Dependent Multimuse
774 posts
dependent multimuse rp for Wearelondonhq- by Queen- CDT- Taylor jewel-jeremiah fisher- Jace Herondale,Ricky Bowen, Leia Organa
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heroestales · 8 months ago
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To say that oak had seen some odd things was an understatement. So if it weren't for Jude and Maddox's training, he wouldn't have batted an eye at the shuffle of movement and kind woman's voice. His smile is courtier smart and kind. though his head tilted in confusion. "And do you need assistance? You and your..." he bent to look. "Friend?"
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"elphaba - get down!" she said sternly at her daughter, who'd managed to get on the roof of an establishment. she wasn't even aware until her other daughter mentioned it, who was currently holding her mother's hand. galinda watched carefully as ellie floated down to the ground with a pout, crossing her arms as she stood by farrah. "sorry," the woman said to someone else. "we didn't mean to hold you up, someone decided to take an unexpectified adventure." @walstarterblog
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heroestales · 8 months ago
Tigris Snow was a patient woman. A kind woman. But she was also a snow meaning there was a certain cunning that lived in her bones. We. Two people? But the blonde's smile was still bright and kind. The woman's odd voice was comforting. Although the wording otherworldly. "We?... are you in need of aid?"
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"elphaba - get down!" she said sternly at her daughter, who'd managed to get on the roof of an establishment. she wasn't even aware until her other daughter mentioned it, who was currently holding her mother's hand. galinda watched carefully as ellie floated down to the ground with a pout, crossing her arms as she stood by farrah. "sorry," the woman said to someone else. "we didn't mean to hold you up, someone decided to take an unexpectified adventure." @walstarterblog
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heroestales · 9 months ago
Tigris had known the loss of Sejanus, but not why. It was clear coryo was involved. But in this London, she still couldn't seem to pull the information out of Lucy Gray. But her eyes did a strong and deep double take when the familiar face came into view. her feet moving quicker then her overly thinking mind. Some people here didn't remember themselves. But that didn't matter. he was alive. And his family had become like her own. "sejanus!"
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heroestales · 9 months ago
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Concern was all over Taylor's face as she took the other girl in. blood was not something she handled well but she was a woman good at getting a grasp and having strength. Careful. Kind. but her high heels clicked heavily over. "Can I help?" she would have imediately but didn't want to scare her
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sally was used to being able to patch herself up when she hurt herself. quite literally too. she was no longer a rag doll and well... that meant that her injuries were very different than what she was used to. she was also adjusting to walking on human legs. full of muscle and bone as opposed to leaves. which was how she had found herself in this predicament. she had fallen as she was heading towards work, winding up cutting her knees open and grazing her palms. sally grunted as she shifted to sitting, looking at the blood on her knees. "that... that hurt." another thing she wasn't used to. feeling pain.
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heroestales · 9 months ago
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tigris was good with a thread and needle. That affected all things. Coryo hadn't always been as careful as he was now. Well for himself that was. Blood didn't surprise her though it gave her adrenaline so once she saw the girl fully, she was on her feet and reaching into her bag just in case. They'd need something to clean it maybe. "Hey, can I help you? At least to settle."
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sally was used to being able to patch herself up when she hurt herself. quite literally too. she was no longer a rag doll and well... that meant that her injuries were very different than what she was used to. she was also adjusting to walking on human legs. full of muscle and bone as opposed to leaves. which was how she had found herself in this predicament. she had fallen as she was heading towards work, winding up cutting her knees open and grazing her palms. sally grunted as she shifted to sitting, looking at the blood on her knees. "that... that hurt." another thing she wasn't used to. feeling pain.
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heroestales · 9 months ago
His silence had more been letting the knowledge that she was physically alright flood his sentence. Snark was easier. Humor let him have some freedom. Three teenage sons? And she looked around his age? he rolled his shoulders. One of the few quirks valentine would have allowed. "I'm not exactly a bit, but with my track record. I know where every hospital is." Even if iratzes worked most of the time.
