#fest prompts
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hpanimagiweek · 2 months ago
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🦉 The prompts are finally revealed for HP Animagi Week 2025!
This mini-fest is now officially back for its second year, so buckle up everyone, sharpen your pencils and charge your computers, it’s time to write!
Prompt list:
Day 1: Dreams
Day 2: “Behave."
Day 3: Warmth
Day 4: Looking in the mirror
Day 5: Secret ritual
Day 6: Family
Day 7: Free prompt
Joker 1: In the Forbidden Forest
Joker 2: Midnight snack
You’ll find under the cut a few reminders regarding the schedule and rules:
The event starts on April 7th, 2025.
The event ends on April 13th, 2025.
The AO3 collection will close on April 17th, 2025.
The masterlist will be shared on April 18th, 2025.
Rules & Guidelines:
(1) Minimum word count: 100 / Maximum word count: None.
(2) The use of AI-generated content is strictly forbidden.
(3) The entries for this event can be in the form of written stories or artworks. All submissions must be of your own creation or must be added with the original author/artist’s explicit permission.
(4) All entries must be new works, meaning that your submission cannot be an additional chapter of an existing fic. However, it can be a part of a serie of one-shots or related works.
(5) As this is a fandom-focused event, your entries must stay within the Harry Potter universe. No crossovers or original characters will be accepted.
(6) Each submission must be appropriately tagged and content-warned. This includes the use of the Archive Rating and Warnings. If you decide to use “Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings”, you must still warn for potentially triggering content in the additional tags or the author’s notes.
(7) Your entries must involve animagi in some way.
(8) To help keep the AO3 collection organized, please use the following tag format: - Each entry must have the tag HP Animagi Week 2025 . - Each entry must have a tag for the prompt used.
If you have any questions about this event, please reach out to me through Tumblr or by email at [email protected]
Happy writing everyone!
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awetfrog · 5 months ago
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third wheel clara,,
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hitlikehammers · 2 months ago
The One Where Wayne Munson KNOWS BETTER Than to Lend Air to IDLE GOSSIP
(and does it anyway on accident and ends up thinking his 💕boy's boy💕 might be ✖️stepping out) ——(1/3)
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Wayne Munson’s lived his life mostly free from the hubbub of small town gossip. Some was unavoidable in his tiny holler as a boy; more was part and parcel to the service, and plain keeping half-sane in war—anything for a distraction. After all that though, Wayne’d had more’n his fill of even a teaspoon of hearsay, and compared to where he came from? Hawkins, Indiana was small potatoes for keepin’ his nose clear out of it.
Which is all to say he don’t mean to collect any of the latest scuttlebutt on his way just to town after he gets off his shift with the sun barely a glimmer, just past 5 for Leah’s to be open for a better cup-o-joe than the sludge he gets on the floor. All he wants is a hot nightcap because he knows damn well his boy didn’t pick up more grounds before Melvald’s closed last night, and Wayne doesn’t want to see his bed until he’s had a full mug of fair-to-middling coffee.
And honest: he don’t think that’s more than he’s earned to ask.
But it is more than he bargained for signing’ up to, when he sees the only other people in the diner at this hour on a Saturday.
Because the only other people are a girl he don’t know, though he can’t see her real well from the back, which only really means he sees her coffee date full-on and much too well in exchange because they’re leaned in and they’re being all touchy across the table, voices low but not too low—he don’t think they even noticed him come in, let alone come to wait close enough to hear ‘em while he insists on saving the lovely Leah herself the trip to a table when he can damn well carry his own drink, thanks kindly.
“You’re gonna have a coronary if you keep hiding this.”
The girl sounds…she sounds the way Wayne remembers his Mamaw sounding when she was about to hit his Grampy up the head over some harebrained such-and-such. Exasperated, but all from a deep well of unshakable loving.
Which is what perks up Wayne’s attention, and then churns his insides quick right-next, because—
Well. The boy this young lady’s being all over-fond at for his antics is Steve Harrington.
Who, for all that Wayne understands, is meant to be his boy’s boy.
“No, no,” Steve’s shaking his head, tone bowstring-taut; “I’m gonna tell him.” Kid sounds resolved for all of half-a-second before he’s groaning, running hands over his face: “Or, I mean—”
The thunk of the boy’s head to the tabletop clatters the cutlery, and if Wayne weren’t already clued into their conversation, he’d be wholly absolved for dropping eaves given how the noise echoes through the mostly-empty establishment bar-to-door.
“Dingus,” the girl says, and it drips with concern, with affection, with a deep choler that, again, sings loud of married-couple.
Which twists Wayne’s guts all the more to hear.
Because she’s talking to Wayne’s boy’s boy.
“I’m gonna, I promise,” Steve sounds not unlike a man on his way to the gallows, even more when he sighs deep as anything and traces out his lips with his fingers, hands shaky even out the corner of Wayne’s eye for a distance as he hisses low:
And Wayne, see, he don’t like borrowing trouble. He meant it about keeping his nose clean of the gossip and the hearsay. So he makes sure he reminds himself good in his own head that he don’t know the facts here, and jumpin’ to conclusions don’t do no favors to nobody.
It don’t do nothing for the way that what he does know, what he sees and hears with his own god-given senses in the now, don’t add up too kindly for the Harrington boy.
Not least because it seems to be adding up poor indeed for Wayne’s boy.
“Do you think he’ll—”
“Steve,” the girl’s voice goes softer, but also frantic almost, as Wayne sees her reach across the way and gather Steve’s hands with a familiarity to the motion that wouldn’t make sense unless…
Unless they’re something special to each other.
