#INF1NITY; Kwangsun
united-as-one · 2 months
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Name: Shin Kwangsun Age: 20 Nationality: Korean American Orientation: Bisexual Occupation: Trainee Idol/Reality Show Competitor Faceclaim: Hue.ning.kai (T.XT)
Short Bio: A vocalist extraordinaire, Shin Kwang-Sun was born and raised in New York, he would not make the jump to South Korea and the glitz and glamour of the idol industry until he was the age of seventeen. It was thanks to his dad, from which his Korean heritage comes from, that he discovered his love and passion for singing. As his father works as a board member for a telecommunications company, trips to Korea were commonplace and with that meant exposure to some of his favourite music on the planet. He takes a lot of his inspiration from the group FenIX, resonating with the Americans in the band and using it as his muse to get into the industry one day. Within the new group of INF1NITY, he serves as one of the songwriters as well as one of the main vocalists. Kwang is a subliminal perfectionist, wanting nothing but the best for his friends and the group on the whole, being the first to befriend the relatively hostile Gok Chanyeol during the reality TV show contest that brought INF1NITY together.
Likes: New York, FenIX, his group mates, writing and singing, video games Dislikes: Drama, Sasaengs, INF1NITY Antis
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