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sevenish-spheres · 2 months ago
The Fext
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The Fext is a strange kind of monster. Like many, it was born of hubris, but not the simple hubris of a mage believing themselves a god, or a god believing themselves a demiurge. No, the Fext was born of the hubris of those who believed themselves too powerful or wealthy to be struck down. Most believe the first Fext were created by nobles seeking invincible servants, and who called spirits from the Veil or perhaps even the esoteric Plane of Mirrors into human bodies.
The fext are gaunt figures, with pale, skeletal figures and frequently exposed teeth or sunken eyes. Alongside this, many sport various deformities such as small growths across their arms or most frequently, crusted wounds that ooze yellow blood. However, as many Fext are encountered wearing armour or noble finery, their undead nature is frequently hidden.
Whilst they may be mistaken for a common wight or ghoul at first glance, a Fext is a far more dangerous foe. They possess extraordinary regenerative abilities alongside foul, acidic blood which results in horrific wounds to those who attempt to slay them conventionally. Furthermore, Fext are immune to the majority of common spells, shurgging off fireballs, magical storms and even physic attacks with relative ease. However, there is one substance that seems to both halt their regeneration and slow their acidic blood.
Why this is the case is unknown, with some suggesting it relates to the vanity displayed by the nobles created them, or a strange quirk of their possible heritage in the Plane of Mirrors. What is appreciated, however, is the irony of the Fext's existence. Whilst they are extremely proficient in most forms of combat, and are able to tear through duellists, mages and whole battalions with ease, they can be felled by a couple of thrown bottles and a peasant mob. For this reason, Fext have never seen widespread adoption as thralls, although many vampires or members of factions such as the Princeps may keep them as prize fighters or attack dogs.
Plot Hooks with Fext
Fext are most common within the Veil, where they serve the various undead that rule that place. As such, glass-studded clubs or machuahuitl are becoming increasingly common, although Banshees and Vampires alike have begun to crack down on such trades.
Deep within the Plane of Mirrors, a mage attempted to perfect the creation of the Fext. Instead, they fractured their consciousness across 33 imperfect glass clones of themself. Now, the gate that led the mage to the plane has once more opened, and the 33 have began a crusade against the undead duchies of the Veil, seeming to target Fext with especial ferocity.
A fext is said to haunt the ruins of an ancient kingdom, attacking any who travel through that place. Now, however, the region has been conquered by a bandit lord apparently descended from the original nobility, who has been using the Fext as a brutally efficient enforcer.
Whilst vampires generally only feed on mortals, a vampire lord was once banished to an empty demiplane alongside their Fext gladiator. Forced to feed on the acidic blood of the Fext, the vampire has mutated into a strange, mouthless creature possessing runaway regeneration and a deadly fear of mirrors.
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cinnabaexoxo · 2 years ago
Just gonna leave this here...
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GENERATIONS from Exile Tribe
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wickedsrest-rp-archive · 8 months ago
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NAME: Fext
RARITY: ★★★★★
THREAT LEVEL: ★★★★★ | Incredibly dangerous to casters and difficult to kill; capable of draining magic. Rarity can make them difficult to identify. Bring in the experts to help.
HABITAT: Usually in towns and cities, where they can blend in provided they have a steady source of magic to drain.
DESCRIPTION: Necromancy and alchemy are extremely powerful magicks. Some spellcasters have even discovered ways to extend their own lives or cure whatever ailed them. The failures outnumber the successes, and even most successes are… complicated. Fexts were once spellcasters, usually necromancers or alchemists, who had (arguably) failed attempts at resurrection or healing. In some cases, these were casters who physically removed a part of themselves – their heart, their brain, their memories, their gallbladder for some reason – as a sacrifice for their continued existence (See: OTHER VARIANTS; Graben). This has resulted in them taking on an undead, magic-less form, forever walking the world, needing to drain the magic of others around them to sustain themselves as they no longer have their own. 