Wayne’s watched Eddie reach out for Steve that way. He’s watch Steve do the same. So it…it just don’t make sense—
“You’re shaking,” the girl says, all kinda pitiful, and Wayne’d seen it before, but now he chances a look again and: oh.
Boy’s a leaf in a cyclone.
“It’s a big deal,” Steve rasps out near under Wayne’s ability to hear it.
But he does hear it.
“You need to just lay it out,” the girl tells him, earnest now and more of that than any irritation, any frustration put-upon or otherwise; “be up front with him.”
And it ain’t fair, yet, even if all the signs are pointing that direction; but Wayne likes Steve. He doesn’t want to think the worst of him. And he doesn’t, really, in his heart, think Steve could do or be the worst, from all he’s learned and seen—Wayne’d had uncharitable thoughts about it he kid, before he knew better, based on hearsay which one more time, he don’t countenance as a rule, and he’d been taught better and quick from the second he saw Steve at his nephew’s bedside, and heard the only thing he’s proud and happy to have dropped in upon uninvited:
You nearly fucking died yourself dragging him out, Steve, what the hell—
That Henderson squirt, scolding Steve something fierce.
So Wayne reminds himself this boy loved his boy enough to risk himself to bring Eddie home. Before they were anything to one another. And Wayne knows damn well they’re both something to each other, now. It don’t make sense that Steve wants to…be up front about a notion with Eddie that could hurt.
But then: care can look a lot of different ways, and can change over time. Ain’t nobody to fault for that. And much as Wayne can’t quite believe the Steve he’s gotten to know these past many-months could swallow hurting his Eddie…
Wayne’s been proven incorrect about people more than enough in his life to know better than to think it’s impossible to be wrong about a man’s heart.
“Oh, I’m sure that’ll go over fucking fantastic,” Steve’s huffing, rolling his eyes—apparently he don’t want to be up front with the person they’re talking about. Wayne tries to remind himself that they’ve not flat out said it’s Eddie yet. Wayne shouldn’t go making assumptions.
“Why not?” the girl’s pressing him. “Be honest, with him,” then her tone does go a little judgemental; “you can’t honestly think he doesn’t suspect—”
“I really don’t think he does,” and it’s a strange thing, because no matter the words themselves, it don’t sound like Steve’s meaning to be deceitful about a thing. Kinda sounds a little like he’s mourning, like he’s just in a kind of pain. “If he did, then at least maybe I’d have some kind of,” he waves his hand in the air, looks frantic, at loose ends all around; “heads-up for where his head’s at.”
And they’re both quiet for a spell, and Wayne looks for Leah in the back, knew she was getting food ready and was happy to wait—for better or worse with the conversation he’s been privy to without permission unspooling at his side—but he’s starting to feel antsy for all that he’s hearing, and the way he can’t quite tamp down associating it all with Eddie, with touchy things Steve might have to tell Eddie—
“Tell him by the end of the weekend.”
And now: think he might have to tell, encouraged so damn strong and single-minded by his lady friend with her hand on his arm.
“That’s fucking tomorrow!”
“End,” she’s narrowing her eyes sharp enough Wayne notices more in the shift of the room than to see it head-on; “of,” and then she’s smacking Steve’s arm to emphasize hard enough it rings out; “the weekend.”
Then Wayne notices how her posture shifts, and she leans closer again, so much affection, and easy with it, and welcome for it, no doubt about it:
“I don’t like seeing you like this,” she says low and earnest; “especially not when the thing you’re like this about is,” and then her tone shifts to something bright, near-on hopeful, even:
“It’s such a good thing, Steve.”
“I mean,” Steve mumbles, kind of miserable really; “of course you think so.”
And Wayne don’t like where his head goes for things the girl who’s watching Steve with such soft eyes might think to be good, might think while she’s touching him so close and —
“He’ll,” and she huffs a touch before going all heartfelt again: “Eddie is going to—”
And the moment his plausible deniability about the subject of the discussion is gone, Wayne gives up waiting for his coffee at the counter and…retreats to the corner by the door, far as he can get from whatever’s said next. He’d leave, honest, but the truth of the matter’s this:
He can’t be expected in good faith to figure out how to bring any of this up with Ed if he don’t have no caffeine in him.
☕ 👀 ☕
✨ part ii >>>
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For @thefreakandthehair, who requested 'Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.' at my HOBBIT-STYLE BIRTHDAY MONTH PROMPT FEST—and since this is almost a YEAR LATE, could I possibly offer it as a normal-amounts-of-late birthday gift, more than as an egregiously-and-unforgivably-late prompt fill for you?
✨permanent tag list: OPEN (lmk if you want to be added/removed): @askitwithflours @awkwardgravity1 @bookworm0690 @bumblebeecuttlefishes @captain--low @depressed-freak13 @dragoon-ze-great @dreamercec @dreamwatch @estrellami-1 @finntheehumaneater @goodolefashionedloverboi @grtwdsmwhr @hiei-harringtonmunson @hbyrde36 @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @live-laugh-love-dietrich @mensch-anthropos-human @nerdyglassescheeseychick @notaqueenakhaleesi @pearynice @perseus-notjackson @pretend-theres-a-name-here @pukner @ravenfrog @sadisticaltarts @samsoble @sanctumdemunson @shrimply-a-menace @slashify @stealthysteveharrington @swimmingbirdrunningrock @theheadlessphilosopher @theintrovertedintrovert @themoonagainstmers @theohohmoment @tillystealeaves @tinyloonyteacups @tinyplanet95 @warlordess @wheneverfeasible @wordynerdygurl @wxrmland @yourmom-isgay @1-tehe-1
NOTE: it's important to me that you know that Wayne's accept belongs to nowhere, and is just the voice of someone I knew as a kid, who also sounded like a little of everywhere and then again nowhere. so if you think some turn of phrase doesn't fit what you think you're reading in terms of dialect? it's just that this way of stringing words together is—with intention—its own amalgam of places and times
divider credit here and here
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toriscrazycornerblog · 3 months ago
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Monthly Drarry post but with a hint of Call Me By Your Name💕
artist: alesworld
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sapphic-september · 7 months ago
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Welcome to Sapphic September 2024!
