glenpowellx · 6 months
Don't you look stunning today. Then again, you always look amazing. Don't think I've seen you have one bad day back on set. Anyways, how are you enjoying this wedding? @sydneysxx
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olliexheywood · 27 days
starter for @sydneyxheywood Location: Sydney's residence
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Ollie knocked before entering his sister place. Oliver had brought his Sydney her favorite bottle of wine and also some food for them. It had been awhile since the two of them have hang out and talked. Ollie was very closed to his siblings and would do anything for them. He felt bad that he had not been hanging out with them but they were all so busy and had their own lives. "Hey, I am keeping my word this time and did promise that I was coming over with wine and food," he spoke with a smile on his face as he placed them down.
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loutommox · 1 month
it was quite a long flight to the destination he was going to stay for the next week as louis had been home in london, visiting his family, but it was nothing he wasn't used to. at least now he had a week to relax and not worry about a single thing. only the villa sharing was something he didn't really look forward to. he would have sydney by his side, which was good and he got along with kendall too but for some reason that glen guy had something against him eventhough they've never met before. but it is what it is and he was going to make the best of it, no matter what. it's not like they had to be around each other 24/7.
as he opened the door to the villa, he was quite impressed and knew this was going to be a good week. walking through every room, he stopped at the bedrooms. noticing that there were already bags in one of them, he entered the other. sliding open the big window, he stepped out on the balcony, admiring the view. this was definitely going to be his spot as it was just so peaceful and quiet. maybe inspiration would strike for a song. taking the pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his jacket, he took one out and lit it. he quickly closed the window so that the smell wouldn't be all over the room. he wasn't sure how sydney felt about the whole smoking thing so he wanted to stay respectful. when he was finished, he turned around, wanting to open the door but didn't expect someone to stand there. letting out a soft scream, he held his hand on his heart, just having gotten the fright of his life. sliding the window open again, he shook his head, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. "way to scare a person. just standing like a creep in front of the window." @sydbswccncy
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glamaustin · 5 months
It's about time I get the pleasure to actually meet you in person. You're quite a big deal nowadays and kind of felt left out. Already loved you in Euphoria and then you did that movie with Glen and now you're just everywhere. Not that I mind seeing such a gorgeous woman grace my screen. @sydneysxx
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danicampbellx · 6 months
text // sydney
dani: didn't think my girl crush could get any bigger but after seeing "anyone but you"... damn girl. dani: got to be one of my favorite movies i've seen recently. dani: i do hope there are talks about a sequel. @sydneysweetiefame
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notoriousglen · 23 days
private: you had to know that this was coming. how are you feeling these days? we had a lot of fun in london, so thank you for coming. even if i was basically a buffer between you and dylan and it got a little awkward at times. but we'll look passed that. how are things going now? have you talked to harry again? are you and dylan trying to date? trying to stay up to date here. and if i need to punch anyone, just let me know. @notoriousydney
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austvnfm · 3 months
Was wondering when I was going to meet the infamous Sydney Sweeney. My sister is like obsessed with you. She'd hate me for saying this but whatever, she's not around. When we were hanging out the other day, just having a little movie marathon, she showed me Anyone But You. Loved it. As much as I loved your performance in Euphoria, I think you're also good for comedies. Anyways, shouldn't be talking about work here. How are you enjoying this trip? @sydswnys
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hayleynotorious · 24 days
I'm going to go ahead and apologise for being a little cold towards you in London. I know it wasn't right but when I was seeing my friend hurting and knowing that you were kind of the cause of it... I just yeah, I'm sorry. Can we mend some bridges? Dyl looked really happy with you even if it was entirely awkward at first. I'm still kinda hoping for those double dates. @notoriousydney
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blackpinkofficial · 4 years
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lovesBP3000 | DO NOT EDIT
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morganvaldez-a · 4 years
LOCATION: belle ball dance floor WITH: @sydneyxjames​
Morgan grinned as she caught sight of Sydney, having already heard who she’d turned up with through the family grapevine. How anyone got anything past their family was a miracle. Sneaking up behind her cousin, she linked her arm through the others with a chuckle and began to lead her through the room. “So, I need details who is this man I’ve been hearing about that you came here with tonight? I promise, I will keep the really juicy parts to myself.” 
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myriadxofxmuses · 6 years
Display of affection-#13 Ash and whomever you wish.
13. F/F gif
The wind howled softly every so often as it blew through the trees outside. The walkie was putting off nothing but static. She continued scanning the channels, desparate and quietly begging any God left to help.
There had to be something.
With a defeated sigh she sat back in her chair and rubbed her eyes. She needed a break, but they couldn't afford to quit. A small spark lit up the darkness as she lit a cigarette and went back to the walkie.
"That's it," she said after another failed thirty minutes, smashing her smoke into the ashtray along with the others. "We can't wait any longer. They haven't checked in making it pretty fucking obvious something went wrong," she continued at she began packing a bag.
These could quite possibly be the last few moments they had together and she didn't want to spend them arguing over whether or not she should leave. Their people left on a run three days ago and stopped reporting in that morning. Nothing good could be the reason for their radio silence, but she couldn't just leave them out there. They were part of their group and she knew they would do the same for either of them.
She held Ash's face and gently rested her head against hers. "I won't be gone long. In and out. I promise," she reassured her.
One more gentle caress of her cheek and Syd was out the door before Ash could argue otherwise.
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glenpowellx · 5 months
Haven't seen you around much now that we switched roommates. Got some time for your best pal today? Not sure when I'll be seeing you next so I'd love to get some Syd time in while I can. @sydneysxx
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© Vberryya | Do not edit (1, 2)
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benxmary · 4 years
Tinder || Day 1 || Sydney & Matt
Sydney: Don't I know you? I feel like I've seen you around campus before!
Sydney: Seattle University, right?
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aj-rpsss · 6 years
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tag drop for sydney sparks.
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lunarchld · 6 years
“Don’t be stubborn. Try it!” Maria Pilar to Sydney
“I’m not stubborn!” Sydney complained. “I’m nervous…” She trusted Marie Pilar but she was still nervous to try something new and be bad at it. She didn’t want to fall in love with something and be no good at it liked she’d done so many times before. Plus, she didn’t want to look dumb in front of Marie Pilar. “Maybe another time…” after she’d had a chance to practice on her own.
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