#ff pudding
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blakeandaffairs · 10 months ago
Surprise, bet y'all thought i was dead LMAO
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m00nb04rd5 · 4 months ago
Can I have a moodboard for Ginger Milk Pudding from Food Fantasy?
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Ginger Milk Pudding (Food Fantasy)
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criminaldoenjangjjigae · 25 days ago
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Sketchbooks are my ugly art (it's all ugly)
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dappersheep · 1 month ago
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Oh, Spaghetti's definitely gonna end up adopting a new son soon in our headcanons for real, and he'll need to keep the girls from getting a little too excitable with their new human brother kek
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foldingfittedsheets · 1 year ago
No time to explain take this cake and enjoy your day
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If someone gave me this cake I would take a picture too and like. Frame it. I'd be so delighted. Tragically my betrothed makes actually lovely baked goods.
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krakajici-kavka · 7 months ago
Logging into tumblr just does not disappoint what do you mean the website's name is tumblr.com where the fuck did that .com come from. The hell are you playing at what is this. As far as I'm concerned this is 'hellsite central the tumblr' did I miss it getting a doctorate
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stargazeraldroth · 2 years ago
Food Fantasy fandom if you still exist, tell me your favorite Food Souls. For me it’s-
Milk, Black Tea, Pizza, Cassata, Cheese, Gingerbread, Rice, Candy Cane, Marshmallow, Hishi Mochi, Black Pudding, Stargazy Pie, Waffle, Salty Licorice, Donut, Baguette, Sachertorte, Fondant Cake, Laba Congee, Snowskin Mooncake, Vodka, and... I’ll throw Boston Lobster in for good measure
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ceciffeinated · 2 years ago
pudding? pudding. | ꒰ richard de vulpian ╲ short story ꒱
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⪩ ☁︎.pairing: richard de vulpian × femme!reader (third pov). ⪩ ☁︎.scenario: vulpian household. ⪩ ☁︎.warning: null. sfw. heavily implied romance.
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⠀⠀(y/n) seemed to be reluctant. as much as she was a close friend of seigi, she wouldn’t dare believe he would put this much trust to her.
⠀⠀apparently, her raven-haired friend was catching up with the rapid orders the customers had reserved and his boss, richard de vulpian, was instructed to further stay back home as he just recovered from a nasty cold.
⠀⠀“you’ll be just giving him pudding,” seigi reassured her on the phone. by then, (y/n) was already inside the de vulpian household because she was a regular there, courtesy of her frequent visitations with seigi. furthermore, she’s the kitchen’s best friend. “besides, you already made it.”
⠀⠀“yes, but that was because you were around to share it with me. and mr-”
⠀⠀“richard. come on, (y/n). you’ve been acquainted with him already and he even permitted you to address him by his given name.”
⠀⠀she sighed, tapping her fingers on the cold, marble counter in the kitchen. seigi had a point, but still. why would a common person like her was allowed to address someone whose stature can be comparable to a god?
⠀⠀“i will drop by and give him pudding. but, please, as much as it bothers you, i would still address him formally.” (y/n) dropped the call. pocketing her phone, you carried the plate of pudding to the study room. where else the handsome jeweler might be?
⠀⠀(y/n) padded down the long, elegant hall. it was decorated with vases filled with exotic flowers and marvelous paintings hanging on the walls. she was too mesmerized to realize she has finally reach her destination. the only indication she was there was when richard opened the door.
⠀⠀(y/n) flinched and nearly drop the plate.
⠀⠀heavens!, she thought. a heart attack was almost sufficient! “mr de vulpian!” (y/n) stammered as she faced the dashing blond gentleman. he always have that effect on her - to remain stand still and breathless at the sight of him.
⠀⠀recognizing the female, the reserved man etched a smile on his lips. if he knew better, he could have been expecting a rolling gem. he greeted, “hello, (y/n). fancy seeing you here.”
⠀⠀(y/n)’s hands were quaking, too astonished to register what he said for a few moments.
⠀⠀it was like this for a few silent moments - a pair of striking azure eyes staring down at a gleaming pair of (e/c) orbs, unblinking; no words were uttered because of the uncertainty in the air; a pair of hands firmly dropped on the sides, another pair invisibly quaking under the harmless scrutiny of the man.
