#fierce deity melony
tessasbrainrotbin · 2 years
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I like fierce deity melony a completely normal amount
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thescrump · 1 year
I need to know.
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newtstesco · 2 years
why do i draw fierce deity melony like i am paying homage to an old god why do i do them so much justice
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karlohabagatstudios · 2 years
[MMD/SMG4] Happy 2nd Anniversary, Melony! (Human and FD Versions)
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Happy (late) 2nd anniversary to our lazy but strong, powerful, fruity girl, Melony!
Special thanks to MrTheWizard and c_art from the GMOD/SFM Workshop for the Updated Melony model, Glitch Productions for the Revelations Arc model pack, kevdevz for the Axol model, and an MMDer for the Fierce Deity model
Melony and Axol belongs to SMG4 and Glitch Productions
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youtube-arc · 14 days
Overthinking this specific scene
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Okay, the selection of characters here seem random, but I see some logic
As we all know, Mario has two ver clear and obvious favorite persons: Luigi and SMG4. When he needs something, generally the first person he asks for help is Luigi, when Luigi can't help him, he goes to SMG4;
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One of the most recent examples of this is the Beans video
Generally the two of them are his primary choice to hang out (look at how many Crew videos we have with Luigi and 4), etc.
Of course, is not crazy to put Meggy as the third one, they are very close, help each other a lot, the multiple sunset scenes, etc. They fight, but they care for each other.
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It's pretty expected that Mario visualize his favorite persons cheering for him when he needs motivation, I guess everyone does that, so it would be pretty fitting if it's the case.
...But what Melony and SMG3 are doing there? And what about that propeller beanie?
Rulling out the beanie, I think that this one is just supposed to be a random kid cheering for Mario, maybe himself as a kid, who knows
Now for 3 and Melony, I'm actually surprised to see them here; positively surprised.
Mario and Melony have a lot in common. They both are extremely powerful, but are too silly to actually use those powers to something beyond protecting their friends and having fun; both are technically gods (Mario being the anchor of the world they live in and having the Funny(tm) powers, Melony being basically the Fierce Deity from TLOZ) and have a very whismical and silly way to see the world and everything that happen to them. We have a lot of cute moments of them hanging out and caring for each other...hell, look at the Death Row ep!
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So it does make sense for Mario to have her as one of the people he goes when he wants company or needs help, they are similar and probably understand each other well.
Now for 3...it makes more sense than you think.
One thing I don't see a lot of people mentioning is that Mario always liked 3, since smg4 vs smg3 (2011); they are the pinacle of the trope "hero who think they are friends x villain who think they are archnemesis", and its extremely obvious. Examples down below.
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Mario never saw true danger in SMG3, and even defended him when SMG4 was judged him too harshly, which is pretty intersting to see.
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And of course, Three being the villain that he is...he used this to manipulate Mario during The Youtube Arc.
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Well, outside this and the obvious "I was born to protect you" thing (something Mario and 4 also have), they are very compatible: they like to cause chaos, they like to commit crimes (we just had a full episode of them robbing a bank lmao), both are good when it comes to understand others (and Mario is even better than 3), etc;
But even knowing all these things, I didnt expected to see 3 to be placed with Mario's favorite persons; in the last SMG4 Crew from 2023, they gave Mario a picture of his friends and 3 was not in the photo, and he appeared in this video, its not like the editors forgot him or something
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My guess is that their relationship improved a lot since last year, which is true; episodes like The Inspection, Trash Friends, Mario Gets Stuck Into a Gif and Mario Reacts to Illegal Nintendo Memes show them to be closer now, and Mario even calls 3 when he needs help
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Mario asking for 3's help in "Mario Gets Stuck as a Gif
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Mario basically calling 3 a friend in "Mario Reacts to Illegal Memes"; He also did the same with SMG4 once.
This make me super happy; Mario having more people he trust to help him and feel comfortable with is always a good thing <3
But to be fair, I thought Bob would come before both Melony and 3
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merp0515 · 2 months
Healing Past Scars Ch.1 Blind Belief
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Summary: After the dealing with so many traumatic incidents, our beloved meme guardain boys have to come into terms with both past and present scars. Will they be able to conquer them with an iron fist or will those same wounds destroy them both?
Tags: Suicidal Thoughts,PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Healing , Developing Relationship
Link to my previous post with other fanfic places I posted this fic at is here!
