#female stormcast
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lewdcookies · 9 months ago
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"Yndrasta? Yeah, I know her. One of the best hunters in the whole damn Realms if you ask me." "So what's she like?" "Oh you know, brave, bold and steadfast like the rest of us. Seen her face a rampaging daemon prince without the slightest hesitation, then nailing it between their six eyes with her spear." A smirk crept on Nalia's face. "Of course, what most people don't know that she has this sensitive spot on her inner thigh that will make her moan like crazy when kissed." "Bullshit, you're pulling my leg!" Nalia chuckled at her travelling companions surprised outburst. "No, honest. Get a beer and I'll tell you the whole story. And make a proper one, not that watered down stuff too that the tavern keep sells."
Right on the verge of the new edition of AoS coming out I manage to paint the centerpiece character from the last edition. That I also got back when that edition was hot and new.
Maybe if I get one of the Skaventide models I want, maybe that won't take me three years to paint.
The biggest challenge was removing the model from its way too large display base, without destroying it in the process. But, thanks to a sharp scalpel blade and some patience, went down without too much damage to either part. Who knows what I'll use that for.
Otherwise, an uncomplicated painting project. Wings took me two attempts because I wasn't too enthused with how they looked after the initial layering. But some reference pictures helped there. And the end result was pretty good too.
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transmechanicus · 11 months ago
The news has reached me that there are canon female custodes, and that the reactions have been mmm well, mixed. I don’t play custodes on tabletop but i do love the faction, and i think it’s an interesting and harmless little addition to the setting. Somewhere in the mists of time some custodes put his genhanced transhuman mind to work and asked himself “What if instead of just taking boy babies for the Full Genome Restructuring Into An Exalted Demigod…what if we took all the babies.” Now we have the Golden Roughly Twenty Thousand, double the protection for the Emperor😌
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takofoodtruck · 4 months ago
I kept going on the stormcasts lol
Here's what the female stormcast torso looks like with some marine parts and a mkvi beakie helmet! So, I guess I made a female space marine. Neat!
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A range of chonk, from slimmest to thicc-est stormcast marine conversion so far.
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I hate the incel debate against female space marines. Former artists from GW have already confirmed that in the past it's solely been a sales decision that they didn't make any, and that was in the 80s and 90s.
(For context, I see the arguments popping up again now that Space Marines 2 is a few weeks away, usually in the comments on tik tok).
There are many lore reasons that already exist to work them in. And you wanna know a secret? If the 8 foot tall post human warrior is wearing a helmet, you'd have no idea. Good, practical armor is sexless. And all space marines are extensively modified anyway. The only real difference would be hair preferences culturally speaking, and maybe, MAYBE, some facial differences. Otherwise? All space marines would be built like a strongman competitor cranked up to eleven.
Maybe just let us have this one extra customization? It wouldn't even change gameplay, it'd be akin to using a different skin in Overwatch. It's just flavor.
For the minis, you could even use pre-existing parts from Age of Sigmars Stormcast Eternals.
And for the counter argument of "why not let Sisters of battle have men then". Okay. Let's do it. They could be men that take an oath of celibacy like monks, and are legally recognized as women after their oaths. Kind of like the Qunari Military, any sex can be a soldier, but the position of soldier is considered masculine to the Qunari. Do that in reverse, everyone is a sister of battle, including boob chest plates, because the role is feminine.
What I'm saying is, femboy sisters of battle.
If you read the whole thing, I thank you. Just getting some feelings off my chest, it's not that deep. If you don't agree, cheers. We can both agree Warhammer is awesome and go our separate ways. Have fun out there.
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lyinar · 11 months ago
There's been a lot of screaming about Games Workshop stating that there are female members of the Adeptus Custodes.
I figure this conversion I made using a Blade Champion kit and a spare lady Stormcast Eternal head is the best way to state my position on that.
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frogblast-the-ventcore · 2 years ago
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Female dragonborn/drake Stormcast Eternal by WolfdawgArt
I love the idea of non-human Stormcast.
Art by:
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farsight-the-char · 1 year ago
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Likely to incorporate "Female"* Stormcast into the main Liberator kit, but the redesign is good, so I will let it pass.
Liberators are keeping the twin weapon profile, as seen in the trailer, so that is how I would run them (if I were to buy them).
*I mean lore wise we did have women and nonbinary warriors among the original Stormcast, but GW wants to add the new heads to better reflect this.
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owenthetokencishet · 11 months ago
While I love the concept in the fandom and have many of my own, I am unsure whether or not I'd actually be in favour of female space marines becoming canon.
