benjaminxjackson · 2 months
starter for @tylerxday Location: The Coffee Carouse
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"Looks like it's busy today," Ben spoke as he waited in line, turning to talk to Tyler. Ben had seen Tyler a lot around town and he had spoke to the male a few times but never really had a chance to have a deep conversation with them. Ben was a bit tired and sleepy, dealing with so much change and other things. "How have you been?"
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danicampbellx · 8 months
Dani: still quite sad that Blockbuster isn't a thing anymore. i actually quite enjoyed that show. it wasn't too serious and made me laugh. Dani: also, happy new year. it's a bit late but haven't gotten around to send out my new year's wishes yet. Dani: anything good coming up for you in the new year? @alvareztyler
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colins-bridgerton · 1 year
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kate’s thirty, flirty and thriving results
top 30 television otps
8.) tyler lockwood & caroline forbes (the vampire diaries) 
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mavmax · 3 years
“Hey, you’re the March Madness guy,” Maverick mused with a chuckle. “Sorry about my team taking your team out the game by the way. No hard feelings, I hope. It’s my senior year, had to start strong and end strong with the game.” 
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marya-whoisleft · 4 years
in my house // tarya
“Where did I put those dresses?” Marya asked to no one but herself as she searched the darkened room for the clothes she had just seen a few hours ago. Every moment she came up empty, she felt her nerves fray just a little bit more. Being given the chance to host this auction was an honor Marya did not take lightly, which meant she had been stressed about it for weeks. That morning especially had seen a litany of last-minute issues that had almost done her in. On top of needing to assure Tyler who kept insisting the tension was not good for the baby.
She tore through a few more drawers, about ready to let a few words slip out that did not become a lady like her. But finally her hand felt a familiar piece of fabric and her curses turned into a sigh of relief.
Closing her office door behind her, she took a moment to compose herself before heading back to the ballroom. This part of the house had been shut off for the event and the quiet hallways muffled the gentle music and polite chatter of the guests. Or at least, it should. But down the hall she heard something. The sound of voices -- no, shouting. Followed by a thud that made her jump.
She took a few frantic steps towards the sound, but the low flickering candlelight did not inspire confidence in her. Slowing, she contemplated running for help. But a decision still hadn’t been reached by the time she rounded a corner and saw her husband in a fit with someone she didn’t know in tow.
The chatter from the event had become completely drowned out by the pounding in her ears. Now frozen in the middle of the hall like a misplaced statue, she waited as there was more stomping, a few more door slams, and finally Tyler coming back and catching her eye.
So much of him still looked familiar. He was still in the suit she had asked him to wear that night, handsome as ever. He still had his normal presence, one that never grabbed attention but commanded his space, a comforting constant she usually searched for in a crowded room.
But the look on his face was one she had never seen before. There was a hardness that stiffened his features, made him almost unrecognizable. She held her breath waiting for it to melt away to the softness she knew from him. “Tyler?” she asked, voice shaking like she half expected the person in front of her to confirm it wasn’t actually him. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
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olsencbb · 5 years
“I’m apologizing for any future gags I will be pulling because Bernthal and I are in the same room together. For the next two weeks this room is officially World War Three zone, prank edition. Pick the winning side no or forever be up for grabs. By the way winning side is mine. No way that old man ever wins.”
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@jfcshaym​ @cbbjon-bernthal​ @emilyjeanstone-x​ @cbbnina​ @andrewlxncoln​ @kristinecbb​ @cbbpose​ @cbbhqkatie​ @cara-delevingnecbb​ @bcooperrp​ @cbbfern​
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Bored. Bored. Boring. Occasionally a little glass lever would drop and both Loxley and Pearl jumped every time. Was that the point of the machine? Was it to check reflexes? He had his phone for a little while but it wasn't long before it ran out of charge. Some receipts, plant cuttings, inexplicable dirt. Loxley couldn't find anything else remotely interesting in his bag and so he set it down with a heavy, grumpy sigh. Could Piper not find him in the new room, or more likely, was she just not trying to? He'd done exactly what he'd always feared. He'd held her too close and pushed her away. But it had to come out some time, right? Or did she never work out how to break up with him and now it was more important than ever?
Nah. She put up with way more of his shit than she needed to if she really didn't love him at all.
Tyler was a welcome distraction. Loxley sat up brightly at the sight of his friend and Pearl slunk on down to the floor, rather more reluctantly than usual. "Sorry. She's being very clingy and protective. I think she saw everything happen and feels a bit shit about it. Poor baby." He scratched his chin and remembered about the bushy, stringy hair. He laughed triumphant and pointed it out. "Look! This is like two years growth! Unexpected bonus! I already know you hate it but sorry, I love it. Also I'm not sorry. Also I love you! I think Piper broke up with me but I'm forced to sit here for the rest of my life and can't do any fucking thing." He sneezed aggressively, the energy it took made him flop back down on the pillows. "I miss you. You're not on your way to work are you? This is a family emergency Tyler! Take a day! I need you."
