#fennec Shand fluff
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 1 year ago
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~𝓕𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓬 𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 (𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓷) & (𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓸𝓯 𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓪 𝓕𝓮𝓽𝓽) 𝓢𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 1
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leapingbadger · 3 months ago
Spoken Truths - A Fennter Short (ish) Story
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Hunter carefully slid out of bed, pulling his arm from underneath Fennec’s shoulder a millimeter at a time so as not to wake her. He tiptoed across the room to his things.
“Where do you think you’re going?” she asked groggily, propping herself up on her elbow.
Hunter smiled and crossed back to the bed, “you’d think you were the one with the enhanced senses,” he said fondly, kissing her gently on the lips. “I’m going to get us some food, I’ll be back in a little bit.”
“Be sure you do,” she said, grabbing his neck and pulling him down on top of her. Her lips were warm and comforting on his. He groaned. She knew she was making it hard for him to leave.
“You’re not playing fair,” he said with a smile.
“Do I ever?” she asked with a glint in her eye.
He managed to pull himself out of bed one final time and smiled as he left their small, rented room.
The space station he found himself on was nondescript. He walked past a large window, showing the docking bay and sparkling stars beyond. Fennec’s latest bounty had been completed before he’d arrived, giving them plenty of time to spend together.
Hunter wasn’t sure how long this thing with Shand would last. It had already surpassed his expectations with comms coming in every few weeks for assistance on a bounty. He knew she didn’t need his help. She was the best in the galaxy, and he was, more often than not, just in the way. But he liked that she stuck with the pretense and that, apparently, she still wanted him around.
He passed through a door into the market, the artificial daylight was glaringly bright and made him squint as he made his way around the stalls.  He picked up some fruit, a couple of local dishes he’d never seen before and some drinks to wash it down with.
He smiled as a hand slid into his own. “You know I sensed you before you entered the market, right?”
She bumped his shoulder playfully and stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “What did you find?” she asked, ignoring his statement. She looked different from her usually put together self. Her dark hair hung loose down her back, her black and orange jacket was unfastened, showing a black tank top underneath.
Hunter opened the bag to show her the things he’d picked up. She nodded happily, signaling that he’d made a good selection.
“Fennec Shand?” a voice called as they rounded the corner of the market.
Fennec dropped Hunter’s hand, her face transforming into her trademark scowl. Hunter wasn’t offended, he knew she had to present a certain way, especially when accosted by other bounty hunters, which this woman most certainly was. He took a step back and busied himself with a stall nearby.
“It’s been a while, Ebip. What brings you here?” she said coolly.
“A bounty. Although if rumors are correct, you may have already snatched this one out from under me.”
“I wouldn’t’ say snatched. I just got there first.”
“Irrelevant. Perhaps it gives us a chance to catch up?” Ebip said pleasantly, her white hair stretching down her back, green eyes flashing.
Hunter sensed her notice him and crossed to the other side of the of the market, eyes down but all senses attuned to Fennec and her companion.
“Ah, or perhaps you are otherwise engaged.” The woman said with a smile in her voice. She lowered it to a whisper, but Hunter could of course hear her nonetheless, “Is the rumor true? Is this your clone?”
Hunter could see Fennec bristle out of the corner of his eye. She raised herself up to full height, “that’s none of your business,” she said finally.
Ebip chuckled, putting her arm around Fennec, “oh don’t be so severe. Who hasn’t had a clone dalliance here or there. But the rumor has it this one has been sticking around. Maybe a distraction? And I can certainly see why he would be,”
Hunter rolled his eyes but waited, curious to hear Fennec’s retort.
“It didn’t stop me getting the bounty instead of you, did it?” Shand said congenially but there was an edge to her voice. Threatening her dedication to her job, her craft, would not get this bounty hunter very far.
“Hmm, I suppose not. Well, just make sure you make the most of him now. It won’t be long before he’s out of commission. Such a shame…” she trailed off and she walked away with a wave.
Hunter put his arm around her shoulders as she joined him. “Old friend?” he asked, watching the bounty hunter leave the marketplace.
“I’m not sure I’d say that. An acquaintance at most. What did she mean by that?”
“Being out of commission? Probably my advanced aging,” he said with a shrug.
“Your what?” She looked up at him, dark eyes wide.
Hunter turned to her, a curious look on his face. “You don’t know about that?” he asked, surprised.
“So, you’re telling me that when you’re twenty-five, you’re going to look and feel fifty?” Fennec asked over breakfast.
“Pretty much,” Hunter said, shoving another piece of a strange, purple and green fruit in his mouth.
“And when you’re fifty you’ll be…”
“Dead,” Hunter interjected with a laugh.
“it’s not funny,” she said angrily across the table.
Hunter finished chewing and set down his fork. He studied her face, there was rage behind her eyes and something else. Was it sadness?
“It’s not worth getting upset about. It’s my reality no matter what.”
“And you’re okay with that?” Fennec demanded, angrily pushing away her plate.
Hunter thought for a moment. He had never taken the time to think about it. He supposed there was an irony in finally being free from the republic and the empire, only to die because of a half-life that was ingrained into his DNA.
Again, he shrugged but he wasn’t laughing anymore. “Do I wish that wasn’t the way it was. Of course. But you have to remember, clones were raised to die. None of us thought we’d make it out alive. The fact that I have a life at all, with my brothers and Omega in a beautiful and peaceful place is pretty much all a guy like me could ask for.”
“This Islands really got a hold on you, hasn’t it?” she asked, the fury gradually seeping out of her.
“I think even you may be able to relax there,” he said with a chuckle.
“Maybe I could…pay a visit sometime.” she said, eyes down on her plate.
“Wait, you want to come home with me?” he asked.
“Well, I can’t this time but maybe soon. I could do with a vacation, and I imagine it doesn’t get better than a tropical paradise,” Hunter paused midbite and looked at her. “Would that be a problem?” she asked.
“No,” he said quickly. Too quickly. Fennec’s eyes narrowed as she waited for further explanation.
Hunter finished his mouthful, knowing her eyes were still on him.
“Fen, I don’t have a lot that is my own. I like that we have this thing, whatever it is, that is just ours. I’m just not sure I’m ready to…share you…yet”
A smile ticked up the corner of Fennec’s mouth, “that was actually pretty romantic. Did you plan that?”
“Would it be better if I said I did?” he said with a smile.
She walked around the side of the table, took the fork out of his grip and sat down on his lap, “I think it would, yeah.” She said as her lips sank to his.
“Well then yes, I definitely planned it” he said pulling away and smiling.
“Hmm, are you done?” she asked, looking at his plate.
“I could be,” Hunter replied in a low, gravelly voice.
“Right answer,” Fennec said as she kissed him impatiently.
“Hmm, sorry. What do you need, Cross?”
“I’ve been trying to get your attention for a whole minute.” Crosshair snapped at his brother.
Hunter put down his morning caf. He had taken up residence on his usual bench, watching the sun rise slowly and the scrum of fishing boats surging out onto the crystalline waters.
“What’s got you so distracted,” Crosshair asked, leaning on the stone wall in front of Hunter.
“Fennec,” Omega said from the long wooden table to the right of Hunter.
“What?” they both brothers said in unison.
“That’s his Fennec face.” She said matter-of-factly, turning to Hunter directly, “your eyebrows go up and that crease on the bridge of your nose goes away when you talk about her. And think about her too…I think,” she said, turning back to the picture she was drawing.
Crosshair turned back to Hunter with a smirk, “you have a Fennec face?”
“Shut up, Crosshair,” Hunter said, downing the rest of his caf and standing up.
“Well, were you thinking about her?” he asked, not even trying to hide the amusement in his voice.
Hunter laughed and tried to search for the words, “I dunno, maybe. But what does it matter. Didn’t you need something?”
“The only thing I need right now is to see the Fennec face,” he said, openly chuckling now.
Hunter shoved him playfully, “you’re gunna pay for that one, Kid,” he threw over his shoulder to Omega. She waved off the threat with a hand and laughed at the brotherly teasing currently wending its way into the kitchen.
“So, how was the last visit. You haven’t said much.”
“Do I ever?” Hunter said, brewing another cup of caf. One just wasn’t enough today. Crosshair leaned quietly in the doorway, twisting a toothpick between his lips and waited.
Hunter sighed, his shoulders sloping as though the weight of the world fell off them. “She asked to come to visit Pabu.”
Crosshair’s eyebrows raised almost up to his hairline, “ahh…and that’s a…bad thing?”
“No,” Hunter said hurriedly before sighing again. “it’s complicated and I’m honestly not sure you’re the one I should be having this conversation with.”
“Well, you’re welcome to wait for Wrecker but given that he’s not on board with this whole Fennec thing, I think I’m your best bet.”
Hunter ran his hand through his hair and took a sip of his fresh caf. “It’s just. I’ve kind of compartmentalized the two parts of my life. I’m not sure how willingly I want to let them collide.”
Crosshair nodded but didn’t interject, “Plus, like you said, Wrecker isn’t happy about the situation. Omega is still young and was almost kidnapped by her. I know we’ve talked about it all and she says she’s fine but…that kid doesn’t need any more trauma just because I am…”
“Sleeping with a bounty hunter?” Crosshair supplied.
Hunter’s shoulders sank again, and he slumped against the kitchen cabinets. “That’s not all it is. But yeah…something like that.”
Crosshair paused for a moment, biting down on his toothpick, arms crossed over his chest. “Did you ever think this could be the perfect opportunity to get Wrecker on side? And for Omega to see that Shand isn’t a threat. Nothing will beat home that lesson like you and Shand making googly eyes at each other across the dinner table.”
Hunter laughed, “we don’t do that,”
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Crosshair said with a jab of his toothpick. “I’ll check with the others for you. But I think it’ll be fine. Wrecker just wants you to be happy, no matter who it’s with.”
“You weren’t kidding when you said this place is remote,” Fennec said as she held on to the back of the pilot’s chair as Hunter brought the Havoc in to land in a small cave by the water’s edge. The Outcast was too large to land on Pabu’s crest safely and Wrecker was nervous about Shand having the direct coordinates. This seemed the easiest solution to both problems. Plus, it gave Hunter some much needed alone time before the trial by fire with his family.
He had only been away for a couple of days but had felt an increasing sense of stress the closer they got to the island planet.
Fennec had traveled light. Hunter took her pack from her as they started the arduous but beautiful climb to their home in upper Pabu.  Hunter smiled and nodded as villagers went about their business, walking pets and heading to the marketplace.
“You’re pretty famous here,” Fennec said in an amused tone, “do I have any competition?” she asked with a laugh, intertwining her fingers with Hunter’s, as though claiming him. He didn’t mind. He laughed and shook his head at her question.
The knot in his stomach grew tighter the closer he got to the house. Fennec seemed to notice and pulled him to the side of the path under the guise of watching the sunlight reflect on the ocean.
“Anything you want to say before we do this?” she asked.
“No. I’m fine.” He said, putting his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him.
“You know you’re a terrible liar, right?”
He laughed, traced her jaw with his fingers and pulled her closer for a deep kiss. Enjoying the last moment when she was his alone and he didn’t have to share her or explain their relationship to anyone else. His hands slid down her body, wrapping tightly around the small of her back. She kissed him back just as enthusiastically, her fingers curled into his hair, her forearms locked around his neck.
He knew their eyes were on them before he heard the wolf whistles and cat calls from above. He turned to see Crosshair, Omega and a more subdued Wrecker looking down at them from the patio. Batcher was up on her hind legs, tale wagging, tongue falling out of the side of her mouth.
“Welcome to Pabu,” Hunter said with a laugh. Fennec smiled but was of course, unphased.
They finally made it up the curving path, Hunter holding open the wooden gate for Fennec and following her to the patio, gently pushing Batcher back as she came to make a new friend. Fennec scratched her behind the ear and the lurka hound seemed satisfied enough to head back to Omega’s side.
Hunter put his hand to the small of Fennec’s back, gently guiding her forward. If she was nervous, it was impossible to tell. Her body language was soft and unthreatening and Hunter hoped that would be enough for Wrecker.
“Fen, you know Wrecker and Omega,” Hunter said awkwardly. Fennec gave them each a nod of acknowledgement. “This is Crosshair,” he said, waving his brother forward.
Crosshair, to his credit stepped closer to shake her hand with his prosthetic. Omega charged forward, standing next to her slim brother, hand on his arm.
“Hi,” she said sweetly with a wave of her hand.
Hunter seemed to hold his breath. Fennec stepped out of his reach towards her, tucking her long, loose black hair behind her ears. He noticed Wrecker bristle as he brought himself to his full height.
“Hi, Omega,” Shand said in a soft voice, hunching over to meet her height. “I think I owe you an apology.”
Omega glanced at Hunter with a warm smile and shrugged, “It’s fine. You were just doing your job,”
“Well, I’m sorry anyway. I’m glad you found your way back to your brothers.”
“Thanks, me too,” she said excitedly, pulling on Crosshair’s arm.
Hunter noticed Wrecker relax a little and felt himself do the same. Omega grabbed Fennec but the hand and started pulling her into the house.
“You need to see my bedroom, it’s gold!” she said.
“it’s yellow,” Crosshair corrected dryly.
Fennec gave Hunter a backwards glance and smiled before following Omega through the door, Crosshair at their heels.
Hunter crossed over to Wrecker who was still lingering outside, leaning low on the wall.
“Thanks for agreeing to this,” Hunter said, clapping his enormous brother on the shoulder.
Wrecker shrugged, “S’ok. If it makes you happy.” He grumbled. Hunter leaned against the wall and took in the bruiser’s face.
“It does,” he said finally, coming to the realization in real time.
“Just…of all the people Hunt. All the women. Why her?”
Hunter laughed and ran his hand through his hair, “I honestly couldn’t tell you. There’s just something about her. We’re pretty similar in some ways and it’s just…”
“What?” Wrecker asked.
Wrecker’s eyebrows raised and a smile crept onto his face, “not sure when you last mentioned fun, Sarg.” He said with a guffaw.
“Exactly,” Hunter said, giving his shoulder soft tap before crossing to the door.
“You trust her?” Wrecker asked earnestly.
