laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
“Just as long as you haven’t lost your phone in your blanket black hole. Oh, we can watch a movie? Or play a board game.”
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“Next time send me an SOS and I will send a search party to help you out of there. Good to hear and yeah, let’s do something, since you missed me so much and all and allso to help cure this boredom.”
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
“Oh, well, blankets tend to be big black holes. I sometimes even get lost in mine. My day was actually fine and a little stressing but it’s okay now. Did you want to do something? Get rid of your boredness?”
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“Okay, good. It was alright I guess. Went on a mission to find my phone, realized it got sucked into the black hole known as my blankets. I was actually really bored and still am. How was yours?”
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
“Sorry, I’m chill. I’m cool. All is good. So... how was your half a day?”
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“It’s okay to say you missed me, I can be missable, even if it’s only been a short period of time. Wow, okay, you need to chill… as you said it was only half a day.”
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
“It was only half a day, I wouldn’t say missed? Maybe a little but that’s not the point. I thought you were dead or kidnapped or you fell down a well or something.”
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“Aw, you missed me? Sorry, I was taking a breather from the world, lost track of time and not to mention my phone, that was actually horrible.”
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
“Seconds are hard to get right so I just left them out. But, yes, hi! You disappeared for over half a day.”
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“That was very precise! I was waiting to hear the seconds, but they never came. Anyway, I am very much alive, hi.”
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
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“I just wanted to make sure you didn’t die.”
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
She smiled, looking back up at the older girl, “Thanks.” Laurel looked at her for a few moments before she reached out and wiped the butter off of Sydney’s cheek. “I think you’re cute without a mustache.” Did she really say that? Was that out loud? Their closeness was starting to get to her. She really said that and there was no mistaking it. Smiling, she wiped the butter from her hand on her jeans, still looking up at Sydney.
Bread, Butter, and Cheese || Sydney & Laurel
Is that? Sydney’s confusion runs even deeper as Laurel blushes. Not wanting to push the girl further, or miss read any signals, Sydney stays in her current position. She knows that one wrong move could send the girl running. “Hey, Laurel.” Sydney starts, using the girls first name this time. “You’d look cute no matter what your mustache was made out of.””
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
Laurel blushed again,pulling her lower lip between her teeth. What was even happing? Sydney was so close, if she just moved a few more inches forward she could.. Her eyes darted down, softly laughing. “As long as it’s not butter mustache..”
Bread, Butter, and Cheese || Sydney & Laurel
A sly grin makes it’s way onto Sydney’s face as she notices the change in Laurel. Nervous. Why would the younger girl be nervous around her? Unless… Sydney is snapped out of her thoughts as Laurel whips her face onto her shirt. Not moving the two of them from their place against the counter Sydney softly grabs Laurel’s face and uses a clean finger to remove the rest of the butter from the girls upper lip. “You’re kind of cute with a mustache, you know that?”
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
Sexual Orientation?
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Hah, I’m kidding.. Just kidding. I’m straight..
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
Laurel laughed until she felt Sydney’s hand grabbing hers and then her back against the counter. Her eyes widened slightly, her heartbeat picking up. “I-- I.. uh..” She flinched back feeling the butter smeared across her lip. “Ew, ew eww.. Gross.” Quickly looking around she tried to find something to wipe it off, choosing the other girl’s shirt since she didn’t see any paper towels near by. “Sorry..”
Bread, Butter, and Cheese || Sydney & Laurel
“Inappropriate is my middle name. Actually– it’s Brendan but I’m pretty sure that’s inappropriate in Gaelic so bam.” Focus, Sydney thinks. We’re here for grilled cheese and nothing else. Just food. Lost in her thoughts she feels something wet spread across her cheek. “Did you just… what? Is that– what? Butter goes on bread! Does my face look like bread?” Sydney grabs the offending hand and raises it up to her face. “This doesn’t look like bread either.” She says as she nudges Laurel back against the counter. Noting their close proximity she dips her finger in butter and smears in right across the other girls upper lip. “Nice mustache, Lil’ B.” She chuckles in a low tone.
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
Well, you could talk to any of the teachers that run the glee clubs.
Maybe you can like, help me find good training?
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
I.. don’t know how I could help. 
Maybe you could help me?
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
Laurel smiles after she finishes. “It’ not hard with the right training.”
She sits and watches her sing. “I wish I could sing” she smiles. 
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
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“If the sun is to set To leave us dark with regret I will work up the strength To pull our earth back round again And if the ocean should freeze Before we've sailed all the seas I will drop to my knees Until Poseidon agrees”
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
“I just.. That was a little inappropriate.” She shrugged. She let out a little laugh as Sydney attempted to joke. Laurel actually found it rather cute. As she finished up buttering the bread, she stepped back. Laurel didn’t really know why she still talked to Sydney, with all the jokes that made her uncomfortable and all. But for some reason, she felt like she could be more herself around her and she liked that. Chuckling to herself, she reached out and dipped her finger in the butter and then smeared in across Sydney’s cheek.
Bread, Butter, and Cheese || Sydney & Laurel
“All business, no pleasure huh Lil’ B? I can dig it.” Sydney jokes with the girl. There is something about Laurel she can’t quite put her finger on. She thinks it has something to do with the fact that the other girl still talks to her after all this time, but she just really enjoys her company. “Butter that bread, girl. I’ll cut the cheese. Pun intended, but really I didn’t fart ‘cause that’s fucking gross and my jokes suck and I’ll just— stop rambling and get to work.” Sydney mumbles as she looks away from Laurel. Sydney’s mumbling, Laurel’s blushing– All Sydney wanted was some grilled cheese but right now she’s wondering if she’s about to get a lot more– but that’s probably just the beer talking.
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laurel-beiste-blog · 9 years
Laurel choked on her water again, spilling a little bit of it on her. “The grilled cheese, yes.. I was talking about the grilled cheese.” She set the drink down, deciding it was a better idea to not drink anything while around Sydney. "I’ll butter the bread..” Her face had to have been about twenty shades of red, probably matching her hair that she was now hiding behind. 
Bread, Butter, and Cheese || Sydney & Laurel
Sydney shakes her head, in an attempt to see if she’s still awake. “Am I that drunk or…? Never mind! Let’s get this show on the road.” She doesn’t want to make anything uncomfortable for Laurel, but she’s pretty sure the girl who has claimed to be straight all this time just checked her out. Sydney knows not to push people, especially with what’s going on with her little brother, but she can’t resist teasing the younger girl. “Well usually I start with some light nipple play before moving down south but if we’re starting from the beginning there is almost always a little biting right below my ear that always gets me going. Oh! You mean the grilled cheese right? First! We butter errythang. Well– One side of the bread I mean..”
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