#fictional digidestined and digimon
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
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Digimon Adventure 02 OCs {Fic-verse} ~ "COF" (Now Renamed: {Chosen} of Faith) ~ Hikaru finds Hikaru's (Gold + Silver) D3 + Meets Hikaru's Partners {Exact cap of the file on my old C.D.} which has all the pages I could save, except images + font colors WON'T display until I re-create the WHOLE site again.
The precursor to the "REPEAT?_Verse" and "The Past World" (Hikaru cameos in Chs 4 + 6 of 'The Past World', it also shows a later section of what would have eventually been part of Koushiro's 'ARC' in my old story!)
by Young Me circa Pre-2010 (to eventually be re-written in Full)
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT re-produce under ANY Circumstances!}
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{Banner also by Young!Me.} {DO NOT re-produce!}
3 notes · View notes
tobiasdrake · 7 months ago
Digimon Adventure 01x29 - Mammon! Great Clash at Hikarigaoka / Return to Highton View Terrace
Previously on Digimon Adventure: Vamdemon went on a vacation to Japan but fucking forgot all of the children. We tried to Home Alone the place, as you do, but went too hard and accidentally brought the roof down. So we ended up playing cards in the basement until we could board a second flight.
Now, at last, the Chosen Children have returned to the campsite where this all began. The Eighth Child will be in Hikarigaoka. It's up to us to find them before Vamdemon does.
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Discussing next steps at the campsite, Koushiro briefly lays down the time dilation effect that Taichi experienced.
Sora: You don't think Vamdemon has already found the Eighth Child, do you? Koushiro: According to my calculations, not even a minute will have passed between Vamdemon's arrival in Hikarigaoka and our appearance here. The flow of time between the two worlds is different. Yamato: The problem is, how do we get to Hikarigaoka? It's pretty far from here. Jou: But is today really the same day we were at camp? We were in the other world for months. Mimi: That's true. Even if the flow of time is different, we don't know for sure. Taichi: I'll go take a look at the camp! We shouldn't have been gone for that long!
Taichi would know. He was here, like, four days ago Digimon Time.
Over in the dub, they've backed off on saying Japan but they've also stopped dancing around proper nouns. They have arrived at an official name for their version of Hikarigaoka.
T.K.: We're back to camp where we started! Tai: We've gotta get to Highton View Terrace and stop Myotismon before he finds the Eighth DigiDestined! Sora: I wonder how much of a head start he has on us? Izzy: Not even a minute has passed between the time Myotismon left for Japan and when we arrived. Time flows at a different pace in the Digi-World. Matt: I'll say! We've been gone for months in the Digi-World and yet here in the real world it's the same day we left! Joe: But that's impossible! You mean all those adventures took less time than it does to, say, get a haircut? Mimi: Please, Joe! Don't exaggerate! Imagine getting your hair done in such a short amount of time! Tai: I'm gonna go take a look at the camp! I'm gonna see for myself how much time has really passed!
That's a pretty good Mimi Quip, I'll take it. XD
The actual Japanese district Hikarigaoka is now the fictional setting Highton View Terrace, which kinda sounds like a rich upscale neighborhood for fancy people.
Matt doesn't get to point out that "Highton View Terrace" is pretty fucking far from the campsite we're at, which is a problem for seven unattended children.
Taichi sprints down the stairs to go scout out the camp, only for the entire rest of the group to follow him down.
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Taichi: You don't all have to come! Mimi: Maybe not, but.... Jou: I'm the group leader! Koushiro: We're all curious about what could have happened while we were gone. Taichi: But how will we explain if someone sees these guys?
Jou's line might seem odd after the last episode made such a fuss about Taichi being team leader, but he means that in terms of formality.
Taichi is ăƒȘăƒŒăƒ€ăƒŒ riidaa, a loanword from the English "leader". Unofficially, the group has elected Taichi to the position of their leader.
Jou says he's 班長 hanchou, which we actually took as a loanword from Japan to become "honcho". It means squad leader, project leader, class president, etc. Jou-senpai is formally the responsible older kid who's expected to be in charge of these children, and it might be kinda weird if Taichi just showed up at camp without him.
In the dub:
Tai: One of you come with me, the rest of you stay there! Who volunteers? (everyone chases after) Tai: One volunteer, not thirteen! Mimi: I thought I'd keep you company. Joe: And we're gonna keep Mimi company. Izzy: I guess we're all pretty curious to find out what happened while we were gone. Tai: But how will we explain it if somebody sees our Digimon?
Officially, Mimi is the volunteer. She, alone, is going with Tai. Everyone else is going with Mimi. XD That's one way to do it.
Suddenly, a voice calls out. An adult voice. An adult human. An actual other human!
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Voice: YAGAMI!!!
Taichi turns around to see a man running towards them.
Taichi: Sensei! Sora: It's Fujiyama-sensei! Taichi: SENSEI!!!
Overcome with emotion, Taichi runs out to meet Fujiyama, but Fujiyama's having none of this emotional reunion. He starts yelling at Taichi so hard that Taichi falls flat on his ass.
Fujiyama: YOU DUMBASS!!! Why are you loitering out here instead of packing your things!? Taichi: U-Uh well-- Koromon: What do you mean, 'packing'?
Oh shit, here we go again. Taichi clamps his hands down hard around Koromon's mouth. Fortunately, despite looking right at him with glasses, Fujiyama doesn't seem to notice that Koromon spoke.
Fujiyama: We can't keep camping out here in all this snow, of course. Everyone's getting ready to go home. Taichi: Oh, o-of course, hehe.... Fujiyama: What are those filthy things you're holding? Are they toys? Taichi: U-Uh-huh! Yep! Mochimon: Who are you calling filthy-- Koushiro: (covers Mochimon's mouth) Don't speak.
Credit to Gomamon, Piyomon, and Palmon who all freeze up and never speak or move in this entire scene. Also Patamon and Tsunomon who haven't done anything wrong.
The dub presents Fujiyama like a threat.
Fujiyama: Oh, kii~iiids!
He calls out, and we go to commercial with Fujiyama running towards them, like it's a cliffhanger. Then, upon return, they play peril music over his approach and also repeat his line.
Fujiyama: Oh, kii~iiids! Tai: It's our teacher! Sora: We are back in the real world! Tai: Mr. Fujiyama! (Tai races out to meet him and gets shouted down) Fujiyama: WATCH OUT!!! (Taichi falls) What are all you kids doing playing around here when you haven't even packed up your gear yet!? Tai: Well, sir, I can explain-- Koromon: Well, I'm Tai's Digimo-- (Taichi clamps Koromon's mouth shut) Fujiyama: Didn't you kids hear that we're closing up camp early because of the snow? Everyone else is all ready to go home! Tai: Sure, of course we heard! Ahaha.... Fujiyama: What are those dirty little toys you're carrying? Where'd you get 'em? Tai: Uhhh toys? Motimon: Who's he calling a dirty little toy!? That's not-- Koushiro: (clamps Motimon's mouth shut) We can't let anyone know you can talk.
Seems we were gone a bit longer in the English version than the Japanese, as all the other kids have already packed. They're waiting on us.
A minor plot change but a lateral one. Though it's kind of funny that Japanese Fujiyama seems angrier at the kids than English Fujiyama, despite the English kids actively delaying the rest of the class's return home.
Koromon and Mochimon screw up so hard they get all the other Digimon in trouble too. Takeru and Yamato clap hands over Patamon and Tsunomon's mouths even though they haven't done anything.
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Yamato: (whisper) Pretend you're stuffed animals. Tsunomon: (muffled protests) Taichi: Th-these are plushies! Fujiyama: I can see that. Mimi: Someone threw them out here and we found them! Jou: Y-yeah! They were in a remote region deep in the mountains where no one ever passes through! We went through a lot of trouble before we finally got them! Fujiyama: How did you even find them in the first place if they were in an area people don't pass through? Taichi: Th-That's just how hard-to-find they were! RIGHT, EVERYONE!? Kids: RIGHT!!!
Oh, these kids were definitely doing drugs. They are being way too suspicious right now. if I were Fujiyama, I'd be seriously wondering right now whether Kids These Days use plushies to conceal bags of narcotics.
In the dub:
Matt: Pretend to be stuffed animals. Tsunomon: (muffled protests) Tai: Oh, THESE toys!? Well, you see, they're stuffed. Fujiyama: Yes, Tai. I can see that. Sora: Uhhhhh we found them here. Joe: Yeah! That's right! You see, we were hiking up an uncharted trail when we came across these stuffed toys that someone had thrown away! Makes perfect sense if you ask me! Fujiyama: Who in their right mind would hike up an uncharted trail just to throw away seven stuffed animals!? Tai: Exactly our point! And that's why we think that littering is crazy! Right, gang? Kids: RIGHT!!!
"That's why littering is crazy!" Tai making a desperate and futile bid to present himself like a Good Kid (TM) by inserting PSAs into his bad excuse. These kids were doing even more drugs and I'm about to search that Koromon.
Fortunately, Taichi's had enough time to think of something.
Taichi: S-See? (holds up Koromon) You remember my little sister Hikari wasn't able to make it? I wanted to give this to her as a souvenir. She loves this kind of stuff. Fujiyama: Oh... She had a cold, right? Taichi: She did, but she's better now; I made her an omelette. Fujiyama: YOU did!? Taichi: !!! Koromon: !!! A-- Taichi: (hand over Koromon's mouth) B-Before camp, I mean! Ehehe....
Wow, Taichi fumbled the ball fast. I would have thought an ace striker would be better at ball control than that.
Fortunately, the plan still works despite Taichi nearly screwing it all up.
Fujiyama: A souvenir for your sister, huh? Well, after you've all finished packing your things, meet up in the parking lot. Kids: Yes, sir! Fujiyama: (runs off) Don't take too long! Kids: Okay! Koromon: But how do we get to Hikarigaoka? Taichi: Hehe, I've got a plan.
Phew! We survived encountering our first adult in our return to Japan. Sympathy bid to sow doubt and make him feel guilty for suspecting us takes the win.
In the dub, Tai continues to try and sell his anti-littering PSA.
