#fb alt quote
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magically-strange · 1 year ago
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Give your man butterflies and high blood pressure.
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honeybinnies · 5 years ago
jisung: hey you dropped something
minho: ???
jisung: hopefully your standards. what's up, i'm jisung.
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queen-hospitality · 3 years ago
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Crystal on fb, Nov 2021 (x)
obvs I'm paraphrasing for the meme don't use this as a quote lol [image desc in alt text]
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aedan-mills · 4 years ago
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90s Anime AnderPerry fake screenshot
"And already [s]he's thinking about me..." 😩 I'm a wreck for this movie and this ship salkdjlkasd 🥺 fake 90s anime screenshot of my two poets being happy and in love, you can't tell me other wise. I added an alt quote because Pride Month uwu (Lmao sorry Knox)😇
Please don’t repost/ reupload elsewhere. I posted it on my other social media so share from there!
Instagram/Twitter: @ame_senpai_art | FB and Tumblr: Ame-Senpai
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hournites · 2 years ago
I know we shouldn't take the fb guy and his hints seriously and I definitely don't, but now I can't stop thinking about Sarah Michelle Gellar as grown up Courtney/Starwoman. A while back someone posted a cast instagram picture of the JSA headquarters and there was a thing on the wall with a Courtney quote that ended with -Starwoman. It would be so cool to see future versions of the entire new JSA.
Yeah! It would def be fun to have a flash forward/alt timeline ep with grown up JSA. I would actually probably fall out of my chair if we saw that.
The q is whether or not Starwoman is actually Courtney or Patricia Dugan, the real Starwoman (Courtney and Mike's half-sister) though from what I recall, I think someone pieced together half of the quote and it does seem like a Courtney s1 quote? Idk. Either way very exciting.
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athena1138 · 5 years ago
Had this guy in my dms on fb that started talking to me in chinese and i lowkey thought it was sweet (bc i had no reason to think he actually knew chinese because his grammar was strange to me and he was using traditional characters so i kind of thought he was using a translator)
I went to his profile to check him out. Turns out he's from hong kong which explains the difference. (I speak mandarin, he speaks cantonese.)
But also on his profile are pictures like bigass blue lives matter flags and big guns and bible quotes.
And i'm just like??? Why??? Why does this always happen?? The only people who ever seriously hmu are the fucking alt-righters.
I don't have a lot of standards. I don't. But whyyyy?
I just want, for once in my life, to be approached by someone of a similar age and political status to me, and to be fucking WOOED. That's it. That's all i want. I want to be swept off my goddamn feet.
But noooo.
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afif-am · 5 years ago
Bulan Ramadan atau Bulan Bazar Ramadan?
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Hi fellow humans. So recently i've seen a lot of tweets that sounded like these:
"omg bazaar ramadhan are canceled! damn bazaar ramadan is the best part of ramadhan kot!"
"what am i going to eat omg, bazaar ramadan are canceled!" sad face
"Puasa without bazaar ramadan is another level of pain."
Those tweets show how synonymous the bazaar culture with the month of Ramadan in Malaysia. It looks like a small set of data sample and maybe some of them (mostly privileged people) are just joking around but i think its something worth looking into.
When you say that the best part of a month full of forgiveness and blessings is the place where you can buy your favorite kambing bakar or roti john1, there's clearly something wrong with how you or we see Ramadan.
At times when the whole nation is fighting with a global pandemic, being able to eat your favourite kuih or drink your beloved ABC should be the least of your worries when there are people out there dying of a disease or putting themselves at the risk of it.
Bazaar Ramadan is the perfect spreading place for a disease such as COVID-19 to spread. Thousands of people interacting with each other. You don't need to be an epidemiologist2 or a virologist3 to see this through.
Even though in the slightest of chance that we could lower our daily cases drastically, everyone knows that its impossible for the government to permit people to start selling in the usual method. Even if the goverment put some restrictions or a degree of control, its not possible and the risk is too big.
