#fandom dictionary
fights4users · 11 months
Tron dictionary: update
I just about have everything organized, the way I’m going to post is by category rather than alphabetical. It is designed to be editable so if there’s a term I haven’t included let me know at any time!
I still would like some video game related stuff, there’s a bunch of jobs and items that have somewhat been absorbed into the larger fandom. I have absolutely no clue of any of it, I haven’t played any game beyond the literal arcade cabinet (which is actually pretty hard)
Also video game terminology in general! I think people forget just how much arcades and game video game cabinets shaped the original film (like all the vehicles canonically being from games) so terms like ‘frame rate’ etc the more technical stuff would also be great to include alongside computing terms.
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mellxncollie · 2 months
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PAINLAND WEEK - DAY TWO - MYTHS/LEGENDS → Sophus Helle, Gilgamesh — tablet XII, lines 87-95
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kknotphobia · 2 months
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So I watched that one live action SCP film and I just wanna say that i absolutely lost my mind when I saw that version of 049. Then i proceeded to watch every other SCP live action w/ 049, 035 and others I could get my greedy hands on. Let's just say my sleep schedule has gone to shit❤️
ALSO Y'ALL WONT BELIEVE IT, BUT I'M WORKING ON PART 2 OF THE COMIC!!!! I'll post a wip when I receive my new tablet on Friday <3 thanks for all of your support!! I've crept back into my SCP phase just for you guys
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kaleidoru · 9 months
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The Cat o' Nine Tails pondering who to ignite next whilst enjoying their nonspecific trendy sugary drink from [big name chain drinks vendor]
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i’m just dropping by and i wanna rant a bit about just how much i hate that people have turned the word “narcissistic” into a synonym for toxic or abusive. even if we’re ignoring the ableism towards people with NPD (which we shouldn’t), people are still not using the term correctly? they’re not evening referring to someone who is egotistical or selfish, they’re just straight up using that word for any person who slightly pisses them off.
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kukekakuningaskris · 8 months
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i bring you my medieval recreation of the crash fic (thanks to the bayeux tapestry website thingy)
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justarandombrit · 4 months
Remembering that time I almost had to explain to my Spanish teacher that the reason why I already knew the word for head (cabeza) is because I wanted to translate "I'm gonna kick your... HEAD!" ("Voy a patear su... ¡CABEZA!")
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scopophobia-polaris · 7 months
I swear to God the fact that frulleboi was releasing a comic FOR FREE and bitches harassed them about not updating enough when last time I check they....
Uploaded weekly
God even if they uploaded monthly or every few months some of you people need to grow the fuck up and learn to wait instant gratification culture has ruined a good lot of people
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omgpurplefattie · 14 days
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I see GDocs' "die fishing" and raise you Ellipsus' Feisheng => Feigling (German for 'coward') as a hilarious mangling of the guy's name when trying to write fanfic about him.
I am trying to write fanfic in German, for an audience of perhaps two, just out of sheer bloody-mindedness.
I can't help imagining DFS being offended at Ellipsus for calling him a coward, threatening the nice support guy from Ellipsus who helped me with my spellcheck problem in the middle of Sunday (even though their chatbot very sensibly had told me that a human would be available again on Monday) with his Dao...
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byler-alarmist · 4 months
Minor fandom gripe:
Cannon- projectile-shooting device
Canon- acknowledged as legit by the authority on the subject/creator
Pinning- the act of securing something to another (literal or metaphorical)
Pining- the state of longing and yearning for something or someone
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rpedia · 7 months
what does FPRP mean? (five nights at freddy’s? idk if that would matter)
lillies-ballpit asked: hi, sorry if you've already answered this before, but what does ptrp mean? i was looking at a twitter roleplayer and their pinned said "ptrp/mvrp" :/  
Anonymous asked:   What does Fandomless mean?   Anonymous asked:   What does ss mean in a rp   Anonymous asked:   which is? s/o I see that they write it a lot in a fanfic on the Tumblr platform   Anonymous asked:   What is a open ship?  