Tai: But, being the good citizens that we are, we cleaned up the mess! And now I'm giving the toys to my little sister Kari as a present! She wasn't able to come to camp, remember? Fujiyama: Oh, yeah. She caught a cold, didn't she? Tai: Yes, but she's feeling much better now because I went home and made her an omelette. Fujiyama: And when did you do that? Koromon: WHEN I-- Taichi: (clamps Koromon's mouth shut) Uh, when? That's a good question. Uh, right before I left for camp! Ahaha! Fujiyama: It's nice that you're thinking of your sister, Tai. But don't overdo it. Those toys are filthy and belong in the garbage. Right kids? Kids: RIGHT!!! Fujiyama: (runs off) Meet you at the bus! Kids: OKAY!!! Koromon: I'd like to get his gear together and throw him in the garbage can! Tai: Well, then you won't be littering, at least!
Tai is really proud of that 'littering' bit. Proud enough to again not talk about the logistics of reaching Highton View Terrace.
I appreciate English Fujiyama for pointing out the flaw in Tai's alleged intentions. Actually no? Do not pick up strange plushies from the wilderness and take them home with you? Insects will make nests or hives out of them if they get the chance. Those toys belong to nature now.
That said, it's more believable that Fujiyama accepts Taichi's backpedal than Tai's. Tai explicitly says he "went home" to make the omelette. That's a statement that should have blown his cover story wide open.
Meanwhile, in Hikarigaoka, the Vamdemon's inner cicle makes their plans. But the harsh light of day is not good for all of them.
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Tailmon: So, the Eighth Child is near here? PicoDevimon: Yes. Isn't tha tright, Vamdemon-sama?
The both of them seated on the edge of the roof, they look back to see Vamdemon trying to remain inside a shrinking shade. His voice pained as he speaks.
PicoDevimon: What's the matter, sir? Vamdemon: I will wait in the world of darkness until that ball of light disappears. Take care of the rest, Tailmon.
He tosses the eighth Tag and Crest to her.
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Tailmon: Leave it to me, Vamdemon-sama!
Then, groaning with pain, he flees inside and slams the door shut. Too late, PicoDevimon tries to follow after.
PicoDevimon: Whoa, wait for me!
PicoDevimon slams facefirst into the door and comically bounces to the ground.
In the dub, Gatomon chimes in with some silence-breaking observations while the camera's panning over the city.
Gatomon: The human world is so cluttered. All these creatures crammed on top of each other. DemiDevimon: The Eighth DigiDestined lives nearby! What's next, Myotismon? Myotismon: Agh! Unfortunately, until the sun goes down, I must remain hidden in the shadows! Begin the search without me. Here! (tosses the Crest) Gatomon: (catch) I won't let you down, Lord Myotismon. Myotismon: (runs through the door) I need to be alone! (closes it) DemiDevimon: I'LL COME WITH YOU-- (smack)
Myotismon doesn't use the same flowery language as Vamdemon. He just says "I need to stay hidden while the sun is out." That's fine. It's kind of odd that Vamdemon's describing it that way, when it's not like he doesn't know what the sun is. He has to hide from it in the Digimon World too.
In the Japanese, the flowery language does serve a purpose. Specifically, Vamdemon's over-description of the sun makes for a fun bit of wordplay. Do you know what the Japanese word for light is?
It's hikari.
He needs to hide in the shadows from hikari, while we search for the Eighth Child. How poetic.
This wordplay, of course, does not translate to English well so there's no reason not to have him just say "I'm hiding from the sun."
Back at camp, the Chosen Children prepare to smuggle their Partner Digimon on the bus.
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Taichi: Listen up. Don't ever open your mouths in front of other humans, okay? Gomamon: We understand! Palmon: We should just pretend to be dolls, right?
Gomamon, Palmon, and Piyomon remain the MVPs of understanding how to stay undercover. Koromon, on the other hand....
Taichi: (slowly peaks out of bushes to see the kids gathering around the buses) Koromon: WHOOOOAAAAAAA TAIIIIIIIIIICHI-- Taichi: (clamps Koromon's mouth shut) I just told you not to talk! Koromon: (whispering) But there's so many children! Piyomon: I didn't know there could be so many human children! Sora: You can't be surprised by just this many. There are thousands more children all throughout the world. No, make that millions. Gomamon, Piyomon, and Palmon: EHHHHHHH!?!? Piyomon: There are millions of Soras!?
Piyomon imagines an entire flock of Soras. Sora wigs out and breaks the fantasy.
Sora: THERE'S ONLY ONE OF ME!!! Takeru: When we get to the city, you'll see tons more adults and children too!
This is going to be an adjustment. The Digimon have a lot to learn about this strange, foreign world they've been Isekai'd into. At least it was voluntary for them.
The dub takes Taichi's instructions and gives them to Joe.
Joe: Remember: Don't talk in front of anyone else, okay? Palmon: Don't worry! We can just pretend to be adorable stuffed animals. Tai: (slowly peaks out of bushes to see the kids gathering around the buses) Koromon: Whoa, look at all the kids! Tai: (clamps Koromon's mouth shut) Didn't we just say not to talk out loud! Koromon: Yeah, but look at all the human children! Biyomon: We never knew there were more human children than you. Sora: This is nothing. Why, just in this city alone, there must be tens of thousands of kids just like us. And when you add the rest of the kids in the world, there must be millions. Gomamon, Biyomon, and Palmon: Huh!? Biyomon: You mean there are millions of Soras!? (Biyomon imagines a flock of Soras) Sora: THERE'S ONLY ONE OF ME!!! T.K.: She just means there are more kids our age. But there are tons of different people in the world.
I like this version of Biyomon's misunderstanding better because I think Sora does a better job setting it up. Saying there are lots of kids "like us" queues up Biyomon to think she means millions of Soras more effectively than just saying there's lots of children.
But it still works in the original too. It especially makes sense that Piyomon might leap to that conclusion when you consider her frame of reference as a Digimon. Just as you can have an entire village of Pyokomon, why not a village of Sora?
Piyomon is experiencing culture shock.
Suddenly, Mimi spots two of her friends by the bus. She erupts with emotion, knocking Palmon to the ground in her haste to reach them.
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Mimi: Ehh!? MI-CHAN!!! (breaks into a sprint) I MISSED YOU!!! Mi-Chan: Eh? I was with you earlier.... Taako: What's wrong? Mi-Chan: I don't know--
Before Taako knows what hit her, Mimi wraps her up in a hug and spins her around.
(If Fujiyama is around, this is only going to exacerbate the likelihood of drugs. I'm telling ya. Search that Koromon.)
Mimi: TAAKO!!! How are you!? Taako: (annoyed) Come on, Mimi....
The others, still hiding behind the bushes, watch Mimi weird out all of her friends.
Palmon: Really, Mimi? Taichi: I kept telling her that time hasn't passed here, but she still doesn't listen! Koushiro: I understand your feelings but we need to focus on getting to Hikarigaoka quickly. Taichi: Alright.
In the dub, despite the fact that Fujiyama-sensei's name was not altered, Mimi's friends do get new names.
Mimi: Hey, it's Michelle! (breaks into a sprint) I've missed you so much! Michelle: You missed me? You just saw me ten minutes ago. Terry: What's going on? Michelle: Mimi's weird! Mimi: OH, TERRY!!! (hug) Michelle: She's wigging out. Terry: Too much caffeine! Palmon: Oh, Mimi. Tai: She'll give us away! I told her no time has passed since we went to the Digi-World! Izzy: Forget Mimi! We have to find some form of transportation to Highton View Terrace. Tai: I've got an idea!
Okay, I was not prepared for Terry to in fact accuse Mimi of substance abuse. Tame though it is. XD I also really like Michelle accusing "Mimi's weird!"
The dub's generally harsher tone of voice works great for this scene.
There's a lateral shift here too. Taichi formulated the plan he's about to put into effect shortly after the tense conversation with Fujiyama-sensei. But Tai acts like he only now thought of it.
This connects well to the previous scene, as the dub had replaced Taichi coming up with the plan with the punchline to the litter gag. So Tai is, in fact, only just now thinking of the plan.
What doesn't connect is when Michelle says she saw Mimi ten minutes ago. In the Fujiyama scene, he said, "Didn't you kids hear that we're closing up camp early because of the snow? Everyone else is all ready to go home!" That was, at the time, a lateral plot change. In the original, everyone was still packing, but in the dub, they were already waiting on us.
So. Which is it? Have we been gone for long enough Earth Time that the rest of the campers were already packed and ready to go by the time we got back? Or has less than ten minutes passed since the Chosen Children first decided to go up to that shrine in the first place? Reminder that the snow we're evacuating from fell like a minute or two before we went into Digi-World.
Taichi puts his master plan into action: Asking for permission from an adult.
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Taichi: Sensei! Fujiyama-sensei! Could you drop us off somewhere on the way? Fujiyama: Drop you off? Of course not! I have a responsibility to make sure you all get back home. Taichi: Oh, come on! Don't be like that! Please! You just have to take us to the housing complex in Hikarigaoka. Fujiyama: Hikarigaoka? Why there? Taichi: Uh... Well... I used to live there! I just felt like seeing it again. Other Kids (sans Mimi): (run up) Please do it for us! Fujiyama: You kids too? Other Kids (sans Mimi): That's right! Driver: Hikarigaoka is pretty close to the route we're taking. When we get on the Kan-etsu Expressway and interchange to the Tokyo Gaikan, we'll be passing through Ooizumi. That's within walking distance to Hikarigaoka. Taichi: (to the driver) Perfect! Then can you drop us off there? Fujiyama: Hold on! I haven't given my permission yet.
The route that the driver gives are real directions. It's about a two-mile walk from Ooizumimachi to Hikarigaoka, so the kids will be doing a bit of urban hiking but it's totally doable.