Remember, the virus only needs one person to be infected and once that happened, a nuclear-like reaction will happen and we would start having new clusters and that will certainly put a strain to the already burdened health care workers and then we would need to do pkp/lockdowns again that could extend till next year. Yikes, right?
"But...but..afif..the economy?? dan pendapatan peniaga?"
Aku pasti pihak kerajaan akan mengambil inisiatif ataupun menyediakan platform untuk membolehkan peniaga-peniaga menjalankan perniagaan dalam kaedah alternatif.4
Konsep e-bazar pun kita dah nampak banyak muncul di FB. Walaupun sambutannya mungkin tidak sehangat (atau lebih hangat) bazar Ramadan biasa tapi aku rasa bolehlah menampung sedikit sebanyak keperluan peniaga. Aku pasti kerajaan juga akan cari cara lain untuk membantu peniaga. Yang pentingnya kesihatan dan keselamatan.
Apabila beratus-ratus nyawa dah melayang (kalau kita degil), barulah kita sedar yang ekonomi negara pada tahap kemuncak sekalipun tak mampu nak kembalikan semula walau satu jiwa yang telah pergi. Health over everything.
Negeri-negeri seperti Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Terengganu, Selangor, Kedah dan Sarawak dah pun mengambil keputusan untuk membatalkan bazar Ramadan di negeri masing-masing.4
Jujur, aku juga suka bazar Ramadan. Siapa tak suka makan kan. But for once, maybe we could really learn something that we should have all along, and that is humility and simplicity especially in our iftar.
Kita semua tahu betapa banyak pembaziran berlaku sewaktu bulan Ramadan dan khususnya disebabkan oleh bazar Ramadan. Dalam satu artikel MyMetro pada tahun 2019, Bekas Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa pernah berkata,
“Menurut laporan Institut Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia (MARDI), rakyat negara ini membuang 15,000 tan metrik makanan sehari dan 3,000 tan metrik daripadanya adalah makanan yang masih elok dan tidak sepatutnya dibuang. Bahan sisa buangan itu meningkat 15 hingga 20 peratus pada Ramadan."5
Satu tamparan besar buat kita umat Islam, khususnya di Malaysia. We keep repeating to ourselves and the non-muslims that the month of Ramadhan is the month of humility, self-discipline, self-control, and sacrifice. But instead...the opposite happened? It defeats the ultimate purpose of Ramadhan; to attain a higher status of taqwa.
Jelas kita perlu kaji semula bagaimana kita berpuasa. Sama ada kita menahan diri semata-mata atau kita benar-benar mendidik diri. Kita tahan segala lapar dahaga nafsu apa semua sebelum berbuka kemudian bila waktu berbuka kita melantak segala macam makanan yang kita nak sampai membazir. Jadi...apa yang kita dapat dengan puasa kita?
Dalam sebuah hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah RA, bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
رُبَّ صَائِمٍ لَيْسَ لَهُ مِنْ صِيَامِهِ إِلَّا الْجُوعُ، وَرُبَّ قَائِمٍ لَيْسَ لَهُ مِنْ قِيَامِهِ إِلَّا السَّهَرُ
Maksudnya: “Boleh jadi orang yang berpuasa itu tidak mendapat apa-apa daripada puasanya melainkan lapar dan boleh jadi orang yang berqiyam itu tidak mendapat apa-apa daripada qiyamnya melainkan hanya berjaga malam”. [Riwayat Ibnu Majah, no. Hadith 1690] [Syeikh Syu’aib menilai hadith ini sebagai sahih dan sanadnya juga baik].67
Yang menulis ini pun tak kurang cacat cela juga dalam puasanya. Jadi, sama-sama kita muhasabah semula puasa kita selama ni dan bertekad untuk perbaiki puasa dan aktiviti Ramadan kita yang mendatang. Moga-moga Allah mengizinkan kita untuk sampai ke bulan Ramadan yang akan datang dan selama mana kita masih hidup.
