#(You aren’t even cute) SIR I BEG YOUR PARDON??
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I’m so happy to have FINALLY found the time to read this. I was cackling the entire way (full commentary provided in tags in real time as I read - I finally understood how to do it, now I’ll never comment on anything in any other way ever again, get ready peeps ✨)
The Transformation of Nanami Kento
Part 7
In which Nanami-pom GETS SWEET, SWEET REVENGE.
CW: Violence. Yes, you read that right. Violence.
The haunted house exhibit was deathly still, made even more eerie by the dilapidated interiors, an irony not lost on Yuuji. He moved slowly and carefully through the side entrance, eyes adjusting to the dark. Somewhere to his right, he could hear Ino's cautious footfalls.
Nanami-pom had slipped from his shoulder right before they'd entered, but Yuuji wasn't overly concerned. His trusty mentor, even in this state, never made rash or hasty decisions. Remembering the way the rogue curse user had kicked the small, golden body made Yuuji grit his teeth.
But this time they were prepared, and they had backup -
Before he had a chance to process what was happening, his body had reacted, as it often seemed to do since he had started serious jujutsu training. Something shot past his head, so close it must have grazed the fine hairs beneath his ear. The familiarity of the cursed energy was enough to tell him exactly who had attacked.
"Cover!" he shouted, watching Ino roll behind a large metal screen. Behind him, he heard the tell-tale 'shink' of Nobara's nails slipping into position between her fingers. From somewhere above them, beams of cursed energy were raining down, ricocheting off the walls and forcing them to stay alert, even behind the protective barriers.
"Stay back, you monsters!"
The slightly high-pitched voice of the curse user, Ichimura, echoed within the dilapidated walls, making it hard to pinpoint his position. Cursed energy was condensing in a distinctive spiral shape around Ino's fist, the dark material of the beanie, now revealed to be a ski mask, pulled down over his face. His voice was muffled as he called across to Yuuji.
"I'm gonna bring him down from the rafters, but I can't use full power. Too risky in here. You two get ready."
"Got it!"
Ino launched his spiralling attack, the energy-seeking missile shooting upwards to where Ichimura was firing from. There was an explosion and light suddenly flooded the large, cluttered room as Ino's attack tore through the rickety ceiling.
"Get back!" Nobara shouted. Shards of rusty iron and large pieces of wood were raining down, and they heard Ichimura screaming incoherently in rage. The dark shape of the curse user plummeted towards the floor, but he shot out beams of cursed energy, managing to cancel out the impact of his fall. He dropped to the floor, rolling out of the way as Nobara's nails pierced the wall behind him.
"Damn, he's a slitherer," she muttered.
Ino held up a hand, gesturing for them to hold positions. There was nowhere for Ichimura to run. They had the entrances covered, and attempting to escape through the large opening in the ceiling would leave him open to their attacks. It was now a deadly game of cat and mouse.
Ichimura winced slightly and placed a hand against his side. Whoever had sent that damn missile at him packed quite the punch. If his natural defences hadn't kicked in, he'd be in a much worse position. His shirt was torn to shreds on one side, along with his nice suit jacket and the abrasions on his skin were making it painful to move.
Air hissed between his teeth as he took a breath and folded his arms across his body. His time on the run had forced him to practice certain elements of his technique, developing them much faster under the pressure of his circumstances. He'd learned that the cursed energy beams could be emitted from anywhere on his body, freeing up his hands if he needed to move or defend himself. Releasing the breath he'd been holding, he unleashed the next volley of beams, hearing those pesky vermin shout warnings to each other as the energy ricocheted in unpredictable swarms from every surface of the room.
Good. That would keep them occupied while he - Wait. What was ...
From across the room, he saw the light streaming through the hole in the ceiling reflect off something. It was close to ground level, so he couldn't be sure, but it looked like ... a pair of glasses? He blinked, and it disappeared.
Must have been a trick of the light.
And then, behind him, he heard a soft, swift pattering. Whirling around, he readied the next set of beams, hands raised defensively.
Was this one of their techniques? Well, they wouldn't catch him off guard.
His cursed energy attack came in another volley, slicing through the darkness of his side of the room, forming a fast-moving web that made it impossible for anyone to get close to him. He paused, eyes searching through the gloom, breathing hard. Something clattered to the floor on his left. Spinning, he reflexively shot more beams in that direction. The cursed energy illuminated what had caused the noise. There was a small vial, rolling slightly from the impact of his attacks. Picking it up, Ichimura turned it over and read the label:
'Ton Ton's Natural Leave-In Conditioner for Pampered Pooches. NEW Caramel Pudding Scent!'
What -
Something collided with his side so hard it completely knocked the breath out of him. Ichimura yelled out in pain as he rolled across the debris-strewn floor and came up against a painted mural of a ghastly clown. Gasping, eyes tearing, he looked up at the barrier he had been crouching behind a short while ago. Something was standing on top of the barrier. A very small, furry shape, wearing what looked like a miniature business suit and a pair of tinted glasses. One of the floppy ears raised slightly as it looked down at him.
Wait, was that - No! It can't be! It's that man, from before. How was this possible? All the other mascots were small, soft and helpless -
He had no more time to mull things over, because the Pompompurin hopped lightly down from the barrier, unhurried, it's progress almost casual. Light glinted off its glasses as one small paw reached up and unbuttoned its coat with a deliberation that looked uncharacteristically threatening. It reached back and brought out what looked like a blade wrapped in mottled cloth.
Gritting his teeth, Ichimura gathered up his cursed energy and sent out a flurry of beams, impossible for anyone standing before him to dodge. Somehow, this was exactly what the Pompompurin did. It moved like lightning, gracefully dodging and weaving, the tiny blade moving like a whirlwind as it deflected many of the beams that were launched its way. The small size of its body and the speed of its movement was a natural counter to his technique!
"Get back, you little freak! You aren't even cute! You're an ugly eyesore! You don't deserve my beautiful transformation!" Ichimura screamed, spittle flying from his mouth as he upped the ante of his attacks.
Undeterred, the Pompompurin slid seamlessly across the floor toward him, the tiny paw flicking the blade out with clinical precision, once, twice, as it passed right between Ichimura's legs. The curse user gasped as he heard what sounded like a loud snap, his legs suddenly losing their ability to hold him upright. A piercing pain lanced from his ankles upward, and he cried out as he folded over and crumpled to the floor.
"You! What did you - "
He stopped, gasping sharply as the Pompompurin calmly put away its blade and approached him again.
"No ... No! Get away from me! Stay back!"
His screams had obviously alerted the other vermin, because he could see them now. Three youngsters who looked like they were barely out of school! And there was that pink-haired boy! They were ... just standing there? Why? And why were they smiling like that? Were they mocking him? Mocking him! He'd show them -
A sound brought his attention back to the threat in front of him. The Pompompurin took off its glasses ... and yes! He'd been right. It was that man. Those round brown eyes were unmistakable, but right now they weren't creased in confusion and pain. They were narrowed in a gaze that looked incongruously hard and deadly in the fluffy face. The Pompompurin approached him again, reaching up and loosening its tie with a paw. With a small flip, the tie wrapped around the tiny fist, along with a dangerous amount of cursed energy. Ichimura scrambled back, whimpering in pain as his damaged legs dragged against the floor.
No! No! This couldn't be happening! All he'd wanted was -
In a flash, faster than his eye could follow, the Pompompurin was right before him. It raised its paw and landed a blow across Ichimura's face that rattled the teeth in his skull. It was followed by another, and another, and another, spraying blood across the floor and ... were those his teeth? The Pompompurin paused and he felt its paw (how could it be so strong?) tangling in his hair. It jerked his head up, forcing him to meet its gaze.
"It's not my fault!" Ichimura screamed, eyes tearing up again. "I just ... I just wanted to see all the happy smiling faces!"
There was a shift in the Pompompurin's tiny, solemn face. Its mouth, downturned and serious, slowly straightened, then curved upward in the most horrific, menacing little smile Ichimura had ever seen. There was a small golden blur, the outline of its fist clad in cursed energy coming straight towards his face and then ... darkness.
Gojo whistled.
"Well, well. Looks like he didn't need anyone's help with this one."
They were in Ieri's room, the unhinged curse user, Ichimura, restrained appropriately on the metal table as he received treatment from her. He was still out cold, his face bloody and battered, looking distinctly worse for wear.
Yuuji grinned.
"Hell yeah. You should've seen him. That curse user didn't stand a chance."
Nobara was moving her feet across the floor rapidly as she shadow-boxed.
"Just like this. Move like a butterfly, sting like a Pompom."
The door opened and Ino and Megumi came in, Ino's grin as wide as Yuuji's. Nanami-pom was riding on Megumi's shoulder, well fed, fur washed and brushed clean of dust and debris, his tiny frame now encased in the cotton pyjamas Ijichi had procured for him. As much as the expression adorning his small snout was as serious as ever, there was a distinct air of accomplishment in the way he carried himself.
"So, what now?" Ino queried.
Gojo spun on his heel and clasped his hands behind his back.
"When he wakes up, we tell him to reverse the technique. Or else. Simple."
Gojo's easy smile belied the weight of his words. Ichimura would be waking up to a very unwelcome surprise when faced with the acknowledged strongest sorcerer in jujutsu society.
Megumi nodded. "Ijichi told me that they managed to find all the daycare employees that Ichimura transformed. They're with Ijichi right now and hopefully, this dude will undo the curse on them too."
Clapping his hands, Gojo turned to Nanami-pom. He began to poke his index fingers together in a gesture that wasn't exactly as cute as he thought it was.
"So, you'll be back to normal soon, Nanamin. And since, well ... you'll never be like this again ... wanna cuddle?"
Nanami-pom's expression never changed as he stared back at Gojo. The students and Ino watched with bated breath as he hopped down from Megumi's shoulder and approached his long-time senior and colleague. Was he really going to ...
Their eyes widened as Nanami-pom stopped right in front of Gojo and reached up, his tiny arms stretched out, as if asking to be carried. Gojo's mouth was hanging open slightly, but his expression rapidly morphed to one of quivering sentimentality as he dropped to one knee.
"Nanamin! Come here, I've got a big ol' shnuggle for you!"
The others watched in disbelief as Nanami-pom allowed Gojo to pick him up and press his face into the soft golden fur, sighing in happiness as he inhaled the sweet puppy smell and the lingering scent of caramel pudding from the conditioner Megumi used while brushing.
"Oooh. So soft! Amazing!"
Nanami-pom's paw came up and gently stroked Gojo's hair, earning a choked sound of ecstasy as the soft pads carded through the white strands. The paw dropped a little lower and came to rest on Gojo's nose. It was then that those watching the touching scene realised that all was not well.
Gojo's expression went through a series of changes, from confusion, to surprise, to realization and then ... a profound sense of betrayal. He gasped, inhaling and sputtering, his face suddenly turning an alarming shade of puce.
"What did you - you little - "
He grabbed, but Nanami-pom was faster, ejecting himself with enhanced speed from Gojo's off-kilter embrace and shooting across the floor to the exit. The heard the small patter of his paws in the corridor outside as he made his swift escape.
Gojo was doubled over, eyes streaming, coughing hard, beating the metal table with his fist. The others looked at each other in deep confusion, before Megumi's brow cleared and understanding dawned on his face.
"Oh. So that's why he wanted that sachet of cayenne pepper when we went to the kitchen for supper."
