#fics galore✨
sunattacksthemoon · 1 year
fav thing about the bday fic is including all the shit I’ve been doing since childhood. There’s a part in the fic where Remus and co go around back and start swimming in the creek.
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This is the creek I’m writing about, it’s behind my house. I never went swimming in it cause it was always to shallow but couple years back a tree fell and since then there’s been a part that’s a couple feet deep, so you could swim in it. I’m adding a bunch of places that are in the city but mainly this fic is gonna stay pretty close to where I live, meaning we are gonna stay out of the city for the majority of the fic. If you follow the creek it’ll lead you to a junk yard, it’s kinda been turned into a spot for kids to play/have parties and shit.
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Up that hill are train tracks, which will also make an appearance, follow the tracks and you can find a fuck ton of trails. Mainly made by the group of kids on dirt bikes that fuck around up there. The tracks are pretty popular, pretty much anything by my house is popular. It’s just a bunch of land so there is nothing to do round here so kids will just fuck around in the fields or the junk yard😭😭
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theheirofthesharingan · 11 months
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The Tragedy
(Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals // first Image credit //Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment // Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis // Charles Bukowski, Ham on Rye // Stephen King, The Body // Orson Scott Card, Ender’s Game // AroarA - #6 // Li-Young Lee, A Hymn to Childhood // Florence & The Machine, I’m Not Calling You a Liar)
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night-faye · 2 months
*cracks knuckles* ALRIGHT- 1) Update on what I said for a hero will sacrifice one to save the world, a villain will sacrifice the world for one but its hero/warrior philosophy. I finally found Mei's line for it! "Wukong knew the risks. It's what he would do if he had to. That's the hard part of being a hero." And THAT'S why the next episode is "Time to be Warriors" because being a hero never works out :D 2) Isn't it SO funny how Macky's complaints about "other people will tell you to be patient" feels like the kind of thing Wukong would've learned himself from the Monk after the journey 🤔 "your first strike should be your last strike" *coughs in jttw wukong killed macky in one hit to the head* "you don't use a weapon, you are a weapon." Sir WHAT HAPPENED. This wasn't you before 😭 I'm starting to think his "don't you feel stronger now" might be something someone told him after this so called "who did you make a deal with?" 🤔 3) So we know Macky instigated the fight, naturally. but seriously WHAT HAPPENEDDDDDDD. he was SAD and GUILTY and WUKONG LOVED HIM SM HE WAS RUFFLING HIS FUR AND FIXING HIS CLOTHES. how does a guy go to such murdery lengths that they started hating each other sm in S1 and then??? like?? S5 that love is creeping back???? of course, just like Macky getting interrupted in S4, they just can NOT seem to hold hands 😔 so Fluffy had the bright idea of ShadowPeach hand holding when Wukong dies. She is obsessed with his death flags as a mentor. 4) "The old you would've leveled this whole mountain range!" <-- monkey MK splits a mountain in half. 5) "inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear." now that we know how crazy this play is for hinting stuff, WHAT is up with the monkey we see get attacked with evil vibes and why is it on this line Macky 👀 also hilarious to me "last show actually I was just heading off-" he seriously spent ALL DAY just talking about his break up over and over to anybody who would listen. "always the comedian" <--- s4 opens with Wukong joking and dancing on a table. Can you tell I'm obsessed with recontextualizing dialogue? "so you're her puppet now?" "haha you know me." HELLO? IMPLYING WHAT? all this talk about "a winning side" is very owie, when you think of the side that lost the war against heaven but also <3 in joining MK. despite LBD having WUKONG on her side. "your buddy Wukong values people by how useful they are to him." BUDDY YOURE THE ONE WHO FELT BAD YOU COULDNT BE USEFUL ENOUGH TO BREAK HIM OUT. I'm sensing some serious miscommunication over the Journey West here. BUT GEE really makes you think about Macky telling MK to be a weapon! That'll make you useful to the Monkey King for sure! also! the winning side was almost titled "a traitor inside" gee isn't THAT suspect. *pokes Macky repeatedly* double agent vibes lowkey. or is this a callout for betraying Wukong lol. 6) going through my like history and someone pointed out that MK was probably "you're in time out young man!" while Macky, fully able to fight back, stood there and let them tie him up like "oh no I can't believe you're overpowering me like this. this place is a nightmare." 7) Update on "Wukong is the undefeatable Monkey King he HAS to be strong." he only reacts to the spicy pepper burning his mouth bc he's used to pain ^_^ who cared at all if he was hurt by the circlet, why would they care if he complained about the burning? and really? a spicy burning hot pepper? when he already was forced to eat molten copper pellets? and dropping a rock on him when he had a mountain dropped on him? which fun fact: based on Wukong's pose, it seems he got trapped while running ;D
1) Update on what I said for a hero will sacrifice one to save the world, a villain will sacrifice the world for one but its hero/warrior philosophy. I finally found Mei's line for it! "Wukong knew the risks. It's what he would do if he had to. That's the hard part of being a hero." And THAT'S why the next episode is "Time to be Warriors" because being a hero never works out :D
2) Isn't it SO funny how Macky's complaints about "other people will tell you to be patient" feels like the kind of thing Wukong would've learned himself from the Monk after the journey 🤔
"your first strike should be your last strike" *coughs in jttw wukong killed macky in one hit to the head*
Hey, hey hey, shut up <3
"you don't use a weapon, you are a weapon." Sir WHAT HAPPENED. This wasn't you before 😭 I'm starting to think his "don't you feel stronger now" might be something someone told him after this so called "who did you make a deal with?" 🤔
Ohohohoh yes. this line. this line makes me Thing Things. So Many Things.
