#fe lumiel
rainbowdonkee · 2 years
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The King of the Divine Dragons "Lumiel" is Alear's mother. For 1,000 years, she has protected Alear, who sleeps in the sacred land of Ritos. She has protected Alear from attacks by a mysterious enemy and has entrusted in collecting the Rings for world peace to Alear.
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icharchivist · 2 years
So, who's your favorite underrated Gbf character? A blorbo that deserves way more attention, but is shunned by Cygames and the world? Mine is Shao. He's a shifty little fox man with a great design and a tragic backstory and I wish he had more than one unit to his name because he's great.
Shao is def up in the list, and i think he especially work as "shunned by Cygames" with his one SR unit and barely participating in events.
I have a few R/SR charas i really like but have popped up in events more than him or have 2 units which already makes them maybe more popular in Cygames's eyes than Shao which is SAD.
I was thinking about it and i was going to say, maybe Cordelia because i sure love a lady that would sweep me off my feet, but at least she appears everytime Lumiel is mentioned.
Ryan is also a chara i really like but let's be real it's because i adore his voice actor (Asanuma Shintaro is just one of my fav seiyuu of all time). And i love his awkwardness and the fact he loves plushies.
I really like Garma too!!! I guess cygames didn't forget him per se since he just appeared in the christmas lines, but man i love him and it's sad he only ever got a R.
I also do like Krugne a lot and am sad he doesn't have a lot of focus in general. I guess he's so gimmicky as a person that it's hard to bring him back in any way...
Also tbh i just got extremely lucky bc charas who could qualify also have. recently got SSR. Randall was in R/SR jail for so long and now look at him. Likewise for Elmott. And omg, TOR. I loved Tor SO MUCH when he was introduced and nO ONE was on my side on this one, until he got his SSR. (yes a huge part of why i liked every single one of them was their voice actors, yes i was ride or die for them from the start regardless, whatcha gonna do)(tho not true on Randall i liked him, then i learnt his VA was one of my newest fav VA a long while later and i lost my mind because "WHAT HE VOICED MY FAV R/SR CHARA HOLD ON" 😭)
There's also NPC in general. I still wait for the day Ragazzo comes back. I really loved Icas but it's also a case of "fav seiyuu voicing him and his design hits too close to the chara that made me fall in love with said seiyuu's voice"
Post cancelled now everything is about Bertilak in here.
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he's locked in Gawain Light's 5* FE but i adore this kid. He's so stupid he's so rude. And Gawain "damn guess i'm a father now :/" arc with Bertilak was SOOOO funny. I spent the whole 5* FE losing my mind about him only to go online and not see ANYONE talk about him.
I was hoping that Gawain would namedrop him during the Wales event, esp since he has a whole bit about going to Dalmore to see his sister and i was on the edge of my seat like "and are you going to mention your new son. hey Gawain" and they didn't!!!!!!!!! ichaphobic.
But Shao also is high on the list because man he's really just in such a weird position with cygames. I wonder why that is, as if his archetype wasn't super fun....
it was a fun question, thank you nonny :D
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satoshi-mochida · 6 years
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Publisher Cygames and developer Arc System Works announced fighting game Granblue Fantasy Versus for PlayStation 4 at Granblue Fantasy Fes 2018. It will launch in 2019.
Here is an overview of the game, via its official website:
■ Overview
Venture into the skies, where glory awaits!
A brand new fighting game from the developers of Guilty Gear and BlazBlue, set in the world of Japan’s megahit RPG, Granblue Fantasy.
Featuring original gameplay tailor-made to appeal to both Granblue Fantasy and fighting game fans alike!
A new era of fighting games is born!
■ Characters
“I’ll cross these boundless skies, to the place you promised—I’ll find you no matter what, Dad.”
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This hero’s adventure began when he received a letter from his father asking him to come to the Island of the Astrals, Estalucia. Now he travels the skies with his flying lizard-like buddy, Vyrn, and the mysterious blue-haired girl who saved his life by linking it with her own, Lyria.
Honest to a fault, he’ll come to the aid of anyone who needs his assistance. Although his swordplay is rough and self-taught, he possesses the power to overcome any obstacle—thanks in no small part to Lyria’s assistance.
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“I wield this sword to protect those dear to me.