These prompts are open to any fandom and any medium as long as the works center sapphic, WLW/NBLW, F/F+, or femslash ship(s). There are no other rules — you can use all, some, or only one of the prompts; do one or more a day or spread them out; begin late or post them after September; or mix ‘n’ match prompts; it’s up to you!
Make sure to tag your work(s) with #sapphicsept2024 or #Sapphic September 2024 so that others can find your contributions and to spread the word!
Prompts: {Day 1: astrology; || Day 2: fortune; || Day 3: attic; || Day 4: teeth; || Day 5: divination; || Day 6: cryptid; || Day 7: whispers; || Day 8: undead/zombie; || Day 9: UFO || Day 10: clairvoyance; || Day 11: bones; || Day 12: ritual; || Day 13: mirror; || Day 14: omen; || Day 15: paranormal investigation; || Day 16: possessed; || Day 17: occult; || Day 18: psychic; || Day 19: underworld; || Day 20: ESP; || Day 21: werewolf; || Day 22: moonlight; || Day 23: cursed; || Day 24: ouija board; || Day 25: surreal; || Day 26: vampire; || Day 27: the divine; || Day 28: ghost/spirit; || Day 29: prophecy; || Day 30: awakening.}
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arradraws · 6 months ago
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Day 4: Sabotage
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jegulusweek · 16 days ago
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Jegulus Week will run from Thursday, March 27 - Wednesday, April 2.
The prompts are meant as a jumping off point and they are up to your interpretation. Please use them however you want.
There is no limit to the type of fanwork you can create for this event. Fics, art, etc. are all permitted.
You can choose to use one or multiple of the prompts for each day. You can also combine prompts from multiple days.
Please only submit nsfw/18+ works if you are over 18.
There are no content restrictions.
There is no minimum word count for fics.
The days are not a hard deadline and late works will be accepted. I will continue reblogging works and accepting them into the AO3 collection even after the week has ended.
Please tag #jegulus week 2025 and @ this blog so that I can see your post and reblog it!
In your post (whether on here or ao3) please mention the day(s) and prompt(s) you used.
For works posted to AO3, please add them to the Jegulus Week 2025 collection.
If you have any questions, please send an ask or dm!
— cass
AO3 Collection || Twitter
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darlingshane · 1 year ago
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Jon Bernthal | Outfit Rainbow
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wolfstarkinktober2024 · 7 months ago
welcome to 2024’s wolfstar kinktober! we are so excited to share this prompt list with you all! the way this will work is it will start on october 1st. each day will have its prompt and you are welcome to make fanfic, fanart, moodboard, posts, etc, anything you want for that day. we will be reposing everyone’s work on here so make sure to tag us or #wolfstarkinktober2024.
we have created the collection on ao3 for the fics: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/WolfstarKinktober2024
we wanted to go ahead and create the prompt list to give people time to prepare. hope you all have fun!
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dbdakinkfest · 6 months ago
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Dead Boy Detectives Kinkfest 2024 - Spooky is getting kinky this Halloween Season! 
Allow us to welcome you to the Dead Boy Detective Kinkfest 2024! We challenge you to get kinky in this prompt meme running from October 2nd to November 30th. Ask what your heart desires <3
Whatever ship or kink you’re into, if you want it sweet or filthy or both, this is the Dead Boy Detective Fest for anyone enjoying some good smut.
How does it work? 
Step 1: Request a prompt!
As a member of the Dead Boy Detectives Fandom, you can fill any prompt through our handy form here: Prompt Request Form for the Dead Boy Detectives Kinkfest . You can add prompts all throughout October!
Step 2: Follow us on Tumblr and Discord!
Follow us on Tumblr to see what prompts are being sent in and connect with other participants on the DBDA Haunt discord in the fest channel for collabs and kinky talk:  (if expired, contact the mods, pls).https://discord.gg/HYKstzx3Pa
Step 3: Pick a prompt and get creative!
Join in the fun, pick some prompts and get creative!!! 
Step 4: Post your work!
Post your creation to our Ao3 Collection: Dead Boy Detectives Kinkfest 2024 | Archive of Our Own (dbdakinkfest_2024) starting as early as October 2nd. You can also post fanarts on Ao3! Here’s a tutorial if you need it: Embedded Images Collection/Tutorial [Archive of Our Own]. It’s not a requirement, but it’s encouraged, as it will fit right in our collection and you don’t have to worry about social media censorship.
Here's our master post for all prompts and works!
Step 5: Request another prompt, fill another request, get kinky! 
Throughout the fest, we will post (or reblog) all prompts and creations on Tumblr. 
Check out our Guidelines and Rules.
If you have questions, contact the mods on Tumblr or at [email protected] 
What are you waiting for? Send in your prompts and get to creating. It’s going to be aces!
(art by the wonderful @papysanzonew )
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castillon02 · 7 months ago
“Make them clean their own guns,” Nguyen said, leaning her considerable bulk over Q’s desk. She was just starting her shift. “Or at least wear gloves.” 
Q kept plunging a bore brush soaked with cleaning fluid into the barrel of 007’s Walther PPK. His eyes burned with fatigue. “I’ll take it under advisement.” 
When he finished, he left with gun oil on his fingers, fingers that had traced over the gun’s every crevice, every curve and angle, every metal and electric anatomical fold. 