⠀⠀the piercing intensity of the gaze made (y/n) squeamish and squirmish internally that she decided to look at another piece of interest - the pudding on the china plate. richard followed her switched gaze.
⠀⠀“pudding?” he calmly inquired.
⠀⠀“pudding,” (y/n) replied, affirming his guess.
⠀⠀he opened the door wider and gestured for the (h/c) beauty to come inside. he beckoned, “bring it with you. i’ll have it while i study.”
⠀⠀(y/n) had always knows richard has a vigor to study foreign languages and this was for him to easily communicate with his customers from all across the globe. this made him an efficient businessman in his line of successful career.
⠀⠀(y/n) nodded and followed him swiftly. he sat down on the chair before a small, round table. it can fit two people who planned to dine on it. she took the other chair and placed the sweet treat before him.
⠀⠀“thank you,” the jeweler smiled. he took the fork and sliced a piece of it. raising the fork to his lips, he bit on the pudding and ate it.
⠀⠀(y/n) was anxious of what he thought about the pudding she made. of course, she’s a very decent chef and baker. she had to be since she’s opted to live independently from her parents back in the province. working in the city was hard, but taking care of herself alone was harder. (well, she had a support system of friends but she decided it’s best if she provide for herself.)
⠀⠀the lovely sweetness of pudding exploded in richard’s mouth and it caught him off-guard. he had never tasted such a heavenlier pudding! it was just the right amount of sugar and creaminess mashed together in one. when it traveled down his throat - delightful! he felt his eyes brightened up and gleam even brighter than the precious gems. his gentle smile turned child-like and mirthful as he finished the first bite.
⠀⠀“where have you gotten this pudding, (y/n)?” even your name sounded lovelier-sweeter when he addressed you! “this tastes like heaven itself.”
⠀⠀the praise made (y/n) flustered. why wouldn’t it? it came from the world most-renowned jeweler and it’s like having a king complimenting a common folk. well, at least to her, anyways.
⠀⠀“well,” the girl said. “i made it.” she didn’t say it so with much enthusiasm. instead, she hunched her shoulders and tore her eyes away from the pudding and the jeweler - a turning point of being flustered, indeed.
⠀⠀to richard, her reaction was a darling. he said, “i love it, (y/n). tell me, if i ate this all up, can i have more?”
⠀⠀the request sounded like a child asking for more candy! but, of course, how could (y/n) refuse? besides, he liked it- no, he loved it.
⠀⠀(y/n) answered, “of course, mr de vulpian. you can have the whole pan.” she joshed with the last line, seeing that the atmosphere lightened.
⠀⠀as reserved as he was, richard face turned even sweeter to look at - a gentle, beaming smile at (y/n) and a dreamy-euphoric look in his eyes. as if he was in love!
⠀⠀no, no, no. certainly not. you’re getting ahead of yourself, (y/n), she chided as she maintained the gaze with her own eyes. admittedly, those piercing blue eyes made it impossible for her look away, despite badly wanting to look at something else that won’t cause her heart to flip or her stomach to squirm.
⠀⠀“that’s what i like to hear,” he finally said. he finished the plate at once, which didn’t surprise (y/n) at all. instead, she fondly gazed at him. of course, she fully knew his attention would be onto the pudding. when he finished, (y/n) immediately grabbed ahold of the plate.
⠀⠀she said, “i’ll get you some more.” honestly, she wasn’t sure to give him a plate or the whole pan of pudding. but she decided to be respectful and hand him a plate or two.
⠀⠀he nodded. but as she stood, he added, “make it two, please.”
⠀⠀figuring it would be an extra plate for him to consume, (y/n) nodded and left promptly. once she’s out of the door, she breathed a sigh of relief.
⠀⠀little did she knew, the reserved jeweler can be cunning in his own rights. of course, it wasn’t his plan in the first place, but he decided it’s about time he ought to listen to seigi.
⠀⠀this little game has to be done and be over with.
⠀⠀he has one last gem to cut and its his and hers.
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⪩ ☁︎.note: republished for archiving purposes; heavy wip; under semi-hiatus.