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Jace was ready for a quip when he approached but it fell. Shadowhunters were meant to protect all people. Could he stop anything here? But she seemed okay. "Right..." The pool of people here was like going from an ocean to sea world. But he nodded again. "If you can handle my snark, then sure."
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heroestales · 9 months ago
Padme Amidala. She couldn't deny the perking up at the words. The straightening of her spine. adoration in her eyes. "Father's friend, Padme? The former queen of Naboo? The senator?" her voice is higher pitched. "I adored her when I became a senator. Though there was no information besides background stories. And what my family had. I hoped to be just like her." Hopefully she was. How had Padme fell for Vader? Even if he wasn't Vader....the word 'would' hurt. The mother you don't have. The mother taken from you. Padme shouldn't have been a would. Loved meant that she wanted them. Both of them. And she'd studied Padme Amidala enough to see herself in her. A mixture of Anakin Skywalker who in another universe was Darth Vader and her childhood her. She must have been shorter then the portraits showed. For it felt like Anakin towered over her. A feature she tried harder and harder not to be nervous by. She longed for Bail Organa who would have pulled her into his side. Hugged her. He was a would too in his own right. Imprinted her force signature. Kriff. If only Luke were here. He would understand what that meant. "Luke doesn't remember her at all. I thought maybe I'd created the memory," the brunette said. though there was no denying that she had held onto that memory. Maybe her anger came from Anakin. But would other things have come from her? "I didn't think that was all she was. That's all I ever knew. I don't even know how she died." though she assumed it was by his hand. Or the other version of his hand. Honestly, she had wanted for years until she knew better to run into her biological dad's arms. To run to him. She'd used to hope it was Ben. that her father was alive and cared enough. Now he was. Now he wasn't Darth Vader. He was the man that Luke had seen. Leia should just throw herself into that car and speed off. She should forget he existed. Forget it all. Forget that she could maybe be loved. A Padawan. Poor Luke had never gotten that. they'd been eradicated. "And if I am not strong in it like you? I have no want to become a zen jedi." Shouldn't Ben have helped her? Shouldn't he have known? "Ben was everything. he trained Luke. He saved me after an inquisitor took me. We knew him as Ben. I don't think I have met a hero like him with the exception of my brother or..." Han Solo was not a conversation she was eager to have with him. "Ben promised I'd see him again. When I was taken by Vader, I begged for him. He brought Luke. every day, I pray he will come back for me." Ben had fallen for him too? she couldn't... no. why was she so vulnerable with him of all people? Genetics were awful things or loneliness. And she did something she hadn't done since childhood. Fidgeted with her hands. Princesses and leaders didn't do that. It showed weakness, but it let out everything. It let feelings show. Physical. Better then throwing a punch. "You're right. It could be the you I know. But that seems only a bit worse then being trapped with a younger version of my father."
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Ani just looked on at Leia as he wiped his hands off on the cloth. He couldn't help feeling protective over her. She seemed to need it. How long was she here by herself? It must have been scary thinking she was alone. He knew he had been terrified until she showed up at his doorstep with confusion written on her face. Everyone knew him as Aeron Myricks, not Anakin Skywalker. It was safer like that in his line of work he did on this planet. "She would have loved you."
Skywalker reassured her. "She made me want to be better. Made me the person who I was. I was the best I could be with her around." Putting the cloth down, he sighed. He did miss Padme terribly. The fact she had not shown up here brought up his worst fears of her being gone forever.
The darkness almost took him when he went against Vader. He knew his anger had to be kept in check. The Dark Side gave him focus, an understanding of his strength. He just didn't let it take over. "There was more to her than that. From what you told me, she could have imprinted her Force signature before she died." He told her what he suspected as he closed the hood of the engine. Such primitive things cars were. He much rather have a speeder. "I could teach you if you were willing. I did have a padawan during the Clone Wars. We were close. I never knew what happened with her." Ahsoka was never far from his thoughts. Either was Obi Wan.