TW: The following story contains dark themes such as PTSD, and disturbing imagery.
   It was raining hard late into the night at the showgrounds. Everyone was fast asleep in their respective rooms peacefully except for one. Four had just finished editing his latest video, ready to call it a night. He gets up from his chair and stretches his body. He changes into his PJs and hops to his bed and closes his eyes to forget reality for a moment.
Fog clouds Four's vision as he tries to watch where he was stepping. He looks around cautiously, trying to figure out his location. He looks ahead to see a silhouette of something he couldn't put his finger around.
"Hello! Can you help me figure out where I am? I'm a little lost here!" He shouted at the shadow from a distance. The shadow doesn't reply. The guardian walks towards the mysterious figure, his brows scrunched in irritation as the silence between the two thickens. The fog slowly clears up the more SMG4 gets closer to the figure. The figure's shadow clears as Four gets close, stopping dead in his tracks. His eyes widen seeing a person he hasn't seen in a while......Desti.
Desti looks at Four coldly. Her octarian eyes staring deep into his soul. Four could feel himself sweating as the scene changed to where she had died but something was different. Four looked down to see the very sword that killed her, pierced into his heart. He instantly felt everything at once. The pain, no way of breathing, and the shockwave his body felt as he kneeled down before her.
"If only you had been quicker with realizing that anime trash was behind me, I would have been still alive and Meggy wouldn't have gone through such a traumatic event." She spoke with such venom in her mouth. Four began coughing up blood as it started to spread on his overalls. He looks down in shame, looking at his hand, shaking tears threatening to come out.
"I...I was trying to save everyone." He managed to say before the scene and the person changed again. He closes his eyes, feeling himself glitch into the transition. He notices the sword that was previously on his chest disappear and holds on to his chest, anxiety slowly kicking in as he is back in the god box. More specifically, where they first met the real SMG0 and Niles.
He looks up to see the sky, remembering the mixture of colors where they fought Eldritch Zero and almost dying in the void of the box with Mario and SMG3. He hears a dark chuckle, snapping himself back and gasps in horror as he sees both his avatar and his guardian partner's Mario reskin covered in many injuries.
"MARIO! SMG3!" Four screams in terror and he runs towards the two but is cut short due to something landing between him and the lifeless bodies. He looked closer to see the thing that stopped him was none other than Melony in her Fierce Deity form.
"M-melon-" Four began to say before Melony cuts him off from speaking further. Her bubbly tone was replaced with a more serious and angry tone.
"Why?" She began, her face twisting into an angered expression that scared the shit out of the meme guardian.
"Why are all the bad things happening to us while you only get so little pain? Are we just characters that you can just play with their emotions and screw them over whenever you want?" The melon Deity says, her voice shaking from the tears that came out with her grief. 
"It's a shame really." Another voice rang as the two original guardians appeared in between Melony. Zero looks away, not looking at the heartbroken Four. The teary eyed guardian looks to her right and growls in anger as Niles stares at him with a smug ass smile on his face.
"And yet with your best intentions, have you ever stopped to wonder if you ever did more harm than good?" Niles asked in a taunting tone.
Four's eyes widen in rage as he runs to the trio going head on towards Niles screaming angrily. Both Niles and Zero disappeared at the same time and fell to the ground right in front of Melony. He looks up in horror to see the two merged into their Eldritch version behind her staring him down emotionlessly. She picks up the blue hero effortlessly as the male struggles to get away from her grasp.
"M-melony please.....listen to me.", SMG4 tearfully said, feeling his face wet with tears.
Melony opens her mouth to speak to Four before throwing him into the abyss. But instead, the voice of the monster behind her spoke in her body as he was thrown far into the next place.
"P A T H E T I C."
Screams were heard in the void. Four felt like he was flying into the void for an eternity when suddenly felt himself going downwards to something.....and he was going down at the speed of light. Four shields himself, shutting his eyes tight as he was embracing for impact that never came.
He counted to himself as he tried to calm himself down. He waited for anything to tell him he was either alive in his dream or awake back in his new room. Sounds of the keyboard echos in his ears as he opens his eyes immediately wondering where this nightmare had taken him this time. He looks around the room he was in. His heart racing, realizing where he is. Back to the beginning, where it all began. Four's breath quickens as he watches his 2022 self glued to the computer, his room a mess along with his restless appearance he had the day he snapped at his friends for turning off the wifi.