In the dub:
Tai: Mr. Fujiyama! Can you have the bus drop us off somewhere? Fujiyama: Have the bus drop you off? No can do. The rules say I have to take you straight to your homes. Tai: Please, Mr. Fujiyama! I'm begging you, sir! Could you just let us off somewhere near Highton View Terrace? Fujiyama: Highton View Terrace? Why do you want to go there? Tai: Well, we used to live there and we were feeling nostalgic so we thought we would visit our old hangout. Other Kids (sans Mimi): Come on! / Please! / We'd appreciate it, sir! Fujiyama: But it's against the rules. Driver: You know, I think we drive pretty close to Highton View Terrace. Let's see, first we take the freeway to the parkway to the throughway and-- Oh! That's the wrong way! Oh, yeah. Here at the roadway. Highton View Terrace is within walking distance. Tai: (to the driver) Great! Then that's where you can let us off, mister. Fujiyama: Whoa, hold on! I didn't give the bus driver permission yet.
At least the kids have finally figured out that Highton View Terrace isn't where they're currently living.
The real Japanese directions to Hikarigaoka are replaced by a wordplay joke about the way Americans name their streets. I'm cool with that change; I don't think many early 00's American kids were well enough versed in the urban geography of Tokyo to have gotten the original line, so this is a fine place for a gag.
Of course, there's no way in hell any responsible teacher would sign off on dropping these children off at a random highway intersection. However, Fujiyama's already demonstrated a vulnerability to sob stories. It's time for someone else to step up and strut their family tragedy.
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Yamato: Sensei, please do this for us! We really want to see the place where our family used to live together, before the divorce. Takeru: (starts crying) Yamato: Takeru! Takeru: (dramatically hugs Yamato's legs) Onii-chan!
In the dub:
Matt: Please, Mr. Fujiyama? You'll break T.K.'s heart if you don't let us go. It was the last place we all lived together as a family before my parents got divorced. T.K.: (starts crying) Matt: T.K..... T.K.: (dramatically hugs Matt's legs) Oh, brother!
I don't remember if this is the first time we've changed tracks from Matt and T.K. being half-brothers, but I think that interpretation is officially dead. Unless the implication is that their mom cheated on Matt's dad and T.K. isn't his, it'd be logistically hard for them to live together with Matt's parents as half-brothers.
Suddenly, Jou storms up, ready to clinch this.
Jou: Sensei, please do this for us! Let us get off at Hikarigaoka! I will take responsibility for escorting them all home afterwards. Fujiyama: Well... I guess it will be okay if a sixth-grader like you is with them, Kido. Be sure to call your parents and let them all know about this. Taich & Jou: We will! (both bow respectfully) Jou: Thank you so much! Taichi: Thank you so much! Fujiyama: (walks off uncertain) It's fine, it's fine.
Similar to Matt and T.K.'s parents, I don't remember if this is the first time the dub's acknowledged Joe being older than the rest, but here it is.
Joe: Mr. Fujiyama, please let us off at Highton View Terrace. As an upperclassman, I'll take responsibility for getting them home. Fujiyama: Well, I guess if a reliable kid like you is going, Joe, then it's okay. However, call your parents and tell them where you are. Tai & Joe: Deal! (both bow respectfully) Joe: Thanks, Mr. Fujiyama! Tai: You're the greatest teacher ever! Fujiyama: (walks off uncertain) Yeah, yeah....
As soon as he's gone, Taichi congratulates the team on a job well done.
Taichi: Yahoo! Hey! How long are you two gonna keep that up? (Yamato and Takeru separate with huge shit-eating grins) Jou: What's going on here? Yamato: It didn't seem like he'd let us go unless we pulled out the waterworks. Jou: THAT WAS AN ACT!?!? I was desperately trying to get Sensei's approval because I thought it was true! Taichi: Now, now! It all worked out, so forget about it!
In the dub:
Tai: Yahoo! Hey! How long are you gonna keep that act up? (Matt and T.K. separate with huge shit-eating grins) Both Brothers: (giggle for five straight seconds) Matt: Hey, if we didn't come up with something sappy like that, he never would have let us go. Joe: You mean that sad story was just an act!? I was crying my eyes out so much for you guys that my glasses started to fog up! Tai: Joe, calm down before you have an asthma attack!
And Palmon despondently watches Mimi board the bus with Mi-chan and Taako.
Mimi: Ahahaha, is that so? Palmon: (dour) Aww, Mimi's forgotten about me. WAIT FOR M--
Sora and Koushiro jump Palmon, with Mochimon and Piyomon both clamping her mouth shut together. Her status as a plushie MVP is tragically revoked.
The dub cuts Palmon's sadness from this scene, turning it into a laugh line instead.
Mimi: Ahahahahaha!!! I missed all of you so much! Palmon: I hope she's not gonna act this way with every kid that she meets! Heeeeey--
Without Palmon suddenly realizing she's been abandoned and screaming for Mimi to wait for her, the part where Sora and Koushiro suddenly have to silence her feels out-of-place.
The kids board the bus to return to Tokyo. Along the way, they check to ensure their equipment's still functioning in the human world.
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Koushiro: (checking his laptop) It's okay. It's still working properly in this world. Taichi: That's good.
Sora takes out her Digivice. It's showing a big centralized red dot for the seven of them, which bodes well.
Sora: The Digivice is also working. Fujiyama: What are those things? Is that what's popular with kids these days? Jou: NO, IT'S REALLY NOT A-- Fujiyama: Let me have a look. Taichi: YOU CAN'T!!! Fujiyama: Don't be stingy. After all, I'm letting you guys get off at Hikarigaoka. Sora: Y-yes, sir.... (hands over her Digivice) Fujiyama: Those are good manners you have, Takenouchi. You're an obedient kid, unlike some others I know.
Sora blushes from Fujiyama's praise and hides her face. The dub follows the script right up until Fujiyama shows up.
Fujiyama: What's up? Is that the latest toy all you kids are into? Joe: NO, IT'S JUST ONE OF THE OLD ONES THAT WE ALL HATE!!! Fujiyama: Let me take a look at it. Tai: UH, IT'S BROKEN!!! Fujiyama: Maybe I can fix it. Here, give it to me. I'm pretty good with electronics. Sora: Yes, sir. Fujiyama: Thank you, Sora. Unlike other children, you really listen to your teachers.
Tai comes up with a stronger attempt at fending off Fujiyama, but he's got an answer for it all the same. Meanwhile, Joe embarrasses himself with a hilarious failure of a claim.
Koushiro and Taichi discuss what's happening.
Koushiro: It's fine to just let him have a look at it. Taichi: I felt like we were being attacked by an evil Digimon or something. Koushiro: (skeptical) Fujiyama-sensei is an evil Digimon? Taichi: Evil! Evil! I mean, when you forget your homework, he snares you with his tickle atta-- Fujiyama: I heard that last part.
Fujiyama-sensei doles out intense punitive tickling to Taichi while terrifyingly stone-faced.
In the dub:
Izzy: There's no harm in just letting him take a look at it, Tai. Tai: For about a second there, I thought Mr. Fujiyama was an evil Digimon. Izzy: I think you've spent way too much time in the Digi-World. Tai: Think about it! If he were an evil Digimon, every time you failed a test, he'd scream out his attack, "HOMEWORK BLASTER!!!" Fujiyama: Actually, it's more like Tickle Blaster.
This version of the tickle gag doesn't work as well because Tai doesn't queue up Fujiyama to launch his tickling assault. He overhears Tai comparing him to an "evil proper noun he doesn't recognize" and decides to start tickling him, apropos of nothing.
While the kids are still trying to reach Hikarigaoka, Tailmon searches the district.
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With the Crest around her neck, she moves through the district, waiting for a child's presence to cause the Crest to glow. But it never does.
Tailmon: It's not reacting at all. What does this mean? Isn't the Eighth Child supposed to be around here!?
In the dub:
Gatomon: You can't turn over a rock without finding a kid under it in this world, and yet I still haven't found the Eighth DigiDestined!
Gatomon's line doesn't convey how she intends to find the Eighth DigiDestined. Which is kind of important information, because a Crest and Tag glowing to indicate that their associated child is nearby is something of a new mechanic.
It's not entirely new. We've used the glow from the Tags to find their associated Crests and seen those Crests do some shit in the presence of the child and Tag. So the Crest and Tag together glowing to identify a child feels like it's rooted in established metaphysics.
But it's still nice to have her explain that this, using the Crest as a radar, is what she's doing.
She also has a brief altercation with a dog, who she fends off by whipping the dog in the neck with her titular tail.
Ultimately, Tailmon is forced to report her failure back to Vamdemon at his new lair: The basement of a parking garage.
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Vamdemon: You couldn't find the child? Tailmon: Yes, sir. At the very least, the child doesn't appear to be in the vicinity of Hikarigaoka. Vamdemon: PicoDevimon.
A still art frame of PicoDevimon descends, with several Tags and Crests around his legs. He neither moves his lips to speak nor flaps his wings as he slides onto the screen. I guess they didn't have the budget for him today.
PicoDevimon: (telepathically I guess) What are these? Vamdemon: I've made copies of the Eighth Child's Tag and Crest. PicoDevimon: (levitates offscreen to the right) Vamdemon: The one you have is also a copy. Tailmon: Then where's the real one!? Vamdemon: (reveals his fist, clutched around the Tag's cord) Here, in my grasp. Even though those ones are copies, they will still react when the Chosen Child is nearby. Do everything you can to find the Eighth Child! Tailmon & PicoDevimon: Yes, sir! (they both bow, including PicoDevimon who is no longer paralyzed by the finance department) Vamdemon: Children... I will do everything in my power to eliminate you!
The misadventures of still-frame PicoDevimon cracked me up in this scene. But in any case, Vamdemon's flexing his Big Fucking Nerd credentials once again. The Digimon World's #1 expert on Chosen Children lore has fabricated fake Crests that can reproduce the tracking effects of the original.
Which he also has in his possession, of course. Can you really call yourself a Chosen Children stan if you aren't repping their merch? Of course he went out and yoinked one of those Crests for himself. He was trying to complete the collection through the entire PicoDevimon arc!
...I can't wait to see what the dub does with still-frame PicoDevimon.