“Why not tell us to clean our own guns?” 006 asked. 
“I'm a control freak,” Q said. “Which is also why I know that yours is in the middle of the Atlantic and not in need of cleaning at all.” 
This was a lie. 006 had reported the gun lost at sea but had actually smuggled it back into his own flat, where it was currently residing in what Q suspected was his bedroom and knew for certain was the room that also had a backup earwig that Q had personally assembled, a Ka-Bar that Q had archaically sharpened on a whetstone, and one of the decoy keychains and keys (Alaska) that Q kept on his desk so that agents had something harmless to swipe. Probably there were other things that 006 also had in his nest, but they would be things that Q hadn’t touched and could only theorize about. 
Q was bad at lying. 
006 visibly recognized this, realized that Q was lying in his favor, and couldn’t stop his eyes from widening. “Right,” he said. 
Q smiled. Fixed him with a specific knowing look. You don’t ask, I don’t ask. “If it hadn’t sunk into the fathoms below, I would recommend a new hammer spring. Sometimes these things get a bit fussy when you use a gun as a bludgeon. That’s part of why I do in-person maintenance.” 
Part of the reason; not the whole reason. 
006 muttered a Russian curse. “Thank you, Q.” 
“Happy to help.” 
001 brought his guns back clean, but with a new part in them each time; a replacement firing pin, hammer, ejector rod, bullets. 
Q always asked about the replacement. He did it before disassembling the gun, like a magic trick.
001 always grinned like a mischievous schoolboy. “I’ll get you next time,” he would say, wagging a finger at him. Perhaps you’re more fallible than you believe. 
“It’s good that you’re optimistic,” Q would reply loftily. No mistakes. I see your gun. I see your tricks. I see you. 
004 never cleaned her gun and always brought it back. Hers was a semi-automatic of Theseus, parts replaced naturally when there was wear and tear. 
“Same as always?” she asked when she picked up her kit. 
“Same as always,” Q confirmed. 
When Q was a child, he asked, “Mum, why do you always shout about your car keys in the morning? And why does Peter never know where his pencils are?” 
She frowned into the mirror and finished applying her lipstick. “Sometimes people lose things, dear.” 
“How?” Q asked, boggled. 
She looked at him with squinched eyes; that meant she was thinking hard. “Well,” she said slowly, “we forget where we put them, or someone puts them somewhere we don’t expect.” 
Q squinched his own eyes too. What could she be thinking so hard about?  
Mum smiled. “Tell you what, we’ll see if I can give you a demonstration after school, all right?”  
Mum didn’t turn on the telly right away after dinner like she usually did. Instead, she sat down next to him on the sofa. “Sweetheart, you know how you asked about when I lose my keys? Does that ever happen to you?” She was trying to be casual about it, but if it were really unimportant then she would have asked during a commercial. 
“One time I pretended it did,” he told her, “because I was curious to see what it was like. So one day while you were doing the shopping I put one of my books on top of the telly and stomped around in the other room going ‘Where the hell is my story book?’ in a loud voice like you do with your keys. It was a little fun, but not much.” 
“It’s not fun to lose things. Do you know,” she asked, “where your story book is now?” 
“Yes, of course,” he said. His story book was immense and well-thumbed, so heavy that it made him grunt whenever he had to lift it, but he had already read through all of it at least four times. It had hard edges and corners that were beginning to bend; chocolate fingerprints littered the pages at the beginning because his hands had still been sticky from birthday cake when he first opened it—he can put his fingers on them now and see how much he’s grown. There’s a stain of pomegranate juice at the beginning of the Persephone story from the pomegranate that his mother had bought before they read it together; a special treat, expensive, but “you have to know what a pomegranate is before you read it,” she’d said, “otherwise you’ll wonder why they’re eating the seeds.”    
“And where is it?” his mum asked. She had to know that Q knew, because why wouldn’t he know? 
He answered anyway. She ‘humored’ Q a lot, she sometimes told him, so he could humor her this time. “In the vegetable drawer,” he said. “You came home for lunch and moved it there. But that’s a silly place for things that aren’t vegetables, isn’t it?” 
His mum closed her eyes and sighed, long and deep the way she did every so often when Q asked too many questions that she couldn’t answer. “You’re right,” she said after a moment. “I’m lucky to have a son who knows that. But most people can’t keep track of their things as well as you can, so let’s not talk about it too much and make them envious, all right?” 
That was something he knew how to do. He had already had a few talks about not stirring the other kids up with how smart he was. Plus he could tell from the tightness in her voice, like when she talked to her boss’s boss or Q’s headmaster, that she was nervous. “Sure, Mum,” he said. “I won’t.”   
So he never mentioned it again. 
He also never lost his keys, or his rucksack, or his socks, or anything else he touched and touched often. He might as well try to lose his own foot.     
“You know, we can clean our own guns,” 002 said, dropping her pistol onto Q’s desk. “In fact, you’ll find I did.” 
Q smiled. “That will make it much quicker when I do it, then.” 
002 pursed her lips and blew a pink bubble with her gum, which Q Branch had also issued her. “And where do you want this?” She took the sticky wad out of her mouth and held it out to him. “Gonna chew it for me?” 
Q held out a petri dish. “We have better chemical analyzers than my tongue, I’m happy to say. We do want to see about the wear and tear on the product.” He met her eyes. “Reliability is important in our field.”  
002’s performatively petulant glare softened. “Maybe I’ll get lucky and next time you’ll make it into plastique instead of a tracker.” One corner of her mouth quirked up.
