#ff7 barret x reader
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kyasarinkishinuma · 2 years ago
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demialwrites · 8 months ago
FF7 x Reader
Annoying things about being in a relationship with them
Rufus Shinra
He knows how to clean surprisingly decently because of his time confined to Turk HQ in Before Crisis but stubbornly refuses to do certain things. It's 'beneath him'
Even if you're on birth control or otherwise can't get pregnant, it doesn't matter. He's wearing a condom and how dare you suggest otherwise
He takes up all the space in the closet because of all the layers he insists on wearing
He insists on taking his dog everywhere, even if you explain it terrifies some people. For example: your poor parents
There's a third wheel in this relationship and his name starts with a Re and ends with a No
Rude is very romantic. However, he only barely has time so his gestures happen spontaneously and it's hard to plan around his schedule
Often comes home with injuries and you're the one who has to patch him up and worry about him. He doesn't worry about himself
He prefers to show not tell. You have to learn how to read him with a glance
There's a third wheel in this relationship and his name is Rude
His insecurity randomly spikes and he gets mega jealous, sometimes with threats at the offending party
Very loud. All the time
Gets broody about things he has to do at work and sometimes nothing you do will help
Gets whiney when you don't have the stamina to have sex all damned night
Cannot communicate his needs. Does not know what his needs are. WHAT ARE NEEDS?
Everyone flirts with him but if you try to talk to him about it, he never noticed the flirting in the first place
Sometimes cute animals follow him home and oops, one day you have seven cats, fifteen chickens, four dogs, several chocobos, and one of those giant elephant fiends because it was injured and alone. You didn't sign up to live at a zoo but here you are, shoveling elephant shit every day
Occasionally, one of his hair spikes stab you straight in the eye when he's being the little spoon
Thinks he can fix everything himself when sometimes you just need him to listen
Like Reno, Barret can be quite loud. If you like peace, sometimes you have to take some space. It makes the big guy sad
Not very detail-oriented. Leaves little things like ammo all over the garage/shed floor and small bits of trash all over the house. He meant to pick it up, honest!
Occasionally breaks the bed
You can't be spontaneous for shit because he anticipates everything
He has certain cleaning standards but he doesn't always tell you. He just redoes it himself
Must be the one to clean and iron his suit himself or he will get annoyed
His handwriting is annoyingly perfect and it makes you feel bad about your chicken scratch
Puts herself in danger way too often. She doesn't understand your horrified reaction to her story of how she jumped out of a helicopter onto a moving dune buggy in the middle of the Corel desert
It can be hard to tell if she's actually angry or just venting
You know more about her work than is probably safe for you
Too spontaneous. She sometimes makes important decisions without consulting you first
Main bad habit: he is a workaholic
Sometimes puts others needs before yours. He's just trying to help
Doesn't take good care of his health
Uses the sad puppy eyes to get out of arguments more often than he should
Sometimes leaves spare cait siths and his parts all over the living room
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xxwitchylanexx · 1 month ago
9 to 5's Never Felt So Good
Rebirth Retold- CloudxReader Chapter 11
it's that time again for odd jobs. A few spoilers for Costa Del Sol side quests but nothing major
Thank you to everyone who's been patient! This week really got away from me with school closures, work, and a sick kid. It's shorter than normal but I hope everyone enjoys.
The plan was to head out towards Mount Corel, but moving on required gil, and acquiring such gil means work. So the first day of that week you got to thoroughly enjoy watching Cloud and Aerith, bless her soul, run around on a faux date for three lovely ladies needing inspo for their upcoming swimwear line. He had tried to decline the job, but Aerith was having none of that. Not when she could sink her claws into him and pry out any details of the previous night. Every once in awhile, between pirates rampage and run wild, he’d search for you. Maybe he was wondering if you were watching him too, and when your eyes would meet he was practically begging for your assistance, Gaia only knows the extent of the cetra’s teasing.
And as sick as it sounds, you were enjoying his misery. You got to see his cute pouty face and pink embarrassed cheeks while the attention was off of you for the first time that day. It was short-lived however, when the group made its way out to Clamshell Beach to look for a damn seashell for the last woman.
Aerith claimed she twisted her ankle and insisted that you needed to take her place. Like how?! Everyone was on chocoback!
The look the others shared only confirmed she your suspicions that she was faking, setting you up once again to be alone with the merc. Only this time with an audience.
“So,” you started as the two of you waded through sand, “you think they’ll ever stop staring at us?”
He took a quick peek over his shoulder at your friends. The lot of them were burning holes in the back of your heads like Rufus Shinra’s paparazzi, only they didn’t have a camera to seal the secret moments they assumed you would share. “Doubt it.” His attention returned to the shoreline in front of you. “She's been a pain all day. Especially at pirates rampage. Turns out Barrett has a big mouth.”
“He wasn’t there to see anything though?” Your brows scrunched as you tried to remember when he'd left the two of you there.
“Nosy bastard watched from afar.” You rolled your eyes.
“So they’re all assholes. That’s fantastic.” You chuckled dryly. “So do we pick it out together? Do we bring back two shells? What did she ask for?” You inquired, happy to get this show on the road.
“Didn’t care to listen.”
“That's so like you.” You said with fake enthusiasm as you knocked on his shoulder with your fist.
“Lets just find one.” He quipped with a roll of his eyes.
“Cool. I’ll start looking over there.” You said as you pointed to the left side of the beach. He nodded and headed in the opposite direction, but not far enough away that he couldn't hear you.
You only looked for ten-ish minutes before your temper began to simmer. Your skin itched from the phantom eyes that may or may not be looking at you, meanwhile sweat trailed down the dip in your spine from the sweltering desert sun. You straightened abruptly, so over the unwanted attention, before spying a chain link door bolted into some cliff rock. You took off at a lazy jog passing Cloud as you crossed the beach.
You pulled at the handle with no luck, the frame only rattling against your pull. “Already tried it. Its locked.” You looked over at him with a smirk on your lips.
“You think that’s going to stop me?” His brow raised in question as you turned back to the door. Your hand slithered down your leg and into a pocket alongside your ankle on the inner lining of your boot and fished out a lockpick. You inserted the metal pick and swiveled it around until you felt a minute click as the lock yielded and the door swung open.
“Figures.” You whirled around at him, your hands coming up to sit on your hips, the metal device leaving a slight chill on your heated skin as it was pushed against your hip where your tank rode up.
“You have something to say, blondie?” You challenged.
With a small shake of his head at your ridiculous antics he brushed past you, his shoulder blade knocking against yours as he moved into the secluded beach area. “We got work to do.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You grumbled as you followed him into the circular area. You had an instant sense of relief knowing your five friend audience could no longer see you past the towering cliff walls. Cloud was right though, you had a job to do. So you kept walking after him until you branched off to search the opposite side of the shore.
You noticed this part of the beachfront had far less rubbage laying about than the public access area. Either the owner maintained it well or no one ever visited. You'd like to think it was the former for the sole purpose that someone on this Planet still cared for its environment, though in this day and age it seemed unlikely.
You waded through a few dense patches of sand catching yourself every once in awhile when the soles of your boots slid through the heated granules. You pocketed a couple of darker colored shells with some unique swirl patterns on the outermost layer that reminded you of those lollipops you could get at a carnival. You held one up towards the sky to examine it a bit closer when a ray of light hit the inner cavern just right to illuminate the iridescent shine within it.
“Hey, what about this one?” Cloud called from behind you, his shoes sliding effortlessly through the sand as he made his way to you.
You tucked the one you were holding into your bag then held your palms out for the one he wanted you to see. His gloved fingers brushed against your skin as he deposited the shell in your grasp, and lingered there till you brought it closer to your face. You smiled as you gazed down at its unique shape. It wasn't a shell per say, more like a small twisted piece of coral, but it was unmistakably similar to a chocobo track. “It’s perfect.” You whispered. “Though, is it weird… if I want to keep it?” You peered up at him shyly through your lashes, your heart skipping a beat as you waited with bated breath for his answer.
He turned his head towards the sea, suddenly interested in the rolling waves crashing into the sand, and his hand coming up to scratch at the back of his neck, giving away he was also experiencing some nerves. “Keep it.” He side eyed you before crossing his arms over his chest. “Who gives a shit what we give them.”
Was it intended as a gift from the start or were you just looking for a deeper meaning. You couldn't think of anything to say, or ask, when your cheat in your chest was warmer desert air? "You two done?!” Barret’s booming baritone echoed off the alcove walls. “Sick ‘o waitin’!”
“Piss off!” Cloud called back without missing a beat. He stalked across the land to rejoin the others anyway leaving you to do whatever you wanted with the miniature talon. You decided to tuck it into your pocket, after all the woman probably wouldn't see the significance of its shape, and started to jog after him, leaving the moment behind to be swept up by the sea.
He didn't say anything, but it didn't go unnoticed that you gave Aerith a darker rounder shell to give to the woman, and for whatever reason that made him happy.
You've never had siblings, at least that you are aware of, so you suppose Yuffie is the closest thing you'll ever experience to a younger sister. Over the course of the next two days the ninja took a particular liking to you and was nearly up your ass the entire time except for the few moments she was torturing Cloud, and between us, you expected him to snap like the remaining threads of a fraying rope very soon.
You've never actually met a Wutain ninja before. You had expected them to be quieter and less predictable. but something told you this was an exclusive trait that only Yuffie possessed. The sad thing is, she's actually really talented if only she could stop blowing her cover and lose the element of surprise. She was fast, her attacks were timed right, and she excelled in elemental materia use. If only she’d stop talking.
Which brings you to her screw up, and the next two days of trying to fix it. You were appreciative that she helped you rescue everyone from Hojo’s deranged kidnapping attempt, however her doppelganger technique now reaped havoc for your group in the form of three Johnny clones.
The first one you found on accident while collecting data for Chadley near an abandoned village near a swamp. The crimson haired man waved his arms frantically over his head and started yelling your name to your discomfort. You spend one night in a bathing suit and suddenly he's obsessed with you. Anyway, the dummy was out here looking for an attraction for the hotel and he thought the fabled King Tonberry’s crown was the perfect artifact for his place. An amused snort passed through your nose as you pictured the way his fight against the fearsome fiend would pan out. Cloud wasn't interested in helping him, even if he would pay his fee, but after Yuffie’s unrelenting insistence -whining- he reluctantly agreed, but only if you happen to run into it.
You quickly learned that wasn't the end, as two more identical idiots nearly plowed you over if it weren't for your quick instincts and nimble footwork, as they ran in hysteria from the fiends that attacked them at the base of Costa Falls. Anyone with two brain cells would think to run back into town, not away from it, though clearly they must be sharing a singular light bulb among all clones, and possibly the original. You had to commend his bravery though, not many people could gather the courage to come out here and search for materials on their own. You thought the hotel was a decision he made on a whim, but maybe he really did want to succeed for once.
So you followed Yuffie’s lead and searched. You trekked through the warm rocky shallows, and among the low piers and high bridges gathering abandoned materials and taking out the fiends that lurked around the area until the sun just started its descent. The only the thing left was to return the supplies, and after hours of listening to four Yuffies, cause if there are more of her the job would be done quicker or so she said, you were in no mood to go back to town and converse with more Johhnys so you made a suggestion for the group to split in two, and then reconvene in the morning. Yuffie, Aerith, and Tifa volunteered to return to Costa Del Sol while the rest of you made camp here for the night.
Your mood shifted instantly as soon as the girls were out of sight. No more chattering ninjas in your space, and no Aerith breathing down the back of your neck. As much as you care for her, you were so tired of having all of your interactions picked apart and analyzed for any sign of romantic feelings or lack thereof. You were sick of her smothering you.
The four of you that remained split apart the tasks to set up for the night. Barret and Red utilized the gazebos as shelter by laying down the sleeping rolls. You pulled out ingredients, all dry since you couldn’t travel efficiently with a cooler, and whipped together a stew from the canned broth and dried meats. Leaving Cloud to stake out the perimeter, and to take out any fiends he deemed a threat.
As soon as you let Barret and Red know dinner was ready when they wanted it, you stripped your shoes off and grabbed your bag from the pile and snuck off towards the roaring twin waterfalls.
You ambled down the sturdy wooden steps and onto the hard uneven stone beneath the water, inhaling sharply at the contrast between the hot air and chilly water. You leisurely followed the edge of the plateau occasionally dipping your toes over the side from to see if you could tempt the little fish swimming, until you reached the base of the falls. You marveled in the beauty of it.
A mist kissed your heated skin as the current tumbled over the cliffs, and the sound of the water crashing over the rocks blocked out everything else, and for the first time since Junon you finally felt alone. Most people would question why you felt a sense of relief when alone, thinking that surely you must get lonely, but you didn't think the two were one and the same. All your formative years were spent under a microscope looking for some extraordinary talent or trained eyes on your perfect posture, flawless skin, and of course your clients. After the unfortunate events that ended your jockey career you were finally released from the chains that bound you, and with no family or friends to root you to a specific region you were free to wander from place to place to your heart's desire. If you got lonely you’d make your way back to Bill’s ranch to fill the yearning then you’d leave when you were ready. The Woodlands held a special place in your heart, and you've come to think of them as your home. Even when the ranch was right there you spent you more time sleeping under the treetops spending weeks at a time to study chocobos in the wild.
So these nearly five weeks with Avalanche is the longest you’ve ever gone without a days peace. Not that you haven't enjoyed your new colorful friends, but you always felt more yourself when you were surrounded by nothing but the Planet’s beauty soaking up every flicker of an ember that crackled within you. The whispering wind smelled fresher, the roaring current pulled harder along the river, the bristle of the grass on your skin was softer. In a world full of materia and mako it was easy to look over the true magic Gaia held within its’ crust, and you swore it called to you everytime you were quiet enough to hear it.
You pulled the straps of your satched over your head and clipped it to the belt loops if your shorts before you started to scale the cliff, being careful to avoid the slick mossy surfaces as you neared the lip. You stopped at a nice grassy plateau nestled in between each waterfall and carefully lowered the canvas bag onto the squishy earth before dropping onto your butt next to it. You carefully pulled out all of the delicate dried herbs and other ingredients, laying them in the order you'd need them in front of you, before you buckled down to work. You hadn't had time to refresh your medicine supply in some time, and while you’ve purchased some from shops here and there they were nowhere near effective as yours.
You lost track of time as you combined potions, made of gold dust, phoenix draft, smelling salts, and just a hint of numinous ashes to give it that extra bought of energy, or a variety of chewable tablets for afflictions, and illness, and most importantly specialized treats for the chocobos you’ll meet (and Red probably). You were so focused on your task you hadn't noticed the sun sinking lower in the sky until shadows crept between the tall trees and began to cast shade over your work area.
Just as you packed the last of your things away the grass behind you crunched under the weight of heavy feet. The edges of your lips curl up softly as your visitor shifts onto the ground, their back pressing against your own. You'd heard him faintly as he climbed up here, but his earthy undertones is what truly gave him away. You fastened the bag, and set it off to the side then leaned your own weight into him, your head laying against his shoulder as you looked up at the first few stars that came out.
“Not like you to leave your sword behind.” You chimed into the breeze.
“Guess you’ll have to take point.” You chuckled.
“Freeloader.” You swear you hear a subtle snort before it was covered up with a wry ‘ha ha’. He shuffled behind you, his weight leaning a bit more against you, and you caught his hand inching towards yours from your peripheral until the tips of his fingers wrapped over yours. He wasn't wearing his gloves, you noted, as his warm and soft soft skin rubbed against yours. Your heart fluttered slow but deeply behind your ribs, the feeling caused warmth to spread your chest to all of your extremities with each beat. You hoped whatever future was in the stars for you that it included nights like these with him.
Tonight felt like a dream with the cicadas singing in the distance, and the crickets chirping in the tall grass around you. The only thing missing was the gentle glow of hundreds of fireflies where your entangled feelings were born. You missed the Woodlands dearly, but right now cozied up to him and wrapped in the Planet’s beauty it almost felt like home.
“Can I ask a question?” You murmured.
“Was being a soldier everything you thought it’d be?” The question had lingered in your mind for some time now. He was always so adamant that he was an ex-soldier, so it got you wondering if he had regretted his decision.
“Not really.” He paused as he looked above, the soft spikes of his hair tickled against your naoe as he moved. “The war was over by the time I enlisted. It was mostly grunt work.”
“I see.” You felt like there might be more to that story, but for now you were content. “For what it’s worth, they didn’t deserve you.” You hadn't expected an answer but smiled nonetheless when he grunted in response.
The two of you stayed there hand in hand until the last bit of the burning orange disappeared from the horizon leaving blended streaks of purple and blue across the sky. You were increasingly thankful for the heat that radiated from his body as the desert air cooled to a brisk chill.
“Did she, ever hurt you?”
You scoffed, in your mind in was absurd to even ask. Hes met her, been used by her. “Yes.” You had planned to leave it at that, but perhaps his question wasn't exactly what he was asking. Maybe the whole point of asking was to create a connection, establish trust, and isn't that what you've decided you wanted? “Nothing that’d leave a scar. ‘An unappealing woman wasn’t suited for a girl of my position.’ She’d say, like any dumbass in Wall Market would complain.”
“Did you-” he started but quickly stopped, the hesitation very evident as he fumbled for words. “What was your… ‘position’?”