While fexts take a human shape and retain their personality and skill in the magic arts, they may come to resemble reanimated corpses over time. Fexts almost singularly target spellcasters as they have the most familiar type of magic, but some may go after magical fae when in dire straits, even though they can’t make the most of their magic. While fexts vary widely in personality just as spellcasters would, someone would only become a fext if they were seeking power and had ambition beyond most. It’s no surprise the vast majority of fexts continue to seek power even in death.
ABILITIES: Fexts lose their inherent magic when they change from spellcaster to fext. However, they retain their knowledge and “muscle memory” of their magic, which allows them to use any drained magic as if it were their own. Most are merciless in how much magic they drain from their victims, which can be deadly to a caster or fae. Fexts are tricky to kill. They’re surrounded by a dark aura that reflects any attacks (magical or physical) back at the attacker, except for weapons made out of glass (yes, glass). While not quite as strong as most types of vampires or other undead beings, fexts do have preternatural strength and agility to help them take down spellcasters. Once a fext has drained the magic out of someone, they’re able to use it to serve their own ends; this will keep a fext “charged” for a few weeks, until they need another magic meal. 
WEAKNESS: Being undead, fexts are sensed by slayers. However, because of their rarity and abilities, most slayers wouldn’t have the knowledge or power to take one down by themselves. A fext who does not drain magic from spellcasters with some regularity will simply cease to exist, slowly fading off the earthly plane. Fexts can be killed with glass weapons – somewhat ironic, given their invincibility to everything else; this information can be challenging to find. They’re largely harmless to those who do not possess magic, though they may have grander ambitions.
Graben: These fexts are just as power-hungry as the standard variety. However, instead of being weak to glass, they have the sole weakness of their removed part, usually stashed somewhere, being exposed and destroyed. This is most often the heart or the brain, but some graben have special relationships to other organs, or even physical representations of ideas, that were more meaningful for them to dispose of. Graben do their best to hide their vulnerabilities away somewhere hard to find and reach, but they can’t continue to exist if it’s too far away from their body.
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antoniumiii · 4 months ago
[Monster's Convent 15# - Jest Tylko człowiekiem]
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Our boy Verst wants to be stronger and manlier! However, Sister Khóshek Doesn't know a thing about Machoism.
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postcard-from-the-past · 11 months ago
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View of the Fext Valley in Switzerland
Swiss vintage postcard
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spidermilkshake · 2 years ago
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Ancardia's Greatest Monstrosities--the Fext
Classification: Monstrosity (undead)
Habitat: Very specific areas for creation or natural generation; proximity to large-scale war burials, plague burials, or massacres are required.
            The Fext is a particularly rare form of undead being, somewhat similar in origin to a revenant but lacking the soul of the original mortal being and instead developing its own, renewed spirit, and intelligence. It is among the most physically-invulnerable undead, resisting force and puncturing by iron and other common weaponry, but with a strange vulnerability to glass. Fext are sapient creatures, distinct from the identity of the corpse they arise from, and once the corpse rises and begins to become the Fext the skin undergoes a darkening and toughening transformation, ending up at a faintly metallic, vacuum-tight gunmetal grey hue and texture. The bone structure of the creature is usually highly visible, and the limbs tend to elongate unnaturally sometime after the skin has metamorphosized. Fext are not possible to create through any necromantic means, similar to Revenants, and must arise organically.             