#fenix sun
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deadrlngers · 2 years
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'the city is too big for two who, like us, do not dare to hope but are looking for each other' 😔
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throne-for-queens · 3 months
Somebody go tell the very bright souls bringing up the clip of him saying "Megan became like the sun to me" (in Life in Pink) that he always described his significant other using the metaphor of the sun. It's all so frustrating to see, changing the past to fit their narrative.
1) He did call Hedi/Hedieh "his sunshine" when he captioned their first Instagram official picture, the deleted one of her in green between his legs with the caption Ain't No Sunshine When It's Gone.
2) He also called another ex of his, his angel of light and thanked her for always bringing the best out of him and being there in his darkest times (possibly his BM).
3) He also had literal sunflowers in Swing Life Away music video: he buys a bouquet from a homeless man to give sunflowers both to the actress playing girlfriend and the little girl on a bike.
4) the sun might also possibly remind him of an ex who allegedly loved Van Gogh. He both quoted the Starry Night in the 2013 interview with Evi Siskos for the Latin MundoFox TV Channel and generally referenced Van Gogh in Downfall High (when Fenix cuts his ear). Now that I think about it, even the Museum of Cleveland is very famous mainly for having real Van Gogh pieces (and also having Cupid and Pysche).
5) He also previously mentioned years ago the song My Only Sunshine, the song The One That Got Away (by Katy Perry, the music video ends with Johnny Cash rendition of My Only Sunshine) and only recently worked with Mod Sun to co-write his recent song where he sampled My Only Sunshine.
But yeah, let's ignore all of this and base the whole thing on Megan as if we have not been doing this for the past 4 years... as if when he said those words he did not know it was ending in a scripted documentary in the height of his relationship being so public. A documentary released few months after their (currenltly called off) engagement where everybody looked like they were required to say at least one nice thing about Megan (I love Rook, he really tried but couldn't hide his expression while... lying?).
Lastly, the rest of the song does not apply for her. So far she never showed she sees any good in him (she made him look like an abuser) and never seemed to grow flowers in the darkest part of him, quite the opposite.
I remember the whole "sun thing" going wild in blogs (I don't know if those sites still even exist) when he first posted Hedi using that caption. Boy, It's feels like mid-2010s all over again. Almost a decade passed, new fans came in but almost nothing changed, they still change and delete his past to fit their narrative :). So tired of this bs.
Honestly I wouldn't pay most of those fan pages any mind. They are just pandering to the masses so that if by the slight chance Kells views their page then he can see their undying "support." But I feel like the same way he sees support, he can also sense inauthenticity. If you've always liked her great, but don't fake it for some clicks and views. Because doesn't Kell's also hate fake love?
As for the song, even though I'm under the impression that Kell's does most things with a reason behind them. I genuinely think he only covered the song because he liked it. Maybe once upon a time he could relate it to someone special, but there are many songs that people like just to like. However I do appreciate the various different examples that you provided, because I think people tend to forget or just be plain ignorant about the fact that colson lived a life before Megan stepped on the scene.
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fauxfinale · 29 days
( bandwagon ) Pokemon Team
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Hypothetically... If your OC was a Pokemon trainer, what would they have?
I broke down Marilyn's character and came up with this team of six!
Oricorio ( pom style ) naturally... she is a cheerleader and it was expected for Oricorio to be the first choice!
Lycanroc ( midday ) a pokemon that evolves during the day to parallel her sunny personality. Espeon was another shoe in but Lycanroc fit her aesthetic much better!
Lopunny a Pokemon that would represent Marilyn's beauty, she also reminds me of a cheerleader
Musharna the dream Pokemon, given her dream state, it made sense to add her to the roster
Solrock ... I don't feel like it needs an explanation, it was either Solrock or Sun Form Castform, honestly they are interchangeable and I can see them being swapped in and out.
Ho-oh ... sticks out like a sore thumb, no? But of course the phoenix pokemon would go to Miss Fenix. It was a toss up between Ho-oh or Moltres, but Ho-oh has a sunlight theme as well, as well as the ability to raise itself (and others) from the ashes! I don't think she'd actually HAVE a Ho-oh... that seems a little OP! No? But I love the idea of her having a spiritual connection to one.
What would your oc have? It was a fun exercise to really think about your character
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inherstars · 3 months
Gears of War | Second Harvest
Wrote a briefish follow-up to Unknown Issue, where Marcus and his daughter continue to build their relationship in the weeks that follow.
Marcus was embarrassed at how much easier it was to be Scylla’s father than James’s.  A failing on his part, to be sure.  The whole summer and fall of getting to know her -- and getting known by her -- required facing his most hated of adversaries: self-reflection.
It didn’t help, how much he had in common with her.  She was hard-headed and deeply principled, focused and determined and borderline humorless when there was work that needed doing.  She agreed to move into the third floor of the cottage, but only in exchange for regular upkeep of the house.  She wouldn’t give up her job at the cafe, but conceded to letting him drive her until he could fix up the truck.
Until they could fix up the truck.  She wouldn’t accept the charity of just letting him do it for her.
“I need it to be mine,” she tried to explain to him.  “It’s not mine if you just give it to me.”
“It’s yours because I’m giving it to you.”
But she wouldn’t hear it.  She wanted her hands on it.  Was this what it was like trying to argue with him for all those years?  Anya, somewhere, smiled  in vindication.
In fairness, Scylla fit under the damned truck a lot easier than he did.
So he dropped her off to work in the morning and picked her up again in the afternoons.  She took home day-old pastries for them to have in the mornings with coffee, and they had breakfast out in the garden while the world stirred to life.  Sometimes they talked, and that was fine.  Often they just sat in silence, or with occasional observations about unusual birds, how the late-season vegetables were coming in, what they might like to change over the winter for the next year’s crops.
It was a long time since he had a future to discuss with anyone.
The evenings were more reflective, and sometimes over dinner she asked about the past.  He steel-eyed her into finishing inadvisably large servings of food, meting out stories of Anya when she was younger.  Sometimes he even shared some of the less grisly adventures of war.  She’d met both Baird and Cole by that time, the two men receiving her in such vastly different ways that he almost had to deck Baird to keep him from running his mouth.  Just like old times.
Baird changed his tune about her when she suggested he help with the truck.  He started coming by every weekend, usually with new parts.
“Nice kid,” he remarked.  “Smart.  You sure she’s yours?”
Sometimes they compared her to James, but never within earshot.
“Marcus, man,” Cole reasoned.  “You gotta tell him.  Can’t keep puttin’ it off.”
“I’m working on it.”
“The tellin’ or the puttin’ it off?”
The summer wore on.