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A former imperial knight that abandoned her post to protect Lyria.
When she was loyal to the empire, she was charged with guarding Lyria, but this changed when she caught wind of the twisted experiments that were being performed on the girl. This prompted her to orchestrate an escape for Lyria, the catalyst that began their sky-bound adventures with Gran. As skilled as she is logical, she is a compelling ally who lacks only a sense of direction—and any sort of talent for cooking.
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“I shall show you why I was chosen to be captain of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights!”
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A Harvin knight who serves as captain of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights.
Strict with herself, but kind to others, she’s earned the trust of all her comrades and possesses superlative martial skills. But she also has a childish side, evidenced by her love of the Little Skyfarer’s Lunch, a famed kid’s meal popular throughout the skydoms.
With gusto she swings the Claíomh Solais—a shining blade nearly the same size as its wielder—easily felling monsters that are ten times her size.
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“I’ll guide my country with these twin blades!”
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A dual-wielding master swordsman who serves as the captain of the Order of White Dragons of Feendrache Kingdom. If danger would rear its ugly head in the kingdom he so loves, he would risk both life and limb to see it defeated. Despite this, he can never seem to keep his room clean.
He rushes across the battlefield at blinding speed, a flurry of shining, crystalline slashes. Those who set eyes on this fighting style immediately recognize why he was made captain of his order.
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“You’re going to admit defeat so soon? I’ve no use for untrained pets.”
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An Erune girl who once resided on the Mist-Shrouded Isle. She became a spirit at the moment of her death. This grim transformation occurred while she was waiting for her frail sister to return home, a period that had lasted well past her death. At Gran and Lyria’s behest, she sets out on a journey to discover the whereabouts of her now-grown sibling. In addition to the crack of her whip, she fights with the faithful bite of her ghostly pets, overwhelming her opponents with phantasmagoric assaults.
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Platform: PlayStation 4
Genre: Fighting
Players: 1 to 2
Network Play: Supported
Price: TBD
Release Date: 2019 (planned)
Developer: Arc System Works
Watch the announcement trailer below, featuring the theme song “Platinum Sky” by Stella Magna. View the first screenshots at the gallery.
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Granblue Fantasy Versus anunciado para PS4
El editor Cygames y el desarrollador Arc System Works anunciaron el juego de lucha Granblue Fantasy Versus para PlayStation 4 en Granblue Fantasy Fes 2018. Se lanzará en 2019.
A continuación os mostramos un resumen vía la página web oficial:
¡Aventúrate en los cielos, donde la gloria te espera! Un nuevo juego de lucha de los desarrolladores de Guilty Gear y BlazBlue, ambientado en el mundo del mega RPG de Japón, Granblue Fantasy. Con un juego original hecho a medida para atraer tanto a fans de Granblue Fantasy como a los fans de los juegos de lucha. ¡Nace una nueva era en los fighting games!
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Gran "Cruzaré estos cielos ilimitados, al lugar que prometiste, te encontraré sea como sea, padre".
La aventura de este héroe comenzó cuando recibió una carta de su padre pidiéndole que viniera a la Isla de los Astrales, Estalucia. Ahora viaja por los cielos con su compañero, Vyrn, y la misteriosa chica de cabello azul que salvó su vida al vincularla con la suya, Lyria. Honesto hasta decir basta, acudirá en auxilio de cualquiera que necesite su ayuda. Aunque su juego con la espada es rudo y autodidacta, posee el poder para superar cualquier obstáculo, en gran parte gracias a la ayuda de Lyria.
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Katalina    "Yo uso esta espada para proteger a mis seres queridos.”
Una ex caballero imperial que abandonó su puesto para proteger a Lyria. Cuando era leal al imperio, fue acusada de proteger a Lyria, pero esto cambió cuando se enteró de los retorcidos experimentos que se estaban realizando en la niña. Esto la llevó a organizar una huída para Lyria, el catalizador que comenzó sus aventuras en el cielo con Gran. Tan hábil como lógica, es una aliada convincente que carece solo de un sentido de la dirección y de cualquier talento para cocinar.
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Charlotta "¡Te mostraré por qué me eligieron para ser capitán de la Orden Lumiel de los Holy Knights!"