There are multiple theories as to what exactly the conditions that create Fext out of corpses must be, chief among them being an adaptation on the emotional state and proximity to betrayal, suffering, or tragedy that typically leads to the resurrection of Revenants. It is believed that Fext are a particularly strong form of Revenant that transcends even the simple individual desire for revenge or retribution that brings the soul of the deceased back into their enhanced, undead body, which is supported by all evidence showing that Fext only seem to appear after mass murders, massacres, bloody battlefields, and the aftermaths of virulent, deadly plagues. Each of these conditions involve a very high death toll and a critical mass of suffering, and it may be that Fext are so much more powerful and their own new unique entity because of this increase in these negative emotional states. Fext also tend to behave very differently to Revenants, as they have no stakes in seeking out revenge against any individuals; they are most often seen actively roaming or stalking the places of their origin—abandoned medical or refugee camps, battlefields, sites of mass graves and other places where these high amounts of tragic killings and deaths happen. When encountered, Fext are not immediately hostile but will become so if the place of their origin is disturbed or desecrated. Old examples of these creatures can become a serious hazard for parties of archeological scholars, as they will not accept a difference in a common grave-robber and a researcher when it comes to removing bones, grave goods, and other items from the site of an ancient battle, massacre, or other historical event. While Fext can be reasoned with, they do tend to stubbornly stand by their desire to keep these places as they are, and if they detect any being has disturbed the area or taken anything of significance they employ sharp senses, dogged endurance, and keen intellect to track down the one responsible; depending on the Fext, the perpetrator may be immediately attacked and killed, or may be dragged back to the place of the Fext’s origin and forced to return the item (where a refusal may also mean being ruthlessly killed), and these chases are not only done to pursue humanoids, as rangers have recorded signs that Fexts had pursued and mauled foxes, dogs, and other scavenging creatures that had dragged away bones from shallow grave sites.
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simpforchuchu · 1 year ago
The Rampage Members:
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thistaleisabloodyone · 3 months ago
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little-lionkin · 5 months ago
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Am not finishing it sorgy
Day 26 - Hugged (BBQ hug)
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plasticsparkphotos · 2 years ago
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FEXT HOBBY x FANS HOBBY Sci-Fi 07 Hangar Diorama
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sonicsos · 1 year ago
What is Scorchers relationship with Fext Duality?
enemies/worker and boss. Scorcher doesn't like to be controlled but Fext has been controlling him like Scorcher boss. They hate each other though, so they ain't close they are also willing to kill each other, well Fext won't but Scorcher will.
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rottingunderground · 6 months ago
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yayyyyy pathologic oc ( healer bc i have a kin guy ) bc i'm autistic .... their name is Bilje Daskalov he's from bulgaria and he has albinism. his hand got burned and he also died for a few minutes from a gunshot wound and came back Wrong
his title is The Fext. In slavic mythology they're basically undead creatures who are invincible to bullets unless the bullet is made of glass . i think we should kill him
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monstersdownthepath · 1 year ago
Monster Spotlight: Fext
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CR 10
Lawful Evil Medium Undead
Bestiary 5, pg. 115
These terrifying undead are most often used as commanders by powerful necromancers, evil emperors, and other wicked overlords, trained from youth to lead their mortal and immortal armies to glory. Literally born and bred for war, the process of creating a Fext is a years-long process that begins while it's still in its mother's womb, contaminating the young soul with eventual undeath and a morbid fascination with warfare and combat of all kinds. Even if the (usually, but not always) human child destined to become a Fext isn't formally educated in matters of war, they're subconsciously drawn to the subjects and will seek them out in whatever manner they can, absorbing and applying this knowledge with alarming speed. It's a little adorable to picture a 5 year old trying to come up with complex plans on how to take over the playground slide, but the life of a Fext is anything but cute.
All Fext unavoidably die upon reaching adulthood as the cocoon that is their living soul bursts, reanimating mere hours later as a fully realized Undead with a whole host of supernatural powers and an unquenchable lust for battle. While not instinctively bound to the will of its creator (and, in fact, fully capable of slaying its creator if it has reason to), most beings trying to raise a Fext do as much as they possibly can to secure its loyalty from a young age on if they don't simply weave some necromantic spell into them to assure their loyalty. It'd be kind of silly for an evil overlord to leave their child supersoldier project without supervision under their total control!