Roti John: Sejenis roti yang disalut dengan telur, bawang dan lain-lain bahan. Intinya sama ada ayam atau daging. Sangat sinonim dengan bulan puasa. Tak, bukan kepunyaan mana-mana John. Kelihatannya tidak ada John yang mematenkan nama roti tersebut. ↩︎
Epidemiologist: Ahli epidemiologi. Pengkaji perkaitan berbagai-bagai faktor yang menentukan kekerapan dan keleluasan penyakit di dalam sesuatu komuniti. http://prpm.dbp.gov.my/Cari1?keyword=epidemiologi&d=28648LIHATSINI ↩︎
Virologist: Ahli virologi. Pengkaji virus dan penyakit-­penyakit yg disebabkan virus. http://prpm.dbp.gov.my/Cari1?keyword=virologi&d=28648LIHATSINI ↩︎
Artikel Sinar Harian berkenaan pembatalan bazar Ramadan di negeri-negeri tertentu. https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/77063/KHAS/Koronavirus/Batal-bazar-Ramadan-langkah-terbaik-bendung-Covid-19 ↩︎ ↩︎
Artikel MyMetro berkenaan pembaziran pada bulan Ramadan. https://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2019/04/450076/ramadan-tanpa-pembaziran ↩︎
Rujukan hadis dari Sunan Ibn Majah. https://sunnah.com/urn/1270930 ↩︎
Artikel Irsyad Al-Hadith dari Laman Web Rasmi Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan berkenaan "Orang yang Berpuasa dan Berqiyam yang Sia-sia." https://muftiwp.gov.my/artikel/irsyad-al-hadith/1082-irsyad-al-hadith-siri-ke-93-orang-yang-berpuasa-dan-berqiyam-yang-sia-sia ↩︎
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joharvell · 6 years ago
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vh512-blog · 5 years ago
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“Nhắc đến <a class="aalmanual" href="https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hồ_Xuân_Hương" title="">bà chúa thơ Nôm </a> .<br />
Và hôm nay, sau những bài thơ hay nhất của Hồ Xuân Hương</a>, tôi xin gửi đến các bạn chùm thơ tổng hợp 10 bài thơ “thanh thanh tục tục” nổi tiếng nhất của bà. Đây là những bài thơ rất nhiều người đọc xong phải thẹn thùng đỏ mặt. Mời các bạn cùng xem và thưởng thức – những áng thơ thanh thanh tục tục hay nhất của Hồ Xuân Hương:<br />
1,Dệt Cửi Đêm</a></h2> <div style="text-align: center;"> Thắp ngọn đèn lên thấy trắng phau<br /> Con cò mấp máy suốt đêm thâu<br /> Hai chân đạp xuống năng năng nhắc<br /> Một suốt đâm ngang thích thích mau<br /> Rộng hẹp nhỏ to vừa vặn cả<br /> Ngắn dài khuôn khổ vẫn như nhau<br /> Cô nào muốn tốt ngâm cho kỹ<br /> Chờ đến ba thu mới dãi màu</div> <h2 class="ftwp-heading" id="ftoc-heading-2" style="text-align: center;"> 2,Cái Quạt</a></h2> <div style="text-align: center;"> Một lỗ xâu xâu mấy cũng vừa<br /> Duyên này tác hợp tự ngàn xưa<br /> Chành ra ba góc da còn thiếu<br /> Khép lại đôi bên thịt vẫn thừa<br /> Mát mặt anh hùng khi tắt gió<br /> Che đầu quân tử lúc sa mưa><br /> Nâng niu ướm hỏi người trong trướng<br /> Phì phạch trong lòng đã sướng chưa</div> <h2 class="ftwp-heading" id="ftoc-heading-3" style="text-align: center;"> 3, Quả Mít</a></h2> <div style="text-align: center;"> Thân em như quả mít trên cây<br /> Da nó xù xì múi nó dày<br /> Quân tử có yêu xin đóng cọc<br /> Đừng mân mó nữa nhựa ra tay</div> <h2 class="ftwp-heading" id="ftoc-heading-4" style="text-align: center;"> 4, Ốc Nhồi</a></h2> <div style="text-align: center;"> Bác mẹ sinh ra phận ốc nhồi<br /> Đêm ngày lăn lóc đám cỏ hôi<br /> Quân tử có thương thì bóc yếm<br /> Xin đừng ngó ngoáy lỗ trôn tôi</div> <h2 class="ftwp-heading" id="ftoc-heading-5" style="text-align: center;"> 5, Đánh Cờ</a></h2> <div style="text-align: center;"> Chàng với thiếp đêm khuya trằn trọc,<br /> Ðốt đèn lên đánh cuộc cờ người.