"It's crazy isn't it?" He heard a familiar voice from the shadows. Four jolts up in surprise to his friend Axol sitting on his old bed, looking at him with sadness and pity. The axolotl looks back to the older design, a frown intact on his face.
"I was once the world's best mangaka. I had it all. Fame, fans, people that adored all my hard work and enjoyed all of what I brought to the table. Meeting you all and going through all the insane near death experiences changed my life." Axol said with a heartbroken tone.
"A-axol please..... I-I'm sor-"Four weakly tries to apologize to his friend and carefully walks towards him.
"YOU APOLOGIZE?! AFTER BEING DEAD FOR ALMOST THREE YEARS ONLY NOW YOU CHOOSE TO APOLOGIZE?!" Axol screamed at Four with such rage. Four immediately stopped approaching and jolted in surprise, seeing him in such a state. Axol's body changed from his original form to the second stage of the time "Zero" possessed him.
"I NEVER GOT TO EXPERIENCE TRUE ROMANCE AND GO ON PROPER DATES! INSTEAD OF THAT, THE GIRL I FEEL FOR HAD TO KILL ME!!!" He shouts more aggressively. Four fell to his knees, looking down in shame. Letting his dead friend chew him out with his words.
The ground beneath him changes again to the outside of where the castle once was. Four looks up to the empty space before him. His guilt kicks into high gear as he lets his tears fall out and hugs himself in pain. He drowned out all the audio in the current setting he was in that he didn't hear someone walking towards the weeping male. He stops his tears for a moment to see a familiar shoe that had a skull on the side standing in front of him. Four lifts his upper body to see his ex rival looking at him. His face was unreadable as Four felt his lips shiver as the other male kneeled in front of him.
"Just like when I almost died during the 10th year anniversary party and during the god box incident. I almost died during Mario day.... didn't I?" Three spoke with pure fear in his eyes. The final glitch changes from the old castle to Three's Coffee N' Bombs where it was infested with snails. Four's eyes widened in fear and looked behind him to see a scribbled out face of Mario petting one of the snails. The blue guardian could feel himself tearing again as he felt Three's hand gently grab his face to see him. Seeing the way the other meme guardian stared at him shattered his soul, making him cry on the spot. Three's eyes changed from his warm ruby colored eyes to the yellow colored eyes, his skin and hand covered in black veins.
"Can you imagine what that's like?", Three gulped as he felt his own tears coming out seeing his partner cry. "To be completely and utterly failed.....time and again....by someone that meant the world to you..." 
Four shot up from his bed drenched in sweat. His entire body was shaking from what he just experienced. He shakily covered his face with his hands, his sobs echoing in the blue man's room. He cursed the loud pouring rain outside for creating such a horrible nightmare. All he wanted was to create a new home for everyone after everything was said and done. Is having a peaceful life in his new home really hard to have? 
In the meantime he'll have to do what he always did when this recurring nightmare happened. Hold himself close and let his tears out until there's nothing left so he can sleep.
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duckapus · 5 months
Shroob Invasion AU
Somehow the Shroobs have returned and are out to take over the world and get revenge on the Mario Bros for their defeat in Partners in Time. And since the Crew is still recovering from Puzzlevision, the military is...themselves, and Peach is still a monster at the bottom of a demon flesh pit, the Mushroom Kingdom is wholly unprepared to fend them of when they first arrive.
...What, not everything needs some long-winded preamble.
Some important notes:
The Shroobs are studying the Creep Pit and using that research to improve their shroob mutant creation process (you know stuff like Yoob and the Tashroobas that one Wiggler boss? Yeah now imagine shroobified versions of meme and crossover characters. Now imagine them with demonic bonus features!!!)
Mario, SMG4, Meggy, Saiko, Shroomy and Boopkins were captured by the Shroobs during the initial attack. Shroomy, Boopkins and 4 were used in the Shroob-Creep hybrid experiments, with Shroomy and Boopkins getting fully Shroobified while 4 only got half-mutated and escaped.
Luigi is completely missing and only Mario knows where he is, which terrifies the Shoobs given how instrumental he was to their defeat last time. So they're torturing Mario for information in a dungeon but he's giving them absolutely nothing.
There's currently only one Princess Shroob, but Shroob Culture Stuff demands there always be two. Fortunately, they've found a solution that also doubles as psychological torture for Mario since physical obviously isn't working; slowly transform Meggy, via gradual mutation and brainwashing, into a second Princess Shroob.