While most Fext are kept in reserve and act as generals and tacticians, they make for terrifying, seemingly invincible foes if an enemy manages to breach the front lines and attack the commander directly. They're trained like Fighters (and sometimes take levels in the class), and possess superhuman Strength, specializing in heavy armor while being strong enough to wield two-handed weapons in one hand, allowing the other to hold heavy shields of whatever flavor they're most comfortable with. The written Fext uses a +1 Bastard Sword with terrifying efficiency, swinging it up to three times a round for 1d10+8 damage each time with a critical chance of 17~20, augmented by Cleave for multiple foes or Spring Attack while on the move. They're by no means limited to just the sword, able to use any weapon they're trained to, so DMs are free to outfit them as they see fit.
Without any enchantments, a typical Fext has an AC of 25 while still retaining a 30ft movement speed (40ft without it!). They're also immune to Cold damage and have 10 Resistance to both Fire and Electricity, and shield themselves further behind 21 Spell Resistance if faced with a mage. Perhaps their most baffling defense, however, is their Damage Reduction: 10 points that can only be bypassed by a very specific material. Silver? Nope. Cold iron? Not that, either! Gold? Good try, but incorrect. Wood? You're getting closer, but not quite there yet! Mithral, or perhaps adamantine? Getting colder, actually.
In truth, the DR of a Fext may as well be insurmountable, because I can't think of a good reason anyone would be carrying around a weapon made of glass. Yes, glass. Obsidian also works and may actually be easier to fashion a weapon out of, but here's the thing: A weapon made of glass OR obsidian has half the hitpoints of a normal weapon of its type and only 1 Hardness (compared to the 10 of iron and steel), so charging at a Fext wielding a glass broadsword is a good way to be sent right back to the blacksmith when the undead general elects to sunder the weapons you brought specifically to harm it. They're not mindless!
Their weakness to glass is also the only way to put them down for good. Tear them to pieces, chop them to bits, riddle them with arrows, blow up their remains with dynamite, none of it matters, because a Fext is Unkillable as long as its death blow wasn't struck with a glass weapon (only the final blow matters; hack it down with a steel battleaxe, but the last bit of HP must be taken with glass). 1d4 minutes after being reduced to 0 HP, a Fext gain Fast Healing 1 that starts ticking and doesn't stop until they return to full HP, their bodies knitting together from even the most gruesome of wounds, giving them a fearsome reputation as deathless juggernauts that simply cannot be killed without severe methods. As written, Fext can come back from anything so long as their final hitpoint wasn't taken by a glass weapon (or, more mundanely, if their head wasn't severed and anointed with holy water, but that's boring), so unless your DM rules that burning them to ash puts them down permanently, there's nothing you can do to stop them from coming back over and over and over again... each time, more prepared for your nonsense.
A Fext as a recurring foe is made all the more potent by the fact that they have ways to grind down a party's resources. Namely, Bestow Curse at 3/day, and the power to inflict 1d4 levels of Energy Drain with a touch or by eschewing a weapon attack and hitting someone with a bare-handed slam (which also deals 1d4+10 damage). They can use Speak With Dead at-will, allowing the undying generals to quietly follow in the wake of a party and interrogate the dead (perhaps the Fext's own disposable soldiers) to learn of their tactics and abilities, learning from every single failure--whether it be their soldiers' or their own--over the course of an entire campaign until, eventually, they become unbeatable.
You can read more about them here.
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mgrfp · 1 year ago
Lesser Known Monster Types Described
An assemblage of simple summaries. Not a replacement for research!
Ahuizotl. Dog-like lake dweller. Has spikes on back. Seizes victim with hand at end of tail.
Aka-Oni. Cousin of Ao-Oni. Cursed former human. Hulking horned rampager. Has red skin.
Alerion. Large razor-winged bird. Drowns self when offspring hatches.
Almiraj. Analogue of unicorn. Rabbit replaces horse. Chaotic. Feared by almost every animal.
Alp. Elf Dwarf hybridization. Vampiric. Can turn invisible. Paralyzes victim. Powers from magic hat.
Alraun♂ and Alraune♀. Plant human hybridization. Fragrant flowering being. Sometimes rooted sometimes roaming. Sometimes vampiric or cannibalistic sometimes feeds like human.
