#fandom dictionary
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dallasgallant · 4 months ago
Country/southern slang and vernacular-
This is what I’m going with for the title as honestly I’m not sure what else you would call it, but it is also linked to class a little bit? It’s complicated. Anyways, surprised I haven’t done one like this sooner as I’ve done:
JD slang. 60s slang. Rodeo terms
However, it can’t include everything! As usual take this as a jumping off point, it’s funny as Oklahoma is technically southern, culturally and such. Some are sourced from general knowledge, others from southern or “Oklahoma slang” which heavily overlaps but is more accented.
A lot of this ended up actually being more writing accented speech with some slang thrown in, a lot of it is about contractions! Also word usage! They’ll be a more “general grammar” and accent section at the bottom.
A - of
All get out- sentence enhancer (ex. Funny as all get out)
Air up - Pump air into something (Tires, mattress)
Ain’t - am not; are not; is not. has not; have not.
An’ all - and all
Awfulest - Most awful *air guitar* , very bad [Appalachian?]
Belted- beaten
‘Bout - about
Billfold- Wallet (Oklahoman, used in place of wallet)
Caint- Can’t
‘Cos - cause/because
Coke- soda (any kind) (ex. You wanna get a Coke? What kind?)
Crick- creek
Cuz - Cause
Deadern- deader than (accented)
Do up - prepare : clean/repair (Ex. Y’all do up the dishes)
Do wut - say again
D’yall - Do y’all or did y’all
don’tcha - Don’t you
Drop trou- pull down one’s pants , especially as a stunt in public
dyeet - did you eat?
Figure- Calculate, consider, decide
Fixin’ - on the verge of something : getting ready to
fronta - in front of
Fo’ sure- for sure
Fussin’- overexagerated concern, fidgeting
Gettin’ round - getting ready to go somewhere or do something (ex. Gettin’ round to it)
Gonna- going to
Good-for-nothin’ - Worthless/useless person or object (usually said while worked up)
Gussied up - dressed nicer than everyday (ex. Church clothes)
hafta- have to
Hankering- desire, yearning, craving
Heap - a large quantity (ex. Heap of trouble)
Highfalutin- pompous/pretentious/fancy
Holler- loud cry or shout
Honky tonk - bar where people dance (typically to county, line dance )
Hootin’ and Hollerin’- wild shouting, making a bunch of noise
Howdy- Greeting or used to express surprise
howta - how to
Hush- quiet, shut up
Ice box - fridge (Oklahoman or rural)
I’mma - I’m gonna or I am
Imma geddin sig n tard" - I’m getting sick and tired
ja'eet yet?- did you eat yet?
Keep your shirt on- stay calm (also see : Be cool)
Kin- family (not always by blood. Could be someone you’re close to)
Laying out - staying the night (doing something illicit) or
Let alone - leave alone or to indicate somethings less likely
Like to - Almost (rare)
Lick [Noun] - any amount (Ex. Didn’t get a lick of sleep last night)
Lick [Verb] - beat (ex. Steve Licked that soc good)
Musta- must have
Moar- More (accented)
Mom’ n’ em - Mom and them (literal), asking how one’s family is doing
Might could - might be able to
Muddin’ (Oklahoman) - off-roading, going down muddy trails
‘N - then/than or and
‘N em’ - And them
Naw- no
Neither- not one or other (sometimes used in place of either)
Nuss - To nurse
Okie- native resent of Oklahoma (formerly derogatory during dust bowl)
Ornery- combative, mean
Ought- indicate something correct or probable
Oughta- ought to
Ope- oops
Outta- out or
Preddy sure - pretty sure
Prolly- probably
Pop- soda
Purdy- pretty
Pitch a fit- throw a fit, be really upset
Reckon- think: suppose
Rise- upset someone (ex. He sure got a rise out of her)
Rile- upset someone (ex. Don’t rile up the dog)
Ruther - rather
Sheit - shit (Accented)
Shouldn’t’ve- shouldnt have (double negative)
Shoot- polite way to say shit : go ahead and speak
Sho’ nuff - sure enough
‘Sides - besides
s’not - it’s not/is not
s’okay - it’s okay
Sorta- sort of
Sprinklin’ - light rain
stocking feet - wearing just socks
Sumbitch - son of a bitch
Suhm- something (accented)
Tailing- follow without being noticed
The city - Oklahoma City (even if you live in Tulsa. ‘The city’ is Oklahoma City)
Tore up - upset
Toad - told (accented)
Tryan- Heavily accented Tryin’
Twister- Tornado (used to be more regional)
Upitty- conceited, fancy, snobby
Warsh- wash (accented)
Welp - well or expression (ex. Welp, I better head out)
Whup/whoop- hit
Whur- were or where (accented)
Whipped- beaten
won’tcha = won’t you
Y’all - you all
Yall’re- y’all are
Y’ain’t - you ain’t
Yer - your (accented)
Yew- you (Accented)
The more I added to the list the more I realized writing for the gang is just as much learning to write accent than it is slang, it’s the way they talk and that includes grammar etc. Im going to try and explain some points that I’ve noticed in an understandable way, but it’s also important to note that these rules don’t apply every time necessarily.
Using the wrong word
less words in certain sentences (ex. Don’t mean nothin’)
With above, fewer words to describe things.