Myotismon: What do you mean, you couldn't find the Eighth DigiDestined!? You have failed me! Gatomon: Please don't hurt me, Your Evilship. I swear he's not here! Myotismon: SILENCE, GATOMON!!! DemiDevimon: (levitates down onto the screen with a sort of whirring vrooming sound effect) Myotismon: I have made several copies of the Eighth DigiDestined's Tag and Crest. DemiDevimon: (levitates offscreen) Myotismon: The one you have is a copy too. Gatomon: So I'm a copycat? Myotismon: The original's with me. Even though they are only copies, they will still become activated when the Eighth Child is nearby. This time, make no mistakes. You must find that child. Gatomon & DemiDevimon: Gotcha! (they both bow) Myotismon: And when you do find him, then he must die!
HAHAHAHAHAHA They cut his line because he has no lip flaps HAHAHAHAHAHA
And gave him a little wooshy sound effect.
He is just. He's just full-on DisplayModelDevimon HAHAHAHAHA
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The Chosen Children finally arrive in Hikarigaoka.
Koromon: Is that the Hikarigaoka housing complex? Taichi: Yeah! Piyomon: WOW!!! You used to live in that huge castle, Sora!? Sora: It's not a castle. It's divided into smaller rooms inside and a lot of people live there. Piyomon: Did you used to live in Hikarigaoka too, Sora? Sora: Mmhmm. Taichi: Sora and I were in the same class. Sora: Yep. Taichi: Third Elementary School, Class 1-2. Yamato: I was in Fourth Elementary School. Jou: H-Hang on! Then you weren't lying to trick Sensei!? Yamato: It's true that we lived in Hikarigaoka. Takeru: Yeah. I remember a little of it. Jou: I went to Fifth Elementary School here! Mimi: I lived here in kindergarten. Jou: Huh!? Koushiro: So did I! But only for a little while. Taichi: That means all of us used to live in Hikarigaoka! Koushiro: This can't be a coincidence.
Nor can it be a coincidence that Big Fucking Nerd Vamdemon began his search here. He has no reason to believe that the Eighth Child is presently in this place. He doesn't have, like, a huge blinking radar telling him "Hikari There".
He's here because this is the place that the Chosen Children came from. Hikarigaoka is the point of origin; The source of Chosen Children. The ancient lore knows that the children come from Hikarigaoka. But it doesn't seem to know that they moved.
In the dub:
Koromon: They were nice to drop us off here. Tai: Yeah! Mimi: There's the Highton View Terrace Tower! Izzy: The tallest apartment building in Japan! Joe: Terrific. I'm afraid of heights. Tai: That place isn't so hot! Sora: That's true. The heat never worked. I used to live there. Biyomon: Wow, Sora! You lived in that castle! Sora: Yep! Tai: I lived near here too. A block away in another building. Sora and I went to Westside Elementary together. Matt: Hey, I went to Westside Elementary! Joe: You're kidding! You mean that you guys were telling the truth when you said you used to live in Highton View Terrace! Matt: Yeah, we really did live here before my parents broke up. T.K.: That was a long time ago when I was a little kid. Joe: Strange coincidence because I used to live here too. Mimi: I lived here too before we moved! Joe: Huh? Izzy: Me too! Just for a little while; It's a long story. Tai: So at some point we all lived at Highton View Terrace at the same exact time! Izzy: This can't just be a coincidence; There's gotta be some meaning here.
Oh! There's a "Japan"!
Rather than compare schools, everyone just agrees that they lived here once in their lives. Tai somehow leaps to the conclusion that they're all talking about the same timeframe. This is not a conclusion Taichi reached, despite being a little better founded in the original when they're talking about being in elementary school (and, for the younger pair, kindergarten).
We lose Sora explaining what an apartment building is to Piyomon, echoing Agumon's similar confusion back when he and Taichi were in Odaiba.
We do, however, gain the "That's not so hot!" "Yeah, the heat never worked" bit, which got me. XD
The kids are interrupted by the sound of dozens of wings fluttering overhead. High up above them, Night Raid bats scour the city. At the same time, armed with weaponized cosplay, Tailmon and her mercenaries spread out through Hikarigaoka.
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I realize that shot looks like half of her forces are fleeing into the mouth of a colossal Tailmon kaiju but the perspective was wonky and that was the best I could get.
Over in the dub, I think the shots of silhouetted Digimon mercenaries spreading out through the city confused the dub team because Tai suddenly yells this when he sees the bats.
Tai: It's Myotismon's army! RUN FOR IT!!!
Followed immediately by silhouetted figures running through the city. Then we get that shot above of Gatomon soaring overhead while the silhouetted figures spread out, and she says:
Gatomon: They can run but they can't hide from Mammothmon!
Which feels like it's meant to imply that the silhouettes are the kids fleeing for their lives from the Night Raid bats. And that Gatomon is then intentionally sending Mammothmon out on a rampage to force them out of hiding.
That's a pretty major change.
While Tailmon and her mercenaries scour the city, one Digimon isn't creeping around.
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This massive mammoth Digimon, Mammon, goes on a full rampage. Stomping vehicles and smashing whatever's in his path. He picks up a biker's motorcycle with his trunk and hurls it.
Biker: (just sees his bike suddenly soar through the air overhead) MY BIKE!!! Who did that!? (whirls around to see the mammoth) Was it you!? HOW DARE YOU RUIN MY BIKE!?!?
Dude is bizarrely chill with seeing a violent armored mammoth in the streets.
(In fairness, this is Tokyo. It ain't their first rodeo with Godzilla shit.)
His boldness doesn't last, however. When Mammon roars at him, he throws his helmet at it and runs for his life. Mammon swats the helmet back at him, striking him in the back of the head and knocking him over, then stomps over him to continue their rampage.
Mammon continues his rampage, smashing cars and streetlamps while people watch on in confusion.
Bystander: Why is there an elephant in Hikarigaoka!? Girlfriend: It's probably for a movie or something! Bystander: Oh, very convincingly made. It looks like a real monster.
Happy to report that media has poisoned the survival instincts of people not only in the U.S. but in Japan as well.
Over in the dub, the biker remains audacious as ever.
Biker: (just sees his bike suddenly soar through the air overhead) MY NEW MOTORCYCLE!!! (whirls around to see the mammoth) HEY!!! Respect other people's property, you big walkin' shag carpet! Mammothmon: (roar) (Biker throws helmet and flees; Mammothmon knocks it back, knocks him down, and stomps over him.) Biker: T_T HEY!!! Whoever owns this elephant should know there's a leash law around here!
Meanwhile, both of the other civilians are complete fucking chuckleheads.
Girlfriend: Oh look, honey. A wild elephant on a rampage. Bystander: They must be filming a movie or something.
I support equal rights dipshittery.
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While Mammon continues his entirely pointless and confusing rampage, Tailmon is as lost as I am about what he thinks he's accomplishing here.
Tailmon: What is that moron planning to gain by causing all this chaos!? I should not have recruited that Digimon.
Another bystander is forced to flee his car, moments before Mammon steps on and crushes it.
And someone finally dials 110, the Japanese emergency number for the police.
Caller: I'm calling the police! (Nothing but static crackles through his phone) Caller: IT WON'T CONNECT!!!
Remember how the sheer presence of Vamdemon and his forces in Hikarigaoka last episode were making phones go haywire? Yeah, have fun dialing out.
Over in the dub, Gatomon has suddenly reversed course and is no longer cheering Mammothmon on.
Gatomon: What's that big-eared freak trying to do? Destroy the DigiDestined with everything else too? We never should have brought that type of Digimon along for this!
This is a little confusing because minutes ago she was like "HAHAHA You can run but you can't hide from Mammothmon." But now, to shore her up with her Japanese counterpart, she's at "Ugh so destructive Mammothmon sucks".
The driver fleeing squishy death takes this opportunity to quip.
Driver: If that's a car, it's got an awful lot of trunk space!
And, since phones going haywire was a plot point that they removed for some reason, the caller has what may or may not be the same problem?
Caller: I'm gonna call the cops! (Nothing but silence) Caller: Augh! My phone's dead!
Meanwhile, despite Tai freaking out earlier, the Chosen Children are non-urgently taking a fun trip down memory lane.
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Taichi: I remember this place. I often came here to buy candy and juice! Mimi: I used to come here too! Jou: This sure brings back memories. Yamato: Takeru, you might not remember but we used to play around here a lot. Takeru: I do feel like I know this place. Sora: How long did you live in Hikarigaoka, Koushiro-kun? Koushiro: I don't think I even stayed here for a year. Probably a couple of months. Taichi: That's pretty short. How come? Koushiro: I don't know.
Fortunately, there's one kid among us with a longer memory than the rest.
Jou: Hehe! I can answer that for you! Sora: You can, Jou-senpai? Taichi: But you didn't know Koushiro back then. Jou: Even so, I still have a good idea of what happened. To make a long story short, the reason Koushiro's family moved was because of a terrorist bombing! Sora: A bombing!? Koushiro: There were terrorists? Jou: You guys might not remember this, but there was a terrorist bombing here in Hikarigaoka four years ago. So far as I know, they still haven't found the bomber. My parents said they didn't want to live in such a dangerous place, so we moved to Odaiba. Sora: THAT'S RIGHT!!! It was the same with my family! I do remember them saying something about a bomb! Taichi: Now that you mention it, I do think that's what happened.
A terrorist bombing four years ago whose bomber has never been caught, huh? Here in Hikarigaoka? Interesting....
In the dub, the kids are as chill as in the original. Which is weird given that they're supposed to be running from Myotismon's forces.
Tai: Say, do any of you remember this place? I bought candy here. Mimi: It was my favorite store. Joe: Oh, sure. Mine too! Matt: You probably don't remember this place, T.K., because you were too little, but Mom and Dad used to take us here all the time! T.K.: Maybe some candy will help me remember! Sora: You're awfully quiet, Izzy. Didn't you like living in Highton View Terrace? Izzy: I don't remember. Sora: How long did you live there? Izzy: Just for a little while. About six months. Tai: Wow. Why did your parents move away? Izzy: I don't know.
Very close to the original with no notable changes. Then comes Joe's time to explain the bombing.