#yes you read that right. violence STARTING OFF STRONG#'Ton Ton's Natural Leave-In Conditioner for Pampered Pooches. NEW Caramel Pudding Scent!' sent me LMAO#can we just appreciate how Nanami is a capable sorcerer even as pompompurin? thank you#(You aren’t even cute) SIR I BEG YOUR PARDON??#the paw. adjusting the tie. the PAW. 🤌#HOLY SHIT THERE WAS VIOLENCE#the maniac smile GOD HELP ME#furious Nanami is an absolute menace no matter the state he’s in. in this essay I will#Move like a butterfly#sting like a pompom#😭😂😂😂#all the pompompurins with Ijichi please I need to see daycare Ijichi tending to pompom’s#WANNA CUDDLE 🗣️🗣️ FFS#THE CAYENNE PEPPEEEEEEEEER#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#nanami kento#kento Nanami#jjk Nanami#jjk kento
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pairing: lee taeyong x fem!reader
prompt: based off satisfied from hamilton
genre: angst; royal!au
word count: 1.6k
a/n: i watched hamilton on disney+ and the only reason why i watched it was to see satisfied in person, and let's say i was not disappointed

you walked your way towards the large grand doors, already hearing the music and chatter from the guests
you walked in the front, wearing an all too uncomfortable dress and too high shoes
you were the oldest of three sisters and your father had no sons, meaning your family was dependent on you to marry rich, well even richer
your father had decided to throw the ball because he deemed you old enough to get married and wanted to find you a suitable suitor
"ooh! i cant wait to get inside!" your youngest sister, lia, squeals, while your younger sister, mina, just sighs dreamily. "i cant wait for all the cute guys"
you roll your eyes at their antics, muttering about how these balls aren't all that
you make your way to the door and take a breath, the servant at door opens the grand-looking doors
you and your two sisters walk into view, the guests' eyes moving to your figures, quickly bowing slightly at your presence
you make your way down the stairs, giving your brightest smile to the people, bowing slightly to acknowledge them
your two sisters behind you giggle before rushing off to the dance floor, probably to go dance with each other
you laugh softly as you see the multiple boys move towards your sisters, hoping to gain their attention
the music is loud in the ballroom and you make your way towards your sisters before you stop, a figure approaching you
it's a young boy, probably your age and he's absolutely handsome. you feel your breath catch in your throat when he's suddenly in front of you
he bows and gently places a kiss on your hand and you feel your face heat up immediately
"hi m'lady." he smiles and you're frozen in shock you nearly forget your own name
you give him a smile in return, softly saying "hi". you feel your heart race in your chest as you take in his appearance
he's wearing a black suit, but you notice how it isn't as fancy as the other men in the room
you wonder if he's actually common rather than the noble folk your father usually invites
your thoughts are cut off when you hear him speak, "you strike me as someone who has never been satisfied."
you make face of confusion, "i beg your pardon? i'm sure i don't know what you mean." he laughs softly at your reaction.
"you're like me princess, i'm never satisfied." he replies. you raise a brow at him, bringing your hand to your chest teasingly, "is that right?"
he nods, "i have never been satisfied." you nod at his reponse before clearing your throat.
"my name is y/n, y/l/n y/n." you smile, bringing out your hand for him to shake. he gladly takes it
"taeyong, lee taeyong."
"where's your family from?" you ask taeyong. you notice his body stiffen for a moment before relaxing immediately. "that's unimportant princess," he laughs. "but my father is a blacksmith."
"is that so? how interesting." you smile at him. the two of you walk towards the dance floor, continuing to make small talk.
to be completely honest, he made you extremely nervous. he openly flirted with you as the two of you danced. it's obvious that he knows he's handsome and is using it to his advantage
the song comes to an end and he bows and you curtsey. he holds your hand one more time, moving to whisper in your ear. "it was a pleasure meeting you princess, and thank you for the dance."
you feel yourself blush furiously, "the pleasure is all mine." he smiles one last time before walking away, your eyes following his figure.
you turn around, spotting your sister, mina dancing with lia. you make your way towards them, stopping next to lia. "may i cut in?" you ask, mimicking the voice of a man.
"well of course sir." lia jokes before running off, you immediately taking her place. you and mina begin to dance to song currently playing, the two of you laughing loudly.
as you go to twirl mina, you lock eyes with taeyong. your sister stops before looking in the same direction, a gasp leaving her lips. she quickly takes your hands and drags you off the dance floor
your eyes are still on taeyong and his on you. you wanted nothing more than to walk over there and take him somewhere far away but you remember your sisters' presence.
you turn to face mina to question her before stopping, realizing the look on her face. the face of pure adoration and helplessness. your words were caught in your throat and you couldn't speak.
you notice the shine in her eyes as she looks at taeyong. she looked like she has fallen in love at first sight.
you observed her face before glancing back at taeyong. you make your way towards him, ignoring your sisters' pleas to stop you
but as you made your way towards him you realized three fundamental truths at the same time
you realized that you lived in a world where girls had to marry rich, hence why your father was throwing the damn ball in the first place
you were the oldest so your father was adamant on your marrying another prince to strengthen the kingdom. but taeyong wasn't a prince.
he wasn't rich but rather penniless. the gossip that would occur if the two of you got married. it would ruin you and your family. but that didn't stop your heart from racing at the sight of him
you stop in front of taeyong, and he smiles at your presence. "yes princess?" he asks. you don't reply, instead taking his arm and dragging him across the ballroom towards your sister
"where are you taking me?" he asks.
"i'm about to change your life." you reply simply, you feel his body relax in your grip.
"then by all means, lead the way."
the second thing you realized was that he was interested in you because you were royalty, if you got married, it would elevate his status
you realized you would have to be naive to set that aside. you realized that your father was depending on you, that you couldn't just marry any man. that in reality he was mostly interested in raising his own status
you realized that you never could've been with taeyong anyway.
you're cut out of your thoughts as mina introduces herself to taeyong
"y/l/n?" he questions and you nod. "my sister."
"thank you for coming to our ball." mina smiles
"if it takes a long journey for us to meet, it would have been worth it." he replies
"i'll leave you to it." you say, feeling your heart shatter at how quick he was to woo mina. you give your sister a smile before walking off, giving them their privacy
the last thing you realized was how well you knew your sister. you knew her like your own mind. you wouldn't be able to find anyone as trusting or as kind as her.
you knew that if you told her that you loved him she would put your happiness first. she would back off and let you be with him. she would say that she is fine but it's obvious to you that she is lying.
as tempting as it was, you couldn't do that to mina. the bond between the two of you was so strong, you both would've done the same thing for each other.
ultimately you decided to leave. as you left them you felt your heart break into two.
for the next three weeks, mina and taeyong had written letters to each other everyday. on the fourth, you and your sisters watched as taeyong asked for your father's blessing to marry mina.
now here you stand, watching the two people you love get married.
mina had chosen you as her maid of honor, and as you watch them recite their vows you can't help but cry.
you cry out of happiness for your sister and also for your own broken heart.
not a day goes by where you don't regret what happened that night at the ball
almost every single night since the ball, you've fantasized about taeyong's eyes. they were just as soft as you remembered. you romanticize what could've been if you didn't size him up so quickly
maybe if you weren't so quick to judge his status, maybe you would be the one in mina's place instead. maybe you would be the one to marry the love of your life.
but you realize that the past is the past, you can't go back and change what happened. so you look at the couple in front of you, observing the pure love in their eyes as they look at each other.
"at least mina is his wife. at least i get to keep taeyong's eyes in my life." you think to yourself
"excuse me!" mina calls to the crowd, you look back to her as she turns to look at you.
"i would like my maid of honor to say a few words." she says and you nod, "of course i do."
you take a step forward, facing the huge wedding crowd. you take a deep breath, turning to see the beloved couple already looking at you.
"To the groom! To the bride!" you say, the crowd repeating you after each statement.
"from your sister, who is always by your side."
"to your union and the hope that you provide."
you turn to face the married couple for your last statement, "may you always be satisfied."
"she'll be happy as his bride." you tell yourself as the couple begins to walk back down the aisle, leaving the chapel.
you realize one last thing as they walk out the doors. you realize that taeyong was right, you will never be satisfied.
thank u for reading!! this isn’t edited so sorry for any mistakes. also i dont know how to write royal aus fjgdjd hope that doesnt take away from the fic lol. as always feedback is always appreciated thank u :D
#taeyong imagine#nct imagine#nct imagines#nct angst#nct scenario#nct scenarios#nct au#nct 127 imagine#nct 127 imagines#taeyong imagines#nct 127#nct 127 angst#taeyong angst#nct 127 au#lee taeyong imagine#lee taeyong imagines#lee taeyong x reader#reader x lee taeyong#my writing*
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The Price of Fame
Fairy Tail fanfiction by impracticaldemon for Gray Day (September 1, 2020)

Author’s Note: I wanted to write something fun for Gray Day 2020, since Gray is my favourite Fairy Tail guy, and he needs more appreciation. This short fic takes place “some time” after the GMG, after the guild is back in Magnolia. Just go with it... One disclaimer: the image is kind of relevant, but mostly I just think it’s cool XD ~ Imp
The Price of Fame
Gray let his companion’s chatter wash over him, keeping his impatience in check and—hopefully—hidden. The bar was dim, even on a sunny afternoon in late summer, and mercifully cool. It was a traditional kind of place, with well-worn plank floorboards, and lots of scuffed dark wood and tarnished brass. Gray liked it here, and could only hope that the man sitting beside him was telling the truth about only being in town for a short time. He’d hate to have to start avoiding the place.
“So, now that your guild is famous—and you’re famous!—do you have any plans to, you know, do something with it?”
“Do something?” Gray forced himself to focus. Idle conversation with an old acquaintance wasn’t his thing. He’d agreed to share a drink or two for politeness’ sake—Erza had been nearby when the man had come up to him—but he hadn’t been enthused about it, and he was regretting the decision.
“Well, yeah! You know, get into the advertising game, make some money off it while people still know who you are!”
“…People know who I am.” That sounded self-important, so Gray added, “I mean, those who need to know, know.”
His companion took a large swig of foamy beer, coughed, and shook his head. “See, that’s a mistake right there, Gray! That’s how come you’ll always be second best to that Natsu guy!”
Gray finished his beer—without choking on it—and leaned forward a little. The temperature in the immediate area dropped a couple of degrees.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Well, I mean, look… I’m not trying to say you’re actually second best”—the man’s tone wasn’t convincing—“I’m just saying that Dragneel’s more showy, you know? He knows how to get attention and keep it. I’ll bet he’s a huge draw for promoting stuff.”
Gray forced himself to shrug. It had taken time, effort, and a ton of practice, but he did better these days about not deep-freezing people who compared him negatively to Natsu. …But it was annoying how many opportunities he’d had to practice his self-restraint.
“You’re right, Boritt—”
“—Yeah, Biritt. Anyway, you’re right that Natsu draws a lot of attention. Not always good attention, though.” More like Magic Council Mad at Fairy Tail Again attention. Or Yet Another Town Bans Fairy Tail’s Team Natsu attention.
“Ehn, you know what they say about ‘any publicity is good publicity.’ The point is, the Grand Magic Games are still news, which mean that you are news. Time for the spotlight and a good sponsorship deal, right? I mean, come on, stop trying to be modest—”
Uh-huh, thought Gray, draining half the new beer the barkeep had just dropped off. What’s your angle Biritt? We barely knew each other four years ago, let alone now.
Biritt sensed that he’d lost his audience somehow, and turned up the brightness on his smile. He tried to punch Gray playfully on the shoulder, but Gray leaned forward at the last moment, and he didn’t connect. Both men pretended that nothing had happened.
“So…” Biritt wasn’t giving up. “How about letting me help you make it big? I’d hate to see you, you know, get overlooked. I’ve been in the biz for a couple of years, and I’m sure I could hook you up with a couple of juicy contracts! You should—”
“Oy—Popsicle Breath!” A pink-haired man stood in the doorway, squinting into the gloom.
“Got a problem, Flamebrain?” Gray could feel his quiet afternoon slipping away, but he was glad for the interruption.
