#fangirling over fanfics
sheikfangirl · 5 months
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"If you want to rescue Zelda, come to my castle!"
This scene always gives me goosebumps 😭
That Sheik plot twist!!!! (Im not Sheik's fangirl for nothing by the way) Zelink have this emotional reunion and are separated immediately! THE DRAMA!!
I'll never be over that game. NEVER! OoT Zelink, my beloved 💕
(Btw I HATE shading gems and crystals 😂😭)
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gingiekittycat · 9 months
Getting an author reply to a fic comment is just the best feeling. Like a celebrity stopping to sign autograph
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enixamyram · 5 months
So, we all know the first season was a little rushed since they only had 8 episodes to work with. It is my (desperate) hope that since the show is doing so well, they'll be given more episodes for season 2. Now let's pretend they'll be given enough for filler episodes as well as the main story. Here are some of my dream filler episodes I would love to see happen!
A Chaggie date (Vaggie sees Charlie is getting stressed and worries about her so she insists on taking her out for a night off.)
A Keekee and Fat Nugets episode (something happens and the two end up away from the hotel and work together to find their way back home.)
An Earth Visit (not sure why, but somehow for some reason, Charlie and co visit earth for a day and chaos ensures because how could it not.)
Emily Visits Hell (maybe brings Molly with? It would be kind of hilarious for people from Heaven to see how it really is like in Hell. Maybe this is Charlie trying to get them to be more part of the hotel transition.)
A Blackout Episodes (One of those, how various people deal with something -Vox- causing a blackout throughout the city. Maybe even one of those Charlie or Vaggie gets stuck in a lift with Velvette or someone to have some fun interactions between different characters.)
A Gambling Episode (No idea the story but at some point it involves Husk making some bets to let off steam and Angel ends up tagging along as arm candy and I read somewhere that Husk cheats so maybe Angel helps him!)
Lucifer rejoins society (he attempts to pick up his role as King of Hell but finding it increasingly hard since his long absence and preppy attitude means not many people take him seriously.)
Nifty chaos (maybe she somehow wanders from the hotel while Alastor is away so Chalie and the others try to find her, worried she'll get hurt, meanwhile she's terrorizing the rest of hell and just having a blast before they eventually find her safe and sound if not covered in a lot of someone else's blood.)
Overlords episode (Maybe Charlie or Lucifer want to try and get on the good side of the overlords so try and spend some time with each of them to get to know them better.)
The Vees meets Hangover (this one is really silly and in general I just want a Vee filler but it'd also be hilarious if there was a Hangover style one where one of them - take your pick, it'd be hilarious either way - goes missing after a bender and the other two struggle to put together what happened to find them.)
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angelbambisworld · 2 months
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You silly goose you really think you can eat all that???
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yandere-wishes · 8 months
Can tumblr author be a full time job??
No, seriously, I'm not loving the job opportunities I have out there.
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tiredemzz · 2 months
“What fandom do you remember from your childhood?”
Legit shows this -
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cloudwasdead · 7 months
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djarintreble · 11 months
i bought a peeta mellark shirt to match my friend for the ballad premiere (we’re doing the peeta and finnick shirt trend) and the girl at boxlunch was like “oh i’m a peeta girl too!” and i was like “peeta was my first love and i’ve been- well this might be embarrassing but i’ve been reading this fic that-“
we literally jumped and screamed in the middle of boxlunch. anyways, shout-out to my new bestie and go read Peeta’s games for more lover boy enjoyment (and hurt)
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xlmibby · 3 months
a new chapter of my xiaolumi fic is now on ao3! this time it's a very summer-like beach date (with a bit of heated emotions that feel almost like roller coaster) so i hope the story will melt your heart away 🤭 please enjoy it!!! 🥰
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
The amazing and fabulous @sophieswundergarten made a podfic of the first chapter of my Martina Crowe fic "Who You Were Meant To Be". I put the links below, so be sure to listen and give her some love because she's amazing! Thanks Sophie! 💕
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theothersarshi · 2 years
Oh shit, I just remembered nobody cares on Tumblr, I can write whatever, so I can just shout into the void.