On one hand, it would be a more popular move than some would like you to believe, and after the experiment with Calladayce Kesh I think GW has realized it could work. Stormcast Eternals, GW's other poster child beginner faction, are already fully gender-integrated, and Primaris marines are basically just sci-fi stormcast. Games Workshop is starting to realize that there's no profit in appeasing their far-right fans. If they quit over this, they will not be missed.
On the other hand, I understand why the canon as it is works. The imperium of man is a fascist state, and the Astartes are the poster children of that state. They're cartoons of the ubermensch. They are a parody of right-wing manhood. They get to be their society's ideal man, but in exchange they are psychologically tortured, physically mutilated, and have every cell of thier body rewritten through eugenics. All to be the perfect killing machine. The "code red" from A Few Good Men, the order that got Santiago killed for not being a good enough soldier? That's real.
Also the current Space Marine range is massive, very new, and complete. GW has built a lot of infrastructure around these models and implementing a subtle change like that would be a lot of work for a model range that is in isolation more profitable than entire games ALREADY.
On the other other hand, IT WOULD BE SO EASY. The introduction of primaris marines has also introduced Belisarius Cawl, a guy who has been experimenting on space marines for ten THOUSAND years. Dude rebuilt the adeptus astartes from the ground up. Do you honestly think, that in ten THOUSAND years of studying, cawl ever wondered if it was possible to make a girl into a space marine? Or something roughly equivalent? Do you honsetly think that fucking weirdo Belisarius Cawl, as self-described scientist, would never have experimented? Like primaris was, it would be a controversial shake-up in the lore. Some chapters would outright reject them, like Black Templars. Black Templars would never allow girl cooties into their crusades. but it's just as easy to justify. The Imperium is facing unprecedented threats, broadening the scope of who's capable of becoming a space marine means more aspirants means more space marines. Integrating female recruits could DOUBLE the number of astartes active in the galaxy. That's exactly the kind of advantage cold hard statistics guy Guilliman loves.
Also I think a story that shows a girl going though all the shit boys do to become space marines is the kind of thing that could make the more manly men™️ among the fanbase go 'oh this is super fucked up actually and maybe not aspirational' and also simultaneously making a statement about how culture at large is somewhat desensited to violence against men.
And I cannot forget. Gigantic ultra-jacked women in even more gigantic chunky power armour. Um. Awooga.
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jakey-beefed-it · 3 months ago
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Several years ago, like literally right when contrast paints were brand fuckening new, I entered a Blanchitsu painting contest (didn't win, but still really liked how she came out) with this very slightly converted tech-priestess domina (threw a female stormcast face plate on her). Now that I'm actually building an admech army, I really want to dig her out and give her a proper Forge World Konor paint job. But I've gone through all my minis, and she's nowhere to be found. So I guess the next time I have some money available, I gotta pick up a new tech priest dominus and see if i can trade for some lady stormcast helmets. They're relatively cheap (the helmets) on ebay, but christ, the shipping is outrageous. If any of my mutuals are in the Toronto area and have spares, hit me up. I can give you some 40k bits in exchange. Sisters of battle bare heads spring to mind as something you might want in exchange if you're kitting out lady stormcast without helmets. I dunno.
It's all moot until next month at the earliest (and probably February since my wife's birthday is in January) and I can swing the tech priest mini, but I really wish I'd found her so I didn't have to replace her. :-/
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nightbringer24 · 11 months ago
@ultimate-pigeon-tosser replied to your post “Oh yeah, there's a female Custodes now. Yeah,...”:
God yeah, already have people being so normal over it on my dash. Just unfollowing/post-blocking and going on with my day. Also, I thought they introduced female custodes in like 8th edition? At least I thought there was a female model in one of the packs. Tbf I might have imagined that, don't really pay attention to custodes
​I can't say worth a damn if there was or wasn't, but I don't think there was a female Custodes model. I know there was a female Stormcast Eternal model, and I think that's generally a good idea of what they'd look like.
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sigmaart39 · 7 months ago
I just wanted to tell you personally, I absolutely love your last Custodian sketch. Her kit is exactly what I think power armour should look like in 40k: heavy and a little bulky, but still smooth and ornate in a way that makes it look sleek and intimidating. It's perfect and I can't wait to see how it looks when you're finished!
Thank you! Got a bit inspired by Stormcast female chest plate, i think Female Custodes would wear female chest plates, as their armor are artesanally crafted for each one, unlike the mass produced Astartes armour!