Anonymous asked:   What does ST-LT and S-F mean? Anonymous asked: What is pming? Anonymous asked: hi! I feel like this is a stupid question but im kinda new to roleplaying so what does the word muse mean? Ive heard people use before like "single muse" or "multimuse" and stuff like that. But what is a muse?? Thanks for making this blog! Its super helpful!
Time for a bundle answer!
1: Likely FPRP is First Person Roleplay. i.e. “I walk along the street” rather than second person (”You walked along the street.”) or third (”They walked along the street.”) 2. PTRP is a roleplay universe on Twitter for Pokemon Trainers it appears. MVRP is multi-verse! They'll play in multiple universes, fandoms, or realities. 3. Fandomless? It means their character was developed originally, and has no ties to a fandom or already created media.
4: ss probably means Single Ship, which means they like to exclusively write with a single partner and their character, and don't like making new romance threads. I sure as heck hope it’s nothing else because uhm...
5: S/O? Well there's a couple meaning but, "Significant Other" and "Shout Out" are both popular!
6: An open ship is likely just a poly, or multiple shipper. It's someone who is willing to RP multiple plot threads with a variety of roleplay partners and romances, and does not do exclusivity! This is also MS, or Multi-shipping.
7: ST-LT is probably "short term, long term" meaning, they're looking for either a short term or long term RP. S-F might be anything from Sci-Fi to Short-Form. Context is everything for these super short ones, and the meanings change depending on where you find them and how they’re used. Bu these are my best guesses!
8: PMing is Private Messaging, it's when you send a whisper/DM/PM to someone privately, just one-on-one. 9: Muse? It’s just a term to designate the character you’re playing. If I wrote for a character in a roleplay, or played them, they would be my “muse”. This is usually paired with mun, or mundane. There's also players, PC for player character, and character or MC main character. Single muse would be that they play just the one character. Multimuse means a blog contains multitudes, tons of muses are probably being played by the same blog, like a rotating cast!
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fights4users · 11 months
Cursed thought
“To infinity and beyond” is a genuine program saying
There’s multiple potential meanings for the saying, just like “circuits” can apply to a lot of different things in the digital world. We can start simple simply by defining “Infinity” which is not quite heaven but more of an Olympus- a place on top of the mountain, somewhere beyond our skies. It’s probably less of a physical place to programs but that Users come from literal infinity a place beyond numbers, math and logic — the core tenants of their understanding etc
It’s less “you get rewarded and go there when you die” and more “the gods of creation spawned and wrote us out of it”
Potential meanings to the phrase
A way to express grief. Energy gets recycled into the system and reused by everyone and everything on a programs deresolution. So hoping they travel so far as infinity is a nice gesture
Basically the program equivalent of “to the end of the line”
Counterpart vows! Their relationships aren’t exactly like ours, they’re deeper and marriage isn’t really a thing but bonding literal code is a serious commitment so vowing to follow and be with each other “to infinity and beyond” is a really sweet idea?
This was meant to be silly but then thinking about it, it’s actually a really touching phrase taking on the implications of it. Also I think Sam would absolutely lose his shit if he stayed long enough to take in program vernacular.
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obsessive-dumpling · 10 months
Sometimes I find myself sitting somewhere, just staring off into the distance, wondering:
What is Caleb Cook doing right now?
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alyceinwonderland777 · 4 months
PSA for fandoms
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This is the true meaning of the word romanticize, meaning that no Susan, if I think that a particular fictional villain is sexy I'm not romanticizing him.
Please, don't use words whose meaning you don't know because you will look ridiculous.
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p-perkeys · 7 months
fandom verbiage confession:
since i'm so obsessed with them
my sister told me about the word 'sniktlings' forever ago but i had no context other than her saying the word here and there
it was only recently when i saw someone spell it as 'sniktblings' that i realized it was the combination of the words 'snikt' and 'siblings'
i used to think, in my cavewoman no fandom participation era with only my sister to tell me what The People said, that they were called 'sniktlings' because they were the little/children snikts and Logan was the big/dad snikt
like duck versus duckling
so in my head Logan was snikt and then Akihiro/Laura (and now Gabby and MANIFESTING BELLONA) are sniktlings
which that's still true... because they are the siblings and Logan is not, but you get it, right? my confusion?
