#fat discrimination
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boyfailurr · 1 year ago
‘we support all people with disabilities’ are you normal about people being disabled because of being fat
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chubbymuffinclub · 1 year ago
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It’s easier for some people to believe my surfing is photoshopped than to accept I can surf.
There are very few things that people can write in the comment section that bother me at this point.
Almost everyday on one platform or another I hear:
• “you're fat” • if you lost weight you’d (fill in the blank) • You’re too skinny to be curvy or plus size • you look like a whale/ island/ hippo / cow • she has diabetes or will • Now that you’re done surfing go get your McDonald’s
But the one that never ceases to amaze me is when people say my surfing videos are faked…
Like oh yea let me just spend a cool several thousand dollars to go through a Hollywood production to fake I can surf…
It blows my mind that people would rather accuse someone of faking surfing than to accept that a woman with my body type or bigger can surf.
While these comments baffle me more than they cause any actual harm to me, I take heart knowing we are actually making change.
I’m rather certain for the better part of the last several decades people used hurtful words like these to exclude women like us from surfing in surf breaks around the world.
But here and now we continue to show we are strong enough to rise above those spiteful words through our passion and self acceptance.
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living400lbs · 1 year ago
"While both men and women experience greater discrimination if they are fat, women suffer more for failing to be thin enough. Study after study shows that overweight women are more likely to be unemployed than their thinner counterparts. When they are employed, larger women earn less, with smaller penalties for Black and Hispanic women, who already earn less, on average. Overweight white and Asian women experience the labor market discrimination that Black and Hispanic women already do.
Outside of the workplace, the trend of educational and economic elites marrying, befriending and socializing with one another — assortative matching and mating — is also a marked characteristic of our time. Elite homogeneity has a look and the look is thin. So when women say that it is better to be sick and thin than healthy and fat, they are perfectly rational."
- Tressie McMillan Cottom
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none-prob · 1 year ago
"Fat people aren't oppressed"
Meanwhile airplane industries:
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fatphobiabusters · 2 years ago
Mod squirrel:
I wanted to share this episode of the Church of the larger fellowship of Universal Universalist about fat liberation.
I'm exploring the UU framework so I'm super excited that they are hosting this conversation.
Topics include but not in high detail, and not limited to: accessibility, airplanes, clothing access, Job discrimination, healthism, fat as gender, medical fatphobia, eating food in public, fat Reclaiming, o word vs fat (they use the word and mock it).
Sadly they don't use the term fatphobia and minor warning for Christian refrences as UU borrows from everywhere as you can be any religion but gather in UU churches. Also I think the UU started as a Christian branch but has diverted far since. Anyway if terms related to Christianity bother you I just wanted to warn for it. Even if it was divorced now.
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thisisthinprivilege · 2 months ago
And it's so evil because, like, everyone knows that thin(ner) people have appetites and a sense of taste, eat bread and rice, overeat, underexercise, and so on. Most thin(ner) people are not on diets or going to the gym or amputating their stomachs or taking weight loss drugs. They're just living and enjoying that hamburger and are going to bingewatch a streaming show and judge you for being fatter than them, thanks very much.
This is why most thin(ner) people believe that fat people eat relatively enormous amounts of food and do even less exercise than they do. Because they want to, have to believe that fatness is behavioral and not just normal behavior expressed differently by a different body, or else they'd have to come to terms with their own disgust and terrible treatment of fat people.
If thin(ner) people didn't believe that fat(ter) people were choosing to be fat and could choose not to be fat, then they would lose their thin privilege and they really really don't want that. They really really do not want to lose the advantage granted by their thin bodies in job interviews, dating, friendships, and oodles of other social situations and opportunities. I doubt they ever explicitly intellectualize it like this, but if you ask most thin(ner) people if they'd rather be fat, they will emphatically say no.
diet culture people make me feel like i’m going crazy. you want me to take an experimental pill that destroys my appetite?? you want me to remove part of my stomach??? you want me to stop eating bread and rice, two of the staple foods most inherent to humanity????? why exactly? because my stomach is big? because you don’t like the way i look, and you think it’s reasonable to tell me to carve pieces off of myself and try random drugs and ruin my own life so i can look more visually pleasing to you? and you somehow don’t see how absurdly cruel and selfish that is to ask of somebody???? while pretending you care about their HEALTH????????????????? FUCK YOU!!!!
