#feel free to reblog with your own ideas XD
unhingedselfships · 1 year
Yakuza/RGG/Like a Dragon (but not that much it turns out) Ship Ask Game
(romantic, platonic, familial. Some might be more clearly one over the others, feel free to skip or alter any (✿◡‿◡) A chunk (read: most) of these work as just, standard general ship asks tbh. Oops?)
1. Who are your ships, and what kind of ships are they?
2. How did you meet?
3. How long have you known each other?
4. Would you say you have a pretty good relationship?
5. What are some struggles you have being together?
6. Are you involved in their canon storyline? If yes, to what degree?
7. Do you ever end up in danger because of them?
8. What does the average day look like for you and your ship?
9. Any super notable events in your history together?
10. What canon 'faction' do they belong to, if any?
11. Are you also in that faction, or kept out of it? Or a different faction entirely?
12. Your day out turned into a substory! What happened?
13. Are you accepting of their lifestyle, or do you wish they'd change? Would they change for you?
14. Would they want you to change your lifestyle for them?
15. If you're involved in any of the factions, how do they feel about it?
16. How does your story end? Is it a happy ending, or a bitter one? A little of both?
17. What would a co-op heat action look like for you two?
18. How would your relationship/story differ in Ishin or Kenzan?
19. What would they need to do to raise your affection/trust? Mini games? Fetch quests?
20. What is the most convoluted plot line you can come up with centered around your relationship? Go as wild as possible.
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leviathans-watching · 11 months
Something I find funny that I've noticed
When you set Belphegor as your homepage demon, when you interact w/ him like a surprise guest he says "you're free, right? I know you are. Come shopping with me" before you can interact with him.
Belphegor likes shopping apparently? Honestly thought he'd ask the player to nap with him or something.
So now it's going me thinking
What if whenever all three of them are free, Belphegor, Asmo, and the player go shopping together?
I think that'd be funny/fun lol.
shopping with asmo & belphie
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includes: asmo, belphie x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .4k | rated t | m.list
a/n: hehe this was so cute!! thanks for requesting! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback, so come say hi!!
reblog this pls XD
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“no! asmo, put that down! i’m sick of trying on clothes,” you insist, giving him a glare. you’re exhausted and sweaty, and the thought of trying even one more thing on sends rage through your body.
asmo pouts, but seems to recognize how close you are to losing your shit and puts the shirt back. belphie, next to him, chuckles.
“don’t you start,” you warn waspishly. you need like, a gallon of water. “i’m only here because you dragged me, so i don’t even understand why you guys are trying to get me to buy stuff. i thought this was about getting belphie new clothes.”
“we just want you to look and feel cute,” asmo simpers, and you roll your eyes.
“i can do that perfectly fine in the clothes i already own. now, belphie, if you don’t get me to a food court in the next fifteen minutes, i’m going to lose it.”
“you sound like beel,” belphie mutters, and you eye a lady who rudely shoves past you, not even bothering to say ‘excuse me’ and with you could tear out her soul and devour it.
“oh, you have no idea.”
this sends them both into another round of chuckles, and you put your face in your hands, slowly counting to ten.
“hey, i think we broke mc,” asmo stage-whispers after a long moment, and belphie snickers.
“belphie,” you say from between your fingers, not looking up lest you fly into a blind rage and attempt to rip that smirk off of his face, “take that armful of clothes and go into a fitting room. only come out on three of them for me to look at. got it?”
belphie sighs. “you’re no fun.”
“i’m hangry!”
“fine, fine,” he says, and you stand, following him toward the fitting room.
“make sure to take lots of pictures!” asmo calls at his back, and you pinch him.
“what?” he yelps.
“do not make him take any longer than nessescary.”
he grins, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “awww, mc, you’re so cute when you’re mad.”
“you won’t think i’m so cute when i kill you and make belphie help me leave you in the dumpster,” you respond.
“i’d be down with that!” belphie calls from the stall, and asmo gasps. “after that, mc, we can get sushi.”
“sounds like a plan,” you say, some of your irritation dissipating. you lean into asmo, just slightly, and wait for belphie to exit the fitting room.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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flappingdragon · 4 months
DiaLuci HC’s
A/N: I don’t think I’ve actually posted any DiaLuci on here that wasn’t a reblog lol. Guess I’m here to deliver to y’all XD feel free to take any of these HC’s and adopt them into your own canon DiaLuci universe
(P.S. I didn’t proofread anything, so if there’s any mistakes, which there probably is, sorry in advance!)
Tags: DiaLuci, fluff, SFW and NSFW content, no MC/reader, wing kink, dacryphilia, I’m not gonna tag everything I wrote into the tags cuz I’m lazy, but just be careful when reading cuz I have nsfw stuff (it will be marked under the NSFW category, dw)
(Read Under the Cut)
Sometimes, when both Lucifer and Diavolo are working late to finish up some last minute documents and files, Lucifer won’t realize that he’ll lightly growl at random times
Lucifer doesn’t notice but Diavolo does and he thinks it’s adorable
Diavolo would put down his pen and rest his chin on his hand and just look at Lucifer with awe
Diavolo is fascinated with any sound Lucifer makes so even hearing him growl makes him so happy
When Diavolo finally told Lucifer that he growls, Lucifer simply denied it and moved on to a different conversational topic
Mostly, it’s Diavolo that tends to initiate things in his and Lucifer’s relationship due to the fact Lucifer isn’t used to physical or verbal affection
But that doesn’t mean Lucifer doesn’t initiate anything towards Diavolo
If Lucifer wants to initiate anything, even if it’s a kiss, he would ask first
Diavolo would always tell him he doesn’t have to ask but Lucifer will continue to do it anyway
But Lucifer does get a bit embarrassed when he asks for a kiss
Diavolo loves it
When the both of them go out to drink and Lucifer has had too many drinks, Lucifer will shower Diavolo with praise, affection, and touches
When Lucifer gets drunk, everything he wants to say will come pouring out without a filter
Diavolo gets so flustered and Lucifer will tease him about it not realizing he himself is also red in the face
Diavolo is mostly found laying in Lucifer’s lap in their private moments away from work and Lucifer’s brothers
Diavolo just loves the way Lucifer runs his fingers in his hair
It makes him feel so happy and loved
Yes, it’s cliche but he loves Lucifer so much
I mean, how could his stomach not do triple summersaults when his dear fallen angel shows him some physical affection?