Scylla put on some much needed weight and muscle.  Her face filled out.  Her resemblance to Elain Fenix deepend so sharply that sometimes it caught the breath in Marcus’s throat.
He bought her a set of paints, and her excitement overrode any internalized hangups she had about receiving things without earning them.  She had a fascination and knack for miniature paintings, evoking details from tiny, cradled wood panels with delicate brushes, or bristles as thin as a cat whisker.  He thought she’d do portraits of her mother, or of him, and instead she painted little corners of the garden in dappled late-day light; the blackberries in their transition from green to red to deep purple; the wisteria that climbed the greenhouse walls.
She made him fall in love with the place a little.  It started to feel less and less like a sprawling mausoleum.
And they worked.  Tirelessly, in the baking sun.  The tomatoes came in and they spent a day processing and canning them, then trucked it all down to the food bank.  She convinced him to keep enough of the season’s harvest that she could finally cook for him.  Maybe even have a holiday dinner.  He agreed, so long as he was allowed to set the serving size.
They finished the truck, and she had to learn to drive it.
He’d been worrying about it more than just a little.  He and James came to endless blows -- and a broken clutch -- over driving a manual transmission, but it turned out she was a natural.  She picked it up quickly, no fuss, and he held on for dear life as she rocketed the furrowed dirt maintenance roads that wound all around the estate.
Alright, he was still a little worried.  But she’d do fine.
James reached out.  He and Del would be back in the sector at the end of Bounty, maybe even into Frost.  Any chance they could crash at the estate?  And… maybe set an extra place for another guest, as well?  James had someone he wanted him to meet.
“Bring whoever you want.  It’s your home, James,” he reminded him.
“Yeah. But.”  The unspoken: you know.
“No but.  Just come home.”  And, with greatest difficulty, “There’s… someone you need to meet, too.”
“Don’t tell me you’ve got a girlfriend too.  Twenty years, that’s a little quick to be moving on from Mom, isn’t it?”
He was being a dick, and enjoying it.  Kid spent too much time around Baird in his formative years.
“We’ll sort all that out when you get here.”
Whether or not he was ready for it, it was happening now.
Scylla was thrilled.
“I can’t believe I get to meet him.”
Marcus grunted. “Yeah.  Me either.”
She couldn’t understand his lack of enthusiasm.  There was no true animosity between them, Marcus insisted, even when pressed.  They were just… oil and water.  Powder keg and match.
“I wasn’t the father to him I should have been,” was the best he could explain it.  “It’s not his fault, it’s mine.  I don’t always process grief well, and… there’s been a lot of it.”
“But there’s been joy, too,” she tried to reason.
He’d just grunted again.  Joy, sure.  Sometimes too fleeting.  Whatever he had could be taken away far too easily.  Sometimes it was easier to not have anything at all than to constantly see it torn apart.
But that was the story of her life as well, wasn’t it?  She had, and she lost.  For long periods she never had anything at all.  She should have been bitter about it, cold and sullen, but he wasn’t kidding when he said she was her mother’s daughter: strong without being hard.  Determined without giving in to despair.  It could all be taken away from her again so easily, but here she was finding joy and sowing it like tomato seeds.  Growing it, processing it, giving it away, with just a little bit to hold onto for herself.
  “Don’t know how you do it, kid,” he sighed.
“What are you talking about?  A couple months ago I had nobody.  Now I’ve got three whole people.  Plus some.  This is awesome.”
“Yeah, well,” he said. “It’s also gonna be a lot of goddamned work: I think it’s time we moved into the main house.”
They had a few weeks, and it was going to be tight.  The roof needed fixing, the kitchen updating, and everything needed a deep clean going back nearly since Anya died.  He hadn’t wasted much time moving out to the cottage.
Marcus hated to call in favors, but Cole was all too ready to help.  Baird less so -- didn’t he need some engines repaired?  Some security systems updated?  No?  Fine. He’d fix the electrical.  Scylla even got to meet Sam.
“We getting paid all for this?” Baird griped.
“Yeah, you’re all coming to Harvest dinner and you’re getting fed.  James and Del will be here.  Plus somebody ‘new’.”
Even Sam paused. “J.D.’s coming home?”
“Been a minute.”
“Not telling me anything I don’t already know.”
They got it all done with time to spare.  Marcus couldn’t abide staying in the master suite anymore, so he moved to one of the second-story rooms with an adjoining study.  Scylla started calling it his hermitage, and chose a room a few doors down.  She was excited, planning, and the house felt alive.
Slowly, he started to wonder if he really needed to be worried at all.  His son was coming home, and would get to meet his sister.  He gave James all the credit in the world for his resilience; he might have had quips with Marcus, but he never lost his ability to crack a joke or a smile.  He wasn’t going to be bitter.  He wasn’t going to be mad -- who was there to be mad at?
Marcus kept coming back to Scylla’s laughing reasoning: I had nobody, now I’ve got three whole people.  That’s just exactly how James would see it, as well.
His kids were more alike than he’d given them credit for.
Probably too alike.
Fuck, they were going to be a serious pain in his ass.
He and Scylla made a final push to get the interior of the house in order -- beds made up, wine decanted and transferred to the bottlery along with the season’s preserves, everything aired out and renewed.  They had a glass of wine by the big hearth in the main floor sitting room, fresh out of the first cask, to see how it came.  Well, Scylla had one.  Marcus had three, softly hypnotized by the crystals in the bottom of the glass as he held them to the firelight.
“Ready for bed, kid?” he asked, glancing over.  Oh, she was out out.  He snorted. “Lightweight.”
Marcus debated waking her, then set aside his glass and stood.  He gathered her carefully, so carefully, into his arms and against his chest.  She was still so small, sparrow-boned and fragile, her head lolling against the side of his neck in a way that made him briefly, humbly grateful to be alive.
He carried her up the curving stairs, step by deep step, careful not to jostle her.  Down the hall, toeing open the door to her room.  He laid her down with all the care of an infant into a bassinet, shucking off her shoes and covering her with the weightless topsheet.  He stood a moment before reaching down, cradling her face in the coarse palm of his hand -- one half of her profile pale as marble in the moonlight, one half shadow.
He wasn’t good at these things.  He wasn’t soft.  The things he loved were taken from him -- unfailingly, suddenly, and always just when he’d just started to believe it was safe to be happy.  He feared letting it happen again almost as much as he feared returning to a time when the cottage was cold and quiet, the garden barren, his house in disrepair.  Hope could be a medicine or it could be a poison.  He wouldn’t know which until it flowed again through his veins.
Marcus bent, kissing his daughter’s forehead as she slept, and turned to go.
No, he decided.  Hope wasn’t a poison, it was a seed.  In order to know its fruit, he’d have to tend it.