“With my life, Wreck.” He replied sincerely.
“Hmm. Well, that’s good enough for me.” he said, following his brother into the house.
Omega, Fennec and Crosshair had made it into Hunter’s room. She wandered around, picking up the few trinkets he had, including a knife she had given him a few visits ago. She playfully swirled it in her hand as she walked the room.
“I was surprised by the turquoise,” she said, indicating the color of the walls.
Hunter smiled and crossed to her, “Tech’s favorite color,” he said with a smile, and she nodded her understanding. He had discussed Tech’s death in more detail on a date some forest planet while traipsing through the jungle and she had shared more about her family life before it was snatched away from her.
“Well, it beats pink with painted stars,” she said with a chuckle, referencing her childhood bedroom they had found themselves in on their first mission together.
Crosshair, Wrecker and Omega shared a questioning look and quietly left, chatting quietly as they headed back to the patio. Fennec’s pack sat at the foot of the bed. Hunter paused, listening to the retreating footsteps.
“So, you ready to run away yet?” he asked, pulling her towards him.
“Are you trying to get rid of me, already? I think I’m actually making progress,” she said with a nod to his family beyond the door.
“Just wanted to give you an out if you need it,” he said, brushing her hair out of her face, his fingers tracing through her hair to the small of her back.
“I’ve dealt with far worse.” She said, eyebrow raised.
“That’s because Crosshair’s on his best behavior. That won’t last.” Hunter said with a smile.
“You can’t be serious,” Crosshair spat as he took another mouthful of dinner, “there is no way the MK is better than the firepuncher.”
“How could you possibly say that?” Shand retorted, her arms waving in frustration. “You might as well be throwing a rock at your targets. The MK has much better accuracy and range than the firepuncher.”
“Not if it’s modified,” Crosshair hissed.
“If it’s modified, it’s not a real firepuncher,” she said with a smirk.
Hunter looked on in amusement as the disagreement started to escalate but didn’t dare intervene. He swapped a smile with Omega who watched the back and forth like it was a sports match. She sat on Fennec’s left side while Hunter was on her right. Crosshair and Wrecker sat on the opposite side of the table, the latter taking little interest in the argument and loading his plate up with seconds.
Crosshair chewed on his words, his arms crossed over his chest, his food forgotten. Fennec picked up a piece of food and nibbled it tentatively. She smiled and popped the whole thing in her mouth, turning to look at Hunter, who smiled back at her.
“What?” she asked, mouth full.
“Not many people can go toe to toe with Crosshair,” he said.
Crosshair gave an exaggerated harumph but seemed to calm down as Wrecker loaded his plate with more food. Fennec seemed to catch herself and nodded.
“Perhaps they are both good in their own ways,” she said diplomatically.
“Perhaps,” Crosshair hissed before taking another bite.
“Maybe you could have a contest,” Omega piped up, enthusiastically learning forward in her seat.
“No,” Wrecker, Crosshair, Hunter and Fennec all said at once, before looking at each and dissolving into laughter.
Omega scowled and sunk back in her chair, arms crossed, giving her best Crosshair impression.
As Wrecker had cooked, Hunter and Fennec helped Omega clear the table. Crosshair and Wrecker remained, leaning into each other, speaking in low hushed tones.
“You ever seen ‘im like this before?” Wrecker asked his brother, eyes flicking to the kitchen. His voice was the lowest Hunter had ever heard it, meaning he was hoping hunter’s heightened hearing wouldn’t pick up the conversation.
“No,” Crosshair said with a head shake. “Did any of the others last this long?”
“pssh, not even a week most of them. This has been going on for months, right?”
“Apparently,” Crosshair said cooly.
“Should we worry,” Wrecker asked, tossing another look to the house. Hunter instinctively looked away, busying himself with some dirty plates.
“Well, she’s not after him for his money,” Crosshair said.
Hunter laughed and Omega and Fennec turned around.
“What’s so funny,” Fennec asked, joining him, her hand on his back, cheek resting on his arm, following his gaze to his brothers outside.
“Nothing, just overheard something.”
“Are you eavesdropping?” she asked in an amused tone.
“I don’t think it counts as eavesdropping when they know I have enhanced hearing. It’s almost like they want me to hear.”
“I could rat you out, you know,” she said in a threatening tone.
“Oh, really? What do I have to do to stop that from happening?”
Fennec went onto her tiptoes, “I think you know,” she said as he bent down for a kiss before seeing Omega’s smiling face hovering a few meters away.
“Oh, sorry omega,” he said suddenly embarrassed.
“it’s okay. I told you she liked you.” she said with a giggle before skipping back outside and leaning into Crosshair and Wrecker’s conversation.
“They’re kissing,” Omega said giddily.
“Hey, not in front of the kid,” Wrecker roared from the table.
Hunter and Fennec laughed, He rested his forehead on her shoulder, “are you really sure you’re up for this?” he asked.
“It’s a little late for that now, don’t you think?” she said, lifting his head and kissing him deeply. He drank in the scent of her. The intoxicating fragrance of blossom and blaster fire. She was right, It was way too late for him.
It was strange how quickly Hunter got used to Fennec being on Pabu. She assimilated quickly, starting to recognize neighbors after a few days, nodding politely to people on the way to the market. After the first day it was no longer strange to see her standing in the kitchen making Caf or lounging next to him on the sofa in the evenings.
She had made strides with his brothers too. Joking with Wrecker and discussing tactics and weaponry with Crosshair. He even let her hold his Firepuncher rifle during some friendly target practice.
Omega had taken to her like she took to everyone, she found good in her quickly and focused heavily on Fennec’s effect on her most fatherly brother.
Hunter woke early the morning of their departure, padding over to the kitchen to make the first of many cups of caf. He opened the front door and took a few paces to his favorite spot on the wooden bench, perfectly situated to watch the boats on the water and the sun rise over the horizon. The light show had already started, streaks of pink and gold slashed over the low sky like someone had taken a paintbrush to it.
He heard her soft footsteps as she made her way to the kitchen, the clink of the mug as she poured herself some caf and caught her familiar scent as she made her way outside to him.
“you’re up early,” she said in a soft voice, sitting next to him on the bench so there was not even a sliver of space between them. He raised his left arm, encircling it around her shoulders. She shivered a little, the warming sunrise not yet hot enough so compensate for the shorts and tank top she wore.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” he asked, his voice gravelly with the morning.
“No, I just…noticed your absence, I guess.”
Hunter raised his eyebrows and smiled. He liked that she could feel him, or miss his presence, similar to the way he could sense hers.
“The week went by fast,” she said, unable to take her eyes of the ebbing water below.
“Uhuh,” he mumbled, taking a deep sip of caf.
“I think it was a pretty successful first trip, wouldn’t you say?” she asked, turning to face him.
“first?” he asked, his mouth breaking into a smile. 
“Well, I haven’t been invited back yet but…”
“I think you have a pretty open invitation at this point.”
Fennec smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. He planted a kiss on her dark hair, breathing in the scent of her, trying to commit it to memory.
“You’re welcome to come with me, you know. On my next bounty.”
“Hmm. I thought maybe we could extend the vacation a little bit. Make a pit stop before we get back to the Outcast.”
She sat up, turning to him, “what did you have in mind?”
“Bespin seemed pretty nice. We didn’t get to see much of it. Thought we could do the tourist thing for a day or two. Get some alone time.”
She laughed, “Didn’t like having to share me this week, Tracker?”
Hunter put down his caf, brushed the hair off her face and pulled her to him. “You could say that”
“Well, I think that sounds like a great idea.”
Her soft lips met his hungrily and he realized how hard it had been to keep at a respectable distance with his family around. They had taken walks and stollen moments, but the point of the trip had to integrate the two versions of his life, the two versions of himself and he was pleasantly surprised by the success of it. But he still selfishly wanted her to himself before they returned to the reality of their fractured lives.
“What are you thinking about? She asked
Hunter’s eyes came back into focus, “oh you know. Nothing much.”
“Marker, you clones can’t lie for anything can you?” she said with a smirk.
He kissed her again, his arms tracing the familiar curves of her body.
“You can kiss me as long as you like, Hunter. I’m still going to ask the question.” She said coyly.
He chuckled and nuzzled her neck, “I can think of other ways to distract you.”
“I’m sure you can, but your family will be awake soon and so will the rest of the Pabu,”
Hunter sank away and chewed on his inner cheek, trying to think of the right words.
“We’ve got an expiration date, haven’t we?” he asked at last.
“What do you mean?” she asked, eyes narrowing in concern.
Hunter sighed, intertwining his fingers in hers, “There’s going to come a time when I’m not going to want to or be able to come on bounty missions with you. And there will be a time when Pabu will no longer hold the charm for you that it currently does. I can’t stay with you all the time, and you can’t stay with me and eventually I will get old, and it won’t take that long,” he said sadly, “and you will have to move on.”
“So, what are you saying?” she asked suspiciously.
“Nothing, I just think we both need to be aware that…whatever this is and for however long it lasts, I’m all in, until I can’t be anymore. I think we owe each other the truth and the respect that when either of us gets to that point, we let the other know. That’s all.”
Fennec was quiet for a moment and Hunter felt a weight in his chest. Had he said the wrong thing? Had he ruined this now when he was just getting comfortable with the two parts of his new life?
“I think I can do that,” she said with a smile finally. “But I bet you’ll still look hot when you’re old,”
Hunter laughed and pulled her to him.
“Wrecker, they’re doing it again?” Omega called teasingly from the door.
“Not in front of the kid!” Wrecker shouted through booming laughter.
Hunter waved them both off, “you don’t have to watch,” he said with a laugh as he turned back to Fennec, her eyes sparkling in the rising sun and continued to kiss her for as long as he could.
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fanfictasia · 10 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Omega & Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Hunter & Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) Characters: Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Clone Trooper Hunter (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Wrecker (Star Wars), Fennec Shand Additional Tags: POV Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Omega Needs a Hug (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Omega Whump (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Protective Hunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Protective Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Good Sibling Clone Trooper Wrecker (Star Wars), Hurt/Comfort, Whump, whumpay, Whumpay 2024, Prompt: Hostage Situation
Omega spent her entire life wanting to get off Kamino but adjusting to a totally different life is still complicated. The food is strange. Cid’s extremely unsanitary fresher is strange. And having bounty hunters constantly on her tail is the strangest of all.
Read on:
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wild-karrde · 1 year ago
Happy Fandom Friday Karrde!! 💚
I hope you guys are ready for an absolute cuteness overload because @kimiheartblade blessed us with this adorable fic Lunch Break about Boba and his son (her OC) Jango. I am in shambles, it's so wholesome and good and the perfect thing to read on your own lunch break for a shot of sweetness 💚
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I love the thought of Boba naming his son after Jango, and I adore him being a playful father. It’s so lovely! Thanks for sending this in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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dystopicjumpsuit · 2 months ago
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A/N: This was supposed to be a NYE fic for a clone trooper, but Fennec ambushed and dragged me to smutsville, and here we are. Have a wonderful New Year! 
Pairing: Fennec Shand x Reader (Fem; wears a dress and makeup)
Rating: M (mature content intended for readers 18+; minors DNI)
Wordcount: 1.8K
Warnings and tags: Reader feels insecure about her appearance; fluff; little bit of SMUT; body worship; fun with mirrors; Fennec is a pleasure top; Garsa Fwip and the Sanctuary survived because I say so
Summary: It’s Boonta Eve, and you’re more interested in a private celebration with Fennec than a party at the Daimyo’s palace.
Suggested Listening: 
This fic smells like: Chloé Nomade (sunbaked earth, a warm breeze at sunset, sweat on your lover’s skin)
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The Boonta Eve Classic went off without a hitch. You hadn’t been nervous—not exactly. Just… vigilant. Yes, vigilant: that was the word. After all, it was the first Classic since the Daimyo had consolidated his power in a decisive, if costly, victory against the rival syndicates on Tatooine. The Classic wasn’t just the galaxy’s largest podrace and the planet’s most famous cultural festival; this year, it was also a demonstration that Fett was a capable ruler who could provide a stable and competent government to the people of Mos Espa. 
The average citizen didn’t care who sat on the throne. They cared about having enough water to survive, about being able to feed their families, about not getting eaten by a kriffing sarlacc for saying the wrong thing to the wrong person. And they cared about pod racing. By every god in the galaxy, did they care about pod racing. Not only was the Classic an important cultural festival on Tatooine, but the credits it pulled in from the hordes of tourists who descended on Mos Espa every year were integral to the planet’s economy.
Only a select few in Fett’s inner circle knew just how close the planet had come to not hosting the Classic that year, or how hard his gotra had worked to pull off the race. But pull it off they—and you—had. And it wasn’t just an adequate race, either: it was kriffing epic. The entire city was buzzing with adrenaline, and already word was spreading on the Holonet that the new Daimyo of Mos Espa had hosted the most exciting Boonta Eve Classic in decades.
You were exhausted, to put it mildly. For weeks, you had worked the longest hours of your life coordinating the festival and races, recruiting racers and fielding the press, ensuring there was adequate accommodation to house visiting dignitaries and adequate security to manage the swarms of tourists who descended on the city. It had finally culminated that morning under the blistering suns of Tatooine. You had attended along with the rest of the Fett gotra, and like them, you sat in the Daimyo’s booth, sheltered from the blazing sunshine but unable to escape the oppressive heat. 
You’d returned to the palace ahead of the rest of the group immediately after the race, parched and fatigued, only to be immediately accosted by the palace staff with a thousand questions and last minute emergencies as they made the final preparations for the evening. It wasn’t until Krrsantan had bellowed at the staff and sent them scurrying back to their tasks that you finally were able to escape to your quarters to begin getting ready.
The suns were setting now, and their golden rays illuminated the warm stone walls of your suite as the evening breeze fluttered through the sheer white curtains. Your quarters were deceptively tranquil, despite the chaos and bustle you knew was unfolding below in the throne room in preparation for the night’s festivities. The balmy, soft breeze lulled you into a drowsy haze, and you wanted nothing more than to pass out on your enormous bed and sleep for seven to ten business weeks.
Maybe a nice soak in the bacta tank, you mused as you stretched your tired shoulders. For about a month. Induced comas are a thing, right?