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thegreatwicked · 6 months
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What is somnophilia? When you say edging... You mean??? Thats a thing? Yes! It is a thing! Welcome to the kink-tionary; don't yuck someone else's yum.
Ok, lets first begin with what exactly is a kink?
A kink is defined as anything that veers off the 'normal' sexual path or experience. It's used to describe things that are of particular sexual curiosity and interest to someone. Things like behaviors and/or practices outside of normal sexual behavior.
What about a fetish? What's the difference? The answer in not so many words is a kink is meant to increase the pleasure and a fetish almost replaces a partner with an object. So in other words, a kink adds to the experience but a fetish is a necessity in order to get off.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me...
So we'll start with some of the most common kinks I could find and we'll just keep adding to this list. Here we go!
BDSM: BDSM is an umbrella term that covers a broad variety of practices and it stands for Bondage, Discipline/Domination, Submission/Sadism, and Masochism. BDSM is all about one party exerting dominance over the other and it is mutually consensual, pre-agreed upon, and a satisfying encounter for BOTH parties. 50 Shades of Grey IS NOT THE EXAMPLE YOU WANT TO DRAW FROM. I am not part of the BDSM community but I do have friends in it and they all tell me the same thing, the movie/book is a very poor representation of the community but it's not the only one. BDSM is about trust, consent, and respect. If you or your character derives pleasure from the fantasy of letting their/your partner have their way with you, or if you derive pleasure from the idea of "making" your partner service and please you. This really deserves its own post as it covers a lot but the key thing here is CONSENT. RESPECT. AND MUTUAL PLEASURE. The most highly recommended books I could find on the kink were things like For Real by Alexis Hall, An Old Fashioned Love Song by Michelle K Grant (this book is free!), A Seditious Affair by KJ Charles.
Sadism and Masochism: These two can also fall under the BDSM umbrella as well. These kinks are about your relationship to pain. A sadist gets pleasure from inflicting pain on a sexual partner but it doesn't necessarily have to be sexual pain. A masochist gets pleasure from being hurt. This is also meant to be consensual, and the use of safewords is a necessity. This can veer off into dark territory very easily.
Ropes and Bondage: Another element from the BDSM umbrella. Its a very popular kink and one of the most well known. It involves the use of safewords and trust, respect, consent.
Hosiery: This is the interest in wearing things like pantyhose or having a parner wearing them while having sex or engaging in sexual activity.
Voyeurism: Voyeurism is being turned on by watching other people have sex.
Exhibitionism: This is the opposite side to the coin that is Voyeurism; which is the act of being watched surring sex or other sexual acts.
Roleplay: Taking on different persons during sex and living out a fantasy, stepping outside of yourself for a more intense experience. Popular troupes are professor/student, master/slave, etc.
Dirty Talk: Yes, this counts as a kink. It's the act of using suggestive or explicit language to heighten excitement or sensation. Like what you're doing to your partner, waht you want to do, what you plan to do, what you want them to do to you, etc.
Urophilia: Also known as 'Golden showers' or 'Watersports' this is for people who are turned on by urination, either giving or recieving.
Nipple Play: This centers around a focus on plaing wiht your partners nipples or your own. Things like licking, biting, teasing, etc.
Humiliation: Being arousesd by being put in your place, or being humiliated. So you things like your partner tellign you your dick is small, or you're a slut. It can also involve acts like boot licking and facials (Ejaculating on yout partners face).
Cuckholding: More common among men but not exclusively. This is when you're turned on by your partner having sex in front of you, or away from you but typically it invovles watching directly.
Female Led Relationship: This involves being aroused by giving the female in a heterosexual relationship most of the sexual control. So, sex could center on what she likes primarily as an example.