Anthusa or Flower Nymph. Divine blossom guardian. Life-force bound to flowering plant.
Ao-Oni. Cousin of Aka-Oni. Cursed former human. Hulking horned schemer. Has blue skin.
Arachne or Drider. Spider human combination.
Aura or Wind Nymph. Flying offspring of Boreas. Keeps world cool.
Azeman. Inconspicuous parasite of human. Appears human at day bat at night. Vampiric. Feeds from victim's foot.
Bak. Tall water dweller. Shapeshifter. Identity thief. Powers from magic bag.
Bake-Neko. Cousin of Neko-Mata. Elevated former cat. Sizeshifter and shapeshifter. Prefers ordinary cat form. Feeds on lamp oil.
Barometz or Tartarian Lamb. Plant sheep hybridization. Rooted for part of life-cycle.
Behir or Nathair. Cousin of Dragon. Electricity replaces fire. Has no wings but many legs.
Berserker. Voluntary Werecreature. Raging warrior. Transformation from fungus and animal skin.
Bjarndyrakongur. Analogue of unicorn. Polar bear replaces horse. Wise ruler of bear. Glows.
Boggart. Cousin of Brunaidh. Pernicious prankster. Disappears if secret name spoken.
Brollachan or Boneless. Cousin of Vough. Eldritch jelly blob. Psychovampiric. Shapeshifter. Incapable of proper human speech. Loner.
Bugbear. Cousin of Goblin. Large hairy cave dweller. Sometimes harmless prankster sometimes deadly pillager.
Caladrius. Doctor bird. Lives in sun.
Capelobo. Anteater goat human combination. Vampiric. Stuns victim with shriek.
Cecaelia or Octofolk. Analogue of Merfolk. Octopus replaces fish.
Cherufe. Fiery underground being. Shapeshifter. Skin always hot and rocky. Manages geo-phenomena.
Chiruwi. Mysterious being. Like human cut lengthwise. Powerful potioneer.
Culebre. Variety of Dragon. Powerful magic user. Has wings but no legs. Cruel enemy of Xana.
Dingbat. Deer owl combination. Sounds like horse. Harmless prankster.
Draugr or Aptrgangr. Undead former human. Corpse self-reanimated to commit revenge. Eyes always blue. Deanimated when mission accomplished.
Dullahan. Undead former human. Has detachable head.
Efreeti♂ and Efreetah♀. Variety of Genie. Fiery enemy of Djinn. Bound to place instead of item.
Enra-Enra. Smoke being. Frightening but harmless.
Erchitu. Cursed former human. White bull with flaming horns. Brings bad fortune.
Ettin. Cousin of Troll. Giant tormenter of human. Uncivilized. Can have more than one head.
Fext or Matoha. Undead former human. Almost indestructible incorruptible corpse. Sometimes able to resume human-like existence sometimes must regularly return to grave.
Fideal. Green-skinned weed-haired water dweller. Cannibalistic. Drowns victim.
Firbolg. Cousin of Fomorian. Giant forest dweller. Once proud race. Nature guardian.
Fomorian. Cousin of Firbolg. Giant cave dweller. Once proud race. Individually deformed. Can control weather and cause disease.
Garkain. Hideous jungle dweller. Cannibalistic. Glides through air and suffocates victim with skin-flaps.
Garuda. Huge mountable bird. Sometimes partly human.
Glawackus. Bear wildcat hybridization. Sounds like hyena. Stuns victim with gaze.
Gonakadet or Sea Wolf. Elevated former human. Huge wolf with fins. Brings good fortune.
Gorgad. Agile jungle dweller. Male basically human. Female covered with fur. Not to be confused with Gorgon.
Hamadryad or Tree Nymph. Divine forest guardian. Life-force bound to broad-leafed tree.
Hecatoncheir or Centimane. Giant offspring of Uranus. Rock-hurling enemy of Titan. Has 50 heads and 100 arms.