If he was a puppy, his tail would absolutely be causing a strong wind
When I’m the bedroom, it doesn’t matter who’s top and who’s bottom
It just depends on how the both of them are feeling at that peculiar moment
One night, Diavolo could bottom and wake up with his body littered with love bites, hickeys, and handprints made from Lucifer’s hands
Then the next night Lucifer could bottom and wake up with a sore back, numb horns, and his feathers ruffled beyond recognition
So yes
These two are definitely switches
Diavolo, depending on his mood, either likes sex to be romantic and soft or he likes it rough and quick for a nice stress relief
Lucifer, no matter what his mood is, LOVES to be rough whether he’s topping or bottoming and there’s no in between (unless Diavolo asks him to be gentle and careful then only will Lucifer comply)
Diavolo, most of the time, likes to be soft when topping then he likes to make Lucifer forget his own name as time progresses
But when Lucifer tops, he likes to overstimulate Diavolo to the point that he’s a moaning, begging, and crying mess
Which definitely indicates that Lucifer has a dacryphilia kink
Lucifer loves the idea that only he can make Diavolo cry with the sheer amount of pleasure he gives (and it’s one of those cliche things where it’s only HIM that can make him feel this way)
Diavolo definitely has a wing kink
He just loves Lucifer’s wings and likes to touch them
Which then usually causes Lucifer to reach his climax early bc his wings are so sensitive to touch (especially in certain areas like the base of each appendage)
Diavolo also like his own wings played with
Whether if it’s dragging a finger over every intricate detail or just full on fist-grabbing, he enjoys it
Especially when it’s Lucifer doing it
Gods. He just wants Lucifer to ruin him
And it shows XD
Aftercare with them is easy
Just a simple snap of either Lucifer’s or Diavolo’s fingers and everything is cleaned and spotless
Barbatos is thankful to that bc he does NOT want to clean up after the prince’s and his partner’s mess
Poor guy has enough on his plate
He doesn’t want to be in any way, shape, or form involved in any of the prince’s sexual practices/activities
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
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Well that wouldn't be a good thing to do- Its very well known that I don't like fanart of my works..
If you wanna show that you like Bibi, just leave a comment please!
Seriously ya'll, just comments. Reblogs, tags, asks.. what ever form they may take. All I look forward to when posting artwork is reading all the responses. 👍
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Oh they're both fine! :0 Other than some angst ideas I had for them-- they're both still alive and well XD I just haven't drawn them in a while :/
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I can hardly wait! :DDD (And yes you can XD)
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Sorry, I don't take requests. Thank you though!! :}}
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Blackmail XDD
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I still like transformers! Though I'm not really interested in drawing it atm.. thank you though!! :DD
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(Post in question)
XDDD fr tho--
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:DD Thank youuu!! :}}}
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XDD Blue is too big for that too! Though Seafoam might be able to give her a little peck on the cheek 👀 if either of them would just confess their feelings already <XDD
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I know, and I hate all of it. :(
Also thank you so much! :DD
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I was thinking that they're kind'a a cross between the two.
They pillage and raid other ships, but they don't normally go for "innocent" ships.. if they attack anyone, its usually other rotten pirates or slave ships maybe? "Bad" ships I guess you could say-
As for the voice claims. If like you explained- you happen upon an OC of mine and think "HE LOOKES LIKE HE SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE THAT OTHER GUY" Then feel free to send it on over to me! :DD
But don't go out of your way to find voice claims for my characters as a gift or a form of fanart. Remember! All I really want is comments. Engagement with my work means everything to me! <:)
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@neo-metalscottic (Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :DDD I'm so glad you like him!! :}} And that head injury was kind'a just a pose prompt. Though I might slap some lore on it and make it canon! :00
As for Papyrus.. its complicated.
Papyrus had accepted long ago that Sans and all his friends were gone. And that he was never going to see them again.. It really hurt. And it took him a very long time to accept that fact. But he did. He knows in his soul that his true brother is gone..
That didn't make seeing "Sans" again any less painful though. He probably saw a Sans through the trees in a new Snowdin. Man, I cant imagine how he felt.
The whole multiverse thing was explained to him by Frisk. He knows that's not his Sans. He knows its not him. But gosh. Its been so long since he's seen his brothers smile. What he would give to hear one of his silly puns again. What he would give to hear his voice.. to just.. to hug him one last time..
Frisk would grab Papyrus' hand, "Papyrus.. we need to go.. please, common.."
Seeing the other Papyrus walk into view and begin talking to that Sans.. He recollects himself. Its not him. Sans is gone. He's been gone for a very long time..
With tears streaming down his face, he would find the strength to grip Frisk's hand.. and turn away.
It never gets easier..
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Sorry, I don't take drawing requests! Plus the crews already pretty full as it is- <XDD
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I didn't intend to ever draw Frank and Eddie in a romantic light.. becuase yeah like you said, I just don't really like ships. Or honestly any romantic content that isn't my own OCs. Idk I just don't really enjoy drawing it--
But that's kind'a what I feared about the Welcome Home fandom if I'm being honest. I felt like people were really protective over Eddie and Frank. And if I revealed that I wasn't interested in drawing them as an item, canon or not? I felt like I would get a loooot of backlash.
But hey, I found a loophole. Just don't draw them together and there wont be any drama! :D It sucks though becuase Frank is a big part of Eddies lore and all his flashback shenanigans-
(Also thank you! :DD )
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Oh! No no, its just made of seafoam! :0 Though whipped cream would make sense because he's a cookie- <XD
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I do??
Huh.. I guess I do don't I..
What do I do with that power--
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Well the strongest would be Blue Beauty by far- but looking at the smaller cookies? I think Seafoam is probably the strongest. But that's mostly due to him being so big. He's the biggest cookie on the crew and most of his strength just comes from packing more weight to his punch.
Though another toughy on the ship would be Louis. He may not be very big. But boy that crab arm? He has a grip strong enough to break cookies in half. And enough upper body strength to take your pieces and chuck em overboard--- 💀💀💀I wouldn't mess with either of them tbh--
As for the bounty.. that's a good question. :0 I wanna say Seafoam because he's the Captain an all.. but I really like the idea of Cuttlefish having this dark past and a surprisingly huge bounty over her head- 👀👀
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<XD I think you might have got those two words switched around. I don't take drawing requests! But I've considered going back to some old artwork and redrawing them in my updated style.. 👀👀
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Not really.. :( There have been times in the past where I have asked for drawing ideas/requests when I was feeling low. But now a days I have plenty of ideas to draw so I don't need to do that anymore-
And to be totally honest, when someone says "Hey draw this thing for me." It just makes me go-
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You can find all the lore you need about Papyrus in this ask post! Just scroll down a bit and you'll find all the links and a bonus paragraph <XD
As for the tags. If you wanna see my AU with Jevil and the gang, you can find that under my #deltarune tag. They're also tagged under #Undertale but that will also bring up my Refinedtale AU and other au stuff-- :00
As for the Octonauts question, bro I EAT questions like these! :DD
Its a very interesting prompt. Usually we think of Captain Barnacles as very level headed and calm. He seems like one to bounce back from any situation and keep leading the team no problem. But man. After something like that? That's gotta scare him to his core.