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thisisthinprivilege · 15 days ago
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Most political cartoons and other art criticizing Trump depict him as fat, with a beer gut or straining buttons on his clothes, or whatever else. He isn't actually fat, but that's largely beside the point.
Trump is evil. Criticize him for being evil. Call him out on what he does and says. He's a Nazi, he's a fascist, he's doing all kinds of illegal shit. But making fun of him for his supposed fatness is fatphobic. His physique has nothing to do with his evil, and when people intentionally draw him as fat while depicting his evil, they are saying that his supposed fatness is part of his evil. So very fatphobic.
And by the way, neither saying he's got a low IQ (in this meme), nor claiming he has a small penis (not in this meme) is okay either. All of this does splash damage. Stop hurting other people when who you want to hurt is Trump.
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thisisthinprivilege · 1 year ago
Thin privilege is saving money, or even being able to access air travel at all, by being able to relatively comfortably book middle seats and tight-pitch seats on budget airlines.
Thin privilege is that last-minute $100 round trip.
Thin privilege is being able to afford to visit a dying relative, or being able to afford to be there for a milestone family occasion, or being able to interview outside of the local job market.
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beckywtghmai · 1 year ago
The Best Example
Sometimes I think about All the years of work I’ve done towards losing weight And all of the denial and gaslighting and abuse I’ve received Instead of respect Because I don’t look like The best example of what they know And somehow it’s always, always and forever My problem. Not y’all’s.
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thisisthinprivilege · 1 year ago
Thin privilege is having a normal partner.
No fat person in a healthy relationship has a normal partner. Our partners have to have reflected upon and grappled with the cultural stigma against fatness, particularly in beauty standards, and somehow overcome it.
Our partners have to have rejected the constant messaging that fat people are physically and emotionally and mentally less-than everyone else, or have some kind of giant personality flaw, or have some dark hidden trauma that "caused" us to become fat.
Our partners have to have rejected the constant messaging that fat people make worse partners and parents, that we are socially contagious, that we unwittingly/uncaringly contribute to climate change, that we exemplify excessive materialism.
Our partners have to have rejected the media that has equated people with our body types as pathetic, as jokes, as villains.
The partners of fat people are exceptional.
Thin privilege is having a huge dating pool because you don't need an exceptional partner to be treated with basic respect and dignity, as you already have it by default.
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rockin-mobbin · 8 months ago
Creating clothing without pockets should be illegal.
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neuroticboyfriend · 2 years ago
thanks to ableism, heightism, and fatphobia, almost nothing is made to fit or work for my body ever. mobility aids. furniture. clothes. shoes. cars. etc. etc. if any of these do work out for me, they're usually expensive and i have a much more limited selection than abled, average height, straight sized people.
this isn't just inconvenience, either. things like furniture and shoes not being made for me causes me pain and takes a toll on my body, because i physically cant use them properly. making things fit me takes energy and money that i cant afford, but sometimes have to spend anyway. the safety measures in things like cars could injure or even kill me if i were to get in a bad accident.
being short, fat, and disabled in this society is so much harder than it has to be. it's unfair and downright dangerous that our bodies aren't being taken into account when designing almost everything around us. disabled people deserve better. fat people deserve better. people with short and tall stature deserve better.
we're just as much part of this world as everyone else, and we deserve to live in a world that acts like we exist.
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savvysquid · 2 months ago
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thisisthinprivilege · 2 years ago
I find that left-leaning people almost always justify their fat bigotry in science-y terms (not actual science on fatness, which they never know anything about when questioned), and right-leaning people in terms of character traits they believe are associated with fatness.
To me, it's all excuses to keep enjoying higher social status and apparent moral superiority for the non-act of existing in a thin(ner) body, or having lost weight. In other words, people are addicted to their thin privilege and are not about to let reason stand in the way of their enjoyment of said thin privilege.
I've seen the use of the "crazy sjw feminist" stereotype from gamergate days die down a little but one thing that remains ever present is the way fat activists are treated. Anything they say is dismissed and ridiculed, they have insults hurled at them with so much cruelty and disdain. The moment a fat person asks any group of people to change their worldview on fatness, it's immediate insults and brick walls. This includes left leaning people. Everyone loves to gang up on fat people, it hasn't changed a bit.
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