Will also be explored in fics I write hehehehe
3) So we know Macky instigated the fight, naturally. but seriously WHAT HAPPENEDDDDDDD. he was SAD and GUILTY and WUKONG LOVED HIM SM HE WAS RUFFLING HIS FUR AND FIXING HIS CLOTHES. how does a guy go to such murdery lengths that they started hating each other sm in S1
No lie I am currently working on a fic that will be exploring this EXACT thing :) You should Be Afraid :)
and then??? like?? S5 that love is creeping back???? of course, just like Macky getting interrupted in S4, they just can NOT seem to hold hands 😔
so Fluffy had the bright idea of ShadowPeach hand holding when Wukong dies. She is obsessed with his death flags as a mentor.
@fluffypotatey when I get you
Can you tell I'm obsessed with recontextualizing dialogue?
yes dw i am too hehe
"so you're her puppet now?""haha you know me."HELLO? IMPLYING WHAT? all this talk about "a winning side" is very owie, when you think of the side that lost the war against heaven
:)))) >*pats my trunk full of plans*<
6) going through my like history and someone pointed out that MK was probably "you're in time out young man!" while Macky, fully able to fight back, stood there and let them tie him up like "oh no I can't believe you're overpowering me like this. this place is a nightmare."
7) Update on "Wukong is the undefeatable Monkey King he HAS to be strong." he only reacts to the spicy pepper burning his mouth bc he's used to pain ^_^ who cared at all if he was hurt by the circlet, why would they care if he complained about the burning? and really? a spicy burning hot pepper? when he already was forced to eat molten copper pellets? and dropping a rock on him when he had a mountain dropped on him? which fun fact: based on Wukong's pose, it seems he got trapped while running ;D
HEY WHAT IF YOU DIDN'T? (I'mjustkiddingthisisgreat)
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boltonbritreads · 26 days
🗣️Eddie Munson Fic Recs
This is gonna have a sappy start before I get into the fic rec portion: but I just wanted to say that at the end of May 2022, I was finishing up my first year of law school. It was rough, challenging, lonely, and basically everything you’d expect and I was in a bad place and the fandom I’d been in was slowing down just naturally. I truly wish I could remember how I even became aware of Eddie Munson because stranger things wasn’t really on my radar anymore and whoever I followed at the time that started to veer off into Eddie-mania, thank you. In the two years since then, I’ve graduated and become the worlds babiest lawyer and I genuinely owe a lot to this fandom and community on here for giving me a fun, usually safe, creative place to escape to when it got rough.
I’m just hoping to maybe remind people that there are already an incredible, incredible amount of existing stories to read and talk about that deserve your attention and love if you’re looking to read some Eddie stories. Some of these will be fics I’ve recommended before but I’m going to try my best to pull together writers and fics that I love and think everyone should read in the hopes that someone like me who still scrolls through eddie tags looking for my nightly bedtime story can find something new to them to read! ✨
Previous Fic Rec list here!! some overlap but there’s no such thing as too much hype for these writers
@munson-blurbs I hope it’s ok but I’m linking Bug’s full masterlist here because I have genuinely loved everything she has written. There are blurbs, series, and special events which are all incredible and worth a read! Bug is currently still writing the “Living after Midnight” series which is my current obsession and features rockstar!eddie x motelheiress!reader and it’s angst and lust galore
@corroded-hellfire also sharing the Eddie Masterlist here because there’s so many fics to read!! As You Wish, Big Brown Eyes, Where the Heart Is are all incredible but truly there’s so much here to enjoy
@upsidedownwithsteve SIMMER!! jk I’m actually linking the Eddie Masterlist here too because I love them all but “I Want You To Want Me” and “Simmer” are out of this world
@pinkrelish The Yes Policy I love it, you love it, we all love it and if you haven’t caught up yet oh my god I wish I was you and could read these chapters for the first time again
@ghost-proofbaby I’ve previously told people to go read 24 Hours, and you should, that’s an order; but Maroon is ongoing! and it’s actually infiltrating my every thought so go on over and get caught up bc I think it’s safe to say things are getting amped up
@trashmouth-richie I have also previously recommended Honey, I’m Home because it’s a work of art but Ziggy has a new mini series “Crash + Fall” that I’m completely obsessed with the concept for and I’ve loved every piece so far!
@tiannasfanfic I just reblogged Conviction again but I genuinely am not exaggerating when I say I think about this story and these two monthly and try and find this story all the time to re-read it endlessly. It’s a really lovely story of unplanned pregnancy and two characters not realizing they’ve been smitten for each other the whole time and I love it
@carolmunson I’m sharing another Eddie Masterlist here because I’d be making this post far too long but Carol’s stories are all incredible, complex, and honest. “Let’s go, don’t wait” just got updated and I had to read it like 3 times last night because it was too good to just read one and done
@rebelfell I just discovered Sarah’s blog after reading the most recent “Frenemy” fic and idk what I was doing wrong to not already follow her and not have already read her whole Masterlist but I’m linking the whole thing bc she’s so good!!