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angeletombee · 1 year ago
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I’m suddenly craving pease pud
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tsukimefuku · 9 months ago
I’m so happy to have FINALLY found the time to read this. I was cackling the entire way (full commentary provided in tags in real time as I read - I finally understood how to do it, now I’ll never comment on anything in any other way ever again, get ready peeps ✨)
The Transformation of Nanami Kento
Part 7
In which Nanami-pom GETS SWEET, SWEET REVENGE.
CW: Violence. Yes, you read that right. Violence.
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The haunted house exhibit was deathly still, made even more eerie by the dilapidated interiors, an irony not lost on Yuuji. He moved slowly and carefully through the side entrance, eyes adjusting to the dark. Somewhere to his right, he could hear Ino's cautious footfalls.
Nanami-pom had slipped from his shoulder right before they'd entered, but Yuuji wasn't overly concerned. His trusty mentor, even in this state, never made rash or hasty decisions. Remembering the way the rogue curse user had kicked the small, golden body made Yuuji grit his teeth.
But this time they were prepared, and they had backup -
Before he had a chance to process what was happening, his body had reacted, as it often seemed to do since he had started serious jujutsu training. Something shot past his head, so close it must have grazed the fine hairs beneath his ear. The familiarity of the cursed energy was enough to tell him exactly who had attacked.
"Cover!" he shouted, watching Ino roll behind a large metal screen. Behind him, he heard the tell-tale 'shink' of Nobara's nails slipping into position between her fingers. From somewhere above them, beams of cursed energy were raining down, ricocheting off the walls and forcing them to stay alert, even behind the protective barriers.
"Stay back, you monsters!"
The slightly high-pitched voice of the curse user, Ichimura, echoed within the dilapidated walls, making it hard to pinpoint his position. Cursed energy was condensing in a distinctive spiral shape around Ino's fist, the dark material of the beanie, now revealed to be a ski mask, pulled down over his face. His voice was muffled as he called across to Yuuji.
"I'm gonna bring him down from the rafters, but I can't use full power. Too risky in here. You two get ready."
"Got it!"
Ino launched his spiralling attack, the energy-seeking missile shooting upwards to where Ichimura was firing from. There was an explosion and light suddenly flooded the large, cluttered room as Ino's attack tore through the rickety ceiling.
"Get back!" Nobara shouted. Shards of rusty iron and large pieces of wood were raining down, and they heard Ichimura screaming incoherently in rage. The dark shape of the curse user plummeted towards the floor, but he shot out beams of cursed energy, managing to cancel out the impact of his fall. He dropped to the floor, rolling out of the way as Nobara's nails pierced the wall behind him.
"Damn, he's a slitherer," she muttered.
Ino held up a hand, gesturing for them to hold positions. There was nowhere for Ichimura to run. They had the entrances covered, and attempting to escape through the large opening in the ceiling would leave him open to their attacks. It was now a deadly game of cat and mouse.
Ichimura winced slightly and placed a hand against his side. Whoever had sent that damn missile at him packed quite the punch. If his natural defences hadn't kicked in, he'd be in a much worse position. His shirt was torn to shreds on one side, along with his nice suit jacket and the abrasions on his skin were making it painful to move.
Air hissed between his teeth as he took a breath and folded his arms across his body. His time on the run had forced him to practice certain elements of his technique, developing them much faster under the pressure of his circumstances. He'd learned that the cursed energy beams could be emitted from anywhere on his body, freeing up his hands if he needed to move or defend himself. Releasing the breath he'd been holding, he unleashed the next volley of beams, hearing those pesky vermin shout warnings to each other as the energy ricocheted in unpredictable swarms from every surface of the room.
Good. That would keep them occupied while he - Wait. What was ...
From across the room, he saw the light streaming through the hole in the ceiling reflect off something. It was close to ground level, so he couldn't be sure, but it looked like ... a pair of glasses? He blinked, and it disappeared.
Must have been a trick of the light.
And then, behind him, he heard a soft, swift pattering. Whirling around, he readied the next set of beams, hands raised defensively.
Was this one of their techniques? Well, they wouldn't catch him off guard.
