#feel free to spam my inbox
enha-stars · 3 months
hi <3 i just wanted to come on here and say that thank you so much to all my moots and readers, i love you all. if you’ve sent me an ask, i promise i will get to it. i’m also working three jobs atm so my responses and time on blr will be all over the place 😔 as for my wips, they are coming slowly but surely. again, i love you. thank you !
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stardust-sunset · 8 days
i feel bad saying i’m an artist like i never post art
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okwonyo · 1 year
guys. . .can you give me . . .hcs/drabbles ideas or reqs ? so i can stay active (。•́︿•̀。)
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athina-blaine · 4 months
genuinely don't understand people who gripe about someone getting into dunmesh for m/m pairings as opposed to f/f when none of them are even close to being the main point of the series
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drabsyo · 2 years
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hey daph!
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thegoths · 7 months
So if Sonic’s a phantom thief in your persona au does that mean that Shadow’s taking Akechi’s role as a detective?
P.S. How’s your day going so far?
hi!!! so yeah you nailed it on the head, shadow is taking the place of akechi! in this au shadow is an extraordinary detective hired by G.U.N to investigate the recent cognitive shutdowns, with a specific interest in taking down the phantom thieves. hes a mysterious figure to sonic and his friends, with no one sure of his true motives. sonic begins a friendly rivalry with him, unaware of his past and the fact shadow is one of the most dangerous obstacles the phantom thieves will have to face
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ive begun scribbling out some ideas for him but it is defo a work in progress!! thanks for the ask!
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Anyway remember that part in Pride and Prejudice where Mr Darcy proposes and lays his heart out and then Elizabeth just completely stomps on it? Yeah.
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alvojake · 1 month
wow.... its been a hot minute since I've been on here 🥲 I'll be getting to some of my inbox this weekend. I am still on my hiatus but I have a few bday fics that'll be coming out next week! I should be back off of my hiatus some time early september as long as everything goes according to plan.
and by that I mean my brain haha I've been in and out of a few episodes this past month or so but I'm feeling better so as long as things continue to go up I'll be back in no time!
I have a few fics done and sitting in my drafts and I'm still working on more so please look forward to those!! 🖤
also one last thing!! I have decided that instead of just using a whole new blog to write for ateez that I am just going to be writing them on here!! I already have some ideas but they probably wont come out until october/november!
okie lovelies I'll be back probably saturday to answer some of my inbox and just catch up on some things!!
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Ooc: The mattress is screaming my name. Goodnight.
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welcome-to-green-hills · 10 months
What do you think that the metal things around Shadow are in the post credit scene?
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Hey Darlin’!❤️✨
Great question! I think that they’re absolutely handcuffs, but also inhibitors. You know, like the golden ring inhibitors that are around Shadow’s wrists? I think that the metal ones are just an extra precaution that GUN took to make sure Shadow couldn’t break out.
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Hargreeves siblings going out to eat hcs?
Also thanks so much for answering all my past asks. Your headcanons are awesome :)
They all decide to meet up somewhere, typically nowhere fancy, with Five Allison and Luther being the first ones there who grab a table as soon as possible
Viktor is usually just barely late but Diego and Klaus are almost always really late for whatever reason (Diego was doing something with Lila, Klaus just didn't see the time, Diego got stuck in traffic, Klaus had to grab a taxi, etc.)
The first few times everyone would wait for Diego and Klaus before ordering but after it became a constant they just stopped bothering and let the two of them order whenever they arrive (for this reason they typically end up stealing a little bit of food from the others)
When they order Allison has an unnecessarily complicated order to make sure they do everything right meanwhile Luther gets confused if the waiter asks questions he wasn't expecting and struggles to answer on the spot
Five has three specific orders he cycles through and if they prepare it different he spends a good amount of time complaining bc "why would they ruin good food!?"