@the-au-thor I also only just discovered Elle’s blog and that’s criminal but thank god I found Babysitting Mun because I am a sucker for rockstar!eddie and this series has me on the edge of my seat rn
@storiesbyrhi I’m sharing the Masterlist folks because I have genuinely loved every single story and series and I have read them all now (some several times). So many of Rhi’s stories have a wonderful warm witchy vibe that I crave and I’ve read Siouxsie and the Soulmates, The Cabin in the Woods, Our Patron Saint of the Arts, Vintage Reeboks, and Burning Yarrow (insert screaming fan gif) multiple times now
@heart-eyed-love this fic is the epitome of a soft, cozy, domestic night with Eddie and if you need a hug read this 🥹
@eddieandbird I JUST got caught up on Eddie/Tour Manager series and I’m fully obsessed and desperate to know how they’re gonna navigate this - for folks new to the story, Eddie and his tour manager accidentally drunkenly get married- what could go wrong??
@eiightysixbaby the scream I scrumped when I finished reading Princess Leia, and Other Wishes - look bffs to lovers is already my absolute weakness on this earth but then you had to make it witty and funny and FLUFFY I just can do nothing but re-read and pine
@superblysubpar I’m still obsessed with this addition to The Boy is Mine writing challenge and oh god it’s so good 😩
…and while we’re talking about it - here’s the entire The Boy is Mine masterlist with an INSANE amount of incredible stories to read
@the-unforgivenn !!! tumblr hates me and deleted this bullet (so if you already saw this post, no you didn’t) but And I Need You to Know is a proper novel! I can’t imagine how much time, love, effort, planning, and work went into creating this insane and absolutely incredible world but everyone needs to read this!! and then follow up with She’s So Cold bc I love it and I am so reader
~~ this is not the end nor an exhaustive list! I just wanted to put something out there now that I plan to build on because I know I’m always scrolling and searching for new things to read or old things to revisit ♥️ ~~
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celestie0 · 6 months
does anyone wanna be on taglist for this choso x reader fic? 🧚‍♀️✨
edit: hellooo if you're seeing this now, i already uploaded the first chapter here!! you can comment under the chapter post if you would like to be added to the taglist :)
HI BABES i’m starting a new choso fic series :””) here’s a bit of info about it:
ᰔ title. in another life
ᰔ pairing. rock band au - punk rock!choso x fem!reader ft. fiancé!nanami
ᰔ genres. smut, fluff, angst, second chance romance, time skips, love triangle, bad boy choso, slight age gap (five yrs), longterm pining, messy decisions, jealousy, etc.
ᰔ summary. you and choso were lovers in college when him and his rock band were just nobodies with nothing but a dream, but when his band strikes a deal with an up-and-coming record label in tokyo, you make the tough decision to break up with him since you couldn’t go with him to the city. flash forward seven years, his band is the biggest rock band in the world, n you move from the countryside to tokyo with your fiancé nanami to start your new life together. but in the heart of the city, home to many, there’s one person there that still has the power to turn your whole life upside down. and when you run into him again after all those years, feelings you didn’t know were still haunting you come crashing back all at once, and you’re not sure what it is you want from your life anymore.
inspired by a lot of things lol but mostly the anime nana, the movie past lives, the book before we were strangers, and the song about you by the 1975 (aka angst galore)
here is a little teaser:
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lol i literally couldn’t choose which part to tease but i feel like this part kinda fits the vibe
the first chapter is already done! it’s 11k words and will be posted tomorrow apr 4th @ 2pm PST :)) very exciteeeddd for it hehe
but anyway, if you’d like to be on taglist for it, please leave a comment under this post!!
thank u to anyone who supports the fic 🥺💕
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gimmemore14 · 29 days
these are for u. just wanted to tell u that you’re fics are amazing~ i recently just got back into dcu and your bitw fic was the first that was recommended to me and then i had to read ur other works too. hope u update soon, no rush i’m just really hyped up on this newest hyper-fixation. pls pls pls let me know if u have any fic recs or tumblrs u think i should follow i would really appreciate it. i’m arting again and i wanna draw something for ur fic, but i wanted to check first to make sure it was okay to send u fanart and ask how u usually get it sent to you
Recommended?!? Ahhhh! That makes me feel good, I’m glad you’re enjoying it!! Man I also wanna update soon too! It’s slow going, BUT it IS going hahahah
I would love it if you drew something for/from my fic, honestly it’s the highest compliment!!! Makes me kick my feet up and giggle 😂 I would encourage you to post it on here and tag me in it so not only can I see but also so others can too! If you aren’t comfortable doing that I’d still love if you private message me a drawing or if you just wanted to talk too! I don’t bite unless asked to hahah
Oooo Recs, I got a LOT of those, I’ll try to contain myself though:
@thesubtextis —conquered by love
Ongoing, one of my absolute favorites, it balances Slade being super menacing but still oddly kind/considerate despite the terrible circumstances and monster he must be
@caroaimezoe —Rude
I LOVE fics where Bruce is absolutely abnormal and unhinged and possessive about Dick!!