His cursed energy attack came in another volley, slicing through the darkness of his side of the room, forming a fast-moving web that made it impossible for anyone to get close to him. He paused, eyes searching through the gloom, breathing hard. Something clattered to the floor on his left. Spinning, he reflexively shot more beams in that direction. The cursed energy illuminated what had caused the noise. There was a small vial, rolling slightly from the impact of his attacks. Picking it up, Ichimura turned it over and read the label:
'Ton Ton's Natural Leave-In Conditioner for Pampered Pooches. NEW Caramel Pudding Scent!'
What -
Something collided with his side so hard it completely knocked the breath out of him. Ichimura yelled out in pain as he rolled across the debris-strewn floor and came up against a painted mural of a ghastly clown. Gasping, eyes tearing, he looked up at the barrier he had been crouching behind a short while ago. Something was standing on top of the barrier. A very small, furry shape, wearing what looked like a miniature business suit and a pair of tinted glasses. One of the floppy ears raised slightly as it looked down at him.
Wait, was that - No! It can't be! It's that man, from before. How was this possible? All the other mascots were small, soft and helpless -
He had no more time to mull things over, because the Pompompurin hopped lightly down from the barrier, unhurried, it's progress almost casual. Light glinted off its glasses as one small paw reached up and unbuttoned its coat with a deliberation that looked uncharacteristically threatening. It reached back and brought out what looked like a blade wrapped in mottled cloth.
Gritting his teeth, Ichimura gathered up his cursed energy and sent out a flurry of beams, impossible for anyone standing before him to dodge. Somehow, this was exactly what the Pompompurin did. It moved like lightning, gracefully dodging and weaving, the tiny blade moving like a whirlwind as it deflected many of the beams that were launched its way. The small size of its body and the speed of its movement was a natural counter to his technique!
"Get back, you little freak! You aren't even cute! You're an ugly eyesore! You don't deserve my beautiful transformation!" Ichimura screamed, spittle flying from his mouth as he upped the ante of his attacks.
Undeterred, the Pompompurin slid seamlessly across the floor toward him, the tiny paw flicking the blade out with clinical precision, once, twice, as it passed right between Ichimura's legs. The curse user gasped as he heard what sounded like a loud snap, his legs suddenly losing their ability to hold him upright. A piercing pain lanced from his ankles upward, and he cried out as he folded over and crumpled to the floor.
"You! What did you - "
He stopped, gasping sharply as the Pompompurin calmly put away its blade and approached him again.
"No ... No! Get away from me! Stay back!"
His screams had obviously alerted the other vermin, because he could see them now. Three youngsters who looked like they were barely out of school! And there was that pink-haired boy! They were ... just standing there? Why? And why were they smiling like that? Were they mocking him? Mocking him! He'd show them -
A sound brought his attention back to the threat in front of him. The Pompompurin took off its glasses ... and yes! He'd been right. It was that man. Those round brown eyes were unmistakable, but right now they weren't creased in confusion and pain. They were narrowed in a gaze that looked incongruously hard and deadly in the fluffy face. The Pompompurin approached him again, reaching up and loosening its tie with a paw. With a small flip, the tie wrapped around the tiny fist, along with a dangerous amount of cursed energy. Ichimura scrambled back, whimpering in pain as his damaged legs dragged against the floor.
No! No! This couldn't be happening! All he'd wanted was -
In a flash, faster than his eye could follow, the Pompompurin was right before him. It raised its paw and landed a blow across Ichimura's face that rattled the teeth in his skull. It was followed by another, and another, and another, spraying blood across the floor and ... were those his teeth? The Pompompurin paused and he felt its paw (how could it be so strong?) tangling in his hair. It jerked his head up, forcing him to meet its gaze.
"It's not my fault!" Ichimura screamed, eyes tearing up again. "I just ... I just wanted to see all the happy smiling faces!"
There was a shift in the Pompompurin's tiny, solemn face. Its mouth, downturned and serious, slowly straightened, then curved upward in the most horrific, menacing little smile Ichimura had ever seen. There was a small golden blur, the outline of its fist clad in cursed energy coming straight towards his face and then ... darkness.
Gojo whistled.
