#father figure logan
waywardsou2 · 1 month
FatherFigure!Logan X Latebloomer!AdoptedMaleReader
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I was not expecting this to end up being this long...but I guess it is. I'm really happy with how this turned out. I won't spoil it. But this reader's mutation is my favourite in any universe.
Summary: You were adopted by Logan on one of his errands out of the school. Charles has deduced that you were a mutant but your mutation has not presented itself yet. One day it does, and it's not pretty.
Tags: blood, slight gore, warning for graphic imagery, hurt/comfort, father Logan, mentions of Charles and Jean
Word Count: 1.4k
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Logan was sitting in Charles' office. It had been a few weeks since he had decided to stay at the school permanently and had taken up the job offer as a history teacher.
To be fair he had been alive since before the civil war so there wasn't anyone more perfect for their job. Especially now that he was able to get a lot of his memories back.
Charles has become like somewhat of a father figure to Logan, if not a good friend and confidante at the very least.
Logan had not only chosen to stay so the he could have a free room and a purpose in life but also because of you.
He had found you on a missions, picked you up and taken you back to the school. Charles had let Logan know when he was in the area that there was a mutant who hadn't presented yet.
It was safest for you here. Just because there was no way to actually tell when or what your mutation might manifest into.
But as Logan and Charles talked Charles fell silent in the middle of their conversation. Logan's eyebrows twitched in question as Charles eyes went glassy before coming back to focus on Logan. A new found worry in his eyes.
"His mutation has finally manifested...Logan go"
Logan didn't have to be told twice. He knew at some point your mutation would manifest but it was hard to say when. You were well past the age of your mutation manifesting physically but there's a late bloomer in every species.
Logan pushed his chair back, it squeaking across the floor as it scrapes along the wood. He dashes down the corridors, dodging kids left and right as he makes his way to your room.
As soon as he turns down the corridor your room is in he hears it.
A piercing scream that hurts his amplified senses. A sound makes his heart ache.
He gets to the door of your room and pushes it open.
He finds you on the floor, curled in on yourself. Your shirt ripped in the back and a spattering of blood on your shirt and the floor.
You look up to see Logan. Thank fuck he's here. Before you could say anything, you open your mouth and a scream replaces your words. A sharp throb of pain spreading across your back and into your spine once more.
Logan bends down in front of you and tries to sit you up but you stay tucked into yourself.
He checks you over, as much as he can without moving you but he doesn't need to look too hard. Now that he's closer, kneeling in front of you he can see what's happening.
Sticking out of the holes in your ripped shirt are two bones, partially covered in skin and what looks to be...no way are those feathers?
Are you growing wings?
He hadn't heard of a mutation like this before. One the alters bone structure and genetic make up well into adolescent development. He would have to get Jean to check you over but right now he knew you couldn't move.
He could see the bone moving, growing at an accelerated rate that should have taken a years naturally. The skin and feathers began growing over the bone as more and more of it began to grow and stick out of your skin. The flesh around it was torn and you were bleeding profusely. He was worried about the blood loss but there was no way to staunch the blood without interfering with your growing. He might make it worse if he tampered with it.
So instead he sat there with you. He pulled you over to him so you could still stay doubled over, but your head was resting on his lap as he curled his legs underneath himself. He kept his hand in your hair, stroking it and whispering comfort to you.
He was hard to hear over your crying and occasional cries of pain but his presence was enough. It meant everything to you.
But that feeling was too mingled with fear and pain and you couldn't fully process anything. You just let the tears fall down your face as you tried to stifle your screams. Biting down on your own lip until it bled so that you didn't frighten any of the other children.
Logan watched as the bones continued to grow from your back. Sticking out further and further until a second bond joined the first one creating the rest of the wingspan as more feathers, longer and stronger began sprouting from further down the wing.
It was a few hours before the mutation had fully manifested. You had long since stopped crying the tears staining your face. You lay breathing heavily with your head still in Logan's lap.
He hadn't left your side the entire time. You sniffed and tried to keep your breathing even but even though the pain was gone the panic was not going anywhere.
When Logan was sure it was all over he helped you sit up. Making sure you didn't sit on your new wings and didn't aggravate the injury.
"Can you stand? We need to get you to Jean."
You nodded. Your back felt strange. There was a new weight. A new neurological connection to a set of muscles that hadn't existed before. You could feel the wings, you were in tune to them. Having them felt as natural as having two arms. But moving them hurts. So you let them drag on the ground behind you, rather than holding them up.