The sticks of gum were actually one of Q’s least favorite gadgets; like most gum, it was sensitive to heat, so he couldn’t hold it for long without destroying its structural integrity. Couldn’t sense what he usually sensed. But if it put a smile on 002’s face as well as being useful to her, he’d keep issuing it.   
“A gun and a radio,” Q said. He waved his hand at the corner of his desk where he’d perched the usual equipment case. “Earwig will be distributed at your landing site. Unless things go terribly wrong, the local team should be able to support you for this one.” 
Bond took the case. “Anything else?”     
Q looked up; he’d been double-checking Bond’s mission brief and wondering how much structural damage the Managua team could make excuses for. “Cufflinks.” He pulled a small box out of his desk drawer and opened it. Inside lay a pair of cufflinks, copies of ones that Bond already owned and wore frequently. “They have little folding knives in them.” He demonstrated how the outside half could be pulled apart to reach the blade in the middle. 
The corners of Bond’s eyes were all happy wrinkles. “Am I expected to need tiny knives?” 
“No,” Q admitted. “But you brought the Walther back last time and I thought you could use some positive reinforcement. May I?” He removed the old cufflinks and put the new ones on, his fingertips brushing against the warm skin of 007’s wrists as he did. “Good luck in the field, 007,” he said after he closed the last French cuff. “As always, try to bring the equipment back in one piece.”   
“As always,” Bond echoed, his eyes meeting Q’s before he left. 
The cufflinks weren’t just positive reinforcement, of course. They were a connection; this meant that it was even odds that Bond would destroy them. (Paradoxically, Bond had the best equipment survival rate when that equipment self-destructed; he wore the latest exploding watch for three months and four missions before he had to use it.) 
Q didn’t touch the other 00s, who stayed near their equipment, more or less, and who deserved their privacy, deserved not to have their footsteps tracked through the crevices of Q’s brain. In fact, he didn't touch anyone. Not if he could help it.
With Bond, Q made excuses for the tiniest bit of extra assurance, the mental tip-toe of 00 feet sneaking across the globe. 
“Make Hutchinson do it,” Nguyen said, back again. “He loves guns; he’d be thrilled to do maintenance on company time.” 
Q met her eyes. “I take personal responsibility for the equipment of our most senior agents. They deserve that level of consistency.” He changed out the cleaning swatch he was using. 
“How consistent will you be if you burn out because you never leave this place? Guns, radios, earpieces--you can delegate. Our work is important, but...” 
“I’m almost done,” Q said, implacable. 
Nguyen sighed. “Sleep well, Quartermaster.” She showed herself out.             
Q dried, oiled, and reassembled the gun. He would make sure to catch up with Doctor Who and a few blockbusters so he could convince Nguyen that he sometimes made an effort to think about things that weren’t work or work-related. They could collaborate on blueprints for a sonic screwdriver. It would be fine. 
He would even give the same advice if he were in her position. She couldn’t know that Hutchinson doing as simple a thing as cleaning a Double-Oh’s gun until it shone would be detrimental to the delicate safety net that Q had been building since he had arrived at Six.  
Q touched everything his agents went out with, enough that he could still sense 007's old Walther in Macau, 001's discarded ejector rod in Tunis, 004's stack of worn-out gun parts secreted in a tea tin hidden behind a book on his shelf because he liked the thrum of them all together like that, and there was always the risk, at work, that they'd be disposed of.
He never lost things that were truly his. Guns, radios, earwigs, cufflinks.
He hadn’t lost an agent yet either.
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chelseasdagger · 1 year ago
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angeart · 8 months ago
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happy soft kisses
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hitlikehammers · 2 months ago
💫FINALLY✨ The One Where Wayne Munson Has to Carefully Try Not To Eavesdrop 100% COMMIT TO THE EAVESDROPPING When 💕HIS NEPHEW'S BOYFRIEND💕 Comes By To FACE THE MUSIC Reveal What That Coffee Date ☕ Was REALLY All About
(well: at least Wayne's just a willful fool about all this, rather than a witless one) ——(3/3)
<<< part two
<<< back to the beginning
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Wayne’s the one who lets Steve in the next morning.
It’s his day off, and he only managed to get to bed for a couple hours anyway, so he’s just shaking off sleep when the knock comes.
And of course Steve’s as polite as ever, takes his shoes off like the upper crust kid he’ll always be but not with any of the snootiness Wayne’d expected in the beginning, just an ingrained—and eventually, grew to be downright upsetting—need to not be obtrusive, to step on no possible toes. Wayne’d been wishing for a while he’d go ahead and stomp on whatever toes he’d like to, save that today—
Today’s-Steve looks about ready to blow a gasket, and goddamn but Wayne hurts for him. He hurts more for his own boy, if what he fears despite his own good sense is what’s about to happen. But at the very same time he can’t wholly ignore the equal truth that Steve?
Steve’s grown to be his boy, too.
Wayne offers a cup from the coffee he’s about to brew but Steve turns him down with a tight smile, barely even worth being called such, which is telling for itself and more for rejecting the coffee—Steve only really does that when something’s wrong.
But Steve’s barely got to craning his neck around to look for Eddie when the man himself pops out from his room, all dimples and the kind of joy you can feel fill a room. Wayne aches for how it might be lookin’ to get dimmed, sniffed out at worst, if things are about to go sideways.
But Steve, who’s looked like he was ‘bout to be ill since he came in, takes a full breath and sheds the slightest sliver of the tension in him, just for meeting Eddie’s eyes across the way, and then Eddie’s closing the gap, arms out wide and grabbing Steve in tight and Steve’s grabbing right back, and they look for all intents like they’re trying real hard to pull so close they’ll break bones and mesh into one person, and Wayne tries to find comfort in the way people don’t do that sorta thing if they’re lookin’ to hurt one another.