You whipped around and leaned around his shoulder bewildered at the implications of his question. No way that straight laced Mr. Strife could be asking such a thing, but the blotchy red staining his ears and down his neck confirmed your suspicions. “Cloud Strife, are you asking me if I was a prostitute?” A sly smirk curled across your lips at the embarrassment etched into his facial features, and for a moment you thought he was going to leave until his eyes met yours and he put two and two together. He scoffed loudly as he barked out a ‘fuck off’ and stared at one of the falls.
“It’s a valid question I suppose.” You stood up and stretched out, a sigh of relief worked through your lips as your back cracked softly after being hunched over for so long. “I was never expected to put out, but seducing people was a large part of my description along with running the parlor." You paused briefly, as the need for transparency dug its hold into you. "While we’re talking about it, I guess I should tell you that I also helped out Andi at the Inn.” You felt his eyes land on you as he took in this new information. His face was as blank as it was when you'd met him, unreadable. “However, I was strictly a dancer, that did the occasional escort. I always joked that I was lethal arm candy.”
He stood back up and brushed the dirt from the back of his thighs. Sure he had the world's greatest poker face, but his eyes showed the war that was waging in his head, one moment hard and guarded the next soft and sullen. You took the moment to reach for your bag still on the ground, anything to escape his piercing gaze, but his much bigger hand cupped yours before snatching the strap from your grip and slinging it over his shoulder. “We should get back.” The air felt tense now. Every step he took away from you felt like a rift growing between you, and you nearly reached out to him. You would have if he hadn't turned back to you, his eyes now soft and warm, his hand outstretched in a silent invitation.
“Yeah.” You agreed lamely as you let your hand be enveloped in his as he led you towards the cliff. Another wicked idea popped into your head, and you couldn't resist the urge to fuck with him. Your thumb slid down to the soft spot on his palm and applied a bit of pressure in a circular motion into his skin. “Speaking of Madam M,” His narrowed gaze flicked over to you, his brow cocked in suspicion as you applied a bit more pressure. The grunt that rumbled through his chest shot molten heat straight to your core. “I heard you enjoyed her services.” He ripped his hand from yours as an agonizing groan filled the air and lit your heart on fire, the laughter that spilled from your lips made your lungs burn so bad you hunched over.
Little did you know that Barret could hear your laughter back at camp, and could see your silhouettes walking side by side. “Damn kids.”
What was the key to a good workout? Well, step one would be not to watch the pretty girl doing stretches beside his childhood friend. He only looked over for one second, and the moment you leaned down to touch your toes his concentration went right out the door. Your flexibility was astounding. He could only imagine the length you must have gone to stay that limber, and he had to wonder how else you you could utilize this skill.
He was ashamed to even think it, but Cloud was finding it a bit too easy to get ‘pumped up’. He had thought the fiends would be the biggest nuisance for the day, or Yuffie, not how he had to conceal his interest in you in front of not only your friends who were extremely observant, but an entire gym full of body buffs who were also eyeing you up. He wanted to bully himself behind you to shield you from their leering gaze, instead he settled to give anyone close a death glare until they became uncomfortable and left the area.
And then Tifa’s match started, and you caught him off guard once again. Until now you have been more a wallflower, quiet and observant from the sidelines, but this last week, since Costa Del Sol, he's noticed you were putting in more effort to be present. You joined more of the group discussions at meal times or put in your two cents when forming tactical plans. You were more forthcoming about the extent of your skill set, and even started training with Yuffie, giving her a few tips and tricks here and there. It’s almost as if you’ve finally allowed yourself the privilege of companions instead of keeping locking yourself away behind walls that were built to deny yourself friendship and love.
He didn’t want to admit it, because he enjoyed seeing you be happy, but he found himself feeling miffed that he had to share your attention with everyone now. Just days ago your sassy comebacks were for his ears only, now you're targeting Barret for everyone’s entertainment or taking quick jabs at Aerith for payback. There were some moments that felt reserved for him, like the other night, or today when you offered to help him prepare lunch, but it just isn't enough for him. He wasn't sure what bothered him more: the lack of attention or the fact that he actually craves you and it pisses him off that you haven't noticed.
“Damn, Tif, you’re so hot!” Your voice rattled inside his head as his hands clenched into fists at his sides. This shouldn’t bother him. He knew it was all friendly fun, but he’s literally right here. If you wanted to look at someone, shouldn't it be him? Why haven't you even glanced at him yet?
“What she said!” Aerith chimed in right after you while Yuffie cackled in delight.
A meaty hand slapped down on his shoulder interrupting his slow spiral into pure green jealousy, “Watch it, Spikey. Tifa's gonna steal yo girl.”
Cloud jerked his arm from the hulking man and scoffed. “As if.” His foul mood persisted, however, he felt the edges of his mouth twitching to curl as an idea formed in his head while those two little words played on repeat. His girl. His.
He stuffed his hands into his pockets, and weaved through the gathered audience until he was beside you. He wrapped a hand around your bicep, giving it a gentle tug to get your attention, and when those gorgeous e/c orbs were on him he cocked his head in the direction of the exit. You quirked a brow as if you were trying to say ‘now, really?’, but you turned and whispered something to Aerith before you followed him to the door. He walked the length of the building quickly then rounded the corner to be well out sight before he turned on you, your eyes widening as he backed you up into the siding and crashed his lips into yours before you could even question him.
This was nothing like your first kiss. This one was the remnants of the embers you kindled weeks ago in Junon, and fueled by his intense desire just to be near you. It was all of his frustration and impatience from moment he had his first taste, and now he’s not sure how he ever managed to survive without it. Without you.
His forearm came up to brace his weight against the stone wall behind you as you melted against him, his other moving up to cup your jaw. He angled your chin upwards, just a hair, so he could slip his tongue between your lips as they parted in the prettiest gasp he's ever heard. His heart slammed against his chest as your hands twisted into his shirt and your body molding to his like it was always meant to be here there. His hand slipped from your face in favor of winding into the silky tresses of your hair. He dominated the kiss leaving no room for you to toy with him, his tongue brushing against yours like you were the sweetest treat, only pulling away when his lungs burned from the lack of air.
His forehead rested against yours as he studied the look on your face, wanting to remember it for every second he had left on this planet. Your cheeks were rosy and eyes were hazy as you panted heavily, your chest brushing against his with every inhale. The scent of vanilla left him feeling foggy and his eyes settled on the slope of your perfect lips. His fingers trailed back to brush against the wet shine on your bottom lip, before placing one more peck on them as the crowd inside cheered for Tifa’s victory.
He couldn't contain the smug smirk that spread across his face as he looked at his handy work, and before you could even inquire about what had just occurred he decided to pull away and make his way back inside to rejoin the others like nothing had happened. At least now he could guarantee he was on your mind now.
He caught Barret shaking his head out of the corner of his eye, the hulking brute more observant than he seems. Cloud only shrugged, before crossing his arms over his chest once more now content with today’s job, and ready for tomorrow’s grueling trek up Mount Corel.
So I originally had some more pining before the first smut scene, but an idea popped in my head for the Golden Saucer coming up. What do you guys think? Should the longing continue or is everyone getting thirsty? Leave a comment!
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dinoace2 · 11 months ago
Little Matchmaker
Brief barret x reader fic because my man deserves love and yall are cowards
Post ff7, i...don't think there are any spoilers? Wholesome stuff because I felt like it, ~1.1k words, reader's a she
(A/N: is this how second person works? This is a first attempt)
You joined Cloud and his friends on their journey to save Gaia, and after the fact, it didn't hurt to keep in touch. You helped out at the renovated Seventh Heaven when you could, and, oddly enough, you found yourself drawing closer to the young Marlene.
She was adorable, and so innocent and sweet. Although shy at first, she opened up more and more with each passing day. Nowadays, she practically considered you family.
Each time you came back to the bar, every day that you finished whatever odd job you took on, Marlene was the first to greet you. With a giggle and a smile, the girl would rush to your side, arms out for a hug. As long as you weren't completely exhausted, your standard response was to scoop her up in a big snuggle.
Unseen to you, these interactions always brought a smile to someone's face.
Barret stood leaning against a doorway, arms crossed and a gentle smile on his lips. Seeing his daughter so happy gave him a sense of ease. To him, it meant things were finally turning up. It meant that the idea of a peaceful future was more than just a fantasy. It meant that he might not have to spend his entire life fighting for change.
You were special to him, for more reasons than one.
Of course, he loved that you were a source of support and joy for his little girl, but lately he...began to think about something more.
You had spent so much time together on the road, alongside everyone else of course. Acquaintances, then allies, then friends, and now...
Now he wasn't so sure.
When did it start, that he began to notice the endearing smile on your face whenever you came by? When did he start to see the glimmer in your gorgeous eyes, a hopeful look for a bright future?
When did he realize his heart began to race in your presence?
When did he first notice that, the person he'd been traveling with, fighting alongside, and, frankly, trusting with his life on a regular basis, could perhaps be something more?
In truth, he could probably only mark it up to the fact that Marlene looked so happy when you were around.
He'd never really thought much about love or anything like that. Up til now, there was always some kind of danger or threat or something to fight for, and now that there was peace? It actually left space to think about something else.
He watched his daughter take you by the hand and lead you outside to play, and smiled as he took a seat at the bar. Tifa set a glass in front of him. "Are you ever gonna tell her?"
He looked at her, a confused look on his face as he took his glass. "Whaddaya mean?"
She chuckled. "Come on, I know you aren't totally oblivious. You light up every time she walks in here."
Barret rolled his eyes. "I dont 'light up' for anyone. I mean...'cept for Marlene." He shrugged.
Tifa only smiled. "Alright then. Do you want a refill?"
A while later, when you and Marlene finally came in for a break from your playing, you both sat at the bar, and Tifa presented both of you with a fresh glass of ice-cold lemonade.
You smiled, taking the glass with a sigh. "Thanks, Tifa. This kiddo here can race fast when she wants to...where's all that energy come from, anyway?" You ruffled the girl's hair and she giggled.
You looked at the only other guest in the building, and you waved. "How have you been, Barret?"
He couldn't help but smile at you. "Oh, i- uh. I'm doin' alright. How are you?" Tifa chuckled at his response, and he only glared back at her.
Marlene set her glass down, then walked up to Barret and put her hands on her hips. "Daddy, you need to ask Miss (y/n) on a date!"
You and Barret both choked on your drinks at the same time, attention very quickly shifting to the little girl in front of you.
Barret chuckled nervously. "Um. I. Sweetheart, where'd that even come from?"
"Well all the time you're talking about how nice and amazing and pretty she is!" She crossed her arms.
His eyes went wide. "I-, heh, i...that was supposed to be secret words, princess..." his eyes darted between you and her, almost seeming nervous.
She turned back to you. "And when we play together you always sit on the swings and gush about how great Daddy is!"
You froze. Had you really done it that much? Maybe a couple times here and there, just as a way of finding something you and her could agree on, her dad is pretty incredible after all. Perhaps it slipped your mind how often you brought it up, but...you never talked that much with her about your feelings for him....did you? Your cheeks flushed, your face felt hot. How embarrassing, to have been utterly exposed by a seven-year-old to someone you looked up to so much.
Marlene took you by the hand and walked you over, so that you stood closer to Barret than before. "You like her, and she likes you, and also I like her a lot! I think she'd be a good Mama!"
With every word she said, you were somewhere between melting out of excitement and happiness, and wanting to curl up and shrink away out of embarrassment.
Tifa looked on at the awkward display, and broke the silence with a chuckle. "Well, no arguing with that logic, huh?"
You turned to her with the most 'shut. UP!' glare in your eyes, and she only replied with a shrug and a smile.
Barret sighed and took a long breath, standing up. "Alright...uh. well..." he cleared his throat. "Um. (y/n), uh." He gestured his hand and fidgeted a bit. "Will you....uh. will..." he let out a long sigh. "....willyougoonadatewithme‐"
You paused, shocked for a moment. Barret Wallace, among the strongest men you'd ever met, reduced to nervous mumbles and shaky fidgets. That was never a sight you could have expected, but...it wasn't necessarily something you didn't find amusing.
You smiled. "Sorry, what was that? I couldn't quite hear you."
He paused, grumbled under his breath for a moment, then sighed. "I, uh. Would you...like to get dinner with me...sometime soon?"
You couldn't help but giggle, and you reached out to take his hand.
"I'd love to."
Thanks for reading! :]
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lillunna · 1 year ago
whats next
first off im currently writing a biker biggs x reader modern AU bc of booktok and bikertok got me but i it may take a second because I got distracted playing FF7RB and taxes lol but after this which one next? im thinking ex turk reader, actress reader, or even a rodeo AU (shhhh i love me some hot cowboys >:D) im also always taking requests for any FF7 characters EXCEPT yuffie and red unless yall want some platonic sibling or parental fic BC THEY R CHILDREN also if i write for cait it would automatically be a reeves fic
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justauthoring · 1 year ago
quite like this.
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request: Haii uhm for the ff7 requests ! I don’t know if you have played rebirth but since there are the golden saucer dates, i was maybe thinking you could do a reader x cloud having a date? Maybe the two have feelings for each other but they are completely oblivious that the feeling is mutual, and they both think their feelings aren’t reciprocated. Maybe the others know about this and so they make it as if to leave them alone during their time there, and you know it all goes from there? Obviously if you don’t like the request that’s alright! by: anonymous.
a/n: eeeeeeee second ff7 imagine :))) i planned to write for zack next tbh but i couldn't pass up this request. it's so cute!
tw: obviously spoilers for rebirth! don't read if you haven't gotten to chapter 12 of the game
pairing: cloud strife x f!reader
It was the most colour you’d ever seen in your life.
And everyone looked so happy.
You could barely contain the excitement bursting through your chest, eyes wandering across with the brightest smile plastered across your lips. You’re blissfully unaware of the pair of eyes watching you, lost in your own thoughts as your feet shuffle beneath you, antsy.
But not sure what you’re antsy for. Or what you want to do.
“Me and Aerith are gonna go look at the chocobo racing.”
Blinking, you’re pulled from your thoughts at the sound of Tifa. When you turn to look at her, she’s already looking at you, a warm smile on her lips as she gestures behind her to Aerith. 
You glance in the direction of the Chocobo racing and think that it could be fun. You’re overwhelmed with the amount of options at the Gold Saucer and you were happy as long as you were with your friends so you step towards them, lips parting to say you’ll join the two girls but then Aerith is grabbing Tifa’s wrist and the two girls are turning around before you even have the chance.
“We’ll see you later!”
Hand held out in front of you, you frown.
“I’m off too!” Yuffie calls in the next second, already shuffling backwards as she sends you a wink and a slap on Barret’s shoulder.
“Oh, but Yuffie–”
“I’m gonna try to get some rest,” Barret calls out gruffly, nudging Cloud who is standing beside you and sends you a nod. “I’ll be at the hotel.”
You blink, lips curved downwards and move to step towards him but he’s already turned his back to you.
“Me and the laddie are gonna look at the battle arena,” Cait calls out, perched on Red’s back as he tips his head at you. You meet his eyes before drifting down to Red’s who is staring up at you in return. “Red showed some interest, you see!”
“Thought I could take some notes,” Red nods at your questioning look. “We’ll see ya.”
And with a speed only Red seems to manage, the two are off before you can offer to join them.
Once they disappear from your sight, you slump back, a huff leaving your lips as you glance around, suddenly realizing that everyone except for Cloud had left, none of them giving you a single chance to ask if you could join them. Realistically, you’d expected to join Tifa and Aerith, but you would’ve had fun with any of your friends.
Well, you guessed Cloud was still here, but you’d imagined he wouldn’t necessarily want to go sightseeing with you; even if that reality hurt your heart in a way you didn’t want to acknowledge.
Sighing, you turn to look at Cloud only to be surprised when his eyes are already on you.
“Did you have plans to?” Cloud asks, voice soft as he raises a brow in question.
Frowning, you shrug, turning away from Cloud to glance around you. “Not sure. Everyone ran off before I could ask to join them.”
And when Cloud doesn’t say anything else, you turn to him in curiosity, wondering if something was wrong, only to be surprised when you see he’d taken a step forward and his arm was held out towards you for you to grab. You blink, once, twice, eyes flickering from his outstretched arm back to his eyes that continue to stare at you in question, silently inviting you in a way you never would’ve expected.
“You want to?” You ask softly in return, feeling your cheeks warm as you lower your gaze, suddenly feeling a whole lot more bashful than you had seconds before. It was one thing to constantly feel Cloud’s presence beside you, a dominating aura that never left you in the way you loved.
He was always near, and it was hard to sometimes pull your gaze away. And the two of you had talked before, you felt that you actually got along well with the boy in the scheme of things given that the truth was he wasn’t all that chatty. But you’d never been alone with you. Not like this. And not in a place like this either.
A quick glance around you told you that you weren’t crazy for assuming this place felt more intimate. There were couples everywhere, holding hands, smiling at each other, kissing, in their own worlds with all the lights and chatter and the warmth of each other.
Being in a place like this, alone, with Cloud made your heart race in a way that made it hard to focus and the worst part was that he probably didn’t even realize it.
“If you want,” he answers gently, nodding, arm still held out towards you. “You looked disappointed that everyone else ran off. But… you don’t have to hang with me if you don’t–”
Feeling guilty you’d made him think you didn’t want to hang with him, and knowing that was quite literally the far opposite of the truth, you hastily shake your head, cutting off his words. You step forward, ignoring the lurch of your heart as you wrap your arm around his own, your hand falling against his bicep. You try to ignore how strong and toned his arm feels beneath your skin, and how instantly you feel a lot hotter than you had seconds ago, keeping your gaze strictly ahead of yourself.
You pray Cloud can’t feel how fast your heart is beating.