Due to this arrangement Meggy's cell is more of a luxury suite that she can't leave, with Saiko forced to be her attendant via a shock collar that goes off if either of them steps out of line.
The Shroobs also managed to get their hands on Melony's Fierce Deity Mask, but it refuses to function for any of them so it's just sitting in a vault
(I do plan on having Meggy, Saiko and Mario escape eventually, with the mask playing a large part in that, but by then Meggy will already be half-Shroob, though thankfully even though the mutation's working as advertised she's got a strong enough will that she's still almost completely her usual self mentally)
Melony, Tari and Hal Monitor are all on the run together, trying to not get captured or killed and to find Luigi. And yes, Melony's stuck in her base form
A big chunk of the Kingdom's population, including the rest of the actually relevant characters, managed to escape into the Internet Graveyard and are using it as the headquarters of the anti-Shroob resistance. SMG3, Bowser and Toadsworth are the leaders of the resistance since they all have leadership experience, the Mushroom Kingdom citizens trust Toadsworth, the bulk of their forces are from the Koopa Troop, and they're operating out of 3's territory.
The resistance managed to capture half-mutated 4, who's extremely feral and violent, and are hoping they can study his condition to create a cure for him and anyone else who's been Shroobified
(I should note that, due to the alternate method used for Meggy's mutation, if they do manage to create a cure it might not work for her)
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The SMGs
SMG-1 & SMG-2
Statues: Retired
Former Avatar: Juliano
The first SMGs ever created, the Prototypes. Created by Admin Byte, it wasn't for the purpose of guarding universes and keeping the meme cycle going, but for the Admin's own gain to mess with universes.
This failed, however, as SMG-1&-2 were kindhearted Guardians to their Avatar, Juliano. However, after an attack on their world, their Avatar died, and they were promoted to Admins. They are now known as Domain and Forum, respectively.
SMG0 & Niles
Statuses: Deactivated
Former Avatar: Fred
In the video game Mage, there was originally only a single SMG for the universe as Admin Byte intentionally didn't tell Admin Lag that two SMGs were needed for balance. However, this wasn't for long, as the God Box created Niles, a false SMG to pair with SMG0.
However, this wasn't to last, as after an attempt to repair his imperfect code, Niles went insane due to the God Box and killed his Avatar, Fred. Following a forced fusion between him and SMG0, creating SMGØ, a being hellbent on finding another Avatar and remaking the fallen universe.
The duo were put to rest by the combined efforts of Avatar Mario, his Guardians, and Fierce Deity Melony.
Statuses: Semi-retired/Active
Former Avatar: Spudnick
While they lived in peace with their Avatar for many years, this was eventually broken when SMGØ landed in their universe, intent on shaping Spudnick to be a new Avatar. However, this failed, causing Spudnick's death and the destruction of their universe.
They now reside in the SM64 universe, being mentors to SMG3 and SMG4, and generally doing what they can to help out.
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Mario
Their activation has been dubbed the Worst To Ever Happen. Several things went wrong, including the inclusion of SMGØ and SMGs 1&2. There have been many incidents regarding their universe, but they've always come out on top for their Avatar and friends, so they're typically left to handle themselves. They're remarkably close with their Admins, Forum and Domain.
SMG5 (Penta Knight) & SMG6
Statuses: Active
Introduced here!
Avatar: Kirby
SMG6 is a wandering comedian, and Penta Knight is an admirable warrior.
SMG7 & SMG10
Statuses: Active
Introduced here!
Avatar: Tulip
There was an accident when Guardians were being assigned, and SMG8 accidentally went to SMG9. To rectify this (it was already too late to switch it back), SMG7 was partnered to SMG10.
SMG10 is actually the more calm one of the duo, with SMG7 displaying the more energetic qualities of an even-numbered SMG.
Statuses: Active
Introduced here!
Avatar: Nimbus
They're a bit more overprotective of Nimbus, as their first memory after landing was Lumiere kidnapping Nimbus.
SMG11 & SM12 (belongs to @duckapus )
Statuses: Active
Introduced here!
Avatar: Tune
They're the first SMG duo thus far to have an SMG (SMG12) fall in love with someone who wasn't their SMG partner.