If nothing else, he’d become a pretty good gardener.
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niqhtlord01 · 2 years
Humans are weird: This land is my land
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)   Conflict: Fenix Alliance/Human War. Alias: War of Broken Suns Summary: Border disputes between the Terran Republic and Fenix Alliance escalated into all-out war during the year of 3056.
Initial gains made by the Fenix Alliance were swift and projections of a total Terran collapse were predicted within sixteen months. However,  what the Alliance had not expected was with the speed in which humanity could shift industry to a total war footing.
By the mark of the second year the Terran Republic had halted the steady advance of the Fenix Alliance and began launching a series of counter attack all along the front line. Having stretched their supplies lines to maintain their earlier gains the Alliance quickly found their forces too widely spread out and easily picked off one engagement at a time. Following the disastrous battle of the Seven Stars, the Fenix Alliance military teetered on total collapse after the loss of the majority of their senior leadership. To add further strain to the war effort the outlining colonies of the alliance had all fallen under Terran control and human fleets were poised to enter the core worlds of the alliance.
Faced with imminent invasion of prime manufacturing worlds and the most heavily populated planets in the entire alliance, the remaining government officials reached out to Terran leaders and offered their surrender.
It was hoped that with this act the war would see an end to the suffering of their people; how little they knew of humanity’s vengeance. ------------------------------------
“These terms are outrageous!”
Tarsu threw the stack of documents back across the table in disgust. The shower of paper forms landing in front of the seemingly uninterested human delegation as Tarsu’s fury vented.
“Why would you ever believe we would agree to these terms?!”
The meeting had started not more than five minutes ago when the human delegation entered the room and quietly handed Tarsu and his fellow delegates of the alliance a series of forms dictating their terms for peace.
If Tarsu’s outburst had shaken them at all they were skilled at hiding it for he saw upon each of their faces a cold stare of indifference. Worse, they saw him as nothing more than a child throwing a tantrum; which only sought to enflame his anger further.
“Please calm yourself,” Tarsu’s fellow delegate Marox said as he placed a calming hand on his shoulder, “this is no time for raised voices.”
“But-“ Tarsu began before he felt the hand on his shoulder tighten. No further words were needed between the two of them and so Tarsu sat back down while Marox addressed the humans.
“I apologize for my friend’s behavior,” he began sweetly, “these last few months has been most trying for all of us.”
The lead human negotiator, Lin Zhao if Tarsu remembered the alien’s introduction, nodded quietly.
“Of course; the savagery of war often brings out the worst of any people.” Lin remarked softly. He looked past Marox at Tarsu and the pair locked eyes for a moment. A moment that was all Tarsu needed to know that this human was lying through his teeth with every word.
“Which is all the more reason we should conclude such…uncivilized actions with the agreements put forward today so we may work together to build upon a brighter future between our two peoples.”
Taru opened his mouth to mock this human but Marox spoke first.
“As do we, but you must admit these opening terms are rather confusing.”
Marox picked up his own copy of the planned peace treaty and turned to the third page.
“Specifically,” he began as he pointed to a certain section of the document, “I believe there was some form of translator error as it says you wish us to hand over four colony systems to you.”
Lin said nothing as he opened his copy of the agreement and turned to the page Marox had mentioned. He read it quietly before closing it and looking back up at Marox.
“There was no translation error, the peace treaty is contingent on the handover of these territories as well as any preexisting or future claims to them to the Terran Republic until the end of time.”
Marox’s mouth hung open in disbelief as Lin scanned the delegates opposite him.
“If there are any further discrepancies you wish to speak of please feel free to mention them now and I can clarify any misund-“
“Shut it!” Tarsu shouted as he was once more on his feet.
“What thinks you can steal our lands and claim them as your own?” he demanded.
Lin shrugged dismissively. “We conquered them four months ago for starters.”
Tarsu and Marox were left speechless by the brazenness of this human but Lin continued.
“We also require you to remove all military installations along the border with these territories which will be transformed into a Demilitarized Zone where no military force of either of our respective peoples will enter.”
As if sensing some further outburst to come Lin opened his hands in a giving gesture. “Those systems will of course still reside under your authority and can be administrated however you wish so long as no military forces are present in the DMZ.”
“Oh can they?” Tarsu retorted angrily, “How very benevolent of you to allow us to govern our own territories.”
“If that is unacceptable we can retain those systems as well.” Lin said as he cocked his head to the side and stared Tarsu down.
There was no emotion behind those eyes now. No anger, no empathy, no compassion; only a cold calculating logic that left the Alliance delegates uneasy.
“Tarsu!” Marox whispered harshly under his breath, “Sit. Down. Now.”
Before Tarsu had even taken his seat again Marox shaking his head at Lin. “Your original offer is much more preferable.” He began, shooting Tarsu the quickest of glances for silence as he was about to retort once more. “I think we should resume the main discussion again so we forgo any further confusion as we discuss.”
“I am afraid there is already a grave misunderstanding between us.”
Lin’s words surprised the alliance delegation as now the human stood up and slowly slid their copy of the peace treaty back towards Tarsu.
“You are operating under the presumption that this is a negotiation where we barter back and forth, trade saber thrusts and parries, and eventually walk away with each of us feeling like we have accomplished something.”
“This is not the current situation you find yourself in.” Lin tapped the document pointedly as if to emphasize his words.
“This is not a negotiation, this is a dictation; you will agree to these terms or the war will continue.”
Silence greeted the conference room as neither party spoke. Each of the alliance delegates eyed themselves in nervous fear and realization. Tarsu imagined that some of them had expected humanity to be just as equally tired of war when these talks began and that the terms would not be as harsh, but Tarsu had known all along that when humanity had the upper hand they would use it to the full extent. It was Marox to break the silence after what felt like an eternity.
“Surely you must understand,” his voice spoke pleadingly, “that these terms are far from equal.”
To Tarsu’s surprise Lin nodded in agreement. “That is true,” he said calmly, “but we just do not care for your perspective.”
Marox slumped back into his chair defeated; his arms slumping as if the weight of the universe itself suddenly came crashing down on him.
Tarsu did not waiver however and asked Lin “And what is to become of our people in those systems you would snatch away from us like cravens in the night?”
Lin reclined back into his chair and clasped his fingers together. “They will of course be given the option to return to your sovereign territories and remain citizens of the Fenix Alliance; but after thirty days any who remain will become citizens of the Terran Republic and will fall under the laws and mandates of our governing bodies.”
“You are not content to steal our lands, so you must steal our citizens as well!?” one of the alliance delegates spoke up next to Tarsu.
Lin looked at the alien as if they were nothing more than an annoying insect buzzing around his head.