“Yeah, I want to try out a coupla new moves, but Erza’s busy, and Laxus isn’t around, and Lucy says she’s busy washing her hair—again—and Happy went out somewhere, and Mira kinda banned me from the hall this morning, and Gramps said—oh hey, you know this guy too? Boritt, right?”
“It’s actually Biritt, Mr. Dragneel! Like ‘beer!’”
“And ‘it’,” Gray added helpfully, his expression bland.
“Sure, yeah, okay.” Natsu smiled breezily. Most people would have assumed he was unaware of Gray’s understated snark, but Gray suspected otherwise.
“So—sparring!” Biritt hopped off his barstool and advanced on Natsu, his expression covetous. “I mean wow! A chance to see the kingdom’s top dragon slayer in action! Hope you don’t mind if I write up a little something for my travel blog? My readers will be thrilled! And I have a pretty big readership, Mr. Dragneel—trust me, you’d get only the best exposure. Better yet, you might want to consider that agency agreement I mentioned earlier!”
“Uh, yeah… I mean—I don’t think I—”
Gray was surprised. It was unlike Natsu to sound so indecisive. He might ignore something outright, or respond with something outrageous, but hesitation wasn’t his style. Gray frowned internally. It struck him again, more forcibly, that agreeing to drinks at his favourite bar with a bare acquaintance had been an odd thing for him to do. Natsu wasn’t the only one out of character.
“Another drink, sir?” Gray turned to the barkeep, and saw the twitchy look establishment owners got when their sixth sense told them that something was going on with a member of Fairy Tail. He couldn’t blame them.
“No, I’m good.” Gray paid for both sets of drinks and headed for the door.
“Whoa—Gray!” That was Natsu, but he could also hear Biritt calling out to him in confusion.
As soon as all three of them were outside, Gray turned to Biritt.
“It’s been interesting, but I think I’ve got other things to do now.”
“Huh? Gray—wait—if it was something I said earlier…” The would-be publicity agent to Team Natsu sounded squeaky with anxiety.
“You mean trying to get to me about Natsu being more famous? Or do you mean that you might have overreached yourself by trying to string both of us along at the same time?”
When the man started to protest, Gray’s patience snapped, and he conjured up an ice gag. Natsu was staring at him.
“Um, Gray… I don’t think Erza’s going to be keen on this…”
“Maybe not, but I’ll bet she’ll be even less keen on Biritt here when she finds out that he tried to use magic to charm us into some kind of weird agency thing.”
“Mm-mm-mmmmmph!” Biritt sounded shrill, even through the ice. He could’ve been complaining about the cold, but Gray suspected it was more than that.
“Look, Biritt. I’m sure you’re a master of the con game, and I seemed like the perfect patsy to you. And I can’t blame you for thinking Natsu is totally oblivious to being manipulated, ‘cause he can be pretty dense.”
Gray ignored Natsu.
“But seriously, guy…” He poked Biritt in the chest. “Just because we’re good at wrecking things doesn’t mean we aren’t good mages, you know? Eventually I was going to realize you were messing with me by magic, and I wasn’t going to like it. Seeing you with Natsu just let me figure you out sooner.”
Gray wasn’t surprised when the man finally gave up and tried to run. It was child’s play to snap on a set of ice manacles and drag him back.
“So now what?” There was no trace of friendliness in Natsu’s expression as he studied Biritt.
“Now we hand him over to Erza, or Makarov, and go for a beer.” Gray’s eyebrows rose a little. “Or if you ask nicely, I’ll spar with you.”
“Give me a break, Ice Princess!”
“If you insist.” Gray was suddenly looking forward to a good fight.
They ignored the muffled shrieks from their captive as they headed off to the guildhall to hand the whole problem over to somebody else. Gray just hoped that Erza didn’t get distracted by Biritt’s spiel once they let him speak again. She had a weakness for cute merchandise…
Closing Note: Gray Fullbuster for the win! I hope you enjoyed the story. And if you can, help out a poor, beleaguered author (aka me) by adding a note, comment, or maybe something kind in the tags! Thank you for reading ♥
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first meet - p.sh

pairing: park seonghwa x fem!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 2.7k
synopsis: a little couch potato finally agree’s on going on an outing with your two friends; who knew you’d find someone you now hold dear there
a/n: posting all my old ateez fics ahha but i hope yoyu enjoy :(( ples send reqs too

"y/n! wake the fuck up!!" your friend sumin screams to you from the edge of the bed attempting to wake you up. "noooooo" you whine pulling the covers over your head. it's almost 4 in the afternoon and you had nothing better to do than sleep-in. you were off from work due to a plumbing problem which was coincidentally beside your little work cubical. you had one week to yourself and you weren't trying to get up and go outing with sumin. "please! jongho even agreed to come with me why aren't you!!" she was trying to convince me to attend this lame party with her work friends. i shoot my head up and laugh; "your lying. jongho isn't a party guy." you say getting up and making your way to the restroom. "but he did agree after me begging him and hopefully you will too!" jongho is sumin's co-worker who happened to be her boyfriend. while you brushed your teeth you thought to yourself if THE choi jongho- the one person i'd least expect to go to a party is going. might as well. "okay. i don't know what i'm gonna wear though." you say continuing to wash your face. "NO PROBLEM!!" sumin says before running to your closet picking out clothes for you to wear. she took out a black polka dot puff sleeve ribbed mini dress from your closet. "see! a nice easy ribbed dress you can take from brunch to cocktails it has this amazing crew neckline with a sheer polka dot puff short sleeves and it'll show off your amazing body." peeking your head out the door you see the dress. "i haven't worn that in ages. plus i don't even look good in black" you exclaim going back to the restroom. sumin sighs going back to digging in your closet to find the perfect dress. a red scuba back cut-out high-low dress. "y/n. i know you will say no but i really give zero shits about what you say. you are going to wear this dress. it's a short sleeveless v-neck mini dress with this clinched back detail and a back cut-out detail. all eyes will be on you if you wear this." she says excitingly going throwing the dress on your bed to change into. finding a matching pair of shoes she places them at the door. "these are the perfect party shoes it has this front tie block and gives you the correct amount of inches and it's in the most sexiest colour; black." you peek your head out again laughing at what she's doing. walking out all freshened up you pick out a necklace and earring to wear. you pick out this necklace and earrings you got a few years back. the earrings were simple yet elegant, they were these faux diamond branch earrings and a this star pendant silver necklace which just complimented your outfit for the night. a few hours has pasted it's now 8:30 pm, you and sumin were about to leave. "jongho will meet us there" she says happily.
you two arrive at the party and not even a minute inside the hall and sumin runs over to jongho who signaled her over to him. ugh couples. you thought to yourself, you have only been in one relationship in your life and it was some lame high school romance that lasted freshman year. nervous as this was your first party in...awhile. sitting yourself at the bar stool your sip on a lemonade waiting for sumin to return to you. this party was full of those big businessmen that looked too rich and posh to breath the same air as you, a basic girl all i know is how to work a cash register. "can i get two strawberry daiquiri's." a deep voice says hovering over your shoulder talking to the bartender. "on it." the bartender says as the unknown figure sits down. with a straw in your mouth you turn your head over to the tall figure taking a look at him. he was wearing a dark red velvet suit with a side part in his dark hair. his beauty was indescribable to you. he was just very very attractive. noticing your gaze he turns his head over to your tiny figure staring at him. as red flew to your cheeks you shoot your forward sipping nervously on your lemonade just to realize. it's finished. "can i get a refill please!" you speak eagerly to the bartender. "one moment." he tells you. "here you go sir." the bartender says. "thank you." he says and before he turns around he makes sure you know he saw you eyeballing him. "it's rude to stare." he says nudging you playfully before walking off.
oh my god. you watch him walk off and scan the hall for sumin and jongho just to see them in the corner, jolting out of your seat your speed walk over to them. "i just seen the hottest man i've ever laid eyes on." your quickly spit out. you watch jongho laugh at you since he has never seen you say anything remotely close to that especially about a man you just met at a work party. "oh my god who! spill! i probably know them too!" she squeals excitingly. as you scan the room to search for that man to show jongho and sumin who he is you spot him talking to a few other probably business associates. "him." you say signalling over to the man. after a few moments of silence you look over to the two waiting for a response just to see a weirded out look on both their face. "what? what!" they say. "that's seonghwa." jongho says. "he's not someone you want to be associated with" he says sighing. "i agree. but if your going to hook up with him i support" she says happily cheering. after a few laughs you ask why he wasn't to be messed with jongho tells you; "he doesn't have a good past with women." he says confused. "he just doesn't keep them around for long. the longest i've seen him with a girl was probably a month" he exclaims. a little more cautious now you cross your arms and think but what you didn't notice was that same seonghwa was walking to the three of you. "how is everyone's night?" he says calmly standing next to you. out of panic your jump in-front in between jongho and sumin. "good, how was yours?" jongho says sipping on his drink. "mine was alright, could be better." he says turning his head towards you. "and you?" he says using his drink to point at you. "me?" you say back dumbfounded. "i don't think i've seen you at the office before." he tells the three of you. "that's because she doesn't even work here she's just my plus one because she needs to go out once in awhile." sumin says jumping in. nodding you smile. "ah okay." after a few exhausting minutes of small talk with seonghwa he makes his leave. "hope to see you around y/n." he says turning around walking off. completely in awe of him your turn over to the two love birds. "he doesn't look bad!" you tell jongho. "whatever helps you sleep at night." he says sighing. "i'm going to go now it's almost 12. i promised my cousin i'd help him design some clothes with him tomorrow morning." you tell her. surprisingly she was very understanding of that and let you leave. walking out towards the bus stop. "two things. aren't you cold." a voice from behind says giving you their jacket. "and girls like you shouldn't be out alone at this time." the voice was rather familiar so you turn around and surprise it's the one and only seonghwa. "girls like me?" you say confused. "yes. girls like you. the pretty ones." he says slyly making your cheeks grow a blush pink. you gotta hand it to him, he has a way with words.
"don't be like that." you say sitting at the bench laughing slightly. "be like what." he says cheekily. "all flirty and hot-" you cover your mouth. stupid stupid you shouldn't have idiot!! "hot. that's the first." he says crossing his legs leaning back laying his long arm around your shoulder. "don't you have a part to attend." you say trying to change the topic. he brings you closer by hugging your shoulder. "next saturday at 7:30." he says as the bus arrives. "pardon??" very confused you take off the jacket getting onto the bus. "next saturday at 7:30. i'll pick you up. wear a skirt. you'll look cute." he says as the doors close. flustered you sit down on the bus seat just wondering what he could have planned. "well played park seonghwa. well played." you say to yourself staring out the window wondering what'll happen next.