Heliad or Sun Nymph. Radiant offspring of Helios. Cries amber tears.
Hodag. Huge hairy beast. Has assortment of spikes. Produces stench.
Ijiraq. Child stealer. Shapeshifter. Eyes always red.
Iku-Turso. Huge antlered sea serpent.
Jenglot. Animated doll. Spirit summoned by magic user. Vampiric. Gains fleshly essence by feeding.
Jiangshi. Undead former human. Psychovampiric. Has unnatural coloration and stiffness. Moves by hopping.
Jinmenken. Dog human combination. Fast runner. Loner. Frightening but harmless.
Karkadann. Unicorn rhinoceros hybridization. Cries carnelian tears.
Kikimora. Cousin of Brunaidh. Human bird hybridization. Easily offended. Can switch from mild-mannered helper to chaotic occupier.
Kinnara♂ and Kinnari♀. Human bird combination. Has both arms and wings. Male sometimes like female sometimes like Centaur. Magnificent human protector. Inspires art.
Korred or Corrigan. Enchanting forest dweller. Bewitching female appears basically human but sometimes small. Ugly at day beautiful at night. Confuses or steals human with magic dancing. Chaotic male appears as horse or goat.
Lakhe♂ and Lasin♀. Large tusked forest dweller. Has red or blue skin. Cannibalistic.
Lampad or Torch Nymph. Sullen marching worshiper of Hecate.
Leucrotta or Crocotta. Deer lion combination. Wily predator of human. Has wide mouth with bone-strips instead of teeth. Speech mimic.
Maenad or Mad Nymph. Wild dancing worshiper of Dionysus.
Makara. Huge trunked sea serpent.
Marid. Variety of Genie. Chaotic watery being. Not bound to item or place.
Melusine. Dragon human combination. Powerful magic user. Appears human but must regularly resume true form.
Merrow. Cousin of Merfolk. Female visits land as human with webbed hands and webbed feet. Transformation from magic hat. Male avoids land.
Miage-Nyudo. Intimidating predator of human. Appears human but can increase height. Can only feed on fearful victim.
Myrmidon. Ant human hybridization. Disciplined warrior.
Nachzehrer. Undead former human. Corpse self-reanimated to slay former loved-one. Psychovampiric. Sometimes has horns. Deanimated when mission accomplished.
Nack or Nixie. Cousin of Pixie. Water-controlling water dweller. Sometimes harmless prankster sometimes deadly lurer. Female human-like but swampy green. Male horse fox human combination.
Neko-Mata. Cousin of Bake-Neko. Elevated former cat. Has forked tail. Shapeshifter. Cemetery guardian. Fond of dancing.
Nephela or Cloud Nymph. Floating offspring of Oceanus. Manages water-cycle.
Ningen. Huge wide-mouthed sea monster. Runs across ice-sheets.
Nue. Monkey tiger snake combination. Sings sad song. Brings bad fortune.
Obda. Merry forest dweller. Has backwards body. Breathes with holes in armpits. Harasses human with tickling or forced dancing. Spawns from lost blood.
Oread or Mountain Nymph. Divine mountain guardian. Life-force bound to cone-bearing tree.
Papinijuwari. Monoeyed hunter. Vampiric. Sizeshifter.
Patasola. Monopedal jungle dweller. Vampiric. Sometimes partly animal.
Peryton. Deer eagle combination. Wise enemy of human. Bathes in blood. Lived in Atlantis.
Peuchen. Snake bat combination. Feeds on human heart. Stuns victim with whistle.
Pombero. Small hairy forest dweller. Silent enemy of Siren. Has backwards feet. Stuns victim with hand. Steals voice.
Pugot. Large hairy tree dweller. Headless. Has wide mouth on top of torso. Sometimes harmless thief sometimes ferocious cannibal.
Qilin. Dragon deer ox combination. Brings good fortune.
Rokurokubi. Charismatic parasite of human. Appears human but can extend neck. Psychovampiric. Fond of vermin.