Holy shit, I've just finished reading "Draco Black and the Bastard Dragon" by starbrigid (on Ao3) and I fucking love the entire "Mirror of Ecidyrue" series. It's so good.
I think my favorite book was the sixth, because I'm a sucker for tragedies and pretty deaths.
But I'm here and just... I have so many questions left unanswered.
Everything is written from Draco's perspective - he gets sent back in time from when he's 18 and the war (and his trial) are over and ends up in his 11 year-old body. Good news: he knows everything he knew when he was 18! Bad news: he knew absolutely jack-shit about the workings on behind the scenes. Oh well.
And I loved that. I loved the perspective so much throughout the series. He's so... selfish, and vain, and adorable, and selfless, and terrible. He's my poor little meow-meow. (complete with murder)
I absolutely loved Luna, too. She's my favorite cinnamon roll with a dash of unnatural attraction to the dark arts.
I have unanswered questions, because Draco isn't the world's most inquisitive individual. Which, fair, he's more concerned with keeping people alive, but also...
What is up with Dantanian Noir. It's obvious he has so much going on. He has a whole story, and all we get are glimpses, and while I entirely believe the ending, I don't understand exactly how things got to that point. His evolution is off-stage.
I wonder if I could figure it out better if I re-read the whole series.
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midnightskye05 · 6 months
If I’m not obsessing over something check up on me, fangirl is my natural state
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— in which Vlad indulges in the final moments of peace before the fire and brimstone of the battle engulf him.
word count: 669 words
warnings: surprisingly none voievod-to-be has his soft moment
a/n: The biggest thank you goes to @vladvodashitposts for being the guardian angel of this piece — for giving me the most generous advice on how to approach this wonderful man’s story, as well as beta-reading this work to give it The Vodă’s Seal of Approval ™. I am endlessly grateful for your cherished input. ❤️
➨ also available on AO3
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October 1448, southern Wallachian borders
As they continue on their journey, the fierce gale that emanates from the river they recently traversed starts to pick up — the final moments of peace before the fire and brimstone of the battle engulf them as they approach Târgovişte. Vlad pulls his woollen cloak closer to his body, arms constricting against his chest to preserve warmth from the cold. While it is not the freezing inferno that can turn limbs into frozen spars, it still has a bite to it that invigorates both body and soul.
As the days grow shorter and the nights get longer, the anticipation of winter builds. The cooler weather is already beginning to transform the landscape, with leaves changing from verdant green to warm shades of yellow and orange. The air is filled with the unmistakable fragrance of the season, and the fields, once lush with crops, now stand bare, ready for the harvest to be stored away for the colder months ahead. The damp earth, too, is a harbinger of the coming winter. Its sweet, musky scent permeates the air, holding a special place in his heart.
He recalls how he once delighted in riding deep into the woods on days such as these, when he was but a child. The sun peeking through the branches, the sound of leaves crunching under the horse’s hooves, and the feeling of the wind blowing through his hair would all bring him immense joy. He would ride for hours without a care in the world, feeling as though he was discovering the mighty secrets of the forest. But now, as an adult, it appears to him as though that happened years and years ago, to some other person. As though the recollection were too serene and joyous to ever pertain to him.
During his captivity, he had ample time to observe the changes that occurred in his surroundings, too. The trees were shedding their leaves just the same, and the scent of rain was also present in the air. However, nothing could ever compare to this experience.
For this is the feeling of freedom. Of being at long last where he belongs.
Overcome with exhaustion, he dismounts his horse, tenderly caressing the animal's sturdy neck before swiftly walking away. He sinks to his knees, leaning forward to press his forehead against the damp earth. The scent of the soil is pungent yet soothing, and it comforts him in a way he could never explain. His hands rest upon the muddied loam, the skin of his palms instantly stained. He does not mind the dirt; in fact, it feels like a blessing to be connected to his land in such a visceral way.
In the distance, the Ottoman soldiers on their horses regard him with curious eyes, yet hold their tongues and ride further. The man who leads them, now kneeling in the mud, simply appears to be engaged in prayer.