Joe: You're kidding! Well, if you don't know then maybe I should tell you why. Sora: What do you mean, Joe? Tai: Yeah, Joe. How could you know why Izzy's parents moved away from here? Did you know them or something? Joe: No, I didn't know Izzy back then but I did see what happened. His whole family packed up and left Highton View Terrace because of a terrorist bombing. Sora: Bombing? Izzy: Did you say terrorist!? Joe: Maybe you don't remember it, but about four years ago, the story was in all the papers. It was one of the worst terrorist attacks of all time. They never found the group responsible for the bombings, so a lot of families got scared thinking it could happen again and moved out. My parents figured it had just become too dangerous to live here anymore so we moved out to Odaiba. Sora: Now that you mention it, I do remember. A lot of my friends moved away after that. Tai: Now I remember. My parents acted scared that whole time.
For lacking the context of the OVA, they do a pretty good job with this one. There's still a couple errors, however. The story doesn't need to be in the papers. The "bombing" happened right outside everyone's balconies. It wasn't just in the neighborhood but out in the street directly between their housing complexes.
Also, they blew up an unoccupied street late at night. Calling it "one of the worst terrorist attacks of all time" is a bit much. Can you feel how pre-9/11 this is? But, of course, the dub team doesn't know any of this context.
It is a little weird that Joe was peeping on Izzy's family departing enough to know it was them, and that Sora only mentions her friends leaving. All of them left. None of them currently live here.
Also, I guess we can say Odaiba but not Hikarigaoka. Maybe they just thought the latter was too complicated of a word.
Suddenly, the kids see cop cars go by.
Mimi: What's going on? Taichi: Could it be Vamdemon!?
A possibility that Tai is much more certain of than Taichi.
Mimi: What's going on? Tai: Where there's trouble, there's Myotismon!
You hear it here, folks. A nerdy vampire Digimon is responsible for all crime in Japan. I was not aware that Dracula was the yakuza Kingpin, but I'll believe it.
The Chosen Children race to the scene to find the trail of destruction Mammon's leaving in their wake.
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Taichi: That's one of Vamdemon's Digimon! Koushiro: (already on his laptop) That's Mammon.
Time for the rundown on this destructive dipshit. Mammon is a Perfect-stage Vaccine-type Ancient Beast Digimon. He's from the Nightmare Soldiers line; An evolution for Garurumon and for Hanumon, who won't be seen in the anime until 02.
The name Mammon comes from "mammoth", same as their English name Mammothmon. The dub likely extended it because "mammon" has a different meaning in a society where Christianity is the predominate religion.
Narrator: Mammon. A Perfect-stage Digimon who has enormous ancient power. His special attacks are Tusk Strikes, where he fires his two tusks, and Tundra Breath, which releases a cold blast from his nose.
In the dub, this is quite reasonably handled by Izzy.
Matt: A monster Digimon! Izzy: (already on his laptop) He's called Mammothmon. He's a fully Digivolved Digimon with the strength of a wooly mammoth. He shoots missiles he calls Tusk Crusher and has a chilling attack called Freezing Breath.
Before the kids can do anything, a cop car pulls up.
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Officer: All of you! It's dangerous here! Get to shelter!
Inside the car, he futilely tries to use the car radio to request backup but all that comes through is static.
Officer: Hello? Hello? I need urgent backup! Hello!? That's weird....
Mammothmon hears him, turning around and growling.
Taichi: He's seen us! Officer: Hurry and get out of here!
The officer shouts at the kids to get to safety and then speeds off in his mostly empty squad car, abandoning these lost children to their wooly mammoth fate. Fucking ACAB.
No change in the dub, except there's no static feeding back through the radio. It's just dead.
Mammon roars at the kids, and the fighting's on.
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With admirable enthusiasm, Koromon and Tsunomon leap out of Taichi and Yamato's arms to the front of the group to fight him.
Yamato: DON'T!!! He's Perfect-stage! You two can't fight him. Piyomon: (rushes forward) Let me handle this! Sora: Eh? PIYOMON!?!?
This is the same in the dub, except Matt continues using the terminology "fully Digivolved".
Evolving to Birdramon, Piyomon fires off her Meteor Wing at Mammothmon. The shots land all around him, with one fireball glancing off his tusk and ricocheting into a series of phone booths. Sora gasps in horror, and the camera fixes for a moment on the bombed out phone booths.
Mammothmon slams his tusk into a nearby bus and hurls it at Birdramon. She deftly maneuvers out of the way - lobbing projectiles at flying opponents remains difficult - leaving the bus to crash into the ground and explode. This time it's Koushiro's turn to gawk in horror at the wreckage of the bus.
Birdramon gets in too close. Mammothmon slaps her with his trunk, then follows up while she's stunned with his Tusk Strikes.
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A glancing hit to her shoulder sends Birdramon plummeting from the air.
Of note: Mammon doesn't have dialogue in either version. He's another non-speaking beast type of Digimon, and the dub didn't change that this time around. Nonetheless, the dub Mammothmon manages to call his attack when firing "Tusk Crusher".
Sora: BIRDRAMON!!! Takeru: KAIJU!!!
Bit of an odd proclamation from Takeru. Kaiju is one of the more well-known Japanese words these days. Literally meaning "mysterious beast", kaiju are most commonly associated with colossal city-destroying monsters such as those found in the Godzilla brand.
Seeing two Digimon fight like this has stirred a recollection in Takeru.
Takeru: Two kaiju! Taichi: What are you talking about, Takeru? Yamato: That's it! I remember now. A long time ago, Takeru insisted he saw kaiju but Mom scolded him for it.
Over in the dub, T.K. oddly puts the emphasis on the quantity of monsters rather than the fact that there were monsters.
Sora: BIRDRAMON!!! T.K.: There were two! Matt: What!? T.K.: There were two monsters! Tai: What are you talking about, T.K.? Matt: Oh man, now I remember! A long time ago, T.K. was insisting that he saw two monsters and my mom was upset at him for it.
I don't know why we're all emphasizing the number two like this, when it's the monster part that's important
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Yamato flashes back on the day Takeru tried to tell their mom about the kaiju.
Takeru: I really did see kaiju! Natsuko: Kaiju don't exist. You were just dreaming. (bitterly, seemingly to herself but audible enough to hear) And whose fault is it that you can't even tell the difference between dreams and reality!? Takeru: ...but....
Okay, that took a turn for harsh. Takeru touched a nerve and I'm genuinely not sure if she's mad at him, at Yamato, or at her husband who she later divorced.
Just a brief glimpse into the broken home these boys come from. Yamato isn't in the room with them, but he is seen lurking behind a door.
The dub dials back Natsuko's hostility.
T.K.: But I really did see monsters, Mommy. Nancy: T.K., there's no such thing as monsters. You were just imagining it. Or maybe it's a dream. T.K.: But Mom, I really saw them! Nancy: Now that's enough! I don't want to hear any more of these crazy stories.
She still refuses to believe him, but she isn't bitterly fuming at an unspecific member of her family. The dub's never been comfortable talking about the divorce.
Yamato: ...that's why I couldn't said anything. Koushiro: When did this happen? Yamato: Around the time of the bombing.
Yamato's line as we return implies that he saw the kaiju too, but was afraid to speak up about it way back when after hearing what came out of their mom's mouth. As if he were afraid that bringing it up might further damage the fabric of their parents' marriage. So he kept quiet and eventually forgot he ever saw it.
All tragic context that, again, the dub doesn't want. So Matt legitimately never saw it.
Matt: I just assumed he imagined the entire thing. Izzy: So when did all this take place? Matt: It was right after the terrorist bombing. Sora: This is where it happened! Joe: Right on this footbridge!
Nonetheless, Sora and Joe are chiming in a bit early to identify this footbridge as the site of the bombing. So early, in fact, that we're still standing at the street corner we talked to the cop from and not on the footbridge.
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There we go, a bit of an awkward teleporting cut later and we're on the footbridge for some reason. Birdramon got her second wind and has returned to the fray.
Jou: This is... Where the terrorist bombing happened.
As Jou says this, Taichi flashes back on the OVA, when he stood under this same bridge.
Taichi: This bridge....
The kids sprint downstairs from the bridge they inexplicably teleported to, as more and more they start to remember.
Mimi: This is the same thing that happened back then!
Another ricochet of Meteor Wing off Mammon's hide blows up the bridge, right where they had been before they moved.
Jou: It's exactly the same! A fireball destroyed the bridge! Yamato: No! The one shooting fireballs back then wasn't flying! It was something else! Taichi: You're right! There was a fight between... something and something else!
They're vaguely remembering the OVA battle. Yamato's right; It was Greymon shooting fireballs at Parrotmon. Mass deja vu is a hell of a thing.
In the dub, they talk through Taichi's OVA flashback.
Joe: This is really strange. Does anyone besides me feel like they can remember the night of the bombing? (flashback starts) Others: Yeah! / Uh-huh! / I do! Tai: I feel like I was there but somehow I forgot! Izzy: Gee, that sounds like repressed memory. Tai: WE'VE GOTTA GET OFF THIS BRIDGE!!!
Tai's sudden attack of precognition is as good an explanation as any for why they suddenly fled the bridge they inexplicably climbed up onto in the first place.
Mimi: I'M HAVING DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN!!! (Ricochet of Meteor Wing destroys the bridge) Joe: THIS IS JUST HOW IT HAPPENED!!! Back then, a giant ball of fire destroyed the bridge! Matt: Something is definitely different. I remember the firebreathing monster didn't fly; There had to be another one! Tai: You're right! There were two monsters fighting but they were different than these two!
Again, for having to recap the events of an OVA I'm pretty sure they hadn't seen, they're doing a decent job of making it work. Matt's line is nonetheless janky because. As with the Takeru flashback, Matt seems to be trying to prove a second monster's existence.
While the kids are discussing, Birdramon once again gets in close to try and melee the hulking Perfect. Grabbing his snout with one of her talons and wrestling.
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It does not go well.
Sora: BIRDRAMON!!! Birdramon: Sora!
Sora sprints to where her half-frozen firebird partner landed, followed closely behind by Taichi. Her Crest of Love activates when she gets close, super-evolving Birdramon into Garudamon.