@zeroducks-2 —Sladick connected fics
Ongoing, Sladick connected fics my beloved 😭❤️ love basically everything they write, SUCH good dynamics
@hii-theree —Rough callouses and sharp claws
Ongoing, nicer guy than usual Slade, hes still kinda a dick of course and doesn’t know Dick is Nightwing during a hostage situation 🔥
@withthekeyisking-writer —A loaded god complex
The emotion and character work is PEAK in this plus their other works are dark and smutty and great
@green-eyedfirework —virtue is truest nobility
Too many good ones to choose tbh, also posts lots of awesome snippets on here that can lead to some fun plot bunnies
@skalidra —feel it in my bones
Ongoing, bad guys win scenario that hits every time (they have SO many great ones though, sladick and jaydick and sladjay and sladickjay galore)
@wingdingery —all of the fire I’ve swallowed
Dick is self sacrificing and clever but oblivious, Slade is arrogant and scheming and unexpectantly merciful, *chefs kiss*
@everydarkcorner —Bitch and moan and bite down into me (one ongoing and one completed)
Love their all their writing, can’t go wrong, their Slade is one of my favorites to read, possessive and obsessive and deliciously dark
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cherubharrington · 1 year
Stranger Things Masterlist
Fluff: 🧸
Smut: ✨
Angst: 🥀
Steve Harrington
Safe & Sound 🧸
Heart to Heart🧸
Not an Idiot🥀
Como Un G 🥀
The Gold 🥀
Can’t be away 🧸
Can’t get enough 🧸
Boys a liar 🥀🧸
Murray’s Matching Service🧸
Mother’s Day 🧸
Bad Habit 🧸
You’re losing me 🥀
Steve loves your lips 🧸
Steve hates when his girl gets hurt 🧸
Drunk Stevie pt.1 🧸
Drunk Steve pt.2🧸
Feral Steve 🧸
Jealous Steve 🥀
Steve shows you how much he loves you ✨
Stevie edging you ✨
Steve knows how to use his fingers ✨
Road trip fingering ✨
Asking Stevie to break up
You shouldn’t be anywhere near the fight
Please can we get a doggie
Two lines says pregnant
Steve picks up a book
Lipstick print
Teaching Steve about makeup
Skincare expert Steve
Steve builds things for you
Steve watching you sleep
Pool day confession
Dustin knows
Singing girlfriend
Sunburnt Stevie
Eddie Munson
Too Clingy 🥀🧸
I just wanna see you shine🧸
Something about you 🧸 2 3 4
Halley’s Comet 🧸
Jealousy jealousy 🥀🧸
Always & Forever 🧸
Pluto Projector 🧸
Dude what the hell 🧸
Face to face 🧸
Insecurity 🥀🧸
Something wicked this way comes 2
Just a break 🧸
His butterfly 🧸
Love galore 🧸
Favorite crime 🥀
Lord of the rings movie
Steddie x reader
Steve and Eddie fight over you 🧸
Here with you 🧸
Group dynamic 🥀🧸
In love🧸
Robin Buckley
Max mayfield
Braiding her hair (older sibling/platonic)
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heyjude19-writing · 3 months
I recently just finished “follows of an ornamental hermit” thanks to one of your lovely Drarry lists and just absolutely fell in love with maximalist, books-galore, “it’s giving ravenclaw kinda”- Draco with Harry who is obsessed with him (aren’t we all) . Draco being someone who is so dark academia is a bibliophile and deeply academic.
I suppose I’m asking if you have any more long fic Drarry recs that continue and follow this dark academia HC / Trope?
hello anon!
wasn't follies just such a lovely fic? @mallstars is so talented. i hope you enjoy these fics that I think fall into your parameters:
Harry Potter and the elusive day off
Like Clockwork who will receive you in love's offices
I Will Follow You into the Dark
The Four Doors
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
✨ jai polls ✨
Hi friends, this is for everyone who reads my mxm fics 🙏🏽
I joined an event on AO3 that encourages writers to finish at least one active WIP by the beginning of October. Those who know the truth about me know I have many unfinished series already posted on AO3 and many upcoming fics I've signed up to write for fests. This event will help me complete my unfinished series since it gives me a hard deadline, and I work best under pressure.
Anyway, please vote for one of my unfinished series to prioritize. The summaries, moodboards, and poll are under the cut so you can make an informed decision 😌 I'll eventually crosspost all these fics on Tumblr.
Disclaimer: This poll only includes the WIPs I'm okay with finishing later in the year. For example, I want to finish "Keep Singing This Lie" before October, so it's not part of the poll. 
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cosmic collision
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A responsible weedman, Yoongi always tests out new marijuana strains before selling them to his customers. When his supplier offers him a new strain, Cosmic Collision, Yoongi is eager to try it. What he doesn't expect is the alien that comes with it.
○ Pairing: Weedman!Yoongi x Alien!Jungkook
○ Genre: Supernatural, humor, 420 blaze it
the flower knight
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A disciple of the Mugunghwa Temple, Yoongi has lived a pious life free of the vices of the outside world. That is until the temple must become a safehouse for wounded soldiers when war breaks out, and Yoongi catches the eye of a certain military commander.
○ Pairing: Soldier!Taehyung x Healer!Yoongi
○ Genre: Historical fantasy, pistilverse, forbidden love
i always thought we could be perfect
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It would be Jimin's luck that the first time he sees Hoseok nearly a year after their break-up is to get tattooed by him.
○ Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Hoseok x Jimin
○ Genre: Tattoo shop au, exes to lovers
love galore
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Law student Taehyung is determined to fight for the rights of hybrids in a corrupt world. Little does he know that the adorable bunny he adopted is a hybrid wary of humans.
○ Pairing: Human!Taehyung x Hybrid!Jungkook
○ Genre: Hybrids, strangers to lovers, law school au
trying my best
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Forced to attend Alcoholics Anonymous by his manager, Yoongi, a washed-up frontman recently kicked out of his band, struggles to come to terms with the fact that he needs help. Jungkook doesn’t know much about music but knows how to be a good sponsor.
○ Pairing: Rockstar!Yoongi x College Student!Jungkook
○ Genre: Rock band au, Alcoholics Anonymous, hurt/comfort, recovery
witches & devils
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Yoongi has a habit of getting himself into trouble, and Jimin is exceptionally good at mending wounds.
○ Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x Witch!Jimin
○ Genre: Fantasy, enemies to lovers, idiots to lovers, humor (?)
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ivys-head-is-spinning · 5 months
List your favorite character and then some headcanons about that character! Then repost into the ask box of your favorite moots! <333
Thanks for the question! Albert from newsies here we go! (I’m just gonna put in the list of head canons from my head canon list on Ao3) also most of these are modern day and related to the fic I’m writing haha
Autism, anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD
PTSD but like make it ✨complex✨
Jewish. Because I SAY SO. 
Gets bullied a lot, only Elmer knows about it. He refuses to tell anyone, Elmer found out by accident.
Has a lot of self esteem issues. I blame Snyder. I’m gonna kill Snyder.
Loves outer space and plants.
Honestly just needs a million hugs. (Thank god we have Elmer for that)
Quiet. A true introvert.
Trust issues galore 
Social anxiety 
Not a fan of sudden, unexpected physical contact. 
If you ask him about one of his special interests, he will NOT shut up. 
Has a lot of sensory issues
The author really needs to stop projecting onto him (But I WON’T)  
Also dances
Loves Disney and musicals
Wants to be on Broadway (Dream role is Dimitri from Anastasia. Change my mind.)
He is a fairly decent cook but really only makes his safe foods.
He is a passenger princess. He hates driving. It’s too stressful. He also needs to have full control of the aux cord and will fight people for it.
He has totally has had a frozen the musical hyper fixation (same)
is always listening to music
has a million stuffed animals but his favourite is a weighted purple octopus from Elmer named squiggles
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
Fuck Yeah 1st birthday fic vote
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I survived one year on this hellsite! 😉 It's been a wonderful almost 365 days in our little Pedro fandom - March 19 was the day I posted It Would Be, and what a ride it’s been since! Thank you friends, mutuals, readers, followers and everyone who makes it so much fun to create and to share with you guys ❤️
How about a ✨ fic vote ✨ to celebrate? It's been a while since we had one, and I've been very mean and teasing y'all with so many plot bunnies. Help me decide what to write next!
Since I have no plans to start a new series after I finish Palomino, these are all one- or two-shot ideas. I hope to get round to writing all of them at some point, but I will write them in the order of votes received. Fic summaries below the cut!
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Young!Joel Miller x Baker!F!Reader | outbreak, what outbreak? | fluffy meet cute with a smutty second part | planned two-shot
Summary: What if Joel doesn't forget to buy himself a cake for his birthday? But by the time he remembers, all the bakeries in his neighbourhood are closed - except yours.
The first draft of this idea was Speed Dial, which was supposed to be a PWP, but as it turns out, I'm not great at PWPs... so how about a two-shot instead?
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Javier Peña x Centra Spike Analyst F!Reader | accidental audio voyeurism | one-shot, might be more | sexual tension galore
Summary: It’s New Year’s Eve. You’re alone and transcribing a tape recording of an informant for Javier Peña, something you've done a hundred times before - except this time, you overhear something that is clearly not meant for your ears.
I've been stewing in this idea since before New Year's. Probably the most creative idea I've had so far, and will probably be difficult to write, but this fic haunts my dreams and I will have no peace until I sit down and write it.
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Agent Whiskey x F!Reader | straight-up filth | planned two-shot
Summary: He's absolutely not your type. But hey, what happens in Glastonbury stays in Glastonbury - especially mistakes in the shape of a silver-tongued, smarmy American cowboy sporting a ridiculous belt buckle.
After going to a music festival last weekend, this is all I've been thinking about.
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Joel Miller x F!Reader | self-conscious!Joel and shy!Reader | 👏🏻 body positivity 👏🏾 | planned one- or two-shot with potential to be more
Summary: Joel has a problem. Having settled into some semblance of a 'normal' life in Jackson that no longer involves running for his life and living off scraps, his clothes are getting a little… tight. Self-conscious, he deals with it the way he does most things - he ignores it.
That is until one day, the zipper on his jeans finally gives up after one too many desperate tugs, leaving him stuck. With neither Tommy nor Ellie anywhere to be found to get him out of the tight spot, Joel begrudgingly heads to the clothing store he’s seen in town for help - and a new pair of jeans.
There, he meets you.