"Well, well. Looks like he didn't need anyone's help with this one."
They were in Ieri's room, the unhinged curse user, Ichimura, restrained appropriately on the metal table as he received treatment from her. He was still out cold, his face bloody and battered, looking distinctly worse for wear.
Yuuji grinned.
"Hell yeah. You should've seen him. That curse user didn't stand a chance."
Nobara was moving her feet across the floor rapidly as she shadow-boxed.
"Just like this. Move like a butterfly, sting like a Pompom."
The door opened and Ino and Megumi came in, Ino's grin as wide as Yuuji's. Nanami-pom was riding on Megumi's shoulder, well fed, fur washed and brushed clean of dust and debris, his tiny frame now encased in the cotton pyjamas Ijichi had procured for him. As much as the expression adorning his small snout was as serious as ever, there was a distinct air of accomplishment in the way he carried himself.
"So, what now?" Ino queried.
Gojo spun on his heel and clasped his hands behind his back.
"When he wakes up, we tell him to reverse the technique. Or else. Simple."
Gojo's easy smile belied the weight of his words. Ichimura would be waking up to a very unwelcome surprise when faced with the acknowledged strongest sorcerer in jujutsu society.
Megumi nodded. "Ijichi told me that they managed to find all the daycare employees that Ichimura transformed. They're with Ijichi right now and hopefully, this dude will undo the curse on them too."
Clapping his hands, Gojo turned to Nanami-pom. He began to poke his index fingers together in a gesture that wasn't exactly as cute as he thought it was.
"So, you'll be back to normal soon, Nanamin. And since, well ... you'll never be like this again ... wanna cuddle?"
Nanami-pom's expression never changed as he stared back at Gojo. The students and Ino watched with bated breath as he hopped down from Megumi's shoulder and approached his long-time senior and colleague. Was he really going to ...
Their eyes widened as Nanami-pom stopped right in front of Gojo and reached up, his tiny arms stretched out, as if asking to be carried. Gojo's mouth was hanging open slightly, but his expression rapidly morphed to one of quivering sentimentality as he dropped to one knee.
"Nanamin! Come here, I've got a big ol' shnuggle for you!"
The others watched in disbelief as Nanami-pom allowed Gojo to pick him up and press his face into the soft golden fur, sighing in happiness as he inhaled the sweet puppy smell and the lingering scent of caramel pudding from the conditioner Megumi used while brushing.
"Oooh. So soft! Amazing!"
Nanami-pom's paw came up and gently stroked Gojo's hair, earning a choked sound of ecstasy as the soft pads carded through the white strands. The paw dropped a little lower and came to rest on Gojo's nose. It was then that those watching the touching scene realised that all was not well.
Gojo's expression went through a series of changes, from confusion, to surprise, to realization and then ... a profound sense of betrayal. He gasped, inhaling and sputtering, his face suddenly turning an alarming shade of puce.
"What did you - you little - "
He grabbed, but Nanami-pom was faster, ejecting himself with enhanced speed from Gojo's off-kilter embrace and shooting across the floor to the exit. The heard the small patter of his paws in the corridor outside as he made his swift escape.
Gojo was doubled over, eyes streaming, coughing hard, beating the metal table with his fist. The others looked at each other in deep confusion, before Megumi's brow cleared and understanding dawned on his face.
"Oh. So that's why he wanted that sachet of cayenne pepper when we went to the kitchen for supper."
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artbyblastweave · 3 months ago
To be honest, while I know that you've discussed a Worm/Marvel "crossover" before, considering how unusually different both Ultimate Universes are from mainline Marvel, how would a crossover with Worm go for those?
(Side note: I'm mainly asking for the potential thought experiment of: what if Cauldron met the Maker and all of the immense bullshit that would result from that.)
I don't think I'm totally capable of answering the back half of this ask because I haven't read The Maker comprehensively- Aside from his pre-heel turn stint in Ultimate FF, It's basically only Secret Wars, a couple of the times Ewing used him, and the current New Ultimate Universe.