<br /> Hẹn rằng đấu trí mà chơi,<br /> Cấm ngoại thuỷ không ai được biết.<br /> Nào tướng sĩ dàn ra cho hết,<br /> Ðể đôi ta quyết liệt một phen.<br /> Quân thiếp trắng, quân chàng đen,<br /> Hai quân ấy chơi nhau đà đã lửa.<br /> Thoạt mới vào chàng liền nhảy ngựa,<br /> Thiếp vội vàng vén phứa tịnh lên.<br /> Hai xe hà, chàng gác hai bên,<br /> Thiếp thấy bí, thiếp liền ghểnh sĩ.<br /> Chàng lừa thiếp đương khi bất ý,<br /> Ðem tốt đầu dú dí vô cung,<br /> Thiếp đang mắc nước xe lồng,<br /> Nước pháo đã nổ đùng ra chiếu.<br /> Chàng bảo chịu, thiếp rằng chẳng chịu,<br /> Thua thì thua quyết níu lấy con.<br /> Khi vui nước nước non non,<br /> Khi buồn lại giở bàn son quân ngà.</div> <h2 class="ftwp-heading" id="ftoc-heading-6" style="text-align: center;"> 6, Tát Nước</a></h2> <div style="text-align: center;"> Đang cơn nắng cực chửa mưa tè,<br /> Rủ chị em ra tát nước khe.<br /> Lẽo đẽo chiếc gầu ba góc chụm,<br /> Lênh đênh một ruộng bốn bờ be.<br /> Xì xòm đáy nước mình nghiêng ngửa,<br /> Nhấp nhổm bên ghềnh đít vắt ve.<br /> Mải việc làm ăn quên cả mệt,<br /> Dạng hang một lúc đã đầy phè.</div> <h2 class="ftwp-heading" id="ftoc-heading-7" style="text-align: center;"> 7, Đánh Đu</a></h2> <div style="text-align: center;"> Bốn cột khen ai khéo khéo trồng,<br /> Người thì lên đánh kẻ ngồi trông,<br /> Trai co gối hạc khom khom cật<br /> Gái uốn lưng ong ngửa ngửa lòng.<br /> Bốn mảnh quần hồng bay phấp phới,<br /> Hai hàng chân ngọc duỗi song song.<br /> Chơi xuân đã biết xuân chăng tá.<br /> Cọc nhổ đi rồi, lỗ bỏ không!</div> <h2 class="ftwp-heading" id="ftoc-heading-8" style="text-align: center;"> 8, Đưa Đò</a></h2> <div style="text-align: center;"> Chú lái kia ơi, biết chú rồi,<br /> Qua sông rồi lại đấm ngay bòi!<br /> Chèo ghe vừa khỏi dòng sông ngược,<br /> Đấm cọc ngay vào ngấn nước xuôi.<br /> Mới biết lên bờ đà vỗ đít,<br /> Nào khi giữa khúc đã co vòi.<br /> Chuyến đò nên nghĩa sao không nhớ?<br /> Sang nữa hay là một chuyến thôi?</div>
9, Hang Cắc Cớ</a></h2> <div style="text-align: center;"> Trời đất sinh ra đá một chòm<br /> Nứt làm đôi mảnh hổng hòm hom<br /> Kẽ hầm rêu mọc trơ toen hoẻn<br /> Luồng gió thông reo vỗ phập phòm<br /> Giọt nước hữu tình rơi lõm bõm<br /> Con đường vô ngạn tối om om<br /> Khen ai đẽo đá tài xuyên tạc<br /> Khéo hớ hênh ra lắm kẻ dòm</div> <h2 class="ftwp-heading" id="ftoc-heading-10" style="text-align: center;"> 10,Cái Giếng</a></h2> <div style="text-align: center;"> Ngõ ngay thăm thẳm tới nhà ông<br /> Giếng tót thanh thơi rất lạ lùng<br /> Cầu trắng phau phau hai ván ghép<br /> Nước trong leo lẻo một dòng thông<br /> Cỏ gà lún phún leo quanh mép<br /> Cá diếc le te lội giữa dòng<br /> Giếng ấy thanh tân ai đã biết<br /> Đố ai dám thả nạ rồng rồng</div> </div> </div> </div>