Logan took your hand and helped you walk to Jeans lab. You felt dizzy, all the blood loss has made you woozy.
Your bedroom floor and Logan's jeans were stained with it. There was so much.
Logan looked at your wings as he walked beside you. They were a deep green. Something like the leaves of the forest he used to live in during the spring. It was a beautiful colour. It matched your eyes and your hair.
He felt your pain. Knowing what it was like to have your body rip itself open for a "gift" you didn't want.
He was going to be there for you every step of the way whilst you figured this out. He made a promise to take care of you and he was going to keep it. Even if that mean struggling through your manifestation.
The two of you got to Jeans lab and she had you lay face down on her table. She poked at your wings trying to move your ripped shirt and new wings aside so she could assess the damage. It hurt. Any movement hurt but if she didn't clean the wound it would hurt a lot more later on.
She has to cut you out of your shirt because the blood had dried into a sticky brown colour and she couldn't risk getting cotton in the gashes.
She explained to you what she had to do and you nodded accepting what was necessary.
Logan crouched down in front of you and you looked at him from the bench. Forcing out a smile before Jean got to work. You shoved your face down into the table hiding the expression of pain you could feel twisted into your features. You didn't want Logan to see that. But he grabbed your hand and held onto it. You squeezed it each time pain ebbed over your skin. And he squeezed back, letting you know he was still here.
After what felt like too long Jean announced she was done. She had to stitch up a gap that was unnecessary to your wings range of movement. The extra flesh that had been torn from the growth.
She informed you that you would have to come see her again the next day and that you would have to be careful how you slept and moved until everything had fully healed and your body had adjusted.
After that Logan leads you back up to your room and helps you into bed. You don't bother to get changed. You doubt that you would fit into any of your shirts now anyway. You crawled into bed and tried to find a comfortable position but it was hard. You didn't have enough room anymore.
You reached a hand out from your place on your bed. Feeling with your hand you try to find Logan in the darkness of your room. He takes your hand and with the little strength you have you try to pull him towards you.
He gets the message and sits down in your bed. Kicking off his boots and pulling you back to lay on his legs and chest. Acting as a full body pillow for you. Within moments the exhaustion of the day caught up with you and you were out like a light.
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I'm so glad I could write this. Staying up till 2am was totally worth it gets this done. I'm so proud of it! If you like this then please consider sending in a request of your own. I would be happy to take them in
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eirianerisdar · 5 months
Danica: I just don't think Logan's got staying power. I think it'll be someone else [in the seat soon] you know?
Simon: *Asks Jenson the same question*
Jenson: No I don't think so. I think Logan's going to be in the seat until the end of the year. Of course we'd all love to see Logan doing a bit better than he was but (goes on to defend Logan and talk about Williams as a works team)
He shut that down SO quickly
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bamboobooshark · 1 month
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‧₊ ᵎᵎ 🧸 ⋅ ˚✮ SQUISHY (1) : 866 WRDS
A/N : Rambling warning! An amazing reader recently asked if I could write a series with Steven and Jake, but I declined due to lack of skill for writing plots. “Squishy” will be an experimental, practice miniseries in which Logan is the (implied plus-sized) reader’s father figure, and care giver for when they regress. I SWEAR I will eventually write some Logan stuff that isn’t fatherly/platonic!
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You wake up and are still in a pretty stressed state. Last night you argued with your best friend, and they ended up blocking you. It wasn’t like them to do that. All that time the two of you spent together, every deep conversation, every moment of vulnerability soured just because of a disagreement. You never would’ve expected it, but here you were, sulking as your mind was screaming at you.
It was hard to think. It was hard to do anything. It was just hard.
Thank god for Logan Howlett, though. He came into your room with cautious steps and a worried look. “Hey, kid. I noticed you didn’t come down for breakfast,” he said with a soft voice. His gaze lingered on the outline of you under your blanket while patiently awaiting a response. “Just let me know if you end up getting hungry. I’ll make you something, okay? In the meantime I’ll be in my room,” he told you with a tone that pleaded for a response. After standing in the awkward silence of your room, he slowly walked out.
You weren’t really hungry. You’d lost your appetite. You didn’t want to do anything. But Logan’s tone tugged at your heart and flipped a switch in your brain after you sat there for a while and processed his words. You felt your stomach get fluttery and your bottom lip pushed out in a bit of a pout. You needed to get to him as soon as possible.