I can see Barnacles being more tense and not wanting any of the crew to stray too far from him or the Octopod. I can imagine that he would give Kwazii a lot of time to recover, a lot more than he actually needs. And maybe even going as far to forbid him from going on certain missions.
But after a little time and maybe a talk with Kwazii. I'm sure both Kwazii and the Captain would recover from the experience and continue on as normal.
(Also thank you! I hope this response was along the lines of what you were hoping for-- :00 )
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I pictured it being like really dense soap bubbles. They smell nice and can be picked off his coat or head. But if you jumped on his coat foam you wouldn't sink through. It would be like a big cushion that you could sit on top of. If that makes sense?? <XDD
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Out my OCs? Probably Seafoam 🥺
Out of the game cookies? Uhhhm.. well, I don't really know/remember any of the characters.. But Tea Knight cookie looks really cool! :0 He gives me major Reinhardt vibes :))
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Thank you so much!!!! :DDD
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@insanityislife101 (I couldn't find the post in question :((( )
Oh fr??? Cool! He was in character after all! :DD
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cartoonnerdygoat · 9 months
bible and tadc
Let's start with the obvious stuff:
Caine seems to be a reference to Cain, one of the first humans, who kills his brother because of jealousy that god likes him more. Our caine is very not violent, and i have some thoughts but not sharing them yet.XD
We see a C&A logo, so everyone is assumimg that's Caine and Abel.
The last scene looks like the Last Supper by Leonardo de Vinci. Pomni is sitting in Jesus's spot, so we can assume pomni will parallel jesus.
Now, the good stuff...
Goose said that Jax will be the morally worst character, and he'll do something very unlikeable in later episodes. You know who does something bad to jesus? (Jesus like pomni)
JUDAS. In the bible, Judas betrays Jesus. That would really suit Jax, and here's a scenario I came up with:
Jax will somehow cause Pomni to be abstracted (jesus died bc of judas), maybe because he thought that would let him escape. Everyone will hate jax lol
Pomni goes to the cellar (jesus's tomb) as her abstracted form. SOMEHOW, she gets unabstracted (resurrection).
Someone said ragatha could be Mary magdalene (prostitute that jesus stopped from being stoned to death, later she was the first one to see resurrected jesus). Pomni already kind of (albeit badly and not really) saved ragatha from abstracted Kaufmo. Later, ragatha could be the one to find unabstracted pomni.
My bible knowledge is a bit shabby, so not guaranteeing accuracy XD most of these ideas come from other people!
Feel free to reblog with any questions/stuff of your own, i loooove rambling
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teecupangel · 10 months
Hey beastie, im sorry if you’re too swamped with requests but i had this remembrance of a fic from way back when. I think it was a oneshot but essentially it was Desmond returning back in time after touching the eye but it was to an alternate timeline/universe where it’s ABO but his biology is still standard with no second gender. Just curious on ur take and how you can spin this with his ancestors-thank you!
(I’m still swamped by requests/asks/reblogs but I’m slowly making a dent on it. As long as you guys don’t mind that there’s like… a month-ish delay for your asks/reblogs to be answered then feel free to keep sending me asks or reblogging/commenting on my posts with your idea and additions :))
I have not read that kind of A/B/O story but let’s see how we can make… Desmond suffer (affectionately).
So let’s set up some backstory first: Desmond’s world does not have the biological markers of A/B/O. This can either mean (1) Desmond didn’t time travel, he was kicked into an alternate universe where this world has A/B/O so Desmond has no idea about it or (2) by the 21st century, A/B/O markings have already been ‘wiped out’ by the passage of time and the ‘evolution’ of mankind (that may or may not be part of the Isus’ calculations) so Desmond has ideas about it but doesn’t necessarily understand it.
Backstory (1) would give us a way to explain to the readers how A/B/O works in this world using Desmond’s lack of knowledge as our basis as well as give Desmond a lot of scenes of just being confused or forgetting about it. Backstory (2) would give Desmond a bit of a break as he’d have an idea of what the hell is happening all around him.
Regardless of whichever backstory we use, we will of course make Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton ‘alphas’ in this one.
Alright, let’s see how we can screw Desmond up with each of them XD (warning… this also talks about their sex life… a bit)
So, first of all, Altaïr and Malik are alphas and Kadar is either a beta or an omega. Abbas is also an alpha (although it would be funny to make him a beta) and Al Mualim is also an alpha. The main idea is, the further Desmond goes back in time, the more alphas and omega there are.
Desmond would confuse Altaïr a lot because he doesn’t feel the urge to be aggressive around Desmond for not bowing down to him that he would get when he’s around other alphas but Desmond isn’t submissive like an omega or deferring to him like a beta. Desmond treats him like an equal without acting like he needs to show he’s better than Altaïr which has always been his problem with other Alphas (even Al Mualim make Altaïr’s alpha instincts want to show dominance).
However, Desmond also smells… really, really nice. Altaïr can’t describe it and the only explanation he can give is that Desmond smells like ‘home’.
Desmond, on the other hand, has no idea what the hell Altaïr is talking about concerning scenting and such because Desmond doesn’t smell anything funny. Even when he tries to smell Altaïr (which both confuses and also arouses Altaïr), all he can smell is the oil he used for his hidden blade, the smell of his robes and Altaïr’s own scent which just… smells fine? Like… it’s okay?
Altaïr falls for Desmond because of Desmond’s dismissal to the hierarchy that has long ruled over their second gender and finds himself attracted to Desmond’s personality. He falls in love because Desmond is his equal and there is no need for either of them to even try to take the other down to be the one on top.
Although, this is one where Altaïr usually tops, mainly because Desmond knew he prefers it. Desmond is also the only person Altaïr is willing to bottom for.
Ezio would actually assume Desmond is a beta that is using a scent blocker for a while.
He would only realize that Desmond isn’t a beta because of Desmond does his own thing and just raises an eyebrow whenever Ezio tries to use his ‘alpha voice’ to get Desmond to try and cooperate with him.
Ezio would be the one who would have the hardest time with his feelings for Desmond because he was raised with the idea that alphas must mate with omegas (something that this world’s church advocates for and the Auditores were raised with those ideas) and he wants the kind of alpha-omega marriage his parents had (if you want more drama, ‘enter Lorenzo’ to make Ezio question just how 'perfect' his parents' marriage was XD).