Thơ Hồ Xuân Hương đa số là truyền tụng nên có nhiều những dị bản, bản chép khác nhau, những bài thơ của Hồ Xuân Hương trong chùm thơ này nếu có khác với những gì bạn biết thì cũng là điều bình thường. Thơ Hồ Xuân Hương hay, nhưng cái “thanh thanh tục tục” đó đã khiến nhiều người khi đọc ra phải đỏ mặt!<br />
Và vừa rồi là 10 bài thơ hay và nổi tiếng nhất mang sắc nét thanh thanh tục tục táo bạo của nữ sĩ Hồ Xuân Hương đã để lại cho hậu thế, hi vọng rằng các bạn cũng yêu mến những bài thơ ấy. Còn rất nhiều những bài thơ hay và <a class="aalmanual" href="https://www.facebook.com/hamo0298" title="">chùm thơ hay</a> khác ,
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lauraramargosian · 6 years ago
Celebrities when they were younger, how their past photos inspire.
Celebrities when they were younger, how their past photos inspire.
Yes, this is Calvin Harris!
Isn’t it true that sometimes we look at celebrities as though they have always been “glamorous,” [yes, “Fergalicious” did help me remember how to spell that, I love that song]…
The entertainment industry shows the beauty, the glistening, the star-studded hotties wearing the biggest name brands like Prada, Calvin Klein, Versace or House of Drew.
In fact, that’s the goal, Hollywood talent tend to maintain the image they hope to inspire others with, luckily, it doesn’t take away from being human and that includes making mistakes.
These photos are some of your favorite celebrities when they were younger. Ryan Seacrest, for example, truly had my jaw hit the floor.
It’s nice to be like, “man, we would have been friends in middle school and high school.”
Further, we all had those “awkward phases,” growing up and many can relate.
The truth is, the majority of your favorite celebrities were bullied, they felt hopeless too at times.
Strength, that’s the word that brought them to where they are at this moment.
Youth is a process of growing and learning. Music videos, songs, lyrics, acting, it all comes with a past that influenced it, that’s why they say “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
It’s safe to say that many people want to leave the world better than you found it, Mac Miller, [and my heart still hurts] for example, was constantly worried about the legacy he would leave behind…
But that worry, was all for nothing because he left behind art, a story, a struggle and one that constantly inspires people to make better choices.
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Trials can make our emotions rise but they also help you in a positive way.
“When you feel sad, it’s okay. It’s not the end of the world. Everyone has those days when you doubt yourself, and when you feel like everything you do sucks, but then there’s those days when you feel like Superman. It’s just the balance of the world. I just write to feel better.”
-Malcolm James McCormick
Honestly, it’s one of the best quotes Positive Celebrity has remembered from watching Mac Miller’s past interviews.
It’s a quote that really hit emotions due to the fact that we have all said: “everything sucks right now.”