They might well do that sorta thing as a kind of goodbye, though.
Eddie’s pulling them to the couch as Wayne stews over the thoughts he’s got, all at odds with each other and his own gut feeling too at that, because he’s up against the evidence he has against it turning out alright, versus the way he does believe he knows Steve to be a good man; the coffee’s burbling and draws his attention as a kindness until he hears voices from the living room:
“Eds,” and Steve’s leaning in to Eddie on the sofa and Wayne has to strain to hear and that alone should be enough to stop him. To make the more’n obvious point that he’s in the mess he’s in at all because he didn’t keep his ears to himself.
He don’t know if it makes it better or worse, that he’s not a witless fool, just a wilful one, to hold still where he’s got the dishes in hand to dry in the kitchen, so he can have a clean cup for his coffee. When he should move to the porch, have a smoke, take a walk.
“I gotta talk to you,” and Steve sounds grave with it, and Wayne tenses—he wants so bad to be wrong, because he can’t believe that Steve would do the things all the little clues add up to so easy. Not that sweet boy beat around by circumstance beneath the surface; and not done to his boy, neither.
Because Steve looks at his Eddie not so different from the moony cow-eyes his nephew don’t even try to tame.
But it’s…he sounds like there’s a death in the family he’s come to convey. He sounds like the world’s maybe ending.
Wayne don’t know if he holds his breath just to hear better, or because everything feels fragile. Maybe both things at once.
“What’s up, Stevie?” Eddie speaks so low, so sweet like he cherishes so damn much. “Are you okay, is everything—”
“Everything’s fine,” and Steve, hell: he sounds just the same, like there’s love coming out his ears. “Good, even, great, possibly,” but that sounds stilted, or maybe anxious, and Wayne don’t quite know what to make of it; “if you…”
And even Wayne can hear the labor in the breathe Steve’s taking, so he ain’t surprised when Eddie goes in all gentle and half whispers to his boy:
“Hey, Stevie.”
And Wayne don’t look, he’s pouring his coffee now, can’t take the chance of burnin’ himself and risk missing out hours for it, ‘course that’s why.
He don’t look, but he hears exactly what Ed’s words do to Steve when the reply comes out with the kind of relief you can feel with a weight in it, for what it sloughs off and makes light again:
He can catch the way Eddie rubs hands up Steve’s arms, back and forth and back, foreheads leaned in together, and they sit there long enough for Wayne to lean in comfortable enough against the counter and test the heat of his drink.
“Whatcha got to talk to me about?” And it’s Eddie who broaches the elephant in the room, the soured thing at the base of Wayne’s throat churning for the past day and change. Wayne expects Steve to hold off, tiptoe a little.
He doesn’t, though; not even a little.
“I got the job.”
And that…that ain’t what Wayne was fearing at all, is it.
“Steve,” and Eddie does sound like it’s a good thing, a great thing, truly he does; “baby, that’s amazing!” And then the springs of the couch are creaking and Steve’s making a punched-out sorta sound that means only one thing: Eddie’s tackled him whole-body to the other side of the sofa.
“Fuck I’m so proud of you, sweetheart, holy shit,” Ed’s sayin’ a little breathy, punctuated by loud wet kissy sounds that Wayne usually takes as his cue to skedaddle but…he needs a minute to reconcile what he’d been thinking without believing it could be true, and the reality that it seems he’d been right deep-down about who Steve Harrington was.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Steve’s protesting through laughter, but once they both seem to catch back their breaths he likewise leans back to something serious, and Wayne sees into the living room how Eddie’s stretched on top of Steve, with Steve reaching up and holding him by the cheeks:
“I won’t take it if you,” and Steve’s clearin’ his throat, something Wayne’s noticed is like a squaring of shoulders, whether that part’s there at the same time or not; “I won’t take it, not if it means,” and it’s a painful thing the way Steve swallows, the click of it somethin’ Wayne can hear all the way in to kitchen:
“I won’t take it, and not be with you.”
And that…that Wayne don’t quite get, and he feels wrong-footed for more than just listening in, as if that weren’t enough on its own, plus the cause of the problems he’d been wrestling to start, but then: “What?”
Ed seems just as puzzled, which makes Wayne feel a little less bamboozled, but still not…still not settled with whatever’s causin’ any of it, because now that Wayne’s got real context, he thinks back a-ways, to how Steve had mentioned a promotion, but was then looking at something better all around, regional-sort of stuff; now that he’s got context, he thinks back to the morning-last, and tries to pick apart what he’d heard without an invitation, if it weren’t about the lady friend. Steve had still been so worried, with the banging of the head on the table—and how could he think Eddie’d be anything but as thrilled as he clearly is right now for his boy? Wayne’s never seen Eddie as proud of anyone or anything, so much as he is for Steve just breathing in the world at all—and damn it all if the sentiment hasn’t rubbed off a little, and sure Wayne knows Steve’s history’s made him gun-shy to celebrate the bright spots but…
“It’s in Indy,” Steve’s spelling out, and Wayne remembers that being tossed about, and well: regional. That’d make sense.
“And you,” Steve pauses, and the breath he takes in next is a shaky-echoing thing; “for now you’re here, but not for long, because you want to go and try doing music, right, and that means New York or L.A. or somewhere big, not the armpit of fucking Indiana, and—”
“Breathe, Stevie,” Eddie cuts in quick, adoring; coaches with such patience, the care in it—the love in it a tangible thing; “in, and out,” and all of a sudden from nowhere, save from everywhere and every moment leading into this—
Suddenly Wayne blinks, and out the clear blue he’s witnessing the man Eddie’s grown into.
Talk about bein’ proud.