After Ezio learns that Desmond is the one Minerva is talking about, he gets this idea that Desmond has no secondary gender because he’s a divine being. This gets more complicated when they learn that Isus don’t have secondary genders as well (and that the Isus made humans with secondary genders to make it easier to control them but they only made betas and omegas, the first alpha was Eve who ‘transformed’ when she became a hybrid). It's after Ezio learned of Desmond's connection to the 'Isus' (sorta) that Ezio realizes why Desmond smells like 'hope' to him.
Ezio finally gets his head out of the sand after Desmond confesses to him that he loves him and Ezio realizes that he doesn’t want an alpha-omega marriage anymore. All he wants is a future with Desmond by his side.
These two are the ones that tend to switch a lot. Even as an alpha, Ezio is game with anything as long as it’s fun and pleasurable. He’s more of a power bottom though because he can’t help it.
Ratonhnhaké:ton actually thought that Desmond not having a secondary gender is a quirk that happens with the colonizers. It’s only when he sees that the other colonizers think Desmond is weird that he realizes that Desmond is an ‘anomaly’.
He doesn’t care about it though because Desmond has been a loyal friend since they met and, sure, he knows Desmond isn’t saying everything but he trusts him.
Ratonhnhaké:ton is actually the most relaxed with Desmond because he doesn’t feel the urge to dominate that is common with alphas. It’s just… peaceful. And that's what Desmond smells like to him: 'peace'.
This is more of the side of friend to lovers kind of deal with both of them not realizing that they’re falling in love with one another until they’re in too deep.
Ratonhnhaké:ton would also be the one to have the least amount of angst about Desmond’s lack of a secondary gender as he believes in the actions people make, not of what they’re supposed to be.
Desmond honestly forgets about the whole secondary gender thing the most in this one because Ratonhnhaké:ton doesn’t try to flaunt it or anything. He thinks a lot of alphas are just dicks, forgetting that it’s encoded in their genes to want to be the dominant one even in normal conversations. The way some of the alphas do try to do it? Yeah, that’s just them being dicks, has nothing to do with being an alpha.
Haytham thinks that their relationship is strange though and might even think it’s because of how Ratonhnhaké:ton was raised (although both Ratonhnhaké:ton and Desmond aren’t sure if Haytham is insulting Ratonhnhaké:ton’s village or Achilles?) but he tries to be polite to Desmond when he and Ratonhnhaké:ton are working together.
Desmond gets into Haytham’s nerves a lot, mainly because Desmond is doing it on purpose because he knows Ratonhnhaké:ton’s feelings for Haytham (and that childhood desire to have a father) stops him from saying what Haytham needs to hear.
The Homestead doesn’t care about how strange Desmond and Ratonhnhaké:ton’s relationship is as all they care about is that the two are happy (plus the two of them helped everyone one way or another so they know they’re good people)
Ratonhnhaké:ton has never thought about bottoming before but he wants to try it for Desmond. It just takes a bit of a time for him to ready his ‘heart’ though.
Sorta dark addition:
So there’s this thing called ‘bitching’ which is mainly used to make an alpha into an omega and it’s usually in the realms of noncon or really questionable dubcon. I’m just thinking if it’s possible to make Desmond who has no secondary gender into an omega by ‘bitching’ him? Probably not because his body doesn’t have any marks of a secondary gender (unless…) so maybe the help of a POE would be needed as well (like the Shroud that we know deal with the physical body). Of course, this is a slippery slope that can either make this idea quite dark (and, ngl, it would work well with a dark!Altaïr who wants to have a family with Desmond) or this has to have Desmond’s full consent first and the main idea isn’t that Desmond wants to be an omega to preserve the hierarchy or order of things or whatever but because they want to have a child of their own. Of course, the bitching doesn’t have to happen to Desmond in this route… XD
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theriu · 1 year
So I’m planning to do a fully colored drawing of Ol’ Stinky Jess as soon as I can get to it, but I’m also rather nervous trying to design a character that a lot of people have apparently grown attached to and may have their own mental images of by now, but I’m ALSO impatient and want to show off the concept work I did yesterday, so I’m gonna make this post separate from the main Stinky Jess post and save that reblog for the finished piece. 
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Okay let me explain my choices/thoughts here:
She’s relatively young here, maybe 18-22. (Costume changes as she grows are an option)
It has always been my plan to make her tall and gangly. I feel I succeeded! Which delights me, because ya’ll don’t know how challenging it is for me to draw any body type other than “average.”
Iconic swamp tribe leaf hat is HARD TO DRAW FROM THE FRONT but I MANAGED IT
I wanted some callbacks to the swamp tribe as we see them in A:TLA, BUT this is also supposed to take place somewhere between 700 and 1,000 years PRIOR to the show, so it only makes sense there would be some cultural/fashion differences. If anything, I worry I made TOO MANY similarities to the modern-day garb, because fashion changes, but some things also make sense because of the setting (and the show super simplified their outfits), so I’m probably overthinking it?
Our one glimpse of female swampbenders in the show has them in skirts, but that’s not the main reason I gave her a skirt. No, the MAIN reasons are 1) modesty (which I think fits, esp. since this would have been closer to the time when the original settlers came from the Southern Water Tribe, which sported a lot more clothing), and 2) I thought it would be super in-character and funny for her to do that thing where you “gird up your loins” i.e. tie up your robe/dress/skirt for fighting/action. It just feels like something she would do. XD (I actually tried this and you def need a long, full skirt for it to work, although she might just tuck the ends into her belt.)
I was experimenting with the leaf shirt but I really like it! Just makes sense to me that they could make cool clothing out of sewing leaves together. =D The neck hole could be as simple as a hole cut in a large leaf (there’s likely some kind of underpinning to keep the leaves from tearing). Tempted to add leaves sticking out over her shoulders.
Pigtails because that also feels like her. I had to restrain myself from adding freckles, as that felt like one too many clichés.
Anyway, what do ya’ll think? Any suggestions/ideas? Anything seem really off? Feel free to leave a Reply/Ask, I welcome the feedback!
~River/The RIU
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adastra121 · 6 months
Touchstarved as DnD?
Disclaimer! I really only know Dungeons & Dragons via Baldur’s Gate, but this is how I imagine each Touchstarved LI would class. BG3 doesn’t have every class, so I’m just using the ones I know from the game. Please feel free to reblog with your own ideas and headcanons if you have (hehe) insight!