Thank you everyone who has been so enthusiastic about this idea! It definitely has Grays vibes, but can you blame me for wanting to give this man reassurance? I’m also super excited to write a shy reader, which is a departure from my others ❤️
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Frankie Morales x F!Reader | enemies to lovers | second chances | angst | planned two-shot
Summary: At the Summer House where you and the boys have always spent the last week of August, some traditions are held sacred. Above all, Frankie always brings a girlfriend, and you're always single.
You really should’ve known better than to tempt fate. The summer Frankie shows up alone and you bring a boyfriend is when it all falls apart. 
I am beyond excited about this one. I've teased the idea before - it's going to be so self-indulgent and will have all the tropes that I've wanted to write for. It's been a while since I've written angst, and damn this will be angsty!
Got any burning questions? My askbox is open as always! I'll leave this poll up for a week, excited to see what the results will be ❤️
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sunattacksthemoon · 1 year
what other stories are you going to put in the series? is it just going to be princess bride and the other story?
(pls don’t answer if you don’t want to)
I’m sorry I am just answering this now, I put it in my drafts when I got it and completely forgot to answer this😭😭
Okay so for the series the only ones I’ve got planned are the princess bride and stardust. I’ve written a fuck ton for the princess bride au but the stardust au is in the works, I’m pretty much planning it and making an outline. Did y’all know that thinking of chapter names is the equivalent of stabbing yourself with a fork repeatedly😀. Pure torture, don’t recommend. However I’ve got other ideas for the series. Mainly aus but I’ve just thought of this cool one which plays into the whole bit where people make Sirius an artist. Idk if it’s gonna be like a university au, I’m thinking of not making it modern. But that’s gonna be later this year. I’ve got no news on the princess bride au. I’ve got chapters written and edited, like I could post them and whatnot but I’m beyond nervous about it. (im still on the fence about having someone beta for me, like it would help immensely but im kinda touchy with this fic plus I hate asking people I feel so annoying 😭😭) I’ve got to think of a name and name of chapters and then I will be able to post a couple chapters. No where near finished with this fic but I’ve gotten a lot of it done.
The stardust au is so fucking exciting tho and I’ve got so many plans with this fic and it’s soooo exciting. So far I’m assigning character roles and planning out how I want this whole thing to work out. And this fic is giving me an excuse to research a bunch of topics. I do know however I’m not going to include Walburga and Orion. I have no interest and honestly they don’t fit into the narrative. In all future fics I most likely will not include them, in some aus and fics Sirius will have a history with them but it will be past tense. BUT Im including Regulus as Sirius’s sibling, that will never change. But this fics going to be so much fun.
Just realized I didn’t really answer you’re question😬😬, so I’m thinking of the corpse bride actually, I think Emily is a Sirius variant and honestly Victor is so much like Remus in my head. But I’d make it wolfstar endgame cause duh. Other than that I’d like to explore y’know like those basic love story tropes. I need to make like a comprehensive list of all my favorite love stories. I’d also like to say that not every fic in this series will be longer, it will vary on time, the story, and how much I can do for that specific story. Those are the main four I guess. But thank you for asking!!! Sorry for the ramble, can you tell I love talking about this idea??
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ian-galagher · 1 year
for your followers: africa spoilers galore.
today on nosho's gif shenanigans: hercules.
- ian going to africa. including him and his optimism is mandatory. as is getting his hopes crushed.
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- "fuck, he's hot." ian: hehe, sexy mentor says i'm hot 😎 mickey: you fucking idiot are gonna die of heatstroke in these clothes! change! ian: "oh."
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- mickey taking ian to kruger on day one.
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- ian: proud of his pics. mickey: no.
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- mickey, day two: you're going home. ian: i think the fuck not?
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- nick.
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- mickey pov when ian changed his shirt after getting the car out of the mud.
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- on the lookout on day six.
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- ian x mickey at god's window.
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- ian and the dogs.
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- mandy: "why the fuck are you dressed like my brother?" ian:
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- "i like you, ian. […] can't believe you're banging my brother. you know you can do better, right?"
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- i can't decide whether pain and panic are ian x mandy / ian x inyoni / inyoni x mandy, so i'll say all three and let you decide.
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- "you and your stupid face distracted me."
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- day twelve. send tweet.
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- mickey finding out ian told his family they're fucking ("y'might as well have put an ad in the paper tellin' the whole world we're bangin'! who else did ya tell? bet you told everyone you know. i swear, if you told any of the rangers, i-").
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- ian getting his toast back by making mickey horny.
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- "friends forever?" / "friends forever."
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- mandy at the braai.
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- ian x mickey slowly falling for the other.
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- ian x mickey:
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- bonus: me, @francesrose3, @juliakayyy, not necessarily in that order.
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Herculeeeeeeeeeees! 😍 Nosho Nosho Nosho!!!! 🥰🧡 squeezing you hugging you giving you little kisses on your head 🤗
EVERY Disney movie just happens to have the perfect shot for "Ian is off to Africa" 😂😂😂
Ian calling Mickey out on him saying "fuck he's hot" 😂 Mickey, thinking fast: how do I get this guy to take his clothes off in front of me.... I KNOW!!! 😂
"mickey: no" 😂😂😂
"get lost means take me I'm yours" 😂😂😂 100% what Mickey meant there 😂
nick 😂😂😂
Ian changing his shirt in the car!! 😂
omg the SHOES 😂
"you can do better" HES A GUY 😂😂😂😂 too true! 😂
all 3 😂😂😂 whoever is talking to anyone at any point is pain&panic in that moment 😂
omg 😂 "we dance, we kiss, we carry on, we go home happy, what do you say?" 😂😭😂 IF ONLY!!!! Someone write a fix it for this fic 😂
LOOOL Mickey blowing up "I'm fine I'm cool" 😂😂😂 that's also me getting these posts 😂 I'm fine though, it's cool, all is cool 😂
game set match 😂😂😂 cackling!!