Cloud shuffles on his feet for a moment before he glances down at you; “where do you wanna go?”
You ended up wandering for a good while.
Nothing particularly caught either of your eyes but you didn’t mind. If you were being truthful, it was enough to just be able to spend this time with Cloud, alone.
Even if it didn’t feel the same to him, which you’re sure it didn’t. Even if this was just a courtesy he’d done for you because he’d seen how sad and pathetic you’d looked after everyone else had run off from you. It didn’t matter. Not at that moment. It was just enough for you then that you got to be with him, close to him like this.
“Do you wanna go on?”
It takes you a second to realize Cloud is speaking but you feel him shift and watch as he points before the both of you, your eyes following the point of his finger only to fall on the Skywheel. 
“Oh,” you mumble, feeling your cheeks grow warm. “Don’t we need tickets for that?”
You glance around, trying to find the ticket booth, secretly hoping there were even tickets left before Cloud speaks up again.
“No worries,” he calls and your eyes fall on him as he holds two tickets before you. At your wide expression, he lets out a tiny smile. “Tifa handed these to me before her and Aerith ran off.”
Your eyes widen and suddenly it clicks.
Clearly, Tifa and Aerith hadn’t purposely left you like you’d worried. This had all been a plan from the beginning! A plan because you’d told them of your feelings for Cloud when the two had cornered you for the truth. Tifa was hard enough to dodge on her own like you’d grown to learn over the past few years but with the added addition of Aerith, the two were like an unstoppable force and your confession had practically been pulled out of you.
Your chest tightens with worry.
Poor Cloud. Being wrapped up in those twos’ schemes… You’d hoped he maybe did want to hang with you after all, but it was probably more likely that Aerith and Tifa had forced him to take you on the date and had left him no choice when they’d run off.
Which meant the others were probably in on it too…
Oh, you were so going to kill them.
“I’m so sorry,” you find yourself saying before you can stop yourself. Your hand falls to your forehead, pulling away from Cloud’s arm and you miss the way he frowns at the loss of your touch. Brushing back your hair, you meet his eyes. “Tifa and Aerith forced you to spend time with me tonight, didn’t they? That’s why they gave you the tickets… I’m sorry, Cloud. I know you probably would’ve preferred to do your own–”
You're cut off but his hand on your arm, holding tightly enough to pull your attention on him. He’s stepped towards you, closed the distance between the both of you, close enough that his chest presses against your own. Your eyes widen when you realize how close he actually is, feeling your breath get caught in the back of your throat as you stare back at him with parted lips.
“No,” he calls out, the words rushed. “I wanted to spend time with you! I mean, yes… Tifa and Aerith gave me the tickets but they didn’t force me to. I was actually trying to find the way to ask you but I didn’t know how and they saw that so they… Well, um, helped, I guess.”
Cloud desperately avoids your gaze, cheeks warm in a way you’ve never quite seen before and he actually seems genuinely embarrassed as the both of you stand there for a moment longer. His words are still processing in your mind, lips left parted as you feel your heart start to race all over again and the warmth floods you tenfold as his words finally click.
Cloud… Cloud wanted to spend time with you.
“Oh,” you finally manage, glancing at your feet. “Well… me too. I-I mean, I, um, wanted to spend time with you too…”
Cloud’s lips part, and then the two of you are staring at each other.
“Last call for the Skywheel!”
Both of your eyes snap to the attendant standing at the ferris wheel, and with one final look at each other, you both step forward. Cloud hands the ticket to him and then a cart pulls up a second later. You step in first, sitting down and Cloud follows a moment later, and when you expect him to take the seat opposite of you, he instead chooses to sit next to you.
The door to the cart shuts and the attendant wishes you well before you feel yourself moving, slowly going higher and higher. Hands resting at your sides, you try to ignore the nerves bubbling through you, letting your eyes drift across the fireworks dancing across the sky, taking in all the colours.
Then, at first faintly, you feel Cloud’s left hand ghost across your right one. You feel yourself freeze, but you hesitate glancing at him, letting your fingers shift slightly in return, inviting him, and a second later he obliges when you feel his fingers thread through your own. You flip your palm, letting him press his own against yours and smile when you feel him squeeze.
Finally, you let your eyes fall on him and he’s already looking at you, expression soft, not guarded in the way it usually is, and you smile, just faintly, swallowing your nerves.
“Cloud,” you find yourself whispering.
He’s leaning forward, inch by inch, hand never leaving your own. “You’re… beautiful,” he whispers in return to his name and you blink, that flutter returning.
That was the last thing you expected Cloud to say. You never knew he could be so… romantic when he wanted to. But you can tell he means the words, his sincerity floods his tone and it makes your heart burst with the warmth of the feelings you’ve desperately tried to ignore.
His lips are a breath away and all it takes is one more hesitant glance at his eyes before you close the gap and press your lips against his. Cloud doesn’t hesitate to respond, the hand holding your own holding tight as his eyes flutter shut and his free hand falls to your waist, pulling you closer.
You lean into his touch with ease, feeling his warmth envelope you in a way it never quite has before.
And then, as he leans back, and you both pull away, his forehead rests against your own, and you breathe in his scent and his presence, relishing in the way it feels to have him so close.
“I like you,” you whisper in the silence, eyes still shut. “I… really like you.”
Clouds hand twitches against your side and he nudges you with his nose. “Me too,” he mumbles, “if that wasn’t obvious.”
You let out a laugh, letting your eyes flicker open as you pull back, hands still intertwined and shoulders still touching but enough that you can see his face properly. He’s smiling, just faintly, in a very Cloud way but it still touches your heart to see you’d been able to make him smile, and the lights of the fireworks dance across his pale skin and butterflies flutter through your stomach.
It’s exactly and nothing like how you’d dreamed this moment would be.
And you love every second of it because no one has ever quite looked at you the way he does in that moment.
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mr-yuugo · 8 months ago
Consider Me Family
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-Reno [FF7] X Reader [Gender Neutral]-
Words: 882
Summary: You regret past words. With Reno, you can't help but feel as if you keep drifting apart.
Quick note! This takes place during Advent Children!
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You couldn't think of anything more unbearable. The whole situation with the children or the simple fact of sitting next to Reno. You had barely come downstairs to rest on one of the high chairs after checking up on Tifa and Cloud. That Reno sat next to you. Rude outside, seemingly calling Rufus.
The duo of Turks were able to contact you when they brought Tifa and Cloud back safely. You were never really home anymore, just like Cloud.
You hated it really, Tifa would sometimes call you handing the phone over to Denzel as he would cry to you that it was his fault that the both of you were always away.
In truth, you were in the same boat as Cloud. When you had arrived at the bar you checked on them for any injuries and found out that Cloud had also contracted the disease you were so hopelessly looking to end.
Your head rested on the bar top as you used your arms to cover your face. Not wanting to deal with Reno next to you on your left. Even after so long you still couldn't face him.
Back in that piller where Jessie had lost her life you had encountered and fought Reno and Rude with the help of the others. Reno had told you to come back to him and to join and be part of Shinra again. Your life when you were a Turk was something you weren't proud of. "Join me, we'll be able to be together again. Wouldn't you like that?" He had asked you. "I thought we were friends."
You remember looking back at Cloud, Tifa, and Barret as if you were really considering betraying them. You had turned again to look at Reno. A disgusted expression on your face.
"Friends? You're nothing to me." You told him as you held your weapon tight in your hand. "It was you who betrayed me. You, the other Turks, and that damn bastard Rufus. Even if you were something, my family always comes first!"
You always frowned at the memory. The way his face morphed into sadness always broke your heart. You were so angry back then. So angry that when you stood in front of Jessie's unmoving body you didn't cry.
You were angry at Shinra, angry at yourself. When Jessie told you it was her fault that she was dying only to later find out it really wasn't you could only hold back your tears of frustration.
You heard him get up his footsteps moving to where the drinks were. "Reno..." Your voice came out muffled as you let out a sigh. He halted his movements and you heard him chuckle. "What? I promise to pay for it! I'm just gonna serve myself!" He said as he continued on.
You only let out a grumble as you didn't stop him. "You want one too?" He asked as he had finished pouring himself a glass. "No," You told him simply. He hummed as he came back to sit next to you again.
There was silence for a bit. There was an uncertainty in your chest. Your mouth daring to speak to him more. You swore he was staring holes at you. Small beads of sweat formed on your forehead as you slowly sat up properly on your seat. From the corner of your eye, you saw him quickly turn his head forward as if he wasn't even looking at you.
Your lips quivered as your foot tapped anxiously on the floor. "Hey, are you alright?" Reno asked as he hesitantly brought up his hand and rested it on your shoulder.
Your eyes landed on his as you nodded your head. You brought up your left hand to get a hold of his. You moved in your seat to face him. His hand was still in yours as you brought them to rest on your lap.
"Reno..." You mumbled as you diverted your eyes away from him. He gulped as he waited for you to continue. "I just wanted to-" The door to the bar opened.
Reno cursed under his breath as you quickly took your hands away from his. Turning to sit correctly in your chair you let out a shaky sigh. "Come on you two." Rude said as he walked to the stairs. "They must be awake by now."
You nodded your head. "Alright..." You quickly walked passed Rude and walked up the stairs. Heading towards Denzel's and Marlene's room. Reno still in his seat grumbled and glared at Rude.
"What?" Rude said as he stared at him in confusion. Reno rolled his eyes as he also walked up the stairs but not before pushing Rude in annoyance. "Maybe next time." He whispered to himself.
He hoped that maybe the next time it was just you two, you might tell him that he is finally someone that you consider to be family.
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spicyoftheearth · 2 years ago
okay either, im an idiot and misspelled Barret's name or there really isnt any ff7 barret x reader or anything
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aethes-bookshelf · 3 years ago
two squeezes mean 'i love you' || cloud strife/reader
More fluff to repent for the rest of my angsty, angsty Cloud fics
Pairing: Cloud Strife/Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Cloud is horrible at words - everybody knows that. You did too and it never bothered you; not really. But when you realize he hadn't told you he loved you even once throughout the entirety of your relationship, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
AO3 link
Cloud was never good at words. Any words. And his previous conversations with, well, literally anyone proved that much. You knew that. You fell in love with a man of actions, not words; that was one of the reasons why you loved him so much in the first place.
That didn't mean him never telling you he loved you stung any less.
The first few times he didn't say it back, you just assumed he wasn't ready for it yet. Which was perfectly fine. After all, you yourself had been with people who pushed for that confession to happen way too soon and you didn't want to put him through something like that. Plus, if he was involved with you in the first place, that meant he was bound to have some feelings for you; he wouldn't be with you if he didn't.
Your faith in that notion weakened with every month that went by. And, suddenly, your first anniversary passed by, and… still nothing. Everytime you told him you loved him, he just made a vague grunting noise and looked away. So, eventually, you just stopped saying it all together.
That was the moment you noticed a slight change in his behaviour. He always kind of reminded you of a grumpy, old cat. But now that you stopped showing your affection like you used to, his face soured even more ー if that was even possible ー and the crease between his brows became nearly permanent.
Eventually, when you refused to kiss him goodnight, he snapped.
‘Okay, what is it?’ he asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
‘Don’t “what” me. What. Happened.’
‘I… I really don’t know what you mean, Cloud.’ You stifled a yawn. ‘Can we please talk about this in the morning? I have an early shift tomorrow and I really don’t want to be late.’
‘No, we are having this conversation now.’
Seems like your weak attempt at deflecting failed. Miserably.
You sighed. ‘Alright, alright. What is it?’
‘Well…’ he stammered. ‘It’s just that… You never…’
‘I never what, Cloud?’ It was your turn to cross your arms. ‘Are you going to tell me, or are we going to sit here all night?’
He stared at the comforter like it was the most fascinating thing he’d ever seen. ‘...You never tell me you love me anymore.’
You must’ve heard him wrong? ‘Can you speak up a bit?’ Your voice was softer this time.
‘You never tell me you love me anymore,’ he repeated, finally looking you in the eye. ‘You always did that and now you don’t… So something must be wrong. Right…?’
‘You never tell me “I love you” either. I just… didn’t think you liked that kind of mushy stuff, so I stopped. It gets weird, always saying it and never getting an answer.
A moment of silence passed.
‘I do say “I love you”.’
‘No, you don’t.’
‘I do!’
‘Well, then clearly not to me, ‘cause I’ve never heard you say it!’
Cloud furrowed his brows. You could practically see the gears turning in his head. ‘But on our first anniversary…’
‘...I said it.’
‘On your birthday…’
‘That was me too.’
‘On my birthday…’
‘Keep trying, you might get it sometime.’
At that, he fell quiet.
Eventually, the silence got nearly stifling.
‘Look, Cloud, I get it if you don’t feel the same way. I’d just really appreciate it if you could tell me that to my face instead of… doing all of this.’ You gestured vaguely.
His eyes went so wide it was almost funny. And it would be, if not for the context. ‘You really think I don’t love you back?’
‘...Yes?’ It came out as more of a question than you intended it to.
‘Hm.’ He pursed his lips. ‘Well, I do. A lot. I’m just not… very good at this stuff.’
‘Yeah, I noticed.’
You both shifted, clearly uncomfortable.
‘I… might have an idea,’ you said slowly, meeting his eyes. He nodded; you took it as a sign to continue. ‘Since you’re not the best at words, how about we… set a code? A non–verbal way to say it?’
‘But… how would I say it without words?’ He tilted his head to the side. Cute.
You took his hand. ‘How about… two squeezes?’ You squeezed his hand gently. ‘Just like this.’
‘And that would mean?’
‘“I love you.”’
He looked down, deep in thought. After a moment, he nodded. ‘Okay,’ he said and squeezed your hand back.
* * *
Ever since then, Could would squeeze you constantly. And not just your hands ー your arms, your thighs. Even your stomach sometimes, if you were cuddling. You’d scold him gently for the last one. You were a bit insecure about your belly and such direct attention to it made you quite ashamed, but he’d just squeeze it again and kiss you.
‘Bastard,’ you muttered in between kisses. ‘You’re lucky I love you.’
And he’d squeeze you again.
Sometimes, he'd deliberately do it in places where he knew you were ticklish; like your sides or your back. He’d pin you down and proceed to fondle you all over until you were a giggling mess ー always in sets of two.
It warmed your heart, honestly. You never really expected him to use that ‘code’ so much. When you set it, you thought he’d use it once, maybe twice a week. But at this rate, he’d be ‘saying’ it more than you were.
On one evening, when you were all hanging out in the bar ー Barret, Tifa, Aerith and the two of you ��� Cloud was getting especially touchy. He always had a hand on you, hanging off your shoulders, around your waist or on one of your thighs. The rest of the group must’ve noticed; they kept stealing glances at you amids the conversation.
Finally, Tifa gave in. ‘Cloud, why do you keep squeezing them?’
Cloud went red.
‘Please tell me it’s not a sex thing,’ she added.
‘It’s not!’ you said, giggling. ‘It’s just… a little secret.’
‘You still make it sound like a sex thing, you know?’ said Aerith.
Cloud went even more red ー if that was even possible.
‘Stop, you’re gonna give him a heat stroke at this rate!’ you said, amusement clear in your voice.
Barrett snickered. ‘If he’s still that blushy when we talk about sex, then I’m honestly sorry for you.’ He patted your shoulder.
‘And your sex life,’ added Aerith, hiding her grin behind her glass.
Cloud groaned. ‘Can we stop talking about that?’
‘Why?’ Oh, Aerith was having way too much fun with this.
‘’Cause it’s none of your business.’
Tifa sighed. ‘Okay, okay, we’ll stop.’ Cloud didn’t like the look in her eyes. ‘If you give us some details about this whole squeezing situation.’
The other two cheered, raising their glasses.
‘Yeah, we wanna know!’ said Barret. ‘Come on, spill it.’
Cloud gave you an unsure look.
‘Go for it, babe,’ you said.
He sighed, defeated. ‘Well, it’s…’ He straightened his back a bit when you squeezed his hand. Twice. ‘It’s code for “I love you”.’
‘Awww,’ Aerith smiled. ‘I honestly didn’t expect it to be this cute!’
‘Me neither.’ Tifa refilled her glass. ‘Whose idea was it?’
‘Mine!’ You grinned. ‘Cloud’s awful at saying it, so I decided to do something about it.’
‘Could’ve spared them that part,’ grumbled Cloud, looking away.
‘Is she lying tho?’ asked Barret. ‘Don’t worry about it, little man,’ he added after a moment. ‘A lot of people are like that. It’s a good thing you two found a way to make it work.’
‘He’s right,’ said Aerith. ‘No shame in that.’
‘They’re right, babe. Cheer up.’
Cloud grumbled something under his breath and went back to nursing his whisky. You smiled wide when you felt him squeeze your hand.
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mishmosh-chaos · 3 years ago
Make A Wish
- Final Fantasy VII Oneshot/Fanfic -
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Pairing: Cloud x Reader
Words: 5,3k
Genre: angst/fluff (and my poor attempt to try and write 'funny scenes' 🤭)
Warnings: some swearing
A LITTLE A/N : First, hello to all! 👋 So, this is my first Final Fantasy VII based fanfic / oneshot. I write for another fandom with my main blog, but atm I have a serious writing blockage there. 😩 And as I recently had a pleasure of re-watching Advent Childern, and got reminded of how much I loved this whole FFVII/AC story (and Cloud), the idea for this came to me. So, to whoever might read it, I hope you'll somehow find it likable.😊🖤
And I apologize for any mistakes as english is not my native language.