But you still had one final responsibility to attend to before you could catch up on all the sleep you’d missed in the past several weeks: the Daimyo’s Boonta Eve party, which was due to begin in about… You checked your chrono and cursed under your breath. Right now. Kriffin’ hell.
With one last, longing glance at your bed, you turned to the full-length mirror. You stared at your reflection, feeling a little ridiculous and a lot exposed. You looked tired, almost haggard. Even your glamorous makeup couldn’t quite disguise the bags under your eyes. And you looked somehow both overdressed and severely underdressed. You tugged self-consciously at your neckline, wondering what in the galaxy had possessed you to agree to wear this monstrosity.
Oh, right. Fennec’s silver karking tongue, that’s what.
The gown had been part of the Sanctuary’s latest tribute. When Fett saw it, he raised a single brow and remarked that it wasn’t exactly his color. By some stroke of bad luck, it was a perfect fit for you. The dress was a glittering, sheer concoction of shimmersilk and crystals that revealed far more than it concealed. While you certainly would have enjoyed seeing it on someone else, it was far outside your comfort zone, and yet, you had agreed to wear it, not just for Fennec’s private enjoyment, but for all of Mos kriffin’ Espa to witness at the party for which you were now three minutes late.
The door opened and closed quietly behind you, and in the mirror, you watched Fennec approach from behind. Moving with the purposeful grace of a predator, she stalked closer to you. Your breath grew shallow as her eyes dragged slowly down your body, taking in the sight of your curves and lines beneath the diaphanous fabric. She came to a halt behind you, gliding her hands over the bare skin of your waist and down to your hips.
“You look exquisite,” she murmured against the side of your neck as she gazed at you in the mirror.
“You look exquisite,” you countered. “I look like a kriffing disco ball.”
She laughed softly and kissed just behind your ear. “A sexy disco ball. Besides, what’s wrong with that? It’s Boonta Eve. We’re supposed to be celebrating.”
“Says the woman in armorweave,” you retorted.
“Old habits,” she replied with a smirk. “I’ve had this coat a long time.”
You had to admit, it suited her, even if you did prefer it on the floor.
“I don’t know. Maybe I just don’t really feel like celebrating the fact that I look like…” You gestured vaguely at your reflection. “... this.”
She frowned. “What are you talking about? You’re stunning.”
You shook your head stubbornly, refusing to meet her eyes in the mirror. 
When you didn’t reply, she lowered her mouth to your bare shoulder and moved her lips softly across your skin. “There isn’t a single thing about you that I don’t think is beautiful.”
“You’re biased.”
“Maybe, but I have excellent taste.” She kissed lightly along the top of your shoulder and up the side of your neck. “Do you know what I see when I look at you?”
You shook your head, then let it fall back to rest against her shoulder as your eyes drifted closed. Her fingertips traced up your abdomen, between your breasts, and up your neck to caress your jaw as she tilted your face toward her.
“A goddess,” she whispered against your lips as her other hand stole up your body to cup your breast through the thin silk. “Sometimes when I wake up at night and see you sleeping next to me, I think I’m dreaming. How can you be this beautiful, and still be real?”
She slid her thumb across your lower lip, then her hand drifted down to rest gently at the base of your throat, where the slight pressure was just enough for you to feel the wild flutter of your pulse beneath her fingers. She kissed you again, grazing her tongue between your lips, before pulling away to nuzzle your cheek.
“Open your eyes,” she whispered. “I want you to look at yourself and see what I see.”
You obeyed, inhaling softly as you caught sight of your reflection. In the golden haze of the setting suns, your skin glowed against the soft material of the dress. Your eyes were dark with arousal, your lips parted and glossy from her kiss. Your gaze dropped to where she held you, kneading your breast gently with one hand, while the other traveled slowly down your abdomen and slipped beneath the sheer fabric. Her palm flattened over your belly and pulled you back against her body.
“What are you afraid of?” she asked softly. 
“A wardrobe malfunction?” you offered in a suspiciously husky tone.
“I don’t think that’s it,” she said.
Her hand slipped lower and came to rest between your thighs. Her fingertips circled your clit softly, then dipped into you. You shuddered softly and melted against her as your eyes fluttered closed again.
“Keep your eyes open,” she commanded with a gentle nip at your earlobe. “You’re a masterpiece, and you deserve to be seen.”
You panted softly as you forced your eyes open again, raising your gaze to meet her eyes in the mirror. Her eyes were intent and heated, and all of her considerable attention was focused on you as her fingertips moved with slow but deliberate strokes. 
“That’s it, isn’t it?” she murmured, rolling your nipple between her thumb and forefinger. “You’re not used to being the center of attention, and you know that every eye in the palace is going to be on you the minute you walk into the party.”
You swallowed and replied, “I’m really more of the ‘keep everything running behind the scenes’ type. The spotlight isn’t really my thing.”
Her fingers slid deeper as her thumb circled over your clit insistently, and your legs trembled. “That’s a pity, because all I want to do right now is show you off. I want to dance with you until we’re too exhausted to keep going, until I can taste the sweat on your skin. And at the end of the night, I want to peel off this dress and worship you the way you deserve.”
Your knees nearly gave out, but she held you steady against her body as you breathlessly asked, “Why wait? We can skip the party and have our own celebration right here.”
“Tempting, but I think Boba might frown on our absence. Particularly since tonight wouldn’t have even been possible without you. I’m not going to let you hide away because you’re scared of everyone seeing how amazing you are.”
“I’m not scared,” you whispered. “I just don’t crave that kind of attention.”
“Mm.” She bit your neck softly, not hard enough to leave a mark, and somewhat perversely, you wished that she would. You’d wear it like armor, like a flashing neon sign that announced to the entire city that you were hers. “What do you crave?”
She smiled, letting out a pleased hum against your throat, then kissed a trail down your jaw until she captured your lips in an all-consuming kiss that left you dizzy and breathless. She withdrew her fingers from your body and walked you to the bed, never breaking away from your lips. The backs of your knees hit the edge of the mattress, and you fell backward, landing sideways on the bed so you still had a clear view of the mirror. Fennec followed you down, kissing her way down the plunging neckline of the dress.
“In that case,” she murmured, sliding her hand up your thigh beneath the silk of your dress, “we’re going to be fashionably late.”
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Note: I truly wanted to keep writing this, but I knew I wouldn't be able to finish it in time to post on New Year's Eve anywhere on Earth if I kept going. So... There's probably going to be more Fennec smut in the future.
Should I do a taglist? I think I should do a taglist. If this isn't your thing... There'll be more clones coming soon.
@523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49 @arcsimper5 @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @marierg @idontgetanysleep @lonewolflupe
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@heavenseed76 @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @cw80831 @flyiingsly
@lightwise @swcowgal @vrycurious @thora-sniper
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @kimiheartblade
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod @somewhere-on-kamino
@burningnerdchild @saneabandoned @heidnspeak @maniacalbooper @mae-lou-ron
also tagging @ireadwithmyears by request 🩵
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btwxsixesandsevens · 1 year ago
Fennec Shand & Garsa Fwip
First off, Garsa didn't die. It is a space fantasy. They saved Boba Fett from the stomach of a sarlaac, they can save Garsa Fwip from a piece of ceiling.
Second off, this pairing is so classic, it struck me right away. I've said it before: Gangster/Madame. Bodyguard/princess. Gutter rat/high society. All the best tropes and settings that you can fit into Mos Espa.
Third off, here's my fic. It is pure sex, but enough fluff to keep it on brand for me. Trust the tags on this one. They put in that werk.
Enjoy. Happy Femslash February!
Summary: Fennec loves giving her Garsa exactly what she asks for. The desert heat can be a lot. Sometimes, that's a little ice, some ropes and a whole lot of orgasms.
Words: 2k
Tags: Strap-ons, rope play, ice play, blindfolds, Service top Fennec Shand
“Fennec, I can feel the breeze,” said Garsa. She was surprised at how breathless she sounded. The anticipation was getting to her. Blindfolded, she’d lost track of time.
Read more?
Golden on Ao3
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dinluke-ao3feed · 14 days ago
Little of Your Love
Read it on https://archiveofourown.org/works/63390751 by Maered “We need to agree to some ground rules. How this is all going to work.” “Are you going to bill me for drawing up the contract?” Din needles, “No. We can't have any evidence of… this.” Luke levels a look at him. “You know we're going to have to lie to everyone, right? I don't want to get caught up trying to remember who knows the truth and who doesn't. Can you do that?” “Can you?” Din counters, “-your sister won't be able to tell?” “...she has her hands full with my nephew,” Luke says, Din snorts. “What?” “Are you prepared for everyone at the office thinking we're together?” “Why is that funny? This was your idea!" “I know, I'm fine with it." Din says "-Just looking forward to you getting read the riot act by Kenobi, that's all.” - Because the Universe thinks it's funny, Luke and his colleague, Mando, are both going to the same wedding. And because the Universe has decided it's pursuing a career in comedy, they both have their own reasons for needing a date to it. The most logical course of action, obviously, is that they pretend to be dating and attend together. Luke has a great feeling about this. Words: 15321, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: The Mandalorian (TV), Star Wars Original Trilogy, Andor (TV), Star Wars (Marvel Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Grogu | Baby Yoda, Leia Organa, Ben Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Biggs Darklighter, Cassian Andor, Brasso the Ferrixian (Star Wars), Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, The Armorer (The Mandalorian TV), Bo-Katan Kryze, Han Solo, R2-D2 (Star Wars) Relationships: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa/Han Solo Additional Tags: Bru writes, Fake/Pretend Relationship, In spite of the fact we aren't the biggest fan of it lol, why is it always a wedding, I ask myself as the creator, Title from a HAIM song, Weddings, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Lawyers, Tbh the law setting is not that consequential, Lawyer Luke Skywalker, Investigator din Djarin, Past Luke Skywalker/SW Comic Character, Past Infidelity, Not between dinluke, Good Parent Din Djarin, Protective Din Djarin, Din Djarin is Bad at Feelings, Din Djarin is a Little Shit, Luke Skywalker is So Done, luke is oblivious, Luke is too good for his own good, as usual, Lawyer Obi-Wan Kenobi, They both work at Obi Wan's environmental law firm, Family Feels, Family Drama, Mandalorians are one big family, Soft Din Djarin, Touch-Starved Din Djarin, Adoption, Grogu | Baby Yoda Being a Little Shit, Cute Grogu | Baby Yoda, Grogu | Baby Yoda Ships Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Switch Din Djarin, Switch Luke Skywalker, Listen if I have wrote a trope before expect it in here lol, Friends to Lovers, Friends With Benefits, Colleagues to Lovers, is not a tag but it should be, Stag Nights & Bachelor Parties, Din and Luke share a single braincell, do they use it? No, Dog R2-D2 (Star Wars), Fluff, Romantic Comedy, The Dinluke Server Made Me Do It
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vanishedangels · 2 years ago
Clan of Warriors
Click here for First chapter
Summary: While rebuilding Mandalore, Mand'alor Din Djarin is questioned by his people because of his beliefs and origins. In the dawn of a civil war, the council resolves that The Mand'alor must join in marriage with someone close to Bo-Katan Kryze. He’s forced to marry Koska Reeves and accept a loveless union. In the meantime, Din is having a secret relationship with his son’s Master, Jedi Luke Skywalker, his dream of having his own clan of warriors is about to fade away.
Pairing: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker
Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Leia Organa, Cara Dune, Koska Reeves, Bo-Katan Kryze, Axe Woves, OC, Peli Motto, Fennec Shand, Boba Fett, Paz Vizsla, Owen Lars, Beru Whitesun, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Wedge Antilles.
Rating: Explicit (+18)
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence. Explicit Smut.
Tags: Canon Compliant, Post Season 2 Finale, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Friends To Lovers, Fluff, Angst, Demisexual Din Djarin, Top Luke Skywalker, Bottom Din Djarin, Top Din Djarin, Bottom Luke Skywalker, Protective Din Djarin, BAMF Luke Skywalker, Adorable Baby Yoda, Sassy Leia Organa, Gai Bal Manda, Blindfolds, Sub Din Undertones, Fantasies, Jealous Luke, Keldabe Kiss, Smut, Jealous Din, Dirty Talk, Face Reveal.
Chapters: 34/?
Navigation: <- Previous Chapter • Next Chapter ->
She sighed resting her forearm on the armrest "There you go, Mand'alor, you gave me the right answer." She smiled fondly "I won't marry you."
Din chuckled "You're amazing, my friend, but they'll find someone else and I'd prefer to marry you, really. This is the way."
"No, this is not the way. This is just the council's way. And you're respectful of their way even when it broke Luke like that? I can't believe what I'm hearing! You're The Mand'alor, you go and find a way, Din!" She scolded him. "Listen, I saw you last night, I know what I saw, you deserve to be happy, vod. Fight for him, you're a Mandalorian, you fight!"
Chapter 34: Ardour
Luke was opening his eyes, Din was sitting on the bed by his side, caressing his cheek with his knuckles "Good morning, sunshine."
Luke was staring at him with round eyes "Oh, Gods, Din. How did I get here?" He sat up on the mattress resting his back on the pillows.
"I brought you here." Din answered, he was now caressing his forearm.
"Ah, my head is killing me." Luke was pressing his hand against his forehead, grimacing and groaning a little.
"You should rest today, sweetheart."
Luke frowned staring at Din "Did I... Did I yell at you last night?" Din shook his head. "Oh, Gods, don't lie, I know I did. I'm sorry, Din. I'm so ashamed."
"It's okay, babe." Din was leaning forward to kiss him on his cheek.
"What happened? What did we do?" Luke asked while looking around, like assessing the sheets and his clothes "Did we...?" He arched one eyebrow glancing at Din.
"I stayed in Grogu's room last night, you were drunk, even if you were naked and begging for it I wouldn't have given it to you."
Luke chuckled "I know you, I mean, I know you wouldn't, but you're-" He was narrowing his eyes staring at Din's face "You're so affectionate and using pet names. I assumed..." He shook his head "Nothing. How's Grogu?"
"He's right there." Din pointed at the living room, baby was drawing on the floor, very focused.