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reallifehqgossip · 5 years
If you could pair everyone off, who would you pair with who?
You sure are asking a lot of us, but fine. I’m going to need more wine for this. Since you’re so interested:
Katya and Kenna
Belly and Laurel
Jaycee and Cammy
Pax and Evie
Sebastion and Gisells
Guiren and Madigan
Meredith and Charity
Danny and Rusty
Zelda and Calum
Chanel and Alec
Chase and Matt
Mickey and Kelan
Christoph and Micah
Jonathan and Dex
Joe and Fallon
Ritchie and Stella
Avery and Adeline
Rico and Madison
Samuel and Ilayna
Tyler and Hannah
Shane and Harper
Gabe and Hollis 
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sondermink · 5 years
To; Tyler
1:33am: Hello Tyler! Sorry to text you so late, but I know you keep odd hours anyway so... I just found a present I got for you in Aussie! Can I come over or should we meet somewhere fun?
1:40am: I'm in London btw. Don't even ask 😬
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wiingscfwax · 5 years
date: 22nd September location: founder’s ball status: @coldbloodedkriller
As it tended to do with events like these, the thrill of being dressed up fancy grew stale after a little while. Instead, she was becoming reminded of how she didn’t fit in here among those who’d mostly been born into this wealth. Not to say she wasn’t enjoying the food and drinks being walked around by waiters, or the chance to swindle a couple of customers out of a bit of extra money (for the “extra risk” of bringing the goods in). Besides, wishing for something to happen was like inviting trouble. Bex wasn’t that reckless.
Heading over to the bar, she found herself beside a familiar face. “Tyler! Hey,” she said, nodding up at him. “You gonna buy me a drink?” It was cheeky, but she assumed Tyler would know she didn’t mean anything by it. 
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misscalliopecruz · 5 years
it was a rue, a false pretension that tyler and callie were just study partners, yet despite all of that being true, while she waited for him to exit the bathroom, she found herself reading over his work, not bothering to look up once she heard the door open, “maybe you should be my tutor” she mused with a tiny smirk,  glancing up at him, “you sound pretty good on paper” she teased, waiting for him to join her once more on his bed. 
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hubrislosesme · 6 years
There were many things about being a parent that were hard, but for Tyler perhaps the hardest was dealing with a sick child. Beckett had been sick off and on for a few days by that point and had finally seemed on the mend...right up until the point where she puked all over Tyler as they walked through the park. Try as Tyler might to maintain her cool, she had no napkins, no change of clothes, nothing that would make the situation even remotely better. “Oh, f- mm. Beck, man, you said you were better,” she whined as Beckett sat with a grin, appearing to already feel better after the puking spell. “C’mon, Kathleen where are you?” Tyler wasn’t actually sure where Katie was at the time, probably off with Kenzie or doing something stupid, if she had to guess. But, whatever the case, she certainly wasn’t answering her phone, and the disgust and panic over the puke dripping down her were starting to settle in.
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bellamy-adler · 6 years
~ Tyler ~
Bellamy admired Tyler for 2.5 seconds before his older brother told him Tyler’s last name.
he was young and scared and stupid. his brother said ‘you don’t talk to that one’ and Bellamy listened. he didn’t know why, and he didn’t question it either
now that he’s older he still has no idea why he hates Tyler Envest. he just does.
he hates that Tyler is organized.
he hates that Tyler is intelligent and witty.
does he have flaws? wtf?!
Bellamy tries to avoid him during prefect meetings because it’s become a habit to argue with him for no reason.
and he avoids him because at least half the time Tyler makes him look like an idiot because he is an idiot.
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colins-bridgerton · 2 years
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kate’s thirty, flirty and thriving results
top 30 television male characters
18.) tyler lockwood (the vampire diaries)
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completemessx · 6 years
[ @safetypinsx ] bc is never enough.
“¿Te gusta mucho lo que ves en los vestuarios no es así?” alzo una ceja, burlándose del pelirrojo. “Eres desagradable Avery” el pelinegro escupió sin mas. Tyler muchas veces era sin filtro y nada delicado. Frunció el ceño cerrando el casillero con fuerza y miro al muchacho, escaneandolo de arriba abajo con cierto disgusto. “Espero que ni te acerques a mí, no soy como tu.”
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monsterboysrp · 7 years
[Text: Blue Boy] Its hard to sleep without you, ya know? (Bentley)
[text: Princess 👑] I know, I can’t sleep either. I bingewatched an entire season of Kitchen Nightmares.
[text: Princess 👑] Times like this i wish I got dad’s powers, you know?
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