Kuras= Cleric, if the nunnery doubled as a med school. I think it would fit because of the cleric class's use for healing and all the religious themes around it — and Kuras is a doctor and an angel. And according to a friend of mine more experienced in DnD, clerics are one of the most powerful classes in your party. That seems fitting with how Kuras might actually be one of the most powerful in the main 5.
Leander= Sorcerer-Bard. Sorcerers are spellcasters that have inherent magic in their bloodline. Isn’t he from a Highborn family known for their magic users? And wasn’t it mentioned that he’s a gifted mage? Anyway, it seems like powerful magic comes naturally to him — for now. Maybe it’s actually a warlock situation, where some other entity is giving him his powers, because he wasn’t born with magic, maybe his gift is a lie and he had to make deal to be able to wield powerful magic like everyone expects him to and whoa, this isn’t the post for theories like this, back to classes—Bards are also spellcasters they are known for their charm, storytelling, and performance. Leander is a charmer and a performer — I’m not sure if he’s a musician, but his ability to command the attention of a crowd and weave any narrative is very bard-like.
Vere= Druid-Rogue. Druid might be a bit of a cheap shot, it’s…it’s because animal. XD Druids’ powers are connected to nature — they can shapeshift into animals. And Vere appears to have a fox beast form that he transforms into, judging by his shadow. I wasn’t going to put him in Rogue class, but his ability to pickpocket MC in the demo? That’s stealth and dexterity proficiency at play. And judging by the tour of Eridia post, he seems to break into places (Kuras’s clinic) often, which is classic rogue activity.
Ais= Warlock-Barbarian. Barbarian for the rage — all those hints about Ais’s calm surface hiding a great depth of emotions and how he can lose control of them — and warlock because it seems like he has a deal with Ocudeus, similar to warlocks and their patrons (from what I understand, warlocks make a contract with a magical being for their powers).
Mhin= Druid-Rogue. I’ve heard of a Bloodhunter which might fit them more, but I don’t know much about it, unfortunately. I put down rogue because they seem to be good at ambush hunting and sneaking in the demo, both important to how a rogue fights. And as for the druid part, they seem to have a beast form like Vere.
As for the Touchstarved MCs, based on each backstory, it seems like Unnamed would be a Cleric, Hound would be a Rogue, and Alchemist would be a Wizard.
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chrisemrysfics · 1 month
A little post to mention that I will make adjustments to the blog sooner or later, as I decided to change what I do when I have fic ideas, I will make a proper note to share on my WIP as well as here, but long story short I realized that the whole "multi chaptered story that is cohesive/coherent" format (aka the way my fics on AO3) are takes a lot of effort that I just don't have the space to do regularly anymore, and I want to try working with just... babbling about ideas on this blog instead, and only share on AO3 if I have completed stories or series of short stories that relate to each other in term of background context.
I technically did mean to do this on this blog before, but because I still "pushed" myself to try and write "proper stories", I ended up never having the energy to be active on this blog (pretty sure now that all I did is make my brain unwilling to touch fics ideas ^^"). So now I'm hoping to be much more relaxed, and vibe on this blog sharing my ideas even if they never end up being "proper stories".
I am already testing this method with the ideas that have been most present in my head for a while, the blog is technically open and active but also I'm still working on the pages, you can find it here!
That blog is all about a crossover but each individual fandom/protagonist character have their own personal story, so in theory you can also find lots of stuff for the fandom you know even if you're not interested in the rest!
The crossover protagonists are: Peter Parker, Allen Walker, Link (BotW/TotK), Wei Wuxian, Ireth (Elf OC for DAI). There's also canon love interest(s) for each character, there's a lot that's not about the ships, but they are still present so that's either greater interest or squicks out, either way is totally fine~!
These ships are: Starker, Neallen and Poker Pair, Wild/Twilight and Wild/Gan(ondorf from TotK), Wangxian, Ireth/Cullen and Ireth/Dorian (with occasioanl mention/au where Ireth/Bull is also a thing).
The crossover blog, and the crossover ideas, is very fluid as I didn't want to "set in stone" details when it felt more fun to consider the various possible variations of the base ideas. Which, you know, is a bit hard to do with "proper stories" and why it made my inspiration lower a lot, because I love to just... vibe with ideas. Like, for a while I did enjoy figuring out how to make my ideas into "proper stories", but I guess my writing style changed? And now I enjoy a lot more "non traditional" storytelling.
So yeah, expect adjustments on this blog, a note about what I'm changing here and on my AO3 WIPs (which will also be marked "completed" because I now consider them finished since they all have a bonus that detailed my ideas, except Meet me Halfway (didn't want to spoil too much when I made the first bonus but now I need to make second bonus that does spoil XD), and hopefully a bit more activity here where I share about my existing fics and new ideas, and don't forget to check out the crossover blog as I'll be more active there!
(I'll likely try to reblog from the crossover blog, but I want to keep this blog for my actual existing fics and other ideas external to the crossover, so yeah if you're curious about the crossover itself or the individual/fandom-specific stories, check out the crossover blog!).
And as always: thank you for your patience and your interest <3
PS: feel free to drop into my inbox here and/or the crossover blog for any questions, comments, or messages you might want to leave! I'm still very much around and don't mind it all at ^w^
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ogdoadfates · 1 year
I don't know if you're doing prompts or if you just wanted to share your new list (which I'm already having some ideas for them), but can I ask for 2. “You’re cute when you get angry.” with Vaxleth, please? :D (pls feel free to ignore this if you're not doing prompts)
Heya!!! Haha I am always taking prompts lol, for instance someone could send me a prompt from one of my lists or any I’ve reblogged at any time and I’ll write something for it! Tbh writing little drabbles for people helps me a lot when it comes to my own longer stories, gets my inspiration flowin! So feel free to shoot me prompts from any lists found on my blog any time, I’m also fine with people straight up coming up with requests lol. I just want to write XD even more so if it’s for someone other than myself, lets me take a break from commissions and relax. (art is relaxing but it’s different due to well it’s my job) Also aaa awesome! I love how many people like my prompts and it means so much that you like them as well! ^-^ We’re going Potions and Trinkets au for this since I got an idea for it as soon as I saw your ask lol. (sorry it’s a lil short)
Fluff prompts-2: “You’re cute when you get angry.”
Keyleth usually has a lot of patience, she works with potions after all a practice that can take literal months to create certain elixirs but her patience can only go so far. Percy was in the workshop out back with vex working on some special products for the twins and the rest of their group for their next outing, which left her working the shop. Vax sitting in the corner providing idle chatter when there weren’t any customers which she really wished was happening right now.