When you look through photos of celebrities when they were younger, it’s almost as though you connect on another level.
To be specific, maybe you looked completely different when you were younger.
Unfortunately, sometimes kids can be mean and maybe you were bullied.
Taking a look at celebrities when they were younger gives you a little perspective into who they were before Hollywood shined its lights on them and allowed them to follow their dreams.
Not only their dreams in music or acting… But being able to further help charity, or bullied LGBTQ youth.
Pride 2019: Daya was not afraid to open up about her sexuality!
The list goes on and on, so when you look at a picture, think of it the way Susan Sontag explains in her quote.
“All photographs are memento mori. To take a photograph is to participate in another person’s (or thing’s) mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to time’s relentless melt.”
― Susan Sontag
“A picture is worth a thousand words,” refers to any complex idea and how it conveys meaning, purpose, and essence more effectively than a description does.
With this in mind, maybe looking at where our favorite celebrities started is what we need for that extra kick in the butt to never doubt or settle for less than you deserve.
To end, we want to invite you to take a look at your favorite celebrities when they were younger. Most importantly, remember who they are now as well, you’ll see more than growth, it’s like looking into their soul.
Except, it’s yearbook photos and stuff, haha!
Blessed be and enjoy!
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Britney Spears
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Calvin Harris
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Clint Eastwood
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David Guetta
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Jennifer Aniston
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Justin Bieber
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Justin Bieber
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Kim Kardashian
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Lady Gaga
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Leonardo DiCaprio
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Mac Miller
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Martin Garrix
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Matt LeBlanc
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Ryan Seacrest
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Selena Gomez
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Shia LeBeouf
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Taylor Lautnor
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Taylor Swift
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Zac Efron
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique
Laurara Monique is known by various celebrities as the youngest and kindest celebrity blogger. PCG has been described as a "celebrity safe zone."
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique shared a post.
Lmfao, this had me shoot coffee out of my nose. LOL. Kids really do say these things sometimes. bhahahaha.
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique
“All photographs are memento mori. To take a photograph is to participate in another person’s (or thing’s) mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to time’s relentless melt.” ― Susan Sontag
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Celebrities when they were younger, how their past photos inspire.
Celebrities when they were younger, how their past photos inspire. Check it out right here on positive celebrity gossip and entertainment news!
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique was live.
Just having a laid back day.
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Fortnite fun, right, right? Maybe, and gamer rage. Lol.
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique was live.
Just having a laid back day.
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Fortnite fun, right, right? Maybe, and gamer rage. Lol.
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique
Animals don't have a voice but you do!
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This Humane Society was named as 4-star charity for fiscal responsibility!
This Humane Society was named as 4-star charity for fiscal responsibility! Check it out right here on positive celebrity gossip, charity news as well as all entertainment news!
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique
“I dreamt of being a famous singer or an actor who, through my work, could inspire others to be themselves or hang in there. I had no idea how I dreamt so big when I felt so small, but I know it got me through each day. I wanted to be the person I couldn’t find in my life.” - Ruby Rose
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Ruby Rose: ‘Dreamt Big’ when she felt ‘so small.’
Ruby Rose: ‘Dreamt Big’ when she felt ‘so small.’ “I dreamt of being a famous singer or an actor who, through my work, could inspire others to be themselves or hang in there…
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magically-strange · 5 years ago
"I want a girl who's very easygoin', but also very passionate. Like, she loves takin' naps, but if ye wake her up, she'll fuckin' kill ye."
Bog King
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disneyworldenthusiast · 7 years ago
Here’s the Disney World Enthusiast Weekly Round Up for July 22, 2018!