SMGXIII (13) & SMGXIV (14)
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Sora
Due to certain quirks of the Kingdom Hearts universe, his SMGs have turned out looking like recolors of Roxas and Xion instead of him.
SMG15 & SMG16
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Frenzy
Currently working to help Frenzy work through his issues and repair all the damage he's caused by being a part of the Union of Scorned Avatars.
SMG17 & SMG18
Statuses: Unknown
Avatar: Barry the Blook
Introduced here!
Their current statues are unknown due to the state their universe has been left in following Avatar Barry's departure.
SMG19 & SMG20
Statues: Actice
Avatar: Red the Angry Bird
Not much is known about them, but it's reasonable to assume they were glad to have their Avatar return home following the events of the Legacy Arc.
SMG21 (Kira Nadja) & SMG22
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Arle Nadja/Doppelganger Arle
SMG21/Kira Nadja is the second known SMG to not go by her assigned name (the other being Penta Knight). It's clear she prefers this one.
SMG23 & SMG24
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Laharl
It's pretty reasonable to assume that they do their best to help Laharl any understand the way he acts.
SMG25 & SMG26
Statuses: Unknown
Avatar: Lord Ramagog
Their current statuses are unknown due to Lord Ramagog's deserting of his universe.
SMG27 & SMG28
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Shantae
They probably tease her a fair bit about the time she sat on a freshly painted bench.
SMG29 & SMG30
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Ash Ketchum
Introduced here!
Their activation was rocky due to the interference of Avatar Barry, which was an attempt to stop the universe from coming online. However, it did end up happening, and SMG29 is actually trans.
SMG31 & SMG32
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Captain Olimar
SMG32 always somehow finds ways to incorporate the Pikmin into memes.
HMG1 ("Vee" Haltmann) & HMG2 ("Hex" Haltmann) (belongs to Duckapus)
Statuses: Active/Anamolies
Avatar: Elanore Haltmann
Introduced here!
They are False Guardians, as they were not made by the Guardian System, but instead Susie Haltmann. Originally intended to replace SMG3&4, they now live peacefully alongside them, even if some craziness is bound to happen.
SMG33 & SMG34 (belongs to Duckapus)
Statuses: Active
Avatars: Sally 13 and Cole
Introduced here!
Following Garyboy messing with the universe files, the two universes merged, and now the two SMGs work together. SMG33 is a recolor of Sally, and SMG34 is based on Cole.
SMG35 & SMG36
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Irene
Introduced here!
SMG35 was bold enough to sass a god for not being in the right realm when she first landed. SMG36 just about had a heart attack when she heard that.
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dipdopdog · 1 year
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Fierce Deity Melony render
Kind of a redo of Melony's pose from this post
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smg4-actor-au · 3 months
In a riverside mountain forest, Thor Odinson is walking whilst carrying a large tree over his left shoulder, with his hammer Mjolnir in his right hand. However, he is suddenly staggered by a powerful shockwave that blows the tree out of his grasp.
Eyeing the source, he sees Melony practicing her deity for a transformation with Niles, bob and axol watching impressed. Melony is interrupted by Mjolnir, which zooms right past by her head into the grove behind her, axol and Niles dodge the hammer with the hammer accidentally hitting bob. They turn to see an impressed Thor walking up with a friendly greeting and question.
Thor: Ho there, mighty warriors! What business havest thou upon Earth?
Bob: Ow my ovaries-
Melony: Hi! I was just practicing my Fierce Deity transformation with Axol, Niles and Bob!
Niles: Yeah, what she said.
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smg4tc · 2 years
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TC!Melony trauma up in here :p
With Melony’s trauma, I really don’t like how they handled it, making her get over it too quickly and too easily. It just made her look like she doesn’t care about Axol as much as they like her to be (in this AU, Galaxy gets killed off) so I wanna do something about it:
After the destruction that she caused when she first went on her rampage, not only Melony became more determined to work on her powers… she became more afraid of herself. As much as she wants to control her Deity powers, Melony is afraid of using them, because she fears that she'll only end up hurting others, like how she destroyed that factory, which only worsened her paranoia and restlessness. The Fierce Deity mask doesn’t have the word ‘Fierce’ in it for nothing, because I can only imagine how powerful it is and how exhausting it is to even try to control it so you won’t have to destroy everything you see. What also makes it worse, is that from what I heard from my friend who knows The Legend of Zelda series, is that the Fierce Deity mask lusts for vengeance and justice, so that means that mixed with Melony’s trigger trauma from Zero, it can only go from bad to worse.