"next saturday at 7:30." seonghwa says as the bus arrives. "pardon??" very confused you take off the jacket getting onto the bus. "next saturday at 7:30. i'll pick you up. wear a skirt. you'll look cute." he says as the doors close. flustered you sit down on the bus seat just wondering what he could have planned. "well played park seonghwa. well played." you say to yourself staring out the window wondering what'll happen next. you arrive at your bus-stop hoping out. "it's almost one in the morning sheesh why would you go out this late?!" you ask yourself. unlocking the front door you waddle in and jump into bed not even wanting to change out of your dress and jewelry. falling fast asleep. hoping. just hoping. your sleep could last until tomorrow afternoon. "it's almost 1 in the afternoon why is she still asleep?". your asleep, yes. but you were barely awoken by a voice. "i don't know, she's always like this." another squeaky voice says. still looking asleep you managed to identify the two as none other than the lousy couple. jongho and sumin. turning around to lay on your back you look up at the two staring down at you until sumin pulls you up and forces you into the restroom. "change and get freshened up my darling." she hums to you from the other side of the restroom door. oh god what could she have planned for today. it was still relatively early for your species or nocturnal animals to be awake so your kind of slugging your way through your morning routine. sumin left an outfit hanging at your door handle; it was a pair or navy blue skinny jeans and a crinkled smock-detail top. it was just divine with it's tie-top shoulder straps and concealed elastic at top with the overlocked edge and ruffle trim. it was perfect for the summer weather. it was wide, and smocked your lower section. it was the perfect top for the casual brunch outing you were going for. brushing your hair out and putting in your go-to jewelry. you walk out the restroom door to the foyer where you see the two. "ready to go?" sumin asks and you nod and make your way out. "so were getting food right?" your ask the two rubbing your stomach in a circular motion implying you were starving. "yea we need to be fed." jongho says agreeing with you as you both look at sumin who found you two hysterical.
currently your at brunch with jongho and sumin. filling them in on what happened at the bus-stop. "oh my god saturday is only two days away!!" she squeals at you. you cover your face in embarrassment as this was actually the one of the few times a man as good looking as park seonghwa reached out to you and take you out. "what are you going to wear??" now this is where you panic. he told you to wear a skirt. which you don't own. "he wanted me to wear a skirt? i don't have anything remotely close to a skirt." you tell her. she see's either your phone ro jongho's sitting on the table and grabs it as she looks up clothing stores nearby. "don't you have your own phone." jongho asks grinning. she responds on how she forgot more intrigued in looking online for shops. "store/name is just a few minutes down this path" she tells your grabbing both your hands and dragging you towards the shop. sumin always gets riled up when you need to go shopping. it's one of her many talents. she makes jongho go exploring on his own in the plaza. after stuffing you into the changing room she throws you a bunch of skirts and tops. you and seonghwa were going out for dinner as you assumed so you and sumin picked out a wine red corduroy mini skirt. it was perfect and you paired it with an over the knee boots. it was a lightweight corduroy construction, the exposed seam detailing and high waisted a-line silhouette made you look just perfect. the zipper at the back just went so well with it. you decided to pair the two with a long sleeve white low turtle neck which just hugged your skin perfectly. after swiping the card you two made it to jongho who was on the outside bench sipping on a orange juice. sumin running ahead of you which looked cute, they were you. you thought sighing. "gimme!" she says going to snatch his drink. you stare at them being you for a moment playing with your feet. you feel a weight on your shoulder. "why aren't you two cute?" the voice says to the two as they stop and greet the man infront who had his hand on your shoulder soothingly massaging it. "we meet again, hello y/n" the voice said. turning your head to the side you notice it's seonghwa. "hi hi" you said as you feel your cheeks heating up. "are you free right now?" he asks. you turn your head to sumin as she nods frantically yes. "y-yes." you stutter out. "great. guess i don't have to wait til saturday." he says smiling grabbing the bags out of your hand slowly handing them to jongho and taking you by the hand out of the plaza. you wave goodbye to the two as your follow behind seonghwa. walking side by side he interlocks your hands as if it was nothing. you lean closer to him while you two walk down the lit city sidewalks.
it felt like you two were a couple. it wasn't awkward at all that night. the night didn't go as you thought..you thought you'd have a fancy little dinner from seeing how proper he was but in reality he was an ordinary guy. you two stopped at a food truck and got two shawarma wraps and pop cans stopping by a few stores and taking pictures. it was so peaceful and perfect. but you still didn't know if this was all an act or if he was genuinely interested in you. you two arrive at your doorstep as he agreed to walk you home. his hands snake around your waist pulling you towards his chest as you look up at him. your hands were placed on his chest they slid their way up to the base of his neck. pulling him down slowly. "today was fun." he breathed looking you in your eyes. his eyes trailed from your eyes to your soft rose tinted lips. you mimic his actions look at his lips, they looked so soft. your leaned forward placing your lips onto his. him responding back softly. this is where you realized how he felt about you. his kiss wasn't rough, or no where near sexual. no lust. it was purely off of how your night was. soft and tender as you two ended the night amazingly. "today was amazing." you reply catching your breath. smiling he opens your front door letting you in. waiting in front of your doorstep he beams you a smile as you lean on the door frame returning the smile. you didn't want the night to end so you grew some balls and asked. "it's late seonghwa.." you say. "stay the night." you shyly tell him your face becoming a tomato. a smirk grew as he responded. "ah you sure?" he says walking towards you hovering over you. "yes" you say quietly taking his hand pulling him inside knowing where your night was going to go.

i’m a new writer on here for ateez and nct (maybe a few other groups...) and i’ll rly enjoy if you’d re-blog and show love on my page since i want to enjoy my writing with everyone!
#ateez#atiny#ateez x atiny#hongjoong#seonghwa#yunho#yeosang#mingi#san#wooyoung#jongho#ateez imagines#ateez oneshots#ateez au#ateez smut#seonghwa imagines#ateez scenarios#seonghwa oneshots#seonghwa au#seonghwa smut#seonghwa scenarios#ateez icons#ateez wallpapers#ateez layouts#ateez memes#kpop
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₪ thought it'd be funny for takashi/shigeo to have the same room ❂ rutna and takayuki because I'm curious and ☁ Manami and Ayano because I see them being pretty good friends! If that's okay, of course!!
Of course! I hope you’ll enjoy them and that I did okay ;w;
Takashi/Shigeo - Due to an accident, your muse was given the same Hotel Room as mine…
“Yes I checked in already! The room is the bomb!” Takashi laughed into his phone. “There’s just…”, he shifted his gaze to the other side of the room, “…one, greedy, green-haired problem with it.”
“Give me another room.” Shigeo commanded coldly. The hotel staff member on the other side of the phone cleared his throat a little nervously. “…I’m truly sorry, Sir. We’re still trying to look into this and how this happened in the first place. But I am afraid to admit that….all rooms are full.” Shigeo’s face darkened and his voice got even sharper. If there was one thing he couldn’t stand it was to deal with incompetent people. “Okay, I’m going to explain this to you in the most simple way possible but-” He was interrupted.
“What does Suzume call you again? Aaah! I remember! Was it…” Takashi left a little dramatic pause, probably hearing an imaginative drumroll in his head. “….Four-Eyeeeeeeees?”
Shigeo clenched his teeth. Of course that kid would be on good terms with the goddess of sheer annoyance herself named Suzume Hojo.
No way he was going to listen to this irritating rambling all night long. “Do something about this! Or I’ll make sure that you’ll never greet a guest in your entire life again.” He hissed into the phone. Contrary to popular belief, he was not a hothead. But he just couldn’t bring up a lot of tolerance for loud, way too energetic people. Should they have blonde hair and be in any way related to Terunori Kuga it only made matters worse.
Slowly he turned around after hanging up, his eyes aiming to pierce through the young boy that was unfortunately stuck in his hotel room.
“The hotel staff will take care of it and as long as they do so…” His voice took on a threatening tone. “Do not talk to me. Your voice honestly gives me a headache.”
“Are you intending to freeze me, Mister?” Was Takashi’s mere response and he grinned widely. Shigeo’s left eye twitched, before he gave his answer. Or rather another threat.
“Whoops! Seems like it didn’t happen! I’m still here after all.” Takashi laughed, still unbothered by the threats. “I think I’ll call you ‘Baron Cold-Hearted’. Or what do you think?”
For quite some time it was silent as Shigeo just stared at the grinning Takashi with a more than displeased look. But finally his lips actually curled into the usual confident and condescending smirk. If that kid really wanted to play this game, then he would win. He had offered peace and all it had required the annoying blonde in front of him to do was to stay quiet. But if he wanted war that desperately, then let it be. “Sure. As long as you don’t mind me calling you midget.”
Now it was Takashi’s turn to have a twitching eye. He clutched his fists, took a step forward and bawled. “What did you just say to me?!”
Shigeo only crossed his arms, chuckled darkly and then answered. “Oh? That was just me pointing out facts.” His smirk grew a little. “Runt.”
“YOU PANCAKE SON OF MEDUSA!” “I beg your pardon?!”
Within just a few minutes, the hotel staff received a thousand calls of the rooms nearby begging to do something about the two, arguing annoyances.
Rutna/Takayuki - Your muse finds mine injured
Rutna took in a sharp, painful breath as she looked at her wrist which was dripping a little bit of blood and aching in pain. Her last opponent in combat had been good.
To make matters worse the crowd had gathered around her and everyone was staring at her, curious. Many different chats all together sounding like one, insanely loud gargle. And not one of them brought up the idea to maybe bring a plaster.
“Hey! Stop huddling around her like a group of retarded penguins you idiots! She needs help, not an audience!” A familiar voice suddenly spat.
An annoyed Takayuki was elbowing his way through the crowd, ready to punch anyone who would even intend to stop him in his tracks. “Atitarn! Are you okay?” He called out as he had finally reached Rutna. She smiled at him. “Ohh, Takayuki Sweetie! You finally came to watch huh!”
“Cut that!” Takayuki barked. “We’ll have to get you a plaster first!” He turned to the crowd and yelled. “For the last time, don’t just stand there! Fucking do something!”
The crowd did indeed part, but most of them just got bored and went elsewhere. Takayuki was not that intimidating yet.
However a girl decided to have a heart and run to get a plaster.
Takayuki shook his head “Idiots” and kneed down to Rutna. “You didn’t answer my question….Are you alright?”
Rutna chuckled. “I admit, my last opponent was better than usually but I will live, Takayuki Sweetie!”
Takayuki only grumbled in response. Before looking to the side and mumbling something about “Be more careful next time..”
Manami/Ayano - Our muses find shelter from the weather…in the same place
“Well get you as soon as possible, little sister. Find shelter in the meantime.” “Alright Zuzu, thank you! I’ll be perfectly fine!” Manami assured her brother on the phone before hanging up. The rain around her was becoming stronger and stronger by each second and she already heard the thunder roll in the distance.
She only accelerated her speed and finally saw a little bus stop with canopy that could lend her shelter. With security being so near, it made it possible for her to give her pace even a little more tempo and within a few seconds she was safe from the cold raindrops.
Once under the canopy she sighed and sat down on one of the seats. So she didn’t noticed that she wasn’t alone, at least not until the other person who had searched shelter at the bus stop spoke up. “Oh, aren’t you Kei-kun’s new friend?”
Manami looked up and turned into the direction from which that sugar-sweet voice had come from and saw right into the blood-red eyes of a black-haired young girl who was curiously looking at her. Manami tilted her head.
The girl came a little closer before she continued with a way-too wide smile. “My name is Mimasaka Ayano, I’m a good friend of Kei-kun! He told me about you! Kuga Manami, right?” Manami didn’t minded the glowing eyes, or her smile that looked a little like she had just murdered someone. She just jumped off her seat and held out her hand. “Yes! Kei-chi has also told me about you already. I was hoping to meet you someday! Guess I got lucky, it’s nice to meet you!”
Ayano giggled before taking the hand. “The pleasure is on my side, Manami-san.” She leaned a little forward and stared with big eyes into something that was in Manami’s hair. “Your bells are really cute!” Her smile got a little wider, if that was even possible. “I like bells a lot! Little bells like these, they fit great on teddybears. Or big, huge bells that hang in churches and that you can hear in the distance when strolling over a graveyard!” She giggled once again.
Manami could only laugh herself and said. “Thank you! I think the ribbons in your hair a pretty cute as well!”
Ayano leaned back again, but the smile did certainly not leave her lips. “Thank you. Red is my favorite color.”
Deciding that it was now her time to start a conversation, Manami asked. “And, how long do you think the rain will take?” Ayano shrugged to that. “Don’t know. I usually don’t mind the rain or thunderstorms but my bag will get wet and I have some of my most precious dolls in there! So I have to wait till the rain is going to stop…” She scratched her head. “I forgot my mobile phone at home once again, so I can’t contact Onee-chan to pick me up.” Despite being a young teen, Ayano rarely ever used her mobile phone which often caused her to leave it at home.