“One more,” Eddie coaxes a gentle, and Steve listens, Wayne hears as he gulps in the air carefully and deep, sees them move in the corner of his eye as Eddie sits up proper now and folds forward into Steve’s chest where he muffles what he says, less for hiding and more maybe to press it firm into Steve’s chest so it can’t be denied, because it’ll be on the inside and settled there sure:
“Fuck, I love you.”
And Wayne has that feelin’ again like he ain’t supposed to be party to the particular degree of intimacy in the moment; maybe he lets the plates on the counter clank a little more’n necessary to remind them casually that they ain’t alone.
But discretion’s not what follows, more like the wet slip of mouths against each other and oh, well then: if the boys don’t seem to view Wayne’s presence in the next room as a deterrent then Wayne’s just gonna keep at feelin’ embarrassed, rather’n guilty to boot.
“Steve,” and Ed’s voice goes warm and low and Wayne tries to not feel bad for hearing, more focuses on bein’ happy, and grateful, for this thing his boy found in maybe the most unlikely of places, through the hardest round out of hell he could have met: he gets a thing here that Wayne wasn’t sure he still believed could even be, not with so much hate in the world as there is.
“Me and the boys, we’re good, but we’re not,” and Eddie huffs, a light thing that feels gentle and almost joyful, like he’s celebratin’ a thing that’s not inside the same words he speaks at all:
“We’re not that good.”
“Bullshit,” Steve’s quick to counter, like it means more than it reads on the label somehow, too, and still it’s said with his whole throat, at that: and at that, Wayne can’t help but grin a little himself.
He knew he wasn’t wrong about the heart of Steve Harrington. About how much this young man loves his boy.
“Steve,” and Wayne watches, don’t even make a secret of it now: watches over the lip of his mug because he’d only dared to hope for this kinda thing idly, and always feeling foolish for it, for his Eddie to find something even a smidgen close to what he’s got here; what they’ve got here as Ed reaches and tips Steve chin just a touch.
“I don’t want to waste years trying to fit a mold even by being a freak, trying to sell my brand of weird and hoping people get it,” Eddie tells him, clear-eyed like Wayne’s not sure he’s ever heard him. “I don’t want to put that much of my life into a maybe,” and then he’s tracing Steve’s jaw with a tenderness he was never taught, so it’s just something natural and pure inside him, brought out just so by this one man in his arms as he whispers so soft-hearted and with more love than feels possible even just to watch:
“Not when I’ve got what my whole heart wants most.”
And Wayne sees Steve’s jaw work under Eddie’s touch as he asks so low, and far too timid for a man Wayne’s seen live up to the monster-slaying he’s heard tell of.
“More than music?”
And it’s asked like he could never believe it; like he couldn’t expect it.
But Eddie’s back to the clear-eyed sureness, then. He has no doubts.
“More than fame,” is what he answers, flipping hands through Steve’s hair as he leans just to whisper:
“You’re the music,” and Wayne watches Steve still, his face scrunch like it does when he thinks he feels too much; “my music,” and Steve would be embarrassed to know Wayne hears the tiny little whimper that he gives when Eddie presses a kiss to the space between his eyebrows, and there’s part of him that’s embarrassed for himself in it, to have heard what’s not his, but if he’s honest he’s still stuck in that gratitude, that relief for this way it’s all shaken out, not to mention how Wayne’s little family that he never intended to start’s now feeling complete where he didn’t think there was anything left to add, to grow.
“And I have music with you as much as anywhere,” Eddie’s explaining with a wobbly little grin; “plus with you, even the music’s sweeter.”
Then he’s cupping Steve cheeks again and pressing forehead into forehead so that Wayne can only hear the barest whisper:
“Lead the way, baby, and I’ll follow with fucking bells on.”
And Steve, he’s quiet, leans back into the cushions a little and Wayne watches unabashed about it now as Steve studies Eddie, takes him in less like he’s weighing anything and more like he’s committing to memory a moment worth knowing everything about in full, and then he’s the one framing Eddie’s face in his hands and asking with a certainty he didn’t have before, and that fits him so much better:
“Move in with me? Leave here, and leave all the shit they say and the way they look at you and how they fucking treat you,” Steve damn near growls and Wayne feels all the more why he trusts Steve Harrington, and should never have even considered doubting, no matter if the mere suggestion was something he knew was pressing up against his better judgement from the start, because this is the man who loves his boy enough to take on the world, and tear it to shreds when the need rears its ugly head.
“Come with me?”
And that’s maybe a little more of the hesitance, and again, it sounds wrong as a rule, but Eddie’s quick as anything:
“It’ll take me less than a hour to pack.”
And he’s on his feet in a second and Wayne has to bite back a snort because that’ll give him away more’n anything else, but Steve’s pulling Eddie back to the sofa again in a heartbeat:
“Not that fast,” he laughs, a breathy little chuckle that’s got so much more to it even to Wayne’s ears, that’s disbelief and a little wondering joy and everything this boy deserves and has done his whole goddamn life, and heaven help his parents if Wayne ever sees them again face to face for all they ever did to make their son feel less; “got a couple months, I’ll drive up for training while the other guy’s wrapping up, then,” and he shrugs, Wayne hears it shuffle against the upholstery, then he sees Steve looking up from guarded lashes, just that little bit of uncertainty left—
“Then,” Eddie prods, meets him in that moment of waffling, of fear in trusting to feel all that they do, so visible you don’t even have to search it out. It just shines through, couldn’t deny it if you tried, and sure as hell not for how giddy, how overfull Eddie sounds then with…promise.
Ain’t no other word for it.
Ain’t no other thing Steve could latch to like he does, wholehearted and unfettered where before he was still fighting old chains.
Not no more.