“They have thirty days to leave, in which time we will provide transportation for them to ease the burden of their relocation.”
Before any of the other alliance delegates could speak, Lin stood up along with the rest of the human delegation in tow. “There is nothing more to discuss for this treaty.” Lin said calmly as he pulled out a strange circular device from inside his clothing and looked down at it. “You have until this time tomorrow to discuss it with your leaders at which time we will demand an answer.”
With this the human delegation began filing out of the room to the shocked expressions of the Fenix Alliance delegation. Lin was last to reach the door but stopped inside the doorframe and turned back to the group.
“I would like to remind you, that should you reject these conditions the war will resume; and the next time we sit down to talk of peace our terms will be..” he paused while fixing a cold gaze on Tarsu, “more substantial, with what we demand for peace.”
With that ominous warning the human left the room and brought a final curtain to a needless war.
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mooyuringwaves · 3 months
Interesting things about 1.1. Thaw of Eons in my opinion.
Spoilers below because some players didn't do the quest yet (not everybody have time to do everything day one and it's okay ^v^ ).
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Abraxas seems to be the name of Abby, Abraxas is related to astronomy (greek ancient astronomy, thema mundi), the seven letters of the name Abraxas refers to the visible planets Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn + The Moon and Sun. Abraxas as a god talks about "the first principle, the cause, the first archetype" the one who send the saviour to earth.
Abby hunger is so consistent and exagerated because it needs threnodian energy or terminal pangu energy, since Abby is not part of the terminal it needs to eat a lot of food to stay awake.
Jue and Abby have a similar frequency.
Rover and Abby feel the same things, if Rover is injured Abby too, the same if Abby is the one being attacked first.
The red flowers/leafs around the city and near the frozen npcs, imply the bloodshed of the attack of Fractsidus.
Jinhsi died, Jue used the flow of time in Mt. Firmament (and own power) to reverse her status.
Rover is the creator of Jinzhou and Jue original master. Rover have authority over Jue. Lady/Lord Arbiter.
Like Jue, Rover Spectro have the ability over time.
Rinas is a new country, the echos in Rinas seems to be intelligent enough to talk.
Changli apparently has 10 days less by entering Mt. Firmament. Jinhsi wanted to talk about it, but was interrupted in the main mission by Changli. (Changli character has a fenix theme, so maybe there is more info about her lifespan in her quest)
Jue status and health was investigated with other two similar subjects.
The civilians that live in Mt. Firmament can't leave or they will turn to dust, but the new people being born will not have that problem, the same as the ones that want to visit Mt. Firmament now.
One of Fractsidus works is the creation of artificial resonators, and now, they have the knowledge that a second awakening can make a even stronger resonator, if criteria is meeted.
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hel-the-growl · 2 years
Cultural Annotations on New Gods: Yang Jian -Part 3-
Part 1|Part 2
I counted five periods of Yang Jian’s life that were depicted within the scroll.
1 - his childhood.
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2 - teenager cleaving Peach Mountain. His hair is in a half updo, opposed to his full updo as an adult. The totem on his pauldrons is most likely Yazi (睚眦) - the second son of the Dragon King, who has the body of a dragon and head of a jackal. As a creature that likes to fight and is aggressive, Yazi’s image is often used to adorn armor and weapons, normally found on cross-guards on swords. The Yazi here is a cute pup, fitting for baby Jian.
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3 - As a general in the war against Shang. His armor is decked with a red cape and he wields his signature trident. On his helmet are a pair of pheasant tail feathers called Lingzi (翎子) - which is indicative of the wearer as a warrior figure. The length of the feathers is also an indicator of the warrior's rank. This event was probably during the Battle of Muye, the decisive battle between Shang and Zhou. These flashbacks, like with Nezha Reborn, are the traditional depictions of the characters and are emphasized by the different art style.
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4 - the disaster of the three realms twelve years ago. In Journey to the West, he was described as wearing “boots that were lined with cloth of gold; dragons coiled round his socks; His jade belt was decorated with the eight jewels”. He seems to have gained a new chest plate and notice how Yazi has also grown over the years from a cute pup to a ferocious beast with large fangs.
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5 - bounty hunter. A tie-dyed bandanna covers his third eye - tie-dye was popular during the Eastern Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, where the extraction method of indigo dyes was recorded in the agricultural text Qimin Yaoshu (齐民要术).
His clothing is also described in chapter 40 of IOTG - “This Daoist wore a cloud crown with a fan, a robe the color of water with a silk sash around his waist, and hemp shoes on his feet.” This attire was typical of Disciples of Chan Daoism.
Wrist guards wrap around his index finger while his bounty hunter’s tally hangs from his belt. Despite falling into poverty, he still maintains an air of aristocracy with his white robes showing subtle intricate cloud details.
Blink and you’ll miss - during the battle at Mount Hua, he ripped his pants at the crotch lol.
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Not that I think that the placement of Go pieces have any real significance, but I recreated the board for fun. Despite some minor inconsistencies (some black pieces disappeared and reappeared between shots, and the spot where Yang Jian hovered his piece is an illegal move), the game was mostly accurate. Btw, black is winning.
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Yang Jian had a noble upbringing and has retained his discipline over the years - his left hand is clenched while his right palm lies flat on his lap.
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What the hell is a Fenix? In the movie, the Xuan Bird was translated as Fenix, however there is no direct english equivalent for this mythological bird. “Xuan” means black or mysterious, so some sources describe it as a black bird, while others call it a swallow. The Book of Songs dedicated a line to it: The Book of Songs dedicated a line to it: "The Xuan Bird of destiny descends to give birth to Shang."
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Fa Tian Xiang Di (法天象地) translated as “Heaven and Earth I rise to Thee” is the law of heaven and earth that is commonly mentioned in ancient texts. In Journey to the West, invoking Fa Tian Xiang Di grants the user the power to rise as high as the heavens and as vast as the earth. Only Erlang and Sun Wukong have this ability.
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The inscription on Yuding’s giant sword reads “福生无量”, a Daoist mantra. They are written in small seal script, an archaic form of Chinese calligraphy, and a variant form of seal script that became the standard during the Qin Dynasty. The characters are separated by the horizontal lines of the eight trigram figures.
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The moment Yang Jian knew exactly what would happen when Chenxiang ran toward his mother, yet was powerless to stop him. This scene BROKE me.
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In the post credits scene, Yunxiang (Nezha) asks Wukong “you couldn’t beat him?”, a nod to their battle at the beginning of Journey to the West where Erlang was able to subdue Wukong after 300 rounds of fighting.