As much as your body didn’t want to, your mind convinced it to drag itself out of bed and go down the hall to Logan’s room. You knocked while holding your favorite stuffed animal against your chest. You felt a bit nervous seeking out his affection and care after you completely ignored him. Realistically, you’d probably end up crying if you didn’t get what your heart ached for.
Your slightly trembling hand reached to knock on his door. “Papa? Can I come in, please? I want cuddles,” you called to him. Logan smiled to himself softly. Mostly because you finally came to talk to him, but also because he loved caring for you when you regressed. “Yeah! You can open the door, babydoll. I ain’t doing anything,” he said with an optimistic tone. You giggled softly, your hand gripping your stuffed animal a little tighter out of excitement.
You peeked into his room before fully stepping in. Logan was lying on his bed, one leg on top of the other, cigar in hand, and wearing his usual attire. His hand scratched at his fluffy jaw while leaning his head against his forearm. He smiled when you made your way into his room. “Come on, kid. I might bite, but I won’t bite you,” he joked. He put out his cigar while exhaling deeply, the smoke curling up against his face.
His old bedframe squeaked as you climbed onto his mattress. “There you go, little one,” he cooed softly. He wrapped one arm around your side while the other rested on his stomach. A soft hum came from his throat as he carefully grabbed your stomach rolls. “My squishy little doll,” he whispered to you.
He loved feeling all the soft bits of your flesh. Anytime the two of you cuddled or had “sleepovers” in the living room, he’d grab a chunk of whatever he could. Your thighs, your stomach, your waist. Anything he could.
You curled up into his side, sandwiching your stuffed animal between you and Logan. “You brought a little friend with you. They’re so cute, aren’t they,” he asks sweetly. You smile and nod against his chest.
He reaches the hand that’s on his stomach to your thigh and moves it to rest on his hips. He pats the skin softly before he gives your thigh a good squeeze like he did to your stomach. “You are just so soft and amazing, kid. You know that,” he asks before kissing your forehead. You nod in agreement once more while letting out a soft squeak from all the affection. “Squishy, squishy, squishy,” he hums softly to you.
Logan nuzzles his face against the top of your head, his beard brushing your forehead gently. He keeps his hands where they are as they still slightly grasp your body. The two of you stay lying there for a moment. You can hear his heart beating steadily accompanied by his deep breathing. Wind whistles against the glass of Logan’s window. The sheets rustle every so often when he repositions his hand or kisses your forehead again. This whole moment almost lulls you back to sleep.
Until Logan gives you a little tickle. “Papa! That’s mean,” you pout softly. He chuckles at your disruption to the silence. “I’m sorry, doll! I couldn’t resist. You expect me to not do that when I’ve got my hand right here on your stomach,” he asks playfully while getting a tighter grasp on the flesh. You squeal at the feeling, unaware that he didn’t even mean to tickle you that time. Nonetheless, he keeps a playful grin on his face. He pats your side and sighs deeply. “How about some breakfast, kid?”
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that-art-cat · 29 days
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i5uckersblog · 25 days
Growing Pains
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Summary: On a mission gone wrong, Rogue is transformed into a five-year-old girl. Logan, stepping into an unexpected role, must care for her until a cure can be found, forging a bond that will forever change their relationship.
The mission had been straightforward—or at least it was supposed to be. Infiltrate the lab, shut it down, and get out. But Logan knew better than to trust “straightforward” when it came to their line of work. He and Rogue had been paired up for this one, her powers making her a perfect counterbalance to his ferocity. They worked well together, two forces of nature who understood the danger and the stakes.
But nothing could have prepared Logan for what happened next.
They had been moving through the labyrinthine corridors of the underground lab, the faint hum of machinery all around them. Rogue was beside him, her gloved hands ready to absorb whatever threat came their way. The tension in the air was palpable, every shadow a potential enemy.
Then they found the heart of the lab—a large, sterile room filled with advanced technology that Logan couldn’t even begin to understand. At the center of it all was a scientist, his back turned to them, frantically working at a console.
Logan acted on instinct, charging forward with a growl. But the scientist was ready. He slammed his hand down on a button, and the room was suddenly flooded with an intense, blinding light. Logan’s senses went haywire, his claws still extended as he tried to reach Rogue.