At first, Melony’s Deity training is rough, because she had struggles to reach Deity. She doesn’t really know how, no matter how much she tries, the best she can do is summon her sword. Think of her struggle like Anne Boonchuy from Amphibia with her Calamity Powers, struggling to reach her power unless it’s activated by a deep emotion, and only having a limited time before passing out, but only more violent on Melony's side. Going into Deity and using her powers even slightly takes a lot out of her. The emotion/feeling to protect others will get her to activate her Deity manually, so then after she figures that out, Melony needs to work on her control of it.
Melony struggles with self identity because of the mask. She would often have an existential conflict because she wonders if she was even meant to be alive at all, if her memories were even hers
Melony, does in fact, bleed melon juice
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asksmg4hollowau · 7 months
I don't really know how else to say this without breaking character.
The Zelda games are just games in this cannon.
I'm already doing a thing where Miyamoto isn't a god. And he's like the Nintendo creator. I don't think the lawsuit Arc happens because that requires funky Kong to take a drastic turn in personality and Miyamoto to do something that I'm pretty sure is illegal. Like to an extent that I'm pretty sure he would be disgusted by.
So I don't no I'm comfortable with making melony a god. If I'm going to be honest.
I don't think the fierce deity mask exists in the same way that it would in your universe or the smg4 universe.
I'm not even sure if I was even going to adapt the SMG0 Arc.
But I'm willing to go through with this.
I just have to rewrite my entire Cannon
[Nah you don't gotta lol, we could just say it happens differently and Hollow!Smg4 is just having an over reaction </3] [You don't have to rewrite that shit for this, its for funzies lol]
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theviceenforcer · 1 year
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Melony (SMG4) in Majoras Mask part II
Ever since Melony became human from having the Fierce Deity Mask attached to her, The Happy Masked Salesman still wants his mask back.
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newtstesco · 1 year
FightingMario54321 and Meggy- they were both cops and have penchant for fighting, what more do i have to say? they set up play dates between Loaf and Cube
Luigi and SMG0- they both are so chill, and they’d probably discuss gardening and their favorite teas and have little tea parties and talk abt how chaotic Mario and Fred are
Niles and Kaizo- both have felt betrayed by someone they care about, and they’re both the bad boy trope fr fr, would listen to rob zombie together
Mario, Fred, and Spudnick- they are all super chaotic and love running around and causing problems on purpose, they’re not allowed to hang out a lot since they destroy so much when they’re together, but once a year the guardians allow a play date
Tari and EpicYoshiFan- i’ve always thought EYF was bit quieter and shyer than the other recolors, so i think he and Tari would get long great, talking about music and video games and staying up way too late doing things
XboxGamer997 and Melony- they both have this sort of main character energy with X’s omen sense and Melony’s fierce deity side, i also think X gets pretty tired frequently so they’ll just have lil sleepovers :3
Ruffman8890 and Boopkins- they’re both very high energy, and RM would love to watch anime with Boopkins because i said so fuck you
Karen, Toad, and Peach- tired of Mario’s shit and definitely need a break, they go drinking together sometimes
Jeeves and Toadsworth- weird old men gang! i am specifically thinking abt the 2018 video where Jeeves and Toadsworth were hanging out, they definitely would discuss like the weather and what the princess has been up to and how the milk is selling fr fr
Shroomy and Swag- once again, i am referencing a Christmas special, the 2021 one to be exact, they love going demon hunting on the weekends and blowing things up
Whimpu and Tari- they both like doing quieter activities and nerdy shit, so they’d definitely play pokémon together, Whimpu is a nuzlock GOD
Enzo and The Villager- they both recovered after the christmas crazies episode (a lot of christmas episodes, you can tell they’re some of my favorites) and now The Villager directs a children’s TV show (seen in the 10 year anniversary movie) and Enzo runs a birthday supplies store in bloopersville (source: my brain) and they have the same parole officer, and no one really understands what they’ve been through so they’re pretty tight
SMG3, Xboxfan996, and OiramOiram12345- evil dopple gang! they’ve mostly mellowed out tho, and 96 and OO live in bloopersville but come by the internet graveyard sometimes to get a coffee and talk about what’s new with them
SMG4, SLG4, and Minion- THEY ARE A FAMILY YOUR HONOR AND YOU CAN RIP THIS FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS! Minion and SLG4 live in bloopersville, and since they’re all sorta related to SMG4, they’re like “yeah we’re family lol” so SMG4 sometimes shows up at bloopersville for their birthdays