“Oh! Well, my brothers will come pick me up in just a few minutes.” Manami exclaimed and smiled. “I’m sure they can take you home as well.”
For a moment Ayano seemed surprised. “Really? You want to bring me home?” Manami brightly smiled at that. “But of course! We’re friends now! And while we wait…” Manami grabbed her own bag and pulled a box of chocolates out of it. “We’ll have some chocolates!”
Ayano blinked for a few seconds before giggling once again and smiling back. “That’s very nice of you.”
And so the two girls sat down next to each other and began sharing stories and chocolates.
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I can only say that this idea is genius, I just needed to write a little prick of a kid for this one lol! Hope you like this!^^
RFA + Saeran having MC’s young cousin as their rivals
From the moment he stepped into your family’s house and saw that little boy running to hug you, he felt the vibe
And seeing how desperate that boy is for your attention makes him put 2 and 2 together pretty fast: the kid has a crush on you
I mean, who wouldn’t, right??? So Zen just giggles inwardly, watching as the boy’s eyes gleam when you smile.
Ahhh… to be young and in love… and… throwing a little tantrum everytime Zen tries to get close to you… and… stealing all of your attention to himself… okay, what the hell is this boy doing?
It’s just a kid, it’s just a kid, he is no match for Zen, it’s just a kid…. Okay, but this kid just grinned like a villain looking straight at him when you comforted him after Zen glared at the boy for ~unintentionally~ pulling his hair.
He’s missing your attention since you’ve been hanging out with that kid all day, but… he knows it’s just a kid having a crush, there’s no real threat here. However, this boy pulled Zen’s hair!
So he takes a chance when you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. “I know what you’re doing, young man…”
“Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about that?” OH THIS LITTLE PIECE OF S- “Nothing, I’ll just give you some advice on how to be a gentleman, because you know… I wouldn’t accept a rival who’s not a gentleman… I get very pissed when guys aren’t gentlemen to my baby…” he’s channeling his best acting skills and his days as a gang member to sound scary, but it’s so hard not to laugh at the boy getting intimidated for real.
“Zen…? What are you doing?” “Noona! Your friend was teaching me to be a gentleman!” you eye Zen suspiciously like “what you’ve been telling him?”
“Oh, okay… well, so let’s find some cartoons for you to watch, you know, things APPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN” you emphasize looking at Zen with a reprimanding glare. SHIT!
He watches as the boy grins mischievously before holding your hand. Hum… he underestimated his rival, didn’t he?
His heart skips a beat when he sees how much this boy seems to like you.
In his mind, it’s a sign that one day your children with him will be very loved by a wonderful mother…
Ahh, this little boy clearly loves you by the way he keeps showering you with draws he made and smiling widely everytime you praise him and pat his head.
Your cousin is adorable, he is very cute and… wait, did he just stick his tongue out to Yoosung? Oh… he thought he was a polite kid…
Then it clicks. Yes, Yoosung has learned how to detect people having crushes on you, and this boy… shows all the signs.
Because the signs are pretty much the same he used to show when he started falling for you LOL
Well, of course he won’t get mad at your cousin, it’s just a little boy having a crush… right?
Right! So he’ll be the big mature and cool man he is and talk to the little fella when he finds himself alone with him.
“Oh, you’re drawing for MC again? That’s pretty! You could try to draw a puppy, MC likes puppies!” “I know everything she likes.” The boy says coldly. Ouch!
Okay, now he’s feeling defied! “Yes… MC likes cute things, and guess what? I’m the cutest.” Yoosung gets up and walks in your direction, hugging you and looking at the boy.
Being mature and cool? Yeah, he failed. But it’s on! And he’ll show this boy that nobody messes with jealous Yoosung.
She’s surprised when you guys get to your family’s house and there’s this little boy who’ll grab you hand and won’t let go for nothing
And it’s very cute, this little boy clearly adores you!
As for her, well… he doesn’t seem very interested in talking to her. Matter of fact, it seems like he’s ignoring her. Hum…
Well, alright… she knows she doesn’t look very… children friendly at first, but she wants to!
Especially if it is to a boy you like so much!
So she’ll try to get close to him, joining you and him when you guys are playing, but the boy still doesn’t seem interested in getting close to her.
And bless her heart, she’s doing her best! But there is no response… okay… so maybe it’s time to bring the big guns… “Do you want to see some judo movements?”
Yes, that will definitely work! All boys love this badass stuff! Oh, but he doesn’t seem that interested, except when you smile and tell him it’s a good idea and that she’s a great teacher.
His attitude changes immediately. “Yes! I should learn if you think it’s cool, noona!”
Wait a minute… is this boy… does he… have a crush on you? Oooooohhh
“Wow noona, you’re really slow… you need to catch things more quickly or I’ll steal her from you.” Okay… should her crush this boy’s hopes and let him know that even if she’s slow, he still has no chance?
He’s a little surprised when this boy shows up and immediately drives all of your attention to himself
He doesn’t want to interfere because it’s you spending time with your family and that’s important
Though he has the feeling this boy just glared at him. Is he imagining things?
Hmmm… no, he’s not. The boy just stuck his tongue out to him. Did he do something that didn’t please this child?
So now it’s his priority to know what happened and get close to your cousin, he would hate the idea that he did something that bothered someone from your family.
But the boy isn’t very keen to respond his attempts, only showing enthusiasm with you.
Is it because he’s intimidating? But… he tends to be good with children, it’s something you told him yourself once…
“Why do you keep treating me like a kid? I’m your rival!” “Beg your pardon?”
“I’m your rival, we’re competing for MC’s love.” Ahh, so that’s what this is about… Jumin finds amusing that this kid actually thinks he knows what love is.
But he should cut the boy’s hopes off now. He’s young, he shouldn’t be hanging on a crush for someone that not only is older, but also will never correspond in the way he expects. So he talks to the boy in the most patient way, and he seems to understand.
“But I have my eye on you, if you hurt her, we’ll have a little talk, sir.” Though he would love to know how would this talk be, Jumin keeps a straight face “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt her.”
He’s almost jealous that the kid immediately goes to you when you arrive. He’s great with children!
But as he sees the boy finding his way to your lap, doing adorable things for you to laugh, he gets it…
And now it’s pretty obvious why this kid didn’t want to get close with him, since he basically stole the love of his life hahaha
And he won’t do anything, just watching this kid doing everything he can to be noticed while you seem pretty oblivious and just think he’s a cute boy
He feels like telling you just to see your reaction, but that would just ruin the fun…
“Hey kiddo, don’t you know MC loooooves cats? You should act like a cat, she’ll think it’s cute…”
That poor thing will meow for you, and you’ll laugh, of course. And your laughing makes Saeyoung laugh.
He suggests that the kid should serenade you and almost bursts out in laugh whn the boy grabs a little guitar and starts singing.
“You’re being very cute today, but where do these ideas come from?” you ask your cousin curiously.
“Your boyfriend taught me, noona.” SHIT! He wasn’t supposed to say that! You immediately glare at him for manipulating the poor boy like that…
You take the boy in your arms and tell him it was very cute, but now he should rest a little. Saeyoung watches as your cousin does a victory sign with his hands. Oh… it’s on!
He smiles widely when you’re dragged by you little cousin to play with him
It’s definitely a beautiful scene that makes him feel warm and imagine how it will be when you guys start your own family
Hopefully, your kid will be as sweet and polite as this little guy, who seems to respect you and almost adore you.
No, not almost, he really adores you… and well, that’s no surprise for him considering how adorable you are.
And this probably runs in the family genes because this kid is adorable too!
So he makes sure to be nice so the kid will be friends with him too.
“You’re a very smart young man, do you know that?” “I do.” Whoa, sharp!
“Oh… good! So tell me, what school grade are you on?” “Don’t try to be nice with me, grandpa! It won’t work!”
“I’m… sorry?” “Don’t pretend you’re all nice, I’m not dumb! Tsk… I can’t believe MC would like someone like you when… there’s me…” Wait, what? This kid… has a crush on you?
“Honestly, sometimes I don’t believe it either… but I like her too, if that’s what you’re worried about…” he chuckles nervously, clearing his throat when you show up.
“Oh, there you are, my love!” he hugs you and kiss your cheek while looking at the kid shooting daggers with his eyes. Yep, grandpa still got it.
He’s a little nervous to meet your family, so he follows you around you everywhere, just like this cousin boy of yours
And he can tell the kid doesn’t like his presence, that doesn’t surprise him at all, but still… the way he stares at him is uncomfortable.
He is not used to having kids around, so he’s not sure, maybe all kids are like this?
No, but there’s something different, he’d seen this look on this boy’s face before, he’s… in love with you.
Well, this is very weir, you’re older, you’re his relative and… well, you would never like a kid back, so this boy doesn’t stand a chance, that’s pretty obvious
But it still bothers him that despite knowing all that, he’s still jealous of the attention you’re giving to this child
So before talking to you about it, he decides to talk to the boy, show him that there’s nothing to fear. THERE’S NOTHING TO FEAR, OKAY?
“When did you start having a crush on her?” “A few months ago when she took me to the zoo and gave me her cotton candy because mine fell on the ground.”
“Ah yes, she’s very nice.” “Yes, and very pretty…” “Pretty? She’s gorgeous, haven’t you seen the way she smiles?”
And they keep bonding by sharing all the things they like about you, and yes…he totally gets why this boy has a crush on you. He feels bad that the kid will never have a chance.
“We should go to the zoo one of these days and bring that cousin of yours.” He comments when you guys are home.
#mystic messenger#mystic messenger scenarios#mystic messenger writing#mystic messenger headcanons#mystic messenger zen#hyun ryu#yoosung kim#jaehee kang#jumin han#saeyoung choi#mystic messenger v#jihyun kim#saeran choi
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FIC: This Time, Maybe
Fandom: Samurai Love Ballad Party Timeline/Continuity: Reincarnation AU Pairing: Tokugawa Ieyasu/MC (unnamed) Genre: General/Angst Word Count: ~2200 Rating: PG Notes: I wrote this in mind with a strange canon divergence that sort of marries with the historical context of Tokugawa Ieyasu having his wife executed. So that whole deal where she’s accused of being a spy? Imagine she didn’t make it out alive. Why? Because it’s morbid and I’m a sucker for drama, and it makes for the best reunions.
“Is it selfish of me to want you to remember?”
“Corner!” I chime out, whipping around the corner of the hallway. Despite the warning, I nearly run into Sakurako, who’s heading into the kitchen with some used dishes. Before we collide and drop everything we’re holding, I swerve to the side and deftly pop the plate of croissants in the air, giving a low whistle when I catch it, the pastries landing back in place with no casualties.
“I’m so sorry!” she gasps. “But that was a good catch.”
“Practice,” I smile, and whisk the pastries away to their home on table seven. It isn’t until after I set the croissants down, however, that I notice the man now occupying table one, right by the window. I can feel my heart skip a beat.
“Yeah…” Sakurako’s apologetic voice murmurs from behind me. “He just came in.”
I swallow, balling my fists in my apron. “I can see that.”
“You don’t have to, if you don’t want to,” Sakurako says. “I’m sure if you explain everything to Oda-san - ”
“No need to disturb Oda-san with something as trivial as that,” I answer, forcing some cheer into my voice. After all, I really don’t want to lose my job over telling Oda-san something like ‘Sorry that I don’t want to serve your friend, but he’s an asshole and kind of weirds me out.’
I take a few moments to steel my nerves before approaching his table with my most saccharine smile. “Hi there. What can I get you?”