Thoughtfully, you make your way to the Seventh Heaven, going in your mind through all that still need to be done for tonight, when your thoughts get interrupted by someone shouting your name.
„Hey, Y/N, wait!“
You didn't need to turn to see who it was – you would recognize Cloud's voice anytime, anywhere.
Cloud Strife, a blond, mysterious and rather withdrawn guy who made your heart beat faster from the very first moment you met him little over a year ago, was sprinting to catch up with you.
You met Cloud through Tifa, who you knew for years, and when you ended up here in Midgar helped you settle down and even offered you a job at the bar, that you happily agreed to. From then on, you got to meet them all, and new friendships accrued, including the friendship with Cloud.
You were actually surprised yourself how quickly and easily you two became so close, as you weren't exactly the most easiest and open person in the world to befriend. Heck, it took Tifa ages to even get you to talk to her all those years ago, let alone anything else.
And Cloud wasn't that much different from you, so you always assumed that was probably the reason you two clicked so quick – you know, two peas in a pod and all that.
Tifa would constantly tell you that Cloud was ten times worse than you before, and always teas you that he must like you, that there must be something special he sees in you when you managed to crack...uhm, how did she say it again? Ah, yeah – to crack Mr. Grumpy's defense wall so easily.
And as always, you'd just laugh at it, but deep inside, your heart would skip a beat as you so much wished for it to be true. Because, no matter how well you thought you were managing to hide it from others, you couldn't hide it from yourself – you were definitely, utterly, over-your-head in love with Cloud.
But you never dared to say anything to him. Although, there were moments between the two of you that got you contemplate on the possibility those feelings were mutual. But you always ended up convincing yourself that it was all just your imagination.
So instead of stopping to wait for him, you quicken your steps. And it wasn't just because you were affraid to be alone with Cloud, since you weren't sure how much longer you could keep all that inside you. Well, it was mostly because of it, lets be honest here. But there was another good reason for your behaviour.
It was Cloud's birthday today, and Tifa and you were planning a surprise party for him, even though his grumpiness levels would spike up drastically whenever someone mentioned his upcoming birthday in these last two weeks. But you clearly saw a hint of excitement about it in his eyes no matter how well he thought he was hiding it.
So now you had two secrets to keep from him, and all things considered, you were terrified of what might slip from your mouth first, so you just wanted to get to the bar as fast as possible.
But you were in no luck, Cloud was by your side within seconds, matching your pace with ease.
„Where's the fire, shorty?“
Argh, why did he have to make it even harder for you than it already was! It was a nickname that he first started to use for you after you asked him to help you reach something from the shelf in the bar, even though you were perfectly capable of reaching it yourself and you two are practically the same hight. But he was standing right there beside it! And so the teasing started, and eventually everyone started calling you that. And you had to admit, you liked it, especially since it came from him.
Without slowing down you give him a quick side look „Oh, hey Cloud. No fire, why you ask?“
„Hmh, you sure?“
„Ofcourse I'm sure, why wouldn't I be sure? Are you calling me a liar?“
„Whoa there, who managed to get you so wound up already today?“
Ah, shit, get it together Y/N.
„Sorry.“ You had no idea what else to say. Trying to sound more calmer, you try again „No fire, just, uhm, heading to the bar.“
„All right, but what's with the rush?“
„Uhm, nothing. Just promised Tifa I'll be there as soon as possible.“
Having enough with your vague answers, in a flash he stands infront of you, so you run full speed right into him not expecting it.
„What the hell, Cloud!?“
„No, what the hell you, Y/N?!“ He looks serious at you, crossing his arms in front of him. „Ok, what's going on?“
„I don't know what you're talking about, everytghing is fine.“ You tried your best to sound normal, trying to avoid his eyes, but no luck again.
Oh, wonderful, now you gonna hear it.
But the question that came from him next caught you completely off guard.
„Did I...did I do something wrong?“
„What? No, ofcourse not! Why would you ask that?“ You couldn't believe he would think so, but when you looked at him, when you finally got the courage to look at him, your heart squeezed. He was staring at you with worry and sadness clearly readable on his face.
„Hm, I don't know, maybe because for days now you have been acting strange and you've been doing a hell of a good job avoiding me! So, I'll ask again, did I do something?“
Ah, shit, shit, cappital s SHIT! Better think of something, anything, lie if needed and fix this fast Y/N!
Taking a deep breath you meet his gaze „You're right, and I'm sorry, I really am. You didn't do anything wrong. It's just...there's some things on my mind that's been bothering me a lot lately, and again, I'm sorry, but that's definitely not an excuse for me to act like I have.“
Well tehnically, what you said wasn't exactly a lie, there were things bothering you, he just didn't need to know that he was the things you were talking about. Especially not on his birthday.
The unconfortable silence that crept between you two made you so nervous, your hands started to shake, so you quickly clasp them together before he could notice and lower your head.
„Anything I can help you with?“
Hearing those words coming from him relaxed you. But it also made you agitated. Maybe it was time you finally admit your feelings to him, and just be done with it, no matter the consequences. Que sera, sera...right?
You lift your head to look at him and smile „Maybe. But not today. Ask me again tomorrow.“
„Ok.“ he replies after a moment of silence looking serious „But you know I will. Ask again tomorrow, that is.“
„I'm counting on it.“ you say, hoping he won't notice the sorrowful tone of your voice.
Few seconds later, he just nods and steps back beside you, and you both continue walking towards the bar. Slower this time.
„So, birthday boy, any big plans for today?“ you ask grinning after you walked for a while.
He grunts „No. I plan to stuff myself with junk food and probably fall asleep.“
„Oh, that's no fun at all.“ you protest.
„It's perfect to me.“ he shrugs.
„Gah, you're hopeless! At least let me buy you a drink tonight when you're done working. You definitely should have a drink or two on you birthday. And also make it as another apology from me for my behaviour lately. Pleeeeeeas?“
You tried to make the best puppy face you could, and seeing his face you knew you were successfull.
„All right, it's a deal, shorty. Although, it might be pretty late when I finish. Tifa said there's a lot of work she could use my help with for today.“
You knew that very well. It was all a plan to keep Cloud away from the bar for as long as possible for his surprise party preparations. And your job was to make sure he shows up at the bar after finishing with it. Which you executed perfectly, although not in the way you planned originally. But, hey, all's well that ends well.
„Excellent!“ You exclaime cheerful, grabbing him under his arm. You were happy things were going according to the plan, even though you were anxious, too. You knew Cloud will keep his word and ask you that same question tomorrow, and this time you will have to deal with it. But you still have till tomorrow to worry about that, right?
Cloud's voice snapped you from yor thoughts, and it took you a moment to realize you were standing in front of the Seventh Heaven.
„I said you can go in, I'll be right there, just want to get the bike out first.“
„Oh, ok. See you inside then.“
You start up the stairs, but then stop and start going back. „Hey, Cloud?“
He turns to see you quickly bouncing down the stairs, and you throw yourself at him, hugging him so tight „Happy birthday, blondie.“
„Thanks.“ You could feel him chuckle before his arms close around you hugging you back even tightier, and you wish you could stay like that forever.
You finally decide it is time to release him from a hug, but you dont't move, both of you just keep standing there staring at eachother. You have no idea what got into you, but in an heartbeat, you cup his face with your hands and crush your lips hard against his.
Oh, gods, what were you thinking?? That's right, you didn't! Oh, you stupid, stupid girl. Now you definitely messed everything up!
As suddenly as you did it, you move away covering your gasping mouth with your hands. Cloud just continues standing there, mouth open, but no words came out from him.
„Oh, gods...I'm so sorry..I..don't...“ you stutter, trying to form a sentence, but the shock of what happened was messing with your brain. So you do the only thing that came to your mind – turn around and run two-three steps at the time to the entrance of the bar.
„Hey there Y/N!“ Tifa greets you cheerfully as you burst inside, but you just ignore her, going behind the bar to pour yourself a drink.
„You ok?“ she asks, observing you worryingly as you refill your glass and drink that one, too.
You shake your head and put your forehead on the bar „I did the most stupidest thing possible!“
Tifa laughs „Oh, come on, whatever you did, I'm sure it's not as bad as you think.“
You turn your head to look at her „I kissed Cloud.“
„Finally!“ she laughs harder, and rolls her eyes at you when you shot her a mean look.
„Tifa! It's not funny, it's a disaster!“ you say desperately.
The sound of Cloud's bike stopping in front of the bar make you jump. „Uff, I can't deal with him now. Please, please, just send him out on errrands quickly. We still have a party to prepare, and I had enough stress for one day as it is.“
Tifa shakes her head „Fine, but you know, you will see him at the party, and I doubt you will be able to avoid him all night.“
„I know, I know.“ you sigh „And I will deal with it when the time comes. Just, not right now.“
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
„I'm bored! When is Cloud gonna be here?“
You turn to look at Marlene's pouty face as she sits at the table where you were finishing the cake for the party. You liked the girl a lot, and who wouldn't, she was adorable! Besides, you two got along amazing, she loved when you were taking care of her sometimes when both Barret and Tifa were away.
You crouch down to her „Would you like to help me decorate the cake?“
Her head shot up so fast, the pout vanishing instantly, replaced with her usual contagious smile „Yes, please!“
Smiling yourself, you pull a chair and help Marlene stand on it and place a box with eatable decorations in front of her „Go wild, kiddo.“
All your friends gathered at the Seventh Heaven's basement, which only made you nervous again. It meant Cloud will be here soon, too, and you knew Tifa was right, no matter all of them, you won't be able to avoid him all night. But just the thought of having to talk to Cloud about the kiss made your stomach twist.
You always knew there was a possibility he doesn't feel the same, no matter how close you two became. And you were scared of that possibility, because you didn't want to lose Cloud. Or any of them. And you knew that would eventually happen, if it comes to that.
No matter how much you would try, you knew yourself too well – you wouldn't be able to continue being just his friend, it would be too painful for you. So eventually, one day, you would just pack up an leave. No warnings, nor goodbyes, you'd just disappear. And now, after what you did, that possibility was knocking on your door, and you were dreading of opening them.
„All right, people, the birthday boy is here!“ Barret's booming voice made you turn to him. „Is the cake done?“ he asks coming to you.
„All done!“ Marlene says excitedly, and you turn your head to look at the cake, and oh my, did you have something to see! Cloud's cake looked, well, striking. Marlene really outdid herself this time
„What do you think, daddy? Will Cloud like it?“
Barret didn't know what to say looking at all the pink flowers and hearts Marlene used to decorate the cake with.
„Ohh, Marlene, I love what you did with the cake, it's beautiful! Right, Barret?“ Yuffie say cheerfully showing up next to Marlene. With no response from Barret, her head shots up giving him a death stare, gritting through her teeth „Right, Barret?“
You barely managed to suppress a laugh – Yuffie might be young and small, but darn, the look she gave Barret was deadly.
Barret finaly found his voice „Uhm, yeah...yeah, it's beautiful, sweetheart. I'm sure Cloud will love it.“
„It sure is...pink.“ You make a little jump scare at Vincent's sudden appearance. You will never get used to him sneaking up like that.
„All right, people“ Barret say again lifting Marlene on his shoulder „Time to get this party started!“
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The moment Cloud sat down at the bar, Marlene runs out, pausing next to him smiling „Hi, Cloud! Bye, Cloud!“
Before he could say anything, she rush to the bars doors and lock them. She turns back to look at him and grinn, then move sideways to the light switch next to the doors.
Puzzled, Cloud tilt his head „Marlene, what are you doing?“
But she just grinns harder and hit the switch, turning the lights off. And that was your queue.
You emerge slowly behind the doors carrying the cake with the lit candles on it and start to sing Happy Birthday, with everyone following behind you and joining in.
Crossing his arms, Cloud tried hard to pretend he wasn't that much touched by it, but as before, you could see that excitement dance in his eyes as you lower the cake in front of him.
„Make a wish.“ you smile as you all finish singing, and with his recognizable hmph he turns towards the cake, but being this close, the light from the candles let you catch the corner of his mouth lifting into a smile moments before he blew at them.
Everyone cheer and the lights come back on, and you were met with Cloud's intense gaze, making your insides twist again, hard. You were well aware of the meaning of it, but you so hoped you won't have to deal with it until tomorrow.
Fortunately, 'lady Luck' decided to smile at you, and you got extremely grateful as the others started to gather around Cloud to convey their wishes, so you quickly use that opportunity to step away from his view and catch a breather, at least for a little while longer.
As the time pass, it seemed like everyone was having a good time, including Cloud. He got more relax, making you smile seeing him actually having some fun. And by the miracle of some unknown forces, you managed to keep a safe distance from him all this time, but the feeling of unease was getting stronger in you whenever someone left the party.
The nausea accompanying that feeling wasn't from all the drinks you had, not at all, your tolerance for alcohol was amazingly good – it came from knowing that it was just a matter of moments until that luck runs out, and the harsh reality comes crashing back down on you. So by the time only the four of you were left in the bar, well five if you count Marlene sleeping soundly on Barret's lap, it turned to a matter of seconds.
You stood behind the bar drying some glasses when Cloud come and sit on the stool in front of you. You could feel his intense gaze on you, but he stayed silent, and it drove you even more agitated at that moment. You knew to expect it, he never was the one to say something first. But for once, just this one time, you wished it was different, that he would say something, anything.
A minute later with nothing but silence from him, you sigh and take two glasses filling them up, placing one in front of him, barely managing to put a small smile on your face „So, did you have fun?“
„Is that really what you want to talk about?“
„Yes, Cloud, that's really what I want to talk about. Why so surprised?“ You say a bit snappy, feeling frustration rising up in you.
„Hmph, fine.“ was all you got back from him.
„Expected.“ You mumble under your breath shaking your head , but obviously not silent enouhg.
„What's that suppose to mean?“ he ask offended.
A fair question, actually. You knew damn well he didn't deserve this. But you felt so damn distraught with everything, because...because in that moment the realisation that everything that became important to you and everyon you cared about might soon stop being a part of your life struck hard at you, making you frustrated, mad, but most of all, sad.
Downing your drink you look back at him „It means nothing. I'm just... tired, so think I'll just call it a night. Good night, Cloud, and happy birthday again.“
You grab your stuff waving goodbye to Tifa and Barret on your way out, but Cloud's words make you stop as you pass him „So that's how it will be? Back to playing the avoid game again?“
You really didn't have the strenght for this kind of conversation with him now, just wanting to drag yourself back to your place, hide under the covers, shut the world out and pretend, for tonight at least, that everything is still as it was.
Without turning to look at him you sigh tiredly „No, Cloud, I'm not back at playing that game again. I'm just really, really tired, so please, whatever it is that you want to say, leave it for tomorrow, ok?“
„No?“ you repeat surprised, still not turning to face him.
„You heard me.“
You could clearly distinguish determination in his voice, you got to know him well enough to realise when his stubborness was in play and he wasn't about to let you off the hook that easy. But this definitely wasn't the right time for that trait of his to emerge, it just made you frustrated more.
„Cloud, if you ever walued us and our friendship, then heed my words, and just leave it until tomorrow.“ The tone of your voice was like ice, but you wanted to make sure he understands, before he makes you say something you might regeret instantly.
„Yeah, well sorry, can't do that.“
„Why? Why can't you? Why you have to be so damn stubborn?!“ you snap turning to look at him now, not paying attention to the curious and worrying looks from Tifa and Barret.
„Because this isn't you!“ he snaps back standing up from the stool. „Because until now, you've always let me help you, and for some unknown reason this time you won't! So, no, I won't wait till tomorrow, I want to know now what the hell is going on! What have I done that you keep avoiding me like I'm radioactive or something?“
„You did nothing, and that's the thing!“ you scream back unable to control yourself any longer, all those emotions you kept suppressed all this time erupting to surface. He was taken aback by what you said, with confusion clearly readable on his face as he definitely wasn't expecting that kind of an answer from you.
Closing your eyes you take few deep breaths to calm down a bit. So this is it then, the point of no return. It was time to finally admit your feelings to him and put the rest in Fates hands.
„You did nothing“ you repeat calmer with trembling voice lowering your head „And at the same time, you did everything.“
„I... I don't und...“ he starts saying, but you ignore him and continue.
„Ever since the day we met I felt drawn to you. I don't know why, but there was something that made me want to, no, need to get close to you. And it only got worse as we did. That need turned into craving and you became like a drug to me, turning my life into a living hell. I thought of leaving and running as far away as possible from here, from you, so manny times, but I always ended giving up that thought. I became so addicted to you that I'd rather stay and suffer in silence than leave.“
You had no clue what was going through his mind right now, you dared not to look at his face, not until you say all that you wanted.
„But when I kissed you today, that changed everything. I've opened the doors that can't be shut anymore. I'm in agony, Cloud, and it's eating me up inside. Just being close to you started to hurt so damn much and I can't go on like this anymore. I can no longer play this game, driving myself crazy wondering if that unexpected touch of your hand against mine was really that, unexpected; or if, when I catch you watching me from the other end of the bar and you smile when our eyes meet has some deeper meaning or not, or if I'm just naively imagining something that doesn't even exists at all.“
„I was afraid to say anything out of possibility that what I'm feeling might be one sided, so my defense wall came back up again, pushing you away. And it's not fair to you for me to act this way, so it's time for you to know that I'm in love with you, Cloud, and no matter what I try, I can't change the way I feel.“
The silence that was present in the bar after you finished was almost eerie. You were glad everything was finally out in the open, and although it didn't seem like it, you knew that this was actually the easier part. Now the misery of waiting begins.