(Probably should have led with that. I understand the Digimon are trying to resource-manage. If I evolve, then I can go back to my Child base afterward and then evolve again next fight. But if I super-evolve, I'm basically out of commission for the next couple days. What if someone needs to super-evolve tomorrow and we're all burned out?
We have four Perfect-capable Digimon and right now three of them are burnt out to Baby-stage. As of this super-evolution, we are now defenseless against any future Perfect-stage Digimon until the others recover.
But when the Analyzer says "That dude's a Perfect", we should still probably try to match his level. At the very least, we should get Ikkakumon and Togemon in on this, rather than letting Birdramon try to solo a Perfect. This was a terrible idea.)
Mammon fires off his Tusk Strikes while Garudamon's super-evolving. She throws herself on top of Taichi and Sora, shielding them from the blast.
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Taking cover beneath Garudamon's hand, this is the last piece Taichi needs to remember the OVA.
Sora: Garudamon! Taichi V.O.: What I saw back then...
Flashing back, Taichi remembers taking cover with Hikari, shielding her in the same way as Sora, but with a different monster towering over them.
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Taichi V.O.: It wasn't a kaiju. The one who saved me back then was... Greymon!? Taichi: That's right! It was Greymon! Yamato: That's it! Koushiro: I'm sure of it. Jou: Yeah!
In the dub:
Tai V.O.: The firebreathing monster I saw... Greymon! It was Greymon and another Digimon! Tai: Sora! It was Greymon! Group: Right! / Greymon!
Garudamon mounts Mammon and giddyups him while Taichi remembers the OVA more clearly.
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Taichi: A Koromon came to my house that day. That Koromon turned into Agumon. Then he became Greymon and he fought with another Digimon!
We see a flashback to Greymon and Parrotmon's brawl to give the dub team something to work with, and then Tai takes a crack at it.
Tai: The day Koromon came to my house! And Digivolved into Greymon! He was fighting with a birdlike Digimon! After the fight, they disappeared.
Hitting all the major points.
While they're talking, Garudamon finishes the fight. She hoists Mammon high up into the air and drops him from great height onto his back, then follows up with Shadow Wing. The firebird projectile slams into the defenseless Mammon, killing him. Mammon dissolves into pixel dust.
Once the fight is finished, Garudamon reverts to Pyokomon and falls into Sora's arms.
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Taichi: The two disappeared after the fight. Koushiro: That's right. Jou: So that's why it was labeled a terrorist attack. Taichi: So that's why Hikari knew about Koromon. She met him back then. Patamon: She met you? Koromon: It must have been a different Koromon. Though, when I met Taichi for the first time, I did feel as if I've somehow always known him.
Koromon referring to how all the Partner Digimon laid eyes on their Partner Children and instantly knew who they were, way back on File Island.
He is not Hikari's Koromon but there's still some connection to that day in Hikarigaoka.
The dub puts a commercial between Mammothmon's death and this scene. It's a good place to put it, and that means it doesn't feel redundant when Tai mentions the disappearance again so soon after stating it before.
Tai: After the fight that day, Greymon and the other Digimon disappeared. Joe: And the police called the fight a terrorist bombing. Izzy: Exactly! Somehow, the Digimon were involved all along! Tai: That's why my little sister already knew Koromon! Kari met him back on that day! Patamon: You met her? Koromon: It must have been a different Koromon! But I did have a strange feeling when I met Tai that we had met somewhere before....
Close but not quite, Koromon. You'd always known him, but you'd never met him. That will make more sense when the series delves into the lore behind their Partnerships later down the line.
Suddenly, the sound of police sirens in the distance means we need to skedaddle.
Jou: This is bad! They'll ask a ton of questions if they catch us! Koushiro: Yes, they won't let us go easily. Taichi: LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!!
Like any responsible citizen, the Chosen Children flee the police to avoid being connected to the crimes they, uh, are technically partially responsible for. Birdramon caused a fair chunk of the damage here.
In the dub, this is perfect timing for one of Dub Joe's neurotic breakdowns.
Joe: Listen, it's the cops! They'll ask a ton of questions! They'll blame us for all this! I'm too young to go to the Big House! Matt: STOP IT, JOE, AND START RUNNING!!!
XD That's a good one. It's a mild exaggeration of what he was already saying, in a situation where freaking out is entirely valid. This episode's gotten good mileage out of the Mimi and Joe gags.
Taking shelter in a park, the Chosen Children discuss what they've learned and apply it to their search.
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Koushiro: I've been wondering about this for a while. Out of all the children at camp, why were we the only ones chosen? But now we've found a clue to solving that mystery. Mimi: The incident four years ago. Koushiro: Yes. All of us are linked by the fact that we already encountered Digimon four years ago. Yamato: Then it must be the same for the Eighth Child! Koushiro: There's no doubt about it! The Eighth Child, too, would have witnessed that event! Jou: What if Vamdemon's already found them!? If the Eighth Child saw the incident, then they should be in Hikarigaoka, right? Mochimon: That's not true. Since Mammon was wandering around this area alone, the others must still be scattered about and searching for the Eighth Child! Taichi: We're going to find them first. The Eighth Child. One of our nakama!
Nobody's bringing up the obvious suspect but it's nonetheless a huge step for their investigation.
In the dub:
Izzy: You know, I always thought it was kinda strange that out of all the kids at camp, we were the only ones chosen to go to the Digi-World. And I knew it couldn't just be coincidence. Somehow, we were all connected by some common event. Today, I discovered what that event was. Mimi: We all took French in school? Izzy: No, four years ago we were all living at Highton View Terrace at the same time and all of us saw those two Digimon fight. Matt: Then the Eighth DigiDestined saw the Digimon too! Izzy: Right! So the person who's the Eighth DigiDestined had to have been there as well! Joe: What if Myotismon found the kid already!? I mean, he's been searching the city all day. And if the child lived here four years ago, maybe it's still here! Motimon: I don't think so! Mammothmon wouldn't be making all this commotion if they had already found the Eighth DigiDestined child. Myotismon is still searching; I'd say the child is still out there or maybe he moved like you guys! Tai: We'll find him! Before Myotismon! The Eighth DigiDestined... He might be someone we know!
Tai lays it on a little thick there at the end. And we have a Mimi gag that I'm going to put in the "harmless" category. I don't like it, but I don't dislike it either.
The episode closes on Taichi's renewed resolve to find the Eighth Child before Vamdemon.
Assessment: Man, this is a major lore episode. But also kind of a retread. The benefit of the dub is that for an English audience, this is all genuinely new information. For the Japanese audience, we're finally seeing the Chosen Children learn things that we've known since the OVA. This episode is for the characters to play catch-up.
Mammon is something of a nothing antagonist, here just to give the episode some conflict and spark the revelatory parallels to Parrotmon and Greymon. Even Tailmon is like, "Why is this guy even here?" which was hilarious.
A few errors on the dub's part but this is one of their better eps. They manage to hit most of the major beats successfully and there's a lot of charm in their presentation.
There's still some things that get missed such as the tension in Yamato and Takeru's childhood home or that weird moment when the dub thought the kids were fleeing Myotismon's bats. But they're few, and there's a lot of good to be found here too.
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emilija04acer · 9 months ago
Cartoons and Anime from My Childhood (part 1)
Born in 2004 in Serbia, I cherish the memories of a time when cable TV was a luxury that only became available to us when I was about 12 years old. Most of my cherished shows were watched at my grandma’s place. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane with this list!
This is part one; I'm not certain how many I will create, but I'll begin with some that have significantly influenced me. They are listed alphabetically, and most are anime.
(I included a short description of each show)
Of course please share your favorite cartoons!
“Angel Friends”: Angels-in-training, Guardian Angels and Demons. First Angel x Demon ship that I sailed.
“Angelina Ballerina”: A dancing mouse with big dreams and a passion for ballet.
“Atomic Betty”: Intergalactic adventures with Betty, the space-faring superhero.
“Avatar: The Last Airbender”: “Water. Earth. Fire. Air.” A beautifully crafted world, elemental bending, and Aang’s quest to restore balance—this 2D gem blended adventure, humor, and wisdom.
“Barbie Movies”: Every Barbie movie—magical adventures from princesses to explorers.
“The Secret World of Benjamin Bear" Heartwarming adventures with this lovable stuffed bear.
“Bibi Blocksberg”: A young witch named Bibi and her magical escapades. Also Bibi and Tina.
“Bratz Movies”: Fashion-forward Bratz dolls navigating high school and friendship. That one with Paris traumatised me. ( the bone ageing thing)
“Captain Keroro” (Sgt. Frog): Frog-like alien invaders attempting to conquer Earth.
“Code Lyoko”: Virtual reality, secret codes, and a group of students fighting digital threats.
“DelTora Quest”: Lief, Barda, and Jasmine’s quest to restore the seven gems of the Belt of Deltora. (Barda was one of my first fictional crushes guys
 😭 don’t ask)
“Digimon”: Digital monsters, DigiDestined, and epic battles in the Digital World.
“Dragon Ball Z”: “Kamehameha!” The battles between Goku and his formidable foes kept us on the edge of our seats. The iconic transformations, energy blasts, and the quest for Dragon Balls fueled our imaginations.
“Galactic Football”: Futuristic football matches in outer space—goals, teamwork, and cosmic challenges!
“Holly Hobbie and friends”: The adventures of Holly Hobbie, a creative and kind-hearted girl.
“Mermaid Melody”: The enchanting story of mermaid princesses who use their voices to save the ocean. (Other first crush
“Mia and Me”: A girl named Mia discovering a magical world with unicorns and elves.
“My Little Pony (MLP)”: Friendship is magic in Equestria with Twilight Sparkle and her pony pals.
“Naruto”: Believe it! Naruto’s ninja journey, friendships, and determination. Who didn’t watch this?
“Nodi”: The little blue train Noddy and his friends in Toyland. (This and Strawberry Shortcake where my everything at like 6)
“PokĂ©mon”: “Gotta catch 'em all!” Ash Ketchum’s PokĂ©mon journey, Pikachu’s thunderbolts, and Team Rocket’s antics—this show captured our hearts. The PokĂ©mon theme song is forever etched in our minds.