Mandy getting wasted 😂
SLOWLY FALLING FOR EACH OTHER 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and then Mandy taking one look at them and she just *knows* 😂
omg the gang is here again 😂😂😂 needs more sparkles! ✨🌟✨
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graceinitiatessarcasm · 9 months
If you’re in the High & Low fandom then you’re gonna loooooove my AO3.
A rundown of some of my most popular fics:
Pair/s: Murayama Yoshiki/Cobra, Hyuga Norihisa/Ranmaru
Summary: Murayama seeks advice about his not remotely subtle crush on Cobra in the most unlikely place (AKA - Hyuga and Ranmaru are Murayama’s gay parents).
Vibe: utter fluff, humour and wholesomeness for the OG High & Low ship
The Happy Family
Pair/s: Basically all the Rudeboys in polyamory glory (you might even spot Nikaido/Kain)
Summary: Smokey recovers from his illness and reminisces and revels in the attention of all of his boys.
Vibe: Gay galore, happy AU, wholesome
Pair/s: Cobra/Murayama
Summary: Murayama thinks his crush on Cobra is subtle but Cobra clearly has eyes in his head and can see the obvious.
Vibe: Murayama is a puppy but Cobra loves him for it, wholesome fluffy love
The Surprise
Pair/s: Rocky/Koo, Kizzy/Kaito
Summary: Koo thinks Rocky is hiding something from him and spirals a bit buuuut maybe it has something to do with his birthday coming up…
Vibe: elements of angst to have a big gay payoff at the end that is tooth-rottingly cute
Pair/s: Hiroto Amamiya exploring the potential of the Mighty Warriors & prison gang (so a lot of polyamory and potential relationships)
Summary: Hiroto struggles in the aftermath of the Kuryu group’s defeat but manages to find friendship in the unlikeliest place.
Vibe: found family, introspection, longing
The Spark
Pair/s: Jesse/Cobra
Summary: Jesse is lowkey (highkey) obsessed with Cobra after their fight and does very little to hide it. Including introducing Cobra properly to his Mighty Warriors/Prison Gang family.
Vibe: two idiots in love, meeting the family, instant attraction
A Moment’s Peace
Pair/s: Hanaoka Fujio/Ueda Sachio
Summary: Sachio isn’t sure when it started becoming so casual (AKA - Fujio shows up at Housen all of the time because he’s in love)
Vibe: fluff, gays being gay, Housen boys narrating their leader’s love life
Like The Sun
Pair/s: Hanaoka Fujio/Takajo Tsukasa
Summary: Fujio’s gay introspection on how pretty and perfect Tsukasa is and Tsukasa pretending like he doesn’t love that absolute dork. Yasushi also makes a very on-brand cameo.
Vibe: fluff, introspection, friends to lovers
In total, we’re talking 59 fics and counting across the High & Low franchise, including The Worst films.
I’ve been part of this fandom for so long but I genuinely forget to promote my shit soooo if you love it, I’d love to know! 💖
I’m sure I’ll create an actual master list at some point of all the pairs but to summarise, there’s plenty of rare pairs for totally background characters, some of the most popular ships, and a shit ton of polyamory.
Enjoy ✨
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ardent-fox · 11 months
✨ Weekly Tag Wednesday ✨
Got tagged by my beloveds, @deedala and @metalheadmickey to complete these two tag games, thank you and hair ruffles to both of you 🥰💙
Name: Lyds
Where in the world are you? Somewhere in Europe
Do you have a favorite towel? I have two sets of the same ones in different colors, I prefer the teal ones
Can you skip rocks? Not that I know
Tell me about a weird slang term from your area: We have very creative curse words in my native language and use "dick" instead of fuck for most things, like "what the dick is going on", "that's dicked up" and so on. We also send people into genitals as curse phrases, my favorite being "go into your mother's cunt" or even better, "go into three mothers' cunts", and all of this is a socially acceptable way of speaking from puberty onward
Favorite toast topping: I'm a savory type of gal and usually butter it and make it into a ham and cheese sandwich, or put pâté on it and some fancy cheese
Thoughts on bread pudding: I don't believe I've ever tried it, but I'm down for pretty much anything when it comes to food
City or country living? Somewhere in the middle, I live in a town with a 15 min walk to the center and am happy with that
How do you cheer yourself up after a bad day? Put on a comfort show or funny clips on youtube
Are you a pessimist or an optimist? I'm one of those annoying bitches that considers herself a realist. It's hard to tell due to my tendency to catastrophize things because of anxiety, though I generally know in my bones that things will work out
Can I tag you in random stuff? Anyone can tag me in anything that makes them think of me, I know my activity fluctuates but I love getting tagged by all of you 💖
🔤 Name: Lyds
🎶 Last song you listened to: My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski
🎵 Artist on Spotify giving you the feels right now: Still in my Hozier feels
👯‍♂️ Fave Blorbo Moment: "I definitely love one", euphoria galore 💙
🍟 Your guilty pleasure snack: Potato chips, I'm a whore for a pack of Lays