The man looks up at me, a small crease between his brows. I can feel my smile falter a little. He isn’t unattractive, by any means. Actually the opposite. His dark blond hair has a sheen that would make most girls weep. His nose is small and pointed and aristocratic. His clothes - ripped jeans and an olive sweater that really shouldn’t work but somehow does, scream expensive yet casual. Most striking are his eyes, so brown they look almost red. Then he begins speaking, and I blink, hearing none of it.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
He sighs, frowning now. “If you hadn’t been spacing out like a complete airhead you might have heard me.”
Instinctively I narrow my eyes. Why that pompous little -
“Strawberry daifuku. Chop chop, I’m getting hangry,” he complains, shoving the menu at me and using his free hand to prop up his chin.
I snatch the menu none-too-gently and smile tightly. “Coming right up.”
It’s been like this, since he started coming here all those months ago. He typically comes in on Sunday afternoon, around one o’clock. When I spoke to him for the first time to take his order, he stared at me for a whole solid minute before demanding strawberry daifuku - which isn’t even on the menu, I should add. When I explained as such, he became entitled and pulled the “I want to speak to the manager” card - and then when Oda-san approached him and they hugged like old friends, I thought, “Well, I’m screwed.”
But nothing really came of that except for Oda-san ensuring that his friend - Ya-san, was what he called him - would have nothing but the best service.
And then when I gave him that first plate of strawberry daifuku, he looked up at me again, almost expectantly. Not sure what he wanted, I asked, “Is there anything else I can get for you?”
And then he honest-to-God pouted.
Ever since then, I’ve been his server whenever he comes in - it doesn’t matter if his table isn’t in my area, he always asks for me specifically, for some stupid reason. I don’t know why.
At first, Sakurako insisted it was because he likes me. Which - there are so many things wrong with that statement that I didn’t even dignify it with a response and still haven’t to this day. Instead, he’s the thorn in my side every Sunday.
The thorn who is disturbingly good-looking. And smells good, like lavender and herbs.
God, cut it out, self. Focus.
I finally bring him his strawberry daifuku, although he makes no move to eat it. After a moment of awkwardly standing there, I bow and turn to leave him, but a hand at the hem of my apron stops me in my tracks.
“Wait,” he says, bringing his eyes to mine.
“Sir,” I begin, the warning obvious in my tone, but he just shakes his head and wordlessly picks up the plate of daifuku, offering one to me with a raise of his eyebrow.
This is also one of his quirks that he’s started recently.
“Oh no thank you, I’m fine - ”
“Just take one,” he says, tone laced with exasperation, and I frown, plucking one from his plate and popping it into my mouth.
“Happy?” I ask around a bite of mochi.
He sits back, pursing his lips. “Maybe. It depends.” He watches my face carefully as if looking for some kind of reaction.
I’m not sure what he wants, so after I finish the (admittedly good) daifuku I stare right back at him blankly.
This goes on for a spell until he sighs and leans forward into my space. “What time do you finish work?”
Well that’s new. “Pardon me, but I really don’t feel comfortable telling you that.”
In response, he smiles - and again I feel my heart skip - and continues like he hadn’t heard me. “I’ll walk you home.”
“No, that’s quite - ” I start to say, but he just tilts his head. I startle a bit at how disarming the gesture is.
“Don’t make me beg,” he says.
I bite my lip. There’s so much that could go wrong here. Surprisingly though, none of my thoughts drift along the lines of him actually harming me - even when I first met him, I never thought of him like that. Bratty, yes. Selfish, to the nth degree. But for some reason, I knew that he wouldn’t hurt me.
“I don’t know…”
It’s that please that ultimately does me in. Something tells me that word doesn’t come easily to him, and against my better judgment, I tell him that I’ll be done at seven.
Sure enough, when I walk around to the front entrance of the cafe at five past seven, he’s leaning against a nearby post box, his face illuminated from the glow of his cell phone. When he hears my footsteps, he looks up, a slow, steady smile stretching across his lips.
“You’re late,” he says, but there’s no bite to his words. Actually, there’s sort of a quiet happiness to them. It confuses me.
“I know. Should we go, um.” I pause, casting my eyes to his sweater, then to the ground.
He frowns at me as he steps closer. “What’s wrong?”
“Well… Oda-san calls you Ya-san, but I know you two are close friends. I don’t feel right addressing you that way. What should I call you?”
When I look up at him again, there’s something strange in his eyes, something I can’t identify. It’s gone in a flicker, though, and he smirks at me. “Your Majesty? Your Highness? Milord? All of these would be acceptable.”
I roll my eyes and start down the sidewalk toward the train station. Ass. “Forget I asked.”
He falls in step beside me, chuckling. “Yasushi is fine.”
“Yasuchin?” I try.
“Don’t you dare.”
“A childish name for a childish man,” I retort, feeling oddly bold now that we’re not in the context of server and customer.
He frowns. “Gutsy as ever, aren’t you?”
“I have to be, if I’m working for someone like Oda-san. Right?” I shrug, ignoring the sense of familiarity that I get from his words. “What do you do for a living anyway, Yasushi-san?”
He responds that he works in web design. I don’t really know much about that, so for the sake of conversation I ask him a few more questions about it, a process that surprisingly takes up most of the train ride home. Thank God. It’s bad enough the guy is a bit of a jerk - I don’t know what I would have done if I had to endure some seriously awkward silence on the way home.
Yasushi-san clearly enjoys what he does, however - and when he speaks about coding and layouts, his eyes get very animated. It’s almost… cute? In a way? Before I can smack myself for thinking that way, I change the subject.
“And why the strawberry daifuku?”
He looks at me strangely, probably because of the abrupt turn in conversation. “It’s a favorite of mine.”
“Ah, your mother must have spoiled you with it then, huh?” I speculate, imagining a younger Yasushi-san stuffing his face with the sweet mochi. “Or maybe a girlfriend?”
“Something like that,” he says, his voice sounding oddly distant. “I think I’ve always been fond of it. Probably even in another life I liked it.”
“That’s very philosophical of you,” I raise an eyebrow skeptically. It’s just a dessert. I’m still not sure I get it. But it’s obviously really important to him, so I don’t say anything.
From there on, that awkward silence that I had been so dreading begins to fall, and it follows us until we stop in front of my apartment building.
I shift my feet. “Well… this is me.”
I look up at him. The sun has long gone down by now, and the only sources of light are the faint moonbeams, partially obscured by the clouds, and the harsh street light we stand under.
He looks at me, eyes roving my face, as if he’s trying to memorize my features. It’s unnerving. Eventually his eyes drift down to the base of my neck, where they stop. He blinks several times, then reaches out to brush his fingertips just above my collarbone. “What’s this?”
At first I’m not sure what he’s talking about - and then it hits me. Normally it’s covered up by the neckerchief we wear as part of the uniform at work, but right now, with just me and him and no distractions, there’s no hiding it.
A very strange birthmark. Thin, light brown, running across my neck. It looks like someone in the past had - well. There was a reason why I was never fond of learning about Marie Antoinette or Henry VIII’s wives in world history, at least until I was old enough to form a sense of humor about it.
Something tells me I should really be more wary in this situation - standing in a dark street with some stranger’s hand on my neck - but I can’t bring myself to feel that way. Not when Yasushi looks at me like this, petting his fingers across my throat in something almost like reverence, with a look in his eyes that cannot be identified as anything but sadness. My breath catches in my throat. “…Yasushi-san?”
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, and I’m almost sure I heard him wrong.
“I - what?”
I look even closer at him, and his hands have now traveled from my throat to my hair, dragging the ends between his fingertips. His expression looks so fragile.
“Is it selfish of me to want you to remember, even if it means that you remember this, too?” He asks, bringing up his free hand and pressing his thumb to the hollow of my collarbone again.
Heaviness, like stones, settles in the pit of my stomach. What on earth is he talking about? I’m almost afraid to ask. But quietly, I do so anyway. “…Remember what?”
He doesn’t answer, just continues to gaze at me. With sadness yes, but also… like I’m something precious. That look makes it incredibly hard to breathe.
“Yasushi-san?” I try timidly.
In that moment, he leans down, presses his forehead against mine. “Maybe this is my punishment,” he says bitterly, a desperate whisper against my lips. He looks almost like he’s about to cry. Just the sight of it alone is enough to start the stinging at the back of my own eyes, the lump burning at the base of my throat.
Why? Why is he making me feel like this?
I don’t know him beyond him frequenting my cafe. But he acts like he knows me. Like I’m someone important to him.
There’s something I’m missing - something he wants me to remember. But try as I might, nothing comes. Why can’t I remember?
The frustration, the sadness of it finally pushes the tears to spill onto my cheeks.
Think. Think.
What is he telling you to remember?
What is the missing piece here? What is it?
All I can do is hold him, just as he is holding me. He buries his face in my shoulder, and I can feel his tears on my blouse. His arms wrap tightly around me, almost painfully tight, like he’s afraid to let me go. And I find myself holding him just as tightly.
When my tired eyes finally slide shut for sleep that night, I dream of strawberry daifuku, of sakura, of flying arrows, of golden robes.
I dream of a man with Yasushi’s face, of sharp-tongued insults, and of arms that are so, so familiar.
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A Mage with a Sword
Rating: G
Words: 1828
“Just like that?”
“Apparently so”
“Hu, weird…..”
“I know, but you know what this means?”
“No more robes!” Honestly it was kind of hard not to smile at her absolutely blissful face, she strapped her staff in her back and took the sword and shield she had been stubbornly carrying since Lothering. Oathkeeper.
“Have you ever wielded a sword before?”
“Of course I had!”
“Just moving it around randomly doesn't count as wielding a sword”
“I….I knew that”
The silence overtook the small band.
“What about Morrigan, cans she wield a sword too?”
“I am standing here you fool, and no” her cheeks turned slightly red “I have not yet learned that technique”
“Right, so we have a mage that apparently can use heavy armors and another who turns into animals”
“That’s pretty simplistic but yes, if I can now use my strength in magic as physical strength then there is no need for me to stay in the back lines”
“What?” asked Alistair not understanding
“Will you teach me to use a broadsword?”
“What?” repeated Alistair stopping his spoon from the stew.
“Amell are you sure, broadswords are…” started Leliana
“Why?” asked the Qunari, clearly perplexed at the question.
“Why? Well, I want to fight, to attack Darkspawn before it attacks me, to cover for you guys , I am no healer so then I might use a sword protect you”
The Qunari assessed the Mage carefully. “Despite that magic you said you learn from the elves you’ll need real muscle and strength before you can even lift a dagger”
“I am willing to learn”
“Very well we start at dawn”
“At dawn?”
“Is that a complaint?”
“Sir, no sir”
Alistair and Leliana looked at each other with worry.
The next weeks were anything short of torture for amell, but not once did she complained. Sten woke her at dawn and trained her until noon every single day, push ups, sit downs , running and hard labor. The Qunari had said that her muscles were as frail as burn incense , and that they need to harden them. Amell was still carrying a bit of her baby fat from her circle days but that didn’t lasted long. It almost looked as if she was sweating the fat itself. The good thing about camping in the Hinterlands was the fact that there was enough ram to feed them all. Soon Sten’s work began to show progress, the once wobbly arms of a mage rere replaced by thin but growing arms of a warrior. The legs began defining themsleves and the baby fat in her tummy was making way to abdominal muscles, another development was…
“Leliana , see” said Amell very excited one day
“What is it?”
Amell was wearing leather pants, once they had been baggy, but now…
“I have a butt!”
Alistair choked on the water he was drinking, he couldn’t have heard that correctly, did she just...his eyes moved quickly to that specific part of anatomy of his fellow Warden.
“Hu?” murmured Leliana appreciatively “It appears that you do”
“I am so happy!”
“For a butt?”