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In the teaser for the sequel, Yang Jian is seen overlooking East Sea City/Donghai (the same city Nezha: Reborn was set), commenting “so many years have past again”. What he meant was, about 1500 years since Chenxiang cleaved Mount Hua. “So many years” is a gross understatement.
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What is Yang Jian’s origin story?
Yang Jian is a disciple of Chan Daoism, the third generation disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, known as the Primeval Lord of Heaven, one of the highest deities of Daoism. The Jade Emperor really is his uncle. According to some legends, his mother Yaoji was imprisoned under Peach Mountain for falling in love with a mortal, breaking the laws of heaven. Yang Jian cleaved the mountain in order to save her.
If he’s heaven's prince, how did he fall so low? And where is his uncle the Jade Emperor?
Yang Jian doesn’t exactly have a great relationship with his uncle. It was the Jade Emperor who imprisoned his own sister under Peach Mountain, and Yang Jian wrecked havoc in heaven over this incident (not unlike what Sun Wukong did a few hundred years later). So obv he doesn’t associate with the other gods in the heavenly court, choosing instead to live elsewhere along with his six sworn brothers of Plum Mountain.
As for the whereabouts of the Jade Emperor, this is something the movie has not hinted. However in Nezha Reborn, Ao Guang mentioned it’s chaos up there [in heaven] right now.
If Yang Jian lost his powers, how was he able to phase through the jail’s barrier and overpower all of his opponents?
Most of the powers he lost pertain to the powers of his Eye of Heaven, which had the ability to differentiate truth from lies and see through deceptions and disguises and be used as an offensive weapon to fire continuous, highly destructive blasts of light energy and/or divine fire. He also lost the ability to manifest his primordial spirit, as well as the ability to fly. He does however retain his skills in the martial arts, primarily his “Nine Turns Mystical Arts” (九轉玄功), which grants him vast, physical durability of undefined limits and nigh-invulnerability to conventional weapons and various magic spells. His 72 transformations should be a part of this skill so whether he retained it or not remains to be seen.
It would be awesome to see him be able to transform though, it would suck if he were stuck bounty-hunting for the next 1500 years.
So how powerful is Yang Jian exactly?
In Journey to the West, he was unrivalled and the most ruthless among all of the gods - even the Monkey King could not defeat him. Another time, he single-handedly killed a beast that Wukong and Pigsy were struggling to fight. At the beginning of the movie, we got to see him finish off the ogre before it even had time to react. When outnumbered by Boss Hai and his goons, none of them could even lay a finger on him. Yang Jian is so powerful that even with his powers nerfed, the toughest opponents seem like small fries to him. During the battle at Mount Hua, his primordial spirit was so unbelievably massive that its body couldn’t even fit in the frame. The combined efforts of four gods could not hold him down and just one swipe of his axe was able to destroy Master Yuding and three heavenly kings. Yang Jian is no joke.
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How old is Yang Jian?
We know that Yang Jian was born after Jiang Ziya, a real life figure who was born in 1128 BC. Jiang Ziya was peers with his master Yuding, who already had a head of gray hair when he took Yang Jian in as a child. Going by this logic, we can estimate that Yang Jian’s age was about 20-30 when he participated in the battle against Shang, making his birth year between 1075 and 1066 BC. His age when he cleaved Peach Mountain is a broad estimate, as he looked much older than Chenxiang when he cleaved Lotus Peak, so it might not be that long before the events of IOTG. Yang Jian would’ve been about 1512 years old when Chenxiang was born, 1525 at the start of the movie, and 3093 years old today.
What is Yang Jian’s relation to Nezha?
They were allies. After the final battle in IOTG, a few of heaven’s warriors including Yang Jian and Nezha came to court to inform that they did not desire positions and wealth and asked to be liberated from service.
How does this tie in with Nezha Reborn?
I read a tragic leaked original ending for Yang Jian where they weren't able to free the fenixes and he was the one that becomes trapped under Lotus Peak. It took another 1000 years before Nezha freed him... talk about tragic life. By now, it is pretty much given that Yang Jian ending up in Donghai over a millenia later has something to do with the new Order of the Gods. It was repeated in Nezha that Ao Guang wants to establish a new order to improve his ranking on the list, and some theories say that the the fenixes being freed from Mount Hua heralded the end of the old Order. Sun Wukong also alluded that the list had been re-ordered more than once.
Part 1|Part 2|Part 4
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omegaremix · 1 month
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Summer 2015 mixtape:
Prayers Gothic Summer
Work Drugs “Dirty Dreams”
Delta 5 “Mind Your Own Business”
Fantome “Scream” (Hanin Elias & Noia RMX)
Gingerlys Jumprope EP
M.I.A. “Swords”
Pastel Ghost “Slow Gaze”
Neon Indian “Slumlord”
Conor Oberst & The Mystic Valley Band “Breezy”
AFX “Serge Fenix Rendered 2”
Vexx “Black / White”
Chemical Brothers, The “Sometimes I Feel So Deserted”
Adi Ulmanski “A.D.I.”
Death Grips “PSS PSS”
Day Wave “Drag”
Sun Kil Moon Ghosts Of The Great Highway
Alice Glass “Stillbirth”
Pachinko “Adonis Of Denver”
Dry Heaves “What’s Happening”
Stephen Encinas “Disco Illusion”
Mssingno s/t EP
Azar Swan “For Last And Forever” (Cut Hands RMX)
Javelin “Lindsey Brohan”
MNDR & Sweet Valley Dance 4 A Dollar
Chvrches “Never Ending Circles”
Bethlehem Steel “Guts”
Sons Of Magdalene “Can’t Won’t Don’t Want To”
Tropic Of Cancer “I Woke Up And The Storm Was Over”
Theoretical Girls “U.S. Millie”
Happy Meals “Electronic Disco”
Outfit, The “Rise & Shine”
Azar Swan “We Hunger” (Vatican Shadow RMX)
Crimekillz “2mdtbadb”
Algiers “Irony. Utility. Pretext.”
Thrust “Do You Understand?” (Scam RMX)
Joan Shelley “Over And Even”
Dry Heaves “Shoot Yourself”
Grump “Facades”
Kegcharge “Dying For Who?”
Pachinko “Get Along Gang”
Vasska “Policia Policia”
Rixe “Infatigables”
Geologist “Stretching Songs For Spring”
Omar Souleyman “Bahdeni Nami” (Legowelt RMX)
Prince Ikey-C “Who Kicks The Gutter?”