Latest Disney World Enthusiast Articles
Blueberry Grass Band Now At Canada Pavilion In Epcot For A Limited Time
Helpful Information For Your November 2018 Disney World Vacation
Disney Springs Resort Area Hotels Offering Special “Summer Is Incredible” Rates
2018 Epcot International Food And Wine Signature Dining Events Now On Sale
An Incredible Summer At Walt Disney World Awaits
Guardians Of The Galaxy – Awesome Mix Live! At Epcot
Helpful Information For Your October 2018 Disney World Vacation
2018 Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party Tickets Now On Sale
First Details About The NBA Experience Coming To Disney Springs
The Edison In Disney Springs
Tip Of The Week
If your children like to sleep with stuffed animals, be sure to remember to take them out of the bed each morning so that they don’t accidentally get carried away with the sheets and blankets when housekeeping makes up your room.
Looking for more tips like this? Click here!
Disney Did You Know
Spaceship Earth, the visual and thematic centerpiece of Epcot, weighs 16 million pounds — more than three times that of a space shuttle fully fueled and ready for launch. The outer “skin” of Spaceship Earth is made up of 11,324 aluminum and plastic-alloy triangles. Also, did you know that rainwater never falls off the sphere? It’s channeled into the ball and funneled away.
Walt’s Words
“Whether you say you can’t or you can, you’re right.” 
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Featured Advertiser
Create your own unique look with a personalized Disney MagicBand Skin. Magic YOUR Band has a range of designs to choose from that you can use as-is or customize with your own text. And if you want to take it to the next level, you can even upload your own photos or images to fully personalize, customize, and decorate your MagicBand. With great discounts for multi-buys, why not create one for the whole family? For more information or to start customizing your own Magic YOUR Band Skin now, please click here.
Featured Book
UPDATED FOR 2018! The difference between an average and an outstanding Walt Disney World trip is in the details. Kristi Fredericks helps make your dream vacation a reality with her numerous tips and tricks to save money, time, and sanity while at the happiest place on earth in her new book “501 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Walt Disney World Vacation”. For more information, to read an excerpt, or to purchase, please click here.
Considering A Disney World Vacation
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Jennifer Hardy, a Disney Vacation Planner with Destinations in Florida, is the official travel partner of Disney World Enthusiast. She can help you book your next Disney vacation whether it is to Disney World, Disneyland, or aboard the Disney Cruise Line. Currently Jennifer has some incredible deals for discounted travel to Walt Disney World. For more information about Jennifer’s amazing and absolutely free services or to get a free no-obligation quote, please click here!
You’re Invited
Jennifer Hardy, from Destinations in Florida, and I have teamed up to create a brand new Facebook Group called Next Disney Vacation! It is the perfect place to talk about your next Disney vacation, voice your opinions, ask your questions, get them answered, and share the magic. Whether it’s Disneyland Resort, Walt Disney World, or the Disney Cruise Line, Jennifer and I are ready to help. Everyday you’ll find posts, photos, trivia, tips, and more that we find all throughout the Disney Universe. If you’re counting the days until your next Disney vacation or just dreaming of one, we would love to have you join in the fun and conversation! Please click here to be a part of our group!
Coming Up Next Week
Next week I’ll have some planning information plus all of the latest Disney World news!
Have a wonderful week!
Disney World Enthusiast Weekly Round Up July 22, 2018
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princess-stabbity · 7 years ago
anyway i know this won't convince conspiracy theorists and frankly i don't want to engage w them anyway bc they all seem Highkey Terrible, but within my own little sphere i just want to clarify some stuff about putin/russia bc i've realized my academic background (internat'l politics > europe in particular > russia even more narrowly) has given me greater context than most. 