“Yes, see some apprentices in the circle teaed me for ‘having all the hips but no butt’ and now I have a butt, it’s all thanks to Sten’s regime.
“Didn't you had a dislocated shoulder from that?”
“Nothing an injury kit can’t solve”
“Aren’t you pushing yourself more than you should?”
“Everybody has to train, and I have not forsaken my studies”
“That’s why you wake up with a book in your forehead every morning”
She yawned “Being dark is no excuse for not studying it’s a circle habit, one I am not very eager to get rid of”
“Amell?” called Alistair from the other side of the camp
“Hey Alistair...why are you wet?”
“That’s...that’s not important, I have a request for you”
“Oh” she said arching her eyebrow “what is it?”
“Spar with me”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You have been training for a month now, surely you can indulge me with a mock fight”
“But why? You are still more dextrous in combat than I am”
“We shall see,no?”
“I will be fair and we will spar with wooden weapons”
“I am not a child Alistair I can take iron”
“Very well”
They decided the best would be after everything was packed before dinner. Leliana was eyeing the two Wardens circling each other, measuring and calculating, Alistair had the advantage, he had been training to fight for years as a Templar and as a Warden. Amell on the other hand had spent her childhood reading and training her magic.
“Any comments , Sten?”
“You are quite conversationalist I see”
Rosarot , the mabari just barked, he didn’t looked concerned for his mistress.
“‘Tis but a waste of time” said Morrigan checking the stew
“How so?” asked Leliana
“Amell is mage, so naturally she is bound to win, physical force or not”
“They agreed to do with without magic”
“You shall see”
Amell, opened the fight lunging directly at alistair, he in contrast raised his shield repelling the attack. Amell quickly tied to do a back stab only to be blocked again this time by Alistair’s sword. Amell’s gaze intensified, she had always been competitive, she hide it at first, but as weeks had passed by the members of her little party had realized that she was competitive, stubborn and a natural leader, skills she likely was told to soften in the circle but that now in the middle of the Blight were flourishing.
She began attacking alistair only for him to repel every attack , she began to lose ground and Sten’s face changed just for an instant. He didn’t allowed her any time for breathing he was not fighting as if he was fighting Darkspawn, his swings were very controlled. Amell’s weren’t, she was growing desperate for not connecting any hit, while Alistair’s face only showed a natural concentration. Ha had managed to push her almost against a tree. She knew that if she was pushed against something it was game over, Sten had told her as much, with the back against something broadswords tended to be weaker. Alistair’s face only showed cockiness at this point, something that made Amell’s blood boil.She was getting closer and closer to the tree.
“I wi…” began alistair ready to deliver a coup de grace before he found himself thrown to the other side of the cam by a repulsion glyph. He landed painfully on his back.
Morrigan looked smugly at Leliana “Told you so”
“Ouch” he said rubbing his head.
“Sweet Mother of Andraste! Alistair!” Amell ran l towards her fallen comrade leaving the broadsword in the floor, “I am so sorry I know we said that no magic but….”
She didn’t finished her sentence because she was unceremoniously thrown at the floor by the former templar, who managed to pin her down with little effort.
“What do you know, I win” he said with a easy smile
Amell blinked , confusion coloring her face. “What?”
“I said I win Amell”
“I don’t understand I…”
“Very well, I concede the victory” said Sten
“What’s going on?”
“Alistair mentioned how your fighting style, despite being suited for a two handed weapon, is impulsive, you cannot overwrite years of defensive training for offensive one so he suggest that you train with a sword and a shield”
“Come on I won’t be a bad teacher” said Alistair winking “but the choice is ultimately yours.”
“Can I decide when you are not ....pinning me to the ground?” said Amell as colors began riging to her face, the blushing having nothing to do with the physical extension.
Alistair then realized he still had her pinned down with each hand on her wrists and his body , both legs on the side of her hips and his body resting on her hips. Now his face began turning the color of a ruby.
“I..yes” he liberated her wrists and began to stand up only for him being thrown to the floor and now she pinning him down in the same position he just had her.
“Cheat” she said feeling the hand soil below him.
“I hate to lose”
“We noticed”
Morrigan gave a disapproving groan. “Either you both rise from the ground or get in a tent”
Amell’s cocky smile was wiped out “I...on three, Alistair?”
Both Wardens finally rose and began to dust themselves. Amell faced Sten.
“Sten I do not want to disrespect you, you have been my teacher so far…”
“Nonsense Warden, you should use the most efficient training to get your goals. No offence will be taken, you have proved yourself to be a good learner, perhaps humans are not that weak”
That was a long statement coming from the Qunari , who usually limited himself to monosyllables.
“I thank you for everything Stan” she said giving a small bow.
She then turned to Alistair. “Ser Alistair” he cringed at the formal title “I humbly request for you to be my teacher”
“Why all the formality?”
“Seemed appropriate”
“Well, you can stop now, I am going to be your teacher not your boss”
“Of course not, everybody here knows I am the boss”
“What happened to the humility?”
“Decided to take a nap”
“Ha ha”
“Oh, you want humility?” she said with a mocking tone. “Oh your highness please forgive this lowly peasant for her careless demeanor” She had her head bowed and giggling, so she didn’t saw how Alistair eyes widened as he gulped soundly. Both Leliana and Morrigan noticed with strangeness.
“Very funny, just because it’s me doesn't mean I am going to go easy on you, I think Sten will rip my arms out if I allow his training go to waste.
“Very true” commented the Qunari
“Anyway we should start our training as soon as se can, we are about a week away from Redcliffe, last we need is another ambush”
“I...yes, we can start tomorrow at dawn”
“What is it with you warriors and dawn?” muttered Amell
“The best way to start the day”
“Says you”
“Today we are going to talk theory, if you are up to it”
“Hah!” she laughed coyly “Theory is my middle name.
“No, it’s Solona, but call me that and I will send you a lightening bolt”
“Well, if you are done doing jokes, come and eat, I will not allow my hard work go to waste because of you two”
“Sorry Morrigan” said Amell entering her tent to look for her plate. Alistair did the same.
“Fools both of them” whispered Morrigan to no one in particular
“I think it’s cute” said Leliana “Like the time Sten was playing with that kitten”
“It was training” mumbled the Qunari concentrating on his stew.
“His reaction was strange” commented the witch.
“I agree, I guess we’ll have more context once we arrive to Redcliffe.
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The Dance
Night had fallen on another successful day for the Rooks and their base in Spitalfields, Whitechapel was positively buzzing with boisterous good humour. Despite her best protests, Norah had been dragged into the celebrations by Mary and was currently skipping around the clearing arm in arm with her as a couple of the chaps played merry dance tunes. Jacob sat watching the girls dance from beside one of the fire pits, drink in hand, unconsciously tapping his foot along to the rhythm of George on the fiddle, William on accordion while percussion was provided by Frank beating against the side of the steel drum retaining the fire with a long stick. The girls criss-crossed, twisting and twirling around each other smiling and laughing as those observing clapped and cheered along. As the dance brought her closer to the musicians, Norah looked up finding Jacob's eyes on her and replied with a broad grin which he returned with a chuckle as she was dragged away once more. "Seems to be fitting in just fine." He spoke leaning closer to Frank with a smile nodding toward the red-head as she laughed with her new friends. "She does that boss." He nodded, never missing a beat. "Don't know how we got on without her! She's fit right in with the girls, and the boys..." He laughed. "Well... take a look!" Furrowing his brow slightly, Jacob looked over in the direction of Frank's head gesture to where the dancers had increased in number, several of the younger lads joining in and one in particular dancing alongside Norah before taking her hand and waist and twirling her away from Mary's grasp. "Oi-oi! Lad's in for a beatin' 'he keeps that up!" Frank laughed noticing the slight narrowing of Jacob's eyes. "Right..." He muttered quietly raising the tankard and draining the remaining contents wiping his mouth on the back of his hand as he stood and placing it on the crate he'd been using as a seat. Quickly releasing the gauntlet on his left arm he shrugged out of his jacket heaping them on the crate too before removing his cap dropping it on Franks head. "If it's a dance you're after, it's a dance you'll get." He gave a half smile, rolling up his shirt sleeves as Frank, George and Will laughed. "Step it up a notch boys, Polka?" "Right on it Boss." George grinned as he walked away. The dancers were mostly too preoccupied to notice another figure approaching but those spectating cheered as their leader strolled toward the action, rolling his shoulders and smiling. The music ended and with barely a pause for breath began anew this time a quicker pace. The dancers scrambled into their new positions as Jacob stopped beside Norah's partner and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. "I do beg your pardon, may I?" He spoke softly, as the lad looked up he gave him a wolfish grin. "Yes! 'Course... sorry Sir, I..." He stammered, quickly releasing Norah who was calling over to Mary and scuttling away under the laughter of his comrades. The lady still distracted, Jacob took her right hand in his, her left pulled across his body in his left hand as he manoeuvred her to his right side falling into step with the music and fellow dancers skipping around the clearing. Releasing her hands he linked his own behind his back doing a full turn to his left, step-hop-stepping into a second and third turn taking Norah's hand as she looked up from her footwork to see who she was dancing with. Grinning at her stunned expression he wrapped his arm around her back as they continued. "Jacob!? How... when?!?" She smiled as they twirled around, laughing as he kicked his feet out behind him hopping off of the ground before lifting her across his path. "Miss Reid." He nodded his head, repeating the move a further three times lifting her even higher with each turn to the whoops of their enthusiastic audience. "You dance?" She laughed as he lowered his right arm allowing her to pass beneath the arch of their joined hands, mirroring her move. "I had no idea!" "Nor would I expect you to. Can't give away all of my secrets now, can I?" He smiled switching hands as she turned into his body before twirling away to resume their face to face stance as they heal-toe-skipped two steps forward, about-facing and returning to their starting position. "Aren't you full of surprises?" She giggled as they spun outwards, each kicking their inside leg. "Question is..." He continued as they to-ed and fro-ed, each pass with more elaborate spins and turns. "...can you keep up?" He winked wrapping both arms around her waist pulling her closer and twirling them both quickly releasing her to link their hands, crossed between them once more. "Right now, I'm not so sure!" She laughed as they switched sides, turning back and forth. As he wrapped an arm around her shoulders once more, Norah looked up to find that the others had ceased their dancing choosing instead to watch. "Well now I feel self-conscious!" She mumbled quietly as he spun her beneath his arm through the centre of the clearing. "Don't." He smiled warmly lifting her high up into the air. "You're doing perfectly fine. It's me they're watching to see if I fall on my backside!" She laughed as he twirled her around, lowering her to the ground and releasing her to twirl to the edge of the clearing where Mary and a few of the other girls cheered and clapped as she slowly made her way to meet Jacob in the middle where he took her hand bowing as she curtseyed as cheers and applause erupted around them. Laughing, Jacob took another bow kissing the back of Norah's hand. "Again?" He smiled at her. "I'm not sure I have it in me to keep up!" She sighed turning to face him. "I'll make sure you do." He winked as the music began to play again, thankfully a slower piece and the other dancers re-joined the clearing. I apologise for my poor dance terminology! I haven’t been to a dance class since I was about 7! This popped into my head a while ago - it’s my head canon that Jacob would be a great dancer, much to Evie’s irritation as it comes easier to him than her! ;) Actions are based on these wonderfully talented people - https://youtu.be/uVTIruZUy6w I own squat - just thought it was kinda cute :/ xx
#assassin's creed#assassin's creed syndicate#jacob frye#jacob frye fluff#jacob frye x oc#fanfic#fan fiction#dance fan fiction
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you smiled, luring me on (my heart was gone, you were temptation)
"Did you hear about that pirate who escaped last night? Frightening, absolutely frightening."