Hemingway “Our Country For Right Or Wrong”
Coughs “Animal Hospital”
Night Ritual “Fornicate With The Dragon”
Dawn Of Humans “Pinned Out Pts. 1 & 2”
Made In Mexico “untitled”
No Fucker “Peace…They Hate That Very Word”
Deathcharge “Hangman”
Prayers SD Killwave
Institute “Living Death”
Tropic Of Cancer “Be Brave”
Bruit Fantome “Kosmos”
Nomenklatur “Fascinated By The Chaos”
Peaches “Bodyline”
Bug, The “Poison Dart”
Bishops Green “We Got Nothing”
Contrast Attitude “Turn Around Again”
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helloforgottenlibrary · 5 months
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deadrlngers · 1 year
tagged by @denerims and @faarkas thank you both so much this was so much fun!!
rules: take this quiz and share 5 (or more! or less! the world is your oyster!) results from the top 50 that you feel really fit your oc(s). if you don’t recognize very many from the top 50, feel free to expand into the top 100.
tagging: @devilbrakers @nuclearstorms @girlbosselrond @morvaris @uldwynsovs @arklay @reaperkiller @shadowglens @calenhads @steelport @swordcoasts @saintjudegf @risingsh0t @florbelles @indorilnerevarine @malefiicarum @nuwanders @jendoe @honeysofte @jacobseed @nokstella @druidgroves @aelyosos and YOU!
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katniss everdeen - the hunger games
buffy summers - buffy the vampire slayer
elizabeth bennet - pride and prejudice
cassie thomas - promising young woman (this is so important 2 me..)
vi - arcane (👀)
(honorable mentions of the top 100: princess fiona (ofc the one, the only, the legend shrek); john wick; thomas shelby (peaky blinders) immediately followed by polly..girlboss moment; danny ocean (ocean's 11), mentioning this for reasons)
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spike spiegel - cowboy bebop
jimmy mcgill - better call saul (?? dhfjshk)
rusty ryan - ocean's 11 (looks @ ryan & danny homoerotic relationship, looks at vesper & fenix.)
fleabag - fleabag ((:
jack twist - brokeback mountain
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agent smith - the matrix
(mentioning this just bc it fucking killed me and it was the second match: christian grey, fifty shades of grey............)
sun bak - sense8
kaz brekker - shadow and bone
gus fring - breaking bad (in my mind akira is one of mr. esposito's villain personas)
hannibal - hannibal (longest yea i ever did)
(honorable mentions of top 50 bc these were literally the first 10 only: coriolanus snow (hunger games); logan roy (succession); silco (arcane); edward cullen (twilight, this is the skin of a killer h*nako) JDSHFKJHSD)
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shiv roy - succession
lady macbeth - macbeth
amy elliott dunne - gone girl (i'm the cunt u married fr)
villanelle - killing eve
beth dutton - yellowstone (second longest yea of my life)
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glenn rhee - the walking dead
marianne - portrait of a lady on fire
peeta mellark - the hunger games
davos seaworth - got
remy - ratatouille (PLEASE I LOVE U SM JOELLE)
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cece parekh - new girl (<3)
jesper fahey - shadow and bone
rapunzel - tangled
satine - moulin rouge!
pippin took - lord of the rings
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united-as-one · 2 months
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Name: Shin Kwangsun Age: 20 Nationality: Korean American Orientation: Bisexual Occupation: Trainee Idol/Reality Show Competitor Faceclaim: Hue.ning.kai (T.XT)
Short Bio: A vocalist extraordinaire, Shin Kwang-Sun was born and raised in New York, he would not make the jump to South Korea and the glitz and glamour of the idol industry until he was the age of seventeen. It was thanks to his dad, from which his Korean heritage comes from, that he discovered his love and passion for singing. As his father works as a board member for a telecommunications company, trips to Korea were commonplace and with that meant exposure to some of his favourite music on the planet. He takes a lot of his inspiration from the group FenIX, resonating with the Americans in the band and using it as his muse to get into the industry one day. Within the new group of INF1NITY, he serves as one of the songwriters as well as one of the main vocalists. Kwang is a subliminal perfectionist, wanting nothing but the best for his friends and the group on the whole, being the first to befriend the relatively hostile Gok Chanyeol during the reality TV show contest that brought INF1NITY together.
Likes: New York, FenIX, his group mates, writing and singing, video games Dislikes: Drama, Sasaengs, INF1NITY Antis
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flamesofrebirths · 8 months
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( # FLAMESOFREBIRTHS ): A Phoenix [ φοῖνιξ phoinix | phoenix, phœnix, fenix ] is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor.
It is only a matter of time before the Twins are no more. The world marches ever closer to its end, and here we chase shadows. Tell me, Brother. Are our efforts in vain ?
Independent & Selective. Adored by Sam. Game Canon Compliant. Not Ultimania Compliant.
Currently on semi-hiatus / I do replies from time to time when I feel like it!
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LINKS. rules. about. headcanons. verses. promo. OTHER BLOGS. aerith gainsborough. locke cole. bg3 multimuse. BLOG ON LOW ACTIVITY / HIATUS. midadol telamon.
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inherstars · 3 months
Gears of War | Midwinter (Part 1 of 6)
Listen to me: this is going to be complete fucking drivel and fluff, so do not waste your time. I just wanted to have some fun writing it. The further adventures of Marcus Fenix and his previously unknown daughter, following Unknown Issue and Second Harvest.
He’d woken up out of sorts that morning, more quiet than even usual, and with enough flatness to the diesel-engine idle of his voice that Scylla knew he wasn’t feeling well.  In typical fashion he was tight-lipped about it, dismissing any and all efforts to ferret out what was wrong.  He blamed it on everything from having slept wrong to simply feeling the colder weather.
“Speaking of which,” he muttered over coffee. “I’m driving you into work.  I’ll come get you at three.”
She was surprised.  “Something wrong with the truck?”
“No snow tires.  You’ll never make it up that hill.”
“Are we really supposed to get that much?”
“More than they’re thinking, anyway.”  He felt it in every bone, every suddenly rust-stiff joint.
“I could ride my bike.”
Oh, he loved that joke. That was his favorite joke.  Whatever was the opposite of a laugh, there it was, right on his face.
“See if you can get a couple more of those donut things that aren’t donuts.”
“The beignets?”
“I’m not saying that word.” He set down his coffee with a thud. “But yeah, those.”
He might have been right about the weather. By one o’clock the normally brutal sun through the cafe window was veiled behind thick clouds, sidewalk passers-by bending their hooded heads into the wind, and most of the lunchtime regulars opting to stay in rather than risk getting caught in whatever was coming.  Marcus came for her at two o’clock, standing with bull-in-a-china-shop discomfort behind a stream of Ephyran hipsters, each with an elaborate and convoluted coffee order.
When he got to the counter he had to turn into his arm with a positively volcanic sneeze, the waiting patrons scattering from him in all directions.  Scylla handed him a small stack of paper napkins from behind the register.