Keyleth’s been dealing with this same customer for the past hour, trying to explain to him that, no she can not make the potion he wants in just a couple hours and that in fact the potion he’s asking for takes not only months to make but she’d also have to import ingredients for, meaning it’d take even longer. To be honest she’s surprised she hasn’t raised her voice at this point, the man across from her had no such restraint though.
It takes another half an hour and Vax standing up from his seat in the shadows to get the man to finally leave but by then Keyleth knew her face was red with anger. As soon as the man exits the building Keyleth goes back to working on the potion she had been working on before the idiotic man entered. 
“Ah yes let me just buy extremely expensive shit for your extremely stupid potion and find a way to magically speed the progress because your life is so down the shitter you want a damn miracle cure. Trust me I know what you usually buy, Mr. limpdick.” She’s mumbling nonsense while she works and maybe handling some of her equipment rougher than she needs too but hey she’s frustrated.
Vax’s laugh rings out at her last statement, loud and boisterous, Keyleth turns to him huffing and puffing her cheeks up a bit in annoyance. She sees him trying to contain his laughter as he leans against the counter staring at her.
“You’re cute when you get angry.” He chuckles as he makes eye contact with her. Somehow Keyleth is sure her face gets even redder, she swats his arm with a grumble causing the man to laugh even louder. She rolls her eyes, turning back around to yet again continue with her work with a shy smile creeping up her face this time. 
Today might’ve been frustrating and a bit lackluster for the most part but Keyleth’s got a feeling it’s going to end on a good note as Vax starts to imitate the man’s voice in a goofy fashion asking her about outrageous orders and fake potions making her laugh.
Yeah, the day’s going to end just fine.
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neylapie · 2 years
⬇️Rules and prizes down below!⬇️
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GUYS!!!!!!! 😻✋🏻🌸💕 A 100% surreal yet adorkable DTiYS is here to celebrate 400 on Twitter! 📷🐦
Thank you for your support on these platforms, but I bet hosting it here on Tumblr would work too so hehe 😉🙏🏻🌐💻
It's been a long time since I haven't posted a DTiYS, so I'm now back at doing them! 😉✨💞 This time it's Ben 10 (though anyone outside the Ben 10 fandom can also join) 👽😎
I thought of an idea of Albedo having Necrofriggian children too, what a nasty copycat he is XD
I also have a page full of references and colors if you didn't understand my art properly (;^ω^)
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Everyone is welcome :) 🫰🏻
Do not trace or steal this art or anyone's entry, it must be YOUR OWN style. But you are allowed to copy the official Ben 10 artstyle(s)
Use the tag #NeyLaDTIYSAlBen and @ me when you're about to post
You can make Ben and Albedo either a ship or a fight or sinply neutral towards them but go crazy and unleash your creativity XD
Feel free to change poses, expressions, backgrounds, colors, etc. and you can also add more than one Necrofriggian baby but it must be related to Ben + Albedo + Necrofriggian Offspring
Ben and Albedo must be drawn in UAF clothes
Ultimate Baby Chills are allowed
All mediums and artstyles are welcome! You can make this on digital or traditional and etc.
There is no deadline or prizes so this is just for fun
Thank you again for the support! Take your time working on your entry if you want. I'll then reblog some of the best entries 😊😁💅🏻🌸
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jajna · 1 year
Activity UPDATE
So I been getting back from art block and putting my best foot forward on most sites, mainly art related sites i feel need a proper chance again. By that I mean 1, post more art and 2, interact with others. Which I found highly rewarding before and find I STILL love even when I don’t get likes/reblogs/replies on my posts. Curious~ More of journals and expressive outlets by this point for myself. Course, I love when my posts make friends and others happy or interested xD can’t lie about that! lol But can’t take that for granted or you be disappointed. -shrug- \-(owo)-/ now...... *what do people tend to connect in posts more* ~
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- Colors choice are a big one. I am not the best with pigment choices and patience slip up. When you have good color harmony people’s flock! xD - Fanart. Course, they don’t know your OC’s, Relate more to their favorite movie/book/etc. This works out great for me tho, tend to put OC’s or sona to interact with fanart characters. its great! More fun for ME! - Comics/active images. Easier to comment on then say a posing character. - Personal art. I tend to like art more when I know the artist, or at least find them funny, kind or somewhat relate to them emotionally. This is why I think personal art are extremely important. They are putting themselfs out there, connecting with their family/friends/audience despite all trolls/haters/AI and art thiefs. And If I think this are important. Then I bet. Most art lovers are the same. --------- BUT OF COURSE!!
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We can’t create for others. no! well, maybe, if it’s your work and you have no choice and need income. o_o; still STiiiiiiiiiiiiiILL To protect you from art blocks and burned out!!!! - it’s important to sometimes like the idea of what you draw! Get it out there and even if nobody interacts with it’s creation, you, are happy its out. create for yourself. /^ U^/ When in an art block I rather sketch faces of all my OC’s, it’s relaxing. no rules about having to look good, surprising how creative one become with the I draw whatever i want mood. - Write a creative list: of things you would want to create for a blue day when the head is empty(butyoufffffSTILLwanttodraw). this goes hand in hand with the first one, but are soooooo fucking handy. ---------------
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hum... thinking about all that I started ponder whyyyyyy i post stuff on the internet. like.... For me personally, - It’s mainly friends and art community!!! - I also like using these sites as journals/blogging/outlet. - and some sites are handy portfolios. ;)) not particular important for ME. but you know... people (mainly family lol) get’s curious what you are drawing. ------------------------ and after all that I want to turn to the subject of problematic interactions on the internet.... the creativity killers, trolls/haters/AI art/art thieves................. =____= I know................ better be done with this one quick. Bleeeh.... - Block if they make you uncomfortable, it’s your room. - Delete comments freely. - You don’t own them anything. ----------------------------------------------------- NOW.
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Having said all this I am highly aware folks are working/going to school, rather be with family when free and the world are in a stressful position. Becomes even harder if your disabled, easily stressed and got frail income (and so much more!!!!!) Art is not your main focus. Only reason I myself can art every day and be be active online Is I made it a daily activity, to make myself happier. ^^ Because I was retired at an early age of 30. Could not keep up with today’s pressure of society because of my ADHD. Working 8 times a day, doing shores like shower/do dishes/bills/wash clothes and still have energy after for family and friends was impossible. ^^; Was lucky to have a mom who work in the health field so she noticed my difficulties just as I entering my teen years. To not mention, Sweden are one of those countries who take mental health rather seriously. Which is how I can survive without working full time and instead have meetups and the like with others like me almost every day to at least get out from the house. Daily activities or schedules are encouraged. Like going to the gym, hanging with friends an family, working on your interest.
