#fence friday
alex987854 · 15 days
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Moorland Fence
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fence-time · 4 months
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Redrew fns lineup :3
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Y/n: Are you sure this is how you want to spend your birthday?
Today was Wednesday's birthday, Friday the 13th, and despite Enid's persistent ideas about having a party, you and Wednesday found yourselves in the school's fencing classroom.
She had instead wanted to spend the night with you fencing; which you found both sweet and absolutely terrifying.
Wednesday: Backing out already, my love?
She asked with a rare smirk as she studied her blade.
Y/n: Not a bloody chance, Wends. Happy birthday.
You smiled at her before you lowered your face guard and raised your sword to meet hers. After a nod to each other, you both began your duel.
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fencecollapsed · 2 months
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name a duo with more range than me and @graceschasity
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fns-doodles · 8 months
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[101] Sheriff-stro and his “little deputy” (his words not mine)
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aesthetic--mood · 10 months
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Wednesday Addams Aesthetic
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thebluestbluewords · 7 months
pie dough woes
"It's not even good yet!" Jane cries. "Stop stealing all the pastry, there's going to be none left for the filling! You're going to become a raw pie if you keep it up!" 
"You're a raw pie." Jay manages, yanking his hand back out of Jane’s rolling pin range with a handful of dough scraps that he doesn’t deserve. There’s not even cinnamon on them yet, and if he’d just wait, and stop ruining all her plans they’d be twice as nice with the cinnamon and butter mixture she’s got planned for them. 
"You're a delicious baked pie,” Carlos says earnestly, turning his huge and terrible begging eyes up at Jane. "You're perfect and hot and a harbinger of good things into all of our lives." 
Much like a pie (baked), Jane is not going to melt under this pressure. Her butter has already solidified through the transformative cooking process, and she's got nothing left in her to be melted, even by sweet boyfriends with swoon-worthy puppy dog eyes. 
She props her elbows up on the countertop, careful of the flour bowl she's got out by her left elbow to dust the minipie dough with as she works. 
"You're very sweet, but if you eat any more of my pastry," Jane threatens. "I'm going to need to kick you out of the kitchen. And I'll feel bad about it, and then you'll be directly responsible for making me feel bad, and that's not what good boyfriends do." 
"Lucky 'or 'ou--" Jay tries. 
Jane dips her fingers into the flour bowl. If they're going to be menaces in her kitchen, there are consequences that all boys must face. "Choose your next words carefully." 
Jay wisely chooses to swallow the mouthful of raw dough he's stolen from her minipie preparations before trying again. "I said, lucky for you, we're evil--"
Jane launches her handful of flour at him. 
Their kitchen gets morning and afternoon sun because the boys insisted on picking the kitchen with the high, wide windows. It means they need to keep the fans running even in the winter if Jane's doing anything finicky with cold pastry dough, but the sight of her isle boys drinking in the sunlight that spills from the windows most of the day is well worth it. The afternoon sun they've got right now is highlighting the flour stuck to Jay's shirt, his hair, his eyelashes. 
"Oops." Jane says sweetly. "I didn't see you there." 
"Beh." Jay spits. There's sort of a lot of flour in his mouth. Oops.She should probably feel worse about that. "Peh. Ew." 
"I didn't mean for you to swallow it!" Jane cries, but oh, she can't help but laugh too. "I was just-- oh, there's so much in your hair, oh goodness." 
"Yes!" Jane squeaks. She's doing a poor job at containing her giggles. Jay's eyes look so bright and pretty, even covered in flour. Jane's never looked so pretty before, not even when she's dressed to the nines and cleaned up and not covered in flour and buttery fingerprints from where they'd had a slight incident with part of the cinnamon sugar filling before. 
"You really want us to stop?" 
"I mean, I wanted to make a nice dessert, and it's not-- I like having you here in the kitchen with me, but it's hard to finish the pies when you keep eating all my ingredients, and I had a tray for snails all buttered already, and--" Jane forces herself to slow down, take a breath. There's no reason for her to be anxious about baking. "Don't go away, but please stop eating all my ingredients. They'll taste a lot better once they're baked, and I really do want you to try the pies once they're done." 
Jay smiles at her, flour and all, and Jane can feel the tense muscles all along her back relaxing without anything more than the small reassurance. “Okay. We can stop." 
"Thank you." 
“But you should teach us to make this dough sometime. It’s too good to keep it to yourself.” 
“You don’t—“ Jane laughs, because she can’t stop herself. “You don’t even like baking!” 
Carlos drapes himself over her side, careful and warm and comfortable even though he’s made of bones and dried spaghetti noodles. “Because we don’t know how. It’s not like we had the chance to learn as kids.” 
“I’m not a very good teacher,” Jane warns. “I’m impatient. And you’re too smart for your own good.” 
Carlos leans harder. “You taught me how to straighten my hair properly. That took a lot of patience.” 
“Pastry isn’t quite the same thing as hair, babe. There’s a lot more butter in pastry, if you’re doing it right.” 
“I’ll try putting butter in my hair if you’ll teach us how to make pie,” Jay offers, “you know you want to try butter conditioning. I’ll text Evie about it.” 