Taking one heavy breath you finally lift your head to look at him „There, now you know. But please, I beg you, just let me leave now and say what you want to me tomorrow, because for tonight I really can't deal with anything more.“
You stay standing there for a few moments more before turning your back to him, but as you were about to leave Cloud's voice stops you once again „Do you want to know what I wished for?“
„What?“ you ask incredulous turning back to look at him.
His gaze was fixed on the floor now „When blowing the candles. Do you want to hear what I wished for?“
You laugh in disbelief „Seriously, Cloud? I just poured my soul out to you, and you ask if I want to hear what you wished for when blowing the candles out?“
And he was, dead serious. This whole day was screwed up as it is already, and your sanity was seriously close to the edge of breaking. Exhausted, and just wanting for this torture to end quick, you throw your hands frustratedly in the air „Fine! Please, enlighten me.“
He continues standing there, motionless, his look firmly on the floor, before he finally slowly raise his head to look at you. And that's when you got to see his eyes.
You got lost in those mesmerazing blue Mako eyes a thousand times before, their every little detail indelibly imprinted in your mind. But in this moment, it was like you saw them for the first time. There was unfamilliar glow in them, almost hypnotizing, you had a hard time concentrating on the words that came out from him.
„I wished for you.“
Did he...did you hear him right?
Unsure if it was just a trick of your mind, and being overwhelmed from everything that happened today made you hear what you wanted to and not what he actually said, it took you a moment before your brain got fully functional again.
„I'm sorry, what?“
„Is something wrong with your hearing today?“ he says sarcastically, crossing his arms in front of him
„Apparently.“ You grit through your teeth, not missing the amused tone of his voice. He can be such a dork sometimes, messing with you like this, when your heart was threatening to jump out of your chest from beating so fast. But he was an adorable dork, nonetheless. „Humor me, anyway.“
„All right.“ he says closing those few steps of distance between you two, leaning into your ear.
„What are you doing?“ you ask quizzical leaning backwards a bit so you can look at him.
„Making sure you hear me good this time.“
His warm breath on your neck as he leaned in again sent tingles all over your body, his voice sweetly humming to your ear „I wished for you.“
„Oh.“ was all you managed to breath out, as a sudden rush of heat spread all over you, unsure if it was from all the emotions that were swirling inside you in that moment, or from him being so close, but you were positive your cheeks were red as a lobster and your legs were seriously threatening to give up holding you.
But you still didn't completely believe in his words, unable to let go of the doubt hovering in the back of your mind. Was what he said true or was he just speaking the words you needed to hear to calm you down and stop this drama from continuing any further?
Closing your eyes, you lower your forehead on his shoulder „Please, Cloud, don't toy with my heart like that, not after everything that happened today. Don't give me false hope, just to make me feel better. So, please, don't go telling lies.“
Feeling him place both hands on you, he gently move you from him and look you straight in the eyes „I have never lied to you and I'm not about to start now neither.“
And in that moment, his words and tenderness with which he regarded you dispersed any trace of that doubt. The wave of relief washed over you, your eyes glazing from happines, finally realizing that all your fears were in vain all this time.
Throwing your hands around his neck, you pull him in for a long passionate kiss, and even though you startled him by doing so his hands were soon around you, embracing you tighter, deepening the kiss, until you both got breathless and reluctantly parted.
„So, is everything in the clear now?“ he ask leaning his forehead to yours.
„Almost.“ You reply, and he straightens and give you inquiry look.
„Just been wondering...you could have say all this sooner to me and not wait till the last minute.“
His eyes went wide „Are you kidding me?!“
„No, I'm being serious here.“ you say, mimicking his 'arms-crossing-in-front-of-himself' gesture he so much like to use.
He makes a step back from you „What do you think I've been trying to do all evening? I tried so many times to come and talk to you, but you sure didn't make it an easy task for me! And now you nonchalantly tell me I could say something sooner? I can't believe it!“
His face got so flustered, waving his hands frustratedly all over as he talked, you couldn't keep a straight face any longer. And when he finally noticed you snickering, the stare he gave you was priceless. Deathly, but priceless.
Ok, maybe it was too soon to teas him like this, but when he grunted and crossed his arms in front of him, you just burst with laughter. Giving you incredulous look he shakes his head „You're impossible.“
„Aww, c'mon, don't be mad.“ you grin. „You kinda deserved it for teasing me earlier. And besides, you should know me well enough by now to be expecting something like this from me.“ You grin even harder „And you like me, nonetheless, you can't deny that now.“
Barely managing to hide the smile from his face he raise his eyebrow „Yeah, yeah, luckily for you. And now, if we're done, I believe you owe me a drink. And I could really use one.“
„Were done.“ you say happily and smile.
„Good.“ He leans over the bar to grab the bottle and a glass, then takes you by the hand to the table where Tifa and Barret were sitting.
„Finally!“ Tifa smiles broadly when you two sat down. „It was about time you take some action, Cloud!“
„Not you too, Tifa.“ he sigh and say pleadingly „Can't I just have a drink in peace?“
„Sure, go ahead.“ Barret say then give him a bit threatening look „Just don't forget I need you here tomorrow bright and early, and I expect you to be at your best.“ He stands up carefully not to wake Marlene „'Night y'all.“
„Who made him 'miss sunshine'?“ Cloud say looking after Barret.
„Oh, it's nothing.“ Tifa replies with a laughter. „He's just grumpy because he lost a bet to me.“
„What was the bet?“ he asks reaching for the bottle and pouring drinks for you all.
„Ahm, well, umm... you know what, that's not important.“
It took a moment before it dawned to you why Tifa avoided to give him an answer.
„Tifa!“ you exclaim, and she looks at you. „I expected more from you!“
„Ohhh, sorry Y/N, but it was a sure win, I couldn't miss that chance!“ She winks and grins „And I like taking gil from Barret.“
You both start laughing, when Cloud's annoyed voice made you turn to him „Ehm, hate to interrupt, but care to share?“
Tifa laughs again shaking her head „Oh, Cloud, it's adorable how clueless you sometimes are.“
„Huh?“ Cloud seemed even more confused, his look constantly shifting bewteen you two.
Tifa smiles and stand up, patting him sympathetically on the shoulder walking away.
He turns and look at you questioningly and you smile and give him a quick kiss „Don't worry, blondie, you will figure it out...eventually.“
With his usual hmph, he leans back in his chair and cross his arms in front of him „Whatever.“
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holdin-out-for-a-hero · 3 years ago
Creep- FFVII Biggs X Reader Ch.17
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Warnings: blood, descriptions of wounds
A/N: Sorry it took over a year for an update lol. Ya girl’s been through it. But I promise I will finish this fic this year. There are only two chapters left after this.
The familiar lights of sector 5 came into view. They shone like beacons of hope, sparkling in the dreadful darkness. Relief washed over you at the sight, albeit only for a moment.
Crowds of people were staring up at the sky behind you, pointing, gasping, and whispering to each other; the fear in their eyes was impossible to miss. Children were crying, people were moaning in pain, and worst of all, every gunshot and every explosion carried through the air as if it were right behind you.
"Help! We need a doctor!" One of the neighborhood watch boys shouted.
Some of the crowd turned their eyes to look at your bloody, panicked group. More gasps, more whispers of disbelief, looking at your dear friend like he was some type of sideshow attraction. Some of the parents shielded their children's eyes.
There was blood, so much blood. It dripped onto the dirt below; a puddle began to form. You felt sick.
You tore your eyes away from the sight.
"Is anyone a doctor?!" You shouted, eyes darting through the crowd for someone, anyone to help.
A white coat caught your eye, worn by a man crouching down on the dirt and wrapping bandages around a woman's arm. There were a few other wounded people sitting or lying around the man, but none nearly as urgent as Biggs.
"Hey!" You shouted, pushing through the crowd to reach him, "Doctor!"
The man looked up at you.
"We need your help!" You said.
You grabbed him by the arm before he could reply and dragged him towards your friend. You shoved him the final distance towards Biggs.
He stumbled, but quickly regained his composure as he looked at the source of your commotion.
"Oh my god," the man muttered. There was too much blood, anyone could see that. He placed two fingers on Biggs' neck. You felt your own heart stop as you waited for him to say something, anything.
A woman pushed her way through the crowd. Tan skin, dark curly hair, and glasses; She looked familiar.
"Biggs!" She shouted, running forward to get a better look at him.
She stopped in her tracks and gasped, her eyes wide like saucers at the sight.
"Quick!" She beckoned, "bring him inside!"
She ushered the men into the nearest building: the orphanage. Biggs had taken you there many times before. It always felt so warm and full of life, but this time was different. The children all crowded around the windows, oddly silent.
They all turned to look as the doors bust open, a group of men carrying a bloody, limp form up the nearest staircase. The face of the man was hidden from most of the children, who were either too short to see past the men's heads or had their eyes covered by one of the caretakers.
Except for one little girl. Five, maybe six years old, who just happened to be on the stairs as the men were going up. Her face grew pale at the sight, and her lip began to quiver.
"Biggs?" She asked.
The rest of the kids heard it.
Gasps, questions, shouts, and cries erupted before any of the caretakers could stop it. Children rushed forward, following you and the group of men up the stairs. Most were pulled back by the caretakers, but not without a struggle. The children were nearly impossible for the small staff to contain, and a few stragglers made it to the second floor.
The woman pushed a door open and held it for the men, who rushed inside. They dropped Biggs on the small cot, clearly made for a child, and the doctor made quick work cutting off his bloody shirt.
Everything was happening around you so fast you couldn't keep up with it all. The room felt like a whirlwind, people rushing past you, running in all directions; it was dizzying. The doctor shouted orders to the watch members quicker than you could process them. You could hardly process anything at all.
Your mouth felt dry, incredibly dry. And every time you swallowed, the lump in your throat nearly choked you.
"Is he gonna be ok?" You asked.
The doctor didn't look up from his work, and neither did any of the neighborhood watch members. It was as if you hadn't said anything at all. And yet you waited, unable to breathe until you received your answer.
"I don't know," the doctor finally answered, continuing his work without a second thought.
Your eyes locked on Biggs' abdomen. With his shirt now gone, you could see his wounds on full display. A gash, a bullet hole, both oozing fresh blood. There was dried blood everywhere.
You couldn't stop staring at it. The sight of the still bleeding wounds scared you to death. He had already lost so much blood, and yet you were afraid that if he stopped bleeding, that would mean his heart had finally stopped. So you watched the blood, it bubbled at a steady pace, fluctuating with every beat of his heart.
A hand grabbed at your arm gently; the woman. She gave a small sad smile. And without a word, she led you out of the room.
She closed the door quietly behind her, ushering away the children who had managed to sneak upstairs against the staff's wishes. She scolded them quietly and told them not to talk to the other kids about what they saw. A request she knew would not be fulfilled.
She turned back to you, the same unconvincing smile on her lips as she whipsered, "Let's get you cleaned up."
Her hand wrapped around your wrist, giving a slight squeeze as she led you to the bathroom. The gesture, although kind, made you feel like a child in trouble.
Pushing the door open, she led you inside the small communal bathroom. Then, she crouched down to search through the cupboard under the sink.
You took a step towards the mirror, finally taking in your own appearance. It was then that you understood why she dragged you in; you likely would scare the children.
Your face was covered with sweat and dirt, black mascara had pooled under your eyes and run down your face, and worst of all, trails of blood caked your skin. It was his, you realized. His blood was all over your face.
You reached a shaky hand up to touch it. Some of it flaked off with the pressure, the brown flecks falling into the sink.
"My name's Folia," the woman said, moving beside you to wet the washcloth. You snapped out of your trance and looked at her.
"I'm-" you started
"Y/N, right?" She cut you off.
"How did you know?"
"He talks about you all the time to the kids," she said, giving you a smile that faded into nothing as she wrung the cloth. The mention of him made both of you grow silent.
She took your face in one hand and started dabbing at the blood with the washcloth. It came off your skin with relative ease, and so did the dirt. The mascara was a little bit difficult, but it came off eventually. And then she was done.
She took the washcloth under the sink again, washing away the stains.
"What all did he say about me?" You asked quietly.
"Don't worry, It was all good," she gave a small laugh, "he really seemed to have a thing for you."
The lump in your throat grew and your vision went blurry. The lights in the room looked like starbursts.
"Were the two of you ever... Y'know, together?" She asked.
You quickly shook your head no, a tear sliding down your face.
"Hey, don't lose hope just yet. He's a fighter, a real stubborn one too."
You huffed out a small laugh.
"You're right about that," you said, wiping the tears away. "What about you? How did you know him?"
"He was my teacher when I used to stay here as a kid... more like the older brother I never had. He was the whole reason I wanted to become a teacher."
Another solemn beat of silence.
It occurred to you that he had touched everyone's lives that he was a part of. He brought joy, comfort, humor, intelligence, strength, guidance, and solidarity to so many people. What a selfless man he was, spending all his spare time and paychecks on the kids at the leaf house, like a modern day saint.
It made you wonder, how could a man like him fall in love with you? And how on earth is if fair that his life could be taken so easily?
No, You shook your head.
He wasn't dead yet. He wasn't dead yet. He still had hope.
He was in the safest place you knew of, all things considered, and being treated with the best care a citizen of the slums could ask for.
There was nothing more you could do to help him. Whether he lived or died, that was up to Gaia.
Your friends were still on the pillar, though. And you couldn't live with yourself if something happened to them. Jessie, Wedge, Barrett, Tifa, and even Cloud. They were still fighting. Even though the battle was clearly lost...
You had to go get them.
You looked back at Folia, who was wringing out the wet washcloth, and mustered up the courage to tell her.
"Look,” you exhaled, “I really want to stay and look after Biggs, but I've got to make sure my friends in Sector 7 are ok."
Folia stopped what she was doing and stood frozen as she looked back at you, reading your expression.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" She asked, “I heard it's like a war zone out there, and the plate could fall any minute."
"I can't just stay here and wait for it to happen," you said, “They could be hurt, just like Biggs.”
Folia's brows knit together as she looked down at the cracked linoleum tiles. 
"What if you don't come back?" She looked up at you, "When he wakes up, the first thing he's gonna do is ask for you."
You bit your lip, there was nothing more you wanted than to be by his side if he woke up. You'd do anything to stay with him. But you wouldn't, no, you couldn't, just leave your friends.
You couldn't shake the images of them in your head, images of them riddled with bullets, slumped against the pillar, covered in blood. Just like Biggs.
"I know...," you looked Folia in the eye, "But I need them to be safe too. If something happened to them, I don't know what I'd do."
Folia shut her eyes and sighed, she knew you weren't going to be persuaded.
"I understand. If you've got to go, I'll stay here and make sure the doctor doesn't need anything."
"Thank you," you said, turning to leave the bathroom. But before you could leave, Folia caught your wrist.
"You better come back," she said, her gaze was intense, "He needs you."
You nodded to her.
"I'll come back. I promise."
She let go of your wrist.
You hurried out the hall and down the stairs,  brushing past the confused children crowded in the lobby. Little hands tried to grab at you, and little voices tried to ask how Biggs was, but you weee too quick. You made it out the door before they could get to you.
You looked up in the sky. The plate was still there. There was still time.
But then you felt something. Something bad, something wrong.
The ground shook beneath you, and a deafening rumble echoed through the streets.
Your heart sank.
You could only stand and stare as the sector seven plate fell from the sky and crumbled to the ground, in large, flaming chunks.
What couldn't have been more than a minute felt like a lifetime as you watched each piece of debris descend upon the city below...
Then came the wave of dust.
You managed to break free from your trance and run back into the leaf house just before it hit you. As soon as you turned around, the windows had become fully clouded over.
You placed a hand on the glass, trying to look past the endless sea of brown. It was pointless, you couldn't see anything, and yet you couldn't tear your eyes away, trying to find any figure, any silhouette in the fog.
Your friends weren't in there, right?
They had gotten out, right?
If there was one thing you knew about them, though, is they'd rather die fighting then sit back and watch this happen, so the answer was quite clear...
You suddenly felt lightheaded, your mouth incredibly dry, and a lead weight in your heart.
Folia rushed down the stairs, stopping in front of the window only for a moment before running to console the screaming kids.
Weird, it was only then you noticed the kids crying. You didn't notice anything happening around you. And even now, you still felt disconnected from it all. Chaos was unfolding all around you, and yet it didn't feel real. Nothing felt real.
Brown splotches were taking over your vision, and you grabbed onto the chair next to you, your hands shaking as they guided you to sit down. It was only then you realized how quick your breathing had gotten.
You leaned forward, trying to increase the bloodflow in your brain. Shutting your eyes, you took a couple deep breaths. They didn't come very easy, so you counted each inhale and exhale, just like Biggs had taught you.
All your friends were dead.
Inhale ...1...2...3...4
Barrett, Wedge, Cloud,
Jessie and Tifa
Your eyes shot open.
It couldn't be... she couldn't be...
Your breathing regressed back into a shallow, ragged mess, like someone or something was crushing your chest, breaking each and every rib in the process. You gasped for air, tears pricking at your eyes.
"Y/N!" A voice shouted, and footsteps rushed towards you. You didn't look up, you couldn't. Any sudden movement and you'd surely pass out.
"Y/N, you gotta breathe," the woman said, kneeling down to your level and taking your hands into her own. You recognized the voice; Folia, “Hey, look, breathe with me."
"Breathe in..." she instructed, you sucked in a quick breath, "Hold..."
Your lungs felt like they were on fire.