“Bless you.  You’re sounding better.”
He took them, but with obvious reluctance.  Need superceded pride.  “Coffee.”
“How about hot tea with lemon and honey?”
He debated, then gave her a soft grunt and a little lift of his chin.  Acceptable.  Scylla removed a paper cup from the stack alongside her and wrote something on it in marker.  Since tea was far quicker to put together than some of the other orders waiting, she side-stepped to the tea station and assembled it straight away.
“You came here to wait for me?”
“Picked up a few things for the weekend, got done early.  And maybe I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.”
She smirked, draping the tea bag strings over the cup’s lid and capping it securely.  She handed it across.
“And?  What’s the verdict?”
“Hard to believe what people waste their time and money on, these days.  How the hell do you remember half the shit they’re telling you?” “You mean like a large iced caramel macchiato, half-caff, half-almond, half-oat, extra shot, light ice, chocolate drizzle, no lid?”
Marcus took the tea with a ragged sniffle.
“Sometimes I think we need another war.”  He finally looked at the cup, eyes blinking wider in mute surprise.
Dad <3
Well. He didn’t know what to do with that.  Scylla just smiled, always pleased to throw him off balance.
“There’s a good seat by the window,” she said.  “I’ll see if I can get off early.”
He nodded, still sorting himself out as he turned. “Take… take your time.”
The traffic waxed and waned for a bit, customers looking ever more nervously out the window as the first fat, wet flakes of snow started to fall, and the sky grew gray.  Scylla couldn’t reason leaving early, but as three o’clock rolled around she finally took her last patron of the afternoon.
“I'd like a large iced hazelnut mocha, half goat-milk, half-coconut.  Add three pumps of hazelnut syrup and two of sugar-free mocha.  Please include a ristretto shot, and an extra half-shot of espresso.  Light ice, just a splash of cold brew to top it off.  Please foam the goat milk separately and add it on top, sprinkled with cocoa powder and a dash of sea salt.  Oh--and mix in a pump of caramel syrup, but only on the bottom of the cup.  Agave syrup drizzle, on top of the foam, and -- this is so important-- please double-blend the ice to ensure a smoother texture?"
She had to really concentrate for that one, nodding at him uncertainly and reaching for a plastic cup.
“Sorry--you said oat milk?”
“Goat milk.”
“Oh--I’m sorry, we don’t actually carry goat milk.”
“What the hell kind of coffee shop doesn’t carry goat milk.”
“I… I would have to say most of them, probably?”
This was the wrong thing to say, if in fact there was anything she could have said besides let me go find a goat that would have appeased him.  The man laid into her, both as a barista and a human being, with a bloodletting aggression that caused heads to turn from the far corners of the shop.  He wasn’t the first to unleash his verbal hounds on her, nor would he be the last, but in good customer-service form Scylla stood and nodded along with him, absorbing it, waiting for him to eventually come around to whatever concession or discount would make it right.
Neither noticed Marcus looming immediately behind him until the big man’s shadow fell directly across them both.  Scylla wasn’t even sure how the hell he did it -- the sun wasn’t even shining in that direction.
“There a problem?” he asked.
The jilted customer turned, promptly finding himself at glaring eye-level with a broad set of pecs.  Calmly Marcus folded his arms over his chest, doing nothing to deemphasize any part of hm.  He pointed crudely to the hard blue cut of his own eyes.
“...eyes up here,” he advised.
“I was…just. Uh.”
Scylla realized she was about to watch somebody get turned into pudding over something squeezed out of a goat, and made a hasty appeal.
“We have several different kinds of plant milks, and regular dairy milk, If any of those will work.”
“How about black,” Marcus suggested.  The other man swallowed and nodded.
“Black. Black is good.”
Scylla snatched for a cup faster than she’d ever reached for anything in her life.
“Good choice!”
The shop manager took that moment to intervene as well, hovering over Scylla’s shoulder as she worked up the customer’s order, now sans creamer.
“Everything alright here?”
“Everything’s fine,” Scylla smiled. “Just… finishing up my last order.”
The manager checked the customer, who had the same sweating, deer-in-headlights smile.  “...sir?”
“Black is good,” he echoed, mechanical.  The manager leaned nearer to Scylla’s ear.
“Do you know that other man?”
Scylla checked Marcus’s glowering face before he turned away and ambled calmly back to his table, stifling a tight cough against his fist.
“Ah. Nope. Just a… good samaritan.”
“Why does his cup say ‘Dad’?”
“Just… his name. I guess.  I think it’s like… a traditional Pacific Islander name.”  
The manager checked them all again -- two nervously smiling, one staring cold death at the customer’s back.  She exhaled slowly.
“Finish the order and you can go.  I don’t want to see him in here again.”
Scylla didn’t think that would be an issue, regardless of which ‘him’ she meant.
“Right.  Not a problem.”
Continued here.
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fandomwm · 4 months
Hello everyone, my name is M.
Last edited: May 31, 2024
I’m a 21 year old Trans man (He/They) with an interest in a lot of nerdy stuff. I haven’t been on tumblr in a hot minute so be patient with me. I have an artist partner @bloodstar666 ❤️ (we are poly lol)
I’m a film student currently. I do bad drawings and semi ok writing (please don’t repost or sell anything of mine or steal you boozy). I might post some of my stuff but I’m here to eat your fan art and OC’s. I would also appreciate friendships.
I also have a Twitter.
My main interests are (in no particular order):
Five Nights at Freddy’s (especially the characters sun and moon)
Spooky Month (Bob fanclub)
Welcome Home
Poppy playtime
Ghost the band
Clowns (not a fandom but you know)
Horror (especially movies)
(If you want a more detailed list of interesting, I’ll leave it at the end. But these are the ones that live in my head rent free currently)
Go ahead, I’m cringe, I don’t care for rude comments. I will delete/block.
Oh yeah, I have DID (before claiming I’m fake, I’m diagnosed so shut up, not that it’s really your business anyway), as well as having a slew of other mental disorders/disabilities which is not the point of this page so please don’t ask me about it. Mixed with the ADHD, I can’t remember shit. I don’t mean to offend by forgetting to respond to anything or suddenly disappearing for months, that’s just how it be.
Other interests:
Anime, animation (kids and adults), video games (especially horror), tv and movies, musicals, cryptids, Pokemon, YouTube, amazing digital circus, Bluey, cuphead, gravity falls, owl house, studio ghibli, hell of a boss & hazbin kinda, over the garden wall, don’t starve, arcane, goosebumps, invader zim, my little pony, mystery skulls animated, fictional characters, baking, writing, drawing (physical and digital), juggalo, crochet, metal music, alternative fashion (especially gothic), plushies and collectibles, and human rights.