“Postman Pat” (Postman Pete): Delivering mail in the charming village of Greendale.
“Sailor Moon” (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon): “Moon Prism Power, Make Up!” Magical girls, cosmic battles, and the power of friendship—And of course censorship!
“Strawberry Shortcake (2003)”: The sweet adventures of Strawberry Shortcake and her berry friends in the magical land of Strawberryland. (Logorovanje/ camping episode was my fav
“Tokyo Mew Mew”: Magical girls with animal DNA fighting to protect Earth from alien invaders. (Ren can get it)
And of course as I lived in Vojvodina, “Hungarian Folktales”
Here are some links... Sadly I couldn't include the images that I wanted...
Strawberry Shortcake (2004): Wikipedia, IMDb, MoviefoneWonderful Galaxy of Oz: Wikipedia, IMDb, Oz Wiki
Mermaid Melody: Wikipedia, IMDb, Trakt
Tokyo Mew Mew: IMDb, Wikipedia, IMDb for New Series
Galactic Football: IMDb, Wikipedia, SideReel
Sailor Moon: Wikipedia, IMDb, JustWatch
Winx Club: IMDb, Wikipedia, Netflix
W.I.T.C.H.: Wikipedia
As you see I had great taste! Please share yours!
If you are from Serbia... Do you remember ULTRA?! Half of my nostalgia comes from the ads that were on that channel!
Do you remember this people!?
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digi-dest-stories · 4 months ago
I’ve been thinking about it, and I unfortunately just don’t see the Digimon partners working in the Miraculous AU. We already have the Kwami as silly little sidekicks for everyone, this is cast bloat at its finest. I think their role should be more like Tamers, where in addition to paranormally affecting the real world, there is also a fictionalized IP based around it. The partners everyone originally had are now simply their “favorites.”
Maybe the Admins were DigiDestined as children, then grew up to be Miraculous holders?
And I can totally see at least ONE of the Digimon being a Sentimonster. If Adrien can be a Sentimonster, so can Magimon! (Wizardmon not having a Rookie form, so Lucia or Devil Soma creates one for him with the Peacock Miraculous)
Yeah, you're probably right on that. It would be a lot of extra characters. I think I mostly liked the idea because of the 'Miracle Digivolution' concept I made at the start. It was just kinda fun to imagine them lol
Oooo, that is a pretty good idea. Plus it keeps the partners around, even if they aren't directly with the main cast (Though it also gives an idea to how some of them get their miraculous)
I can also see that. Magimon does kinda fit it (Also gives me an angst idea so hehehe)
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1nkstainedsoul · 1 year ago
i have trouble articulating, truly, what taishiro means for me.
they really *are* my fictional dads.
i found out digimon when i was 9 in 2014. i knew nothing of myself, and honestly, i would be scared even if i knew. watching all of digimon adventure and 02 in one summer is a bit much, but that was 9 year old me. (i wanted the uniforms)
tai and izzy, as i knew them then, were the mentors i can look up to. they seemed so much more mature then.
when i was actually 14, roughly 2019, people started to post their analyses on tumblr. i was hooked. some personal shit happened before then, so at that point, i related to taichi and his struggles. koushiro being so understanding, and being together in the good times and the bad, made me remember their dynamic.
now im 18, in college, and fucking scared. so yes, tri/kizuna arc for me. i was literally born the summer of tri, so thats why im panicking so much.
they give me the courage to explore more, and the knowledge that even if i don't have it figured out, i'll be ok.
as characters and the way toei releases stuff, i get more of an understanding of them as i grow up.
i love them, and i love how this community has grown through these past few years.
your second generation digidestined,
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leori-the-unlearned · 4 months ago
luz noceda is the sort of girl that you just need to put in Situations.
stick her in amity park and watch her go insane over ghost superhero until she stumbles across danny’s identity and starts helping him keep it. stick her in gravity falls and she’d be forget-gun’d so many times she either subconscuously wises up about telling anyone or goes fiddleford, she would NOT look away at seeing Weirdness. stick her in paranatural and she either goes insane joining the journalist club looking into the activity club or goes insane about getting to work with real actual spirits. but always goes a little bit manic stick her in digimon adventure as one of the new digidestined around 2001-2002 who also helped email during Our War Game and helped take down Dark Towers around christmas 2002, give her an adorable partner like candlemon -> witchmon, or gazimon or tsukaimon
this goes for every fictional character ever btw :) they should always and forever be put into new Situations for the betterment of humanity. not the character though
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kazooie · 4 months ago
Ha, I just remembered when I was 12 and Digimon FDD(fictional Digimon & digidestined) sites were at their best, a common page to have would be "Digimon crushes", where you can ship your OCs with others, both digidestined and Digimon, and I shipped Ankimon with a Digimon named Fernmon, completely forgot about that till now but it's funny that the name Fern has popped up in my life so often and I didn't even realise it till after changing my name to Fern officially.
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masonicon · 7 months ago
my gripe with 02(and it's sequels) was: it's closest thing any other fictional works(at least anime-ish ones) treated like main anime of Pokemon(before this retires Ash and Pikachu)
from Ash's friends are like Older Digidestined, Takeru and Hikari's sidelinings and nerfing into even anti-sues are closest things any other fictional characters treated like Ash in modern main anime of Pokemon, to the shows afraid having any Superpowered Beings that aren't titular mons(even later seasons of Digimon moves away from this, mostly from having Digitals, occasionally give humans Superpowers). this can cripple crossovers between either series with most fandoms
I once forgets that Takeru and Hikari being only original digidestined that's part of 02 team can still works without both got sidelined and nerfed into Anti-sues, so this can still be lot better written than Ash in modern anime of Pokemon
official canon of Digimon 02 are also forget to completely adapts the parts of Agumon, Gabumon, Piyomon, Tentomon, Palmon, and Gomamon are all among those Digimon that got Dark Rings and become Digimon Emperor's minions
A handful of ways 02 often gets misread
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02 is a series that, in many ways, seems to adhere to a lot of conventional shounen anime tropes, structural aspects, and plot beats – except a lot of them are very much not played the way you would usually expect, or have aspects to them that are slightly different or more nuanced than the average play on it. Unfortunately, this means that a lot of people (perhaps rather understandably) tend to be expecting the usual formats or plays so much that they try to shove 02 back into that box, which inevitably leads to a lot of its important subtleties getting pretty badly buried.
A lot of these misconceptions have become mantra in the fanbase, even despite a lot of hardcore 02 fans’ efforts to counter them, so while this isn’t an exhaustive list, I’ve decided to unpack some of these!
Keep reading
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izzyizumi · 3 years ago
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{Me: *sees the fans here start talking about old sites & shrines again* Me: “Oh hey I existed TOO during that time---”}
(So I had a Digimon 02-focused OCs website Once.)
These are the layouts “splash” (Enter) page images that survived multiple later P.C. crashes but anyway
I made this site when I was Younger. (I’m not going to say how much Younger but)
{Before I found out I was @utistic} (Too---)
These are layouts #4~5 (02), #6 (Izumi - I started Frontier and loved her), #7 (Kouichi - guess which Frontier eps I had just watched), #9 - Hikari (specifically 02!Hikari focused because I also love her)
(Some of the earlier layout pages half-died but semi-survived on the same backup CD, but most were just plain backgrounds anyway)
Anyway, Digimon 02 fan-base also existed in the 2000s pre-tumblr. (INCLUDING in the Western fan-base Yes!) I Know Because I Was There! (And many mutuals I knew were too so...)
I’m still debating on if I want to bring it back in some basic form but if I did I’d probably just dump better/newer fic, edits & A.M.V.s on there it probably wouldn’t be the same now anyhow.....
This was also before my current hyperfocusing on Koushiro + O.T.P But anyway! (That was soon to come almost immediately After) though tbh it was probably happening in the midst of these Too
Anyway, I’m really, really, really tired of certain circles of the fan-base here acting like 02 never had a presence in the “Western fan-base” even immediately before the “Live-journal” days because... it did. We did. We were There?!?!?
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[Note: replying positively/respectfully is ok! But please note this is more of a Personal post]
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
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{C.O.F} ~ GoldVeemon's {GoldVmon} Profile
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(Since I didn't have an animated icon for the V-mon recolors, the gold V-mon icon coloring was done by me, {originally also with blue eyes, but DemiGoldV's icon came second and was used much more frequently around the site to indicate eye color was Green} the other blinking one was made by my friend Kari Avalon AND SHOULD NOT BE USED Under ANY Circumstances.) (DO NOT Copy) (DO NOT re-post) {DO NOT Lift+Use this O.C. Concept under ANY Circumstances} (Trust Me, I WILL Know)
GoldV was originally planned to evolve into Goldveedramon, an existing 'Mon, hence the name. The name for Baby stage was more like a place-holder based on 'Chibomon' until I could come up with something better, but it's basically also a gold Chibomon recolor with the same (originally) emerald green eyes. (Story spoiler under 'read more')
At the end of the first arc, GoldV got "killed" {Deleted Permanently} by a certain character, triggering Hikaru's Crest so SilV could evolve, but in reality, GoldV may have gotten caught up in another "situation"...
GoldV was eventually planned to turn up again in a storyline involving my O.C. Shane, but I was never able to reach that part of the story (back then). Maybe GoldV was floating in the same "limbo" as Shane was this WHOLE Time...?? ? ?
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{My old site banner with GoldV in.}
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noctisfishing · 6 years ago
Before the Fall (Digimon Prompt Fic)
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Characters: 01 Digidestined (minus TK) | Setting: Summer Camp
Rated: T 
Prompt: Serpent. Has your character encountered a snake? Or perhaps they’re as vindictive and cunning as one? Are they shedding their old skin and becoming a new person, or have they somehow transformed into a reptile? [ Word Goal: 300 | Actual: 333 words ]
Note: Realized that I haven’t posted all of the *Candies* on Tumblr - right on time, too. Happy Odaiba Day! 
Tai, Matt, and Izzy walked from their cabin to the mess hall for dinner. They had just gotten back from hiking, climbing a few rocks and taking in the lush scenery of the forest and river streams.