So what I find interesting about this prospect is that Worm and Ultimate Marvel are very aesthetically compatible, right, you aren't going to drop one character into the other's setting and have them constantly going "what the fuck is going on" the way you would if we subbed in 616 Marvel at it's most four-color. But the worldbuilding and themes are actually very divergent in ways that are interesting to look at. Namely-
Worm is a grim, grim setting, but it's also attempting to replicate the status quo at Marvel and DC where, despite occasional attempts at government sanction or integration, there's fundamentally a weirdly high cultural tolerance for independent vigilantism as long as the person doing it is wearing a costume. Their version of Registration- The Protectorate- is a very carrot heavy initiative, when we see Kid Win making the recruitment pitch to Chariot it's all about the support you get, the funding, the backup, the PR help. Individual street level heroes get nailed to the wall or hung out to dry all the time, but collectively, they're granted a lot of discretion in that they're allowed to exist at all. And the fundamental reason for this is that the government is scared of them. They might be able to smack down individual upstarts who try to go full warlord or revolutionary, but they don't control the overall distribution of powers and there are so many of these assholes, three-quarters of whom go career criminal due to some combination of trauma, material want, neuroticism or ideology. So any set of norms that gets as many of these people as possible to behave in a slightly-less-antisocial manner is something that they're going to roll with. Worm is a world held hostage by the typical superhero paradigm, buckling under its weight. Crucial to this dynamic is that powers aren't a man-made phenomenon, and they're barely a man-influenced phenomenon via Cauldron.
But with the Ultimate Universe, a major pillar of the deconstruction and the worldbuilding is that superheroes would not be allowed to operate in the typical wild west paradigm. There's a much stronger divide between sanctioned heroes (The Ultimates, The Fantastic Four), grey-zone heroes like the X-Men, and then the out-and-out outlaw street level heroes like Daredevil and Spider-Man. A major plot point is that Nick Fury and his spooks very predictably figure out who Spider-Man is almost immediately; he's only able to continue operating as a street-level hero in the usual manner due to Fury's implicit sanction, because Fury is trying to groom him to eventually join The Ultimates. Moreover, a lot of the rest of the street-level capes (as depicted in Millar's Ultimates) are cast as genuinely incompetent puds, only not cracked down on because there's no real reason to. (Note that I have a seething hatred for this particular beat in practice because it deprived us of an Ultimate Luke Cage worth having, but I get what Millar was gesturing at with it.) All of this, likewise, is downstream of the fact that powers are almost totally a man-made phenomenon, with almost all superhumans being downstream of Military-Industrial Complex attempts at reproducing Captain America; it's not an out-of-control supernatural phenomena that they're trying to get in on, It's a government-made phenomenon that leaks like a sieve and eventually spirals out of control. The Ultimate Universe is fundamentally about Hubris in a way that Worm isn't.
Both settings converge on a state of societal collapse due to the advent of superpowers; Ultimate Marvel was gesturing at an impending superhuman-driven World-War Three for a while before things spiraled into the comparably destructive nonsense of Ultimatum, The Maker, The (partial?) balkanization of the U.S. and the rest of the crisis cavalcade that led into the 2015 Secret Wars and the total destruction of that universe. Worm suffered the much more tightly-directed Apocalyptic Bad Time with which we're all familiar.
As for a crossover premise, I'd have to say that post-gm Taylor getting marooned on 1610 and winding up in the orbit of 1610 Peter Parker specifically- as opposed to the MCU or 616 versions, with whom I've seen this done- is an underexamined hook. Ultimate Spidey represents a deft integration of Peter's best and worst personality traits. The early-run ditko-style dickishness is recontextualized as an anger about the state of the world, the crazy-making sense that bullies and dictators appear to have free run of the world and nobody but him is doing anything about it. Which, given the state of The Ultimate Universe, falls in the middle ground between typical teenaged myopia and a sober assessment of what he's up against.
Remind you of anyone?
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criminaldoenjangjjigae · 1 year ago
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Angst drawing of Black Pudding and B-52 from food Fantasy.
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ultracheesing · 2 years ago
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dappersheep · 1 year ago
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Over a couple of months and finally the full team is completed! It's been a small dream of mine to have the whole Desire Tavern gang commissioned from someone else and it's here~
Art commissioned from artrurii
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gingernut1314 · 4 months ago
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Summary: You have found a small crack in the wall separating the men's and women's courtyards and you use it to talk with Anasui.