Auralism: Also called a Sound Kink, the act of being aroused by sounds; think partners hitting the wall durring sex, moans, or things like listening to NSFW audio content, spicy audiobooks.
Age Play: This one involves two CONSENTING ADULTS; you take on roles or ages other than your own so think mommy/daddy in bed, little girl, baby, etc.
Orgasm Control: It can go along with BDSM, but it involves letting your partner control the timing of your orrgasms, usually things like bondage are involved.
Impact Play: Spanking, paddling, canning, etc. Being hit in a consensual erotic context releases endorphins and it gives you a bit of a rush.
CNC: A bit of a controversial one in my opinion, but it stands for Consensual Non Consent. This is someone who is aroused by the idea of being forced or taken by their partner while they pretend to say no. They're commonly referred ot as Rape Fantasies, it's preagreed upon, an carefully arranged by all parties. not for the feint of heart.
Gags: Being turned on by wearing or using gags, think ball gags, panties, etc.
Praise Kink: Being turned on by praise and compliments; think "you're doing so good taking my cock, baby." Or, "You're so pretty when you come,"
Degradation: This is the opposite of a praise kink, being insulted through words or actions; being called a worthless slut, or being spit on, jerked off on, etc.
Blood Play: The act of being aroused by blood, your own or your partners, really popular among anything vampire, werewolf, supernatural etc.
Autoplushophilia: FURRIES!!!! We all know the furries, invovles animal costumes and imagining oneself as an animal.
Mummification: Yet another I was unaware of, no its not having sex with actual mummies, althought that could certainly be a thing. This. involves wrapping your partenr or being wrapped yoursefl in things like Saran Wrap.
Odaxelagnia: Involves sexua arousal through biting or being bitten, it's amild form of sadomasichism.
Olfactophilia or Osmolagnia: Also called a Scent Kink, this involves being turned on by smells, think panty sniffing, arousal smelling, sweat, etc.
Overstimulation: This involves being put into a state of too much sensory input. Usually it involves multiple orgasms without any time to calm down or relax, it can be almost painful before its pleasurable again.
Knife Play: A form of CONSENSUAL BDSM edge play usign knifes, swords, daggers as a source of physical and mental stimulation. Think scratches on skin, cutting away clothes, etc.
Frottage: The act of being stimulated by rubbing against another person, think people who get a little too close on trains, or at crowded venues like concerts.
Forced Orgasm: Another for the BDSM family where one consents to being forced ot orgasm in a way that's beyond their control.
Orgasm Denial: The act of being aroused by being denied an orgasm for a period of time, the idea is that when you do finally orgasm its much stronger than usual because you're so worked up.
Edging: Similar to Orgasm Denial it invovles stretching out how long it takes to reach orgasm, masturbaing pretty much until the point of orgasm before stopping all sexual stimulation.
Temperature Play: The act of using temperatures as stimulation, think ice cubes, and hot wax.
Dacryphilia: Being aroused by tears or sobbing
Size Kink: Being aroused by differences in size in comarison to your partner, height, weight, muscle size, dick size, etc.
Pegging: Penatrive sex invovled things like strap ons and slides, usually involving the anus of men or women.
Somnophilia: Being aroused by people who are sleeping.
Breeding: Being aroused by sex with the purpose of impregnation.
Purity/Virginity Kink: being arouse by having sex with a virgin
Leather/Latex: Being aroused by the use of leather or latex, think body suits, leather gloves, etc.
Food play: Being aroused by food in sex, licking whipepd cream or chocolate sauce off a lovers body.
Wax Play: Using melted wax on a partners body, these are meant to be sepecial candles iwth a low burning temperature so as not to harm.
Shibari: Japanese Bondage, intricate knots, etc.
That's good for now! Please note that this is not necessarily an all-encompassing list as I am not an expert on any of these and it's meant to serve merely as a baseline of knowledge to get you started. Further research should always be done first. I am a person and not infallible so if I got anything wrong here let me know so I can fix it! If you'd like me to add anything to this list let me know and we'll keep this kinky train rolling. Practice safe sex, everyone! Have a lovely evening.
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