Un caballero de Harvin que sirve como capitán de la Orden Lumiel de los Holy Knights. Estricta consigo misma, pero amable con los demás, se ha ganado la confianza de todos sus camaradas y posee habilidades marciales increibles. Pero también tiene un lado infantil, como lo demuestra su amor por el Little Skyfarer´s Lunch, una comida infantil famosa en todo el mundo. Con entusiasmo, balancea la Claíomh Solais, una hoja brillante casi del mismo tamaño que su portadora, que fácilmente puede destruir monstruos que son diez veces más grandes que ella.
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Lancelot "¡Guiaré mi país con estas cuchillas gemelas!"
Un maestro espadachín con doble empuñadura que ejerce como capitán de la Orden de los Dragones Blancos del Reino de Feendrache. Si el peligro alzara su fea cabeza en el reino que tanto ama, arriesgaría tanto la vida como las extremidades para verlo derrotado. A pesar de esto, parece que nunca puede mantener su habitación limpia. Se precipita a través del campo de batalla a una velocidad cegadora, una ráfaga de brillantes y cristalinos cortes. Aquellos que ponen sus ojos en este estilo de lucha reconocen de inmediato por qué fue nombrado capitán de su orden.
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"¿Vas a admitir la derrota tan pronto? No tengo tiempo para mascotas sin entrenamiento "
Una chica Erune que una vez residió en la Isla Mist-Shrouded. Se convirtió en espíritu en el momento de su muerte. Esta grave transformación ocurrió mientras esperaba a que su frágil hermana regresara a casa, un período que había durado mucho más allá de su muerte. A instancias de Gran y Lyria, ella emprende un viaje para descubrir el paradero de su hermana ya crecida. Además del chasquido de su látigo, ella lucha con el fiel mordisco de sus mascotas fantasmales, abrumando a sus oponentes con ataques fantasmagóricos.
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Granblue Fantasy Versus se lanzará en 2019 para PS4. Soprtará juego online y combates para dos players en juego local.
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rainbowdonkee · 2 years
Lumiere has been waiting for Alear to wake up for a thousand years. In order to protect Alear from the deformed soldiers, she strikes down the enemy in the form of a divine dragon.
Alear: There's more enemies? And now a dragon!?
Lumiere: Finally, you're awake.
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rainbowdonkee · 2 years
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Lumiere (VA: Kotono Mitsuishi) is the king of the Divine Dragons, who governs the Holy Land Lithos, and the mother of Alear.
She is a hero who cooperated with humans in the war against the Fell Dragon 1,000 years ago and saved the continent.
The sacred land "Lithos" is the land ruled by Alear's mother, the Divine Dragon King "Lumiel". Located in the center of the Elyos continent, it is a sacred land of ​​light and grassland where the gentle and refreshing wind of the plateau blows through. Alear has been sleeping on the floating island of Lithos for a thousand years.
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icharchivist · 5 years
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Cordelia i’m already in love with you you don’t have to go all out on the pretty look i’m compromised
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icharchivist · 4 years
holy shit
at least it’s done but man
i just went through the 2 280 posts of my ichablogging+gbf tags in order to reorganize a few things
icharchivist Patch 1.02: -Every sections of the game now has its own tag -(Main Story, Fate Episodes, Side Quest, Game Play, Guild Wars, Webcomic, ect.) -So do more Misc stuff -(Gacha, Uncap, Music, Cast, Festival, Prenium Friday) -Versus has its own tag -Main Sagas have their own tags (Dragon Knights, What Makes The Sky Blue, Levin, Society, Irestill, Robomi, Lumiel, ect) - if FE/Side quest ect of those saga, the saga will also be tagged -Some events with no real saga have their own tags (xoverevent, summerevent, events (for various ones i won’t talk as much about like End of DOSS), Art of Mercy, Seeds of Redemption, The MayDays, Platinium Sky, April Fools event,) -Forging series have now their own tags as well (Seraphic, Eternals, Arcanium) -Eventlines have their own tag (Valentine’s Day, White Day, Birthday) -Conversations with friends (esp Nadej) are tagged as usual -the shitpost formated posts are tagged -the random thoughts are tagged -Posts mentioning my crew are tagged
there might be further tags esp for FE as it goes down when i’ll know what to tags stuff with no saga
but, here we go, more organized than ever. 
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