Drop the G occasionally (ex. Nothin’ )
Adding ‘d instead of saying ‘would (ex. Soda’d)
Real> really (descriptive)
Anybody > anyone
Weren’t typically goes with a double negative ( ex. weren’t nothing we could do)
Use of ‘you’ (used instead of a name or ‘your’)
Use of ‘was’ instead of ‘were’ ( ex. I knew you was)
Both Aren’t and isn’t become ain’t (sometimes even more)
Combing words - either a new contraction or new spelling to emphasize accent, especially around questions (ex. ja'eet yet?)
Use of expressions/idioms (ex. That dog won’t hunt)
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fights4users · 1 year ago
Tron dictionary: update
I just about have everything organized, the way I’m going to post is by ïżŒïżŒcategory rather than alphabetical. It is designed to be editable so if there’s a term I haven’t included let me know at any time!
I still would like some video game related stuff, there’s a bunch of jobs and items that have somewhat been absorbed into the larger fandom. I have absolutely no clue of any of it, I haven’t played any game beyond the literal arcade cabinet (which is actually pretty hard)
Also video game terminology in general! I think people forget just how much arcades and game video game cabinets shaped the original film (like all the ïżŒvehicles canonically being from games) so terms like ‘frame rate’ etc the more technical stuff would also be great to include alongside computing terms.
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mellxncollie · 7 months ago
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PAINLAND WEEK - DAY TWO - MYTHS/LEGENDS → Sophus Helle, Gilgamesh — tablet XII, lines 87-95
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lesbicosmos · 5 months ago
one of my friends watched dead boy detectives after i spent weeks rambling nonsense about it so here's a collection of his commentary on each episode
(update he got tumblr @typhoidrat)
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ep2 and 3 he got so into it he forgot to text so this was all i got
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ermdotorg · 23 days ago
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part googolplexian
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kknotphobia · 7 months ago
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So I watched that one live action SCP film and I just wanna say that i absolutely lost my mind when I saw that version of 049. Then i proceeded to watch every other SCP live action w/ 049, 035 and others I could get my greedy hands on. Let's just say my sleep schedule has gone to shit❀
ALSO Y'ALL WONT BELIEVE IT, BUT I'M WORKING ON PART 2 OF THE COMIC!!!! I'll post a wip when I receive my new tablet on Friday <3 thanks for all of your support!! I've crept back into my SCP phase just for you guys
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jez-bez · 2 months ago
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look who I found when looking through the dictionary! :p
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ornithologistsorders · 2 days ago
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The fandom is so cooked, its literally under the dictionary definition💀😭
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netscapenavigator-official · 5 months ago
Another time in HITMAN III, instead of the guard saying
“Yeah, I bet you like that, huh pretty boy?”
while he frisked me, he said
“Yeah, I bet you like that, huh cueball?”
And I thought he was just choosing a new gay slur, but I’d never heard that word used as slang, so I looked it up on Urban Dictionary, and nope:
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leoreadss · 5 months ago
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It makes me think of you and your fic @phoen1xr0se
And the fact that it is in the Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable that Terry read makes me cry like a baby.
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luff-gore · 2 months ago
Crozier: Sir John, myself, Mr. Blanky and Mr. Reid: Only four of us at this table are Arctic veterans.
Gore, who was literally a Mate on the Terror during Sir George Back's Arctic expedition in 1836/37: Okay :,)
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fights4users · 1 year ago
Cursed thought
“To infinity and beyond” is a genuine program saying
There’s multiple potential meanings for the saying, just like “circuits” can apply to a lot of different things in the digital world. We can start simple simply by defining “Infinity” which is not quite heaven but more of an Olympus- a place on top of the mountain, somewhere beyond our skies. It’s probably less of a physical place to programs but that Users come from literal infinity a place beyond numbers, math and logic — the core tenants of their understanding etc
It’s less “you get rewarded and go there when you die” and more “the gods of creation spawned and wrote us out of it”
Potential meanings to the phrase
A way to express grief. Energy gets recycled into the system and reused by everyone and everything on a programs deresolution. So hoping they travel so far as infinity is a nice gesture
Basically the program equivalent of “to the end of the line”
Counterpart vows! Their relationships aren’t exactly like ours, they’re deeper and marriage isn’t really a thing but bonding literal code is a serious commitment so vowing to follow and be with each other “to infinity and beyond” is a really sweet idea?
This was meant to be silly but then thinking about it, it’s actually a really touching phrase taking on the implications of it. Also I think Sam would absolutely lose his shit if he stayed long enough to take in program vernacular.
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mellxncollie · 12 days ago
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Sophus Helle, Gilgamesh — tablet X, line 55 Dead Boy Detectives (2024) — season 01, episode 07
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sandraharissa · 1 month ago
Silco haters need the meaning of basic words explained to them and yet they still somehow think they’re smart xd
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kaleidoru · 1 year ago
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The Cat o' Nine Tails pondering who to ignite next whilst enjoying their nonspecific trendy sugary drink from [big name chain drinks vendor]
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 10 months ago
i’m just dropping by and i wanna rant a bit about just how much i hate that people have turned the word “narcissistic” into a synonym for toxic or abusive. even if we’re ignoring the ableism towards people with NPD (which we shouldn’t), people are still not using the term correctly? they’re not evening referring to someone who is egotistical or selfish, they’re just straight up using that word for any person who slightly pisses them off.
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