🌮 What food are you craving today: More of my mom's chocolate raspberry pie
📖 Last fanfic tab you opened: The Menagerie by @crossmydna, haven't dug into the last chapter yet but will never shut up about how much I adore and recommend this masterpiece of a fic. I haven't read any Kinktober things yet, but plan to correct that soon
🖌️ Favorite fic project you've created: My one and only competed fic so far, Everything
👩🏼‍🎤 Next tattoo you want (or would consider if you're not a tattoo person): I've never been brave enough to get a permanent tattoo, but I've been feeling zodiac constellations with your zodiac flower instead of stars lately, which would be a formation of (blue) lilies in my case. Definitely in the flowers, pixie/fairy and celestial art camp
🧐🆓 What's living in your head rent free this week: Same as the last four weeks, Our Flag Means Death, with a dash of Con O'Neill side obsession. My love of season 2 continues to consume every part of my brain and I fight the urge to rewatch it all (yet again) on a daily basis, it was glorious and gave me everything 💖
Tagging @look-i-love-u, @vintagelacerosette, @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @gallawitchxx, @rereadanon, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @deathclassic, @thisdivorce, @crossmydna, @heymrspatel, @stocious, @lupeloto, @scurvgirl, @tanktopgallavich, @howlinchickhowl, @squidyyy23 in case you haven't done and would like to do either or both of these, as well as anyone who sees this and would like to play! ✨
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robthegoodfellow · 2 years
✨Side blog: Check out @feedthefandomfest for all your comment bingo needs✨
A Little Death Do Us Part (demon!Billy AU) - 70k - Steve’s attempt to bring Billy back from the dead royally backfires, saddling him with an irate lust demon and a mystery that spans centuries. Angst galore, enough smut to feed a demon, surprising degree of fluff.
For My Baby, For My Man (roommate future fic) - 26k - Steve notices something about Billy and decides to... test a theory. The results are mind-melting. Harringrovekinktober prompt fic. Pure smut and fluff.
¿Por qué no los dos? (90s future fic) - 18k - Billy's a go-go dancer allergic to rom-com scenarios. Steve and Eddie are a pair of hopeless romantics, each harboring a major crush on a certain blond bombshell. Harringroveson (aro Billy)
now with holiday sequel series: ¿Por qué no Halloween?
That’s All Folks! (s4 fix-it?) - 32k - Eddie wakes up in the Upside-Down and is promptly ushered into Billy Hargrove's manhole. Mungroveweek prompt fic. Answers the perennial question: what if Billy had the powers of Bugs Bunny?
Sideways (s2 re-write) - 46k - Billy and Max agree to ceasefire right in time for him to help bail them out at the junkyard, and then things devolve from there. Billy is semi-unwillingly adopted by Eddie Munson. Harringrove. Opposite of a slow burn.
Upside-Down (s3 re-write) - WIP - Switches between Billy’s experience being flayed and the preceding months. Features Billy bonding with Robin over erotica, with Patrick over basketball, and with Jason over—jk, they hate each other’s guts. Steve and Billy try to figure their shit out. (just Steve-related snips: 1, 2, 3 — just Robin-related snips: 1, 2 — just Patrick-related snips: 1, 2, 3)
Only One Bed (wtf who knows) - Summer after graduation. Eddie and Billy are roommates and friends with all the benefits. But Eddie’s a bit head over heels for Chrissy, and Billy loves HATES Harrington. Endgame Harringrovesoningham.
Vampire Records (Mungrove Creature AU) - Lunch break fic. Billy is a siren and lead singer of a rock band. When he has to take a vocal break, Billy decides to spend time with his foster sister Max, a phoenix approaching the end of her first life cycle. His first night there, a chance encounter with a vampire sets him on a path he never expected... but what else is new. Also on AO3
ONE SHOTS & FICLETS (blanket tw for reference to alcoholism and abuse)
I’m Glad My Dad Died (no Neil, no Upside-Down) - 2k - Billy moves to Hawkins in sixth grade. His crush on a certain guitarist follows him all the way to high school. Mungrove fluff.
Drummer Boy (drummer!Billy) - 5k - Billy is born with a beat. Billy loses the beat. Billy gets his beat back. Harringrove. Angsty sweet.
The Eye (short kidfic) - 3.3k - Steve and Billy as middle-aged married couple with their adopted kids at a concert. Billy now has Kiefer Sutherland energy, and Steve has the hair of Trent Crimm. (set in Spin Me Right Round verse)
Admit Two (no upside-down/post-high school) - 4k - Heather and Chrissy are tasked with judging who is the better date: Steve or Billy? Double date shenanigans ensue. Harringrove. Background Cunningway.
Näcken in Loch Nora (or on AO3) — Why Billy Loves Dangly Earrings — Harringrove Serial Killer AU (read tw/tags) — Billy the Octopus — Why Billy Loves and Hates and Loves His Mom (expanded on AO3) — Billy’s Curls — Steve’s Childhood: Equal Parts Privilege & Neglect — Billy the Concussed Bookworm (expanded on AO3) — Patrick’s Sneaker Obsession — Now I (first attempt at Mungrove!!)
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