"Breathe out..." she said calmly, you quickly expelled the air out of your mouth, "Breathe in... hold... breathe out."
"Marlene," you managed to spit out, "I-I think Marlene was still in there."
She froze, you could feel it.
She must have recognized the name; Biggs probably brought her up all the time.
She didn't say anything, instead she sat down on the chair beside you, dropping her own heard into her hands as the full weight of the realization hit her. 
And with that, you fell back into your fit of sobs, crying for your friends, crying for your family, crying like your life fucking depended on it.
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demialwrites · 10 months ago
Former AVALANCHE/Turk Reader x ff7
HCs for when they find out you used to be the enemy.
Barret - Turk Reader
Pre AC (Advent Children)
You might think it's automatic breakup, but it depends on how long you've been together
It's especially favorable for you if you've been along for the hunt for Sephiroth for a while without betraying the group to Shinra
You and Vincent make a good team when it comes to espionage against the Turks and Shinra, especially since you'll have more up-to-date info than Vincent. It gives Barret great satisfaction to stick it to 'em
Sometimes he has doubts about you but he feels guilty and will probably admit to it and apologize during a moment of rest
If you helped drop the plate, it's over. Let the man cry. He's gonna carry on with the adventure
Post AC
Again, it depends on how long you've been together
Huge, huge bonus points if Marlene has taken to you. Because then it's a break from her, as well. He really wants stability for her
He'll have a really hard time justifying continuing the relationship if you were involved in dropping the plate, especially since that means you were hiding it until now
If he breaks up with you, his heart is just as broken as yours
Rufus Shinra - AVALANCHE Reader
Pre AC
It's likely that he'll break up with you unless you can prove you've got something useful for him
If you can help track AVALANCHE, minor brownie points
He's very slow to trust a romantic partner so dropping this truth on him will probably put him in a sour mood and he may lash out a bit. Or he may just go cold and shut you out
His presidency has not gone well and he doesn't want more stress and uncertainty
If he hasn't done that, and you have some of the necessary skills, perhaps he'll have you join the Turks. He can keep an eye on you better. You can slowly earn his trust back. If you get hurt this way, he'll get angry at himself
Post AC
It doesn't matter as much what you did before
It matters more that you're committed to helping him with his current projects
You should make an effort to get along with his Turks, though
Major bonus points if you were around while he was sick with geostigma
If he has any lingering doubts, be patient and he may eventually try to talk it out with you
Tseng - AVALANCHE Reader
Pre AC
When you tell him, it's clear he's feeling some kind of way: angry, sad, or conflicted. Maybe all three? But the silence stretches so long that it's uncomfortable and you wish you were arguing loudly instead
It's not that he wants to breakup with you but he doesn't feel like his life is his, so he leaves without confirming either way
It's a dick move and he knows it. However, he can't leave well enough alone. He keeps tabs on you from afar, hoping something changes and he can try to come back
Post AC
He is surprised you want to stay with him. After Shinra collapsed, there's much less for him to offer you (he definitely took a pay cut). And most of his time is spent helping Rufus
Give it time and these boys (and Elena) will probably realize there's more to life than living how things were before Meteorfall
If someone who used to be a part of an organization that opposed Shinra wants to be with him, perhaps it'll give him the courage to open up about why he's repressed most of his feelings for so long
There's clearly sadness and shame inside and if you're lucky, you can help him through it
Tifa - Turk Reader
Pre AC
She's more lenient than Barret but she also can't abandon her found family if they reject you, saying they don't trust you
She can recall all the good memories you've had together, squeeze your hands, and ask you to wait for her
It's a tearful farewell, with you wishing you could come along and help, even if just to support her. She's strong but she's also got a weak side that you want to protect
If you can convince them to let you tag along, she will eventually convince them to be friendly. After saving the world, they'll become your found family, too
Post AC
She may be distant for a while, busying herself with her bar
If her long-time friend, Cloud, refuses to have anything to do with you, she's torn but
She'll come around eventually if you prove that you don't have any bad intentions and intend to stick by her
If you want the same things as her in a relationship, you've found your best girl for life. Work with her at the bar until you retire
Reno - AVALANCHE Reader
Pre AC
Reno's response is most likely to continue the relationship mostly because "why the fuck not?" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ He's already this deep
If he gets caught, he'll get in trouble, so he's extra careful when meeting up with you. He was already being discreet so he gets extra sneaky
He does tell Rude, reluctantly. Since Rude was taken advantage of by an active AVALANCHE member in Before Crisis, he's very skeptical that this is a good idea
Step a toe out of line, however, and it's over. Reno isn't going to go against his boss and his best friend
Fights extra recklessly for a while because the man is upset
Post AC
Honestly, who gives a fuck? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think the most he'll feel is a little guilty. He knows what he's done over his lifetime
He'll be curious how you can reconcile having been part of AVALANCHE and then switch to dating a Turk
When you explain that AVALANCHE could sometimes be just as violent as the Turks, it eases his conscious but only a little
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xxwitchylanexx · 1 day ago
No Plot Left Behind
Rebirth Retold Chapter 12
Heavy spoilers for the Mount Corel Area Some dialog taken right from the game to stay canon
“What’s up with you?” Your feet wobbled unsteady, your back leg catching on an unstable patch of gravel nearly bringing you to the ground, as you looked to the hand that pushed you then traced along the slender arm up to the eyes of the perpetrator. Aerith, obviously, looked at you with curious eyes that swirled like the changing hues of Costa Del Sol’s aqua waters framed by her perfect chestnut bangs. “You look,” she scrunched her nose, the tip wiggling a bit as well, as she debated the right word to describe you, “distracted, almost dreamy.”
You puffed a sharp sigh as you pinched the bridge of your nose. You were growing annoyed at yourself for letting your head wander so much, and as a result you were growing sloppy. “Sorry. I didn’t sleep much last night.” Which was true. How could you? When his eyes haunted you, lurking when everyone else was preoccupied causing goosebumps to break out along your flushed skin and every nerve burst into flame. Even long after your lids had closed for the night they haunted you, your subconscious replaying the whole interaction over and over again leaving you on the precipice of madness.
You could still feel his warm breath fanning against your face as his fingers twisted in the sensitive locks at the base of your neck, his burning stare unwavering from your parted lips. The minty taste of him still coated your tongue and your thighs grew slick as you recalled the vibrations from his husky groan that rumbled from his chest into yours as he pressed you back into the gritty bricks behind you. He left no stone untouched as he stole the very air from your lungs, invoking thunder itself as little bolts of electricity shot through every finger and every toe. And, gods, how you wanted to rock yourself against the half hard length pressing into your inner thigh as he absentmindedly dug his hips into yours.
Those heavenly irises honing in on you like you were tonight's dinner and he had you right where he wanted you before pushing off you, clearly satisfied with himself as that devilish smirk painted against his pretty lips, leaving you simmering hotter than any hell fire Ifirit could conjure.
You weren't sure what pissed you off more: him riling you up and leaving you high and dry or that you were losing to pain in the ass, overly cautious, ex-soldier Cloud- fucking -Strife. And you couldn’t have that.
“Well, sharpen up.” The one and only barked only adding to your fury as the corner of his lip quirked up. Cocky son of a bitch. Your nostrils flared as you swallowed thickly. “Time to get to work.”
Your narrowed irises flicked up to the impending heights you’d soon be climbing through, and as much as you yearn to turn the tides back in your favor, the dumb asshole had a point. You had to return to the reason why they were journeying in the first place, and a treacherous unmaintained mountain is not where you’d want to be caught off guard.
Truth be told, you’ve never had to take this route in any of your travels. Corel was an optional stop to the saucer now that there were easier highways to the resort. You had thought about in once, when you caught a glance at its signs for a scenic hiking trail, but the jagged inclines of impenetrable rock, and the decaying trees that were ripped from the earth- roots and all- deterred you from the endeavor. It didn't help that the very first facility at the entrance was a heap of broken down stone with rusted wires and bent signs around it. You'd pass on the tetanus.
You were thankful that your career has been incredibly successful and that your clients were more than happy to shell out the money for the luxury train that ran through this mountain from the seaport right to the ground elevator of the ‘happiest place on Gaia’. Hell, on a few occasions, where time was of the essence, you’ve even been flown there from Junon’s airport. You wondered if Bill had helped your clientele find alternative trainers in your leave of absence or if they were all still waiting for your return to the theme park.
So anyway, you were not the slightest bit surprised the lifts had a huge out of order side against the side of its coppered tin walls, not that you’d have trusted it. “Out of Service.” Red’s full and resonant cadence read of the sign that everyone was staring at.
“So we gotta walk?” Aerith asked with an exasperated disappointment.
“Ah, you’ll be fine!” Yuffie dismissed loudly her voice a tad to condescending for your liking. “Fresh air, nice view…!” She continued as she stretched her arms far above her head. Sure it’s not a big deal for some of you, but from your understanding Aerith hasn’t exactly had a lot of experience, and hiking a full mountain is taxing even on seasoned travelers, yet here she was proudly running her mouth completely oblivious to how rude she sounded.
“The view ain’t all that.” Barret interjected, his eyes strained on the rock above him. “Not unless you enjoy starin’ at ruined reactors.” You peeked at him from the side taking note at the underlying sorrow in his tone. His face was set in stone but his clenched jaw and fisted hand gave it away that he was clearly distressed. His eyes lost their usual luster and in its wake were hardened darker pools of charcoal showing everything he’d never say; grief, and self-condemnation.
“Right…” Tifa drawled slowly weighing her words carefully to avoid upsetting him further. “You grew up around here, didn’t you?”
He brushed past her, ignoring her question altogether, and stalked towards the gate leaving the rest of you to stare after him. “Let’s get a move on.” He called back though it lack his usual bravado.
Cloud surged into motion after him without a word with you close in tow.
You could relate, if only a little. It was difficult to talk about the past especially if you were trying to atone for past crimes. If that was Barret’s experience as well then this homecoming could be one of the hardest things he may have to face. He’ll talk about it when he’s ready.
However, Yuffie, bless her soul, seemed to be completely oblivious to his torment as she excitedly ran circles around everyone to get up in Cloud’s face and waving her arms frantically- needlessly- to grab his attention. He huffed as his boots dug into the ground to avoid crashing into you, his arms crossing across his chest and brow scrunched together in annoyance.
“Hey, Cloud! Materia’s like… super-condensed mako or something right?”
“Yeah.” He deadpanned.
“So… that means, wherever we find mako… we’ll find materia too!” She pushed passed him, no longer interested in his answer, and ran passed Barret to the entrance only calling back with glee. “Alright! Timeout’s over, team! Let’s go!” A punch to the air punctuated her excitement as she got caught up in her own desire for materia.
Yuffie could be a real pain in the ass, but watching as Barret shuffled after her to explain how group dynamics worked brought a slow lazy smile spread across your face. Her natural ability to ease the weigh off other people is her true talent, and you hoped that whatever future lies ahead doesn't dim her shine. Plus free entertainment was hard to find. You bet your ass that you'd pick up your pace just to stay close enough to hear them bickering.
“What? So does that mean I gotta run everything by you first?” She inquired.
“Yep.” He emphasized the pop on the p to make a point.
“So, that’s the game… fine. Permission to sing, sir?” She sang earnestly.
“Permission to scratch my back, sir? Permission to blow my nose? Oh, so tired… whoops! Didn’t get permission to yawn yet! Well? Do I get permission or not?” She asked back to back not even letting him get a word in, not that you think he deserved it. He laid that trap for himself.
“Sure,” He said as sweetly as humanly possible for him, “you can do it while you’re warmin’ the bench.” You chuckled, drawing the attention to the blonde beside you. When your eyes met an idea struck you: if he wanted to play then you’d play. You took a step to the right so you walked side by side, close enough that your hand could ghost along the wrinkled leather of his gloves. You watched the drag of his eyes travel down to your hands, the gears in his head turning as he fell for your trap. You could almost feel how strongly how much he wanted to take your hand in his own, and just when he gave into the desire you stepped away giving him a coy smile and a playful wink.
“That’s an abuse of power! Tyrant! Tyrant!” Your head turned sharply at the sound of Yuffie screeching. “Tifa, tell me your secret. How do you put up with this jerkface?”
You hadn't heard Aerith in sometime so instead of listening to the trio any longer, no matter how much you wanted to, you stopped and searched for the Cetra, your eyes softening as you saw the clear exhaustion plastered on her face. She was at the very back near Red who stayed patiently by her side as her feet were stumbling and slipping against the loose gravel. You waited till they nearly crested the hill where you were waiting to grab her hand, and help hoist her up. Her eyes were swimming with gratitude as she looked up at you, mumbling a quiet thank you as she dusted the dirt off her skirt.
You decided to linger around her in case she needed anymore assistance, and in doing so you had adequate time to really take in the scenery. The walkways began to taper off little by little as you scaled on. The loose grit smoothed down to dry dirt and sharp slabs bulging from beneath with winding pine roots trying to unearth themselves to find fertile soil. The foliage that peppered the ground were so brittle and frail that they nearly crumbled under your touch.
Places like these- locations with reactors- all have similar environments. The Planet’s energy is being sucked up right from its core and distributed to the bustling resorts, and thriving towns. Yet the forests, and plains show the damage. The desert around the Saucer for example, or the highway running between Midgar and Kalm. Yet no one but you ever seems to feel its’ pain.
You’ve been called crazy, understandably so, since you'd learned that most people cant feel or see the lifestream, and honestly you felt insane too. You had been deemed a failure in Shinra’s eyes but you've accepted that these abilities were probably the result of Hojo’s experiment, and with them comes the burden- the weight- of feeling its’ pain yet having no power to help.
You like to think that all of the lucent blue whisps that appeared to guide you in your darkest hours led you here, and now that its led you here. To a path you could do something to make a difference. To people who are willingly embracing you despite your reprehensible past.
You took a moment to catch your breath after climbing the top of a particularly steep crag and held out a hand to assist Aerith again. The two of you shared a look, giggling sheepishly, then you took a glimpse at the nice flat rest stop just ahead. And when you say rest stop you mean a decaying wooden bench and an old vending machine that flickered eerily however it did appear to be functional.
“Hey!” You called to the four in their own little group. “Aerith needs a break.”
Tifa turned first and immediately paced over to lend a hand regardless of you waving her off. “I’d say. You’re beat red.” She fussed as she held her hand to Aerith’s forehead.
“Sorry,” Aerith panted, “my legs’re killin’ me.”
“Let’s rest here.” Cloud declared with his eyes completely and wholly on you that swirled with a needless concern. You offered him an awkward thumbs up from your spare hand as you led Aerith to the bench.
“But, if we stop now, the materia-” Yuffie said with the slip of her tongue, “I mean the mystery men might slip away!” You rolled your eyes at her one track mind. Her obsession for materia was certainly annoying at times. “Hey I know what to do!” She proclaimed as she jumped up and moved into action. She was running up the path onwards with nothing but an explanation as she ran off. “I’ll go on ahead, and scout the area for us! You guys can catch up later. See ya!”
“Catch up later my ass!” Barret grumbled as he took off after her.
Tifa looked between Aerith and Barret as she hesitated who she should stick with. “I think I better go keep an eye on them.” She said as she worried her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked to Cloud for confirmation. “Barret’s not himself right now, y’know?”
Cloud nodded in agreement. “I know.”
“Take your time, okay?” She said as she pushed off her knees to a stand, giving Aerith one last assessment prior to dashing off with her boots crunching into the ground in search of Barret until she was no longer in sight.
And just like that it was the four of you sitting in the comfortable silence as Aerith caught her breath. After awhile the ground you had been staring at faded to a blur as you were swept into a moment of dissociation until a pair of black boots ground into your line of sight. You gaze flickered upwards to the man who adorned them, who was no doubt already searching for any signs of distress.
“What about you?” He inquired.
“I'm good.” You shrugged trying to play it cool. “Not my first mountain.” And it wasn't, but climbing and helping Aerith was proving to be quite grueling.
“Right.” He spoke absentmindedly his scrutiny swirling with mismatched emotions stayed fixated on you. You knew he could see straight through you, and it was both heartwarming and infuriating. “Just say somethin’ if you need a break.”
Alas nothing good came from your vulnerability and challenged ego. “Oh please, like you could keep up with me.” Would you ever be able to keep your mouth shut? Aerith ooooed beside you buying into your false bravado and eager to see the events that may unfold between the two of you.
“We’ll see.” He goaded. The sly smirk at the corner making you want to kiss the smugness right off his face and yet you missed it as he faced the next hurdle you'd have to cross. “Breaks over. Let’s go.”
You were pretty sure time stopped as the minutes turned to hours. Your thighs were burning with every step forward and your lungs equally uncomfortable as the air grew thinner. Your palms were aching with each ledge you've had to pull yourself on, and nails cracked from holding on with all the strength you had. Was this mountain particularly wicked or were you starting to decline? Poor Aerith really must be dying.
You were so focused between aiding her and surviving yourself you hadn’t realized Cloud had stopped until you’d walked right into his chest, eyes going wide as the intensity of his half lidded eyes stared down at you. “Shit. Sorry.” The words sounded heavy, sluggish, to your own ears. Why is it he can make your brain liquidate with just a heated stare?
“Can’t keep up?” He asked his attention flickering down to your parted lips. Maybe he wasn’t as unaffected as you thought.
“Some of us are trying to be helpful.” You shot back. You were practically giddy when the light in his eyes grew darker as they traced the way you tongue swiped over your bottom lip. You pushed at his chest to create some space before the others caught on then turned back to check on your friend. “Doing okay, Aerith?” Your voice the poster for a concerned ally.
