duckapus · 5 months
Shroob Invasion AU
Somehow the Shroobs have returned and are out to take over the world and get revenge on the Mario Bros for their defeat in Partners in Time. And since the Crew is still recovering from Puzzlevision, the military is...themselves, and Peach is still a monster at the bottom of a demon flesh pit, the Mushroom Kingdom is wholly unprepared to fend them of when they first arrive.
...What, not everything needs some long-winded preamble.
Some important notes:
The Shroobs are studying the Creep Pit and using that research to improve their shroob mutant creation process (you know stuff like Yoob and the Tashroobas that one Wiggler boss? Yeah now imagine shroobified versions of meme and crossover characters. Now imagine them with demonic bonus features!!!)
Mario, SMG4, Meggy, Saiko, Shroomy and Boopkins were captured by the Shroobs during the initial attack. Shroomy, Boopkins and 4 were used in the Shroob-Creep hybrid experiments, with Shroomy and Boopkins getting fully Shroobified while 4 only got half-mutated and escaped.
Luigi is completely missing and only Mario knows where he is, which terrifies the Shoobs given how instrumental he was to their defeat last time. So they're torturing Mario for information in a dungeon but he's giving them absolutely nothing.
There's currently only one Princess Shroob, but Shroob Culture Stuff demands there always be two. Fortunately, they've found a solution that also doubles as psychological torture for Mario since physical obviously isn't working; slowly transform Meggy, via gradual mutation and brainwashing, into a second Princess Shroob.
Due to this arrangement Meggy's cell is more of a luxury suite that she can't leave, with Saiko forced to be her attendant via a shock collar that goes off if either of them steps out of line.
The Shroobs also managed to get their hands on Melony's Fierce Deity Mask, but it refuses to function for any of them so it's just sitting in a vault
(I do plan on having Meggy, Saiko and Mario escape eventually, with the mask playing a large part in that, but by then Meggy will already be half-Shroob, though thankfully even though the mutation's working as advertised she's got a strong enough will that she's still almost completely her usual self mentally)
Melony, Tari and Hal Monitor are all on the run together, trying to not get captured or killed and to find Luigi. And yes, Melony's stuck in her base form
A big chunk of the Kingdom's population, including the rest of the actually relevant characters, managed to escape into the Internet Graveyard and are using it as the headquarters of the anti-Shroob resistance. SMG3, Bowser and Toadsworth are the leaders of the resistance since they all have leadership experience, the Mushroom Kingdom citizens trust Toadsworth, the bulk of their forces are from the Koopa Troop, and they're operating out of 3's territory.
The resistance managed to capture half-mutated 4, who's extremely feral and violent, and are hoping they can study his condition to create a cure for him and anyone else who's been Shroobified
(I should note that, due to the alternate method used for Meggy's mutation, if they do manage to create a cure it might not work for her)
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