#fat acceptance community
nomoremrnicefat · 2 months
in honor of disabled pride month, i want to give a shout-out to all disabled fat people who had to roll their eyes who have been told "you're not disabled, just fat" or "thats because you dont eat well/exercise"
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manyminded · 4 months
”im a queer freak, the kind of person your parents warned you about” okay. how to react to queer poc. or disabled queers. or fat queers. hell even scratch the queer bit, how do you react to other minorities? just in general? or even other queer people who just aren’t like you? I’m not saying I’m immune to being bigoted towards these people, too - it’s ingrained in us from birth - but it’s worth it to try and unlearn this.
p.s. if anyone from minorities that aren’t the queer community want to comment on how to be less bigoted towards them I’d genuinely love to see it. We all need to learn.
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blimbo-buddy · 4 months
I feel like when we talk about acceptance of bear men on here we always just default to chubby-buff, hairy dudes but we never take into account the genuinely fat men. The guys who have prominent double chins, the guys who have trouble finding stores that carry big enough sizes of clothes, the guys who still get weird looks from people because of their weight
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cosmos-tent · 3 months
I think the main reason people are more comfortable drawing fat mascs/gnc people is because society associates femmininity with thinness. (and yess you can talk about curves and the many periods where full bodies were considered femminine but we're talking about modern society) and even though curves have become more appreciated in women and femmes it's only if a certain level of thinness is retained. Men, to a certain extent, are allowed to be fat while still being masculine but women can't be fat and still remain the same level of femminine. -written by someone who isn't fat themselves but has just made a connection
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poetryorchard · 1 year
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join nashira in this workshop centering radical self love! you are invited to join no matter what state of self-esteem you are. even if you don't think you want to write about yourself, you never know what other things you might write about!
💘 sign up here 💘
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stonerhog · 8 months
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
Best part of switching from mainly using Reddit to mainly using Tumblr: Being able to see artwork of plus size fursonas WITHOUT everyone making jokes about Pyro cynical.
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theblazingpoetess · 4 months
Don't Like/Like
Things I don't like about my body:
The uneven lumps and curved blobs of skin, fat, and tendon. The fact my breasts are too small for my body type (you never see my rack in the shopping catalogues.) I hate that my eyes appear too little, unless I wear eye makeup. The arch in my back from years of trauma, humping my neck and contorting my mid-lower back. The largeness and unusualness of my stomach region. How dark my body hair is; the speed at which it regrows. The roundness of my face -- without makeup -- makes most people think I'm on the cusp of 18. How my body has aged with all I have been through, looking more in the middle of my life than most my age. The acne scarring from nonstop skin-picking behaviour of my teen years and as of now. The shape of my fingernails. The 'manliness' of my feet. The scars that are visible only to me. The way I don't have a so-called 'bubble' butt, and likely never will. How big my legs are (and yet they carry my body so well). My 'Dumbo' ears, always poking through my hairdo, and the dense cartilage of my lobes. The discolouration of my teeth; they'll never be a perfect white. The great big black dot on the side of my left neck, my mother's friend once saying it was a sign of beauty. How I look when I put my hair up with no framing font pieces The profile of my nose, never fitting into one category of idealisation. The premature wrinkles on my hands.
Things I like about my body:
My hair colour, always complimented by hairdressers and the odd envious; I have never changed its colour, other than the yearly copper henna. The flexibility of my toes. The strength of my entire body, endured under the weight of two decades of survival mode dependence, giving me more muscle than most. The unique undertone of my skin that can never find the right shade of foundation or concealer. The thickness and growth -- a healthy indication -- of my fingernails. The sharp indentation of my cheekbones, yet still holding a soft curvature. The shape of my hands. My vintage Hollywood face, akin to features of Fontaine and Novak. Reversed by orthodontics; my front tooth gap. All the little moles I have; the matching pair on the inside of my elbows. My lip outline which my mother is jealous of (doesn't she know she also has it?). My smile, which I've learned to love. The golden circles, rings of Saturn, in my eyes.