“There’s a record store that needs a new manager,” Steve starts off; “a tattoo shop that’s taking apprentices, and they also need someone to watch the books,” and it’s a list, he’s listing opportunities, he’s counting out the promise; “a music store, like for instruments and stuff, that needs someone who can work but also maybe teach, because they want to start giving lessons, apparently people keep asking for them, and then there’s—”
Steve’s cut clear off, and Wayne don’t have to be in the room to know it’s for being kissed within an inch of his life.
“I love you,” Eddie’s saying again because it’s more’n a given, but it’s sounding like it’s shaping into something a little different, a little deeper, somehow a something that’s more.
“I love you so much, Steve Harrington,” and Eddie’s voice is rough with it, and Wayne ain’t gonna lie to himself that his eyes sting to hear it, even if no one can see and hold him to bein’ honest about it.
“You looked for jobs for me?” Eddie asks small, the first thing here that’s maybe overwhelmed him good and true, and in the best of all ways.
“Yeah?” Steve says it like it’s obvious, then goes back bashful nearly:
“For if you said yes.”
And then the springs of the couch are doin’ the heavy lifting again as Steve huffs and Eddie pounces.
“I fucking,” and there a pause that sounds a lot like more kissin’, which tracks along right, yeah: “I fuckin’ love you.”
And Steve chuckles, and Wayne just shakes his head, smiles down at his coffee while Eddie’s tone sobers, while he asks a little small:
“You thought there was a chance in hell that I’d say no?”
“I,” and Steve sounds chagrined, in that way that Wayne’s come to recognize means there’s an old hurt he’s covering, but one that might have a shot at makin’ a scab finally to close for good. “Robin thought I was being dumb, but I,” and he blows out a long breath, and Wayne glances to watch Eddie rub up and down Steve’s arms, waiting and being right there and oh, true as anything.
That’s the man his boy’s grown into.
“People don’t really,” Steve says slow, but measured, like he’s planning every letter out to land just so: ”people haven’t…stuck around, y’know?”
And Wayne can’t help but look to see how Eddie’s hands stop at Steve’s wrists, grounding and holding and keeping, sort of, or not sort of: absolutely that without room to misinterpret or think any bit less; same as Wayne won’t try to pretend away the bitterness at the back of his own throat that a boy as good as the one he’s learned Steve Harrington to be could think that of himself not just in passing, but as a preordained thing, an inflexible rule for always.
Makes him sick; makes him angrier than he tries to ever be these days, but good goddamn if this don’t warrant it.
“So asking someone to come with, to not just not leave but to chose to go, with m—”
And Steve’s saying things, and Eddie lets him but only to a point, and Wayne doesn’t see how he stops him, but he knows full well he’d stop still in the middle of a sound himself if the tone that comes out his boy were leveled his way: unshakable. Granite-strong, diamond-hard.
“Listen to me,” and oh, but for all the way it lands intense, the love in it’s a thing to behold and marvel at just to hear; he feels like it could undo a man to be under the gaze that tone comes alone with it, like Steve has to be sitting just now: “listen to me so fucking close right now.”
And maybe Wayne leans in, too, whether it’s meant for him or not:
“I will choose, with my whole goddamn chest, with every piece of me there is in the whole fucking world,” Eddie says, puts emphasis and feeling on each and every word; “to go anywhere, if it’s with you.”
And it’s silent for a minute, but then Wayne only just hears the sound of mouths parting and sharp intakes of breath ringing through the sill and Eddie hisses, a little hoarse, a little broken, entirely with all that he is, just like he said:
Then the couch goes about protestin’ again, but it’s Eddie who Wayne makes out for groaning on impact, and it makes sense that it’s Steve’s voice now breathing harsh through the vow of what comes next:
“Love you,” and there’s the kissing again; “love you so goddamn much.”
And Wayne figures he’s had more’n enough of overhearing what’s not quite his to hear, but here’s the thing.
These boys are gonna be at this for a bit, he reckons, and the coffee’s already half-gone and lukewarm besides. They’ve got money to be a little indulgent with these days, courtesy of Uncle Sam, plus Mary at the plant said the rhododendrons actually like coffee anyway.
So he figures he can justify brewing another pot, if for no other reason than to start the day off better than he’d been expecting by one helluva country mile and then some.
✨also on ao3
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For @thefreakandthehair, who requested 'Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.' at my HOBBIT-STYLE BIRTHDAY MONTH PROMPT FEST
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teaah-art · 2 years ago
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Desi LGBT Fest 2023 (hosted by @desi-lgbt-fest)
Day 6 : 5+1 Things
The mental gymnastics one has to do sometimes in Asian households to present information is truly something
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wylanlupin · 28 days ago
february 2nd | Yearn | @wolfstarmicrofic | word count: 185
They were sitting in the great hall, Remus next to Lily and Sirius on the opposite side to him. Two days ago, Marlene got shit for wearing trousers again.  
Remus heard James and Sirius planning something last night but didn’t think much about it. His jaw dropped to the floor, once he saw Marlene and Sirius entering the great hall and they had all eyes on them, if the complete silence was anything to go by.
They swiped clothes. Marlene was wearing Sirius’ and Sirius was wearing Marlene’s uniform. And they looked so badass. Don’t get Remus wrong, Sirius always looked breathtaking but seeing them in a skirt really took his breath away.  
Sadly, he was taking a sip from his hot tea at that moment, which was then running down his chin. Lily petted him amused on the shoulder and suppressed her laughter. The yearning feeling in his chest was nothing new, but when Sirius sat down facing him it reached a whole new level.  
“Oh, Re,” Lily whispered in his ear, “You’re so fucked.” And really, Remus couldn’t have said it better.  
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