Luke moved his head to see him "Did he feel my anger last night?"
"What? He was fine, he didn't even notice it, he was sleeping." Din answered.
"That's so good." Luke smiled, he moved to lie down on the mattress again "Ah, I can feel that I was so angry. Did I ruin the dinner?"
"Not at all, cyar'ika." And Din was kissing him, softly, tenderly.
Luke gently moved his head to a side, breaking the kiss "Din, please."
"I know, you asked me to give you time, right." Din nodded.
"What did I say last night?" Luke was blushing.
"We need to talk, Luke." Din said staring into his eyes.
Luke was pressing his chin against his chest "What did I say, Din?" He insisted avoiding Din's eyes, his voice sounded so quiet.
They heard a knock on the door. Din answered putting his helmet back on. Miko was in front of him "Good morning, Your Highness. Your fiancee is waiting to have breakfast with you, sir."
"What?" Din was resting his hands on his hips.
Miko stuttered looking him up and down "I-I... I heard it's tradition, sir. This is the way."
Din rolled his eyes behind the visor, Luke appeared from behind him "Go Din, I'm taking care of my Padawan."
"Sir, I'm staying with your son and the Jedi Master until you come back."
Din remembered how uneasy Miko made Luke feel and he didn't want to add more suffering. "No, you come with me, he's a Jedi, he can snap a man's neck only by moving his hand up in the air, I saw it." He sighed.
"What?" Miko was searching for Luke with his eyes, looking amazed.
"Ad'ika is safe with him, let's go." He looked back at Luke and Grogu "I'll see you in a moment, okay?" Luke nodded.
Din's heart broke into pieces when he saw his cyare crouching down to caress Grogu's head, the baby purred, his big brown eyes shining as he looked up at his Master.
His Master... My love. In a perfect world Luke would be Grogu's father and Din's riduur. A clan of three. Din swallowed hard and closed his eyes, the dream was dying, slipping through his fingers.
Din was sitting across from Koska in a winter garden, he was staring down, his fingers playing with a spoon.
Koska was attentively staring at him "Din, can I ask you something?" Din shrugged "You are adorable when you do that, you look like a kid." He snorted. "Din, give me the right answer and I won't marry you."
Din snapped his head towards her "What?"
"The Jedi. You love him. What does he mean to you?"
Din was astonished, his eyes and mouth wide open behind the helmet.
"Come on, Din. What does he mean to you?"
He looked down again "Grogu and Luke mean the world to me." He said under his breath, with no intention of lying.
She sighed resting her forearm on the backrest "There you go, Mand'alor, you gave me the right answer." She smiled fondly "I won't marry you."
Din chuckled "You're amazing, my friend, but they'll find someone else and I'd prefer to marry you, really. This is the way."
"No, this is not the way. This is just the council's way. And you're respectful of their way even when it broke Luke like that? I can't believe what I'm hearing! You're The Mand'alor, you go and find a way, Din!" She scolded him. "Listen, I saw you last night, I know what I saw, you deserve to be happy, vod. Fight for him, you're a Mandalorian, you fight!"
Din was in awe of this amazing sister he found along the way "You're... You're right."
"Look, Bo-Katan came up with this arrangement, now, it's time for you to solve this."
"You mean I should force her to fight with me over the darksaber?" Din asked her.
"No. Why do you think she would never accept that?" Din didn't say a word. "She always knew she was going to lose, she knows she can't beat you."
"She told you that?"
"Yes. Many times. Din, find a way, please. Besides, I'm in a relationship too." She smirked.
"Good." Din nodded.
"He wasn't happy either, so when I saw Luke last night I thought about my cyare, I knew we were wrong, this was wrong." She gestured with her hand between them.
Din huffed "It's good you think the same."
"Go, Din. Go get him." She was waving her hand and pointed at the door "Go to your cyare."
Din felt like crying when he heard her saying that, he sighed repeating those words relishing in the way his modulated voice filled the room "My cyare..." He said out loud for the very first time and he suddenly felt so sure about his feelings and ready to fight for them.
He stood up "Don't say a word yet, I need to be off planet one day at least, they shouldn't know." She frowned. "Not even your cyare, Koska. Please."
"Are you telling someone else besides Luke?" She asked.
"Yes, I'm telling Vizsla about this." He answered.
"No, let me tell him, my cyare should know about this from me, Din."
Din froze "Wait. You and Vizsla?" She nodded smiling. "I can't believe it, I'm so sorry." He chuckled.
"Goodbye, Din." She was laughing.
Din was walking through the long corridor, he felt the adrenaline rushing all over his body, his heart pounding against his ribs. Fight for him, Din. You're a mandalorian. It doesn't matter if he rejects you because of his Jedi reasons, he needs to know.
Luke and Grogu were meditating, sitting on the living room's floor. Din flinched the minute he realized he was entering the room like a whirlwind. He waited, and waited, and waited. He gave them space until they finished their training. He had lunch with them. He didn't hesitate, not even for a second, that the minute he was putting Grogu to sleep, he was telling Luke the truth.
Din came back to the living room, Luke was reading on his datapad. "Ah, Luke?"
Little Jedi looked at him, worrying his lower lip with his teeth, he looked down to his datapad again.
"Look at me. I need to ask you something. What are we?" Din had his heart up his throat now, the words coming out of his mouth like arrows. He winced the moment he noticed how harshly his question came out.
Luke tried to look anywhere but at Din "Why are you doing this? Don't. Please. Don't."
"I need to know. Just tell me." He insisted. Din wouldn't stop now.
"This is not helping, I promise." Luke retorted as he was holding his hands, he looked upset.
Din walked towards him, he kneeled, resting his hands on Luke's thighs "I'm not getting married, cyar'ika, Koska and I cut the wedding off, I can't marry her. I'm gonna find a way, I'm gonna talk to Bo-Katan."
Luke was staring at him with eyes wide open "You can't get into a duel, Din. Please, don't..."
Din chuckled "No, no, I'm going down the diplomatic route. We can make it work."
Luke interrupted him "What if the council and the protesters don't let you?"
Din sighed "I don't give a shit."
Luke frowned "Din! I'm serious."
"I'm being serious too." Luke huffed "Okay, if that happens then I throw this thing away and I run away with you and Grogu." He pointed at the darksaber.
His words making Luke gape "You would do that?"
"Yes, sweetheart." He caressed Luke's thighs. "Please tell me, cyar'ika, what are we?"
Luke closed his eyes.
"I think you know that answer." Luke said quietly, his eyes boring into Din's soul.
"Are you..." Din trailed off. "Please Luke, I need to know what do you feel about us." He said and he felt the way his stomach clenched and his heartbeat went impossible faster.
Luke blinked and nodded in silence, until he smiled tenderly and stroked Din's cheek as he leaned into his touch, Din could have died right on the spot.
"I love you, Din." Luke said shivering “I'm sorry, I have no right telling you this, not now, please forgive me, but I do love you, I won't lie to you...”
Din froze.
"I love you, Din." Luke was boring into his eyes "I'm in love with you." He said breathing heavily, his hands over Din's on his thighs. "But you always knew that, right?" He asked tilting his head. Din looked at his mouth, he was feeling like little Jedi's lips were moving in slow motion. He blinked, he thought he was dreaming.
Din started moving his fingers squeezing Luke's thighs, he was laughing as tears prickled at the corners of his eyes. He hid is face in Luke's chest, still laughing, blinking back tears, incredulous. Luke stroke his hair, staring at him, searching for his face.
"Din?" Luke asked with a trembling voice.
Din tossed his head back, looking into his cyar'ika's eyes "And I'm so in love with you, Luke." He said with a lump in his throat. Luke smiled adorably, nodding, his blue eyes sparkling, he rested his face against Din's.
"I love you, Luke. I've been in love with you since way before we started... this." He made a gesture between them with his hand.
Luke was breathless. Din cupped his face with his hands.
"I love you since you slayed those dark troopers back when you rescued Grogu and all of us... I saw you." Luke gasped. "Yes, I did. There were monitors, I saw every move you made, and it hit me, and then you took that hood down, and I didn't realize back then because Grogu was all that mattered to me at that moment, but now I know what you made me feel."
He brushed his fingers on his cheeks and whispered "You're the greatest warrior I've ever seen in my entire life, and that's the most important thing to a Mandalorian, warrior, clan..." He said absentmindedly "A clan of warriors."
"I... Oh Din." Luke squeezed his eyes shut.
"I love you, cyare. I love you when you spar with me, I love you when you are holding Grogu, I love you when you cry, I love you when you smile, I love you when we're in bed and I even love you when we fight." Din said with a soft voice.
Luke was smiling, caressing Din's chest with his hands "You are the love of my life, Din. I can't hide it anymore, I've tried. And how l tried..." He sighed deeply, Din could tell there was sadness in his eyes.
Din closed his eyes, feeling the earth moving under his feet. He held Luke tight, he sighed "Marry me, cyar'ika." Din managed to say pressing his forehead against Luke's. Holding the back of his head with one hand.
Luke was nodding in silence, panting against Din's face "Din, I would love to be your clan."
Din was almost touching the sky with his hands. He smiled at Luke trying to capture his lips in a kiss when his cyare opened his mouth to say "But I can't."
Din stopped in his tracks and looked at Luke's eyes frowning.
"I'm sorry. We can't. This is bigger than you and me, please understand, my love." Luke was still boring into his eyes, not blinking, his lips curling down.
The time stopped right after Din heard those words and the dream turned slowly into the most terrifying nightmare.
Din's throat tightened.
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frostycatblr-fandom-files · 2 years ago
So I may have just realized your requests are open (my grandfather says I would be a terrible witness to a murder bc I am unobservant we love adhd lol) so here I am to beg!
I never see a ton (any?) fics exploring Din and Boba’s friendship and only that. Like, my blog IS the horny corner. Friendship fluff ain’t my usual reblogs but fuck it’s also like amazing??? Idk I just think Din and Boba and Cobb deserve to have time to be just guys being dudes and bonding. (I do love me some DinCobb tho don’t get me wrong) anyway, nothing specific other than learning more about how you see their friendship? They obvs respect each other and trust each other. I bet they have a lot of weird inside jokes.
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Beskar Buddies [Mando and Boba Fett]
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Warnings and Information: Not a relationship fic. This is just a silly, not-taking-itself-too-seriously friendship fic for Boba and Din Djarin. References to canon-typical violence, drugs (spice), alcohol, and some events from both The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. Minor Star Wars and real-world swearing. We're gonna make fun of Shiny Dad who doesn't know he's in Star Wars just a little bit. Din's helmet stays on. Narrative and stylistic use of italics. Minor proofreading and editing.
Word-count: 3,880
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He's supposed to be here on Tatooine for a simple bounty - it's really nothing more than a glorified errand run for some spoiled little princeling who insists on only the finest Sansanna spice from the Outer Rim. But the princeling doesn't need to know that; he'll be allowed to believe that it was necessary to spend as much time as was desired for Din Djarin to acquire enough Sansanna for this young man's birthday celebration hosted on one of the Core Worlds,  if it means Din can cleverly lighten those pockets by a few more credits in order to provide for himself and the little one a little more comfortably, even if just for a while. 
Din only meant to spend an extra day here at most before collecting the requested goods and taking them back to his client. But when word made its way to the new Daimyo, and he knew that it would, that another who clads himself in the armor typical to Mandalorians is sniffing around Mos Espa, how could he refuse the request from the Master Assassin and second-in-command to pay a visit. 
"Shand." he greets her once he's calmed the slight tremor of his heart after being taken by surprise in an alleyway in the Worker's District of Espa, and reholsters the IB-94. "I didn't expect to run into you here. Conducting business on behalf of the Daimyo?" 
"Greet every woman that way?" Fennec Shand teases him with an indicative toss of her head to the holster. "Or am I just special?" 
"You surprised me." Din admits, repeating himself that he didn't expect to run into her by this point. He knows Boba is a busy man with a syndicate to operate, and what he cannot oversee himself, he often delegates the task to the bounty hunter standing in front of Din now. 
"Good. Means I'm not losing my edge." Fennec answers, a playful purr of pride in her voice. "Serves the Daimyo well if I can maintain the element of surprise when I am tasked to carry out his bidding on a busy man's behalf. To extend an invitation of sorts: Lord Fett would like an audience with you." 
"Very well." Din agrees, playing into the façade of formality - all part of the performance of power and command that is carried out in the halls of the Palace on the fringes of the Northern Dune Sea. He relays a short message to Peli Motto over in Mos Eisley that his return for Grogu may be a little delayed, first, for peace of mind, before Din will follow Shand back to the Palace. "Lead the way." 
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Boba Fett dismisses the people within the throne room of the Palace - likely members who serve as part of the gotra or those who had come to pay tributes or give offerings of sorts to one of Espa's influential figureheads - as Fennec returns with Din as she had been asked. 
He wears his armor and (most of) his notable weaponry while seated on the throne, save for the cool, dark green helmet which sits neatly on the armrest. Displayed, rather than worn, now. "I hoped she would find you. I asked if she could extend my invitation once I heard there was someone who did not tell me he would be paying the fair city of Mos Espa a visit." Fett is teasing him, he knows, but Din cannot help feeling the need to apologize regardless of that. There are only chuckles in return as Boba climbs from the lordly seating and moves to greet Din like an old friend. 
Warm and calloused hands find their way around the other's wrist as Din and Boba first behave as if it is a simple handshake, but remain linked for some time. Old and ancient ways of checking strangers for weapons have turned to displays of trust. The longer the link, the stronger a bond, some would say. 
There both is warmth and a mischievous glint to his eyes as Boba visually takes him in, almost inspecting the gleaming beskar for imperfection or pitting that would speak to a scuffle of sorts that might make for a good story, "Your armor gleams in the light of the twin suns, Djarin, of course someone will notice you trying to skulk about my territory. Are you looking for work?" Boba had offered him payment for a place at his side once. He believed the Mandalorian to be a respectable and trustworthy fellow; Boba would gladly extend the invitation for a stable occupation once more. 
Din shakes his head, slowly, calmly, in the dim light of the throne room. He's not looking for work, he explains, he is working. "Product for a client. Princeling who wants a small crate of Sansanna spice for a party before next Taungsday. Specified that he wanted it from Tatooine of all places." 
