however, not what he wanted to deal with late into his teens. he craved the normalcy, he missed the life that had once been carved out for him.
so as soon as graduation from xavier’s was said and done, warren was quick to leave mutantdom. he moved to los angeles for college, reconnected with friends from his pre-xavier’s days, rekindled a romance with his high school sweetheart, candy southern. life was seemingly perfect... as long as his wings stayed harnessed for the rest of his life. but warren had never liked being tethered down, he thought he could be happy amongst humans; but the call to being a hero rang louder. he lived this double life for years: by day he was warren worthington iii, ceo and face of worthington industries, by night he donned his x-uniform again, a symbol for mutants everywhere.
when he lost his wings, warren lost his identity. years of wishing for them gone, imagining how much easier life would be without them, were nothing short of his worst nightmare come true. he was the perfect canvas to be molded into apocalypse’s most beautiful creation.
the road to regain control of his own mind and body has been difficult for him, though slowly with the help of the telepaths around him, especially betsy braddock. he could sense it radiating off his friends they were still afraid of his monsterous side, no matter how much they denied. he and betsy had been through similiar experiences, drawn together by shared experiences. however, neither of them were ready for the vulnerability that came with relationships, no matter how hard they tried, it never worked out in the end.
now in a new universe, warren’s officially lost it all: his fortune, his business, his legacy. it’s been rough ( even rougher than showing up at your ex’s doorstep with no where else to go ) but he’s slowly growing some sort of stability.
its hard being a hero when you still look a horseman of apocalypse </3
warren has the ability to switch between his angel and archangel personas thanks to rigorous mental training, however the longer he stays in archangel form the harder it can be for him to switch back
in his angel form, his wings look and feel like his orginal downy white wings, however hidden underneath the apparent feather are the metal archangel blades
warren says he’s alright but he’s been living in a constant of different levels of suffering since he was 16
he’s currently managed to get some kind of entry level job at wayne enterprises, his masters in business is now a simple source trust me bro
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