Content: gender-neutral reader, jjba part 6 (slight spoilers if you count FF and want they are), friendly banter between Jolyne, Ermes, and F.F., Anasui not knowing how to wink, poor Anasui getting teased
Word Count: 1.4K
A/N: I needed to write more for my JJBA husband #4 but I had like no ideas so I found this wonderful prompt list to help me out! Also I got wayyy too carried away with the interactions between Jolyne, Ermes, F.F., and reader so please forgive me for that, it was too fun. I hope you all enjoy!
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It was your typical Florida day; clear blue skies, burning heat, so humid skin stuck to itself, and hordes of mosquitoes eating you alive. 
But what wasn’t typical was the new activity you had taken up. 
Jolyne, Ermes, and F.F. had questioned you thoroughly the other day when you had walked over to the concrete wall separating the men's and women’s courtyards. They had even more questions when you found a crack in the wall and promptly convinced them to help you hide it from the guards. But their questioning had died rather fast when they found out who you were trying to spy on. 
“This is fucking stupid as hell,” Ermes grumbled, back turned from you as she helped block you from the view of guards. “Why did we agree to help you with this?”
“Because you all support blossoming love.” You pulled the bits of loose concrete from the wall, handing them to F.F. who was happy to do so…well happy because you had found some ice to put in their water which they sipped on with a small hum.
“Don’t give two shits about new love.” Ermes continued. 
“We’re doing this,” Jolyne cut in, also standing with her back to you to help block you from view. “Because they are the only ones here who can get us free pudding. The good shit. Not that off-brand crap they keep handing out.” 
“Wait--really?” Ermes asked, turning to face you, her brows furrowed. You hissed, shoving her back around. “Snack Pack or Jell-O?” 
“Snack Pack.” You huffed, crouching down so you could peer through the crack. It was only about an inch in width, but it got the job done. Let you see all the people moving and standing around in the opposite courtyard just fine.
“Hell yeah. What flavor? Better not be banana. I’m sick and tired of goddamn banana pudding.” Ermes grumbled. Jolyne gave a mumble in agreement. 
“I got vanilla, chocolate, and that new unicorn shit.”
“Unicorn? What the fuck does unicorn pudding taste like?” Ermes questioned. 
“Stardust.” Jolyne teased, bumping her shoulder into her friend’s arm. Ermes was quick to do the same back with a roll of her eyes.
“Mine came with a tattoo. Look.” F.F. pulled the front of her green overalls down, revealing the sparkly unicorn tattoo they’d slapped onto their breast. 
“Ah shit--” Ermes once more turned around, taking a closer look at the temporary tattoo you’d put on F.F. free of charge because you had a soft spot for the collection of plankton. “They got a rainbow one?” 
“Yeah! And a star and--” You cut F.F. off with several loud shushes when you spotted a flash of pink. 
“Shut up! Shut up! Shut the fuck up!” You’re hissing words turned near giggling as you caught sight of Anasui in all his glory. He stood off to the side, Weather Report at his side. The two men stood sullenly, no words passed between them as they scanned over the courtyard. 
“You say anything weird as fuck no amount of pudding or tattoos is keeping me here.” Jolyne huffed.
“Here, here.” Ermes agreed but you had tuned them out at this point. 
“God--he’s so pretty.” You whined, picking at the concrete as if to make the whole bigger. “Wanna run my fingers through his hair…wanna kiss his lips…” You sighed in your longing. “Wanna smudge that lipstick all over his face…want him to leave smudge marks all over my bod--” Dull pain shot through your back as Jolyne gave your spine a light punch.
“What the fuck did I just say about weird shit?” You reached back to try and rub the soreness forming in your spine.
“You all are just sad, loveless goons, and all I feel is sorry for you.” You gave them a pitying shake of your head.
“Loveless goons? What are you eighty years old?” Ermes laughed, poking you rather harshly in the tender flesh of your neck. You gave a strangled sound of discomfort, smacking her hand away. 
