fi-exhaust-spain · 1 year
¡Descubre el Arte del Escape Toyota y FI-EXHAUST!
En nuestra web encontrarás los sistemas de escape deportivos FI-EXHAUST para los vehículos Toyota. Estos escapes, reconocidos por su fabricación de calidad, durabilidad excepcional y mejoras en el rendimiento, transformarán tu experiencia al volante. Desde el ágil Toyota GR Supra hasta el potente Toyota Tacoma, cada modelo se beneficia de nuestros escapes.
🔥 Prepárate para acelerar tus sentidos y experimentar el verdadero poder de tu Toyota. ¡Visítanos en nuestra web y sumérgete en el Arte del Escape!
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werewolfaday · 5 months
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op is tired (day 131--that's the error wolf!); in compensation, take some sketches from previous werewolf comms too!
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pyralart · 11 months
Just finished the two next pages!
And because you're my favorite pals here on Tumblr, you get a little extra in advance, as a treat
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I'm sure nothing bad is going to happen watsoever
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Not to be a total asshole here but if I get one more "I need more! give me more!" comment on my Platonic Sugar Baby Buddie AU, it's going away. It has literally been two weeks since my last update, during which time I've been working on another fanfic, finishing up my second part-time job, working a full-time job, and being an adult with a full life.
I have never experienced this amount of whining in my entire time in this fandom and I can only presume that it's new people to the fandom who have an appalling lack of etiquette.
It's literally people just saying "give me more! I want more! hurry up!" And while none of you are at all entitled to my personal business, it sure doesn't help the depressive episode I'm in that y'all are doing this.
I love sharing my fics with you guys, and I love the enthusiasm and joy that you have for my writing. But the sudden influx of demands for sequels, for specific scenes in fics, unprompted fic, smut, and chapter suggestions, and now just outright demanding like a toddler for an update is disheartening, annoying, and the opposite of encouraging.
Please stop. Please. Please stop.
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gatorpond · 3 months
tomorrow marks 5 wks since my youngest brother died. i've been struggling to function, spending most of my time with mom or dissociated for hrs. i've been unable to reliably work. y'all basically paid my bills last month & i'm so, so grateful. i had hoped to be able to catch up for july, but i just can't. i'm barely eating, barely sleeping. i still need help. shares are appreciated.
any funds go to basic household survival (rent, utilities, food, pet food, medication, etc) & gas to visit my mom. i spend my time w her or dissociating for hrs. i've also been buying takeout for her bc she's been losing weight & i'm concerned for her health as much as my own.
i can't express how grateful i am to y'all for any help you've given so far and any that may come. it's hard for me to say anything positive right now bc grief & depression have absolutely gutted me, but i'm not exaggerating when i say my family still has a home so far bc of y'all. thank you thank you thank you.
i am working on my backlog of comms as much as i am able. if anyone to whom i owe art wants updates or contact or a refund, they can absolutely dm or email me. i am trying to be as transparent as possible. i just have very limited mental resources right now. i promise i'm trying.
thank y'all for understanding. for helping. for listening to me. for not passing judgment while i'm in pain. it's hard for me to want to be here right now, but if it weren't for help from strangers online, i wouldn't even have a house or food or meds. and i cannot stress enough how grateful i am for that.
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Tagged by @jazzmckay !
✨ celebrating fictional women! ✨
Rules: make a poll of your favourite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most!
Tagging @winebearcat , @sulky-valkyrie , @only-slightly-terrified , @dismalzelenka , @simper-fi , @storybookhawke
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rinto190 · 1 year
Here's part 1 of the Hi-Fi Rush arcade 100% reward, the art concept wall! I originally was taking screenshots but realized it'd be faster to just pull the files from the game data. All under the break cause it's a lot!!
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There is more to see in the secret area you unlock, but I will make a second post for that!
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cupiidzbow · 4 months
im doing something different for commissions this coming time
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greenerteacups · 6 months
Hey GT! Do you hope to be a published author someday? What would you write?
No, I don't! Writing is a beloved hobby for me, but I don't aspire to publish. Fanfic scratches the writerly itch without putting too much pressure on the output, not least because I'm not asking people to pay for my work. It also means I don't have deadlines or expectations of output except those that are self-imposed. It's a nice middle-ground between locking up my projects in a secret folder on my desktop, never to be glimpsed by human eyes, and pitching my naked heart like a fastball in the general direction of the English-speaking universe.