“Rogue!” he shouted, but his voice was swallowed by the light.
Then, just as suddenly, it was over. The light faded, and Logan blinked away the spots in his vision. The lab was silent. Too silent.
He looked around frantically for Rogue, his heart pounding in his chest. Then he saw her—only it wasn’t her. Not exactly.
A little girl, no older than five, sat on the floor where Rogue had been. She had auburn hair that was wild and tangled, and her big, green eyes were filled with tears. Logan’s breath caught in his throat as he realized what had happened.
“Rogue?” he asked, his voice low and rough, hoping against hope that he was wrong.
The little girl looked up at him, sniffling. “L-Logan?” she whimpered, her voice small and scared.
Logan felt like the ground had dropped out from under him. Somehow, that bastard scientist had turned Rogue into a child. He didn’t know how, and right now, he didn’t care. All that mattered was getting her out of here and figuring out how to fix this.
“Don’t worry, kid,” Logan said, forcing his voice to stay steady. “I’m here. I’m gonna get you outta here.”
He scooped her up into his arms, and she immediately clung to him, her small hands gripping his jacket like a lifeline. She was so light, so vulnerable, and it made something deep inside Logan twist painfully. He had always been protective of Rogue, but this was different. This was like someone had taken his fierce, independent teammate and replaced her with something fragile and scared.
He made it out of the lab and back to the Blackbird in record time, his thoughts racing. He radioed ahead to the mansion, his voice urgent as he spoke to Beast.
“Hank, we got a situation. Rogue’s been hit by some kind of device—turned her into a kid. I’m bringing her back. Get the medbay ready.”
“Understood, Logan. We’ll be ready when you arrive,” Beast’s voice crackled through the communicator, calm and professional, but Logan could hear the concern beneath the surface.
The flight back to the mansion was silent, Rogue curled up against Logan’s chest. She had stopped crying, but her small body trembled with fear. Logan didn’t say anything, just held her close, his mind churning with thoughts he couldn’t begin to untangle.
When they finally landed, the team was waiting for them, anxiety etched into every face. Beast rushed forward, his blue-furred face serious as he reached out to take Rogue.
“We need to run some tests, Logan. This might be reversible, but we need to understand what we’re dealing with,” Beast said gently, trying to take Rogue from Logan’s arms.
But the moment Beast touched her, Rogue panicked. She let out a frightened cry and buried her face in Logan’s chest, clutching him even tighter. “No! Don’t leave me, Daddy!”
The words stopped everyone in their tracks. Logan felt his heart skip a beat, and for a moment, he didn’t know how to respond. Daddy. The word echoed in his mind, a strange mix of emotions flooding through him. He wasn’t her father, and she knew that. But right now, she wasn’t thinking straight. She was scared and confused, and he was the only thing that felt safe to her.
“It’s okay, kid,” Logan said softly, rubbing her back with one large, calloused hand. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
Beast hesitated, then nodded, stepping back. “We’ll give you some time to get her settled, Logan. When she’s ready, we’ll start the tests.”
Logan nodded in return, grateful for Beast’s understanding. He carried Rogue inside, the rest of the team watching with a mix of sympathy and concern. He didn’t stop until he reached his own room, pushing the door open with his shoulder and stepping inside.
“Let’s get you settled, okay?” Logan murmured as he gently set her down on the bed. But as soon as he tried to pull away, Rogue grabbed his hand, her eyes wide with fear.
“Please don’t leave me, Daddy,” she whispered, her voice trembling.
Logan swallowed hard, feeling a tightness in his chest that he couldn’t quite explain. He wasn’t cut out for this—caring for a kid, especially not one who had been a grown woman just hours ago. But he couldn’t deny the look in her eyes, the way she seemed so small and helpless.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said, sitting down beside her on the bed. He pulled off his boots and jacket, then lay down next to her, keeping a safe distance but close enough that she could still hold onto him.
Rogue immediately curled up against his side, her small body fitting perfectly into the curve of his arm. Logan hesitated, then wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. She let out a small sigh and closed her eyes, exhaustion finally catching up with her.
Logan lay there, staring up at the ceiling, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. This was temporary. It had to be. But until they found a way to fix this, he was all she had. And right now, she needed him.
The days turned into weeks, and Logan quickly fell into a routine he never thought he’d experience. Taking care of Rogue—no, taking care of a five-year-old Rogue—was a challenge like no other. She was still Rogue, still had that spark in her eyes and that stubborn streak a mile wide, but she was also a scared little girl who clung to him like a lifeline.