“Yep! Feel great! I could do this all day!” She cheered, but the way her legs scuffed the gravel said otherwise. At least she still had some spirit.
“You’ve become one with the mountain.” Red explained just pace behind her.
“Say what?” You asked, the edges of your mouth curling into an amused smile.
“Really?! Thanks mountain!” Aerith exclaimed as she charged forward after Cloud, who hadn’t waited for the rest of you to begin scaling up the scaffolding. You smirked fully knowing what he was trying to hide from sight.
“The hell are you doing, Red?” Cloud asked only sparing Red a quick glance over his shoulder. Your thighs clenched. Down at the base of the cliff you had the perfect angle to stare up the his firm muscles flexing each time he climbed a ledge, or perfect glimpse of his ass as he heaved himself over the top.
“Relax. It happens to all new climbers. “If she passes out, I’ll carry her.” Red reassured him.
Red twisted his head back at your fountain of laughter with a growly rumbling from his chest. Oh, he’s serious. It only made you laugh harder. You could only picture him chewing on her dress while somehow balancing himself on two feet just climb the rock. You had to bite your bottom lip to stop it. “You that strong Red? I had no idea.” Once again laughter tried to overtake you as Red hung by his front paws, his claws anchored deep in the rocky ledge, as his back feet kicked off the side to rocket himself higher only yo sink his nails into the next ledge. It’s not funny. It shouldn’t be funny. Gods he's gonna hate you.
By the time you finally settled enough to climb the wall yourself the others were already trailing down the next chunk. It was odd to see them trust so blindly that you were still behind them. A true trust in your abilities for sure. You paused a second to watch the others move on without giving it a second thought to look back for you.
At the top a gloved hand waited to help pull you up and your heart stuttered in your chest. He waited for you.
With a heave you stood toe to toe. “Thanks for waiting.” You reached up to brush your thumb along his cheekbone.
“You okay?” He asked just above a whisper as he leaned into your touch like he'd missed the feeling from the day prior.
Your other hand tangled in his tank to pull him down to your height. You smooth lips just barely brushing against his chapped ones. “Now I am.” You confessed before pressing just that one centimeter closer to meet him, your mouth melting perfectly against him, and warm fireworks boomed all throughout your body. Turns out, you missed it too.
All the lighthearted fun came to a end in the aftermath of the Turks surprise parting gift. Two tons of flying steel shooting bullets and bombs at each one of you, and when it hadn't succeeded it switched to scorching fire or squashing you flat. It even burned a whole in your favorite boots. But, things didn’t turn sour until after it had been dealt with.
You found it unsettling that the Turks were also following the robed men. Were they hunting Sephiroth as well or were they after something else? Hojo also holds a special interest in. What did Shinra know about them that your ragtag group doesn’t?
Your apprehension didn't dwindle either, even after you met up with Tifa and crew. In fact the remnants of the old reactor only heightened your discomfort. You hoped beyond the most desperate prayer that the creaking grates held under your weight. A person could get mako poisoning just from breathing it in let alone falling into it.
The aftereffects of the explosion was horrifying even after all these years. Shinra hadn't even bothered themselves to clean up the debris. Pipes dangled precariously by a thread, hunks of ruined machinery falling through any cracks as the ground shook, and gaping holes in the walkways that you could easily fall through if you weren't paying attention. And the smell. It smelled like the babbling Brooks and a soothing breeze blowing across the summer trees and all things that life was made from. But it was twisted with an overwhelming pungent solvent mixed in. The effect on you was immediate. Pain blossomed behind your temples and your head felt pressurized yet faint. Your pulse pounded so clearly in your ears that you nearly believed you had gone deaf. To think that your developing body was submerged in this for months.
The merging of all things from the lifestream, and this man made atrocity was mans way of defiling the very laws of life itself. To drill into something so sacred should be impermissible yet the masses gather round and actually thank them. For what? Convenience? Luxury? What good would any of it be if life were to cease to exist and the Planet to run dry.
“Hey…” Yuffie’s voice droned on in the background, “so, what’s the deal with all these creepy hooded guys anyway?”
That was a question you had been meaning to ask as well. You were fortunate to have avoided them until now. You'd seen them in the distance as they ambled their way to Junon, and you were asleep on the ship when everything went down. Your skin crawled in their proximity. Their aura pulsated in greasy black waves with only one specific order whispering from their empty husks. Reunion. A sickening chill ran down the length of your spine.
“They’re Shinra’s victims.” Barret answered. That tracks.
“Huh…” She paused looking out. l towards the green pool. “Well, they’re in good company. I’ll give 'em that.”
“How do you figure?” Tifa turned to ask.
”When Shinra invaded Wutai it was… Pretty bad.” Yuffie kicked absentmindedly at some debris at her feet. “They leveled towns, killed thousands. And when the dust settled, they forced some bs truce on us.” She retold her story with a far off look that you've worn from time to time. Reliving the flickers of brutality came to easy when you're growing in the middle of it.
“I thought both sides wanted a cease fire.” Barret asked hoping to shed some light on the wars other side.
“The old geezers at the top did, yeah, but the rest of us were pissed!” Her fist met her palm. “They’d been running Wutai into the ground for years!” She yelled as she threw her hands up. “It was the last straw- we were done! Everyone was ready to kick those old parts to the curb. And that’s when Colonel Lodbrok’s team showed up. Three ex-soldiers ready to join the cause!” Your ears perked at the mention. Curious that not one, but three, soldier to defect to Wutai. Seems rather fishy, no?
“Who’d you say?” Cloud interjected as he walked from the back of the group.
Yuffie whirled towards him. “Lodbrok! His squad saved Wutai from those senile old fossils- paved the way forward! They didn’t do it alone though. While the colonel’s crew was rallin’ the people, their friend Viceroy Sarruf agreed to help. Then bam! Revolution. And that is how the interim government was born.” You'd never paid much mind to current events during the times of war. Not when you were fighting your own beneath the plate, and once you broke free you'd spent so much time wandering from place to place to stay hidden you never thought to read up on it. You knew more about the war with the Republic than this one which was kinda embarrassing, really.
“Revolution, huh? Y'all did good!” You snorted as Barret praised the young ninja. She beamed up at with a smile so bright with a childlike laughter as she soaked up the compliments. You forget she’s just a kid, sometimes.
“But… Why the interim?” Aerith asked from the side, her hand trailing through her bangs.
“Because, once this war with Shinra is behind us, the whole country’s gonna come together and decide what kinda government we want. Which is why we’re doing everything we can to make sure the interim ends in independence. Pretty cool, right?” She punched the air with her peculiar ‘ha ha ha’ that she does when she’s excited. And odd tick, but you all had your idiosyncrasies. Then she dashed off calling back at you. “Gonna stand there? Let’s get goin’!” You shook your head, but began to follow after her nonetheless.
But she was fast, and you didn't dare to leave Aerith’s side. You were sure she was doing just fine, but you wanted to be there just in case. In the lack of conversation and Yuffie’s exuberant presence breathing down your neck the ambiance quickly soured with the robes’ miserable groans taking point.
They were identical in most ways. All colorless skin, sunken eyes, and hooded cloaks. You couldn't make out any identifiable features. Well, maybe if you got closer, but you wanted as much space between them as possible. You were scared one touch would be all it took for their curse to grab hold and pull you down into its foreign clutches.
Did they feel pain? Their agonizing moans sounded like they came straight from the gates of hell, but if there was no consciousness, no host soul, who was in there to feel it?
Who were they all? Were they employees of Shinra, volunteers, or were they taken right off the streets and what experiment were they trying to perfect to have gone as badly as this. And lastly, how did it all link back to Sephiroth?
Your foot slipped out from under you and your hand snapped up to grip harshly at the railing beside you praying it wouldn't come loose. Relief washed over you that no one had seen you, it would’ve have suicide for your image, as you caught your breath. You straightened up and released your chokehold on the rusty tube beside you only for your wrist to be ensnared in a vice grip from behind. Your blood ran cold as the others walked on ahead.
You spun around quickly to frantically claw at his hand growing more desperate with each attempt. Why wont he let go?! “An..dy…” His mumbled words were filled with so much sorrow that it nearly broke your heart. His other hand outstretched towards your cheek. “Andro…meda.”
You ceased all attempts to break free as static took over the channel on your brain. What did he say?
Your arm was harshly ripped from his grip and your entire body pulled inti the firm planes of Cloud’s chest, your feet trembling as you stumbled back into him. Cloud was saying something in your ear an inquiry of sorts, but you were now hyper focused on the man in front of you. At first nothing stood out except the number 88 tattooed alongside his jaw like the other robed men, but the longer your eyes remained you could start to see what he once looked like. Salt and pepper hair that was thinning around his hairline, deep crinkles around his almond eyes like he had smiled a lot with the accompanying laugh lines that now looked out of place. Thin and cracked lips but arched at the top, and indentations on the bridge of his button nose like he wore glasses at one time. For a second you thought you'd seen a glint in his eyes like for just one mere second he had some clarity, but any trace was long gone now.
“Y/n?!” Cloud barked against you as he roughly grabbed your chin to look at you. His eyes were narrowed and sharp, his entire being vibrating with the need to take action. You hadn't meant to scare him so.
You closed your eyes and burrowed into his neck, breathing him in for comfort. “Yeah, sorry. I’m good.” You gave a weak smile to reassure him then stepped back to give him space though his hand stayed open like he hadn’t wanted to let go.
You wouldn't turn back to that shadow now solely focused on steading your legs. You couldn't unpack what just happened yet. Not now. It didn't go unnoticed when Tifa slowed to your side her eyes darting between you and Cloud then back to you as she undoubtedly fret over you. Cloud wasn't any better as he stayed three paces behind you, and didn't let his attention stray once.
You couldn't afford to lose your focus, but his face was burned into your skull. He knew her name. No one knew her name.
Their conversation about mako, and materia was distorted to the whispers in your head. Only when the surface began to bubble did you hear a world shattering cry. “It’s coming.” You whispered as you dug your ear into your shoulder to cease the ringing.
There was a hand on your shoulder, and an inquiry on their tongue, but you attention moved to the surface when the gargantuan beast breached the surface scattering mako droplets from its body through the air. It was breath taking, and frightening. It’s body was anything but smooth. Crumbly rivets swirled about it’s frame yet it was brilliantly silver and harder than any scale you’ve ever laid eyes on. It’s thick corded muscles twisted mid air to reveal the largest materia core recorded in history, before rotating once more to signal its depart. You saw your own reflection in its saucer sized eye, and with it tiny flashes of devastation that disappeared as it dove back into the mako disappearing with a piercing cry everyone heard. A few beads of mako landed on your cheek that your thoughtlessly brushed away. A weapon.
“Whoa!” Yuffie cried as she fell against the metal grate, the vibrations rattling clear under your feet.
“The hell was that thing?” Barret screamed and arm raised in defense.
“A weapon.” You answered, your eyes unmoving from the swirling green below you.
“That's correct.” Red spoke as he trotted over to your side. “Tutelary creatures said only to appear when the planet is in grave danger. Hojo has sought them for years.” You blinked the haze away to look down at him, your hand coming up to scratch absentmindedly at his head.
“Did you see what was inside it?” Yuffie burst and bounce with excitement. “That had to’ve been the biggest freakin’ materia ever! Just gotta figure out how to catch that overgrown fish.”
“The guardian of the planet?” Red asked astounded with the audacity of the little ninja.
“Whatever! I’m not about to let a materia that beautiful get away! And just so we’re clear, it’s mine- I called-”
“Shut up, Yuffie!” You snapped. “Are you so willing to destroy the planet for materia?! How is that any better than Shinra.” You spat and stormed off before you could say anything else. It was like you to lose control, but everything was happening so fast and you couldn't figure out how to handle it all. The man, your mother, the weapon, and now- How could she be serious?
Your foot steps against the metal clanged on even when the fury began to settle into ashes, and with it came some clarity. Guilt gnawed at your innards. You knew why she was so obsessed with materia, and obtaining it, but unchecked desperation was a deadly affliction. If not for the guardian of the planet where would she draw the line? Greed is what lead humanity here in the first place, and with the fiends emergence you'd think all planet dwellers would head its warning.
The soles of your boots halted at the edge of an old elevator. It appeared to be fully functional. All the thick braided cords were connected and intact. The door opened and shut accordingly, and it held your weight appropriately. Perhaps you should wait for the others before continuing onward.
It wasn't long until they came lumbering up the hill. You pushed off the operating console and skippered to the side to allow someone more skilled to have access to the panel. Tifa nudged up to you, looking around her hair that often fell into her face. “You okay?”
“I'm fine.” You said smile that didn't quite reach your eyes and a playful head tint to dissuade her concerns.
Stepping into the elevator was a bit, well much more that a bit, cramped. You body was quickly pushed towards the side as they filed in one by one until Cloud, at last, crammed in in front of you, his chest encroaching on your side in favor of being shoulder to shoulder with Tifa. With a ding that chimed above your heads the doors rattled open into coal mine. Before long the elevator dinged on the lowest floor and opened up into an old mine. You hadn't had a moment to look around lest you wanted to be left behind.
The grand peak you had read about in text books now stood grand before you, the point glinting in the afternoon sun. Of course the anchored gears into the sedimentary looked amiss, but it was once a coal mine after all. Now you stood on the on neglected tracks that once carried said coal straight to the heart of Corel only now the bascule bridge denied you passage.
“Dead end?” Yuffie huffed, very much the petulant child she could be.
“For now. Can’t cross till we lower it.” Red explained.
“Well this sucks.” She announced as she kicked the pebbles near her feet.
You gaze slides to Barret, who became the object of interest to everyone, and it was comical how long it took for him to realize all eyes were on him. “What?!” He barked, his meaty palm shooting up to the top of his head.
“You know this area… don’t you?” Tifa asked sheepishly obviously tip toeing around the obvious sensitive subject.
He scratched at the short hairs on his scalp looked to the mountain. Was the far off look in his eyes retelling all of his fond times or reliving the tragic events that occurred a long time ago? Eventually his hand lifted off his head to point up to the peak. “Control room’s up there at the top of the cliff.”
“How do we reach it?” Aerith asked.
“Through the mine.” He answered through clenched teeth. “Won’t be a walk in the park though. Place’s been abandoned for years.”
Near the base of the bridge cloaks of black stumbled erratically. It all happened so fast that it took everyone by surprise. At every obstacle thus far they had always halted their movements, and waited for the clear path to open up so imagine the horror that lanced through each of you as the first one stumbled right over the side to meet its inevitable demise into the craggy valley and into the unforgiving river that raged below.
“We’re workin’ on it! Just wait a minute!” Barret pleaded.
The hair on your arms and neck raised with alarm as the energy behind you began to change. The once gentle and resolute radiance was permeated by the same bleakness your robed friends were plagued with like a drop of black dye in the clearest of waters. Your breath froze in your lungs as an almost inaudible pressed in your ears, and everything in your being screamed at you to not look over to what you know you’ll see, but you couldn't run from this. You couldn't run from him.
Your fears were confirmed as Cloud took uneven unsteadied steps towards the edge. At first the others hadn't noticed anything was amiss, but as you took even paces towards him Cloud’s unresponsiveness registered on Barret’s radar. As his foot hovered over the edge you finally closed the distance roughly wrapping your arm around his bicep to yank him towards you. You gripped the sides of his face and pulled till he was level with your own.
Your thumb traced absentmindedly along his cheek your gaze piercing into him as an inner war waged on inside him. His eyes were not his own. The same color sure, but his pupils were nothing but dark slits not unlike the Midgar Zolom. “Cloud.” You called your throat constricting around the emotions welling in your heart. Your pulse sped up when your voice seemed seemed to have a clear effect on him. The foreign stare flickering back and forth from this unknown entity, and his own inner person. You could still feel him in there, the Cloud you were so utterly enamored with. “Cloud, come back to me.”
He gripped his head, falling back a step, and screamed in pain. His face set in utter torment before his knees buckled under him and his entire frame falling into you. He nuzzled his nose under your collar and hands clutched your sides hard enough you'd bruise, but his desperation to be as close to you as possible didn't deter you from hooking you arms under his to slowly walk him backwards to the test stop behind you. You refused to falter under his weight your sheer willpower enough to carry his burdens and your determination to be his pillar could overcome your own limitations.
Barret was quickly at your side to assist you and with his help you could comfortably lay him across the bench to rest since he was unable to hold up his own weight. You fetch one of the vacuumed cushions you always made sure to pack and ripped the wrappings off it with your teeth. Once the fabric inflated to its original state you slide it under his head.
“Perhaps the mako got to him.” Red speculated. “Regardless, he’s clearly tired.”
“Cloud could rest here while a couple of us go and lower the bridge, yeah?” Yuffie suggested. A pit of guilt licked at your lower stomach.
“Works for me.” Tifa agreed. You tried to step away just to offer your assistance but Cloud’s outer hand curled around your thigh and held tight. You looked down to where he clutched you. His arm was trembling, and cold, his eyes were squeezed tights and sweat trickled from his hairline. You couldn't bring yourself to try to pry him off, and truthfully you didn't want to leave his side. It was a unrealistic fear, but what if you went the others only to learn he'd leaped. “You should stay behind.” Tifa said as she looked over your shoulder, her voice wistful for something he could clearly not give her. Her gloved fingers tucked the raven strands behind her ears then the her hand fell to her bicep to rub the skin there absentmindedly. “He needs you.” She admitted with a tight lipped smile.