Diego sometimes gets bored waiting for his food and plays the knife game with his utensils (Allison tried to stop him at first but quickly gave up) (this is part of the reason they never go anywhere fancy)
Viktor typically has an earbud in and listens to music, especially to help with how overstimulating restaurants can be
Klaus Diego and Luther are the loudest in conversation and when they get too loud Five threatens to stab them with his utensils
Klaus asks for the veteran discount but is denied bc he looks to young to have been in any war and spends a good minute complaining about it (Diego kinda just sympathetically pats him on the back)
They all split the check
As they leave the restaurant Five says "never again" but he doesn't actually mean it because even though he'll never admit it he absolutely loves going to dinner with all his siblings
In contrast Viktor just says "we should do this more" because he also enjoys the dinners with his siblings, finally getting a sense of having a family
And then Klaus has someone drive him home because he doesn't wanna grab another taxi
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doctorsiren · 1 year
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ednven · 2 months
going 2 bed. long day. apparently our home is a safe zone now so if anyone gets hunted down by owls just like… break in or somethn. having mild crisis but won’t kill anyone on sight
(ooc: event summary under the cut. night everyone!)
• Venom adopted a pet rat, it currently has about 11 middle names and they showed no sign of refraining from collecting more
• Dino nuggets
• Echo put a spell on their place to keep anyone with ill will out, Eddie is called out for accidentally adopting them
• Redwing, Deadpool, Impulse and Denki make Eddie question his sexuality
• Venom makes a coming out post /j 🥳 (Eddie & Venom are now officially a two-person blog despite fears of the FBI)
• Venom discovers a secret identity. He is very good at keeping secrets, and giving hugs
• Redwing gives Venom a vague description of what being gay is, Venom decides he’s “in gay” with Eddie immediately
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mamorigami · 4 months
i log in. i spam daynes inbox. i log out.
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stardust-sunset · 8 months
I remembered a while ago @butters-flower-mom asked for a sickfic with Butters? I wasn’t sure who to make the caretaker so I went for Kenny.
Tw: Sickness, throwing up
(I’m so sorry this is so late, I also think I deleted the req by accident because I was clearing my inbox and must’ve done so by accident I’m sorry 😭 also this can be whatever age you interpret it to be)
Butters had awoken that morning feeling a bit sick. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Mainly just a sniffly nose and scratchy throat, but it was winter time. The air tended to get pretty dry, so he assumed it wasn’t anything a nice glass of fresh orange juice couldn’t fix.
He got up, and as soon as the warm blankets left his body, Jack Frost might as well have given him a big old hug, because the sudden chills were no joke. He groaned a bit.
“Man…does this room hafta be so chilly..?” he murmured to himself as he got his clothes. The blonde boy felt a small scratch in his throat as he talked, which caused him to rub at his vocal cords. He left the bedroom and was immediately bombarded by his father.
“Butters?! Butters! Are you seriously just getting up?!”
Normally he would’ve answered right away. Spine straight, constant eye contact (even though that proved to be uncomfortable for him, his parents didn’t care. They demanded respect.) and with his chin up. But he was a bit bleary this morning.
“Yes sir…” he mumbled.
“You’re gonna be late for school now! Go hurry up and get ready. If you’re not out in ten minutes, you’ll be grounded, mister!”
Butters sighed. Sometimes he hated the way his parents were. He figured he deserved it; why else would they treat him so bad? He needed to pull himself together. It was just a little cold. He was tougher than this! He wasn’t a baby!
So with a subdued, “Yes, sir…” he walked off to the bathroom. He got ready for the school day, brushed his teeth (while trying to ignore how awful the toothbrush felt in his mouth) and put on his clothes. He had gone so fast that his head was spinning. Literally. He couldn’t see straight.
He rubbed his eyes, his fingers digging into his tufty, blonde hair. He felt his stomach rumble a little. And it definitely wasn’t hunger. He could feel a small headache coming on. The lights suddenly seemed too bright. The sound of the fan in the bathroom penetrated his skull. The inside of his mouth was suddenly filmy and slick as he tried to keep himself calm. His hands were shaky and sweaty.