She called him “Daddy” every day now, and every time she did, Logan felt a strange mix of warmth and confusion. It was weird, but he couldn’t bring himself to correct her. If it helped her feel safe, he could deal with it.
Mornings started with breakfast, where Logan quickly learned that Rogue had a sweet tooth. Pancakes became a regular staple, and he found himself learning how to make them from scratch just to see her smile. Then came the playtime, where she’d drag him into games of hide and seek or ask him to read her stories. Logan had never read so many children’s books in his life, but the way her eyes lit up made it worth it.
Nights were the hardest. Rogue had nightmares almost every night, waking up in a cold sweat and crying for him. Logan would hold her close, whispering that she was safe, that he was there, until she calmed down and fell back asleep. He didn’t sleep much himself, always on edge, always worrying about her.
The X-Men did what they could to help, but it was clear that Rogue only wanted Logan. Even Jean and Ororo, who had always been close to her, couldn’t get through the wall of fear and confusion that kept her glued to Logan’s side.
Weeks turned into months, and still, there was no sign of a cure. Beast worked tirelessly, but the process was slow, and each day felt like a year. Logan found himself growing more attached to the little girl Rogue had become, even as he longed for the day she’d be back to her old self.
One night, after another nightmare, Rogue clung to Logan, her small hands gripping his shirt as she buried her face in his chest. “Daddy, will I ever be big again?” she asked, her voice muffled against him.
Logan felt his heart clench. He didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to promise her something he wasn’t sure of. But he couldn’t let her down. Not now.
“Yeah, kid. We’ll figure it out. I promise,” he said softly, stroking her hair.
She sniffled, looking up at him with those big green eyes. “But…you’ll still be my daddy, right? Even when I’m big again?”
Logan hesitated, the weight of her words pressing down on him. She was scared of losing this connection, scared of losing him. And he realized, with a pang of surprise, that he didn’t want to lose it either.
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t0ast-ghost · 1 month
I’m watching the first xmen movie and them actually letting Logan be protective and show care and aughjhfhjhnnn
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spoopderman · 13 days
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Everyone say thank you to @woof-verine for coming up with the fantastic concept of Wade and Logan taking Laura to go rollerskating (it was mostly Wades idea).
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bardicious · 2 months
Just watched the third Deadpool movie, and honestly, this is a better send off for Fox's X-Men, then Dark Phoenix, AND payed Charles proper respects.
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sighsebstan · 28 days
but like....what happens after she opens the door for logan....like theoretically what happens (asking for a friend)
ok just for your friend ill make a pt 2 of the stream of consciousness love triangle drama fest-
when you open the door youre looking down because you dont want to look logan in the face and hes speaking to you in the softest voice he can ‘alright let me in, were talking about this’ and you step aside to let him in and he sits on one end of the couch looking at you while you close the door and take the far end of the couch with your legs scrunched up facing him which honestly is how you usually sit but its also convenient rn bc you can easily tuck your face in if you get too embarrassed again but anyway youre like ‘i know what youre gonna say-‘ but he cuts you off with a faux exasperated chuckle and it makes you look him in the eye finally and that oddly centers you ‘then will ya let me say it?’ and you dont have the ability to deny him shit especially when his eyes are staring so annoyingly softly at you and so he says ‘i think you know how i feel about you, i clearly care about you, a lot, and nothings changing that,’ hes speaking slowly and you can tell hes trying to carefully choose his words in the moment but then he takes a beat and a deep breath before he finishes his thought with ‘but wades got a point kiddo, the way i see you- the way i see us- this isnt gonna be a romantic thing’ and then ofc the tears start forming in your eyes again but this time a tear drop starts to fall down your cheek and logan gets closer so that he can put a hand on your knee while you stare up at the ceiling (and like fuck u for that logan but also you dont budge or ask him to move his hand bc <33) ‘the thing is that i know that’ you start ‘ its just that i have a ridiculous crush on you and i cant see it going away’ and it was an act of your heart betraying your brain bc your brain tells you to just accept the care and comfort that logan has always shown you platonic or not but your heart is a stupid bitch and a stubborn bitch and struggles to move on and your words hang in the air for the worlds longest minute before logan speaks up again ‘can you try? i know it might be asking a lot but ive lost enough and i really need you in my life,, youre like my own personal anchor being’ you had to snort laugh when he said that and you looked down where his hand was on your knee and youre like ‘wow that was really corny’ and he laughed with you in agreement and says ‘yeah i knew you werent gonna let that slide’ and then you shifted so that you were curled up in his side and he could have his arm around your shoulder caressing your hair which was not new to either of you and eventually he can hear your heartbeat steadily go back to a normal rhythm and he goes ‘so the wade thing’ and youre like ‘yeah the wade thing…..’ and your heart rate is right back up and he asks ‘have you ever thought of him?? like that??’ and you honestly told him ‘i didnt know it was an option i guess? it never crossed my mind he could see me like that’ and ever the wingman logan goes ‘it might be worth a shot? i mean, you know if he ever does anything to you id do whatever i can to fuckin kill him so its not like theres much to lose’ and you scoff even though you know hes being absolutely truthful and you go ‘yeah…’ and for a second you think about how great it could be with your bestie who you admittedly think is hot and you obviously love spending time with , but then again in your head your like ‘except i could lose my best friend’
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rainecannotdie · 1 month
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waywardsou2 · 1 month
You don't understand, that scene in X-Men where Logan goes to find Rouge on the train, he tells her to follow her gut and that he will make sure he protects her no matter what she chooses. And the give her a hug. She has probably had no human contact since her mutation manifested and to have someone hold her close when she's recently run away from her entire life is just too fucking precious.
It is literally the comfort scene gifted from the heavens, the scene that is written over and over again by people on the internet seeking comfort in their ficitonal characters.
It is literally the dream scenario
When I saw it I screamed, because as someone practically adopts any potential father figures without even batting an eye seeing this scene was like a godsend and what solidified my love of Wolverine and Logan.
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thedgeoftheuniverse · 1 month
joel miller = logan howlett
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sbd-laytall · 8 months
Y'all, he's so proud of her.
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Generation X (1994) #6
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dumbassalex · 19 days
Question: Any good Wolverine comics out there that feature X-23 / Laura? Preferably with Logan in Dad-Mode. XD Can't get enough of those two at the moment.
Yk...i dunno if i can think of any because for some reason Logan was just in complete asshole mode and was out-right abusive to her or at best dissmissive of her (whitch is why i struggle so much to get through the 2008 X-force run, it just handles Logan in such an odd way, especialy considering it's by Craig and Yost that made one of the most dad-coded Logans with X-men Evolution). But i remember them having nice moments in X-Terminators, whitch put focus on Dazzler, Boom-Boom, Jubilee and Laura (a fun little mini that i reccomend if you want some simple dumb fun). But overall there's the previously mentioned X-force run by Craig and Yost from 2008, they meet in X-23: Target by the same writers, they have some interractions in New Mutants when Logan brings Laura to join the team (funnily enough he calls her his sister there).
There's some dad-mode Logan in All-New All-Different Wolverine run by Tom Taylor, whitch is when Logan was dead and Laura was Wolverine, it's where we got Gabby and they meet Old Man Logan while he was stranded in 616.
I feel like the hardest part with these two is that as far as i read, early 2000s have good Laura handled by her creators but Logans characterization is so iffy because it was the edgy 2000s and Logan was being turned into a grumpy serious ex-military grunt with all that usual gruff military man shit. And Krakoa era has a better Logan, even if Percy doesn't write my favorite Logan because he also makes him more of a ex-military gruff dude, but Laura gets the shit end of the stick because she often gets turned into a female Logan, because that's what alot of writers seem to think she is when she's Wolverine. With the period in-between mainly has a very inconsistent take on Logan as he's in like 15 titles at once and then fucking dies, while Laura is handled by Bendis and is hanging out with past versions of the og X-men.
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anal0g-andr0id · 1 month
yall remember that post thats like "2012 avengers fandom wanted so badly for the team to be friends and theyre barely even coworkers." that <- flaw right there is exactly what i think makes xmen media so good. even when its bad. cause at least they all live in a big house together and hang out and have interesting interpersonal dynamics and shit. like we always wanted <3
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hozaloza · 5 months
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Hey chat
cutely shows you my Logan's with the Cranes AU where Logan technically gets adopted by Maverick after his grandparents die while he's still very young 😇
and he's been trained harshly (but still kindly) by Maverick to be a type of warrior of sorts, or at least to be a fighter.
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