You only nodded in agreement. You had a feeling this cut her deeper than any normal childhood friendship bond could. You could hear the heartbreak, alongside the indisputable worry everyone of you were experiencing, tucked into every word. It was painted in her downcast eyes and inward shoulders.
“When that thing rings,” Barret pointed to the operating phone in the booth to the left. “you’ll know we’re done.” You nodded in understanding. “And you,” he pointed to where Cloud’s head flopped lazily to the side, “don’t move till you’re good and ready.”
“Alright, put your minin’ helmets on and follow me!” Yuffie broke out into a fit of youthful laugher. Whether so was trying to lift everyone's spirits or was genuinely oblivious to the disaster this trip had turned into you could only wished her ability for lightheartedness could be contagious.
You weren't really sure how long the ago they'd left spending most of it in your head, and the rest of it on the man laying in your lap. Your knew Aerith, and Red were probably just as lost as you were with the latest events, but you surprisingly was not handling it well.
You thrive on chaos and danger. It’s the been the only constant in your life, and you had made a home within it, but it felt like your like world was crumbling from under you.
The only thing you were sure of was that Cloud and the men were connected, and that means everything ties back into Shinra, and more so Sephiroth.
“I know you want to talk about it.” You said your tender gaze unwavering from Cloud’s relaxed face. “I just don’t even know where to start.”
“What do you make of these people?” She asked.
You stared out at the small group that have congregated at the base of the bridge. They no longer showed any signs of impatience, but that lingering thought still stuck to you. “Why did they jump off?”
“I don't know.” She admitted quietly.
“I think they're puppets.” You felt her cerulean depths slide onto you, watching with interest. “They haven't been impatient before right?”
“I don’t think so. They usually just wait around when they have no other place to go.”
“Exactly. Why jump off this bridge when there was no clear path, unless they were told to.”
“But Cloud-” She started.
“Is connected somehow.” You finished for her regardless of if she drew the same conclusion. You twisted your head to her, leaning the weight of it against the bench. “You felt it too, right?”
“I smelled a change for just a moment.” Red concurred from his place below the bench where he stretched his paws.
“It’s Sephiroth, I think.” Aerith said after sometime. “With the weapon appearing, and his search for the promised land cant be a coincidence. I just wished i knew more.”
“I’m sure with time we will soon understand.” He was right, but it didn’t really bring any reassurance.
You needed the information now if you were to help him. Was it possible that the hosts were still somewhere in the disabled bodies? You swallowed thickly before you opened your lips thinking about the incident that started todays downwards spiral, “That man… the one that grabbed me, knew my name.”
Aerith looked at you quizzically. “Y/n, he didn't say your name.”
“He did. I was named, on paper at least, after my mother who became Project Andromeda or Project “A” after she fell into a coma while she worked in mako research.” The two of them shared a look. “She was pregnant at the time so Shinra seized the opportunity to put her on a vent and submerge her body into mako in one of their many reactors to see if they could create a Cetra.”
“Let me guess, Hojo?” Red drawled.
“Who else.”
“So that man…” Aerith started, but then stopped. If she was thinking what you thought she was thinking you were grateful she didn’t put it in words.
You shuddered a breath, “He must've knew her or of her to know her name.” Or loved her, but you couldn't let yourself go there. Not yet. “It was a classified project.”
“I see.” Was all she said, and that’s really all there was to say. The only one who you tell you was him, and he’s in no position to spill.
When you looked back to your lap one gorgeous blue staring back at you without a trace of his earlier discomfort, and a true smile spread across you face. The weight that had settled on your chest was finally lifted. He's okay. “Morning sleepy beauty.”
He nuzzled his cheek farther into the fat of your thighs. “Hey.”
“Hello, hello! This is special agent Yuffie! Can you read me, Commander Cloud?” Her voice rang through the speakers as bright as sunshine. Cloud shook his head, amused by her perpetual cheer, and walked over to the phone. “How you doin’? Feelin’ better?”
“I’m good.” He responded.
There was some chatter that filtered through as if there was a struggle for the phone, before Barret’s husky timbre spoke through the static. “We’ll take a cart back down. You three follow the tracks till you hit the bridge in town. Figure we link up there before heading in. You copy?”
“Oh, and set our route while you’re at it, will ya? The gentler the ride, the better. Don’t want anyone losin’ their lunch.” He chuckled.
“I’m beggin’ ya, Cloud please!” Yuffie pleaded like her life depended on her.
“I wouldn't mind some excitement, but whatcha gonna do?” And the line went dead.
Cloud faced everyone still here and squared his shoulders. He had a part to play. “Time to go.”
Cloud did what he could to push his growing fears back where it came from, but this latest episode had rattled him. He’d seen what was happening to Broden back in Kalm but he reasoned with himself that his time was farther down the road. ‘Don't take your youth for granted.’ He’s only twenty-one years old. He should have had years left, but it was hard to ignore the signs when he almost just walked ,off the cliff. He would have too, if it hadn’t been for you.
He wasn’t sure how or why but your voice had acted like a beacon, a light in the dark, to lead him back through the thick muffled void that threatened to swallow him whole. Your grip on his arm kept him grounded, and once he found himself pressed to your bare skin with your scent lining his nostrils he could finally feel himself again. When he woke he thought he might have died for a moment when your sweet face beamed down at him like the world was right again, and honestly he would've welcomed death if it had meant he got to be in that position every day with your fingers in his hair and the heat of your body seeping into his own.
But reality came knocking, and shit has to go on so he’s doing what he does best: put on a brave face and push forward.
When you reached the divergence in the tracks he quickly shot over to the navigation map to oversee what route their cart was charted to take. Once he figured which route lead where he opted to give Barret his thrill as a thank you, but he couldn't bare to move the level as your hand covered his. He swallowed thick as he met your eyes, then darting down to the sheepish grin, and back to your eyes. He let you pull his hand into the safer option.
“I owe Yuffie.” Was all you said and who was he to deny you when all he wanted was breathe the same air as you.
He was thankful for the fiends that provided him with something to occupy his mind from the darker thoughts that lurked between his ears but really you were proving to be all he needed to pull him off his axis. Your shining braid twisting through the hair as you moved around fiends, soft skin that brushed against his own from time to time that spread goosebumps in your wake, your bell like laugh as you bantered with Aerith and Red. Every little detail made his chest puff with longing, and he didn't know how much more he could take before all the desire in came to a head. He was no longer confused about what he felt, and he didn't give a shit if anyone else was looking anymore. He was done wasting what time he had left. He loved you, clear as day. It was fact. It was as true as the sun rising each day or the very blood that pumped through his veins. Youve stolen his heart that very first day you'd looked into his eyes, and he’d be damned if you didn’t keep it till his time was up.
Bonus scene 1
“So, Red…” Aerith started a hint of mischief playing on her tongue.
“No.” He flat out refused any whims she may be thinking. His delivery pulling out yet another one of your heart clenching laughs.
“I didn’t even say anything yet.” Aerith pouted.
“You didn’t have to.” He countered.
“One squeeze?”
“Please? If not for me, at least for Cloud?”
He shrugged, feeling glad for once to be pulled into the silly banter. “I mean, I am kinda curious…”
A low growl emanated from beneath the tufts of red on his chest. A warning to heed.
“How ‘bout this?” Aerith started. “At the next inn, we treat you to a foot massage!”
“I was trained to give impeccable hand massages.” You chimed in though the thought of you treating him to one too had heat rushing to his face. At least he was in the front.
“Not you too.” Red sighed. You held your hands up in defeat and Cloud couldn’t contain the light laugh, your head turning quickly to eye him up.
“Did you just laugh? Guys!” You bounced on the balls of your feet. “Cloud Strife, just laughed.”
Bonus Scene 2
“Who’s this?” Aerith inquired as the both of you watched this cute little ball of golden fluff fly around Cloud even as he aimed to swat the creature away. To your delight it’s determination won out in the end as it chirped happily as it settle onto Cloud’s shoulder.
“Think of him as a tagalong.” Yuffie skipped directly into you too, wide smile in tow. She’s always so elated to stir up more trouble.
“Wait a sec…” Aerith whispered as low as possible into your ear. “That is uncanny.” She pointed between the tiny cluckatrice chick’s spikey coat and the near identical style of the merc’s hair.
“I know, right?” Yuffie cried out. “Meet ‘Cloud jr.’”
You stepped closer, as steady as you could as to not frighten the chick, and reached a finger out to scratch the tuffs just under its beak. The chick chirped and spread it wings, soaring around your head on its route to Cloud Sr.’s unamused face.
“Kill me.” Everyone chuckled at Cloud’s dismay, but the attention quickly shifting to Mama Cluckatrice’s grand entrance giving you ample time to soothe Cloud’s ruffled feathers.
With a quick look around to make sure no one else was looking you spun your finger around one of the front locks. You leaned in so your lower voice could be heard. “Don’t worry. You’re cute too.”
This was a very heavy chapter and the bonus scenes at the end just didn't fit the mood of the chapter all together but still moments that would be canon in this spin. Im hoping to have the next chapter out quick since it should be a smaller piece. Until then my friends.
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isla-the-fickle · 4 years ago
100 gil
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Cloud Strife x GN!Reader - Fluff
Word Count: 1196
Summary: In which you pay the new merc in town for a job well done, and he pays you back without you even knowing
The first time you saw him, you blanked completely. You were the one who had requested for help from the new merc, but you weren't expecting this. You weren’t expecting a man like him.
You realized you were staring when he started walking away, quickly catching up to him and grabbing his wrist. "Hey, wait! Sorry about that, I just spaced out. Are you the new merc?" you asked, utterly embarrassed and hoping he'd still help you.
"Yeah. So what's the job?" he asked.
'Wow. He's pretty straightforward.' you thought. "Well there's been a few reports from my tenants about wererats, and I can't exactly check it myself. I'm not much of a fighter."
"Alright, I'll take care of it. But if there's no wererats, I am still getting paid, right?" He asked curtly, looking towards you for an answer.
"Yeah of course, I'm not an idiot. You either get paid for getting rid of 'em or for confirming that there aren't any." you laughed. He nodded at you, and while you expected him to leave right away, he stood staring at you. Confused, you were about to ask what was wrong when you realized the feeling under your hand. It had still been on his wrist, so you quickly whipped it back.
"Oh, sorry. Didn't even realize." you said, once again embarrassing yourself in front of him. He grunted, but didn't budge an inch, still staring at you. You shifted under his gaze, getting slightly uncomfortable. You looked up at him and met his eyes, "Uh, what is it?" you asked nervously.
"You look really familiar. Where do I know you from?"
You blanked. You couldn't remember seeing him before, and with a face like his there's no way you could've forgotten him. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to think of where you could've met him. "Um, well, Marle is basically my grandmother. Maybe you've seen me near her apartments?" you suggested.
To which he replied with a simple "No."
"Oh. Um, well, maybe at Seventh Heaven? I work shifts there sometimes with Tifa, and I run the bar when she's not available." you suggested, as it was really the only other place he could've seen you since he didn't live in your building.
"Oh... yeah. Yeah, that's probably it." The man couldn't even look you in the eyes, so you figured he probably mistook you for someone else and just didn't want to embarrass you or himself by admitting it.
“Alright. Well now that that’s out of the way, do you think you could…” you trailed off, not wanting to seem rude by cutting off the conversation so abruptly but also wanting the wererat situation cleared up.
“Shit, sorry. Yeah, I’ll get right on it.” he said while turning to get on his motorcycle.
“Oh, really quick, uh… What’s your name? I don’t wanna just call you ‘merc’, you know?” you yelled.
“It’s Cloud.” And with that, he was off.
~ x ~
“Hey Tifa, who’s Cloud?” you asked as you walked into the bar. Tifa glanced at you, a look of surprise on her face.
While you greeted Marlene and Barret, she said “He’s an old friend and the new merc, why do you ask?”
“He said I looked familiar when he came by my building, but I swear I’ve never seen him before. He said he saw me working here.” you said, still thinking about your encounter.
“Oh yeah, he definitely saw you here. Multiple times actually.” Tifa said as she laughed, leaving you puzzled. When had he seen you here? Tifa usually ran the bar on her own, only calling you in when it was especially busy or if she had to go on a mission with Avalanche. Neither had happened in a while, so how could he have possibly seen you? You’d only gone for a drink a few times, and every time the bar was empty except for you and Tifa.
Your confusion had probably shown on your face, as Tifa laughed again. “You really don’t remember seeing him at all?”
“No! I swear, every time I’ve come in lately, it’s just been you and me. And maybe Marlene.” you sigh, wondering if Tifa was just messing with you or if your memory had actually been failing you.
“Well I promise he’s seen you here. I don’t know, maybe you never saw him.” she said with a chuckle. Just as you were going to ask her what she meant, the doors to Seventh Heaven opened.
You turned around, and your eyes were met with piercing blue ones. “Hey,” said Cloud as he approached you at the bar. “There were a few wererats near your building. They’re gone now.”
Your face brightened at the news, “Thank you so much. God, I don’t know how I would’ve gotten rid of them if it wasn’t for you. So how much do I owe you?”
“100 gil.”
“That’s all? Are you sure?” you asked with uncertainty. Sure, Cloud seemed plenty strong, but 100 gil seemed so little for the job he had done.
“Yeah. 100 is fine.” 
Barret turned to the two of you, looking at Cloud with an incredulous look. “The hell? You ain’t never taken a job from us for less than 1000 gil. Not even taken one from around town for less than 300. What’s got you discountin’, huh?” Barret says with a smirk.
You glance back and forth between Barret and Cloud, “Oh, well if that’s the case, then 100 gil is way too low! Here,” you say as you grab Cloud’s hand and put the gil into his palm. “This is the 100 for the job, and an extra 150 for your hard work.” You smile up at Cloud before turning around to ask Tifa for a drink. 
With your back turned, you don’t see Cloud’s glare at Barret, nor the smug smirk Barret sends back. After finishing your drink and conversing with the others, you realize you don’t have any gil on you to pay for your drink, asking Tifa to put it on your tab. As you wave, your eyes meet Cloud’s, and you flash him a small smile. 
Once you’re gone, Barret and Tifa turn to Cloud. “What?” Cloud asks, already suspicious of what they’re going to say.
“So, when are you gonna admit that you have feelings for my best friend?” Tifa asks with a smile. Cloud looks at her shocked.
“What? What are you talking about?” he stammers.
Barret leans back and lets out a loud laugh. “Oh come on now, even Marlene’s been askin’ me when you’re gonna say ‘I like you'."
“Well tell her it’s not gonna happen. I don’t have feelings for anyone” Cloud says as he gets up to leave. 
As the other two laugh and continue talking, they pretend not to notice the light blush on Cloud’s face or the very small smile he wears when he says your name. What they actually don’t notice until after he’s left is the 150 gil he leaves next to your drink, and the 100 he leaves next to his.
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final-fantasy-imagines · 4 years ago
can I please request headcanons for barret & cloud with an affectionate best friend? like their relationship is completely platonic but the friend can be cuddly sometimes. they occasionally enjoy resting their head on cloud/barrets’s shoulders, and holding their hand or arm when they’re walking some where. thanks a bunch!! 💕
This was such a cute request, thank you very much for sending it in! <3 I really hope you like what I came up with. Have a good day/night, dear! 
having an affectionate best friend
Barret Wallace
Barret doesn’t mind your affectionate behavior at all. It’s actually quite the opposite, and he thinks that it’s great to have a friend like you. He’s someone who likes to cuddle (although he would never admit that in front of others), so it’s awesome that you’re a pretty affectionate person and don’t hesitate to act like that around him, even though you’re not in a romantic relationship in any way.
Also, Marlene loves to cuddle with you too which is something that makes Barret appreciate your personality even more. He can’t be with his daughter all the time, so it’s great to know that she feels comfortable with your presence and your behavior. Sometimes, the three of you even spend a whole day at home, maybe watching a movie while you’re snuggled up to each other.
Barret doesn’t care about other peoples’ opinions at all. He knows that your friendship can seem a bit strange to others, especially since you often hold hands in public or occasionally hug each other, but as long as the two of you are comfortable with the situation he wouldn’t change anything about that. How you act around each other is something that’s completely up to you, no matter what others might think about it.
In general, your friendship is something that’s very important to Barret. He might seem like a really tough guy who doesn’t need anyone but he’s actually a kind and caring person who would do anything to make his friends (and his daughter, too) happy.
Cloud Strife
At first, Cloud was a bit uncomfortable with your affectionate demeanor because he wasn’t really used to someone who liked to hug him or hold his hand. It also felt a bit weird to him since you weren’t a couple and he had never expected a friend to be so cuddly and affectionate.
However, once he gets used to it he actually begins to like it. It’s nice to have someone to lean on whenever he needs some comfort, and he also appreciates the fact that you’re both comfortable with being not more than friends.
It’s not unusual that people mistake you for a couple when they see you together, especially since you like to hold his hand or arm when you’re walking somewhere together. Most of them tell him to finally make a move before you disappear and leave him which makes both of you laugh every time it happens.
Don’t expect him to return your affection right away. Cloud isn’t overly comfortable with physical contact and therefore avoids it most of the time but he gets less and less defensive as your friendship develops and actually starts to initiate hugs and acts more affectionate around you. For example, he wouldn’t hesitate to hug you immediately when he notices that you’re upset about something and need someone to comfort you.  
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cruellae · 4 years ago
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chapter 2 of not interested. Cloud gets to know his new guild mates a little better...
read it on AO3
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