pretty much everything about this ongoing russia scandal makes more sense the more political/social/historical context you have, so let’s delve into a few things
typically the propaganda with a seemingly left-leaning bent was mostly meant to do one of two things:
1) to discourage voter turnout for hrc (this is why bernie fever went from earnest to memetically fervent and strange: 'here's how bernie can still win' became a meme bc we all kind of sensed that it was a little weird and therefore funny how absurd those posts got--i certainly sensed that, tho i did not at the time realize what was happening bc who the fuck would have)
2) to scare conservatives (bf has an article relating a black mma fighter/activist's strange stint providing self-defense classes for an at-first seemingly legit group called 'black fist.' he became suspicious bc they never talked politics and got squirrelly when he asked questions, so he quit before even realizing what they really were. i'm willing to lay down money the whole thing was so that they could scare conservatives with the idea of black militarization. similarly, another article noted that the blm-related posts on fb tended to be narrowly microtargeted to certain areas that (the article suggested) had a vulnerable group of racist white people scared by blm)
putin also benefits from chaos and dysfunction in the u.s. bc it plays well domestically. russians know he rigged their elections. they know. that's why he pushes a narrative that democracy is like this everywhere. (hence the brilliance of his 2016 scheme here: if trump won he'd get a stooge & if hrc won he'd get to say “see? it's rigged there too”)
and the worse things are here in the u.s., the more putin can deploy the classic tactic of whataboutism (eg “how can you criticize our treatment of our lgbt population when you have racist police brutality?”)
it's not actually about pointing out injustice and hypocrisy; it's about misdirection and discouraging his people from challenging the domestic status quo. he doesn't care about racism here any more than conservatives care about mental healthcare; it’s about drawing attention away from his human rights abuses/gun control. it’s about sweeping things under the carpet--and controlling the narrative.
he wants us in chaos bc we won’t focus on him. he wants sanctions lifted bc the worse the russian economy is, the likelier things are to crumble around him. he wants rightwing nationalism to continue its resurgence in europe bc most of them are also euroskeptics--people who want to leave or even dissolve the e.u. the weaker the e.u. is, the more powerful russia is. the more insular and/or unstable and/or influenced the u.s. is, the more powerful russia is--and the more vulnerable nato states are. feel however you like about the e.u. or the u.s., you should not want this. you should not want more invasions, more fascism, more xenophobia, more assassinations, more corruption. “but the u.s. is guilty of all of those things!” and is/was wrong. you should not wish for more of this in the world. and this does not just affect us. 
also none of the reporting is saying blm is fake omg. most of these reports actually make a point of talking to REAL activists? from these groups? hence why i bolded the quote from a blm organizer in that wp article. if you say they're trying to claim blm is fake what you're basically saying is “i haven't read anything abt this and i have no intention to”
and if you don’t think any harm’s been done and that all they did was amplify real issues, i’m gonna point you towards julia ioffe, the russian-born jewish journalist one of these deactivated accounts sicced a herd of angry people on for allegedly buddying up with nazis. you know, like jewish people are known to do. she had actually been under siege for months by antisemitic trolls who were angry about her writing a withering piece abt sp/encer, who she majorly embarrassed. so, to recap: russian troll uses tumblr’s torches and pitchforks mentality to attack a journalist who was writing unflattering articles about putin and russia and the alt right.
but sure. harmless.
to be real fucking blunt i think a lot of people on here are clinging to that idea bc it means not having to cope with the realization that they are susceptible to propaganda just like everyone else
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wifiagogo · 4 years ago
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9jabreed · 4 years ago
Accepting protesters’ demands emboldened them to turn violent — Pres. Buhari . . President Muhammadu Buhari, has sai
Accepting protesters’ demands emboldened them to turn violent — Pres. Buhari . . President Muhammadu Buhari, has sai
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Accepting protesters’ demands emboldened them to turn violent — Pres. Buhari . . President Muhammadu Buhari, has said his regime’s decision to accept the demands by youths who protested against the disbanded Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) of the Nigeria Police Force emboldened them to become violent. . . According to his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, the president…
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foodintainan-blog · 7 years ago
櫃檯上下陳列的茶飲招牌,可是老闆用傲驕的茶葉所做出的醇釀茶飲喔٩(๑^ 3 ^๑)۶
有著果香味的紅茶,是老闆大器使用採用 "單芽手摘茶"的『大葉阿薩姆紅茶』喔!
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