“That was fun, wasn’t it?” Tai asked, walking with his palms lifted against the back of his head.
“It was alright, I guess,” said Matt.
They slowed their pace as they noticed Sora and Joe standing in front of the door to the girls’ cabin, which was closed shut.
“What’s up?” asked Tai, who heard sobbing from the other side of the door.
“It’s Mimi,” Joe replied. “She locked herself in her room since we all got back from the hike.”
“She didn’t want to go in the first place, but me and the others convinced her,” said Sora. Then, she turned back to face the door. “Will you at least let me in?”
“I heard someone else with you!” Mimi wailed from the other side.
“It’s just us,” said Tai. “We won’t bite.”
“Don’t say that!” Sora hissed suddenly, with Matt and Tai taken aback. Her tone changed to a calm after. “Come on, Mimi. It’ll be alright. It’s just the four of us.”
Mimi’s tear-stained face appeared through the crack.
“Fine,” she said, sniffling, her face free of tears but her eyes were still swollen. Reluctantly, she revealed to them what happened to her by the stream.
“You saw a snake?!” Tai said with his eyes lit up. “Lucky!”
“Not lucky!” Mimi cried, covering her face in her hands. “I hate snakes! I ran away as fast as I could!”
“You’re bound to see snakes out here,” said Izzy, crossing his arms, feeling a chill. “It could be worse. At least you aren’t stuck on some island with monsters that are bigger than snakes.”
“Not helping,” said Sora, narrowing her eyes.
“You’ve got too much of an imagination there, Izzy,” said Tai, then looking up, wondering why dark clouds appeared all of a sudden.
This was Candy #16. More from Candy Basket: [ AO3 | FFN ] Tumblr [ # | post ]
Prompt List: [ Literal or Figurative ]
Read more fics on my Tumblr :)
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digimonascending · 11 months ago
Obligatory shilling of my own work incoming:
I've been working on an FDD fanseries (Fictional Digimon and Digidestined) for a small while now. The above picture covers all I've been working on so far.
Digimon Inferno (Part 1 of the main story)
Digimon Chasm (Part 2 of the main story)
Playing with Matches (Prequel to Everything)
Error 404 (Side Story and Utter Chaos)
You can follow these all with only a base level of Digimon lore needed; I follow my own rules and hopefully I make them clear.
All stories are here on the main portal. There will be more coming soon. Ignore the years posted; things have happened.
Firestarters coming in 2025.
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Hell Yeah, 10 years of Ascending storytelling! Time to celebrate! wait, what do you mean the ten year anniversary was nearly two years ago? f**k Better late than never. Also a) I'm not dead, and b) more Ascending is coming. Stay tuned for Firestarters (hopefully next year)
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sparklyheartsdiana · 3 years ago
CL X Digimon Crossover Fic?
Hello everyone!
I'm writing a crossover fan fiction. This crossover is of two series; Code Lyoko and Digimon (mainly Adventure/02). I love both series, therefore it was inevitable I would think of a crossover. Yeah, I know crossovers has been done before, however I'm thinking of taking a crack at it myself.
The problem is... I don’t where to begin! I’ll give it a shot. My idea involves Catherine finding out why her day keeps repeating itself. FYI, Catherine is the name of a chosen child/digidestined from France.
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fddarchive · 3 years ago
What is FDD?
What is FDD?
“Since this website has a FDD theme, I'm sure some of you wonder what this acronym means. It stands for Fictional Digidestined.
Its main meaning is roughly translated into "fictional digidestined and digimon team." For example, someone might ask you, "Who's your FDD?" If you were me, you would answer, "Legend and Foxermon." Pretty simple, huh?
Skye gave us FDDs our name. However, lots of different names have branched from that one, all acronyms like FDD. Some are listed below:
FDT  - Fictional Digimon Tamer ODD - Original Digidestined CDD - Created Digidestined FDS - Fictional Digimon Spirit RDD - Real Digidestined
Those are the only ones I can think of right now, but you're more then welcome to submit any you know of!”
- From the What is FDD? page of Injenn.net
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dutchforstrangers · 4 years ago
Digimon Astrology Journey: An introduction to basic astrology part 1 - The big three
Before I begin rambling about all things astrology, let’s have a little backstory shall we?
As a young girl I became very much invested in astrology. It became a serious hobby and over the past one and a half decade I have immersed myself in astrology. Especially birth charts.
You can see a birth chart as a map of the planets at the time and place when you were born. It’s a unique map, because it actually depends on the exact time and place of your birth! Even twins who are born a view minutes apart will probably have slightly different birth charts, making them unique. So it’s pretty important to know EXACTLY what time and what place you were born.
I’ll give you my own chart as an example :) It’s a bit blurry, because screenshots and ugh... But okay, it’s something, right?
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Notes: the ‘(r)’ means a planet is in ‘retrograde’ (it moves in the opposite direction, backwards). MC = Midheaven (career, calling)
At some point -when my love for Digimon returned full force about half a year ago- I started to wonder what our DigiDestined’s birthdays and their canon star signs were, but after some searching I couldn’t find canon birthdays or whatsoever.
And that’s where my love for astrology and Digimon Adventure collided, starting my own DigiDestined birth chart journey! When you are interested to follow that journey, where I will be giving my headcanons about the DigiDestined’s big three (Sun, Moon, Rising), calculate their birthdays with their Sun and Moon and analyse some major or interesting placements and aspects in these (fictional) birth charts, make sure to follow my tag: #DFS Digimon Astrology Journey.
Under read more you’ll find some important basic Astrology #101. See it as reference and to better understand the upcoming posts about our dear Chosen Children.
!Important note!: This is a hobby! I am NOT an astrologist! Make sure that the knowledge I have and use comes from books, internet and posts on Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr and probably other social media platforms. This is MY interpretation and if you are an actual astrologist or something in that direction and/or you think some things are off, then please tell me! Because I love to learn, discuss and improve :)
Astrology #101 - The big three
Astrology is a complicated study, because besides your well known Sun sign there are a lot of other planets and also things as houses, aspects and retrogrades. Among many more components that make up a chart.
Want to understand the basics? Look up your ‘big three’. This is 1) the zodiac sign your Sun was in when you were born, you may know this as your ‘star sign’  2) the zodiac sign your Moon was in when you were born, 3) your Rising sign, which is the zodiac sign that rose on the Eastern horizon at the moment you were born.
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The big three tells you the most important things to understand a personality. Your Sun sign is your identity, personality, your ‘I am’. It’s your ego, the one who you truly are within. It’s about your sense of self. The sun travels approximately 30 days through a sign.
Intermezzo funfact: the exact dates may shift a little per year! So when you’re born on the 22nd of August and you think you are a Leo, you might wanna check the year you were born in or even your birth time! Because the sun mostly enters Virgo on the 23rd of August, but it’s possible that it enters Virgo on the 22nd of August in a specific year on a specific time. Funny thing is that when you are born on or around a shift from the sun from one sign into the other, you can kind of have a mix of those sun signs. Or your actual sun sign is highly influenced by the previous sun sign. Because, er well, energies? I guess

Your Moon sign is the ‘I feel’ in your chart and tells you how you react/respond in certain situations, especially when you’re stressed (freeze, fight or flight). The moon exposes your emotions and needs, it’s all about your instincts and inner-world. The moon travels approximately 2,5 till 3 days through a sign.
The Rising sign exposes how you come across to others. It’s the way others see you, but it’s also the way you see the world around you and how you interact with the others. It’s the ‘I engage’ in your chart. Because your Rising sign (or also referred to as your Ascendant) is about how you project yourself, it’s likely others see you differently from who you truly are (your Sun sign). In the course of 24 hours, all 12 zodiac signs will rise on the eastern horizon, which means the rising sign shifts every 2 hours. Also: your Ascendant marks the beginning of the ‘First House’ in your chart.
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Above you find a cheat sheet for the sun, moon and other planets plus what they stand for. It’s from Sanctuary (I took screenshots from Instagram, they are a bit blurry...), and so is the cheat sheet from the big three I used earlier. They have a very user-friendly smartphone app (free) and you can find them on Instagram @sanctuarywrld. Another app you can use is Co – Star. It gives a lot of information and insights on your placements and goes pretty deep. Deeper than Sanctuary. In Co – Star you can find/befriend others and see/’follow’ their charts and placements.
The picture with my birth chart in the beginning is from astro-charts.com. You can make other charts as well and save them. It doesn’t give information about the meaning of your placings -unless you pay for it- but I think it’s very aesthetic and gives a clear picture of your chart.
In part 2 of the introduction I will discuss the elements, the zodiac signs itself and the other planets. Plus I will give some quick information about houses, aspects and modes. Note that the big three are most important to me!
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blazing-dynamo · 11 months ago
I also will say, as a dub defender, that the dub isn’t actually as bad as “fan fiction” but is definitely “fox kids” in tone. So if you are a slow reader or ADHD or otherwise need an English dub as an option you’re not getting a sub par experience, or it being a completely different story or anything. There are just gonna be jokes squeezed in, like a working designs script from a ps1 game.
I actually prefer the dub, because the silly-to-serious whiplash of the dub rules, IMO. And the pop punk / nu metal soundtracks of 02 and Tamers really elevated it for me.
And my Japanese friend in high school said that he watched Digimon in Japan and thought it was okay, but when he saw the dub he liked it twice as much, so ymmv, and I recommend giving each a shot.
But yeah, in whatever language, start with Adventure season 1, and then watch whatever you like.
And for games, the Digimon Story sub series, which arguably starts with Digimon World 3 on PSX, then are the DS games and then Cyber Sleuth, are the good ones, and all of them are an okay starting point.
The Digimon World Series (Digimon world 1, re:Digitize, and Next Order) are definitely more uniquely Digimon than some of the other games, but take some adapting to. Of the three re:Digitize is my favorite.
The rest of the games are all weird and try their own thing, for varying levels of success, and I basically only personally recommend Survive out of them.
Hope this helps anyone who sees it!
Thanks @digi-lov for your guide as well! More digidestined, the merrier.
How do i get into #digimon
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