Desti and Saiko- they would have been BESTIES you can’t change my mind, Desti would totally go to Saiko for help with asking out Meggy
MCGustavo and Bob- i can’t explain this but just trust me they’d be best friends they’d smoke together lol
Chris and Belle- they both want to smack the shit out of their former bosses (Sergeant Mark and SMG3, respectively), they both get a little tired of the chaos and just wanna talk to someone who’s also tired of it for once
Jub Jub, Frankie, and the Weegee doll- they play roblox together :D
Mario and Ruffman8890- they are both so chaotic and love running around and pissing off Toad lmaooo
Waluigi and Tari- after the whole T-pose virus thing, they both see each other at a rubber duck store and hit it off immediately, they love hanging out and playing with their ducks
those are all the ones i can think of rn but this is so real and you will agree with me now
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years
Ok, so little Unpopular Opinion to say the least, but I actually do like The Super Mario Bros Movie with Bob Hoskins (even though most of the Movie's Plots were indeed Shitty and that some of the Character Designs look absolutely nothing like the Original Characters) but what I do like about it is how it takes up a little FairyTale Aestheic Realistic development but on how that despite most of the designs being inaccurate, I like other people's takes on Designs that are Quite Different for their own personal interpretations despite the New Mario Movie coming up which I am exicited to see. As far as I am indeed one of the Few Fans who actually liked the 90s Movie, I decided to put up a little spin around the SMG4 characters if they were in the 90s Movie Universe. Inspired by a Few Out there who have done their own personal takes on what Characters in a Different Media based on the Said Franchise would look like in a Different Style. Considering that the 90s Movie made its own versions on some of the Mario Characters different, I figure why not do the same with some of the SMG4 Characters if their own LA Movie Counterparts were to be different than the Originals.
Some Info About My Own Personal Takes:
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Meggy - While not looking alike at all with the Cephalopod Humanoid Creatures that we are all familiar with, I wanted to make an attemption of Inklings and Octolings by making them more Merfolk-like with a little spit of some Alien features as if Merfolk Cephalopods look something like Water-themed Aliens that still resembles most Cephalopods in Marine Life (kinda like the Amphibian Man from "The Shape of Water" and other Sea Monsters). Granted, I wanted to make Meggy's Inkling form something like an Actual Cephalopod Mermaid with more Squid/Octo-Like features (she still has the ability to transform into a Squid whenever she can) and as for her Human form, I know it's not very Athlete-like, but just imagine that she's still the same Meggy who can kick ass like a total badass but can still go through her Mer-Squid form whenever she want too. Also, Yeah, the Inklings and Octolings in this AU (while being Merfolk instead of looking more Humanoid) have the ability to transform into Humans for disguises whenever they go on land (so techincally think of it as in AU where if Meggy never lost her Inkling form).
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SMG4 and SMG3 - Eh, not much about these designs. Let's just say I sorta redesign the New Designs of them by making them look close to how Mario and Luigi are depicited in the '93 film but I used accepts of more of their Real-Life Counterparts considering those Guys are indeed their Main Avatars to their own Fictional Mario World. I also gave SMG3 a sockhead instead of a Plumber Hat.
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Melony - Considering that the Zelda franchise has Fantasy aspects, I wanted to make Melony look more like those Elf/Fairy-types of Creatures considering that she was turned as a Human by the Fierce Deity Mask. Say that she's sorta of a Fairy type inspired by the Nymphs of Greco-Roman Mythology, I also wanted to add in some Pink Flowers in her Hair while making her Wear a Forest-Fairy themed dress like most Fairies in Folklore (minus the Wings). As for the Real Inspiration for the Ears and even the Eyes, I mainly went with one of the Cult 80s Classics, "The Dark Crystal" by making Melony be inspired by the Gelfling characters in that Franchise; https://darkcrystal.fandom.com/wiki/Gelfling Axol - As far as Artists go throughout the Years, I wanted to make Axol look like some 90s Artist who can still draw Characters and Comics. Despite being born in Inkopolis in SMG4 Canon, in the 90s Movieverse, I can imagine him being born from a Sailor Family who had a passion for Art and even moves to Japan just like how did in the Original Series (so needless to say I did kept the Japan part of his life but for his Birthplace since Inklings and Octolings are Merfolk in this AU, Axol would have to be born in a Family of his near the Ocean at his own Beachouse where Inklings and Octolings still roam around the Seas). I also gave him one piercing in one of his earrings and let's just say that the badges that he wears are Buttons of Classic Anime Icons (like Goku from Dragon Ball or Sailor Moon).