That explains what brought him here to the planet, at least. 
"And why come to Espa to look?" Boba asks politely, keeping the conversation flowing as he pours himself and his friend something from a carafe he's kept on hand. One that Fennec is partial to, so he is sure to offer some to her as well as a silent expression of gratitude. Asking the Mandalorian to come to the palace and entertain a silly notion was a long shot when he has a foundling in his care, so Boba had cautioned Fennec that in the event he did not agree to come, it would be of no consequence. (He would prefer what's in the decanter, but he has yet to procure more, so it is untouched as it would not be enough to split among three.) "There is not much to find of the Sansanna that once belonged to the Pyke's before it was… misplaced." Boba suggests with a mirthful smile. 
"I wouldn't have come asking the mighty Daimyo first," Din retorts after a polite sip from his glass of the contents of the carafe, replacing his helmet that had been inched just high enough on his head to drink and resetting the seal, "that wouldn't have been good business, for you, or me." 
"No indeed." Boba agrees, appreciative of Din's caution given his reason for being here. Din knew to act in just the right way; ways that would not tarnish a carefully crafted image Boba had made for himself since putting an end to Bib Fortuna and laying claim to all that was once Jabba's. "Did you tell your client how long it would take?" 
Din's helmet bobs. "I did." 
"And did you tell this princeling how long it would actually take?" 
The helmet remains still, but the mouth within it must have found an upward curve as the bounty hunter implies that he was not quite so honest with his client. "It might have slipped my mind." 
Boba chuckles, almost proudly. An old trick of the trade: mislead the right clients on the right details, and you can earn yourself a few more credits. Live a little more comfortably for a time if you wanted. 
While Din could be a uniquely honest and humble bounty hunter at times, he was still a bounty hunter. Clever, resourceful, and cunning. Just the sort of thing he was looking for. "Well, I'm certain a crate or two will turn up to take back to this princeling in the morning, and he'll pay you handsomely for the spice brought in from rugged lands to boast at his party, my friend." he suggests promisingly to Din, patting the shoulder-bell that bares the profile of the Mudhorn as he leads him from the throne room, and into other areas of the palace before he lays out why he invited the Mandalorian to come. "In the meantime, I'd like you to come with me. Out beyond Espa." 
The low hum in his throat before he speaks suggests Din feels hesitant or uncertain about this idea. "Where? And why?" 
"Call it something of an impulse; I have my business to attend to here in Mos Espa as the Daimyo of course, but recently I dreamed of camping under the stars, out in the desert - " Boba answers, bringing Din to an inner chamber that is guarded at all times, where once they have passed the guards, he shows to Din two crates of spice that are contained within a vault, " - and I have not been able to shake myself of the notion since. Could I convince you to join me, my friend?" 
Din understands that the spice is being used to sweeten him to the idea of sleeping out in the sand-sprawling seas of this arid planet, where temperatures can drop dramatically within a few hours of the suns' setting, here. Even if he declined, Din Djarin doesn't believe the spice would be withheld now when it was already offered to him. 
"Why not take Shand?" he asks curiously. "Or will she be staying here at the Palace to keep an eye on things in your absence?"
"I did ask Fennec, as a matter of fact," Boba replies with a bemused expression, carefully denoting the crates with one of the guards for a moment, "and she wasn't too keen to the idea the same way I am. And, yes, she has said that if I do this she would remain with the Palace to oversee matters, should anything happen tonight." 
So it appears that Boba wants to entertain this fantasy tonight. Not just "some time in the future", but now. That in and of itself isn't surprising, but Din hesitates for one reason. 
One curiosity has been sated. Another remains. "And if I don't know how I feel about the idea? I have a friend watching Grogu for me in Mos Eisley, and I didn't make any mention that I would be leaving him with them past nightfall at the latest." 
Boba seems to give something a little thought before he asks "And who is this friend?" 
"Peli Motto." Fennec replies from the threshold, watching the two men with a cool gaze that many would perhaps find intimidating if not for a simple smile. "I did a little digging while you boys were having your fun in the vault. She's a simple mechanic." 
"A good mechanic." Din finds himself insisting. He's not at all surprised that the second-in-command to the Daimyo had recalled the frequency to and found some way to find information on Peli, but calling her a simple mechanic felt like an insult to her character and he would not let it slide so easily. 
"And are you paying this good mechanic to watch the little one for you?" Boba wonders. "If you are worried about giving her adequate payment for minding your foundling, don't. I would gladly help you settle it with Ms. Motto." 
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It takes a moment to explain that Peli will need to mind Grogu for him overnight, but Din promises to explain why in the morning. "I need you to watch Grogu for me until the morning. Something came up." 
Peli sounds worried. "Trouble?"
"Only if we make it…" Boba chuckles to himself in the background, and Fennec warns him to behave in a way that suggests this is not the first, nor the last time, she's heard him make self-entertaining remarks like this. 
"What was that? You say something, Mando?" 
Din dodges the question with some redirection. "No trouble; I just need to spend a little extra time in Mos Espa. I can explain when I come for Grogu." He hears the way the little one perks up at the sound of his name, a bright, cooing sort of noise. Peli must have pulled him closer to the receiver, because the next time he coos and babbles inquisitively, the sound is sharper, louder, but no less sweet. 
"Grogu, can you behave for Peli for me tonight? I'll be back early in the morning, I promise." 
Boba makes no further jokes or commentary in the background while allowing Din to speak to Grogu until he is satisfied that the little one understands Din will not be back tonight, but he will be back soon. Phrasing and re-phrasing his brief explanation until with a little help from Peli, the diminutive, green lifeform seemingly makes sounds of understanding.
He can imagine the way Jango would similarly caution him and repeat himself in preparation for his absences when he was perhaps too young to accompany his father on a bounty. These are memories from so long ago, now, to Boba. At least, they feel that way. He's only entering his forties, he reminds himself. Slightly older than Din, to his belief. 
But roughly similar enough in age that neither of them feels any need to take separate materials for temporary shelters. Old enough and mature enough to tolerate the shared arrangement for a single night under a canopy of stars on a bed of sand where they would lay their sleeping sacks. Din has offered to start a modest fire since Fett insists he can pitch the tent on his own. He certainly sees the influence of the Tuskens that Boba spent time with after surviving a sarlacc pit in the shelter's construction once it is firmly staked in place. 
Boba nods acceptively of the compliment, settling himself beside the fire across from Din. "I learned much in my time with the tribe of Tuskens that cared for me like one of their own before I became the Daimyo. They didn't teach me everything, but you can still learn by watching and observing." 
There's a knowing chuckle before the dark t-visor turns and looks off into a rather deliberate direction for just a moment. Freetown. They're not too far from Vanth's community, as it turns out. "Wondering how the sheriff's doing; will we need to pay a visit in the morning?" he offers half-questioningly to Din, trying to gauge and guess what is on the mind of the man clad in beskar before him. 
"Tempting. But perhaps another time." Din replies, beginning to remove a select few parts of his armor to make himself more comfortable. He did not opt to leave it behind in favor of more appropriate desert-wear, even when offered. Fett reasoned that much like his own armor, once belonging to his father in his case, the armor made of beskar carried its own significance to Din beyond a protective shell. 
"Feeling guilty for leaving the little one, again?" 
His companion shakes his head in answer as he carefully sets aside what he's removed. "Not quite. Just eager to complete this bounty and lay low for a time." 
"Smart. Have somewhere in mind?" 
"Yes." is all Din will answer. And wisely so. Telling Fett where he plans on going would defeat the entire purpose, no matter how much they each trust and respect each other. Because they do, a simple word is all the Mandalorian glowing in the light of the fire will find necessary to say. 
"Good. I wish you uneventful times when you make it there, my friend." 
They listen to the stillness of the desert together following Fett's sincere wish for Din and Grogu's safety; the crackle and muted roar of the fire, distant and slow gusts of wind, and once off in the greater distance, bantha. The deep bellows of the omnivorous quadrupeds were a strange comfort as the two men listened. 
"Have you ever ridden a bantha?" Din asks, noting the nostalgic smile evident on the other's face. The smile broadens as Boba answers. "I have. There was a bantha I once had for a mount, I think of them from time to time." 
The helmet tilts to the right with mild concern or surprise. "What happened to it?" 
"Oh, nothing bad," Boba assures his friend, giving a singular chuckle as he stokes the flame a little higher, "I simply set them free before I reclaimed my ship. Hopefully they are out there now, meeting other banthas and making baby banthas." 
"Heh. I see. Is that the strangest thing you've ever ridden that isn't a speederbike?" Din asks with a laugh, once more turning his head out to look beyond the light of the fire into the desert. Perhaps with his sensors, he could find these distant herds of wild or domesticated bantha
"That would be a rancor." 
"You're joking." 
"I'm not." Boba laughs with some insistence. "And what about you, my friend? Find a mythosaur to ride, yet?" 
"Funny… " Din replies somewhat slowly, "...there was an Ugnaught named Kuiil who claimed it should have been easy for me to learn to ride Blurrg because of my 'ancestors' who rode mythosaurs when he was trying to teach me." He grows quiet, and his body language becomes a lot less casual, less open and fluid. "I haven't thought about his remark in a while." Din admits somberly. His companion, the man who invited him for a night in the desert, under the stars, doesn't press him for anything more to say for a moment, letting the silence grow. 
"You've been busy." Boba reasons with him only when he is certain Din doesn't have anything to add. "Traveling the galaxy, collecting bounties… All while you care for the little one." The words don't seem to bring him any comfort. If anything, Boba suspects he's said the wrong thing. "Was he a friend?"
"Yes. Killed by Imperial scout troopers." 
"I am sorry, Djarin," he sympathizes, for a moment thinking to lay his hand on the other's shoulder in a gesture of comfort were Boba sitting beside him rather than across the fire. "To lose those we care for is no easy thing." 
The Mandalorian scoffs and, jokingly, asks Boba if he's certain he's as old as he claims. "You sound and look older." 
"Well, the profession ages you. And I imagine there are still a scattered few, somewhere out there, that would look just like me. Maybe even older." This is the second time Din does not seem to understand what he means judging by his silence. "Surely you've seen them. Heard about them at least, the clones?" Boba inquires, growing increasingly more confused by the lack of apparent understanding as the t-visor slowly wags in the firelight. 
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The fire is smothered out with sand following the conclusion of something of a pseudo history lesson once Boba feels he's adequately explained to Din what exactly Clone troopers are. Were. (Maybe still are? Truly, he's not certain how many men who look just like him and sound just like him remain in the galaxy.) The sand is stamped down for good measure before both men enter the tent for the first time since it had been put up and prepare to sleep. The night grows stiller and serene in a way that is entirely unique to Tatooine. 
The desert planet is not for the weak-willed and those who will not be prepared to adapt. If you traversed the Dune Seas, you had different tribes of nomadic Tuskens to contend with (and hope they would let you pass through their lands in peace for small tributes), or the wild animals that were not as docile as the bantha that called this planet home. It took grit and gumption, or no small amount of necessary self preservation skills, to live in places such as Mos Espa and Eisley where you would expect to find yourself brushing shoulders with bounty hunters and crime families. Things could get messy. 
Boba Fett and Din Djarin are no strangers to the grime and filthier aspects of what the galaxy has to offer them. Bloodshed and banthashit that would make weaker men stumble and turn away from such a profession far sooner. Sacrifices and difficult choices have been made in each of their lives. 
Tonight didn't have to be one of them. A night of simple company and some time to catch up with a friend was a welcome change for both. Boots are carefully removed before each slip into their sleeping sacks after simple ration packs are eaten in silence - backs turned to one another even in the dark - and wrappers have been taken care of. 
"We'll start our return to the palace before first light," Boba explains, "that way you can return to Mos Eisley for Grogu before Ms. Motto would begin her workday after you've secured the spice for the princeling." 
There is a soft laugh under the modulator to his left, where he can make out the general form of his friend's body beside him and sees he's already laying down. "Thank you. Hopefully he will have slept well when I retrieve him." 
He certainly hopes the little one will too, for Din's sake, with a laugh. "I have not forgotten my offer to pay Ms. Motto either. And thank you, my friend, for entertaining this idea with me." 
"Anything for the mighty Daimyo of Mos Espa." he says in all seriousness he can muster for the moment. He can't maintain the composure for long, and thankfully it's Fett who laughs first, the two of them free to laugh as loud as they would like when it's just the two of them out here for miles as far as anyone would be concerned. 
Free to spend as much time as they would like "winding down" and talking in low, golden tones until they come to realize it is coming up on first light, and they have spent the whole night in conversation without meaning to. 
At least it may not be just Grogu who has not gotten any sleep tonight, they joke together as they come up on the palace, and Boba gives Din what he was promised. Two crates of Sansanna spice to carve a deeper hole in the pockets of his client, and many words of thanks from Boba follow after Din as he secures some transport to Mos Eisley. "Safe travels, my friend. Remember-" 
"Oh I will." Din replies with a mischievous inflection, giving Fennec Shand reason to pause and consider what unfinished communication is unfolding before her as both men, Fett once more clad in his own armor in order to properly send the Mandalorian off before assuming his seat at the throne for the day. "I take it you now have… inside jokes." she grins. 
"Maybe." each reply in tandem. 
Boba smiles, nodding to Din. "Or-" 
"-Reminding me to get a little more sleep once I'm in a hyperspace lane." Din concludes, bidding them farewell once again. He was eager to return to Grogu, and Din could only hope the little one had gotten some sleep. But if he hadn't, then perhaps they would be napping together as they navigated hyperspace. It would certainly not be the first time Din would potentially need to doze off when he could when traveling with a child, or at least daydream while looking at the view from the cockpit of his ship. 
Nor will it be the last. Hopefully the same could be said for another opportunity to present itself for nights like last where Boba Fett and Din Djarin could simply spend time with a trusted friend.
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Note from Frost: The title was a placeholder name, but then it grew on me; I'm callin' them the Beskar Buddies from now on. Ideas also changed direction on me in the course of writing, so apologies for the lack of Cobb in the end. :( I have not written anything for one of my first major Star Wars crushes in a long, long time. Probably since I was 16? Poor Boba. So this was a delight, and I had a lot of fun writing it. Thank you for making the request!