But for Vlad, it is no prayer — it matters not now. It shall have its time later, after his duties, when he will be shown into his chambers. What matters now is a sense of solace that washes over him like a wave. This feeling is a welcome balm to his soul, which has been battered and bruised by the trials of life. Though the wounds are still fresh, Vlad finds that the promise of hope is like a glimmer of light shining in the darkness, guiding him onward towards a better tomorrow.
With his head still bowed low, a solitary tear traces a path down his cheek and lands upon the earth. It is a furtive tribute to the land that he belongs to, one that remains veiled from the many prying eyes that surround him. He utters a single word in his mother tongue, the language of his birth and of his people. The sound of the word echoes through the silence, a poignant reminder of all that has been lost and all that remains.
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a/n 2: After almost three years of playing around with the idea of starting to write Vlad’s story, I have just managed to find enough courage to dip my toes into his fascinating life... and try to re-imagine it in the most respectful way possible. No vampires happening here, just the coolest voievod. Also, my writings are pure historical fiction — despite being a real Vlad nerd and always looking for more information to learn, I am in no way an expert, nor do I try to come across as one.
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[ IMG ID: Two stylized cats drawn with only the lineart, one of them is a tabby and the other has a tuxedo-variant pattern. The tabby looks old and faces the other, younger and anxious looking one. / END ]
In 2018, I made a Ranger's Apprentice x Warriors Cats crossover. These are Halt and Will, or Silentstripe and Mothpaw (Will's warrior name was Mothflight).
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fertilize-my-eggs · 2 years
I need more proshipper friends or at least more people who's into dark theme content.
Like I wanna gush over ships, lewd content or able to talk about nasty topic together. >.<
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koffeevibes · 1 year
The Thorns and Roses Society (A teaser)
So I have been working on this for a little while and in the past month I have actually started writing the start of this and I am so excited to share with everyone a little snippet of the first chapter that covers the main character Calliope Chaulot's venture to Twisted Wonderland! Honestly I have fallen in love with this character, she is waaayyyy to fun to write about lol.
But here's a little sneak peek of what's to come!
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The day Calliope Chaulot’s father died was the day her life was thought to have ended. A fire had ripped through the centre of town. An area so unaccustomed to fire that it left a heightened sense of mortality that day. The cries of both the injured and their families filled the skies in synchronised pain. All longing for a different outcome, a better outcome. Yet none of their prayers were received, they all fell on deaf ears.
157. One hundred and fifty seven people perished that day, never to see the light again. Some bodies were never found as they had been eaten alive by the flames. Families were left grieving over a person that to the better knowledge of others never existed.
Those thorns of memories never ceased to stop pricking underneath the skin of Calliope. Her father was never found, all that remained was the small ring that herself with the help of her uncle made for him when she was six. 
It was gloomy days like this that she longed that he was still with them. But that wasn’t the problem at hand. Her mother sat in front of her at the dinning table reading the newspaper, as Calliope placed a slice of freshly baked bread with a generous spread of marmalade on top. The families around the town pitied them. Something that Calliope loathed. Without a man in the house it was, at least to the outside world that they couldn’t afford to live. Although that was the opposite. They lived comfortably, just enough money to survive but also live a little at the same time. Enough to enjoy the small things in life. 
“I didn’t know we had marmalade.” Calliope’s head turned slightly at the sound of her mothers voice. These days she had become less vocal as her health decline. The death of her husband took a great toll on her mental health, something she had never recovered from. All the health issues she suffered from now were a result of the amount of stress she was under.
“You like marmalade don’t you?” A smile creeped along her face as she replied. Slowly walking back over to her mother with some hot tea. “And here’s your tea, with no milk and a teaspoon of honey” 
Her mother nodded, and looked back up from the newspaper. Her eyes finding Calliope’s. 
“You know me too well.” A cheeky grin appeared as she spoke. “The weather is getting colder again.” Her mother stated as she looked towards the window, the sky faintly resembling the colour of their grey carpet. 
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