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reaper-bloodmoon · 5 months
(TSAMS Continuity AU) The April 14th Event
[Note: This post happens early in the morning before the events of this one.]
Superstar Daycare: April 14th, 2024
[Terry, with Sol's ribbon still in hand, enters the Daycare with Bloody and Harvest following behind only to get rammed into by Fenix or as most still call him, FC.]
Terry: Fenix??
Harvest: Oh....I see why he's scared!
Bloody: Stiiitchwraith~!
[The StitchWraith, who's being controlled by Andrew now, is trying to get used to the body.]
StitchWraith: Well, what are you gonna do, hm? I could always kill you, I just need to-
Terry: Oh my god shut up! And stay away from Fenix! Wait, where the hell is Sun??
Bloody: Doesn't matter now....we'll rip and tear you apart before you can lay a hand on us, Stitchy!
Harvest: Rip and tear, rip and tear and make you bleed!!!
StitchWraith: Hey wait no, that's not fair-!
[Bloody and Harvest ignore StitchWraith's pleas, chasing him around the daycare while Terry sends Fenix to go to the safety of Sun or his dad, tying Sol's ribbon around Fenix's neck.]
Terry: Keep this safe for me kiddo, okay?
Fenix: But, what about you?
Terry: Hey, I'm tough, I'm a Gator sibling after all, now go!
[Fenix reluctantly listens to Terry, who goes to join the Blood Twins only to get grabbed in a tight grip by StitchWraith.]
Terry: Agh, let go you knobhead!
[StitchWraith holds Terry tighter while glaring at the Blood Twins.]
StitchWraith: One more step and I'll break him!
Harvest: You're bluffing!
Bloody: You won't do anything to the little gator!
Harvest: If you do...
Bloody: We'll make you suffer more!
Terry: Let go!!!
[Bloody and Harvest impulsively run to get Terry upon hearing his yells, only for StitchWraith to completely break one of his arms, earning an earsplitting cry of pain from Terry.]
Bloody: No..!
Harvest: Stop it!!!
[StitchWraith runs backwards with Terry still in his grip further from the Blood Twins, stopping near the ballpit.]
StitchWraith: I told you I would break him, now either you get away and give me Foxy, or you try and come at me again and I break him more! Don't test me!
[Bloody growls in frustration while Harvest acts more on his emotions, trying to go for Terry again only for StitchWraith to break both of Terry's legs into being unusable, earning more cries of pain from the young gator.]
Harvest: Stop it!!
[Harvest straight up scratches and punches StitchWraith in the face like a feral cat, which gets StitchWraith to finally let go of Terry. Bloody runs over to Terry and catches him before setting him down on the padded floor. Harvest is still wailing on StitchWraith, who isn't going down easily while Bloody checks Terry over.]
Terry: Ahahaowowow!! I can't feel my legs!!
Bloody: I know, I know, it's...it's gonna be okay! Me and brother will take care of StitchWraith then take you down to that fixing tube!
[Bloody gets back to a standing position then once again joins Harvest in attacking the StitchWraith recklessly. Terry silently cries as he feels absolutely useless...only for ForkFace/Frank to appear next to him.]
ForkFace/Frank: You...still have one working limb, child....
Terry: But what...what can I do...? I'm useless....
ForkFace/Frank: Not...quite. Use your power, tear out their core.
Terry: ....Are you suggesting I Demon King Piccolo the StitchWraith?
ForkFace/Frank: Yes...put a hole in their chest.
Terry: I....oh man I'm gonna so regret this...
[ForkFace/Frank disappears from sight, but not before rolling Terry over onto his stomach at the least. Terry breathes in and concentrates his energy, red sparks coming out of his body more and more as he makes more of it until he pushes it all into his legs and even some of it into his usable arm.]
Terry: I...won't let you win this!!!
[Terry roars as he launches himself at sonic speeds with his sparking energy towards the StitchWraith's core just as StitchWraith pushes Bloody and Harvest away.]
StitchWraith: What in the-?!
[Terry's accelerating momentum causes him to rip straight through StitchWraith's chest and leave a core sized hole inside of it.]
StitchWraith: W-What...?
Bloody: Little gator!
Harvest: Terry!!
[Terry's holding onto the core with his working arm, his body still producing the red sparks as his momentum doesn't stop, launching him through several walls and skidding across the floor of the main atrium, finally stopping when he bumps into Lunar.]
Lunar: Wh-...What the hell??
Terry: U-Ugh....StitchWraith...no more core....Demon King Piccolo'd...
Lunar: Oh my god...
[Bloody and Harvest can be seen crawling and tumbling over the wreckage to get to Terry, Lunar backing off from them.]
Bloody: What was that?!
Harvest: Since when can you do that, little gator?!
Terry: Um....forever, I guess?
[Terry lets out a hiss of pain as all the energy inside of StitchWraith's core gets absorbed into Terry, the core itself disintegrating into dust. Bloody, Harvest, and even Lunar are left stunned at seeing this.]
Lunar: ...What....are you, Terry?
Terry: An animatronic alligator, duh, hehahahaha!
[Terry's laugh sounds a little pained as all that extra energy is still flying off of him in the red sparks. He then keels over in pain again, causing Bloody and Harvest to try and pick him up, however a faint, rapid noise can be heard.]
Lunar: ...Get away from him, he's gonna explode you idiots!
Bloody and Harvest: What?!
[Lunar grabs and drags Bloody and Harvest away as Terry lets out a roar of pain as an explosion happens, and it's a lot bigger too as it creates a massive crater in the center of the atrium. Bloody and Harvest panic once the dust settles, running over to the site, hoping they didn't just lose Terry too. To their inevitable shock and relief, Terry is okay, having survived the explosion of sparking red energy. However he is now laying down on his stomach again, barely able to lift his head.]
Terry: Bloody...? Harvest...? You there...?
Harvest: Tiny gator is alive!!
[Harvest swoops Terry up in his arms, excitedly squeezing them tightly.]
Bloody: We thought we lost you like we lost sister!
[Bloody joins in on tightly squeezing Terry, making him let out pained squeaks.]
Terry: Guys, my ribs, they're kinda broken...!
Bloody and Harvest: Don't care!
[Lunar soon approaches as well, wondering how the hell Terry was able to survive that explosion.]
Lunar: Okay, you have a lot to explain, like how you survived that explosion while I wouldn't have!
Terry: Gonna be honest, I really don't know...
Lunar: ...Welp! That's gonna be a pain to explain!
Terry: How do you think I feel? I'm gonna have to explain this to Monty and Foxy and Fenix..
Lunar: Fenix?
Terry: You keep calling him FC...
Lunar: Oh!
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