“Stop! I’m trying to look mysterious.” Your words came out in a pathetic whine. Ermes and Jolyne were laughing their asses off at that point, but none of it mattered. Not when Anasui’s scanning, pink eyes found your gaze through the crack in the wall. You’re breath caught so suddenly in your throat you were surprised you didn’t choke on your own spit. 
“Fuck…” You breathed lowly as you watched Anasui’s thin, yet muscle-filled arms uncross, showing off more of the pale skin of his chest to you. 
Hot. God, he was so fucking hot and all you wanted to do was sink your teeth into his sink and never unlatch them. 
You smirked his way, throwing him a flirty little wink you had used many times before to lure your prey in. 
But your current prey’s face fell in a worry-filled way. His pink-painted lips, which had been resting in an easy smile for you, pulled apart slightly as if he had gasped. 
His reaction confused you greatly. It made you think you had thrown him the middle finger instead of a wink, but it had him walking over. A walk that looked like he wanted to run over, but was keeping it casual so as to not pull attention to himself. 
“Hello, pretty thing.” You purred as he knelt down to peer into the crack back at you. Weather, who had reluctantly followed after Anasui, tried his best to block the man from view. “I’m so excited to see you tonight.” 
“As am I but…my love--what is wrong with your eye?” It was your turn to pull a confused look to your face. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Do you have something in it? Are you okay? Are you in pain?” You knelt there in stunned silence for a little bit. Silence that was broken up by Jolyne and Ermes’ and even F.F.’s hardly stifled laughs. 
“I was winking at you.” A pout pulled to your lips that Anasui’s pink eyes drank in. 
“Oh…darling…how do I tell you winking might not be in your forte without hurting your feelings.” You gasped, shoving your middle through the crack, not only to throw it at him but to poke him in the soft flesh of his cheek. Anasui caught your finger between his own before you could pull it back. 
“I was flirting with you dumbass.” You hissed.
“I’m sorry, dear. I shouldn’t have said anything.” You felt warm, slightly moist lips place a gentle kiss on your finger before letting it go. You pulled it back through the crack to find a pink kiss mark there that nearly had you forgetting all about his, quite frankly, untrue words. 
“Show me your wink. It better be good or I’m never going to forgive you.” Panic flashed through his eyes. 
“Nope. Show me since you think you can criticize other's winking abilities. Chop chop. It’s almost time to leave.” Anasui gave a small, pathetically distressed sound. Then a huff. Then a small growl in frustation before giving in. 
“Okay, okay. Prepare yourself.” You shook your head in amusement.
“Alright. I’m prepared.” Anasui gave a deep breath in through his nose, then out like he was preparing to run a marathon before giving you his best wink. 
You knelt there, mouth falling agape as you struggled to keep from bursting out in laughter.
“Baby--sweetness…you blinked.” Pink brows furrowed together. 
“That is the whole point. You blink an eye.”
“No. No. You blinked both eyes. You can’t wink.” Anasui’s mouth opened and closed like he was a fish out of water. 
“But--but--that can’t be true.”
“You know what that means?” His eyes flew wide, the dull sound of his hands smacking against the concrete wall sounding as if he thought he could break them down. 
“No, no! Love--”
“I can never forgive you. You’re wink sucked ass.” You mournfully said.
“But--I’ll do anything. Cut my tongue out for it’s offending you. Please, my love I--” You shook your head sadly.
“Goodbye, sweetness. Oh, what a fun ride we had. So sad it had to end this way.” Anasui continued to call your name, pleasing for you to reconsider as you stood. The guards called everyone back in, but Anasui continued to watch as you walked away. Watched as you gave your hips a bit more sway as you left to tease him further. 
“God you two are strange as hell.” Ermes groaned as she and your other friends followed you back inside. You threw her the middle finger, Anasui’s pink kiss mark still there.
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leftsidebonfire · 6 months ago
LMAO the fucking audacity of someone trying to give me shit for hating on Pudding "because shes 16" when they openly despite Bonney.
Pot, kettle. Lmfaoooo
Also Pudding is a manipulative bitch and I still hate her. Being 16 excuses nothing. I do not care. Being a minor does not excuse doing terrible acts ffs. You can for sure know that murdering someone is wrong at the ripe old age of 16 years old. Fuck outta here.
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