“No, what happened?” asks another woman, clearly interested in the latest gossip news. Francis isn’t really listening, to be honest. He shouldn’t find these high society parties so damn boring but the truth is... he does? He likes the atmosphere, yes, of course. He likes the food, and the places and the palaces and the dresses. But everything else? All those boring people with their judging looks and their even more judging opinions?
His father is loudly laughing with a group of nobles and Francis dares to look at him, hoping he’ll see his bored look and he’ll decide to go home. His mother is patiently listening to other women even though Francis is perfectly aware she would much rather be home with a good book.
This used to be fun, when Antonio still was home. When he wasn’t away, busy exploring oceans and hunting down pirates. This used to be fun, when Antonio was still there. They used to be together and laugh at all those boring nobles and their father would laugh with them and their mother would give them all a reprimand look and the laugh with them.
Now? Now everything is boring, just plain boring. And he has to attend, he has to. Antonio went away and he got to do exactly what he always wanted to do and Father made perfectly clear Francis has to marry well for the sake of their family.
The problem is Francis doesn’t want to.
And it’s not that he doesn’t want to marry someone, he really wants that. He has been dreaming of marrying the right person for the most part of his life. There are only two problems: one, he wants to marry for love and not for any other reasons. Other reasons that are kind of exactly what his family is first and foremost concerned about. And that's why Francis finds himself engaged to a boring woman who has the same amount of interest in him as he has in her. None.
Two, when he thinks about the right person, he always thinks about men. Always have, always will be. And that really is the biggest problem for his future marriage.
“So, apparently they managed to capture a pirate, a few days ago, and they locked him in prison. But he escaped last night! Nobody knows how he managed to do that, they just know he vanished into thin air!”
“Oh my, that really is awful.”
“Can you imagine? That brute is somewhere around here!”
“You think? My husband says he’s probably already on a ship and that we’re safe.”
Francis is still listening, a bit more interested in this daily gossip than he was before. He heard of the pirate, of course. Everyone heard of the pirate. Apparently he’s a bit of a nightmare for the entire court and the guards were particularly happy to have him in their custody. He was awaiting for his trial - and Francis' father said it the death sentence was almost a certainty. Francis likes to imagine this hulking brute, covered in scars, a single eye and the most terrifying look on his face.
Everything is better than this boring party, even fantasy.
"It's a nice day to be out here," a voice that Francis doesn't recognize right behind him, way closer than it should be. "Nice, sunny day. The perfect day for a party."
"Yes, it's a nice day," he simply answers, forcing himself not to turn around immediately. Francis doesn't like to be taken by surprise - nor does he like to show surprise.
"And what a nice party! Splendid location and amazing food and- so many influential guests!"
"Thank you for you kind words. I'm glad my efforts are appreciated."
Francis thinks this is the right moment to turn and so he does. He finds himself in front of a man he's sure he has already seen somewhere - but he can't recall exactly where or when.
The man looks roughly the same age as Francis is and has a smile that could only mean trouble. Blond hair and green eyes and really, really nice shoulders. It's not like Francis has a thing for shoulders. He doesn't. It's just that the man has really nice - lean but well built - shoulders and Francis appreciates them as he appreciates art or music. It's not that he has a thing for men's shoulder, he doesn't, he really doesn't.
"You organized all of this? You're full of surprises, uh?" the other man is smirking and Francis isn't sure he likes the tone of his voice. "So you're not just a pretty face?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"I mean I knew you were important - being the son of the governor and everything else - but this is very... what's the word, cute? Yeah, cute."
"... Cute? Excuse me, sir, I don't think we know each other and I'd like to go talk to literally anyone else."
"My, aren’t we feisty,” the other man is openly laughing and Francis has never felt so offended in his whole life. He doesn’t know why exactly this particular person is making him feel like this but he certainly doesn’t like the power this man has over him. It takes all his self control not to say something the son of the governor shouldn’t really say.
But when he tries to go away, the man takes him in his arms and a just a few second later they’re dancing. Those movements were so smooth Francis doesn’t really understand what happened and it takes him a whole minute to recover.
They’re dancing. Together. That man is holding him close, a hand firmly planted on Francis’ lower back as he’s leading the dance. Because they’re dancing. Like a couple. Like man and woman. Except they aren’t, except everybody else starts staring and Francis is suddenly aware of it and it’s terrible and- exhilarating at the same time.
“Cat got your tongue, beautiful?” the man is smirking again and Francis is pretty sure he just felt the hand sliding a little lower. A little bit too low.
“You are by far the most insufferable man I’ve ever met.”
“I bet I’m also the most interesting man you’ve ever met. I imagine it doesn’t take too much, though. Everybody here seems very... dull.”
Francis does his best to ignore the other man's satisfied grin but it's difficult, it really is. Almost as difficult as trying not to lean onto him. Almost as difficult as trying not to enjoy what's happening even a slightly bit. The man is holding him so close to his chest Francis has to think about literally anything else in order to maintain any sort of decency at all - and it's maddening, absolutely maddening.
Francis is highly aware of the looks of the whole room. He's highly aware of what they must be thinking - of what his father must be thinking. His mother, his lovely fiancée. But he's also oh so highly aware of the way the other man is holding him, of the way he's looking at him, of the way he looks and smell and breathes and smirk.
And it's so very hard to do the right thing.
“I don't know you and I'm pretty sure I've never seen you around. So: who the hell are you and how do you manage to sneak into my party?”
“Sneak into your party wasn't the difficult part, love. Not after what I did to sneak out of the prison cell.”
A stunned moment of silence follows those words, as Francis is forced to contemplate what exactly the man is implying - and who exactly the man is.
“Now, as much as I'm enjoying this dance,” the man whispers, so close to Francis' ear that he has to repress a shiver. "There's somewhere I need to be. And I'd appreciate if you'd come with me without struggling.”
There's a strange sound in the air and before Francis can even ask what the hell was that about, the screaming start. Broken windows and women screaming and guards grunting loudly. His father held at gunpoint by men Francis has never seen before.
“Captain Kirkland, at your service," the pirate offers with a smirk, and only a second later Francis finds himself thrown on the man's shoulder. "Governor? We'll be in touch for the ransom of your son.”
And just like that, Francis finds himself thrown on a pirate ship, surrounded by pirates and at the mercy of one particular pirate's captain, locked in the captain's cabin.
Captain Kirkland is not at all what Francis thought he was going to be. Scratch all those fantasies of hulking brutes covered in scars with a single eye. He has the face - and apparently the cleaning habits - of a gentleman.
Not the manners, maybe, not when he doesn't want to. And of course no gentleman would walk around with a leather coat and leather pants and leather everything, two swords and two pistols strapped to his chest.
But striking green eyes, a stupidly dashing smirk and a lean but built figure aren't exactly what anyone immediately imagine when thinking about a pirate.
And every single one of these thoughts is so much more louder than any soon-to-be marriage, especially when paired with the fact that apparently pirates are a little bit more handsy than what Francis is used to.
“Have you considered tell me where are you taking me? You know, since you so brutishly took me away from my home and my family I think the least you could do is tell me where are we going.”
They only answer Francis always gets is the usual smirk and a piercing look that really, really bothers him in all the wrong way.
It takes a few days before the captain feels safe enough to let Francis outside of the cabin and, from that moment on, Francis spends his days observing and exploring, causing the least amount of trouble he can.
To the crew, that's it. Not to the captain.
“You're insufferable! And you're also English, and that's by far the worst part of all of this mess you've got me into.”
Among everything Francis yells, Captain Kirkland seems to take offense at the sole mention of his homeland. “Oh my God do you ever shut up?"
“... No, I don't have the habit to stop complaining, not after I'm kidnapped and taken away from my family and forced into a ship in the middle of the ocean! I absolutely despise the ocean!”
“We're heading to Nassau! Is Nassau land enough for you?” Kirkland blurts out, probably worn out by all of Francis' talking. Exactly what he hoped was going to happen. Kirkland seems to notice his slip and quickly recovers by pretending not to have slipped at all. “Trust me, you'll like it there.”
“Are you taking me back home? No? That's what I thought. So no, I don't think I will.”
Days go by and Francis decides he has to make the most of this unexpected journey: sure enough not all pirates must be as bad as everyone always told him.
And it turns out they aren't so bad, not at all. It turns out they're just men - and oh, does Francis know how to get along with men. One by one he gets to know a little bit of all of them and it constantly amazes Francis how they're really just men.
It also turns out they're really, really bad at accounting. The ship's finances are in a dreadful state and the men manage to spend more than they actually have. When Francis inquires who is supposed to handle the finances, the crew points to their newly appointed quartermaster (one Callum, apparently Captain Kirkland's eldest brother), who's the absolute best at handling the men and the absolute worst at handling money.
Saoirse, the sailing master of the ship and yet another one of Kirkland's siblings (Francis starts to wonder if the entirety of the crew is made of just one family), tells him that her brother the captain is perfectly able to but doesn't have enough time to handle the finances of the ship.
And it shows, it really shows. And it's bad and Francis, in all good conscience, cannot let this state of things go on. He simply cannot.
So he sweet talks Callum into letting him see the accounting books and he takes the reins from there. It gives him something to do other than lurking around and it gives him something to think about other than a certain captain. It's a win for everyone.
From that moment on, the rest of the crew starts warming up to Francis. They come to him to talk, to ask about and for things, to offer him things he didn’t even ask for.
Francis learns that Captain Kirkland has the reputation of one of the best pirates of the New World, but that he’s not exactly a social man. His men only see him when the situation requests his presence: he leaves his cabin, does an excellent job, and then goes back to his books.
And his men are okay with that, really, but it’s so easy to just slip into the vacant role Kirkland has left, so easy and so natural that neither Francis nor the rest of the crew notice.
It doesn’t take much more time for almost the entirety of the crew to grow fond of Francis - a perfectly executed job, if Francis says so himself. Of course growing fond of the crew wasn’t exactly part of his well-thought plan.
"Captain has decided to go after a prize.”
"What does that mean?” Francis is aware of the worried look on the face of this particular pirate - Mr. Adnan, as he has come to know him - and he’s also particularly aware of the fact that he’s just been locked in the safest part of the ship.
"It means we're going to attack another ship and we all want you to be safe."
"What does you captain think about this?"
"He told us to. But we want to keep you safe, too,” the other man offers and Francis can’t help but smile a little.
"Well, that's very thoughtful of you."
Francis is quite certain he just witnessed his first pirate blush.
And while the relationship with the other pirates has significantly improved, the same cannot be said about the relationship with the captain. Arthur Kirkland is the most insufferable man Francis has ever met. The most English men Francis has ever met. And Francis still doesn’t know what the hell does Kirkland want from him.
Other than the ransom, of course, that much is clear. But it isn’t just the ransom, Francis can tell by the way Kirkland’s gaze is always on him. By the way he looks and talks to him, by the way he suddenly decides where Francis should be or what Francis should do. By the dangerous look he had the first time he saw Francis laughing with his men.
“I think you should go back to my cabin.”
“I don’t want to go back to your cabin, thank you very much. I’m perfectly happy to stay here.”
Captain Kirkland doesn’t look particularly amused by Francis’ voice - and that probably explains why he just decided to throw him over his shoulder.
"Unhand me, you brute!”
Kirkland starts laughing but is forced to stop when confronted with the rest of the crew on deck, silently staring at him. Francis has a perfect view of what’s happening from the other’s man shoulder and it really is exhilarating.
"If he doesn't want to be manhandled I reckon you should let go, captain,” one of the men - Francis recently advised him on how to safely spend his money and have enough to send something back to his wife - quietly says and the rest of the crew murmurs and nods in agreement.
"... How the fuck did you manage to turn an entire pirate crew against me? How the fuck did you do that?”
"You really don't know how to talk to people, do you?"
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