Eyeing her as the attitude came back, he shook his head. "You act like being stuck with me is a bad thing. It could always be much worse." Vader could be here and that would cause a lot of trouble for them all. He would have given him a fight if that were the case. "Obi-Wan? You knew him?" He raised a brow immediately interested. "He was my master and a brother to me." A father in a lot of ways. His teachings were what made him survive his fight against Vader. "Her name was Padme Amidala. She was a queen and then senator for the Naboo."
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heroestales · 9 months ago
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Most people didn't approach people unless they had too and so it was an alert that pulled at her when the woman spoke. Amber eyes blowing wide even more. "Your husband? Sure. though... my Steven didn't show up here so its a toss up if you don't remember how you got here. Just be prepared."
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esme wasn't sure how she ended up in london, how she had gotten separated from her family. it made her uneasy not having her children or husband by her side. she had to look for them. she tapped a passerby on the shoulder. "excuse me, do you know how to get to the hospital?" she asked smiling sweetly. "i'm not sick or injured. i'm new here and i got lost. i'm looking for my husband. he works there." i think. she silently added in her head. @walstarterblog
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heroestales · 9 months ago
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Oak had been pulled from his thoughts by a woman and his charm instantly turned on. Eyes kind and calculating. She was hurt? He instantly searched over her entire form before rolling his muscles at what she had to say. "Well, I have been here one day myself, but I think I can be of some assistance."
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esme wasn't sure how she ended up in london, how she had gotten separated from her family. it made her uneasy not having her children or husband by her side. she had to look for them. she tapped a passerby on the shoulder. "excuse me, do you know how to get to the hospital?" she asked smiling sweetly. "i'm not sick or injured. i'm new here and i got lost. i'm looking for my husband. he works there." i think. she silently added in her head. @walstarterblog
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heroestales · 9 months ago
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Jace was ready for a quip when he approached but it fell. Shadowhunters were meant to protect all people. Could he stop anything here? But she seemed okay. "Right..." The pool of people here was like going from an ocean to sea world. But he nodded again. "If you can handle my snark, then sure."
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esme wasn't sure how she ended up in london, how she had gotten separated from her family. it made her uneasy not having her children or husband by her side. she had to look for them. she tapped a passerby on the shoulder. "excuse me, do you know how to get to the hospital?" she asked smiling sweetly. "i'm not sick or injured. i'm new here and i got lost. i'm looking for my husband. he works there." i think. she silently added in her head. @walstarterblog
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heroestales · 9 months ago
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"Are you-" her words died on her mouth though. the force presence felt normal and she looked different. This woman looked beautiful. Looked kind. But so had her sort of father. she stopped herself from fidgeting with her hands. Luke wasn't here. Maybe her husband wasn't. But she would try. "Sure. I got my car fixed as it a little drive or we can walk if you want. though again its a little bit."
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esme wasn't sure how she ended up in london, how she had gotten separated from her family. it made her uneasy not having her children or husband by her side. she had to look for them. she tapped a passerby on the shoulder. "excuse me, do you know how to get to the hospital?" she asked smiling sweetly. "i'm not sick or injured. i'm new here and i got lost. i'm looking for my husband. he works there." i think. she silently added in her head. @walstarterblog
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heroestales · 9 months ago
"The hospital?" Annabeth asked. her eyes wide and careful as they fully took the woman in. She was someone who kept to herself but was also serious about her beliefs and strengths. Then the rest of the worlds swirled around her head over medic information. A slight pang of shared pain on the Athena kid's face. "are you- The groupings of people here are different. But I think I saw one not far."
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esme wasn't sure how she ended up in london, how she had gotten separated from her family. it made her uneasy not having her children or husband by her side. she had to look for them. she tapped a passerby on the shoulder. "excuse me, do you know how to get to the hospital?" she asked smiling sweetly. "i'm not sick or injured. i'm new here and i got lost. i'm looking for my husband. he works there." i think. she silently added in her head. @walstarterblog
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heroestales · 9 months ago
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Tigris had always liked to be helpful, but especially to people who were new in town. She had also shown up here shaken and hurt by her own nervous system. The hospital? "I've never been but I can take you there if you need." Your husband might not be here. her brain supplied but she wouldn't and couldn't say that. "You look like you need some company."