This episode was cut short by a loud bang on the door. His mother’s voice sounded on the other end.
“Butters! Get out of the bathroom! We need to go!”
Butters but his lip. He really wasn’t in the mood. He knew if he snapped back at his mom it would be an immediate grounding, and he couldn’t risk that. So he just shook his head and ignored the sudden feeling of the thick, acidic-tasting substance that was slowly creeping up his throat.
Butters honestly didn’t know what was worse. Being at home with his psycho parents, or being at school with a raging headache and an even worse stomachache. He was sitting in class, listening to the teacher drone on about something or other. Probably his relationship issues. Butters wasn’t paying attention though. To be fair, nobody was. When the teacher got into talks like that everyone seemed to drone off. The only thing Butters could pay attention to was the growing nausea in his belly. He hadn’t eaten anything that morning, but he had managed to guzzle down a glass of orange juice, which temporarily chased away the throat pains. He felt a sharp pain in his stomach and moved his hand to his stomach with a quiet whimper of pain. The people around him noticed.
“Butters, you sick or something? You look like shit.”Cartman glanced over, a small smirk playing on his face. He was obviously being sarcastic, but it wasn’t the worst Butters had heard. He knew how mean Cartman could be to other people, mainly Kyle and the girls, but with Butters he seemed at least a little bit nicer. Just a little bit. He was still an asshole though.
Butters didn’t respond right away. He swallowed down the sudden lump in his throat.
“Fuck off, Cartman.” he heard Kyle mutter. Him and Kyle weren’t the greatest of friends, but Kyle tended to stick up for him more than anyone else, other than Kenny.
“I’m doin’ fine.” Butters muttered, putting his head down on the desk. He shut his eyes, trying to drown out the sound of his heartbeat and the feeling of his stomach trying to rip itself out. Suddenly, he felt a poke on his arm.
He shot up, his gaze glossy and unfocused. He looked over at the person who poked him. Kenny was beside him, the butt of his pen facing Butters.
“Dude, are you okay?” Kenny asked, muffled by his parka. “Do you want to go to the nurse?”
Butters would’ve said yes. He wanted nothing more than to just go back to sleep in a pile of warm blankets and be fed chicken soup. But that’s not what would’ve happened. What probably would’ve happened if he went to the nurse was, his parents would be called and either one of two things would happen.
Either A. His parents refused to get him and he was doomed to stay in school or with the nurse all day, or B. His parents would’ve gotten him but they would’ve taken turns yelling at him for making them get him, and he would be grounded. So he lied.
“I’m fine.” He mumbled. Kenny raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. He put his head down as he felt something jab his arm. He shit up, sending his belly into an uproar. He swallowed down a gag and looked over at the culprit. It was Heidi.
“Butters, are you sure you’re okay?”
Butters was on the verge of snapping. He just wanted to be left alone. He knew he wasn’t being fair. People were concerned for him and he was getting angry. But he couldn’t help it. Anyone would be a bit cranky if they were trying to rest off a sickness. He just nodded.
“Are you sure?”
Kenny had turned around again.
“Gosh darn it, I said I’m fine! Wouldja quit botherin’ me?!”
Kenny held his hands up and Heidi’s eyes went wide as she pursed her lips. Suddenly, Mr. Garrison turned around.
“Boys, is there a problem?” he asked, folding his arms. Kenny shook his head, and Buters followed suit.
“Okay then. Butters. Answer the question I just asked.”
“Oh, biscuits.” he uttered. He hadn’t been paying attention!
He tried to rack his brain for anything-anything he could use for context of what was being asked of him. His stomach decided to pick that moment to squeeze inside him. He groaned and curled into himself.
Mr. Harrison didn’t seem to notice. He raised an eyebrow.