[Masterlist] [Requests: OPEN]
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serafae · 1 year ago
𝐁 𝐄 𝐅 𝐎 𝐑 𝐄 𝐘 𝐎 𝐔 𝐅 𝐎 𝐋 𝐋 𝐎 𝐖 —
• this blog contains nsfw content intended for mature audiences only. do not read or interact if you are a minor and/or do not have your age somewhere on your blog. for my own safety, ageless blogs and anyone under the age of eighteen will be blocked.
• i mostly write for myself, so my works tend to feature a female reader. that being said, any requests i receive will be written with gender neutral language. the appearance of my reader inserts are never described in an attempt to be as inclusive as possible. everyone should be able to enjoy and see themselves in fanfiction!
• please be sure to read the entirety of this post if you are interested in sending a request. i will cover fandoms, what i do and don't write, and any requirements for sending a request.
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𝐅 𝐀 𝐍 𝐃 𝐎 𝐌 𝐒 𝐈 𝐖 𝐑 𝐈 𝐓 𝐄 𝐅 𝐎 𝐑 —
• harry potter: bill weasley, draco malfoy, luna lovegood, neville longbottom, remus lupin, ron weasley, sirius black.
• the hunger games: finnick odair, haymitch abernathy, johanna mason, peeta mellark.
• john wick: caine, john wick.
• marvel cinematic universe: bucky barnes, kate bishop, loki laufeyson, peter parker, steve rogers, vision, wanda maximoff, yelena belova.
• star wars: ahsoka tano, anakin skywalker, bo-katan kryze, cal kestis, cassian andor, din djarin, fennec shand, finn, obi-wan kenobi, poe dameron, rey.
• stranger things: eddie munson, jim hopper, robin buckley, steve harrington.
• supernatural: dean winchester, sam winchester.
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𝐖 𝐇 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐖 𝐈 𝐋 𝐋 𝐖 𝐑 𝐈 𝐓 𝐄 —
• headcanons & drabbles: i will write headcanons for up to three characters per request and drabbles for a single character. everyone defines a drabble differently, so for me it's a short fic of somewhere between 400-700 words.
• reader inserts: i only write reader insert/character relationships. as stated previously, in an effort to be as inclusive as possible they will be written as gender neutral and as plus size and poc friendly.
• pairings: i will happily write a request that pairs the reader up with both male and female characters. i am also open to writing poly pairings, though only for certain characters (ex. wanda/reader/vision).
• genres: angst, fluff, and smut.
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𝐖 𝐇 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐖 𝐎 𝐍 ' 𝐓 𝐖 𝐑 𝐈 𝐓 𝐄 —
• canon/canon: i do not write ship fics. i just don't enjoy it!
• some reader inserts: at this time i do not write male, trans, or asexual reader inserts as i don't feel confident in my ability to do so.
• blacklisted topics: these include a/b/o, abortion/miscarriages, age play/regression, abuse (mental/physical/sexual), bestiality, eating disorders, incest, non-con, pedophilia, self-harm, suicide, yandere, and any fetishes involving bodily fluids/excretions.
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swsapphics-ao3feed · 1 year ago
mobile tag list & navigation
Below the cut is our tag list for mobile users!
These are some most frequently shipped characters on AO3. All characters can be found on our blog under their tag with their full name.
Aayla Secura Ahsoka Tano The Armorer Barriss Offee Bo-Katan Kryze Chelli Lona Aphra Cinta Kaz Fennec Shand Hera Syndulla Jessika Pava Jyn Erso Kaeden Larte Ketso Onyo Kleya Marki Leia Organa Luminara Unduli Mon Mothma Padmé Amidala Phasma Revan Rey Riyo Chuchi Rose Tico Sabé Sabine Wren Shaak Ti Shara Bey Shin Hati Vel Sartha
These are some of the most popular ships on AO3. All ships can be found on our blog under their tag first name x first name, with names in the same order as their AO3 tag
Ahsoka Tano/Barriss Offee Ahsoka Tano/Riyo Chuchi Amilyn Holdo/Leia Organa The Armorer/Bo-Katan Kryze Bo-Katan Kryze/Ahsoka Tano Cinta Kaz/Vel Sartha Jannah/Rose Tico Jessika Pava/Rey Jyn Erso/Leia Organa Kaeden Larte/Ahsoka Tano Kaydel Ko Connix/Rey Kaydel Ko Connix/Rose Tico Ketsu Onyo/Sabine Wren Leia Organa/Evaan Verlaine Padmé Amidala/Aayla Secura Padmé Amidala/Sabé Phasma/Rey Rey/Rose Tico Revan/Bastila Shan Shin Hati/Sabine Wren
Fluff Angst Hurt/Comfort Enemies to lovers AU Fix-it PWP
RATINGS General Teen Mature Explicit
>1k 1k - 3k 3k - 5k 5k - 10k 10k - 20k 20k+
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mama-emeritus-i · 2 years ago
Important Information
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Hello! My name is Dove and I am a jack of all trades from Georgia. I am a professional dancer/dance teacher, am a kitchen witch, a professional Dungeon Master, the biggest nerd on the planet, and most importantly... a smut writer who writes a lot about my hyperfixations.
Please put what you want, and if you want it to be smut, fluff, or both. I will not answer asks without that because I don't want to make anyone uncomfy. If you want to be known as _________ anon please let me know! Requests are open, please ask away and I will write them up. Blurbs, smut, fluff, HCs, ask away
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GHOST BC (main currently)
Young Papa Nihil
Young/Old Primo
Young/Old Secondo
Copia (Cardinal, Papa, frater imperator)
I will write any version of them- vampire, antichrist, ETC.
Any of the Ghouls
Anakin Skywalker
Obi Wan Kenobi
Any of the Clones (minus Cody. Fuck Cody)
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo (maybe)
Boba Fett
Fennec Shand
Kanan Jarrus
Bad batch
I will take more requests though
Bucky (any version)
Literally any of the xmen minus Scott (fuck Scott)
Agatha Harkness
any VM, M9, or BH characters
anyone (most Crowley and Zira though)
Probably anyone else, just ask!
What I won’t write:
Dubious consent of any kind (non con, dub con, r@pe, etc), self harm, use of drugs or excessive alcohol
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ao3feed--kylux · 2 years ago
Stuff Me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/DLPWVX5
by nonbinary_tatooine
Din works at Spencer's in the Coruscant Towncenter Mall to support his autistic son in between FBI jobs.
It's a dumb retail job full of vibrators and weed merchandise, but the thing Din looks forward to almost every shift is the angelic blonde that works at Build-A-Bear across the mall walkway.
Words: 3673, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy, The Mandalorian (TV), Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Grogu | Baby Yoda, Paz Vizsla, Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Rey (Star Wars), Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Hera Syndulla
Relationships: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa/Han Solo, Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Shopping Malls, Din Djarin is Bad at Feelings, Meet-Cute, Vibrators, Stuffed Toys, Alternate Universe - Retail, First Dates, Autistic Grogu | Baby Yoda, Eventual Smut, Fluff and Smut, Bottom Luke Skywalker, Top Din Djarin, Service Top Din Djarin
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/DLPWVX5
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cactuswaterscactusfields · 2 years ago
Never About Us - Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Offerings from a Beroya
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4.7k
For anyone who has trouble imagining a sith din, here’s a link to a Tumblr post with something I made on mandocreator.
Chapter Warnings: Angst, a hint of fluff for you goblins, violence, descriptions of injuries and blood. Arguing, Greef Karga (is he a trigger?), fluff, mando being an overprotective socially inept brick wall, I’m making things up about armor and metal. Should I tag this as slow burn? Idk anymore. Hinted at S/A (unsuccessful), fennec shand is cool. Forced drugging, more passing out. Please let me know if I missed any, I know this was a pretty heavy chapter. I love you all, and thank you for staying with me.
Translation guide: Beroya (mando’a): “Bounty Hunter”
I have no excuses for why this took so long. Love you all! Thank you to geo for betareading!
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“I thought you said you knew how to fly this damn thing!” You scream out, as the ship around you rocks, screams, rumbles, and twists through the atmosphere as the flames lick at the plasteel viewing panel. Of course, he should have known how to fly, he’s Mandalorian. 
“I…may be a little rusty.” He is clearly struggling, his teeth gritting as he fights to correct the ship’s course so that you two don’t end up as two little bug splatters on the blazing surface of Nevarro. You’re thrown into the ship's wall, as he yanks the controls, dodging around a mercantile ship as you arc through the clouds.
“Learn to drive, Mando!” You shriek, as he spirals down towards the landing docks. He yanks back on the controls, sending you into the back wall of the cockpit, and the ship gently slows to a stop with a thud as it lands on the ashy sand. 
He turns back to look at you from his seat and tilts his head.
“Are we going?” 
You glare up at him, before standing up and dusting yourself off.
“Once you learn not to kill me. One of us doesn’t exactly have a full suit of beskar.” 
He watches you, and you can imagine under there he might be smiling if he even smiles. You’re still not even sure he’s human under there. Who knows? Is he just some really well-designed AI, some killer robot masquerading as a Mandalorian waiting until you have a weak moment and then leaping in for the kill? What if he–
“Keep moving.” He bumps into you as you’re caught in your thoughts, gently pushing your shoulder toward the exit of the Crest. You blush, and hurry toward the exit, not wanting to irritate him by getting in his way, lest he leave you there on Nevarro without a ship. You walk by his side, the painting of his armor as an inquisitor parting the crowd around you like the sea in some religious story you were told as a youngling. You smirk a little to yourself, feeling like he’s protecting you from the normally unsafe and crushing crowds of Nevarro’s city. In the distance, you can see the sun beginning to set, a dull blob of light against the ash of Nevarro’s atmosphere. 
You finally arrive at the entrance to the guild, and you enter first, your Mandalorian bodyguard an ominous shadow behind you. You sit down in front of Karga, sliding him the completed puck of the bounty you took. He doesn’t need to know you completed it only with the help of a very dangerous inquisitor.
“Ah, my favorite little crash-lander. How are you?” He flashes his signature grin at you, his eyes flicking up to the beskar-clad warrior currently trying to squeeze into the booth next to you.
“I want to add him as a bounty hunter. We’re a pair now.” You cut to the chase, hoping he won’t make you drink more of his sand-flavored spotchka. Mando watches him, his fist resting on the table between you, and he nods slowly.
“You picked up…an inquisitor, and you want him to join you. Become part of your…little..team. I...I suppose that can be arranged, but I do need to know his name.” He begins to tap away on a holopad, and you look up at Mando, hoping he behaves himself and doesn’t kill the good guild leader for asking for his name. Mando’s shoulders tense, and he looks at Greef, his hand beginning to tighten.
“Can’t you just put it as Mando Lorian?” You cut in, hoping to prevent a murder.
“I can make that work.” He taps it into the pad and slides it over.
“Sign there. He’s your responsibility now. As for the bounties, here is the payment, and new pucks. I have one I think you’d like.” He chuckles nervously, and you quickly sign with your finger. 
“Figured this one would be good to get you on the good side of the empire. It’s all under the table, not even an official bounty.” He slides over a puck and a tracker.
“The one on the left is a normal Tattoine bounty. You’re capturing an assassin named Fennec Shand, she’s evaded Republic capture for a long time. The one on the right will lead you to the offerer of the private bounty, who will provide you with the tracker to the bounty itself. And get this, paid in beskar.” He smiles at Mando, whose shoulders stiffen further when he hears that it’s being paid in beskar. Your eyes widen at the sound of your payment, fist clenching on the table. You’re being paid in stolen beskar that should have been yours. 
“Hey, let’s not get too aggressive, now. Why don’t you two head to Tattooine and see if you can’t capture Ms. Shand? If you’re successful, I’ll give you the private bounty.”
You slowly reach your hand out to the puck, but Mando snatches it off the table and slips it into a pouch on his belt. He slides out of the booth, and you look at Karga again.
“Thank you for the puck–” Your arm is grabbed by a thick leather glove, and Mando drags you out of the bar without any more discussion.
“He’ll take advantage of you.” Mando releases your arm, and you have to jog to keep up with his strides.
“Advantage? I’m perfectly fine. I’ve survived this long, I’m not scared of some slightly–”
“You don’t understand.” He spits your name, quickly grasping your wrist again and dragging you into an alley. He crowds you against the sandy brick, and you have to crane your neck to look up at him. His arm presses at the brick next to your head, and he studies you through his visor. You can feel his eyes searching your face, and he tilts his head again.
“Oh? Is that so? What do I not understand, Mando? Don’t treat me like one of your stormtroopers. I’m not your servant.” You glare up at him, your snarky mouth running before you can stop it. Of course, you’ve been trained to stay independent, to push people away, it keeps you alive. Your secrecy is your survival, after all. With each word, you can see his hand clenching into a fist, and he takes an audible breath.
“He will hurt you. Badly. He will take and take until There. Is. Nothing. Left. It was never about us. It’s about keeping you safe.” His helmet glints in the last light of the sun, leaving you in almost total darkness, save the artificial lights of the night market. 
“I don’t need your protection.” You slide out from under his arm, and begin to walk back toward the direction of, you hope, the ship. He follows you with his helmet, and you push into the crowd. You weave and bob through people, half-hoping that he stays following you and half-hoping to lose him.
Of course, he follows you. You keep bobbing and weaving, hoping and praying to the maker that you know where you are going, even as the sun sets and you’re cast into the artificial yellow and white of fluorescent night market string lights. And then you see it. Like a beacon from the darkness, your ship, glimmering with the barely-visible stars and the blinding lights of night, laying there in the docks. You speed up in your steps, almost running, and you finally clamber up the too-steep ramp and practically jump up the ladder into the cockpit. 
You hear his heavy footsteps thud up the ramp, and you begin to press buttons almost haphazardly, trying to get off this makerforsaken planet, as if leaving Nevarro will leave Mando there. Who does he think he is, commanding you? You’ve survived your whole life alone, doing nothing but rejecting those around you so that you stay safe. After all, attachments could lead to your heart or bones being broken. But..why does a part of you feel raw for wanting to leave him? He saved your life, hunted you down and kept you alive from that awful Trandoshan, but..he wants to hold you like you’re some pristine artifact, any scratch capable of shattering and ruining you.