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SO YOU MIGHT SEE WHY IT’S EASIER FOR ME!! don’t beat yourself up. I can only do this because of all the support I have and, well, my own urge still wanting to contribute to society. Would not get anything done if I didn’t find art/blogging/journaling interesting. xD I dono If I ever get a proper job. If I have one It have to fit me personally rather then I fitting in a tight mold. I was so frustrated and felt trapped for years. Nowadays I accepted reality but have not abandoned my dreams. Dreams are important. Make art to make yourself happy you guys!!! <3
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stardustseulgi · 1 year
genuinely.. i don't know how to 'like' stuff on tumblr. or how to show appreciation here. i tried clicking around and nothing much seemed to happen. i love your stuff and i kinda check fairly often because im verrrry into red velvet and i sort of stumbled upon this at a 'weak' point xD
Hopefully this doesn't come off as me being patronizing or anything. But I know alot of people are also new to tumblr this past year or so.
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So, this is how it looks on desktop. I've never used mobile. So I have no idea how different it might look.
The heart in he bottom right is the like button. It basically doesn't do anything, other than add the post to a list of your likes. The list of your likes may or may not be visible to other users, depending on your account settings.
To the left of that is the reblog button. The recycle looking thing. Basically that will allow you to share a post to your own blog. It will display who it was rebloged from, and who originally posted it automatically. But again, this will be public to anyone that visits your blog. So keep that in mind.
The speech bubble thing is the reply button. It's pretty similar to on Twitter. You leave a reply that will be visible under the post.
And the arrow thing to the left of that is a share button. Basically to grab the url.
Keep in mind the person who posted will be notified if you like or reblog stuff too. I know some people would rather not be public about supporting nsfw stuff.
Also, because tumblr is a mess for mobile users, here is a link ot my "masterlist" of my Red Velvet smut fics.
I personally mostly write fics and headcanons based on reader requests. So pleased feel free to send me some anytime. I might not get them written right away. But I save them all in the inbox until I do.
Hopfully that was at least somewhat useful for people confused about how this place works lol
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vampirecatsw · 1 year
Intro and My Links
(for mobile + other users)
Hi, My name is Cyn, it's nice to meet you! Call me Cyn or Sol. My pronouns are he/him ^-^
I'm a blatant kaishin shipper and proshipper, so scram if you're offended. Block me and go back to your lives. You don't even need to see my face, and I don't want to see you.
You might have seen me around Ao3 as secret_werewolves, leaving little comments on everyone's works~
I live in Australia and my birthday is the 18th of April. Don't worry, you don't need to send anything for it!
I like to lurk around discord servers, fandoms, devour fanfictions, and reblog things. My main fandom is Detective Conan / Magic Kaito, although I do explore some other ones.
I sometimes draw too, but since life has gotten very hectic recently, I'm taking things slower
My Art (Tumblr tag): https://vampirecatsw.tumblr.com/tagged/cyn%20draws
New!!: My new art blog yay! https://cyndraws.tumblr.com
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/secret_werewolves  Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/10181337/ Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/secret-werewolves
My tags:
#cyn draws -> my art. I might also use #my art
#cyn talks / cyn speaks -> not much of a distinction since I often tag both. But cyn talks is for chatting, and cyn speaks is for original posts.
#cyn answers -> answering asks
Usually first name, last name for characters
#fic recs -> fic recs! Feel free to also browse my ao3 bookmarks or links on my fanfiction.net profile
#transmigrator kaito au -> my own au! I post under this tag (on both accounts, so click 'see all of tumblr'). Feel free to check out the link below and to follow the tag <3
This seems pretty popular so I'll put this here too. If I find another fic, I'll update it in this post. Happy reading~
Kaito pov/Kaito centric fanfic recommendations list:
Planned future projects:
Start writing fanfics hahaha. First I gotta get over my self esteem and start writing planssss. I do admire everyone who writes, but I really don't want to run out of steam halfway through projects. And if I'm gonna write, I wanna get into the habit of planning! It also allows for tiny details to be hinted in later, super satisfying >v<
Rn I'm super busy with uni so aaaa they might take a while
WIP Ideas in my brain, may or may not be actually posted. But definitely feel free to ask me questions about them!
Please send asks, I'm actually begging like please
- Kirby oc + anime au! (i have a series of monstrous documents with meticulous detail, it's getting ridiculous at this point adfghj. But I do need to watch the anime first). I have somehow ended up making an entire au around an oc haha. I'm taking some inspiration from other fandoms and fanworks.
- Dcmk oc/self inserts/transmigration aus (Shinichi/Conan, Kaito, detective boys, maybe some others. We need more of these in this fandom)
- Kaito transmigration au (Kaishin, platonic or romantic not decided yet)
Inspired by 'Entirely Out of Spite' by Bgtea, a Genshin fanfic. Would highly recommend! https://archiveofourown.org/works/30349320/chapters/74816049 And also "Scum Villain Self-Saving System" too, since EOoS is inspired by it in turn. I'm crying since writing is just Not Happening XDDD The funniest thing about this au is Kaito being extra giddy to meet Shin/Cone and being a fanboy in general
Kaitou / phantom thief oc Look he just slaps, idk how to explain XD
Ok, bye! Hope everyone is doing well! I'm going back to work now because uni is using me like its ragdoll in those flash games lol
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steflionheart · 2 years
who said I knew what I was doin'?! O.o
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Heya! My name's Stef and here's some info about me :3
find all links to my other social media accounts on my carrd (✧u✧)
general info
writer (sfw ✔ + nsfw 🔞) -> this should go without saying but beware of nfsw + pls dni if you're a minor or if it's not your cup-o-tea!
lvl 30+
I sometimes also do art but like... once in a blue moon (icon is my own creation)
certified overthinker™️
depressed + stressed + constantly tired
what I enjoy
manga + manhwa
lots of other good and nerdy stuff
>>>>>>>>>>>> •• ♦ •• <<<<<<<<<<<<
I'm a multifaceted and therefore very jumpy person, so I can switch from one thing to the next in the blink of an eye.
So basically, you're entering a world of chaos! You've been warned xD
I'm into a loooot of different fandoms, a multishipper, often fall head over heels for rarepairs and/or controversial ships, and my oc's are on my mind 24/7, so I might also shove them into your faces whenever a brainfart comes up
(つ >ω●)つ
I mostly keep my ramblings, idea sharing, random brainfarts, ranting, venting, and irl stuff on my second blog @steframbles
All in all, I'm a very chill person who doesn't judge, offers a safe space, and loves to talk about my fav ships, ideas, and headcanons. So, don't hesitate to reach out, I'd love to have a chat!