If I ever had an idea for an original novel that I liked enough to finish it, I might try my hand at getting it published, but I see a bit of a difference between that and wanting to be a published writer. Like, if it happens, great; if it doesn't, I'll be just as happy.
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onethousxndvoices · 3 months
overdrive will be taking an indefinite hiatus after track 0 is finished posting 👍
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fi-exhaust-spain · 1 year
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🏁 Esta semana tenemos este Porsche GT3 991.1 de aspecto original, propiedad de @cayman_vilicich del Estado Dorado, California. 🌟🚀
Simplemente tienes que apreciar la artesanía excepcional de un Porsche GT3. 🙌✨ El GT3 también fue destacado en el calendario Fi 2022. 🗓️
Este GT3 está equipado con el sistema de escape de rendimiento Fi valvetronic. No solo mejora el sonido deportivo y el rendimiento del GT3, sino que también está fabricado a mano con la máxima calidad. 💪🎶
Dado la intensidad de fuerza que proviene de su motor de seis cilindros bóxer de 3.8 litros, es crucial contar con una durabilidad extrema, la máxima seguridad y una larga vida útil. 💥⚙️ Con el objetivo de lograr un flujo de gases más suave y eficiente, utilizamos una máquina de curvado de tubos única para reducir las juntas, y realizamos un pulido a mano tanto en el interior como en el exterior del tubo para obtener una calidad óptima y un flujo de aire verdaderamente desbloqueado. 💨🔧 Visita fi-exhaust.es para obtener más información sobre Fi EXHAUST. 🌐
Gracias a @cayman_vilicich por compartir esta increíble foto. 🤝🇺🇸
FiEXHAUST #Porsche #991GT3 #GT3 #rendimiento #valvetronic #catback #sistemaescape #usa #california #automóvil #modificado #carsoffacebook
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the-blind-geisha · 3 months
It's like nearly 7 AM, and I should be asleep, but I wanted to do some art fighting and then play Luigi's Mansion 2 more.
I'm at the final mansion and there's a few things I can say for sure:
The hate is overhyped. I get the complaint of Gadd chiming in too damn much, but I appreciate being able to tell the idiot no whenever you are replaying a level and he tries. But yeah. Dude acts like you don't know what happened when you just saw it happen, and it gets annoying.
The game just affirms my belief I don't care for Gadd as a character. I get his callous behavior is supposed to be funny but a lot of what he says and does really makes me grumble at his character. XD
Being able to bonk boos around when you catch them cracks me up, but I also feel bad whenever they make the sounds they do. I'm sorry, babies!
Fuck the ice boss. Fuck the ice boss. Fuck the ice boss... I need therapy after that. I don't care I beat him my second try. He still sucks.
LM2 by far is weirdly darker in my opinion compared to the other LM titles. The fact the Toads tell you they were being chased by boos and then everything goes 'black' when they get turned into paintings is like harrowing?? Geebuz, even I could only get so dark with that. Also the boos watching as the other ghosts are basically experimented on (tortured??) and make sure it goes as planned Is... Upsetting. X"D Dang, Nintendo really went there. And uh, King Boo really redid the final mansion, huh? And he put... legit torture devices in there like the Iron Maiden or was that always in there? Gadd said it was remodeled recently and now I've got questions as that could mean beyond the exterior..
I still want a word with King Boo about how strong he is if a dang dog can get out of Gadd's device but he can't. ಠ╭╮ಠ
Honestly, I like it far more than I thought I would. I watched a lot of deep dives/ reviews on LM2 and not a single person I watched enjoyed it. So I was dreading I'd waste my money and not enjoy myself.
But it is far better than I expected. ♥ LM1 still has my number one spot, but LM2 is not by any means low on my list of faves. ♥
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friendamedes · 4 months
I have Thoughts about middle aged white men who try to talk to me about science fiction but I don’t think they’re cohesive enough yet for a real post. oh well
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waywardwizzard · 6 months
"Ai ya!"
Sweat dripped down Mal's face and he wiped at his eyes, hissing they started to burn like hellfire.
Cursing again, he squinted at the monitor in front of him, willing it to stop.
The numbers kept climbing, almost hitting 102°F.
Next to the Captain, Wash sat in the pilot chair, trying to touch as little of the leather with his body as possible. His skin was already a rosy pink, sweat matting his hair.