“Too late, I’m doing it!” Jay says cheerfully. “Butter—conditioner—thoughts? And send.” 
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palfriendpatine66 · 2 months
Fic Rec Friday
This fencing au by the lovely @renlyslittlerose has been on my mind as of late!
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valeria-fortnite · 2 months
I have a moment to post while I'm oh-so busy but I thought to make it more clear: The Butterfly Oasis gathering is happening on friday!
Be sure to stay in the loop and join us, if you were around before the gods then you know how properly I can throw a party. ;)
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no-side-us · 11 months
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Pumpkin Witch cause its October
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orcelito · 2 months
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Got my backpack all dressed up for tomorrow 😌 spent a bit deliberating on where exactly to put everything, but I am satisfied with what I got.
I also did pack an Akira keychain, though it seemed both hard to put on + its connection seemed a little flimsy, so I decided to not go thru the hassle and risk losing him. These vash & wolfwood keychains are pretty solid, & they survived 2 flights and a Lot of walking in my trip last year, so they'll hopefully be fine for this trip, too.
Always a risk to put things on a backpack with a big convention, but it's worth it to me to have them out on display
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fence-time · 10 months
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Possibly one of my favourite morphling moments from Fns ever
+ clip :3
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thoughtfulseason · 8 months
i’m so glad my before/after thing was starting fencing. i really thought all i was ever gonna be is a lazy writer/drawer but i found a second dream, so strong, and a person helping me walk it is such a special soul that i can’t imagine doing it with no one else. you can never know when you’ll find a part of your soul that you had no idea you were missing. fencing is that for me and i’m just so grateful i dared to take the step for it to find me. god, universe, thank you for leading me to this place
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opendirectories · 1 year
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dracomeir · 10 months
More info about each main character for my AU Renegade Detective. Angst ahead along with much reading.
Detective Pico Before joining the force, Pico was a guitar player who was dating Boyfriend, a saxophone player, in college. He believed his lover was human, and the day demons attacked the campus was the day his trust was shattered. Truly believing the incubus used magic to influence his love for him, the ginger broke up with him once the battle against Cassandra and her goons was over. That moment was when it felt like a small fraction of his soul was lost. He kept the ivory gun Boyfriend gave him since it allowed him to fend off demons, but it also reminded him of the regret he had for not giving his companion a chance to explain himself.
In the present day, he's now the leader of the Special Crime Forces. His crew operates outside of protocol when necessary to protect the city, and it has garnered negative attention towards him despite the fact less lives were lost as a result. Those related to the few that he couldn't save resented him. Being constantly told that he could've saved everyone if he followed the rules over the years has taken his toll on him. Along with the repetitive taunts from his hallucinations, and the suspects of his most recent cases turning up dead, some members of the SCF are starting to doubt him as a leader.
Incubus Boyfriend In the past, Boyfriend was tasked by an arch demon to infiltrate the college Pico and his friends attended. He used illusory magic to conceal his demonic nature, and completely forgot his mission upon meeting the ginger. His love for him caused him to betray his master when Cassandra, another arch demon, was sent to complete the mission he forgotten. Despite being classed as a lesser demon, his charm magic along with arcane music allowed him to defeat her with Pico’s help. Then his strength was weakened once his partner broke up with him. He was confronted by his former master soon after, and was punished for his betrayal with a curse. A curse that prevented him from gaining the energy he needed to live the same way other incubi/succubi did. Trying to do so would hurt him, and drain him of his energy. With no other choice, he’s forced to kill others while taking their souls to regain energy instead.
Wanting to redeem himself somehow, he decided to take part in the emotional support demon program. He spent years learning more about mental health due to his struggles in learning anything complex, but his innate ability to sense the mood of others made it easier for him to help others. When he heard of the rumours surrounding his former lover, it felt like fate itself has given him a chance to make things right. Then fear struck him when he discovered he was a detective. Will Pico turn on him again once he learns about the curse?
Forensics Scientist Darnell Crime scene investigation isn’t the only thing Darnell does for the SCF. Creator of the anti-magic technology the team uses, he provides any means of self defense against demons. He also makes Pico’s medicine for him, but he’s starting to see that the old prescription is becoming less effective over the years. When the detective is unable to lead due to his mental health, Darnell takes command instead. He tries his best to support him, and tries to convince him to see a doctor again along with Nene’s help, but Pico’s stance on the matter wouldn’t budge. Then an incubus he thought he’d never see again pops up. Despite thinking Boyfriend is too dumb to do anything, Darnell hoped he would be able to do something before Pico’s condition causes him to make a fatal mistake.
Criminal Analyst Nene With all her knowledge on psychology, Nene helps the SCF determine possible patterns to criminal activity, and find ways to resolve things peacefully. Fighting a demon is always a risky endeavour. Even Pico knows to keep his finger off the trigger while she does her thing. She also knows the death of others under his command is affecting him greatly, and does her best to avoid a battle. Even with their anti-magic tech, a smart arch demon who casts aside their superiority complex can overwhelm the SCF. They are only human after all.
John Captain (Tankman) Pico’s foster dad. Very supportive. Much encouragement. Need I say more?
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