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Boopkins - Considering that most of the Mushroom Kingdom residents in the 90s version look nothing like their own actual counterparts from the Game, I had to make Boopkins a Human just like how the '93 Movie went. I know that Fishy Boopkins is based off of Spike (considering that he does appear in the Movie) but I actually wanted to make Boopkins look different from Spike like he's his own Actual Character. I went with the Blonde Hair and Green Eyes to resemble how he looks, I also gave him a Shirt that has a Fish on it considering that he's a Sea Creature but he's still the Guy who bonds with Sea Creatures and Anime. Bob - Like the Original, he is a Garo but I tend to take some inspirations off of the Garo Master from the Zelda Franchise. So like how that the Movie Goombas are, I wanted to make Bob's species look even more different by having them look something like the Skeksis from "The Dark Crystal" (hint by that Bird face which looks something like a Plague Mask and even the Reptellien-like tail), I also took one accept from his New Design by having him wear a Bandana around his Neck. I also gave Bob some pupils that would make it look extra Creepy.
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Tari - I wanted to make her look something like a 90s Gamer by the tell of the Gloves and even that Outfit (which has the Rubber Duck on it), I also gave her Brown Hair and Blue Eyes with some little Blue diet on her Short Hair to still resemble on how she actually looked. In an addition, I also gave her a Heart necklace to resemble her own kindness. Saiko - Since she's a Bad Girl judging by her own name which translates to "Psycho Bitch", I wanted to make her look more Punk-like with a Few More Spikes to resemble her own Style and even have a Skull wearing a Bowtie on her own Top Shirt. I also gave her a Pink Eyeshadow since Pink is her Main Color but has for her Hair diets, I cut them off and made most of her Hair more Pink and even replace the Bowties for the Pigtails with a Headband that has a Bow on her head (I also gave her a piercing on her Nose). Imagine her living on the Streets like she's part of some Punk Gang who's got a Weapon of a Baseball Bat instead of a Giant Hammer.
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Swag and Chris - Ok so much like how that the Mario Bros are depicited in the Film to resemble their Original Counterparts, I wanted to do the same for both Swagmaster and Chris, only instead, they work as Police Offiers working at a Police Department but are still are Security Guards like how they are in the Original Series. Swag almost looks like the same as his OG Self but for Chris, I added an Eyepatch on his own Scared Eye cause I thought it would be cool and I also gave him a little Tattoo that's meant to resemble Black Fire if you can at least spot the Other Addition that I added in. Shroomy - Easy as peasy, I made him wear a Different Scout Outfit to resemble his OG Self, though for the Hair color, he's still a Redhead like Meggy but I also gave him some Freckles as a relfection to some of his Spots from his own Mushroom head but even the Hair Bangs is mainly the real reflection behind his Actual Mushroom head.
SMG4 (c) Luke and Kevin Lerdwichagul Super Mario Bros. Movie 1993 Film (c) Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel Mario (c) Nintendo
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duckapus · 1 year
Half-Formed SMG4 “The Hangover” parody idea
The crew’s having a party at the Showgrounds because Why Not, Bob spikes the punch with “Bob Juice,” and suddenly it’s the next morning and everyone’s in some state of disarray 
-Meggy’s hair is green and her Splattershot is full of hot sauce
-Luigi and SMG3 have swapped clothes
-Shoomy and Saiko are handcuffed together and Saiko has Hatsune Miku’s name tattooed on her arm 
-No one has any idea where Tari is
-Boopkins is glued to the RV
-SMG4 is in a full body cast but doesn’t seem to have any actual injuries
-The Fierce Deity Mask is missing and Melony’s using a Super Crown instead
-Mario’s pingas is in a door again and he’s also in his Super Mario Odyssey wedding outfit
-Bob and Steve wake up next to each other and Do Not want to think about what that may imply
-There’s a police car crashed into a tree nearby with Karen asleep in the back
So now they have to find Tari and the mask, and figure out what the hell they did last night.
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