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esme wasn't sure how she ended up in london, how she had gotten separated from her family. it made her uneasy not having her children or husband by her side. she had to look for them. she tapped a passerby on the shoulder. "excuse me, do you know how to get to the hospital?" she asked smiling sweetly. "i'm not sick or injured. i'm new here and i got lost. i'm looking for my husband. he works there." i think. she silently added in her head. @walstarterblog
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heroestales · 9 months ago
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oak had see Jude briefly, but not many of the others in his life. That wasn't new. he'd been a pawn thrown around on different boards before. He'd been cardan's clone lately in order to figure out who was coming for Jude and the rest of his family. But he normally had memory of how he got there. He normally felt in control. But now, he leaned back like an elegant cat taking a sip of coffee and struggling to not look for something stronger. "Did you need to sit here?" he asked with elegance once the shadow of a figure came into view. His fae senses had known beforehand though growing up in the mortal world he knew how to cover up who and what he was. just like court had been lately.
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heroestales · 9 months ago
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An avid reader often turned people off to her. Annabeth had gotten better at her social skills but she was still a ranter. Still had the fatal flaw of hubris. It didn't sound like girl also read, but that didn't matter. She respected it. And intelligence came in all types and forms. percy read comic books and had his moments but she would trust his mind any day. if there wasn't a way out, she definitely had to try and make a life here. With them. And maybe use it to branch out. She could call it intel if she had too. "What do you study?" intrigue colored her features. "I suppose I can consider it." She didn't exactly have anywhere to stay or a better place to go. "Frightening?"
"Everything." she answered to the question. Everything. Maybe it was the fact that she was the child of a professor and Athena, but ,Gods, it was like knowledge was a vacuum that sucked her completely up. "I have been meaning to enroll in something since I showed up here though I am not sure what." the brunette agreed. She had hoped that there would be a way home. that something would make sense. Percy did have a habit of randomly appearing. "Are you a student? To me, it shows the power of the human brain and the connection to history. Beauty. Creation. and more. Its something that can't be done all alone. Harmony. He might. This place seems like Pandora's box."
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heroestales · 9 months ago
"Its not kind to tell the truth, but I am glad it helps," Oak answered in kind. He hoped he could actually do something good in this mortal world. Even if that was a struggle much of the time being a prince of elfhame. Something he hadn't asked for. He was sticking out like a sore thumb here as well. "I was attempting to be respectful. mi- Maggie. You can call me, Oak. I did. I was speaking with one of my sisters and then... nothing."
Oak Greenbriar knew how to work a room, but he had a heart. And there was something off here. He needed allies anyways. Gentleman could apply in many ways. Catlike on his feet, he made his way over to the woman. Dramatic eyebrow raised. He was capable of caring for himself. He needed intel. "my lady, I don't know your story, but you speak with strength. it's my first day here. I woke up here myself. alone. It was almost as if I were some unconscious body dragged by myself. It isn't a fault on either of our parts."
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heroestales · 9 months ago
Was he a charmer or a man who meant well but was good with words? She was yet uncertain. But she couldn't help flashing the man a smile. Honey words that were dangerous did feel a little like home again. and maybe her wayward heart wanted it. "Panem has many traditions. But are you speaking of the capitol itself?" she asked. There were a great many differences and some she would like to forget, but she also wished someone else knew what that word meant even if she was well fed here with seemingly nice company. "I believe the saying is your one to talk when you have the aesthetics that you do. My tailor's mind has absolutely been invested."
"I have never heard of this version of a winter solstice, but I am in love," Tigris started. She had spent the last hour walking through lighted areas in the city and taking in trees. Once she got settled, she'd pick up swaths of red and green fabric and make something elegant and up to date with the looks she'd seen around her. Her blue eyes a light with child like glee. The capitol had joy, but the kind that came from gritted teeth. It felt good to have her blonde curls unbound in the cold air. "Isn't it just lovely?" she continued.
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