I love to indulge in nice things, to simply look at beautiful art, read interesting quotes, headcanons, fics, and all the stuff that makes my brain go
o(^∀^o) \(^∀^)/ (o^∀^)o
>>>>>>>>>>>> •• ♦ •• <<<<<<<<<<<<
Please keep in mind:
English isn't my first language, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes.
I won't accept any mean or disrespectful behavior nor discourse and will block if needed.
Same goes for you though; if you don't like anything I share or reblog, please simply leave again and feel free to block me (-‿◦)v
We are switches in this house! Which means; I mostly don't have preferences in this topic. It's more fun to switch things up if you ask me ;)
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I posted 3,365 times in 2022
That's 2,962 more posts than 2021!
105 posts created (3%)
3,260 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,315 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#hp fanart - 451 posts
#drarry - 439 posts
#hp fanfic - 324 posts
#art rec - 318 posts
#signal boost - 296 posts
#yesss i love this - 232 posts
#hp fests - 222 posts
#harry potter - 218 posts
#draco malfoy - 184 posts
#drarry fanart - 171 posts
Longest Tag: 39 characters
#and it shouldn't always have to be free
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I’ve got one more character portrait I wanted to get out of my system before I need to work on other projects, so here’s Derek for ya! I honestly wasn’t sure how Sourwolf was going to turn out, but he actually exceeded my expectations. He was thankfully easier to draw than I thought he would be (the grumpy characters I do draw are hard AF to get right), so he was a breath of fresh air. I could definitely get used to drawing him more (and maybe doing some really cool things with his eyes). Also, swooning over that facial hair and the shadows, and this general colour palette was really great to work with. You can view Derek as part of the work Snapshots of Time on AO3. Thinking about maybe working on Scott or Lydia next, but we’ll see!
191 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
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What were the words that you said to me that made me feel so special now? Here’s my @sterekweek-2022 contribution for the “Sing Me A Song” prompt! This art piece went in its own direction, and I just followed the path it took me. Lyrics are based on Finch’s song, “Stay With Me.” You can also view Makes Me Feel Alive on AO3.     Folks who are familiar with my work know I live for anything inspired by songs and lyrics, so I obviously had to see what I could come up with for Sterek. Thankfully, I have a gazillion songs and lyrics that work so well for them! :D Drawing an almost kiss scene was fun since there’s something raw and emotional about this moment Derek and Stiles are about to share. I loved drawing Derek’s leather jacket, and Stiles’ plaid button-ups have been teaching me new ways to work with patterns and simple clothing. And the way the mixed media spread ended up really embraces the October and spooky feels. I may have another Sterek surprise for ya for Halloween, so stay tuned!
194 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
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Welp! I’ve been sitting on this for quite a while, but I can now scream and squee about the gorgeous Perciver art @rxbbits made me for Where do we go from here? !! This very art piece inspired me to finish There’s a guiding light (on AO3) Since that fic deserved a follow-up and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write something inspired by this beautiful art, I just posted a ficlet that links to both of these pieces. Title: I’m always by your side (<- on AO3) Rating: General/Teen WC: 1.5k Tags: The Burrow, Post-War, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Honesty, Patronuses, Fluff and Angst, Reassurances, Conversations, Summer, Angst with a Happy Ending, Doubt, Memories, Oliver Wood-centric Summary:  In this moment, they existed. In this moment, they could truly appreciate each other’s company as the sun went down. [Or: Oliver and Percy have an honest conversation for the first time in ages and find comfort when two silver guardians make appearances again.] The ficlet uses @wood-you-rather-challenge prompts On the count of three, travel and Everything that kills me makes me feel alive and rarepair_shorts Rare Pairings Challenge 2022 prompts the Burrow and second chances. ANYWAY, my gods, I love the art that goes with this so much. I can stare at it all day because it reminds me why I love these two. They’re soooo precious!! Eeep! XD A BIG thank you to Matteo for listening to all of my ideas, talking all things Perciver with me and making this piece truly come to life. Make sure to check some of Matteo’s other Perciver art pieces or support his work! <333
268 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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Well, it looks like I can finally share this, after not being able to say anything for...I don’t know for how long?! Anyway, here’s what I made for @hd-wireless this year, which is my first Drarry fest piece of the year so far! Drarry has been with me through and through for a long time, and if you were to look at my Drarry playlist, Three Days Grace’s “I Hate Everything About You” is 10000% in there. I’ve loved this song for ages, and it sums up Harry and Draco’s relationship so well, it’s not even funny. I am so glad @sunflower-swan prompted this song so I could snatch it right up! More rambling about how I came up with this piece are in my notes. Cheers, and I hope you enjoy! Title: Every Feeling That I Get (<-see the full work on AO3) Rating: Teen Medium: Digital art Content and Tags: Mirrors, Hands, Love/Hate, Sectumsempra , Fiendfyre, Getting Together, Snogging, UST, Shirtless, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Rivalry, Feelings Realization, Memories, Post-War, Growing Up, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Enemies to Lovers Summary: The events from their malicious past somehow bring Harry and Draco together in a new way.
272 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Since it’s spooky season, this has a perfect time to delve deeper into more Teen Wolf and lore. So far, it’s been really fun to geek out over monsters, mythology and all things supernatural again. To do that (for a fandom that’s still newish to me) has helped me loosen up my expectations, look forward to trying new things, and I’ve been slowly getting back on track to finish up current art and fic WIPs. I guess this was the breath of fresh air I needed get out of that corner of roadblocks and feeling stuck. It seems to be working! I’m still getting my feet wet with Sterek (a ship I didn’t know I needed and one I adore sooo much). So, here’s a little something for @averysterekfall! I may have let this one run away, since there’s art AND a triple drabble that go together. :D If you like Teen Wolf and Supernatural references/crossovers, this might be your cuppa. Cheers and enjoy! Title: It’s Enough For Now (<- on AO3) Rating: G WC: 300 (w/ art) Tags: Autumn, Blankets, Comfort, Huddling For Warmth, Feelings Realization, Uncertainty, References to Norse Religion & Lore, Episode: s01e11 Scarecrow (Supernatural), POV Stiles Stilinski, Monster of the Week, Exhaustion, Pagan Gods, Mixed Media, Digital Art, Triple Drabble Summary: “You know, I could get another blanket,” Stiles points out, breaking the silence. “Or let me grab my hoodie from the couch—”   “It’s fine,” Derek interjects in a low voice. He tugs the blanket gently, pulling Stiles closer. “Stiles…” [Or, Stiles and Derek end up sharing a blanket after coming back from the pack's latest supernatural adventure.]
314 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
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