Is it any wonder I have more dislikes than likes?
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sunkern-plus · 11 months
i know there should be more yuri (because of this website being the yuri website and the woman prioritizer website, and i agree as a woman prioritizer), but...there should also be secret third thing, secret fourth thing, and secret fifth thing stuff too (n/n stuff, women x nonbinary stuff, and men x nonbinary stuff)
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cassidyreturns · 4 years
CW: Lewd/Lingerie
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@queerandquandary photo creds <3
A 'good' judgement of someone or something is still a judgement. Why am I just now understanding this?
Every time I approach a situation, if I am coming to it with my own lens, I will always contort a biased opinion on the matter.
I used to think my work was to change my perspective from 'bad' to 'good.' But really, I need to learn neutrality: TRUE neutrality.
If there is always an equal opposite reaction, then strictly on a logical basis, the only way to free oneself would be to stop choosing one side.
Literally everything except me has NOTHING to do with me.
My ego caught me up in all the lies again...
There is no Self, there is only the perception of Self.
We are all One, and our cycles are continuous.
Maybe one day I can stop participating in Karma, and allow the only judgement to be Divine.
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unbeleevable · 1 year
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I understand, fatness/being a fat person CAN be unhealthy... however, so can being skinny.
Sure being fat means you are at more of a risk for some health issues like diabetes, but you can be skinny and have the same problems.
Sure, some fat people may have back or joint pain... but (and guess what?!) SO CAN SKINNY PEOPLE.
You don't see plus size people saying 'wow, you're so skinny! Oh you poor thing, at such a high risk of Osteoporosis.'
Or, 'wow, you're so thin! Sucks that. you must have several EDs to be able to maintain that figure!'
I get it, i'm fat, however that doesn't mean i am unhealthy, or not worthy of respect and love. Also, i am not going to force myself to become unhealthy just because some people want me to be thinner than i am.
If it is a question of, fatness and geniunely being healthy, over skinny and having several EDs, (because truly, that would be the only way for me to become thin and keep weight off) i would pick fatness everyday of my life. And i feel sorry for my past self that i couldn't recognize that sooner...
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sleepyjim · 1 year
intersex galguy scrolling thru the tag n yeah. the “men dni” (and honestly even th “women dni”) stuff has rly pushed me outta sapphic n achillean spaces… even when I wasn’t multigender I was treated rly weird just 4 being intersex trans & not being transmasc or transfem… kinda can’t win out here lmao
augh yeah dude :// it sucks
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angolandreamer · 24 days
We live in a society that teaches us that identities are complex and intertwined in unexpected ways. Being Black and gay, for example, means navigating a world that judges you by the color of your skin and your sexual orientation. But what happens when those who have suffered discrimination become perpetrators? This individual is a clear example of how personal experiences do not immunize us against prejudice. Despite having been the target of racism and homophobia, he does not hesitate to ridicule the Latino community, which he calls "shameful Latinidad." Where is the empathy for those who, like him, have been marginalized? Why the need to point the finger at others when one has been pointed at themselves? Xenophobia is a scourge that hides in the darkest corners of our society. Sometimes it's disguised as humor, other times as superiority. But it's always a reflection of fear and ignorance. By perpetuating stereotypes about Latinos, this person not only hurts them but also betrays all those who fight for a more just and inclusive world.
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cypr1anlatew00d · 3 months
Actually I can't decide if Butter was like, a Class S novel or also an "abandoning your given gender role makes you go to superhell forever; it also makes your earthly life bad" novel in a roundabout way! INTERESTING
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realqueerpositivity · 9 months
"Aro isn't queer grrr" not only are you wrong but hot take you can be queer without being gay. Or trans. Or LGBTQ+ at all. I think a cishetallo person could be queer. How about that? Hmph.
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