Rusalka. Enchanting water dweller. Deadly lurer. Steals or drowns human.
Serket or Girtablilu. Scorpion human combination.
Shachihoko. Dragon carp combination. Has golden scales and sharp spikes. Can control weather.
Shikigami. Animated paper-doll. Spirit summoned by magic user.
Snallygaster. Huge monoeyed bird. Partly metal. Seizes victim with talons or tentacles.
Snawfus. Majestic mountain dweller. White winged deer. Produces mist.
Spriggan. Cousin of Pixie. Sizeshifter. Lives in ancient ruins. Can cause disease. Sometimes guards treasure.
Su or Succarath. Wildcat ape hybridization. Quadrupedal forest dweller. Has wasp-shaped torso and broad tail. Frenzied render of any approaching being. Caring parent.
Sylph. Light-bodied flying being. Embodies element of air.
Tariaksuq. Caribou human combination. Invisible hunter. Shadow visible.
Tarrasque. Variety of Dragon. Extra pair of legs replace wings. Voracious. Has magnificent mane and rugged natural armor.
Troglodyte. Robust cave dweller. Uncivilized. Sometimes basically human sometimes partly reptile.
Tsuchinoko. Broad-bodied leaping snake.
Tsukumogami. Animated inanimate object. Spirit spawns from 100 years of human ownership.
Undine. Cold-blooded swimming being. Embodies element of water.
Urisk. Cousin of Faun. Nature guardian. Loner.
Vaettrar. Tiny helper or prankster. Enters house from drain.
Vibria. Dragon eagle human combination. Has wings but no hind legs. Inspires joy.
Vodyanoi♂ and Vodyanitsa♀. Slimy water dweller. Male human frog hybridization. Female human-like but cold and slippery. Demands gift or sacrifice. Steals or drowns human if not propitiated.
Vough. Cousin of Brollachan. Shadowy lurker. Has webbed hands and webbed feet. Breathes with hole in head. Can transform into jelly blob.
Vrykolakas. Undead former human. Appears basically human but has wolf-like posture. Feeds on human liver.
Vulpangue. Flat fox. Envelopes victim.
Wemic or Leotaur. Analogue of Centaur. Lion replaces horse.
Wittewijven. Secretive wise being. Lives in ancient ruins or pit cave. Appears human but ghostly white. Can transform into mist. Fond of dancing.
Xana. Pleasing water dweller. Capricious. Sometimes gives treasure sometimes steals child. Not to be confused with Zanna.
Yacuruna. Mysterious water dweller. Has green or blue skin. Wise but unpredictable. Sometimes heals human sometimes steals human. Can transform into dolphin.
Yale or Centicore. Horse boar elephant combination. Has swiveling horns.
Yedua or Jidra. Plant human hybridization. Rooted perpetually. Vicious eater of any reachable being. Inspires evil.
Yuxa. Elevated former snake. Has poisonous spikes or sting. Sly. Can appear human or reptile or combination.
Zagh. Bird human combination. Speaks every language.
Zanna. Child protector. Invisible to adult. Not to be confused with Xana.
Zityron or Sea Soldier. Large walking fish. Lives in water but grazes on land. Has natural armor like plate-mail.
So many possibilities!
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tailing-sun · 5 months ago
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Fanmade Touhou stage 2 bosses
Vlasta Brüger (aka Wistful Casualty), a soldier yuurei (specifically based on a fext) with the ability to create platoons of herself
Rie Kakari (aka the Scroll of Sacred Knowledge), a kyōrinrin with the power of universal telecalligraphy (writing with her mind in any language)
Kuzuname Sarajita (aka One-Man Cleaning Crew), an akaname with the ability to thoroughly clean any surface using only their tongue
and Chizui Miidera (aka Memento Mori Waiting at the Well), a kyokotsu-gashadokuro hybrid with the ability to add and remove bones to and from her own body
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venomgender · 1 year ago
almost just wrote a wall of fext for a video game i dont care about lets all explode
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