So why do you feel this way?
All too quickly, your thoughts are once again interrupted as his hand lands on your chair’s back. He looks down at you, tilting his helmet toward the copilot’s seat expectantly. Right. He likes to drive. You sigh, get up, and move back to the copilot’s seat, not without shoving past him.
He sits down as if your pass at him hadn’t felt like more than being brushed by a Kowakian monkey-lizard’s feather, and begins to plug in the coordinates for Tattooine, and you’re both pushed back by the jump from reality into hyperspace. 
“Hey, mando.” You finally break the silence, and he turns to look at you. 
“We should..probably repaint your armor. Inquisitors aren’t exactly popular, and that suit of armor puts a target on your back..”
He looks down at himself, as if having just realized the implications of walking around in a suit of metal propaganda, and he nods. He gets up, and looks at you, as if waiting for you to follow. You quickly get up, and follow him down the ladder, grabbing a box of basic ship repairing equipment as you move past the storage closet. 
Mando sheds his armor quickly and without grace, revealing that..the armor wasn’t exactly lying about how muscular he is. His arms, covered by that sinfully tight flight suit, flex as he pulls his chestplate off, dropping it onto the floor with a thud that sends shockwaves through your system and right to your core.
He hands you one of his bracers, and a piece of sandpaper, before he plops down and begins to sand his chestplate. And you sand. And sand. And sand. And sand. And sand. How much sanding can one piece of beskar require? Your father wasn’t kidding when he said that beskar is some of the strongest material in the galaxy.
After what feels like millenia, you finally finish sanding, and you put the armor piece down, finally stripped of its paint. He looks at you, having finished about three in the time it took you to finish one bracer, and he gestures to the paints you pulled.
“How about just raw beskar? We can smooth the surface and coat it with a gloss..” Your mouth begins to run off mechanic terminology, and he nods slowly.
“Will you be sanding your helmet?” That touched a nerve. His hands tighten on the gloss tube, and it splurts some of the expensive, albeit shiny gel.
“I don’t take my helmet off.” He growls in your general direction, and you raise your hands defensively. 
“Sorry. You’re…one of those mandalorians, huh.”
“One of those?” He squirts more of the gel onto the floor, and you glare at him.
“Could you put that down? That shit is practically worth more than bacta.” 
He sets down the tube, and you scoop up the gel and begin to smear it onto a piece of equipment that he’s finished sanding and shining. 
“Yes, one of those. There’s a cul–a group of people that have elected to never remove their helmets because that is how the ancient mandalorian culture used to be, and they’ve lived their lives entirely behind a mask. I’m assuming you were..brought up by them before the empire took you?”
He nods slowly, scooping up the rest of the floor gel, and spreading it onto his armor. 
“Got it. So no helmet removing. Do you sleep with it on?” You try to lighten the mood, and he begins to wipe the excess gel away with a cloth.
“Have you taken it off at all?”
“If you’re asking whether or not I shower with it, no. I don’t shower with it on.” He casts away the cloth, sending it into a box of other mechanical equipment, and he examines his now finished armor. He nods, and you smile softly.
“Does it come off in bed?” You wink at him, and he pauses for a moment. You can almost see his ears flushing red, his lip quivering as he tries to come up with what to respond to that. He clears his throat, before beginning to pull his armor back on. 
“...Depends on what you mean.”
“During s–” You’re cut off by the ship beeping loudly, signaling its imminent departure from hyperspace, and you both quickly clean up before heading to the cockpit and getting strapped in. 
You’re jolted as you’re pulled into interplanetary space, and the great yellow and dusty planet lies before you. Haven’t you had enough sand for one life?
As you enter the atmosphere, you’re strangely reminded of Geonosis, even though that had been sterilized artificially. Can people really live on this hellish planet? There’s no water, hardly any shade, and the stories you heard as a child of Krayt dragons terrified you to no end. Then again, they likely ask the same thing about Geonosis. Irradiated, hellish, with zombie parasites and abandoned pre-empire factories filled with the skeletons of droids that could have been, now condemned to live in perpetual imperfection, with cults and slavery and shadowy figures that could snatch a small child from their mother’s arms and burn them into a worshiper of death and darkness.
“You have that look again.” You’re jolted out of your fears by his voice, baritone and honey, and you sigh.
“Sorry. Was thinking about Geonosis and Tattooine. I just don’t understand how people have grown to live and settle on these apocalyptic planets..” You trail off, embarrassed to bother him.
“They make do. We live and we learn.” His words are jarringly wise, almost strangely so. For a moment, his somber tone makes you wonder what hell he has been through. Has he seen the burning flames as you have? Did he see death like you had? What has the emperor put him through, to become a mandalorian inquisitor, hunter of jedi and now hunter of bounties?
“I do not think you want the answer to that question, little mandalorian. And you’re not bothering me.” He places his hand on your shoulder. 
“You carry the galaxy on your shoulders. I am here to help you carry that burden.” 
He tightens his grip, and it’s..strangely comforting, like you’re two beings against a galaxy of hate. Perhaps this isn’t so bad after all, you have to learn what makes the other tick, but at the end of the world, it’s you two, and you wouldn’t trade him for the world. As if he can smell it on you, he pulls his hand away, and the comfort is gone.
At least you have the memory of his warmth.
Blood. So much blood. Charred flesh, hatred, glowing red blade strikes and bruised throats are all you can see before everything goes dark. The crunch of a shattering femur focuses your senses, and you’re brought out of shock. Hot. Arid. Burning sand sprays across your face, and are you..are you on Geonosis? You blink quickly, trying to clear the sand from your eyes, and you narrowly avoid a flying limb, which, upon further inspection, appears to be inhuman in form. You look toward the loud sounds of blade cutting through flesh and bone, and you see him, like a silver wraith in the shadows. 
He’s standing over a crying man, hunched over and spitting green blood. He raises his hand toward Mando, who tilts his head silently as he clenches his fist, crushing the man’s windpipe into oblivion. You quickly stand up, unsure of how long you had been unconscious, and begin to survey the scene around you. 
Lots of blood spattered across sandstone alley walls, three or four mangled bodies, some missing a limb or two, glowing with molten cuts, and so, so, so much sand. Mando turns toward you, stepping over body and limb alike, and he reaches out to touch your face. He gently reaches down, lifting you to your unsure feet.
You remember now.
“Hey, sweet thing, why don’t you leave droid boy there and come have a good time?” One of them had slurred at you, clearly drunk out of his mind. You’ve been catcalled before, it’s nothing you’re not used to, and you let the insult slide off your shoulders as you attempt to continue your journey across Mos Espa, but that hadn’t been enough for them.
You can sense them beginning to surround you, wall you in, and you begin to calculate escape routes as they slowly corner you and Mando into an alley.
“Surely you mustn’t have heard my friend here. Leave droid boy and come with us, it’s been so long since–” 
There is a glowing red blade right through his throat, and as he reaches up, eyes widening to feel the new..air hole in his trachea, Mando slices to the left, cutting the man’s head off. He then twists, and as he twists, you feel a small prick in your neck, a disgusting arm wrapping around your torso as it presses the plunger of the small syringe in your neck. You’ve heard of drugs like these before, used on drunk or unsuspecting patrons at bars and clubs, used to take them home for…for…
You can’t remember. Your train of thought begins to fade, as the world around you feels silent, gray…it’d be so easy to sleep right now, so easy to just…
“How many fingers am I holding up?” He gently touches your face with one hand, keeping your dizzy eyes focused on his hand, and you pause for a moment to clear your head.
“F-four. Four fingers.” You shake your head.
“Why did you do that? You have a target on your back, Mando..” You look around worriedly, concerned of the implications of him revealing himself.
He just tilts his head at you, as if he’s confused.
“We need to leave, surely word has spread by now..” You grab his hand, and pull at it, stumbling as your legs relearn how to take your weight.
“Why are you worried? This is Tattooine, little mandalorian.” He follows you, holding onto you to make sure you don’t collapse again.
“Couldn’t you have just knocked them out?” You hiss, and he pauses mid step.
“And let them walk the earth unpunished for what they did to you?”
“They didn’t do anything until you got involved. They wouldn’t have drugged me, I could have just…jedi mind tricked them..I could have figured it out…that was completely unnecessary, Mando!” You finally regain your confidence, and he pulls you into another alley.
“I was doing it to protect you.”
“I don’t kriffing need your protection, Mando! I’ve been surviving on my own this long, I do not need some overgrown sith warrior in indestructible armor following me like a lost puppy, and I especially do not need one to protect me! First, Nevarro, now here! When will you learn? I escaped from you, I can escape from the empire. I do not need you painting an even larger target on my back than the one that is already there because you cannot control your temper!” Your voice is shaking as it increases in volume, and you feel saltwater tears streak down your dirty face, dripping onto the parched sand below. You step back, and glare at him, wiping your tears furiously. You take a few deep breaths, trying to calm your heart rate, trying to lower your blood pressure, and look back up at where you hope his eyes are.
“I don’t need your protection.” You finally reiterate, before turning and leaving the alley. His visor never leaves your back.
“Fennec Shand. Assassin and sniper.” You quietly murmur to no one in particular, not that the man in metal next to you is even listening. Since you finally broke and screamed at him in that alley, he’s been silent, even more so than usual, not even responding when you try to communicate with him or get his attention, not even when you try to make the jokes that always would have gotten at least a quiet chuckle from him. 
You peer back into the binoculars pressed against your face, scanning the horizon in the distance for any sign of life, any sign of the legendary ranger that is worth so much she could pay your fuel costs for three months, not that you’re even being paid in credits.
“There. Next to that outcropping!” You notice the bright red glint of a sniper’s red laser, and you quickly duck your head down as a red blaster bolt flies through where your forehead just was. His head jerks toward you, before he starts to stand, and you grab his arm and yank as hard as you can.
“She’s using heat tracing. We have to wait either till morning when the sun blinds her or until we can come up with a new idea to stop her. We’re sitting ducks anywhere but here.”
He nods slowly, before he turns to look down at his toolbelt, and you can almost see the idea lightbulb above his head blink on.
“She’s using heat tracing. Flash bangs will blind and defean her temporarily, which lets us get close enough that I can freeze her.” He finally speaks after a moment, having figured out how to explain his absolutely batshit idea to you.
Except..it’s not batshit, It’s genius. He does think like a mandalorian, like a bounty hunter, coming up with ways to weaken his opponent until he can immobilize or kill them. He hands you three of the little handheld suns, and looks toward the speeders that brought you all the way out here into the Dune Sea.
“On three, I’m going to throw the first one. Get on your speeder, and wait for my signal. We will alternate, until we’re close enough to get cover at the base of her cliff.” He commands you, and it reminds you strangely of times that have never happened, of lives long past. What if you had been a soldier, or captured and became an inquisitor? Would you and he be close? Would you–
“Three!” He throws the grenade, and it explodes, a red blaster bolt shooting off a ways away, Fennec’s shot having been thrown off its course. You jolt up, your feet propelling you to your speeder, and you leap onto it, revving it and speeding off into the dune stretch between you and your target.
“GO!” He shouts, his voice straining to be heard over the wind rushing past your ears, and you press the button on top of the grenade before tossing it, and it explodes, sending another shot careening into the sky. 
He tosses his, and your speeders weave back and forth on the dunes like dna, intersecting and then arcing away from eachother. You continue this deadly dance, this dance of evasion and light and blaster shots, until the once tiny cliff on the horizon becomes a monolith in front of you, all you can see, and you slow to a stop at its base.
“How do you plan to get up?” You pin your back against the rock, in case there is any way Shand could shoot you if you’re too far out.
He tilts his head, before he crouches and flies up into the air like a rocket. That’s right. You could just force jump.
You crouch as he did, hoping to replicate your success on Geonosis, but all you do is a nice little hop. In the distance, though, you see a ramp, and you sigh before climbing aboard your speeder and taking the naturally formed ramp up the side of the cliff. What feels like hours later, you ride up expecting to see his blade out or a dead body, but instead you see a bound Shand and a mandalorian inquisitor shining his bracer.
“I was wondering where you were.” He looks up at you, and you blush before slowing to a stop and climbing off the speeder.
“Not all of us were trained in the force from birth, Mando.” You pick Shand up by her wrists, gently laying her onto the back of your speeder.
“I suppose I’ll meet you at the bottom–?” You look up, and he’s already falling toward the sand below.
Of course he is.
“So now that she’s in carbonite, what’s our next bounty, oh keeper of the pucks?” You twist the towel around your sopping wet hair, patting it dry and casting the damp towel into a hamper. You stretch, feet padding against the metal floor of the ship, and you look at the interior of your ship. The bruise on your neck from the injection site still aches, but the pills Mando made you take before you showered must have been some kind of reversal agent, since you feel almost back to 100% much quicker than you should have been in any other situation involving those drugs.
After you retrieved Fennec, it was a fairly simple matter getting through the streets of Mos Espa and getting her frozen in the on-board carbonite freezer. You’ve never seen one work up close, and it took you at least twenty minutes to stop shivering from the gas. You finally decided to take a shower, cleaning yourself of the dust and sand, and the warmth helped your still slightly frazzled mind clear. You’re glad for midichlorians and the force, for it allowing you to heal quicker than the average person, the dull ache in your ankle from what feels like years ago nothing but that–a dull ache. He looks up toward you, his visor tilting up and down, and he leans back against a wall. His visor locks onto the small bruise on your neck for a moment, before he looks back down at the tablet he was swiping through.
“You look comfortable.”
“Been a while since I’ve had clean clothes, Mando. Thank you for washing them for me. While I was unconscious.”
He looks away, and you blush at the memory, not having meant to be so passive-aggressive to him. After all, he didn’t exactly knock you out, but he didn’t keep you awake on Hoth. It was probably for the best, you would have screamed and bit the whole way back if you had been awake. 
“Our next bounty is a long jump away, and it’s another desert planet.” Was that..humor? From mando? You let out a small giggle, never having thought you’d see the day where a mandalorian inquisitor cracks even the worst of a joke.