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lewdcookies · 4 months ago
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As Nalia walked out on the deck, Arkadios Therohn of the Stormborne Templars gave her a stern glance. "So you're finally awake," he remarked dryly, his gravelly voice making it sound like a rumble. "Glad you could join us." Nalia took a deep swig of the bottle of rum in her hand and gave the Liberator Prime a broad grin. "With how you wore me out last night you can't fault a girl for sleeping in." The Knight-Questor laughed racoursly when he looked sideways, his cheeks flushing. If the human crew noticed, they made no noise about it. After she had calmed down, he spoke again. "We're almost there." Over the prow of the ship the Chaos stronghold loomed on the horizon, the fleet of ships looking miniscule in comparison.
Possibly the least model of 2024, but we'll see about that I guess.
A Knight-Vexillor from the 3rd ed launch box got dropped in my lap a while back and I decided to convert it a bit. Took some sawing but I got the banner, base decoration and head off without too much issue.
The head is from the Votann Hearthkyn kit, mostly because I had no better options for bare heads in my boxes, that weren't space marines that is. The only other addition is the shield from some Stormdrake guard bits I paid way too much for, but then it also had a female stormcast head, so it was kind of worth it. Was originally going to use an Annihilator shield, but was almost too big so the swap made for a better final result.
The ship base was almost more work in comparison since I didn't have the best tools to cut a circle on popsicle sticks. But final result looks good. Just not a base I would do again I think. Inspired by a video I found.
Not too please with the highlights, but frankly not much I can do about that without finding some miracle brushes that doesn't cost me an arm and a leg for.
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takofoodtruck · 4 months ago
Worked on another female space marine conversion from stormcast eternals.
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I like these better than trying to modify a sister of battle because they're appropriate height for a marine, compared to a regular height human model.
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They're just something I'm enjoying putting together, whether it becomes it's own detachment to take with my imperium army, or just something nice to have on the shelf.
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askrobouteguilliman40k · 2 years ago
I feel like a lot of people act like there are barely any female warriors in 40k, and that it's just the sisters of battle and silence. But that's not true. There are plenty of women in the guard, and a lot of female inquisitors. Plus the assassin temples usually have female models used for their units. Then there are the eldar that have loads of female characters.
So personally, I feel like when people have their reason be "need more female representation" it makes it feel like they are ignorant or choose to be ignorant to the fact women are not ignored or put on the back burner in 40k.
News flash, outside of Black Library, until recently, there where almost no female models for the Guard, Stormcast or that.
Females are slowly popping up in the mini game, but for nearly 40 years, it was a sausage fest.
I should know, I have been in this fandom for 20+ years, female representation has only shown in the last... 4 years?
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corviacore · 5 months ago
Ok but like, as long as there's war and combat etc in a setting, like DND and fantasy and all that stuff, should we just make every soldier a white man and every holy knight and every other combatant because we don't want bad representation™ ?
Like I get the idea behind this sentiment, but also women wanna maybe also play Warhammer and have figures that represent themselves and don't really care about the lore and the bad representation™.
And I wanna play a female holy knight in a fantasy setting and not be limited to white men because "that's be bad representation".
Like again I get what y'all mean but in the end I feel like it ends up just still being a negative for actual real life people because you disagree with the fictional politics.
Like "I play imperial guard, do I really want representation In that?" Like yeah probably as a woman you probably would want some representation in the figures you lovingly put together paint and play with.
At least I do, that's why I enjoy playing aos way more because my stormcast actually have women in their ranks, I don't really care if that's good representation™ or bad representation™ I just wanna put together figures of cool women every now and again.
“You just wrote your medieval fantasy setting to have medieval gender roles and homophobia and prejudice because you secretly fantasize about being able to be sexist and homophobic in a land with no PoC without any pushback! It’s fantasy, there’s dragons and wizards, it doesn’t have to have prejudice unless you, the writer, want it like that! In *my* D&D setting, there’s no sexism or homophobia, so that gay transgender women of all races can be holy knights fighting to protect the good kingdom from the endless hordes of the evil dark race that has threatened its borders for a thousand years!”
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lewdcookies · 5 years ago
2019 painting retrospective
With it being a new year and all that I might as well look back at the year before and show off what I accomplished then. Which was quite a bit going by my record keeping. January:
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December: Finished a pair of commission project but they’re missing bases so no lightbox pictures of them just yet. Except seeing them very soon though.
So that was my year in painting. And my backlog is nowhere near done as I got a whole bunch of Primaris marines to paint. Do want to expand with some more AoS models as well. But so far all the ones I really want have been event exclusive ones which are nigh impossible for me to get my hands on without paying way too much. Come on GW, stop putting all the cool female Stormcast behind event gates or subscriptions of magazines that will never come out here.
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