"This is all your fault."
Mal glared at the pilot, his eyes feverishly bright.
"I ain't the one who thought it a good idea-"
"How was I supposed to know the cooling systems would blow-"
"Yeah, well, you're the one who's supposed to know how close to the gorram suns we are-"
There was a thud outside the cockpit and they both turned, blinking when they saw Jayne passed out in front of his bunk in nothing but his underwear.
"Whose turn is it to call the doc' up here again?"
Author's note-
This was written in honor of the hell of a hot summer we had down here. It's only now starting to cool down, so I decided it was the crew's turn to suffer.
Also, 102°F is roughly about 38.8°C according to google for thos of us who use Celsius.
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avernusfuries · 8 months
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This is probably the cutest Karlach headcanon I have ever seen in my life
Thank you
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moe-broey · 5 days
More extremely specific rules in my PokeFEH AU world building:
> To have a shiny Mimikyu would defeat the ENTIRE PURPOSE of Mimikyu itself. ALL of the storytelling of it. Of being something cast aside, thrown away, abandoned, and regarded with fear and scorn. To make something so completely undesirable Desirable, especially through "This One Factor Makes It Special (and therefore "redeems" it of all previous perceptions)" is like, the ANTHESIS of The Purpose of Mimikyu. AND only serves to fuel the deep self-hatred, the feelings of resentment and spite at Being Unwanted when all it ever has longed for ALL it has Made Itself To Be IS to be Wanted. What about all the other Mimikyus? The completely average Mimikyus with Nothing special about them? Who will NOT be Chosen Over the special, sparkly one? The Best One? The most Desirable One?
So Moe has a completely average non-shiny Mimikyu. Okay! 👍 One idea I played with though, is having Moe's handmade custom Mimikyu hoodie be the shiny version. LIKE THIS LITTEN CARD
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You can SEE. Whoever lives here, ADORES LITTEN. They have two pet Littens. Neither of them shiny. Like beyond what I was saying previously, shinyness is SO RARE that it would take insane luck or Purpose to find one. This person seems to be an avid Litten enjoyer, but an otherwise completely normal person. So they have merch!!!! They have a little picture OF a shiny Litten!!! They even have an Incinaroar plush, which makes me imagine if they are an average person (not a serious trainer!) -- maybe they don't have the space or resources to care for a whole ass Incinaroar. But they still like it! So they have a plush of it!
So back to Moe, the Mimikyu it has, and its hoodie, the story goes: Moe loves the SHIT out of that fucking thang. Extremely fucking passionate about that thang, both the (un)living (un)breathing(?) Mimikyu that rides on its shoulder and The Concept of Mimikyu, the Pokemon. Fanboy behavior. Okay!!!!! NEXT!
> IF anyone is going to have a shiny of ANYTHING, that shiny Pokemon needs to be completely random. ESPECIALLY a Pokemon that person would not think to have in their party. A Pokemon they have never thought twice about. ENTER
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GOAT MOTIF. In a world where I very quickly discovered ohhhhhhh Moe's whole religious angel/devil theming just does not translate At All in a world without Christianity*. Like, if it was born and raised In The World of Pokemon, NOT isekai'd. There is nothing to blaspheme. Okay 👍 So for Moe, who seems to have a proclivity for Ghost types, what business does it have with some fucking grass goat. A chance encounter! And an excuse to match Moe's outfit to shiny Gogoat's color pallette. In my mind, it fit better.... although, like I said earlier, I definitely hit a wall trying to figure out color pallettes........ 🥲💔
*LIKE YEAH we have Arceus as a creator god Pokemon who's even goat-like in design... but there's like. Not at all the same connotations I don't think... and Moe's whole deal is less about the religion itself, and more about how it was hurt by the flavor of it that it was brought up with. I DON'T WANNA INVENT RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY IN POKEMON WORLD............... this DOES beg the question of how the hell did Moe get here as it is today BUT. IT'S FINE I CAN WORK WITH THIS...... it's a creative exercise. And tbh given some of the evil teams we've had maybe there's something in there I could work with. Pokemon has planey off options for oddly specific doomsday cults... it's Fine.... and shitty family situations exist in Any universe ☺️💖
All that said, I may end up making the hoodie the regular pallette, who knows. I hit a wall. I overthunk it. I died. Badly. I still like the Gogoat idea though.
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