“What is it? Tell me it’s not Geonosis.” You shiver, the radiation coming back to you like burning flames and licking hell against your skin, ripping apart your machinations like nothing but wet paper. You don’t ever want to have to venture out into the irradiated deserts again, the one time Gakrux made you having left you crying and screaming as you could imagine your flesh melting and burning away. You were just a teenager then, your life barely having started, and already you had been scared of it ending. The radiation isn’t too terrible now, nor was it when you ventured, but the trauma and idea was enough to tell you the most radiation you ever want to experience again is a star’s light from the comfort of a spaceship.
“No. It’s called..Arvala-5.”
I am so sorry this took so long. My life kind of got kicked in the shins and I had a massive burst of writer's block, rewrote the chapter, and today I had the biggest burst of inspo while listening to music. I'm so sorry this took so long, again, but thank you so much for writing. I'll try to have the next one out in a timely manner :)
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dinluke-ao3feed · 1 month ago
shadows and secrets (in the midst of chaos)
Read it on https://archiveofourown.org/works/62743090 by ifskenobi Luke Skywalker lives in the shadow of his uncle Owen, a powerful businessman whose actions hide more than they seem. Din Djarin, a waiter at the Lars family's exclusive events, harbors secrets that could change everything. As an unexpected connection sparks between them, they become entangled in a web of conspiracies that will shake everything they thought they knew — and everything they believe they feel. Words: 4505, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: The Mandalorian (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Grogu | Baby Yoda, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Paz Vizsla, The Armorer (The Mandalorian TV), Bo-Katan Kryze, Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Greef Karga, Cara Dune, Axe Woves, Koska Reeves, Moff Gideon (Star Wars), Owen Lars, Omera (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano Relationships: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin & Grogu | Baby Yoda, Grogu | Baby Yoda & Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa/Han Solo, Paz Vizsla/Axe Woves Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers, First Kiss, First Time, Forehead Kisses, Keldabe Kiss (Star Wars), Rough Kissing, Jealousy, Staring, Eventual Smut, Romance, Light Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Fluff, Parenthood, Spies & Secret Agents, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
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vanishedangels · 2 years ago
Clan of Warriors
Click here for First chapter
Summary: While rebuilding Mandalore, Mand'alor Din Djarin is questioned by his people because of his beliefs and origins. In the dawn of a civil war, the council resolves that The Mand'alor must join in marriage with someone close to Bo-Katan Kryze. He’s forced to marry Koska Reeves and accept a loveless union. In the meantime, Din is having a secret relationship with his son’s Master, Jedi Luke Skywalker, his dream of having his own clan of warriors is about to fade away.
Pairing: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker
Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Leia Organa, Cara Dune, Koska Reeves, Bo-Katan Kryze, Axe Woves, OC, Peli Motto, Fennec Shand, Boba Fett, Paz Vizsla, Owen Lars, Beru Whitesun, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Wedge Antilles.
Rating: Explicit (+18)
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence. Explicit Smut.
Tags: Canon Compliant, Post Season 2 Finale, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Friends To Lovers, Fluff, Angst, Demisexual Din Djarin, Top Luke Skywalker, Bottom Din Djarin, Top Din Djarin, Bottom Luke Skywalker, Protective Din Djarin, BAMF Luke Skywalker, Adorable Baby Yoda, Sassy Leia Organa, Gai Bal Manda, Blindfolds, Sub Din Undertones, Fantasies, Jealous Luke, Keldabe Kiss, Smut, Jealous Din, Dirty Talk, Face Reveal.
Chapters: 35/?
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"I'm leaving Mandalore tomorrow." Luke said taking Din by surprise.
"If being here makes you feel confused, if my presence casts doubt on your duties as Mand'alor, then I'm leaving." Luke explained and he was staring down, like he was trying to avoid Din's eyes. He looked so fragile, so helpless, in a way Din never saw him before. Something clicked in his mind making him realize that this was as painful for Luke as it was for Din.
Chapter 35: Perseverance
Din's fingers tightened against the nape of Luke's neck, still holding him still, still not believing his cyare's words.
He swallowed hard "Luke." He said his name again as his heart jumped into his throat "You can't tell me something like that and just walk away." He nodded still boring into his blue eyes. "You can't tell me I'm the love of your life and leave." He added through gritted teeth as his brown eyes filled with unshed tears.
"Please, Din, try to understand." Luke curled his hands around his biceps "And I'm giving you my answer now." He said pulling back a little "I won't give up on you, on us, so you're going to marry her and come back to me whenever you want, I'll be waiting for you."
Din's heart was thudding frantically "You're making your choice now only because I'm telling you I rejected this marriage." He grimaced "You're running away, you don't want commitment."
As Luke's lips parted Din let go of him, releasing him completely and standing up, the Jedi's eyes fixed on his face, Din stared at him feeling completely torn apart, he couldn't believe how much he adored Luke and at the same time he was feeling betrayed and, slowly, the wound in his heart was growing bigger and deeper.
"I won't marry her and that's final." Din added, curling his hands into fists.
Luke sighed, frowning and tilting his head "Please, stop it, I told you, we're talking about Grogu's future here. Din, please." He said as he rose to his feet and he wrapped his hands around Din's fists. It felt right, Luke's hands, so pleasant and soothing around his angry fists, felt right, but he didn't feel the same about little Jedi's words.
"We are Grogu's future, you and me. We're a clan. The three of us." He retorted holding his gaze.
"And I promise that won't change, I'm still training him, I'm still caring about him, and I'm still loving you, but you need to do what is right."
"And you think this is right? Have you considered that Koska is forced to marry a man she doesn't love?" Din asked making Luke gasp. "Yeah, you're so eager to step away that you didn't consider that she's sacrificing her own happiness to please the protesters and the council. And let me explain this to you, I won't marry her because she thinks the same. That this is wrong."
Din walked away completely overwhelmed trying to escape the situation, trying to escape the pain, as his chest heaved thinking that this was the end. His stomach churned at the thought of Luke choosing to keep a secret relationship when there was still a better option right in front of him. He felt rejected and affronted, even ashamed, he opened his heart and Luke shattered him emotionally just by saying "But I can't."
"Please, Din, wait." A strong but gentle hand grabbing his own making him come to a halt. He squeezed his eyes shut when he felt his cyare's arms encircling him from behind, Luke's soft lips pressed on the skin of his neck "I love you." He whispered in his ear sending shivers down Din's spine. Din turned around not able to pull away, knowing that he would always be a slave to his love, completely devoted to Luke. How could he resist those words falling from the lips of the man he loved?
He looked into his blue eyes, so sincere and full of love and he cupped Luke's face pulling him into a kiss. Luke let out a gasp that Din swallowed eagerly as the blonde's hands found his dark curls while kissing him back. The kiss deepened very quickly and Din was channelling his anger by pinning Luke against the wall and abusing his lips and neck pressing his body against him so hard that the Jedi was rolling his eyes pleading for more.
His fingers threading desperately through Din's hair while Din's lips traced a line along the column of his neck, the dimple in his chin and all the way up finally capturing his plump lips, already red and swollen, between his own. Din stopped kissing him breaking apart, looking into his eyes, Luke looked gorgeous, with his hair disheveled and his cheeks painted in pink, even the tip of his nose was blushing "I'm not doing it. Marry me, Luke." He insisted taken aback by the Jedi.
Luke's eyes blazed with sadness "I promised you nothing will change." They were both panting and their chests rose and fell with rapid breaths synchronized.
"That's your final say?" Din asked breathlessly.
"Don't treat me like I'm in charge here, it took everything in me not to say yes to your proposal." Luke sighed and Din could see tears shimmering in his eyes. "I want you as much as you want me, Din, please, don't think about us. Not now."
Din withdrew his hands from Luke's waist and started taking a few steps back.
"I'm leaving Mandalore tomorrow." Luke said taking Din by surprise.
"If being here makes you feel confused, if my presence casts doubt on your duties as Mand'alor, then I'm leaving." Luke explained and he was staring down, like he was trying to avoid Din's eyes. He looked so fragile, so helpless, in a way Din never saw him before. Something clicked in his mind making him realize that this was as painful for Luke as it was for Din.
Warmth bloomed in Din's chest and he couldn't feel anger anymore, it was replaced by a different emotion, maybe acceptance, urging him to hold Luke in his arms to soothe him, to protect him and making him feel safe.
He closed the distance between them as Luke was staring at him with round eyes, finally wrapping his arms around his cyare and kissing the top of his head as Luke's hands found his pauldrons, bringing him close to bury his face in his neck.
"I'll miss you, cyar'ika." Din said in a low-pitched voice and his heartbeat sped up when he became aware of Luke's muffled gasps against his skin.
"I'll be waiting for you, Din." He managed to say rubbing his face against Din's jaw and blinking back tears.
Din's heart broke into pieces.
"Luke says he's leaving. I won't let him." Din said to a perplexed Paz. "May I come in?" He asked swaying on his feet as his vod moved aside letting him step into his bedroom.
Din sat down on the small couch across from Paz' bed looking around "I've never been in your room before."
Paz nodded pulling a chair and sitting in front of him "I know, not as fancy as yours. But wait, you said kih jetii is leaving." He hunched forward as Din nodded at him.
"I won't marry Koska. I'm talking to Shrune. The wedding is off." He blurted out and he could notice the way his friend's shoulders relaxed all of a sudden.
"Are you sure?" Paz asked and Din hummed. "Why?"
"I'm in love with someone else." Din answered feeling a little embarrassed, this was the first time he said it out loud and although it felt stupendous and fascinating he was very aware that this was Paz, the man would never let him live that down.
To Din's surprise Paz just sighed leaning back in his chair, crossing his arms over his massive chest "Kih jetii, huh?" He inquired making Din blush behind the secrecy of his helmet. "Don't worry, I always knew that the jetii had you wrapped around his little finger. It's okay, vod."
"I need your help if something went wrong."
Paz nodded "Count on me."
They went silent for a while.
"I'm in love too." Paz said, visor fixed on Din's face, arms still crossed, almost defensively. "Maybe she told you something already." He added and Din squirmed in the couch. Paz chuckled "I can tell you know, Djarin."
Din ducked his head, his fingers twitching against his thighs "I'm aware."
That made Paz sighed relieved, he uncrossed his arms "I know I can be a little annoying hitting on your jetii, but it's just a reflex, or some shit like that, I can't help it, he's cute and hot, uh, sorry, well, you know. But I'm in love with Koska, and she's the one for me."
"And you didn't say a word." Din leaned forward "Why you didn't speak out against the council's demand?"
He shrugged letting out a long sigh "This is the way."
"Not anymore." Din retorted raising his eyebrows under his helmet. "I wish the Armorer were here."
"Me too." Paz said under his breath "She would be part of the council as well and this shit wouldn't be happening."
"No, it's just-" He propped his elbows on the armrests "I've been removing my helmet." He said sheepishly seeing the way Paz' shoulders tensed up again. "In front of Grogu and Luke. All the time. I'm a mandalorian no more." He added under his breath.
"I don't know, Djarin." He looked around "We've been sharing our days with them, those who don't walk the way, and maybe-" He gave a half shrug "Maybe there's not only one way."
Din's pulse was pounding in his ears, he nodded at Paz feeling welcomed and somehow reassured.
"So, kih jetii, huh?" He asked playfully and Din could tell by picking up at the cadence of his speech that a sultry smile was plastered on his face.
"Vod, focus. I need to ask you something." He pointed his forefinger at him.
Paz was standing before Luke, Din was standing right beside his little Jedi holding Grogu in his arms. "I'm the one taking you off planet, Jetii." The man said tilting his head down in order to stare right in those blue eyes.
"Him?" Luke asked giving Din the side-eye.
"I trust him with my life." Din reassured him.
Little Jedi sighed nodding.
"Alright Jetii, prepare yourself, we're leaving tomorrow night."
"Tomorrow night?" Luke almost yelled, his broken voice making Din's stomach flip. "Oh, no, no. I need to leave by morning." He shifted his gaze between the two men in beskar armour.
Paz leaned forward "Jetii, I'm busy till then." Din was pointedly staring at Luke, expectant. "Just chill a little, enjoy the day training the kid, or-" He moved his helmet towards Din "Else." He added and Din could tell he was enjoying teasing him without even saying anything that could incriminate Din. He was thankful his vod didn't give him away, he would have died on the spot if Luke discovered that he revealed their secret to Paz.
Din walked Paz out of his chamber and turned around trying to assess Luke's reaction. Little Jedi was frozen, just standing there, staring at him with a blank expression on his face. He started walking in his direction as Grogu was digging his little claws in his arms, urging him to put him on the ground. Din obliged and baby walked away and into his own room, leaving them alone.
"Is it that bad? To spend one last day with us?" Din asked quietly, his heart wrenching in his chest.
The blonde Jedi squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head "It's nothing like that!" He opened his beautiful blue eyes, boring into Din's soul and now Din was desperate to hold him and never let him go. "A whole day, Din. I don't think you understand how hard it is for me. I'm not that strong." Din could tell the way Luke's hands clenched and his heart broke into pieces.
Even when he was only trying to buy some time until he talk to the council, he didn't considered that he could hurt Luke in the process. And now seeing him so on edge, struggling with his own feelings towards Din, realization hit him as something unpleasant crept up on him. Was he being selfish? Was he manipulating Luke without even being conscious about it? His blood ran cold thinking that he was lying to his cyare by keeping his plan from him. Luke looked at him with eyes full of tenderness as he placed his gloved hand on the cheek of Din's helmet, caressing the slopes reverently and Din leaned into his touch, closing his eyes, sighing deeply, his heart fluttering in his chest. He slowly opened his eyes when he felt a soft push against his helmet, realizing that Luke was pressing his forehead against his own. Guilt taking him over as he watched Luke leaving his chamber, if little Jedi wanted to spend the night away from him, he wouldn't push.
Tomorrow, love. I'm fixing this tomorrow. He thought staring at the closed door, he brushed his fingers against his helmet, right where Luke caressed him, he stood there for a while, head hanging down. Tomorrow, cyare.
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