As soon as Butters opened his mouth, a rush of air surged up his throat. A warning. He burped loudly, covering his mouth with his hand. “O-oh…”
Suddenly, all eyes were on him. A few people were snickering. Some seemed genuinely concerned. The only one who seemed to have enough sense to do anything was Kenny. Kenny immediately know what to do as Butters’ stomach gurgled inside him.Kenny immediately ran to the garbage can but was too late. Butters tried to talk again, but his shoulders heaved with a hefty gag. He covered his mouth with his hand before a surge of vomit escaped his mouth, and got all over the ground.
There was a collective silence as everyone stared, wide eyed. Butters felt his cheeks redden. Oh, hamburgers…he hadn’t meant to do that…
Kenny snapped him out of his daze by putting a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re going to the nurse.” he said.
And with that, they were in the nurse’s office. A janitor had been called to clean up the mess Butters made in the classroom. The nurse approached him with a thermometer.
“102.3. I’m gonna call your parents.”
Butters’ eyes went wide. He immediately went to shake his head. He didn’t want to go back to his place, especially if his parents were gonna be called…
Kenny lay a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He acted quickly. When the nurse’s back was turned, he quickly stuffed his fingers down his throat, causing him to throw up a bit. Butters stared at him.
“Kenny?! You can’t do that!” he hissed. Kenny just shook his head.
“I’m not lettin’ you go back to your place like this. Especially with your parents.”
Well damn. Butters wasn’t expecting that. He had always considered Kenny a best friend but he didn’t think he would do anything like this…he honestly felt like he could cry.
Before he could say anything, the nurse turned around. She saw the puddle of vomit beneath Kenny and immediately looked at him.
“Are you sick too, young man?”
Kenny put a hand to his stomach. He whined a bit to make it sound more convincing. The nurse nodded.
“Okay. Let me check your temperature.”
Kenny pulled his hood down. He hoped the heat inside his parka would grant him temperature that was “leading to a fever.” Which surprisingly, it had.
“99.5. You’re technically fine…but would you like to go home?”
Kenny nodded.
“Okay. What are your names?”
Butters was about to answer before Kenny answered for him.
“Kenny and Leo McCormick.”
Butters nearly felt his jaw drop. He was lying to cover for him? Butters felt flattered, but also bad. What if Kenny was caught? He couldn’t bear. But he also didn’t really want to go home with his parents. They would ground him for sure. Sometimes, he considered jail to be an upgrade from his own home.
In the end, Kenny had helped Butters home. He had give n the poor, shivering boy his parka while insisting he ‘never got cold’, but Butters could see the clear goosebumps on his friend’s skin. So he opened up the hoodie before the purple-eyed boy snuggled in beside him, providing warmth for the both of them.
When he got to his house, Kenny sat Butters down. He knew his home wasn’t much, but it was hopefully better than going to the hellhole Butters called his home. He just had to make sure that he got home before the end of the school day so his parents didn’t suspect anything. Butters’ cheeks were red with fever, his skin was waxy and his eyes were glassy. But he glanced at Kennybthrough half lidded eyes.
“I’m sorry for hollerin’ at you in class.” he said, clenching and unclenching his fist in his lap. Kenny waved him off with a shrug and a wave of his hand.
“It’s alright. I don’t blame you.” Kenny told him. Butters still felt bad, but he didn’t really feel well enough to argue.
“You’re a good friend Kenny.” Butters told him sleepily. He yawned. Kenny smiled a bit and stood up, grabbing a blanket. It was dirty and had some holes, but it was still warm. He put it over Butters’ shoulders. He sat beside his friend as he fell asleep next to Kenny, feeling safe and loved for the first time in nine years.
I know the ending was kinda rushed but I wanted to get this out for you guys-working on the CAH and other fic yall wanted but this one was almost done, anyway, hope you enjoyed!! feel free to leave reqs in my inbox ^^
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sneebl · 3 months
break starts now, love you all <3
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